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A13630 The triall of truth Containing a plaine and short discovery of the chiefest pointes of the doctrine of the great Antichrist, and of his adherentes the false teachers and heretikes of these last times. Terry, John, 1555?-1625. 1600 (1600) STC 23913; ESTC S101270 292,240 350

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wretched estate when yee sate in darknes and in the shaddow of death and forget not Gods mercy that hath translated you out of darknes into the kingdome of light and so see that yee walke worthy of God and of your high calling in Christ Iesus This due consideratiō of the Lords endlesse mercy in Christ and their owne vnworthines hath beene the only effectual motiue from the beginning of the world to draw the faithful out of the slavery of Satan vnto God and to confirme and establish them in his feare The seede of the woman shall breake the serpentes head made Adam who before hid himselfe from God afterward with boldnes to come into his presence In thy seede shall all the ●ations of the earth be blessed made Abraham who before was bred vp in Idolatry to forsake kindred and countrey and to endure many annoyances in a strange land that so he might shew his humble obedience vnto God Yea by the eies of this faith all the holy men of God before the comming of Christ in the flesh beholding the great goodnesse and loue of God as the Apostle testifieth Hebr. 11. haue offered vp their sacrifices acceptable to God performed all dueties and endured all crosses for the constant confession of this their holy faith And now since the comming of Christ in the flesh wherby was the whole world converted frō dumbe Idols to serue the living God Was it by the promulgation of the law of Moses or by the preaching of the gospel of Christ Surely the preaching and publishing of the glad tydings of the gospell of the yeare of Iubile of the acceptable day wherein the Lord for his Christes sake had graunted a free full and generall pardon and release of all debts trespasses and sins to all such as would willingly accept and faithfully embrace this vnspeakeable loue and make it the matter of their daily meditation and consolation and the rocke and foundation of their faith and hope was that warrelike chariot wherein the faith of Christ got the full victorie over falshoode and lies and trod vnder foote all infidelity and Idolatry and triumphed most gloriously against all the power and puissaunce of hell it selfe By the sounde of this doctrine did the servauntes of the great shepheard and Bishoppe of our soules call home all his straying and wandring sheepe and gathered them into the folde of Christ by this net did the fishers of men dravve into the arke of Christs Church all such as were before ready to bee drowned in the sea of their sinnes and to bee overwhelmed with the most terrible tempest of the Lordes wrath by this key did the Lords potters open the doore of the kingdome of heauen to them that vvere before most worthely driven out and dispossessed of that celestiall paradise With this ensigne did the Lordes standard bearers gather together all his companies and bandes which before had revolted became fugitiues fighting vnder the Devils colours by this boxe of ointmēt powred forth did the Lordes Apothecaries reviue and quicken the spirites of all the Lords patients who were before not only in a sound but also starke dead by the most noysome stincke of their abominable sinnes Lastly by this seed of faith sowen in the most drie and barren wildernes of the peoples hearts by the hand of the Lordes painefull and skilfull husbandmen vvas there raysed vppe a most plentifull and fruitefull harvest vnto the Lorde For faith commeth by hearing the word of faith Neither doeth this worde of faith revealing the vnspeakeable loue of God shining in the face of Christ beget faith only but by faith loue praier confession patience repentance feare obedience thankefulnes even all sounde and sincere devotion with all the partes and parcels thereof By faith we haue accesse to God and are admitted into his Church which is therefore called the family of Faith And Baptisme the sacrament of our Baptisme cleanseth as it doth f●…her make manifest vnto va and causeth vs to embrace the word of faith initiation and the seale of faith is added to the worde of faith for the further manifestation of the cause of this our admission into so honourable an estate and calling by setting after a sorte before our eies the loue of God who hath given vs his sonne with his owne most precious bloode to wash and cleanse our sinnes whereby there was before a seperatiō betweene v● God Now from whence saith Austine hath the water of Baptisme this vertue that it doth touch the body clea●se the soul but by means of the word whervnto it is added that it might togither with the same not only represent the washing away of our sinnes by the blood of Christ but also ●atifie and cōfirme the same for the further strengthning of our fraile faith Not saith hee for that the word is vttered but for that it is beleeved not for that there is such vertue in the letters and sillables or in the pronunciation of the very wordes but for that they are the powerfull instrument ordained of God so to open the Lordes good and gracious meaning towardes vs and to assure vs of his vnchaungeable loue in Christ that thereby we might attaine to a sure faith For as long as we remaine in our naturall blindnes and ignorance either we fly from God as Adam did beeing touched with the pricke of a guilty conscience or else we embrace an Idol in steed of the true God being misled by the wrongful guiding of a blind cōscience as now naturally do all the posterity of Adam But whē the Lord hath once revealed vnto vs the glory of his endlesse goodnes in Christ and hath made vs to behold the dignity of his death that he endured for our sins and the worthines of his obedience that he performed for our righteousnes thereby we are made bold to enter Heb. 10. 19. into the holy place by the newe and living way which he hath prepared for vs by his flesh and are encouraged to draw nigh with a true hart in assurance of faith being fully perswaded of the perfect purgation of all our sins and of our entire and absolute righteousnes I am saith our Saviour Christ the way the truth and the life no man commeth to the father but by me He then that is set in this way and walketh therein he vndoubtedly walketh in the right way and he cannot misse but come directly vnto God Hee that buildeth on this rocke buildeth on a sure foundatiō his faith cannot faile he cannot be vanquished his hope is sure he cannot be cōfounded He may be bold to triumph with the Apostle saying If God be on our side who can be against vs who spared not his owne sonne but Rom. 8. 31. gave him for vs all how shall he not with him giue vs all things also Who shall lay anie thing to the charge of Gods chosen It is God that iustifieth Who shall condemne It is Christ that is dead
he hath ratified the same with holy sacraments as with his own seale annexed therevnto And verely if circumcision much more Rom 4. 11. baptisme and the Lords supper may worthily be called seales of the righteousnes that cometh by faith The cuppe saith our Saviour Christ Luk. 22. 20 is the new testament in my blood that is to say a seale and an assurāce of the graunt of the remission of sinnes and eternall life giuen vnto you through my bloud which is the summe of the new testament And to what end tendeth both these sacraments of the new testament but to assure all the faithfull that they hauing put on Christ haue their sinnes washed away through his blood and that their soules are fedd with very Christ the heavēly Mannah Galat. 3. 2● bread of life whereby they are sustained to everlasting life The cuppe of blessing saith the Apostle which we blesse is it not the communion of the blood of Christ The bread which we break is it not the communion 1. Corinth 10. 16. of the body of Christ that is to say there all participatiō of these outward elementes and visible signes are they not most certaine pledges and assurances to all the faithfull of their spirituall vnion and communion with Christ and all his blessings And was not this the iudgment of those godly learned fathers of the councell of Nice in that they will that this holy sacrament of the Lords supper should be sent vnto penitent persons lying in their death beddes which stood as yet excommunicate for apostasie or for some other notorious crime that by the participation of that celestiall food they might be assured of their cōmunion with Christ and his church and of the remission of their sinnes and eternall life and so enabled to passe over in peace the end of their laborious and painefull life The which most comfortable doctrine is most cōveniently set downe in our English liturgy at the celebration of these holy misteries in these wordes The body of our Lord that vvas giuen for THEE preserve thy body and soule to everlasting life The blood of our Lord that was shedd for THEE c. For hereby everie faithfull christian that reverently receiveth this holy sacrament may assure himselfe that the spirituall life that is nowe begunne in him and shall be made perfite in the worlde to come 〈◊〉 wrought by the speciall loue of Christ now dwelling in him by a true faith so that he may boldly say with the Apostle both ●n his life In that I nowe liue I liue by the faith of the son of God who loued Gal. 2. 20. Me and gaue himselfe for Me and also at his death I haue fought a good fight I haue finished my course I haue kept the faith hence forth 2. Tim. 4. 7. there is laide vp for me a crowne of righteousnes c. And from whence also proceedeth that ioy in the holy ghost and that peace of God that Ro. 14. 17. 5. 1. passeth all vnderstanding which is felt in the heartes of the faithfull servantes of Christ in their greatest crosses and most greevous afflictions but of a faithfull perswasion of the remission of their sinnes and reconciliation which God procured for them by the death of Christ Otherwise also how could they serue the Lord Luc. 1. 74. Eph 3. Heb 10 22. Iaco. 1. 6. without feare and come vnto him in their praiers with boldnes yea in assurance of faith without wavering without doubting Yea how could they come vnto him not as vnto an offended and an angry iudge but as to a louing and a mercifull father saying O our Father which art in heaven And from whence else proceeded their solemne protestations that they did assuredly knowe that they were in the estate of grace and in the favour of God and that God was their God in particular and after so stable and stedfast a manner that nothing was able to sever them from his loue We knowe that we are of God I know that my redeemer liueth My spirite 1. Ioh. 5. 19. Iob. 19. 25. Luc 1. 77. Psal 18 1. 116 16. reioyceth in God my Saviour The Lord is my strength my castle my deliverer my God and on the other side Behold Lord I am thy servant I am thy servant and the sonne of thine handmaide Yea so great a stay and comfort had the prophet David in this assurance of his owne ●aith that he protesteth his adversities being so many and so Psal 27. 13. grievous as they were he should vtterly haue fainted but that he did beleeue verily to see the goodnes of the Lord in the land of the li●ing The which most comfortable assurance of faith was such a stay also to the blessed Apostle S. Paul that howsoever an whole army of Rom 8. 37. tribulations did presse sore vpon him yet he protesteth that hee was a conqueror yea more then a conqueror through him that loued Rom 8 37. him being most assuredly also perswaded for the time to come that neither death nor life nor principalities nor powers nor things present nor things to come should be able to seperate him from the loue of God which was in Christ Iesus our Lord. Neither vvas this comfortable assuraunce of faith a speciall and an extraordinarie prerogatiue granted only to some principall persons among the faithfull but a gifte in some measure common to the whole church For all the children of the church being the children of God are led by the spirite Rom 8. 14. 2. Cor. 2. 12● of God whereby they know such thinges as are giuen vnto them of God And they are all indifferently commanded in the Lordes praier to call God their father the which name they cannot sincerely vse vnlesse they be perswaded in some measure of faith that he beareth a louing and a fatherly affection towardes them having receaved them into favour for his Christes sake and giuen them a place among the number of his children And vvhy 1 ●oh 5. 13. else saith S. Iohn writing to the whole church in generall these thinges I vvrite vnto you that beleeue in the name of the sonne of God that yee may knowe that yee haue eternall life and that yee may beleeue in the name of the sonne of God So S. Paule writting to the church of the Corinthians in generall Proue your selues knovve yee not your owne selues how that IESVS CHRIST dwelleth in you vnlesse yee bee reprobates and in his former epistle K●ovve yee not that your 1. Cor. 6. 15 19. bodyes are the members of Christ Knowe ye not that ye are the temples of the holy Ghost which is in you whom ye haue of GOD that yee are not your ovvne By the vvhich testimonies of Christ his Apostles it is evident that not a fewe onely but also every m●mber of the vniversall church in their times and according vnto the measure of
their faith may assuredly know that they are Christs that they are the true members of his mysticall body the temples of his h●ly spirit and that God is become their gratious father hath made them inheritours of his heauenly kingdome Now the faithfull being the adopted sonnes of God in Christ hauing God to be their merciful father haue no iust cause to doubt of their continuance in the favour of God in the estate of grace and salvation in Christ Iesus For the fountaine of this grace in them is as a fountaine of liuing water the streames wherof Ioh. 4. 10. 14. Psal 1 3. Ie● ●7 8. 1. Pet. 1. 23. never wax d●ie and they become as good trees planted by the water side whose leaues never wither who never cease from yeelding fruite they are borne againe not of mortall seeae but of the immortall seede of the word of God which liueth and lasteth for ever and they are Ioh. 6 35. fedde also with the incorruptible food of the bread of life the vertue whereof is never consumed he that ea●eth therof doth never hunger and he that drinketh there of doth never thirst Many great enimies indeede they haue but he that is in them is greater 1. Ioh. 4. 4. then he that is in the worlde and therefore they can never be fully vanquished Our Saviour himselfe doth continually appeare to make intercession for them before the throne of his heauenly father Heb. 7. 25. whose petitions the father will never deny Yea he himselfe is alway present with them even to the end of the world walking in the middest Mat● 28. 20. Ap 1. 20. of them and holding them in his right hand neither is there any able to take them out of his hand Yea where this sunne of righteousnes beginneth to shine there the light thereof is never vt●e●ly darkened Esa 60 20. for this sunne never goeth dovvne To the first man saith Austin Aug. de bono qerseu●c 12 was giuē an ability to persevere only if he himselfe would haue vsed the same But to the elect now is giuen perseverance it selfe Christ hath appointed them that they goe and bring forth fruite and that their fruite abide therefore who dareth be so bold as to say pe●adventure it shall not abide The Lord hath setled his fatherly Rom. 11. 29 Ioh 13. 1. Math. 16. 18 1. Ioh. 2 19 loue and affection vppon them he vvill not repent of it nor revoke it but continue it even to the end he hath built them vppon a most sure rocke hell gates shall never prevaile against them hee hath incorporated them into the heavenly Ierusalem the city of GOD they shall alvvay continue members of that society VVho then dareth bee so bolde as to say peradventure GOD vvill not loue his faithfull servantes to the end peradventure hell gates shall prevaile against them peradventure hovvsoever they are novve for the present yet they shall not continue in that celestiall society Verely ●f the faithfull vvere lefte in their ovvne handes to stande by the right and power of their owne strength there might be great doubt of their constancy and perseuerance But they are committed to a more faithfull keeper their life is hid with Christ in God and they are Col. 3 3. 1. Pet. 1. 5. preserued by his power vnto eternall salvation Or if the continuance of the Lords favour and loue did depende vpon the merites and desertes of the faithfull and not vpon the Lords owne most constant and vnchangeable goodnes there might be iust cause of feare lest the LORD vvould vvithdravve his mercy from them But he that knowing the greate frailty and weakenes yea the foule falles and faultes of his elect and chosen children before the foundation of the earth was laide therfore before he had made any promise of good things vnto thē did yet in his vnspeakable mercy goodnes steppe as it were over them all and boūd himselfe being before most free by his gratious promises made vnto them no doubt but the same vnspeakable mercy goodnes vvill cause him being novve bounde and so a debtour in respect of his truth and righteousnes also to steppe over all those stumbling blockes vvhen they are cast in his waie for the stedfast and stable performance of all such thinges as vvere in greate grace and mercy before promised For as the Apostle teacheth the promises made vnto the faithfull are founded vppon grace that so they might bee sure they are not founded Rom. 4 16. vppon the ●ottering stay of mans frailty but vpon the immoveable and vnchaungeable rocke of the LORDES ovvne loue and therefore they are vnmoveable and vnchaungeable Neither is this doctrine as it is vniustly chardged by the enimyes of faith the mother of pride or of carnall securitie and dissolutenes of life but the most sounde doctrine of the christian faith and the most direct way to sincere piety godlines For is not this a necessary due●y of everie true and faithfull christian which is engraffed and incorporated into CHRIST to beleeue confesse that by the vertue of his death he hath full recōciliation with God remission of sinnes and an inheritance in the kingdome of glory yeelding most hearty thankes vnto GOD for this his most gratious callinge vnto the estate of salvation in CHRIST ●esus and magnifying ●is vnspeakable goodnes for the same continually Nay not to acknowledge this willingly were plaine infidelity and gladly not to make profession th●… of were great vnthankefulnes so far is it of that this doctrine can be iustly charged to be the nurce of pride or the mother of haughty and dive●ish presumption being in deede the true nurc● of all sounde comfort and ●oy and the naturall mother of all holy and faithfull presumption Presume saith Saint Austine Aug. s●rm 28. de v● b. ●omini not of thine ovvne doing but of the grace of CHRIST for by grace yee are saved as saith the Apostle this is then not pride but faith to make open profession of that vvhich thou haste re●eaved i● not presumption but ●evotion I vvi●… not glorie saith Ambrose Am● d● lac●b● vi●a b●ata cap. 6. that I am iust but that I am redeemed for that vvill I glorie neither vvill I glory for that I am voide of sinne but for that my sinne● are remitted to my selfe I vvill not glorie for that I haue profited an●e or for that a●…e hath profited m●e but for that CHRIST is an advocate vvith the father for MEE and that his bloode vv●… sh●dde for MEE VVherefore Bernarde speaking to the faithfull If thou saith hee beleevest that thy sinnes cannot bee done avva●e B●rn s●r 1. de annu●iat but by hi●… against vvhome alone thou hal● offended and vvho himselfe cannot offende thou doest vvell but thou must proceede further and beleeue also that thy sinnes are forgiuen even to thy selfe For to doubte of the most singular
greate A●…rist who haue solde themselues to deface the incomparable dignity and the most ample sufficiencie of the mos● precious ●…ath of our almighty and sufficient Saviour haue not onely vveighed in the same ballance the vvorks of the saintes and ma●ched them in meriting vvith the workes of Christ albe●t they haue g●uen them as it were for manners sake the vpper hande but also they haue denied such excellency to rest in his obedience and sufferings Rh●m in c. 8. ep ad●rom that in themselues they should be meritorious of eternall glorie or any whit comparable therevnto Div. 7. That CHRISTES obedience and sufferings are the onely meritorious cause of eternall glorie THe Apostle to shewe that we haue perfect reconciliation with God forg●uenesse of sinne and full redemption by Suffered Col. 1. 15. by the blood of Christ setteth downe the excellency of this our most glorious Saviour who spared not to shedde his blood for vs as that he is the image of the invisible GOD the fi●st begotten of all creatures that by him all things were created in heaven earth whether they be thrones domi●…ōs or powers yea that it pleased the father that in him all fulnes should dwell So the Heb. 1. 1. apostle to the Hebrew to shew that Christ is the perfect purgatiō of our sins setteth down the excellēcy of his persō that he who is he●re of al things by whom also the world vvas made being the brightnes of his fathers glory the engravē forme of his person sustaining all thinges by the might of his power hath by himselfe purged our sinnes In respect of the greatenes of the which price that vvas giuen for the raunsome of our soules Saint Peter saith 1. Pet. 1. 18. that vvee are not redeemed vvith corruptable thinges as vvith silver and golde but vvith the pretious bloode of CHRIST as of a lambe vndefiled and vvithout spotte So then our redemption was not valued at gold and silver it vvas not set at solowe a rate neither vvas it purchased vvith so small a price but he that vvas The greatnes of the sacrifice that was offred for sinne the onely begotten SONNE OF GOD the second person in the glorious TRINITIE of the same substance might maiesty with the father hauing taken vpon him our humane nature and ioyned it in one person with his divine and hauing sanctified ●t aboue measure by the infinite purity and perfection thereof and in it hauing fulfilled all righteousnes not onely by doing but also by suffering vvhatsoever vvas ansvvereable to the most exact and severe iustice of GOD for all our sinnes this even this so singular a person thus and thus qualified hath by himselfe purged our sinnes and giuen himselfe a ransome for our soules Behold then here the greatnes of that satisfaction that was made for our sinnes the summe of that raunsome that was paide for our soules the quantity of the price that vvas given for the purchase of the kingdome of glory In respect of the inestimable 2. Cor. 6. 20 value wherof the Apostle saith Ye are bought with a price with a price with a witnesse vvith such and so great a price that all the holines of all saintes and angels is no way matchable or comparable thereto How is it then that sinfull and wretched man should cōceaue so high an opinion of the worth of his owne workes that he should so much as but imagine that he himselfe could make satisfaction for those sinnes purchase that kingdome that was valued at so high a rate and purchased with so great a price Surely if it be meere madnes to imagine that here in this world we may purchase for an halfepeny that which is iustly valued at ten thousande poundes then it is as great madnes to imagine that vve are able by our ovvne vvorkes to purchase heaven for the which vvas giuen the Sonne of GOD himselfe seeing all our best works are not as an halfepenny to ten thousād pound in respect of Christ and his righteousnes Therfore no marvaile though the Apostle S. Paul who had laboured more painefully in the Lords vineyarde and endured more crosses for the Gospell of Christ thē any of the rest of his fellovve Apostles yet dareth not thrust himselfe in as a party in this vvorke but vtterly disclaymeth and renounceth it saying Was Paule crucified for you Surely no but a 1. Cor. 1. 13 person of farre greater estate excellency worthines dignity and perfection For albeit pretious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his Leo epist 8● ad Palastinos saintes yet the slaying of no innocent person is the propitiation of the world the iust haue themselues receiued not giuen crownes the manhood of the faithfull hath beene patterns of patience and not endowmentes of righteousnes their deathes indeede haue beene rare and singular but yet none of them therevvithall hath discharged anothers debt whereas there is one LORD CHRIST in vvhome all are deade crucified and raysed vp againe And Augustine saith CHRIST is for me a Aug. in Ioh. Tract 47. dore vnto you for yee are his sheepe purchased by his bloode beholde your price which is not giuen by mee but is de●lared and preached by me And in truth no man can deliver his brother no not so much as from Psal 49. 7. bodily death nor make atonement vnto God for him For it cost more to redeeme SOVLES For vvhat recompence can a man giue for his Mat. 16. 26. ●vvne soule much lesse for the soule of any other VVherefore farre be it from the humility of al true and faithful christians that they shoulde so highly esteeme of their ovvne holines as if thereby they coulde make satisfaction for SINNE or merite the crovvne of eternall GLORIE vvhereas the cheifest amongst the SAINTES duely and truely vveighing their ovvne vvorth haue iudged themselues vnvvorthy of the very least of the LORDES mercies O GOD saith Iacob of my Gen. 32. ● father Abraham and God of my father I saak which sa●dst vnto me returne vnto thy countrey and vnto thy kin●ed and I will doe thee good I am not worthy of the least of thy mercies Likewise Iohn the Baptist Ioh. 1 27. confesseth of himselfe that he is no●worthy to loose so much as the very ●atche● of Christes shoe and the Centurion that he is not worthy so much as to receaue CHRIST vnder his roof● Nowe if these Luc. 7. 6. men so holy and high in favou● vvith GOD who haue wrestled prevailed with the Lord himselfe being as greate as any borne of vvomen of so rare singular a faith as hath not beene foūd no not in Israell if these I say did truely acknovvledge themselues not vvorthy of the Lords meanest blessings no doubt thē but they did also acknowledge with the prodiga●…on themselues not worthy to be called Gods sons nor vvorthy of remission of sins eternal glory And verily
blessed Virgin shee vvas not annointed nor yet appointed to bee thy Saviour The vniversall company of all those that are made partakers of the kingdome of heaven doe take their crovvnes of glorie from their ovvne heades and cast them dovvne at the Lambes feete acknowledging thereby of vvhome they holde them giuing the glorie of their salvation onely to GOD and the Lambe saying Salvation is of GOD that sitteth vppon the throne and from the lambe VVith the vvhich catholike consent of all the holy Apoc. 4. 10 saintes vvee may content our selues and satisfie our consciences sufficiently hovve many and hovve mightie soever they be here in this vvorlde that vvill not subscribe to this holy and heavenlie confession And verely vvee being built vppon CHRIST our immoueable rocke vvee neede not seeke for the stay and strength of any other foundation being possessed vvith the maintenance of this most bountifull Founder vvee neede not begge for an exhibition of any other benefactor being furthered in all our suites by his mediation vve neede no other letters of commendation hauing re●aued from him our satisfecit and quiet●… est vvee neede not greatly care for the Popes indulgence and pardon being clensed from all our sinnes by his blood vve neede not make any reckoning of our purging in purgatory being cloathed with the most odoriferous garmentes of his obedience we neede not adde thereto the patches and ragges of our ovvne righteousnesse being enriched vvith his treasures vve neede not make much account of our ovvne trash and hauing his sufferinges and death for the warrant of our right to the kingdome of heaven we neede not seeke for any further assurance or for any other title to that happy and heavenly inheritance Neither indeede doth the true church the spouse of CHRIST seeke for the same to any other then to her kinde and louing bride-grome shee contenteth her selfe vvith his loue and satisfieth her selfe vvith his sufficiency it is enough to her that shee is flesh of his flesh and bone of his bone even the bodie and fulnes of him that filleth all in all VVherefore if Iesus Christ be our whole entire only and sufficient Saviour if there be no other name power where by we may be saued as the greatnes of that raunsome which he only gaue for our redēption doth sufficiently declare if the death of Gods dearest saintes come shorte of that price the vvhich being endured for the confession of the faith of CHRIST is the very crowne of all their vvorkes if they vvere not vvorthy of the least of the LORDES mercies but were made partakers of them all most frankely and freely in CHRIST IESVS if through him they vvere not onely at the first reconciled vnto GOD and receaued into favour but also preserued in the same and brought to their full and finall glorification lastly if their vvorkes vvere rewarded vvith eternal glory not for the merite and worthines of the same in that the best of them examined in iustice deserued a curse rather then a blessing but for the mere mercy of him vvho so vvell accepteth of them and of their doinges in his vvel-beloued sonne then vvee may conclude that not the best vvorkes of the LORDES dearest saintes but the obedience and death of his dearly beloued sonne is the onely meritorious cause of eternall salvation And therefore that the church of Rome by ioyning the saintes to CHRIST in the vvorke of our saluation and by making them by their owne merites their owne Saviours in parte and others also and so by robbing of him vnto vvhome all is due of the vvhole and entire glorie thereof is iustly by all the faithfull members of CHRIST dispossessed of the name of the true church and rightly charged to be the verie throne of that enimy of Christ the great Antichrist Div. 8. That Christes soule descended not into Limbus Patrum to deliver the Fathers THere vvas one place for all the faithfull after their death vvhich departed before the coming of Christ in the flesh He descended into hell 2. Reg. 2. 11. Luc. 16. 22. But Elias at his departure was carried vp into heaven and not downe into Limbus and Lazarus was carried into Abrahams bosome which can be no part nor region of hell as it may appeare by these circumstances First these two places where Lazarus the rich man were are said to be farre off one from the other to haue an huge distance set betweene them which is not so likely to be betweene two places which both as they say are situated vnder the earth Secondly it is saide that there is no passage from the one place to the other whereas the devils themselues passe higher even to those that liue here vpon earth Thirdly it is called a place of comforte where Lazarus vvas refreshed and comforted wheras in all likely-hoode there is verie colde comforte in any coast or region of hel Moreover CHRIST vvas in the ●ore knowledge of GOD alambe slaine from the beginning of the vvorlde Apoc. 13. 18 his death vvas then as effectuall to the Fathers to open to them the kingdome of heaven as it is novve to vs seeing hee is yesterday and today and the selfe same for ever and therefore Heb. 13. 8. the selfe same Saviour and opener of heaven to them as to vs they receauing the same end of their faith as vvee 1. Pet. 19. doe even the salvation of their soules For the Fathers vvere the children of God by faith in Christ as wel as the faithfull since the ascension of Christ and therefore heauen as their inheritance was due vnto them at their departure out of this life and therefore they vvere not debarred from the same And vvhat shal we say that they vvalked in the broad way that leadeth to hell or in the narrovv way that leadeth to heauen And therefore at the ende of their life being the end of their vvalke vvere they not placed in rest in that their long longed for and desired countrey which was prepared for them of God And vvas not this present life to them Heb. 11. 16. as it is to vs a time of sowing and a place of warfare and fight and the next life a time of reaping and haruest and a place of crowning and triumphing Now there is no reaping nor triumphing out of heauen and therefore the fathers after their seede time and vva●fare ended here in this life were doubtles brought to heauen being the place appointed for their ioyfull harvest and glorious triumph And certainely as all those vvhom Christ hath novv reconciled are either in heauen or in earth as the Apostle testifieth euen so they were also in the first ages of the church Col. 1. 20. vnder the fathers and therefore as there are none now in purgatory fire so there were none then in Limbus Patrum So Saint Aust hypog lib. 5. Austine the first place the catholike faith by the warrant of divine scripture beleeveth to
iustification it selfe is free and dependeth not at all on workes 16. Sixtenethly they teach that the Saintes are not Mediators of Redemption and yet that the vvorkes of supererogation done by the saintes are both satisfactory for the sinnes of other and also meritorious of eternall glory which are the proper workes of the Mediatour of Redemption 17. Seventenethly they say that it is blasphemous against the dignity of Christes blood which hee shed for our sinnes to avouch that hee suffe●ed also in soule for the vvhole raunsoming of our soules and for the full satisfying of the most absolute and perfect iustice of GOD as if one of CHRISTES sufferinges did derogate from the other But it is no blasphemye against the dignity of CHRISTES sufferinges vvith them to teach that our ovvne soules must either suffer for our sinnes the most extreme paines of purgatory or endure here the sharpe rigour of their popish penance or else procure trentals of Masses togeather with the sufferings of the saintes to be bestowed vpon vs by the Popes indulgences and pardons 18. Eightenethly they teach that imputatiue righteousnes is a vaine and a frivolous fancy and yet the imputation of the surplussage of the merites of the saintes is not vaine but a greate gaine vnto them yea it is a verie sound and profitable doctrine if not to the cooling of mens soules yet to the warming of the Popes kitchine 19. Ninetenethly the fire of purgatory is sometimes so greavous with our Romanistes belike when they vvould haue their Masses and pardons well paide for to deliver poore soules out of the same that our fire is but a painted fire vnto it and that the tormentes thereof differ nothing from hellish tormentes but onely in continuance and yet sometimes with them againe it is as it were a place Rhem. in Apoc c. 14. of rest 20. Lastly our Rhemistes teach that sinne be the pleasure thereof Rhem. in c 8. ep ad Rom. never so shorte deserueth damnation because it is an aversion from God and proceedeth from the Devill the which thing is true in every sinne and therefore every sinne damnable mortall And yet these men themselues maintaine their olde distincttion of sinnes veniall and of sinnes mortall VVherefore seing that the doctrine of the church of Rome Rhem. in Mat. cap. 5. containeth such contradiction and contradictions cannot be both true it is evident that the spirite of truth is not so annexed to Peters chaire but that the church of Rome may erre as well as other churches planted by the same Apostles yea hereby came in that greate apostasie and falling away from the faith foretold by the Apostle when the greater number of those that professed themselues Christians especially in these westerne partes of the vvorlde did so highlie conceaue of the Bishoppe of Rome as that they tooke him to bee that invincible rocke vpon the vvhich the church vvas builte and against the vvhich hell gates should never prevaile VVhereas he being to vveake to stay himselfe vpright and to withstand so mightie and povverfull enimies vvas lesse able to holde vp the huge building of the vniversall church and to guarde and defende it from so daungerous foes But failing himselfe and falling vnder his owne burden he was the occasion of ruine to all such as did ●…g ep lib. ●…ist 32. stay themselues and rest vpon him And so had Gregory a Bishoppe of Rome signified before to Mauritius the Emperour at what time he endevoured to make the patriarke of Constantinople vniversall Bishoppe and head of the whole church that if there were but one head onely the ruine of that head would be the ruine of the church and that if any should arrogate to himselfe that name in the church the vniversall church must needes come to ruine vvhen hee vvhich is named Vniversall did fall Div. 7 That by our spirituall vnion vvith CHRIST hee and his righteousnes is made ours and so surely imputed vnto vs that wee become thereby righteous before GOD and not by the righteousnes of any of the saintes GReat is the prerogatiue and dignity of all such as are admitted vnto the society of Christes church and are receiued 〈◊〉 com●…ion of ●…tes 〈◊〉 1. 3. 〈◊〉 3. 28. 〈◊〉 5. 30. 〈◊〉 2. 16. ●…or 1. 30 into the fellowship of his faithfull Congregation For the church hath fellowship with God and is espoused to Christ made one with him evē flesh of his flesh bone of his bone in so much that she iustly layeth claime vnto him saying my beloued is mine I am his as being spiritually maried vnto him and hauing interest in him and all his blessinges By which vnion and communion it came to passe that Christ being one with his church became a debtor in her place paied that which he never tooke being innocent in himselfe was made guilty for her and being most pure in himselfe was made sinne for her and bare her iniquities on his ●or 5 2● 〈◊〉 2 22 〈◊〉 3. 18 〈◊〉 3. 9. owne body vpon the tree that shee likewise being poore of her selfe might in him be made rich and being naked of her selfe might be cloathed with his innocency and being destitute in her selfe of perfect righteousnes might be made the righteousnes of God in him and so become perfectly righteous For as CHRIST by imputation was made sinne for vs and suffered death not for his owne but for our iniquityes even so by imputation are we made righteous in him and so become partakers of eternall glory Novve the faithfull are not after such a manner linked togeather they are not espoused each to other as Christ and his church the Apostle Saint Peter coulde not vnite the church so nearely to himselfe by his spirite that his death and sufferinges might be accepted as done for her redemption And yet see the blindenes of the shameles vvhore of Babylon It is a strange paradoxe vvith her that vvee shoulde be made righteous by the righteousnes of CHRIST imputed vnto vs by the mercie of GOD and applied vnto vs by a true faith but it standeth vvith good reason that vve may bee made righteous by the righteousnes of the saintes imputed vnto vs by the Popes savour and applied vnto vs by his Indulgences and Pardons Div. 8. That GOD onely hath autoritie to forgiue sinne as it is sinne and a transgression of his ovvne lavve THE hurt that cometh to a private man by sinne a private man may release a● the prince may pardon that damage The forgiuenesse of sinnes that cometh thereby to the common weale But sinne as it is properly sinne and a breach of the law of God and so a great dishonour to him and a most greavous iniury vnto his d●…ine Maiesty so it is only an offence against god against thee only haue ●sinned therfore may only be for●…en by him as he himselfe also Psal 51. 4. testifieth It is I it is I that doth 〈…〉
and that for mine ow●e take And therefore Ber●… ●…aking to the faithfull Isa 43 25. saith if thou beleeuest that 〈…〉 but by 〈…〉 Bern. serm ● De Annuntiatione whō● alone thou hast ●…ed 〈…〉 well For as no mā cā forgiue an other mans 〈◊〉 〈…〉 offence committed against another so none can forgiue sinne as it is sin for that so it is an offence only against God making vs debtours vnto him and offenders against his sacred maiesty Yea as it is high treason for any subiect to take vpon him to remit the offences which are committed against the common weale for that it is an intrusion vpon the princes right and after a sort an vsurpation of the dignity royall so no doubt but that it is high treason against the king of heauen and earth for any creature to take vpō him to forgiue sinne as it is sinne for that it is an intrusion vppon the Lordes right and an vsurpation of his dignity royall Who can 〈◊〉 2. 7. forgiue sinne but God only So said the Pharisies when our Saviour tooke vpon him not only to cure the sicknesses of the body but also to pardon the sinnes of the soule But what replied our Saviour to this demande Whether is it easier to say thy sinnes are forgiven thee or to say arise take vp thy b●doe and walke In which words he doth not confute their opinion as Chrysostome H●la●y reach 〈◊〉 in ●… hom but reproueth them for charging him with blasphemy in that by healing all diseases by his word he declared himselfe to bee true God and therefore that he had authority also to forgiue sinne albeit 〈…〉 Mat. such authority belongeth only vnto God His reason is this It belongeth to the selfe-same authority as wel by his owne power to forgiue sinne as to cure the diseases and sicknesses of the body but saith our Saviour yee might perceiue that by mine owne power I cure the sickenesses of the body the vvhich ●hing being done by the ministery of the Apostles vvas not done by their owne povver but by the power of 〈…〉 12. Christ for so God only vvorketh the same as al other miraculous things also because he onlie is omnipotent therefore yee might also 〈◊〉 136. 4. acknowledge in me vnlesse yee were wilfully blinded the divine povver of God and that I doe not blaspheme in taking vpon mee to forgiue sinne For as for that authority of forgiving sinnes given to the ministers of the 〈◊〉 in Mat ●…6 gospell it is after the same manner as the preists vnder the law had authority given them to make cleane or vncleane now they were not enabled to make cleane or vncleane leapers or no leapers but they had knowledge given them to discerne and authority to pronounce who were such and such and vpon their sentence so the parties were to be taken of all the residue of the Lords people Even so the Ministers of the gospell are to discerne whose sinnes are remitted and whose retained to assure the penitent soule the broken and contrite spirite that his sinnes are forgiuen him even of the Lordes as on the other side to denounce against the carelesse and impenitent sinner the Lordes most heavy but iust vengeance Div. 9. That the faithfull obtaine the release of their sinnes by free forgiuenesse through the death of Christ and not through their owne satisfactions THe Lord of the mannour is not said to forgiue the trespasse The forgiuenes of sinnes that taketh the amercement set vpon the head of the trespasser neither may the creditour bee saide to forgiue the debtour that exacteth the debt or casteth the debtour in prison vntill he make satisfaction No more could God be saide to forgiue vs our sinnes and to remitte on ●…sses and debtes if hee did either here in this life require satisfaction for thē at our hands by the workes of pennance or after 〈…〉 vs into the prison of purgatory there to make satisfaction But wee beleeue the remission of our sinnes and the free ●…giuenesse of our debtes and trespasses and so the whose gospell teacheth that they are freely forgiuen in respect of ourselues but not freely to our Saviour Christ who paide full deare for the release of them euen that inestimable price of his owne blood It is he that bare our sinne● in his owne body on the tree the chasttiement of our peace was 〈◊〉 vpon him 1. Pet 2 24. Isa 53 5. H●… 9. 12. 10. 14. 7 25 Heb. 1. 3. 1. Ioh. 1. 7. he gaue his soule ●n offering for sinne hee gaue himselfe 〈◊〉 some for many by one ob●ation of himselfe once made hee hath founde eternall redemption and made perf●ct for ever them that ●ee ●…fied hee hath purged our sinnes by himselfe and not by v● by his owne blood and not by our satisfactiōs And verily it is this blood of the 〈◊〉 wherwithall our garments are throughly cl●nsed from all spots and are made perfectly pure white it is this blood that is the soveraigne Apoc. 7. 14. salue for all our sores and the onely effectuall medicine which is able to cure all our spirituall and ghostly maladies And if vvee take any thing else we take quid proquo we take that which vvill not ease but will in the end increase our griefe And therefore i● we will finde ease indeed we must provide to haue alwaies this physicke in a readines that whensoeuer we are wounded by our ghostly enemy we may apply to our selues a speedy remedy If as of● saith Saint Ambrose as this bloode is shedde it is shedde for remission 〈◊〉 sa●… ca 6. of sinnes I ought alwaies to receiue it that my sinnes alwaies may bee remitted vnto mee yea I which alwaies sinne ought alwaies to haue this me●…icine His meaning is that Christs blood is the onely remedy against sinne and the sacrament thereof a meanes to strengthen our faith and so to vnite vs more and more vnto Christ and to apply this physicke to our soules and therefore that we ought to haue continual recourse therto that so not by the outward signe but by the invisible grace that is by the bloode of Christ it selfe we may be continually cured and made perfectly hol● And if 〈◊〉 ●…ri●… p●…●… c. 2. after our baptisme we be after a sort driven from this ship bord by the stormes tēpests of our own corruptions we must not catch after a second table of penance to take hold therof that so we may be preserued by the power thereof from sinking downe in the sea of our sins but we must recouer our selues to our former stay or els we shall be drowned in the bottomles gulfe of our iniquities The Angell of the church of Sardis after that hee had beene called to the estate of salvation in Christ and confirmed therein by the sacrament of baptisme had fallen into the sea of most daungerous sins now how was he to be recouered
liuing GOD saying giue me a man that we may fight togither After the like maner marched forth this other prowde champion with his most stately furniture as he himselfe thought and armour of proofe even vvith a most goodly and glorious shevve of all Antiquity and Novelty Law and Custome Fathers and Councels Histories and all Monuments Reasons naturall and morall togither with the vvhole armies and hostes of heauen and earth and the bandes and companies of all the creatures great and small in confidence hereof he was bold to blaspheme the truth of the gospell and to revile the professors thereof even all the Lordes armies and to provoke them all to an open combate Now there was sent forth against this Gyant little David with a staffe as it were a s●ing and a fevve Guilielmus Whitakerus small stones taken out of the cleere streames of the sacred scriptures and so with this armour of the Lordes he overthrewe this vaine glorious Go●ah the sonne of pride and child of Antichrist and with his owne sword of Fathers Councels c. he cut of his head and gaue his carcase to be meate for the birds of the aire and the beasts of the field and made it manifest to all indifferent persons that this prowde vaunt was nothing else but a glorious shew of vaine words and a puffing blast of a swelling spirit The Apostle S. Peter by the spirit of prophesie foreseeing the great corruptions of these last and most dangerous daies setteth downe these notes and markes of the false prophets and Antichristes which shall seduce the most part of the Christian world 1 as first in generall tearmes 2. Pet. 2. 1. that they shall prively and vnder the vizard of truth bring in damnable heresies Satan in them turning himselfe into an Angell of light and not shewing himselfe openly as hee is but shaddowing his false-hood vnder the cloake of truth For with ●ei●edwordes saith he shall they make merchandize of the people that is vnder the pretence as it were of the Catholike faith the Holy Church the consent of Fathers Christs V●car Peters successor Antiquity Vnity Vniversality they shall sell many ●oules to the Devill when they which be deceaved by such meanes shall perswade themselues that they ga●e God 2 Secondly the Apostle setteth downe in particular what shal be the principal of these damnable and privy heresies even this that they shall deny the Lora●ha● bought them that is they shall deny the great vertue sufficiency of our redemption wrought by Christ Quicquid eiu● negaris ipsum negavit Aug. in Joh. tract 66. vvhich is in effect a ●…at deniall of Christ himselfe For as Austine teacheth whosoeuer denieth any thing belonging to Christ denieth Christ 3 Th●…dly they shal come with so strong delusion that they shal make drunke with the cuppe of their spirituall fo●nication many of the countries and kingdomes of the earth whereby there shall fall out a great Apostasie from the faith the multitude following their damnable waies 4 Fourthly they shall speake evill of the way of truth charging both the profession thereof with error and heresie and the professours of the same with many most heinous and grievous crimes 5 Lastly Apo. 18. 13. through covetousnes they shall make merchandize of people and set out to sale even their soules for gaine Nowe doe not all these cognisaunces and badges of these heretikes and Antichrists of the last times agree most apparantly to the Pope and his Ministers of whome we may say that they seeme to be friends but indeed Omnes a● ici omnes inimici servi Christi serv●un● Antichrist● Bern. in c̄atserm 33. are enemies In shew they serue Christ but in truth Antichrist For howsoeuer in outvvard shevv they seeme to esteeme of the Lord that bought them and of the redemption vvrought by his death yet in effect they cleane overthrovv the vertue and validity thereof in that they teach that vve must seeke for a second iustificatiō by our ovvne deeds and not content our selues vvith our first iustification by Christ that vve must make satisfaction by the works of Pennance or else in Purgatory for our ovvne sins as if Christes satisfaction vvere not sufficient and that vve must deserue heaven by our ovvne merites as if Christ had not fully bought it vvith his blood Novv what other thing saith S. Austine doe vve Aug. de verb ●om secund ●oh ser 45. fearein Antichrist but that he shall honour his ow●e name and cont̄e●e Christs And what else doth he when he ●aith I iustifie For to seek to establish our ovvne righteousnes is to derogate from the vertue of Christs righteousnes and to seeke iustification by our ovvne vvorks is to disalovv the fulnes of our iustification by Christ and is not this to honor our selues with the dishonour of Christ which is a marke of a very Antichrist For as our Messias Saviour vvas an all-sufficient God that so he might be an al-sufficient Saviour so he vvil be acknovvledged an al-sufficient Savior or no Savior an entire perfect and only Redeemer or no Redeemer And therefore in that the Bishoppe of Rome and his adherents do deny our Saviour Christ to be an entire perfect only and all-sufficient Saviour they do in effect deny him to be their Savior at al according vnto the prophecie of the Apostle S. Peter And yet haue they set such a gloze vpon this their most wicked doctrine and deliuered forth their poison in such a golden cup that a great nūber haue beene deceiued and led into error by them and many haue followed their damnable waies in so much that whosoeuer neuer so little opposed himselfe against them he was strait waies an Horetike and a Lollarde for his labour a fire and a fagot was to good for him and whatsoeuer mischiefe they could do him either in word or deed all was thought to little And did they not with feined words deceiue the world whiles they taught that this doctrine of meriting of saluation by our owne workes was both a magnifying of the vertue of Gods most holy spirit by whose power and efficacy they are wrought and a great provocatiō to piety godlines in that thereby we should deserue our own salvatiō yea did they not through couetousnes make merchandize of the people whiles they taught that they had power to remit sinnes that they had the keies of the kingdome of heauē that they could by their masles and pardons deliuer any soule whatsoeuer out of Purgatory if that they were well hired and pa●de for their paines And did they not by their thus merchandiz●ng of mens soules so well profit gaine that they had gotten into their own hands many of the goodliest possessions in Christendome vvith great aboundance of riches treasures and had still at cōmande as they thought good the purses liuely hoods of all Christians Wherefore seeing that all these markes of the he●et●kes and
Antichrists of these last times doe so apparantly fit the Pope and his Ministers we doubt not but that we may take them for those very parties and that so much the more if we duely consider how in particular also they derogate from the priestly kingly office of our Saviour Christ whereby he accomplished the worke of our redemption There are two pointes wherein his Priesthood consisteth his sacrifice and his mediation Concerning his sacrifice the Apostle teacheth that as it was appointed for all men once to die and after death Heb. 9. 21. iudgement so Christ was once offered to purge the sinnes of many and that if he should haue often offered himselfe he should haue often suffered As also that this is a difference betweene the sacrifices of the Aaronical Priesthood the sacrifice of Christ that they were often reiterated repeated for that it was impossible that the bloode of bulles and goates should take away sins wheras the sacrifice of Christ was but once made neither needed indeede to bee made any more seeing thereby hee hath brought in eternall redemption and made Heb 9 10. 12 14. perfect for ever them that be sanctified Novv as if our Saviour Christ had not by his oblation of himselfe once made brought in eternall redemption and made perfect for euer them that are sanctified the Pope and his Priests will needes offer him againe in their Masse the which they avouch to bee apropitiatory sacrifice both for Heb. 10. 18. the quicke and the dead albeit as the Apostle hath plainly testified where there is remissiō of sin there is no more sacrifice for sin but our Saviour Christ by his one oblation of himselfe once offered hath procured a plenary and full pardon for all our iniquities and sinnes therfore now there cannot remaine any more sacrifice to bee offered for sin especially wheras our Saviour Christ is our only Priest according to the order of Melchizedech who for that he endureth for ever Heb 7. 24. hath an eternall Priesthood which cānot passe frō him to any other and therfore all our Popish Priests which will needs intrude thēselues to be partners with Christ in this office of his Priesthood wil offer him againe vp vnto God are worthily to be condēned for vsurpers of that honour which no way belongeth vnto them Now as they thus by their Priesthood and by their sacrifice of the Masse do deface the Priesthood sacrifice of Christ so doe they also derogate from the same by their doctrine of the Intercessiō mediation of Saintes For whereas our Saviour Christ hath now long since ascēded into heauē there sitteth at the right hād of God ever living to make intercessiō for vs wheras the vertue of his death passiō is alwaies present before God procuring for vs the favor of God a ready graunt to all our requestes as far forth as it is behouefull cōvenient for vs if this mediation intercessiō of Christ which is continually before God be sufficient what need haue we to seeke for the mediation of the Saintes But this mediation of CHRIST in the iudgemente of Sainte Augustine is so sufficient and the resting onely thereon so sure a marke of a faithfull Christian that he is bolde to make this resolution therein VVee haue IESVS CHRIST our advocate and hee is Aug. in ep Ioh. tract 1. the propitiation for our sinnes he that houldeth this holdeth no heresie he that holdeth this maketh no schisme As likevvise on the contrary side he is bold to affirme that if the verie Apostle Saint Iohn Aug. cont Epist Par●… Lib. 2. cap. 8 himselfe had saide If any man sinne you haue mee for your advocat and I obtaine pardon for your sinnes that no faithfull person vvould haue acknovvledged him for an Apostle of Christ but rather haue defied him as a verie Antichrist 3 Likevvise concerning our Saviours kingly office and autoritie of making of lawes to guid vs in such a course as that vve may vvalke as it becometh those vvhich are called to be pertakers of so greate mercies we know that we are not our owne but his that hath ransomed vs with so greate a price that we should be subiect to his onely lawes and yeeld our obedience onely to his cōmandementes For we haue no other Lord besides him vvho hath autority to impose lawes vpon vs we haue but one Lord and lawgiuer who is able to saue and to destroy Contrary to this roiall and soveraigne autoritie of Christ the Pope and his adherentes Eph. 4. 5. Iac. 4. 12. haue taken vpon them to impose lawes rules orders vpō the people of God yea haue giuen them praise commendation that by obseruing the same they may doe workes of supererogation availeable for the salvation of other men may winne such credit as to be accoūted the only religious of all other may attaine to greater holines perfectiō thē may be gottē by the law of God So that albeit Moses himselfe after that he had delivered Deut. 4. 8. the law of God to the people testified of the dignity exelēcy thereof that there was no people that had lawes so righteous as vvas all that lavv vvhich he had set before them yet the Pope would beare the world in hand that the rules of Frier Fraūcis Dominicke the rest do lead vnto greater holines perfection thē may be obtained by the law of God Wherefore it is not without 1 Tim 3. 16 4. 1. cause that the Apostle did fore signifie that as our redmption wrought by God manifested in the flesh is the greatest mystery of Christian godlines evē so the prohibitiō of meates marriage according to the rules of Frier Fraūcis the rest should be the doctrine in outward shew of greatest excellency perfectiō amōg false prophets of the last times the limbes mēbers of the great Antichrist wherein the Pope his adherēts most iniuriously derogating frō the law of Christ our only spiritual Lord king doth shew himselfe that man of sin that sonne of pride that very Antichrist who was to sit in the tēple of God to advaūce himselfe aboue God 4 For what doth he else whē he advaūceth his orders rules aboue Gods law not only so but presumethto dispence against the law of God to set greater penalties vpon the breach of his owne orders thē vpō the trāsgressiō of Gods cōmādemēts yea flatly to repeale the precise cōmandemēts of Christ An example whereof we haue in the Lords supper the which was ordained by him in both kindes to assure the faithfull of their full perfect spirituall nourishmēt they haue by him as S. Austin some of the Aug. in tr in Joh. 26. Schole mē also haue taught The which glorie of Christ to be our spiritual nourishmēt vnto eternall life that it might be abolished or at the least
the Gospell of Christ may be cōvicted in their own cōsciences brought to acknowledge and to bewaile their wretched estate and that other also seeing their fall may thereby bee made more watchfull and warie least they bee taken in the same trappe the which thing is so much the more carefully to bee obserued by vs all seeing wee bee fallen into those times wherin Christ and his Apostles haue plainely foretold vs that the danger wherevnto Math. 24 38 Luk. 17. 28. 2. Tim. 3. 4. 2. Pet. 2. 3. Apoc. 12. 4. al shal generally be subiect and particularly such as be of the Ministery is this even the loue of the earth that shall draw away the most part of men from the loue of heaven and shall make many of Demas his place and giftes to forsake Paule and to embrace this present world and with Iudas to sell Christ and that for a matter of no great gai●e The faithfull indeede are the right heires even of all the blessings of their heavenly father but yet so that they must not be their owne carvers but seeke for them by such meanes as hee hath ordained being resolved to be wholy at his dispositiō and to content themselues with such a portion as he best knoweth to be most meete for them And what neede haue they too greedily to seeke after the temporal and transitory goods of this world seeing their portion is fallen vnto them in a very good ground and they haue a very goodly heritage seeing God is their Father and Christ their brother and the holy Ghost their comforter and faith their freehold and truth their treasure and godlines their gaine and goodnes their goods and righteousnes their riches piet● their portion and the kingdome of God their ●…heritāce heaven the haven of their eternall rest blessednes and the gracious promises of the gospell written in their harts the authenticall evidences for their title and right vnto these and all other blessings of God But these things are sufficiently knowne vnto you therfore I cease any farther to trouble you most hartely beseeching the most blessed God so to water you al with the plētiful streames of his heavenly graces that when yee haue beene as good trees bearing much fruit in the dry wildernes of this barren world ye may be transplanted by his gracious hand and set in his celestial and heavenly paradise Your VVorships most assured in the Lord JOHN TERRY To the Christian Reader OF many stūbling blocks good Christian Reader that are cast in the way by the servants of Antichrist to keep the people that they do not so much as turne their eies to behold much lesse settle their affectiōs to embrace the glorious lighte of the gospell of Christ this is not the least that they are not ashamed to charge not only some principal and eminent persons but generally all the professours thereof with an huge sea of outragious sins and a great drought of godlines and vertue yea many points of the most holy doctrine it selfe they avouch to tende directly to the corruption of good maners in all states But to omit their particula● slāders raised vp against particular persons which haue bin fully answered by others our severe cēsors of Rhemes Rhem. in e. 7. Math. The professers of the gospel most vniustly charged by the adversary to bee sacrilegious prophan● incestuous men of in●…tiable si● beside many grievous crimes which they avouch to be cōmon with vs and al other heretickes charge vs particularly with sacriledge against God and the prophanation of all holy things and incestuous marriages and these with the other abominatiōs they would haue the world beleeue to be in so high a degree among vs as they are likely to be among all such as are men of insatiable sin Now if the pulling downe of Idols and the destroying of Idolatry the removing of the superstitious worship of creatures the restoring of the pure worship of one almighty and alsufficient God in spirit and truth according vnto the prescription of his owne most holy word be sacriledge the prophanation of all holy things and if the abolishing of the common stewes and the disanulling of the vow of single life which was indeed the cause of abominable pollutions and of vnnatural and monstrous murders and the restitution 1. Cor. 7. 3. of holy matrimony according vnto the direct cōmandement of God by the penne of the Apostle be incestuous pollutions and if these and the like make vs men of insatiable sin then we must be content to vndergoe this slander seeing herein we are made but conformable to our Master Ioh. 6. 48. Christ who was charged to haue beene in league with the Devil whereas his comming was to destroy the workes of Mat. 11. 19. the devil and to haue beene a friend to Publicanes sinners being in truth the greatest enemy to sin that ever was borne of flesh blood But what manner of men are these themselues which lay to our charge so grievous crimes yea what are their most holy and most godly Fathers the Sāctissimi pijssimi Lyr. in Mat. c. 16 Platina in Rom. c. 1. ●drian Papa In nomine domini incipit omne malum Bern. in Cant. serm 33. The most corrupt abominable liues of the chiefest enemies of the Gospel of Christ Popes vnto whose very becke they owe all obedience Is it not recorded by principal men among them that many of them haue beene apostataes from the faith and very monsters and mishapen creatures such as succeeded not Peter in feeding but Romulus in manquelling that they pretended the name of God and the service of Christ but vnder that name wrought all maner of mischiefe and did service vnto Antichrist Neither did this spirituall contagion stay in their greatest personages but spread it selfe abroad in al states and callings And no mervaile seeing the whole world doeth frame it selfe to the likenes and liking of such as be in greatest power authority especially where the vow of obedience without gaine-saying yea without inquiring whether it be lawfull or no is esteemed as one of the highest steppes to the greatest perfection Whereby it came to passe that Rome it selfe the chiefe city of this Empire became the mother of all abominations and grew to ●uch ripenes and perfection in sin that shee deserved the name of the westerne Babilon where the whore of whores evē the great Antichrist of these last times should sit who was to make drunke all the kings of the earth with the cup of his spiritual fornications adulteries Vnto the which place whosoeuer should haue his recourse first he should see and then he should be acquainted with and the thirde time hee himselfe should become a wicked person For there is liberty of all other thinges saue only of true pietie Romae omnia cum liceant non licet esse pium Māt and godlines So outragious and abominable
the most pretious bloud of Christ for the full accōplishment of that worke For what if man could giue his house full of treasure yet wee are not redeemed vvith corruptible thinges as with silver and gould but with the most pretious bloud of Christ as of a lambe vndefiled and without spotte Or what if he would offer vp in sacrifice a 1000. rammes or a 1000. bullockes and goates It is impossible that the Heb. 10 bloud of bullockes and goates should take away sinnes And therfore when the Apostle had avouched by the warrant of the Prophet that the Lord would not haue burnt offering and sacrifice nor the bodies of slaine beastes then he giueth testimony to the offering of the body of Christ as to the onely true expiatory sacrifice Lastly what if one would offer vp to God the spirituall sacrifices of faith and repentance and of all such workes as are commanded in the morallawe Surely of these also the Apost●e hath testified that it vvas impossible to the lavv in as much as it was Rom. 8. 3. weake by reason of our flesh to worke out the worke of mās redemption and therfore that God sent his owne sonne in the simtlitude of sinsul flesh and fo● sin condemned sinne in the slesh that the righteousnes of the law might bee fulfilled in vs and so we made righteous before God For our faith repentance iustice temperance the rest are but as broken and clipped money they are to light to weigh in the ballance with our most heavie and burdensome sins and they are also but as one to a thousād toward the discharge of our most huge debt Moreover in the perfourming evē of our best workes the flesh rebelleth against the spirite so staineth their purity and blemisheth their glory and our spiritual and inward man is but renued in part so that wee can do no good worke with al our hart soule and strength in that degree and measure as the law requireth now that which wanteth of that which the law requireth is a transgression of the law and therefore sin and sinne defiling the worke wherein it is causeth our very righteousnes to bee as a stained cloath and therefore in that respect odious to God procuring his wrath and making vs subiect to the curse of the lawe and therefore not meriting everlasting glory Thus are euen our best sacrifices but as the offering vp of the lame and maimed and therefore of themselues cannot be much lesse make vs acceptable vnto God And thus are these garmentes of our owne righteousnes both stained too short also to couer our nakednes they may be likened to the curtalled garmentes of Davids servantes 2. Sam. 10. 5 which made them ashamed to come into the kings court and to present themselues in his presence And verily if but one of our acquaintance beeing of some good place happen to see vs when wee haue on a sluttish aperne or a fowle ruffe or some base and regardlesse attire how squeamish are we and how do we imagine that wee haue done our selues some great discredite Howe much more then may we worthely blush and be ashamed to come into the presence of the most pure and glorious God who so extreamely loatheth and abhorreth all impuritie vncleannes beeing covered with the slubbered and curtalled garments of our owne righteousnes And how ought we to labour by all meanes possible to put of and to lay aside these rotten ragges in the case of our iustification to embrace and lay hold on Christ that we may be found in him not having Phil. 3. 9. our owne righteousnes which is by the lawe but that which is by faith in him For they are the precious costly garmēts of his righteousnes that arelarge enough to couer our nakednes be it never so great they are also so cleare pure holy that they are able to endure the presence of the holy of holies to present vs pure holy in his sight So then the workes of our faith repentance and righteousnes cannot present vs pure and holy before God nor make satisfaction to his iustice for our sins nor me●ite the crowne of eternall glory but these so great blessings are procured for vs by the bloud of Christ and are given vs most frankely and freely by his mediation Now if a master shal giue vnto his faithful servant an estate in a liuing either by copy or lease freely without any fine or income wil this kindnesse make him malepert and saucy to set at naught his masters commandement careles to pay his rent and to performe that suite and service that is required at his handes Neither is it credible that the faithfull servantes of God hauing an estate in the glorious inheritance of the kingdome of heaven most frankely and freely granted vnto thē in Christ without nay cōtrary to their owne deservings should thereby take occasion to sinne against God and become careles to performe their obedience to his law being the rent suite and service that is double due vnto him So neither is it likely that they well vnderstanding the guiltines of sinne to bee so great that it could not be done away but by the bloud of Christ and the wrath of God against sin to be so ●etled his iustice so implacable that rather thē the sins of his own elect should e●cape vnpunished he punished thē with so great severity evē vpon his own deare son should hereby be encouraged to cōmit sin to receiue into their boso●…s such a venimous serpēt whose sting is so dāgerous yea almost incurable Wheras on the cōtrary side if sin we● so smal a matter that it might be done away by holy water holy bread pardons masses pligrimages almes praiers fastings by other workes of Popish doctrines provocations to sinne popish penāce if there were so rich pretious a gift of charity infused into the heart of every faithful Christiā as that therby he were able to make God endebted not only to himslfe but to others also then indeede we needed not altogither to make so great a matter of cōmitting sin and offending God seeing we could so many waies make satisfaction for the same and make God amendes and further also make him endetted vnto vs as herevpō many men are bold to trespasse their neighbour for that either already they are as much or more in their debt and danger or for that they can else in time to come easily make thē amēdes for their former trespasse But God can no way be pleasured by vs neither is worshipped with mens hāds as if therby any thing were added vnto him and he made endetted Act. 17. 25. vnto vs for the same For as for the workes of our faith repentāce and loue we are therby more more endebted vnto him for that he worketh them in vs by his spirit and he is no otherwise endebted vnto vs for the same but only for that of
his owne most free and vndeserved goodnes in Christ he hath bound himselfe by promise to giue them a reward And as for the least sin that is bee it but a desire to The most heavy burden even of the lightest sinne and the great deformity of the least iniquity steale a sticke out of thy neighbours hedge or to eate an apple of the forbidden tree seeing in doing the same either we set God so at naught that we vtterly forget him his holy commandements Thou shalt not covet thy neighbours house c. Cursed is he that continueth not in every point of the law to doe it wheras we ought most religiouslie to keepe a constant and continual remembrance thereof Or if we remembring the cōmandemēt of God the heavy curse annexed to the transgression of the same yet blesse our selues and promise our selues peace when God menaceth warre and so giue more credit to the suggestions of Satan then to the sacred testimonies and oracles of God harkening to the devil rather then to God and preferring the devil before God seeing herein as much as in vs lieth we robbe God of his truth and iustice of his soveraigne auctority over vs by refusing him to raigne over vs and making choice of the devil to be ruled by him taking after a sort the scepter out of the Lordes hand and the crowne from his head giuing them vnto the Devill if the Lord for this so intollerable an indignity should depriue vs vtterly of his favour and loue and of all his gracious giftes blessinges and deliver vs cleane over vnto the devill to bee partakers with him of al māner of curses plagues what should he doe heerein but that in al iustice right is most due vnto vs And how should he herein serve vs also but even according vnto our owne choice For the lesser the commodity or pleasure is for the which wee are so soone perswaded to cast away God and to set his cōmandemēts at naught the more manifestly is our vile corruption convicted in that we are so quickly hyred to so wicked a work● vpon so base and meane wages And heereof it is that Samuel is bold to cal the trāsgression of Saul in sparing the Gigantum more bellare cum deo best of the sheepe oxen at the earnest motion as it seemeth of the people that to this end to offer sacrifice vnto God rebellion for that therin he did rebel against God ioyne himselfe to that notorious rebell Satan not only so but he further likeneth it to the most odious and abominable sin of Idolatrie and witchcraft And verely as the witch renounceth God giveth her selfe vnto the devil and the Idolater forsaketh the worship and service of God and betaketh himselfe to the service of the Deuill euen so every sinner euen in the smallest and least sinne as much as in himselfe lieth casteth away God and maketh choice of the deuil and therefore if the Lord shoulde vtterly cast him of for the same deliuer him ouer to that cursed serpent to haue his part with him in his torments plagues he should do no other thing therin thē that which is most iustly deserued And verelie had not our alsufficient Savior made full satisfaction by his most precious bloode for the least as wel as for the greatest of the sinnes of the elect thēselues had not he procured a pardon for the same they woulde haue beene so heauy and burdensome vnto them that they would haue pressed them downe to the bottomlesse pit of hel Neither would their holy life either past or to come haue beene able to haue di●charged them of the burden thereof For if one otherwise a very good subiect and of most ciuil and vpright conversation falling into the company of loose and lewd persons by their counsell and perswasion do but ioine with them in one robbery and so commit a trespasse if it bee but against one of the Princes subiects and but against one of the lawes of the common weale it is not his honest life past and the keeping of al the rest of the lawes and the doing good to many of the princes It is a thing worthy to be condēned iustly to be grievous to mē what an offence thē is it to be grievous vnto God subiects and his duety neuer so well performed before to prince and country nor yet his harty repentance his sincere promise of amendment that can discharge him frō the same but that law must proceede against him and execution must be done accordingly vnlesse a pardō be procured from the prince how much more if one sin against the incomprehensible maiesty of the most glorious deitie by treading vnder foote the least of his commandements shal the se●tence of eternal condēnation proceede against him vnlesse hee obtaine the forgiuenesse thereof by the blood of Christ For if one man sinne against another the 1. Sam. 2. 25 Rom. ● 23. Eze● 10. 20 iud●e may iudge it but if one sin against God who shall plead for him The wages of sin saith the Apostle ●… death That soule saith the prophet that sinneth that soule shall die Bas 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Hier. ep 14 What sin is it saith Basill that any da●… cal light I knowe not saith Hierome whether we may cal any sinne light or small the which is done with the contempt of God This then is our doctrine of iustification that our best workes are stained and stand in need of mercy and therefore can neither merite eternal glory nor make satisfaction to God for the least of our sins and that the lightest of our transgressions would haue beene too heauy for vs to beare yea they would haue pressed vs downe to the bottomlesse pit of hel had not our most mercifull Sauiour succoured vs herein by removing them also graciously from vs and by laying them vpon his owne shoulders And if this doctrine provoke to sin I know not what can revoke from the same But now let vs proceede to that other part of the slaunder wherewith all the enemies of the gospel do charge the profession thereof euen with the great penury and want of al good workes For not only the Rhemists do take from vs for the most part the sheepes cloathing that is the very outwarde shew of good workes but also the composer of the VVard word vpon occasion of some civil behaviour acknowledged to be in some of our Recusants taketh vpon him with the prowd Pharisie not only to advance himselfe and his farre aboue vs base and vile Publicanes but also he woulde haue the worlde beleeue that if question were betweene them and vs of good works our chiefest captaines would straight waies relinquish the field not bee so bold as to strike one stroke But this is but one of their Thrasonical brags For I doubt not but a meane souldier fighting vnder the ensigne of the
of him as his most faithful loyal servants The which thing because the children of the church of Rome list not to performe therefore the Lord will not be their Lord not accept of them as of his servantes nor yet allow of any of their workes as good and as a part of his worship and service 4 All obedience is to be yeelded by vs to the will of god for that we haue received all frō him and therefore are most straitely bound to yeeld to him our whole service Neither ought we only to be respectiue to the Lords good wil pleasure in al our works for that he of right ought to raigne over vs ●s being our only spiritual Lord king for that he will protect defend vs impart vnto vs the commodities of his kingdome but much rather for that he hath bestowed vpō vs already so many favors hath shewed vnto vs so great kindnes hath bound vs vnto himselfe with such a multitude of his inestimable invaluable blessings For giftes benefits testifying kindnes loue do oftentimes much prevaile even with the natural vnregenerate mā yea with the very beasts thēselues that want the light of vnderstanding reason The ox● knoweth his owner the asse his masters crib as the law doth allow a groūd bird to the owner of the ground where the swan is permitted quietly to make her nest without disturbance to hatch and breede vp her young so doth meere kindnes cause the thankfull storke to performe the same without law without constraint But amōg all other beastes voide of reason strange and wonderfull thinges are reported of the kindnesses of dogges towardes their masters for their simple breeding and for the sorry mainetenaunce they haue received at their hands yea the setled malice of a most cākered enimy of a most spitefull sycophant who of all savage and fierce beastes is thought by the Philosopher to be the worst hath beene conquered by kindnesse and loue and the most violent pertu●bations of rage and sury haue beene turned into the most tender affections of pitty and mercy And therfore it is not without cause that the Apostle exhorteth saying If thine enemie Rom 12. 2● hunger feede him if he thirst giue him drink● for in so doing thou shalt heape coales of fire vpon his head Be not evercome of evill but evercome evill with good For oftentimes the streames of kindnes loue do quench the flames of malice and hatred and kindle the coales of kindnesse and loue And therefore we ought not to suffer our selues to be taken prisoners of malice or to yeelde our selues captiues to her to execute herrage but couragiouslie to encounter her and to beate backe all her assaultes and to suffer her not to enter one foote much lesse to surprize the castle of our harts and not only so but also to pursue her manfully being entred into the heartes of our enemies and by the powerfull assistaunce of kindnesse and loue to beate her out of the plaine field and to dispossesse her of her owne castles and forte● vvherein shee hath beene before most strongly seated For so did Elizeus and 2. King 6. 23. David and the residue of the Lordes worthies who haue most couragiously fought these spirituall battles and haue most manfully vanquished both their owne of and the Lordes enemies When the bandes of the Aramites that were sent out to apprehend the Prophet Elizeus and to bring him to their king beeing brought into danger not only to be taken prisoners themselues but also to haue had their owne liues taken from them were not only rescued out of danger by meanes of Elizeus but also kindly friendly entertayned this kindnes so far prevailed with them that albe it there was opē war between their nation Israel yet after their returne into their own lād they never returned to vex Israell But who was ever a more malicious enemy to any mā thē was wicked Saul to innocēt David yet astone as he perceived that himselfe beeing shut vp by the providence of God into Davids hāds he was spared by him his life preserved he was so throughly moved therewith that hee did not only presently withdraw● his forces from his pursuite but also most earnestly praied vnto 1. Sam. 24. 20. God and that he would giue him a reward for the same Yea whē before having given a speciall charge to all his housholde to kill David lonathan had dehorted him from the same saying Let not the king sinne against his servant against David for he hath not sinned against thee but his workes toward●s thee haue beene very good for he did put his life in danger and slow the Phil●stine the Lord wrought a grea● salvation for all Israell thou s●west it and thou reioicest Wherefore wil● thou then sinne against innocent bloode and slay David without a cause The only mention and recitall of the which matter did so alter Saules malitious hart that he did not only recal his former edict but also confirmed the revocation thereof with a solemne oath saying as the Lord loveth he shall not die Now if kindnes receaved 1. Sam. 19. 6 from our vnderlings and from such as we haue hated and sought their destruction doth even vpon a suddaine alter our affections and compell vs to vow their good to sweare their safety how much more any pleasure beeing done vnto vs by our superiours will glad and cheere vs at the very hart and cause vs to busie all our thoughts how we may in some measure recompence and requite the same What a credite do we thinke it to be vnto vs if the prince shall but take notice of vs and call vs by our name shew vs but some countenance and favour Or if a noble man or a man of state shall steede vs in a matter of some moment howe are we ready to cast our selues after a sort downe at his feete and to make most solemne protestation saying your honours to cōmande yours according to bounden duty for ever your most obedient beadesman and servant as long as life lasteth Now the king of kings and state of states hath not only vouchsafed to haue takne notice of vs to haue provided for our vse service and comfort this so glorious and bountiful world furnished with such variety of all manner of earthly blessings but also hath prepared for vs treasures of farre greater price and value in the life to come how ought we then to be astonished amazed at such kindnes that proceedeth from so high and worthy a state how ought our hearts to be euen rapt and ravished beside themselues at the least apprehension of such invaluable favours Why even Publican●s and sinners loue their lovers and shew kindnes to them of whō they receiue kindnes yea the Devill himselfe will in some sort serue them that serue him and will be at the commandemēt
auctority over vs and yet heerein it doth exceede all this and is made most sinfull even in the highest degree for that it is committed against him vvhose mercies haue so farre exceeded towardes vs and haue made vs so deepelie endebted vnto him that if we should most frankely and freely giue our selues and all that vve haue to bee prest and ready continually to doe him service if I saie wee shoulde doe this againe and againe yea ten thousande times more then we are any way able yet we can no way match his vnspeakeable kindnes or be answerable vnto his endles loue To forget him then that hath so remembred vs hath given vs such cause to remember him cōtinually casteth vs downe below all māner of ●enceles liveles creatures yea it maketh vs in some sort worse then the very devils thēselues For they in sinning forgate God their Creator sāctifier but we adde also thervnto the forgetting of God our Saviour redeemer Whē we defile our selues with the pollutions of the vvorlde vvee forgette that we vvere ever clensed from our olde sinnes and former vncleanes we tredde vnder foote the sonne of God count the blood of the covenant 2 Pet. 1. 9. Heb. 10. 29. as a vile thing of no price and after a sort crucifie againe the Lord of glory We contemne and despise this blessing of blessinges and cleane sette at naught this mercy of mercies or else wee would not so wretchlesly forgette the same We forgett it for if we did carefully embrace remember it it would not be without fruit But we contemne and forget it and neglect the meanes wherby we should be put in continual remembrance of it yea by little little we are drawen on evē to hate to persecute these meanes and so draw nearer nearer vnto that sin of sins which maketh vs vncapeable of all mercie From the which sin from al other that we might be preserved The manifold means that God hath ordaned to preserve the remēbrāce of his endlesse loue in Christ and the residue of his manifolde mercies as 1. the word the Lord hath given vs his holy word to bee alwaies before our eies and so to keepe in vs a faithful remembrance of all his mercies wherin we may record his gracious merciful covenāt in Christ by the which he hath givē himselfe to vs to be our God and hath taken vs to himselfe to be his people wherein we may reade his will and testament in the which he hath adopted vs for his sonnes in Christ made vs heires to all his treasures hath bequeathed vnto vs besides al other gifts that grand legacy of eternal glory wherin we may pervse that authētical charter of al these priveledges immunities which we presētly do are hereafter more fully to enioy being already made fellow citizēs with the saints of the houshold of God and incorporated into the heavenly caelestial Ierusalem wherin we may take a true view of the large plenary pardon of all our trespasles and debtes of that great graunt of the free remission of al our sins signed after a sort with the Lords owne hand ratified cōfirmed with 2. The Sacraments Doe this in remēbrāce of me the seale of his sacraments For they were also ordained for the same principal end vse that by the outward resemblāce of the visible signes vvith the invisible grace they might togither vvith the word not only represent and sette before our eies the Lords spiritual giftes and graces for Sacramentes if they had no resemblance they should be no Sacramentes but also to assure vs by the bodely receiving of the outvvard signes of the invvard participation of the invisible giftes The Church hath also appointed vnto vs certaine principall feastes as the feast of the nativity of the LORD and of his resurrection and ascension and the like that they might likewise be a meanes vnto vs to 3. Festivall daies continue an holy remembrance of his principall mercies And therefore on those daies there are appointed also to bee opened vnto the Lordes people such speciall parcelles of holy Scripture as do more clearly sette forth the same And for that these feasts come but once in the yeare there is one special day appointed in 4 The Saboth or the Lords day every vveeke that vve should not onely call to minde that God made the vvorld in sixe daies and rested the seaventh blessed it and consecrated it to the holie remembrance of the glorious worke of the creatiō but much more that we which are Christiās haue the Iewes Saboth trāslated into the day of the Lords resurrection should most carefully record especially on that daie that he both died for our sinnes and rose againe for our iustification And therefore as vpon the Iewes Sabboth there were certaine Psalmes appointed to be redde publikely to the people for Read these Psalmes hymnes not cursorely for fashion but with relligious and devout attention thou shalt soone finde the fruite thereof the calling to their remēbrance of the blessings of the Lord so in the churches of the Christiās the same haue bin cōtinued even to this day other holy hymmes added therto for the further manifestation of the same mercies And for as much as this publike meeting of the whole cōgregation to record the Lords mercies is appointed by the Lord himselfe to be but one day in the weeke therfore there is a most strait charg givē also by the Lord hīselfe that every one of the Lordes people shoulde privatly every day haue their resort to the word of God and meditate therin day night that so they might keepe a cōtinual remēbrāce of al those things which never can be too much remembred And least any of the more simple ignorant should pleade either simplicity in vnderstāding or weaknes in remembring the Lord in his great goodnes hath provided a remedy also for the same by causing diverse short plaine sentēces to be sett down in his holy word which are both easie to be vnderstood to be remembred also These and the like sētences may easily be learned without booke and ought to be remembred when we are by our selues continually 5. The office of the Lords Ministers Psal 105 1. that so evē they might haue no pretēce at al to faile in so behovful necessary a duty As Iob 35. 10. Ier. 2. 6. 5. 24. 14. 20. Ho. 14. 2. And yet least any of the Lords servāts should discontinue in this the Lords worke he hath appointed also the ministers of his word to be his faithful remēbrācers therin to cal cōtinually vnto their remembrance both the Lordes manifold mercies and their manifold dueties that they owe vnto him for the same For if all the Lords people ought not only themselues to be employed diligētly about the Lords works but also to further
but especially for that they are after a sorte committed in a mocka●e of the bloode of Christ and doe proceede from the forgetfulnesse of his death The which if it bee so then vve must hold this for a sure thing that wee ought not to be grieved so much for that we haue broken the commandement of God as for that wee haue forgotten that wee were redeemed by the bloode of Christ and haue contemned the great price of our most glorious redemption VVherefore that wee may be brought the sooner to repentaunce and to acknowledge the greatnesse of our sinne vve must all our whole life be busied about this that we may vnderstande hovve great is that price of our redemption and that vve may so worthyly esteeme of the blood of the new testamēt as we ought to do It followeth in the nexte verse And the two disciples heard him so speaking and they follovved Iesus Ioh. 1. 37. That testimony which Iohn the Baptist gaue of Christ that he was the lambe of God before two of his disciples causeth them to come to Christ and to follow him Whereby wee learne how effectuall is the preaching of Christ yea how powerfull is one worde or two concerning Christ and his crosse to alter and change the very heartes of men Verily there is no other speech whereby a stony hart may be made flesh and an vnfaithfull man may be made faithfull Speake as much as thou liste of the most famous factes of all the Kinges and Emperours that ever haue beene and of their goodly vertues and great glory these things may delight the minds of men but they wil not renevv them But speake thou of the man crucified a thing in shevv base and foolish this vvord of the crosse which is foolishnes to them that perish is the wisdome power of God to thē that are saved Nay that we may let passe these profane persons with their deedes teach againe againe the very law of God evē this law is weak by reason of the flesh Rom. 8. 3. But that which the law cannot the worde of the crosse can Now what is the cause of this great efficacie The Lord which is the matter and subiect of this word is a spirit which is able to set our harts at liberty in so much that if they be once fixed vpon him the vaile of corruption which before did so cleaue vnto vs wil soone be taken away and if we do duely looke into that glory of his which doth shine in the gospel as in a glasse we shall be changed into the same image from glory to glory as by the spirit of God Before Phillip called thee I saw thee when thou wast vnder the figge tree Ioh. 1. 48. The more any one doth search into the vnsearchable riches of Christ and the greater revelation hee hath of the same the more is his faith and loue also encreased and the more vnspeakeable and glorious is his ioy 1. p. 1. 8. Wherefore this ought to be our continuall labour day and night by praier and by reading and meditating vpon the scriptures to seeke after the mistery of Christ that so at the length there may be opened vnto vs the treasures of all knowledge and vnderstanding that are hid in him and so al other things may be vnto vs as trash in comparison of that inestimable treasure It is strange to see how the Apostle that looked most into that excellent mistery could never satisfie himselfe in setting forth and amplifying the greatnesse thereof God saith he which is rich in mercy of his great loue wherwith he loved vs. Eph. 2. 4. Hath given vnto vs so worthy a Saviour in whom are bid all the treasures of wisedome and knowledge Coll. 2. 3. Haue care therefore saith he that yee may be able to comprehend what are the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the Saints Eph. 1. 18. He saw much and beleeved much and magnified much this great mistery Verily verily I say vnto you from hence forth yee shall see the heavens open and the Angels of God ascending and descending vpon the sonne of man Ioh. 1. 51. The opening of the misteries of faith engendreth faith and the revealing of Christ maketh a Christian Speake to men of heaven and of everlasting life and of al māner of blessings both bodily and ghostly and yet they cannot beleeue vntill they see Christ by whom and for whom are all these things For if we be throughly touched with the sense of sinne and of the wrath of God most iustly provoked to punish vs for the same wee must first finde him that hath satisfied the iustice of God for our sinnes before wee can hope for eternall life Yea if I do not beholde Christ and haue him present before the eies of my minde it is so far of that I should see heavē and heavenly glory that I shall feele nothing but terrours and feares and extreame anguish and bitternes of soule But when Christ doth once shine vnto me then is there sure hope of eternall life They then that desire to bee partakers of all manner of blessings and to be assured of life everlasting must seek Christ and set him before their eies and behold him true God and true man who died for their sins and rose againe for their iustification and thence will issue and proceede a ful trust and confidence of obtaining al such benefites blessings which he hath thereby purchased for them That which is borne of the flesh is flesh and that which is borne of the spirite is spirite Ioh. 3. 6. The only presence of Christ by faith is the means wherby the spirit worketh our regeneration Now Christs presēce is imperfectly apprehēded in this life by faith but perfectly by sight in the life to come And hereof it is that our regeneratiō which is but imperfect in this life shal be most perfect in the life to come This we knowe saith S. Iohn that when Christ doeth appeare we shall bee like him for wee shall see him as hee is 1. Ioh. 3. 2. Yea that presence of Christ shal be so glorious and so effectuall in vs that it shall transforme even our vile body and make it like to his glorious body Phil. 3. 21. For we must know that the presence of Christ is not like the presence of earthly princes the which if thou beholdest a thousand times thon shalt be made thereby never a whit the more glorious but if thou once truely beholde the glorious presence of Christ thou shalt straitwaies bee changed and transformed into the same As Moses left vp the brasen serpent in the wildernes so must the son of man be lifted vp that whosoever beleeveth in him shoulde not perish but haue life everlasting Ioh. 3. 14. As they which beheld the brasen serpēt were healed of the sting of the fiery serpents which otherwise could not bee cured So thē beholding of Christ lifted vp vppon the crosse doth cure
vertue of CHRISTS bloode to vvash and clense the staines of all the sinnes of the faithfull were infidelitie or not to doubt thereof but to doubt vvhether it bee avail●able to purge and clense THINE iniquities sinnes is to bewray thine infidelity in another degree even in that thou beleevest not thy selfe to belong to that number nor yet to bee partaker vvith them of their mercie VVherefore to teach the faithfull that they shoulde bee persvvaded of the remission of their ovvne sinnes through the death of Christ is to plucke vp the rootes of infidelity it is not to teach pride but faith nor to open a gappe to all ●inne and vvickednesse but contrarivvise most effectuallie to provoke to repentance loue and thankefulnesse and to the practise of all other christian dueties A●d in truth we cannot bee rightly offended with our selues for offending so merciful and gracious a God vntill he hath given vs some sense feeling of his vnspeakeable mercy towardes vs in assuring vs of the pardon of our offences and sinnes Neither can vve vnfainedly loue the Lord and desire to be thankfull vnto him as we ought to be vntil we be perswaded that he loueth vs and beareth a kinde affection tovvards vs. Neither yet can we wholy resigne our selues to God vntil we perceiue that we are not our ovvn but that we are bought with a price that so we should 1. Cor. 6. 20 sanctifie the Lorde both in our bodies and in our spirites which are the Lordes My beloued s●ith the spouse is mine and I am his he hath Cant. 2. 16. giuen himselfe to me and hath assured me of his loue and therefore I giue my selfe to him and assure him of mine obedience VVee loue him saith Saint Iohn because he loved vs first For as 1. Ioh. 4 19. one fire kindleth another and one heate raiseth vp another so the ●i●…y heate of the Lords kindnes and loue felt in the hearts of the faithful doth kindle againe the fi●e of their loue and thankefulnesse towards God causing them to busie all their thoughtes and cogitations how they may after the best manner perfourme this there bou●den duety and service to God When the Lord by the prophet had mentioned his great mercies bestowed vpon his people of Israel the prophet stra●t-waies in the person of the people breaketh out into these words Wherewithall shall I come before Mich 6. 6. the Lorde and bowe my selfe before the high God Likevvise David vppon the like consideration VVhat shall I render vnto the Psa 116. 12. 103. 1. Lorde for all his benefites bestovved on mee and againe Praise the LORDE O my soule and all that is within mee praise his holy name praise the LORDE O my soule and forget not all his benefites vvho forgiueth all thy sinnes and healeth all thine infirmities vvh● saueth thy life from destruction and crowneth thee with mercy and loving kindnes In which words we may perceaue that the sence and feeling of the Lords mercies in re●…tting to the prophet David his manifold sinnes was in him as a great vehement flame kindling in his very hart soule a most fervent zealous desire of magnifying and extolling the Lords mercies So Mary loved Luc. 7 47. much because manie sinnes vvere forgiven her ●eeling first the great aboundance of Gods loue tovvardes her selfe in pardon●ng her manifolde and grievous sinnes vvhich caused in her as it vv●re a reflexion and reciprocation of her loue towards God for those his great and endlesse mercies And surely if the small kindenes of a man and that towardes his enimy doth oftentimes ●eape coales of fire on his heade turning malice into meekenesse Rom. 12. 20 and currishnes into kindenes and so overcomming evill with goodnes how much more the infinite loue of God in pardoning our manifold and grievous sinnes being once felt within vs vvill it not possesse our soules with his loue and winne al our affections to his obedience Surely it vvil cause vs to reioyce if wee may suffer any tribulation for his names sake or performe any other duety whatsoeuer that may be grateful and acceptable vnto him We reioice saith the Apostle in tribulations knowing that tribulation Rom. 5. 4. bringeth foorth patience and patience experience and experience hope hope maketh not ashamed because the loue of God is shedde abroad in our hearts by the holy Ghost And to say the truth who euer were greater enimies to carnal security and dissolutenes of life more zealous followers of Christ more religious embracers of true piety and godlines then such as aboue all other haue felt the loue of God most aboundantly towardes themselues in assuring them most vndoubtedly of the forgiuenes of all th●ir sinnes of their inheritance in the kingdome of glory Wherefore this doctrine which teacheth the faithful to raise vp themselues to a stedfast assurance of Gods mercies tendeth neither to pride no● to dissolutnes of life but that doctrine which teacheth to doubt of Gods favour is no better then a flat stepmother to faith and a naturall nurce to infidelity For he that wil rightly come v●to God must come vnto him without doubting whereby we see that faith Iac. 1. 6. and doubtfulnesse cannot wel agree together So vvhen God promised Abraham a sonne in his old age adding further that Rom 4. 2● in his seed al the nations of the earth should be blessed M●t ●4 31. Rom. 14 23 In Gen 4● The popish faith ●…ke to the Infidell Poets he doubted not saith the Apostle through vnbeliefe shewing thereby that doubtfulnes ariseth of infidelity Wherefore for any that professeth himselfe to belong to the number of the faithfull to doubt of the performance of any of the Lordes promis●s in generall or in particular of the promise of forgiuenesse of sinnes and eternall life made to al that beleeue doth argue a very small faith at the least if it doe not convince the party of ●latte infidelity Non si mihi Iuppiter ipse s●…n ●…at ●…am s●crem hoc contingere pon●… Wherefore as Martin Luther truely avouched if there were no other errors and heresies in the doctrine of the church of Rome but euen this that they teach that the faithful which are iustified before God ought not yet assure themselues of 〈◊〉 owne iustification and of their owne vndoubted calling vnto the estate of grace but remaine stil pensiue and doubtful of the remission of their sinnes and of their interest in the kingdome of glory yet this alone were a sufficient mot●ue to make a separation from her as being the mother of infidelity and not of faith Div. 3. That we ought to beleeue onlie in God and not in the church or in anie creature THose things which the Gentiles offer vp in sacrifice they I beleeue in God I beleeue the church offer to devils not to God the Iews all hereticks beleeue not in the true God but
be any cause or provocation to sin as it is vniustly charged by the enemies of grace and by the favourites and patrons of their owne merites In this question of Iustification there are these three pointes to be considered First before our effectual calling vnto the state of grace the great sufficiency of our natural corruptions to procure wrath and the great insufficiencie of our best workes to prepare vs and to make vs meete to be partakers of the Lordes loue Secondly after our effectual calling the great inhability of our faith repentance loue and of the residue of our works of grace to merite remission of sinnes and eternal glorie Lastly the onely sufficiency of the obedience of Christ for the perfect accomplishing of this great and weighty worke of mans redemption When the scripture teacheth that man by originall sinne is wholy corrupt and that in vs that is in our flesh Rom. 3. 1● Rom. 7. 18. dwelleth no good thing the purpose therof is not to detract from man al manner of good for the substance and the naturall powers workes both of body soule are good in that they are the Lordes creatures and the workemanship of his owne handes and the light of reason whereby we are taught that there is a God and that iustice equitie is to be observed in the ordering of our publike private affaires is also good and was preserved by God in the soule of man when he fell from God that therby he might be directed and guided for the better managing of al such thinges as belong to the preservation of this present life and therefore there are yet remaining in man since his fal some things that are naturally and civilly good But there There is nothing in man by nature that is religiously good is nothing remaining in him by nature that is religiouslie good that can prepare fitte vs to the readier receaving of faith repentance further vs to the performing of any such thing as belongeth to the true worship service of God For the very wisedome of the flesh is enmitie to God Rom. 8. 7. and therefore is no friend or furtherer of his service yea it is not subiect to the lawe of God neither indeede can bee So that vntill we condemne our owne wisedome of follie we cannot yeeld over our selues to be guided and ruled by the wisedome of God and vntill wee wholy renounce our selues we cannot be admitted into the Lordes family and houshould Neither is it to be feared least the regenerate man being lightned by the word of God to behould to condemne his owne vniversall corruption and embrace salvation only by faith should therby be induced as Campian Cāp rat 8. The doctrine of iustification is no provocation or spur but a strong bridle to all iniquity sinne avoucheth to wallow still in the stinking and loathsome sincke of all iniquitie and sinne to accuse nature to despaire of vertue to withdraw himselfe frō the obedience of God Nay the more great grievous his sins haue beene before his conversion the more clearely he seeth and behouldeth the same the more they will stinke in his own nostrels the sooner he wil loath leave them also And howsoever he be tempted to returne with the dogge to his vomite with the hogge to the wallowing againe in the mire either by the remnāts of his owne corrupt nature or by the instigations and ensamples of others yet he doth not yeelde himselfe captiue to these temptations but casting his eies backe vpon his former corruptions both originall actual he doth with David most severely condemne them and himselfe also for the same doth thereby sharpen and increase his vnfayned harty repentāce and his setled purpose of amendement of life as it is to be seene in the one and fiftieth psalme He taketh not liberty hereby to offend againe and to adde vnto the multitude of his former corruptions but rather protesteth with St. Peter to the contrarie Oh it is sufficient that we haue spent 1. Pet. 4. 3. the time past of our life according vnto the lustes of the Gentiles Now seing that the Lord hath made vs to behould to abhorre our former rebelliōs we must resigne the time of our life to come wholy to God Yea the greater hath bin the number of our former sinnes and the more the Lords mercy in pardoning the same the greater must be our care that we offend not any more so gracious a God and merciful a father by adding vnto the huge heap of our former iniquities Indeed there haue bin some carnall libertines in al ages who hearing that the greater our sins are the greater is the mercy of God in pardoning the same haue turned the grace of God into ●antonnes and haue said let vs continue in sinne that grace may abound But as to the vncleane al thinges are vncleane yea the most holy and pure grace of God is an occasion to encrease their vncleane impure lusts so to the pure al things are pure yea the multitude greatnes of their vncleane sins causeth them to loath and abhorre them the more to loue him the more also that hath most franckly and freely pardoned them all There was saith our Saviour to Simon the Pharisee a certaine lender that had two debtours the one owed him 500. Luk. 7. 41. pence and the other 50. VVhen they had nothing to pay hee forgaue them both which of them therefore tell me saith he will loue him most Simon answered and said I suppose that he to whom he forgaue most And he said vnto him thou hast truely iudged Wherby it is evidēt that the faithful the more they perceiue the greatnes of their sinnes and how much they are endebted and endangered vnto God for the same togither with the great mercy of God in pardoning them all will not take occasion thereby to contemne God to cast themselues againe into the like dangerous sinnes but will loue God the more and take the greater care to testifie the same by their duetifull obedience to his commaundements Now concerning the second and third pointes that are to be considered in this question it is most true that the Psalmist testifieth that no man may deliver his brother no Psal 49. 7. not so much as from temporal death nor make atonement vnto God for him for it cost more to redeeme soules in so much that the Son of God himselfe was to become man that he might giue himselfe a ransome for many And therfore The all insufficiency of any thing that is in man and the all suffi●iency of the death of Christ to per●orme the worke of mans red●mption the scripture displaying the insufficiency of any thing whatsoever that can be giuen by man him selfe for the satisfaction of his sinnes and for the redemption of his soule giveth present testimony vnto the most ample sufficiency of
holy pure perfect gratefull and acceptable to himselfe also for that it is his will vnto whō I am ten thousand times boūd to yeeld al dutiful submissiō obedience both in respect of his soveraigne auctority that he only hath to rule over my conscience soule also in regard of his infinite blessings which he of his owne vnspeakeable goodnes in Christ hath most freely fully bestowed vpon me And verely our obedience performed to the vvill of God in these respectes is a sweete incense and a most acceptable sacrifice to God wherwith we after a sort gratifie God and grieve the Devill are as an heaven to all holy Angels and a very hell vnto al vncleane spirits So like wise when we are tempted to any wicked worke wee must thus reason with ourselues and say this worke ought in no wise to be done by me no not the least desire to accomplish the same ought once to haue any entrance into my hart because it is contrary to the holy pure perfect will of God agreeable vnto the impure will of the Devill because it is most offensiue grievous to God most gratefull acceptable vnto the Devill because it is a great dishonour to him to whō all honour is double due both in respect of his soveraigne auctority over me and also in regard of his manifolde mercies collated vpon me and it is a great honour vnto that most cruell and infamous tyrant the Devill who presseth vpon me thereby to take me captive to the vtter destruction both of my body and soule We are debters as saith the Apostle yea very great debters as great as great may be but not to the flesh nor to our selues nor Rom. 8. 12. to the devil vnles it be that we owe to these al māner of evils miseries whatsoever but we are debtters to God that for the loue of a thousand talents for the gift of ten thousand more yet if we haue but a sincere desire to discharge this our debt our most gracious creditour will not onely straitwaies forgiue it all but also wil giue vnto vs ten thousand times more Yea the sincere desire of being obedient to the will of God vpon the former respects and the true care according as God hath enabled vs in some measure to discharge this our debt is a very great mercy a very gracious favour wherby we are more and more endebtted vnto him And verely this is al the discharge of our debt that hee requireth at our hands that we willingly gladly acknowledge him of whō we haue received all that we so highly esteeme of his giftes and presume of his good will that we are stil desirous to been debtted vnto him more more by al relligious hearing reading and meditating vpon his holy and sacred word by all servent and devout praier bee continually begging and craving for more and after a sort extorting it out of his handes For his desire is not to be benifited by vs but that we should still more and more bee benefited by him and hee vvould haue vs to acknowledge his loue and to grovve into a stedfast assurance therof that therby we might be more effectually stirred vp to reioyce in his goodnes to be thankful vnto him for his manifold mercies especially he would haue vs most midfully to record that vnmatchable blessing of our redemption wrought by Christ his inestimable loue made manifest therin that therby our hearts might be renewed our affections sāctified dying to our selues living to God employing our selues to every good worke And hereof it is that the spirit of God especially in the bookes of the new testament doth so often make mention of Christ and of our redemption wrought by him and of his great loue manifested therein as being the matter and subiect of those bookes a ●āst vvhereof I vvill giue vnto thee in some sentences of one of those bookes penned by Saint Iohn as they be pointed vnto by that learned preacher of the vvord Mr. Robert Rolloc in his commentaries vpon the same booke No man hath soone God at any time the onely begotten sonne of God vvho is in the bosome of the father hee hath revealed him Ioh 1. 18. The Philosophers in all ages haue most painfully searched after truth in their Physikes Ethikes Mathematikes and the rest But the knowledge of the Father in the Sonne doth only deserue the name of truth For to what purpose is it to comprehend in minde heaven and earth and all other thinges if a sinner doth not knowe God in Christ the redeemer That is vnlesse he feele God favourable vnto him and forgiving him all his sinnes in Christ which only doeth pacifie the troubled conscience hee can haue little true comfort in all his knovveledge of all other things be it never so great and smal courage to come vnto God and to rest in him and so to take hold of everlasting blessednes Therefore our Saviour himselfe after that he had said no man knoweth the father but the sonne and hee to whom the sonne hath revealed him Math. 11. 28. immediately addeth Come vnto mee all yee that are wearie and heavy laden and I will refresh you VVhereby hee signifieth that God being revealed in Christ there doeth follovve peace of conscience and vnspeakeable ioy in all those that doe cast their sinnes vpon him The nexte daie Iohn stoode and tvvo of his disciples and beholding Iesus vvalking hee saide beholde that lambe of GOD. Iohn 1. Chap. verse 36. As Iohn oftentimes gaue witnesse to Christ so it is no lesse necessarie at this time that the sacrifice and death of Christ be repeated and reiterated againe and againe For as the Iewes were ignoraunt that Christ the lambe of God shoulde bee offered vppe in sacrifice so vvee after a sort haue forgotten that hee hath beene sacrificed and hath already suffered for our sinnes For vvhat meane these sinnes which so every where abound adulteries murders rapines sacriledges even so many sinnes of all sortes vvhat say I doe they meane but that wee haue forgotten that our Saviour Christ hath suffered for vs● For ifit did come into our mindes that vvee vvere once boughte with so greate a price vvoulde vvee so sell our selues and become captiues to so manye sinnes If vvee did remember that vvee vvere washed with the most precious bloodof CHRIST vvoulde vvee againe so defile our selues vvith the filthy mire of this vncleane vvorlde After that Saint Peter had commended vnto the faithfull certaine necessary vertues 2. Peter 1. 9. Hee that hath not these saieth hee is bloude and seeth nothing a farre of but hath forgotten that hee vvas purged from his olde sinnes For let all bee sure of this that who edomes murders and the like to them that make profession of the faith of Christ are not therefore sinnes onely for that they are contrary to the lawe of God