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A57733 The fire upon the altar. Or Divine meditations and essayes containing the substance of Christian religion Rowe, Cheyne. 1679 (1679) Wing R2061A; ESTC R218415 226,122 405

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will of him that sent me He would not suffer them to divulge his miracles nor be made a King 12. In his zeal 'T is said of him The zeal of thy house hath even eaten me up 13. In his Truth he saith To this end was I born that I should bear witness to the Truth 14. In his obedience to his Parents 15. In his publick spirit he was born and died and rose again upon a publick accompt Sic oculus sic ille manus sic ora movebat Those that are otherwise are not holy as they ought to be therefore let us press forward and pray that we may receive of his fulness grace for grace The last means but not the least is Repentance the same which was the first not a slight confession of our sins only with sorrow for a day as the Prophet Isaiah expresseth it Isa 58.5 To hang down our heads like a bulrush for a day Wicked Ahab did more than so Thy stony heart will endure more malliating than one daies contrition and not be broke But such sorrow as may work a change as that of the Ninevites Jonah 3.8 10. They turned from their evil way cloathed themselves in sackcloth and cryed mightily to God And since notwithstanding our repentance our corruptions and our spiritual enemies do sometimes prevail against us we must as oft as we fall rise again by repentance and mourn over the sinfulness of our nature as David did Psal 51. In sin hath my Mother conceived me And Paul When I would do good evil is present O wretched man that I am And this we shall have cause to do as long as we live and this causeth us to iterate our repentance which we first made upon our conversion as it did in holy David and Job calling to mind the sins of their youth For I conceive the method of the Argument of the penitent is that he believes that his sins were sharers in procuring those bitter sufferings to his Saviour which he cannot think of without grief and breaking off those sins and that grief leads him to believe that Christ in his sufferings had respect to his sins that affords comfort Meditations of Repentance Mot. The Sacrifices of the Lord are a troubled spirit Psal 51. When I have fallen into any sin I immediately perceive my loss of my innocency as our first parents did and the injury done to God And then I loath my self and would give all I have to be restored to my guiltless state again if I could but undo that which I have done and I resolve to spend all my life in weeping fasting and prayer if so be the Lord will have mercy upon me and pardon my sin and not destroy me then I see that nothing I can do or suffer can make attonement to God for my sin But my stedfast resolution is that I will never sin more O Lord give me the same minde now and ever that my sins may be ever in my sight to bewaile the loss of my innocency and the injury done to thee to loath my sinful self to endeavour night and day to undo those sinful acts by teares of repentance mourning humble confession prayers fasting charity and severe watchfulness against my corruptions the duties of mortification and self-denial And to renew my vows and resolutions never to sin more And for the remainder of my days to abstain from the least degree of every sin and not to go as far as I think I may lawfully do in the satisfying of my senses and passions least I be drawn in one degree too far That the Lord may behold my grievous sorrow and repentance as he did Peters and Davids and may have mercy upon me and pardon me and not destroy me and take his holy Spirit utterly from me as he did from Saul O Lord Though my sins are as scarlet do thou wash me throughly with the blood of my Saviour which onely can purge my sins and is the only propitiation to attone thy wrath and to reconcile me to thee and restore me to everlasting righteousness better than mine own which I lost and makes me white as Snow and being so washed and cleansed I shall have communion again with my God and peace of conscience and abhor those sins that caused my Saviours sufferings Lord thy mercy would have no object if there were no misery All that are descended from Adam have been prodigal Sons as he was and by their prodigalities have forsaken thee daies without number and have sought out to themselves many inventions I find in my own heart that I would stay from thee and never return to thee if I could but find empty husks to satisfie the thirst of my soul which are only fit for the voluptuous Swines of the world and can never satisfie Thou sittest upon a Throne of grace to this can we come by Christ only through him we may come boldly and find mercy in a time of need and all that come unto thee come by this and to this I desire to approach that I may find mercy in this time of need receive me I beseech thee as a returning Prodigal desirous to break off my sins by repentance and a new life Lord give me that Repentance that I shall never repent of that I may search and try my waies examine my own heart and discuss all my actions what I have done through the whole course of my life let me performe this duty by thy assistance that I may not run on in wickedness without regret as they did of whom the Prophet Jeremiah speaks Jer. 8.6 They said not What have I done I will therefore make this reflection seriously particularly and constantly In this Examination I will consider the bate that cought me and deceived me that I may abhor it as a mean base and vile thing to be put in the scales against that communion with God his favour and hopes which the soul had in God which it lost by that sin as to its present feeling and if it should at any time reinforce its allurements I will reject them utterly and not have to do with them any more I consider also the present and future evils brought upon my soul by this sin for though I must not dispaire of pardon through the alsufficient merits of my Saviours sufferings yet I find my self fearful and ashamed to approach the throne of grace least I should find him a consuming fire I am undisposed for every holy duty and deprived of the assistance of the Spirit And not only so but I am as it were left to my self with the tempter and see none to succor me and I know not what to take in hand with hopes of success I am at a loss what I should do because I seeme to have lost God who hath withdrawn himself for my sin and hides his face I am also made naked and destitute for he was my defence and shield my strength and refuge my hope and
would lead me into all sins which God forbid And my own Conscience is ready to accuse me of all sins for this one Alledging to me that it was only Gods restraint by afflictions that hindred me from falling into all sins and that now he is like to leave me because I have left him and so I am like to be as guilty as any Man ever was Next that he finds another advantage to tempt me to a further degree of sin suggesting to my mind that I am so far engaged in Sin already that I am lost and God hath cast me off and I can be no more undone if I proceed further in sin to which suggestion if I am but once drawn to yield he will easily draw me deeper and deeper but I pray that he may never draw me to the belief of this A further evil I find as great as any that the guilt of all my sins both of Omission and Commission that ever I was guilty of in all my Life-time now flyeth in my face with aggravation as if they were unpardonable so doth my conscience aggravate them and my Spiritual adversary is ready to perswade me to despair because I lie under so much guilt and God so just that he punisheth sin where ever he findeth it as he did in our first Parents and all Mankind for the guilt of one sin All which evils and many more which sin bringeth and hath brought upon others I am sensible of with fear and grief in a great measure immediately after the commission of sin Yet I find it hard to keep in my mind a continual dread and fear of every sin and watch against it so strictly as I ought though I have felt the bitterness of it And though I can say with David my Iniquities are gone over my Head and are a sore burden too heavy for me to bear I pray therefore that they may ever be in my sight that I may be sensible of the burthen of them and of all the evil in them and weep for them day and night as he did for his and may bring forth fruit meet for repentance That God seeing it may turn his face from my sins and may blot out all my misdeeds when he shall behold my heart broke and beaten to pieces by the burthen and weight of my sins which sacrifice the Lord doth not despise And when he shall behold me abhorring my self he may not abhor me But when I confess them am sorry for them and forsake them he may blot them out and my soul may be assured that they are pardoned in Christ Jesus that he hath borne them And that he had an eye unto me in his sufferings and hath washed me clean with his blood and made me white as snow that by his stripes I am healed and that my name is written in that free pardon that he hath purchased And that I owe unto him all that I have or can do for this mercy Though I have forsaken God as an adulterous wife doth her husband for other lovers and given my affections to others and taken it off from God whereby I must confess that I have deserved that God should cast me off yet because he hath declared that though a man will not receive again such a wife yet God will receive again such people and invites them to return unto him therefore I returne again unto God trusting in this his word of promise that he will receive me again into his love and favour with everlasting mercy and kindness And I will henceforth resolve never more to entertain any thought that may tend to seduce my affections from so good a God or corrupt my love to him but will watch strictly against such as would allure me and deceive me and pray to God to assist me since these my spiritual enemies are too subtil and too strong for me alone to deal withall without his assistance which he hath faithfully promised to lend me when I heartily and earnestly crave it in my time of need and distress And then I shall be able to resist and overcome those that allure me to betray me and performe and keep my vows which were first made for me in my baptisme and often since that renewed by me in times of trouble and imminent dangers and at the sacrament of the Eucharist especially when I first I enjoyed the happy priviledg of those holy mysteries also when first I espoused my self by my own choise unto my Maker I am prone to look upon my own sins as little Oh that I could have the same apprehensions of my own sins as I have had of other mens for I have said If I had sined as they have I would have spent all my life in weeping fasting and praying cloathing my self in sackcloath washing my bed with my tears If so be the Lord would heare me and have mercy upon me and pardon me And how neere those very sins have I come Though I cannot attain the same degree of sorrow for my sins as Peter did when immediately after he denied his Saviour he went out and wept bitterly and as it is written of his life he wore channels in his eyes by his frequent tears for that sin Though I cannot with David Wash my bed and water my couch with my tears and mingle my drink with weepings because of my sin yet will I endeavour to supply what is lacking in the degree of my sorrow by the duration and continuance of it And make sin the only matter of my sorrow and thereby I shall be better inabled to avoid my falling into the same again and though I cannot wash my self clean from the guilt of my sins by mine own repentance because the blood of Christ only can cleanse us from our sins yet this is the condition necessary to make us subjects capable of being washed by the blood of Christ which is communicated to us in the Lords Supper to wash and cleanse and heal our penitent broken hearts Therefore will I look unto him hanging upon the Cross and sheding his precious blood to make satisfaction for my sins and bearing the iniquities of us all that we might have pardon of sin and peace of conscience in him And those which he hath invited to come unto him that he may give them rest are such only as are weary and heavy laden And he only can give it because the soul that receiveth it must come empty handed as it is intimated Isa 5.15 Come buy Wine and Milk without mony and without price Such whose consciences are weary and labour under the burden of sin and go mourning by reason thereof and are ready to sink and faint under Gods chastisements such a one can find no rest in the creature nor in it self till it come to Christ then mans misery is Christs opportunity They that are sick need a physitian not they that are hole Neminem venientem arcet a gracia sua There are none excepted out
and Oyl is increased and may say truly my joy shall be in the Lord as he did and every child of God is commanded this duty in this saying Rejoice in the Lord ye Righteous This excellent grace makes the soul happy wherein it is because he that possesseth it possesseth Christ and all the benefits and priviledges that he hath purchased that incomparable benefit of justification first as it is Rom. 4. and last v. and the 5th and first v. Who was delivered for our offences and raised again for our justification Rom. 3. Being justified freely by his grace Therefore being justified by faith we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ This peace is a second benefit or priviledg which faith derives from Christ a third follows by whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand the favors of God wherein we stand or the blessed condition of justified and sanctified persons to which we come by Christ through faith and rejoyce in the hope of the glory of God both our present and future condition is made happy by faith and it assures to us that happiness It followes and not only so but we glory in tribulations also knowing that tribulation works patience So that calamities are by faith made consolatory through the sanctified use which faith makes of them they are not only made not formidable as David his fears vanished by relying upon God which he expressed saying What time I am afraid I will put my trust in thee Psal 56.3 He made use of his faith in the time of his fears as he did also in the time of his wants Psal 8. The Lord is my shepherd therefore I shall lack nothing So that faith imboldens the Servants of God against all evil Christ gives and ensures them these priviledges partly by the testimony of his Spirit partly by faith in his merit Ephe. 3.12 In whom we boldness and access with confidence through faith in him Heb. 10.19 We have entrance into the holiest through the blood of Jesus The Spirit assures us that all the Privileges which Christ hath purchased for his people are ours and causeth us to rejoyce in them as ours That all the promises are ours and causeth us to rely upon them because we are assured that Christ is ours by Faith when he is laid hold on as ours all things are ours then it follows that we have peace of Conscience and tranquility in our Souls for he is our Peace Ephe. 2. And we acquiesce in him because we have chosen him for our portion He is reconcilation between God and us he satisfieth our debts makes God at peace with us and our conscences at peace in themselves and our souls satisfied as having nothing more that they can desire but more communion with God as that which satisfieth it We know that God hath no wrath at all towards us nor our consciences any dread or fear of Gods wrath or any terror but assurance of his favour and love and that our sins are washed away by the blood of Christ according to that in Colos 1.20 Having made peace through the blood of his Cross by him to reconcile all things to himself 21. And you that were sometimes alienated and enemies in your mind by wicked works yet now hath he reconciled in the body of his flesh through death to present you holy and unblamable and unreprovable in his sight if you continue in the faith Hence the soul assures it self that none of the works of Gods severity have any wrath at all against it for in the 24. v. St. Paul saith He rejoyceth in his sufferings But positively they are assured of their adoption and of the love and friendship of God that he will preserve them supply them teach them heal them guide and support them visit them with spiritual consolations and joy in the Holy Ghost and that all things shall work together for their good which makes them willing to submit to Gods chastisements as it is Psal For thy sake are we killed all the day long yet do we not forsake thee This keeps them from murmuring and from covetousness The nature of it is that it can only be where the Son of peace is This peace is a league offensive and defensive whereby the soul hates sin and all that God hates and loves holiness and all that God loves That salutation which our blessed Lord perscribed to his Apostles must needs be the most excellent and desirable that saies Peace be to this house This peace makes all other things at peace with us for he is said To make a league with the foules of the air and the beasts of the field for us in Job and Prov. 16.17 When a mans waies please God he makes his enemies at peace with him Psal 91.10 The plague shall not come neer his dwelling or if it do it shall be no plague Rom. 8.31 If God be with us who shall be against us That is though they are against us the sting is taken out The excellency of it is so great that it passeth human understanding It is an everlasting peace it doth not forsake us in the time of trouble nor in the hour of death Isa 55.3 His mercies are called everlasting It makes us peaceable with men to those we have offended it makes us willing to satisfy them and willing to pardon those that have offended us but the wicked are like the rageing Sea alwaies unquiet It quickens the soul to holy duties the soul considers what it shall render to the Lord for all his mercies towards it Psal 103.3 Bless the Lord O my soul and forget not all his benefits who forgiveth all thy sins The excellency of it must needs be great because it is the legacy which Christ dying left to his Church not as the world gives gave he it to them but more largely liberally and bountifully and absolutely without any limitation of time or condition David calls it great peace which they have which love Gods word but yet he saith that many are the troubles of the righteous That which followeth makes amends The Lord delivereth them out of all and the Lord will stand by them and deliver them as we know he did the three children out of the fiery furnace and Daniel out of the Lyons den and Job out of the fiery Trials The fruits of righteousness are sown in peace not in discord they which love peace sowe them And this shield of faith is both an offensive and defensive weapon whereby these holy warriours in their spiritual warfare fought the Lords battels under the bloody banner of the Cross of Christ who for the glory that was set before him endured the Cross and despised the shame these follow the lamb and suffer with him that they may also raigne with him and take joyfully the spoiling of their goods knowing that they have a more enduring substance in Heaven And willingly they spend and are spent for God
us cleanse us heal us pardon us to turn his face from our sins and blot out our misdeeds according to the multitude of his mercy Then though for the present they are ever in our sight terrifying and troubling us we shall in due time know that they are pardoned and that the blood of Christ hath cleansed us from them all and that we are reconciled in him and he will heal us and we shall again be restored to the joy of our salvation and praise his Name in his Courts and renew our vowes and be stablished with his free Spirit Most of the Psalms contain prayers for some graces and may stand us in stead for our use and serve for our direction If we are rash or chollerick by nature and subject to wrath and revenge and have fallen thereby or fear we shall fall We cannot be enough sensible of our danger in this particular because we must expect hourly temptations and how far our wrath and choller may carry us we know not especially if we should chance to meet with others as chollerik and rash as our selves if we do not alwaies pray to God to help us in and deliver us from this temptation as it is for the most part in all the sins of our complexion or inclination very difficult to stand against them at all if God do not stand by us and strengthen us and support us and if we forget our selves and do not hang upon him for help call upon him trust in him and fear and distrust our selves These will alwaies be buffetting us He that is sensible of his weakness in this particular and his danger and mourns by reason thereof desiring to be delivered from it seeks help by reading meditation conference and this means of prayer which must also be joyned to the other besides the use of natural means too For so we find the Apostle Paul using them for he saith of himself I keep under my body We strive and run as in a Race So fight I not as one that beateth the Air. In labours often in sastings often c. For hereby we both shew to God and man our burthen that we groan under and desires to be delivered from it if we use all these means to get our deliverance But on the contrary how little desire to be delivered from wrath or lust doth he express who seeds himself to the full drinks wine in bouls pampers his body with high feeding and drinking which are the fewel of these fires or how doth he seek humility of God who delights himself in actions of vain-glory and the applause of men and seeks honour of men by bravery revenge vain ostentation high looks a lofty gate pomp prodigality and the like Certainly those sins which by nature we are most inclined to these by natural helps and adjuments we must oppose not cherish and foster by incitements and allurements The wise Agur accordingly prayed against the means of sin and the occasions against the means and occasions of fulness and want If we so well knew our own proneness to these mother sins as he did and were so wise as he was we would pray as he did to be delivered from the means and occasions of sins This is contained in that Petition Lead us not into temptation In like sort praying for any grace or improvement of a grace we must use the means both spiritual and natural and pray for them and the occasions of them as mortification sobriety watchfulness c. Hence we are taught to pray to God to send us Pastors who shall feed his people with knowledge And because this is a necessary means of grace God hath promised it and by the promise we are invited to ask it Suitably we find David praying Psal 119.12 Teach me thy Statutes v. 18. Open thou mine eyes that I may see the wondrous things of thy Law v. 26. I have acknowledged my waies and thou heardest me O teach me thy Statutes Make me to understand the way of thy Commandments Make me to delight in the thing that pleaseth thee More especially in this specified sin of wrath and revenge if thou labourest under it desiring to be delivered from it and the evils and dangers attending it thou ponderest and meditatest of those Texts of Scripture which reprove and repress it as is that Vengeance is mine and I will repay it saith the Lord. Let not the Sun go down in your wrath Leave thy gift upon the Altar and go and be reconciled and then offer thy gift Prov. It is the wisdom of a man to pass by an offence Anger resteth in the bosom of fools If when ye suffer wrongfully ye take it patiently happy are ye for the Spirit of grace and glory resteth upon you Thou shalt reap improvement of thy patience in a good measure by these meditations And by subduing thy body and withdrawing from it superfluities especially such as more naturally excite this humour in thy body and by careful watching against the first beginning of wrath And then if thou add to these this last remedy viz. Prayer beseeching God through Jesus Christ who is made unto us wisdom righteousness sanctisication and redemption to make us so wise as to pass by offences for his sake and to take from us that folly of anger that as fury is not him so it be not in us neither who are his children who doth good to all that we may be like him in this and that by our slowness to anger and by our patient bearing of wrongs and our meekness and submission to God if it be his will that we shall suffer wrongfully we may perceive and know that the Spirit of grace and glory rests upon us and in that rejoyce Then we may be assured that we shall obtain the victory over these lusts and messengers of Satan and be able to do good for evil to love our enemies to bless them that curse us to pray for those that despightfully use us and so run the waies of Jesus Christ's Commandments and take up his yoak I say we may be assured of obtaining these excellent graces by these meanes because God hath promised it in the prohesie of Isa c. 32. The heart of the rash shall understand knowledg The Lion shall lye down with the Lamb c. 29.4 Certainly the change of the heart and renovation in knowledg and understanding is the chief thing in our Quickning and vivification in the Spirit and in every grace this God having often undertaken and promised As in that promise That he will take away the heart of stone and give his people a heart of flesh And that he will give them a New heart that he will put his Lawes in their hearts and write them in their inward parts We may assure our selves that he will do it If we supplicate him in faith in Jesus Christ And use our own endeavours with the meanes And if we do obtain this so that we can savour the
other which are briefly contained in the three first petitions of the Lord's Prayer Since it is so that we must pray to God for every grace and every good thing we are to know that we cannot have them of our selves without his gift If we know how often we have resolved against any particular sin and yet when we have but entred into temptation we have again done the like Though we must needs acknowledg this and pray to God that we be not any more tempted And ascribe it to him that he suffereth us not to be tempted above our ability That we may be able to stand let us diligently consider and weigh all those snares of Satan whereby we are subject to be overcome and have fallen and more especially watch and pray against these that thou mayest be able through the spirit to overcome them And pray allso against such temptations which thou seest other men overcome by and doubtest whether thou thy self couldest have resisted And particularly those whereby thou readest in the word of God that men have been overcome especially those whereby good people have fallen beginning with our first parents temptation to eat of the fruit of the Tree of knowledg For though our blessed Saviour hath overcome Satan for us yet must we overcome him also and tread upon him therefore hath he forwarned us and armed us to fight and given us his Spirit to assist us in praying and fighting and watching against him and his temptations viz. The cares of the world and the vain pleasures and deceitfulness of riches and persecutions c. Pray then that thou mayest not hearken to any of the suggestions of Satan much less believe them as Eve did Though he pretend kindness nor give ear to those who are overcome by him as Adam did to her though he knew that the suggestion came from Satan Beware that the consideration of the many graces which thou findest in thy heart do not embolden thee to transgress or make bold with God in small matters for which fault some of the seven Churches of Asia were reproved and severely threatned but pray against this temptation Look not upon what thou hast so much as upon that thou wantest and comest short in Sometimes Satan speaketh directly against Gods word alledging that to be no sin which God hath forbid or that the punishment which God hath threatned shall not be inflicted but the contrary good shall be to the sinner thus he dealt with our first Parents and prevailed And thus he attempted our Lord and Saviour Sometimes he extenuates it sometimes he makes use of the falls and sins of other Saints and Servants of God as an excuse for us if we do the like some are perswaded they can repent when they will To some he pretends the Gospel to be a law of liberty and a licence to sin and that they shall not be condemned for sinning but for want of believing the Forgiveness and Remission through the blood of Christ through whom we Hope for mercy To this I answer that we must seek glory by grace he that doth not so will miss it The desire of our soul is to thy name my soul thirsteth for God Psal 42. And many other prove this And when ever he makes use of true premises he insers false conclusions Generally he assaults by surprise and takes the advantage of time and place as when our Saviour had fasted forty daies and forty nights and was hungry and in the wilderness where was no relief he tempts him to make bread of stones He will not suffer them to consider the danger nor mind the cure till it be late and then he perswades them it is too late or incurable When ever he makes use of Scripture he misconstrues it and misapplyeth it By small and imperceptible degrees he draws us to greater and greater When he hath made his way by one sin or one degree in a sin he argues this is no more than that we have already done therefore why may we not do it now as heretofore That he may not deceive thee by this fallacy make a covenant with all thy senses and look not upon that which tempteth nor harken to it Another fallacy of Satan is that he preswades some that they do not sin unless they are within the express letter of the Commandment The Fornicator he makes believe that simple Fornication is not forbid in the seventh Commandment for that forbids adultery So the covetous he makes believe that he is not within the condemnation of the second Commandment though he worships Mammon in his heart It is but 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which he gives his goddess And likewise the Papists when they pray to the Blessed Virgin and other Saints And when they fall down to the host or any thing else carried in lieu thereof by the knavish bearer they pretend they worship not Idols but yet in their catechises they have left out that Commandment and split the tenth Commandment in two to make up the number Another deceit is in misvaluing time whereby he steals away the present opportunity and by anon and to morrow he puts off from the present Idleness and delayes are pernicious most of Satans Fallacies may be urged against himself as the reasoning of the unprofitable Servant because he knew his Master to be a hard man he hid his Talent in a Napkin it was more strongly urged against him For he ought so much the more to have improved it This way of refelling him is like the cutting off Geliahs head with his own sword When he makes use of his fairest Insinuators be not ashamed of rudeness to them Thou mayest answer all his suggestions with a Scriptum est as our Saviour did This sword of the spirit cuts all Satans snares asunder As Joseph cut them asunder saying How can I do this and sin He would not so much as hearken to the fair tempter nor be with her when she laid hold of him he fled from her without a complement So must we keep Satan at swords point for if we suffer him to come within it we lose our guard Non sic retribuam Domino may be answered to all Non sic Patri Adjutori Salvatori consider the many pleasures comforts and enjoyments which the Lord allows thee to sollace thy self withall how free how pure how satisfying and contenting they are and compare them with those which are offered by Satan and see how thy exceed them in goodness For these which Satan tempts thee to are allayed so with bitterness that the very sweetness is turned into bitterness the Hony into Gall The damnable alloy which I mean is the gripes of conscience in the very act of enjoying them and the flashes of Hell fire as oft as they come into memory expressed by that of the Poet Et coeco verbere pulsat That is they are slashed by their own conscience Also the detrement which these bring to the body estate and good
the perception of these mysteries so according to this example let thy faithful people prepare themselves with repentance and perfect charity and if we remember that our neighbour hath any thing against us ler us leave our gift at the Altar and go and be first reconciled to our neighbour and then perform our Sacrifice to God and apprehending and discerning the Lord's body that we commit no irreverence And as our souls are prepared so let us prepare our bodies as thy servant David when he eat the shew bread 1 Sam. 21.5 answered the Priest Women had been kept from them three daies and the vessels of the young men were holy Let our bodies be sanctified by fasting temperance abstinence prayer and humiliation lest as the Ark of the Covenant by which the Lord conveyed the greatest benefits to the Israelites being taken by the Philistines brought to them the greatest calamities and so it did to Vzzah for but touching it irreverently In like manner these heavenly gifts if we eat them unworthily shall prove our damnation and if they who but touched the hem of his garments or received him into their house received such benefits shall not they who receive him into their souls be healed of all their infirmities and as the antient martyrs by receiving these mysteries were strengthened to undergo all that tyranny could lay upon them Let them in like manner strengthen us against all that Satan and the world can do against us And as the daily Infirmities of our body are helped by our bodily nourishment so let our Infirmities of our souls by this our Spiritual nourishment be relieved and us be satisfied and delighted therewith as with heavenly manna O Lord sacrifice and offerings and burnt offerings thou wouldest not have but thou gavest a body to thy only begotten Son that he should offer up himself in whom thou art well pleased And this Sacrament was instituted by him in Commemoration of his death and the acceptable Sacrifice of his life for the sins of the world Lord by his death and Sacrifice of his life unto thee which we hereby celebrate be reconciled unto us This is that pure Sacrifice which the Saints shall offer up unto thee in every place LORD since thou turnest the malice of men and the unjustice which they do thy Saints to the advantage either of their secular concerns as Josephs imprisonment was or of their soules Lord inable me to suffer wrong and to take it patiently to suffer railings and reviling as David did Shemei's railing saying If the Lord hath said to Shemei curse David who shall say why hast thou done so So let him curse for who can tell whether the Lord will requite good for his railing If I loath the fool in them I must not act it my self by returning the like Let me consider that by patience I possess my Soul and that it is better to suffer wrongfully than as an evil doer since it is the will of God that we should suffer and let our graces be exercised hereby And let us consider him who endured such contradiction of sinners Jesus our Lord lest we faint and be weary in our mind for the consideration of his suffering such reproach and the frequent remembrance of him hath efficacy and vertue to strengthen and support us who are willing to be conformable to his sufferings but we had rather that this cup might pass from us LORD whenever we fall into any sin we find immediately that we have lost our own innocence and thy favour so that we cannot go about our affairs with that quietness and peace and serenity of mind as before we did and in all that we do we fear it will have but bad success because we dare not look up to thee for a blessing Lord give us to consider this when we are tempted that we may fear sin more and make it out to our understandings how we do by sin crucify again unto our selves the Lord Jesus and put him to an open shame for we are all ready to pronounce an Anathema upon the Crucifiers of our Lord therefore let us not suffer these his Crucifiers to live He that seeth in secret he will reward thee openly Let this encourage us to frequent Prayers and duties But O Lord our services are so few and so slight and perfunctory and sinful while our hearts go after our covetousness and lusts so that we forget before whom we are and what we are doing and so our duties are sacriledge and our services provocations sins vain oblations abominations filthy rags like Nadab and Abihu's strange fire like the offering of the lame and blind when we have a male in our Flock so that thou mayest justly deal with us as Pilate did with the Gallilaeans whose blood he mingled with their sacrifice What reward then can we expect O Lord we beseech thee though our prayers are sinful yet accept them offer'd up in the Golden censer of Jesus our Mediator which is full of Incense which are the Prayers of the Saints and let these filty rags be wash'd in his blood and then they will be clean and white as Snow and then thou mayest reward them but yet that reward is thy free mercy therefore not unto us O Lord not unto us but to thy name is all the praise for what can we do for which thou should'st reward us with so many mercies here and with life eternal Any one of thy mercies is of more value then all our services could deserve or requite if we should continue in the duties of prayer and praising thee night and day all our lives for we owe thee all we have or can do It is thine as we are thy creatures and we were but unprofitable Servants after we had done all we can and we have need of an almighty Redeemer Then let us not murmure if the Lord doth delay to hear us Neither let us say 't is in vain to serve the Lord. Let us consider also that thou dost delay out of mercy to try our patience and perseverance and other graces and to make us more servent or may be because thou wilt not reward us with temporal blessings but eternal which is far better and let us not press or be importunate to receive our reward here lest we go without the eternal reward but let us be willing to trust God though he delay LET me not come near to that which may be a temptation or if a temptation come upon me unawares let me not say in my heart I shall be strong enough to resit it and so trust to my own strength but let me have grace to observe those ways and methods of resisting sin as thou hast appointed in thy word Therefore let me fly immediately from the temptation as Joseph fled from his Mistress leaving his Cloak If by chance I fall into the Company of Drunkards let me not say I shall preserve my sobriety because I love that and hate that
loathsom vice of beastly intemperance but let me avoid them and not look upon the Wine when it moveth it self right and giveth a pleasant colour in the Cup or if it should be so that I have no inclination of my self to this or any other sin yet let me not therefore venture my self upon the temptation but let me fear sin always considering how foully Noah and Lot fell let me never be found standing or walking in the way of sinners nor sitting in their seat but let me be always found in the way of God And what is said of the adulterous Woman whoever toucheth her shall not be innocent let me fear the same in every temptation and avoid the least medling with it or approaches to it and as it is also said concerning the same avoid it pass not by it turn from it pass away so let my practice be in all other temptations And as it is said of Gluttony for remedy of it if thou beest a man given to thy appetite set a Knife to thy throat So in all other temptations let me lay violent hands upon the peccant member if my right eye offend me let me pluck it out Lord thou knowest that I am resolved not to sin to avoid the greatest suffering therefore teach me wisdom that I may prevent and guard my self against all provocations to sin that I may not draw upon my self a necessity of suffering MAKE us to accept Jesus Christ our Saviour upon his own terms as he offers himself to us in the Holy Gospel to be our King to rule us and reign over us our Prophet to teach and instruct us as well as to be our high Priest to attone and sacrifice for our sins Let us not think to have the priviledges of Christians without the duties Make it to be a greater pleasure to us to deny our selves in sins then ever it was to give our selves up to them that we may be meet to receive Heaven into which flesh and blood cannot enter Let the Holy Spirit inflame us always with that divine fervent affection to God that inspired the Spouse when she said or ever I was aware my Soul was like the Chariots of Aminadab O sweet Christ do thou put grace into our hearts by that sweet voice behind us saying this is the way walk you in it for thou only art our great Prophet and teacher who canst make us learn and our high Priest and mighty Saviour delivering us from our sins and making us as innocent by thy attonement as if we had never offended for those whom thou makest free they are free indeed if thou wilt not take away the being of sin in us in this life yet assist us with thy grace to subdue it deliver us out of the power of darkness and the Prince of darkness And what benefits thou hast purchased for us by thy death apply them to us by thy intercession deliver us from death and give us the Crown of life which thou hast promised to all them that love thee and since thou art desirous of our salvation and it is because we will not come unto thee that we have not life O Christ make us a willing people as thou hast promised for our salvation is wholly from thee But our damnation from our own wills and if we perish our blood is upon our own heads O sweet Christ our Prophet and teacher teach us by thy word and thy Spirit the things that belong to our peace Guide me by thy Spirit and then bring me to glory LORD what is there in us for which thou shouidest desire our love Lord in thee is every thing that is lovely therefore ought we to chuse thee for the object of our love But we seek that happiness in the World which we cannot find any where but in thee and having found nought but emptiness vanity and the loss of all our labour in the pursuance of content peace and happiness in the affaires and matters of the world let us at last betake our selves to seek it in thee and thy waies to learn of thee to take thy yoak upon us that we may find rest to our soules LORD what pretence can sinners have for which they cast off thy yoak and will not have thee to rule over them upon whose daily benefits they live when they rebel against their Princes and shake off their yoak it is either for their leud lives and wickedness that they judge them unworthy to rule therefore scorn to be subject unto them Or for their oppression that they are not able to bear their grievous burthens but what iniquity have sinners found in thee thou hast put the Question to them but they can find no answer LORD since thou hast shewed me that every Saint must live in the same holiness of life that thy Servants the Apostles attained and St. Paul said of himself that he was crucified with Christ yet he lived yet not he but Christ lived in him and he lived that life by the faith of Christ who gave himself for him give us thy grace in like manner to crucify our selves to the World and to live no more to it nor to our selves but to live by Christ in us so as we may be said not to live And if thou givest us to live the life of faith and not to the World and live to thee let us not impute this our well doing to our selves for of our selves we cannot think a good thought but to Christ who liveth in us who only can inable us thus to live In all our distresses let us pray to the Lord and use the meanes as when the Arabians Ammonites and Ashdodites conspired against Jerusalem 't is said Nehemiah 4.9 Nevertheless we made our prayer unto our God and set a watch against them day and night But let us not like King Asa seek to Physicians in our sickness and not to God LORD while I am supported by thy Spirit I shall be able to live blamelesly as Lot did in the midst of Sodom but the strongest of thy servants will fall as he afterwards did if thou withdraw the Assistance of thy Spirit and shall be as that Apostle who denied the Lord Jesus Christ whom before he sought for and resolved to dye for though he was the Rock Therefore let me never be confident lest thou leavest me as thou didst him And when I hear of others miscarriages let me be thankful to thee for holding me up and ascribe it to thee as the Angels in the Book of the Revelations are said to cast their Crowns at thy feet and let us learn not to judge uncharitably of those that are overcome by temptations LORD when we pray unto thee our prayers are so interrupted with worldly and sinful thoughts and the things we pray for being mostwhat temporal mercies and deliverances from bodily evils they are not such prayers as our own reason can think worthy thy acceptance But Lord though we offer thee
shall be conquerors over them through Christ Jesus And let me not be offended at the Cross of Christ knowing that the Gospel is offer'd upon the termes of self-denial and taking up our Cross and knowing that thou dost comfort thy Servants in all afflictions and that as their afflictions do abound their consolations do much more abound but rather let us count it all joy when we fall into these temptations knowing they work in us patience experience hope and repentance So David before he was afflicted he went astray but by his afflictions learned thy Judgments and he said 't is good for me that I have been afflicted And my afflictions seem not greater than his when he cried out Thy hand is heavy upon me day and night my moisture is like the drought in summer All the day long am I afflicted and chastned every morning I am dried up and my heart is like the melting wax my heart panteth my strength faileth me and the light of my eyes is gone from me my lovers and my friends stand afar off and no man cares for my soul But Lord I will make my prayers unto thee in an acceptable time and call upon thee in the time of my trouble Lord how long shall mine enemies triumph over me Lord when wilt thou comfort me Lord as others have found thee full of compassion and mercy so let me find Think upon thy compassions which have been ever of old Remember not against me mine iniquitys but do away my sins for thy names sake Meditation I don't enough apprehend my proneness to every sin and lust but think my self free from sin and from the danger of falling because I feel it not stirring for the present whereas the reason why it is so is only because various diversions take up my thoughts otherways and keep out those so that they are but only laid asleep as it were and are easily awaked by any temptation if the Lord don't strengthen me and the least opportunity lets them loose upon me so that I am not able to resist them Lord let me watch against all those sins that I find my nature inclined to and against such as I find no inclination to but an utter aversation from because my nature is wholly corrupted and it is the power of God only that keeps me from all sorts of sins and temptations therefore let me fear every temptation and sin and watch against them and pray that I enter not into any temptation for if I once but enter into the temptation I am sure to fall if I have no better support than my own strength though the temptation be but weak my strength is weaker Lord do thou either give me more strength or temptation less let me never enter the lists with this enemy but se defendendo flying him as far as I can let me not desire to know what sin or lust is but let me love the ignorance of it Lord when I confess my sins which I have comitted against so many means of grace thy mercies Judgments promises Threatnings the testimonies of my own conscience of thy holy Spirit and the testimonies of the wicked also I must needs acknowledg thy justice in all my punishments and thy long suffering in this that thou dost not confound me nor quite cast me off as thou didst Saul but punishedst me less than I deserve And I admire thy goodness in this that in the midst of thy wrath thou rememberest mercy and hast delivered me when in my affliction I sought thee herein I rejoice and I beseech thee Lord make me contented to be restrain'd from sin by sorrow Lord thou art my God and my Lord therefore let me acknowledg thee in all my ways wait upon thee serve and obey thee and let me not live as if I were without a God nor according to my own lusts denying the Lord that bought me as those do who make their belly their God or Idolize the unrighteous Mammon and vanities of the world neither let me question thy power in the want of means Thou art my Saviour and my deliverer my Buckler the Horn of my Salvation and my refuge my Stony Rock and my Castle therefore let me have grace to fly unto thee in my time of trouble to trust in thee in thy power and in thy goodness for my refuge and defence and stay my self upon thee and commit my way unto thee as unto a faithful Creator make my Prayers continually unto thee Thou art to thy Servants their hope and strength and present help in trouble therefore let not the surprise of any trouble dismay me as if I were hopeless or helpless thou art the Defender of all them that put their trust in thee mighty to save God all-sufficient therefore let me walk with thee and be perfect O thou who art the Rock of ages the helper of the poor and fatherless helpless and destitute The Fountain of living water Let me always run unto thy fountain for true comfort not to broaken Cisterns Let not the baseness of my nature or my sins dismay me for thou knowest whereof we are made but let me look up to Christ as the Israelites being stung did to the brazen Serpent and be healed Let me taste of the Tree of life in the midst of the paradise of God live even the body and blood Jesus Christ as oft a I eat of this Tree of life in the blessed communion assure me that I am healed of all my passed sins Thou Lord art life and truth I will therefore be guided by thee believe in thee and be dead to the World and all creatures and live unto thee and upon thee In Christ let us have life even the new life of the life of faith and not of sense That the old man may dye daily That Christ may live in us as the head liveth in the members and we in him by faith in the promises of eternal life through him As Abraham did in the Land of promise though he had not as yet received the earthly promise neither did he set his heart upon it nor seek it or suffer himself to be hindred by it in the persuit of his future felicity Thou to a believer art all that is desirable in all conditions whatsoever whom have I in Heaven but thee And whom in earth that I can desire in comparison of thee Thy goodness is infinite and though our sins be never so great yet thy thoughts exceeding our thoughts so far as the Heaven is higher than the earth we may have Hope in thy mercy because it endureth for ever and is over all thy works The Lord will never leave nor forsake those that trust in him though he suffered Daniel to be cast into the Lions Den. The three children into the firye furnace the sword to be put to Isaacs throat yet then he delivered them for the Lord knoweth how to deliver his Lot was delivered though Sodom was burned and so was Noah
in the deluge As thou art the God of our strength and therefore we need not to go mourning through fear of the enemy so art thou our exceeding joy whereby we are holily transproted to rejoyce in thee in singing thy praises Psal 43. Praise the Lord O my soul and all that is within me Praise his holy name Psal 103 As thou art gracious and merciful patient slow to anger ready to forgive the sins of thy people for thy names sake so art thou also righteous in all thy waies and holy in thy works If a man will not turne thou wilt whet thy sword and bend thy bow thou wilt bring upon such all the curses written in thy book till thou hast destroyed them for so thou hast done to thine own people the Jews who would not believe thy threatnings to be warned thereby Thou who shewedst mercy to Niniveh repenting after the judgment pronounced and to Ahab going mournefully when he heard the judgment threatned against his house which shews that thy threatnings are conditional viz. if we turn not thou likewise laidest thy hand so heavy upon thy Servant David day and night that his moisture was like the drought in summer The light of his eyes was gone from him he was almost consumed by means of thy heavy hand he had no health in his bones nor no soundness in his flesh his teares was his meat day and night All the day long was he punished and chastened every morning because his iniquities were gone over his head these and many more as Eli Lot and Noah are set out in the word for examples of the truth of thy threatnings against sin though repented of Give me therefore thy grace that I may watch against sin and all temptations and occasions thereof and against the least degrees and beginnings of sin and all appearance of evil with prayer that I entter not into temptation and the Lord support me and hold me up that I fall not in temptations And when I pray unto thee in the name of Jesus Christ my Saviour for pardon for my manifold sins O Lord remember that thou hast declared thy self to be the Lord gracious and merciful slow to anger that forgivest the iniquities of thy people for thy name sake and let thy mercy be magnified by the greatness of my sins my sins are more in number than the hairs of my head But thy mercys as infinit thy thoughts are not like our thoughts For as far as the Heaven is above the earth so far are thy thoughts above our thoughts And let the greatness of my Redeemers merits be magnified by the greatness of my unworthiness He is mighty to save And though our sins be as scarlet he can make us white as snow by his blood which he hath shed for us for if he be Lord of all and the World was made by him then was he able also to reedeem all the World that come unto God by him for redemption do thou but assure me that the least drop of his blood the least sigh of his heart or the least degree of his humiliation was for my sins or had respect unto me among the rest and I do undoubtedly believe they are fully pardoned and I am saved from all the curse that is due unto them Lord since thou hast imputed to him my sins for it is said that he hath born the Iniquities of us all it is but just with thee that I should be acquitted and have his rightoeusness imputed to me else why did he suffer LET us then be made the righteousness of God in him since he was for that end and purpose made sin for us since thou hast given him for a covenant to the people give us also to find in our selves that we have him and with him all those promises of grace that belong to this covenant which in him are verified and fulfilled With him therefore give us thy Spirit in our hearts to cause us to walk in thy statutes to know and do thy judgements cause us to love thee with all our hearts to delight in thee and to fear thee to run and not be weary and to be holy in all our common things c. Of Afflictions Let him deny himself and take up his Cross are the first and second step to happiness therefore that we may not be so effiminately fearful to touch the Cross as we are nor be so longing and licorish to gratify our selves in whatsoever our heart desires is this meditation Afflictions are Christs School whereby he teacheth his followers in the discipline of holiness as he is said to have learned obedience by the things he suffered so he prescribes a suffering condition to his and they who are not partakers of his sufferings but are without chastisement are said to be bastards and not sons of their heavenly father so it concerns us to expect them and not beds of Roses oiled paths or the pleasures of the sences and that we make a sanctified use of them for those holy ends and purposes for which they are sent whether it be for our conversion from the state of nature and unbelief by true and unfeigned repentance or to renew our repentance after some fall to awaken us out of security or to improve our patience or holiness humility or any or all our graces and so to purify us to himself for as soon as they have attained their end he removeth them from us for he doth not afflict nor grieve willingly the sons of men to help me to make a sanctified use of them are these meditations Fides Fructifica 1 James 4. Let patience have her perfect work Meditation LORD teach us with thy blessed Apostles Paul and Silas to sing Psalmes in the midest of the Dungeon and with the three children when the furnace is made three times hotter than at other times And that we may have perfect patience make us sensible that the hand of God is upon us for our sins deservedly as the thief upon the cross was If we have no success either in our spiritual or Worldly affaires let us believe that it is the hand of God for our sins That we have not made better use of the afflictions which God hath laid upon us to purge us of some sin and do not search out the causes thereof and try our waies it is our sin for his hand is streched out still for if we know that God chastens and scourges every Son whom he loveth we may then understand that with one judgment God punisheth us for the sins passed and delivereth us thereby from sin and destruction for the time to come As when his Servant David had sinned by numbering the people God sent the Prophet to him to declare his will to punish him with one of those three evils he cried I have sinned so that whereever sin is there God detests and punisheth The righteous shall not go unpunished But the Sons of Ely when their Father reproved
to make him rich So it is said of Jehosaphat that his heart was lifted up in the waies of God This joy and rejoycing in the Lord is enjoyned us as a duty and it proves our sincerity When God is sweet unto us for himself in the want of outward blessings when we can trust God and not see him 't is a sign we trust him in truth when all the providences of God seem to run counter to his promises That fruit is sound that can hang in a windy day T was a proof of Abraham's love to God that he could follow him into a strange place where he had no place to set a foot on This joy as it begets mortification and self-denyal so these begets this joy It is a sure preservative against Apostacy He that can rejoyce in God when he is in adversity will not be removed by adversity the joy of the Lord is our strength and stability Phil. 4.7 The Peace of God which passeth all understanding shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus Coloss 3.15 Let the peace of God rule in your hearts It rules in us if we can rejoyce in a God All-Sufficient Then the Soul saith to all the Devils offers we have enough already according to that saying of the Apostles to our Saviour Lord whether shall we go thou hast the words of Life The reason why Satans offers seems great to Men is because Gods seem little This is a holy disposition of the Soul that doth most glorifie God Therefore 't is said of Abraham that he gave Glory to God he did not stagger through unbelief It may well be called a Treasure as the Apostle saith we have this Treasure in Earthen Vessels and our blessed Saviour speaketh of the Treasure in the Heart for by this we are assured that all things are ours if we are Christs Whereas on the contrary if we are none of his we may think that we are rich and encreased in goods and have need of nothing yet we are in truth wretched miserable poor blind and naked as it is said of the Church of Laodicea Rev. 3.17 and this treasure is Christ formed in us of whose fulness we receive Grace for Grace And 2 Pet. 1.4 we are said to be partakers of the divine Nature because it is in us and our blessed Saviour saith that we are grafted into him and unless we abide in him we cannot bear fruit That is the fruit of the Spirit which is by him derived to his Members as he saith If I live ye shall live also The same are the fruits of Righteousness and fruit unto Holiness and all have the same end viz. everlasting Life Treasure where ever it is is matter of joy If sin and departing from God be an evil as every Man finds early or late when he casts away the bait that beguiled him with anger then Holiness must needs be good and yield joy Though the Children of God are often sad yet every act and working of the Spirit upon the Soul of Man either is matter of joy immediately or mediately the heart that is broken by the Spirits operation finds it self bound up when it hath been broken enough and hath joy Particular instances of the Assertion That the Saints have joy from the assurance of the pardon of their sins is express that the knowledge of our pardon is matter of joy our Lord and Saviours speech to the sick Man proves Be of good comfort thy sins are forgiven thee for by this speech our Saviour did intend to give him more comfort than by restoring to him his bodily health Blessed is the Man whose Iniquities are forgiven the Apostles knew they had this blessedness as it is expressed In whom we have Redemption through his Blood even the forgiveness of our sins David was assured of his pardon by Nathan sent to him upon that very message and as we pray daily Forgive us our Trespasses so we find that David after he knew he was pardoned his sin did so pray likewise for remission and did also believe that they were remitted and rejoyce in it as he expresseth Ps Praise the Lord O my Soul and forget not all his benefits which forgiveth all thy sins c. And all other Servants of God pray for and obtain it in due time Priviledges of Saints Those that are Gods Servants have the Tutelage of the Angels Ps 34. They tarry round about them that fear him They have God God standing by them to save them Ps They have Jesus Christ strengthning them I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me and the Spirit helpeth them The knowledge of our Interest in God and Christ that he is our God and we his people he our Father we his Children he our Shepherd we his Flock that he is our Strength our Rock Castle and Defence Psal 18. he our Beloved we his he our portion and we his portion he our Head we his Members he our Redeemer c. And all those Texts which express his Relation to us or ours to him And what he hath done doth or will do for us must needs comfort us and rejoyce us in all conditions Psal 23. The Lord is my Shepherd therefore I shall not want he maketh me to lye down in green Pastures c. And holy David when the people talked of stoning him he encouraged himself in the Lord. And our blessed Saviour would banish all fear from the hearts of his people by vertue of their Relation Luke 2.32 Fear not little Flock it is the Fathers pleasure to give you a Kingdom And none can deprive us of enjoying our interest in him as the Prophet Habakkuk expresseth it no condition no time nor no place when the Apostles were cast into the Dungeon they sung 1 Thess 5. Rejoyce evermore God would not command it always if it were not possible to be This enjoyment of our interest in God is greater than any other enjoyment and the Soul most desires it Cant. 1. Let him kiss me with the kisses of his Mouth his Love is better than Wine That the Saints have peace of conscience and joy proceeding thereof is proved by that Rom. 5. That being justified towards God through our Lord Jesus Christ by whom also we have access through Faith unto this grace wherein we stand and rejoyce under the hope of the Glory of God They are called the peaceable fruits of Righteousness They are said to be found in peace of them that love peace And every Man that hath made tryal of it hath reaped this fruit peace and tranquility and enjoy it in their Souls according to the promise of our Saviour Matth. And ye shall find rest to your Souls and it is the design of the Gospel to give this peace and rest to the Souls of Gods people by assuring them of pardon of sins and Salvation according to that Prayer of David say unto my Soul I am thy Salvation The excellency of the
become the Sons of God even to as many as believed in his Name John 1.12 But he that eats not his Body and drinks not his Blood hath no fellowship in him he that doth eat and drink them hath Eternal Life The receiving then of him and believing in his Name being the qualification that makes us the Sons of God and his Brethren and that Text excluding all from that priviledge that do not eat and drink his Body and Blood sheweth that by receiving him and believing in his Name they eat him not by diminishing him by their Teeth or digesting him in their Stomach but by drawing Life from his Death by Faith and strengthning and maintaining that new Life which it hath from Christ by believing his Body to be crucified and his Blood shed for them and by the Bread and Wine is given to them And if we should understand this eating of Attrition or diminishing with the Teeth and the Drinking of taking by the Mouth into the Stomach by drops and digesting there then God should suffer his Holy One to see corruption For although we should suppose it did not corrupt in our body so long as we live yet when these vile bodies turns to Earth and rottenness then all that is in them must corrupt And the Text that excludes all that eat not his Body and drinks not his Blood would exclude all Believers from Adam until this Sacrament was Instituted by our blessed Saviour But if this eating and drinking be believing then Abraham and the rest of the faithful might eat and drink him as well as they saw his day For all of them eat the same Spiritual meat and drink the same Spiritual drink and receive their Eternal Life and Salvation from the same Jesus Christ And if we do by this eating find our penitent Souls to revive and live a new Immortal and Eternal Life from the belief of his Death and Passion for us his Body Crucified and his Blood spilt for us to give us Life then we eat his body and shall live for ever And thus the faithful people of God by eating the Passeover under the Law did eat Christ the true Passeover by eating that which was the Type of him whom it represented fide non ore at it is said all eat the same Spiritual Bread Of the Eucharist Meditation I feel a hunger in my Soul which neither Manna nor all the World can satisfie though I have all the necessaries and conveniences of Life yet I hunger and thirst as for Rivers of Water in a dry place Isa 32. Do thou then O blessed Saviour give me of the Water of Life out of thy Fountain The living Water and Blood that cometh from that Fountain of Living Water thy side upon the Cross which still is open to the House of Judah and Jerusalem and seals unto us all the promises upon which we live thou hast Instituted this Bread and Wine to represent thy Holy and blessed Body and Blood shed and broken upon the Cross and thereby givest them to the Soul that thirsteth for Eternal Life in thee Isa 32.4 Though my weakness of Faith should be such that I am not able to discern whether virtually or really they become such or whether they be consubstantiated transubstantiated or new-substantiated in their Natures by the blessing and the Faith of the Receiver or neither yet thus far thou hast enlightned me to know that all the promises are Yea and Amen in thee that thou hast Eternal Life and givest it and that by these Elements which signifie and exhibit thy Body and Blood to be eaten and drank by Faith Spiritually and for thy Body and Blood I eat and drink them but as separable for I fear least I should through unbelief receive but only the Bread and Wine and not thy Body and Blood which give Eternal Life which every one that hath that eateth thy Body and drinketh thy Blood and if an unbeliever or an unprepared impenitent person the worst of thy enemies he that betrayed thee or any other creature could but eat and drink of them they also would thereby have Eternal Life But thou alone hast power to give it to whom thou pleasest To thee therefore I address my Prayer when the Priest reacheth to me the Bread and Wine that thou wouldest reach to me thy sacrificed Body and Blood that was shed upon the Cross and make these Natural Elements to become those Eternal Aliments to me not by Faith in them but by Faith in thee who hast made them to signifie those and represent them which though I cannot discern by my senses I pray that I may by my Faith in thy Word which makes them operate as thy Body and Blood to me through thy benediction though materially I discern them not and give me thy holy Spirit that I may discern them Spiritually and eat panem Dominum if by looking up to thee we are saved what other thing can I understand this Mystery to be than looking up to thee on the Cross and shedding thy precious Blood for my sins which thou communicatest to us Of Holiness Meditations Mot. Holiness to the Lord shall be writ upon the Bells of the Horses Med. All the graces are so linked together like a golden chaine that they cannot be without each other This is a collective word and containes in it piety charity and humility and all that the first and second table of the law of God containes all the duty of man towards God his neighbour and himself It is the fruit of faith out of which Root this grace springs The necessity of this grace is laid down in this expression that without it no man shall see God the same is implied Psal 63.3 I have sought thee in holiness that I might behold thy glory The precepts are many that command us to get it in general and in the particular branches of it every commandment and precept in the Scripture are to this end Not any one minute of a Christian life nor any one action be it natural action of the body or civil gesture or behaviour but it must have holiness imprinted on it for in the Temple the candlesticks and the snuffers were of pure Gold and Christ came to perfect it and advance it therefore ' tls prophesied of his Kingdom that under it holines to the Lord shall be written upon the Bels of the Horses which inscription was on Arons miter The rights and ceremonies of purification under the law typified as much Although it be said that faith hath this and all other graces for its fruits yet there is a time when a child of God may not percieve in himself much nay scarce any life of Holiness Humility Patience Zeal Meekness Charity or other graces as in the Winter the herbs and Plants shew no life at all usually they are excited again by some extraordinary providence of God either in afflicting us or delivering us from some danger or affliction or by
of this free pardon therefore not I. All that will come may all that did look up to the Brazen Serpent were healed I thus being burdened with the weight of my sins and weary of them and fainting under them languishing for want of comfort and easement find this invitation from him that is ready to relieve me and all men freely without any merit of mine Beseech him to take away this my burthen to give me a new heart and to heal my soul That he would give me redemption through his blood even the forgiveness of my sins Ephe. 1.2 And seal it to my conscience that he hath borne my iniquities and hath taken them away and cast them into the bottom of the Sea that he would give me this balme of Gillead his precious blood to cleanse me from all my sins and to heal my wounded conscience and by his word to heal my corrupt nature I come unto him for faith in him which I have not of my self it is the gift of God Ephe. 2.8 I come and beg his Spirit to quicken me with a new life Ephe. 2.1 You hath he quickned who were dead in trespasses and sins That he would take away the Spirit of bondage and give me the Spirit of Adoption that I may call him Father and obey him cheerfully from the principle of love which will make my services accepted and prove my repentance true which will not The hanging down of my head Jugum Christi Meditations of Faith THE excellency of this grace is such that it makes all other things excellent and without it it is impossible to please God without it charity is no charity piety and charity and all other graces and vertues are no graces without faith it is the salt of all holy services which makes them acceptable sacrifices to God It is excellent in its original It is the gift of God It is so also in its fruit which is holiness and its final end is equally excellent viz. Salvation There is no degree of it so little but is of infinite vertue it makes us overcome all difficulties in doing and suffering the good will and pleasure of Almighty God The first degree of faith is to believe that God is The 2d degree to believe that he is a rewarder of them that deligently seek him but this doth not save for St. Paul had this belief when he persecuted the Church But to believe in Gods promises of salvation through Christ Jesus is saving faith as it is said by our Blessed Saviour Ye believe in God believe also in me This is saving faith and this is the principal act of faith because Jesus Christ is the principal object of faith and every act of grace is a branch of this grace hope charity patience humility unless they are acted and set on work by faith in Christ viz. In obedience to God believing his acceptance of our works through his Son they are nothing more than the moral vertues This grace is that which gives most glory to God because it believes things that are invisible to sense and reason assuredly as if they were visible It is called the evidence of things not seen knowing that Gods bare word is the greatest assurance therefore the Scripture saith of Abraham That he believed and gave glory to God and he staggered not though the promise was against reason and sense in regard of the age of himself and his wife Sarah And though Gods command of Sacrifising his Son Isaac seemed to be repugnant and contrary to his promise yet he believed stedfastly in the truth of God though it seemed repugnant so God put his faith to it to try it and he denied his sense and reason to believe God and to obey him It consists not in one act but it is a habit and for that reason the life of a believer is call'd the life of faith Agreeable to which it is said of the life of Abraham That he lived in the land of promise as in a strange Country looking for a City which had foundations whose builder and maker is God And this he did during his life so that he never had the sight of that he believed but lived upon the promise only and upon God This life of faith is a mortifying and self-denying life for Abraham lived in the land of promise as a stranger not as a home dweller freely and boldly enjoying it as his own But using the world as if he used it not not living upon the world nor by sense though the promise was of worldly things St. Paul testifieth of himself that he lived this life Gal. 2.20 Not I but Christ liveth in me and the life which I live I live by the faith of the Son of God For faith working by love by the Spirit of Christ unites us to Christ in all union as our Root our Head our Brother our Beloved then it perswades us of the alsufficiency of God which supports the soul wherefore God made it the inducement to Abraham why he should walk before him in perfection and whatever is wanting in the creature faith thus acted makes it up in God as is said Psal 90.12 Lord thou hast been our dwelling place through all generations And 2 Cor. 6.10 As having nothing yet possessing all things Because God is the delight of the soul Psal 1. Job 27.10 But it is said of the hypocrite Will he alwaies call upon the Lord will he delight himself in him No he will not for he loves not This St. Paul professeth that he practised saying To me to live is Christ to dye is gain He lived upon Christ and he in him Not only in the Apostles esteem was Christ all to him But Christ testifieth of himself Joh. 6.34 The bread of God is he which cometh down from Heaven and giveth life to the world Therefore might Job esteem it more than his necessary food if he be the eternal food of the soul which gives it a new eternal life and maintains it satisfying and strengthening the principles of this life and reparing the decaies of it There is nothing needful or comfortable which gracious soules have not enjoyed in God and Christ David Psal 5. Lord thou art my light and my salvation whom then shall I fear thou art the strength of my life of whom then shall I be affraid Psal 119.57 Thou art my portion O Lord I have said that I will keep thy word If God be sufficient for himself he is sufficient for us All is yours and ye are Christs all the things in the world can afford little comfort to the rational soul they can alitle divert it from its grief but are so far from yeilding true satisfaction that the more it drinks the more it thirsts but he that drinks of the water of life shall never thirst more He that eates of the true bread which came down from Heaven shall be satisfied in all his desires and appetites more than they whose Corne Wine
God 2 Thes 2.12 which is his word we must believe the truth of his threatnings as well as the truth of his promises Jer. 32.19 This belief saved Noah and his family from the destruction of the deluge and this was commanded in him for a worthy act of faith and by this Lot escaped when Sodom was destroyed and his doubting wife made a perpetual monument or spectacle for her infidelity the chief and special object is Christ Act. 16.37 If we must leve Christ then is Christ the principle the cause efficient and final the matter and the forme of that life His example our pattern and his will ours to me to live is Christ is meant in some or in all these senses for faith verifies it in them all He is the end of our conversation because we can desire no more nor can we need any more if we have him he is the matter and forme of it because the natural life is drowned in this and is made spiritual as it is said If we have known Christ in the flesh yet henceforth know we him no more The holy soul doth not injoy its life if it doth not feel Christ living in it by his Spirit quickning its graces it crys O miserable man that I am c. As faith tells the instrument and meanes whereby we attain the greatest good so it is the Armour that defends us from the greatest evils therefore said the Apostle Ephe. 6.16 Above all take the shield of faith whereby ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked Whereby he commends faith above all the spiritual Armour shewing the cause of his commendation from the exceeding virtue of it that it inables them to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked the virtue of it is universal against the worst of evils if it be taken that is if it be used It must be used in the relying act and in the aplying act staying our selves upon the Lord Psal 37.5 Commit our way unto the Lord. The Applying act is when the soul can say his righteousnes is mine to justify me his blood which he shed upon the Cross an attonement for my sins his Spirit mine to quicken me The fiery darts which Satan shoots are first the guilt of sin then afflictions inward and out ward those who were stung by the fiery Serpents could not be cursed unless they looked up to the brazen Serpent Faith sees that the blood which Christ shed for sinners was shed for my sin that he had an eye unto me in his sufferings A 2 Way faith quenches the fiery darts of Satan by seeing that sin is condemned if so then it can have no power to condem the soul A 3 Way is to see afflictions to be a means of grace that they sanctify us and work for us a more exceeding and eternal weight of glory And to see God in the afflictions working for our good and keeping us from the hurt which men intended to us I will be with thee in the fire and in the water that the fire shall not burne thee nor the water hurt thee Isa 43.2 I will keep him secretly from the strife of tongues This made the suffering Martyrs more than conquerors through Christ that loved us and gave his life for us therefore they were wiling to suffer for him and lay down their lives for the testimony of the Gospel to take joyfully the spoiling of their goods and to think all too little for God for whom they suffered it therefore let us set before us our blessed Saviours suffering who endured for us such bitter paines mocking and contradiction of sinners lest we faint in our minds and are weary of the Cross of Christ Let us also set before us the examples of the Prophets Apostles and Martyrs and the examples of our own memory Our late King whose head was anointed with holy oyle yet his Majesty trampled upon with the greatest indignities and when the meanest of his subjects a common Souldier spit in his face used no reproof and he that was Gods vicegerent of the Crown was humbled to be Christs vicegerent of his Cross a rare and wonderful example of suffering patiently the good will and pleasure of God Our imitation of his virtues shall be a lasting monument of his Glory Aere ceu vacuo pendentia Mausolaea Mart. Holy David went far in this as when one abject fellow cursed him and threw durt at him he let him alone saying Who can tell whether God will requite good for his railing And God did not fail him because his faith did not faile though it was tried to the uttermost this faith carried him through all When the people talked of stoning him by this he encouraged himself in the Lord and was not dismaied and if it became the Captain of our salvation to be made perfect by sufferings why should it be thought strange if all that fight under the same banner be made perfect Soulders by the same discipline Oh that we could all follow him not only in drinking of the Cup which he drunk off viz. The bitter Cup of the Cross but also do it with the same charity to our enemies as he had when he prayed Father forgive them for they know not what they do whose steps the Proto Martyr St. Stephen also followed and for his reward he saw the Heavens opened and his Saviour standing at the right hand of God by this we are sure that the same Spirit is in us as was in Christ T was impossible for Job to have undergone so many of Satans fiery darts upon his estate his relations and bodily sufferings but that he believed that his redeemer lived and that he should see him with his eyes at the last day though wormes consumed his flesh And St. Paul having fought the good fight of faith had the like assurance as he testifieth henceforth is layed up for me a Crown of glory this inabled him to undergo the fight with victory and this took away the sting of death so that death it self was not formidable to him nor to the holy Prophets Apostles and Martyrs who willingly underwent it for a good conscience not accepting deliverance Those great temptations which Satan most relieth upon are those of sins guilt accusing the conscience and bloody persecutions though all manner of temptations as the vanities of the world the cares of the world the lusts of the flesh the pride of life are all of them by the arts of our Spiritual adversary so suited and managed according to several complexions that without this grace they are unresistable therefore the Scripture testifieth that this is the victory whereby we overcome the world and if morality could be sufficient to mortify our lusts and good education as some pretend how came it to pass that those moral Philosophers who writ so many things against lust covetousness and other vices were yet themselves overcome of them but through faith in Christ the world is
a noise in the ear without any profit would God require such love from us but that he is Love Gracious Merciful and full of compassion slow to anger hateth nothing that he hath made what can he say more free to thee though thou art as an adulterous Spouse to him yet thou maiest returne and he will receive thee again though thou bringest no merit but demerit to provoke He hath excluded none from his mercy unless they be such as will shew no mercy or else those that sin of malicious wickedness and sin in despight of the Spirit wilfully against light The entail of his mercy is to thousands of them that love him 2 Meditation on Gods Mercy Lord if thou shouldest be extreme to mark what is done amiss who may abide it but there is Mercy with thee c. LORD be merciful to me a sinner we have all sinned and hope in thy Mercy only through the merits of our Saviour If we were not sinners thy mercy would be of no use towards us And our Blessed Lord and Saviour would be of no use to us nor faith nor hope would be of any use nor prayer nor praises But because I am a sinner I pray for thy mercies I praise thee for thy mercies I hope for thy mercies I trust in thy mercy revealed to sinners I believe in the merits of my Saviour and renounce all merit in my self therefore Lord cast me not off because I am a sinner shut not out my prayers for this I will not sin that grace may abound but though I have sinned I am an object of Mercy and thy grace that abounded to Mary Magdalen to Paul to Publicans and sinners may also extend to me Thou hast sent thy Son to call not the Righteous but Sinners To the lost sheep of the house of Israel to seek and also to save that which was lost to quicken them who were dead in trespasses and sins To preach the glad tidings of the Gospel of our Salvation though thy Mercy in giving up thy Son to dye for us that by his death we might escape death and live because he bore the iniquities of us all and by his stripes we are healed That precious blood that he shed upon the ground when the speare was thrust into his body was a sufficient ransom for the lives of all man-kind And as my sins had a concurrent demer it procuring his death so I hope they are joyned in the effect the attonement and expiation That his righteousness may be imputed to me also as my sins were to him 2 Cor. 5. That I may be made the righteousness of God in him Therefore we have need that he should be made unto us wisdom righteousness sanctification and redemption because we were foolish disobedient and deceived serving divers lusts and therefore hast thou proclaimed thy self abundantly pardoning because our sins abound Isa 55. As our Blessed Saviour is the chiefest and greatest of all mercies because he is of more value than all so is he also to be esteemed because in him as in the Fountain are all others contained for by him and faith in his merits only we pray for all others which we need therefore above all we praise thee for him and in him and by him we praise thee for all 3. Meditation All our spirituall mercies as well grace here as glory and eternal happiness hereafter are free without any merit of ours of meer gift and mercy Tit. 3.3 5. We our selves were sometimes disobedent c. But after the kindness and love of God our Saviour toward man appeared not by workes of righteousness which we have done but according to his mercy he saved us by the washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Ghost which he shed on us abundantly through Jesus Christ c. He is the medium by whom they are derived to us and not our own merit of his fulness we have received grace for grace as the members derive their vital Spirits from the head The converting grace and the confirming graces are both free Ephe. 1.13 In whom after ye believed ye were sealed with the holy Spirit of promise which is the earnest of our inheritance He worketh in us both the will and deed that is good when of our selves we cannot think a good thought Therefore above all we pray that thou wouldst give us thy Son whom thou hast given for us all freely and then with him thou givest us all things and as a Father pittieth his own Children so doth the Lord pitty them that fear him Thy bowels cannot see them want any thing Let him live in us by his word by his Spirit by his image in us by his graces which we receive from his fulness let him be formed in us and by him dwelling in our hearts let us be crucified to the world and dye daily and be buried with him and yet live but so that we may be said not to live our selves but Christ in us Thus let the word and the Sacraments convey him to us Since thou hatest nothing that thou hast made and thy delight is among the Sons of men Pro. 1. Certainly thou dost not afflict nor grieve willingly the Sons of men Therefore when we cry unto the Lord in our trouble he delivers us out of distress Psal 104. He cannot forbear to kiss and embrace his prodigal Son O let thy revelation of thy love to man recall mans straying affections to God If we believe this our faith will work love to him again and we shall be as willing to be reconciled to him as he to be reconciled to us 2 Cor. 5.20 If while we were enemies Christ died for us whom hath he not died for who is excluded from his mercy much more being justified by his blood will he save us seeing he hath done so much for us when we were worse now that we are put in a better relation by the blood of Christ and are reconciled to him and made just persons much more now will he do the rest which is but the consequence of the justification to save us All this is free mercy Not of workes which we have done but of his own good will he begot us and accordingly we are justified freely by his grace 4. Meditation I find no condition annexed to be precedent to make a subject capable of mercy but only want and desire of mercy want I have without my own act or endeavour desire of relief too ariseth spontaneously without my endeavour and largeness of desire proceeds from a covetous mind an eye unsatisfied yet such is the ocean of mercy that it requires but only that we open our mouth wide and he will fill it as he promiseth As long as the widow brought empty vessels the Oyl ran he giveth liberally and upbraideth not he giveth more then we are able to ask or think the debtor doth but desire forbearance but the Lord forgives him the debt Jacob only desired food and
less which our fellow Servant oweth us and is not able to pay will not forbear him till he is able but use all violence against him we shall make our selves unworthy and uncapable of the mercy and pardon of the most just God and least we should seem to curse our selves we rather pray 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 as also we forgive others that trespass against us Mat. 6.12 We assert our own mercy and compassion to our debtors as if our clemency and kindness to others did oblige God to the like so the Centurion desired Christ Jesus but to speak the word as he himself used to do in his authority Lord since thou hast given us a law to forgive our enemies to bless them that curse us to pray for them that dispitefully use us wilt thou not observe it thy self and forgive us all our trespasses certainly thou wilt freely forgive give us forgive us the rather because thou knowest that we have nothing to pay forgive us first because thou art the fountain of all goodness and if we have any goodness it comes from this fountain and unless thou givest the grace of love and compassion by first obliging us by thy pardoning mercy and compassion whereof thou hast declared thy self to be full how should we learn compassion to others how canst thou require such goodness from poor weak miserable men unless thou who art goodness and love wilt do the like to us in pardoning and forgiving our trespasses assure us therefore that thou hast pardoned us all our sins and blotted out all our iniquities for thy name sake and that the blood of Christ hath cleansed us from all our sins and then we shall be without excuse if we from our hearts forgive not every man his trespasses We live by the knowledg of thee in thine attributes by the knowledg of thee as a God alsufficient Abraham lived in the land of promise as in a strange country by this Daniel lived in the Lyons den and in the fiery furnace But we have need to know thee too as a God pardoning sin Thou pardonest Aaron when he caused Israel to commit Idolatry and gavest him the Priest-hood and the blessing Since the world by wisdom knew not God and he hath revealed himself unto babes no marvil if we cannot find out the mystery of godliness in the writings of the learned but intangle our selves in doubts and intricacies by reading their learned treatises of predestination and reprobation of election and Gods fore-knowledg of free will and the controversies thereupon arising as whether a justified person may fall away and the like And whether that faith werereal which fell away It may suffice us that the word of God is very plain in those scriptures which teach us our duty which we should do that we may inherit eternal life Psal 18. The law of the Lord is perfect converting the soul c. Let us therefore meditate of that day and night and let our study be in that Et in lumine tuo Domine videbimus lumen 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Vive vale si quid novisti rectius istis Candidus imperti si non his utere mecum Horat. Corollarium A man whose soul is not fraught with holy Meditations is like a Ship which puts out to Sea without ballast it rolls about a while in the calm but the very first gale of wind that fills the sales overturns it So he that is empty and void of holy Meditations whilest no temptations come upon him he walkes unsteadily and lies open to dangers and the very first temptation that befals him overwhelmes him FINIS