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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A19624 A lasting ievvell, for religious woemen In the summe of a sermon, preached at the funerall of mistris Mary Crosse, late wife of Mr. Henry Crosse of Barnestaple in the countie of Deuon merchant, Nouemb. 11. 1628. and now published with some additions. With a briefe description of her life and death. By William Crompton, preacher of the Word of God at Barnestaple in Deuon. Crompton, William, 1599?-1642. 1630 (1630) STC 6058; ESTC S117122 20,905 44

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sowe in their Children the seedes of pride and idlenes by keeping them in the fashion for their haire face attire gesture complement c. neglecting the old fashion after which God made them to set them vp on high the churlish thistles daughter must marry with the Cedars sonne only for his height plodding to leaue them rich though gracelesse a greater fault there is in some other parents whose indeauour is to dishearten and hinder their forward children in good courses like the Scribes and Pharisees will neither enter heauen nor suffer those that would I aduise children to honour their parents because of our precept but God more because of many parents are deare Christ dearer their loue precious his inestimable the parents care may adorne the body this feare of the Lord is the soules ornament Secondly this serues to vnuaile the deformed pouertie of such women as want this Iewell though faire yet faithlesse and may be compared to an Irish bogge or quagmire which appeares greene and solid till it be tried then opens her mouth to deuoure the passenger such are faire rich women without grace to looke vnto they are like a bed of downe to touch like a bundle of the sharpest thornes whosoeuer deales with them had better grapple with a nest of snakes their ornaments are all outward and such as are indeede the disgrace of Christianitie borrowing poudering frizeling and cutting of their haire naked breasts ear-rings nose-iewels with strange fantasticke fashions yet what a gay show doe such make esteeming themselues no meane persons no more they are not for they are alwaies in extreames how haughtie are they walking with stretched-forth neckes wanton eyes tripping nicely as they goe how are they admired by simple ones that know them not when as there is nothing in them praise-worthy it must needs bee folly fl●ttery or both to commend them if wee giue them the fruit of their hands and let their owne workes speake for them what a haruest must they reape will they not blush to heare and see pride idlenesse lust drunkennesse laid before them as their owne Oh consider this yee back-sliding proud wanton wine-bibbing loud-speaking daughters the fruit of your hand shall be giuen you when nothing can be spoken of you but will dispraise you here and after death your name and memory shall rott away it is not a bare out-side will praise you nor painting that can preserue you your muffes ruffes laces lawnes perfumes rings bracelets with the rest of that deceitfull burthen a compleatly fashionable woman in our age beares a little packe about her laid aside what is left but a barren carcasse that neuer did nor is like to receiue any good without speedy repentance and reformation Let no vertuous Matrons be discouraged hereby nothing is spoken against yea I haue comfort for them in store Feare not yee I know you feare and seeke the Lord Iesus and what can daunt you should pouertie Christ is your riches sicknesse Christ is your health contempt in this world honoured you are and shall be in heauen want of a good complexion alas it is nothing and it may be it is in mercy those that haue it sinne more about it and encrease sinners amongst men or of due proportion amongst the partes of the body mee thinkes a little grace doth abundantly supply all defects in nature a woeman that feares God appeares alwaies most amiable and louely though in bodie neuer so deformed let this Iewell of the soule comfort you against all other crosses though you had nothing else in this world glorie in this that you know and feare the Lord. I may stay no longer here let me exhort you that haue heard or by any other meanes shall heare what I haue deliuered this day to affect true prayse bee wiues indeed and truth like helpfull parts in a liuing body not in name and shew onely like artificiall eyes which supplying the roome performe no part of the office of an eye wiues neglecting their dutie when they should be helpfull become hurtfull are but the shadowes of wiues and were they shadowes onely it were well with those that haue them if you would haue the reward doe the worke of good wiues seeke the chiefest Iewell weare the best ornament then know though fauour be deceitfull and beautie vanitie yet a woeman that feares the Lord shall be praised We all stand bound to acknowledge this grace in those woemen on whom God hath bestowed it husbands children neighbours yea the whole Church must giue them the fruit of their hands whence arises for our instruction this third and last conclusion That it is a necessary no arbitrary action to giue vertuous women their due commendation beautie is vanitie and fauour deceitfull not worthy naming but a woman that feares the Lord shee shall bee praised that is acknowledged for such and commended besides this precept we find the spirit of God hath practised it else-where it is storied of Ruth Ruth 3.11 that all the people of the Citie did know her for a vertuous woeman that is acknowledge commend and praise her of Abigail 1. Sam. 25.3 that she was a woman of a good vnderstanding in the booke of Kings 2. Kings 4.9 we find the good Shunamite commended and our blessed Sauiour himselfe enioynes it to bee done of one woman Math. 26.13 for a good worke performed by her wheresoeuer this Gospell shall be preached in the whole world there also shall this that this woman hath done be told for a memoriall of her So of Tabitha the spirit records Acts 9.36 that she was full of good workes and almes-deeds which she did Neither is it without Gods guiding prouidence but by speciall direction that humane histories haue beene such faithfull records of the acts of vertuous woemen I confesse some haue impiously dipt their pens ouer-deepe in the waters of Marah going to describe the female sexe so painfully publishing their owne disgrace Suetonius makes mention of Claudia who seeing her father riding through the streets of Rome to be pluckt from his triumphant Chariot by the Tribunes with a masculine boldnesse freed him from their hands placed him againe in his seate and neuer left till shee saw him receiued withall magnificent pompe into the Capitoll Solinus mentions another Romane Lady who when her mother was committed to straight prison by the Triumuiri there to be starued to death shee nourisht her with the milke of her owne brest Plinie tels vs of another who did the like vnto her owne condemned Father Wee read of Alceste that died to saue the life of her husband Admetus drawing from her owne chaste breast such and so many solid drops of blood as erected for her selfe a liuing monument of honour to out-last time the like instance I find in Iulia the wife of Pompey mentioned by Plutarch in Portia the wife of Brutus commended to vs by Valerius Maximinus and in Pompeia Paulina the wife of Seneca with
without this all the rest are little worth chuse no wife praise none chosen without some signes of grace some manifestation of the power of Religion Thirdly it is required she be obedient humble chaste sober discreete in her carriage and outward behauiour obserue a woman in her house table and furniture for order and dsposition of things left to her trust in her cloathing going laughing and talking and you may quickly discerne her what she is in these as in a glasse the minde is represented formall hypocrites faile manifestly in some of these when an honest heart keepes a decorum in all Secondly you may iudge of a woman by what you heare of her not from euery tongue some inuent to publish what may please their owne or the itching fancie of an il-willing neighbour some passe sentence rashly without Iudgement or experience vpon heare-say from others as bad as them selues so fame becomes a liar but from the best and most iudicious who are so obseruant of good things that a gracious woman cannot misse a good report where ere she liues Feare not omit not to giue such a one the fruit of her hands and let her owne workes praise her in the gates A sort of men there haue beene and are a viperous broode of degenerating Adamites who doe so basely deiect woeman-kinde as to thinke and say nothing they can doe is praise-worthy so their actions though painfull and pious neuer come in remembrance to be spoken of or in a cold slight and scornefull manner onely how highly these offend and dishonour God Almightie in denying them the worke of their owne handes and disesteeming that exact part of his workemanship I would they knew enuying the good they might see in them or fretting at their praise Notwithstanding this vnnaturall spight and wicked behauiour of some men in denying women due praise and giuing them the heauy fruit of their vnmanly hands beating in stead of praising who haue their reward what comfort and encouragement should the consideration of this Scripture yeeld to godly vertuous and religious woemen though men should not yet God you see doth respect you hee hath done it and will continually raise vp others to giue you the fruit of your hands onely remember to doe worthily in Ephrata Ruth 4.11 and you shall be famous in Bethelem You cannot lose the reward of wel-doing 1. Cor. 15. vlt. your labour is not in vaine in the Lord sowe nothing you will be ashamed to receiue Gal. 6.7.8 9 10. in due season you shall reape if you faint not your owne good workes of pietie and charitie done during life though all things else should conspire in a sinfull silence shall speake and praise you in the gates Of the Text hitherto And now for conclusion it may bee expected and is as it hath beene a commendable custome in this and other Churches in the purest season I should adde something in particular concerning the occasion of our meeting which is to interre the Corps ere-while containing a vertuous soule of Mistris Marie Crosse And were not my purpose such I should be iniurious to her name vniust to her desert and first of all giue ill example in thwarting my owne Doctrine which I hope through Gods grace enabling I willingly neuer shall It is no arbitrary but a necessary dutie to giue this good woeman some part of her due commendation for the comfort of the shruiming friends and the encouragement of many vertuous Matrons left behinde To name the Text onely were sufficient Fauour is deceitfull and beautie vanitie but a woman that feares the Lord shall be praysed You are all perswaded I doubt not she was a woman that feared the Lord heartily and therefore must be praised deale iustly with her giue her the fruit of her hands and let vs permit her owne good workes to speake for her and praise her in the gates For my owne part as Peter and Iohn answered the Scribes and Rulers Acts 4.20 I cannot but speake of her the good things I haue heard and seene willing and resoluing as Ierome concerning Marcella to praise nothing in her but what was truely made her owne by the gift of God What Boaz said of Ruth in her is fitly verified You haue all long knowne her to bee a vertuous Matron euery way commendable whether wee consider her as a Woeman as a Wife or as a Christian As a Woman with her Birth and Parentage I was neuer acquainted this I know what the Scripture speakes of Abigail applies it selfe vnto her she was a Woman of a good vnderstanding wise iust sober chaste louing discreete in all her actions temperate in wordes in pleasure diet apparell from faults I exempt her not sinnes shee had inward corruptions whereof she would often complaine with teares else we nor shee had beene here to day As a Wife you haue beene eye-witnesses of her dutifull obedience submissiue and reuerend behauiour indued she was with a great measure of patience carefull to content her Husband gouerne her house and to bring vp her children in the feare of the Lord reading to them examining of them in the grounds and principles of Religion the practice of euery good woman according to abilitie so spending spare houres when others were at the Gossips play neither was it labour in vaine Gods blessing in her Children was one of her chiefest comforts to her dying day As a Christian she hath beene an ancient Disciple a professour of Religion in the power thereof and a practitioner of pietie in truth and sinceritie this was her onely ioy comfort else being wondrous sickly shee had but little in this world ornaments with other feminine toyes shee esteemed none in comparison of this Iewell much good I haue obserued in her my selfe but haue heard much more admiring the truth and power of God that some should praise her for her pious deuotion and religious behauiour who yet were neuer guiltie of any good Three things especially are reported of her by faithfull witnesses First that she spent constantly some part of euery day in reading and meditating on the word of God and that shee read ouer the Bible this last halfe yeare before her death as if her commission had run thus read my will once more and then come home a shame to such who haue liued in health many whole yeares and hitherto haue neuer read it ouer many vse their booke a little on the Lords day turne to places cited as if they would note them for future meditation but returning home the booke is laid vp in a spare roome nere troubled more till some seruant come to shake off the dust that it be fit for publike vse in the eye of the Church with such formalities God is not pleased if she be blessed for delighting in the law of God day and night as she did what are they Secondly that she would not sleepe on the Lords day no not in the greatest extremitie of her last sicknesse notwithstanding that her weake body was chiefly sustained by sleepe and her friends and Children would often perswade to it vrging Gods gracious acceptance of the will for the deed where abilitie was wanting to actuate good desires howsoeuer in the iudgement of the strictest Diuines it is very lawfull and tolerable yet in the exuberance of her zeale her answere still was thus or to this effect no she would not yeeld that day to sleepe it was the Lords day the Soules market-market-day if I lose this day what shall the Soule feede on all the weeke after How should I answere it if my Lord should come and call to take mee hence finding mee this day sleeping I will not doe it can I not watch one houre the health of body I both respect and desire preferring still the welfare of the soule and though I cannot spend it as I would being Gods prisoner yet my endeauour shall not be wanting in heart and minde to ioyne with the publike assembly and such indeed her manner was to spend the whole day when she could not goe to Church her lingring disease did stay her long and often in prayer reading and meditation a shame to such among vs that prophanely mis-spend the Lords day sleeping all the morning securely till the Bell cals them as if putting on of our best cloathes and running away were all nothing else required when some preparation is as necessary as the seruice he shall bring home but little good that goes to market without money in his purse greater shame to such as come to sleepe in the Church her zeale would not permit her to sleepe in great weakenesse on her bed alone where none could be offended Gods awfull presence cannot keepe you from sleeping in health in Gods house amongst a multitude where many are offended thereby if her vigilancie bee to be admired take heede least Iudgement finde you napping Thirdly that she obserued constant houres euery day for priuate prayer on her knees euen when for very weakenesse shee could not rise againe till some came in to helpe her vp Oh happy Soldier thy warre is ended victory wonne and the crowne obtained sing deare Saint the songs of Zion thy teares are washt away enioy thy rest I could delightfully stay here to admire this free prisoner in her heauenly conuersation till the houre of her desired dissolution To behold in a weake leane dying body true beautie and to obserue the picture of pietie in this spirituall anatomie how welcome is weakenesse when accompanied with such strength of grace but me thinkes I see already your eyes full and the glasse emptie I may not stay One thing I would request of her Husband and Children before I leaue and that is they would make knowne vnto the world their loue dutie and respect vnto her by imitation of her in pietie humilitie sobrietie frugalitie and loue towards Gods Children follow her in grace you shall follow her to glory and let this be ingrauen on her Tombe As she liued in the feare of the Lord. So shee dyed in the feare of the Lord. Lastly to conclude in a word to you all my right dearely beloued if you like this that you haue heard to day and desire so much might be spoken of you after death goe home and do likewise sell all you haue for this Iewell shake off your dearest sinne liue in the feare of the Lord you shall dye in his fauour the fruit of your hands shall bee giuen you and your owne workes shall praise you in the gates Soli Deo Gloria FINIS
feare of God 1. Timo. 2.9.10 with good workes seconded by his partner in labour 1. Pet. 3.4 whose adorning speaking of good woemen let it not be that outward of plaiting the hayre wearing of gold or putting on of apparell but let it be the hiden man of the heart in that which is not corruptible euen the ornament of a meeke and quiet spirit which is in the sight of God of great price Let common woemen gull themselues and others with paynted shewes euery vertuous matron knowes good workes to be a better ornament then cut or plaited haire pearles gold or costly array many simple ones either know not or beleeue not this obserue them strutting with their spangled foreheads as peacocks vse to doe with their tailes haue nothing to glory in but what is borrowed from the Creature wanting the chiefest Iewell all the rest are as filthy rags This truth will further appeare vnto vs if we consider first that which the Scripture speakes of the feare of the Lord in those seuerall places cited Psal 19.9 Prou. 1.7.10 27 14 27. Math. 13. ●5 ●6 1. Tim. Philip. 4.11 wherby we may easily discerne the excellencie of it Secondly that sweet contentation of mind with our portion allotted as with what wee are and haue beautifull or deformed riches or pouertie which followes as an effect of this feare it hath the promise of this life and that to come Godlines with contentment is great gaine heereby was S. Paul taught in what estate soeuer he was to be contented therewith and good reason for as the Prophet tels vs there is no want to them that feare him they want not beautie riches pleasure nor content Christ is all in all vnto them Thirdly The continuance of this Iewell it endures for euer hauing the promise of both Kingdomes this of grace the other of glory when fauour deceiues and beauty failes the feare of the Lord endures without change when all other pleasures leaue a dampe behind the feare of the Lord onely makes rich and hee addes no sorrow with it Fourthly the desire of the best woemen in euery age seeking to attaine it rather then beautie riches foode or rayment whose actions are for your imitation let others pin plait and paint spend you these precious howers in prayer Let Martha bee troubled with many things take you Maries choice it will bring Marthaes gaine without her trouble Like as Salomon asking wisedome obtained also honour riches long life so fals it out with those that feare the Lord it brings with it all other necessaries fauour and beautie may bee without the feare of God the feare of God not without them and as it was a chiefe part of wisedome in Salomon to desire wisedome so is it a speciall part of holy policie in woemen to chuse the feare of the Lord 1. Cor. 15. vlt. as their chiefest ornament God will adde the rest no man euer serued the Lord in vaine In the application of this doctrine wee find matter first to informe woemen what they should most earnestly seeke after if they would be good wiues and bring a lasting portion with them to their husbands The feare of the Lord. Math. 6.33 It is the Command of our Sauiour strengthened by a promise seeke first the Kingdome of Heauen and all other things shall be added vnto you this makes woemen most louely and onely praise-worthy their presence highly esteemed during life and their memory honoured after death this makes woemen shine in the darkest age fruitfull in euery good worke conscionable in their wayes both toward God and man obserue and you shall find how pious such are vnto God dutifull to their husbands carefull of their houshold teaching Children guiding seruants giuing good example to both patternes of humility in speech going attire They are helpefull hopefull euery way beautifull I want Epithetes to expresse their excellency a woman with this Iewell is one of the greatest outward blessings to man on earth prouided it hang not in the tounge nor at the eare onely but in the heart The Question onely here will be how this Iewell may be knowne Answere By these or some of these three things First by antecedents or things going before First knowledge of God his will presence iustice mercie of our selues what we haue wee should not haue what we want that we should haue Secondly sorrow of heart for what we perceiue amisse Thirdly desire of amendment which we must feele before we can attaine it Fourthly enquirie after and diligently vse the meanes hearing and reading of the word of God with prayer and meditation Secondly by some properties which are first to inlighten the vnderstanding in some measure according to the capabilitie of the subiect Secondly to purifie the heart not from the being but from the raigne of sinne Thirdly to heate and enkindle zeale in the affection for Gods glory Fourthly to direct in the right way to heauen like as the Load-stone turnes the singer towards the North soe this feare of God makes women still looke vnto Christ that they may safely saile betweene the dangerous rockes of doubtfull and vnlawfull things Thirdly by some Consequents as first to hate euery sinne and foule fashion of the world so soone as knowne Secondly to delight in the practice of sincere obedience without partialitie hypocrisie formalitie or temporizing neuteralitie to be more in deedes then words to doe more at home then abroade Thirdly to make conscience of both these to eschew euill and doe good in obedience vnto God 2. Question But how may this Iewell bee attained Answere First by meditation vpon the former particulars secondly by practice and that is first remotion of all lets and hinderances with the wise Merchant we must part with all wee haue to buy this pearle Secondly resolution to doe what euer the Lord commands vs in his word both for time and manner without distinction pretence or exception Secondly to teach men what they should most affect and praise in woemen not riches or beautie though both the gifts of God Did you know the worth of a vertuous wife her fidelity sedulitie sobrietie humilitie patience sweet carriage and behauiour you would seeke her more greedily then any hungry Spaniard doth the Indian gold or any amorous wanton his deceitfull minion know this further woemen would not offend so much about their faces did not men offend first in excessiue praises of their fading beauty Thirdly to stirre vp the parents care by their godly endeauour to leaue this portion to euery one of their Daughters you would haue your children doe things praise-worthy then giue them good example teach them the feare of the Lord and they shall bee praised God hath spoken the present sight of a vertuous face is more delightfull then gold or laud the one as vncertaine respects the body only the other as a lasting Iewell regardes both body and soule But alas the greatest care in many parents is to