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A96524 Two treatises concerning I. God's all-sufficiency, and II. Christ's preciousness Being the substance of some sermons long since preached in the University of Oxford. By Henry Wilkinson, D.D. Then principal of Magdalen-Hall, Oxon. Wilkinson, Henry, 1616-1690. 1681 (1681) Wing W2240A; ESTC R230884 231,748 498

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exceeding fruitful So do the Rivers of Grace and the Wells of Salvation which flow from Jesus Christ make glad with her Streams and refresh the City of God But the place which I shall chiefly insist upon is Zech. 13. 1. In that Day there shall be a Fountain opened to the House of David and to the Inhabitants of Jerusalem for Sin and for Vncleanness The Exposition of this Text will abundantly conduce to the proof of this Assertion That Christ is a Fountain It 's said In that day i. e. After they had mourned and been affected with Godly Sorrow for Sin This is evident from Zech. 12. 10 11. They shall look upon me whom they have pierced and they shall mourn for him as one mourneth for his only Son and shall be in bitterness for him as one that is in bitterness for his First-Born And to express the greatness of the Sorrow it 's said ver 11. In that day there shall be a great mourning in Jerusalem as the mourning of Hadadrimmon in the Valley of Megiddo Which mourning for the greatness of it becomes a Proverb and it was for the Death of that rare King Josiah Now observe after that mourning Christ is promised and he is called a Fountain opened There are Multitudes for whom Christ would not pray nor wash To these he may be said to be a Spring Cant. 4. 12. shut up a Fountain sealed But to the House of David and the Inhabitants of Jerusalem i. e. his own Children by Grace and Adoption those whom Christ loveth and washeth to them he is a Fountain opened and he purgeth them from Sin and from Uncleanness In a Fountain are considerable 1. That there 's a confluence of Waters Fountain● are not drawn dry Christ is a Fountain of Waters his Blood can never be drawn dry Christ compares himself to a Well of Water Joh. 4. 14. springing up to Eternal Life In Christ is plenty of Grace riches of Mercy abundant effusion of his Spirit Now to repair to a Cistern and forsake a Fountain O! what madness and Folly is it Of this the Lord complain● Jer. 2. 13. For my People have committed two Evils They have forsaken me the Fountain of Living Waters and he●ed them out Cisterns broken Cisterns that ●●n hold no Water 2. The Waters of a Fountain are living Waters Waters in Ponds and Ditches are dead Waters noisom and muddy Garbidge is thrown in them and makes them unwholsom and infectious But a Fountain will not keep any noisom thing but purgeth it away Christ is this Fountain of living Waters He is the gift of God and his Promise is to give Living Waters And as Living Waters run and communicate themselves from the Spring-Head to the Streams So Christ the Spring-Head communicates Waters to the Streams He as the Head hath influence upon all his Members More I would prosecute this Comparison but that I have prevented my self by handling this Argument upon Zech. 13. 1. published in print SECT III. Christ is compared to a Tree THe Tree of Life in Paradise was a Type of Christ Joseph in his great Sufferings was a Type of Christ and he is said to be a fruitful Bough by a Well Gen. 49. 22. Trees grow best by the Rivers side and so become more fruitful Of all Trees these most properly resemble Christ 1. Christ is compared to an Apple-Tree Cant. 2. 3. As the Apple-Tree among the Trees of the Wood so is my Beloved among the Sons I sat down under his Shadow with great delight and his Fruit was sweet to my Tast From this Scripture many Learned Authors infer that the Church sets forth the Excellency of Christ by the Similitude of an Apple-Tree 1. We are to consider the benefit of the 1. Consider the Shadow of an Apple-Tree Libens sub ejus umbra versor in illo ab aestu persecutionis afflictionis vitiorum omnis denique infirmitatis aut molestiae refrigerium quaerens ad eum confugiens me ut in tutissimum asylum recipiens Merc. in Cant. 2. 13. Shadow of an Apple-Tree The Shadow keeps off Heat and Storms so Christ is a Shadow for refreshing and comforting against the heat of Persecution Christ is compared to the Shadow of a great Rock in Isai 32 2. Isai 25. 4. Isai 4. 6. a weary Land he is a Shadow from the Heat likewise he is a Shadow for a Tabernacle in the day time from the heat and for a place of refuge and for a covert from Storm and Rain So that whatever Persecutions and Sicut Tent●rii tegmen defendebat olim Israelitas ● S●le Vento pluvia sic nunc hos Deus tutos praestabit Gro● Troubles may befal us let us make sure of our Interest in Christ and we shall be safe 2. The Fruit of an Apple-Tree is pleasant 2. The Fruit of an Apple-Tree is pleasant to the Tast Ps 34. 8. to the Tast it 's a wholesome and delightsome Fruit The Palate relisheth it well Much more is Christ delightful to the Spiritual Palate of a True Believer The Psalmist calls upon us * Mon●t●●●● verb● g●standi nos in hac vstâ illam bonit at em De● exp●riri tantùm ex parte non enim dicit Implemini sed Gustate G●stus quidem nobis praebetur in hac vita non plena fruitio Mollerus in Loc. to Tast and see that the Lord is good Blessed is the Man that trusteth in him To taste Christ in an Ordinance how delightsome is this to a True Believer 3. The Apple affordeth more variety of 3. The Apple-Tree affords variety of Frui● Fruit than any other Tree No Fruit-Tree hath so many kinds of Fruits as an Apple-Tree hath it is difficult for any to reckon up the several kinds of Apples of different Tast So Christ excelleth in variety of Graces which he bestoweth on his Church 2. Christ is compared to a Vine John 2. Christ is compar'd to a Vine 15. 1. I am the true Vine and my Father is the Husbandman Of all Trees none more fruitful than a Vine No Tree hath a more succulent Root full of Sap and Juice communicating it to the Branches We read of the Fruit of Canaan which the Spies brought by way of Tryal or earnest of more to be received One cluster of Grapes cut down at the Brook Eshcol was a Burthen Numb 13. 23. sufficient for two Men to carry Between Christ and the Vine there are these Resemblances 1. A Vine is the Root Foundation and 1. A Vine is the Root Foundation and Support of all the Branches support of all the Branches insomuch that as soon as a Branch is cut off it receives no more nourishment so Christ is the Foundation and Support of his Church The Church cannot thrive unless it receive influence from Jesus Christ Christ is the Foundation of all Foundations and if any Foundation be laid besides Christ it will fall and be utterly ruined
washed us from our Sins in his own Blood and hath made us Kings and Priests unto God and to his Father This Election was before the Foundation of the World was laid 2 Thess 2. 13. God hath * Primum dixit sanctificationem spiritus ut ●ste●deret quod nequaquam ad fidem venissemus nisi ipsa gratia Spiritus Sancti d●●isset O●cum Quomodo eos separavit Deus sanctificando eos per Spiritum quomodo pervenitur ad illum Spiritum per fidem habitam Evangeli● Grot. from the beginning chosen you to Salvation through sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the Truth Wherefore the Apostle calls the Saints Elect and that according to the fore-knowledg of God the Father through Sanctification of the Spirit unto Obedience Those that are elected unto Glory are elected unto Holiness No Holiness no Happiness A second Motive is drawn from Creation Motive 2. We are created unto Holiness we are created unto Holiness All the Members of our Bodies and all the Faculties of our Soul should be employed for holy uses to serve God External and Internal Purity are required 2 Cor. 7. 1. Let us cleanse our selves from filthiness of the Flesh and of the Spirit The Heart must Jam. 4. ● be purified and the hands cleansed the Tongue must minister Grace to the Hearer Holiness must sit upon the Lips Heart and Life To this purpose were we created Eph. 2. 10. We are his workmanship created in Christ Jesus unto good Works which God hath before ordained that we should walk therein Good works are as a Father saith The way to the Kingdom Via ad Regnum non causa r●g●●●di Bern. not the cause of reigning there We may not we dare not trust to our own Merits and expect to be justified by our own Works yet we must perform them in Obedience to God's Command in Testimony of our Duty and Thankfulness They are necessary necessitate praecepti non necessitate causae Wherefore let us seriously reflect upon our Creation and consider that we are ingaged thereby to Holiness of Life The frequent remembrance of our Creation should excite us unto the practice of Holiness 3. Let 's consider our Redemption and Motive 3. We are redeemed unto Holiness this was purchased at the dearest rate even the purchase of Blood and that not of an ordinary Blood but of Royal Blood and more than that it was the Blood of God Acts 20. 28. So we must understand it by a communication of Idioms To this purpose hath Christ redeemed us out of the Hands of our Enemies that we might Luke 1. 74 75. serve him without fear in Holiness and Righteousness before him all the days of our Life Christ did not redeem ●● that we might live to our selves or as we list but as the Apostle expresseth it Christ gave himself for his Church that he might Eph. 5. 26 27. sanctify it and cleanse it with the washing of Water by the Word that he might present it to himself a glorious Church not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing but that it should be holy and without blemish Whosoever then hath an Interest in the Blood of Christ is sanctified by the Spirit of Christ He is redeemed from his vain Conversation 1 Pet. 1. 18. 2 Cor. 5. 17. Eph. 4. 23. He is a new Creature He is renewed in the Spirit of his Mind The Image of Christ is imprinted in him and that consists in Righteousness and Holiness Eph. 4. 24. SECT III. Of Glorification SAnctification is here begun in this Sect. 3. Glorification is th● Purchase of Christ Life and it must receive daily Augmentations till it be consummated in Glory Now Glorification is Christ's Purchase The Kingdom of Heaven the Crown of Glory the price of our high C●lling Abrahams Bosom the purchased Possession the lot of the Saints in Life an Inheritance immortal undefiled which fadeth not away reserved in Heaven for us all these are synonymous Expressions to set forth the State of Glory and all these are the Purchase of Christ Glorification is one of the Links even the highest of them in that Golden Chain Rom. 8. 30. Whom he did predestinate them he also called and whom he called them he also justified and whom he justified them he also glorified Christ himself is in Glory and he the Head would have Glory put upon all his Members Christ is in all the Saints the Hope of Glory The Salvation which is Col. 1. 27. 2 Tim. 2. 10. Cum ibi erimus ubi ipse est tum quidem eum perfecte coram videbimus c●m autem videbimus ●um sicut ●st tum plene perfecteque ●psi glorificabimur ●am si fides nos glorificat ex parte hoc est dum ●um quasi eminus intu●mur profecto aspectus nos pl●●● perfecteque glorificabit Rolloc in Christ Jesus is with eternal Glory and this is Christ's grand Petition unto his Father John 17. 24. Father I will that they also whom thou hast given me be with me where I am that they may behold my Glory which thou hast given me for thou lovedst me before the Foundation of the World Christ is gone before to prepare a place for his Children He sits at the right hand of the Father in Glory and hath purchased Glory for all his Members Hence the Apostle assuredly concludes in his own Name and in the Name of all true Believers Col. 3. 4. When Christ who is our Life shall appear then shall ye also appear with him in Glory And there shall not only be Glory put upon the Bodies but also upon the Souls of the Saints Phil. 3. 21. Who shall change our Here then is a notable comfort for all God's Children that not only our Souls after this Life shall go unto God that gave them but our Bodies likewise in the last day shall be raised up again and made like unto Christ his glorious Body that our Souls and Bodies being united together We may live for ever with him in his Kingdom of Glory Dr. Ayry on Phil. 3. 21. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 i. e. Excellentissimè gravem gloriam Hic Hebraeo more per verbum geminans Apost●lu● summam quandam excellentiam indicavit Grot. vile Bodies that it may be fashioned like unto his glorious Body according to the working whereby he is able even to subdue all things unto himself Whatsoever Sufferings we meet withal they are not to be compared to future Glory There 's a Superlative above a Superlative mentioned beyond the capacity of our Language to express to the full 2 Cor. 4. 17. For our light Affliction which is but for a moment worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of Glory Thus I have endeavoured to represent A brief recapitulation of the Premises the Excellency and Dignity of Christ and have endeavoured to make good this Assertion That Christ is of inestimable Dignity
to all Cheating Tricks whatsoever However as Beza notes Though they be Subtile Vt cunque sunt vafri Eos tamen D●minus capiet cum eorum artes reipsa declarabit illud ipsum esse quo sese in volve rint Beza in Loc. and Crafty yet God will catch them and discover them to be what they are Now from this instance of the Wisdom of God we may give an abundant proof of his All-Sufficiency For when we are Intangled and be wildred with worldly Cares and Fears and know not how to get out when we are involv'd in Mazes Perplexities and Labyrinths and know not how to extricate our selves and we are at our Wits end then Wisdom from heaven makes a Way for our Evasion sets us at Liberty When Isaac was bound on the Altar and Abraham Stretcht forth his Hand to give the Deaths Stroke all the Wisdom of the wisest Men on Earth would have been Non-plust not knowing how to contrive a Deliverance But the Wisdom of God exerteth it self and interposeth in that needful instant between the lifting up the Hand and the Striking of the Blow and a Voice speaks from Heaven Lay not thine Hand upon Gen. 22. 12. the Lad. However Isaac was unexpectedly delivered yet Abraham would gladly Offer● a Sacrifice and he knew not where upon such a sudden to make Provision Behold further How the Wisdom of God contrives and provides a Ram for a Burnt Offering What then vers 13. must we do in all our doubts and difficulties but make our Addresses and Supplications unto God God is a God Jam. 1. 5. of Wisdom of Him we must ask Wisdom Christ is the great Counsellor The Wisdom of God He hath the Spirit Isa 9. 6. of Wisdom and Understanding When 1 Cor. 1. 24. Isa 11. 2. Troubles befall us we wander up and down like Noahs Dove finding no rest for the Sole of her Foot till Noah took her into the Ark. We in our Afflictions use to go from Creature to Creature and Consult with Flesh and Blood like Squirrils we leap from Bough to Bough or like curious Palates Tast of all Waters and try all manner of Projects hence it comes to pass that we miscarry by many sad Disapointments and Frustrations How dreadful a Woe is threatned against them who take not Counsel of God Isa 30. 1. Woe to the Rebellious Children saith the Lord that take Counsel but not of Me and that cover with a covering but not of my Spirit that they may add Sin to Sin There 's a grand Curse also threatned in Ezekiel That the Law shall Perish from the Priest Ezek. 7. 26. and Counsel from the Ancients Here then consists our great Duty amidst Troubles and Sufferings to learn to deny our own Wisdome our own Reason and Counsel and whatsoever is selfish in us neither any more to sacrifice to our own Net and Drag but to rely depend and wholly lean and stay our selves upon the Wisdom of God Solomon fully Prov. 3. 5. 6 7 8. prescribes our Duty in several choice and excellent Lessons Trust in the Lord with all thine Heart and lean not unto thine own Understanding In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct thy Paths | Ne in tua teipsum sapientia contemplari velis Eam elige disciplinam in quam cum inspicias non ta● teipsum quam Deum ipsum intuearis Be not Wise in thine own Eyes Fear the Lord and depart from Evil. It shall be Health to thy Navel and Marrow to thy Bones I proceed to another Instance drawn from the Power of God The Power and Omnipotency of God abundantly prove His All-Sufficiency This Attribute of Power Omnipotency is the Strong-hold of all Gods Children This is their 2. Attribute viz. The Power of God Shield Buckler Deliverer what not It 's all in all And the Power and Omnipotency of God is a Terror to the Wicked to crush them to peices and to destroy them utterly God is the Universal Omnipotent Soveraign Lord and Commander over the whole World Bildad speaks a great Deal in so short Job 25. 2. a Chapter Dominion and Fear are with him c. God hath all Power in his Hand and can put it forth more or less when and where he pleaseth All the Granaries Treasures Magazines and Fortifications All the Cattle on a Thousand Mountains are at the sole command disposing of the Soveraign Lord and Governour of Heaven and Earth God gives one Creature a Commission to help another God knows such an one to be in sore distress and he saith go Creature Relieve Refresh and Comfort such a One he is my Servant Another is in great danger of being Rob'd Murthered or Drowned as he is a Travelling God sends his Angel to preserve him | Ingens Bonitas Dei cura paterna erga Ecclesiam describitur quod tales nobis Presides adjungit Molles Angeli sunt Domestici Dei caeli cives Bern. And how much we ought to give God thanks for the Ministry of Angels how few of us are sensible Likewise the Hearts of all Men are at Gods Command even the Hearts of the greatest Kings are at Gods Command Prov. 21. 1. As the Rivers of Water he turneth them whithersoever he will The Hearts of inveterate and implacable Enemies are new Molded and Wrought on effectually by the Power of God Amongst others that 's a pregnant instance in Esau in whose Heart lodged an old grudg of Twenty Years standing against his Brother Jacob. And it seems very probable that when he came to meet Jacob with Four Hundred Men that he had in his Heart Rancor and Malice and his Intentions were as Mischiveous as Jacob feared to destroy The Mother and Gen. 32. 11. the Children Yet God who hath the Hearts of the worst of Enemies in his Hand affected the Heart of Esau and melted it into Tears we Read Gen. 33. 4. And Esau ran to meet Him and embrac'd Him and fell on his Neck and kissed Him and they Wept Hence that Proverb of Solomon is an Experimental Truth that When a Mans ways please Prov. 16. 7. the Lord he maketh even his Enemies to be at Peace with him The best way to obtain Friendship with Men is first to make God our Friend The Duty mainly incumbent on us all is to believe Gods Omnipotency and stay and depend thereupon Thus let 's argue from what hath been done by the Almighty Gen. 1. 3 4. Power of God In the Creation God brought Light out of Darkness Order out of a Chaos of Confusion God made Exod. 14. 22. the Red-Sea to become Dry-land and passable for the Israelites but the Sea returned to his strength and overthrew the Egyptians in the midst thereof God ver 27 caused the Flinty-Rock to become a Springing-Well to quench the Thirst of the Israelites God fed them by a Numb 20. 11. Exod. 16. 13 14. Deut. 25.
Cup pass from me Nevertheless not as I will but as thou wilt As if he should say Father thou couldst if it pleased thee grant an absolute pardon without any satisfaction but this way of satisfaction will only please thee Thou wilt have my Blood shed and without shedding of Blood there is no Remission I am here ready willingly to lay down my Life I have took a body for that purpose that I may perform Obedience to thy Will The Apostle Heb. 10. v. 5 6 7. quotes the 40th Psal v. 6 7 8. When he cometh into the World he saith Sacrifice and Offerings thou wouldst not but a body hast thou prepared me In Burnt-Offerings and Sacrifice for Sin thou hadst no pleasure then said I Loe I come in the volume of thy Book it is written of me to do thy Will O God The rendring of these Words compar'd with the Psalmist differ especially in one Expression viz. Mine Ear hast thou opened or digged It 's the Observation of a Learned * Ainsworth in Psal 40. 6. Est observandum quod plurali numero utens auresdicit non aurem Nam servo una tantum auris perforatur subula sibi dicit utramque perforari quià intelligit se obst●ingi non tantùm ad externum obsequium ut servi in hoc populo sed ad interiorem cultum et quidem praestare illi obsequia non possumus nisi divinitus nobis aures perforentur Mollerus in loc Expositor That mine Ears hast thou digged open or pierced i. e. Thou hast made me obedient to thy Voice so the Chaldee explains it thou hast digged open mine Ears to hearken unto thy Commandments or mine Ears hast thou bored as thy Servant for ever according to the Law Exod. 21. 6. The Greek Interpreters to make the Sence plainer say But a body hast thou fitted to me Meaning that his body was ordained and fitted to be a Sacrifice for the Sins of the World when the other Legal Sacrifice was refused as unprofitable His earnestness in Prayer is set down by the Evangelist Luke 22. 44. And being in an Agony he Prayed more earnestly * 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 augescente dolore intendebat vim precationis gestu quoque id ipsum exprimens nam ante genu flexerat nunc toto Corpore in terram procumbit Grot. Instabat incubuit magno studio ursit Hinc innuitur Commotio Perseverantia Velocitas Studium Diligentia L. de Dieu The Word in the Original is Emphatical Christ was in an Agony which was the difficultest of all Combats Martyrs strove with the Terrors of Death but Christ strove with the Wrath of God because he bare the Burthen of our Sins O! How strong must that Back be that must bear the Burthen of all his Peoples Sins Even all those whom he Justified by his Blood and Sanctifyed by his Spirit Next followeth his Bloody Sweat Luk. 22. 44. His † 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Magnus angor Guttae Jansen Non dicit sempliciter guttas sanguinis su●●sse sed quasi grumos concreti terrore sanguinis proptered addidit particulam 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ad leniendum id quod dixerat Steph. Thes Sweat was as it were great drops of Blood falling down to the ground Consider the Season of the Year they who were within doors were glad to keep close to the Fire and they that were without Doors made hast to get within To see one in an extream cold day sweat was much but to see one sweat Blood not little drops but clodded congealed Blood which brake through his Garments and trickled down to the very ground This is matter of Wonder and Astonishment 6. Consider the Releasing of Barabbas 6. Consider the releasing of Barabbas a Notorious Thief and Murtherer and Condemning of Jesus an Innocent Person to gratifie the People in Releasing a Prisoner according to Custome whom they desired Pilate acquitted a most infamous Person and delivered Christ the most Just and Holy one to their Will to be Scourged and Crucified I have heard and since read it Printed a Passion Sermon * Mr. William Carthwright Student of Christ-Church Oxon. p. 10 11. of an Eloquent Orator thus expressing himself What Barabbas One that Cured your Blind or Healed your Halt and Lame No one whose Violence maimed them and by the Frequency of his Injuries occasionally increased the Number perhaps of those Miracles which Jesus wrought Did Barabbas purge the Temple of Thieves Or make it their Den Did he cast out Devils Or do Acts by the Instigation of the Prince of them c. Before Christ's greatest Passion on the Cross he was in Scorn hurried from place to place from Person to Person from Annas to Caiaphas from Caiaphas to Pilate from Pilate to Herod and thence remanded with Contempt and Ignominy To make use of the Rhetorick of the fore-cited Learned * Id. p. 26. Author Cruelty walking the Circle and Impiety if ever now treading the Ring His Apprehending joyn'd to his Agony and his Accusation to his Apprehen'ding and his Condemnation to that Then his Condemnation received by Irrision Irrision by Stripes Stripes by Crowning with Thorns So far he Add hereunto Scourging putting on a Purple Robe and Reed in his hand an Emblem as they supposed of his Brittle and Feeble Government All the Men and Devils combin'd to put forth their Malice and Mischief to the height They prepared Spittle for his Face Blind solding for his Eyes Nails for his Hands and Feet a Whip for his Back Thorns for his Head and a Cross for his Shoulders They laid an Heavy Cross upon him to crush the Thorns into his Harrowed Head and crush out the bruised blood into his Furrowed Back So that Prophecy which * His verbis ad vivum exprimit dorso Eccles●e semper infixam fuisse Crucem quià longè latè ipsam proscinderet Calv. Terra nisi aretur subigatur nihil profert nisi sentes spinas Sic cor humanum extra Crucem est securum indulget vitiis Mollerus Calvin applyeth to the Church may be applyed to Christ which the Psalmist mentions Psal 129. 3. The Plowers Plowed upon my Back They made long their Furrows But alas What with Scourging Buffeting and Crowning with Thorns crusht into his Head O dreadful exquisite Pain and what with Watching and Fasting Christ was not able to carry his Cross Though he bare it a while yet afterwards they compelled Simon a Man of Cyrene a Stranger to bear his Cross The Jews out of a Superstitious Devotion durst neither touch the Cross nor adventure to come into the Judgment Hall no nor afterwards to put Judas his 30 pieces which he restored back into the Treasury Because they would not defile themselves therefore they would not go into the Judgment-Hall and because they would not keep in their Treasury the price of Blood they converted it to another use viz. To buy a Field to bury Strangers in
Man so making peace and that he might Reconcile both unto God in one Body by the Cross having slain the Enmity thereby By the Law of Commandments contained in Ordinances are Ceremonial Institutions to be understood under the Levitical Paedagogy Christ being made a Sacrifice abolished all those Sacrifices of Beasts And this Christ accomplished on the Cross working a perfect Reconciliation between God and Man And though the Execution of the great work was performed on the Cross yet about this Reconciliation there were Transactions between God the Father and God the Son from all Eternity as the Apostle declares 2 Cor. 5. 18 19. And hath given unto us the Ministry of Reconciliation i. e. the Gospel And what is the Substance of this Evangelical Ministry It is set down v. 19. to wit That God was in Christ reconciling the World unto himself This is that which administers cause of Glory and rejoycing to the Apostle Gal. 6. 14. God forbid that I should glory save in the Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ SECT V. Of the Consequents of Christs Passion HAving treated of the Passion it self let 's consider some Remarkable Particulars concerning the Consequents of his Passion And these evidently declare the dignity and honour of Christ This shall be represented in these ensuing Particulars 1. There was darkness over the whole 1. There was an Universal Darkness over the whole Earth Face of the Earth Matth. 27. 45. Partial Eclipses are frequent but such an Universal Eclipse as that was was never known before nor since Christs Passion The Sun to shew a dislike of such an horrid Act withdrew its light A natural Eclipse it could not be * Annotat. of English Divines on Matth. 27. 45. some think it being so Total so general and the Moon being now in the full and so of necessity the Body of the Moon which useth to Eclipse the Sun by its interposition and being between us and the Sun must be opposite unto and distant from the Sun the Diametrical breadth of the Hemisphere the full Moon rising at the Sun-setting Many were astonished at this Universal Eclipse Allophanes is reported to have been at this time in Heliopolis who when he saw 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 this Eclipse said They were changes of the Divine Works Dionysius the Areopagite is reported to say Either the Deity suffereth or hath Sympathy with that which suffereth 2. The Veil of the Temple was rent 2. The Veil of the Temple was rent Matth. 27. 51. and this was to shew 1. That Christ opened the way to the Holiest Heb. 10. 20. 2. To shew that the Ceremonial Law was abolished by the Death of Christ Heb. 9. 8 9. 3. To shew that the Partition Wall was broken down and Gentiles were Partakers of the benefit of Christs Blood Eph. 2. 14. 4. To shew that the Veil of our Sins was Cancelled Col. 2. 13 14. 5. To shew that the Veil of Ignorance was taken away in the Law 2 Cor. 3. 13. A third Consequent of Christs Passion 3. An Earthquake was an Earthquake It was an Universal Earthquake We read of the trembling of the Earth Psal 114. 7. It 's a Sign of Gods Wrath for Sin Psal 18. 7. Then the Earth shook and trembled the Foundation also of the Hills moved and were shaken because he was wroth The Earth shaked and trembled to bear such Vile Wretches who embrued their hands in the Blood of Jesus Christ The Earthquake signified Gods incensed Verissimu● est apud Prophet as terrae-motus alibi rerum Mutationem alibi De● Majestatem significare sed bic ●pertior est ea significatio quae pariter à Judaeis Gentibus al●●s 〈◊〉 intelligi irae scilicet Divinae ob hominum scelera Grot. in Matth. 27. 51. anger and great wrath against the Jews and the displeasure of the Divine Majesty of Christ for an Earthquake sets forth the great Power of God Psal 114. 7. Tremble thou Earth at the presence of the Lord at the presence of the God of Jacob. 4. The Rocks rent though the Hearts 4. The Rocks rent of the Jews were not rent yet the Rocks did rend and in such a manner as Historians have reported as never was the like seen Such a way were the Rocks rent as no Wit of Man could invent the like way of rending them 5. The Graves were opened and many 5. The Graves were opened Bodies of Saints which slept arose Matth. 27. 53. But though here 's mention made Qui è Sepulchris furgebant resurgebant moriente Domino ac mortis ejus vi Heinfius of the Saints Resurrection before Christs Resurrection yet it 's evident that Christ rose before them v. 53. it 's said They came out of their Graves after Christs Resurrection For by Christs Resurrection they were raised Christ as the Apostle saith is risen from the Dead and become the first-fruits of them that slept 1 Cor. 15. 20. He is the beginning of the first-born from the dead Col. 1. 19. 6. The Centurion having observed 6. The Centurion gives a Testimony of Christ 7. Christ raised himself by his own Power what was done gives this Testimony Truely this was the Son of God Such Miracles none but a God could do 7. Christ raised himself by his own Power Notwithstanding the strictness of the Watch and Sealing of the Stone of the Sepulchre Christ the Lord of Life would not be above three days in the Grave but caused the Grave to open to the Terror and Amazement of the Keepers A notorious Lie as full of Contradictions as Malice could invent was invented after Christ was risen Mat. 28. 13. Say ye his Disciples came and stole him away by Night while we slept How could Quomodo constare poterat fides de co quod se dormien●● bus dic● rent evenisse Deinde quâ fiduciâ ausi hoc fuissent homines inermes Piscatores Si Impostorem Christum ipsi jam intra mentem animis sentiebant sive pro ipso subirent periculum Si à Deo missumcr●dere●t 〈◊〉 religio illos impellebat ad furtum m●nd●cium Grot. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 i. e. Partûs dolorem cum mors nihil aliud videretur quàm ipsorum Cruciatuum ac dolorum quasi victoria ac plenum imperium Christus merito dicitur tum demum dolores istos lethales ac mortiferos superasse cum mortuus moriem vicit ut in aeternum cum suis Deo vivat Beza they tell if they were asleep that Christ was took away What ridiculous absurd Evasions doth a Malicious Heart invent But maugre all the Watch and Ward of Souldiers Christ Triumpht over the Grave as a Glorious Conquerour The Apostle fully expresseth the Power of Christs Resurrection Acts 2. 24. Whom God hath raised up having loosed the pain of Death because it was not possible that he should be holden of it Some understand these words as a Metaphor drawn from Child-bearing
but unto all them that love his appearing A third Character is effectual calling If we make our calling sure thence we may be assured of our election 2 Pet. 1. 10. Wherefore the rather Brethren give diligence to make your calling and Election sure These may suffice for the Trial of the Grounds of assurance But we must know 1. That many Precious Servants of God may for a time want the sence of Gods favour and be at a loss for assurance Ps 10. 1. Psal 88. 5. David complains of Gods hiding his face from him And so did Heman complain that he was free among the Dead like the Slain in the Grave whom thou remembrest no more And he likewise expostulates the case with God why hidest thou thy face from me Gods Children are always in a safe condition yet they are not always apprehensive of their safety Sometimes they are under Desertions and Withdrawings of Gods Countenance A Child of Light may walk in Darkness Comfort Isa 50. 10. may be near him and yet he may not discern it as Mary could not see Christ for Tears in her Eyes 2. Assurance admits Degrees sometimes it 's more sometimes less The best are not always at a stand Upon strict Inquisition in their Hearts they find cause of Humiliation and walking heavily The remembrance of an old Sin may cause a great damp and sadness upon the Heart 3. Assurance may be a long time before it be obtained There will be long searching the Heart fighting against Sin Fervent and Assiduous Prayer a great deal of combating against the Flesh A Holy Martyr could not get assurance till he came to the Stake at last he told his Friend O Glover Act. Mon. Q. M. day● Austin he is come he is come he is come 4. Notwithstanding there may be assurance yet sometimes Doubts and Troubles may arise in the Spirit upon Apprehensions of Gods clouding his Countenance and upon Apprehension of the difficulty to get rid of some secret Sin Quest But what 's our Duty Answ 1. Allow thy self in no Sin be Direct 1. it ancient customary beloved or secret away with it The hankering after any beloved Sin the delay of executing Justice upon it may break thy peace and hinder thy assurance Wherefore give no quarter to Benhadad nor to Agag Make a League with no Gibeonite Foster no Dalilah no Herodias Throw Jonah over Ship-board that 's the way to make the Sea calm Stone Achan that 's the way to make the Valley of Achor a door of Hope Brain Goliah a Champion Sin and than other Hos 2 14. Sins will sooner be vanquished as the Philistines were when Goliah was destroyed 2. Make it thy serious business to clear Direct 2. Make it thy business to clear up thy evidences up thy Evidences for Heaven Examine whether thou hast Christ formed in thee whether the new Creatute is manifested in thy understanding to know God in thy will to obey God in thy affections to love him in thy Heart and Life whether they are inlarged to run the ways of Gods Commandments search and examine whether Sin be mortified and the Body of Sin Crucified Whether thou art Justified by the Bloud of Christ and Sanctified by the Spirit of Christ whether thou art Redeemed from thy vain Conversation upon such a serious Inquisition into thy Heart assurance may be obtain'd 3. If thy Evidences be dim and thou canst not read them yet let not thy Direct 3. Let not thy hold go hold go What thou wantest in Evidence make up in Adherence to and recumbance and reliance on God Thus did David under Disertions Ps 42. 11. Why art thou cast down O my Soul and why art thou disquieted within me Hope thou in God for I shall yet Praise him who is the health of my Countenance and my God And thus did Job behave himself amidst all his Afflictions Job 13. 15. Though he slay me yet I will trust in him And such as are in a dark condition who apprehend not the light of Gods Countenance they are exhorted to trust and stay upon God Isa 50. 10. Who is among you that feareth the Lord that obeys the voice of his Servant that walketh in Darkness and have no light Let him trust in the Name of the Lord and stay upon his God 4. Be fervent and frequent in Prayer Direct 4. Be frequent and fervent in Prayer Gen. Rebekkah when there were struglings in her Womb went to enquire of God If it be so why am I thus So amidst the Troubles Fears and Tumults of thy Spirit exercise Prayer If Gods Countenance be clouded pray with David Restore unto me Ps 51. 22. the Joy of thy Salvation Thou wantest assurance and art troubled upon the suspensions and hidings of Gods Countenance thy duty is to be an earnest Solicitor unto the Throne of Grace and pray that the Lord would lift up the light of his Countenance on thee Ps 4. 6. Great things are promised Ezek. 36. viz. Sprinkling of clean Water v. 26. A new Heart the Spirit 27. Security 28. Plenty and Fruitfulness yet God expects and requires the Prayers of his Children Ch. 36. 37. Thus saith the Lord God I will yet for this be enquired of by the House of Israel to do it for them If than we would obtain assurance of Gods Love we must pray much and joyn Fasting and Watching with Prayer Gods loving kindness is better than Life Ps 63. 3. therefore we must pray for it and labour to get assurance of Gods love unto our Souls How welcome was Samuel to Hannah being the Child of her Prayers And oh how highly valued will assurance be to him who hath obtain'd it in answer to his Prayers Wait than and pray continue instant in Prayer And to Prayer joyn Hearing Reading Meditating and receiving of the Lords Supper And when once thou hast got it be sure thou be thankful and watchful Take heed of the least Sin The least crum of Leaven must be cast out A Servant being incouraged by more wages hath more strong Obligations on him to serve his Master with more diligence and Fidelity Assurance and Manifestations of Gods love to a Christian are Ingagements to excite him to a more humble holy and close walking with God The more mercy he recieves the more he is ingaged to a faithful performance of his Duty Whatever Manifestation of love is given unto thee know that thou ought to be more thankful and fruitful in every good work The Apostle Writing of the Blessed Vision 1 Joh. 1. 2. For we shall see him as he is infers our great Duty to be reduced unto Practice v. 3. And every Man that hath this hope in him purifies himself even as he Matt. 5. 8. Heb. 12. 14. is pure The pure in Heart are Partakers of the Blessed Vision And without Holiness no Man shall see the Lord. Let 's than follow after Holiness If ever we hope to
Neither is Faith the Hand of a Work-Man that earns his Wages but the Hand of a Beggar that receives all of Favour and Mercy 2. Justification by Faith consists in the 2. Justification consists in the Remission of Sins Remission of Sins and non-imputation of Transgressions Ps 31. 1 2. Blessed is he whose Transgression is forgiven and whose Sin is covered Blessed is the Man to whom the Lord imputeth not Iniquity Likewise the Apostle declares how the great work of Reconciliation was transacted 2 Cor. 5. 19. Not imputing their Trespasses unto them It 's true that the best of Gods Children have their Failings For in many things we offend all and he that is without Sin let him cast the first Stone and it will recoil upon himself that casts it But Gods Children are humbled for Sin they water Psal 6. 6. their Couches as David did with their Tears They sigh with Ezekiel to the Ezek. 2● 6. Jer. 31. 19. breaking of their Loins with Ephraim they smite upon their Thighs Sin is their Sorrow Grief and Burthen wherefore they are by Christ call'd unto Repentance and Christ imputes their Sins not unto themselves but unto himself They indeed are the Principal Debtors but Christ hath made himself liable to pay their Debts and make full satisfaction because he hath become surety for them unto the Father 3. Justification consists in the Imputation 3. Justification consists in the imputation of Christs Righteousness of Christs Righteousness 2 Cor. 5. 21. We are made the Righteousness of God in him Of Unrighteous we are made Righteous of Ungodly we are made Godly And though we are Ungodly Christ justifieth us for he doth not find us good but he makes us so Now this Righteousness of Christ is altogether a Righteousness without us not depending on any inherent Righteousness nor any work in us But it 's free and Gratuitous without any Praevision or Intuition of Grace in the Person to be justified St. Bernard Assignata est homi● justitia ●lien● qui● car●it su● Justitia Bern. Ep. 190. fully expresseth it saying that anothers Righteousness is assign'd to Man because he wants a Righteousness of his own Hence our Works and Services though Failings in themselves are accepted Righteous by imputation of Christs Righteousness How miserable would our condition be if our Services were no better offer'd to God than they come from us But Christ mends our Services in the carriage by offering them to the Father in his own Name and Mediation so that though our Duties be raw weak and imperfect yet Christ makes them perfect by the imputation of his own Righteousness and so they obtain acceptance with the Father 4. Justification brings forth choice and 4. Justification brings forth choice and excellent Fruits excellent Fruits as we may read Rom. 5. 1 2 3. All those choice Fruits grow on that Tree of Justification Faith is the Mother-Grace there mentioned Peace and Access unto the Throne of Grace Joy Hope Glorying in Tribulation are the Daughters or the Fruit which grow on this Tree Wherefore though Faith only Justifies yet Faith is not alone when it Justifieth For it is accompanied with a Goodly Train of Graces Though Faith Justifieth the Person yet Works Justifie the Faith or declare the Faith to be true Faith works by Love and purifies the Heart Gal. 5. 6. Act. 15. 9. and it 's the Apostles charge Tit. 3. 8. This * Hujus fid●i charit●● non est forma sed fr●ctus p●nit●●ti● est justificati conditi● non causa justificationis fid●s 〈◊〉 qu● justificat non quae justificat est sine operibus sola dicitur in isto munere non solitaria respectu comitatus aliarum virtutum 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 non 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Per non propter fidem Justi decla●●●r per 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ●ic●t 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Prideaux Manuductio ad Theologia● is a faithful saying and these things I will that thou affirm constantly that they which have Believed in God might be careful to maintain good Works A Learned Professor very dextrous in stating of Controversies concludes thus Love is not the form but the Fruit and Repentance is the Condition of him that is Justified not the cause of Justification c. This then is the Purchase of Christ who imputes his perfect Righteousness to his Members and their Sins to himself and this Justification is active whereby Christ fulfilled the whole Law and passive whereby Christ became obedient unto Death even the Death of the Cross SECT II. Of Sanctification by the Spirit of Christ A Second Purchase of Christ is Sanctification 2. Purchase of Christ Sanctification ●● the Spirit For whom Christ justifies by his Grace those he Sanctifies by his Spirit In order of Nature Justification may be conceived to preceed Sanctification because Justification is the Root or Mother Grace The Works of Sanctification are the Fruit proceeding from it yet in order of time they are simultaneous Those who are purged from the guilt of Sin labour to be purged from the filth of Sin It 's a good Character to be as solicitous and desirous for Mercy to sanctify renew and purify as for Mercy to pardon us Wherefore Sincerity is an undoubted evidence of a justified Condition Psal 32. 2. It 's an infallible sign of Justification In whose Spirit there is no Guile In handling of the Doctrine of Sanctification we are to consider these ensuing Particulars which may serve as so many strong Arguments to perswade or as so many Motives to stir us up to the practice of Holiness The first Motive is drawn from Election Motive 1. We are elected unto Holiness we are elected unto Holiness Eph. 1. 4. According as he hath chosen us in him before the Foundation of the World that we should be holy and without blame before him in love Election doth not give the least licentious Liberty but engageth us unto Holiness Observe the Words now cited It is not said that we should live as we list Non eliguntur Paulus qui ei similes sunt quia ●rant sancti immaculati sed eliguntur praedestina●tur ut in sequenti vita per ●pera atque virtutes sancti imm●cula●i fia●t Hieron in ●ph 1. 4. but that we should be holy Neither is it said that we are elected for any Holiness foreseen Election and effectual Calling go together and to be assured of our Election we must make sure of our effectual Calling 2 Pet. 1. 10. Calling is put before Election in the situation of the Words and in respect of our Duty incumbent on us Wherefore saith the Apostle the rather Brethren give diligence to make your Calling and Election sure Now if we ask why doth Christ purchase Sanctification for us The Answer is because he loved us His Love moved him to wash and put such Royal Dignities upon his Children Rev. 1. 5 6. Vnto him that loved us and