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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A02730 The tragicall life and death of Muley Abdala Melek the late King of Barbarie With a proposition, or petition to all Christian princes, annexed therevnto: VVritten by a gentleman imployed into those parts. Harrison, John, fl. 1610-1638. 1633 (1633) STC 12860; ESTC S116606 16,742 32

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arme vvhom he had killed broyled it on the coales and did eate it The King of Gagoes son not ouer a day or tvvo before the Kings death some say the same day drinking together because he vvas not able to pledge him so much as he drunk being all aqua vitae for so must euerie one doe as he did and drinke as he did caused the vvhole bole full of aqua vitae to be giuen him backvvard like a glister till it reversed in their faces againe that gaue it Hauing not long before made him to stand tvvo daies and tvvo nights in the vvater And before throvvne dovvne an other of the sons from the vvals of Saffia and broke his thigh Vnder a colour of going a hawking vvould lie vvhole daies and nights abroad in the fields a drinking And before his death manie daies nights together God hauing bereaued him of his vnderstāding as he did Nebuchadnezer and driuen him from men to dwell vvith the beasts of the field Yea he himself not long before hauing driuen avvaie from him all his most trustie servants saue one or tvvo committed to prison And vvithall a vvatchfull dog vvhich he loued fed vvith his ovvne hand for some small offence he tooke likevvise committed to prison vvith them commaunding he should but haue so much bread and vvater a daie All these his vvatchmen at once sequestred from him and the other so ouer toyled vvearied vvith vvatching day night perhaps also vvearie of him as vvere others all seemed to conspire his death Plotted as it seemeth before by some of the Elchies or renegadoes vvhom the King had threatned the next time he came to his house in Morocco to cut and make Eunuches to the number of two hundreth vvhereof they vvere sore affraid And therefore one among the rest a Frenchman as is reported vvatched his opportunitie vvhen the King came back to his tent at night hauing been all the day abroad a drinking and vvith a peece chardged vvith tvvo chained bullets shot him in by the fundament and privie members into the bodie as he vvas lying along in his tent A iust iudgement of God in respect of that glister of aqua vitae he gaue to the King of Gagoes Son threatning likevvise the elchies as before As also in respect of that abhominable impudent and filthie act he did at Saffia to those poore vvomen But chiefly vvhich God in the end vvill punish vpon those Mahometans both Turks and Moores in causing poore Christians boyes and others to be circumcised perforce yea cut and made eunuches A iust iudgement of God I say of all those Tyrants both Turkes Moores and others to be trembled at and so I leaue him Immediatly after his death his younger brother Muley Elvvallid vvas saluted King being at that time a prisoner in the Alcasaua the Kings house in Morocco expecting dailie nothing els but death VVherevpon some of his frends as at such a time and in such a case all are frends happie he that can be the first and svviftest Messenger running in all hast to the prison doore and crying out aloud to him to come forth he thinking it had been to execution to be put to death lingering excusing himself that he vvould but take leaue of his vvife and make himself readie vvhich he did only to die they calling and crying more and more at length he came forth and so vvas pregoned and proclaimed King of a prisoner I say on a sodaine become a King Of a far more soft nature disposition than his brother yet cruell and Tyrannous to poore Christians and to the English vvhom of late he hath most Barbarously entreated some of them Eight at once taken and circumcised perforce beaten vvounded and one mans head almost cut of to make them turne Moores and forsake their faith The rest fearefull dailie expecting the like measure as by letters latelie vvritten from the Merchants there may appeare vvhich I reserue vvith other passages to a further account leauing them to his mercie vvhich indeed is crueltie For the mercies of the vvicked are cruelties and him and them to God to iudge betwixt them which in time might haue been preuented by a seasonable dispatch long since expected the losse of so manie poore Christian soules as necessarie I dare say as some other dispatches if the bodies and soules of Christians be esteemed of any value novv a daies as they are in Gods sight right precious precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints And novv vvill I addresse my selfe vvith this Proposition and petition herevnto annexed to Christian Princes to condole and commiserate the distressed or rather desperate estate of these most miserable or rather more than miserable creatures if more may be not only the English but all other nations vvho this long time haue indured a most miserable and intollerable slauerie vnder these infidels both Turks and Moores and are like to doe more and more if not prevented VVhich I pray God at length they may take into their Christian consideration AMEN A PROPOSITION AND PETITION TO ALL CHRISTIAN Princes and States Professours and Defenders of the true Christian faith against all Antichristian povvers and principallities As vvell the Pope and his adherents as the Turk his Vassals the Mahometans both the one the other novv in these last daies to be vtterly destroyed and the Kingdome of Iesus Christ to be erected neuer to be destroyed but to indure and triumph euen to the end of the VVorld according to Daniels Prophecie 2. 44. And our Sauiours likevvise Mat. 24. 14. This Gospel of the Kingdome shall be preached in all the vvorld for a vvitnes vnto all nations and then shall the end come MOST HIGH AND MIGHTIE PRINCES Hauing been heretofore diuers times imployed into Barbarie for the redeeming of poore Christians out of Slauerie and other affaires and hauing been an eye-vvitnes of those great miseries or rather indignities don to those poore Christians in those Countries by that Barbarous people indignities I say not to be vttered not to be expressed but rather vailed ouer as did that painter the sorovvfull and mournefull or rather more than mournefull countenance of that heathen Prince for his daughter adiudged to be sacrificed to that heathen Goddesse or rather Idoll by no painters pensill to be expressed More than mournefull I say maiora lachrymis so manie poore Christians dailie taken by those infidels Turks and Moores and caried captiues into those cruell lions dens as sheepe appointed for the slaughter bought and sold in the merket as beasts and not men and devoured by those blooddie monsters vvhose soules lie vnder the Altar daily sacrificed to those heathen deuills crying Hovv long o Lord holie and true doest thou not iudge and auenge our blood on them that dvvell on the earth Yea beaten and tormented euen to death to make them forsake their faith as not only men but children also haue been
his Almahalla hauing been all the daie abroad drinking as he vsed and coming riding in late at night vpon the spur as he passed by the ordnance vvhereof the English had the chardge he commaunded on the sodaine svvearing a great English oath giue fire vvhich they presentlie did they durst doe no othervvise so shot avvaie his ovvne vncle being in companie vvith him all to peeces His yongest brother yea and his ovvne yong sonne sometimes vvould he hang vp by the legs and beate them vvith his ovvne hands No merveile then if he vvere cruell to others being so vnnaturall to his owne flesh and blood Euerie daie must see blood blood shed vvere it but of a hen els not satisfied Possessed as some of the Moores haue told me manie are that he vvas vvith a she deuill frequent amongst them as it seemeth amongst the heathen in times past vvhereof a heathen philosopher writeth a set treatise of Incubus and succubus And the partie vvho told me this said that one daie going a hawking hauing other Moores vvith him one follovving a good distance in the high vvaie on a sodaine stood still and not long after they savv a smoake arise in the same place vvhereat they vvondered vvent back finding the man much amazed Asking the reason he said a vvoman met him there verie faire in good attyre vvho offered herself to be his wife he ansvvered he had one alreadie she replyed he might take an other for so the Moores may by their lavv being verie importunate vvith him at length looking dovvnevvards perceiued her clubbed feet vvhat she vvas wherevpon he vvent back and absolutly refused and therevpon she vanished in that maner in a great snuffe The man presently therevpon falling sick and so continued a good vvhile Hovv true this is I can not say but vvas reported to me verie seriously and for a certaintie But of this I am sure that the deuill can transforme himself into an Angel of light much more take vpon him the shape of a man or a vvoman as God permitteth to delude those that obey not the truth And this likevvise I knovve to be true and certaine that he is both a lyer the Father of lyes and a murderer from the beginning euer a thirst and neuer satisfied vvith blood And therefore no merveile if this tyrant vvere so possessed as before that euerie daie he must see blood els not satisfied And if euery day hovv much blood may be thought he shed in that time of his life raigne Sometimes he vvould cut of mens heads vvith his ovvne hands and vvith his ovvne sharp svvord saying those vvhom he commaunded did not cut them of vvell and at once vvhich don vvould aske one of the Englishmen if it vvere not vvell done he must say yea Muley Yea six or seauen mens heads in one day Once by euermuch drinking distempered in his bodie hauing his armes and hands benummed his Doctor persvvaded him to enter into a bath After his bathing meeting vvith one of his concubines drevv out his svvord and cut of her head to trie the strength of his arme if it vvere sound againe Also an other for going out of her bite or chamber to the next doore to one of her fellovves for the Moores are iealous euen of their vvomen and vvill not suffer them to companie together Made one man stand still vvhile he threvv stones at his face threatning if he offered to stir or moue he vvould cut of his head So likevvise abroad in the fields ofttimes vvould cause some one of his seruants to lie dovvne grovelling sit vpon him in steed of a stoole a vvhole night together drinking and the man durst not for his life stir And some to stand by him vvhole daies and nights vvithout moouing hand or foote othervvise vvould haue cut of their heads VVould cause men to be drubbed or beaten almost to death in his presence vvhich vvas but a common gentle correction fiue or six hundreth blovves at once and after they must kisse the ground giue him thanks To whom in this particular others likevvise I may paralel a great Lord in this part of the vvorld vvho hauing slaine an other in a privat duell and vpon iust occasion offered taxed by one to vvhom he had don vvrong disgracing disabling him and that in an open assemblie displacing him too and therefore had the partie reason there also to right himself and reply par pari referre and disable him likevvise for shedding of blood vvhich by the Lavv of God is murder caused the partie to be committed to prison closse prisoner at the first and there kept and fed vvith the bread of affliction till in the end he vvas forced his imprisonment and punishment both of bodie and purse besides the disgrace no sufficient satisfaction to kisse the ground that is make an humble submission and subscribe that he had offended and abused his Lordship vvith opprobrious and vnciuill language c. that is to say that the Lavv of God is an opprobrious vnciuill language vvhich saith He that smiteth an other vvith an instrument of yron that he dy is a murderer c. vvhich submission he novv vtterly disclaimeth as most blasphaemous against God his Lavv don of infirmity and by dares of imprisonment hauing no meanes at all to maintaine himself any longer in prison but there to starve praying God to forgiue him and them likevvise vvho imposed it To vvhom euen to that great God that great Lord ought rather to make submission for violating his holie Lavv as David did a King and vvas not ashamed I haue sinned c. yea and after fell to the ground and kissed the ground vvith manie teares Therefore is he a saint in heauen and Muley Abdala Melek and all such bloodie tyrants murderers vvithout repentance deuills in hell For Topheth is praepared of old euen for Kings and Lords too if they repent not For vvith God there is no respect of persons Nor vvas vvith this King Muley Abdala Melek in the cruell course of his tyrannie vvherevnto all both great and small vvere subject Yea he vvould cause some to be beaten on the soles of their feet and after make them run vp and dovvne among the stones and thornes And so also vsed some that vvere lame hurt pulling of there shooes making them run barefooted in such places or els vvould cut of their heads Did cause one of his Alkaids his chieffe falconer to be drubbed and beaten manie hundreth blovves on the buttocks as himself told me and after forced him to ride in that painfull maner after him a havvking Also the same Alkaid told me that the girth of his sadle being broken and he allighted an other Alkaid comming to help him and holding his stirrop the King called that Alkaid to him and caused him to be drubbed for holding his stirrop and not long after the like occasion falling out againe caused the same
forced and are daily taken perforce I say and circumcised yea made Eunuches and so disabled at once both from being men and Christian men othervvise most shamefullie abused by those filthy sodomites not to be vttered Quis Italia fando c. temperet a lachrymis Indignities I say maiora lachrymis don not onlie to those poore Christians but euen to Christ Iesus himself and his vvhole Church and so to be apprehended vvithout any Nationall difference vvhose members vve all are and ought to haue a fellovv-feeling of one an others miseries or els vve are no Christians at all nor vvorthy that name I say hauing been an eye-vvitnes of those great miseries and indignities don to the poore members of Iesus Christ and consequently to himselfe as a poore member of his bodie I could not but be sensible thereof And present the bodies and soules of those poore members of Christ like that Leuite in the booke of Iudges dismembred cut in peeces and quartered to the eyes likevvise of all the tribes of Israel that is to say the vvhole church of Christ both Prince and people of vvhat nation soeuer all members of that his mysticall bodie all alyke interest therein obliged like the Israelites to ioyne together as one man to right and revenge euen vvith the hazard of their liues estates these so great injuries and indignities consider of it take aduice and speake your mindes Open thy mouth for the dumme in the cause of all those that are appointed to destruction Those poore sheepe appointed for the slaughter the slaughter both of bodie soule bought vvith so deare a price vvhose blood els vvill be required required I say at the hands of all those to vvhom God hath giuen power meanes For to vvhom much is giuen of him much shall be required but vvant hearts and mindes to right and redresse it speak your mindes Consider of it noble Princes and States by your Embassadors one vvith an other both for the present hovv to relieue all those poore soules that are in miserie both vnder the Turks and Moores and hovv to prevent the miseries of others for the time to come like to be taken by their ships at sea more and more and made slaues that is to say more than miserable if not preuented VVhich a fevv good ships had Christian Princes considered of it all this time and been so minded that is to say of one minde hinc illae lachrymae might haue prevented and may yet for the time to come To youe I speak most noble Princes and States that are of one minde consider of it take aduice speak your minds And in youe to the whole church of Christ let it be a freevvill offering both of Prince and people to Christ Iesus tovvards this so Christian honourable and charitable a vvorke A seacond redemption of his poore distressed members out of the hands of those infidels verie easie to be tamed and subdued vvith no great chardges to any out of a voluntarie contribution of manie And if I vvere vvorthie to advise and this my proposition and petition to take effect this free vvill offering or contribution to be deposited in the hands of the Lords the States Generall of the vnited Prouinces and the Prince of Orange vvho haue so great store of ships and can most convenientlie manage such affaires by sea and are so noble and so honourable as no doubt they vvould advance it to the vtmost That so this sacred seruice being managed by one vndertaking State consisting of so manie vvise States-men and prudent Senators may by Gods blessing receiue better successe than those expeditions in former times frustrated by the dissention of diuers Princes vndertakers as in the Turkish history may appeare The greatnes of vvhich Monarchie novv dravveth to a period as that of Rome magnitudine laboranssua both the one and the other as I said before novv in these last daies to be finallie destroyed and the Kingdome of Iesus Christ to be erected neuer to be d●stroyed c. I speak not these things of my self neither doe I now come from my self but haue the holy Prophets Apostles and Disciples of my Lord and Sauiour Christ Iesus for my vvarant And in his name onlie and no other euen from the King of Kings doe I novv come I magnifie my imployment more than an Embassadour and yet vvithall a petitioner to treat and entreat in the behalfe of his poore afflicted members vvho are not able buth vvith prayers and teares to treat or entreat for themselues Open thy mouth for the dumme in the cause of all those that are appointed to destruction There is my commission there is my vvarrant And I must in dutie and vvill stand vpon it it standing so highlie vpon the King my maisters honour the King of Kings expecting novv hovv I shall be receiued the successe vvhereof I refer to him And so conclude vvith prayers teares the vveapons of Gods church Quid enim nisi vota supersunt Praying God to put into the hearts of Christian princes vvith one mind to fulfill his vvil for the finall destruction both of that Antichristian this Mahometan tyrannie and the finall establishment of his aeternall Monarchie neuer to be destroyed AMEN AMEN FINIS Isa. 51. 14 P● 46 The 6. Stilo 〈◊〉 in The 1● Stilo novo Zec. 12 12. ●2 18. Isa. 51. A cast is a tribe or kinred Cus-cus a dish of meat in great request with them Gago frō whence al their gold cometh conquered by his praedecessors