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A96978 Testimony for the son of man and against the son of perdition wherein is set forth the faith and obedience of Gods elect, testified by the mouth of the Lord, angels & men. With a true discovery of a bundle of equivocations, confusions, and hyprocisies, in those who call themselves preachers of, and to the light within all men; who yet are so far in darkness themselves, that they acknowledge not the scriptures and ordinances of Jesus Christ, so as to be directed by the one, to the obedience of the other. By Joseph Wright, a servant of Jesus Christ. Wright, Joseph, 1623-1703. 1661 (1661) Wing W3706; ESTC R229892 108,801 255

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any one writing against what I charge thee with that is filled with revilings that doth give railing language and put things off with lies c. I shall only receive a sober Antagonist or else expect your renouncing your Errors repenting believing and obeying the Gospel Joseph Wright A TESTIMONY For the Son of Man and against the Son of Perdition CHAP. I. Wherein it is laid to the charge of those that Preach up the Light within all men That they do deny Jesus Christ which is proved by their making no mention of his death for the sins of the world by their not gathering Men and Women into fellowship with him by Faith by their setting up Works for Justification and by their neglect of Self-denial against which is testified the Faith of Gods Elect concerning the Person of Christ his Death and Resurrection and Reconciliation thereby with Faith therein for Righteousness Sanctification and Self-denial Sect. 1 1. THE first thing that I lay to thy charge● whosoever thou art that Preachest up the Light within all men requiring all People to mind the Light which is within them is this That thou doest deny that Christ which dyed at Jerusalem out of every person of man but his own in so doing denyest Jesus Christ come in the flesh and thy spirit is the spirit of Antichrist notwithstanding all thy pretended zeal c. which I prove against thee as followeth Sect. 2 First Because in all thy Preaching Teaching and Declaring thou never makes mention of Christs dying for the sins of the World nor that he tasted death for every man thou art altogether silent in this Doctrine of Christs dying for man in the body of his flesh and out of all other men to Redeem man unto God and to save him from his sins which ought to be taught and preached first of all to sinners and unbelievers to beget Faith in them and Repentance unto life 1 Cor. 15. 3. and 4. But thou dost altogether press every Man and Woman to look to the Light within them telling them that that will shew them all sin and iniquity and will lead them out of it and eternally save them if they be guided by it Sect. 3 Secondly Because as is thy word of mouth even so is thy writings for amongst them all and in them all the●e is not one line which teacheth that Christ did die for the sins of the world and freely laid down his life as a ransome for sinners or offered himself a Sacrifice to God upon that Cross on which he was crucified at Jerusalem in his own body and out of every man else thereby to reconcile both Jew and Gentile unto God by his own blood shed in his own body Ephes 2. 13 16. Col. 1. 20 21. which is such a truth of such concernment that whoso preaches it not doth not preach the Gospel of Christ nor lay the foundation which is the true and pretious Corner-stone yea the foundation of all Generations that shall be saved For no other foundation can any man lay than that which is laid even Jesus Christ and him crucified the just dying for the unjust that he might bring us to God being put to death in the flesh but quickned by the Spirit 1 Pet. 3. 18. who his own self bore our sins in his own body on the Tree that we being dead to sin should live unto Righteousness by whose stripes onely we can be healed 1 Pet. 2. 24. Sect. 4 Thirdly Because thou dost not gather men and women into communion with Christ by Faith teaching them to believe in Jesus Christ him crucified out of them and in his own body for their sins and iniquities by which Faith every true Believer being justified hath Peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ by whom as the Apostle teacheth Rom. 5. 1 2. We have access by Faith into this Grace wherein we stand and rejoice in Hope of the glory of God see Rom. 4. 16. Rom. 11. 6. 2 Cor. 1. 24. But on the contrary thou gatherest by Works never questioning whether thy Proselytes believe in Christ that dyed at Jerusalem by whose Death and Resurrection Believers do receive Reconciliation and Justification I say by Works thou gatherest and not by Faith warning all people to look to the Light within them and they which own this thy Doctrine and walk and work according to it thou ownest and none but such nor takest to be such as are either taught or gathered by thee the which thou receivest although as touching the Faith in Christ Jesus they are as ignoranr as Heathens and are absolute Infidels which I have proved many a time by Discourse with thy followers Therefore in that thou gatherest by Works and not by Faith making them Heirs which are onely Workers and not Believers thou makest Faith void and the Promise to them which do believe of none effect Rom. 4. 14. by which it is evident that thou gatherest not in the Name of Christ nor with Christ and therefore art no true and right Gatherer but a scatterer abroad thou art not with Christ but against him and art led by the spirit of Antichrist Sect. 5 But in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ which died at Jerusalem I affirm against thee that there is no Salvation in any other but in Jesus Christ and him crucified for the sins of the world and that by the merit of his Death and by the power of his Resurrection done and acted out of every other man and in his own Person is Justification and Salvation to be obtained through Faith Rom. 5. 10. For there was a necessity that Christ should suffer and rise again the third day for the Justification of all them that believe in him Luke 24. from ver 22. to 48. And they which do not know this know nothing at all as even Caiaphas the high Priest doth declare as it is written John 11. 49. c. And one of them named Caiaphas being high Priest that same year said unto them Ye know nothing at all nor consider that it is expedient for us that one man should dye for tho People and that the whole Nation perish not and this he spake not of himself bu● being high Priest that year he Prophesie● that Iesus stould dye for that Nation an● not for that Nation onely but also that h● should gather together in one the Children of God that were scattered abroad Behold how ignorant they are that know not tha● Jesus Christ ought to suffer death for the People which else had all perished and had all remained scattered had not he gathered together in one the Children of God that were scattered abroad as verse 50 51 52. The loyal high Priest did Prophesie much better than these pretended Preachers up of the Light within c. Sect. 6 But as no sin could be done away without shedding of blood and death really and visibly Heb. 9. 15 22. and 10. 10. So that it is no
earnest of the Spirit and was at home in the body and absent from the Lord 2 Cor. 5. 4 5 6 7. to be found in Christ not having his own Righteousnesse which is of the Law but that which is through the Faith of Christ the Righteousness which is of God by Faith that I may know him saith he and the Power of his Resurrection and the Fellowship of his Sufferings being made conformable unto his Death if by any means I may attain unto the Resurrection from the Dead not as though I had already attained either were already Perfect but I follow after if that I may apprehend that for which also I am apprehended of Christ Jesus Phil. 3. from the 8th Verse to the end So that that which truly and properly is called the Resurrection from the Dead is the raising of man from the dead in every part wherein he is dead by reason of sin to be alive again and to live in every part wherein he lived before he sinned For before man sinned he was alive in Spirit Soul and Body Gen. 2. 7. and so should for ever have lived and not have tasted death nor have seencorruption or have returned unto Dust in his visible body had he not transgressed the righteous Law of God for the wages of sin is death Rom. 6. 23. which Law of God Man at first was able to have kept and might and ought to have kept it but he broke it through his wilful disobedience in hearkening to the Counsel of Satan and thereby brought himself and his Posterity to the Penalty therein threatned In the day saith God that Eating thou shalt Eat Dying See Gen. 2. 17. with the Hebbrew in the Margent thou shalt Die. Therefore the Resurrection from the Dead is the Raising of the whole Man from Death in every part wherein he is dead by reason of Transgression to be alive again and to live in every part which was once alive before Transgression This Resurrection is yet to come The renewing of the Spirit of the mind is but the Earnest or Assurance thereof and of Happinesse at that time It is to come and not past as the False Teachers did affirm of whom the Apostle doth give warning to the Saints 2 Tim. 2. 16 17 18. but shun saith he prophane and vain bablings for they will encrease unto more ungodlinesse and their word will eat as doth a canker or gangreen of whom is Hymeneus and Philetus who concerning the Truth have erred saying that the Resurrection is past already and overthrow the faith of some From whence we may take notice That these False Teachers did err in mis-applying the Resurrection of Man for they did not deny a Resurrection wholly but taking a part for the whole or puting the Earnest for the Inheritance said It was past already In like manner those against whom we contend they do not say That there is No Resurrection at all yet in effect they say as much for they say It is past with them and they look for no other kind of Resurrection than what they do now enjoy But this their Doctrine being no better than vain bablings all true Believers are to shun and avoid Sect. 12 And yet they that are thus deceived as to imagine that they have attained unto the Resurrection from the dead think to bring something to bear up their building from Revel 20. 6. where the Spirit of God saith Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the First Resurrection on such the Second Death hath no power c. concluding that the Resurrection is past with those that have attained to their supposed Degree of Perfection but alas they are greatly deceived for the First Resurrection here spoken of is not the Quickening of the Spirit only but the raising up and investing the whole bodies souls and spirits of those Holy Ones there mentioned with Life and Immortality And that this is so appears by the 4th and 5th Verses where John saith I saw the souls of them which were beheaded for the witnesse of Jesus and for the Word of God and which had not worshipped the Beast neither his Image neither had received his Mark upon their Foreheads or in their Hands and they lived and raigned with Christ a Thousand Years but the rest of the Dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished This is the First Resurrection c. Now what part of man is it which is capable of being beheaded Is it not the Body Therefore the Bodies lived though only the Soul is mentioned and it is usual in Scripture to mention a part for the whole as Gen. 46. 27. All the Souls of the house of Jacob which came into Aegypt were threescore and ten but who knows not that their Bodies came also And were it so That by the first Resurrection here mentioned is meant the Renovation of the Spirit of man by rising from sin to newness of Life yet this is so far from concluding against the Resurrection of the Body of man that the Resurrection of the Body of every true Believer may rather be concluded from it as saith the Apostle Paul Rom. 8. 11. But if the Spirit of him saith he that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your Mortal Bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you and as the Holy Spirit doth bear witnesse with the spirit of every true Believer that he is a Son of God so also that he is an heir of God and a joint heir with Christ of a glorious Inheritance which is to be enjoyed at the Redemption of the Body This Redemption of the body See Rom. 8. 16. 17 23. is that which all Believers wait with patience for and hope to enjoy in their bodies which now are liable to Sufferings for Christs sake and seeing it is in the last times that the Beast and his Image are set up which the Saints refusing to worship or to receive his Mark are by his Followers persecuted to death as a reward of whose Sufferings the First Resurrection shall be given to them and to all other Believers that are asleep in Jesus therefore it will not be accomplished till the Lord himself descend from Heaven with a shout with the voice of the Arch Angel and with the Trump of God and then the Dead in Christ shall rise first 1 Thess 4. 16. and this saith the Spirit is the First Resurrection Revel 2. 5. as is also testified 1 Cor. 15. 21 22 23. For since by Man came Death by Man came also the Resurrection of the Dead For as in Adam all dye even so in Christ shall all be made alive but every man in his own order Christ the First Fruits afterward they that are Christs at his coming Then cometh the end when he shall have delivered up the Kingdome to God even the Father when he shall have put down all Rule all Authority
and Power for he must raign till he have put all his Enemies under his feet the last Enemy that shall be destroyed is Death as it is written Rev. 20. 12 13. And I saw the Dead small and great stand before God and the Books were opened and another Book was opened which is the Book of Life and the Dead were judged out of those things which were written in the Books according to their Works And the Sea gave up the Dead which were in it and Death and Hell or the Grave delivered up the Dead which were in them and they were judged every man according to their works So that we see clearly that both the First and Second Resurerction is the raising of whole Man from death or from the grave contrary to the conceipt of such as suppose the renewing of the spirit of the Mind which is but a part of man to be the first Resurrection of man the Dying to Sin and Rising again to Righteousnesse being so far from being the Resurrection of whole Man from the Dead that it is but the Earnest of the Inheritance of the Righteous as for the Wicked they have no part in it though they shall have in the Resurrection for they as Christ hath taught shall come forth of the grave unto the Resurrection of Damnation John 5. 28 29. Neither is it in the dying to sin and rising again to Righteousnesse as it is in the Death of man and his Rising again for Man dyeth and riseth again but when sin dyeth sin ought never to rise again God forbid that any Believer should plead for a resurrection of sin Sect. 13 But as the denial of the Resurrection of the dead or the affirming that it is past already is a Doctrine false in it self so are the Consequences thereof most dreadfull and destructive to all true piety yea of such a fretting and gangreen-like nature that in those that are infected therewith it devours member after member till the whole body of the Faith be overthrown and the Professors thereof divested of the Knowledg of God and reduced to Gentilisme again and not only so for even among the Gentiles were some Principles of Morality but this is not content to stay here but encreaseth to more ungodlinesse till it arrive at that prophane desire Let us eat and drink for tomorrow we die a Conception so corrupt that as Scollars do affirm that are acquainted with the Sentences of the Heathen Poets the Verse of Menander might serve to rebuke it which the Apostle Paul sticks not to mention for that purpose saying Be not deceived Evil Communication corrupts Good Manners 1 Cor. 15. 32 33. And were those that vent those loose Principles followers of them in practice as the Ranters their Predecessors were we should soon see these as unclean in their lives as they and such as cannot now so easily discern the deceitfulness of their Doctrine because of the covering which they put upon it were it uncovered and reduced to Practice it would be abhor'd by some that are now seduced by it But if we examine all Doctrines that are brought unto us apart from the Lives of those that bring them as we ought to do For since Satan is transformed into an Angel of light it is no great thing if his Ministers be transformed as the Ministers of Righteousness 2 Cor. 11. 14 15. we shall find that that Doctrine which denies the Resurrection of the bodies of Believers and of all that are dead in Adam from the grave doth make void the hope of Israel the Doctrine of Faith contained in the Scriptures of Truth and the Resurrection of Jesus Christ himself Sect. 14 For thus saith the Truth concerning the Hope of the Israel of God If in this Life only we have Hope in Christ we are of all men most miserable 1 Cor. 15. 19. For such are and have been the Tribulations of the Children of God in this Life that if they had not hope of Happiness in a life that is to come after the death and at the Resurrection of the Body they were the most miserable of all men for the Punishment of the first Offence lyeth upon the Godly as well as upon the Sinner Labour and Sorrow both of Man and Woman Sicknesse and Death is the portion of Good and Bad In the sweat of their faces the righteous as well as the wicked do eat their bread untill they return unto the dust from whence if they shall not be raised they are in a worse condition than the wicked for oftentimes the most sincere Believers do tast the deepest of misery in this life whereas the ungodly are in prosperity There are no bands in their death b●●●heir strength is firm they are not in trouble like other men neither are they plagued like other men therefore Pride compasseth them about as a chain and violence covereth them as a garment their eyes stand out with fatness they have more then heart can wish Psal 73. 3. 4 5 6 7. This is the prosperous estate of the wicked in this life wherein the Godly man is plunged all the day long and chastened every morning Psal 73. 14. Poor Lazarus in this life received evil things when the Rich man received his good things but in the other Life indeed we see a vast difference between them Lazarus is comforted but the Rich man is tormented Luke 16. 25. Which torment is to be understood to be upon the body of the Rich man from his desire that Lazarus might be sent to dip his finger in water to cool his tongue a part of his body and therefore we are to understand the fulnesse of happinesse in the one and misery in the other to be after the Resurrection of the body from the dead by the denyall whereof the comfortable hope and strong consolation which every true Believer hath in this life and even in death when they commend their Spirits with Stephen Acts 7. 59. into the hands of Jesus Christ is made void and of no effect For wherefore have Believers the earnest of the Spirit by the Holy Ghost speaking peace to their spirits but that they might also enjoy the full Inheritance Why are they sanctified in their spirits 1 Pet. 1. 2. Heb. 12. 23. But to assure them that the very God of Peace will also sanctifie them wholly and their whole Spirit and Soul and Body shall be preserved blameless unto the coming of Iesus Christ 1 Thes 5. 23. And why is it said that the Faithfull when they dye do fall asleep in Jesus that they dye in the Lord that they rest from their labours and their works do follow them Revel 14. 13. But that it might be understood that they shall rise again from the dead in their bodies as Jesus dyed and rose again in his body and is therein become the first fruits of them that sleep 1 Thes 4. 14 16. And as the spirits of all wicked men that die in unbelief
the Divine Nature as it is in a different manner from the Union of the Divine and Humane Natures of the Person of Christ so in this life it is but a part 1 Cor. 13. 12. With the mind saith the Apostle I my self serve the Law of God but with my flesh the law of sin Rom. 7. 25. The Renovation the Apostle exhorts to is in the spirit of the mind Ephes 4. 23. The perfection the Apostle declares the Saints now to be come to is to the Spirits of Iust men made perfect Heb. 12. 23. which is but the earnest of that inheritance Believers shall obtain the first fruits of the Spirit Believers though they enjoy this do wait for the Adoption to wit the Redemption of their Bodies See Romans 8. 23 24 25. Sect. 9 For as the Humane Spirit Soul and Body of Christ wherein his Humane Nature Heb. 5. 8 9. doth consist is now perfectly glorified his Body being raised from the Grave and ascended up into Heaven Luke 24. 51. So shall the Spirits Souls and Bodies of all true Believers after the Resurrection of their Bodies from their Graves or change from mortal to immortality be perfectly glorified See 1 Cor. 13. 10. And when they come to this estate and condition then they come to the full enjoyment of the promised Inheritance to which they are of God predestinated that is to say to be conformed to the Image of his Son that he might be the first born among many Brethren Rom. 8. 29. And this is that the Apostle prayes for in behalf of the Church of the Thessalonians And the very God of Peace saith he Sanctifie you wholly and I pray God your whole Spirit Soul and Body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ 1 Thes 5. 23. Then Believers shall have their compleat participation of the Divine Nature when they having overcome and kept the Works of Christ unto the end are by him brought into likenesse of estate and condition with his own now glorified Humane Nature for when the day of Christs appearing shall dawn then shall the Day-star the Glory of his Humane Nature arise in the Hearts of all that love him 2 Pet. 1. 19. For as Jesus Christ is that bright morning-Star Rev. 22. 16. so he promised to give it unto them that hold fast till he come Rev. 2. 28. And then he whose Humane Nature hath received of the Father Rev. 2. 27. Power Glory and Honour John 17. 1 2. John 8. 54. will give unto his Brethren a likenesse of Glory unto that to which his own Humane Nature is now advanced which being once dead is now alive again and lives for evermore and is now fully able to open the doors of death and to set at liberty the Prisoners of Corruption and Mortality as he himself testifieth saying I am he that liveth and was dead and behold I am alive for evermore Amen and have the keys of Hell and of Death Rev. 1. 18. Although the second Adam be of the same Substance with the first Yet oh how excellent is the estate and condition of the second Adam now since his Resurrection from the So is the Greek saith the Learned dead The last Adam saith the Apostle was made into a quickening Spirit It is raised a spiritual Body saith he 1 Cor 15. 44 45. And as the first Adam being fallen those that bear his Image bear the Image of the earthly that is Sin Corruption and Mortality so the second Adam being raised those that shall bear his Image shall bear the Image of the Heavenly that is Righteousnesse Incorruptibility and Immortality 1 Cor. 15. 49. 55 56 57. For the first Adam having by sin defaced the Image of God wherein he was created the second Adam repaired it again and by fulfilling the Law under which he was made hath so condemned sin in the flesh that having suffered death for the World of sinners and being also risen again from the dead his own Humane Nature Spirit Soul and Body and also the Spirits Souls and Bodies of all that believe on his Name shall for ever enjoy Life Spirituality and Incorruptibility And when the Church shall come to this estate and condition then shall she resemble her Head Christ Jesus who having first given himself for it to Sanctifie and to cleanse it will then give himself unto it and thereby make it like Glorious with his own Glorified Humane Nature See Ephesians 5. 25 26 27. Rev. 19. 7 8 9. Sect. 10 For thus saith the Truth Christ hath once suffered for sins the Iust for the Vnjust that He might bring us to God who being put to death in or concerning the flesh was quickened again by the Spirit of Holinesse that is to say the Godhead of Christ did quicken the manhead of his Person that so the Manhead in the Person of Christ might by the Power of his Godhead quicken the same Manhead in the persons of others For now even the Manhead of Christ hath though still the same Substance as the first Adam yet the quality and condition of a quickening Spirit for that manhead which being alwayes in Personal Unity with the Godhead and now also raised by it from the dead and exalted to the Glory of the Father hath such Power through the Godhead with which it is in Personal Unity that he can give a likenesse of Glory to the Manhead which is not Personally united to the Godhead for He hath received of the Father such Power over all flesh that He should give eternal Life to as many as are by the Father given unto Him John 17 1 2. For the Father giveth those that believe in Jesus Christ unto Christ that they may receive of his Fulness Ephes 1. 3 4. John 1. 16. Ephes 4. 10 11 12 13. And Christ giveth unto them with Righteousness Peace and Joy in the Holy Spirit the Hope of eternal Life to support them in all their Tribulations which they endure for his Names sake and at the last he will give them eternal Life and the Glorious enjoyment of blessednesse unspeakable Rom. 14. 17 18. Col. 1. 5. 2 Thes 1. 4 5 6. Yea Christ as man in the Substance of Adam in the Created Substance hath taken hold of eternal Life that the Creature man may be assured of enjoying the same by virtue of a title derived from him as he himself testifieth John 6. 27. saying Labour not for the meat which perisheth but for that meat which endureth unto everlasting Life which the Son of Man shall give unto you for him hath God the Father Sealed for since by man came death by man came also the Resurrection from the dead saith the Apostle 1 Cor. 15. 21. And God hath given good assurance both of the Resurrection and of the Eternal Life which is promised unto them that believe in that the Man Christ Jesus in the Substance of Adam is risen from the dead and entered into Life and
that they had both touched and felt him and yet found no vertue come out of him No marvel therefore that the Scriptures seems to be lifeless and a dead Letter to such whose Faith is dead to them it is no wonder that the Scriptures do not enlighen them that go about to destroy them or in Christ himself while they were kiling him they found little excellency And why were some refreshed even by the touching of Christs Garment and others that ●ouched his Body felt no benefit Was it not because the one came to him with a Hand of Faith and Love owning him ●o be the Son of God and the other came with wicked hands to crucifie and slay him because they denyed him to be the Christ And wherefore is it that some find wonderful comfort in the Scriptures and are thereby made wise unto Salvation Is it not because they come with humble and believing Hearts to them But they must needs be a dead Letter to such whose Faith and Affections is quite dead to them Sect. 5 But to make a further manifestation of the Divine Authoriiy of the Scriptures I will lay down these following Considerations to prove the Scriptures to be an infallible Teacher of the Doctrine of Salvation First Because there is no Man nor Spirit or Light within any man in this world ●hat can name a Work of Righteousnesse which as an Act Deed or Duty of Righ●eousnesse ought to be observed by the Sons of men which the Scriptures of the Old and New Testament do not make mention of fairly discover and fully comprehend Therefore the Scripture is an Infallible Teacher of the Doctrine of Salvation 2. Because there is no Man nor Spirit or Light within any man in this world that can name a work of wickednesse which as an Act or Deed of wickednesse ought not to be done by any of the Sons of men which the Scriptures do not most severely forbid upon pain of the greatest Punishments to be inflicted on them that persist therein Therefore the Scripture is an infallible Teacher c. 3. Because there is no Man nor Spirit or Light within any man in this World that can declare any Promise either of Peace or Happinesse which as a Promise from the True God ought to be embraced by the Son● of men which the Scriptures of the Old and new Testament do not make mention of and very fairly and fully declare Therefore the Scriptures are an infallible Teacher c. 4. Because there is no man nor Spirit or Light within any Man in this world that can declare any Punishment which God wil inflict upon sinners for their disobedience which the Scripture speaketh not of and very fully declares Therefore the Scriptures are an infallible Teacher c. 5. Because no Man nor Spirit or Light within any man c. can prove any act or deed which the Scripture calls an act of Righteousness to be an act or deed of Wickedness Therefore the Scripture is an infallible Teacher c. 6. Because no Man nor Spirit or Light within any man can prove any act or deed which the Scriptures call an act of Wickedness to be an act or deed of Righteousness Therefore the Scripture is an infallible Teacher c. 7. Because no Man nor Spirit or Light within any man c. can prove any Promise which is made in Scripture to be false or that it shall not be made good according to the condition thereof to those to whom it is made Therefore the Scripture is an infallible Teacher c. 8. Because no Man nor Spirit or Light within any man c. can prove that any of the Threatnings expressed in the Scriptures against the workers of iniquity are either unreasonable or false or that they are not according to the minde of God or shall not come to pass Therefore the Scriptures of the Old and New Testament are an infallible Teacher c. The Word of God therefore expressed in the Scriptures of Truth concerning his Commandments his Promises his threatings is very far in Authority and clearness beyond any Spirit or Light in any mortal man in the world therefore I conclude they are above all mens books words or Doctrine an infallible Teacher such as are able to make wise unto Salvation through faith in Christ Jesus being given by inspiration of God and are profitable for Doctrine for Reproof for Correction for Instruction in Righteousness that the Man of God may be perfect throughly furnished unto all good works 2 Tim. 3. 15 16 17. Search the Scriptures therefore saith the Lord Jesus Christ for they are they which testifie of me Joh. 5. 39. To the Law and to the Testimony saith the Prophet if they speak not according to this Word it is because there is no Light in them Isai 10. 20. Sect. 6 To the foregoing grounds I will add two other whereby the Light and power of the Doctrine of the Scriptures is further manifested and so conclude The first of which is taken from Ephes 5 13. Whatsoever saith the Apostle doth make manifest is Light now the Scriptures doth make manifest the mystery which was kept secret since the world began which according to the Commandment of the everlasting God is by the Doctrine of the Apostles made known to all Nations for the obedience of faith therefore according to Pauls Doctrine the Scripture is Light for by it is the way of Salvation manifest See Rom. 16. 25 26. Rom 15 4 2 Pet. 3. 1 2. The Apostle Peter also teacheth the same Doctrine for after he had declared what they which were with Christ in the Mount had seen and heard he tells us that we have a more sure word of prophesie or of the Prophets whereunto ye do well saith he that ye take heed as unto a Light that shineth in a dark place until the day dawn and the day star arise in our hearts that is as hath been already shewed until the Resurrection of the dead and coming of Christ from heaven with his mighty Angels c. Now we know that a shining Light in a dark place is of great use of such concernment is the Doctrine of the Scriptures as the Prophet Teacheth The Commandment of the Lord is pure saith the Prophet Enlightening the eyes Psal 19. 8 9. Thy word is a Lamp unto my feet saith he and a light unto my paths Oh! of what blessed concernment are the Scriptures of Truth to direct in the way of the Lord unto which sure word of Prophecie or of the Prophets and Apostles of Jesus Christ we shall do well if we take heed as unto a Light that shineth in a dark place remembring this first that no Prophesie of the Scripture is of any private interpretation for the Prophesie came not in old time by the will of man but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the holy Spirit They are not therefore of private or particular interpretation as though
seeking the blessing from God by lifting up and laying on of hands for hands are not to be laid on except they be first lifted up and therefore the Prayer of Faith is a main part of this Ministration That Jacob when he blessed the Children of Joseph He laid his hands upon them Gen. 47. 14 16. Moses by the Command of the Lord laid his hands upon Joshua in order to his being filled with the Spirit and thereby fitted for his Charge of going in and out before the Congregation of Israel Numb 27. 22 23. Deut. 34. 9. And the Lord Christ himself when he blessed those little ones which were brought unto him He put or laid his hands upon them Mark 10. 13 14 15. Matth. 19. 13 14 15. Now what man or men can say that this is a dead practice which the Lord of Life and Glory and his holy Prophets and Apostles practised without blasphemy against Jesus Christ yea against God the Father Can any man revile that practice of Prayer and laying on of hands which as hath been shewed was used according to the direction of Christ and for no other end than for the obtaining the Spirit of Promise which is the ●arnest of the Inheritance of all Believers Ephes 1. 13 14. and not thereby deny his Word How can they say they love him that keep not his sayings He saith Christ that loveth me not keepeth not my sayings John 14. 24. Is not the Spirit the Seal of Righteousness by Faith After ye believed saith the Apostle Ephes 1. 13. ye were sealed with the holy Spirit of Promise This only would I learn of you saith the Apostle to the Galatians Gal. 3. 2 3. being tempted to turn from the Righteousness which is by Faith to that which is of the Law Received ye the Spirit by the works of the Law or by the hearing of Faith Are ye so foolish having begun in the Spirit are ye now made perfect by the flesh What other reason can truely be given why the Preachers up of the Light within all men do revile that principle of Christs Doctrine but this viz. Because the Righteousness which they teach is contrary to that which the holy Spirit seals therefore they reproach that practice whereby Believers obtain the holy Spirit as a seal of their Righteousnesse which is by Faith as the strength whereby they stand stedfast in their heavenly Calling and as the earnest and assurance of their everlasting Inheritance Wherefore cry they out Turn to the Light within Turn to the Light within but because their delight is in the works of the Law not in the hearing of Faith Oh how pleasant is a fleshly Righteousness Rom. 2. 15. Gal. 3 5. unto men unregenerate which because it is wrought by the strength of the Creature which although now since the Fall is only the strength of corrupt flesh yet is it cryed up by fleshly and carnal men that know not what it is to be born of Water and of the holy Spirit as the onely Righteousnesse though it will leave them under the Curse of the Law and never give them the blessing of Abraham the Promise of the Spirit which is not to be obtained by the works of the Law but by Faith in Jesus Christ through his grace Gal. 3. 10. 14. Rom. 4. 4 15 16. Rom. 11. 6. and in the way that he hath appointed in his Word wherein this Service of the Prayer of Faith with the laying on of hands is taught as a part of that way which is the way of life in which the Law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus is found which maketh free from the Curse of the Law of Sin and Death Rom. 8. 1 2. Gal. 3. 10. and although it be despised and contemned with other Ordinances of the New Testament by such as whilst they boast of Light do walk in Darknesse yet as a reward of whose disobedience the mist of darkness is reserved for ever 2 Pet. 2. 17. Sect. 7 But like measure ye mete also to that holy Appointment of Jesus Christ viz. the Lords Supper which he celebrated with his Disciples at his departure from them the same night in which he was betrayed and sanctified as a standing Ordinance unto his Church to evidence the breaking of his Body the pouring out of his Bloud with the benefit thereof unto all true Believers yea to set forth his Death and bodily absence until his coming again in his own Body wherein he suffered upon the Crosse for this Ordinance is by the pretended Preachers up of the Light within all men very much reviled and the practice thereof as it is used in the Churches of Christ not only villified but opposed which whether it be not done to make way for that Popish Idol of the Masse because in dispute about this Question the Bread which is eaten in the Lords Supper was denied to be Bread made of Corn or the Wine that is drunk to be the fruit of the Vine by a Preacher up of the so called Light within And how near this Denyal comes to the Harlots doctrine of Transubstantiation the Children of God through his grace will well perceive Sure I am the denial of the Ordinances of Christ manifesteth contempt both of the Person and Power of Christ and whosoever denyeth this Ordinance in particular doth thereby deny that which is set forth by it which is not only his Death 1 Cor. 11. 26. but even his coming in the flesh For therefore a Body was prepared him that his Body might be offered once for all Heb. 10. 5 10. He took part of flesh and blood that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death that is the Devil and deliver them that through fear of death were all their life-time subject to bondage Heb. 2. 14 15. The Death of Christ being of such precious concernment unto his Church the Lord hath in his wisdom appointed this holy Feast which is called His Supper to set forth in his bodily absence his Death until his Coming again in his own body that so the Church might have him in remembrance by whom they receive so great a benefit 1 Cor. 11. 24 25 26. as the Remission Act. 1. 11. of sin of which the Cup is the New Testament in his Blood as the Bread is that which doth shew forth his Body broken and given for them an Offering not like the Legal Offerings nor like the Popish Masse daily offered which yet never take away sin But being once offered doth so take away the sins of them that walking in Faith Hope and Charity look and wait for his appearing that he shall appear the second time without sin unto their salvation Heb. 9. 26 28. It must needs therefore be a mischievious design which is carried on by those that contemn the Ordinances of Jesus Christ which are of so blessed concernment to those that believe in him It is no lesse than the denying of him
to be come in the flesh to deny the Ordinances which he hath appointed to set forth what he hath done in the body of his flesh and it is as much as to deny that ever he shall come again to deny that Appointment which he hath ordained to be used until his second coming or to abuse it with the Papists turning that into a Sacrifice Propitiatory which Christ ordained only to signifie the Propitiatory Sacrifice of his own Body to make that by an humane invention of Transubstantiation to be the very Body and Blood of Christ there present upon their Altar in the hand of their Priest which Christ appointed so signifie his Body as to shew his bodily absence the Bread being present his Body being at the right hand of God in the Glory of the Father This is as much as to deny his coming bodily for if his Body be present how can his Body be at the right hand of God If his Body be come since his Ascention how can his Body be still to come But the truth is so great an harmony is between the Preachers up of the Light within all men and the Doctors of the Romish Synagogue that their Doctrine tends to one thing viz. The denyal of Jesus Christ come in the flesh of Justification by the imputation of Faith in his Blood for Righteousness of Remission of Sins by his Grace of the right use and end of his holy Ordinances yea to the denyal of the vertue of the Death of Christ the essicacy of his Resurrection and the glory of his Coming I shall therefore for conclusion of this Chapter set forth according to the Scriptures of Truth the Doctrine of the Resurrection of the bodies of all men by the power of the Resurrection of Christ the glory of his Coming and the End of the World Sect. 8 For thus saith the Word of the Truth of the Gospel concerning those that shall be saved as it is written 2 Tim. 1. 8 9. 10. God saith the Apostle hath saved us and called us with an holy Calling not according to our Works but according to his own Purpose and Grace given us in Christ Iesus before the world began but is now made manifest by the appearing of our Saviour Iesus Christ who hath abolished Death and brought Life and Immortality to light through the Gospel By his Death he hath destroyed him that had the power of Death Heb. 2. 14. By his Resurrection and Ascension in his own Body He hath led captivity captive He conquered the Grave and overcame it by Death not for himself who knew no sin but for the world of sinners unto whom Death is due as the wages of Sin the just reward of Iniquity Rom. 6. 23. which Death passed upon all men excepting Christ who sinned not because that all have sinned Rom. 5. 12. and are in bondage under Sin and Death the great enemies of the peace and comfort of Mankind for whose deliverance from Sin and Death Christ hath dyed and hath invited the world of sinners to repent and believe the Gospel for the Remission of their Sins and their deliverance from Death from which he will in his due time deliver all those that believe in his Name For he must reign till he hath put all his enemies under his feet 1 Cor. 15. 25. that the saying that is written may come to passe Death is swallowed up into Victory according to the Word of the Lord by the Prophet Hosea ch 13. 14. I will ransom them from the power of the Grave I will redeem them from Death O Death I will be thy plagues O Grave I will be thy destruction Repentance shall be hid from mine eyes And to this end Jesus Christ did give himself a Ransom for all and tasted Death for every man 1 Tim. 2. 6. Heb. 2. 9. that he might bring all men out of the Grave which though it be not yet effected yet he hath payed the Price that so at his appearing he may raise all men from that first death and deliver from wrath to come all that wait for him believing on his Name 1 Thess 1. 10. 1 Ioh. 3. 23. according as himself hath testified Ioh. 5. 28 29. Marvel not at this saith he for the hour is coming in which all that are in the Grave shall hear the voice of the Son of God and shall come forth they that have done good unto the resurrection of life and they that have done evil unto the resurrection of damnation So that it is evident that that of man which goeth to the grave shall be raised again as he hath said I will ransom them from the power of the grave c. But if the bodies of them which are cast into the grave shall not be raised from thence how then is there a ransoming of them from the power of the Grave or a redeeming them from Death How is Captivity led captive or who how will the Grave then come to destruction and not rather be the destroyer And how will the Word of the Almighty Creator be fulfilled and his glorious Power manifested who made Heaven and Earth the Sea and all that therein is and keepeth Truth for ever Psal 146. 5 6. Sect 9 But it is further evident That the bodies of Believers although they dye and turn to dust yet shall they be raised again and live eternally as is testified in the Scripture 1 Cor. 15. 42 43 44. by the Apostle concerning the Resurrection of the Dead It is sown saith he in Corruption It is raised in Incorruption It is sown in Dishonour It is raised in Glory It is sown in Weakness It is raised in Power It is sown a Natural Body It is raised a Spiritual Body By all which how evidently is the Resurrection of that which dyes proved It which is sown and it which is raised is one and the same only the condition wherein it is raised is more excellent than that wherein it is sown They that turn Scripture into Allegories cannot turn this into any nor make an Interpretation contrary to this without making themselves very absurd for if they shall say It is the Seed of God which is thus sown then it seems the Seed of God shall be sown in one condition and shall be raised in another yea they must hold that the Seed of God is sown a Natural Body and raised a Spiritual Body changing its Properties which cannot be No no it is the Corruptible man the natural Bodies of Believers which shall be raised changed and fashioned like the glorious Body of Christ and as is testified in the Scripture concerning that Seed which is sown into the Earth as Wheat or other Grain That which is sown is not sown that Body which shall be for when it is sown it is sown but bare Grain not clothed with any thing but God giveth it a Body as it pleaseth him clothed excellently yet to every Seed his own Body And as the Body
of Wheat which is raised and brought forth doth not arise out of other Grain but doth absolutely and truly arise out of that very Seed and by the Power of God groweth out of that very Kernel which was sown even so shall it be in the Resurrection from the Dead the Natural and Visible Bodies of those that believe in Christ although they shall not be raised as they are sown viz. vile corruptible natural weak and dishonourable yet nevertheless they shall be raised and though God will give a Body as it pleaseth him clothed with incorruptibility yet he will give to every Seed his own body 1 Cor. 15. 38. and they shall be raised again without all deformity and clothed upon with their house which is from Heaven yea their vile Bodies shall be made like the glorious Body of Christ even a Spiritual Body which Spiritual Body shall arise out of that Natural Body which doth die and is laid in the Ground even as Grain doth arise out of that very Grain which was sown being the same in substance when raised as when sown only raised in a glorious condition sown in a weak and dishonourable And as the Grain doth all arise and leaves not one jot of it self in the ground even so there shall not be left one jot of whatsoever goes to the making up this Body compleat and every way a perfect man but it shall be raised wholly and fully as it is written 1 Cor. 15. 35 36 37 38 42 43 44. Sect. 10 And that all Believers may be fully assured that their vile Bodies shall be changed and fashioned like the glorious Body of Christ according to the working whereby he is able to subdue all things unto himself Phil. 3. 20 21. The Apostle doth unfold this Mystery 1 Cor. 15. 51 52 53 54 55. Behold saith he I shall shew you a Mystery We shall not all Sleep but we shall all be Changed in a moment at the twinkling of an eye at the last Trump for the Trumpet shall sound and the Dead viz. in Christ 1 Thes 4. 16 17. such as lye in the visible Earth shall be raised incorruptible and we viz. the faithful that are alive and remain in this corrupt mortal estate unto that time shall then be changed for this corruptible must put on incorruption and this Mortal must put on Immortality so when this Corruptible shall have put on Incorruption and this Mortal shall have put on Immortality then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written Death is swallowed up in Victory O Death Where is thy Sting O Grave Where is thy Victory The Sting of Death is Sin and the Strength of Sin is the Law but thanks be to God which giveth us the Victory through our Lord Jesus Christ Thus is the Resurrection and Change of all Believers from Death to Life from Corruptible to Incorruption from Mortal to Immortality by the blessed Apostle both Vindicated and Unfolded that every faithful Man and Woman may know that although the Wages of sin is Death yet the Gift of God is eternal Life through Iesus Christ Rom. 6. 28. which God will give unto them all at one and the same time even at the coming of Christ that according to the Word of Truth 1 Thess 4. 15. These that remain unto the coming of the Lord may not prevent them which are asleep in him but although the Lords Labourers are called to work in his Vinyard at the several Hours of the Day of his Grace yet they all shall have their reward together at the Evening Matth. 20. 8. For God hath provided so well for the Faithful of this last Age that though many in former Ages have obtained a good Report through Faith yet shall not they without these be made perfect Heb 11. 39 40. Sect. 11 And although the Preachers up 〈◊〉 the Light within all men do boast of Perfection which they imagine that some of them do attain unto in this life yet it is evident by the Scriptures of Truth that the Perfection in Glory which is promised to the Faithful and the Perfection in Holiness unto which they are exhorted is not attained unto but only in part until the bodies of those that beleeve in Christ the second Adam are raised from the Grave and changed from the corruption whereinto they are fallen by the offence of the first Adam Rom 5. 15 For although in this Life those that believe in Christ are through the Rich Mercy of God even when they were dead in Sins quickened together with Christ Ephes 2. 5. and so renewed in the Spirit of their Mind Ephes 4. 23. that with the Minde they serve the Law of God Rom. 7. 24. Yet alas this Perfection is but in part Paul himself who had attained to so great a Portion of Grace that by the Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus he was made free from the Law of Sin and Death Rom. 8. 2. and though together with this Freedom from Guilt and liablenesse to Punishment for Sin he was so set free from the Dominion of Sin being not under the Law but under Grace Rom. 6. 14. that he did delight in the Law of God after the Inward Man yet notwithstanding he found another Law in his Members which warring against the Law of his Mind brought him into Captivity to the Law of Sin in his Members Rom. 7. 22 23. So that though he had hope of Deliverance from this his Enemy the Flesh which lusteth against the Spirit Gal. 5. 17. and for his comfort had obtained the Gift of God The Holy Spirit as a help to him to war a good warfare and as the Earnest of his Inheritance Ephes 1. 13 14. which is to be enjoyed at the Redemption or Deliverance of the purchased Possession yet for the present such was his Condition that as himself testifieth Rom. 7. 23. So then saith he With the Mind I my self serve the Law of God but with my Flesh the Law of Sin So that although this Renovation of the Spirit of the Mind by the Assistance of the Holy Spirit whereby a Believer knows himself to be a Son of God by Adoption and is inabled to cry Abba Father Rom. 8. 16. be the earnest of the Inheritance a Rising with Christ through the Faith of the Operation of God who raised him from the Dead to the obtaining Forgivenesse of all Trespasses Col. 2. 12 13. yet this is not the Resurrection from the Dead nor the State of Perfection which the Faithfull unto death shall obtain as the same Apostle testifies 2 Tim. 4. 7. I have fought a good fight saith he I have finished my Course I have kept the Faith henceforth there is laid up for me a Crown of Righteousnesse which the Lord the Righteous Judg shall give me at that Day and not to me only but unto all them also that loves his appearing For the obtaining whereof his great Desire was while he enjoyed but the
are with the Devil and his Angels in chains of darkness reserved unto the Iudgment of the great day 1 Pet. 8. 19. 2 Pet. 2. 4. wherein they shall in spirit soul and body be tormented in the Lake of fire 2 Thes 1. 8 9. Revel 20. 14. So contrariwise are the spirits of all Just men who fight the good fight and finish their course in the Faith of Luke 13. 28. Mark 9. 43. 44. Mar. 16. 26. Jesus Christ 2 Tim. 4. 7. reserved in Paradice unto the Day of the Lord when the Blessed of the Father shall receive the Kingdome and shall in spirit soul and body enjoy eternal Life Luk● 23. 43. Matth. 25. 46. and everlasting Blessedness with Christ Jesus who is now glorified in that Body which suffered death rose from the dead and ascended into Heaven John 20. 27. Luke 24. 38 39. to the 53. as all Believers also in due time shall be And whereas it is declared in Scripture that Christ hath led captivity captive that he hath redeemed those that believe from the Curse of the Law that he hath abolished Death and brought life and Immortality to light through the Gospel 2 Tim. 1. 10. All this though it be the sure and steadfast hope of every True Believer Heb. 5. 18 19 20. is made void and of no effect by those that deny the Resurection of the Bodies or flesh of men for as the flesh of Christ wherein he wus put to death 1 Pet. 3. 18. saw no corruption but was quickened again by the Spirit the third day Act. 2. 24 31. So the flesh of those that believe in Christ though it doth see corruption as Davids flesh is said to do Acts 13. 36. shall be raised again incorruptible 1 Cor 15. 52. and therefore God is declared to be the God of Abraham the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob Exod. 3. 15. Mat. 22. 31 32. because the Bodies of Abraham Isaac and Jacob which are dead shall live again and shall therefore be raised up from death because God is not the God of the dead but of the living as Christ hath taught But False Teachers in their denying the Resurrection of the Bodies of the dead do deny that God is the God of the Living a most sad consequence and blasphemous Opinion Sect. 15 But as the Apostle teacheth The denial of the Resurrection of the Bodies of the Faitfull from the dead doth not only deny the Resurrection of men that have sinned but also of Christ himself who knew no Sin it makes the Preaching of the Gospel vain and the Faith of them that confess it it renders the Apostles of Christ false witnesses of God because they have testified of God that he raised up Christ whom he raised not up if so be that the dead rise not It concludeth that those that Christ hath set free from sin are still under the guilt thereof that they that are faln asleep in Chrst are perished and that the hope of Believers is only in this life and therefore they of all men are most miserable 1 Cor. 15. 13 14 15 16 17 18 19. O fearfull Doctrine What a bitter Root is this which brings forth such Fruit so destructive to the health and comfort of all Believers so contrary to that food wherewith the Spirits of the Faithfull have in old time been nourished and to the Hope wherewith they have in all their Tribulations been supported Oh saith Job in his great extremity when his Brethren Friends Servants his own Wife and Young Children despised him that my words were now written that they were printed in a book that they were graven with an iron pen and lead in the Rock for ever For I know saith he that my Redeemer liveth and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the Earth and though after my skin wormes destroy this body yet in my flesh shall I see God whom I shall see for my self and mine eyes shall behold and not another though my Reins be consumed within me Thus was he supported by the hope of the Resurrection of the dead in the midst of his great Afflictions and Tribulations Job 19. 23 24 25 26 27. The like Experience had Paul for the hope of Israel saith he I am bound with his chain Acts 28. 20. I am judged saith he for the Hope of the Promise made of God unto the Fathers unto which Promise our Twelve Tribes instantly serving God day and night hope to come for which Hopes sake King Agrippa saith he I am accused of the Jews Why should it be thought a thing incredible with you that God should raise the dead Act. 26. 6 7 8. So likewise when he was brought before FELIX This I confesse unto thee saith he that after that way which they call Heresie so worship I the God of my Fathers believing all things which are written in the Law and the Prophets and have Hope toward God which they themselves also allow that there shall he a Resurrection of the Dead both of the Iust and Vnjust and herein do I exercise my self to have a Conscience void of Offence both toward God and toward men O what comfortable and sure hope hath every true Believer by the communion of the Spirit of God that raised up Jesus Christ from the dead how are their spirits quickened and renewed after the Image of him that created them Eph. 2. 5. Col. 3. 10. who will also in due time quicken their mortal Bodies also by his Spirit that dwelleth in them Rom. 8. 11. And inasmuch as God intends to raise the Bodies of his Saints again from the dead therefore precious in his sight is their death Psalm 116. 15. They who while they lived in the Body dyed unto Sin their Bodies after they are dead shall be raised again to Life and shall no more be subject to Death or Sorrow or crying for God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes neither shall there be unto them any more pain Revel 21. 4. Death shall be swallowed up into Victory and the Lord God will wipe away tears from off their faces and the rebuke of his people shall he take away from off all the earth for the Lord hath spoke it Isa 25. 8. Then shall be the restoring of all things which God hath spoken by the mouth of all his Holy Prophets since the World began Acts 3. 21. Then will he make all things new and unto those which have not loved their lives unto the death for the sake of Jesus Christ with all that have believed on his Name God will be a Father and they shall be his Children and shall inherit all things for these Sayings are true and faithfull saith the Lord Revel 21. 5 7. Thus all may see That the denyal of the Resurrection of the Bodies of the Dead doth make void the Hope of the Israel of God There is also that other pernicious quality in it It emboldeneth the Sinner to God on in
the Lord shone round about them viz. the Shepherds and they were sore afraid And the Angel said unto them Fear not for behold I bring you good tidings of great joy which shall be to all people not to a supposed Seed or uncreated or eternal substance in man but unto man even unto all people for unto you saith he is born this day in the City of David a Saviour which is Christ the Lord and this shall be a sign unto you ye shall find the Babe wrapped in swadling cloaths lying in a Manger not lying within you but lying in a Manger which was not within them and suddainly there was with the Angel a Multitude of the Heavenly Host praising God and saying Glory to God in the Highest on earth Peace good will towards men Luke 2. 9 10 11 12 13 14. This is indeed the Gospel of glad-tidings a Saviour for sinners for poor sinful man yea and so saith all the Prophets as many as have spoken have likewise declared these things viz. That God did send his Son to die for man to bear our sins and that God raised up his Son Jesus and sent him to blesse the Creature man in turning every one of us from our Iniquities it could not be to turn himself from his Iniquities for he had none He did no sin neither was guile found in his Mouth yet it pleased the Lord to put him to Grief for us and to lay upon him the Iniquities of us all See Acts 3. 26. Isa 53. 6. yea he was wounded for our Transgressions He was bruised for our Iniquities the Chastisement of our Peace was upon him and with his Stripes are we healed So that it is evident That that Doctrine which is not directed to Man but to a supposed Seed or uncreated Substance in man is not the Doctrine of the Gospel which tendereth Salvation to the Creature but a blasphemous Riddle which tends to the nourishing of Evil Thoughts viz. That the Eternal Witness or Substance stands in need of a Teacher and of a Resurrection out of a fallen or imprisoned Condition or to make Man exalt himself into the Place of God by imagining that something within him as a part of his Person is as Eternal as the Spirit of Holiness in Christ or else it tends to make the Creature man consisting of Spirit Soul and Body utterly to despair of Salvation Sect. 4 But now to Answer thy false Inferences which thou endeavourest to draw from these Holy Scriptures to maintain thy Opinion and Practise of Preaching not to man considered as Man but to a supposed Seed or eternal Substance in Man I say and testifie in the Lord That these Scriptures 1 Pet. 3. 19. Matth. 25. 36. teach nothing in the least to justifie such a Practice but that which is here held forth by the Spirit of God in the first Scripture is this viz. That by that Spirit which raised the Flesh of Jesus Christ from the Dead he had Preached by the Ministry of Noah to the Spirits of men which are now in prison not that he preached to the Spirits when they were in Prison nor that these Spirits are of the eternal and uncreated substance but the spirits in prison are the spirits of those men and women which Christ according to the Spirit of Holinesse did by his servant Noah who was assisted therewith preach unto before they were in Prison that is to say In the dayes of Noah when they were disobedient to the long suffering of God while the Ark was a preparing So that you cannot say the Seed of God was that which was preached to except you will say the Seed of God was disobedient or that they were in Prison when they were Preached unto for then they could neither have been obedient nor disobedient for in Prison they are as a reward of their disobedience which they acted when they were at Liberty and are kept in Prison for the said disobedience unto the great Judgement Day So that the Spirits were not in Prison when they were Preached to but disobedient they were at that time when once the long Suffering of God waited in the dayes of Noah while the Ark was a Preparing in which few that is eight Souls were saved by Water at that time when once the long-suffering of God waited while the Ark was a Preparing Then did Christ by the same Spirit by which his own Body of Flesh in which he was put to death was raised again from the dead Preach to them that were then Disobedient whose spirits are now in Prison and so shall remain till the great Day of Judgement when they in Spirit Soul and Body shall be punished with everlasting fire as a reward of their disobedience in refusing the Spirit of Holinesse by which God did strive with the old World an hundred and twenty Years Gen. 3. 6. So great was the Patience and long-suffering of God So unwilling was he that any of them should perish but rather that all of them should have repented Rom. 2. 4. 2 Pet. 3. 9. which when they utterly refused to do he brought the flood of Waters upon that ungodly World those that would not be turned by the strivings of Gods Spirit but refused that Grace which was so earnestly and affectionately tendred unto them as unworthy of any further offers of Grace were destroyed by the flood of Waters which overthrew their Carkasses and as the just Wages of their impenitency and unbelief their spirits are now reserved in Prison unto the judgment of the great Day of God Almighty when they with all other wicked men that live and die in impenitency and unbelief in spirit soul and body shall bear the punishment of their disobedience And then also the Angels which kept not their first Estate but left their own Habitation for which cause they are now reserved as in Prison in everlasting Chains under darkness Jude vers 6. shall be cast into the Lake of Fire burning with Brimstone where they and those accursed men and women that have been seduced by him shall be tormented for ever where their worm dieth not and the fire is not quenched Thus it is evident that the spirits in Prison spoken of in the Scripture abovesaid are not to be understood of the Spirit of Holinesse in Christ but indeed of the Unclean and Rebellious spirits of Men and Women who refuse the Grace of God when it is tendred unto them in the day of his forebearance and long-suffering Sect. 5 But thy inference from Mat. 25. 36. to justifie thy Opinion and Practice of Preaching not to man but to a supposed seed in every man which thou callest Christ imprisoned in man is also exceeding false and that which tends to the turning of the minds of men from the Person of Christ by whose Death and Resurrection accomplished in his own Body he hath wrought the Redemption of the Bodies of all others that believe in him to an imaginary spirit ●r
the truth of all Gods Teachings Exhortations and Ordinances whatsoever to neglect all Duties which God hath commanded in order to their Salvation and to sit in silence and wait in astonishment to be delivered from those fears which thou hast put them into All which is but to delude the senses of poor Creatures by thy sound and noise that so thou mayest bring them into a bewildered condition to be even done withal what thou pleasest that hast so dashed dazled and confounded their apprehensions and senses Sect. 15 When therefore thou hast effected thy purpose thus far being somewhat expert in thy way by the help of an evil Spirit which thou callest thy discerning eye boasting of the great discovery which thou hast made into and through all men discerning by it as by a Candle what is in them and when thou doest thus discover by that spirit by which thou art led and as by a Candle seest where the poor Bird doth sit which by thy sound is astonished confounded and silenced then thou hastest to it with all speed to cast thy Net over it which is to communicate thy unclean spirit unto it which spirit is not the light in every man but the darknesse in thee and thy followers neither is it in those that are silenced confounded by thee till it comes from thee and enters into them at that time which is to them remarkable the time of their visitation as they call it but it is a woful visitation for it doth not come with a still soft voice like the Spirit of God nor in the cool of the day but with earthquakes and rending the Rocks as they call it putting the poor Creature into such a woful condition that it is like one caught in a Net indeed and must now be dealt withal at the mercy of the Fowler which is very cruel for oh what quakings and shakings tremblings and fearings what pulling and dragging is at that time just as though the very heart must be pulled out all the bowels torn in pieces and one limb rent from another of which I have seen the example with mine eyes and when the unclean spirit hath pronounced such woes terrours and judgements and hath held the creature under them as long as he thinks fit which by them is called Hell and is all the Hell they fear then the said Spirit speaketh Peace to them but not by the Blood of Christ shed for their sins in his own body and out of themselves but he telleth them that he hath done away their sins and iniquities as a thick cloud and carried them away into the Land of forgetfulness not that Christ the Scape-Goat as a distinct Person from all other men hath done it and then this spirit requireth that Creature to arise and tell what God hath done for its soul yea sometimes this Spirit speaketh with a vocal voice in the bottom of the Bellies of them that are possessed therewith saying to them as the Lord said to Abraham Gen. 12. 11. for Satan endeavours to imitate God as much as he can Get thee out of thy Fathers house and from thy kindred unto a Land that I will shew thee and I will reward thee double other whiles he commands the Creature to go to such a place to such a man with a message from the Lord for now this Spirit hath the dominion over the poor Creature hurrying it up and down with Motions Revelations and Commands making it do what he liketh for his power is unresistable having gotten such hold that go now they must they cannot stay nor avoid it speak now they must and cannot help it for if they avoid the doing of any thing which he requireth then are they sure to feel he is a Lord indeed by the Terrour Wrath and Judgement which he will bring them into his Commands being given out upon pain of damnation upon the neglect of obedience to them So that he is not obeyed out of a principle of Love but of Fear and Terrour such Terrour too as makes them sometimes to quake and tremble and so unclean are his commands that he requireth some of them men and women to strip off all their clothes and as naked as they were born to stand sometimes upon a Market Crosse in the time of Market and sometimes at the Grave while the dead is burying in their naked bodies and there to tell the People they are for a sign of their destruction though it cannot be reasonably supposed that God did require his Prophet so to divest himself of all garments whatsoever when by some such like sign he required him to declare the destruction of the People but such is the uncleanness and cruelty of this spirit wch possesseth these poor creatures almost choaking them with his fits and conflicts making them roar and foam at the mouth with such a terrible and hideous kind of crying as might very much amaze any one that shall see them as I my self have done therefore I say they do not intend what they declare viz. That men and women should be guided by the Light that is in every one of them before some of these Teachers have by some means or other conversed with them that so instruction and an unclean spirit might be from them communicated unto those upon whom they call to mind the Light within Ah how many poor souls have their feet caught in this snare how many are taken in this evil net and thereby led to destroy all their good beginnings wherein they began to serve the true God running into grosse wickedness and Satanical delusions posting from mountain to hill forgetting their resting place turning from the true Christ and the worship of God and going a whoring after this spirit of errour and their own inventions Sect. 16 But that thy dissimulation may further appear I shall in several particulars make it manifest that thou never intendest that every man should be guided by that Light which they have in them before they meet with thee or thy Doctrine but that they should receive instruction and a spirit from thee to be their director and assister First because that when thou doest affirm that the Apostles of Jesus Christ were sent out to Baptize with the Spirit this thou speakest to oppose those that stand to maintain that they were commanded to Baptize with Water in the Name of Jesus Christ for remission of sins and by Prayer and laying on of hands to seek unto God that he would give his Spirit as he hath promised Luke 11. 9 13. Therefore thou callest Baptism in water carnal Prayer and laying on of hands carnal because not the Administrator of Prayer and laying on of hands but God doth give Christ to shed forth or baptize with the holy Spirit See Acts 5. 32. Acts 2. 33. Mat. 3. 11. Now if I must believe that what thou speakest of the Apostles of Christ those that are thy messengers can perform then consequently they can
absolutely deny for what Exception to the second Proof Unity hast thou except in iniquity but Unity in the Truth thou hast not for thou dost not hold the Head Christ Jesus from which all the Body by Joynts and Bands having Nourishment ministred and knit together encreaseth with the Encrease of God Col. 2. 19. It is evident that they which hold not the Head Christ Jesus by a Lively Faith that are not united to him by those Joynts and Bands in which there is Nourishment ministred and whereby they are knit together so as to encrease with the Encrease of God they are not in Unity but in Confusion they that are not united unto Jesus Christ by Faith that have not access by him into that grace wherein they stand and rejoyce in hope of the Glory of God those are not in Vnity either with God or one with another in the Truth as it is in Jesus And what Fellowship is available where Fellowship with God in Christ is wanting And what fellowship have such with God that deny his only Son Jesus Christ our Lord that deny his Person that contemn his Ordinances that trample his Word under their Feet as do the Preachers up of the so called Light within But Secondly Neither are you in Unity among your selves but one Preacheth one thing and another Printeth the contrary and this is done by such as are eminent amongst you as for instance One absolutely affirmeth that the Bread and Wine spoken of in the Scriptures and appointed by the Lord Jesus Christ to be Eaten and Drunk in remembrance of him is not Temporal Visible or External Bread and Wine of the same substance with that which men feed upon but that it is Spiritual Invisible and Eternal But is not this Popery Another of great esteem amongst you sayeth in Print That that Bread and Wine is common Bread and Wine yea such as may be eaten not only by Believers at the Lords Supper but even at an unbelievers Feast or by Believers and unbelievers together Now it may be observed by the way that this conclusion undenyably follows the latter Assertion That so often as an unbeliever eateth and drinketh his temporal food so often he eateth and drinketh damnation to himself not discerning the Lords Body if the latter Doctrine be true and if the former be true then some persons may eat and drink damnation to themselves in eating and drinking Spiritual Invisible and Eternal food because they may possibly eat it and drink unworthily as saith the Apostle He that eateth and drinketh unworthily eateth and drinketh damnation to himself not discerning the Lords Body 1 Cor. 11. 27 29. Thus are ye divided from the Truth and one from another Again some of you hold that the Bread and Wine which Christ appointed to be received in Remembrance of him untill he come is in this sence to be understood viz. Until he come into you and now he being come into you therefore this Ordinance is ata●n end with you But as this Doctrine is contrary to his that supposeth the Bread and Wine to be spiritual onely and invisible and if it be onely spiritual and eternal why should the spiritual presence of Christ put an end to it as also to his that taketh it to be the common food of unbelievers which Believers also make use of notwithstanding the spiritual presence of Christ with them so is it also to the Doctrine of the Apostles with whom Christ was spiritually present when they by breaking of Bread did shew forth the Lords death as all Believers ought until his Personal coming again according to his Promises And Lo saith he I am with you alwayes even to the end of the World Mat. 28. 20. I go saith he to prepare a place for you and I will come again and receive you to my Self that where I am there ye may be also It is without doubt that Christ was Spiritually present with his Disciples after his Ascention when they did Celebrate this his holy Supper which Spiritual presence of his if that had put an end to it we should not have found the Practice of it so long after his Ascention See Acts 20. 7. Neither had Paul given that direction about it which he did as it is written 1 Cor. 11. 23 24 25 26. Thus are the Preachers up of thee so called Light within divided in their Doctrine for set any two of these opinions together and behold what confusion there is Saith one the Bread and Wine is Spiritual Invisible and Eternal saith the other it is the common visible and temporal food which believers unbelievers do feed upon spiritual saith the one carnal saith the other eternal saith the one Temporal saith the other Invisible saith the one visible saith the other and as you are doctrinally divided so is there personal opposition of one against another one publick Teacher alleth another Dog and yet both owned to be Teachers up of thee so called Light within yea there hath been so great opposition of one of you against anorher that ye have fell out and disowned each other shall I then say ye are in unity no but in confusion rather as saith the Lord by the Prophet Isaiah The wicked are like the troubled Sea when it cannot rest whose waters cast up mire and dirt there is no peace to the wicked saith my God Isai 57. 21. Sect. 3 Thy third proof is thy destroying the Whore the which also I do deny for Exception to the third proof wherein hast thou been instrumental in this Service Were the Popes Nuntio's Legates or his Emissaries the Jesuites banished this Nation by the Preachers up of thee so called Light within Mention the Country in which the Popes indulgencies and Pardons have been stopped by thy Preachings or other endeavours Give us to know when and where thou hast brought a Nation from the worshipping of Cross and Crucifix when didst thou cause them to be pulled down When didst thou discover any Jesuitical design when was Bell Book and Candle Monastries and Abbies Popish Hierarchy and Ceremonies Demolished by thee When wast thou a giver of Liberty to tender Consciences Alas it is very evident that thou that Preachest up to and from thee so called Light within art no destroyer of the Harlot or false Church-State except it be by bringing them from that to a worse condition But Secondly Wilt thou yet say thou destroyest the Whore because thou hast run up and down railing against and cursing the Ministry of this Nation and giving them reviling Language Alas who knows not that it is not reviling Language that convinceth gain-sayers no it is so far from performing that Service that it rather confirms them neither is it because thou perswadest People toleave that kinde of Worship and follow thy Doctrine for there is no destruction of the Whore where there is not a right conversion from her false Church-State but all thy doings in destroying the Whore is as