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A13203 [The Pentateuch]; Bible. O.T. Pentateuch. English. Tyndale. 1530. Tyndale, William, d. 1536. 1530 (1530) STC 2350; ESTC S1193 348,761 749

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the cleare daye light And I beleue also that the prophetes whiche folowed Moses to confirme his prophesyes and to mayntayne his doctrine vnto Christes cominge were moued by soch thinges to serche further of Christes secrettes And though God wold not haue the secrettes of Christ generallye knowne saue vnto a few familier frendes which in that infancye he made of mans witte to helpe the other babes yet as they had a generall promysse that one of the seed of Abrahā shuld come and blesse them euen so they had a generall fayth that God wold by the same man saue them though they wist not by what meanes as the very apostles when it was oft told them yet they coude neuer comprehend it till it was fufilled in deade And beyonde all this their sacrifices ād ceremonies as farforth as the promyses annexed vnto them extende so farforth they saued thē and iustified them and stode them in the same steade as oure sacramentes doo vs not by the power of the sacrifice or deade it selfe but by the vertue of the faith in the promysse whiche the sacrifice or ceremonye preached and wherof it was a token or sygne For the ceremonies and sacrifices were lefte with them and commaunded them to kepe the promysse in remēbraunce and to wake vpp their fayth As it is not ynough to sende manye on errandes and to tell them what they shall doo but they must haue a remembraunce with them and it be but a ringe of a rush aboute one of their fingers And as it is not ynough to make a bargayne with wordes onlye but we must put thereto an oth and geue ernest to confirme the faithe off the person with whom it is made And in like maner yf a man promysse what soeuer trifull it be it is not beleued excepte he hold vppe his finger also soch is the wekenesse of the world And therfore christ him silf vsed oftymes diuerse ceremonyes in curynge the s●ke to sturre vpp their faith with all As for an ●nsample it was not the bloud of the lambe that saued thē in Egipte when the angell smote the Egiptians but the mercye of God and his truth wherof that bloude was a token and remembraunce to sturre vppe their faythes wyth all For though God make a promysse yet it saueth none finallye but them that longe for it and praye God with a stronge fayth to fulfill it for his mercye and truthe onlye and knowlege theyr vnworthynesse And euen so oure sacramentes yf they be truelye ministred preach Christ vnto vs and leade oure faythes vnto Christ by which faithe oure synnes are done awaye and not by the deade or worke of the sacrament For as it was impossible that the bloude off calues shuld put awaye synne euen so is it impossible that the water of the ryuer shuld wash oure hartes Neuerthelesse the sacramentes clēse vs and absolue vs of oure synnes as the preastes doo in preachinge of repentaunce and faith for which cause ether other of them were ordened but yf they preach not whether it be the preast or the sacrament so profitte they not And yf a man allege Christ Iohan in the. iij ▪ chapter sayeng Excepte a man be borne agayne of water and the holye goste he can not se the kingdome of God and will therfore that the holy gost is present in the water and therfore the verye deade or worke doth put awaye synne then I will send him vnto Paule whiche axeth his Galathians whether they receaued the holy goste by the deade of the lawe or by preachinge of faith and there concludeth that the holy gost accōpanyeth the preaching of faith ād with the worde of faith entreth the harte ād purgeth it which thou mayst also vnderstonde by saynt Paule sayenge ye are borne a new out of the water thorowe the worde So now if baptim preach me the wasshing in christes bloude so doth the holy gost accompa●y it and that deade of preachinge thorow fayth doth put awaye my synnes For the holy gost is no dome god nor no god that goeth a mummige Yf a man saye of the sacrament of Christes bodye ād bloud that it is a sacrifice as well for the dead as for the quycke and therfore the very deed it self iustifieth and putteth awaye synne I answere that a sacrifice is the sleynge off the body of a beest or a man wherfore yf it be a sacrifice then is christes body there slayne ād his bloude there shed but that is not so And therfore it is properly no sacrifice but a sacrament and a memoriall of that euerlastinge sacrifice once for all which he offered apon the crosse now apon a .xv. hundred yeres a go and preacheth only vnto them that are alyue And as for them that be dead it is as profitable vnto them as is a candell in a lantrene without light vnto them that walke by the waye in a darke night and as the gospell song in laten is vnto them that vnderstond none at all and as a sermon preached to him that is dead and hereth it not It preacheth vnto them that are a lyue only for they that be dead yf they dyed in the faith which that sacrament preacheth they be faffe and are past all i●opardye For when they were alyue their hartes loued the lawe off God and therfore synned not and were sory that their membres synned and euer moued to synne and therfore thorow faith it was forgeuen them And now their synnefull membres be dead so that they can now synne no more wherfore it is vnto them that be dead nether sacrament nor sacrifice But vnder the pretence of their soule health it is a servaunt vnto oure spiritualtyes holy coue●nousnesse and an extorcyonar and a bylder of Abayes Colleges Chauntryes and cathedrall chirches with false gotē good a pick purse a pollar ād a bottomlesse bagge Some man wold happely saye that the prayers of the masse helpe moch not the lyuinge only but also the dead Of the hote fire of their farvent prayer which consumeth faster then all the world is able to bringe sacrifice I haue sayde sufficiently in other places Howe be it it is not possible to bringe me in beleffe that the prayer which helpeth h●● awne master vnto no vertue shuld purchesse me the forgeuesse of my synnes If I sawe that their prayers had obtayned thē grace to lyue soch a liffe as goddes worde did not rebuke then coud I sone be borne in hande that what soeuer they axed off God their prayers shuld not be in vayne But now what good can he wysh me in his prayers that envieth me Christ the fode and the liffe of my soule What good can he wish me whose herte cleaveth a sundre for payne when I am taught to repent of my euell Forthermore because that fewe knowe the vse of the olde testament and the moste parte thinke it nothinge necessarye but to make alle goryes which they fayne euery mā after hys awne brayne at all
mater then an allegorye And contrary wyse there is not a better vehementer or myghtyer thinge to make a man vnderstond with all then an allegory For allegoryes make a man qwick witted and prynte wysdome in him and maketh it to abyde to here bare wordes go but in at the one eare and out at the other As this with soch like sayenges put salt to all youre sacrifices in steade of this sentence do all youre deades with discrecion greteth and biteth yf it be vnderstond moare thē playne wordes And when I saye in steade off these wordes bost not youre self of your good deades eate not the bloude nor the fatt of youre sacrifice there is as great differēce betwene them as there is distaunce betwene heauen ād erth For the liffe and beutye of all good deades is of God and we are but the caren leane we are onlye the instrument whereby god worketh only but the power is his As god created Paule a newe poured hys wisdome in to him gaue him mighte and promysed him that his grace shuld neuer fayle him c. and all without deservinges excepte that nurteringe the sayntes and makinge them curse and rayle on Christ be meritorious Now as it is death to eate the bloude or fatte of any sacrifice is it not thinke ye damnable to robbe god of his honoure and to gloryfye my self with his honoure ¶ The THYRDE BOke of Moses Called Leuiticus ¶ The thirde boke of Moses called Leuiticus ¶ The firste Chapter ANd the Lorde called Moses And spake vnto him oute off the tabernacle of witnesse sayenge Speake vnto the childern of Israel and saye vnto them Who soeuer of you shall bringe a gifte vnto the Lorde shall bringe it of the catell euen of the oxen and of the shepe Yf he brynge a burntoffrynge of the oxen he shall offre a male without blimesh and shal brynge ▪ him to the dore of the tabernacle of witnesse that he maye be accepted before the Lorde And let him put his hande apon the heed of the burntsacrifice and fauoure shal be geuen him to make an attonemēt for hym ād let him kyll the oxe before the Lorde And let the preastes Aarons sonnes brynge the bloude and let them sprinckell it rounde aboute apon the alter that is before the dore of the tabernacle of witnesse And let the burntoffrynges be strypped and hewed in peces And thē let the sonnes of Aaron the preast put fire apō the alter and put wodd apon the fire and let them laye the peces with the heed and the fatte apon the wod that is on the fire in the alter But the inwardes ād the legges they shall wash in water and the preast shall burne altogither apon the alter that it be a burntsacrifice and an offerynge of a swete odoure vnto the Lorde Yf he will offer a burntsacrifice of the shepe whether it be of the lambes or of the gootes he shall offer a male without blimesh And let him kyll it on the north syde of the alter before the Lorde And let the preastes Aarons sonnes sprinkle the bloude of it rounde aboute apon the alter And let it be cut in peces euen with his heed and his fatte and let the preast putte them apon the wodd that lyeth apon the fire in the alter But let him wash the inwardes and the legges with water and than bringe altogether and burne it apon the alter that is a burntoffrynge and a sacrifice of swete sauoure vnto the Lorde Yf he will offer a burntoffrynge of the foules he shall offer eyther of the turtyll doues or of the ionge pigeons And the preast shall brynge it vnto the alter and wrynge the necke a sundre of it and burne it on the alter and let the bloude runne out apon the sydes of the alter ād plucke awaye his croppe ād his fethers ād cast thē besyde the alter on the east parte vppō the hepe of asshes ād breke his winges but plucke thē not a sundre And thē let the preast burne it vpō the alter euē apō the wodd that lyeth apō the fire a burntsacrifice ād an offerynge of a swete sauoure vnto the Lorde ¶ The seconde Chapter YF any soule will offer a meatoffrynge vnto the Lorde his offerynge shal be fine floure and he shall poure thereto oyle ād put frankencens theron and shall bringe it vnto Aarons sonnes the preastes And one of them shall take thereout his handfull of the floure and of the oyle with all the frankencēs ād burne it for a memoriall apō the alter an offryng of a swete sauoure vnto the Lord. And the rēnaunt of the meatofferynge shal be Aarons ād his sonnes as a thinge most holye of the sacrifices of the Lorde Yf any mā bringe a meatoffrynge that is bakē in the ouē let him brynge swete cakes of fine floure mingled with oyle ād vnleuended wafers anoynted with oyle Yf thy meatoffrynge be baken in the fryenge pan then it shal be of swete floure mingled with oyle And thou shalt mynce it small ād poure oyle thereon ād so is it a meatoffrynge Yf thy meatofferynge be a thynge broyled vppon the greadyerne of floure myngled with oyle it shal be And thou shalt brynge the meatoffryng that is made of these thinges vnto the Lorde and shalt delyuer it vnto the preast and he shall brynge it vnto the altare and shall heue vppe parte of the meatoffrynge for a memoriall and shall burne it apon the alter an offerynge of a swete sauoure vnto the Lorde And that which is left of the meatofferynge shal be Aarons and his sonnes as a thynge that is most holye of the offerynges off the Lorde All the meatoffrynges which ye shall brynge vnto the Lorde shal be made without leuē For ye shall nether burne leuen nor honye in any offerynge of the Lord ▪ Notwithstondinge ye shall bryng the firstlynges of them vnto the Lorde But they shall not come apon the alter to make a swete sauoure All thy meatofferynges thou shalt salt with salt nether shalt thou soffre the salt of the couenaunt of thy God to be lackynge from thy meatofferynge but apon all thyne offerynges thou shalt brynge salt Yf thou offer a meatofferynge of the first-ripe frutes vnto the Lorde then take of that which is yet grene and drye it by the fire ād beat it small and so offer the meatofferynge of thy firstrype frutes And than poure oyle there to and put frankencens thereon and so it is a meatoffrynge And the preast shall burne parte of the beten corne and parte of that oyle with all the frākencens for a remembraunce That is an offerynge vnto the Lorde ¶ The thyrde Chapter YF any man brynge a peaceofferynge of the oxen whether it be male or female he shall brynge such as is without blemysh before the Lorde and let him put his hande apon the heed of his offerynge and kyll it before the dore of the tabernacle of witnesse And Aarons sonnes the preastes shall sprinkle the bloude apon
the euē And he that beareth any soch thinges shall wassh his clothes ād bathe hī self in water ād be vncleane vnto the euē ād whosoeuer he twicheth yf he haue not first washed his handes in water must wasshe his clothes ād bathe him selfe in water ād be vncleane vnto the euenynge And yf he twych a vessell off erth it shal be broken and all vessels of wodd shal be rensed in the water When he that hath an yssue is clensed of his yssue let him numbre .vij. dayes after he is cleane ād wasshe his clothes and bathe his fleshe in runnynge water ād then he is cleane And the .viij. daye let him take two turtill doues or two yonge pigeons and come before the Lorde vnto the dore of the tabernacle of witnesse ād geue them vnto the preast And the preast shall offer them the one for a synne offerynge and the other for a burnt offerynge and make an attonement for him before the Lord as cōcernynge his yssue Yf any mans seed departe frō him in his slepe he shall wassh his flesh in water ād be vncleane vntill euē And all the clothes or furres whereon soch seed chaunceth shal be washed with water ād be vncleane vnto the euē And yf a womā lye with soche a whone they shall wash thē selues with water and be vncleane vntyll even Whē a womās naturall course of bloud rūneth she shal be put aparte .vij. dayes ād whosoeuer twycheth her shal be vncleane vnto the euē And all that she lyeth apō as longe as she is put aparte shal be vnclene And whosoeuer twicheth hir couch shall wash his clothes and bathe hī selfe with water ād be vncleane vnto the euē And whosoeuer twicheth any thinge that she satt apō shall wassh his clothes ād washe him selfe also in water ād be vncleane vnto the euē so that whether he twich hir couche or any thīge whereō she hath setē he shal be vnclene ūto the euē ād yf a mā lye with her in the meane tyme he shal be put aparte as well as she ād shal be vncleane .vij. dayes ād all his couch wherein he slepeth shal be vncleane When a womans bloude runneth longe tyme whether out of the tyme of hyr naturall course as longe as hir vnclennesse runneth she shal be vncleane after the maner as when she is put aparte All hir couches whereon she lyeth as lōge as hir yssue lasteth shal be vnto her as hir couch when she is put a parte And what soeuer she sytteth apon shal be vncleane as is hir vnclennesse whē she is put a parte And whosoeuer twicheth them shal be vncleane ād shall wasshe his clothes ād bathe him selfe in water ād be vncleane vnto euen And when she it clensed of hyr yssue let hyr counte hir seuen dayes after that she is cleane And the. viij daye let her take two turtils or two yonge pigeons and brynge them vnto the preast vnto the dore of the tabernacle of witnesse And the preast shall offer the one for a synneoffrynge and the other for a burntofferynge and so make an attonement for her before the Lorde as concernynge hir vncleane yssue Make the childern of Israel to kepe them selues frō their vnclēnesse that they dye not in their vnclēnesse whē they haue defiled my habitacion that is amonge them This is the lawe of him that hath a runninge sore and of him whose seed runneth from him in his slepe and is defiled therewith and of her that hath an yssue of bloude as longe as she is put a parte and of whosoeuer hath a runnynge sore whether it be man or woman and of him that slepeth with her that is vncleane The .xvj. Chapter ANd the Lorde spake vnto Moses after the deeth of the two sonnes of Aaron when they had offered before the Lorde and dyed And he sayde vnto Moses speake vnto Aaron thy brother that he go not at all tymes in to the holy place that is whithin the vayle that hangeth before the mercyseate which is apon the arcke that he dye not For I will appeare By the cloud vnderstonde the smoke off the cence in a clowde vpon the mercyseate But of this maner shall Aaron goo in in to the holy place with a yonge oxe for a synneofferynge and a ram for a burntoffrynge And he shall put the holy lynen albe apon him ād shall haue a lynen breche vppon his flesh and shall gyrde him with a lynen gyrdell and put the lynen mytre apon his heede for they are holy ray mentes And he shall wasshe his flesh with water and put them on And he shall take of the multitude of the childern of Israel two gootes for a synneoffrynge and a ram for a burntofferynge And Aaron shall offer the oxe for his synne offrynge and make an attonement for him ād for his housse And he shall take the two gootes and present them before the Lorde in the dore of the tabernacle of witnesse And Aarō cast lottes ouer the .ij. gootes one lotte for the Lorde ād another for a scapegoote And Aaron shall bringe the goote apō which the Lordes lotte fell and offer him for a synneofferynge But the goote on which the lotte fell to scape he shall sett alyue before the Lorde to recōcyle with ād to let him goo fre in to the wildernesse And Aaron shall bringe the oxe of his synoffrynge ād reconcyle for him selfe ād for his housholde and kyll him And thā he shall take a censer full of burninge coles out of the alter that is before the Lorde and his handfull of swete cens beten small and bringe them within the vayle and put the cens apon the fire before the Lorde that the cloude of the cens maye couer the mercyseate that is apon the witnesse that he dye not And he shall take of the bloude of the oxe ād sprinkle it with his finger before the mercy seate eastwarde euen .vij. tymes Then shall he kyll the goote that is the peoples synneofferynge and brynge hys bloude within the vayle and doo with his bloude as he dyd with the bloude of the oxe and let him sprinkle it toward the mercyseate and before the mercyseate ād reconcyle the holy place frō the vnclennesse of the childern of Israel and from their trespaces ād all there synnes And so let him doo also vnto the tabernacle of witnesse that dwelleth with them euē among their vnclennesses And there shal be no bodye in the tabernacle of witnesse when he goeth in to make an attonement in the holy place vntyll he come out agayne And he shall make an attonement for him selfe and for his housholde ād for all the multitude of Israel Then he shall goo out vnto the alter that stondeth before the Lorde and reconcyle it and shall take of the bloude of the oxe and of the bloude of the goote and put it apon the hornes of the altare rounde aboute and sprynckle of the bloude apon it with his finger seuen tymes and clense it
excludeth hī what is the cause of this vnbeleffe verely no synne that the world seyth but a pope holynesse a rightuousnes of their awne imaginacion as Paule sayeth Roma .x. They be ignoraūte of y rightuousnes wherwith god iustifieth haue set vp a rightuousnes of their awne makige thorow which they be disobediēt vnto y● rightuousnes of god And Christ rebuketh not the phariseys for grosse synnes whiche the worlde sawe but for those holyedeades whiche so blered the eyes of the worlde that they were takē as goddes euē for long prayers for fastynge for tythīge so diligētly that they lefte not so moch as their herbes vnlithed for their clennesse in wasshynge before meate and for washynge of cuppes dishes and all maner vessels for buyldinge the prophetes sepulchres and for kepinge the holy daye and for turnynge the he then vnto the fayth and forgevynge of almes For vnto soch holy deades they ascribed rightuousnes and therfore when the rightuousnesse of god was preached vnto them they coude not but persecute it the devell was so stronge in thē Which thinge Christ well describeth Luce .xi. sayenge that after the devell is cast out he cometh agayne and fyndeth his house swepte and made gaye and then taketh seuen we ▪ sethen him selfe and dwelleth therein and so is the ende of that man worse then the beginnynge That is when they be a litle clensed from grosse synnes whiche the worlde seyth and then made gaye in their awne syght with the rightuousnes of tradicions then cometh seuen that is to saye the hole power of y● devell for seuē with y● hebrues signifieth a multitude without uūbre the extremyte of a thinge is a speach borowed I suppose out of leuiticus where is so oft mencion made of senē Where I wolde saye I will punish the that all the world shall take an ensample of the there the Jewe wold saye I will circumcyse the or baptise the .vii. tymes And so here by seuen is ment all the devels of hell all y● might power of the devell For vnto what further blindnesse coude al the deuels in hell bringe thē then to make them beleue y● they were iustified thorow their awne good workes For whē they once beleued y● they were purged frō their synnes made rightuousse thorowe their awne holye workes what rowme was there lefte for y● rightuousnes y● is in christes bloudeshedinge And therfore whē they be fallen in to this blindnesse they cā not but hate persecute the light And the more cleare evidently their deades be rebuked y● furiousser maliciousser blind are thei vntill they breake out in to opē blasphemye synnynge agenst y● holy gost which is y● malicious persecut●ge of the clearetrouth so manifestly proued that they cā not once hijsh agenst it As the pharesyes persecuted Christ because he rebuked their holy deades And when he proued his doctrine with y● scriptu miracles yet though they coude not improue him nor reason agenst him they tought y● the scripture must haue some other meaninge because his interpretacion vndermyned their fundacion plucked vpp by the rootes the sectes which they had plāted they ascribed also his miracles to the deuell And in like maner though oure ypocrites can not d●●nye but this is the scripture yet because there can be no nother sens gathered thereof but that ouerthroweth their byldynges therfore they euer thinke that it hath some other meanynge than as the wordes sounde and that no man vnderstondeth it or vnderstode it sene the tyme of the Apostles Or yf they thynke that some that wrote vppon it sens the apostles vnderstode it they yet thynke that we in like maner as we vnderstonde not the texte it self so we vnderstande not the meanynge of the wordes of that docroure For when thou layest the iustifyinge of holy workes and denyest the iustifyinge of fayth howe canst thou vnderstond saynt Paule Peter Iohan and the Actes of the apostles or any scripture at all seynge the iustifyinge of faith is almost all that they entende to proue Fynally concernynge vowes whereof thou readest chaptre .xxx. there maye be many questyons whereunto I answere shortly that we ought to put salt to all oure offerynges that is we ought to ministre knowledge in all ovre workes and to do nothinge wherof we coude not geue a reason out off gods wordes We be now in the daye light and all the secretes of God and all his counsell and will is opened vnto vs and he y● was promysed shuld come and blesse vs is come alredye and hath shed his bloude for vs and hath blessed vs with all maner blessynges and hath obrayned all grace for vs and in him we haue all Wherfore god hence forth will receave nomoare sacrifices off beestes of vs as thou readest Hebre .x. Yf thou burne vnto God the bloude or fatt of beestes to obtayne forgeuenesse of synnes therby or that god shuld the better heare thy requeste then thou doest wronge vnto the bloude of Christ and Christ vnto the is dead in vayne For in him god hath promysed not forgeuenesse of synnes only but also what soeuer we axe to kepe vs from synne ād temptacyon with all And what yf thou burne frankencens vnto him what yf thou burne a candle what yf thou burne thy chastite or virginite vnto him for the same purpose doest thou not like rebuke vnto christes bloude Moreouer if thou offer gold syluer or any other good for the same entent is there any difference And euen so yf thou goo in pylgremage or fastist or goest wolwarde or sprinclest thy selfe with holy water or els what soeuer dead it is or observest what soeuer ceremonye it be for like meanynge then it is like abhominacion We must therfore bringe the salt of the knowledge of gods worde with all oure sacrifices or els we shall make no swete sauoure vnto god thereof Thou wilt axe me shall I vowe nothinge at all yes God 's commaundement whiche thou hast vowed in thy baptyme For what entent Verely for the loue of Christ whiche hath bought the with his bloude and made the sonne and heyre of god with him that thou shuldest wayte on his will and commaundmentes and puryfye thy membres acordynge to the same doctryne that hath purifyed thyne harte For yf the knowlege of goddes wo●de haue not purifyed thyne harte so that thou consentest vnto the lawe of God that it is rightuous and good and sorowest that thy membres moue the vnto the contrarye so hast thou no parte with christ For yf thou repent not of thy synne so it is impossible that thou shuldest beleue that Christ had delyuered the from the daunger therof Yf thou beleue not that Christ hathe delyuered the so is it impossible that thou shuldest loue gods commaundmentes Yf thou loue not the commaundmentes so is Christes sprete not in the which is the ernest of forgeuenesse of synne and of saluacion For scripture teacheth
thou and thy sonnes with the shall beare the fame of that whiche is done amysse in youre preasthode And thy brethern also y● tribe of l●ui y● trybe of thy father take with the and let them be yoyned vnto the and ministre vnto the. And thou and thy sonnes with the shall ministre before the tabernacle of witnesse And let them wayte apon the and apon all the tabernacle only let them not come nye the holy vessels the alter that both they ād ye also dye not And let them be by the and wayte on the tabernacle of witnesse and on all the seruyce of the tabernacle and let no straunger come nye vnto you Wayte therfore apon the holye place and apon the alter that there fall no moare wrath apon the childern of Israel beholde I haue taken youre brethern the leuites from amonge childern of Israel to be youres as giftes geuen vnto the Lorde to doo the seruyce of the tabernacle of witnesse And se that both thou and thy sonnes with the take hede vnto youre preastes office in all thinges that pertayne vnto the alter and within the vayle And se that ye serue for I haue geuē youre preastes office vnto you for a gifte to do seruyce the straunger that cometh nye shall dye And the Lorde spake vnto Aaron beholde I haue geuen the the kepynge of myne heueofferynges in all the halowed thynges of the childern of Israel And vnto the I haue geuen them vnto anoyntynge ād to thy sonnes to be a dutye for euer This shall be thyne of most holy sacrifyces All their giftes thorow out all their meatofferynges synneoffrynges and trespaceoffrynges whiche they bringe vnto me They shal be most holy vnto the ād vnto thy sonnes And ye shall eate it in the most holye place all that are males shall eate of it for it shal be holye vnto the. And this shal be thyne the heueofferynge of their giftes thorow out all the waueofferynges of the childern of Israel for I haue geuen them vnto the and thy sonnes and thy doughters with the to be a dutye for euer and all that are cleane in thy house shall eate of it all the fatt of the oyle of the wyne and of the corne their first frutes which they geue vnto the Lorde that haue I geuen vnto the. The first frutes of all that is in their londes whiche they brynge vnto the Lorde shal be thyne and all that are cleane in thyne housse shall eate off it All dedicate thinges in Israel shal be thine All that breaketh the matrice of all flesh that men bringe vnto the Lorde bothe of man and beest shal be thyne Neuerthelater the firstborne of man shal be redemed and the firstborne of vncleane beestes shal be redemed And their redemptions shal be at a moneth olde valowed at .v. sycles of syluer of the holy sycle A sycle maketh twentye Geras But the firstborne of oxen shepe goo tes shall not be redemed For they are holy and thou shalt sprinkle their bloud apon the alter and shalt burne their fatt to be a sacrifyce of a swete sauoure vnte the Lorde And the flesh of them shal be thyne as the waue brest and all the right shulder is thyne All the holy heueofferynges whiche the childern of Israel heue vnto the Lorde I geue the thy sonnes thi doughters with the to be a dutye for euer And it shal be a salted couenaunte for euer before the Lorde vnt● the and to thy seed with the. And the Lorde spake vnto Aaron thou shalt haue none enheritaunce in their lande nor parte amonge them For I am thy parte and thy enheritaunce among the childern of Israel And beholde I haue geuen the children of Leui the tenth in Israel to enherite for the seruyce whiche they serue in the rabernacle of witnesse that the childrē of Israel henceforth come ne●nye the tabernacle of witnesse and beare synne and dye And the leuites shall do the seruyce in the tabernacle of witnesse and beare their synne and it shal be a lawe for euer vnto youre childern after you But amongethe children of Israel they shall enheret none enheritaunce For Oures will haue tithes landes rētes kingdomes emperies and all therithes of the childern of Israel whiche they heve vnto the Lorde I haue geuen the Leuites to enherett Wherfore I haue sayed vnto them Amonge the chyldern off Israell ye shall enherett none enheritaunce And the Lorde spake vnto Moses sayenge speake vnto the leuites and saye vnto thē when ye take of the childern of Israel therithes whiche I haue geuen you of them to youre enheritaunce ye shall take an heueoffrynge of that same forthe Lorde euen the tenth of that tythe And it shal be rekened vnto you for youre heueofferynge euen as though ye gaue corne out of the barne or a full offerynge from the wyne presse And of this maner ye shall heue an heueofferynge vnto y● Lorde of all youre tithes which ye receaue of the childern of Israel ye shall geue there of the Lordes heueofferinge vnto Aaron the preast Of all youre giftes ye shall take out the Lordes heue offerynge euen the fatt of all their halowed thynges And thou shalt saye vnto them when ye haue take a wayethe fatt of it from it it shal be counted vnto the leuites as y● encrease of corne and wyne And ye shall care it in all places both ye and youre housholdes for it is youre rewarde for youre seruyce in the tabernacle of witnesse And ye shall beare no synne by y● reason of it when ye haue taken from it the fatt of it nether shall ye vnhalowe y● halowed thynges of the childern of Israel and so shall ye not dye ¶ The .xix. Chapter ANd the Lorde spake vnto Moses and Aaron sayenge this is the ordynaunce of the lawe which y● Lorde cōmaūdeth sayenge speake vnto y● childern of Israel and let them take the a redd cowe with out spot wherein is no blemysh which neuer bare yocke apō her And ye shall geue her vnto Eleazer the preast and he shall brynge her with out the hoste and cause her to be slayne before him And Eleazar y● preast shall take of hir bloude vppon his fynger and sprynkle it streghe towarde the tabernacle of witnesse vi● tymes And he shall cause the cowe to be burnt in his syghte both skyn flesh and bloude with the doūge also And let the preast take cipresse wodd and Isope and purple cloth and cast it apon the cowe as she burneth And let the preast wash his clothes and bathe his flesh in water and then come in to the hoste and y● preast shal be vncleane vnto the euen And he that burneth her shall wash his clothes in water a bathe his flesh also in water ād be vncleane vntill euen And one that is cleane shall goo and take vpp the asshes of the cowe and put them without the hoste in a cleane place where they shall be kepte to
thorow out all the lande of Egipte And in the .vij. plēteous yeres they made sheves and gathered vp all the fode of the .vij. plenteous yeres which were in the lande of Egipte and put it in to the cities And he put the food of the feldes that grewe rounde aboute euery cyte euen in the same And Joseph layde vp corne in stoore lyke vnto the sande of the see in multitude out of mesure vntyll he left nombrynge For it was with out nombre And vnto Joseph were borne .ij. sonnes before the yeres of hunger came which Asnath the doughter of Potiphara preast of On bare vnto him And he called the name of the first sonne Manasse for God sayde he hath made me forgett all my laboure all my fathers husholde The seconde called he Ephraim for God sayde he hath caused me to growe in the lande of my trouble And when the .vij. yeres of plenteousnes that was in the lande of Egypte were ended than came the .vij. yeres of derth acordynge as Joseph had sayde And the derth was in all landes but in the lāde of Egipte was there yet foode When now all the lande of Egipte began to hunger than cried the people to Pharao for bread And Pharao sayde vnto all Egipte goo vnto Joseph and what he sayth to you that doo And when the derth was thorow out all the lande Joseph opened all that was in the cities and solde vnto the Egiptiās And hunger waxed sore in the land of Egipte And all countrees came to Egipte to Joseph for to bye corne because that the hunger was so sore in all landes ¶ The .xlij. Chapter WHen Iacob sawe that there was corne to be solde in Egipte he sayde vnto his sōnes why are ye negligent beholde I haue hearde that there is corne to be solde in Egipte Gete you thither and bye vs corne frō thēce that we maye lyue and not dye So went Josephs ten brethern doune to bye corne in Egipte for Ben Jamin Josephs brother wold not Iacob sende with his other brethren for he sayde some mysfortune myght happen him And the sonnes of Israell came to bye corne amonge other that came for there was derth also in the lande of Canaan And Joseph was gouerner in the londe and solde corne to all the people of the londe And his brethren came and fell flatt on the grounde before him When Joseph sawe ●●s brethern he knewe them But made straunge vnto them and spake rughly vnto them saynge Whence come ye and they sayde out of the lande of Canaan to bye vitayle Joseph knewe his brethern but they knewe not him And Joseph remembred his dreames which he dreamed of them and sayde vnto them ye are spies and to se where the lande is weake is youre comynge And they sayde vnto him nay my lorde but to bye vitayle thy seruauntes are come We are all one mans sonnes and meane truely and thy seruauntes are no spies And he sayde vnto them nay verely but euen to se where the land is weake is youre comynge And they sayde we thi seruauntes are .xij. brethern the sonnes of one man in the lande of Canaan The yongest is yet with oure father and one no man woteth where he is Joseph sayde vnto them that is it that I sayde vnto you that ye are surelye spies Here by ye shall be proued For by the lyfe of Pharao ye shall not goo hence vntyll youre yongest brother be come hither Sende therfore one off you and lett him sett youre brother and ye shal be in preason in the meane season And thereby shall youre wordes be proued whether there be any trueth in you or els by the lyfe of Pharao ye are but spies And he put them in warde thre dayes And Joseph sayde vnto thē the thryd daye This doo and lyue for I feare Gode Yf ye meane no hurte let one of youre brethern be bounde in the preason and goo ye and brynge the necessarie foode vnto youre housholdes and brynge youre yongest brother vnto me that youre wordes maye be beleved ād that ye dye not And they did so Than they sayde one to a nother we haue verely synned agaynst oure brother in that we sawe the anguysh of his soull when he besought us wold not heare him therfore is this troubyll come apon us Ruben answered thē saynge sayde I not vnto you that ye shulde not synne agaynst the lad but ye wolde not heare And now verely see his bloude is requyred They were not aware that Joseph vnderstode thein for he spake vnto them by an interpreter And he turned from them and wepte and than turned to them agayne ād comened with them and toke out Simeon from amonge thē and bownde him before their eyes ād commaunded to fyll their sackes wyth corne and to put euery mans money in his sacke and to geue them vitayle to spende by the waye And so it was done to them And they laded their asses with the corne and departed thence And as one of them opened his sacke for to geue his asse prauender in the I●ne he spied his money in his sacks mouth And he sayde vnto his brethren my money is restored me agayne is euē in my sackes mouth Than their hartes fayled them and were astoynyed and sayde one to a nother how cometh it that God dealeth thus with us And they came vnto Iacob their father vnto the lande of Canaan and tolde him all that had happened them saynge The lorde of the lāde spake rughly to us and toke us for spyes to serche the countte And we sayde vnto him we meane truely and are no spies We be .xij. bretren sōnes of oure father one is awaye and the yongest is now with oure father in the lande of Canaan And the lorde of the countre sayde vnto us here by shall I knowe yf ye meane truely leaue one of youre brethern here with me and take foode necessary for youre housholdes and get you awaye and brynge youre yongest brother vnto me And thereby shall I knowe that ye are no spyes but meane truely So will I delyuer you youre brother agayne and ye shall occupie in the lande And as they emptied their sackes beholde euerymans bundell of money was in his sacke And when both they and their father sawe the bundells of money they were afrayde And Jacob their father sayde vnto them ▪ We haue ye robbed of my childern Joseph is away and Simeon is awaye and ye will take Ben Jamin awaye All these thinges fall vpon me Ruben answered his father saynge Slec my two sonnes yf I bringe him not to the agayne Delyuer him therfore to my honde and I will brynge him to the agayne And he sayde my sonne shall not go downe with you For his brother is dead and he is left alone Moreouer some mys fortune myght happen vpon him by the waye which ye goo And so shuld ye brynge my gray head with sorowe vnto the graue ¶ The .xliij. Chapter
god promised Abrahā that all nations of the worlde shuld be blessed came That is the lawe was geuē to vtter synne deeth damnatiō and curse ād to dryve vnto Christ in whō forgeuenesse life iustifyinge ād blessinges were promised that we might se so greate love of god to vs ward in christ that we hēceforth ouercome with kindnesse might love againe ād of love kepe the cōmaūdmētes So now he that goeth aboute to quiette his cōsciēce ād to iustifye him silf with the lawe doth but heale his wondes with freatige coresyes And he that goeth aboute to purchase grace with ceremonies doth but sucke the alepope to qwēch his thirst in as moch as the ceremonies were not gevē to iustifie the herte but to signifie the iustifiynge and forgeuenesse that is in christes bloude Of the ceremonies that they iustifie not thou readest Ebrues .x. It is impossible that synne shuld be done awaye with the bloud of oxē ād gootes And of the lawe thou readest Gala .iij. Yf there had bene a lawe geuē that coude haue quykened or geuē liffe then had rightuousnesse or iustifyinge come by the lawe in dede Now the lawe not only quyckeneth not the harte but also woundeth it with conscience of synne and ministreth deeth ād damnaciō vnto her ij Corin .iij. so that she must neades dye ād be damned excepte she finde other remedy so farre it is of that she is iustified or holpe by the lawe The newe testament is those euerlastinge promyses which are made vs in christ the Lorde thorow out all the scripture And that testamēt is bylt on faith ād not on workes For it is not sayde of that testament he that worketh shall lyue But he that beleveth shall lyue as thou readest Ioan .iij. God so loued the worlde that he gaue his only begotē sonne that none which beleue in hi shuld perish but haue euerlastinge lyfe And when this testament is preached and beleued the sprete entreth the hart and quyckeneth it and geueth her lyfe and iustifieth her The sprete also maketh the lawe a lyuely thing in the herte so that a man bringeth forth good workes of his awne acord without compulsiō of the lawe without feare of threateninges or cursinges yee and with out all maner respecte or loue vnto any temporal pleasure But of the very power of the sprete receaved thorow faith As thou readest Ioan .i. He gaue them power to be the sonnes of God in that they beleued on his name And of that power they worke so that he which hath the sprete of christ is now no moare a childe he nether learneth or worketh now any longer for payne of the rodde or for feare of boogges or pleasure of apples But doth althinges of his awne courage As christ sayeth Ioan .vij. He that beleueth on me shall haue riuers of lyuinge water flowinge out of his belye That is All good workes ād all giftes of grace springe out of him naturallye and by their awne accorde Thou neadest not to wrest good workes out of him as a mā wold wringe veriuce out of crabbes Nay thei flow naturally out of him as springes out off hilles or rockes The newe testament was euer euē from the beginning of the world For there were alwaye promyses of Christ to come by faith in whiche promyses the electe were then iustifyed inwardly before God as outwardly before the world by kepynge of the lawe and ceremonies And in conclusyon as thou seyst blessinges or cursynges folow the kepinge or breakynge of the lawe of Moses euē so naturally do blessynges or cursynges folow the breakyng or kepynge of the lawe of nature out of which sprīge all oure temporall lawes So that whē the people kepe the temporall lawes of their lond temporall prosperite and all maner of soch tēporall blessynge as thou readest of in Moses doo accompanye them and fall vppon them And contraryewyse when they synne vnpunished ād whē the rulars haue no respecte vnto naturall equyte or honestye thē God sendeth his curses amonge thē as hungre derth moren banynge pestilēce warre oppressyon with straunge ād wonderfull diseases ād newekyndes of misfortune ād evell lucke Yf any mā axe me seyng that faith iustifieth me why I worke I answere loue cōpelleth me For as lōge as my soule fealeth what loue god hath shewed me in Christe I can not but loue god agayne ād his will ād cōmaūdmētes and of loue worke them nor cā they seme hard vn to me I thinke not my self better for my workynge nor seke heuē nor an hyer place in heuē because of it For a christē worketh to make his weake brother perfecter ād not to seke an hier place in heuē I cōpare not my filf vnto him that worketh not No he that worketh not to daye shall haue grace to turne ād to worke tomorow ād in the meane ceason I pytye hym ād praye for him Yf I had wrought the wil of god these thousande yeres ād another had wrought the will of the devell as long ād this daye turne ād be as well willynge to suffre wyth Christas ● he hath this daye ouertakē me ād is as farre come as I and shall haue as moche rewarde as I. And I envye him not but reioyce most of all as of lofte tresure founde For yf I be of god I haue this thousand yere sofred to wynne him for to come ād prayse the name of God with me this M. yeres I haue prayed sorowed longed syghed ād sought for that whiche I haue this daye founde ād therfore reioyse with all my myght and prayse God for hys grace and mercy ALbe a longe garment of white lynen Arcke a cofer or cheste as oure shrynes saue it was flatte ād the sample of oure shrynes was taken thereof Boothe an housse made of bowes Brestlappe or brestflappe is soche a flappe as thou seist in the brest of a cope Consecrate to apoynte a thinge to holy vses Dedicate purific or sanctifie Ephod is a garment somwhat like an amyce saue the armes came thorow ād it was gird to Geeras in weyght as it were an englysh halff penye or somwhat more Heveo●●ringe because they were hoven vp before the Lorde House he made thē houses that is he made a kynred or a multitude of people to springe out of them as we saye the house of Dauid for the kinred of Dauid Peaceoffrīge offerīges of thākes geuīge of de uotiō ād not for cōsciēce of sinne ād trespace Polute defyle ¶ Reconcyle to make at one and to bringe in grace or fauoure Sanctefie to elēse ād purifie to apointe a thinge vnto holie vses and to seperate frō vnclene ād vnholye vses ¶ Sanctuarie a place halowed and dedicate vnto god ¶ Tabernacle an house made tentwise or as a pauelion Tunicle moch like the vppermost garmēt of the deukē ¶ Waueoffringe because they were wauē in the preastes hādes to diuers quarters ▪ Worshuppe by worshuppinge whether it be in the old testamēt or the
wife these are the kynreddes of Symeon These are the names of the children of Leui in their generations Gerson Kahath and Merari And Leui lyued an hundred and .xxxvij. yere The sonnes of Gerson Libni ād Semei in their kinreddes The childern of Kahath Amram Iesear Hebron and Vsiel And Kahath lyued an hundred and .xxxiij. yere The children of Merari are these Mahely and Musi these are the kynreddes of Leui in their generations And Amram toke Iochebed his nece to wyfe which bare him Aaron and Moses And Amram lyued an hundred and .xxxvij. yere The childern of Iezear Korah Nepheg and Sichri The childern of Vsiel Misael Elzaphan and Sithri And Aaron toke Elizaba doughter of Aminadab ād sister of Nahason to wife which bare him Nadab Abehu Eleazar and Ithamar The childern of Korah Assir Elkana ād Abiassaph these are the kynreddes of the Korahites And Eleazar Aarons sonne toke him one of the doughters of Putuel to wife which bare him Pinchas these be the principall fathers of the Leuites in their kynreddes These are that Aaron and Moses to whom the Lord sayde carie the childern of Israel out of the lond of Egipte with their armyes The se are that Moses and Aaron whiche spake to Pharao kynge of Egipte that they myghte brīge the childern of Israel out of Egipte And in the daye whē the Lorde spake vnto Moses in the londe of Egipte he spake vnto him saynge ▪ I am the Lorde se that thou speake vnto Pharao the kinge of Egipte all that I saye vnto the. And Moses answered before the Lorde I am of vncircumcised lippes howe shall Pharao than geue me audience ¶ The .vij. Chaptre ANd the Lorde saide vnto Moses beholde I haue made the Pharaos God and Aaron thy brother shal be thy prophete Thou shalt speake all that I commaunde the and Aaron thy brother shall speake vnto Pharao that he sende the childern of Israel out of his londe But I will harden Pharaos hert that I may multiplie my myracles and my wondres in the land of Egipte And yet Pharao shall not herken vnto you that I maye sett myne honde vpon Egipte and brynge out myne armyes euē my people the childern of Israel out of the lāde of Egipte with great iudgementes And the Egiptians shall knowe that I am the Lorde when I haue stretched forth my hande vpō Egipte and haue brought out the childern of Israel from amonge thē Moses and Aaron dyd as the Lorde commaunded them And Moses was lxxx yere olde and Aaron .lxxxiij. when they spake vnto Pharao And the Lorde spake vnto Moses and Aaron saynge when Pharao speaketh vn to you and sayth shewe a wondre than shalt thou saye vnto Aaron take the rodd and cast it before Pharao and it shall turne to a serpent Than went Moses and Aarō in vnto Pharao and dyd euen as the Lorde had commaunded And Aaron cast forth his rodd before Pharao and before his servauntes and it turned to a serpente Than Pharao called for the wyse men and enchaunters of Egipte dyd yn En● so d● o● re charmars novv deceau● all princes vvith theire sophistri● ▪ ād turne thē clene from repētaūce tovvarde the lavve of god ād frō the fayth that is in Christ lyke maner with there sorcery And they cast doune euery mā his rodd ād they turned to serpētes but Aarons rodd ate vp their roddes ād yet for all that Pharaos herte was hardened so that he herkened not vnto thē euen as the Lorde had sayde Than sayde the Lorde vnto Moses Pharaos herte is hardened and he refuseth to let the people goo Get the vnto Pharao in the mornynge for he will come vnto the water and frō de thou apon the ryuers brynke agenst he come and the rodd whiche turned to a serpente take in thine hande And saye vnto him the Lorde God of the Hebrues hath sente me vnto the saynge let my people goo that they maye serue me in the wildernes but hither to thou woldest not heare wherfore thus sayth the Lorde hereby thou shalt knowe that I am the Lord. Behold I will smyte with the staffe that is in myne hand apon the waters that are in the ryuer and they shall turne to bloude And the fishe that is in the riuer shall dye and the riuer shall stinke so that it shall greue the Egiptiās to drinke of the water of the ryuer And the Lorde spake vnto Moses saye vnto Aaron take thy staffe and stretch out thyne hande ouer the waters of Egipte ouer their streames ryuers pondes and all pooles off water that they maye be bloude and that there may be bloude in all the lande of Egipte both in vessells of wodd and also of stone And Moses and Aaron dyd euen as the Lorde commaunded And he lifte vp the staffe and smote the waters that were in the riuer in the syghte of Pharao and in the syghte of his servauntes and all the water that was in the ryuer turned in to bloude And the fish that was in the riuer dyed and the ryuer stanke so that the Egiptians coude not drinke of the water of the ryuer And there was bloude thorowe out all the lande of Egipte And the Enchaunters of Egipte dyd lyke wyse with their enchauntmentes so that Pharaos herte was hardened and dydnot regarde them as the Lorde had sayde And Pharao turned himselfe and went in to his housse and set not his herte there vnto And the Egiptians dygged round aboute the ryuer for water to drynke for they coude not drynke of the water of the ryuer And it contynued a weke after that the Lorde had smote the ryuer ¶ The .viij. Chapter THe Lorde spake vnto Moses Goo vnto Pharao and tell him thus sayeth the Lorde let my people goo that they maye serue me Yf thou wilt not let them goo beholde I will smyte all thy londe with frogges And the ryuer shall scrale with frogges ād they shall come vp and goo in to thine housse and in to thy chaumbre where thou slepest ād vppō thy bedd and in to the housses of thy servauntes and vppon thy people and in to thyne ovens and vppon thy vitels which thou hast in store And the frogges shall come vpon the and on thy people and apon all thy servauntes And the Lorde spake vnto Moses saye vnto Aaron stretche forth thine hande with thy rodd ouer the stremes riuers ād pondes And bringe vp frogges apon the londe of Egipte And Aaron stretched his hande ouer the water of Egipte and the frogges came vp ād couered the londe of Egipte And the sorcerers dyd likewise with theire sorcery and the frogges came vp apon the lande of Egipte Then Pharao called for Moses and Aarō and sayde praye ye vnto the Lorde that he may take awaye the frogges from me and from my people and I will let the people goo that they maye sacrifice vnto the Lorde And Moses sayde vnto Pharao Appoynte thou the tyme vnto me when I shall praye for the
wyle advēture without any certayne rule therfore though I haue spoken off them in another place yet lest the boke come not to all mennes handes that shall reade this I will speake off them here also a worde or twayne We had nede to take hede euery where that we be not begyled with false allegories whether they be drawne out of the new testament or the olde ether out of any other storye or off the creatures of the worlde but namely in this boke Here a man had nede to put on all his spectacles and to arme him selfe agenst invisible spretes First allegories proue nothinge and by allegories vnderstonde examples or similitudes borowed of straunge matters and of another thinge than that thou entreatest oft As though circumcysyon be a figure of baptim yet thou canst not proue baptim by circumcysion For this argumēt were verye feble the Israelites were circūcysed therfore we must be baptised And in like maner though the offering of Isaac were a figure or ensample oft the resurrection yet is this argument nought Abraham wold haue offered Isaac but God delyuered him from deth therfore we shall ryse agayne and so forth in all other But the very vse of allegories is to declare and open a texte that it maye be the better perceaved and vnderstonde As when I haue a cleare texte of Christ and of the apostles that I must be baptysed then I maye borowe an ensample of circumcysion to expresse the nature power and frute or effecte of baptim For as circumcysion was vnto them a comon bagge sygnifienge that they were all sodiars off God to warre his warre and separatinge them from all other nacyons disobedient vnto God euen so baptim is oure comen bagge and sure ernest and perpetuall memoriall that we pertayne vnto Christ and are separated from all that are not christes And as circumcision was a token certifyenge them that they were receaved vnto the fauoure off God and theyr sinner forgeven them even so baptim certefyeth vs that we are wasshed in the bloude of christ ād receaued to fauoure for his sake and as circumcysion signifyed vnto thē the cuttynge away of theyr awne lustes and sleynge of their fre will as they call it to folowe the will of god even so baptim signyfgeth vnto vs repentaunce and the mortefyinge of oure vnruly mēbres and body of synne to walke in a new lyffe and so forth And likewyse though that the savinge of Noe and of them that were with him in the shyppe thorow water is a figure that is to saye an ensample and likenesse of baptim as Peter maketh it 1. Petri 3. yet I can not proue baptim therwith saue describe it only for as the sheyppe saved thē in the water thorow faith in that they beleved god and as the other that wold not beleve Noe peryshed even so baptim saveth vs thorow the worde of faith which it preacheth when all the world of the vnbelevinge perysh And Paule 1. Corin. 10. maketh the see ād the cloude a figure of baptim by which and a thousand mo I might declare it but not proue it Paule also in the sayde place maketh the rocke out of which Moses brought water vnto the childerne of Israel a figure or ensample of christ not to proue christ for that were impossible but to describe christ only even as christ hisilf Iohānis 3. boroweth a similitude or figure of the brasen serpent to lead Nichodemus frō his erthy imaginacyon in to the spirituall vnderstondinge of christ sayenge As Moses lyftedvpp a serpent in the wildernesse so must the sonne of man be lifted vpp that none that beleue in him perysh but haue everlastinge liffe by which similitude the vertue of christes deth is better described then thou coudest declare it with a thousande wordes for as those murmurars agenst god as sone as they repented were healed of their deadly woundes thorow lokynge on the brasen serpent only without medicyne or any other helpe yee ād without any other reason but that god hath sayed it shuld be so and not to murmoure agayne but to leue their murmuringe even so all that repent ād beleue in christ are saved from euerlastinge deth of pure grace without and before their good workes and not to synne agayne but to fight agaynst synne ād henceforth to synne no moare Even so with the ceremonyes of this boke thou canst prove nothinge saue describe and declare only the puttyng awaye of oure synnes thorow the deth of christ for christ is Aaron and Aarons sonnes and all that offer the sacrifyce to purge synne And christ is all mane● offering that is offered he is the oxe the shepe the gote the kyd and lambe he is the oxe that is burnt without the host and the scape gote that caryed all the synne of the people awaye in to the wildernesse for as they purged the people frō their wordly vnclennesses thorow bloud of the sacrifices even so doth christ purge vs from the vnclennesses of everlastinge deth with his awne bloude and as their wordly synnes coude no otherwyse be purged then by bloude of sacrifyce even so can oure synnes be no otherwyse forgeven then thorow the bloude of christ All the deades in the world saue the bloude of christ can purchase no forgevenesse of synnes for oure deades do but helpe oure neyghboure and mortefye the flesh ād helpe that we synne no moare but and if we haue synned it must be frely forgeven thorow the bloude of christ or remayne ever And in lyke maner of the lepers thou canst prove nothinge thou canst never coniure ou● confessiō thense how be it thou hast an handsome example there to open the bindinge and lowsinge of oure preastes with the kaye of goddes word ▪ for as they made no man a lepre even so oures haue no power to commaunde any man to be in synne or to go to purgatory or hell And therefore in as moch as bindinge and lowsinge is one power As those preastes healed no man even so oures can not of their inviseble and domme power dryve any mannes synnes awaye or delyver hym from hell or fayned purgatorye how be it if they preached gods word purely which is the authorite that christ gaue them then they shuld binde ād lowse kylle and make alyve agayne make vncle ●ne and cleane agayne and send to hell ād fett thence agayne so mighty is gods word for if they preached the lawe of god they shuld bind the consciences of synners with the bondes of the paynes of hell and bringe them vnto repētaunce And then if they preached them the mercye that is in christ they shuld lowse them and quiet their raginge consciences and certefie them of the fauoure of god and that their synnes be forgeven Fynallye beware of allegoryes for there is not a moare handsome or apte a thinge to be gile withall then an allegorye nor a more sotle and pestilent thinge in the world to persuade a false
the alter rounde aboute And they shall offre of the peaceofferynge to be a sacrifice vnto the Lord the fatt that couereth the inwardes and all the fatt that is apon the inwardes and the two kydneys with the fatt that lyeth apon the loynes and the kall that ys on the lyuer they shall take awaye with the kydneyes And Aarons sonnes shall burne them apon the alter with the burntsacrifice which is apon the wodd on the fire That is a sacrifice of a swete sauoure vnto the Lorde Yf a man brynge a peaceoffrynge vnto the Lorde from of the flocke whether it be male or female it shal be without blemysh Yf he offre a lambe he shall brynge it before the Lord and put his hande apon his offrynges heede and kyll it in the doore off the tabernacle off wytnesse and Aarons sonnes shall sprinkle the bloude thereof rounde aboute the alter And of the peaseoffringe they shall brynge a sacrifyce vnto the Lorde the fatt there of ād the rompe altogether which they shall take off harde by the backe bone and the fatt that coue reth the inwardes and all the fatt that is apon the inwardes and the ▪ ij kydneyes with the fatt that lyeth apon them and apon the loynes and the kall that is apon the lyuer he shall take awaye with the kydneyes And the preast shall burne them apon the alter to fede the Lordes offrynge with all Yf the offrynge be a goote he shall brynge it before the Lorde and put his hande apon the head of it and kyll it before the tabernacle of witnesse and the sonnes of Aaron shall sprinkle the bloude thereof apon the alter rounde aboute And he shall brynge thereof his offrynge vnto the Lordes sacrifyce the fatt that couereth the inwardes and all the fatt that is apō the inwardes and the ▪ ij kydneyes and the fatt that lyeth apon them and apon the loynes and the kall that is apō the lyuer he shall take awaye with the kydneyes And the preast shall burne them apō the alter to fede the Lordes sacrifyce wyth all ād to make a swete sauoure And thus shal all the fatt be the Lordes and it shal be a la we forever amonge youre generacions after you in youre dwellynge places that ye eate nether fatt nor bloude ¶ The IIII. Chapter ANd the Lorde talked with Moses saynge speake vnto the childern of Israel ād saye when a soule synneth thorow ignoraunce and hath done any of those thinges which the Lorde hath forbydden in his commaundmentes to be done Yf the preast that is anoynted synne and make the people to doo amysse he shall brynge for his synne which he hath done an oxe wythout blemysh vnto the Lorde for a synneoffrynge And he shall brynge the oxe vn to the dore of the tabernacle of wytnesse before the Lorde and shall put his hande apon the oxes heade and kyll him before the Lorde And the preast that is anoynted shall take of the oxes bloude and brynge it in to the tabernacle of witnesse and shall dyppe his fynger in the bloude and sprinkle thereof .vij. tymes before the Lorde euen before the hangynge of the holy place And he shall put some of the bloude apon the hornes of the alter of swete cens before the Lorde which is in the tabernacle of witnesse and shall poure all the bloude of the oxe apon the botome of the alter of burntofferynges which is by the dore of the tabernacle of witnesse And he shall take awaye all the fatt of the oxe that is the synneofferynge the fatt that couereth the inwardes and all the fatt that is aboute them and the .ij. kydneyes with the fatt that lyeth apon thē and apon the loynes and the kall apon the lyuer let them take awaye also with the kydneyes as it was taken from the oxe of the peaceoffrynge and let the preast burne them apon the altare of burntofferynges But the skynne of the oxe and all his flesh with his heede his legges his inwardes with his donge shall he carye altogither out of the hoste vnto a clene place euen where the asshes are poured out and burne h● on wodd with fyre euen apon the heape of asshes Yf the hole comynalte of the childern of Israel synne thorow ygnoraunce and the thynge be hyd from their eyes so that they haue commytted any of these thinges which the Lorde hath forbidden to be done in his commaundmentes ād haue offended ād the synne which they haue synned be afterwarde knowne than shal they offre an oxe for a synneofferynge ād shall brynge him before the tabernacle of witnesse and the elders of the multitude shall put their handes apon his heed before the Lorde And the preast that is anoynted shall brynge of his bloude in to the tabernacle of witnesse and shall dyppe his finger in the bloude and sprinkle it seuen tymes before the Lorde euen before the uayle And shall put of the bloude apon the hornes of the alter whiche is before the Lorde in the tabernacle of witnesse and shall poure all the bloude apon the botome of the alter of burntoffrynges which is by the dore of the tabernacle of witnesse and shall take all his fatt from him and burne it apon the altare and shall do with his oxe as he dyd wyth the synneoffrynge oxe And the preast shal make an attonement for them ād so it shal be forgeuen them And he shall brynge the oxe without the hoste ād burne him as he burned the first so is this the synneofferynge of the comynalte When a Lorde synnneth and committeth thorow ignoraunce any of these thynges whiche the Lorde his God hath forbydden to be done in his commaundmentes and hath so offended when his synne is shewed vnto him which he hath synned he shall brynge for hys offerynge an he goote without blemysh and laye his hande apon the heed of it and kyll it in the place where the burntofferynges are kylled before the Lorde this is a synneoffrynge Thā let the preast take of the bloude of the synneoffrynge with his finger and put it apon the hornes of the burntofferyngalter and poure his bloude apon the botome of the burntofferyngealter and burne all his fatt apon the alter as he doth the fatt of the peaceofferynges And the preast shall make an attonement for him as concernynge his synne and so it shal be forgeuen him Yf one of the comē people of the londe synne thorowe ignoraunce and committe any off the thinges which the Lorde hath forbidden in his commaundementes to be done and so hath trespased when his synne whiche he hath synned is come to his knowlege he shall bringe for his offerynge a she goote without blemish for his synne which he hath synned and laye his hande apon the heed of the synneofferynge ād slee it in the place of burntoffrynges And the preast shall take of the bloude with his finger ād put it apō the hornes of the burntoffryngealter and poure all the bloude apō the botome of the alter
fatt apon the alter ād the brest shal be Aarōs ād his sonnes And the right shulder they shall geue vnto the preast to be an heueoffrynge of their peaceoffringes And the same that offreth the bloud of the peaceoffringes ād the fatt amōg the sōnes of Aarō shall haue the right shulder vnto his parte for the wauebrest ād the heueshulder I haue takē of the childern of Israel euen of their peace offringes ād haue geuē it vnto Aarō the prest and vnto his sonnes to be a dutie for euer of the childern of Israel This is the anoyntinge of Aaron ād of the sacryfices of the Lorde in the daye when they were offered to be preastes vnto the Lorde whiche the Lorde commaunded to be geuen them in the daye when he anoynted them of the childern of Israel and to be a dutie for euer amonge their generacions This is the lawe of burntoffrynges of meatoffrynges of synne offrynges of trespaceoffrynges of full offrynges of peaceoffrynges which the Lorde commaunded Moses in the mount of Sinai in the daye when he commaunded the childern of Israel to offer their offrynges vnto the Lorde in the wildernesse of Sinai The .viij. Chapter ANd the Lorde spake vnto Moses saynge Hence the pope fett holowenge of chirches alters font belles ād so forthe and the anoyntinge of bissnopes preastes and soch like take Aaron and his sonnes with hī and the vestures and the anoyntinge oyle and an oxe for a synneofferynge and two rammes ād a baskett of swete bred ād gather all the comentye together vnto the dore of the tabernacle of witnesse And Moses dyd as the Lorde commaunded him and the people gathered them selues togither vnto the doore of the tabernacle of witnesse And Moses sayde vnto the people this is the thinge which the Lorde commaunded to do And Moses broughte Aaron and his sonnes and wasshed them with water and put apon him the albe and gyrde him with a girdel and put apon him the tunycle and put the Ephod thereon and gyrded him with the broderd girdel of the Ephod and bounde it vnto him therewith And he put the brestlappe thereon ād put in the brestlappe lighte ād perfectnesse And he put the myter apon his heed ād put apō the myter euē apō the forefrōt of it the golden plate of the holy croune as the Lorde commaunded Moses And Moses toke the anoyntynge oyle and anoynted the habitacion and all that was therein and sanctified them and sprynkled thereof apon the alter .vij. tymes and anoynted the alter and all his vessels and the lauer with hys fote to sanctifie them And he poured of the anoyntynge oyle apon Aarons heed and anoynted him to sanctifie him And he broughte Aarons sonnes and put albes apon them and gyrde them with gyrdels ād put bonettes apō their heedes as the Lorde cōmaunded Moses And the synneoffrynge was brought And Aaron and his sonnes put their handes apon the heed of the oxe of the synneoffryng And when it was slayne Moses toke of the bloude and put it apon the hornes of the alter rounde aboute with his finger and purified it ād poured the bloud vnto the botome of the alter ād sanctified it ād reconcyled it And he toke all the fatt that was apon the inwardes ād the kal that was on the lyuer ād the two kydneyes with their fatt ād burned it apō the alter But the oxe the hide his flesh ād his donge he burnt with fire without the hoste as the Lorde commaunded Moses And he broughte the ram of the burntofferynge and Aaron ād his sonnes put their handes apon the heed of the ram and it was kylled And Moses sprinkled the bloud apō the alter roūde aboute ād cutt the ram in peces ād burnt the heed the peces ād the fatte ād wasshed the inwardes ād the legges in water and burnt the ram euery whitt apō the alter That was a burntsacrifice of a swete sauoure ād an offrynge vnto the Lorde as the Lorde cōmaunded Moses And he broughte the other ram that was the fullofferynge and Aaron and his sonnes put their hādes apō the heed of the ram And when it was slayne Moses toke of the bloude of it and put it apon the typpe of Aarons ryght eare and apon the thombe of his right hande and apon the great too of his righte fote Then were Aarons sonnes broughte ād Moses put of the bloude on the typpe of the right care of them and apon the thombes of theire righte handes and apon the great tooes of the ir righte fete and sprinkled the bloud apō the alter rounde aboute And he toke the fatt ād the rompe ād all the fatt that was apon the inwardes ād the kall of the lyuer ād the .ij. kydneyes with their fatt ād their righte shulder And out of the basket of swete bred that was before the Lorde he toke one swete cake of oyled bred ād one wa●er ād put thē on the fatt ād apon the righte shulder ād put altogether apō Aarons handes ād apō his sonnes handes ād waued it a waueofferynge before the Lorde And thā Moses toke thē from of their handes agayne ād burnt thē apō the alter euen apon the burntoffrynge These are the fulloffrynges of a swete sauoure ād a sacrifice vnto the Lorde And Moses toke the breste and waued it a waueoffrynge before the Lorde of the ram of the fuloffrynges ād it was Moses parte as the Lorde commaunded Moses And Moses toke of the anoynting oyle ād of the bloude whiche was apon the alter and sprinkled it apō Aarō ād apon his vestimētes ād apō his sōnes ād on their vestimētes with hī ād sanctified Aarō ād his vesturs ād his sōnes and his sonnes vestures also Then Moses say de vnto Aaron and his sonnes boyle the flesh in the doore of the tabernacle of witnesse and there eate it with the bred that is in the basket of fullofferynges as the Lorde commaunded sayenge Aaron and his sonnes shall eate it ād that whiche remayneth of the flesh and of the brede burne with fire And se that ye departe not from the doore of the tabernacle of witnesse seuen dayes longe vntill the dayes of youre fullofferynges be at an ende For .vij. dayes must youre hādes be filled as they were this daye euē so the Lorde hath commaūded to do to reconcyle you with all Se therfore that ye abyde in the dore of the tabernacle of witnesse daye and nyghte seuen dayes longe and kepe the watch of the Lorde that ye dye not for so I am commaunded And Aaron and his sonnes dyd all thynges which the Lorde commaunded by the hande of Moses ¶ The .ix. Chapter ANd the .viij. daye Moses called Aaron and his sonnes and the elders of Israel and sayde vnto Aaron take a calfe for a synne offrynge and a ram for a burntoffrynge both without blemish and brynge them before the Lorde And vnto the childern of Israel he spake sayenge take ye an he goote for a synneofferynge and a calfe
and a lambe bothe two of a yere olde and without blemysh for a burntsacrifice and an oxe and a ram for peaceoffrynges to offer before the Lorde and a meateofferyng myngled with oyle for to daye the Lorde will appere vnto you And they brought that which Moses commaunded vnto the tabernacle of witnesse ād all the people came and stode before the Lorde And Moses sayde this is the thynge which the Lorde commaunded that ye shulde do ād then the glorye of the Lorde shall appere vnto you And Moses sayde vnto Aaron go vnto the alter and offer thy synneofferynge and make an attonement for the and for the people and then offer the offerynge of the people and reconcyle them also as the Lorde cōmaunded Moses And Aaron went vnto the alter and slewe the calfe that was his synneoffrynge And the sonnes of Aaron broughte the bloude vnto him and he dypte his finger in the bloude and put it apon the hornes of the alter and poured the bloude vnto the botome of the alter And the fatt and the two kydneyes with the kall of the lyuer of the synneoffrynge he burnt vppon the alter as the Lorde commaunded Moses but the flesh and the hyde he burnt with fyre without the hoste After warde he slewe the burntofferynge ād Aarons sonnes brought the bloude vnto him and he sprinkled it rounde aboute apon the alter And they brought the burntofferynge vnto him in peces and the heed also and he burnt it apon the alter and dyd wasshe the inwardes and the legges and burnt them also apon the burntofferynge in the alter And than he broughte the peoples offerynge and toke the goote that was the peoples synneofferynge and slewe it and offered it for a synofferynge as he dyd the first And then broughte the burntofferynge and offered it as the maner was and broughte the meatofferynge and fylled his hande thereof and burnt it apon the alter besydes the burntsacrifyce in the mornynge Then he slewe the oxe and the ram that were the peoples peaseofferynges and Aarons sonnes broughte the bloude vnto him and he sprinkled it apon the alter rounde aboute and toke the fatt of the oxe and of the ram the rōpe and the fatt that couereth the inwardes and the kydneyes and the kall of the lyuer and put them apon the brestes and burnt it apon the alter but the brestes and the righte shulders Aaron waued before the Lorde as the Lorde cōmaunded Moses And Aaron lifte vpp his hande ouer the people Of soch places the bisshopes toke their domme blessynge with ij fingers But numery v● thou maist read the goodly prayer of his blessynge and blessed thē and came doune from offerynge of synofferynges burntofferynges ād peaseofferynges Then Moses and Aaron wēt into the tabernacle of witnesse and came out agayne and blessed the people and the glorye of the Lorde apered vnto all the people And there came a fyre out from before the Lorde and consumed apon the alter the burntofferynge and the fatt And all the people sawe it and showted and fell on their faces ¶ The X. Chapter Hereof ye se the frute of a mans good entent with out Godsword As we maye do nolesse so doeth this ensample teach that we maye do no moare than is cōmaunded ANd Nadab and Abihu the sonnes of Aaron toke ether of them his censor ād put fyre therein and put cens apō and broughte straunge fyre before the Lorde which he cōmaunded thē not and there went a fyre out frō the Lorde and cōsumed thē and they dyed before the Lorde Then Moses sayde vnto Aarō this is it that the Lorde spake saynge I will be God is sanctified when we obey him ād mortify oure wyll to doo his sanctifyed in them that come nye me ād before all the people I wil be glorifyed And Aaron helde his pease And Moses called Misael and Elesaphā the sonnes of Vsiel the vncle of Aaron and sayde vnto thē goo to and carye youre brethrē from the holy place out of the hoste And they went to them and caryed them in their albes out of the hoste as Moses bad And Moses sayde vnto Aaron and vnto Eleazar and Ithamar his eldest sonnes vncouer not youre heed nether rent youre clothes lest ye dye and wrath come apon all the people lettyoure brethren the hole house of Israel bewepe the burnynge which the Lorde hath burnt But goo ye not out from the dore of the tabernacle of wytnesse lest ye dye for the anoyntynge oyle of the Lorde is apon you And they dyd as Moses bad And the Lorde spake vnto Aaron saynge Oure prelates be dr●●ke with desyre of honoure and haue brought the world oute of their wittes to satisfie their lustes and liue not sobirly to teach vs what christ commaunded by the 〈…〉 of the appostels drynke no wyne nor stronge drynke nether thou nor thi sonnes with the when ye go in to the tabernacle of witnesse lest ye dye And let it be a lawe foreuer vnto youre childern after you that ye maye put difference betwene holy and vnholy and betwene vnclene and clene and that ye maye teach the childern of Israel all the ordynaunces which the Lorde hath cōmaunded them by the handes of Moses And Moses sayde vnto Aaron and vnto Eleazar ād Ithamar his sonnes that were lefte take the meatofferynge that remayneth of the sacrifyces of the Lorde and eate it without leuen besyde the alter for it is most holy eate it therfore in the holy place because it is thi dutye and thi sonnes dutye of the sacrifyce of the Lorde for so I am commaunded And the wauebrest and heueshulder eate in a clene place both thou and thy sonnes and thy doughters with the. For it is thy dutye and thy sonnes dutye with the of the peaceofferynges off the childern of Israel For the heueshulder ād the wauebrest whiche they brynge with the sacrifices of the fatt to waue it before the Lorde shal be thyne and thy sonnes with the and be a lawe for euer as the Lorde hath commaunded And Moses soughte for the goote that was the synneofferynge and se it was burnt And he was angrye with Eleazar and Ithamar the sonnes of Aaron which were lefte alyue sayenge wherefore haue ye not eaten the synneofferynge in the holy place seynge it is most holye and for as moch as it is geuen you to bere the synne of the people and make agrement for them before the Lorde Beholde the bloude of it was not brought in within the holy place therfore shulde ye haue eaten it in the holy place as I commaunded And Aaron sayde vnto Moses behold this daye haue they offered their The offeringes must haue bene eaten in gladnesse but Aaron coude not but morne for his sonnes synneoffrynge and their burntoffrynge before the Lorde and it is chaunced me after thys maner Yf I shulde eate of the synneofferynge to daye wolde the Lorde be content with all And when Moses herde that he was content
he is once made cleane let the preast see him Yf it be growne abrode in dede in the skynne let the preast seke no further for ony golden heere 's for he is vncleane But and yf he se that the scabbe stonde styll and that there is blacke heer growne vpp there in thē the scabbe is healed and he is cleane and the preast shall make him cleane Yf there be founde in the skynne of the flesh of man or woman a glisterynge white let the preast se it Yf there appeare in their flesh a glisterynge white somwhat blackesh thē it is but frekels growē vpp in the skynne ād he is cleane Yf a mans heer fall of his heed thē he is heedbaulde and cleane yf his heer fall before in his foreheade then he is foreheadbalde and cleane yf there be in the baulde head or baulde forehead a redysh white scabbe then there is leprosye spronge vpp in his baulde head or baulde foreheade And let the preast se it and yf the rysynge of the sore be reddyshwhite in his baulde heade or foreheade after the maner of a leprosye in the skynne of the flesh then he is a leper and vncleane ād the preast shall make him vncleane for the plage of his heede And the leper in whome the plage is shall haue his clothes rent and his heade bare ād his mouth moffeld and shal be called vncleane And as longe as the dysease lesteth apon him he shal be vncleane for he is vncleane and shall therfore dwell alone ād even without the host shall his habitacion be When the plage of leprosye is in a cloth whether it be lynen or wollen yee and whether it be in the warpe or wolfe of the lynen or of the wollen ether in a skynne or any thinge made of skynne yf the disease be pale or somwhat redysh in the cloth or skynne whether it be in the warpe or wolfe or any thinge that is made of skynne thē it is a very leprosye and must be shewed vnto the preast And whē the preast seeth the plage let him shutt it vpp .vij. dayes and let him loke on the plage the seuenth daye yf it be increased in the cloth whether it be in the warpe or wolfe or in a skynne or in any thynge that is made of skynne then the plage is a fretynge leprosye and it is vncleane And that cloth shal be burnt ether warpe or wolfe whether it be wollen or lynen or any thynge that is made of skynne where in the plage is for it is a fretynge leprosye and shal be burnt in the fyre Yf the preast se that the plage hath freten no further in the cloth ether in the warpe or wolfe or in what soeuer thynge of skynne it be then let the preast cōmaunde thē to wasshe the thynge wherein the plage is and let him shutt it vpp vij dayes moo And let the preast loke on it agayne after that the plage is wasshed Yf the plage haue not chaunged his fascion though it be spred no further abrode it is yet vncleane And se that ye burne it in the fyre for it is fretē in warde whether in parte or in all together But and yf the preast se that it is somwhat blackyshafter that it is wasshed let him rent it out of the clothe or out of the skynne or out of the warpe or wolfe But and yf it apeare any moare in the cloth ether in the warpe or in the wolfe or in any thynge made of skynne than it is a waxynge plage And se that ye burne that with fyre where in the plage is Moreouer the cloth ether warpe or wolfe or what soeuer thinge of skynne it be which thou hast wasshed and the plage be departed from it shal be wasshed once agayne and then it is cleane This is the lawe of the plage of leprosye in a cloth whether it be wollē or lynen eyther whether it be in the warpe or wolfe or in any thynge made of skynnes to make it cleane or vncleane ANd the Lorde spake vnto Moses saynge this is the lawe of a leper when he shal be clēsed he shal be broughte vnto the preast and the preast shall goo out without the hoste and loke apō him Yf the plage of leprosye be healed in the leper thē shall the preast commaunde that there be brought for hī that shal be clensed .ij. lyuynge byrdes that are cleane ād cipresse wodd and a pece of purple cloth and ysope And the preast shall cōmaunde that one of the byrdes be kylled ouer an erthē vessell of runnynge water And the preast shall take the lyuynge byrde and the cypresse wodd and the purple ād the ysope ād shall dyppe thē and the lyuynge byrde in the bloude of the slayne byrde and in the rēnynge water and sprinkle it apon him that must be clensed of his leprosye .vij. tymes and clense him and shall let the lyuynge byrde goo fre in to the feldes And he that is clēsed shall wasshe his clothes and shaue off all his heer ād wasshe himselfe in water and thē he is cleane And after that he shall come in to the hoste but shall tarye without his tēt .vij. dayes Whē the seuenth daye is come he shall shaue off al his heer both apō his heade ād his berde ād on his browes ād euē all the heer that is on him shal be shauen off And he shall wasshe his clothes and his flesh in water and then he shal be cleane And when the .viij. daye is come let him take ij lambes without blemysh and a yewelambe of a yere olde without blemysh and .iij. tenthdeales of fyne floure for a meatofferynge myngled with oyle and a logge of oyle Than let the preast that maketh him cleane brynge the man that is made cleane with those thynges before the Lorde vnto the dore of the tabernacle of witnesse And lett the preast take one of the lābes and offer him for a trespaceofferynge and the logge of oyle and waue them before the Lorde And than let him slee the lambe in the place where the synofferynge and the burntofferynge are slayne euē in the holy place for as the synofferynge is euē so is the trespace offerynge the preastes for it is most holy Than lett the preast take of the bloude of the trespaceofferynge and put it apō the typpe of the right eare of him that is clensed and apon the thombe of his righte hande and apon the greate too of his righte fote Then let the preast take of the logge of oyle and poure it in to the palme of his lefte hande ād dippe his right finger in the oyle that is in the palme of his lefte hand ād let him sprinkle it with his fynger vij tymes before the Lorde And of the rest of the oyle that is in his hande shall the preast put apon the typpe of the righte eare of him that is clensed and apon the thombe of his righte hande and apon the great too of his righte fote
euē apon the bloude of the trespaceofferynge And the remnaunte of the oyle that is in the preastes hande he shall poure apon the heede off hym that is clensed and so shall the preaste make an attonement for him before the Lorde Then let the preast offer the synneofferynge ād make an attonement for him that is clensed for his vnclēnesse And thā let the burntoffrynge be slayne ād let the preast put both the burntofferynge and the meateoffrynge apō the alter ād make an attonement for him ād thā he shal be cleane Yf he be poore ād can not gett so moch thā let him bringe one lambe for a trespaceoffrynge to waue it and to make an attonement for him ād a tenth deale of fine floure myngled with oyle for a meatoffrynge ād a logge of oyle ād two turtyll doues or two yonge pygeons which he is able to gett ād let the one be a synneoffrynge and the other a burntoffryng And let him brynge them the. viij daye for his clensynge vnto the preast to the dore of the tabernacle of witnesse before the Lorde And let the preast take the lambe that is the trespaceoffrynge and the logge of oyle ād waue them before the Lorde And whē the lambe of the trespaceoffrynge is kylled the preast shall take of the bloude of the trespaceoffrynge and put it apon the typpe of his righte eare that is clensed and apon the thombe of his righte hande and apon the greate too of hys righte fote And the preast shall poure of the oyle in to his righte hande and shall sprinkle with his finger of the oyle that is in his lefte hande .vij. tymes before the Lord. And the preast shall put of the oyle that is in his hande apon the typpe of the righte eare of h● that is clensed and apō the thombe of his righte hande and apon the great too of his righte fote euen in the place where the bloude of the trespaceofferynge was put And the reste of the oyle that is in his hande he shall poure apon the heede of him that is clensed to make an attonemēt for him before the Lorde And he shall offer one of the turtyll doues or of the yonge pigeons soch as he can gett the one for a synneofferynge and the other for a burntoffrynge apō the alter And so shall the preast make an attonemēt for him that is clensed before the Lorde This is the lawe of him that hath the plage of leprosye whose hand is not able to gett that which pertayneth to hys clensynge And the Lorde spake vnto Moses ād Aarō saynge when ye be come vnto the lond of Canaan which I geue you to possesse yf I put the plage of leprosye in any housse of the lande of youre possession let him that oweth the house go ād tell the preast saynge me thinke that there is as it were a leprosy in the housse And the preast shall cōmaunde them to ryd all thinge out of the housse before the preaste goo in to se the plage that he make not all that is in the housse vncleane and then the preast shall goo in and se the housse Yf the preast se that the plage is in the walles of the housse ād that there be holowe strakes pale or rede which seme to be lower than the other partes of the wall then let the preast go out at the housse dores ād shett vp the housse for .vij. dayes And let the preast come againe the seuenth daye ād se it yf the plage be encreased in the walles of the housse let the preast cōmaunde thē to take awaye the stones in which the plage is ād let thē cast thē in a foule place without the citie ād scrape the house within rounde aboute ād poure out the dust without the citie in a foule place And let them take other stones and put them in the places of those stones and other morter ād playster the housse with all Yf now the plage come agayne ād breake out in the housse after that they haue taken awaye the stones and scraped the housse and after that the housse is playsterd anew let the preast come and se it And yf then he perceaue that the plage hath eatē further in the housse then it is a fretynge leprosye that is in the housse ād it is vncleane Then they shall breake doune the housse both stones tymbre ād all the morter of the housse and carye it out of the citye vnto a foule place Moreouer he that goeth into the housse all the whyle that it is shett vp shal be vncleane vntyll nighte And he that slepeth in the housse shall wasshe his clothes and he also that eateth in the housse shall wasshe hys clothes But and yf the preast come and se that the plage hath sprede no futher in the housse after that it is new playsterd thē let him make it cleane for the plage is healed And let him take to clense the housse with all two birdes cypresse wodd ād purple clothe ād ysope And let him kyll one of the byrdes ouer an erthen vessel of runnynge water ād take the cipresse wodd the ysope the purple ād the lyuynge byrde ād dyppe them in the bloude of the slayne byrde and in the runninge water and sprinkle apon the housse seuen tymes and clense the housse with the bloude of the byrde and with the runninge water ād with the lyuyng byrde ād with the cypresse wodd ād the ysope ād the purple clothe And he shall lett the lyuynge byrde flee oute off the towne in to the wylde feldes and so make an attonement for the housse and it shal be cleane This is the lawe of all maner plage of leprosye and breakynge out and of the leprosye off clothe and housse and of rysynges scabbes and glysterynge white to teache when a thinge is vncleane or cleane This is the lawe off leprosye ¶ The .xv. Chapter ANd the Lorde spake vnto Moses and Aaron sayenge speake vnto the children of Israel and saye vnto them euery mā that hath a runnynge yssue in his flesh is vncleane by the reason of his yssue And hereby shall it be knowne when he is vncleane Yf his fleshe runne or yf his flesh congele by the reason off his yssue than he is vncleane Euery couche whereon he lyeth ād euery thinge whereon he sytteth shal be vncleane He that twicheth his couch shall wassh his clothes ād bath him selfe with water ād be vncleane vntyll the euen He that sytteth on that whereon he satt shall wassh his clothes and bathe him selfe with water and be vncleane vntill the euenynge And he that twicheth his flesh shall wasshe his clothes and bathe him selfe in water and be vncleane vnto the euen Yf any soch spytt apon him that is cleane he must wasshe his clothes and bathe him selfe in water and be vncleane vntill euen And what soeuer sadell that he rydeth apō shal be vncleane And whosoeuer twicheth any thinge that was vnder him shal be vncleane vnto
and halowe it frō the vnclennesses of the childern of Israel And whē he hath made an ende of recōcylinge the holy place and the tabernacle of witnesse ād the alter let him bringe the lyue goote ād let Aarō put both his handes apon the heede of the lyue goote and confesse ouer him all the mysdeades of the childern of Israell and all their trespaces and all their synnes and let him put them apō the heed of the goote ād sende him awaye by the handes of one that is acoynted in the wyldernesse And the goote shall bere apon him all their mysdeades vnto the wildernesse and he shall let the goote goo fre in the wildernesse And let Aaron goo in to the tabernacle of wytnesse and put off the lynē clothes which he put on when he wēt in in to the holy place ād leaue them there And let him wasshe his flesh with water in the holy place and put on his owne rayment and then come out and offer his burntofferynge and the burntofferynge of the people and make an atonemēt for him selfe ād for the people and the fatt of the synofferynge let him burne apon the alter And let him that caryed forth the scapegoote wasshe his clothes and bathe hys flesh in water and then come in to the hoste agayne And the oxe of the synofferynge and the goote of the synofferynge whose bloude was brought in to make an atonemēt in the holy place let one carye out without the hoste and burne with fyre both their skynnes their flesh ād their donge And let him that burneth them wasshe his clothes ād bathe his flesh in water and thē come in to the hoste agayne And it shal be an ordynaunce for euer vnto you And euē in the tenth daye of the seuenth moneth ye shall humble youre soules and shall doo no worke at all whether it be one of youre selues or a straunger that sogeorneth amonge you for that daye shall an attonemēt be made for you to clense you from all youre synnes before the Lorde and ye shal be cleane It shal be a sabbath of rest vnto you and ye shall humble youre soules and it shal be an ordynaunce for euer And the preast that is anoynted and whose hande was fylled to mynistre in his fathers steade shall make the attonemēt and shall put on the holy lynē vestimētes and reconcyle the holy sanctuary and the tabernacle of witnesse ād the alter and shall make an attonemēt also for the preastes and for all the people of the congregacion And this shal be an euerlastynge or dynaunce vnto you to make an atonement for the childern of Israel for all their synnes once a yere and it was done euē as the Lorde commaunded Moses ¶ The XVII Chapter ANd the Lorde talked with Moses saynge speake vnto Aarō and vnto his sonnes and vnto all the childern of Israel ād saye vnto them this is the thynge which the Lorde charged saynge whatsoeuer he be of the housse of Israel that kylleth an oxe lambe or goote in the hoste or out of the hoste and bryngeth thē not vnto the dore of the tabernacle of witnesse to offer an offerynge vnto the Lorde before the dwellynge place of the Lorde bloude shal be imputed vnto that man as though he had shed bloude and that man shall perysh from amonge his people Wherfore let the childern of Israel brynge their offerynges they offer in the wyde felde vnto the Lorde euen vnto the dore of the tabernacle of witnesse and vnto the preast and offer thē for peaseofferynges vnto the Lorde And the preast shall sprinkle the bloude apon the alter of the Lorde in the dore of the tabernacle of wytnesse and burne the fatt to be a swete sauoure vnto the Lorde And let them nomoare offer their offerynges vnto deuyls after whom thy goo an whoorynge And this shal be an ordynaūce for euer vnto you thorow out youre generacyons And thou shalt saye vnto them what soeuer man it be of the housse of Israel or of the straungers that sogeorne amonge you that offereth a burntofferynge or any other offerynge and bryngeth it not vnto the dore of the tabernacle of wytnesse to offer vnto the Lorde that felow shall perysh from amonge his people And what soeuer man it be of the housse of Israel or of the straungers that soiourne amonge you that eateth any maner of bloude I will set my fa●e agaynst that soule that eateth bloude and will destroy him from amonge his people for the life of the flesh is in the bloude and I haue geuen it vnto you apon the alter to make an attonement for youre soules for bloude shall make an attonemēt for the soule And therfore I sayde vnto the childern of Israel se that no soule of you cate bloude nor yet any straunger that soiourneth amonge you What soeuer man it be of the childern of Israel or of the straungers that soiurne amonge you that honteth and catcheth any beest or foule that maye be eatē he shall poure out the bloude ād couer it with erthe for the life of all flesh is in the bloude therfore I sayde vnto the childern of Israel ye shall eate the bloude of no maner of flesh for the life of all flesh is in his bloude and whosoeuer therfore eateth it shall perysh And what soeuer soule it be that eateth that which dyed alone or that which was torne with wylde beestes whether it be one of youre selues or a straunger he shall wasshe his clothes ād bathe him selfe in water ād shal be vncleane vnto the euē ād thā is he cleane But ād yf he wasshe them not nor wasshe his flesh he shall beare his synne ¶ The .xviij. Chapter ANd the Lorde talked with Moses saynge speake vnto the childern of Israel ād saye vnto them I am the Lorde youre God Wherfore after the doynges of the land of Egipte wherein ye dwelt se that ye doo not nether after the doynges of the lande of Canaan whether I will bringe you nether walke ye in their ordinaunces but doo after my iudgemētes and kepe myne ordynaunces to walke therein for I am the Lorde youre God Kepe therfore myne ordinaunces ād my iudgemētes whiche yf a man doo he shall lyue thereby for I am the Lorde Se that ye goo to none of youre nyghest kyn red for to vncouer their secrettes for I am the Lorde The secrettes of thy father and thy mother se thou vnheale not she is thy mother therfore shalt thou not discouer hir secrettes The secrettes of thy fathers wife shalt thou not discouer for they are thy fathers secrettes Thou shalt not discouer the preuyte of thy syster the doughter of thy father or of thy mother whether she be borne at home or without Thou shalt not discouer the secrettes of thy sonnes doughter or thy doughters doughter for that is thyne awne preuyte Thou shalt not discouer the secrettes of thy fathers wyues doughter which she bare to thy father for she is thy
face of the old mā ād dread thy god for I am the Lorde Yf a straunger so foure by the in youre lande se that ye vexe him not But let the straunger that dwelleth with you be as one of youre selues and loue him as thiselfe for ye were straungers in the lande of Egipte I am the Lorde youre God Ye shall do no vnrightuousnes in iudgemēt nether in meteyerde weyght or measure But ye shal haue true balāces true weightes A true Epha ād a true hin I am the Lorde youre god which broughte you out of the land of Egipte that ye shulde obserue all myne ordinaunces and iudgementes and that ye shulde kepe them I am the Lorde ¶ The. xx Chapter ANd the Lorde talked with Moses saynge tell the childern of Israel whosoeuer he be of the childern of Israel or of the straungers that dwel in Israel that geueth of his seed vnto Moloch he shall dye for it the people off the lande shall stone hī with stones And I wil sett my face apon that felowe and will destroye him from amonge his people because he hath geuen of his seed vnto Moloch for to de file my sanctuary and to polute myne holy name And though that the people of the lande If we transgr esse gods commaundemētes we may happelye escape ● ordlye iudges but we cānot avoid the firse wrath of god but it wil surely find vs out hyde their eyes from that felowe when he geueth of his seed vnto Moloch so that they kyll him not yet I will put my face apon that man and apon his houssholde and will destroy him and all that goo a whooringe with him and cō mytt hoordome with Moloch from amonge their people Yf any soule turne vnto them that worke with spirites or makers of dysemall dayes and goo a whoorynge after them I wilt put my face apon that soule and will destroye him from amonge his people Sanctifie youre selues therfore and be holye for I am the Lorde youre God And se that ye kepe myne ordinaunces and doo them For I am the Lorde which sanctifie you Whosoeuer curseth his father or mother shall dye for it his bloude on his heed because he hath cursed his father or mother He that breaketh wedlocke with another mans wife shall dye for it because he hath broke wedlocke with his neghbours wife and so shall she likewise Yf a man lye with his fathers wife ād vncouer his fathers secrettes they shall both dye for it their bloude be apon their heedes Yf a man lye with his doughter in lawe thei shall dye both of them they haue wrought abhominacion their bloud vpon their heedes Yf a man lye with the mankynde after the maner as with womā kynd they haue both cōmitted an abhominacion and shall dye for it Their bloude be apon their heed Yf a man take a wife ād hir mother thereto it is wekednesse Mē shall burne with fire both him and them that there be no wekednesse amonge you Yf a man lye with a beest he shall dye and ye shall slee the beest Yf a womā go vnto a beest ād lye doune the reto thou shalt kyll the womā ād the beest also they shal dye ād their bloud be apō their hedes Yf a mā take his syster his fathers doughter or his mothers doughter ād se hir secrettes and she se his secrettes also it is a weked thinge Therfore let them perish in the syghte of their people he hath sene his systers secretnesse he shall therfore bere his synne Yf a man lye with a woman in tyme of hyr naturall disease and unheale hir secrettes and vncouer hir fountayne ād she also open the fountayne of hir bloude they shall both perishe from amonge their people Thou shalt not vncouer the secrettes of thy mothers syster nor of thy fathers systers for he that doth so vncouereth his nexte kyn ād thei shall bere their mysdoynge Yf a mā lye with his vncles wife he hath vncouered Thei small dye immediatly ād not ●a●y the byrth as Iuda wol● haue burnt Thamar beinge great ●● ita childe his vncles secrettes they shall bere their synne and shall dye childlesse Yf a mā take his brothers wife it is an vnclene thinge he hath vncouered his brothers secrettes they shal be childlesse therfore Se that ye kepe therfore all myne ordinaunces and all my iudgementes and that ye doo them that the londe whether I brynge you to dwell therein spewe you not oute And se that ye walke not in the maners of the nacyons whiche I cast oute before you For they commytted all these thinges and I abhorred them But I haue sayde vnto you that ye shall enioye their londe and that I will geue it vnto you to possesse it euē a londe that floweth with milke and honye I am the Lord youre God whiche haue separated you from other nacions that ye shulde put difference betwene cleane beestes add vncleane and betwene vncleane foules and them that are cleane Make not youre soules therfore abhominable with beestes ād foules and with all maner thinge that crepeth apon the grounde which I haue separated vnto you to holde them vncleane Be holy vnto me for I the Lorde am holy and haue seuered you from other nacyons that ye shulde be myne Yf there be mā or womā that worketh with a sprite or a maker of dysemall dayes thei shall dye for it Mē shall stone them with stones ād their bloude shal be apon them ¶ The .xxj. Chapter ANd the Lorde sayde vnto Moses speake vnto the preastes the sonnes of Aaron and saye vnto them A preast shall defile him selfe at the deth of none of his people but apon his kyn that is nye vnto him as his mother father sonne doughter and brother and on his syster as lōge as she is a mayde ād dwelleth nye him and was neuer geuen to man on her he maye defile him selfe But he shall not make him selfe vncleane vpon a ruelar of his people to polute him selfe with all They shall make thē no baldnesse apon their Of the hethē preastes therfore toke our prelates the ensample off their balde pate● heedes or shaue off the lockes of their beerdes nor make any markes in their flesh Thei shal be holy vnto their God ād not polute the name of their god for the sacrifices of the Lorde ād the bred of their God thei do offer therfore they must be holy Thei shall take no wife that is an whoore or poluted or put frō hir husbonde for a preast is holy vnto his God Sanctifie him therfore for he offereth vp the bred of God he shal By bred vnderstonde all sode flesh frute or whatsoeuer it be therfore be holy vnto the for I the Lorde whiche sanctifie you am holy Yf a preastes doughter fall to playe the whore she poluteth hir father therfore she shall be burnt with fire He that is the hye preast among his brethern vppon whose heed the anoyntynge oyle was poured
the Lorde a feldewhich he hath boughte and is not of his enheritaunce then the preast shall reken with him what it is worth vnto the trompet yere and he shall geue the price that it is set at the same daye and it shal be holy vnto the Lorde But in the trompet yere the felde shall returne vnto him of whome he boughte it whose enheritaunce of londe it was And all settinge shal be acordinge to the holy sycle One sycle maketh .xx. Geras But the firstborne of the beestes that pertayne vnto the Lorde maye no mā sanctifie whether it be oxe or shepe for they are the Lordes allredy Yf it be an vncleane beest then let him redeme it as it is sett at and geue the fifte parte moare thereto Yf it be not redemed thē let it be solde as it is rated Notwithstondinge no dedicated thinge that a man dedicateth vnto the Lorde of all his goode whether it be man or beest or lande off his enheritaunce shal be solde or redemed for all dedicate thīges are most holy vnto the Lorde No dedicate thinge therfore that is dedicate of mā may be redemed but must nedes dye All these tithes of the londe whether it be of the corne of the felde or frute of the trees shal be holy vnto the Lorde Yf any man will redeme oughte of his tithes let him adde the fifte parte moare thereto And the tithes of oxen and shepe and of all that goeth vnder the herdemans kepinge shal be holye tithes vnto the Lorde Men shal not loke yf it be good or bad nor shall chaunge it Yf any man chaunge it then both it and that it was chaunged with all shal be holy and maye not be redemed These are the commaundmentes whiche the Lorde gaue Moses in charge to geue vnto the childern of Israel in mount Sinai ¶ The ende of the thyrde boke of Moses ¶ A prologe into the fourth boke of Moses called Numeri ¶ A Prologe in to the fourth boke of Moses called Numeri IN the seconde ād thirde boke they receaved y● lawe And in this .iiij. they begynne to worke and to practyse Of which practi●ynge yese many good ensamples of vnbeleffe what frewill doth when she taketh in hand to kepe the lawe of her awne power without help of fayth in the promyses of god how she leueth her masters carkesses by the way in the wildernesse and bringeth them not in to the londe of rest Why coude they not entre in Because of their vnbeleffe Hebre .iij. For had they beleved so had they bene vnder grace and their old synnes had bene forgeuen thē ād power shulde haue bene geuē them to haue fulfilled the lawe thenceforth they shuld haue bene kepte from all temptaciōs that had bene to stronge for them For it is wrytten Iohan. 1. He gaue them power to be the sonnes of god thorow belevynge in his name Nowe to be the sonne of god is to loue god and his commaundmentes and to walke in his waye after the ensample of his sonne Christ But these people toke vppon them to worke without faith as thou seysie in the xiiij of this boke where they wold fight and also did without the worde of promysse euē when they were warned that they shuld not And in y● .xvi. a gayne they woulde please god with their holye faithlesse workes for where gods worde is not there can be no faith but y● fyre of god consumed their holy workes as it did Nadab and Abihu Leui .x. And frō these vnbeleuers turne thyne eyes vnto the pharesyes which before the comynge of Christ in his flesh had layde the fundacion of frewill after the same ensample Wheron thei bilt holy workes after their awne imaginacion with our faith of the worde so fervently that for the greate zele of them they slew the kinge of all holy workes and the lorde of frewill which only thorow his grace maketh the will fre and lowseth her from bondage of synne and geueth her loue and lust vnto the lawes of god and power to fulfyll them And so thorowe their holye workes done by the power of frewill they excluded them selues out of the holy rest of forgeuenesse of synnes by faith in the blonde of Christ And then loke on oure ypocrites which in like maner folowinge the doctryne of Aristot le and other hethen paganes haue agenste all the scripture sett vpp frewill agayne vnto whose power they ascribe the kepinge of y● cōmaundmētes of god For they haue set vp wilfull povertye of another maner then any is cōmaunded of god And the chastite of matrimony vtterlye defyed they haue set vp another wilfull chastite not required of god whiche they swere vowe professe to geue god whether he will geue it them or no and compell all their disciples there vnto sayenge that it is in the power of euery mans frewill to obserue it contrarye to Christ and his apostle Paule And the obedience of god and man excluded they haue vowed a nother wilfull obedience condemned of all the scripture whiche they will yet geue God whether he will or wyll not And what is become of their wilfull pouertye hath it not robbed the whole worlde brought all vnder them ●n there be ether kynge or emperoure or of what soeuer degre it be excepte he will hold of them ād be sworne vnto them to be their servaunte to go and come at their luste and to defende their quarels be they false or true Their wilfull pouertye hath all readye eaten vpp the whole worlde is yet still gredyar then euer it was in so moche that ten worldes mo were not ynough to satisfye the hongre thereof Moreouer besydes dayly corruptinge of other mens wyues and open who edome vnto what abominacions to fylthye to be spoke off hath their voluntarye chastite broughte them And as for their wilfull obediēce what is it but the disobediēce the diff●aūce h●th of all y● lawes of god mā in so moch that yf any price begīne to execute any law of mā vppō thē they curse him vnto the botom of hell proclayme him no right kinge that his lordes ought no longerto obaye him and interdite his comen people as they were hethē turkes or saracenes And yf any man preache them gods lawe him they make an heretike and burne him to asshes And in steade of gods lawe and mans they haue sette vpp one off their awne imaginacion which they obserue with dispensacions And yet in these workes they haue so greate confidence that they not onlye truste to be saued therby and to be hyer in heauen then they that be saued thorow christ but also promessero all other forgeuenesse of their synnes thorow the merites of the same Wherin they rest and teach other to rest also excludyn get he whole worlde from the reste of forgeuenesse of synnes thorowe faith in Christes bloude And now seynge that faith only letteth a mā in ūto rest vnbeleffe
haue not wherewith And for a like conclusyon because we also with all that we haue be christes therfore is the preast heyre with vs also of all that we haue receaued of god wherfore in as moch as y● preast wayteth on y● worde of god ād is oureseruaunte therin therfore of right we are his dettars owe him a sufficyent lyuinge of oure goodes ād euen therto a wiffe of oure doughters owe we vnto him if he requyre her And now when we haue appoynted him a sufficiēt liuinge whether in tythes rentes or in yerelye wages he ought to be cōtent to require no more nor yet to receaue any more but to be an ensample of sobernesse of dispysinge worldly thinges vnto the ensample of his parysheonars Wilt thou vowe to offre vnto y● poore people that is pleasaunte in y● sight of god for they be lefte here to do oure almes apō in christes stead they be y● right heyres of all oure abundaūce ouerplus Moreouer we must haue a scole to teach goddes worde ī though it neded not to be so costely therfore it is law full to vowe vnto the buyldinge or mayntenaūce therof vnto helpinge of all good werkes And we ought to vowe to paye custome tolle rent all maner dutyes and what soeuer we owe for that is gods commaundmēt Yf thou wilt vowe pilgrimage thou must put salt therto in like maner if it shal be accepted if thou vowe to go ād viset the poore or to here gods worde or what soeuer edifieth thy soule vnto loue good worke after knowlege or what soeuer god cōmaūdeth it is well done and a sacrifyce that sauoreth well ye will happlye saye that ye will go to this or y● place because god hath chosen one place more then another and will heare youre peticyen more in one place then another As for youre prayer it must be accordīge to goddes worde Ye may not desyer god to take vēgeaunce on him whō goddes worde ●eacheth you to pytye to praye for And as for y● other glose y● god will heare you more ī one place thē in another I suppose it sal infatu●t●m salt vnsauerye for if it were wisdome how coude we excuse the deeth of steuē Actes .vij. which dyed for that article that god dwelleth not in tēples made with hādes we that beleue in god are y● temple of god sayth paule if a man loue god kepe his worde he is the tēple of god hath god presently dwellinge in him as witnesseth christ Johan .xiiij. sayēge If a mā loue me he will kepe my worde thē my father will loue him we will come vnto him and dwell with him And in the .xv. he sayth if ye abyde in me and my wordes also abyde in you then axe what ye will ye shall haue it If thou beleue in christ hast the promyses which god hath made the in thyne harte thē go on pilgrymage vnto thyne awne haite ād there praye god will heare y● for his mercy and truthes sake and for his sonne christes sake and not for a few stones sakes What careth god for the temple The very beestes in that they haue liffe in them be moch better then an hepe of stonnes couched to gether To speake of chastite it is a gif e not geuen vnto all persones testifyeth both christ and also his apostle Paule wherfore all persones maye not vowe it Moreouer there be causes wherfore many persones maye better lyue chast at one tyme then at another Many maye lyue chast at twentye and thirtye for certayne colde diseases folowinge them which at .xl. when their helth is come cannot do so Many be occupyed with wylde phantasyes in their youth that they care not for mariage which same when they be warē sad shal be greatly desyrouse yt is a daungerous thynge to make synne where none is ād to for swere y● benefyte of god to bynde thy self vnder payne of dānacyon of thy soule that thou woldest not vse the remeadye that god hath created if nead requyred ¶ Another thinge is this beware that thou ge●t the not a false fayned chastite made with the vngodly perswasions of saynte H●erō or of Ouide in his fylthye boke of the remedye agenst loue lest when thorow soch imaginacyons thou hast vtterlye despysed defyed ād abhorred all voman kynde thou come in to soch case thorow the firce wrath of god that thou canst nether lyue chast nor fynde in thy harte to marye ād so be cōpelled to faule into the abhominacion of the pope agenst nature and kynde Moreouer god is a wyse father knoweth all y● infirmityes of his children also mercy full ād therfore hath created a remedye without synne ād geuen therto his fauoure and blessinge Let vs not be wyser then god with oure ymaginacyōs nor tēpte him for as godly chastite is not euery mās gyfre euen so he y● hath it to daye hath not power to continue it at his awne pleasure nether hath god ●romy sed to geue it him still to cure his infirmytyes with out his naturall remeadye no more then he hath promysed to slake his hongre with out meate or thirst with out drinke Wherfore other let all thinges byde fre as wise god hath created them nother vowe that which god requyreth not nor for swere that which god permitteth the with his fauoure and blessinge also or els if thou wilt neades vowe then vowe godly vnder a cōdityon y● thou wilt contynue chast so longe as god geueth the that gyfte ād as longe as nether thyne awne necessyte nether cheryte toward thy neighboure nor y● authorite of thē vnder whose power thou arte dryue the vnto the contrarye The purposse of thy vowe must be salted also with the wisdom of god Thou mayest no● vowe to be iustefyed therbye or to make satisfaction for thy synnes or towynne heauē nor an hyer place for then didest thou wrōge vnto the bloude of christ thy vowe were playne Idolatrye abhominable in y● sight of god Thy vowe must be only vnto the furtheraunce of the commaūdmētes of god which are as I haue sayde nothinge but y● taminge of thy mēbres the seruice of thy neyghboure that is if thou thyncke thy backe to weake for the burthen of wedlocke y● thou canst not rule thy wiff children seruaūtes and make prouision for thē godlye with out ouermoch busyenge and vnquyetyngethy self ād drounynge thy self in worldly busynesse vnchristenlye or that thou canst serue thy neyghboure in some office better beynge chast then maryed And then thy vowe is good lawfull And eu● so must thou vowe abstinēce of meates ● ynkes so far forth as it is profitable vnto thy neyghbours vnto y● tamīge of thy flesh But thou mayst vowe nether of them vnto y● sleynge of thy bodye As Paule cōmaūdeth tymothe to drincke wyne no moare water because of his diseases Thou wilt saye
off youre handes youre vowes and frewillofferynges and thy fyrst borne off youre oxen and off youre shepe And there ye shall eate before the Lorde youre God and ye shall reioyse in all that ye laye youre handes on both ye and youre housholdes because the Lord thy God hath blessed the. Ye shall doo after nothinge that we doo here this daye euery man what semeth hī good * in his awne eyes For ye are not yet come to rest nor vnto the enheritaunce which the Lorde youre God geueth you But ye shal goo ouer Iordayne ād dwell in the lōde which the Lorde youre God geueth you to enheret ād he shal geue you rest frō al youre enemies rounde aboute and ye shall dwell in safetie Therfore when the Lorde youre God hath chosen a place to make his name dwell there thither ye shall brynge all that I commaunde you youre burntsacryfices and youre offerynges youre tithes and the heueofferynges of youre handes and all youre godly vowes which ye vowe vnto the Lorde And ye shall reioyse before the Lorde youre God both ye youre sonnes and youre doughters youre seruauntes and youre maydes and the leuite that is within youre gates for he hath nether parte nor enheritaunce with you Take hede that thou offer not thi burntofferynges in what soeuer place thou seyst but in the place which the Lorde shall haue chosen amonge one of thy trybes there thou shalt offer thi burntofferynges and there thou shalt doo all that I commaunde the. Notwitstondynge thou mayst kyll ād eate flesh in al thi cities what soeuer thi soule lusteth after acordinge to the blessinge of the Lorde thi God which he hath geuen the both the * vncleane and the cleane mayst thou eate Vncleane as pertayninge vn to sacrifice as beestes that had deformities but not of the vncleane that was forbiddē euen as the roo and the hert only eate not the bloude but poure it apon the erth as water Thou mayst not eate within thi gates the tythe of thi corne of thy wyne and of thi oyle ether the firstborne of of thine oxen or of thy shepe nether any of thi vowes which thou vowest nor thi frewilofferinges or heueofferynges of thyne handes but thou must eate them before the Lorde thi God in the place which the Lorde thi God hath chosen both thou thi sonne and thi doughter thi seruaunte and thy mayde ād the leuite that is within thi gates ād thou shalt reioyse before the Lorde thi God in al that thou puttest thine hande to And bewarre that thou forsake not the leuite as lōge as thou lyuest vppon the erth Yf when the Lorde thi God hath enlarged thi costes as he hath promysed the thou saye I will eate flesh because thi soule longeth to eate flesh then thou shalt eate flesh what so euer thi soule lusteth Yf the place which the Lorde thi God hath chosen to put his name there be to ferre from the then thou mayst kylle of thi oxen and of thi shepe which the Lorde hath geuen the as I haue commaunded the and thou mayst eate in thine awne citie what soeuer thi soule lusteth Neuer the later as the roo and the herte is eaten euen so thou shalt eate it the vncleane and the cleane indifferently thou shalt eate But be strong that thou eate not the bloude For the bloude that is the lyfe and thou mayst not eate the life with the flesh thou maist not eate it but must power it vppō the erth as water Se thou eate it not therfore that it maye goo well with the and with thy childern after the when thou shalt haue done that whyche is ryghte in the syghte off the Lorde But thy holye thinges which thou hast and thy vowes thou shalt take and go vnto the place which the Lorde hath chosen and thou shalt offer thy burntoffrynges both flesh ād bloude apon the alter of the Lorde thy God and the bloude of thine offrynges thou shalt poure out vppon the alter of the Lorde thy God and shalt eate the flesh Take hede and heare all these wordes which I commaunde the that it maye goo well with the and with thy children after the for euer whē thou doest that whiche is good and right in the sighte of the Lorde thy God When the Lorde thy God hath destroyed the nacions before the whother thou goest to conquere them and when thou hast conquered them and dwelt in their landes Bewarre that thou be not taken in a snare after thē after that they be destroyed before the and that thou axenot after their goddes saynge how dyd these nacyons serue their goddes that I maye doo so likewyse Nay thou shalt not doo so vnto the Lorde thy God for all abhominacyons which the Lorde hated dyd they vnto their goddes For they burnt both their sonnes ād their doughters with fire vnto their goddes But what soeuer I commaunde you that take hede ye do ād put nought thereto nor take ought Put noughte to ne● take ought awaye there from ¶ The .xiij. Chapter YF there a ryse amonge you a prophett or a dreamer of dreames and geue the a sygne or a wondre and that sygne or wonder which he hath sayed come to passe and then saye lat vs goo after straunge Goddes which thou hast not knowen and let vs serue them her ken not vnto the wordes of that prophete or dreamer of dreames For the Lorde thy God tēpteth you to wete whether ye loue the Lord God geueth vs his worde ●● cōfirmeth ●● with miracles to proue who hath a ●r ue herte● we must take hede to the scripture lest false prophetes or false miracles deceave vs. youre God with all youre hertes ād with al youre soules For ye must walke after the Lorde youre God ād feare him and kepe his cōmaūdmentes and herken vnto his voyce and serue him and cleaue vnto him And that prophete or dreamer of dreames shall dye for it because he hath spokē to turne you awaye frō the Lorde youre God which broughte you out of the londe of Egipte ād delyuered you out of the housse of bondage to thrust the out of the waye whiche the Lorde thy God commaunded the to walke in and so thou shalt put euell awaye from the. Yf thy brother the sonne of thy mother or thyne awne sonne or thy doughter or the wife that lieth in thy bosome or thy frende which is as thyne awne soule vnto the ▪ entyce the secretly sayenge let vs goo and serue straunge goddes which thou hast not knowē nor yet thy fathers of the goddes of the people whiche are roūde aboute the whether thei benye vnto the or farre of from the from the one ende of the lande vnto the other Se thou consente not vnto him nor herken vnto him no let not thyn● eye pitye him nor haue compassyon on hym nor kepe him secrett but cause him to be slayne Thine hande shal be first apon hym to kyll him and then the
But geue him and let it not greue thine hert to geue Because that for that thinge the Lorde thy God shall blesse the in all thi workes and in all that thou puttest thine hande to For the londe shall neuer be without poore Wherfore I cōmaunde the sayenge open thine hande vnto thi brother that is neady ād poore in thy lande Yf thi brother an Hebrue sell him self to the or an Hebruas he shall serue the syxe yere and the seuenth yere thou shalt lett him go fre from the. And when thou sendest hym out fre from the thou shalt not let him goo awaye emptye but shalt geue him of thy shepe and of thi corne and of thy wyne and geue him off that where with the Lorde thi God hath blessed the. And remembre that thou wast a seruaunte in the londe of Egipte and the Lorde thi God delyuered the thence wherfore I commaunde the this thinge to daye But and yf he saye vnto the I will not goo awaye from the because he loueth the and thine housse and is well at ease with the. Then take a naule and nayle his eare too the doore there with ād let him be thi seruaunte foreuer and vnto thi mayde seruaunte thou shalt doo likewise And let it not greue thine eyes to lett him goo out from the for he hath bene worthe a double hired seruaunte to the in his seruyce .vi. yeres And the Lorde thi God shall blesse the in all that thou doest All the firstborne that come of thine oxen and of thi shepe that are males thou shalt halowe vnto the Lorde thi God Thou shalt do no seruyce with the firstborne of thi shepe but shalt eate thē before the Lord thi God yere by yere in the place which the Lorde hath chosen both thou and thine houssholde Yf there be any deformyte there in whether it be lame or blinde or what soeuer euell fauerednesse it hath thou shalt not offer it vnto the Lorde thi God But shalt eate it in thyne awne citie the vncleane and the cleane indifferently as the roo and the hert Only eate not the bloude there of but poure it vppon the grounde as water The .xvi. Chapter OBserue the moneth of Abyb and offer passeover vnto the Lorde thi God For in the moneth of Abib the Lorde thy God brought the out of Egipte by nyght Thou shalt therfore offer passeover vnto the Lorde thi God and shepe and oxen in the place which the Lorde shall chose to make his name dwell there Thou shalt cate no leuēded bred there with but shalt eate there with the bred of tribulaciō .vij. dayes lōge For thou camest out of the lōde of Egipte in hast that thou mayst remembre the daye when thou camest out of the londe of Egipte all dayes of thi life And se that there be no leuended bred sene in all thi costes .vij. dayes longe and that there remayne nothinge of the flesh which thou hast offered the fyrst daye at euen vntil the mornynge Thou mayst not offer passeover in any of thi cities which the Lord thi god geueth the But in the place which the Lorde thi God shall chose to make his name dwell in there thou shalt offer Passeouer at euen aboute the goyngdoune of the sonne euen in the season that thou camest out of Egipte And thou shalt seth and eate in the place which the Lorde thi God hath chosen and departe on the morowe and gette the vnto thi tente Sixe dayes thou shalt eate swete bred and the seuenth daye is for the people to come together to the Lorde thi God that thou mayst do no worke Then reken the .vij. wekes and begynne to rekē the .vij. wekes when the syccle begynneth in the corne and kepe the feast of wekes vnto the Lorde thi God that thou geue a frewil offeringe of thine hāde vnto the Lord thi God acordinge as the Lorde thi God hath blessed the. And reioyse before the Lorde thi God both thou thi sonne thi doughter thi seruaunte and thi mayde and the leuite that is within thi gates and the straunger the fatherlesse ād the wedowe that are amonge you in the place which the Lorde thi God hath chosen to make his name dwel there And remēbre that thou why wast a seruaūte in Egipte that thou obserue and doo these ordinaunces Thou shalt obserue the feast of tabernacles vij dayes longe after that thou hast gathered in thi corne and thi wyne And thou shalt reioyse in that thi feast both thou and thi sonne thi doughter thi seruaunte thi mayde the leuite the straunger the fatherlesse and the wedowe that are in thi cities Seuen dayes thou shalt kepe holy daye vnto the Lorde thi God in the place which the Lorde shal chose for the Lorde thi God shall blesse the in all thi frutes and in all the workes of thine handes and thou shalt be all together gladnesse Thre tymes in the yere shall al youre males appere before the Lorde thi God in the place which he shal chose In the feast of swete bred in the feast of wekes and in the booth feast And they shal not appere before the Lorde emptie but euery mā with the gifte of his honde acordynge to the blessinge of the Lorde thi God which he hath geuen the. The .xvij. Chapter IVdges and officers thou shalt make the in Iudge● all thi cities which the Lorde thi God geueth the thorow out thi trybes and lett thē iudge the people righteously Wrest not the lawe nor knowe any persone nether take any rewarde for giftes blynde the wise and peruerte the wordes of the righteous But in all thinge folowe righteousnesse that thou mayst lyuc and enioye the londe which the Lord thi God geueth the. Thou shalt plante no groue of what soeuer trees it be nye vnto the altare of the Lorde thi God which thou shalt make the. Thou shalt sett the vpp no piler which the Lorde thy God hateth Thou shalt offer vnto the Lorde thy God no oxe or shepe where in is any deformyte what soeuer euell fauerednesse it be for that is an abhominacion vnto the Lorde thi God Yf there be founde amonge you in any of thi cities which the Lord thi God geueth the man or woman that hath wrought wekednesse in the sighte of the Lord thi God that they haue gone beyonde his appoyntment so that they haue gone and serued straūge goddes ād worshipped thē whether it be the sonne or mone or anythinge contayned in heauē which I forbade and it was tolde the ād thou hast herde of it Then thou shalt enquere diligently And yf it be true and the thinge of a suertye that soch abhomynacion is wrought in Israel Opinly in the gates and not secretlye in preson with lawfull witnesse and not tormentynge them or mak●ge them swer agen●● thē selves or ●or swere thē selves thē thou shalt bringe forth that mā or that woman whiche haue cōmytted that weked thinge * vnto thi gates ād shalt stone thē