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A13529 Christ revealed: or The Old Testament explained A treatise of the types and shadowes of our Saviour contained throughout the whole Scripture: all opened and made usefull for the benefit of Gods Church. By Thomas Tailor D.D. late preacher at Aldermanbury. Perfected by himselfe before his death. Taylor, Thomas, 1576-1632.; Jemmat, William, 1596?-1678. 1635 (1635) STC 23821; ESTC S118150 249,193 358

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militant and triumphant Heb. 10. 20. 5. The blood of that sinne-offering for the Priest must be put on the hornes of the Altar and the rest powred at the foot of the Altar vers 12 signifying 1. The sufficiency of Christs death to purge and reconcile us to God 2. The plenty of grace and merit in it for many more then are saved by it For being sufficient for all it is not helpfull to all nor to any that tread under foot this precious blood the extent of the benefit is to all the elect 3. The large spreading and preaching of the Gospel of salvation by Christs blood through all the coasts and corners of the earth as the blood sprinckled on the foure corners and that by the finger hand and ministery of men 6. The fat must bee offered unto God but the flesh skinne and dung must be burnt with fire without the host signifying 1. That Christ offered himselfe and the best parts he had suffering in soule and body 2. That hee must suffer without the host without the gate of Jerusalem Heb. 13. 12. and carried out our sinnes out of Gods sight 3. That nothing but blood comes on the Altar For onely the blood of Christ his Sonne cleanseth us from all sinne Note hence that the Priests in the Law must bee put in mind that they were sinners and needed a sacrifice for themselves By which they were to take notice of a difference betweene themselves and our high Priest 1. There was no perfection in their persons for they must offer and lay their hands on the head of the sacrifice confessing guiltinesse 2. Nor in their Ministery in which the high Priest need offer for his owne sins 3. Nor in all their Consecration they could offer no sacrifice to wash away any sinne their owne nor others onely they did point at the sacrifice of Christ but by his consecration he could offer himselfe a meritorious and sufficient sacrifice for the sinnes of his elect Thus is our high Priest advanced above them all The second of these sacrifices in the Consecration of the high Priest was to be a burnt offering or Holocaust The use of which was to signifie the dedication of himselfe and all that he had to be purified by the Spirit as by fire to the use of God in his service as that Holocaust was ver 15 and 19. Most things in this were common with the former 1. The blood must be sprinkled on the Altar round about signifying the full remission of sinnes purchased by the blood of Christ and the communication of all his benefits and the vertue of his whole passion to be applyed to the whole Church for sprinkling still betokens application 2. The inwards and legs must be washed in water ver 17. signifying that Christ should bring no uncleane thing in his offering but he should be absolutely pure within and without in his minde thoughts affections signified by the inwards and in his conversation motions and walkings signified by the legs 3. The burning of the offering wholly ver 18. signified 1. the ardent love of Iesus Christ who was all consumed as it were with the fire of love and zeale towards mankinde upon the Crosse. 2. The bitternesse of his passion in his whole man who was as it were consumed wholly with the fire of his fathers wrath due to the sinnes of man 4. As the burnt offering ascended up to heaven in fire So Iesus Christ having offered himselfe a whole burnt offering ascended up into heaven so obtained an everlasting redemption for his Church From whence also he sends the fire of his Spirit as on the Apostles so on all beleevers in their measure Iohn 14. Note from this sacrifice for the high Priest that first he must offer the sinne-offering and then the other sacrifices for consecration This burnt offering nor the others following could never have been acceptable if the sinne-offering had not gone before and sinne by it expiated Learne hence that so long as we are in our sinnes all our sacrifices and service are abominable Sinne unremoved lyes in the way of thy prayer The blinde man could say God heares not sinners And David If I have delight to sinne God will not heare my prayer Sinne unrepented and unpardoned makes thee hatefull in the house of God thy hearing doth but more harden thee the sacraments become poyson unto thee for thou by thy sinne castest poyson into the Lords Cup and so eatest and drinkest thy owne damnation Let this be our wisdome first to offer our sinne-offering It is the Lords owne counsell Isa. 1. Wash you cleanse you and then come and let us reason And as our Lord advised us in case of reconciliation with man wee must much more practice in case of our recōciliation with God If thou hast brought thy gift to the Altar and thou remembrest that God hath ought against thee first reconcile thy selfe to God and then to man and so bring thy gift There be two graces which we must bring before God in all our services in which we would finde acceptance The former of preparation that is repentance which prepareth aright to the performance of good duties The latter of disposition and that is faith which disposeth the party aright in the whole cariage of them for this purifieth the heart exciteth the will sees the weaknesse seekes a cover and findes acceptance The third sacrifice in the consecration of the high Priest was the peace-offering or the Eucharisticall sacrifice the use of which was both that Aaron should shew his thankfulnesse to God who had advanced him to so high an office as also to obtaine of God by prayer such high and excellent gifts as were needfull for the execution of the same and this pointeth directly at Jesus Christ. 1. The blood of this Lambe was to be put on the lap of Aarons eare upon the thumbe of his right hand and on the great toe of his right foot Signifying 1. That all the actions of Christ his hands feet and parts were red with his passion Psal. 22. 16. they pierced my hands and feet 2. The whole obedience of Jesus Christ to his father even to the death called a piercing or boaring of the eare 3. That it is Christ who sanctifieth the eares hands and feet of the Priest and people The eare to heare divine Oracles the Priests must first learne then teach The hands to worke the actions of grace and holinesse The feet to direct and lead into all holy motions and conversation all must be washed by the blood of Christ that we may be wholly cleane As both our Saviour teacheth by the washing of the disciples feet Iohn 13. 5 6. As also in Peters request Lord not my feet onely but my hands and head Iohn 13. 9. 2. A part of this sacrifice went to the Priest part to the offerer signifying that both Priest and people have part and
interest in the death of Christ as also that Christ did not onely deliver himselfe to death for us as this Ram but also giveth himselfe to feed us to eternall life Iohn 6. 55. My flesh is meate indeed 3. It must be heaved up before the Lord aud shaken too and fro every way ver 26. Signifying 1. The lifting up and heaving of Christ upon the Crosse. 2. The heaving up of our hearts in thankfulnesse to God for so great benefits 3. That the merits of Christ our true sacrifice and benefits of his death should by the preaching and publication of the Gospell be spred abroad into all corners of the world as that sacrifice was shaken every way East West North and South 4. This sacrifice must alwayes be offered up with cakes of unleavened bread tempred with oyle ver 23. Signifying 1. the most perfect purity of Christs life and doctrine without all leaven of sinne 2. That Priest and people must in service to God lay aside all leaven of maliciousnesse 3. The oyle notes the soft and loving kindnesse of God and Iesus Christ chearing and suppling the conscience by the sweet meditation of it as also how joyfully and gladly we ought to serve the Lord and with cheerefulnesse present before him all the parts of his worship Note hence as the eare hands and feete of the high Priest must be touched with blood before he attempt any part of his office so our care must be that all our parts all our actions and affections bee touched and purged with the blood of Christ. So David Psal. 51. 2. Wash me throughly Reason 2. Because sinne hath defiled the whole man all his parts all his actions all within him all without him 2. This foulenesse sticks so fast as it is no easie matter to bee cleansed Nothing in the world can fetch out this soile but the blood of Christ. Not all the water in the sea nor all the holy water in the Sea of Rome can wash away one sinne 3. All thou doest or performest depends upon the merit of this blood and dignity of this person and passion for acceptance The knowledge of thy duty must be sprinkled with this blood for that is signified by the eare The undertaking of duty by the hand The progresse and perseverance in it by the foot All must bee presented in him and by him and finde grace and acceptance If I wash thee not thou hast no part in me Qu. How may I know that the blood of Christ hath touched and purged me Ans. 1. It is not enough that Christs blood be shed but it must also be sprinkled If thou contentest not thy selfe that Christ hath died for all but seest how necessary it is to apply it to thy self 2 If thou hast an hand to lay hold on Christs blood and besprinkle thy selfe with it A man washeth his face with his hand This hand is faith which takes up the blood of Christ and applyes it to ones selfe as did Paul who dyed for me 3. If it wash the whole man within and without which no other blood could do The blood of sacrifices under the Law could not sanctifie the conscience but onely the outside Heb. 9. 9. but this can and must purge the conscience from dead workes ver 14. And under conscience is contained the whole innerman purged by the merit of his satisfying blood and by his spirit renewing our nature And for the outward man 1. If thy right eare bee touched thou hast the hearing eare rightly to heare the word of God Thou hearest to learne for to hearken is better then the fat of Rammes 2. If thy right hand be touched that thou art an active Christian not an hearer onely of the word but a doer and unto knowledge of the doctrine of faith joynest obedience of faith thou keepest the faith working as knowing that obedience is better then sacrifice thou darest not doe what seemes good to thy selfe or is right in thy owne eyes but what is rightly ruled by Gods word for that is the right hand touched 3. If thy right foot be touched that thou walkest in the right way with a right foot not making crooked pathes to thy feet but ordering thy conversation aright And all this with right ends and affections the feet of the soule laying aside all sinister ends and intentions in all thy obedience and directing all to the honour of the true Aaron and high Priest Jesus Christ. 4. If thou findest the effects of Christs blood sprinckled 1. Pacification of conscience for this blood speakes better things then Abels for us and in us for us to God by intercession in us by perswasion that the Lord looking on the blood of Christ rests wholly on it as a full satisfaction for all our sinnes for this is the end of shedding remission of sinnes Mat. 26. 28 therefore of sprinkling 2. Daily sanctification through this sprinckling 1 Pet. 1. 2. For out of the side of Christ issues water as wel as blood the one redeeming from condemnation the other frō vaine conversation the one purgeth frō the death of works the other from dead works themselves The sprinkling of this blood admits not security or idlenesse and carelesnesse nor suffers a man to sinne against this blood by impenitency unbeleefe despising of grace horrible swearing and foule lusts But makes the Christian truely noble as one now descended of the blood of Christ scorning the base and foule courses he formerly affected Find these markes and comfort thy selfe thou art sprinkled with Christs blood Thy whole course is sanctified all thy hearing all thy obedience be it never so weake in it selfe bee thy unworthinesse never so great it shall bee no barre to thine acceptance with God for every thing sprinkled with this precious blood is sweetned and accepted Sect. III. III. The third thing in the deputation of the Priest to his office is his apparrell appointed by God and called holy garments glorious and beautifull farre differing from all other mens And they signified 1. The function to be glorious and excellent 2. The fitnesse of their persons to that office 3. The glory of the true high Priest Jesus Christ of whom Aaron was but a figure For all the glistering shew of these Priestly garments set forth the more the Angelicall brightnesse of all the vertues which should shine in Jesus Christ. The Priestly garments appointed by God were tenne in number of which ●oure belonged to the inferiour Priests Exod. 28. 40. 42. 1. A linnen garment Which signified the white garment of CHRISTS righteousnesse and innocency which they were to appeare in before the Lord if they would be acceptable in their persons or duties Noting to us by the way that every godly Minister weares a white linnen garment not woven and made by men but by God not without him but within him not a shadow or ceremony but the substance and truth to which all
kinds of legall uncleannesse Next all Legall uncleannesse was to bee cured two waies 1. by ablution or washing 2. by oblation or offering Both these were appoynted for all kinds as in particular 1. for uncleane touchings and tastings the parties must wash their cloathes Levit. 11. 40. 2. for uncleane issues they must wash themselves and their cloathes Levit. 15. 13. 3. for uncleannesse of Leprosie they must wash themselves their cloathes and besides shave off all their haire and stay seven dayes without the campe Lev. 14. 8 9. Sect. V. I. The first meanes of purging Legall uncleannesse is washing which shadowed out the washing of the sinner in the laver of Christs blood All the water in the sea cannot wash away the least sinne that great worke is appropriated to the blood of Christ 1 Ioh. 1. 7 the blood of Iesus Christ his sonne cleanseth us from all sinne Rev. 1. 5 who loved us and washed us from our sinnes in his blood which blood is opposed to all legall washings Heb. 9. 9. Object Lev. 11. 44 this washing is called a sanctification Answ. Sanctification is twofold 1. by the outward signe 2. by the inward truth They by washing symbolically and in outward profession by these rites sanctified themselves but thereby beleevers were led to the internall truth and the laver of the blood of Christ. All this washing then leads us to the blood of Christ by which is meant his whole passion and obedience by the merit whereof he hath procured both remission of our sinnes and mortification of them And herein is no small resemblance 1. Washing is an applying of water to foule parts so in the cleansing of sinne must be a speciall application of the blood of Christ called Heb. 9. 14 the sprinkling of Christs blood upon the conscience Which is nothing else on Gods part but the imputation of Christs sufferings to us and on our owne part the application of them to our selves by the hand of faith 2. In Washing is a rubbing and scowring off of uncleanenesse which will not easily off and in some foulenesse they must wash often for the surenesse of the worke noting the paines and true indeavour of the repentant heart in mortification and afflicting it selfe It is well contented with any beating and wringing so hee may fetch out the stayne of sinne which sticks as close as his flesh to his bones 3. The uncleane party was to wash himselfe that is his whole man and every part which noteth totall sanctification in the whole man and all parts and members that the washing may be as large and generall as the foulenesse is For whatsoever part is not washed by Christ hath no part in Christ which made Peter say not my feet onely Lord but mine hands and head 4. In the foulenesse of Leprosie hee must wash againe and againe to note that after our justification by the death of Christ we must looke to a second washing of sanctification by his spirit And because we have still washing worke with us wee must be still washing our selves by daily labour in our owne reformation This was more lively signified in that other ceremony added to washing in the Leper that hee must shave his haire againe and again signifying the paring away of superfluities and lusts as fast as they grew and a voluntary departing from his owne secret corruptions which were as many as the haires of his head and no lesse rooted in him that well he might shave and loppe them but hee was out of hope quite to unroot them as long as he lived He must keepe them under but cannot be rid of them Hee must shave the first day and the seventh day and resist his lusts which daily grow up on him as haire cut quickly growes againe 5. The uncleane person must wash his clothes as well as himselfe signifying that we must part with all impurity even the least at least in endeavour cherishing none favouring none He must hate the very garment spotted by the flesh all occasions and appearances of evill esteeming the least spot of sinne foule and filthy enough And all this is requisite in purifying of the soule I. Labour against the smallest sinnes Be not a mental adulterer banish unchastity in the eye and mouth avoid wanton company as did Ioseph that of his Mistris Thou art no drunkard or great swearer but art thou a companion of such not reproving them No Papist but a friend and patron as seeing no great harme in their superstition No Atheist but a scorner of the persons and doctrine of godly teachers what doest thou but foame out thy owne shame If thou shouldst keepe thy selfe never so pure but partakest in other mens sinnes thou art unclean This reproveth Magistrates who though they themselves come to Church yet suffer others in time of divine worship to lye in streets houses fields openly c. prophaning thus the day of the Lord which is to bee kept holy to our God Or if they be ordinary abettors of idle persons and gamesters by example This brandeth Ministers openly pleading for drunkards and hatefull blasphemers This defileth masters parents husbands that suffer their families to runne into prophanenesse or ryot II. In all these touches goe to the fountaine opened Zach. 13. 1. Every Iew had his waterpots to keep water for daily purification Iohn 2. 6. but now the house of David and Ierusalem that is all the godly have a fountaine opened by the death of Christ. We must every day be washing and cleansing our selves in that fountaine from all filthinesse of flesh and Spirit Sect. VI. II. The second meanes of purging legall uncleannesse is oblation or offering some attonement to the Lord this directly leads us to Christ. For howsoever an uncleane person must wash himselfe and his clothes yet no Iew could make an attonement for himselfe but this was common to all uncleannesses legall the Priest must make an attonement for the uncleane person For all uncleannesse in generall Lev. 16. 30. In speciall for uncleannesse in touchings Numb 19. 4. In issues Lev. 12. 8. and 15. 15. In leprosie Lev. 14. 53. Noting by the way that all that we can doe cannot make attonement for the least spot of sinne Let us wash our selves as often as Naaman in Iordan yea let us take snow water to us and wash our hands most cleane yet our owne cloths will make us foule and God will plunge us in the pit if our Lord Iesus the high Priest of the new covenant make not attonement for us A fit note against all humane satisfaction and merits The offering for the legall uncleannesse by touching was done by the sacrifice of a red cow and the sprinkling water made of the ashes of that red Cow prescribed by God to this purpose Numb 19. called water of expiation That all this ordinance typified Christ to the Iews the Apostle expresseth Heb. 9. 13 14. when from
hee that comes from heaven is above all His person is above all for God hath exalted him and given him a Name above al names Phil. 2. 9. His worke is above all that men and Angels can comprehend in power and merit His place is above all the head of the Church eminent above all men and Angels 3. A Rock for firmnesse and stability Hee is the strength of Israel on this Rock as on a sure and firme foundation the whole Church is laid and the gates of hell shall not prevaile against it Matt. 16. 18. Hence he is a Rock of defence and safety to his chosen and every wise man builds his house on this Rock 4. A Rock of scandall and offence to wicked men Rom. 9. 32. Not in himselfe and his nature for hee is a precious corner stone but accidentally and passively because men dash themselves against him as many at this day bark like doggs against the wholesome doctrine of justification by Christ without the works of the Law Many loose and formall Gospellers scorne the basenesse and meannesse of Preachers and true professours of the Gospel because their darknesse can abide no light to come neere it To all these and thousands moe Christ is a rock of scandall by their owne default 5. A Rock for waight and danger and inayoidable judgement upon his adversaries which on whomsoever it falls it crusheth him all to pieces Matt. 21. 44. If any rise against it they doe but tire and teare themselves but if this Rock rise against any man and fall upon him it breaks him to pouder Witnesse the greatest enemies of Jesus Christ which the world ever had Herod Iudas Iulian Iews Pilate as unable to rise from under his revenge as a man pasht to pieces unable to rise from under a Rock II. It was a type of Christ as it sent out water in abundance to the people of Israel ready to perish for thirst For so Jesus Christ is the onely Rock that sends from himselfe all the sweet waters of life for the salvation of his elect otherwise ready to perish eternally For explanation whereof marke 1. As from that Rock issued waters to wash and cleanse themselves and their garments so from this Rock streame waters of ablution or washing which serve to wash away both the guilt of sinne and staine of sinne For the former the precious blood of Christ streaming out of his side is the onely mundifying water in the world to wash the soule from the guilt of sinne and to scowre away all the execration of sinne from the sight of God 1. Ioh. 1. 7. the blood of Iesus Christ cleanseth us from all sinne For the latter from the same side of Christ our Rock issueth water as well as blood even the waters of regeneration called Tit. 3. 5. the washing of the new birth by the Spirit of grace and holinesse which daily cleanse the staine and filthinesse of sin Of these waters reade Ioh. 7. 38. He that beleeveth in me out of his belly shall flow riuers of water of life This hee spake of the Spirit which he would give 2. As from that rocke issued waters to coole and comfort Israel in their wearinesse and wandrings so from Jesus Christ do issue the waters of refrigeration and comfort to coole and refresh the dry and thirsty soule to allay the heat of a raging and accusing conscience and to revive with new strength the fainting soule in temptation or persecution And therefore the tryed traveller and thirsty passenger is called to these waters Mat. 11. 28 Isa. 55. 1. For nothing but sound grace from Jesus Christ can quench the tormenting thirst of an accusing or distressed conscience 3. As from that rocke streamed abundance of waters to make fruitfull that barren wildernesse wheresoever they ranne so onely from the true rock issue plentifull waters of grace to make our dry and barren hearts fruitfull in all workes of righteousnesse Isa. 44. 3 4 I will poure water upon the thirsty and floods upon the dry ground I will poure my spirit upon thy seed and my blessing upon thy buds and they shall grow as among the grasse and as willowes by the rivers of waters All this blessing of fruitfulnesse is from the Rocke See Eph 1. 4. III. In the manner of attaining this water are many sweet resemblances 1. The people might aske Moses water but Moses cannot give it It is God must give it and miraculously fetch it out of a rocke which how it should be Moses cannot conceive So men may seeke justification and to drink waters of salvatiō in themselves either by nature as Pelagians or by merit as Popish justiciaries do either in the Law of Moses as the Jews or in Evangelical Counsells as the fond votaries of the Church of Rome But no Jew can tell how to procure any water to himself neither can Moses give it By the Law of Moses no man can bee justified nor by any fond devises beyond the Law But God of his grace hath devised a way and poynted to us a rocke of living waters to supply unto us that which was impossible to Moses Law because of our infirmitie Rom. 8. 3. 2. The rocke gives water but not till it bee smitten Exod. 17. 6. so Christ the true rock must be smitten with passion he must be smitten with the wrath of his Father and made a curse for us before there can issue out of his side that bloody streame by which the thirst of beleevers can be quenched And as the rocke was smitten twice and waters gushed out both times so Christ was twice smitten first actually in himselfe secondly virtually in the saith of beleevers of all ages the faithfull before him beleeving in the rock that was to bee smitten and suffer death for sinne the faithfull after him beleeving in the rock that was smitten dead and raised already 3. It was the Rod in Moses hand that smites and breakes the rocke Even so it was the Law given by Moses hand and our transgression against it that breaks the true Rock Isa. 53. 5. Gal 3. 13. he was made a curse for us and our transgression of the Law was laid upon him that we might be freed from it And as this was the same Rod that smote the River to bring destruction on the Aegyptians and enemies of the Church so this same Law and Rod of Moses brings the curse and damnation upon all the enemies of God from whom it is not remooved by Jesus Christ. 4. The rocke was smitten but it was not so much the striking on the rock but the Lords standing upon it that gets water for Israel Exod. 17. 6. There was no vertue in the stroake but all depended on Gods commandement and precept and presence even so it is not the death of Christ nor the abundance of price and merit of his blood nor the striking on this rock before mens eyes in the ministery of the word and
101 Qualities requisite in Ministers 102 Eminency of Christ above all creatures 105 Ministers must increase their gifts 106 Duties of private beleevers ibid. three sacrifices ibid. No perfection but only in Christ. 108 Sinne unpardoned all service is abominable 110 Wash and purge all with the blood of Christ. 112. Notes of it ibid. Effects of being so washed and purged 113 Priests garments common and peculiar to the High Priest 114 Seven uses thereof for Ministers 125 Three uses for the people Twofold instruction 128 Comfort to the godly in respect of their head and themselves 131 Beleevers highly esteemed as precious stones 133. sin to slight them 134 Temperance of Ministers 135. marriage 137. mourning for the dead 140 Ministers dutie 147. private Christians dutie as Priests to God 149 XIV Nazarites types as set apart for God abstemious nourishing the haire not to touch the dead and released of their vow 150 Christ and his excellency to be acknowledged and power wherein 155 Difference of the Nazarites vow and Papists 156 Be Nazarites unto God in five things 157 XV. Cleane persons types three sorts of legall uncleannesse 159 Meats and unclean how and why 160. two markes 161 Issues uncleane corporall and spiritual 162 Leprosie of body and of sin 164. signes 166 Church and members subject to many defilements 167 Looke narrowly on the misery of sin 168. good fruit thereof 170 Miserable effects of inward uncleannesse 171 Washing legal and of Christs blood 172 Smallest sinkes to be put away 174 and how 175 Offering purgeth the uncleane so of Christ typified 175 There is a way to cleanse every uncleannesse 180 Have recourse to the meanes 180. motives ibid. Be very careful to avoid spiritual uncleannesse 181 Oblation of birds 182. Comfort to the godly 185 Affect purity of heart and life Motives 186. Directions 187 Avoid all occasions of defilement 189 No easie matter to be rid of sin 194 Separate betweene the precious and the vile who must 195 Christ discernes the leprosie of sin 196 Only they are cleansed from sinne whom Christ accounts so to be 197 Markes of one cleansed from sinne ibid. What is to be done before this cure 199. and what afterward ibid. XVI Holy things types of Christ. 200 Vse of legal ceremonies 201 Their fitnesse to the Iewes nature 201. ends 202 Sacraments and sacrifices distinguished 203 Sacraments ordinary and extraordinary 204 Circumcision described in parts 205 A signe of Christ and seale of righteousnesse how 207 Be humbled for naturall corruption 208. and imperfection of grace 209 Be circumcised spiritually 209. what it is 210. notes 211 Mortification if right is painefull 212 Motives to get the spirituall circumcision 215 XVII Passeover a type in the choice preparation effusion of blood eating fruits 216 Christ a Lamb and his perfection 217 Christ two wayes set apart to bee a Mediator 219 The time of his ministery and passion ordered 220 Christ must dye a violent death time of it 221 Iewes division of the day int● foure parts 221 How Christ is to be conceived and received 222 In all worship look to Christ. 223 The preciousnesse of Christs blood 224 Applyed ibid. Faith resembled by hyssope how 225 Christs blood to be highly prized 226 Precious things procured by it 227 Profane not the blood of Christ. 227. how 2●8 Feeding on the Lambe and Christ five conditions 229 Danger of the soule and how it is to be avoided 235 Directions for receiving the holy Communion 236 Similitude of purging out leaven and sin 238 Entire purging of the soule 239 Whole Christ must be received 241 and how 242 Popish abuses taxed about the Lords Supper 241 XVIII Pillar of Cloud and Fire a type of Christ. 243 how 246 Foure constant miracles to Israel in the wildernesse 244 Comfort by Christ as our guide 248 in seven things ibid. Confidence and security by Christ. 250 Notes of them that receive comfort by this Pillar 252 And how this comfort is to be esteemed 253 Mercy and Iustice met in this type 254 Follow Christ as a guide 255 and how 256 XIX The Red Sea a type 257 in three conclusions 259 Miracles in the miraculous dividing of the sea 257 Benefits sealed up by Baptisme foure 261 Observe the power of God 261 The way to heaven filled with difficulties and why 262 Many comforts by that great work of God 263 Duty of them that will enjoy these comforts 264 XX. Manna a type of Christ. 265 matters of resemblance 266 Why Manna putrified if reserved 271 Christ infinitely better than Manna 272 Gods patience and love to be noted 274 how it should worke in us 275 Gods watchfulnesse and care over his Church to be noted 275 Comfort thereby and instances 276 Gods bounty toward his Church to be noted 277 His wisedome in ministring to his Church to be noted 278 Manna why given daily yet not on the Sabbath 279 Moderation in naturall things and what is GODS measure 280 Man of himselfe is senselesse of the things of Iesus Christ. 281 Whence this comes 281 and of what use 282 Hunger and thirst for Christ motives 283 Take paines for him motives 283 Observe times and places to meet with Christ. 284 Apply and feed on Christ. 285 And how 286 Bee never weary of this Manna 286 Motives 287 Prize and magnifie this Manna 287 XXI Water out of the Rocke a type of Christ. 288 in three respects 289 Christ resembled by a rocke 290 and waters 291 Christ euer present with his Church 295 our duty ibid. An almighty power in Christ for his Church 296 our duty ibid. Gods mercy to his people admirable 296 See the fountaine of grace opened and its super excellency 297 Thirst for Christ and conditions of it 298 continue it two rules 299 Have recourse to Christ in this thirst motives 299 Quench thy thirst and be satisfied ibid. motives 300 Meanes to get water out of this Rock hindrances helpes 301 XXII The brazen Serpent a type of Christ 302 Gods justice here to be noted and equity of it 303 Of fiery serpents and the old serpent the devil 304 Temptations called fiery darts why 305 Observations about sin deceit folly poison danger of loving it 306 God appoints the meanes of health to soule and body 307 A brazen serpent not golden five reasons 308 Christ lifted up before us how 309 Application of Christ a saving remedy farre most excellent 310 God helpes his people by weake unlikely and contrary meanes and why 311 Grounds for faith in these troubles of the Churches 313 Kingdome of Antichrist how fit for destruction 314 The eye of faith must shut the eye of reason 315 Foure things cannot otherwise bee obtained 315 Beleeve the Word absolutely 319 Pray for eye-salve and what it is 320 Captivate thine owne reason and wisedome 320 motives 321 Mans reason the mother of heresies 323. 324. Naturall reason an enemy to the power of godlinesse 325 What is to be done to be cured spiritually 326
is the scope of the Apostle in describing Melchizedeks Priesthood so largely For the Leviticall Priests were homagers to this yea to the shadow of it in Melchizedek while they were in Abrahams loynes 1. They were men onely of men Christ the Sonne of God true God and man 2. They were sinfull men and must offer first for themselves and then for others Heb. 5. 3. But Christ was sinlesse he needed not offer for his owne sinnes Heb. 7. 26. 27. 3. For their office they were but ministers of holy things and of salvation propounded in them Christ because of this order was author of salvation to all that obey him Heb. 5. 9. 10. 4. They were many and all ministers of a temporary covenant but he is but one who hath obtained a more excellent office in that he is Mediator of a better testament established upon better promises Heb. 8. 6. For the promises of the covenant of grace are more excellent then those of the Legall covenant 5. They offered often and the repetition of sacrifices argued their invalidity and imperfection but he offered but once and needed not do it daily Heb. 7. 27. which argued the perfection Heb. 9. 28. 6. They offered the blood of beasts which could not expiate sinne nor wash the conscience of the sinner farther then purifying the flesh but he not with blood of bulls and goats but with his owne blood entred once into the holy place having obtained an eternall redemption Heb. 9. 12. and this blood purgeth the conscience from dead works verse 14. 7. They served in an earthly fading Sanctuary made with hands and entred into an holy place which perished and fayled according to that elementary and temporary worship but he is minister of the true Sanctuary and Tabernacle which the Lord pitcht and not man Heb. 8. 2. this tabernacle is his owne blessed body in which he performed all his service called chap. 9. 11. a great and more perfect Tabernacle not made with hands and vers 24. is now entred not into holy places made with hands but into the very Heaven to appeare in the sight of God for us 8. They all ceased dyed one succeeded another as mutable was their whole service which also ceased and deceased and gave place to the truth of it when the fulnesse of time came but this true Melchizedek being without beginning or end of daies hath an eternall Priesthood Heb. 7. 24. and therefore neither hath nor needeth any successor in earth Whence every repetition of his sacrifice bloodily or unbloodily in the Masse is an high and hatefull blasphemy a denyall of Christs person to be above the person of Melchizedek and of his sacrifice to be above Aarons or that it was offered by the eternall spirit of his Deity VI. The excellency of the person shewes the greatnesse of the Sacrifice the greatnesse of the sacrifice the greatnesse of the sinne Melchizedek because he was but likened to the Sonne of God Heb. 7. 3. could not offer a Sacrifice to take away sinne he must be the Sonne of God indeed and God himselfe that must doe that The least sinne which wee account so light could never be expiated but by the blood of him that is God as well as man All created strength cannot stand under the burthen of the least sinne Therefore in the worthinesse of this person see the unworthinesse of thy sinne to hate and abhorre it and thy selfe in dust and ashes for it An haynous and execrable offence were that which nothing could take away but the death of the Prince CHAP. V. 4. Isaac a type of Christ. I. IN his birth Isaac the sone of Abraham the father of the faithfull a promised seed long before he was borne in whom all the nations of the earth should be blessed Yea so strange was his birth as that he was not to be borne by the strength of nature but of Sarahs dead womb when it was not with her as with other women insomuch as when the Angell foretold it to her she thought it impossible Gen. 18. 12. So Christ the sonne of Abraham commonly so called The onely Sonne of God by nature who is the father of all the faithfull who are taught to say Our father c. The onely true promised seed long before prophecied of and expected of beleevers before his manifestation about foure thousand yeares Borne and incarnate not by the strength of nature but by the power of the holy Ghost after an unconceivable manner so as when the Angell told his mother Mary of his miraculous manner of birth she thought it impossible and said How can this be Luk. 1. 34. And in him onely the whole spirituall seed of Abraham all Gods people of Jewes and Gentiles were blessed Psa. 72. 17. the Nations shall blesse him and be blessed in him Which Prophecy cannot be understood of Salomon for scarce his owne nation was blessed in him who by his sinne lost tenne tribes of twelve from his owne sonne and verse 5. they shall feare him so long as the Sunne and Moone endure from one generation to another vers 11. all Kings shall worship him and serve him and vers 17. his name shall be for ever all these are true in Christ onely Thus as Isaac was founder of a mighty state so Christ of all the Church of God in all nations onely blessed in him As Isaac was his fathers heire So Christ heire of all things Isaac hath goods onely II. In his suffering 1. Isaac was circumcised the eighth day so was Christ. Luk. 2. 2. Isaac in his infancy was persecuted by Ishmael Gal. 4. 29 So Christ by Herod Mat. 2. 3. Isaac carryed the wood of the burnt offering upon his shoulders even to mount Moriah Gen. 22. 6 So Christ carryed the Crosse on which he was to be nayled even to Golgotha 4. Isaac was led away as a Lamb to the slaughter So Christ was led away Ioh 19. 16. to death 5. Isaac without reply submitted himself to his father even to the death suffered himselfe to be bound on the wood and yeelds himselfe a burnt offering unto the Lord Even so Christ without reply was obedient unto his father unto the death and was content to be bound not as Isaac for himselfe alone but for us and them and laid downe his life a whole burt offering and a ransome for many Ioh. 16. 28. Thus were both Lamb-like sufferers both beare their Crosse both without reply led away both bound and fastened on the wood both willingly obedient to the death III. In his offering 1. Both sonnes onely sons innocent beloved of their fathers Abraham did al at Gods Commandement and lifted up his hand So Christ by the determinate counsell of God was delivered by wicked hands Abraham offers his Sonne freely God more freely offers his sonne out of his bosome 2. Abraham by Gods commission riseth early in the morning to sacrifice his sonne and Isaac riseth as early to obey his
that our principall mourning may be for our sinnes and binde up our affections for outward and naturall losses and crosses so as wee may have them loosed in spirituall This law tells us that sorow for our onely sonne or brother or the deare wife that lieth in our bosome ought to be no sorow in comparison of sorow for sinne Which 1. separates from God 2. makes Christ absent and stand aloofe 3. grieves the Spirit and makes him heavy towards us 4. seperates soule from body yea without repentance soule and body from heaven and happinesse Let us who have beene excessive in worldly sorow turne the streame against our sinnes and in all crosses set our heavinesse rather upon some sinne in our selves which might cause the crosse then on the crosse it selfe Sect. VII Now it followeth that we shew how the Priests figured Christ in their ministeriall actions Of these kinde of actions some were common to inferiour Priests some proper to the high Priest I. Common actions were six 1. The Priest must kill the sacrifices and none but he signifying Jesus Christ his voluntary action in laying downe his life for beleevers none could take away his life from him And hee was to be aswell the Priest as the sacrifice Iohn 10. 18. I have power to lay downe my life 2. The priests offred the blood of the sacrifices to God and sprinkled it on the Altar for they were ordained for men in things of God to offer gifts and sacrifices for sinnes No man might offer his owne sacrifice but hee must bring it to the Priest there was no comming to God but by the priest Figuring out Iesus Christ who offers up himselfe a sacrifice for the sinnes of the world upon the Altar of his Deity which gives both vertue and merit unto it No other can offer to God bloody or unbloody sacrifice upon this Altar but himselfe Iohn 17. 19. I sanctifie my selfe for them even as the Altar sanctifieth the gift 3. The Priests prepared the body of the sacrifice Lev. 1. 6. flayed it divided it into severall parts washed the intrailes put fire unto the burnt offering consumed the fat cast the filth and dung into the place of ashes Signifying that Christ himselfe alone did the whole worke of redemption He suffered the heate of Gods wrath and justice he puts away all our filth and covers it in his owne ashes he burnes up our fat that is the senselessenesse of our sin and all that savoureth of the flesh by the fire of his Spirit and inwardly purgeth and wholly washeth us in the fountaine of his owne blood 4. The Priest must teach the people His lippes must preserve knowledge and the people must depend on his mouth signifying the action of this great teacher of the Church who brought to us from the bosome of his father the whole counsell of God concerning the redemption of mankinde which could never have entred into the heart of man but by the teaching of this great Prophet Deut. 18. 15. He hath the learned tongue and Grace is poured into his lippes Hee therefore having the words of eternall life we must depend on him and heare him 5. The Priest must pray for the people and blesse them A forme of blessing is prescribed for Aaron and his sonnes laying their hands on the children of Israel signifying the strong prayers and intercessions of Iesus Christ for his Church who was heard in all things as himselfe witnesseth Iohn 11. 42. Father I know● thou hearest me alwaies And accomplished not only in his holy intercession upon earth and now in heaven but manifestly in that blessing of his disciples by laying his hands upon them which was his last action upon earth Luke 24. 50. 6. The Priests were to preserve the Oyle for lights and the incense and for the daily meat offering and the anointing oyle And the oversight of the whole Tabernacle and all in the Sanctuary and all the instruments belonged to their care for the safety in moving carying standing c. signifying Iesus Christ the preserver of all grace in his Church He onely watcheth for the safety of his Church for the upholding of his holy ministery and all holy constitutions which else would quickly be broken up He plants the Ministery and he removes it at his pleasure He hath the seven stars in his right hand Hee is the great Archbishop of soules to the whole Church and no other in this kinde but hee So much of common actions ministeriall II. Actions more peculiar to the high priest were 1. daily 2. weekely 3. yearely 4. continually I. Hee must daily 1. dresse the holy lamps and lights morning and evening before the Lord Lev. 24. 2 3. to preserve the lights from going out Shadowing Christ the true light by whom the light of true doctrine must ever shine in the Church and never goe out by which the true beleevers shall bee delivered from darkenesse and death This was formerly figured by Goshen there was light when three dayes darknesse was over all Aegypt And this was figured by the pillar of fire that never failed till they came to Canaan 2. he must daily burne incense before the Lord upon the Altar of sweet perfume signifying Christ our high Priest daily offering up 1. our duties and services done by his appointment and which through him smell as a sweete incense acceptable to God 2. our prayers called odours of the Saints and a sweet incense And as no incense pleased God but that which was offered upon that golden Altar so no duty or prayer of ours is farther accepted then offered up by him and from him whose golden purity gives merit and worth unto them And as the incense must be offered up by the high Priest morning and evening so the continuall vertue of Christs merit ascendeth daily before God and perfumeth all the Sanctuary neither is there any other way to the father but by him II. He must weekly make the shewbread and set it before the Lord continually Exod. 25. 30. And more expresly Levit. 24. 5 6. Every Sabbath he must set on the table twelve loaves according to the twelve tribes and take the old away to the maintaining of his family for which use they might well suffice every loafe weighing about seven or eight pounds Here was a figure of Christ the true bread of life who sets himselfe in the preaching of the Gospell and administration of the Sacraments before the face of God that is in the assemblies gathered together every Sabbath the most sufficient food and refreshing of the Church to continue it in life strength and good estate from Sabbath to Sabbath till that eternall Sabbath come III. He must yearely once and that in the day of expiation goe into the Holy of Holies Exod. 30. 10. and Lev. 16. 2. and 34. to make an attonement for himselfe for all his
my selfe Sol. 1. Therefore as the woman having the bloody issue thrust in daily to touch the hemme of Christs garment Marc. 5. that his blood may heale thy bloody issues 2. As seeing need of daily mercy to true watch joyne prayer as Hezekiah The good Lord be mercifull to him that is sanctified although not according to the purification of the Sanctuary And the Lord heard him So will he thee where he findes a true endeavour after cleannesse Sect. VIII Now followes the oblation for the uncleannesse of leprosie The cleansing of the Leper is in Lev. 14. where we read of two sorts of oblations prescribed 1. For the cleansing of him that hee might come into the tent 2. After his cleansing and comming into the tent hee must offer three Lambes one for a trespasse offering one for a sinne offering another for a burnt offering with a number of ceremonies about the Lambes all leading to Christ. But in this place we are onely to speake of the former concerning his cleansing Lev. 14. from ver 2. to 8. Where 1. The Leper to be cleansed must bee brought to the Priest For he onely must discerne and pronounce of it whether it be cured or uncleane signifying that the sinner that desires to be cleansed must hasten to Jesus Christ the onely high Priest of the new Testament who onely is able to cleanse and heale our leprosie of sinne and herein is farre beyond all those types The Priest could discern of bodily leprosie and pronounce them cleane if they were so but hee could not make them cleane if they were not But Iesus Christ can properly forgive sinne the soules leprosie being the healing God and onely Physitian of soules 2. The Priest must goe out of the campe unto him to consider him to signifie how Iesus Christ findes us when he first comes unto us namely such as having the most loathsome leprosie running upon us have no right to the communion of Saints nor to any of the priviledges of Gods people but outcasts and aliens from God from the faith and from the common wealth of Israel Ephes. 2. 12. 3. The Priest must first see him healed and then proceed to the exact cleansing ver 3. signifying a twofold action of Iesus Christ in the curing of the leprosie of sin For 1. he must heale the sinner by the grace of justification and sound conversion but this is not all for there remains a great deal to do before we can be foūdly cleansed And therefore 2. he must bestow on us his Spirit to worke in us a daily growth and proceeding in sanctification before we can be pronounced cleane 4. The Priest must prepare 1. two little live birds of the clean kinde ver 4. 1. two birds to note the twofold nature of Iesus Christ his deity and humanity 2. two little birds to note the humility and meane esteeme of our Lord and Saviour Christ. 3. two cleane birds to note the unspotted and surpassing purity of both his natures 4. two live birds one to die and the other to live to note that Christ had one nature to dye in another not subject to death As also the twofold estate of our Lord Iesus his suffering and dying estate and his glorious and exalted estate 2. he must prepare Cedar wood scarlet and ●ysope noting as we have heard the excellent graces that Christ brings to his oblation both in regard of himselfe his Church and his father And signifying that Christ and his graces are inseperable And teacheth that no man can thinke to bee cleansed by the blood of Christ that is carelesse to receive his graces which thou must as eagerly desire as himselfe 5. The use of these materialls of cleansing concerne 1. the dying bird 2. the living bird 3. the party to bee cleansed First concerning the dying birde 1. One of the birds must be slaine pointing at the death of Christ without which is no purging or cleansing of sinne Heb 9. 22. But one bird onely dyed so Christ was put to death concerning the flesh 1 Pet. 3. 18. 2. It must bee slaine over running water that the blood might fall into the water The blood falling into the water signified 1. that a fountaine of grace by the death of Christ is opened both for justification and sanctification For water and blood here meet shadowing the streames of water and blood issuing from the side of Christ in his passion 1 Iohn 5. 6. 2. The bird slaine over running water signified the innocency of the death of Christ for though he must dye yet his blood is in pure streames as running water is 3. That this water must be running water not standing signifying that there is a continuall cocke and conduit of grace overflowing from this fountaine ever running and issuing from Christ to the refreshing of thirsty and weary soules beleeving in his name 4. By the falling of the blood into running water might also be signified that the death of Christ should run into the Ministery of the Gospell as the waters from under the Sanctuary every way As Christ spake of Maries fact preparing him to his death so much more of his death it selfe what he hath done and suffered shall bee every where preached to the worlds end 3. This water must be in an earthen vessell Not onely to signifie that Christ must sweat and powre forth in his death water and blood according to his humane nature which for the time of his abasement was a fraile and brittle vessell subject to infirmities and contempt and in all things like unto ours onely sinne excepted but also that this blessed treasury of the Church should bee retained and held in earthen vessells that is the faithfull ministers of Christ how contemptible soever they are in the world yet these shall cary and disperse these blessed mysteries unto men as 2 Cor. 4. 7. Secondly concerning the live Sparrow The generall signification of it was Christ now alive raised from the dead who can dye no more but ever liveth and sitteth at the right hand of God and that by the power of his divinity And 1. This Sparrow must be used also to the cleansing of the Leper For neither the humanity of Christ without his deity nor his deity without his humanity can cleanse or justifie the sinner Neither the life of Christ without his death nor his death without his life can availe us to righteousnesse Acts 20. 28. God shed his blood to purchase the Church to himself 2. The Priest must dip the live bird and the Cedar and scarlet lace and hysope in the blood of the Sparrow slaine and pure water ver 6. signifying 1. That the deity of Christ which is impassible in it selfe can yeeld us no comfort alone had it not been joyned to an humanity subject to passion which is plainly meant by dipping the live bird in the blood of the slaine For therefore the sonne of God must take our nature to better our nature
Aegyptian to drowne an Israelite I. To note the mighty power of God who can still and over-master the mighty raging of the sea which we see here in that its water dry land sands and shoare observe the providence of God and serve for his peoples safety Israel saw the mighty power of God herein Exo. 14. 31. Let us also behold the glory of God herein and feare before him as they did Let not us be more senselesse than the senselesse creatures but heare his voice runne out of our owne nature to observe his voice sounding in the Scriptures and Ministery of the Gospell II. To see and consider the state of the Church and people of God Canaan whither they goe is a fine and fertile country but the way is asperous and dangerous They are still as it were in the bottome of the sea enemies implacable at their heeles in infinite numbers seas of waters dreadfull to behold on both hands yea rising over their heads as mountaines threatning to fall over them and after a deepe sea a terrible wildernesse takes them in which is no meanes for meat drinke nor cloath A man would thinke no man could deale so with his children and yet Gods wisedome sees this the fittest way to Canaan He sees how 1. Every small content glewes us to our Aegypt 2. What sluggs we are in the way farther then we are chased out 3. How little we care for dependance on himselfe when we are full of naturall comforts 4. That Canaan is so rich a land as is worthy all our labour and suffering Apply this note to awake thee out of thy ease and carnall slumber If thy way be so easie and pleasing to flesh sure it leads not to Canaan suspect it The Israelites going into Aegypt had no enemies nor troubles meeting them but going into Canaan they had nothing else Strait is the way that leads to life and all the way to heaven is strowed with crosses Apply it also to secure thee in thy troubles Art thou in a deepe danger or sorrow like the bottome of the sea It is no worse with thee then with the rest of the people of God No affliction overtakes thee but the same hath befalne the Saints in the world Hold on to Canaan and all is safe Canaan is worth all Happy thou if thou canst get to Canaan though thy passage be through the bottome of the sea III. To observe what a many comforts this great worke of God will load us withall that are willing to carry them away For I. The Lord in strange and unwonted dangers can worke new and unwonted remedies for his children As we heard before that fire shall not burne them so here the sea at his word of restraint shall not drowne them He can make a wall of water more strong for them than a wall of Adamant yea himselfe according to their need will be to them either a wall of fire or water II. What danger can prevaile against the Church if all these dangers on all hands above them below them afore them behind them at once cannot sinke them No All the gates of hell cannot prevaile against it Every maine affliction is like a maine Red sea which threatens to swallow us up but it shall in the issue onely preserve the Church What we have most cause to feare the Lord maketh most helpfull and soveraigne The very raging sea rather then they shall perish shall open her lappe as a tender mother to receive them from the rage of Pharaoh and his pursuing army Nay the land of Goshen shall not be halfe so bountifull to them as these waters which gave them freedome victory and the spoiles and riches remaining upon the dead bodies of their enemies III. How unweariably the Lord sets himselfe to overcome all difficulties for his servants What had it beene to have passed the oppressors of Aegypt and to have beene swallowed up of the sea Therefore hee makes a new way where never any way lay before in the bottome of the sea Afterwards he makes a dry and barren wildernesse comfortable to them dryes up Jordan as strangely for their passage gives them a daily harvest of Mannah from heaven breaks a rock to give them water and happily in time finisheth their long and tedious journey Even so the godly going out of Aegypt departing from the kingdome of the devill and hastning out of the world towards heaven come presently into a deepe sea not pursued onely by the fury of tyrants and enemies but every where threatned with dangers wants and death it selfe yet the Lord breakes for them one toyle after another and happily guides them through a deepe sea of miseries and never leaves them till they recover the shoare and arrive safely at the haven of salvation where their songs shall be louder then their cryes were and a mighty deliverance shall swallow up all their danger IV. Here is comfort against the feare of enemies 1. Spirituall enemies For here we have both a confirmation and resemblance of the eternall delivery of the Church from the tyranny of the hellish Pharaoh which in spight of him is led through a sea of tribulation every where ready to overwhelme it into the promised rest of everlasting life Againe wee see here our sinnes also cast into and drowned in the bottome of the Red sea Mic. 7. 19. These are the strongest and fiercest enemies that pursued us to death but these our furious sinnes as so many Aegyptians are drowned in the sea of Christs blood and extinct in the waters of Baptisme Aug Psal. 113. 2. Temporall enemies How can the Aegyptians hope to stand before Israell to whom the waters give way so strangely The enemy shall find the same sea a wall and a well a safety and a death Let enemies looke here as the heathen did and let their hearts saint as theirs to see God make the sea a wall a lane yea a lappe for his people Let them behold the ordinary worke of God who commonly joynes the salvation of his Church with the destruction of the enemies So for Mordecaies advancement and the Churches deliverance Haman must be hanged and his posterity destroyed as in a ballance if one scoale goe up downe goes the other IV. The godly to partake of these comforts must learne 1. To labour for increase of faith for by faith they passed through the Red sea Heb. 11. 29. So must thou get faith for thy vessell to passe thee through Faith in tryall is a great victory in the bottome of the sea in deepest afflictions it is most glorious It is nothing to beleeve in prosperity but in desperation to beleeve in the bottome of the sea to stand still yea in the bottome of hel to hope for heaven there is faith 2. To joyne to Gods people Let not the Aegyptian thinke the way is made for him Except thou goest out with Israell as Exod. 12. 38. the sea will know thee for an
naturae Communis gratiae Juris singularis Primogenius ante quē nullus Vnig enitus post quem nullus Hieron advers H●lvid Heb. 1. 6. Psal. 45. 7. Vse 1. Every mercy is the greater engagement unto God Vse 2. Honor Christ as the first born of God and how Vse 3. Threef●ld comfort in the birthright Vse 4. Forfeit not the birthright by sin Vse 5. Resemble Christ our Elder brother Priests types of Christ wherein The choice respected 1 Tribe 2. The perfections Note 1. A cover for all deformities of soule and body Note 2. Qualities requisite in Ministers In the consecration three things 1. Washing 2. Anointing When. Vnctus Dei Nolite tangere unctos meos Matter Measure Communication Psal. 133. 2. Note 1. Eminency of Christ above all creatures Heb. 3. 1. Note 2. Ministers must increase their gifts Note 3. Duties of private beleevers 3. Sacrificing Three sorts of sacrifices 1. A sinne offering Particulars 6. Note No perfection but onely in Christ. 2. A burnt off●ing or Holocaust Particulars 4. Note Sin unpardoned all service is abominable Iohn 9. 31. Psal. 66. 18. Vse 3. A peace offring or sacrifice Eucharisticall Particulars 4. Ps●l 40. 6. Note Wash and purge all with the blood of Christ. Notes of it Merito ●anguinis satisfaction Spiritu naturam nostrā regenerāte Effects two Heb. 9. 14. The Priests garments in number tenne whereof foure belonged to inferiour Priests 1. A linnen garment 2. A girdle 3. A bonnet 4. Breeches To the high Priest sixe 1. The Ephod where Matter Forme Ornament Vse Distinction Propriety 2. The breast-plate of judgement Precious stones Shining Worth Place Number Order Figure Vse Quantity Vrim and Thummim Non est manifestū apud nos quid haec significent Rab. Da. Names 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Vse of them 3. The Robe Particulars 4. 4. The Miter Particulars 3. Propter summum Sacerdotem 5. The embroydered Coate Three things in Christ noted hereby 6. The girdle Foure things in Christ noted thereby Seven uses for the Ministers No basenesse in a Minister Variety of gifts 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Ministerii Personae 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Typus fidelium in doctrina integritate morum Speciall holinesse They must bee good preachers and good livers Love the flock dearely Illud quod Christiani sumus propter nos est quod autem praepositi sumus propter vos est Aug. de Pastor cap. 1. Illud quod mundani sumus potius quam Christiani propter nos est Still keep on these holy garments Three uses for the people Two fold instruction Vse 2. As a Priest offer spirituall sacrifices In our priestly garments How put on Vse 3. Comfort to the godly 1. In Christ so arrayed 2. In respect of themselves In generall Psa. 45. 9. Ezek. 16. In the particulars Beleevers highly esteemed as precious stones Sin to slight them As Pomegranats As heires of the crowne of righteousnesse Common actions of the Priests 3. Abstinence from wine and strong drinke 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 The use of this law Prou. 31. 6. Intemperance in Ministers very hurtfull Prov. 31. 5. Prov. 23. 33. Hos. 7. 5. Ministers marriage how ordered Whom they may not mary And whom they may Typicall use of this ordinance 2 Cor. 11. 2. Perpetuall Ministers marriage lawfull Against the practise of Romanists Bale De actis Romanorum Pontificum Mourning for the dead Whether for the Wife Levit. 21. 12. Ceremoniall use hereof Numb 25. 3. Revel 4. 9 10. Perpetuall 1 Thes. 4. 13. Mat. 8. 22. Ierem 9. 1. Sin the proper cause of mourning Mischiefes of sinne Ministeriall actions of the Priests Common actions of all Priests 6. Heb. 5. 1. Levit. 7. 4. Mal. 2. 7. Isa. 52. 4. Psal. 45. 2. Numb 6. 23. Heb. 5. 7. Iohn 17. Actions proper to the high Priest Daily Exod. 32. 7 8. Revel 5. 8. Psal. 141. 2. Revel 8. 3. Weekely Yearely Isay 63. 3. Continually Vse for ministers Rom. 12. 1. Act. 20. 27. Vse For the people 1. Thess. 5. Reasons for a yearely fast Nazarits types of Christ 5. wayes Separate or set apart 3. wayes Christ eminent for sanctity in 6. respects Abstemious and why Nourishing the haire Rom. 13. 14. 1 Cor. 11. 14. Pictoribus atque Poetis Quidlibet aud●ndi semper fuit aequ●potestas Hor. Not touch the dead Released of the vow Vse 1. Christ and his excellency to be acknowledged And his great power wherin Object Answ. Vse 2. Difference of the Nazarites vow and Papists Nazareus non fuit caeteris iu●●●or sed aptior ad officia Vse 2. Vmbra legis●va●●i● illuxit veritas Evangelii Be Nazarites and how 1 Thes. 4. 3. Cleansing the uncleane a type of Christ. 3. Sorts of uncleannesse By meats or creatures that were uncleane Whence this uncleannesse When it began How it could be Meates why prohibited Marke of cleane beasts Revel 21. 8. By an uncleane issue What it teacheth Generatum sequitur naturam generantis Iohn 5. 5. By leprosie Per sens●●●lia ad intelligibilia Sinne declared odious Poena culpa In al● God hates Infection Excommunication Quoad Consortium Quoad Locum Quoad Praemium Paine and danger Signes of sinne and leprosie Note 1. Church and members subject to many defilements And why Note 2. Looke narrowly on the misery of sinne 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Good to see and know our filthinesse by sinne 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Miserable effects of inwa●d uncleannesse Vncleannesse cured by washing offering Washing blood of Christ. Externi symboli professionis Veritatis internae Resemblance Vse 1. Smallest sins to be put away Vse 2. Goe to Christ wash and be cleane Offering Christ offered himselfe Washing not sufficient without offering Red Cow Christ. Pro Christoaries pro Christo agnus pro Christo vitulus pro Christo ●ircus totum Christus Aug. Difference Dead workes why Isay 1. 18. Isa. 63. 1. Cant. 5. 10. Psal. 51. 7. Note 1. There is a way to cleanse every uncleannesse Note 2. Have recourse to the meanes Motives Isai. 1. Ex opere operato Note 3. Be very careful to avoid spirituall uncleannesse Iustus metuit non solum a peccato sed a contagione la●e peccati Ambr. de institut virg Birds Heb. 9. 26. Ephes. 5. 2. Levit. 1. 15. Act. 20. 28. Levit. 1. 16. Psal. 20. 3. Note 1. Comfort to the godly Psal. 34. 20. Note 2. Affect purity of heart and life Motives Casta Deus mens est casta vult mente vocari Hos 4 12. Begin with the heart why How the heart may be cleansed Proceed in cleansing the life Avoid occasions of defilement Vt salivaore excutitur sic sermo 2 Chron. 30. 18 19 20. Leper two wayes cleansed Heb. 2. 14. Heb. 7. 23. Vse 1. No easie matter to be rid of sinne Separate betweene the precious and the vile Vse 2. Christ discerns the leprosie of sinne Onely they are cleansed from sinne whom Christ accounts so to be Marks of one
the same commandement to the young man and to the disciples of leaving all and following him it is an impossible taske to the one yet in his naturall estate but an easie yoke to the other who with the commandement receive some secret power to draw them to obedience Let the word command an angry furious naturall man to forgive his neighbour that wrongs him and blesse him that curseth him and doe good for evill and recompence love for hatred Oh this is an impossible commandement and flesh and blood cannot possibly brooke it and indeed he must be more then flesh and blood that can heare it hee must have a spirit subduing his will unto the will of God Let God speake as hee did to Abraham to a man unconverted Offer me up now not thy sonne but thy sin thy deare lusts thy Usury thy revenge swearing lying thy Herodias thy Dalilah thy darling thy pride take the knife into thy hand and with thine owne hands kill it sacrifice it let out the life blood of it Oh what grutching gainsaying rising up against the word and him by whom God commandeth Every naturall mans sin is his Isaac his childe his best beloved his joy and laughter hee cannot spare him hee cannot part with him Though the Lord bee in never so great haste and earnest they bee not so hasty as to rise up with Abraham early in the morning to offer up their sinnes a plaine evidence that as yet their nature was never changed but they are in their sinnes Rule II. In dangerous and difficult or costly commandements propp up thy faith with consideration of Gods power and truth So did Abraham in this difficult commandement when hee might have considered of a thousand strong hinderances he strengthened his faith by this Heb. 11. 19. hee considered that God was able to raise him up even from the dead whence after a sort hee received him Thus he supported his faith in that word of promise Rom. 4. 20 21. hee considered not Sarahs dead body but was fully assured that God whom hee beleeved who quickeneth the dead verse 17. who had promised was also able to doe it These two props upheld him even the full assurance of Gods truth in promises and power in performing them In duties of apparant danger the casting an eye on Gods truth and power will bring them forward else they never come on Dan. 3. 17. Our God is able to deliver us and hee will but if not c. So in the time of danger and deepe distresse cast thy selfe on the might and truth of God who quickneth the dead who can say to the dead live and they shall live In duties chargeable if thy obedience must cost thee some part or the whole of thy estate looke on Gods power and goodnesse So the Prophet to Amaziah 2. Chron. 25. 9. what shall we doe for the hundreth talents The Lord is able to give thee more then this Object But I know not whether he will Sol. Faith assures it selfe there is never any losse in obeying God It knows the way to keepe Isaac is to give up Isaac It hath a promise whosoever forsaketh house lands c. for Christ hee shall have an hundreth fold II. In both we have a notable type of our resurrection Isaac was raised the third day as from the dead but Christ indeed raised not as Isaac for himselfe but as an head for his body and members Which assureth us 1. That wee shall rise out of all pety deaths and dangers for our head is aboue water Though the billowes of afflictions inward and outward may rinse us and run over us yet they shall not drowne us because our head is aloft They may threaten and affright us but shall not drowne and destroy us we shall wade out well enough because they can never goe over our head any more 2. That we shall at the last day rise from all the death of mortality and corruption in which argument the Apostle is large to proove that because Christ the head is risen the members must also rise againe 1. Cor. 15. 12. For 1. Can or will a living and powerfull head be alwayes dismembred and sundred from the body 2. Because Christ rose not as a private person as Isaac did but as the first fruits of them that slept verse 20. 3. Because Christ in his resurrection is opposed to the first Adam verse 21 For as by the first Adam comes death on all so by the second Adam resurrection from the dead This is a sure propp and stay against all the miseries and occurrences of this life and against the bitternesse of death and horrour of the grave that we are assured of a better resurrection else were wee of all men most miserable verse 19. III. A sweet consolation God watched every motion in both these Isaacs offering how farre Abraham should goe how long to the lifting up of the knife and where he should stay and when was fit to say doe the boy no hurt So hee watched the executioners the crucifiers how farre they should proceed with Christ but stayed them from breaking his bones and kept him from seeing corruption So when Gods time and terme is come the affliction and afflicter shall goe no farther a voice at length shall come and say Stay thy hand doe him no hurt IV. Both were delivered but not till the third day the one when the knife was up the other being dead and hopelesse at least in the account of men as appeared by the words of the disciples which were going to Emmaus Hence wee learne to make this use for the strengthening of our faith Then to looke for helpe and deliverance when the case is desperate and in humane sence we are gone There is life in this comfort which assureth us of life even in death as Hos. 6. 2. After two dayes he will revive us and in the third day he will raise us up and wee shall live in his sight In all wants and extremities let Abrahams voice to Isaac comfort thee God will provide If Isaac see Abrahams sword in the one hand and fire in the other ready to deuoure him yet a little while and the sword shall bee put up and the fire shall take another object So the faithfull sonnes of Abraham seeing God the Fathers sword of justice drawne against them and the fire of his fury ready to consume them yet at length shall see by Christ the sword put up and the fire of wrath turned againe into a flame of love and grace Faith hath a cheerefull voice God will prouide Unbeleefe is full of repinings and murmurings Oh how should I be prouided for in this or that I see no meanes c. Here the difference holds which was betweene the ten spies and the two Num. 13. If thou see not the meanes for thy deliverance goe to the Mountaine there is a Ramme for Isaac hasten thy obedience and God
which set thee on worke will hasten thy deliverance CHAP. VI. 5. Ioseph a type of Christ 4. wayes I. IN regard of his person 1. Ioseph was the first borne of the beloved Rahel as Christ was the first borne of the freely beloved Mary 2. Best beloved of his father Genes 37. 3. figuring Christ who was declared the welbeloved in whom his Father delighted Matth. 3. 17. 3. Hee was very beautifull Gen. 39. 6. and his internall beauty was more then his externall Christ was more beautifull then the sonnes of men and making us beautifull in his beauty 4. Ioseph was endued with such a measure of wisedome and understanding as none was like him in whom Gods Spirit was For which cause hee was called Zaphnath-paaneah verse 45. that is an expounder of secrets figuring Christ in whom were treasures of wisedome and the Spirit beyond all measure who is therefore called the great Counseller and the Lambe onely worthy to open the booke who onely hath the key of David to open the secret mysteries of salvation 5. In Iacobs last Testament Ioseph is called a fruitfull bough whose branches runne upon the wall because out of him branched two tribes Ephraim and Manasseh therein hee was a type of Christ who is not a fruitfull bough onely but a root from whom all the tribes of God branch out and flourish And whereas those tribes are come to nothing Christ shall see his seed and prolong his dayes II. In his actions 1. Ioseph was sent by his father to visite his brethren in the wildernesse So was Christ sent to seeke his brethren wandring in the wildernesse he was sent to the lost sheepe of Israel 2. As at thirty yeares Ioseph was preferred to his Office by Pharaoh So at thirty yeares Christ entred his Office 3. As by Pharaoh a virgin was given Ioseph to wife verse 45 So in the Church as a pure Virgin given by the Father to Jesus Christ as his Spouse to sanctifie and save All that the Father giveth me shall come to me and him that commeth to me I will in no wise cast out 4. As Ioseph out of Pharaohs garners feeds all Egypt all his fathers house and the nations whence in Gen. 49. 24. he is called the feeder of Israel and a stone that is a rocke or refuge to his brethren So Jesus Christ is the feeder of Israel and of all the family of God in all Nations of the earth not with temporall food onely but with the Manna from heaven the Word and Sacraments and his owne flesh and blood the incorruptible and indeficient bread and water of life 5. As Ioseph in his lowest estate was both a Lord in the prison and a comforter of the prisoners assuring the Butler of his life and recovery of his place So Jesus Christ at his lowest abasement was Lord over death and the grave having command of them and his last breath on the Crosse all most comforted the poore thiefe promising him both life and glory 6. As Ioseph doth all the good he can for his brethren that had ill deserved it For 1. Hee teacheth them how to live together and commends brotherly love and concord fall not out by the way 2. Teacheth them how to speake to Pharaoh and what to demand 3. Goes to Pharaoh and speaks and obtaines for them whatsoever he would and placeth them in Goshen the far of the land till they come to Canaan So Jesus Christ above all lessons commended to us the new Commandement of love a badge of his disciples teacheth us how to pray and what in the Lords prayer himselfe intercedes for us and obtaineth all that good is and provides for us in earth till we come to Canaan III. In his sufferings and passions 1. The archers grieved him Gen 49. 23. that is not his Mistris onely and Master but his brethren also conspire against him although sent from his father in love and comes in love to see how they doe and to know their wants yet they scorn him behold yonder dreamer comes they consult to kill him let us kill him and see what will become of his dreames So Jesus Christ came among his owne sent from his Father in love pitying the wandrings and wants of men but the Jews scorne him for a deceiver plot to kill him conspire against his life 2. As his brethren sold him for twenty pieces stript him naked cast him into a pit sent him as a slave into Egypt where hee being indeed free became a servant So Jesus Christ in his infancy was sent into Egypt sold by the Jews for thirty pieces stript naked of his apparrell and in the forme of a servant cast into the pit of death and the grave whence they thought never to have heard more of him as Iosephs brethren did 3. As in this service Ioseph was tempted to whoredome by his wanton Mistris when they were alone and that often and dayly but by strength of grace stoutly resisted yea conquered her and himselfe So was Jesus Christ in the entrance of his Ministery strongly assailed by Satan to spirituall whoredome when he was alone in the wildernesse and that often set upon yet by the power of the Spirit overcame and conquered so as the evill one found nothing in him 4. As in this service notwithstanding his faithfulnesse and innocency Ioseph was falsely accused condemned cast into prison with the Butler and Baker So was Jesus Christ notwithstanding all his innocency falsely accused they lay things to his charge he never knew as falsely condemned bound yea fastened to the Crosse betweene the thieves and cast into the grave as into a prison till the time of his deliverance came that he was taken out from prison and judgement as Isai. 53. 8. IV. In his advancement and preferment For 1. As Ioseph was separate from his brethren Gen. 49. 26. that is advanced by God to honour above them all So Christ was separate and advanced in glory above men and Angels Heb. 1. 4. hath obtained a farre more excellent name then the Angels 2. Though Ioseph was shot at by the archers yet his arme was strengthened the bonds and fetters were loosed and he not onely brought out of prison but advanced to bee Lord over the whole land and next unto Pharaoh having all administration delivered unto him So Jesus Christ although he was a But or signe of contradiction yet his arme was strengthened to raise himselfe out of the grave to loose all chaines of sin to loose all sorrowes of death and being ris●n againe was advanced and exalted above all creatures all power given him in heaven and earth his throne set next unto his Fathers the Lord of his Church and ruler of the whole earth to him is committed the governement and his bounds are the utmost hills Psalm 2. yea the whole Church in heaven and earth is his to whom all power belongs 3. As Pharaoh every way
honoured Ioseph As 1. He richly decks and attires him puts a golden chaine on his necke Gen. 41. 42. 2. They must cry before him Abrech that is every man must bow to him 3. Every man must depend on his word Gen. 41. 55. Goe to Ioseph saith Pharaoh and what he faith to you doe yee So God the Father hath highly exalted his Sonne Jesus and given him not onely the rich robes of immortality and glory but a Name above all names that at his Name every knee shall bowe He appointed not Iohn Baptist onely to be his fore-runner to make way for him but all the Apostles and Evangelists cry before him Abrech Yea all faithfull pastours and teachers whose office is to bring men to stoope under the subjection of Jesus Christ. Yea he hath given his Sonne plenary authority to governe his kingdome and commands us as another Ioseph to heare him I. From the type and truth learn It is no new thing for the best men to be hated and wronged for their excellency and innocency Ioseph was therefore hated of his brethren because most loved of his Father Gen. 37. 4. Christ was hated because he was the light and gave witnesse unto it This is a certaine truth if God will testifie to a man the world will testifie against him whose judgements are contrary to his If God will advance a man in grace the world will depresse him If God be extraordinary to Moses Aaron and Miriam his brother and sister will hate him If David be respected Saul will envy him Who can stand before envy not naturall brothers No marvaile if men say as of old If we let this man alone all men will beleeve in him Well an evill eye is a signe of an evill man that dares in his thoughts check the Almighty for doing with his owne as he will And a good man cannot expect a surer confirmation in goodnesse then to be hated for it as in our type and truth Let us on the contrary there love most where God sheweth most love nor let any Ioseph leave his goodnesse for the hatred of the brethren II. All the sufferings of Gods children are ordayned and ordered by him 1. They are ordayned by God So in the type Ioseph sees Gods decree It was not you but God sent me afore you So did the true Ioseph It is not thou Pilate that couldst have any power over me unlesse it were given from above Ioh. 19. 11. and Acts 4. 27. 28. against thy holy Sonne Jesus Herod Pontius Pilate with the Gentiles and the people of Israel gathered themselves together to doe whatsoever thy hand and counsell had determined Let not us looke so much at mens malice as at Gods decree So did David when he said Shimei curseth because the Lord hath bid him curse David 2. Sam. 16. 10. If for brethren wee find enemies let us say as Ioseph It was not you God hath an hand in it 2. Our suffrings are ordered by God 1. For their measure as in the type Come say they let us kill the dreamer but they could not So in the truth come let us kill the heire and then the inheritance shall be ours let us bury him and lay stones and watch and seale yet with all these they could not keepe him under Feare not evill men they shall not doe as much as they will but as God will 2. For the end they cannot frustrate the counsell of God nor his dreames Neither Gods glory nor Iosephs preferment can be prevented So the Jewes Let us put this seducer to death and we shall well shift our hands of him what will become of his doctrine of his Disciples But all turned to his greater exaltation as Iosephs Conclude hence that all the hatred of evill men unjust accusations false sentences cruell executions shall not hurt but one way or other set forward our truest good As both Iosephs and Christs turne to their greatest advancement both their innocencies breake out as the light And innocency is innocency and will be so knowne and shall be as the Sunne at noone day III. A singular comfort Is Christ the true Ioseph our brother Hee will 1. know us when we know not him as Ioseph He will love us before we can love him he will love us when we shall not know it his bowels will earne within him towards us 2 Cor. 6. 9. as unknowne and yet knowne He is a stone of refuge to all his brethren and though he be rough for a while and try us with temptations and afflictions of sundry sorts as Ioseph did yet he will at length make himselfe knowne to bee Ioseph he will say I am Ioseph I am Jesus your brother 2. As Ioseph tooke order that his brethren should bee washed in his house and set at his owne table So our Ioseph washeth us in cleaner water even the pure streames of his blood and makes us cleane by the water of sanctification sealing it to us in baptisme and after feeds us at his owne table and sets before us the bread and water of life as in the sacrament of the Supper 3. As Ioseph sent his brethren home with victualls without money and with Chariots and all necessaries for their journey till they came againe to be fully provided for by him so our Ioseph furnisheth us in this our journey and travell with all necessaries without our money or merits untill we come to dwell with him and he be all in all unto us 4. As when Iacob and his sonnes came into Aegypt and at that joyfull meeting of Father and all the sonnes Ioseph went out to meet them So our Ioseph meets us now in our way by his grace and spirit and at that great meeting of all his brethren shall make ready the clouds as his Chariot and come in person in state and we shall meet the Lord in the ayre and be ever with him IV. As Iosephs brethren behaved themselves to him Gen. 50. 17. So let us behave our selves to Christ. 1. Humble our selves bee ashamed that we have so wronged our brother pray for pardon and as it is in Zachery looke upon him whom we that is our sinnes have pearced and lament and be sorry for him as one mourneth for his onely sonne 2. Honour him All our sheafes must bow to his he hath that extraordinary blessing from above and below the blessing of his father is strong with the blessing of his Elders Gen. 49. 26. Christ is blessed in himselfe and in his posterity in all ages 3. Depend on him for food as they and say with Peter Ioh. 6. 68. Master to whom shall we goe thou hast the words of eternall life and for all supplyes apply that to him which is spoken of Ioseph Gen. 50. 19. Is not he for us under God 4. Let his gracious promises comfort and feede us as Iosephs brethren were comforted by his Gen. 50. 21. 5. Offer him such gifts as wee have
body cast into Elishaes grave quickned so our soules and bodies IV. The wonderfull power and wisdome of God that can draw light out of darknesse Ionahs casting over board into the sea was the occasion of converting the Mariners Even so Christs death converted many of them that were causes and authors of it Acts 2. 36. 41. And as the Mariners lives were saved by casting Ionah into the sea so all beleevers by the death of Iesus Christ. 1. Let us not measure Gods workes by carnall senses This made the two disciples going to Emaus Luke 24. to make but a bad argument Hee is crucified and behold this is the third day therefore though we thought he should have redeemed Israel wee are deceived Whereas faith would have made a cleane contrary conclusion He is crucified and this is the third day therefore he is the Redeemer The Iewes not knowing the Scriptures and power of God are hardned against Iesus Christ expecting a great Emperour as Iulius Caesar or some great Monarch not able to see that by so base a death life could be procured The carnall protestants are held off from the true imbracing of Christ because they see the truth and sincerity of Christ every where so resisted and hated by great Rulers and Doctors as if it had not been so in Christs owne person and Ministery or as if Christ was not set as a sign or butt of contradiction whereas therefore it must needs be he 2. Let us admire Gods power and wisdome and patiently with Ionah expect after darknesse light And seeing God can turne the greatest evill into the greatest good of his Church let us labour to make benefit of all evills hapning to our selves and others 1. Even of our sinnes themselves to make us more humble and watchfull for time to come 2. Of our sufferings as Ionah and Christ learned obedience by the things they suffered V. In the type and truth we have first terror on the one hand secondly comfort on the other 1. Wee see the waight of sinne committed pressed Ionah into the deepest sea of evils and sinne imputed thrust Christ into a deeper sea even the deepest hell Both seem left of God in the hands of death both cry out as left in the depth of hell 1. Doe thou run from God and duty and though thou beest Gods childe thou maist finde God pursuing thee as if he were an utter and irreconcileable enemy 2. Make as light a reckoning of sinne as thou canst the least of them shuts us or Christ out of heaven Doth Christ undertake thy sinne he sees not heaven till he die for it Sinne imputed will not let Christ enter into heaven but by his owne blood yea through Hell Thy sinne repented of held Christ an innocent out of heaven till he dyed for it but where shall ungodly and impenitent sinners appeare 2. This same collation affords us sundry grounds of comfort 1. Both seeme forsaken neither of them was so but both of them goe to his God There is no time nor place wherein the childe of God may not boldly goe to God and pray to his God and say My God my God 2. No deepe is so deepe but Gods hand can reach help into it even into the Whales belly and heart of the earth 3. The extreamest misery and death it selfe worke to good to the godly See it in Ionah Where was feared p●rdition there was found preservation The Whales belly was a prison indeed but to preserve him alive a deep gulfe and a sea but to save him frō drowning Can any man save a man from drowning by casting him into the sea but God can 4. When the case seemes most desperate then the Lord steps in to help when no helpe can bee expected any other way after three dayes and three nights Ionah must be cast up and Christ raised up Never feare extremities but then exercise thy faith most for then is God the nearest however trust in him though he kill thee Iob 13. 15. 5. The deepest sorrowes of Gods children end in greatest joy God hath a dry ground for Ionah after a sea of misery a glorious ascending for Christ after his lowest descent Whatsoever the sorrowfull songs be that Gods people sing here in Aegypt or Babel they shall end in songs of joy and victory and be changed into the songs of Moses and the Lambe Rev. 15. 3. CHAP. XIII The first borne Types of Christ 4. wayes HAving spoken of holy types in sundry special persons now of personall types in some rankes and orders of men sanctified and specially seperated to the Lord. Of whom 1. Some were sanctified by birth the first-borne 2. Some by office Priests especially the High-Priest 3. Some by vow as Nazarites 4. Some by ceremony as cleane persons legally cleansed from uncleanenesse Of these the first borne were speciall types of Iesus Christ. I. As they were Gods peculiar Exod. 13. 2. Sanctifie unto me all the first borne for it is mine Quest. How were they Gods Answ. 1. By common nature But so were all both first and last borne through the world For all the world and inhabitants of it are his Psal. 24. 1. 2. By common grace So all the people of the Jews by reason of common grace were his with whom God had plighted his gracious covenant which was made to Abraham and all his seed wheresoever they were borne of whom hee made choice as his peculiar though all the earth was his Exod. 4. 22. Israel is my first borne that is not only the first people and nation that first professed the true worship of God and had priority of the Gentiles who were yonger brethren but the first borne by a speciall election and choice of that from all other people whom hee would accept as his beloved in the Messiah the first born of all creatures and among whom he would stablish his covenant and raise up his worship thus hee dealt not with other nations 3 By a speciall right The first borne of Israel were Gods by a singular right as no other childrē of any other family were namely by right of that singular deliverance of all the first borne when he destroyed all the first borne of Aegypt And therefore presently after that destruction he makes challenge of them Exod. 13. 2. Thus is Jesus Christ the Lords first borne by a singular right not common to man or Angell whether we respect his nature or office 1. In his nature he is first born as sonne of God the first begotten of all creatures Col. 1. 15. begot before all Creation And thus he is not onely the first begotten before whom there was none but the onely begotten after whom is none Iohn 1. 14. the onely begotten Sonne of the Father the first borne without a second or brother 2. In his office hee was first borne by speciall prerogative 1. for the kinde 2. for the undertaking 3. for the accomplishing
house and for all the people but not without blood Signifying that Christ by one alone sacrifice of himselfe hath opened the Sanctuary of heaven and by his ascension hath made entrance into it on our behalfe and there appeares before God once for all to make intercession for us See Heb. 10. 12 19. And as he must goe alone without all attendants so Christ must tread the winepresse alone No friend no disciple stands with him no fellow no companion goes with him to make attonement but all feare and flye that we might cast our eye on no other Mediatour but him 1 Tim. 2. 5. IV. He must continually decide the highest controversies he must judge betweene the cleane and unclean he must excommunicate the one out of the congregation and receive in the other when he was legally cleansed Signifying Christ who in the Church and Scriptures is the supreame Judge of all controversies It is his word alone can binde or loose justifie or condemne According to his direction obstinate persons are to be cast out and penitent offendors received in As Pharaoh to Ioseph so God to Christ Without thee shall no man lift up his hand or foot in all the land of Aegypt Gen 41. 44. I. Ministers of the new Testament must learne hence to attend diligently on their charges and know that the substance of all these duties lyeth as heavy on their shoulders as upon those Priests of the old Testament Every conscionable Minister is bound 1. To prepare sacrifices to the Lord. In the old Law the Priest presented dead sacrifices but we must offer living ones They dead beasts but we living men quickened by faith alive by the Spirit of God holy and acceptable They externall and unreasonable we reasonable and spirituall such as God who is a Spirit may accept and delight in They must first kill and then sacrifice so we can never present any man an acceptable sacrifice without killing his sin As the poore beast must be killed and cut in pieces and then offered so we must by the sharpe knife of the Law urging repentance and mortification cut asunder the heart-strings of sinne mangle the body of sinne and let out the life-life-blood of mans lusts and corruptions And as they having slaine the beast must wash the entraile burne the fat cast the filth and dung into the place of ashes so the Minister after his labour in mortifying sinne must bring men to the lavour of sanctification separate them from their foulenesse and bring them to full holinesse in the feare of God 2. The Priest must preserve knowledge his lips must feed many hee must stand in the counsell of God and bee as his mouth And as Jesus Christ brought the whole will and counsell of God from the bosome of his Father So must his Minister declare that whole counsell to the Church and keepe nothing backe 3. The Minister must daily dresse the holy lampes and lights morning and evening and preserve the light from going out he must prouide oile for the continuall feeding of the lights that is by painefull and diligent study of the Scriptures and meditation hee must furnish himselfe to the worke of the Ministery that the light of holy doctrine may shine by him on all occasions that having the tongue of the learned he may be alwayes ready to speake a word to him that is weary and never want words of comfort which may bee as oile to the distressed soule 4. He must daily burne incense before the Lord upon the Altar of sweete perfume that is offer daily prayers as sweet odours in the Name of Christ who is the Altar of sweet perfume both for himselfe and his people He must pray also for the people and blesse them as Samuel God forbid I should sinne against God and not pray for you For his office is to stand betweene God and his people Every man must bee his owne mouth to God but hee must bee the mouth of every man 5. He must weekly set the Shew-bread before the Lord that is propound Jesus Christ the true bread of life the Manna that came downe from heaven the continuall strength and nourishment of the Church of God both in the ministery of the Word and Sacraments which the ancient Church did weekely celebrate as the Priest did weekly set these loaves Nay hee must not onely set them before others but himselfe must feed on them as the Priests did on the Shew bread all the weeke and yeare long lest it befall him as that Prince 2. King 7. 20. that saw plenty of food with his eyes but tasted not of it for being troden under foot he died II. Every Christian as a Priest unto God must 1. Daily labour in his owne mortification Every day kill some beast or other some lust or other that as wilde beasts are untamed and dangerous to the soule 2. Morning and evening dresse his lights and looke to the clearing of his lamps setting himselfe a taske of daily reading the Scriptures for the clearing of his judgement and the informing of his minde and for the reforming of his heart and life that hee may shine every day more clearly then other in holy conversation 3. Every day burne incense before the Lord upon the Altar of sweet perfume both morning and evening Every Christian morning and evening must offer up dayly prayers and praises as a sweet smell unto God That as the smoke of sweet incense goeth upward and disperseth it selfe abroad in the aire so the incense of prayer ascending may disperse it selfe abroad for the benefit of the person family Church at home and abroad What else calls the Apostle for saying Pray continually in all things give thanks but that the Lord should smell the sweet odours of our morning and evening prayer especially when wee rise and goe to rest How this duty is neglected and with manifest contempt and losse every mans conscience can tell him Now in offering this incense 1. See no strange incense be offered that is no prayer without faith 2. None but upon the Altar of incense none but in the Name of Christ. 4. Every weeke on the Sabbath day as the Priests in the Law provide himselfe of shew-bread to serve for his provision all the weeke that is make such conscionable use of the holy Ministery as hee may preserve life of grace and strength of grace which falls to consumption in the soule except it be continually repayred even as the body wasteth without naturall food 5. Every yeare set apart a day of expiation to make an atonement for himselfe for his house and all the people This proportion shewes it not amisse once a yeare to set apart a day of humiliation in serious fasting and prayer to make atonement for our owne and others sinnes The equity of which seemes not onely grounded in that Law Levit. 16. 29. which enjoines the Jew a yearly standing fast wherein once a yeare every
the blood of this red cow he leads us to the blood of Christ saying If the blood of bulls and goats and the ashes of an heifer sprinkling them that are uncleane sanctifieth as touching the purifying of the flesh how much more shall the blood of Christ purge your conscience from dead workes wherein he not onely compareth but infinitely advanceth the truth above the type For 1. that was symbolicall and figurative this spirituall and substantiall 2. that was externall and temporary this internall and eternall 3. that onely a purifying of the flesh this of the Spirit and conscience 4. that cleansed from legall and bodily pollution this from morall called dead works 1. because they proceed from death of sinne 2. because they lead to eternall death For the explaining of this ordinance consider foure things 1. whence the Cow must be 2. the properties or qualities 3. the actions about her 4. the use and end of it I. All the congregation must bring an heifer to Moses out of the heard 1. All the congregation for not one in the congregation but needs a meanes of purging 2. This meanes must be a Cow not an Oxe or Bull. The imbecillity of the sexe noteth the great humility of our Lord Jesus who being the mighty Lion of the tribe of Judah would so abase and weaken himselfe for our sakes 3. They must take her from the heard so our cleanser must be taken from among our selves being true and perfect man taking our nature and our flesh yea our infirmities as the weak sexe importeth in all things save sinne like unto us II. The properties required in this Cow are foure 1. She must be an heifer in her youth and strength Christ offers himselfe and must be taken for a sacrifice in the flower of his strength at three and thirty yeares He offers his best gifts and dyes in his strength and so his offering was more free and acceptable And wee also should offer up our youth strength best times and gifts to Jesus Christ who offered himselfe in his best strength to death for us 2. The Cow must be red Signifying 1. the truth of Christs humane nature being of the same red earth that the first Adams body was 2. the grievousnesse of sinne which he was to undertake and the scarlet staine of it 3. the bitter and bloody passion of Christ and his cruell death The red skin of the Cow resembled the red garments of Christ all besprinkled 1. With his owne blood 2. with the blood of his conquered enemies 3. presented unto his father like the coat of Ioseph all stained with blood 3. The Cow must be without spot or blemish to signifie the purity of our Lord Iesus in whom was never any spot or staine of sinne Though he was contented to be counted a sinner yet he was no sinner And though he had sinne on himselfe he had none in himselfe as the Cow was slain for sin not being sinfull Christ was ruddy through his passion yet most white and spotlesse by his most perfect and absolute righteousnesse She must be without yoke on which never yoke came signifying 1. that Christ not necessarily but voluntarily tooke our nature that he might free us from our yoke 2. his absolute freedome from all the yoke of sinne farther then he voluntarily undertooke the burthen of it 3. that he was never subject to the yoke of humane precepts and commandement being the Law-giver to prescribe Lawes to all not to receive Lawes from any 4. that none could compell him to suffer for sinne but his whole obedience active and passive was a freewill offering hee having power to lay downe his life and to take it up againe 5. he was more free from the yoke then any red heifer could be She indeed must be free in her selfe he not onely free in himselfe but he must free all beleevers from the yoke whom the sonne sets free they are free indeed III. The actions about the Cow were five ver 5. 1. Action 1. The congregation must deliver the Cow to be slaine so was Christ delivered to be slaine by the whole body of the Iews 2. She must not be delivered to Aaron but to Eleazer his successor signifying that the death of Christ serveth all the successions and ages of the Church and must be taught by the ministers of all ages 2. Action She must be led out of the Camp and there burnt whole to ashes her skin flesh blood and dung ver 5. Signifying 1. that Christ must be led out of the gate of Ierusalem to suffer Heb. 13. and there 2. must be crucified by which he was made a whole burnt offering 3. that whole Christ is our comfort his flesh our meate his blood our drinke yea the very base dung of those contumelies cast upon him were a part of his sacrifice offered up in the fire of his passion for us to sweeten and sanctifie ours 3. Action Eleazer must take of the blood with his finger and sprinkle towards the foreside of the Tabernacle of the assembly seven times ver 4. Signifying 1. the purging of us by the blood of Christ sprinkled on the conscience 2. that Christs death profits none to whom it is not specially applyed for the Cowes blood must be not shed onely but sprinkled 3. that onely the people and congregation of God have benefit of the death and blood of Christ for it was sprinkled directly before the Tabernacle 4. the seven times sprinkling noteth 1. that that one oblation hath vertue and merit enough 2. the perfection of justification 3. the need of often application of Christs death 4. the duration of it to all ages 4. Action She must bee burnt with Cedar wood scarlet lace and hysope all which must be cast into the fire with her ver 6. signifying 1. three things in Christ. 1. the Cedar of uncorrupt life 2. the scarlet of fervent love to mankinde 3. the hysope of savoury obedience in all things to his father all which were in all his sufferings and fire of his passion sweetning it 2. they noted three things arising from Christs sufferings 1. immortality signified by the Cedar which is not subject to putrefaction 2. the scarlet the merit of his blood applyed to justification 3. the hysope of mortification healing our corruptions as hysope hath an healing quality All these three properly arise from the passion of Christ. 5. Action A cleane person must gather the ashes of the heifer and lay them without the Campe in a clean place ver 9. signifying 1. the buriall of Christ in a cleane and new tombe wherein never man lay a cleane place never used before 2. that the merit of Christs death is ever laid before God in the highest and holiest heavens 3. the Christians account of Christs merit and passion who layeth them up as his chiefe treasure in the cleane place of a pure heart and conscience an onely fit closet to keep the mystery
of faith in IV. The use and end of these ashes was twofold ver 9. 1. They must be kept for the Congregation signifying that there shall never want supply of grace and merit from the death of Christ to any beleever that sees his need of them 2. Of them was made a water of seperation thus A cleane person tooke of the ashes of the red Cow burnt and put pure water into a vessell and taking hysope dipped it and sprinkled it upon the tent the persons and vessels and upon the uncleane person the third and seventh day and so he washing his clothes and flesh with water was cleane at even ver 18 19. signifying 1. that the blood of Christ is the onely water of seperation for persons separate to seperate them from their uncleannesse The water made of the ashes of Christs death bloodshed sprinkled upon the unclean can onely purge the conscience from dead workes 2. that this blood of Christ must be sprinkled with hysope of faith and mortification For hysope hath a cleansing quality and is put sometimes for that which onely and properly cleanseth purge me with hysope that is with the blood of that eternall sacrifice figured by that which is sprinkled with hysope 3. that this blood of Christ must bee often applied the third day and the seventh day The death and merit of Christ must be often meditated and applied to the heart For it is a perpetuall and eternall purging and sprinkling water in the Church and we must have daily recourse unto it I. That the Lord hath appointed meanes for cleansing all kind of impurity 1. That his people and we might know that by no infirmity and frailty we shall fall quite out of the grace of God 2. That the Lord takes not the forfeit of all the scapes and foule falls of his children utterly to forsake them seeing the Jew that was legally polluted seventy times seven times was as often received in againe as he was cleansed according to the purification of the Sanctuary 3. That we should not despaire nor the weake Christian bee quite dejected in the sence of the multitude of his frailties and foule touches seeing the Gospel affoords us the remedy and meanes to cleanse all morall uncleannesse no lesse certainly and fully then the Law to the Jews to purge their legall II. As the Jew was no sooner defiled by touching a dead man or bone or grave or tent or any thing about him but hee must presently repaire to the meanes of legall cleansing So every Christian defiled by the least touch of any dead worke must have recourse to the remedy appointed in the Gospel The Law appointed the water of the ashes of a redd Cow but the Gospel appoints the redd blood of Jesus Christ sprinkled and applied by faith as by hyssope upon the conscience Consider 1. The necessity The person defiled not having this sprinkling upon him shall be cut off from Israel verse 13. So whosoever hath not the blood of Christ sprinkled upon his soule shall bee cut off from the number and inheritance of the Saints Mark 16. 16 hee that beleeves not shall be damned 2. Every sinne is a separation from God who being a God of pure eyes cannot abide the filth of it and therefore wee had need continually to have this water of separation for the washing of our hearts daily and often every day because it is gathering some uncleannesse every houre yea every moment 3. An uncleane creature or vessell could not bee of any service to man for hee must not touch it till it be cleansed So a sinner so long as he is uncleane and impenitent cannot be of any good use nor present any acceptable service to God And therefore the Prophet Wash you and cleanse you and then come No man dare present any thing to a King with a foule hand the Lord will accept no such present 2. Cor. 6. 17 18. touch no uncleane thing and I will receive you and bee a father unto you Implying that the Lord will not receive him that any way communicats with sinne if obstinate and impenitent 4. Nothing else can recover our beauty and first estate of holinesse and happinesse but this laver A cloth once soiled never recovers the beauty and whitenesse but by washing This laver onely brings backe a white and unspotted innocency All the holy water in the Sea of Rome cannot wash one sinne for that hath no commandement no institution no promise Besides all legall Ceremonies are dead which in their life time could not cleanse by the meere deed done as they say theirs doth 5. How vaine is it to see men and women curious and carefull in washing their bodies and clothes they will not suffer the least spot on them but wash them weekely and yet goe on yeare by yeare in the foule defilements of sinne and never desire to be washed and rinsed in the water of separation nay nothing more troubles them then to be called to reformation A cleanly man will have his clothes washed weekely but his hands and face every day A cleanly Christian will not be lesse carefull of his heart III. Seeing there was so much businesse in legall cleansing of the least foulenesse how carefull were the Jews to avoid those foulenesses and how much more should Christians bee to avoid the morall 1. In themselves A good heart will be affected with the least touch of sinne as David to cut Sauls lappet and to avoid appearance as well as evill it selfe 2. From others For the Jew might bee impured from others as well as by himselfe We must not communicate in other mens sinnes 1. Tim. 5. 22. The just man bewareth not onely sinne it selfe but even the contagion and infection of sinne Watch thy selfe as privie to thine own weaknesse and thy adversaries subtlety and strength Watch against others sinnes as being beset with snares Resolve with good Iacob Gen. 49 6. Into their secret my soule shall not come This strict watching is counted commonly foolish precisenesse nicety hatefull purity but God esteemes it otherwise It is an apparant losse of mens favour preferments and worldly helps but hee onely finds the favour of God and the happinesse to see God Sect. VII The oblation for uncleane issues leading us to Christ is appointed Levit. 15. 14 15. In this 1. What fowles must bee prepared for the offering two Turtles or two young Pigeons and so for the womans vers 29. Of the cleane kind of birds signifying and resembling the purity of Christs humane nature Besides his innocencie simplicity meeknesse chastity charity fruitfulnesse of all which vertues these Doves were expresse Emblems 2. What was the use of these fowles 1. They must bring them to the Priest No man must offer his owne sacrifices but must present them to God by Christ the onely high Priest 2. They must bring them to the doore of the Tabernacle for publicke service
must not bee privately performed and figured our entrance by Christ the doore 3. One must bee made a sinne offering the other a burnt offering The sacrifices were types of that onely sacrifice of the Sonne of God our Redeemer performed upon the Altar of his Crosse for the expiating the sinnes and foule issues of the whole world In them both 1. what they were 2. what were the ceremonies about them 1. The sinne offering was a sacrifice in which the whole beast or bird was not consumed with fire as the burnt offering was but slaine for the expiation of sinne The use of which was to figure and seale up to the Jews the expiation of their sinnes in Christ. Now Christ is made manifest for the doing away of sinne by the slaine sacrifice of himselfe and see verse 28. The burnt offering was a sacrifice in which the whole beast or bird was consumed with fire offered up therein to God for a savour of rest namely to appease and pacifie Gods wrath for some sin or sinnes committed Which signified that Christ was to bee a whole burnt offering and to bee wholly consumed in soule and body with the fire of his Fathers wrath that hee might bee a sweet smelling savour for us Hee gave himselfe for us a sacrifice and oblation for a sweet smelling savour Neither did the beleeving Jews thinke that God was appeased by any vertue in the burnt offering but through the eternall sacrifice of Christ shadowed therein 2. What were the ceremonies about these fowles for they all pointed at Christ. 1. For the sinne offering of fowles the ceremonies are appointed Levit. 5. 8 9. and they bee three 1. Rite The Priest must wring the necke of the Dove asunder but not plucke it cleane off and the same rite in the burnt offering The necke must bee pincht with the naile of the Priest to let out the blood but the head must not bee pluckt off from the body Signifying 1. That although Christ was to die yet his divinity and humanity should not bee severed 2. That the death of this innocent Dove should not interrupt his head-ship of the Church Hee was to bee pinched to death but his head should not bee severed from his body and members which is his Church 3. That Christ should die indeed but no bone of him must be broken Ioh. 19. 36. shadowed also in the Passeover 2. Rite The Priest must sprinkle the blood of the sinne offering upon the side of the Altar vers 9. and the like in the burnt offering Chap. 1. 15 signifying that all the vertue and merit of Christs blood for the purging of sinne was drawen from the Altar of his Deity He must be God that must purchase the Church with his blood and 2. Cor. 5. 19. God was in Christ. 3. Rite All the rest of the blood must be powred out at the foot of the Altar signifying not onely the powring out of the blood of Jesus Christ our true sinne offering upon the Altar of the Crosse without which shedding of blood can bee no remission of sinnes but also the blood powred at the foot of the Altar that is those clots and drops of blood plentifully flowing from him in his agony before his passion Luke 22. 44. as hee was going up to the Crosse. 2. For the Dove appointed for the burnt offering besides the former rites some other are appointed 1. The Priest must plucke out the maw with his feathers and cast them besides the Altar on the East side in the place of the ashes For these were things uncleane and signified that Christ should bring no uncleane thing to his suffering but present a most spotlesse and holy oblation to the Lord for else had it not beene of sweet smell 2. The Priest must divide and cleave the bird with his wings but not asunder signifying Christ who seemed by his death to bee burnt extinct and perished for so he was in the esteeme of his owne disciples as they were going to Emmaus but yet hee was not quite sundred but rose againe by his owne power and ever liveth sittting at his Fathers right hand to make requests for us Yea his owne words might seeme to imply a sundring when he saith Why hast thou forsaken mee but that the ingemination of his former words my God my God doth strongly prove the contrary 3. This bird must bee throughly consumed to ashes to make it a sweet savour to the Lord Levit. 1. 17 signifying that never was any thing so gratefull and acceptable to the Lord as the whole burnt sacrifice of his Sonne in which hee smelled a savour of eternall rest To which the Psalmist alludeth Let him smell a savour of all thy oblations and turne thy burnt offerings into ashes 4. When all these rites were observed the party that was uncleane shall bee cleane Levit. 12. 8. and Chap. 15. 13 28 signifying that a party justified by Christs blood and exercising true repentance and the study of holinesse and new life is brought in againe into the right and fellowship of God and his people whatsoever his uncleannesse formerly hath beene And thus hath the legall cleansing of this person brought us to the Evangelicall in Jesus Christ. I. Sundry grounds of consolation to the Church and people of God 1 As Christ seemed cleane divided and sundred from his Father and from his Church but was not so his members often seeme quite sundred from God and all comfort but are not 2. Cor. 4. 8. and Chap. 6. 9. A godly man may bee in such a straight as David was when thus he brake forth to Ionathan As the Lord liveth and as thy soule liveth there is but one step betweene me and death and yet when hee can see no passage God makes a passage forth Hence may a Christian with Paul challenge all perills and dangers and contemne them as too weake to separate us from Christ Rom. 8. 39. yea in all things wee are not onely conquerours but more then conquerours So was Christ in death and from under the grave more then a conquerour Let a Christian be slaine it hinders him not from being a conquerour and what ever hee may lose he loseth not the love of God who loveth him to the end whom hee once loveth and therefore onely the sound Christian is in a sure estate If sorrow be for a night joy will returne in the morning after darkenesse as sure to see light As Jesus Christ keepes his headship and death cannot sever him quite so the members may bee pinched yet not quite off but abide members still 2. As the speciall providence of God watched his owne sonne that though hee was in wicked hands that wanted no will yet they were kept from breaking one bone of him soe doth the same prouidence watch over his members that howsoever the wicked of the world pinch and presse them yet the promise is made to them He keepes all their
bones not one of them is broken that is without the will of our heavenly Father as Mat. 10. 29. Not an hayre shall fall for the same providence watcheth the head and members This consideration is used by Christ to remoove excessive feare of men If thou see thine enemies encrease as bees about thee ready to strike and sting Let thy waies please the Lord he can 1. turne their hearts to peace as Esaus to Iacob when he purposed his death and Labans to Iacob when he intended evill intreaty towards him 2. He can turne their counsell to folly and bring it on their owne heads as in Haman and Achitophel 3. He can turne their evill to thy good and salvation according to the saying of Ioseph to his brethren Yee intended evill against me but God turned it to good as this day 4. He can take them off at his pleasure he hath an hooke for Zenacherib and Balaam shall not curse though he would never so faine 3. In that Christ brought no uncleane thing to his sacrifice figured in pulling out the maw and feathers and casting them beside the Altar in the place of ashes wee have comfort in the offering of all our service and sacrifices of prayer prayses almes duties all unclean in and from us but presented in Christs sacrifice no uncleannesse is in them II. How carefull the Lord is that his people preserve purenesse among them that the holy God may walke amongst an holy people And teacheth how carefull we Christians should be to cleanse our selves from all filthinesse of the flesh and spirit 2 Cor. 7. 1. And that we should be ever stopping up those uncleane issues which disturbe our chastity of body or mind which these Legall issues specially aime at Oh this chastity of minde and body is a singular grace For 1. It stands with the will of God 1 Thes. 4. 3 4 This is the will of God even your sanctification and that every one possesse his vessell in holinesse and honour 2. It stands with the nature of God which is most holy and pure God is a pure chast Spirit and will bee prayed unto with a pure and chast heart How can foule fornicators and adulterers thinke that their prayers can get into heaven and themselves shut out 3. By holinesse and chastity of mind and body thou becommest a Temple of the holy Ghost 1 Cor. 6. 19 Without which thou art no better then a swinesty fit for foule spirits and devils that delight in uncleannesse to harbour in 4. It stands with the honour of the body which 1. is for the Lord that is created for the glory of the maker 2. the Lord is for the body namely to redeeme it so as the body also is a part of Gods purchase 3. the Lord is the head and the bodies are members of Christ. Oh what a great wickednesse as Ioseph calls it Gen. 39. 9. to make it a member of an harlot 5. Follow holinesse and chastity without which thou shall never see God either in grace or in glory Heb. 12. 24. What makes the harlots so sottish so gracelesse in the middest of powerfull meanes but that their hearts are taken away Gods plague hath already seised upon them in great part for they cannot see God in grace offering repentance and therefore they shall never see him in glory Now the best directions for stopping these running issues are I. Direction Begin at the fountaine labour for inward purity first For 1. Whence issue these but from a wicked and impenitent heart 2. God lookes first at the cleannesse of the heart knowing that if hee find that uncleane nothing is cleane 3. Morality and cleanlinesse make a man care for the cleannesse of his face but grace and religion must make him looke to the cleannesse of his heart Ier. 4. 14. Because he knowes that no beauty of the face can allure a man so much as the cleannesse of heart allureth 4. Get grace into thy heart and it cannot choose but send out as Christ saith According to that which is within According to the abundance of the heart the mouth will speake the eye will looke the hand will worke the foot will walke Get thy heart purged and washed and it is impossible that thy life should be foule 5. In vaine do men struggle and strive to cast off some wast boughs of sinfull actions if they seeke not to strike up the roote Thou wouldst avoyd oathes and lyes in thy tongue but shalt never doe it while thou hast a swearing and lying heart Thou wouldst avoid fornication and adultery in the act in the eye in the speech but never shalt thou stop this issue if thou hast an adulterous heart And so in other sinnes Quest. How may I cleanse my heart Answ. Cleannesse of heart is in two things 1. Justification by the blood of Christ imputed and applyed Ioh. 15. 8. 10. 2. Sanctification by the spirit which stands in two things 1. In parting with our filthinesse as evill thoughts pride hypocrisie stubbornnesse malice in a mortification of all inward lusts 2. In attaining a new estate in all the inward faculties a planting and cherishing of all graces Thus as our Saviour saith he that is washed is all cleane II. Direction From the foundation come to the streams If the heart at any time be inflamed with the fire of concupiscence and begin to boyle over stay the issue with all expedition Quest. How Answ. 1. Covenant with all thy parts that none of them shall fulfill the lusts of the flesh Specially covenant with thine eye as Iob with thy tongue not to name any filthinesse as it becommeth Saints Eph. 5. 3 with thy hand not to execute any inordinate desires 2. Threaten thy members that thou wilt plucke out thine eye cut off thy hand and foot rather then by them offend God and thy conscience If this will not serve beat downe thy rebellious members as Paul with labour 3. Direction Avoid occasions of defilements by the uncleane issues of others so did the Jewes As 1. Come not neere uncleane persons 2 Cor. 6. 17. Avoid swearers drunkards gamesters wantons Prov. 4. 14. 2. Avoid the seate they sit on A place of shorter rest Psal. 1. 1. Blessed is he that sits not in the seat of wicked men Lev. 15. 6. 3. Shunne the bed they lye on Lev. 15. 5 A place of longer rest with them as one delighting in their fellowship and tumbling with them in filthinesse 4. Beware of their spittle ver 8. Words are cast out of the mouth as spittle Neither assent to their speeches and perswasions which are still against God nor be dismaid from good things by their threats and reproches This filthy froth and spittle daily pollutes many that are carelesse to avoid it Object Alas it is impossible then to avoid uncleane issues I cannot but daily and hourely touch some filthinesse unlesse I runne out of the world and from
and take our flesh that by death he might destroy him that had the power of death 2. The scarlet cedar and hysope must be dipped also to shew that all the graces we receive from him must be dipped in his blood by which alone we have both accesse unto grace and acceptation into grace For by the dipping and union of this live bird and slaine we come into the grace and favour of God being united first to his humanity then to his divinity and so are knit to his whole person and by him we come to the father 3. The Priest must let the live bird goe into the broad field ver 7. signifying 1. Christs escape and deliverance from death and the power of the grave 2. His exaltation after he was once consecrated his ascending on high and being made higher then the heavens Heb. 7. 26. 3. The publication and manifestation of righteousnesse purchased by the death of Christ in the broad open field of the Church and this in the daily ministery of the Gospell Thirdly concerning the party to whom this cure must be applyed The Priest must sprinkle on him that is to be cleansed this blood seven times signifying 1. That only Christ Jesus doth sprinkle his blood on penitēt soules from whom only they must expect pardon purging from sins 2. That Christs blood must be particularly applyed to every beleever to every thing that is to be cleansed Partly by Gods imputation of Christ and his merits to the penitent sinner Partly by his Ministers in the publishing and speciall applying the particular promises to every soule that is weary 3. Seven times sprinkling noteth 1. Perfect justification by the blood of Christ the number of seven times perfect sprinkling he is able perfectly to save all that come unto him and needeth no other seeking of other merits to satisfie or justifie 2. To put the uncleane person in minde how hardly he parts from his foulenesse and us that it is no easie thing to be rid of sinne 3. How weakly and imperfectly our selves apply the blood of Christ that have need of so many sprinklings to humble us for our weaknesse of faith and slow progresse in sanctification Sect. IX I. All these ordinances and ceremonies in discerning and curing this disease in generall teach us two things I. That it is no small businesse to be rid of the leprosie of the soule and infection of sinne which was but shadowed in that as that was occasioned by this For whence is bodily leprosie but from leprosie of the soule Or what is it that strikes the body with such contagious sicknesse but the infection and sicknesse of the soule As in Gehezi Mariam Vzziah whose bodies were so fouly infected and deformed by the leprosie of the soule and corruption of heart And who sees not how the Lord would lead them and us to take speciall notice hereby of the soules leprosie by sinne in that hee committeth the knowledge and discerning of this disease of leprosie to the Priests sending them to the Physitians of their soules and not to the Physitians of their bodies whom one would thinke it more specially and properly concerned This should admonish us all that if there be so much adoe to get cleane bodies cleane faces cleane skins how great our care and businesse should be to get clean soules the soile of which cleaves not to the skin onely but sticks closer to us then our skin or bones and yet wee thinke every slight sigh or Lord have mercy or three words at our death sufficient to rid us of our sinnes and soules leprosie II. How carefull the Lord is to sever the cleane from uncleane for feare of generall infection Teaching 1. the Magistrate that as the Lord puts difference betweene him that sweareth and him that feareth an oath so should they to incourage and countenance the clean person that is the godly and faithfull David set his eyes on the godly in the land not to maligne or wrong them but to cherish their persons and help up religion and the feare of God in them As also to discountenance and terrifie the foule blasphemer the drunkard Sabbath breaker idle persons and gamesters that thrust themselves out of their calling all the week long But if a man by his course shuffle cleane and uncleane together nay runne with the uncleane and countenance gamesters swearers bibbers how doth he execute the judgements of God 2. A good minister then stands in the counsell of God when he severs the precious from the vile Ier. 15. 19. The Priest in the Law must pronounce him cleane that is so indeed He durst not pronounce a foule person to bee cleane nor a cleane person foule Then how dares a man that stands to judge between the Lord and his people scandalize or scorne such as endeavour most to be clean How comes it that we doe not heare drunkards adulterers theeves swearers blasphemours so rated and disgraced as them Or how dare men sell praises of religion to foule Atheists swearers haters and despisers of goodnesse as if men should gild rotten posts or wash dead bricks making them at their death seeme as white as lawne who all their life were white as Lepers Well let not the despised members of Christ be discouraged we know that the judgement of Christ shall passe righteously betweene the cleane and uncleane If thy heart be upright let all men cast the foule brand of an hypocrite on thee Jesus Christ shall pronounce thee cleane 3. Every good man must and will be glad of this separation rejoyce in that arbitrement that differenceth clean and uncleane as most savoury Wicked men can abide nothing lesse then this shedding differencing of men Whence are so many tumults Oh you are more holy then all other you are the pure ones you are all cleane c but because they have learned a trick to deceive themselves and to hide their foulenesse as they thinke by crowding all into one confusion Now is that doctrine onely intolerable that fetcheth them out of their holes and casts them out among their uncleane fellowes for whose company they be a great deale fitter then for the society of Saints and beleevers II. Note in speciall 1. In that the Leper must bee sent to the Priest to have his leprosie discerned we see that our Lord Jesus who was typified by the high Priest can discerne our leprosie Thou maist hide thy sinne from man but thou canst not deceive him no idle excuse or fig-leafe can cover thee If he see thee an adulterer a swearer an unjust person a covetous or proud person if he see thee an enemy a profane person he will judge thee a Leper Thou canst not sinne though never so secretly but thou art sure to be discerned and tryed by him whose eyes are as a flame of fire And if he judge thee a leper he will pronounce thee a leper and thou canst not appeale from but must
stand to his judgement What if men applaud and commend thee for an honest man a good neighbour a just man if he judge thee a leper What had it beene better if all the congregation had taken part with a leper if the Priest pronounced him uncleane And if he pronounce thee uncleane he will shut thee out of the campe out of the society of God and his Saints till thou be est seasonably cleansed Men may faile in their censures and shut out the cleane for vncleane as Ioh. 9. 34. the Jews did the man that was borne blind and hold in the uncleane for base respects but Jesus Christ he shuts him out unpartially whom hee pronounceth a leper II. Then was the leper healed when in the judgement of the Priest hee was so and then the Priest must pronounce him so The Priest could not make him clean but pronounce him cleane Even so thou art then cleansed from thy sinne when in the judgement of Christ our high Priest thou art so who not onely can pronounce thee cleane but make thee so Quest. But how may I know that Christ accounts mee cleane Answ. When his word by the mouth of his servant pronounceth thee cleane accounts thee so Whatsoever yee bind or loose in earth shall bee bound and loosed in heaven Matth. 16. 19. with Ioh. 20. 23. Christ onely properly pardons sinne and remits it 1. by merit 2. by efficacy of conferring and no Minister can thus remit sinne But every Minister must pronounce and declare pardon to penitent sinners and when he doth this in Christs Name Christ from heaven pronounceth the leper to be cleane Object But there may bee errour in the Priests sentence and the Ministers judgement is not infallible Sol. The sentence of the Priest was infallible if hee kept him to the rules of inquisition And the Minister pronouncing pardon upon penitent sinners cannot be deceived though thou mayest deceive thy selfe in applying promises and grants of pardon not belonging unto thee Quest. What are the rules of inquisition of direction Answ. 1. If by rubbing the place hee see it grow red the leprosie is in way of cure if it bee not red by rubbing it is incurable So if the sinner be ashamed and blush at his sinne if godly abashment hath begun his repentance it is a good signe of cure 2. If the spot pricked with a needle there come forth blood it is in the way of cure So sinners pricked with the needle of the Law if they have sence of paine which makes them cry out of themselves and see the need of Christ it is a good signe Men pricked now adaies stirre up their blood against the Physician but such are farre from cure 3. A leper was healed when his leprosie was stayed and went no further So hee is to be pronounced cleane who truely turnes to God sinne hath lost dominion in him sinne growes lesse and lesse the stirrings of corruptions are abated hee cannot doe as he hath done or would doe nor forget that he was cured 4. When the conscience is bathed in that fountaine in which water blood have met then is the leper clean When by the merit of Christ the sinner is fully justified by the Spirit of Christ he is in part sanctified riseth up towards full sanctification then is he truly pronounced clean Object Alas I am then vncleane still I find much foulenesse and folly present with me Sol. 1. The leper and sinner may be truely cleansed never fully in this life for every day will make him foule even after true repentance but wee must daily renue our repentance for daily cleansing 2. Remember that the leper must shave his haire againe and againe but hee leaves the roots behind yet hee was pronounced cleane though the haire was still growing and for all the roots 3. The running water in the basen for the cure of the leper signified a continuall flowing of a fountaine of grace from Christ to the heart of the sinner for his continuall washing III. What every man must doe in sence of his spirituall leprosie Something is to bee done before the cure something after I. Before the cure 1. As the leper discerning his owne misery esteemed him an happy man that was cleane So thou seeing this disease must judge thy selfe most unhappy and miserable of all men as Paul Rom. 7. and never thinke thy selfe happy till thou hast got a cure Psal. 32. 1. Every leper cried out I am uncleane the same must bee thy complaint and cry 2. Get thee to the Priest Goe to Christ in humility as that leper Matt. 8. 2. Lord if thou wilt thou canst make me clean and the least touch of Christ shall make thee clean ver 3. 3. Naaman being strucke with leprosie must wash and bee cleane So must thou bewaile and lament thy estate wash thy selfe in the salt sea of teares that God may wash thee with a sea of mercy Especially in greater sinnes as in a deeper leprosie take up deeper humiliation and repentance as David washed his couch with teares II. After the cure 1. If God have healed thy leprosie be thou thankefull so Naaman 2. King 5. 15. Not as the nine lepers of whom none returned backe to give thankes Would to God one of ten were as thanfull as we ought for so great a cure 2. Bring thy gift to the Lord for the curing for so the lepers were enjoyned that is pay thy vows offer up thy selfe and all thy obedience an acceptable sacrifice unto God Rom. 12. 1. Resigne unto God present all thy sacrifices by the high Priest Jesus Christ in whom alone thou canst finde acceptance Object Alas I have nothing worthy giving unto God Sol. 1. Thou canst give no lesse then true endeavours of obedience and then be they never so weake hee that accepts the will for the deed will accept them 2. God prescribed a smaller offering fo● the poore then for the rich the poore man must provide a sacrifice according to the labour of his hands To comfort the weake Christian who offering according to his ability is respected according to that he hath not according to that hee hath not 3. The third thing after the cure is to avoid the company of lepers 1. Cor. 5. 11. If a man be an incorrigible sinner let him be to thee as an heathen or Publicane Matt. 18. 17. A good lesson for Masters of families to cast out leprous persons from the rest It is incredible what mischiefe one swearer one drunkard one wanton one profane beast may doe in an house We have not more usually seene an whole house infected and poisoned up by one plaguie person then whole houses corrupted by some one leud person which suffered as one swine in a garden roots up all that is good So much of holy persons Now follow holy things CHAP. XVII Holy things types of Christ. HAving now intreated at large of such holy persons as wee
a Minister of the Circumcision was also to receive Circumcision himselfe which was shadowed in all their Circumcisions 2. in their shedding of blood by Circumcision was represented to their eyes the shedding of Christs blood not onely in the first fruits of his bloodshed in his Circumcision which was a part of his humiliation and a parcell of the price payed for our sins but also the full powring out of all his blood in sacrifice upon the Crosse wherein the Circumcision of Christ was fully accomplished 3. was shadowed their duty also that having shed the first fruits of their blood in Circumcision in obedience to God they should be ready to shed all their blood for him whom they expected to shed all his blood for them 3. A distinguishing signe of the Jewes from all other people who were without God without Christ and they onely a chosen seed in that blessed seed in whom all their prerogatives were conferred and established 4. A demonstrative signe 1. of the naturall sinne and disease of man and therefore it was placed in the generative part to admonish Abraham and his posterity of their uncleannesse for things cleane need no Circumcision nor ablution Abraham and his seed must be led out of themselves 2. to demonstrate the cure and remedy by the Messiah to come cleansing our natures two waies 1. by bearing upon himselfe the imputation of our impurities 2. by healing them in us partly by his merit and bloody death bestowing a perfect righteousnesse upon us partly by his Spirit daily sanctifying and circumcising our hearts thus hath this Sacrament preached Christ unto us Now the observations to make it usefull I. Take notice of our owne estate to humble us both in state of nature and in state of grace I. In our nature wee are all sprung out of a corrupted seed which although we would forget yet the Lord in this Sacrament tooke care that his people should carry upon their bodies the signe of sinne and death seazing upon their whole nature In place of which comes our Baptisme presently after our birth shewing that a man in his very first frame is filthily polluted and goeth astray even from the wombe Psa. 58. 3. Whence also it is called Originall sinne 1. because it hath beene from the beginning of the world 2. because it is the originall and beginner of all sinne in us it is the first of all our sinnes 3. from our beginning even from our conception Psa. 51. I was conceived in iniquity and we from it called the children of wrath that is laid under wrath even from our childhood Eph. 2. 3. 2. After grace received see the weakenesse of our faith Abraham the father of the faithfull needeth this pledge and seale to support his weake and shaking faith Who can say my faith is strong enough which is ever imperfect in the best who know but in part and beleeve but in part Why else did the Lord appoynt the use of Sacraments to the strongest beleevers and that all their life long but to put them in minde of the weakenesse of their faith which needeth such continuall props and supports Neither is it marvell that men are so heavy to the reverent receiving of the Sacrament because they see no want no neede no benefit of faith they feele not the weakenesse of faith which would breed desire of strength and drive them to the diligent use of the meanes II. If Christ be the truth of circumcision then every Christian in the new Testament must be circumcised as necessarily as the Jewes in the old And though the ceremony and act of circumcision bee worne out yet the truth of circumcisiō as neerely belongs to us now adayes as of old it did unto them In whom wee are circumcised through the circumcision of Christ speaking of the Gentiles converted unto Christ. In which words the Apostle plainely distinguisheth between Jewish circumcision and Christian between legall circumcision and Evangelical between Moses his circumcision and Christs Here 1. What this Evangelicall circumcision is 2. the difference from Legall 3. the marks and notes of it 4. the motives This Christian Circumcision is described Col. 2. 11. to bee a putting off the sinfull body of the flesh that is in plaine termes the mortification of the body of sinnes that are in the flesh For the truth and kernell of Circumcision never stood in the cutting off a peece of skinne that was but the shell of it but in cutting off the lusts of the heart and life and parting from corruptions of nature which rebell against the Spirit And this wee have in Christ alone being as farre beyond the Circumcision of the old Testament as the truth useth to excell the type as far as Christ is beyond Moses or heaven above earth This renovation of minde was 1. signified by that Ceremony 2. promised by every Circumcised person The difference betweene this Evangelicall and that Legall Circumcision is 1. In the efficient That was appoynted by God to bee made with hands but this is a wonderfull worke without hands done by the finger of God himselfe The mortification of sinne is so honourable a worke as the hand of man and Angells cannot do it 2. In the subject That was wrought upon the seed of Abraham according to the flesh this onely upon Abrahams seed according to the faith upon beleevers and members of Christ. That upon the Jew without this upon the Jew within That upon Ismael as well as Isaac here no Ismaelite is circumcised That was Circumcision of the naturally borne and males onely of Jews onely this is of the supernaturally borne againe male or female Jew or Gentile for in Christ all are one 3. In the proper seat That was ceremoniall in the flesh this morall in the heart In that a naturall part was wounded in this the very corruption of nature That dealt with flesh in substance this with the body of flesh in quality 4. In the end In that every man was circumcised in himselfe and his blood shed to fulfill the rite of the Law in this all beleevers men and women are in Christs blood once circumcised to fulfil the rigour of the Law 5. In the effect By that the person was received into the society of Gods people according to externall profession by this the sinner is received into inward and eternall fellowship with God and into communion with Gods people 6. In the latitude or extent In that the Priest circumcised in one part of the body in this Christ our high Priest circumciseth the whole man In that one beloved part was cast away with griefe and sorrow in this the whole corruption of nature and all beloved sinnes with no lesse griefe and sorrow of heart for them 7. In the durance and continuance That was temporary but till the comming of Christ who razed the type and raised the truth but this is to continue for ever
till the second comming of Christ and is most perfectly finished and consummate in heaven The notes or markes to know inward circumcision attained by Christ are these 1. The party to bee circumcised was presented and offered to this ordinance of God as willing and contented to part with his flesh and blood in obedience to God so here thou hast begun thy circumcision if thou hast offered up thy soule body and all a reasonable sacrifice to God Rom. 12. 1. willingly mortifyng all the deeds of the flesh and denying and renouncing all fleshly lusts and affections which are as neere and as deare unto thee as the parts of the body So Col. 2. 11. it must bee a putting off the sinfull body implying not a suffering it onely to bee violently taken and cut away but a voluntary putting away and parting with it Indeed in legall Circumcision the infant could not cut away the flesh of his body but in Evangelicall Circumcision thy selfe must put off this sinfull body of flesh and be more then a meere patient 2. As there the whole body was wounded in one part so see thy whole body of sinne bee wounded in all parts not one member spared Col. 2. 11. put off the sinnefull body No sinne must raigne none unresisted And therefore 1. Labour for an heart circumcised There the Lord begins this worke Deut. 30. 6. and Chap. 10. 16. there see thou hast begun See thy desires be sanctified that the thoughts of thy heart and inward affections be watched and garded not suffered to be earthly wanton impious disordered or unfruitfull This purging of carnall affections and fastning them on the right object is a note of inward circumcision Deut. 30. 6. 2. See thine eare bee circumcised Act. 7. 51. the Jews are reproved for uncircumcised eares All sinnes of the eare must bee circumcised and that is done in opening them to heare God and good instruction and shutting them against slanders false tales wicked counsells doctrines of libertie and the like 3. Circumcise thy lips which then are so when they are able to speake for God Moses in Exod. 6. 12. complaines that his lips were not enough circumcised All the sinnes of the tongue must be cut off This circumcision admits not a lie an oath a slander a deceitfull or filthy or uncleane speach unmortified 4. All sinnes of the eye must be circumcised by making covenant with this member not suffering the eye to bee envious covetous wanton scornfull adulterous And so examine all the parts that no sinne bee peaceably admitted without drawing blood upon it as was in circumcision 3. As in that Circumcision was sence of much paine and griefe in the body as we see in the Shechemits Gen. 34. 25 So in this where ever it is is affliction of conscience paine of spirit pricking in the heart as in the Converts Act. 2. 37. which makes the circumcised mourne and cry out of himselfe judging himselfe and breaking his heart with godly sorrow for sinne The Priest could not take the knife and cut off the piece of flesh without paine and sorow of the child Neither can the Minister take the sharpe weapon of the Law to wound and cut the body of flesh in any part but it will be painfull and sorowfull to the child of God who will judge and condemne himselfe and dares not stand out the threats of the Law as many contemptuous rebells doe An hard and secure heart is an uncircumcised heart good Iosiah will tremble at the word but all Gods words and plagues stirre not Pharaoh 4. As that part cut off was never set to the body again but was taken quite away for ever So in this circumcision of Christ is not a parting with sinne onely for a time but a ceasing of sinne that is a constant endeavour to forsake all sinnes inward outward secret open A parting from pleasing profitable deare and bosome sins saying to them as Ephraim to his idols Hos. 14. 9. get yee hence what have yee to doe here with resolute purpose never to give them entrance or entertainment more Those that fall to their former sinnes as who forget they ever washed like dogs and swine were never circumcised The skinne once cut off died for ever such a dying to sinne must bee in this circumcision 5. In that was a joyning to Gods people and a receiving of the party into the Church and family of God See if thou beest joyned to Gods people not in outward profession but in sincere affection embracing them that feare God delighting in their society giving them the right hand of fellowship and with the hand the heart separating from the fellowship of the uncircumcised and profane as the Jews medled not with the Samaritanes Doest thou professe circumcision and grace by Christ but oppose and pursue the professours of Christian religion as Ismael him that was borne after the promise A plaine signe all thy circumcision was made with hands Thy body was washed with water of Baptisme but thy heart is unwashed untouched with any water of saving grace 6. In that was a joyning and admittance to the outward worship of God and externall communion in all holy things so here thou art become a true worshipper not outwardly in the letter and ceremony but inwardly in spirit and truth A Iew within Rom. 2. 29. Phil. 3. 3. We are the Circumcision which worship God in the spirit Hee that worships formally for fashion for Law and in the meane time can contemne the power of godlinesse cannot away with inward watchfulnesse sincerity strictnesse though by Baptisme he be brought to the externall communion of the Church in holy things all is but in the letter without all circumcision of the heart 7. In that was much rejoycing as in a great priviledge and the Jew did much boast and beare himselfe upon this prerogative partly upon the externall worke partly on their distinction by it partly because it manifested them sonnes of Abraham according to the flesh and much was their praise among men But true circumcision rejoyceth not in Abraham but in Christ hath no confidence in the flesh but renounceth all outward things and settles his rejoycing in Christ alone and his merits counting all other things drosse and dung in comparison of him Let the Jew trust in Circumcision by the worke wrought as our Judaizing Papists doe in their Sacraments Let him glory of Abraham his father Ioh. 8. 33. that hee is beloved because the seed of Abraham Wee are chosen in Christ not in Abraham In him we have atonement and become a beloved people and not in Abraham In him wee come boldly to the throne of grace and speed in our suits In him we glory all day long We trust not in good meanings as simple ignorant persons nor in merits as wilfull blinded Papists nor in any thing within us nor without us nor without Christ. All our joy and trust is in himselfe alone And this is
bee troden under foot signifying the preciousnesse of the blood of Christ 1. in respect of God 2. of Christ 3. of the Church For 1. God the Father highly prizeth this blood and saves it in a golden vessell that it may be ever before him and that the streames of it may pacifie his displeasure and confirme the Covenant of grace with his Church Whence it is called the blood of the Covenant Heb. 9. 18 2. It was precious in regard of Jesus Christ seeing every drop of it was the blood not of an innocent man onely but of one that was God as well as man Act. 20. 28. God with his owne blood purchased the Church and therefore it was a blood of infinite vertue and infinite merit 3. Every true member of the Church doth most highly esteeme it as the most precious thing in all the world and with great care and reverence receives it into the vessell of precious and saving faith and there keepes it safely as men doe their most precious commodities 2. The blood of the lamb must be sprinkled upon the lintell and side posts of the doores of the Israelites vers 22. 1. In that it must be sprinkled it signified that the blood of Christ must be applied unto us for our righteousnesse stands not in the shedding of Christs blood but in sprinkling and application of Christs blood shed and sprinkled upon our soules and consciences to purge them from dead works 2. It must be sprinkled upon the posts and doores so as the Israelites could neither go out of doores nor in but they must see on all sides the blood of the lamb signifying that they and wee should both at home and abroad going forth and comming in and on all occasions have the passion of Jesus Christ before our eyes in the holy meditation and deep contemplation of it 3. It was not enough for the Jew that the lamb was slaine and the blood shed within the house but it must be sprinkled without doores that every man might see it and signifyed that if Christ blood and the merit of it be shed in the houses of our hearts for justification and righteousnesse the sprinkling of it will appeare and bee seene without in holy life and practise of sanctification 3. This blood of the lamb must not bee sprinkled with the bare hands but with a bunch of hyssope dipt in the blood vers 22 which signified that every one which puts forth his hand is not sprinkled with Christs blood unlesse he have provided this bunch of hyssope Hyssope is faith and faith resembles this herbe in foure things 1. It is a ground herbe low and weake so faith in it selfe and in us is weake fraile feeble and of most despised Neither hath every man that hath hyssope in his garden this bunch of hyssope in his heart 2. Rooting in a rocke for so it used among the Jews whence some thought it to bee Pellitory of the wall Faith roots it selfe upon the rocke Jesus Christ and cannot grow or prosper in any other soile Other hyssope roots in earth this in heaven 3. It is an herbe cleansing and curing Faith onely is an herbe of soveraigne vertue both to purifie the heart Act. 15. 9 and to heale all the wounds of conscience Act. 16. 31. the Gaoler wounded and pricked in heart must beleeve in the Lord Iesus Christ and bee saved Our Lord himselfe was wont to say to distressed persons According to thy faith bee it to thee 4. It was fitter then other herbes for the receiving and sprinkling of liquor so faith although a low and weake plant is onely fit to receive the precious liquor of the blood of Christ. Onely faith draws vertue from Christ as in the poore woman that stood behind Christ Marke 5. 34. And the want of this bunch of hyssope disables Christ from doing thee any good Christ could doe nothing in Capernaum for their unbelief I. Note hence how wee are to prize and magnifie the blood of Christ. For if the shadow of this precious blood must be so preserved so carefully saved in a costly vessell how much more ought the blood it selfe Quest. How may I prize the blood of Christ Answ. 1 Consider with the dignity of the person the infinite value of it That it is able to purchase the whole Church of God Act. 20. 28. which a thousand worlds of wealth could not doe No wealth in heaven or earth besides this can redeeme one soule And therefore the Apostle 1. Pet. 1. 19. sets this precious blood against all corruptible things as gold and silver and things so much set by amongst men 2. Consider the precious things which it procures us both in earth and in heaven 1. Here below it procures us foure things 1. Reconciliation and peace with God Rom. 3. 25. and Ephes. 2. 13. wee which were farre off are made neere by the blood of Christ. 2. A sweet tranquillity of mind and peace of conscience which all worldly treasure cannot purchase because now wee are within the Covenant of God living in his love which is better then life and in this love is no lacke but an abundant supply of all needfull things All which Covenant of grace is made and ratified by this blood therefore called the blood of the Covenant Heb. 9. 3. Victory against all the malignity of our spirituall enemies even the greatest Satan himselfe who is overcome by the blood of the lamb Revel 12. 11. 4. Immunity and safety from all the judgements and dangers threatned against our sinnes else had we died without mercy for despising Moses law Heb. 10. 28. For if there were such force in the blood of the type that by the effusion of it the Israelites lay safe and untouched of the revenging Angel Heb. 11. 28 much more in this blood of Jesus Christ to cover beleevers in his Name from the hand of Gods revenge due to our transgressions 2. This precious blood now in heaven procures us the most needfull and excellent good things above all that wee can imagine Especially two wayes 1. By opening heaven for our prayers for this blood pleads for us now in heaven and speaks better things for us then the blood of Abel Heb. 12. 24. That called for vengeante against the sinner this intreateth for daily grace for daily sinnes and procures daily mercies for daily supplies 2. As to our prayers so this blood openeth heaven to our persons This blood onely rents the vaile asunder and makes a way into the holy of holies and gives entrance into the kingdome of heaven Heb. 10. 19. by the blood of Jesus we are bold to enter into the holy place This blood is the onely key that unlocks heaven for else the Lord dwells in light which no flesh can have accesse to 1 Tim. 6. 16. namely without Christ and the shedding of his blood II. Is the blood of Christ so precious
even in these shadowes the Lord himselfe straitly enjoyned these were the Lawes prescribed for the Anniversary Passeover both in Exod. 12. 14 and Numb 9. in neither of which is any mention of any of the former Lawes proper to the first Passeover The last condition in eating concerned the measure The Lambe must be whole eaten signifying 1. Our perfect communion with Christ who are as neerely united unto Christ as the meat we eate which is turned into our owne substance 2. That nothing in Christ is unprofitable 3. That Christ must be received wholly without dividing of his natures or destroying any of his offices Arrius divides the Lambe in denying his Godhead Manichoes impugned his humanity Neither eate the whole lamb The Papists destroy all his Offices Whosoever deny any fundamentall Article of Religion they divide the lamb To eate the whole lamb is to beleeve whole Christ according to the rule Faith is but o●● yet a copulative Deny one overthrow all Hitherto served that Iniunction that no part of the lamb must bee reserved till the morrow but if any remained it must bee burnt with fire vers 10. The Lord in his infinite wisedome would prevent all the occasions of idolatry which is easily admitted in the reservations of holy things As in Popery what a deale of idolatry is crept into the Church by reserving superstitious relicks and especially their consecrated or conjured bread as if this condition did not condemne expresly that Popish reservation of the hoast or breaden god Add hereunto that the Jewes requiring the body of Christ on the Crosse to be taken away that night before the Sabbath Ioh. 19. 31. fulfilled against their knowledge this Prophecy Nothing of the Paschall lamb must be left till the morning Sect. V. V. The Paschall Lamb is an expresse type of Christ in respect of the fruit and use of it which is security and safety from Gods revenge ver 23 For as by the sprinkling of the blood and eating of the flesh the Jews were defended from the revenging Angel and the destroyer passed over the house where hee espied the blood sprinkled So the blood of Christ applied to the conscience causeth the wrath of God to passe by those that are so sprinkled And as they could sit in the house safe and not feare the stroke of the destroyer because of the blood sprinkled so whosoever by true faith feeds upon Jesus Christ and are died with his blood rest secure and feare not the destruction and revenge due to wicked men Heb. 10. 22. Let us draw neere with a true heart in assurance of faith sprinkled in our hearts from an evill conscience I. As the Jews dwelling in Aegypt were in great danger of the revenging Angel who was to passe through the land So all the Israel of God dwelling in the midst of the Aegypt of the world and too too much tainted with the fashions of it have no small cause to feare the judgements and revenge of God which must pursue the sinnes of it and also to use meanes for their owne safety in the night of trouble and revenge as the Israelites did Quest. What meanes Answ. The same that Israel did We must 1. Sprinkle the house of our hearts with the blood of the Lamb Heb. 10. 22. sprinkled in our hearts c. Whosoever were sprinkled with the blood of the lamb were safe Was there so much power in the blood of the type and not much more in the blood of the trueth 2. Get into the house of the Church and fellowship of the faithfull for such as are true members of the Church which is the house of Saints are secure from the plagues of wicked men Isai. 27. 3. I the Lord do keep the vineyard I will water it every moment lest any assaile it I will keepe it night and day and Isai. 37. 18. My people shall dwell in the Tabernacle of peace and in sure dwellings and in safe resting places Noah can bee safe no where in the deluge but in the Arke And out of the Church is no salvation or safety 3. Thou must abide in the house all night and goe not forth Except the Israelites abide in the house they cannot be safe except thou abidest in the ship of the Church thou canst not bee safe no more then any of Noahs company if they had stepped out of the Arke Wee must adhere constantly to the true Church and not forsake the fellowship or depart from it by Apostacy or revolt which brings certaine shipwrack of faith Consider Heb. 10. 25. 4. Patiently await for the morning even the bright rising and appearing of Jesus Christ the Sunne of righteousnesse comming againe to our deliverance whether publikely to generall judgement or personally in speciall to our selves For hee shall bring health ●●der hir wings Mal. 4. 2. II. In the whole precedent discourse is a fruitfull direction for Christians for their holy use of the Sacrament of the Supper which is come in place of the Passeover 1. As hee must bee circumcised that must eate the Passeover so must hee be baptized that must be admitted to the Supper that is a reverent professed Christian. For holy things must not bee cast to dogs Matt. 7. 6. The word and Sacraments are childrens bread and must not be cast to dogs that is obstinate enemies scorners blasphemers to men of uncircumcised lips and eares who wilfully repell the meanes of their cleansing So much the more pity is it that all sorts of notorious evill men thrust into the presence chamber of the great King yea sit downe at the Lords Table and like swine swill in his cup without controll or any rebuke in many places Open blasphemers common-drunkards scoffing Ishmaels noted adulterers obstinate sinners And where is the care to preserve the holy things of God from pollution contempt and profanation Would a man spread a table for dogs or swine If the shadows of these holy things might not bee cast to doggs is it nothing to expose to them the body and substance it selfe 1. Cor. 11. 30. for this cause many are weake and sicke among you and many sleepe 2. As the Lamb was taken in the tenth day but was not slaine till the fourteenth that it might be before their eyes all the foure dayes before for the helping of their meditation and due preparation to the eating of it So no man must come to the Supper without due preparing himselfe For if so long preparation was by God thought fit for the shadow what preparation can be thought fit and sufficient for the substance 1. Chron. 35. 6 It was the counsell of Sol●mon Prov. 23. 1. When thou sittest downe at a great mans table consider diligently what is set before thee Much more here at the great Gods Table no consideration of the Author matter maner end fruit and use can be sufficient What a fearefull thing is it to come as most men doe not considering
the Lords body How miserable was the sentence of that guest that sate down at the Kings table without his wedding garment Our common preparation is to put on our best clothes and to cover our bodily nakednesse in most curious manner In the meane time the Lord seeth and mens owne consciences witnesse against them how naked their soules lie and filthily discovered The due preparation to this ordinance would be attended with more comfort within and more reformation without then wee can espie in most communicants 3. As the Paschall lamb must never bee eaten without sower herbes so we must never come to the Sacrament without true humiliation and sorrow for sinne There can bee no sweetnesse in the blood of Christ till the heart bee full of bitternesse for sinne For as sower sawces whet the stomacke and provoke the appetite so true sorrow for sinne stirreth up our desire and appetite after Jesus Christ and prepares us to all good duties and holds us in a fitnesse to pray to heare the word to the Sacrament to works of mercy c. What a sweet sowernesse and bitternesse is that which brings such delectable sweetnesse and refreshing after it Any man of reason would make hard shift to drinke downe a bitter potion to helpe his bodily health and much more a godly man will be contented to digest godly sorrow for the procuring of heavenly joy and the sweet comforts of Gods salvation 4. As the Jew might not eate the lamb till he had purged all leaven out of his house So we must not come to the Sacrament without the forsaking of our sinne Never can a man expect any comfort by Christs Sacrifice that hideth the old leaven in the corners of his heart Whence the Apostle 1. Cor. 5. 7. exhorteth the Saints to purge out the old leaven because Christ our Passeover is sacrificed for us Here is to bee considered 1. What this leaven is 2. What is the purging of it 1. This leaven is not onely the leaven of corrupt doctrin which suddenly sowreth the truth and lumpe of the Gospel as leaven doth a lump of dowe but also the leaven of sin both in the corruption of nature which is the old leauen in our selves and hath sowred all the lump of whole mankind and every man and every faculty of man as also in corrupt and vicious conversation which sowreth and leaveneth others with himselfe in societies 2. The purging of this leaven is 1. In correcting and repenting sinne past when a constant care is nourished to find it out and to cast it out 2. In serious conversion and turning to God both which are expressed in Ps. 34. 14. Sect. VI. Quest. How may we purge out this leaven Answ. Imitate the Jew For why should a Jew be more careful in the shadow and ceremony then a Christian in the truth and substance I. The Jew begins to purge within and banish it out of his house So begin thou to purge the inside first Ier. 4. 4. Wash thy heart O Ierusalem An hypocrite can wash his face but a sound Christian looks to his heart Many can purge their mouthes and outward man about the time of the Sacrament but the heart is stuffed with maliciousnes envie profanene●se and ungodlinesse Many can bee busie to purge other mens houses but the Jew must purge his owne house II. The Jew purged out all leaven and spared none not a morsell or a crumme And shall not a Christian count every sinne a pollution and hatefull to God Shall any say Is it not a little one I may sweare a little be drunke if sildome I may not kill but raile and revile and speake my mind I may not be an adulterer but wanton in speeches looks behaviours and in my company I may not goe to plough on the Sabbath but may buy and sell ride abroad or be idle at home Why Is not a little serpent a serpent or a little poison poison Is not a little leaven enough to sower a whole lump III. The Jew carefully and narrowly searched and swept every corner and cranny of his house that not the least crumme might escape him And shall not we as carefully throw out this leaven out of every power of the soule and every part and member of our bodies That every one may possesse his whole house in holinesse and honour 1 Thess. 4. 4. How doth the Scripture teach us to purge this leaven out of all corners As 1. Out of the conscience to serve God with a pure conscience 2. Tim. 1. 3 2. Out of the affections prescribing love out of a pure heart 1. Tim. 1. 5. and to take heed to our feete comming to the house of God 3. Out of our senses Psal. 119. 37. turne away mine eyes from regarding vanities Job 31. 1. I made a covenant with mine eyes So to shut the eare from hearing blasphemy against God or men and not to be agents and abetters of blasphemers 4. Out of our speaches Psal. 39. 1. I said I will looke to my wayes that I offend not in my tongue And in stead of this leaven to accustome our selves to the language of Canaan and gracious speaches tending to edification ministring grace to the hearers IV. A Jew must begin his purging seven dayes before and hold on all the feast on paine of death How much more should wee beginne to purge our selves betimes and hold on so long as our Passeover lasts And because our Passeover is not annuall as that was but continuall wee must continue our cleansing and separating from this leaven which is not easily washed out Thou haste but trifled in this businesse that hangest downe thy head for a day and art penitent for the time of the Sacrament unlesse thou continuest to reforme and renew thy heart and life and conscionably avoidest all leaven of sin all thy life which is or ought to be a continuall Christian Passeover V. As the ●ews must eate the Passeover with their loines girt with staves in their hands eating in haste as tending to their Countrey So we must never come to the Sacrament but with holy hearts and meditations 1. Seriously considering what strangers and pilgrims we are here below not having any continuing City here but are seeking a Countrey Heb. 13. 14 Hee that is a true eater of our Paschall Lamb must not pitch downe his staffe here but as Christian Rechabites Ier. 35. esteeme themselves strangers content themselves to dwell in tents ever ready to remove not distracting themselves in building houses or planting vineyards or seeking great things for themselves Hence was that commendable admonition of the ancient Church in the time of the Sacrament used in our Liturgie Lift up your hearts 2. Wee must eate the Lamb hastily hastning unto Christ the true Passeover and not insist in these Sacraments of ours which are still but as shadows of good things to come yet serving us through this our strange Countrey and speeding
shape and figure every moment 3. The motion other clouds are mooved by the winde this mooved it selfe yea though the windes mooved most strongly it stood still Besides that the motion of it was certaine and imitable so as they might follow it but so was it never in any other cloud 4. It had contrary properties of light and of darkenesse being a Pillar of cloud and fire 5. In durance For one cloud to continue firme and stable for forty yeares long must needs bee miraculous whereas nothing is sooner dispersed then ordinary clouds by winde and weather In all which regards it is called the Cloud of the Lord Numb 14. 14. Not that all clouds are not his but because this was so after a speciall and extraordinary manner 3. Quest. What was the use of this cloudy Pillar Answ. Threefold the first in respect of God the second in respect of the Israelites the third in respect of their enemies Numb 14. 14. I. In respect of God It was a signe and symbole of the presence of God and Christ. For God often pleased to manifest his presence by the clouds As when he sets his bowe in the cloud a signe of his favour God in a cloud appeared to Moses Exod. 19. 9. God appeared in the cloud upon the Oracle Lev. 16. 2. So Christ in the Mount was transfigured in a bright cloud In his ascending he was taken out of their sight in a cloud And in his comming againe to judgement hee shall appeare in the Clouds to judge the quick and dead 2. In respect of the Israelites 1. to shew and direct them the way as a faithfull and constant guide through the wildernesse for when it mooved they must moove when it stood they must stand Psa. 78. 14 in the day he led them with a cloud and all the night with a light of fire which seemes the chiefe use of it Exod. 13. 21. 2. to shine and lighten them in the way so as they might goe by night as well as by day so in Psa. 78. 14. he led them all night long with a light of fire noted also Exod. 13. 21 3. to coole and comfort them as a shadow from the parching heat of the Sunne Psa. 105. 39 He spread the cloud as a covering or canopy over them To which the Prophet Isa. 4. 5. alluding cals it a covering cloud which shadow was no small comfort in that hot countrey in that dry and parched desert they still lying and living abroad in it 4. as a shield to defend them against their enemies for the cloud came betweene the host of Israel and the host of the Aegyptians to seperate betweene them And therefore it is called Numb 9. 19. the watch of the Lord actively watching over their safety passively which they carefully watched and attended 3. In respect of enemies It was darkenesse to the Aegyptians Exod. 14. 20. For the Lord used two of his creatures against the Aegyptians especially water and the cloud as meanes of execution of his justice upon his enemies As the clouds and fire shal be serviceable for the execution of his last and generall judgement at Christs second appearing IV. Quest. Wherein was this cloudy pillar a type of Christ Answ. In five respects 1. as a Pillar 2. of cloud 3. of fire 4. of cloud and fire 5. in the use of it I. As a Pillar it signified Christ who as a Pillar is firme stable straight strong and as a Pillar able to support his Church and to beare up all the living stones layd on this foundation II. As a Pillar of cloud 1. as the cloud naturally engendreth fruitfull raines and showers so Christ properly by the influence and raine of grace makes the field of the Church fresh fruitfull flourishing 2. as the cloud mitigates the heat of the Sunne so Jesus Christ quencheth and allayeth the parching heat of his Fathers wrath and is the covering of his Church in this dry and parched wildernes So as when the soule of a man is dryed up and fainteth within him through heat of his sinne then hee refresheth it with the sweet and comfortable doctrine of the Gospell as with a sweet raine the distressed conscience He it is that speaketh a word to the weary in due season 3. as the cloud covered Israel from the Aegyptians fury so Jesus Christ defends his Church 1. from the fiery darts and assaults of Satans temptations 2. from the furious rage of our owne lusts and inflammation of sinne 3. shelters it from the heat of the Sun of persecution and from all bodily ●oes that they cannot doe what they will but what he permits III. Christ was signified by the fiery part of the Pillar For 1. as fire hath a quickning heat in it so hath Jesus Christ who is the life of the world but especially of his Church and elect 2. as fire hath light so Christ is the true light of the world whom whosoever beleeveth he needs no other light nor knowledg to salvation no more then Israel needed any light in the night but this All Gods people walke by this fiery Pillar and by no other 3. as fire purgeth and purifieth metals from drosse so doth Iesus Christ purge his people from all their sinnes partly by the fire of his spirit within Mat. 3. 11. and perfectly by his blood which cleanseth from all sinne 1. Ioh. 1. 7. IV. As a pillar both of fire and cloud it signified Christ in his 1. person 2. actions 1. In his person Being a Pillar both of fire and cloud it was both light and darknesse signifying Christ Jesus God and man both shining in the brightnesse of the glory of his deity and at the same time clouded veiled darkned and obscured in a base and despicable humanity in which to the blinde world was no forme nor beauty Isa. 53. 2. And as both fire and cloud make but one pillar so God and man one Christ. 2. In his actions For 1. As the Pillar of fire and cloud Christ both enlightens the Israel of God to salvation and is darknes at the same time to all Egyptians that is a stumbling block and stone of offence to unbeleevers 2. As the same pillar Christ both openeth the way of the red sea to beleevers giving the grace of Baptisme through the red sea of his blood as also justly shutteth obstinate sinners from grace and favour the meanes of which being offered unto them they wilfully tread under foot turning all the grace of Christ to their deeper damnation 3. As the same Pillar of cloud and fire Christ is the guide of all the Israel of God whom wee must follow in all our journey through our wildernesse both in the rules of his holy doctrine and also of his blessed example Therefore himselfe saith Mat. 11. 29. follow me as they were to follow that cloud for that was but a Type of this leading us to our Canaan 4. as that same Pillar of cloud and fire
a folid wall on both sides which are naturally fluid and seeing nothing is so hardly contained within bounds as liquid waters it was exceeding miraculous And that the bottome of the sea should on the suddaine become firme and dry ground Exod. 14. 22 and even as an high way was not the least of these miracles 4. That the same sea at the same time should be both calme and tempestuous For the mighty winds and tempests were so strong against the Aegyptians that it brake their Chariot wheeles and they could hardly moove or stirre against it yet all the same time it was a peaceable calme to Israel who were very neere them 5. The time of the standing of the waters on so vast an heape whereon learned men agree not any way concluded is most miraculous Some thinke as Chytraeus that for so many thousands yea hundred thousands of men women and children to walke a soft pace and to drive their cattell so many miles must needs take them foure or five dayes time and then the waters to stand so long was admirable Others thinke they went through in one night for the text mentioneth but one night and then was it no lesse miraculous to convey so much people and cattell so much way in so small time 6. That the same Sea at the same time should be both a gulfe and devourer and yet a saver from devourers That the same sea at the same time should both retire back yet return to its course for the waters returned upon the Aegyptians on the one side of the sea when Israel was not fully over on the other as appeareth by comparing ver 26. with ver 29. that the same sea at the same time should moove stand with such judgment and distinction as not one Aegyptian was saved ver 28. not one Israelite drowned ver 30. II. Now consider this great worke of God as a signification and type of Christ which it must needs be as it is a Sacrament which we must consider both in the constitution and in the consequents or effects of it in all directly poynting us to Jesus Christ hereby typified In the first to the Cor. 10. 2 the Apostle saith that all the Fathers were baptized in the sea whence I gather three conclusions I. Conclusion That this was a Sacrament figuring our baptisme and that all necessary institutions of a Sacrament concurre in it As 1. the author was God the Institutor both of the Covenant and seales Exod. 14. 30. 2. the Minister was Moses ver 31. 3. the Covenant sealed was Gods promise and word for their deliverance ver 15. 4. the signe of the Covenant was Moses stretching of his hand both for the deviding of the sea ver 16 and the returning of it againe ver 27. 5. the thing signified was salvation by the Messiah and all spirituall and eternall benefits and deliverances procured by him sealed up in this miracle 6. the faith of the Israelites was the same hand with ours to receive the same benefits and things signified ver 31. they beleeved God Heb. 11. 29. by faith they passed through the red sea c II. Conclusion There was not one of these actions in this temporall deliverance but it signified and sealed such actions to the beleeving Israelites as both confirmed their faith in the Covenant and set forward their salvation merited by the Messiah and so still led them to Christ As in these examples 1. God in leading his people to Canaan made them a safe way through the sea signifying to their faith that God offered them Jesus Christ the promised Messiah through the red sea of whose death and passion they should find a sure and safe way to passe them through a full sea of troubles to the true celestiall Canaan and by him as by a firme way to walke forward to eternall life 2. When they saw the same Jehovah to divide the sea into his division Iunius calleth them cuttings off and to drive away the raging waters from overflowing them this action signified to their faith that the son of God by his merit and mediation would carry them through all difficulties and dangers as deepe as the bottome of the sea unto eternall rest and so rebuke the seas of their sorrows and drive back the raging waves of terrors and temptations that threaten their destruction that they shall safely and happily passe through the sea as it were on dry land 3. When they saw Jehovah the Sonne of God present with them in the voyage and that he made the sea returne to his force againe both to save themselves and to overthrow the Aegyptians It signified to their faith the action of Christ freeing his elect from all spirituall forces and armies pursuing them as also by a mighty overthrow swallowing up and devouring in the bottomlesse sea of his wrath all those that come out and stand against them III. Conclusion There is no Evangelicall blessing by Christ sealed to us by baptisme which was not signified and sealed to them in the Red sea So as Christ was as truely represented to them as to us though not so cleerely and the truth and substance of his merits exhibited to them as to us onely in a manner more obscure and clouded As in examples 1. If the waters of Baptisme seal up to beleevers that the blood of Christ alone saveth and defendeth the people of God from eternall death and damnation What could be more plainely signified by the waters of the Red sea saving Israel from present death and destruction 2. Baptisme signifieth to us that by the blood of Christ in which Red sea all beleevers must be baptised there is dying and a buriall unto sinne and a rising unto newnesse of life What could be more plainely signified by the Baptisme of the fathers in the Red sea who were after a sort buried in the waters but after raised to the shoare and restored to land and life 3. By the benefit of Baptisme in which the Red sea of Christs blood is truely applyed our old man and flesh is truely mortified buried and destroyed but the new man is quickned and repaired and now new motions desires affections are stirred up and preserved in the hearts of beleevers what could be more expresly signified to the Fathers by the overthrow of Pharaoh and his hoste in the Red sea and the escape of the Israelites safe and sound 4. When they did see themselves by the benefit of the Red sea freed from Pharaohs servitude how easily might they gather that by the blood of Christ every beleever of Jewes and Gentiles are freed from the slavery of hellish Pharaoh and all his Armies of sinnes and corruptions And when they did see how the Aegyptians once dead and slaine could hurt them no more how could they but gather that all the armies of sinne once remitted and buried in the death of Christ can no more rise up to condemnation then a drowned
thou refusest Christ himselfe V. We must beware of being weary of this manna The Jewes esteemed manna sweet at first and went out cheerefully to gather it yea the Sabbath and all which was a prohibited time so greedy were they of it but within a little while although it retained the sweetnesse they waxed weary of it Wee must take heed of this ficklenesse in goodnesse which hath ever bewrayed it selfe in most forward people At the first building of the Tabernacle men brought too much but after tooke it away as fast againe Iohn was a burning and shining light and they rejoyced in his light but it was but for a season and few shining lights but find it so The Galatians at first received Paul as an Angell but soone revolted from him What flocking and thronging was there after Christs doctrine and miracles that the kingdome of God suffered violence but soone they had enough of him and in short time did tumult as fast against him The like was observed in our owne land at the first falling of this manna and beginnings of the Gospell men were earnest glad joyfull forward then was a sweet time of the happy welcome of this Manna happy was hee could get his Gomer first and fullest But now what voices heare wee other then of the ungracious Israelites Oh our soules are dryed up with this manna here is nothing but manna so much preaching so many Sermons and it was better with the world in Aegypt before all this preaching And whereas our fathers would have ridden far to a Sermon wee their lazie off-spring will scarce steppe over our thresholds Let us consider here for our incitement 1. how hard it is to begin well but harder to hold out and not holding out we lose all our labour 2. that manna is as sweet as ever though wee see not our owne neede which if we did see wee would be no more weary of Gods word were it daily preached then wee are of our bread we daily eate VI. We must be so far from wearinesse as that we must highly esteeme this true Manna as the sweetest gift that ever God gave from heaven and never forget so miraculous a mercy That Israel might not forget Gods extraordinary mercy in this type they must for ever keepe a pot of Manna which was preserved so long as the Temple stood for many hundred yeeres And that wee might not forget this mercy in the true manna hee hath and doth for ever preserve his word preached and instituted Sacraments in which he perpetually holdeth this mercy before the eyes of the Church Let us raise monuments of Gods mercies to our selves and not forget lesser favours if we would not forfeit them But such a mercy as this is in Jesus Christ the true Manna let it live in our hearts in our memories sences affections actions in walking worthy of it for thus it becommeth the just to be thankefull CHAP. XXIII Water out of the Rock a type THe second extraordinary Sacrament sealing up to Israel their nourishment and strength in the Covenant was the water out of the Rocke After the Lord had brought Israel through the dangerous Sea hee brings them to Elim a sweet and fruitfull place where were twelve fountaines of water and seventy Palme trees there they camped and breathed Exod. 15. 27. Not long after they must come into the dry desart of Sin where they want both bread and patience for they murmure against God and exclaime against Moses and Aaron At this time the Lord feeds their bellies and fills them with miracles of which Manna was full Thence at Gods commandement must they come unto Rephidim Exod. 17. 1. Here have they bread from heaven but no water Now contend they as fast with Moses for water as before for bread And as thirst is the more eager appetite so it ineagers their affections that Moses complaines to God they are ready to kill him God sees their rebellion and puts it up and instead of revenge of their horrible obstinacy and ingratitude satisfies their thirst as miraculously as formerly hee had done their famine and hunger Hee commands Moses to take his rod and speake to the Rock and then should issue waters in abundance to satisfie all the Campe both man and beasts and so he did Exod. 17. 6. Now wee may not thinke that this fact concerned onely Israel in the wildernesse but even all the Church and Israel of God passing through the wildernesse of this world And that for these reasons 1. The Apostle 1 Cor. 10. 4. calleth it a spirituall rocke both for being miraculous in effects and for being a type of what was to come It was both miraculous and significant and therefore called spirituall 2. The same water which they drank we also drink as in the same Chap. and ver because in the holy Supper of the Lord the matter of our spirituall drink is the same with theirs and that is the blood of Christ resembled by theirs The difference is onely in the maner of drinking 3. Including this water of the Rock the Apostle saith they are all types to admonish us and are written for vs vers 6. 11. 4. Most plainly he affirmeth vers 4 and that Rock was Christ not in substance but in signification saith Aquinas Now wee having as much to doe with Christ as they wee must farther enquire into this type 1. To parallel it with the truth by comparing them 2. By applying it in some fruitfull observations to our selves The Rock was a type of Christ three wayes 1. As it was a Rock 2. As out of it issued water 3. In the manner of obtaining I. As a Rock it elegantly typed out Jesus Christ fitly compared to a Rock in five resemblances 1. For the despicable appearance The Rock is in appearance dry and barren the most unlikely thing in all the world to afford water so as it was incredible to Moses and Aaron themselves to fetch water out of a Rock If God had commanded them to have beaten fire out of a flinty rock it had not been so unlikely but to distill water out of a flint or rock must be miraculous Even so Jesus Christ was for outward forme and appearance in the world most unlikely of all men to afford any such waters of grace and salvation Isai. 53. 2 3. hee was as a dry root without forme or beauty as an hard barren and despised rock the most abject of men the refuse of the world a worme and no man of whom when the Prophets preached they could finde none almost that would beleeve their report 2. A Rock for exaltation and advancement A Rock is a promontory lifted up above the earth Such a Rock was Christ advanced above the earth yea and the heavens advanced above all men and creatures 1. In holinesse and purity 2. In power and authority 3. In place and dignity So Ioh. 3. 31
Sacraments that can bring one drop of true water of comfort but by the presence and word of Gods blessing The efficacy of grace depends not on any meanes or worke wrought but it is Gods word and presence that doth all in them Ob. Then we may give up the use of all meanes and pray at home for grace Sol. Not so for meanes must be used Moses must speake to the rocke God appoints no meanes in vaine but we must not insist and dwell in them but looke beyond them to Gods blessing and successe Moses must use the Rod though a word without the rod might have done it so we must use the meanes as being tyed to them though God be not but not stick in them seeing the abuse of them may make them hurtfull not helpefull The people of Moses the Jewes strooke this rocke pearced him with thornes and speares saw with their eyes the precious fountaine opened in his side a priviledge in which they were beyond all people of the earth but partly ignorant what they did partly malicious treading this precious blood under foot not attending not beleeving the word this reall striking of this rocke was unprofitable yea and damnable unto them 5. The waters of the rock smitten followed the Israelites 1. Noting the abundance of water not only for their present supply but also for future so in Christ his blood is abundant and plentifuil redemption and consolation 2. The rock following them that is following or satisfying their desires It followed them every where where they desired followed their necessities followed their desires So Christ Jesus is to the faithfull heart all it can desire He followes them with all sweet and needfull desires He is above all that heart can thinke alwaies present with us through our wildernesse especially in most needfull times 3. It followed them in signifying the truth which was to follow It signifyed plainely that Christ was to follow it as the truth the type and so it followed them with instruction and admonition so Christ the true Rock followes the Church with instruction His whole life Ministery miracles actions passion and speeches was a reall instruction And now by his Ministery he followes us with daily directions 4. It followed them through the wildernesse even unto Canaan All the drynesse of that dry and barren wildernesse could not dry it up So the waters of grace streaming from the Rocke Jesus Christ follow the beleeving Israel of God through the wildernesse of the world to the heavenly Canaan All the persecutions and parching heats and droughts in the world can never dry it up Let all the wildernesse besides want water in Israels campe is enough Where God begins with a man in sound and saving grace here it will carry him into the land of promise True grace must end in glory Hence arise observations twofold I. In respect of God to confirme our faith in the assurance of his 1. presence 2. power 3. mercy to the Church I. His presence He that before was present in the Pillar of the cloud and fire for their safety and in the manna for their sustenance is now present in the Rocke for their satiety in their extreame thirst The presence of Christ is all in all to the Church his presence is a present supply of all wants His eye is alwaies present for although it goe over all the world yet it is alwaies fixed on the Church His eare is present they cannot call to Moses for bread or water but he heares and supplyes His hand is ever present with and for his Church and is not shortned Himselfe is ever present with his in life in death and after for good for grace and glory Onely keepe thou these conditions 1. Be with him 2 Chr. 15. 2 that is walke with him as Henoch 2. Keepe in thy waies for so long he hath promised his comfortable presence 3. Rejoyce in his presence in the presence of his spirit in the signes and meanes of his presence And then feare not want sicknesse nor to walke in the midst of the valley of the shadow of death for God is with thee Psa. 23. 4. He will also prepare a table for thee in the sight of the adversary ver 5. II. Here is a testimony of such mighty and miraculous power in God for his people that even Moses himselfe staggered and could scarce conceive a worke of such power from God Here is a worke of omnipotency in cleaving the hard rocke Psal. 78. 15. To shew 1. That he is a free worker not tied to second causes but at his pleasure can hinder alter or change the power of nature Psa. 115. 3. 2. That he can worke by contraries and out of most unlikely yea contrary meanes effect his owne pleasure Luk 1. 37 Is any thing impossible to God 3. That we should cast our eyes on this power Psa. 62. 11 Once have I heard it yea twice that power belongeth to God And hence learne 1. Not to limit the holy one that made heaven and earth of nothing 2. Faithfully to depend on this power when we see no meanes of safety or supply but all the meanes contrary For the rocke shall yeeld water rather then thou shalt want what hee seeth good for thee 3. In thy fainting and wearinesse when thy weaknesse tells thee thou art not able to goe on in this wildernesse for want of water of comfort and consolation nay art hopelesse in thy selfe or any meanes thou canst make now hope above hope Gods power is sufficient in thy weakenesse Sampson shall get both victory and water by a jaw-bone the most unlikely thing in the world for either And though this power now worketh not miracles ordinarily yet before thou that waitest on him shalt miscarrie hee will miraculously sustaine thee III. Heere is a testimony of Gods admirable mercry to his people Israel deserved to be smitten for their murmuring and rebellion but the rock is smitten for them The rock is not smitten for it selfe but for Israel In stead of a revenging power which they might have expected they find a gracious power which they could not expect Even so all ma●kinde was to be smitten by the Law but the Rock must be smitten for us Our Rock suffered nothing for his owne sinnes who was purer in his nature and actions then all the Angels of God but all the stroke he suffered was for the Israel of God that they might draw out of this well-head waters of joy and abundant consolation The mighty power of God which we had deserved to be turned all against us is all turned to the salvation of the Church where mercy rejoyceth against judgement Thus of God From this Rock and water we are also to observe some things concerning our selves I. Wee have heere the accomplishment of that Prophecy Zach 13. 1 A fountaine is opened to the house of David and to the inhabitants of
Ierusalem for sinne and for uncleannesse Here we have Christ himselfe the true water out of the Rock who onely refresheth dry and weary soules and comforteth the fainting heart with the sweet promises flowing from the Gospell And that wee may see the excellency and benefit of this fountaine we will a little compare this Rock with the other and set the truth above the type to draw our eyes and desires after it 1. In that rocke the rocke was one thing the water another here Christ is both the rocke and water both the giver and water given 2. That rock refreshed wicked men and beasts this is bestowed upon and comforteth onely beleevers 3. That rock refreshed bodyes onely this both soules and bodies That preserved naturall life but this torrent preserves the supernaturall life of grace so as a leafe withers not nor falls from a tree of righteousnesse planted by this river of water Psa. 1. 3. 4. That rock might preserve and comfort the living but could not helpe a dead man but this quickneth the dead soule with new and heavenly life 5. The waters of that rock quenched natural thirst but this quencheth all unnaturall One drop of it tasted by Zacheus quenched all his unnaturall thirst after the world and in Paul all the thirst of revenge and furie against the Saints 6. The rock gave water twice this rock gives waters of comfort alwaies The water of that rock followed them a great while but at length were dryed up but the waters of this rock are never dried up The blood of CHRIST is alwaies running and a fresh fountaine never dry 7 The Israelites dranke of that water and were contented for a little while but by and by did thirst againe But he that drinkes of this water shall never thirst againe Ioh. 4. 14. that is miserably as they however he shall desire it still yet his very desire is his happinesse and saciety II. How we are to carry our selves to this rock and fountaine namely as Israel to that rock 1. The Israelites thirst and call for water they see and feele their need and want so we must feele our want of Christ and get a fervent desire after Christ and his graces because onely the thirsty are called Isa. 55. 1. and onely they in want see the worth of the thing wanting Now we may not thinke that every wish after Christ is this thirst for the worst can wish a part in Christ but this thirst and desire must have three conditions 1. It must be fervent and eager as Sampsons Give me water or I die Iud. 15. 18. As the chased Hart panteth after the rivers of water so doth my soule after thee Ps. 42. 1. 2. It must be faithfull We must not thirst with repining and diffidence as the Israelites but with faith and confidence This drawes vertue from Christ According to thy faith be it to thee 3. It must be constant The Israelites thirst still till they obtaine their desire so we must not content our selves with desire or to come where this water is and goe without it but we must never be content with our estate though it be never so well with us for the world till we taste the sweet comfort strength of Christ and his merits To continue thy thirst observe two rules 1. So long as God hath any grace to give or is not weary of giving thou must not be weary of thirsting begging asking 2. So long as thou wantest any grace or any measure of grace received thou must thirst still Ever be desiring one good thing after another and one measure of grace after another till thou beest compleat and then shalt thou never give over this thirst while thou livest here 2. Israel thirsty runs to the rock so in thy thirst run thou to the rock Dost thou thirst for pardon of sinne for grace of sanctification for sence of Gods love for assurance of eternall life come to this Rock for supply Art thou ready to faint in thy soule for want of grace and comfort art thou ready to sinke in sorrows feares faintings wants dangers runne to this fountaine which God hath opened for thee To move thee hereto consider 1. the rock it selfe calls thee which art thirsty which that rock could not doe Ioh. 7. 37. If any man thirst let him come to me and drinke 2. That to runne any whither else is to forsake the fountaine of living waters and dig pits that will hold no water Let Papists runne to the puddle waters of their owne merits or seek other Mediators or Intercessors say thou with the Apostles Lord thou hast the words of eternall life and whither should we goe Let others runne to humane helpes and remedies in their sorrowes to cards dice merry company let them runne to devils and witches and make them their rock Let thy heart say The Lord is my Rock and if the word were not my comfort I were sure to sinke in my trouble 3. Israel comming to the rock did not onely draw from thence but drinke heartily so we must not onely come to the place where Christ is preached but we must beleeve in him and specially apply to our selves the merit of his death For as drinking is a speciall application of water to the thirsty body so by beleeving in Christ we specially apply the waters of grace to the refreshing of the soule To beleeve is to drinke this water Ioh. 7. 38. with Ioh. 4. 14. Nothing could quench Israels thirst being bodily but water and onely faith quencheth our spirituall thirst And therefore as they to Moses we must say to Christ Lord give us faith to quench our spirituall thirst Let these motives provoke us to drinke these waters 1. As Israel was by drinking that water revived and refreshed so onely these waters from Christ quicken us with new life and coole the heat of raging and accusing consciences Every beleever hath true tranquillity of heart and joyes of the holy Ghost within him yea so plentifully doe these waters of consolation rise from the Rock that he that drinkes them is said to have the kingdome of God in him which stands in righteousnesse peace joy c. 2. What madnesse and folly is it to lay about us so eagerly for this puddle water in comparison and catching with all greedinesse at the bitter-sweet comforts of this life which prove poyson to the most and neglect the sweet and pure streames of saving waters of grace flowing from the true Rock JESUS CHRIST Wee reade what strife and contention was among the Jewes for wells of spring water and now no man will lose a dishfull of well water but he will know to whom and shall we onely not care for the water of saving grace which cost Christ so deare before he could open the well of it for us 3. When the woman of Samaria heard Christ say that he that dranke of this water should
religious persons when times do else not To avoid pernicious and dangerous sinnes which law revengeth as murder adultery theft but not covetousnesse not usury not swearing not uncleane lusts Herod will not part with his Herodias Ahab hath no reason to respect Micah when he prophecies evill to him 3. Trades men oppresse cosen lye deceive c because they have reason to make the best of their owne What reason but they may serve a Customer upon the Sabbath so they come to Church They have reason to slip all opportunities of grace all the weeke because they must walke diligently in their callings the sixe dayes Thus reason steps in and thrusts aside the practise of that which men in judgement hold not for good and necessary and like Evah still longing after forbidden fruit Thus of the second observation Sect. VI. III. Seeing all of us in this wildernesse are stung with the old Serpent what are we to doe to be cured Answ. we are to doe five things 1. We must feele our selves stung with our sinnes and confesse our selves stung for so must the Israelite before he could be cured We must feele the poyson and paine of sinne and First that this poyson hath not seated it selfe in one place but hath crept and diffused it selfe through all our parts For therefore it is called venenum quod per venas eat And as the vaynes and blood runne through every part of the body so sinne through every part of the man Secondly as poyson never rests till it come to the heart and there strikes and corrupts the fountaine of life So our sinne hath mortally wounded our very hearts and strikes at the life of grace in the soule Thirdly as poyson inflames the party with an incredible thirst having overcome naturall moysture and eaten up the spirits so sinne in the soule workes an utter defect and dryes up all waters of grace and makes the sinner insatiable in drinking up iniquity like water Fourthly as poyson not prevented brings speedy and certaine death but not without extreame paine and intolerable torture so the poyson of sinne unconquered brings certaine and eternall death attended with horrour of conscience desperate feares and torments most exquisite Thus must we labour to feele the sting of our sin in all parts far more mortall then the most venemous stings of most direfull Serpents 2. When this people felt themselves stung so deadly they come to Moses for counsell so must thou depend upon the Minister for direction as they upon Moses Never was man sensible of this sting but he would runne to the Ministers Act. 2. 37 when they were pricked in their hearts they said to Peter and the rest Men and brethren what shall we doe Act. 16. 30 the poore Jaylor being stung and sensible of his paine came trembling and humbling himselfe to Paul and Silas prisoners saying Sirs what must I doe to bee saved A conscience truely wounded will seeke to God to his word and Ministers for it knowes that God woundeth and healeth The feet of him that brings good tidings are beautifull to an humbled heart even as an experienced Physitian to a sicke party who else were sure to be lost for want of meanes What marveile if a soule truely sensible of his sting and paine can runne to Gods Ministers when a counterfeit humiliation can make as hard hearted a King as Pharaoh runne to Moses and Aaron and beg prayers of them A marveilous thing then that of so many thousands stung so deadly so few are sensible that so few trouble Moses or the Ministers with questions concerning their estates Some stung and guilty consciences not supported by faith in touch of sinne and sence of paine like a Doe shot with an arrow runne every way but the right for ease Some with Asa send to the Physitian to purge away melancholy Some with Saul send for musick esteeming soules sicknesse but a sottish lumpishnesse Some runne into the house of laughter and wicked playhouses to see and heare the Lords Sampsons and worthies derided not without haynous blasphemy Others fall a building with Cain or set upon other imployments perhaps it is but an idle fancy Some runne perhaps to the Witch of Endor in the meane time send away Paul as Felix or runne against Moses and his Ministers But comfort can they have none but from God and his word had not thy word saith David beene my comfort I had perished in my trouble All the Physitians in the world all the Musitians and Magicians put together nor any other meanes could helpe a stunge Israelite he must come to Moses when hee had done all hee could All other by-comforts are worme eaten and as cold water to cure a dropsie or as a cold draught to cure a poyson Some few there are that come unto us who we are sure had never sought to us more then others had they had so little sence of their sting as other have as the Israelites had never come at Moses had they not beene slung Let them be comforted in that they have gone the right way to fetch their comforts which is from God and his word and not from carnall men or councels The Lord in mercy hath brought them light out of darkenesse for pittie had it beene they had wanted the sting of affliction that hath driven them to God and to his word and servants 3. Comming to Moses wherein do they imploy them what questions move they to him Numb 21. 7. Oh their sinne troubles them which they confesse in generall we have sinned and in particular wee have spoken against the Lord and against thee and then pray him to helpe them in removing the Serpents So thou being stung when thou comest to Gods Ministers wilt be conversant in fruitfull and edifiable questions thou must be free in confession of such sinnes as are the likely cause of thy trouble and intent and busie how to be rid of the Serpents and the sting and poyson of thy sinnes Thou will be carefull to know how to get ease of heart and quietnesse of conscience from the paine and sting of sinne So the converts Act. 2 and so the Jaylor What shall I do to be saved The fault of many is when they have meanes of counsell and cōfort present with them to waste their time in trifling and curious questions and impertinent to the cure of the sting of the Serpent Questions which are like Crafishes in which is more picking then meat Questions meerely idle the resolution of which helps them no whit to ease or to heaven An humbled heart will not so lose his time nor dwell in toyes and unnecessaries to thrust out things more profitable A wise heart will not for a shadow forgoe the substance but will be much in that question of the young man Mr. what may I doe to inherit eternall life what may I doe to be saved what may I doe to be rid of this Serpent and
behaviours as the fame of your sweet savour goes forth in the Church of God to which I doubt not but this Treatise will be the more welcome because of your worthy name prefixed It is an Orphane and the Widow desires it should be your Ward who in your love can best tender it and by your authority defend it sufficiently The God of heaven increase all heavenly graces and comforts in your noble heart abundantly and adde unto your dayes honours and blessings of all sorts till these shadowes flie away and the true Day-starre arise upon you in glory the hearty prayer of one who is and desires to be reckoned among Isleworth Iune 20. 1635. Your Wo truest friends in every good service WILLIAM IEMMAT TO THE CHRISTIAN READER I Have heard of a demurre made as though something were put forth under this Authors name which it none of his I assure thee in the word of a Minister that for the workes that have my Epistle prefixed and I heare of no other published with his name there is not one note nor notion which is not the Authors owne according to his papers And the like I affirme concerning this Treatise of Types which now I publish The use of it is manifold To open divers places of Scripture To shew the meaning of legall shadows and ceremonies To declare the faith of the Elders who received a good report To manifest our faith one with theirs one faith one Lord one Baptisme one salvation To magnifie and commend Christ to every soule that it may be saved and he honoured To discerne and bewaile the blindnesse of Gods ancient people the Iewes and pray for their returne to the truth not catching at shadowes Of whom in present I may say with detestation of their madnesse as he said against the Philosophers Nos qui non habitu c. Wee Christians whose excellencie stands not in outward things but spirituall glorie that we have found what they with all their diligence have sought and could not finde Why are we unthank●full Why doe we stand in our owne light if the truth of the Deitie hath in this our age attained to maturitie Let us enjoy and make use of our owne good and follow the truth in truth avaunt superstition be packing all impietie let true religion be preserved and flourish Yet withall seeing there is a promise that all Israel shall be saved let us pray for the performance and that with all earnestnesse as that converted Iew gave exhortation to his sonne So long poure forth thy prayers for the remnant of Israel till God looke from his high habitation and see and have mercy on his people for the Lords sake his Anointed that in our daies Iudah may be saved and the children of Israel may dwell safely in their owne land and spend their daies in good the Lord making his good Spirit to rest upon them William Jemmat A Table of the Contents of this Treatise I. THe Introduction containing five Propositions of the Church salvation covenāt of grace Christ the anciēt ceremonies p. 1 Five reasons for those ceremonies 2 Grace in the New Testament specially how 3 Ceremonies called shadowes for foure reasons 4 Threefold use of them to the Iews 5 Gods wisedom in appointing them three wayes ibid. II. The Treatise shewing Christ prefigured by holy persons and things 5 I. Adam a type of Christ in creation office soveraignty conjugation propagation 6 The Ministery reverend for antiquitie 8 Antiquity of the doctrine of free grace ibid. Seeke life by Christs death ibid. Get into Christ the second Adam as thou art surely of the first Motives 9 II. Noah a type for salvation righteousnesse preaching Arke repairing the world sacrifice of rest and a dove sent out of the Arke 10 Preserve integrity in the worst times 14 Sinnes which are signes of judgement approaching 15 Comfort to bee had in Christ our Noah 16 III. Melchizedek a type in Etymologie office originall excellency of person and Priesthood 17 Christ greater than Abraham 20 Comfort by Christ our Melchizedek ibid. We are blessed by our Melchizedek 21 By our Melchizedek the Church abides for ever 22 Excellencie of Christs Priesthood above the Leviticall eight waies ibid. Sin not to be accounted slight whose sacrifice is so costly 24 IV. Isaac a type in birth suffering offering escape marriage 24 A patterne of obedience in 5. things 28. Two rules 29 A type of our resurrection 31 Matter of sweet consolation 32 Look for helpe though the case bee desperate ibid. V. Joseph a type in his person actions passions advancement 33 No newes for good men to be hated for their excellencie 37 All sufferings of the godly come of God ordained and ordered 37 Comfort by Christ our Ioseph foure wayes 38 Do to Christ as Iosephs brethren to him 39 VI. Moses a type in person estate office suffering sundry actions 40 Our doctrine is of God 45 Be faithfull in doing thy office 46 Shew faith in the fruit of it contrary to foure sorts of men 47 Assurance of our resurrection 47 VII Joshua a type in saving calling miracles valour actions 48 A fearfull thing to be an enemy of the Church 51 Comfort in our salvation accomplished 52 Duties wee owe to Christ our Joshua 53 Conditions to be observed in going to heaven 53. Six 54 VIII Sampson a type in person condition actions sufferings stratagems victories 55 Iudge none by outward calamities 58 Strange meanes used by God for the Churches good 59 Our victorie stands in patience and passion 60 Fourefold comfort to Gods people ibid. In Gods cause contemne greatest perill and prepare for death approching 62 IX David a type in person vocation warres kingdome office Propheticall and Priestly 62 Enter upon no office without assistance of the Spirit A note of it 70 Christ the true King of the Church Nine wayes more excellent than David 71 How God brings his servants to honour 74 Church ever pestered with home-bred enemies 75 Comfort to the Church in 3. things 76 X. Salomon a type in person condition peace-making wisedome glory temple justice 77 Duties to Christ our Salomon two 83 Fourefold comfort in our Salomon 84 XI Jonah a type in name office death buriall resurrection 85 Repent at the Ministery of Christs servants 87. Motives 88. Vocation of the Gentiles 89 Our resurrection assured to us 89 Power and wisedome of God to bee admired 90 Terror of sin euen in Gods own children and comfort 91 XII The First-borne types as Gods peculiar fathers of the family preferred before brethren double portion 92 Every mercy is the greater engagement unto God 95 Honour Christ as the first-borne of God and how 96 Threefold comfort in the birthright 97 Forfeit not the birthright by sin 98 Resemble Christ our elder brother 99 XIII Priests types in deputation to office and execution choice consecration apparell actions 100 A cover for us in Christ for all deformities of soule and body