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body_n dead_a life_n spirit_n 12,824 5 5.8944 4 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A09043 Moderatus, the most delectable & famous historie of the blacke knight:[...] Parry, Robert, fl. 1540-1612. 1595 (1595) STC 19337; ESTC S120347 122,780 172

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the violent attemptes of hote burning loue had bene sufficient to giue me my deaths wound for her bitter and contemptible reprehensions ministred rather oyle then water to my flame and feruent loue rather then could disdaine vnto my fancie loe here beholde the figure and shape of him that latelie thursting for honour had more confidence in a speares poynt then in a Schollers penne the one threatning bluntly his foe with reuenge the other flattering his friend with a fewe fine cowthed wordes shrowding his malice vnder the habite of friendshippe then a sturdie Morglay fitting his humour rather then a sillie wall-washing paultrie pensile and the managing of a good horse in the fields more pleasing vnto him then the courting of a fayre Ladie in a chamber But nowe altogether vanquished and ouercome by Loue a bond-slaue of blinde Cupid and from a professed Souldiour of warlike Mars become a vowed seruant of wanton Venus a sweete Laberinth wherein being entred a man may sooner loose him selfe then finde reason of him selfe wherefore gentle and assured friend Moderatus leaue off all perswasions sith they be but corrisiues to eate vp olde soares and no lenitiues to asswage newe swellings and sharpe rasers to cut and launce olde festered vlcers and ill-cured skarres which procure treble paine but seldome or neuer bring ease to the Patient Here sighing sobbes stopping the passage of his speech the fire of his true affection enflaming his heart and his enflamed heart dissolued into vncessant teares hee languished burning in loue and bathed in griefe reposing all his confidence in Moderatus his faithfull and louing aduice the gates of reason and vnderstanding quite denying any passage vnto such impossibilities and therefore wallowing in continuall stormes of fresh imployed griefes he was altogether dead in spirite though little moouing of life appeared in his bodie vntill true-hearted Moderatus awaked him out of his dumpe in this manner Oh my good though infortunate friend Priscus howe falleth it out that you haue this long time concealed this your secrete flame from your friend and thus obscured the bright beames not onely of your birth and honour but also of your wisedome and vertue which so shined in your life and conuersation that it dazeled the eyes of the beholders rauished the sences of the hearers and stroke into admiration all such as heard but the report thereof nowe eclipsed with such a clowde of dishonour as to descend from a mightie Prince to the base office of a seruant and which is more seruile to imbase your selfe thus for the loue of a woman and not onely to soothe your selfe in these follies but also to exclude the counsell comfort of a trustie friend which would haue bene partaker of all your miseries But as it seemed you made still a doubt of mine vndoubted fidelitie supposing that as the hearbe Ambubeia doeth close at the going downe of the Sunne and spread abroad at the rising thereof againe so I should be a friend in Sunne-shine prosperitie and not in the darke cloude of extremitie but not so sweete friend the operation consistes in the matter not in forme and surely if I omitted any thing that belonged to the office of a friend it was ignorantly done and not willingly or of set purpose for I vtterly detest and abhorre those flattering and fained friendes who resembling the Amber stone burne outwardly and freeze inwardly or the barke of the Myrtle tree in Armenia which is as hote as fire in taste and as colde as yce in operation And rather with the hearbe Amaranthus which beginneth to flourish in the winter when all other hearbes doe decay so I in the winter of your extremities purpose to shewe my selfe not onely a friend but a bright Sunne through the thickest and darkest cloud being then assured that you doe loue me if you repose any trust and confidence in mine actions wherefore sith the alarums of loue haue made such a breach in your minde your greatest pollicie were to study to be master againe of the forte which you haue with so great a detriment alreadie lost and to compasse the same you ought like a good and carefull Captaine endeuour to remooue the siege then might you boldly affirme with Cicero that Sublata causa tollitur effectus which although at the first it should seeme difficult and almost impossible yet hauing resolutely determined the same you should finde therein great ease and daily would your forces increase and your enemies strength diminish and albeit the taste thereof would like Aloyes seeme bitter in the mouth yet the operation would no doubt prooue medicinable veri holesom in the maw And if hauing swallowed the bayte there be no other remedie but to yeeld your selfe to the mercie of the fisher rather then so doe as the fish Alopex marina who perceiuing the hooke to be fastened in his bellie biteth off the line aboue the tackling and so escapeth What remember you not the preceptes of Phocas vnto Louers who sayd they should proceede in their amours as the Crabbe in going whose pace is euer backwards that though loue haue force like the Adamant to drawe the tender heartes of young Nouices yet they should be sprinkled with Goates blood that resisteth the operation and if you haue not the vertue to be chaste carrie about you the hearbe Lupinar or the Topaze stone which cooleth desire Weigh aduisedly what great calamities and ouerthrowes haue happened in former ages not only to the person infected therewith but also to whole Prouinces and Countreyes by reason of the ouer-raging flames of Loue then shal you see how Troy and Athens the one being the Metropolitane and most sumptuous Citie of all Asia the other the renowmed fountaine and sacred welspring of arte and learning throughout al Greece which therefore was called the Muses habitation were vtterly ouerthrowen and quite consumed for the wanton and libidinous desire borne onely to one woman Infinite more examples I could produce but that I thinke this sufficient to make a considerate wise man forsake the most beautifull and entising Lays and the coyest and moste curious Florida that euer was Nowe hauing touched some generalities bounding vpon reason of great effect to dissuade you from this dangerous Laberinth yet let vs goe neerer to the matter and speake particularlie is it not Florida that you ayme at whose disdainefull and coye countenance fenced with the hatefull trench of ambition and pride doeth put to silence the brauest Lordes of all Italie fearing to speake where they haue so little hope to speede and will you then while you continue the habite of a hireling and remaine as you seeme vnto her an attendant of her Fathers attempt to craue the same which the flowre of all the gallaunts in the worlde durst not once make motion for I perswade me in so doing you are voyd of all hope If then you make your state knowen vnto her howe can she finde in her heart to affect her fathers mortall