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A68449 A catholike and ecclesiasticall exposition of the holy Gospell after S. Iohn. Gathered out of all the singuler and approued deuines (which the Lorde hath giuen vnto his Church) by Augustine Marlorate. And translated out of Latin into Englishe by Thomas Timme minister. Seene and allovved according to the order appoynted; Novi Testamenti catholica expositio ecclesiastica. English. Selections Marlorat, Augustin, 1506-1562.; Tymme, Thomas, d. 1620. 1575 (1575) STC 17406; ESTC S114256 780,235 632

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GOD and the Sauiour of the whole worlde the which is done of vs when we depende wholye vpon him by a sincere fayth and trust and commit our selues wholye as Disciples vnto him Hée sayth not they which are pure and altogither voyde of sinne and worthy to be admitted into the fellowship of this fraternitie but he sayth which beléeue in his name and receyue him that is to saye which acknowledge by fayth the grace offered and receyue it in heart Therefore they which beléeue not receyue not Christ they cannot obtaine this sauing helth and dignity of the sonnes of God in so much that they must of necessitie perish with this world vnder the wrath 13. Which were borne not of bloode nor of the will of the fleshe nor yet of the will of man but of God Which were borne M. These woordes pertayne to the description of them which beléeue in the name of Christ and do receyue the right of the adoption of the sonnes of God They which are such are not borne of fleshe and blood but of God Fleshe and blood begetteth not the Children of God That which is of the fleshe is fleshe Iohn 3 and that which is of the spirite is spirite B. By these woordes the Euangelist meaneth nothing else but the carnall Byrth For he maketh a comparison of the generation of the fleshe and of the spirite reiecting the one and allowing the other C. Neyther is it necessarye that wée vnderstand here by this worde flesh the Woman as many would haue it The Euangelist rather repeating one thing by diuerse woordes goeth about to inculcate the same and to print it more déepelye in our mindes Therefore hée doth secréetelye touche the wicked trust and confidence of the Iewes who had alwayes in theyr monthes the worthinesse of theyr ofspring as though they springing from a holye Progeny were Saintes by nature They had worthelye boasted them selues to bée of the stock of Abraham if they had béene lawfull Children and not bastardes But the boasting of Faith doth arrogate nothing at all from the carnall generation but geueth GOD the praise for all thinges that it hath receyued ● Therefore S. Iohn in effect sayeth thus much They which beléeue in Christ being before vncleane Gentiles are not borne the sonnes of God out of the wombe or by fleshe and blood but are brought therevnto by the workemanshippe of the holye Ghost And although properly hée hath respect vnto the Iewes which were proude in the fleshe yet notwithstanding of this place a generall Doctrine maye bée gathered namelye that where as wée are counted the Sonnes of GOD it commeth not by the propertye of our nature neyther of our selues but because the Lorde hath begotten vs of his owne fréewill and singuler loue Question A. Notwithstanding the Euangelist séemeth verye vnorderlye to make regeneration the first in order as though it went before faith when as rather it is the effect of Faith and therefore the latter of the twaine Aunsvvere C. I aunswere that it is both first and last in diuers respects because by fayth wée conceyue the incorruptible séede by the which we are borne againe into a newe and diuine life and yet neuerthelesse faith is now the worke of the holye Ghost which dwelleth in none but in the sonnes of God Therefore in diuers respectes faith is a part of our regeneration and an enteraunce into the kingdome of Heauen that wée might bée nombred among the children of God For in that hee illuminateth our mindes with the spirite hee sheweth the worke of regeneration After this maner faith springeth from regeneration as from the well But because wée receyue Christ by the same faith whiche sanctifieth vs wyth his spirite therefore it is sayde to be the beginning of our adoption Therefore in respect of our sence we beginne not to be the sonnes of God but after faith onely M. But we must note what difference there is betwéene them whiche are adopted in this worlde to the inheritaunce of earthlye goodes and those which are adopted to bée the sonnes of God They whiche are adopted to haue the inheritance of earthlye goodes are adopted by grace of good will although they come not of the same fleshe neither are regenerate in minde but abide in the same minde whereof they were before But they which are adopted to bee the Sonnes of God are not borne of the substaunce of God as was Christ the onely begotten sonne of GOD but they being by grace taken for heyres and sonnes are also chaunged in minde and of carnall are made spirituall And this is that which hée sayth But are borne of God Wee gather also by this place that faith commeth not of our selues but is the fruite of spirituall regeneration For the Euāgelist affirmeth that no man can beléeue but hée which is borne of God Faith therefore is a heauenly gift Furthermore wée maye hereby gather that faith is not a colde or bare motion seeing none can beléeue except hée be reformed by the spirite of God 14. And the same woorde became flesh dwelt among vs and we sawe the glorye of it as the glory of the onely begotten sonne of the Father full of grace and truth And the same worde C. Nowe hée teacheth what that comming of Christ was of the which he had made mencion before saying Hee came into his owne Namelye that hée hauing taken vppon him our fleshe openlye shewed him selfe to the world M. And by the fleshe he vnderstandeth the whole man in somuche that it is al one as if he had sayd And the word beecame man C. For this worde fleshe serueth more to set foorth the force of his minde than if he had sayde That it was made man His purpose was to shew what a vile and base condition the Sonne of GOD tooke vpon him for our sakes comming downe from the throne of his heauenlye glorye The scripture speaking of a man contemptuouslye calleth him fleshe When as therefore the Euangelist calleth the sonne of God fleshe he meaneth that he hath so much abased him selfe that he hath taken vppon him this fleshe subiect to so many miseries R. As to fragillity contempt execration pouertye hunger thirst nakednesse death and damnation and that wee might bee made through him Strong Blessed Ritch Full Immortal and righteous whereby we haue euerlasting saluation For what thing else is fleshe than weakenesse dust and as it were haye and the glorye thereof as the flower of the field which in the morning groweth and in the Euening is cut downe and withered C. But the fleshe is not here taken for the corrupt nature of man as Paule oftentimes taketh it but for the mortall man Verye fonde therefore is Appollinaris which imagined that Christ had a humane bodye onely without a soule For this is a figuratiue kinde of speache because the inferiour part doth comprehende the whole man For by an innumerable sort of testimonies a man may gather that Christ our
errours Hee maketh him the Sonne of Ioseph and also a Nazarite by birth both which are very false and yet notwithstanding bycause hée sincerelye desired to profite his brother and to reueale Christ this his dilligence is accepted of GOD and hée hath also prosperous successe For truelie euery man must endeuour himselfe soberly to abide within his bounds And wée must not thinke that the Euangelist maketh mention of this thing as though it were worthy of prayse in Phillip that twise he enformeth and falselye reporteth of Christ but his doctrine is commended of him to be profitable howe corrupt and erronious soeuer it was because it tended to this ende to reueale Christ Foolishly hée calleth Iesus the sonne of Ioseph and ignorauntly hée maketh him a Nazarite notwithstanding hée applyeth this to no other than to the sonne of God which was borne at Bethlehem neyther doth hée make a counterfayte Christ but woulde onely haue him knowen to be such a one as Moyses and the Prophets had foreshewed We do sée therfore that this is the speciall poynt in doctrine namely that by all meanes they which heare vs maye come vnto Christ This place also teacheth vs not disdainfully to reiect that which simple and vnlearned men bring vnto vs concerning Christ though it be not so aptly alleaged if so be they direct vs vnto Christ But least we be drawen away by the false imaginations of men from Christ we haue alwayes this remedie at hande that is to saye to séeke for the pure knoledge of the trueth out of the Lawe and the Prophetes B. And in that that Philip sayde vnto Nathanael VVee haue founde him of whom Moyses the Law and the Prophets did write we may coniecture that Nathanael was studious in the Scriptures and had dilligently searched in them for the comming and kingdome of Christ 46. And Nathanael saide vnto him Can there any good thing come out of Nazareth Philip saith vnto him Come and see Can there any good thing come out of Nazareth R. Nathanael is offended at the basenes of the place according to the manner of fleshe and blood which is alwaies offended at abiect thinges because it alwaies aspireth to high and great thinges but God hideth his excellent workes vnder a base forme and showe that he might be wonderfull in his workes C. This godlye man is at the first offended with the vnaduised and rash talke of Phillip for that which he foolishly thought this man certainly beleeueth beside this by the hatred and contempte of the place he had conceiued a wrong Iudgement In like manner except we take héede diligently we shall not be without the same danger For trulye Satan dayly goeth about to staie vs with the like lettes from comming to christ For he seketh diligently to haue many lies spread abroad which may make vs either hate the Gospell or suspect the same that we may feare to taste thereof There is yet another stumbling blocke which he laith in our waie and that is to make Christ séeme contemptible vnto vs. For we doe see what a great offence to many the basenes of the Crosse is the which appeared as well in Christ the head as also in his members M. Nathanael therefore hauing regard to the wordes of the Prophete whiche foreshewed that Christ shoulde bée borne in Bethleem and not in Nazareth demaundeth whether any good thing can come out of Nazareth Mich. 5 So some in the company of the Pharisées sayde Shall Christ come foorth of Galilee Doeth not the Scripture saye that hée shall come of the séede of Dauid and out of the Citye of Bethlehem Come and see B. Iohn 7 When Philip was not able to resolue this doubt hée biddeth him come and sée M. For hée aunswereth nothing to the demaunde of Nathanael but that hée should goe with him to Christ and sée The which notable counsayle Andrewe also vsed before when he brought his brother Simon to Iesus For these twoo Andrew and Philip had so great experiēce in the force vertue of the Diuine power of Christ that with good and assured trust they desired nothing else but that hée should be heard of men being certified that it woulde come to passe that if any heard him they should haue so great experience of the light of the truth that afterwarde they shoulde féele no doubting in them B. Therefore Nathanael had so great a desire to the trueth that out of hand he followed Philippe to Iesus although it séemed to bée contrarye to the Scriptures whiche Philip had shewed And hereby hée got straight waye the knowledge of the Lorde C. For hée suffered his double errour by this inuitacion of Philippe to bee corrected Euen so by his example let vs shewe our selues tractable and readye to bée taught let vs not also refuse to inquyre and searche séeing Christ is alwayes ready to ease vs of those doubtes that trouble vs. And if at any time our obiections can not bée satisfied let vs not yet condemne that whiche is offered vnto vs and seasse to séeke any farther for the trueth 47. Iesus saw Nathanael comming to him and sayth of him behoulde a right Israelite in whome is no guile M. Nathanael was not of theyr crewe which condemned the Doctrine of the trueth before they heard or knew the same and by obstinate impietie could not abide to heare the same Such were the Scribes and Pharisées of the Iewes and that contrary to the Lawe of God as Nicodemus noteth Doeth our Lawe sayeth he iudge any man before it heare him Iohn 7 and know what he hath done Such are the Iudges and Byshops at this day of the Popish Church which very rashely reiect the Doctrine of the gospell condemne and persecute the same And sayeth of him beholde a right C. In that Christ prayseth Nathanael hée doth it not for his sake but vnder his person he propoundeth a common doctrine For séeing there are many which boast them selues to be faythfull which are nothing lesse it is méete that the true and good be discerned from the false and counterfayt by some note or marke Wée know how greatly the Iewes boasted in their Father Abraham when they boasted of the holinesse of their ofspring notwithstanding scarce one of them among an hundred was founde which was not a Bastard and a Stranger from the fayth of his fathers Therefore Christe to the ende hée might take away the cloake from the Hipocrites hée briefely defineth a true Israelite and doth therewith also take away the offence which afterward should arise vppon the wicked contumacie of that Nation For they which woulde be counted the Children of Abraham and the holye people of God became afterwarde mortall and sworne enimies of the Gospell Least therfore the common impietie almost of all estates should discourage or trouble anye man hée admonisheth before hande and in dewe time that among many which pretende the name of true Israelites few are true in déede R. But
of men If so bée the workes which thou doest be altogither deuine thou shalt not feare the light but shalt goe with vs to the feast that thou mayest bée the more famous and honorable C. For séeing thou art indued with so greate vertue and power that thou canst win Fame by working signes and wonders loose not the same for thou doest in vaine spende and bestowe here those giftes whiche GOD hath giuen vnto thée where there are no méete witnesses and Iudges of the same B. For hée which woulde haue all men to speake fréelye and openlye of him must doe those noble actes which hée doth openlye and not in secrete Therefore make thy selfe knowne vnto the worlde B. Hereby wée perceyue how great the dulnesse of men is in waying and considering the workes of GOD. For the kinsemen of our Sauiour Christ woulde neuer haue spoken thus except they had vtterlye contemned and despised those manifest signes and proofes of his deuine power which they ought to haue receyued reuerenced with great admiration That whiche wée here in this place concerning Christ doth daylye happen For they which ought to be friendelye boath for néerenesse of bloude and also for other causes are more gréeuous and troublesome to the children of GOD than straungers oftentimes For they are the instruments of Sathan to draw and entise them which would scincerelye and faythfully serue GOD one while to ambition another whil to couetousnesse to the loue of the worlde and to such lyke Concerning the which matter reade more in our exposition of Mathew But Christ sharpelye repelling suche Sathans teacheth vs by his example Mat. 10.36 not to followe the foolishe willes and mindes of brethren 5. For his brethren beleeued not in him R. Now in this place that appeareth to be true Ioh. 4.44 which our Sauiour Christ sayth in a nother place A Prophet hath no honour in his owne countrey B. Hereby also wée learne that all are not godlye which appertayne vnto Christ concerning the fleshe For what did it profit these men whom the Euangelist noateth to be vnbeleeuers that they were the Lordes brethren C For the Spirite of Christe doth geue vnto them a perpetuall noat of infamie because they being conuinced by so manye testimonies of workes did not for all that beleeue Therfore as sayth Saint Paule VVhosoeuer desiereth to be in Christ must be a newe creature 2. Cor. 5 i7 B. For in Christ Iesus neyther circumcision auayleth any thing nor vncircumcision but a newe creature C. For they which geue them selues wholy vnto God are vnto Christe in stede of Father mother and brethren as for others he putteth them from hym Wherefore to ridiculouse is the superstition of the Papistes who in the virgine Marie all other thinges sett a parte only extoll the honoure of bloude as though Christe did not reprehende the Woman which cryed in the myddest of the multitude Blessed is the wombe that bare thee Luk. 11.27 and the Paps that gaue thee sucke For Christ aunswered Nay rather blessed are they which heare the worde of GOD and keepe it B. For the inwarde man aloane framed after GOD is acceptable vnto GOD and bringeth foorth the vndoubted fruite of righteousnesse M. Let vs noate also in this place how that fayth in Christ is the onely gift of GOD and commeth not by anye prerogatiue of fleshe and bloode For the faythfull are borne neither of bloude neyther of the will of fleshe nor of the will of man but of GOD. Also fleshe and bloude reuealeth not the sonne of God Ioh. 1.13 but the Father which is in heauen A. Let vs remember therefore what the Lorde answered to his kinsemen Iames and Iohn To sitte on my right hande Mat. i6 17 and on my left is not mine to giue but it shall happen to those for whome it is prepared of my Father 6. Then Iesus sayd vnto them my tyme is not yet come but your time is alwaye readye CHR. Some interpret this of the time of Christes death but not aptlye C. For hée speaketh of the time of his departure and affirmeth that hée differeth from his kinsemen in this that they might without daunger come forth at all houres in the face of the worlde because they haue the worlde their friendes but he hadde good cause to feare for that the worlde was his enimie And hée geueth them to vnderstande that they giue euill aduise in a knowne thing as if hée shoulde saye Bv. My time to goe thither is not yet come when time shall serue I shal néede none of your admonitions I know what when to do euery thing howe also and when I must be made knowne to the worlde doth not depend on mans counsayle but vpon my Fathers decrée M. Ye maye ascende to Ierusalem when ye will but I haue not alwayes that libertie you néede not waight your time because ye may goe when yée will but as for mée I must attende my time because all times to mée are not alike C. Wée are also here taught how dilligentlye wée ought to beware that wee doe all thinges by the rule of Gods worde and in due time Bv. and also to take héede that wee doe nothing rashelye without warraunt from God Hée talketh with vs in his worde Wée consult therefore with him when wée aske counsayle at his worde when wée praye and when wée craue his holye spirite Time ought to be considered according as ocasion serueth M. Euerie man therefore ought to consider his time and not to doe any thing out of due time but pacientlye to tarrye for the oportunity of a conuenient time The Lorde woulde not goe with his Brethren to Ierusalem because hys time was not yet come At another time hee commaunded Passeouer to be prepared for him at Ierusalem saying I will keepe the Pasouer at thy house with my Disciples And to his mother hée sayde Mat. 26.18 My houre is not yet come Let euerye one of vs therefore learne by thys example Iohn 2.4 to frame our selues according to the conuenientnesse of the time Rom 12.11 A. euen as the Apostle Paule teacheth vs but so notwithstanding that we swarue not the breadth of a nayle from our calling 7. The worlde cannot hate you but mee it hateth because I testifie of it that the workes thereof are euill C. The worde is here taken for men not regenerate which retaine theyr nature and disposition Whosoeuer therefore are not regenerate by the spirite of God are pronounced by our Sauiour Christ to be enimies vnto him And why Surely because they condeme his workes Wherefore if wée will stande to the iudgement of Christ wée must confesse that the whole nature of man is so vitious and corrupt that there can procéede from the same no right sincere or good thing M. Christ might haue said The high Pristes Scribes and Pharisées cannot hate you but they hate me But because his brethren had vsed this worde worlde