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A67785 An invitation of love, to all who hunger and thirst after righteousness, to come and take of the water of life freely without money and without price with a word of advice to such as are asking the way to Sion (and are weeping) with their faces thither-ward : together with a faithful warning to the inhabitants of Babylon, to come out of her, lest (partaking of her sins) ye also come to partake of her plagues / by Isabel Yeamans. Yeamans, Isabel. 1679 (1679) Wing Y20; ESTC R15491 29,019 52

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Heart and said It is NOT in Heaven that thou shouldst say Who shall ascend to bring it from thence NEITHER is it beyond the Sea that thou shouldst say Who shall go over to fetch it us but the Word is very nigh thee in thy Heart and in thy Mouth for to do it Behold this day I have set before thee Life and Good Death and Evil Deuteronomy Chap. 30. Verse 12 13 14 15. From whence I conclude and am fully satisfied that Life and Good consists in and is obtained by hearkening unto and obeying that Word that is nigh in the Heart And on the contrary by sleighting and rejecting of it Death and Evil cometh upon the Souls of all those who running after Empty Words and after the Tree of Knowledge and come not to the Guidance of that Inward WORD in the Heart which is able to give them Acceptance with the Lord. For Without Faith viz. in this Word which purifies the Heart it is impossible to please God and by it we have Access unto him But a Dead Historical or Notional Faith will profit none But that which purifieth the Heart and worketh by Love and purgeth the Conscience from Dead Works of which Christ is the Author and Finisher too that only will profit And this True and Living Faith is known by the Blessed Effects and Works of it for as the Body without the Spirit is Dead so Faith without Works is Dead also James 2.26 And all those that are true Believers in Christ Jesus the Lamb of God that takes away the Sins of the World they come to find the Powerful Operation of this Faith in his Blood to cleanse and purifie them from all Filthiness both of Flesh and Spirit and hereby are made Vessels of Honour and fit Temples for the Lord to dwell in being sanctified through the Blood of Cleansing and Washed with pure Water and made clean thereby so that an Acceptable Sacrifice and a Pure Offering is offered up unto God from a clean Vessel which is a Sweet Savour unto him and well pleasing in his Sight and hereby we know that we are of God because we have Admittance into his Presence and free Access to the Throne of his Grace so that whatsoever we ask by Faith and in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ it is granted unto us And this Faith is the Gift of God and is received and witnessed in receiving Christ the true Light But they that deny the Light are Strangers to this Faith and so are ignorant of the Blood of Cleansing and of that which should reconcile them to God and discover unto them the Mysteries of his Kingdom But my true desire are that all who in any measure are stirred up and feel an inquiry and search begun in their Hearts after the Lord and the knowledge of his Way that such may receive the word of Truth into their Hearts and that it may be as Seed sown upon good Ground which takes Root downward and brings forth Fruit upward and an Heavenly increase to God and Satisfaction and Comfort to their Souls may be witnessed that all old things may be done away the old Heavens and the old Earth with the beggarly Elements and Rudiments of the World that the new Heavens and the new Earth may be known wherein dwells Righteousness and Peace and Joy in the holy Ghost Oh! Prise the Day of your Visitation and let it not slip over your Heads unregarded lest it be said unto you as it was to Jerusalem of Old How often would I have gathered you as a Hen gathers her Chickens under her Wings But ye would not Behold your Habitation shall be left unto you desolate Matth. 23.37 38. Now mark 't was not because they COULD not come unto Christ but because they WOULD not that they were left ungathered there was a Sensual and Corrupt Will in them that would not be subject to him that called them nor bow down their Necks to Christ's Yoke but Stiff-necked and Rebellious were they wherefore Christ withdrew himself and said unto them Henceforth ye shall not see me untill ye say Blessed is he that cometh in the Name of the Lord vers 39. Now consider your Latter End and labour to make your Calling and Election sure that when you come to render a final Account of the Deeds done in the Body to the Great and Mighty Judge of Heaven and Earth before whose Tribunal Seat of Judgment All must appear you may receive the Sentence of PEACE and the Reward of WELL DONE GOOD AND FAITHFUL SERVANT ENTER INTO THE JOY OF THY LORD Oh! this will be a joyful Sentence and more Estimable than all the Glory of Egypt-or the Treasure of Ten Thousand Worlds where the Soul comes to possess an Everlasting Inheritance and a Crown of Life and Immortality among them that are sanctified where the Song of High Praises and Everlasting Halelujahs is sung to the God of their Salvation who hath wiped away all Tears from their Eyes and Sighing and Sorrow is fled away Which are the true Breathings of her who desires the Everlasting Well-being of the Souls of all People Isabel Yeamans Swarthmore the 2d Moneth 1679. THE END
they with us might partake of the living Bread which comes down from Heaven I am that living Bread saith Christ that came down from Heaven My Flesh is Meat indeed and my Blood is Drink indeed whoever eats of the Bread and drinks of the Water that I give shall never hunger nor thirst any more Except ye eat my Flesh and drink my Blood ye have no Life in you This was an hard Saying to the professing Jews whose Eye was outward and carnal as it is with many this day who make a great talk of his Flesh and Blood But except you have Faith in his Name and by virtue of that Faith come to eat his Flesh and drink his Blood ye have no Life in you for sayes he who sais I am the Light Except ye believe that I am he ye shall dye in your Sins and whither I go ye cannot come so that it is Unbelief in his Light or Grace in people which disappoints them of the benefit of his Blood which cleanseth washes and sanctifies all those that believe in his Name and Power by which as they keep unto and abide in it they come to witness their Redeemer to live even Christ the Anointed of God the Everlasting Minister of the Sanctuary and of the true Tabernacle which God hath pitched and not Man he is become our High Priest and the Bishop of our Souls he is teaching his People himself and our Invitation unto all is that they may come and sit down under the Teachings of his Spirit and Grace in themselves For whatsoever may be known of God is manifest within and he hath shewn unto Man what is good that he should obey it and do it and the Apostle said Examine your selves prove your selves know ye not your own selves how that Jesus Christ is in you except ye be Reprobates Now thou who hast had thine Eye outward hast bin running abroad and spent thy Portion with the Prodigal and hast not obtained an Establishment in that which is durable and satisfying the Soul Return return to thy Father's House and turn thy Mind inward to that which thou hast run from and hast been seeking without thee and thou wilt find virtue in it and the Efficacy of it to satisfie thy breathing Soul for remember the Parable of the Woman who sought her piece of Silver without her House but turning within lighting a Candle and sweeping her House she found it and for the Joy that she had found this Treasure invited her Neighbours to come and rejoyce with her Now the Candle of the Lord which is the Spirit of a Man is lighted and the Houses of many are swept and that which they have been seeking without they have found within them to the exceeding great Joy Gladness of their Hearts so that they could not but invite and perswade others through the constraining Virtue and Soul-satisfaction they had receiv'd from it to turn in to that inward Word of Power which is nigh in the Heart and is a sure Word of Prophecy unto which sayes the Apostle Peter ye do well to take heed as unto a Light shining in a dark place until the Day dawn and the Day Star arise in your Hearts 2 Pet. 1.19 Now we having taken heed unto this divine and heavenly Word in our Hearts we are come to see the arising of the Star of Jacob and to the bright and morning Star by which the blessed Day of God's great Salvation is known and experimentally witnessed by a Remnant Oh! how glorious is the appearance breaking forth of this heavenly Day in which the rising of the Son of Righteousness who is risen with Healing under his Wings many are come to behold how excellent is the Power Wisdom and Majesty of him who is greater than Solomon whose marvellous Order Magnificency and Splendor the Queen of Sheba from the uttermost parts of the Earth came to see who when she had heard and seen all that she desired yea to her Astonishment made this acknowledgment I believed not this Report until I had seen it with mine Eyes but lo the one half was not told me for thou hast more Wisdom and Prosperity than I have heard by Report 1 Kings 10.7 And many can now say that a Greater than Solomon is now come whose infinite Wisdom and Power whose excellent Glory and Majesty the Tongues of Men and Angels are incapable and insufficient to set forth who is filling his latter House with the Splendor of his own Glory for transcending and surpassing the Glory of the Outward Temple which was typical figurative of that which is not built with Hands and many Sons are coming from far and Daughters from the ends of the Earth to behold the Beauty and Comliness and Holy Order of the House of the God of Jacob which he is establishing atop of all the exalted Mountains and Professions without Possession and above all swelling Notions and Hills and Nations are flowing unto it according as the Lord spake by the Mouth of the Prophet Isa 2.2 Beautiful fo●●●tuation is Mount Sion the Hill of God and it is now fulfilled in these latter days that many are come to say Let us go up to the Mountain of the Lord and to the House of the God of Jacob and he will teach us of his Wayes and we will walk in his Pathes These are the true Jews in Spirit the Circumcised in Heart Ear whose Praise is of God and not of men such are the true Worshippers who worship the Father in the Spirit and in the Truth which is that living true and standing Worship set up and established above sixteen hundred years ago by our Lord and Saviour in that blessed Conference held with the woman of Samaria at Jacob's Well who hearing of the Disputes various Opinions about the Place where men ought to worship said Woman believe me The Hour cometh when ye shall neither in this Mountain nor at Jerusalem worship the Father for the Hour cometh and now is that the true Worshippers shall worship the Father in Spirit and Truth and such is the Father seeking to worship him John 4.21 23. This Woman by this Converse with Christ being converted to the Faith in him went her way into the City and gave this Testimony of him Come see a Man says she that has told me all that ever I have done is not this the Christ And many of the Samaritans believ'd on him not only because of the saying of the Woman who told them That he had told her all that ever she had done but because of his own Word And we know say they that this is indeed the Christ Now these men were directed unto Christ by the Declaration or Preaching of a Woman who was not despised by them because of her Sex but they received her Invitation came to be made Believers in him who had told the Woman all that she had done and well were it for the People of this
and the Fountains of Water who formed the Mountains and created the Winds and declares unto man what his Thoughts are Amos 4.13 the Lord of Hosts is his Name He is making himself known in the Hearts of people by his great Power who will overturn and remove all Mountains and Hills that may be shaken or removed that that alone which cannot be shaken may remain then shall the Loftiness of the Heart of Man be brought down and the Haughtiness thereof laid low that all Flesh may fear and tremble before the Lord who gives unto all Life Breath and Being And as Man and Woman comes to believe in the Light of Christ Jesus which discovers and makes manifest unto them the most secret Thoughts and intents of their Hearts that they are continually Evil in the unregenerate state for as the Lord said Every Imagination of the Heart of Man was only continually Gen 6.5 and the Prophet saith The Heart is Deceitful above all things and desperately Wicked who can know it I the Lord search the Heart and try the Reins to give unto every Man according to his Wayes This Light I say being believed in kept to and obeyed is able work a Change and to cleanse the Heart that was corrupted by Sin and Transgression and to beget good Thoughts and good Desires and to judge down the contrary even all the Corrupt Wayes that man in his own Inventions has involved himself into and forsaken his Maker But this is not of our selves nor by any Acquirement of our own but is the free Gift of God the Giver of all good things which he has given us to believe in and to him alone not unto any thing of our selves we ascribe the Glory and Honour to whom it is due forever Now forasmuch as all men have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God it pleased God out of his infinite Love and Compassion towards the Sons and Daughters of Men to send his only begotten Son Christ Jesus a Light into the World that all through him might be saved and have Everlasting Life who gave his Life a Ransom for all that he might purchase them by his precious Blood He is the Propitiation for our Sins and not for our Sins only but also for the Sins of the whole World 1 John 2.2 And as man comes to believe in his Name which is his Power he comes to know Reconciliation through his Death and Blood and by it Redemption up unto God again And the Everlasting Gospel which is the great Power of God unto Salvation to all that believe in it and obey the same comes here to be witnessed which is that Gospel which Christ commanded his Disciples to preach throughout the World to every Creature under Heaven Mark 16.15 And If any man preach any other Gospel then that which is already preached and declared let him be accursed Gal. 1.8 But if this Gospel be hid it is hid to them that are lost in whom the God of this World hath blinded the minds of them which believe not lest the Light of the glorious Gospel of Christ who is the Image of God should shine unto them 2 Cor. 4.3 4. Now this Everlasting Gospel is preached again in the same Power and Demonstration of the Spirit as in times past by virtue whereof Life and Immortality is again brought to Light so that the Prisoner of Hope comes to receive the acceptable Tidings of Liberty and Freedom out of spiritual Bondage and Captivity And the Lord is arising and appearing in the Hearts and Consciences of the Sons and Daughters of men by the bright shinings of the Beams of his Glory to give unto them the Light of the Knowledge of the Glory of God in the Face of Christ Jesus 2 Corinth 4.6 Now the Reason why people have been erring and wandring every one after their own Wayes and in the dark Imaginations of their own Hearts is for want of the Knowledge of the only true God and Christ Jesus whom he hath sent whom to know is Life Eternal and the Reason why People come short of this Knowledge is because they will not believe in and yield Obedience unto the Light of Christ Jesus manifested in their Hearts to give them the glorious Knowledge of the Lord and of his Way of Life and Salvation and to lead them from under Satan's power who hath held people in Ignorance through Unbelief and hath kept them under the Region of the Shadow of Death For Christ Jesus who said I am the Light of the World also said Except ye believe that I AM HE ye shall dye in your Sins and whither I go ye cannot come So that Unbelief in the Light was and is the Cause why people dye in their Sins and come short of the Knowledge of God and Jesus Christ whom to know is Life Eternal But Christ Jesus who is that Word that was in the Beginning by which all things were made that were made in whom was and is Life and the Life was and is the Light of Men John 1.4 he is the true Light that lighteth every man that cometh into the World by which lost man comes to see his Way to God again out of his miserable Estate and undone Condition where all Flesh hath corrupted its way before the Immortal God in which way of Corruption by reason of Sin and Transgression there is none that doth good no not one And in this fallen Estate and deplorable Condition hath the Lord God beheld the Sons and Daughters of fallen Adam and with an Eye of Pity and in the Bowels of Compassion hath he looked down from the Habitation of his Holiness and hath sent forth the Son of his Love who by his Light and Grace appears in the Hearts of all Mankind his Light and his Grace and good Spirit is universal and freely extended unto all that as they mind it believe in it and are obediene to it they come to witness Salvation by it according to the Testimony of the holy Apostle The Grace of God that bringeth Salvation hath appeared unto all men teaching us that denying Ungodliness and Worldly Lusts we should live soberly and godly c. Titus 2.11 12. Now there is none excluded from the Appearance of this free Grace of God nor any to be excused who receive it not and resit the Teachings of it But as many as are obedient to the Teachings of it in their own Hearts they come to witness Freedom and Liberty by it and Power in it to resist the Temptations and many Snares that be in the Ungodly World And those that hate the Reproofs of its Instruction which is the Way of Life and turn from it into Lasciviousness and Vanity they will find it to be their Condemnation and those are they that crucifie unto themselves afresh the Lord of Glory and put him to open shame and trample the Blood of the Covenant under foot as a thing of no value And here the Lamb