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A73502 The Epistles and Gospelles with a brief postil vpon the same from after Easter tyll Aduent, which is the somer parte set forth for the singuler cōmoditie of all good Christen men and namely of prestes and curates. 1542 (1542) STC 2968.3; ESTC S124410 239,766 422

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Saynt Ambrose agreyng hervnto sayth that the redemption of Christes bloude were very vyle yf iustification whych is done by grace shuld be due to the merites goynge before so that it shuld be not the gyfte of the gyuer but the reward of the worker Also Ierome wrytynge vpon the epistle to the Galathians sayeth Ierome None is saued by the lawe but we be all saued by fayth Austine Neyther doth saynt Augustine disagre from thys saynge Our fayth that is to say the catholyke faythe discerneth the ryghtuouse frō the vnryghtuouse not by the lawe of workes but by the selfe lawe of fayth But what go I aboute to allege a fewe doctours All the prophetes as Peter here sayeth Christe hymselfe all the Apostles yea all the holy scripture throughe out all the auncient and ecclesiasticall doctours and holy expositours of scripture do gyue wytnesse to Christe that through hys name whosoeuer beleueth in hym shal receyue forgyuenesse and pardon of theyr synnes It foloweth in the texte Whyle Peter yet spake these wordes the holy goost fell on all them whych herde the preachyng And they of the circumcision whych beleued were astonnyed c. Brethren ye shall note that Christ was peculiarly promysed to the Iues as he hymselfe also sayeth in the .xv. Chapter of Mathew I am not sent but to the lost shepe of the house of Israel Howbeit the callynge of the Gentyls was longe before prophecyed of by the prophetes and here also it was opened to saynt Peter by a vision of a shete sente downe from aboue vnto hym Actu x. And therfore he began hys sermō on thys wyse Of a trouth I perceyue that there is no respecte of persons wyth God but in all people he that feareth hym and worketh ryghtuousnes is accepted wyth hym Now so many as beleued of the circumcision that is to wyt the Iues not knowyng hereof but beynge ignoraunt that the Gentyls also were to be admytted to the felowship of the Gospell wondered whan they sawe that on the Gentyls also was shed out the gyfte of the holy goost and herde them speke wyth tonges magnifyed God Here ye shal also marke ☜ that thys gyft of tonges wherwyth at the sendynge downe of the holy goost the Apostles and other were so indowed that they were vnderstanded of the people of al nacions is now ceased but in the meane season the prayse of gods name ceaseth not nor ought not to cease It foloweth in the texte Then answered Peter can any man forbyd water that these shulde not be baptised whych haue receyued the holy goost aswell as we Here ye se manyfestly good people that the Gentyls by Peters preachynge of gods worde were replenyshed wyth the holy goost before they were outwardly baptysed wyth the water for wyth the spirit it is playne that they were baptised Saynt Peter therfore to confirme them and as it were to seale them wyth an outwarde sygne commaundeth them to be baptised wyth water in the name of the Lorde For baptisme is not only a sygne of mortificacion and of remission of synnes What is baptisme but it is also a badge or knowlege that we be receyued into the nōber of the chyldren of God Wherfore as al holy doctous and expositours do agre there be two maner of baptismes Ierome suꝑ Esa Now as also saynt Ierome affirmeth mā only gyueth the water but God gyueth the holy goost wherby the fylthe is washed awaye and the synnes of bloude purged The same Ierome also wrytyng vpon the Epistle to the Galathians sayeth in thys wyse Yf then they that be baptised in Christe haue done on Christ it is manyfest that they whych haue not put on Christ be not baptised in Christe For it was sayd to them whych were counted faythfull whych were supposed to haue had the baptisme of Christ Put ye on the Lorde Iesus Christ Yf a mā taketh only thys corporall washyng of water which is sene wyth the eyes of the flesh he is not clad with the Lorde Iesus Christ For albeit Simō Magus in the actes of the Apostles had receyued the washing of water yet bycause he had not the holy gooste he was not baptised in Christ Wherfore as I declared vnto you on the Ascēsiō day baptisme wythout fayth is as who shulde saye a paper sealed wythout any wrytynge in it But ye shall alwayes vnderstād that I excepte and speake not of the baptisme of infauntes or babes For they as saint Austine and the other expositours of scripture do full well declare be saued yf after baptisme they chaunce in theyr infauncy to dye by the fayth of the catholyke church And furthermore we saye agaynst the wycked Anabaptistes that the baptisme of children is not vayne but necessarye to saluacion For no doubte the promyse of saluacion perteyneth also to chyldren or infauntes But it pertayneth not to them that be oute of the church where is neyther the worde nor the sacramentes And here vpon do all lerned men agre Now therfore good christen people syth your baptisme woll not serue you wythout faythe no nor all the workes ye can do I ernestly exhorte you that accordynge to saynt Peters declaracion here for the obteynynge of remission of youre synnes ye woll fastlye beleue in Christ So doyng no doubt the holy goost shal enter into your hartes make you euen of loue without compulsion of lawe to worke wel to the glorye of God and helth of your soules eternally Amen The gospell on the seconde daye of Pentecost The .iij. chapter of Ihon. Th argument ☞ The moost comfortable glad tydynges of Christ is here wonderfully well described IEsus spake vnto a ruler amonge the pharises God so loued the worlde that he gaue hys only begotten sonne that whosoeuer beleueth in hym shulde not perysh but haue euerlastynge lyfe For God sente not hys sonne into the worlde to condempne the worlde but that the worlde through hym myght be saued He that beleueth on hym is not condempned But he that beleueth not is condemned already because he hath not beleued in the name of the only begotten sonne of God And thys is the condempnacion that light is come into the worlde and mē loued darkenes more thā lyght bycause theyr dedes were euell For euery one that euell doeth hateth the lyght neyther commeth to the lyght lest hys dedes shuld be reproued But he that doth trouth commeth to the lyght that hys dedes may be knowen how that they are wrought in God THe Gospell of thys daye good people is in very dede an Euangell or gospell that is to saye a glad tydinges For in fewe wordes it declareth vnto vs the summe of the Christen mans religion Fyrst therfore it sheweth the cause that moued God to sende downe hys sonne to the earth The wordes here spoken be Christes wordes vnto Nicodemus Thus he sayeth God so loued the worlde that he gaue hys only begotten sonne that who soeuer beleueth in hym shulde
the Gospell perteyneth to the conscience and therfore it teacheth not the chaunge of the temporall lyfe or state whyche ciuile ordinaunce alloweth Let vs then my frendes folowe the fayth of thys Apostle Peter and hys penitent harte confessynge our vnworthynes And then doubt we not but we shal be called to the greate feaste where we shall sytte at table wyth the hole company of heauen in the heauenly palace of God the father To whome wyth the sonne and holy goost be prayse and glorye AMEN The Epistle on the .vj. sondaye after Trinitie The .vi. chapter to the Romaynes Th argument ☞ Of the spirituall signification of oure baptisme BRethren knowe ye not that all we whych are baptised into Iesu Christ are baptysed to dye wyth hym We are buryed then wyth him by baptysme for to dye that lykewyse as Christ was raysed vp from death by the glory of the father euen so we also shulde walke in a new lyfe For yf we be grafte in death lyke vnto hym euen so shall we be partakers of the resurrection knowynge thys that our olde man is crucifyed wyth hym also that the bodye of synne myghte vtterly be destroyed that henseforth we shulde not be seruaūtes vnto synne For he that is dead is iustifyed from synne Wherfore yf we be deade wyth Christ we beleue that we shall also lyue wyth hym knowynge that Christe beynge raysed from death dyeth nomore Death hath nomore power ouer hym For as touchynge that he dyed he dyed concernynge synne once And as touchynge that he lyueth he lyueth vnto God Lykewise consyder ye also that ye are dead as touchynge synne but are alyue vnto God thorowe Iesus Christ our Lorde AFter the holy Apostle saint Paule good christē people had declared to the Romaynes the profyte of these two great artycles of our fayth that is to saye christes death and his resurrection shewing them that Christ by hys moost precious death purchased the euerlastynge remission of our synne and by hys resurrection ascended vp to heauen to open the gates therof for vs and apeased the wrath of the father and made vs in fauoure agayne wyth hym that by this his dede we be iustified ☜ made goddes louynge chyldren and the ryghte enheritours of the kyngdome of heuen now in thys epistle he teacheth vs an other lesson to be cōsydered in Christes death and resurrection and setteth it before vs as an exēple to folow the maner therof in our owne selfe meanynge it shulde not auayle vs to beleue that Christe dyed and rose agayne from death excepte we woll conforme our lyfe to hys death and resurrection Do ye not knowe sayeth saynt Paule what further thynge is sygnifyed vnto you in Christes death or to what ende ye be baptysed Verely so many as be christened in the name of Christ Iesus and by baptisme be grafte in the nomber of hys seruauntes be therfore baptised that in a certayne similitude they shulde dye wyth hym Such a signification and fygure hath Christes death vnto vs that besyde that it is the pryce of our synnes it monysheth vs daylye to dye to synne dayly to mortifye and to slee the euell affections and motions of synne and concupiscence rysynge vp in our hartes agaynst the wyll of God And verely such a sygnification hath the ceremonye of our baptysme also vnto vs. The significacion of baptisme For whan we be plonged vnder the water and be lyfte vp agayne it meaneth nothinge els but that our synne is washed and slayne by Christ and we by hys grace lyft vp frome deth whych our synne deserued to euerlasting lyfe It sygnifyeth furthermore that we there promyse to dye to synne dayly to ryse vp agayne out of synne to a new lyfe the lyfe of ryghtuousnes And thys is the vertue fygure of baptysme whych yf we take not after thys purpose we do but deceyue oure selues wyth the outwarde token of the sacrament and lose the inwarde commoditie therof Wherfore my frendes consyder the spirituall meanynge of this holy sacrament let it put you in mynde that ye haue promysed there a perpetuall mortificacion and penaunce of your synne wherof it is a sygne Ye be ones baptysed and nede nomore to receyue the sacrament but yet the sygnification therof muste ye dayly fulfyll that is to dye to synne to ryse more and more to perfytnes of lyfe For we be not washed from our synne by the bloude of Christe shed for vs in hys death that we shulde retourne agayne therto but therfore be we clensed that from henseforth we shulde defoule our selfe nomore wyth synne And as Christ dyed and was buryed for vs so shuld we dye and be buryed wyth him that is to saye synne shuld dye in vs and be vtterly as buryed neuer to be sene agayne in our lyfe And as Christe was raysed vp from death by the glorious spirite of the father to lyfe agayne so shulde we dayly ryse vp from the frutes of synne to a new lyfe walke continually there in And as the power of goddes holy spirite raysed Christ vp agayne from death to lyfe whyche worke redounded to the greate glorye and prayse of God euen so by the power of the same spirite shall we be able to ryse frō death of synne to the newnes of vertuouse lyfe In whych our doynge we shall in some maner worke to the glorye of god when men shal se our well doynge and prayse the father of heauen for hys grace that he worketh in vs. Let then noman refuse to mortifye hys euell affections that he fealeth in hym That yf it be paynfull for hym to abstayne from synne let hym consyder that els he can not be the chylde of God For he is none of Christes that hath not hys spirite and by thys token is it knowen who is grafte in Christe and is in the state of saluation For it is not he whyche foloweth the lustes of hys fleshe but he whych walketh after the spirite Let vs consyder what saynt Paule sayeth here Yf we be lyke Christ in the similitude of hys death we shal be partakers wyth hym in the generall resurrection for yf the selfe same spirite ruleth in vs to fyghte agaynst synne whych raysed Christe from death to euerlastynge lyfe it shall also rayse vs from the corporall death of our body to lyfe agayne and that to lyfe euerlastynge And let vs knowe thys of suertye that as Christe hath not slayne synne and crucifyed it vpon the crosse that we shulde lyue in it and serue the desyre therof but that we shulde be deliuered frō the daunger of it euen so ought we to slee oure olde Adam that is to saye all euyll motions and lustes of synne whyche we inheryte by that we be Adams chyldren conceyued and borne in synne I saye we ought to subdue hym all oure lyfe tyme kepe hym vnder by the crosse of wylful penaunce and afflictiō so by lytle and lytle to abolysh and expell
the power of synne to delyuer vs from the daunger therof and to gyue vs exemple to dye to synne in our lyfe As the Iues dyd eate theyr Ester lābe kept theyr fest in remembraūce of theyr deliueraūce out of Egypt Euē so let vs kepe our Ester feast in the thankfull remēbraunce of Christes benefytes whych he hath purchased for vs by hys resurrectiō passyng to hys father wherby we be deliuered from the captiuitie thraldome of al our enemyes Let vs in like maner passe ouer the affections of our olde conuersacion to be delyuered from the bondage therof to ryse with Christ Exo. xij The Iues kept theyr feast in absteynynge from leuened breade by the space of .vij. dayes let vs christen folke kepe our holy day in a spiritual maner that is in absteining not from material leuened bread but from the olde leuen of synne the leuen of maliciousnes wyckednes Let vs cast frō vs the leuen of corrupt doctrine that wyl infect our soules Let vs kepe oure feast the hole terme of our lyfe with eatynge the bred of purenes of godly lyfe truth of Christes doctrine Thus shall we declare that Christes gyftes graces haue theyr effect in vs that we haue the right beleue knowlege of his holy resurrection whervnto yf we applye our fayth to the vertue therof in our lyfe cōforme vs to the exemple signification ment therby we shal be suer to ryse hereafter to euerlastynge glorye by the goodnes and mercy of our Lorde Iesus Christe to whome wyth the father and the holy goost c. On the fyrst sondaye after Ester The Epistle on the fyrste sondaye after Ester daye called lowe sondaye The fyrst Epistle of Iohn and the .v. Chapter Th argument of thys Epistle ☞ Of the excellency of fayth and how it ouercōmeth the worlde MOst dere beloued brethren al that is borne of God ouercōmeth the worlde And this is the victory that ouercōmeth the world euē our faith Who is it that ouercommeth the worlde i. cor x. but he whyche beleueth that Iesus is the sonne of God Thys Iesus Christe is he that came by water and bloud not by water onely but by water bloud And it is the spirite that beareth wytnesse because the spirite is trueth for there are thre whiche beare recorde in heauen the father the worde and holy goste And these thre are one And there are thre whyche beare record in earth the spirite water and bloud and these thre are one Yf we receaue the wytnes of men the wytnes of God is greater For thys is the wytnes of God that is greater whyche he testifyed of hys sonne He that beleueth on the sonne of god hath the wytnes in hymselfe An exhortation vpon thys Epistel OVre Epistle taken out of the first epistle catholyke of saint Iohn good christen brethern doth shewe vnto vs that we haue a generation from god which is that which procedeth of faith this ouercommyth the worlde that is to saie the concupiscences of syn̄es which be pryde couetous and lecherye Assuredly my frendes ther is I trust no man amonges vs but knoweth that of nature we be al born in synnes ☞ in vnrightuousnes in vtter ignorance of al ghostly and spiritual thinges And therfore Sainct Austine wryteth on this wise The wordes of S. Austine Beholde my brethern beholde the generacion of mankynde from the firste death of that first man For synne from the first man hath entred into this world and by syn̄e hath death entred and so hath passed thorough all men as witnesseth thapostle But marke sayth saynte Austine this worde passed through Pertran sijt Synne is rūne through vpon all the ofsprynge of Adam and for this cause is the new borne chylde gylty of eternal damnation he hath not yet done syn but he hath caught synne For surely that fyrst synne of oure foreparentes dyd not styll remayne in the headsprynge but it passed through into the ofsprynge not into hym and hym but into al men The fyrst synner the fyrst trāsgressour begat synners subiecte to death Than came the Sauiour of a virgine to heale saue them he came to the but not the waye that thou cāmest For he proceded not of the concupiscēce of the male and female he came not of that bonde of concupiscence Bycause therfore he came to the not by that waye that thou cammest ☞ therfore he delyuered the. But where dyd he fynde the He founde the solde vnder synne lyenge in the death of the fyrste man drawynge vp the synne of the fyrst mā beynge gylty and hauynge condemnation yer thou couldest discerne good and euell asunder Hetherto I haue rehersed vnto you the wordes of saynt Austyne Wherfore to retourne to my purpose forasmuch as we be borne in synne whych bryngeth wyth it ignoraunce blyndnes and infidelitie therfore we can not chalenge thys to our owne power and vertue that we beleue Iesus to be Christ but for the beleuynge herof we haue nede to be borne agayne and to be renewed through the holy goost and by the worde of God to thintent we may purely vnderstande the thynges that be of God and that we maye by faythe take holde of the promyses of Christ and so finally wyth sure confidence determine wyth our selues that Iesus is Christe Ioh. iij. that is to saye the annoynted Kynge and Sauioure of the worlde Before we be newe borne agayn by spirite we be al Nicodemes For no doubte before we be thus borne agayne we be all but Nicodemes that is to saye we maye well beleue that Christ came as a greate mayster from God and that nomā coulde do the sygnes and myracles that he dyd But thys is but an historial fayth and they that haue it do as yet walke out of the kyngdom of heuen wyth Nicodemus to whō Christ answereth Verely verely I saye vnto the onles a mā be borne agayne from aboue he can not se the kyngdome of God Ioh. iij. whych selfe thynge the holy apostle saynte Ihon doth in thys place declare in other termes saynge i. Ioh. v. he can not beleue Iesus to be Christe For he that beleueth not thys can not se the kyngdome of god To beleue that Iesus is Christe is surely to determine and conclude wyth thy self that Iesus is fyrste to the a Sauiour and secōdly What it is to beleue that Iesus is Christ that he is a kynge anoynted with the oyle of gladnes perpetually to rule to preserue to defend the so saued by hym And here saynt Ihons entent and purpose is to declare vnto vs a difference betwene the historiall faythe concernynge Christe whyche the deuyll also hath A difference of faythes and so all hypocrites and betwene the true and sauynge fayth whych beleueth that Christ doth both saue vs and also taketh a continuall charge regard of our saluation To thys fayth we be borne agayne whan through the
holy goost we be called by the worde to the knowlege of Gods wyll ☞ to thintent we maye vnderstande that Iesus is Christe I meane that he is such one in whome is reposed all grace helth defense and sauegarde agaynste synne death Satan the worlde and so forth This he that beleueth Borne of God is sayd to be borne of god as though saint Ihon shulde say To beleue that Iesus is Christ is not a worke of humane power strength but it is suche a worke whervnto is requyred the power of God an heauenly renewyng or regeneration wherby the holy goost transformeth vs into newe creatures And what is this faith whiche is so myghty It is as I haue sayde the same that maketh vs beleue that Iesus is the sonne of god that was baptysed which thinge is to be comen by water that suffered death and passion for the redemption of men which is to be comen by bloude That Iesus Christ is verite for the holy ghost doth witnesse it that is to say both trew god and trewe man And that he is trewe god thre thinges doth witnesse it in heuē the father the sonne which is him selfe and the holy ghost and these thre be one selfe witnesse And that he is trewe man thre thinges doth witnesse it in erth the spirite which he hath bequethed into the handes of his father at his death the water with which he was baptised and the bloude which he hath shed with water when his syde was percyd after that he was deade And these thre thinges be one selfe witnesse And if we receyue the witnesse of menne why shuld we not take the witnesse of god which is infinitely greater than mās that he is the sonne of god This witnesse was made by god the father in his baptisme Mat. iij. And also he hath testified yt in the mountaine he hath testified it by the lawe by the prophetes Who so euer then beleueth that he is the sone of god he hath the witnesse of god in him he receyueth the recorde and testimonye of god he is borne of god and in the spirite of his faith he is farre stronger ouer the world and victorious of the worlde Folowe we then good brethren and systers this generation of God of fayth and of baptisme and lo we haue ouercome all thynges that is to wytte the worlde the fleshe and the concupiscences Nowe yf we be rydde and not combred wyth these thynges surely the yuel spirite can haue nothynge in vs but than the spirite of god only may all and doth all in vs. Vnto god then be all thankes honour and glory accordingly Amen On the fyrste sondaye after Ester The Gospell on the fyrst sondaye after Ester daye called lowe sondaye the .xx. chapter of Ihon. Th argument of thys Gospell ☞ How Christ appeareth to hys disciples which were assembled togyther and of theyr cōmission that was gyuen them to preache THe same daye at nyght whyche was the fyrst daye of the Sabbothes whan the dores were shut where the disciples were assembled together for feare of the Iewes came Iesus and stode in the mydde and sayeth vnto them Peace be vnto you And whan he had so sayd he shewed vnto them hys handes and hys syde Then were the disciples glad whā they sawe the Lorde Esa lxi Mat. xi Ioh. xvii Than sayd Iesus to them agayn Peace be vnto you As my father sent me euen so sende I you also And whā he had sayd those wordes he brethed on them and sayeth vnto them Receyue the holy goost Whoseouers synnes ye remytte they are remytted vnto them And whosoeuers synnes ye retayne they are retayned But Thomas one of the twelue whych is called Didimus was not wyth them whan Iesus came The other disciples therfore sayde vnto hym we haue sene the Lorde But he sayde vnto them excepte I se in hys handes the prynte of the nayles and put my fnnger into the prynt of the nayles and thurst my hande into hys syde I wil not beleue And after eyghte dayes agayne hys disciples were wyth in and Thomas wyth them Then came Iesus when the dores were shut and stode in the myddes and sayde peace be vnto youe After that sayde he to Thomas brynge thy fynger hyther and se my handes and reache hyther thy hande and thurste into my syde and be not faythlesse but beleuyng Thomas answered and sayd vnto hym my Lorde and my God Iesus sayth vnto hym Thomas because thou haste sene me thou haste beleued blessed are they that haue not sene and yet haue beleued And many other sygnes truly dyd Iesus in the presence of hys disciples Ioh. xxi whyche are not wrytten in thys boke These are written that ye might beleue that Iesus is Christ the sonne of God and that in beleuynge ye myght haue lyfe thorowe hys name An exhortacion vpon thys Gospel THe Gospell of thys daye good people doth declare vnto vs the appearyng of our Lorde Iesu Christ vnto hys disciples after hys resurrection that is to wyt how he came and shewed hymselfe vnto them the dores beynge shut for feare of the Iues. And here truly he dyd shew the diuersitie of bodyes and what difference there shal be betwene the sensuall bodyes and betwene the spirituall betwene the materiall and corruptible bodyes in thys worlde betwene the spirituall bodyes and incorruptible after the resurrection Trouth it is also that we ought not to suffer any infideles as were the Iues to enter in amonges vs from whome the Apostles dyd shut theyr dores Nowe Iesus beynge in the myddes of them dydde salute them in gyuynge vnto them hys peace wyth whych gretynge or salutation he conforted and confirmed hys disciples myndes that they shulde nothynge doubt of hys resurrectiō whych as the Euangelist Luke wytnesseth they counted but for a dreame Luke xxiiij Wherfore he shewed vnto them hys handes and hys syde perced And by thys shewynge of hys handes and feete Christe openeth two thynges Fyrst by these sygnes he wolde be knowen For in affliction is Christ truly knowen Seconde by them he wolde assure hys disciples of hys glorious resurrection And verely thys shal be the signe of saluation vnto the faithful at the greate daye of iugement and the signe of lamentation and of sorowe vnto the infidels which thā shal se whome they haue percyd The faithfull shal be gretly cōforted in seing him as his disciples were at this tyme. To these disciples I saye he did ones gyue his peace and made them his apostles that is to saye his legates or ambassadours not onely of Iurye but of al the worlde in lyke maner as god the father had sent him and made hym apostle in the worlde And he gaue them the holy gost for to remytte synnes and to pardō in his name and whose synnes so euer they pardoned shuld be forgyuen in heauen The pardone of the apostles assuredly was but a signe of the trewe pardone
veritie All that herde hym speake and preach were astonnyed vpon hys doctrine For he taught them not after the fashion of the scribes and pharisees whych neuertheles were the greate doctours learned men of the lawe but as one hauynge a wonderfull grace and authoritie Yea euen his very enemyes were cōpelled to testifie of hym that he taught the waye of God in trouth as appeareth in the .xxij. chapter of Matheu Neyther dyd Christ only teach hys shepe that is to saye those that folowed hym lyke shepe that were well nere lost but he also healed them bestowynge euen hys very lyfe for them For I praye you dyd he not dye for our synnes Was it not he only which with his bloude wasshed awaye the fylthynes of oure synnes Yea doubtles But who be these hyrelynges whyche whan they se the wolfe come to deuoure the shepe they rūne theyr waye Surely these be those whych preach the worde and that also purely and syncerely but they prech it for lucre for honoure for glorye or for the belyes sake These I saye be no true herdmen but hyrelynges for these dryue not awaye the rauenous wolues that is to saye the deuyll and hys lymmes I meane the Antichristes whych persecute deuoure Christes flocke but as soone as persecution trouble for the worde commeth Ier. xxiij anone they are gone Of these do the prophete Ieremy speake sayenge Wo be vnto the shepeherders that destroye and skatter my flocke I wyll therfore vysite the wyckednes of theyr ymaginations It is true that the Apostle wryteth Episcopatus quid sit Qui episcopatū desiderat bonū opus concupiscit that is to saye He that desyreth an ouersyght or a cure ouer a flocke whych after the greke worde is called a byshoprych coueteth a good worke Lo sayeth saynt Ierome wrytynge to Oceanus the Apostle calleth a byshopryke a worke and not a dignitie Saynt Hierom a laboure and not a deyntenes a worke wherby through humilitie he muste be lowly not to swelle in pryde For a byshop or curate must be fautles sobre full of good doctrine not gyuen to foule and fylthy gaynes but meke diligent full of charitie accordynge to thexemple of Christ the hygh and supreme shepeherde of all and the shepeherde of shepeherdes whych as thys Gospell sayeth gaue hys owne lyfe for the sauegarde and health of hys shepe that is to saye of all vs that folowe and beleue on hym Wherfore my brethren and systers to conclude how happy be we for to haue suche a herdman for to know to loue to folowe to heare hys swete voyce that gyueth lyfe to heare hys doctrine to be refectioned fedde wyth the meate whyche gyueth euerlastynge lyfe to haue wysedome and myght that surmoūteth the worlde by the sayd our herdmen lyghtenyng vs in hym by fayth drawynge vs to hym by hope inflamynge vs by charitie Vnto hym therfore be glorye in all the nations wythin the compasse of the erth for euer and euer Amen The Epistle on the .iij. sonday after Ester The fyrst epistle of saynt Peter the .ij. Chapter Th argument ☞ Peter exhorteth to laye asyde all vyce to absteyne from fleshly lustes and to obeye worldlye rulers DEarely beloued brethrē I besech you as straūgers and pylgrems abstayne frō fleshly lustes Gala. v. which fyght agaynste the soule Ro. xiij and se that ye haue honest conuersaciō among the Gentils that where as they backbyte you as euyll doars they maye se your good workes Mat. v. and prayse God in the daye of visitation Submytte youre selues therfore vnto al maner ordinaūce of man for the Lordes sake Ro. xiij Tit. iij. whether it be vnto the Kynge as vnto the chiefe heed other vnto rulars as vnto thē that are sent of hym for the punyshemēt of euyl doars but for the laud of them that do well For so is the wyll of God that wyth well doynge ye maye stoppe the mouthes of folysh and ignoraunte men as fre and not as hauyng the libertye for a cloke of maliciousnes but euen as the seruaūtes of God Honoure al men Ro. xij Loue brotherly feloshyp Feare God honoure the Kynge Seruauntes obey your masters wyth feare not onely yf they be good and courteous but also thoughe they be frowarde For it cometh of grace in Christ Iesus our Lorde THys Epistle good christian brethern systers is very excellent and notable For in it is handeled the second part of Christianitie that is to wit how in thys liefe after we haue ones receyued and taken the euangell or glad tydynges of oure saluation whych thyng we call commonly in englyshe a gospell we ought to lyue In the processe that goeth before thys epistle saynt Peter taught and shewed the other parte of Christianitie whych is of fayth and howe we ought to beleue the gospell and also how we be edified and buylded vpon Christ the corner stone wheras before that tyme we were the chyldren of vengaunce and as abiectes and castawayes in gods syght but nowe we be made the chyldren of God by Christ Whyche treasure truly saynt Peter doth extolle and lyfte vp wyth prayses aboue measure so that it were well with vs if after the knowlege of so greate ryches we myght be lycenced forth with to departe out of thys miserable lyfe But forasmoch as we dye not by and by after the receyuing of so greate commodities felicities therfore nowe doth saynt Peter teache vs how and by what meanes we shuld lyue here in erth that we dye not eternally For Satan our mortal ennemy neuer slepeth but euer watcheth that he maye eyther quite and cleane plucke vs frome gods worde or at lest waye that he myght wery vs and make vs slauthful and negligent in doyng of good workes For assuredly it commethe so commenly to passe that forthwyth when we heare by the preachyng of the gospell that we be set at peax wyth God iustified in hys syght by only faith in him then noman wil do any longer any goodnes at al whych thynge no doubte chaunced euen in saynt Peters tyme. The occasion of thys epistle By reason wherof he toke occasion to wryte these thynges concernyng the institution of the christian liefe As though this holy Apostle Peter wold say Good brethern syth ye haue now receyued the gospell and syth ye be iustified by fayth in Christ now it shal be very good and necessarie for you to goo about to redresse your maner of lyuing and to absteyne from carnal and flesshely desires and lustes But it is an horrible thyng to be spoken that fleshly disires and lustes do not cease no not in the iustified persons Yea we se by daily experience that then more and more carnall desires do breake forth not bicause this faulte commeth by the gospel ☜ as many ennemyes of the Gospell and papystes blasphemously do allege but bycause Satan is the ennemy of the gospel and of the iustice
to lyfe And furthermore how and in what wyse by hys vprysyng or resurrection he shulde cōmence hys raigne and haue accesse to hys father And assuredly the preachyng and fore shewynge hereof was ryght necessary to the Apostles of Christ to be often made and dryuen into theyr heades For the flesh as Christe sayeth hymselfe is weake and agayne the articles of oure religion be suche that they surmount the sklender capacitie of mans wyt neyther can they easely be perceyued Thys is the cause why Christ lyke a faythful mayster neuer ceaseth to dryue into hys disciples heades the sūme cōtent of our fayth to thintent he myght fully execute thoffice that he came for Now thys is hys sentence and mynde whych he declareth to hys disciples Wythin a lytle whyle O you my louynge scholers and disciples I shal be betrayed vnto the Iues as I haue often tymes heretofore shewed vnto you that I shulde be condemned Mat. xij scourged bobbed and at last nayled to the crosse And for asmuch as euen lyke as Ionas was in the whales bely thre dayes and thre nyghtes I must in lykewyse be buryed in the grounde for the space of thre dayes and thre nyghtes Christes raigne Therfore for a lytle whyle in dede ye shall not se me But agayne after a lytle whyle that is to wyt the thyrde daye after whan I shall ryse agayne ye shall verely se me how be it that shall not be longe for I must awaye to my father and begyn with hym my spirituall raygne Ephe. i. and .iiij. Lo my deare frendes with such wordes Christe teacheth hys apostles what maner thyng his kyngdō shuld be how the cōmyng is to the same Assuredly the kingdō or raigne of Christ is none other thynge thā that Christ hath cōquered the world syn death satā hell furthermore hath taken of his father all power both in heuen and in erth in such sort as hensforth he is to be the most puissaunt and mighty kinge ouer the mount Sion Psal iiij leading and gouernyng his subiectes with the holy spirite of comforte Into this his kingdom it behoued hym to entre by the crosse by sheding of his mooste precious bloude and by death euen as the prophete Dauid longe before had prophecied of him sayeng he shall drynke of the floude in the waye Psa cix and therefore he shall lyft vp his heade Now this spirituall kingdome was not moche knowne to his apostles For they thought rather that the kingdom of Christ shulde haue ben a worldly and an outwarde kyngdome whych thinge they styl loked for vntyl the spirite was gyuen them whych taught them the knowlege hereof and how they ought to come vnto it and to gette it and how to perseuer and continue in the same If we therfore good brethren and systers be lykewise mynded to entre into thys kingdome and by Christ to vanquysh synne death Satan and hel we must nedes acknowlege and take Christ for oure Lorde and sauiour for our kinge and hyghe bishop fastelye beleuing that we be reconciled and made at one agayne with the father of heuen by his bloude and in suffering and doinge the thinges that Paule speaketh where he sayth i. tim ii If we shall suffer togither with him we shall also reigne with him Seconde An exēple of our ignoraūce we haue here good people an exemple of oure ignoraunce and blyndnesse and that in thapostles For loke how lytle they attayned the mystery of the gospell wythout the holy goost so lytle can we also attayne by oure owne powers to iustice or soule health But harkē your selues out of the very texte the rudenes or ignoraunce of the appostles Christ had shewed them that after a litle whyle they shulde not se him agayne after a lytle whyle they shulde se him agayne for he muste go to hys father This must nedes be vnderstande of his death and resurrection and of his spiritual kyngdome What it is to go to the father Ps lxvij For assuredly to go to his father is nothinge elles but to fulfyll all thynges as it is declared in the .v. chapi to the Ephesians and by hys holye gooste to exalte gloryfie saue mankynde or to speake the wordes of the prophete dona dare hominibus to gyue gyftes to men But I praye you how do thapostles vnderstande thys They talke and conferre with themselues what meaneth that he sayeth after a whyle ye shall not se me and agayn after a whyle ye shal se me we knowe not saye they what he speketh Lo my frendes the apostles do here confesse theyr ignoraunce and that they atteyne not to the wordes that he spake albeit he had spokē often tymes before of hys crosse deathe and resurrection vnto them Wherfore I do not a lytle wonder what these men meane whyche fyghte so strongly for the defence of theyr owne naturall and carnall power syth they se here so manyfestly that the apostles themselues whyche had Christe so moch conuersaunt amonges them coulde not by theyr owne mere power before the holy gooste came vnto them vnderstande the spirituall kyngdome of Christe So that it manifestly appeareth that while they woll be doctours and teachers of other they be them selues full of all blyndenes and ignoraunce Thys therfore is the summe and effecte of thys place that the flesh in suche thynges as perteine to iustification can do no good onles the holy gost beyng communitate by the word be receiued and had For as the prophete Ieremy recordeth Ier. xiij they shal be taught of God and not of themselues Thyrdly Christe doth preuent his apostles when he espyed them not to atteine his wordes and that they wold aske him the meanyng of the same sayeng vnto them in thys wise Of thys ye do question amonges your selues that I sayd a litle and ye shall not see me and agayne a lytle and ye shall se me Verely verely I saye vnto you ye shall wepe and lamente but the worlde shal reioyce Ye shal sorow but your sorowe shal be turned into ioye Lo how Christ tendereth his apostles he shaketh them not of for their rudenes and ignoraunce but moste gentlye instructeth them shewinge them howe his format wordes ought to be vnderstand sayenge vnto them in thys wise Ye shall wepe and be sory but why bycause ye shall see youre Lorde and mayster apprehended and takē nayled vpon the crosse and put to death Crosse ꝑsecutiō Then shall calamitie and sorow begynne and principally this shall trouble you that the world shal reioyce at your aduersitie and your maysters aduersitie And euen as Christ had spoken so it came to passe concernyng both hys owne crosse affliction and heuines also his apostles For do ye thynke yt a lytle crosse vnto hym when that he was reuiled and vpbrayded of the Iues sayeng vnto hym let God delyuer hym if he woll haue hym I omytte and passe ouer with
breade whiche is descended downe from heuen euen the moste preciouse body of our sauiour Christ whiche was betrayed and put to death to redeme the lyfe of the hole worlde Let vs beleue it let vs take it we shall lyue The mystery of this thing is right straunge and wonderfull to the world But suerly onles thou beest by faith ingrafted and incorporated into this mysticall body stycke faste in the same euen as a braunche doth in the vine tree thou shalt haue no lyfe in the. Let vs not my frendes murmoure wythin our selues as the Iues did and say how can he gyue vs his fleshe to eate The Iues saythe saynte Augustine bycause they vnderstode not the breade of concorde Austin therfore they discorded and fel at variaunce wythin themselues But suerly they that eate this bread do not stryue nor contende wythin themselues for by thys most blessed and heuenly breade god maketh them to dwel in hys house in full vnitie and concorde togyther Christ assureth vs that onles we eate hys fleshe and drynke hys blode we shall not haue lyfe in vs. Ioh. vj. But how shal we eate his fleshe and drynke his bloude Truly as all holy doctours expounde thys texte we eate Christes fleshe and drynke his bloude August lib. iij. de doct Christ S. Ambrose when we communicate and take parte of his passion and swetly and profitably lay vp in our memory that hys fleshe was crucifyed and wounded that his most precyouse blode was shed for vs. He that beleueth not thus in hym sayth saynt Augustine eateth not Christ and therefore he hath not the Christen fayth without whyche he can haue no pardon of hys synnes Wherfore my frēdes let vs dayly eate this heauēly breade this Christ our louyng sauiour in spirite and by fayth Let vs I saye take holde of him let vs apprehende him by fayth let vs take the benefite and vse of his passion and resurrection ☜ let vs make him all ours Let vs suffre hym to entre into vs. Spiritually we ought dayly to receyue him But both spiritually and also sacramentally and corporally we must receiue him with most hyghe reuerēce in forme of breade at suche tyme as the churche appoynteth and namely at the feaste of Easter I saye when we come to the aultare of god and to his holy borde let vs take hede that we worthely receyue in forme of breade his moste preciouse body i. cor xj lest we take hym to our dānacion not discerning the lordes body Which thyng we can not do without penaūce stedfast fayth and ful purpose of amēding our former lyfe Let vs fyrst or euer we approch to this blessid sacramēt examine our selues by knowledging our sinnes against god Contricion of herte wherunto we shal be brought by heryng considering gods wyl declared in his lawes perceiuing in our cōscience the god is displeased with vs for the same and therupon cōceiuing not only greate sorowe but also great feare of gods wrath towardes vs cōsidering we haue no worthy meritꝭ to lay before god as sufficient satisfaction for our synnes which done we must cōceiue sure hope fayth that god yet wyl forgiue vs our synnes not for our owne worthines but for the only merites of his bloude passion which fayth we shal cōfirme by the applieng of Christes promise cōteined in his gospell namely in the institucyon of thys most blessed sacramēt where it is sayde giuen for the remissiō of our synnes Faythe hope of forgiuenes Math. xxvj But to the atteining of this fayth the seconde parte of penaunce that is to say confession to the prest is necessary Confession to a preste inasmuch as the absolucion giuē by him is ordeined of Christ to applie the promises of gods grace to vs according to these textes Ioh. xx Luce. x. Whose synnes soeuer you forgiue shal be forgiuen whose synnes ye reteine shal be reteined Also He that heareth you heareth me Finally being thus truly penitent cōtrite cōfessed we must also bryng forth the frutes of penaūce The frutes of penaunce as prayer fasting almes dede We must also make restitucion or satisfaccion in wyl dede to our neyghbours in that we haue done them wrong We must also do al other good workes of mercy charitie expresse our obedient wyl in fulfylling of gods cōmaūdemēt outwardly when tyme and occasion shal be gyuen vs. Thus we shall examine our selues so receyue this moste holy sacrament worthely Otherwyse we shal receiue our owne damnacion Wherfore my frēdes do as I haue here declared vnto you and ye shal receiue forgiuenes of your sinnes at laste the croune of euerlasting lyfe Vnto whiche c. THE EPISTLE ON TRINITIE SONDAYE THE IIII. Chapter of the Apocalyps Th argument ☞ God 's Maiestie is here described I Loked vp and sawe a dore open in heauen and the fyrst voyce whych I herde was as it were of a trompet talkynge wyth me whych sayd come vp hyther and I wyll shewe the thynges whych must be fulfylled herafter And immediatly I was in the spirite and beholde a seate was set in heauen and one sat on the seate And he that sat was to loke vpō lyke a Iaspar stone and a Sardyne stone And there was a rayne bowe aboute the seate in syght lyke to an Emeralde And aboute the seate were .xxiiij. seates And vpon the seates .xxiiij. Elders sytting clothed in whyt rayment and had on their heades crownes of golde And out of the seate proceded lyghtenynges and thundrynges and voyces and there were seuen lampes of fyre burnynge before the seate whych are the seuen spirites of God And before the seate there was a see of glasse like vnto Crystal and in the myddes of the seate and rounde aboute the seate were foure beastes ful of eyes before and behynde And the fyrst beast was lyke a Lyon and the seconde beast lyke a Calfe and the thyrde beast had a face as a Man and the fourth beast was lyke a flyenge Egle. And the foure beastes had eche one of them .vi. wynges about hym and they were full of eyes wythin And they had no rest daye neyther nyght sayenge Holy holy holy Lorde God almyghty whych was and is and is to come And whan those beastes gaue glorye and honoure and thankes to hym that sat on the seate whych lyueth for euer and euer the .xxiiij. Elders fell downe before hym that satte on the trone and worshypped hym that lyueth for euer and cast their crownes before the trone sayenge thou arte worthy o Lorde oure God to receyue glorye and honoure and power for thou hast created all thynges and for thy wylles sake they are and were created GOod people we be sure by scripture that there is but one God For it sayth Herken o Israel thy god is one Deu. v. But forasmuch as the scripture doth attribute godheade and diuine essencie to
this maner thou muste offer thy gyfte to the aultare wyth a good mynde and glad harte and not grudgyngly For els all is nought that thou doest For where the spirite of god is there is lybertie So that we muste do all thynges that God commaundeth vs to do frely wyth a good mynde and a louynge harte Christ sayeth yf thou offerest thy gyft Here therfore thou muste consyder fyrste and knowe whether it be thyne or no for yf it be not thyne brynge none Surely as longe as thou gettest thy goodes wyth true laboure and wyth no deceyte nor breakyng goddes cōmaundementes yf the poore man hath no nede of thy goodes so longe it is thyne owne and thou mayest offer it But yf thou kepest it awaye from the poore man whā he nedeth it or gettest it by any false meanes deceyuynge the people than it is not thine but thou arte a thefe and doest steale it Therfore then offer none but restore it agayne for yf thou offerest it it is in vayne and God abhorreth both the and thyne offerynge But as touchynge thy tythes and such offerynges as the lawe compelleth the to paye vnto thy curate Tythes ought to be payde truly surely thou arte bounde faythfully and truly to pay them Thou mayest not take from the prestes duetye and gyue it to the poore for then thou art a thefe and thou robbest Peter to paye Paule Gyue therfore to euery one that whyche is hys Gyue to thy kynge hys duetye to thy poore nedye brother that whych charitie wylleth the to gyue and paye thy curate hys duetye yea though he be neuer so naughty of lyuynge thoughe he be viciouse proude ambiciouse and though he lyue neuer so gloriously and voluptuously Peraduenture thou wylt saye Why shall I paye my tythes and offerynges to such a curate to maynteyne hys vngracious lyuynge Yea forsoth Why For the church hath so decreed and the lawes hathe ordeyned and commaunded Therfore paye him his duetye wyth a good wyl and no doute thou art discharged towardes God But he for receyuynge and spendynge it on that maner is a stronge thefe and shal be hanged in hell for it yf he make not amēdes In dede yf thou gyuest to suche a curate more then hys dutye ☞ then thou mayest be a maynteyner of his euyll lyuinge and naughtynes But yf he be a good curate doynge hys duetye preachyng to hys paryshners the worde of God gyuing them exēple of good lyuynge and teachyng them Christes rule that they may knowe it and folow it forsoth to such one thou canst not gyue to much Why For thou shalte be sure to haue it agayne whan so euer thou shalt haue nede of it For such a charitable man woll surely not se the poore man wante Thus my frendes I haue declared vnto you the true ryghtuousnes that Christ requyreth of vs. Ye be here taught to mortifye the affections of the harte Yf ye do thys ye shall shewe youre selues to be in dede ryght and perfyte christen people the chyldren of saluacion and the enheritours of the kyngdome of God To whome be honoure and glorye Amen The Epistle on the .vij. sondaye after Trinitie The .vi. chapter to the Romaynes Th argument ☞ An exhortacion to good workes BRethren I wyll speake grosly because of the infirmitie of youre fleshe As ye haue gyuen your members seruauntes to vnclennes and to iniquitie frō one iniquitie to an other euen so nowe gyue ouer youre members seruauntes vnto ryghteousnes that ye maye be sanctified For when ye were the seruauntes of synne ye were not vnder ryghteousnes What frute hadde ye than in those thinges wherof ye are nowe ashamed For th ende of those thynges is deathe But nowe are ye delyuered from synne and made the seruaūtes of god and haue your frute to be sanctified and the ende euerlastyng lyfe For the rewarde of synne is deathe but eternall lyfe is the gyfte of god thorough Iesus Christe our Lorde IN thys lesson good christen people thapostle S. Paule exhorteth the Romaynes and in them vs al that now syth by the benefyte of Christes redemption we be made fre frō the condempnation of synne and be iustifyed and reconciled to God the father of heauen by the mediacion of Christes bloude which was shed on the aultare of the crosse for our transgressions and offenses we woll gyue our selues to good and vertuouse lyuynge For albeit sayeth S. Paule ye be enfraunchysed and made fre frō synne and as who shulde saye manumissed as bondmen be wonte yet ye be not so vtterly fre but ye be styl in bondage and seruitude to ryghtuousnes that is to saye to good lyuynge and honest conuersacion So ye be free and not free free from synne but bonde to ryghteousnes and good lyuynge I speake grossely and after an humane fashion sayeth Paule to call you the bondmen and seruauntes of ryghtuousnes But to thys impropre and homelye maner of speakynge I am dryuē bycause of the weaknes of your fleshe humanū I am I saye fayne to applye frame my wordes accordynge to your capacitie vnderstandynge I knowe ryght wel the infirmitie and the weaknes of your fleshe whych as yet is not come to the perfection no nor can not come to the ful perfection so lōge as ye be in thys mortall and frayle lyfe Yea our sauiour Christ hymselfe a lytle before hys departure out of thys worlde complayned of the infirmitie of the fleshe Wherfore my frendes lyke as before ye receyued the Gospell of Christ ye haue frely and volūtarely giuen and exhibited your membres as slaues and bonde to serue all naughtynes all vnclennes wyckednes and that from one wyckednes to an ather euery one worse then other So now where as ye be vnder grace and become christen persons and haue receyued Christes Gospell I exhorte you that ye woll an other whyle serue ryghtuousnes that is to saye that wyth all your myght and force ye woll studye and applye your selues to vertue honest conuersation and good lyuyng Yf ye do thys vndoubtedly ye shal be sanctifyed and made holy in goddes syght whyle through the worke and operation of the holy goost new motions be created in you whyche after a certayne maner shall answere to the lawe satisfye the same though in great infirmitie weakenes makynge you wyth your harte to loue God euen of a good conscience and fayth vnfeyned For so longe as ye were in your former state and knewe not Christe but lyued in ydolatrye and blyndnes of harte seruynge synne ye were as fremen to ryghtuousnes that is to saye ye serued her not ye hadde no iustice no ryghtuousnes in you ye were not vnder her power and dominion I praye you then my frendes what profyte frute and commoditie toke ye at that tyme of your louse and fre lyuynge I meane of your synne whych ye cōmonly then haūted wherof now that ye be in the state of grace and haue receyued the tytle