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A20756 The conflict betvveene the flesh and the spirit. Or the last part of The Christian warfare wherein is described the nature of these combatants, the malice and power of the flesh and fleshly lusts, with the meanes whereby we may subdue and ouercome them. By Iohn Dovvname Batchelar in Diuinitie, and preacher of Gods Word.; Christian warfare. Part 4 Downame, John, d. 1652. 1618 (1618) STC 7139; ESTC S110219 333,184 430

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it For as it is regenerate it is so inlightned and rectified by the spirit of grace that like a true witnesse it giueth an infallible testimony betweene God vs excusing vs when we doe wel that we may proceede in well doing and accusing vs when wee haue done euill that wee may forsake it and recouer our selues by vnfained repentance yea before the doing of either of them both it giueth testimony and approbation vnto that which is good that we may embrace and practise it and also discouereth that which is wicked and sinnefull that wee may shunne and auoide it Neither doeth it onely play the part of a witnesse but also of a iudge and according to this true euidence it either iustifieth vs or pronounceth the sentence of condemnation against vs. From the former where of arise peace comfort and spirituall ioy in the holy Ghost whereby we are encouraged to proceede in all holy duties and from the other either feare whereby wee are restrained from falling into sinne or sorrowe and repentance not to bee repented of causing saluation after 1 Cor. ● 1● that we are fallen But contrariwise as the conscience is vnregenerate it remaineth blinded with ignorance and corrupted with malitiousnesse and therefore is continually ready to play the part of a false witnesse either dawbing and colouring ouer our sinne with deceiptfull colours that wee may ignorantly fall into it or excusing it being committed as though it were veniall or none at all that wee may continue in it without repentance or on the other side it is ready to accuse vs when wee doe well and in the seruice of God or the vse of our Christian libertie about things indifferent to raise in our minds superstitious feares and causelesse doubts that so we being affrighted may bee hindered from Christian duties or discouraged after wee haue done them And so answerably it playeth the false Iudge condemning where God and a good conscience iustifie iustifying where they condemne The which false sentence is the cause of carnall securitie when we continue in sinne and of causelesse terrours and needelesse feares when we are carefull to performe our duty The which if at any time it bee reuersed by a good conscience inlightened by Gods word and holy spirit and the vglinesse and haynousnesse of sinne be discouered and layed open then the carnall and corrupt part of conscience which before seemed feared and senselesse being pricked and awakened filleth the minde with loude cryes and grieuous accusations with terrible horrours and hideous feares and now as eagerly moueth to despaire as it did before to securitie and presumption telling vs that our sinnes are vnpardonable and that it is too late to turne from them by repentance But then againe the good conscience putteth it to silence and allayeth and quieteth the fury of it by witnessing vnto vs that our hearts are vpright with God notwithstanding that we haue been ouer taken and haue fallen through frailty and infirmity or at least by bathing it selfe from the filth of sinne in the precious blood of Iesus Christ which is sufficient to purge vs from the pollution euen of those sinnes which are wilfull and presumptuous with which washing of blood applyed by the hand of a liuely faith it causeth vs to ioyne that washing of water in the teares of vnfained repentance and amendment of life CHAP. VI. Of the maner of the conflict betweene the flesh and spirit in the will heart and affections § Sect. 1. Of the conflict betweene the carnall and renued will ANd thus haue wee shewed the conflict betweene the flesh and the spirit in the minde and vnderstanding with those faculties which belong vnto it Come wee now to that fight which is betweene them in the will the which is much more sharpe and sensible for it likewise being partly regenerate and partly vnregenerate there is a continuall combate betweene these contrary factions whilest the regenerate part willeth and enforceth that which is good and nilleth and reiecteth that which is euill and contrariwise the part vnregenerate willeth and chooseth that which is euill and nilleth and refuseth that which is good As for example the spirituall part being guided by the vnderstanding inlightened with sauing knowledge chooseth embraceth God as the chife goodnesse his kingdome and righteousnesse as the chiefe happinesse and refuseth and contemneth the world and earthly vanities the seruice of Sathan and the momentany pleasures of sinne which in the ende bring death and destruction though they for the present be bitter to the flesh and much more imbittered by afflictions and these be sweete and delightfull to the carnall appetite But contrariwise that part of the will which remaineth vnregenerate being directed by that wisedome of the which is worldly sensuall and diuellish neglecteth and refuseth the present comforts of grace which it relisheth not and the future hopes of heauenly happinesse which it knoweth not as being out of sight and beyond the apprehension of sense vncertaine and not to bee compassed without great difficultie and contrariwise chooseth and embraceth this present world with the vaine honours vncertaine riches and sinnefull pleasures of it because they are subiect to the senses and may bee had in present possession In which conflict they mutually encounter one another and as they get their aduantages sometimes the one and sometimes the other preuaile and cause the aduerse part to giue ground And this conflict with the issue of it the Apostle felft in himselfe Rom. 7. 15. Rom. 7. 15. For that which I doe I allow not for what I would that doe I not but what I hate that doe I. And againe Cui rei ego suspicabam ligatus non ferro alieno sed meaferre a voluntate c. Aug. confes lib. 8. cap. 5. To will is present with me but how to performe that which is good I finde not for the good I would I doe not but the euill which I would not that I doe So Austine confesseth that whilest he desired his sound conuersion be found himselfe bound not with other mens chaines but by his owne yron and obdurate will The enemy saith he did hold my will and thereof made a strong chaine to binde mee for out of peruerse will sprung vnlawfull lust and whilest I obeyed lust it became a custome and whilest custome was not infringed it became necessitie with which linkes infolded one in another a chaine as I saide was made and held mee bound in a miserable seruitude And my will renewed which begunne to moue mee to worshippe and enioy thee freely my God and onely sure ioy was not yet fit to ouercome the other confirmed by age And so my two willes one olde the other new that carnall and this spirituall did fight betweene themselues renting my soule in sunder by this their discords And so I vnderstood in mine owne experience that which I had reade how that the flesh lusteth against the spirit and the spirit
doeth make our sinnes as it were the flesh of the Viper a most holesome preseruatiue and cordiall for the dispelling from our hearts more daungerous poysons §. Sect. 4. This conflict is effectuall to make vs deny our selues Secondly whereas we cannot be Christs Disciples vnlesse we deny our selues nor bee partakers of his righteousnes for our iustification vnlesse we renounce our own nothing can be more effectuall to this purpose then the sight and sense of our owne imperfections and corruptions for when wee plainely discerne that there is nothing in our selues to rest vpon for the satisfying of Gods iustice this will make vs to flee vnto Christ to hunger and thirst after his perfect and al-sufficient righteousnesse and to make vs wholly to relye vpon him for our iustification and saluation Which when we doe we may be more secure and better assured of heauenly happinesse then if we were as perfect in our owne inherent righteousnesse as our first parents in the state of innocency seeing they fell into sinne and misery through the strength of Sathans temptations but wee cannot so long as wee wholly rest vpon Christ and are vpheld by his omnipotency And as hereby our selues haue great assurance of our happy condition so doe we more glorifie our Lord and redeemer seeing we acknowledge the al-sufficiency of his grace and yeelde vnto him the whole glory of our saluation § Sect. 5. By this conflict we are moued the more to hate sinne Thirdly we are hereby moued to abhorre sinne which God so hateth with greater detestation when as by our owne experience we finde and feele the venome and poyson of it working in our selues and to bewaile and forsake it with more earnest endeauour when we discerne and see what miserable effects it produceth and what bitter and cursed fruits it bringeth forth in vs. As namely that it hath corrupted our whole nature disabled al our strength defaced in vs Gods glorious image incensed his wrath against vs made vs subiect to the curse of the lawe depriued vs of the glory of God and made vs guiltie of eternall damnation From all which miseries nothing could free vs vnlesse the sonne of God had dyed for vs and washed vs from the guilt and punishment of all our sinnes in his most precious blood All which plainely discouereth the haynousnes and tyranny of sinne and maketh vs thankefull vnto our Sauiour who hath freed vs from it § Sect. 6. Wee are moued hereby to fly vnto God by frequent and feruent prayers Fourthly by the sight and sense of these sinnefull corruptions still dwelling in vs wee are occasioned to flee oftener vnto God by feruent prayers acknowledging and bewayling them before the throne of grace earnestly crauing the remission of them and the assistance of Gods grace and holy spirit whereby we may be inabled to mortifie our corruptions and to flee all sinne for the time to come and to returne vnto him praise and thankesgiuing when we haue receiued these graces from him Fifthly whereas there is nothing more daungerous vnto vs then sloth and securitie we haue through these corruptions dwelling in vs the benefit of spirituall exercise whilest wee make warre against them withstand their assaults prepare our selues for the conflict watch ouer our owne hearts that wee bee not surprised at anawares with their deceiptfull pollicies mortifie and subdue them with the sword of the spirit exercise the spirituall graces receiued from God and our selues in all holy duties which God requireth for the obtaining of victory by which they are more and more confirmed and encreased So also hereby wee haue great cause to bee more carefull and watchfull ouer our hearts and wayes seeing we haue dwelling in vs a secrete enemy who watcheth all opportunities to supplant vs and to betray vs into the hands of Sathan and the world the which should make vs worke out our saluation with feare and trembling and vvhilest vve stand to take heede of falling this should cause vs to Phil. 2. 12. 1 Cor. 12. 13. Eph. 6. 10. stand daily and howerly vpon our guard and to keepe the spirituall armour girded fast vpon vs as the Apostle exhorteth vs. § Sect. 7 It serueth to worke in vs patience and contentment Lam. 3. 39. Sixtly it may serue to make vs goe on in our pilgrimage vvith contentment and to beare all afflictions vvhich are layde vpon vs vvith meekenesse and patience not onely because vve haue deserued them by this sinne that dwelleth in vs according to that in the Lamentations Wherefore doeth a liuing man complaine seeing he suffereth for his sinned but also because wee knowe and haue experience that these corrections are necessary to bridle mortifie the flesh with the lustes thereof and serue as drawing salues to drawe out the core of our corruptions as the launcher and searing yron to helpe and heale our impostumations of sinne as bitter potions to purge away our corrupt humours and as salt to season vs that we may not be tainted and perish in our fleshly puterfaction and to make vs more wise wary that we may not nourish our enemy but mortifie crucifie it seeing it is the chiefe authour of all our calamities § Sect. 8. By this conflict our heartes are weaned from the world Seauenthly it is profitable for the weaning of our hearts and affections from the world and to make vs long after our heauenly happinesse when as wee finde our selues tyred and wearied in fighting not onely with forraigne foes but with these intestine and secret traytors in our owne bowels whereas if hauing gotten full conquest we should haue continuall peace and our victory crowned with earthly prosperitie wee would neuer so much long after our heauenly happinesse And this chiefely made the Apostle to long after his dissolution and to be with Christ because he found himselfe so often foyled with this lawe of his members and Phil. 1. 21. Rom. 7. 23. led away captiue by his sinnefull flesh Eightly as it maketh vs to long after the crown of victory so it will make it when we shall obtaine it much more glorious for the Lord will haue vs first to fight and ouercome our spirituall enemies and then hee will reward vs with the crowne of victory first he will haue our spirituall graces exercised and manifested in the conflict and then being approued he will giue vs a proportion of glory according to the propertion of our graces So our Sauiour promiseth not to the Souldiars which lye quietly in their garrison assaulted with no enemy but to them who fighting ouercome that they shall sitte with him on his throne cloathed with white rayment and shall eate of the tree of life which is in the middest of the Paradise of God And this order Paul vseth in Apoc. 2. 3. laying hold on these blessed hopes first to fight the combate and then to receiue the crowne I haue saith hee fought a good fight
which remaineth vnregenerate struggleth and hindereth and when this would embrace the euil or refuse the good the regenerate part resisteth and opposeth And this is that Law which the Apostle saith he found in himselfe namely that when hee would doe good euill was present with him and that when he delighted in the lawe of God after the inner man bee saw another laws in his Rom. 7. 21. 23. members warring against the lawe of his minde and bringing him into the captiuity of the law of sinne which was in his members From whence ariseth a notable differēce betwene the sinnes of the regenerate and the vnregenerate which though they be all one in respect of the act and deede done yet not in respect of the agent and maner of doing For the regenerate man cannot commit a knowne sinne with full consent of will but there is a reluctation resisting against the flesh not onely in his conscience but also in his heart will and affection For being spirituall and regenerate in all the faculties of his soule the chiefe and principall part of his will adhaereth to the lawe of righteousnesse desiring in all things to yeelde obedience vnto it And consequently it resisteth the motions of the flesh nilling that which it willeth And if through frailty and weakenesse it be ouercome it hateth and detesteth that sinne with which it is taken captiue and maketh the Christian to be much displeased with himselfe because he hath committed it Hee consenteth to the lawe of God that it is holy and good and i● more delighted in it then in the bewitching pleasures of sinne An example whereof we haue in Dauid who though by his flesh he was drawne not onely in his wil to embrace but also in his actions to practise some grieuous sins yet he truely saith of himselfe that in his heart he hated euery false Psal 119. 10● 118. way and that he would haue respect to Gods statutes continually But the vnregenerate man though he sometime feeleth some panges of conscience checking him for his sins so as he cannot securely sleep in them without disturbance yet he liketh and loueth them with all his heart hee willingly obeyeth his sinnefull lustes hee pleaseth and delighteth himselfe in them neither doeth any thing trouble him but the feare of a guilty conscience apprehending and expecting deserued punishment so that he inuerteth the Apostles speech and is ready to say the euill I loue that doe I not but the good I hate that doe I. § Sect. 2. The regenerate man cannot at all times doe the euill which the flesh chuseth Gen. 39. 9. The effects which arise from this conflict in the actions and workes of the man regenerate are diuers first that he cannot doe the euill at all times which the flesh chuseth and imbraceth and this Ioseph intimateth in his deniall of the wicked suite which his mistresse made vnto him How can I doe this great wickednesse and sinne against God And what restrained him surely the feare of God and his holy spirit which would not suffer him to fall into so great a wickednesse Secondly that he cannot commit sinne as the wicked doe with full consent of will for sinne being deposed from it regency cannot raigne and rule in the whole man as in times past but is confined vnto a part alone and so farre foorth as we are regenerate we cannot sinne According to that of the Apostle Hee that committeth sinne 1. Ioh. 3. 9. is of the diuell whosoeuer is borne of God doeth not commit sinne for his seede that is regeneration or the seede of the spirit remaineth in him and hee cannot sinne because hee is borne of God Thirdly that hee cannot walke in the way of sinners but propoundeth vnto himselfe to worship and serue the Lord in holinesse and righteousnesse in which course though sometime he slippeth and falleth and sometime erreth out of the right way for a little space yet the spirit of God dwelling in him and conuicting him of his sinnes and shewing vnto him the digressions and errors of his life exciteth him to rise againe after his falles and to returne into his olde and right way by renewing his repentance Whereby it appeareth that they who liue and continue in knowne sinnes and make a daily practise of committing wickednesse haue not the worke of regeneration so much as begunne in them though they make neuer so glorious a profession and like Herode doe many things praise-worthy in the sight of men § Sect 3. By reason of this conflict he cannot doe the good he would Gal. 5. 17. Rom. 7. 15. 18. Heb. 12. 1. Secondly by reason of this conflict the man regenerate cannot doe the good he would nor yeeld that perfect obedience to Gods lawe which it requireth and he desireth So the Apostle out of his owne experience saith that the flesh lusteth against the spirit and the spirit against the flesh so that we cannot doe the things that we would And againe what I would that doe I not but what I hate that doe I. To will is present with me but how to performe that which is good I finde not For when he would runne the Christian race the sinne that compasseth him doeth clinge about his necke and either maketh him for wearinesse to sit downe or to runne forward slowly and with great difficultie It giueth him such blowes and wounds that hee is often foyled and falleth in his course and when he recouereth himselfe and riseth by repentance though he laboureth and much desireth to redeeme his lost time with his suture hast and swiftnesse yet after his wrastling and combate he goeth on his iourney but haltingly yea and is often times so dazled and blinded with the deceites of the flesh that hee erreth and goeth astray and oftentimes is haled with violence into the by-wayes of sinne and wickednesse Whereof it is that our best obedience is imperfect euen after wee are regenerate and our best actions so stained and defiled by our sinfull flesh that were not their imperfections couered with Christs perfect obedience and their pollutions washed away in his blood they would neuer ble acceptable in the sight of God for though they spring from the pure fountaine of Gods spirit yet running through the filthy puddle of our sinfull flesh they are hereby defiled and loose their natiue beautie and puritie It is true that the flesh in this conflict doeth not wholly hinder and withdrawe the regenerate man from performing of his duty nor alienate his mind and heart from the flesh cannot wholly hinder the spirit from good actions yet it interrupteth it in them study and embracing of godlinesse and righteousnesse but yet it still endeauoureth to doe it and though it cannot make him to stand still or turne backe againe yet like a heauy burthen it presseth him downe and hindereth him in his iourney though it cannot make him desist running the Christian race yet it casteth many
Gods mercy truth prouidence securitie impenitency and hardnesse of heart Now of what are they thus tempted but as the Apostle telleth vs of their owne concupiscence and therefore this concupiscence extendeth as well to the superiour as the inferiour faculties of the soule Yea not onely are they tempted but often are foyled by yeelding to the tentation of which I neede no other proofe but that experience which euery Christian may haue in himselfe if without partialitie he will examine his owne conscience for who is so inlightned that doth not finde in his minde much darknesse who so sanctified that doth not acknowledge many errours whereby he hath been ouertaken in his iudgement and much vanity in his cogitations Who is so humbled and hath so denied himselfe that doth not feele in his will much peruersenesse and rebellion against the will of God Finally who hath his remembrance so confirmed and strengthned in grace that doth not see his forgetfulnesse of God and of holy duties And who is so strong in his faith that doth not finde many assaults of doubting and infidelitie All which doth plainely proue that euen in the regenerate the reliques of carnall corruption doe remaine not onely in the inferiour and sensitiue faculties of the soule but also in the superiour and intellectuall CHAP. VI. Testimonies of Fathers to prooue that the body alone is not our enemy the flesh §. Sect. 1. Testimonies to proue that the bodie is not our sinfull flesh VNto these reasons we may adde diuers testimonies for the better clearing of this August de ciuit Dei lib. 14. cap. 3. tit 5. col 7●5 point And first Saint Augustine telleth vs that the corruption of the body which ouerburtheneth the soule is not the cause of the first sinne but the punishment Neither doeth the corruptible flesh make the soule sinfull but the sinfull soule maketh the flesh corruptible From which corruption of the flesh although there arise many prouocations of vices and vicious desires yet not all the vices of a wicked life are to be imputed to the flesh that is the body least hereby wee acquite the diuell of them who hath no flesh Againe he that magnifieth the nature of the soule as though it were the chiefe goodnesse and accuseth the nature of the flesh as euill without doubt hee doeth August de ciuit dei lib. 14. cap. 5. tit 5. col 758 carnally affect the soule and after a fleshly manner shun the flesh because he so iudgeth out of humaine vanitie and not out of diuine trueth So in another place the soule is not better then August in psal 145. the body in merit but in nature for the soule is sinfull and stained with many corruptiōs of concupiscence But yet impure gold is better then the most purified lead And else where he saith The flesh therefore is not euill if it want euill that is sinne wherewith August de continent cap. 8. Tit. 4. col 998. man is corrupted neither is he euill made but doeth euill for in both parts soule and body he was made good of our good God but he doeth euill whereby he is made euill Now as by all these testimonies he sheweth what the flesh is not namely not the nature or substāce of the body so in many other places he sheweth what it is namely the lawe of sinne and corruption of nature which hath ouerspread and defiled the soule and body To name one or two for all In his booke of retractations he saith that the Apostle by the names of flesh and blood vnderstandeth the corruption of them both And againe Carnis et Sanguinis nomine ipsam corruptionem carnis et sanguinis intelligendus est apostolus nuncupasse August retract Lib. 2. cap. 3. August de fide et Symb. c. 10. Chrysost in Gal. 6. Chry. in Gen. 6. Homil. 24. Gregor moral lib. 3. c. 11. Moral lib. 14. cap. 29. the soule when as it affecteth those things which are carnally good is named the flesh With him agreeth Chrysostome for writing on the words of the Apostle they haue crucified the flesh with the lustes of it he saith that he here calleth their euill deedes the flesh for if they should haue crucified their bodies how then could they haue liued And againe it is the manner of the Scriptures to call by the name of flesh those who onely minde carnall things and neuer thinke on that which is heauenly Thus also Gregorie saith that the Scriptures are accustomed to signifie by the names of flesh and blood the sinnes of the flesh And in another place It is written saith he that flesh and blood cannot inherite the kingdome of heauen and how then shall I beleue that in truth the flesh shall arise at the last day I answere in the holy Scriptures the flesh is sometime taken according to nature and sometime according to fault and corruption in the former sense this now is bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh and againe the word was made flesh In the other sense is it to be taken my spirit shall not striue in these men because they are flesh and the speach of the Apostle but you are not in the flesh but in the spirit not that they were not in the flesh to whom the Apostle wrote but because they had ouercome the passions of their carnall desires c. So Hierome on the Hieron in Rom 8. eight of the Romanes saith It is to be noted that the Apostle there accuseth the workes of the flesh and not the substance And thus also Basill vnderstandeth it for saith he he that is called the olde man signifieth together all sinnes and Basil de baptis lib. 1. Theod. in Gal. 5. 17. Ibidem defilements particularly as it were in his parts So Theoderet The Apostle calleth flesh the inclination of the minde vnto those things which are euill and the spirit grace which inhabiteth and guideth the minde vnto those things which are good And againe it is manifest that idolatry witchcraft and such like sinnes are not proper to the flesh that is the body but to the soule and therefore he doth not accuse the flesh but the wicked and slothfull cogitation §. Sect. 2. That Sathan hath assaulted not onely the body affections but the minde and vnderstanstanding And thus haue I shewed by the Scriptures and fathers that by the flesh we are not to vnderstand the body and the sensitiue part of the soule alone but the sinfull corruption of our nature and that this hath ouerspread and infected not the flesh or affections alone but euen the minde and will For Sathan hauing a desire to conquer vs and to hold vs for euer vnder his subiection did not onely by assault take in the body and sensitiue faculties as it were the out-sconces but hath also skaled and surprised the reason and vnderstanding which is the strong tower and castle of our soule through the strength whereof
Tu caro cunctis virtutibus denudata es ideoque diceris caro a carendo quia cares omni bono Ideot in ortho dorogr de conflict carn et animae c. 1. art therefore called flesh from thy wanting because thou art naked of all that is good In which respect the flesh is much worse then the diuell himselfe for though he be wicked yea that wicked one by a kinde of eminency yet is there in him some relation and respects of good namely as he is the creature of God and in respect of his essence and substance as also his gifts of wisedome power swiftnesse c. Being considered in their owne nature and not in regard of his abuse But in the corrupt flesh there is nothing but a lumpe and masse of sinne not any part of Gods workemanship an vtter absence of all good gifts and nothing but folly ignorance dulnesse impotency and whatsoeuer may be called by the name of euill for as it is destitute of all good so is it euill in all relations for as the flesh is all euill so all euill is in the flesh and from the flesh is all euill In which respect wee may truely say that the flesh is vnto this euill of malitiousnesse subiectum adaequatum a subiect equally extended vnto it for there is no part or power of the flesh which is not wicked and sinnefull nor any wickednesse of sinne which is not to be found in this center of wickednes For first the flesh is wholly wicked and malitious The a Rom. 8. 7. wisedome of it is emnitie against God The b Rom. 3. 18. Eph. 4. 18. vnderstanding of it a dungeon of ignorance the c Gen. 6. 5 Ier. 13. 23. imaginations onely euill and that continually the d Eph. 4. 19. 2 Tim. 2. 26. will stubburne and peruerse standing out alwayes in an vtter opposition and obstinate rebellion to the will of God And if the superiour faculties of the flesh bee nothing else but a sincke of sinne what can wee expect but that the inferiour parts must in their degree be sutable in corruption And therefore as the Apostle speaketh of sinfull men so may wee speake of the fountaine and authour of all their sinne the eyes of it are Rom. 3. 18. 19. full of adultery the throate an open sepulcher the tongue of it vsed to deceite the poyson of aspes is vnder it lippes the mouth of it is full of cursing and bitternesse the feete swift to shed blood destruction and misery are in it way the way of peace it hath not knowne neither hath it the feare of God before it eyes §. Sect. 3. That all manner of euill is in the flesh Secondly as the flesh is wholly euill so all maner of euill is in the flesh For it is the common sewer in which all filth and loathsome poyson of sinne meeteth and in a full source runneth together it is the diuels storehouse of wickednesse and his armory in which he layeth vp all the weapons of impietie It is the sea of sinne from which all wickednes floweth and into which it floweth backe againe In a word it is the fruitfull wombe into which the diuell casting the seedes and spawnes of his hellish temptations they receiue warmth nourishment groweth and in the ende life and the perfect shape of all kinds of sinne For there is not any sinne whatsoeuer though neuer so monstrous and abhommable but hath it beeing in this wicked flesh if not appearing yet at least secretly lurking in this filthy dungeon if not in the full growth yet at least in their seedes and chiefe principles There lyeth hid impious Atheisme filthy prophanenesse abhominable idolatry palpable ignorance cursed infidelity damnable hypocrisie hatefull pride bould presumption fearefull desperation wicked treasons horrible murthers beastly incests adulteries thefts couetousnesse ambition crueltie falsehood deceit with a huge swarme of innumerable other sinfull abhominations And though these vices and corruptions doe not alwayes burst out into the sores of outward actions yet like dangerous impostumes they lye hidden within the body of this flesh though they are not alwayes exercised in their functions and operations they being subdued with Gods sanctifying spirit in the faithfull and with his restrayning grace in the vnregenerate yet these cursed habites and hidden faculties doe still remaine euen in the regenerate in some degree although in part mortified and weakened and in their full strength in wicked men And as the egge hath in it potentially all the parts of the bird and onely needeth to haue the damme to sit and houer ouer it vntill by her warmth it may be hatched so the flesh containeth in it all manner of wickednesse and if the filthy spirit like an vgly toade houer ouer it and as it were warme it with the heate of his hellish temptations there will be hatched the killing cockatrices of all sinne if the spirit of God do not crush them in the shell Neither is this the state of some alone but euen of all mankinde so far foorth as they are vnregenerate whereof it is that what Dauid had spoken of some speciall and notorious sinner of his times the Apostle in the third Chapter of the Epistle to Rom. 3. 19. ●0 the Romanes extenceth it to all mankinde being considered in the state of corruption § Sect. 4. That the flesh is the author of all wickednesse Lastly as the flesh is all euill and all euill in the flesh so as it is also a fruitfull mother of all wickednesse and a filthy sinke from such arise the noysome sents of sinne and that poysonous fountaine from which doe flowe the streames of all euill And this our Sauiour noteth wheras he saith that which commeth out of a man namely from the inner fountaine Mark 7. 18. of a fleshly heart defileth him So the Apostle Iames maketh this carnall lust the mother as the Diuell is the father of all sinne and wickednesse for receiuing the seedes of Sathans tentations as it were into a fruitfull wombe it Iam. 1. 14. 15. first conceiueth and then bringeth forth sinne and so sinne when it is finished bringeth forth death And the Apostle Paul telleth vs what cursed fruits doe spring from this roote of bitternesse namely Adulterie Idolatrie Witchcraft Hatred Gal. 5. 19. 20 Heresie murther and many other horrible abominations Neither in truth can in otherwise be for who as Ioh saith can bring a cleane thing out of an vncleane Or what Iob. 14. 4. can we expect from an euill tree but euill fruits as our Sauiour Math. 7. 18. hath taught vs. And seeing the flesh is a sea of wickednesse and a fountaine poysoned in the very head there can nothing flowe from it but corrupted streames And therefore as the Lord gaue nine commandements to dry vp as it were these streames of wickednesse so hee gaue the tenth to damme vp the well head for in vaine it is to stop the
to bee consumed with the fire of his displeasure Now what a fearefull condition is this to be at emnitie mortall opposition and in hostile tearmes against God himselfe For as the Apostle saith doe we prouoke God vnto anger Are 1 Cor. 10. 22. we stronger then he Can it be well with the earthen pitcher when it dasheth it selfe against the strong rorke Or can the seely Mouse escape destruction when he prouoketh and encountreth the fierce Lyon And how much more may they bee assured of vtter ruine and destruction who are at emnity with God himselfe who is not onely able to arme all the creatures against them but with a word of his mouth to cast them into hell § Sect 11. That the flesh is the cause of all our punishments Finally as the flesh is the cause of all sinne so also of all punishment and therefore because it were infinite to stand vpon the particular euils and mischiefes which this malicious enemy causes vnto vs looke how many plagues and punishments are inflicted vpon mankinde either in state or name soule or body and impute them all to the flesh as the fountaine of these bitter waters from which they spring and flowe And yet all these beeing put together are not comparable to those fearefull punishments which it causeth to carnall men in the life to come For it excludeth them out of Gods kingdome and cutteth off all hope of hauing any part in the heauenly inheritance For they that are in the flesh are vnregenerate and vnsanctified and without holinesse they can neuer see God and out of this heauenly citie are excluded dogges and sorcerers and whore mongers and Heb. 12. 14. murtherers and idolaters and whosoeuer loueth and maketh a lye And more plainely the Apostle hauing reckoned vp Apoc. 22. 15. the fruits of the flesh directly affirmeth that they who doe Gal. 5. 21. such things shall not inherite the kingdome of God And lastly the maliciousnesse of this wicked enemy and the sinfull lusts thereof herein appeareth in that nothing will satisfie them but our death and destruction For they are those mortall weapons which kill and murther vs and the edge and point of them is not onely directed against the body but against our soules which are much more precious And this argument the Apostle vseth to perswade vs to shun and auoide them Dearely beloued saith hee I beseech you as strangers and pilgrims abstaine from fleshly lusts which warre against the soule The end of which warre is not onely to get 1 Pet. 2. 11. the victory and to keepe vs in subiection but to cast all that are conquered into the prison of hell and to plunge them into euerlasting condemnation of body and soule So the Apostle saith that when we were in the flesh the motions of sins which were by the Law did work in our members to bring forth Rom. 7. 5. Rom. 8. 6. 13. fruit vnto death that to bee carnally minded is death and yet more plainly that if we liue after the flesh we shall die that he who soweth to the flesh shall of the flesh reape corruption whereby is meant eternall death and destruction as appeareth by the antithesis following but he that soweth to the spirit shall of the spirit reape life euerlasting And the Apostle Gal. 6. 8. Peter likewise telleth vs that the Lord reserueth the vniust vnto the day of iudgemen to be punished but chiefely them that 2 Pet. 2. 10. walke after the flesh in the lust of vncleannesse §. Sect. 12. That the malice of the flesh is the more dangerous because it is masked vnder the coulor of friendshippe Now this malitiousnes of the flesh is so much the more dangerous because it is masked disguised vnder the colour coue●ture of the nearest friendship for whilest in outward shewe it seemeth a nearer friend then a kinsman or dearest brother and like another selfe appeareth most carefull of aduancing our present and future good it doeth most malitiously vndermine our safetie and betraieth vs into the hands of our professed enemies neither can Sathan and the world be more ready to besiege and assault vs with the forces and troupes of their temptations then the flesh to yeelde vs into their handes by giuing free entrance to these assaylants Yea it doth not onely open the gates of our soules to let in these mortal enemies but being entred it ioineth with them assisteth these hellish forces with a strong army of carnall lustes and sighteth against our soules robbing and ransacking them of all spirituall graces and wounding them euen to the death with the wounds of sinne if they were not recured with the precious balsum of Christs blood So that we haue iust cause to complaine with our Sauior that it is not a stranger or professed enemy but a wicked Disciple and false Iudas that continually followeth vs waiting all opportunities whereby he may betray vs and that he who eateth bread with vs hath lift vp his heele against vs. And as Dauid complaineth of Achitophel It is not a professed foe that doeth vs this mischiefe but it is thou a man mine equall my guide and Iohn 13. 18. Psal 55. 13. 14. mine acquaintance our councellour and companion that walketh with vs to the house of God It is one who was borne and bred liueth and dyeth eateth drinketh sleepeth walketh and talketh with vs which notwithstanding watcheth all occasions of bringing vs to destruction for like tinder receiuing the sparkes of Sathans temptations it nourisheth and encreaseth them till at length our soules be inflamed with a world of wickednesse Whereby it appeareth that the flesh with the lustes thereof are enemies aboue all others most daungerous and pernitious for being secret traytors they are much more malicious then professed enemies malice and hatred being of such a nature that the more they are smothered and concealed the more they are inwardly increased and inraged They haue also the fittest opportunities to worke our ouerthrowe in that lying and liuing with vs they can easily take the best aduantages and then set vpon vs when as wee are most weake or secure and least prouided to make resistance Moreouer being secret traytors they are so much the more able to doe vs mischiefe because suspecting no hurt from them wee doe not arme our selues against them nor fortifie our soules against their assaults whereof it commeth to passe that wee are often ouercome and led captiue vnto sinne before we discouered the enemy or did discerne that we were encountred Finally they fight with vs not by marching against vs in the open field but out of secret ambushments when we feare no danger and so oftentimes put vs to flight before wee haue any time to recollect and marshall in order the forces of our minde or to make any head against their fury Now what can bee more dangerous then to haue alwayes in our company such a treacherous
or but very lightly For the defeating of which deceipt let vs know that the least sinne that is in it owne nature offendeth the infinite Maiesty of God prouoketh his fierce wrath subiecteth vs to the curse of the Law and maketh Gal 3. 19 vs liable to eternall death and condemnation For the guilt of sinne is to be measured not onely by the act but also by the obiect and therefore seeing the obiect is the infinite Maiestie of God who is offended by the least sinne ●t becommeth after a sort of infinite guile and so delerueth infinite punishment The which answerably should bee inflicted vpon him who least offendeth if Christ by bearing his small as well as his great sinnes in his body vpon the crosse had not freed him from it And therefore let vs thinke no sinne small which prouoketh God vnto anger and offendeth his infinite Maiestie let vs thinke no sinne in it owne nature sleight and veniall which plungeth a man into euerlasting death condemnation and which can no otherwise bee purged away and pardoned but by the precious bloud of Iesus Christ Secondly let vs know that there are no sinnes small vnto them who thinke them so for sinne is not to be measured so much by the matter and act of it as by the forme and maliciousnesse of it in which respect willing entertainment giuen to any finne maketh it to become wilfull and presuming that we may liue in it because it is but a little one maketh it to be a sinne of presumption and so exceeding great and worthy of the greatest punishment as wee see in the example of him who would needs gather stickes on the Sabbath because he presumed that this was a small and tolerable breach of Leuit. 24. 10. Gods commaundement To this purpose tendeth the speech of our Sauiour that hee who neglecteth and breaketh the least of Gods commandements and teacheth men so he shall be the least that is none at all in the kingdome of heauen Ma● 5. 19. Thirdly euen our least sinnes if God should let vs feele the weight of them would be an intolerable burthen and so sting our conscience that we should neuer rest as the experience of many afflicted in minde doth plainely manifest and therefore let vs thinke no sinne light which with the weight thereof if it should lye vpon vs would crush and presse vs into hell Fourthly let vs know that there is no lesse danger in small sins then in those which are great and hainous first because as these exceed them in their qualitie or quantitie so they exceede these in number as being common and ordinarie Now as the ship will bee sunke as well by many small holes if they be not stopped as at a great leake and may be ouerburthened and perish as well by a multitude o● small pibbles as by a few milstones so may our soules sinke and perish if they bee surcharged with a multitude of lesser sinnes as well as with haynous sinnes being rarely committed Secondly because small sinnes are commonly accompanied with impenitency securitie and hardnes of hart and men not regarding them doe like and liue in them without desire of amendment whereas those which are haynous making deepe wounds and gashes in the heart and conscience doe cause men to be more sensible of them and more earnest in looking after the core as we may see in the example of the Pharises and publicans now our other sinnes though neuer so damnable yet will not condemne vs if they be not ioyned with impenitencie and contrariwise the most veniall sinne wil proue vnpardonable if we liue and dye in it without repentance Whereof it is that our Sauiour telleth the Pharises that Publicanes and sinners should goe to heauen before them For as small sparkes of fire lighting in combustible matter wil if they be not quenched burne a whole Citie and contrariwise a great flame doth little hurt if it be speedily put out so if the least sparkes of sinne bee nourished with the oyle o● securitie it will proue dangerous and damnable whereas though it be a great flame of wickednes it will not doe that hurt if wee soone extinguish and quench it with the teares of repentance Lastly let vs know that the allurements which the flesh vseth to make vs liue in small sinnes without repentance are vaine and friuolous For if wee doe not desire and indeauour to be Saints on earth we shall neuer become Saints in heauen if we doe not labour to shake off dayly our imperfections and to grow vnto more perfection in this life wee shall neuer attaine vnto it in the life to come if we doe not seeke to be pure in heart we shall neuer be blessed in the vision of God If we be not precise and conscionable in flying Mat. 5. 8. the least sinnes we shall surely become secure and presumptuons Moreouer let vs remember that the least sins are not fraileties and infirmities if we liue in them securely and wilfully as contrariwise the greatest may deserue this name if we commit them suddenly and rise out of them speedily Euen as a man may be said to fall through weakenesse and infirmitie into a deepe gulfe when as slipping at vnawares he vseth all his indeauour to recouer himselfe and on the other side it is not weakenesse but wilfulnesse if he fall but into a shallow ditch if hee will not labour to get out againe but lyeth grouelling in the water vntill he be drowned Let vs know that though in many things wee sinne all yet they who belong to God doe not make a trade of wilfull sinning and being sometime ouertaken they are not at rest till they haue risen again by vnfained repentance and though there be none so iust who sinneth not yet all who will be saued must be so iust as not to suffer it to raigne in them And finally that though the best of the Saints Patriarches and Apostles had their infirmities yet none of them could euer be found that nourished defended and continued in them wittingly and willingly after their iudgements haue beene rightly informed and their consciences conuinced And therefore the examples of their slips will not countenance our wilfull sinnes no not our least infirmities yea rather it will make vs the more vnexcusable if seeing them fall as it were before vs we doe not looke the better to our footing § Sect 3. The third pollicie to tell vs that if we commit lesser sins they will preserue vs from greater Thirdly the flesh dealeth most deceiptfully with vs whilest it perswadeth and inticeth vs to entertaine some smaller and lesser sinnes promising that it will rest contented with them and craue no more and so these lesser sinnes shall serue as preseruatiues to keepe vs from those which are great and hainous and these small allowances being giuen to these sauadge beasts our sensuall and vnruly lusts shall keepe them in quiet which if they be too much restrained
vigorous nimble and actiue to runne in the wayes of Gods Commaundements as our limbes annoynted with materiall oyle are made more agill and fit for any bodily exercise or feates of actiuity And finally it is likened to oyle because like it it maketh a chearefull countenance whilest it comforteth and cheareth the heart bringeth peace of conscience which passeth all vnderstanding and replenisheth our soules with such inward ioy as is vnspeakable and inestimable § Sect. 9. The spirit compared to water Esa 44. 3. Thirdly it is compared vnto water For I will saith the Lord powre water vpon him that is thirsty and floods vpon the dry ground I will powre my spirit vpon thy seede and my blessing vpon thy of-spring because in many things it doeth resemble it for it cleareth the eyes of the minde as materiall water doeth the eyes of the body and maketh vs much more perfectly to behold the wayes of God and mysteries of his kingdome to which ende the Lord promiseth his Church that hee will powre the water of his spirit Ioel. 2. 28. vpon all flesh the effect whereof should bee this that they should prophecy their young men see visions and their olde men Esa 61. 2. 3. dreame dreames Secondly like water it cooleth and refresheth vs when we are scorched with the heate of Gods displeasure with afflictions and persecutions and are ready to faint with wearinesse as we are trauailing in our iourney towards our heauenly countrey Thirdly like water it quencheth our spirituall thirst by applying vnto vs that wel-spring and fountaine ●f liuing waters Iesus Christ his blood his righteousnes and obedience to which purpose is that speech of our Sauiour to the woman of Samaria Whosoeuer drinketh of the waters that I shall giue him shall neuer Ioh. 4. 14. and 7. 37. thirst but the water that I shall giue him shall be in him a well of water springing vnto euerlasting life And that proclaimation which he made at the feast If any man thirst let him come vnto me drinke He that beleeueth in me out of his belly shal flow riuers of liuing water the which as the Euangelist expoundeth it hee speake of his spirit which they that beleeued on him should receiue Fourthly he is compared to water because like it he hath a cleansing vertue to purge vs by the application of Christs merits and blood-shed from the guilt punishment and corruption of all our sinnes So the Apostle saith to the Corinthians that they were washed and 1 Cor 6. 11. Tit. 3. 5. Heb. 10. 22. Zach. 13. 1. cleansed from their sinnes in the name of the Lord Iesus by the spirit of God Lastly like water it watereth our dry and barraine hearts and maketh them fruitfull in holinesse and righteousnesse for so the Lord hauing saide that he would powre the water of his spirit vpon his Israel addeth in the next wordes and they shall spring vp as among the grasse and a● willowes by the water courses And againe Thou shalt bee Esa 44. 45. like a watered garden and like a spring of water whose waters faile not § Sect. 10. The spirit compared to fire Ioh. 3. 11. Act. 2. 3. Finally it is compared to fire according to the Baptists speech of our Sauiour Christ Hee shall baptise you with the holy Ghost and with fire and so when hee descended vpon the Apostles it is said that there appeared vnto them clouen tongues like as fire and it sate vpon each of them The which similitude is most liuely to signifie and represent the vertue and operation of the holy Ghost For first like fire it giueth light euen in the darkest places and dispelleth and scattereth the blacke and thicke fogges of ignorance and errour so that all things about it which were hidden and secrete are spiritually discerned in which respect hee is called the a Iam. 1. 17. father of lights which causeth the b Tit. 2. 11. 12 light of grace bringing saluation to shine vnto vs by which we are c Luk 1. 79. illightned who sate and in darkenes and in the shadow of death that wee might d 1 Cor 2. 12. 14 knowe the things of God which cannot otherwise be discerned and might haue our feete guided into the wayes of peace Secondly as fire burneth all things that are combustible as straw wood chaffe and such like so the spirit of God burneth and consumeth in vs whatsoeuer may be consumed as sinne corruption and all manner of fleshly lustes and so offereth vp our bodies as a liuing sacrifice holy acceptable and without Rom. 12. 1 Mark 9. 49. blame which would not be acceptable vnto God vnlesse like the whole burnt offring it were thus salted seasoned and purified with this holy fire as our Sauiour speaketh Thirdly as fire by consuming the rust and drosse doeth refine and purifie the mettall so that the more it is tryed the purer it waxeth So this holy spirit consuming the rust and drosse of our sinnes and corruptions doeth make vs pure and refined mettals yea it also like the fire hath the vertue of separation parting asunder our tinne and copper from right siluer and gold that so wee might be a treasure vnto God and as it were fit vessels for his owne table So the Lord promiseth I will turne mine hand vpon thee and Esa 1. 25 will purge away thy drosse and take away all thy tinne And a againe Euery one that is written among the liuing in Ierusalem shall be called holy when the Lord shall haue washed away Esa 1. 25. the filth of the daughters of Zion and shall haue purged the blood of Ierusalem from the middest thereof by the spirit of Esa 4. 4. iudgement and by the spirit of burning Fourthly as it is the propertie of fire to turne things into it owne nature and to make them like vnto it selfe so the spirit doeth turne and transforme vs making vs of earthy naturall and carnall to become heauenly supernaturall and spirituall More specially it is the propertie of fire to take from yron it owne qualities when it is put into it and to communicate vnto it such qualities as it selfe hath and whereas naturally it is blacke and hard cold and heauy it maketh it bright and shining soft and liquid hot and light so that a man would thinke that the yron were transformed and changed into fire it selfe So it is the property of the spirit to communicate the like qualities to the naturall man for whereas naturally 1 Cor 2. 14 10 Eph. 4. 18. Esa 42. 16. Psal 36. 9. he is darkned in his vnderstanding through blacke and palpable ignorance it inlightneth his minde with the bright beames of sauing knowledge whereby hee is enabled to see and vnderstand the high and deepe mysteries of Gods kingdome Whereas his heart is so hard and obdurate 1 King 22. 19. Act. 2. 37. that nothing will make it relent but it will rather
rule is that we withstād the flesh in all the occasions and meanes of sinfull lusts THE third rule in resisting and assaulting of the flesh is that we withstand it in all occasions which it taketh and meanes which it vseth to preuaile against vs and that wee doe with equall care auoide and shunne them as wee doe the sinfull lusts themselues or the wicked actions vnto which they doe ●ncline a●● tempt vs. To which purpose one saith that this shal be vnto vs the occasion of the greatest securitie if we will not onely carefully slee sinnes but also the Chrysost ●d pop Ant●●t Hom. 15. T. 5. Col. 141. meanes whereby they doe supplant vs c. For a● he who goeth vpon the edge of a steepe and craggie Rocke though hee falleth not yet with feare trembleth and so falleth through his trembling so hee who leaueth not sinne aloofe and farre off but approcheth close to the brinke of it hath iust cause to liue in feare seeing he is apt often to slip into it He that feareth death if he be wise he w●ll not drinke poyson nor thrust himselfe into needlesse and dangerous quarrels nor expose his person to any other perils which threaten his destruction Hee that would preserue the riches which hee loueth will not entertaine occasions of needlesse expences much lesse will hee suffer his doores to stand wide open in the night or inuite knowne theeues to lodge with him and hee who would not haue his house burned will not bee so foolish to bring and leaue fire carelessely in the roome where is store of flaxe gunpowder or such like matter as is combustible How much greater care therefore becommeth it vs to vse to vvithstand all meanes and occasions of sinne vnto which our corrupt natures are so much inclined For if wee be so frayle and weake through our corruption that of our selues we are prone to fall vvhen as there is no outward meanes or occasion to moue vs thervnto how much more shall wee bee ouertaken and foiled with our fleshly lusts vvhen as their obiects doe present themselues and both time place and company inuite vs to imbrace them and offer all opportunitie of inioying our sinfull pleasures Especially considering that by exposing our selues to those needlesse daungers we doe tempt the Lord and moue him to giue vs ouer to our owne weakenesse and to the malice of our spirituall enemies that so by our falles and lamentable experience of our foole-hardinesse we may for the time to come be more wise and wary He therefore who would withstand the flesh tempting him to idolatry must auoide the meanes and occasions which bring vnto it as wil-worship superstition making of images for religious vses company and alliance with idolaters for though hee were as wise as Salomon himselfe yet if he auoide not these meanes and occasions he will be ouertaken with this sinne He that will resist the flesh tempting him to murther must also auoide vniust anger reuiling speeches needlesse quarrels and desire of reuenge wherewith the heart being enraged will excite also the hand to the shedding of blood He that will resist the flesh prouoking him to commit fornication adultery or other vncleannesse must turne away his eyes from beholding vanitie and keepe them vnder couenant that they looke not with wanton glaunses vpon a woman Iob. 31. 1. Geni 39. 10 and shut his eares against filthy communication and obscaene jests which wicked men as the bawdes of the diuell and the flesh doe vse to defile our hearts and allure vs vnto sinne And this is the reason why the Apostle hauing forbidden Eph. 5. 3. 4 fornication and vncleannesse doeth in the next place forbid the naming of them together with filthy and foolish talking and dishonest and scurrilous iesting which are the meanes and occasions of those sinnes For if Dauid giuing himselfe to ease and sloth and suffering his eyes to gaze on strange beauty was ouer taken and foyled by his sinfull flesh how shall wee stand and get the victory ouer our fleshly lustes if we giue them the aduantage of meanes and opportunitie Thus he who would not hearken vnto the flesh solliciting him to theft sacriledge must not with Achan cast a lusting eye vpon the wedge of gold and Babilonish garment nor looke vpon his neighbours vineyard with a greedy desire to haue it from the owner though it were vpon a iust price seeing if hee cannot thus preuaile hee is ready in the next place which Ahab to wrest and wring it from him with wrong and cruelty In a word if wee would resist the flesh tempting vs vnto any sinne let vs not entertaine the meanes and occasions of them when it offereth them vnto vs. But principally let vs auoide the societie and company of wicked men which are the diuels brokers and the fleshes bawdes to sollicite vs vnto all euill For though they doe not finde vs like vnto themselues yet if we consort with them they will make vs such like vnto those who being tainted with the plague or leprosie which are ready with their contagion to infect those who being sound doe keepe them company So the wise man telleth vs. Hee that walketh with wise men shall be wise but a companion of fooles shall be destroyed And the Pro. 13. 20. sonne of Syrach He that toucheth pitch shall be defiled therewith Eccl. 13. 1. and he that hath fellowship with a proude man shall bee like vnto him And therefore Dauid hauing resolued to keepe Gods lawe doeth first banish from him euill compapany Psal 119. 115. Away saith he from mee yee wicked I will keepe the Commaundements of my God And thus the Apostle forbidding the workes of darkenesse doeth vse this phrase that we should haue no fellowship with them implying that if wee keepe company with the workers of iniquitie wee should hardly restraine our selues from their workes and actions Now if any shall pretend that it is a thing of too great precisenesse and stricktnes yea of difficultie and impossibilitie to auoide these meanes and occasions or to bridle our appetite and carnall lustes from seeking after them let such knowe that if we cannot restraine them from these occasions and meanes which oftentimes in and for themselues are not much desireable much lesse shall they be able to restraine and curbe in their vnruly lustes when as they haue once gotten the aduantage of these opportunities and when being mad and headstrong in themselues they haue these goads and spurres in their sides to pricke them forward § Sect. 2 The 4 rule that we resist the flesh in the first beginnings of sinne The fourth rule for the resisting of the flesh is somewhat like the former namely that we withstād the first beginnings of sin and labour to quench our fiery lusts when they are first kindled in vs. As soone as sinne appeareth to bee sinne and maketh vnto vs the least shewe of euill we must presently flee
God who is displeased with them So Austine There is no sinne so little which being neglected doth not increase and we must not consider what we haue done Nullum enim peccatum adeo paruum quod non creseat neglectum Non enim considerandum quid fecerit led quem offenderit August de peniten vera et falsa cap. 8. T. 4. Col. 1042. Aug. de contrit cordis Cap. 4. T. 9. col 837. but how great he is whom we haue offended Let vs consider further that the eternall Sonne of God suffered the bitter death of the crosse as well for the least as the greatest sinnes and can wee thinke any sinne small which could not otherwise bee purged away but by the precious bloud of our Sauiour Christ Perhaps saith Augustine thou esteemest some sinne to bee but small but alas doth not euery sinne by preuarication dishonour the person of our Lord how dare then a sinner call any sinne small when as the Sonne of God gaue his life for it aboue which nothing in the world can be esteemed § Sect. 2. The greate euills which come of the least sins Secondly let vs consider the great euils which come of the least sinnes For first euen our smallest sinnes defile our persons and leaue such blots and staines behinde them as make vs vgly and loathsome in the sight of God especially when as we giue vnto them voluntarie entertainment and willingly liue in them against knowledge and conscience Now how ill doth it become vs who are the temples of the Holy Ghost to haue in vs such sluttish corners and noysome filth as is odious and abominable to this blessed guest How ill beseemeth it vs who are espoused vnto Christ to come into his presence spotted and blemished with loathsome defilements We will not as neere as we can suffer our faces to bee sprinckled with the least speckes of stinking channell dirt nor to haue our apparell bespotted with noysome excrements and shall wee make more esteeme of our apparell then of our persons and take more care for our corruptible faces then for our immortall soules to present them to our bridegroome without spot or wrinckle holy and vnblameable that hee may present vs such to his heauenly Father Againe the least sinnes doe wound and beeing often committed doe seare the conscience euen as slight labours being continuall doe brawne and bring an hard thicke skin vpon the hands many little drops doe dint the hardest stone and many small blowes cut downe the strongest Oake and as they seare the conscience so they harden the forehead make the countenance to become impudent and take away all shame fastnesse Chrysost in Act 19. Homil. 41. T. 3. c. 716. and blushing According to that of Chrysostome by often sinning the soule is made impudent for euery sinne when it is committed and is come to his perfection doth leaue behinde it Cum per leui● delicta deflectimus vsu cuncta leuigante non timemus postea grauiora committere Gregor in morall lib. 10. cap. 14. a poison in the soule And so being fleshed in wickednesse we are make more bold to venter vpon the committing of those which are more haynous For as one saith when we bend from the right course by lighter faults wee afterwards feare not to commit those which are greater vse and custome smoothing the way that leadeth vnto it And the Heathen Satyrist could say Who hath made an end of sinning when as they haue giuen ouer their blushing Of whom hast thou Nam quis peccandi finem posuit sibi quando recepit eiectum semel attrita de fronte ruborem quisnam hominum est quem tu contentum videtis vno flagitio Iuuenal Satyr 13. in fine obserued of these men to rest contented with one crime Furthermore if we would know how much euen those sins which in the world and according to the iudgement of the flesh are esteemed small doe prouoke the Lords wrath against vs wee may easily discerne it by those seuere and grieuous punishments which hee hath inflicted on offenders in this kinde Nadab and Abihu because they did offer strange fire in stead of that which was continually to haue beene preserued in the temple were presently deuoured with fire sent from God Because Vzzah put out his hand to stay the Arke in the cart which he with the rest of Leuit. 10. 1. 2. his Brethren should haue carried vpon his shoulders vvas smitten with present death Because Achan tooke of the 2 Sam. 6. 6. spoile of his enemies a Babylonish garment a wedge of gold and two hundred shekels of siluer which in it selfe had beene lawfull inough had not God forbidden it diuers of the people were slaine with the sword of their enemies Ios 7. and hee with all his were stoned to death and burnt with fire Because the sonne of the Israelitish woman in contempt of Gods commandement gathered sticks on the Sabbath day he likewise by expresse order from God was put to death Because Ananias and Sapphira in the hypocrisie Act. 5. of their hearts kept backe part of the price of their owne possessions after it was dedicated to the common vse of the Church they both dyed for it in a fearefull manner But aboue all most dreadfull and terrible is the example of our first parents who by eating of the forbidden fruite a sin very light and small in the estimate of worldly men although in truth it were not so all circumstances beeing rightly considered brought death the curse depriuation of Gods image and their owne happinesse all the miseries and punishments of this life and eternall condemnation in the world to come So that no small euils and mischiefes doe come of those which seeme to the world but small sins but although our sinnes when they are repented of become Haec peccata etsi parua sint per dei misericordiam fiunt magna peccatoribus negligentia August de paenit vera et falsa cap. 8. T. 4. Col. 1042. Mat. 5. 22. small veniall and nothing through Gods infinite mercie yet they are made great vnto sinners through their negligence and impenitencie What lighter offence and lighter esteemed then to bee vnaduisedly angry with our brother and in our heate to call him Racha and Foole and yet this alone as our Sauiour teacheth vs will in danger vs to iudgement and our bodies and soules to be cast into hell What seemeth to the iudgement of flesh and bloud more slight and veniall then to vtter now and then some idle words and yet euen of these we shall giue an account at the day of Mat. 12 36. iudgement and those that are accountants are sure to bee cast into the prison of vtter darknes if our Sauiour Christ Si paruum tibi videtur aut modicum fratri dicere fa●ue vel geheona ignis videatu● tibi magna c. August in psal 129. T. 8. c. 1●07 who hath forewarned vs of