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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A15874 A briefe rehersal of the death resurrectio[n], [and] ascension of Christ gathered together oute of ye foure euangelistes and actes of the apostles by the most godly and great learned man Huldriche Zuinglius, written first in Latin, and now tra[n]slated into Englishe, that such as vnderstande not the Latin tongue should not wante the vse of so worthy and profitable a treatise. Perused and allowed according to the order appointed in the Quenes maiesties iniunctions. Zwingli, Ulrich, 1484-1531. 1561 (1561) STC 26135; ESTC S106617 105,568 216

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which we cā neuer worthely enough āswer no though we should dye a. M. times for him Let vs learne therfore by the death of Christ to acknowlege our own deth which as it was dew vnto vs so also was it taken away by hys death Let vs also learn to dye vnto sinne and affections and take vp our crosse and followe Christ that when Christ shal appeare we also may appere with him in glory ☞ And when the euen was come because it was the preparation of the passeouer which went before the Sabaoth there came a rich man of Arimathea named Ioseph a counceller and an honeste senator a good man and a iust he did not consente to the counsell and deede of them whiche also hymselfe wayted for the kyngdome of God and therwithall was a disciple of Iesus but secretlye for feare of the Iewes he taking boldenes went vnto Pilate and asked the body of Iesus And Pilat meruelled if he were alredy dead and called vnto hym the centurion and asked him if he had bene anye while deade and when he had knowne the trueth of the Centuriō he gaue the body to Ioseph who bought a silken cloth and toke down the body and wrapped it in a cleane silken clothe And there came also Nycodemus whych came to Iesus before by night bringinge myrhe and aloes mingled togethers about one hundreth poundes Then toke they the body of Iesus wrapped it in lynnen cloth wyth the spices as the manner is of the Iewes to bury And there was in the place where he was crucifyed a gardeyn and in the gardeyn a new sepulchre wherein was neuer man yet layde Then Ioseph put the body of Iesus in hys new tombe which he had hewen oute in a stone there therefore layd they Iesus because the Iewes preparation day for the tombe was nere And when he had roled a great stone to the dore of the sepulchre he departed THis worde Decurio in the olde tyme did signifie to Latten men a senator and rather taketh hys name of Curia that is to saye of the courte and not of thys woorde Decem which signifieth ten Iosephe is called Iuste not that he was without sinne but bycause he abhorring from the councell of the vngodly consented not to the death of Christ and bicause he wayted for the kingdome of heauē So also are we iuste if we receaue Christe by fayth whom they wayted for and if we keepe our selues vnspotted from thys worlde ▪ For Christ is our righteousnesse That man setteth forth an example both of greate constancie and also of fayth For in how great a daunger doth he put him selfe when as he consenteth not or els withstandeth the enterprises of the malicious Who seeth it not to be a present daunger for any man to aske the bodye of Iesus in so great hatred and crueltie and to burye it honourably But fayth if it be a true fayth attempteth great and perillous thinges with an inuincible courage When as then the Euangeliste saith that he was a noble and riche mā we muste not regard that onely in him but the Euangelist setteth forth hys couragious mind and great fayth As though he woulde saye although he were suche a man yet coulde neyther fauoure nor feare nor ryches make hym declyne from the truth to consent to the endeuoure of the wicked Besides that he was so stoute that also after hys death whē as others blasphemed and contemned him he wente vnto the iudge nothing abashed neither feared he to burye him whom all men had condemned Let vs thinke the same of Nicodemus haue a regard not of what power and riches he was but of how great fayth and boldenes of minde Let vs marke with how great an argumente they beare witnes of their fayth which do put themselues forth to the displeasure of all men and to the daunger of lyfe for Christes sake If they had followed him in his lyfe time they had not vttered so greate fayth as when they cleaue vnto him being vilelie reproched condemned neyther are they ashamed to honoure hym very noblye whom all men detested as a wicked one They therefore whiche before hyd thēselues and dissembled the matter for feare come now forth with glorye to the example of al the faythful It commeth to passe somtimes that they which be very timorous do when time serueth fyght more couragiously and stoutely namely takyng harte agayne vnto them We learne here also that riches and power may be ioyned with fayth and they adde a great honoure to the beleuers Riches hinder nothyng if the eye be simple and the mynd faythful To waite for the kingdome of heauen is a Periphrasis of the faythful He loked for the kingdome of god that is he was a faythfull man he beleued And surely his faith was no smal faith which durst thinges being yet freshe in the middest of the rage of the furious and malicious mē aske the body of Christ There was in these men a perfect and an approued vertue whiche as it sticketh vnto god so cā it neuer bee made ashamed or fall In that he putteth Iesus into his own Sepulchre he declareth his vehemente loue towardes Iesus For we be all suche louers of our selues that we wil not so much as lend our neighbors any thing of ours He roleth a stone to the gate of the graue that the bodye of the innocent might not be violated by the vnbeleuers which is a tokē of an earnest care of godlines And God vseth this thyng for a witnes of the resurrection wherfore god often tymes doth dispose the workes whiche we doe otherwyse then we purposed In the meane it is not done without the ordinaunce of God that Christ is put into a newe tombe wherein none had euer bene buryed least the enuye of the Pharisees would falsly haue alledged Christ to haue rysen by the power of an other But in all these things doth the prouidence of God shine forth which styrreth vp the hartes of the Godly to this thing to burye the most holy body of their Christ honourably least it should lye or be cast forth withoute renowne and vnburyed that by the honourable burial the prophecy of Esay in the xi Chapiter mighte be fulfilled saying and his rest shal be gloryous Nowe after hys humiliation and ignominye beganne the tyme of glorification and of a newe and immortall life which Christ the fyrst fruites of thē which ryse agayne from the dead sheweth forth Ioan. xvii The graue is new the linnen white and cleane that all thinges might signifie a certayne newnes vnto those whiche are baptised in the death of Christ being buryed with him in hys death Rom. vi And Marye Magdalene and Marye Iose beheld where he should be layed sitting ouer agaynste the Sepulchre for there followed hym women which came with him from Galiley these sawe the graue and howe hys bodie was layed And they being retourned prepared odours oyntments and they
or by our own w sdome 〈…〉 that we might acknowledge the 〈…〉 benefite of God the opera●●● of 〈…〉 Moreouer from hence may argumēts be takē for the confyrmation of our Christian fayth If any man woulde doubt of the Christian fayth or woulde affyrme it to be but a deceite a collusion as dyd Porphyrius and Symmachus most wicked blasphemers of Christian Religion For if the doctrine of Christ had bene but a guyle then Iudas would neuer haue repented him of his betraying he woulde nothing haue bene ashamed to haue returned to the reaste of the Apostles he had nothing neded to haue restored the money and to saye I haue sinned against Innocente bloude For thieues suche as be wicked although they fall out somtimes among them selues yet are they sone agreed agayne and they renewe theyr frendship But Iudas dareth not retourne agayne to the Apostles but being in despayre hāgeth him selfe And what nede had Peter to haue wept so bitterly neyther would he also haue retourned to the Apostles if his conscience had accused hym of any guile But he was desirous of the truth and a louer of righteousnesse and Thomas followed that which is iust good and righte how so euer he wauered In that Peter therfore is vexed in that Thomas seketh earnestlye requireth greater tokens it is a most stronge argument that the doctrine and religiō of Christ is true and cleaueth to the truth not to coullours or guile The truth which thei see find in Christ draweth them to laboure so diligently to come into his fauour againe The nature condition of a glorified bodye suffreth not to be touched or to be felte but the Sauiour and louer of soules succoureth suche as are weake in fayth He offreth him selfe therfore to be hādled and felte of them to confyrme in them the fayth of his resurrection Thomas is not vtterly vnfaythful but onely doubteth of the resurrection Christ therfore sheweth vnto them the printes and skarres of his woundes that thei might see it was the same body which was crucified on the crosse and to declare vnto thē that he was truly risē frō the dead to a new life and that with the same bodye As though he would say beholde and knowe that euen I I say which suffered and was crucified for you am truly risen againe frō that dead that ye might beleue also that your bodies shal arise agayne This doth Paule vrge when he saith If thou shalt confesse the Lorde Iesus with thy mouth and shalt beleue in thy harte Rom. x. that God raysed hī vp frō the dead thē shalt thou be saued And againe if the spirit which hath raised vp Iesus from the dead do dwell in you F then he whiche hath raised Christ frō the dead wil quickē also your mortall bodies thorough his spirite inhabiting in you Let vs learne also of our head to receaue norish paciently to beare with the weake ones in fayth My lord my god This is the confession of a perfecte true fayth As though he would say Now I know that thou art god in dede whē as thou hast risen agayne frō the dead thou at the last oughtest to be my God forgeue me my incredulitie c. Blessed are they which haue not sene yet beleue namely that doe not see me corporally presēt As though he wold say I wil not alwaies offer my self to be hādled of euery body I wil take away this carnal presence I muste be handled touched by fayth Blessed therfore are they which although they see not my body to haue risē agayne as thou doest which doe not handle it but yet beleue in the meane time that I am verely risē For Christ speaketh of the present occasiō ▪ continueth his argument of his resurrection otherwise what so euer a mā saw not beleued should be faith This I speake bycause of those which wreste the words of Christ to the sacrament of the holy supper will proue by these words that theyr fayth is better whiche beleue that the bodye of Christ is in the bread thē theirs is which saye that the bread is but a signe of the body They marke not that Christ speaketh not here of the holy supper but to fortifie the faith of the resurrettion He that beleueth that Christ was crucified that he also arose againe this man is blessed although he see it not with his corporal eyes as Thomas dyd Otherwise there should be two wayes to saluatiō One to beleue that Christ suffred for vs rose agayne an other to beleue that the body of Christ is in the bread But there is none whiche vnderstandeth not how great an absurditie this is not agreable to fayth Here is also to be noted that in these wordes bicause thou hast sene me thou also beleuest this word beleue is here takē not proprely but improprely Heb. 11. For that which a mā seeth the same he beleueth not For Paule saith that fayth is the substance certeinty of an inuisible thing Fayth therefore is here takē for experience to beleue For to try And many other signes did Iesus c. As though Iohn would saye I haue diligently set forth and writtē the actes of Christ although not al for who cā do that Neuerthelesse those thinges whiche are writtē are sufficient for oure saluation namely such thinges as pertaine to the Godhed humaine nature of Christ to his doctrine miracles finally what so euer pertayneth to the true fayth whereby we are saued and also to obtaine euerlasting life He which beleueth not these things which are left neither woulde he beleue other things if they shoulde be written These things therfore suffice the beleuers neither seeke they for any more thinges For the which cause suche thinges as the Euangeliste testifieth to be writtē for our saluatiō must bee red and marked of vs with greate reuerence earnest studye Let vs daye night be conuersaunt in these things meditating of thē that our fayth may be supported that our hope may be established charitie may be kindled paciēce exercised obedience modestie all other good spirituall giftes aduaunced But they be fooles yea and vngodly whiche go aboute to proue by these wordes that it is lawful for these Popes to deuise and imagen certayne other thynges of their owne heade to fill vp the place of such thinges as are here lefte oute For Iohn the Euaungeliste hath in briefe comprehended the whole some of Christian Religion namelye that Christe is the true Sonne of GOD which for our saluatiō came downe from heauen and was dead and rose agayne and prepared for vs eternall life what can they adde to these thynges ¶ Afterward did Iesus shewe him selfe againe at the sea of Tiberias and on this wise shewed he him felfe There were together Simō Peter Thomas whiche is called Didimus and Nathanaell of Cana in Galile and the
rested on the Sabboth day according to the commaūdement But the nexte daye that followed the preparation of the passeouer the high priestes and Pharisees assembled vnto Pilate saying Syr we remēber that that deceauer said while he was yet aliue After three dayes I will ryse agayne Commaunde therefore that the sepulchre be made sure vntill the thyrde daye least his Disciples come steale him away and saye vnto the people He is rysen from the dead and so shall the last error be worse then the fyrst Pilate sayde vnto them ye haue a watch go and make it as sure as ye can And they went theyr waies and made the Sepulchre sure sealed the stone and set watche men to kepe it IN these women is an example of Godlynesse and diligente loue as they had followed the Lorde in hys lyfe tyme so doe they not forsake hym when he is dead They runne and watche with a Godlye pensiuenesse hauyng an earnest care to annoynte hys bodye This example ought we to followe for there is no let but that we may bestowe this godlines vpon Christ but yet in his membres for that he after this is no more with vs in his body Let not vs be ashamed to serue Christ to be liberall vnto the poore Let it not repente vs if any thyng depart frō our goods whē as we may see that he hath geuen his life for vs which doth so much commend the poore vnto vs when as we may see also these women honest mē to haue spared no coste for to bury the body of Christe moste honourablye For we learne here what great griefe sorowe they had which dare not cōfesse Christ openly for feare yet neuerthelesse they cease not to runne priuily to watch to admonishe and to helpe that they might doe Christ seruice at the leaste by some waye We which may professe the doctrine of Christ frely without feare daūger ought to pray for these to helpe thē with our seruice succour thē with our benefites to chearish thē in cōforting thē exhorting c. Cōtrarilie in the priestes Pharisees is set forth an example of enuie for they wer not yet fatisfied with the putting of Christ to death but also they muste persecute him being now dead shadowe his glorye They are tossed with infernall madnes with enuie feare curiositie The vngodly are inwardly vexed fearefull how so euer outwardlye they set a face on the matter We remēber say they that that deceauer c. Such bitter words doth enuie vse til it come to destruction The Pharisaicall infidelitie had perswaded to it selfe that the light sauior of the world was a deceauer They be like vnto those which crye also nowe of dayes that the doctrine of the Gospel is heresie And if so be that Christ be a seducer and a deceauer what nede these wicked mē to be affeard of him Doth God raise vp deceauers frō death Wil god assiste those which cleaue vnto lies No truly What are they affrayed of thē This feare declareth that they beleued otherwise thē they confessed by mouth thei cal him a deceauer but yet thei iudge hī to be somwhat more noble their conscience putteth thē in remembrāce that he was the sonne of God or at the least greater thē a man And if it so be that thei were persuaded that he was the Sonne of God why then did they crucifie him So the vngodlye do alwaies shew forth in some parte that they knowe and beleue that thyng to bee true which thei impugne persecute pursue So Herode feared least Iohn wer risen again So also an other Herode feared leaste a childe new borne should possesse the kingdome Thei make safe seale the sepulchre but what they brought to passe by all these things the honourable Resurrection of Christ doth ynough declare Vaine therfore ar the enterprises of the vngodly which labour to oppresse to quenche the truth For there is no councell against the Lord the truth cā not be oppressed but it appeareth alwayes more bright Let no mā therfore be affeard of the power of the world though it be neuer so great the Lord is strōger mightier he which cleaueth vnto him shal neuer be put to shame Here followeth the historye of the Resurrection and Ascention of Christe ANd whē the sabboth day was past in the euen of the Sabboth Marye Magdalene Mary the mother of Iames Salome bought odours that thei mighte come embaulme him And vpō an euening of the sabboths which dawneth of one of the sabboths namely the fyrste daye of the Sabbothes when it was yet darke they came to see the Sepulchre And they came very early in the morning vpō the first day of the Sabbothes when the sōne was risen And beholde there was a great earthquake for the Aungel of the Lorde descended from heauen came and rolled backe the stone frō the dore and sat vpon it and hys countenaunce was like lyghtening and hys raymente whyte as snowe for feare of whom the kepers were astonyshed became as deade men And behold some of the kepers came into the cytie shewed vnto the high priests all the thyngs that had happened And they gathered thē together with the elders and tooke coūsel gaue money largely to the soldiers saying Say ye that hys disciples came by night and stole him awaye when ye were a sleape And if this come to the presidēts eares we will perswade him saue you harmles So they tooke the money and did as they were taughte and this sayeng is noysed amōgst the Iewes vnto thys daye Then the women when they were on theyr way sayd amongest thēselues who shall role away the stone from the dore of the sepulchre For it was a verye great one and when they looked they saw how the stone was rolled awaye frō the dore of the sepulchre And they wēt into the sepulchre but found not the body of Iesus but they saw a yonge mā sytting on the right hād clothed in a white garmēt and they were afrayed And the aungell aunsweared and said vnto the women Feare ye not I know that ye seke Iesus of Nazareth which was crucified he is risē he is not here he is risen I say euen as he tolde you come see the place where they layed him But go your waies tel his disciples Peter that he goth before you into Galiley there shal ye se him as he sayd vnto you THe history of the resurrectiō of our sauior Iesu christ is painfully most diligētly writē theuangelists namely for the vse of the church Wherin is prīcipally declared how that hūble despised Iesus beīg crucified betwene thieues is glorified after his death to what renowm he is exalted vnto For neyther could deth hold him Heb. 3. which hath abolished both deth also him which hath dōiniō ouer deth hath made thē free as many as throgh feare