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A12166 Beames of divine light breaking forth from severall places of holy Scripture, as they were learnedly opened, in XXI. sermons. The III. first being the fore-going sermons to that treatise called The bruised-reed, preached on the precedent words. By the late reverend and iudicious divine, Richard Sibs, D.D. Mr. of Katharine Hall in Camb: and sometimes preacher at Grayes Inne. Published according to the Doctor his owne appointment subscribed with his hand; to prevent imperfect coppies. Sibbes, Richard, 1577-1635. 1639 (1639) STC 22475; ESTC S117279 299,907 604

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Leprosie or some other contagious disease those that were tainted of them were separated from the Congregation seven daies or some set time So it is with sin especially the sins of this people they had sinned grievously and were severed from their land not seven daies but seventy yeares the leprosie and filthinesse of their sins and lives was such Indeed sinne especially the sinne of nature it is a leprosie contagious pestilentiall and as a leprosie it spreads over all the parts and powers of body and soule Take a man that is not changed he hath a leprous eye full of adulterie hee hath a leprous uncircumcised ●are aske him how he judgeth of discourses and Sermons hee relisheth nothing but that which is frothy and vaine plaine substantiall solid discourses either in hearing or reading will not downe with him hee hath a leprous judgement his eyes and eares and tongue are defiled and corrupt he is vile and abhominable in his speeches he is uncircumcised in all all are uncleane all his powers are defiled by nature All the washings in the Law did signifie this the corruption and defilement of our natures which needs another washing which they tipified a washing by the blood and Spirit of Christ. Christ came by water and blood both in Justification and Sanctification There is a Fountaine opened for Iudah and Ierusalem to wash in All those washings shewed a defilement spirituall that needed a spirituall washing This sinne is a leprous contagious sinne therefore by nature we may all crie as the Leper uncleane uncleane the best of us may take up that complaint as farre as we are not renewed A leprous man defiled the things that he touched so it is with sinne till it be forgiven we defile every thing A proud man especially when he is set out in his bravery he thinkes himselfe a jolly man a brave creature alas he is a filthy creature not onely in himselfe but in every thing he puts his hand unto he taints and defiles every thing even civill actions hee sinnes in eating and drinking not that they in the substance of them are sinnes but he staines every thing for he forgets God in them he forgets himselfe exceedingly and he returnes not thankes to God so in morall civill actions much more in religious he defiles himselfe in every thing he is defiled to all things and all things are defiled to him this is our state by nature We are all as an uncleane thing This should enforce a necessity of cleansing our selves in the blood of Christ that is in the death of Christ who hath satisfied the justice of God Our natures are so foule in regard of the guilt and staine that the blood of God-man that is the satisfactory death of God-man was necessary to breed reconciliation and attonement betweene God and us And the blood of Christ which by the eternall Spirit offered himselfe must purge our consciences c. our consciences will not otherwise be pacified and cleansed in regard of guilt but will clamour and crie still much lesse will God be appeased neither God nor conscience will be pacified but by the blood of him who by the eternall Spirit offered up himselfe and then it will in regard of the guilt and staine then God and conscience will both be appeased Therefore in Zach. 13. There is a Fountaine opened for Iuda and Ierusalem to wash in And The blood of Christ cleanseth us from all sinne Blood is of a defiling nature but the blood of Christ cleanseth because it is a satisfactory blood he died and was a sacrifice as a publique person for us all Then againe considering that we are all defiled besides this cleansing from the guilt of sinne let us get our natures cleansed by the Spirit of Christ more and more wee are all defiled And take heed of those that are defiled take heede of sinners who would willingly lie with a leprous person yet notwithstanding for matter of marriage and intimate society there is a little conscience made men converse with leprous company they joyne in the most intimate society with those that are leprous in their judgements The life of nature we know and are carefull to avoid what may impaire it but it is a signe we have not the life of grace begun in us because we doe not valew it if we had we would be more carefull to preserve it and to take heeed of contagious company Who would goe to the Pest-house or to one that hath Lord have mercy upon us on the doore none but a mad man he might doe soe and surely those that joyne with swearers and drunkards and filthy persons and goe to filthy places and houses as many doe the more shame for them they think they have no soules nor no account to make 〈◊〉 goe to these places and infect themselves It is a signe they have no life of grace all companies are alike to them Is this strength of grace No they have no life of grace they have nothing to loose for if they had the life of grace they would preserve it better Sinne is a filthy thing more filthy then the leprosie nay then the plague it selfe for the plague or leprosie makes but the bodie loathsome but the sinne that we cherish and are loath to heare of makes the soule loathsome The one makes unfit for the company of men but the other sinne and corruption and lusts unfit us for the Kingdome of God for Heaven for life or death therefore it is worse The leprosie of the body makes a man not a whit odious to God but the leprosie of the soule makes us hatefull to him We may have more intimate communion with God in the plague then out of the plague because God supplies the want of outward comforts but in sinne we can have no comfortable communion and society with God therefore this plague of the soule is many waies worse then the pestilence But we want faith God hath not opened our eyes to see that that we shall see and know ere long and it is happie if wee consider it in time To conclude this point concerning the corruption of nature take Davids course Psal. 51. when sinnefull actions come from us or unsavourie words or beastly thoughts or unchast and noysome desires that grieve the Spirit of God let us go to the Fountaine alas my nature is leprous as farre as it is not purged I was conceived in sinne my mother brought mee forth in iniquity The more we take occasion every day to see and observe the corruption of our nature the lesse it is and we cannot better take occasion then upon every actuall sinne to run to the fountaine the filthy puddle from whence all comes and be more humbled for that then for particular sinnes It is a mistake in men they are ashamed of an action of injustice c but they should goe to their nature and thinke I
servant to do our worke for us to suffer for us to beare the burthen of our sinnes upon the tree to become our husband to bestow his riches upon us to raise us to the same condition with himselfe and withall to be such a one as God hath chosen out to love and delight in as the best object of his love and most capable of it and for us not to solace and delight our selves in him that God delights in when God delights in him for our sake God loves and delights in him for the worke of salvation and redemption by his blood and shall not wee love and imbrace him for his love which is for our good What good hath God by it but onely the glory of his mercy in saving our soules through Christ Therefore if God love him for the good he doth to us much more should we love him for the fruit of it that wee receive our selves It should shame us therefore when we finde dullnesse and coldnesse upon us that wee can heare of any thing better then of Christ and arguments concerning Christ are cold to us alas where is our love and joy and delight and when we can make no better but a carnall use of the incarnation and other benefits by Christ we should therefore desire God to shed the love of Christ into our hearts more and more that we may feele in our soules the love that hee beares to us and may love God and Christ againe for that that hee hath done for us Hence we have also a ground of estimation of Christians to be excellent persons doth God valew poore sinfull soules so much as to give Christ for them to become a Saviour doth he delight in Christ for giving himselfe for them and shall not we love one another whom God and Christ so loves But if God love and delight in those that are in Christ with the same love and delight that he hath in him how shall I know that I am in Christ and that God thus delights in me Briefly a man may know that hee is in Christ if he find the Spirit of Christ in him for the same Spirit when Christ tooke our nature that sanctified that blessed masse wherof he was made when there was an union betweene him and the second person the same Spirit sanctifies our soules and bodies there is one Spirit in the head and in the members therfore if we find the Spirit of Christ in us we are in Christ and he in us Now this Spirit is renewing Whosoever is in Christ is a new creature all is new old things are done away the old manner of language the old disposition old affections old company all old things are past all is new and if a man be a new creature hee hath right and title to the new heaven and new earth let us examine the worke of grace in us if there be no change in us we have no present interest in Christ we have to do with him because he is still woing us to be in him but as yet we have no title to him The very beholding of Christ is a transforming sight the Spirit that makes us new creatures and stirres us up to behold this servant it is a transforming beholding if wee looke upon him with the eye of faith it will make us like Christ for the Gospell is a mirrour and such a mirrour that when we looke into it and see our selves interessed in it wee are changed from glory to glory a man cannot looke upon the love of God and of Christ in the Gospell but it will change him to be like God and Christ for how can we see Christ and God in Christ but we shall see how God hates sin and this will transforme us to hate it as God doth who hated it so that it could not bee expiated but with the blood of Christ God-man so seeing the holinesse of God in it it will transforme us to be holy when we see the love of of God in the Gospell and the love of Christ giving himselfe for us this will transforme us to love God when wee see the humility and obedience of Christ when we looke on Christ as Gods chosen servant in all this and as our surety and head it transformes us to the like humility and obedience those that find not their dispositions in some comfortable measure wrought to this blessed transformation they have not yet those eyes that the Holy Ghost requireth here Behold my servant whom I have chosen my Beloved in whom my soule delighteth I will put my Spirit upon him Now wee come to the qualification of Christ for his calling in these words I will put my Spirit upon him that is I will cloath him with my Spirit I will put it as it were upon him as a garment Now there were divers degrees of Christs receiving the Spirit at severall times for hee was conceived by the Holy Ghost the Holy Ghost did sanctifie that blessed masse whereof his body was framed in the wombe of the Virgin he was quickned in the wombe in his conception by the Holy Ghost and he was graced by the Holy Ghost and led by the Spirit in all things before his Baptisme but afterward when he came to set upon his office to be the Prophet and Priest and King of his Church that great office of saving mankind which he did not solemly set upon till hee was thirty yeares old then God powred upon him a special portion of the Spirit answerable to that great calling then the Spirit lighted upon him Christ was ordained to his office by the greatest authority that ever any was ordained from the beginning of the world for at his Baptisme when he was ordained and set apart to his office there was the Father from heaven uttered an audible voice This is my beloved Sonne in whom I am well pleased and there was Christ the partie baptized and installed into that great office then there was the Holy Ghost in the forme and shape of a Dove it being a matter of the greatest consequence that ever was in the world greater then the Creation it was fit it should be done with the greatest authority and so it was the Father Sonne and Holy Ghost being present at the admission of Christ into his office this is especially here intended though the other bee included I will put my Spirit vpon him that is I will annoint him as it is in Isaiah 61.1 The Spirit of the Lord is upon mee saith Christ because the Lord hath annointed me to preach good tidings to the meeke to binde up the broken hearted to proclaime liberty to the captives to open the prison for them that are bound to proclaime the acceptable yeare of the Lord that is the yeare of Iubile for that was a Type of Christ to preach the Gospell deliverance to all that are in captivity servitude and thraldome under Satan and sin this was
is said they all came out to heare Iohn Baptist Ierusalem and all Iudea and all the region round about Iordan so that in regard of the multitude there was violence And then in regard of their affections their zeale to the good things of the Gospell was eager and earnest To be Citizens of a Kingdome to partake of the meanes of salvation to come to grace and so to glory it made them wondrous violent In regard likewise of the persons the Kingdome of Heaven suffered violence the persons being such as might be judged to have no right unto it Alas for poore wretched sinfull men and woemen that had beene notorious sinners to come to receive a Kingdome to become Kings this was strange What had sinners to doe with grace This doctrine was not heard of in the Law that there should be hope for such wretched persons as these if such might be admitted surely there must needs bee great violence Then again they were poore and meane people The poore receive the Gospell for beggars to become Kings poore men that were advantaged by their outward abasement to come to spirituall poverty Againe they were Gentiles Alients from the common-wealth of Israell and strangers from the Covenant of promise Heathen people The Iewes were the children of the Kingdome the Gentiles were forreiners and strangers now for these to come in and the children of the kingdome to be shut out it must needs suppose violence where there is no apparant right there is force Now what right had the Gentiles that were little better then dogs could they have any thing to doe with the kingdome I saith Christ they take it by violence and the Jewes and the proud Scribes and Pharisees that seeme to be the apparant children of the kingdome shall at length be shut out They that were first in outward prerogatives shall bee last and they that were last the Gentiles sinners meane people that take the advantage of their basenesse and sinnefullnesse to see their unworthinesse and to magnifie the grace of God in Christ shall bee first In these respects the Kingdome of Heaven is said to suffer violence People will to Heaven what ever come of it when these good things are discovered they will have no nay Hence wee may learne this That it is the disposition of those that are the true members of the Church of God to be eager and violent Those that intend to enter into the Kingdome they must throng and strive to enter and when they are in they must keepe the fort and keepe it with violence There is indeed a violence of iniquity and injustice and so the people of God of all others ought not to be a violent people Doe violence to no man saith the Baptist to the souldiers Luke 3.14 violence rather debars out of the kingdome of Heaven then is any qualification for it But this is another manner of violence which our Saviour here speakes of necessary for all that desire to enter into the Kingdome of Heaven and that for these reasons First betwixt us and the blessed state wee aime at there is much opposition and therefore there must be violence The state of the Church here the state of grace and the enjoying of the meanes of grace it is a state of opposition Good persons and good things they are opposed in the world Christ rules in this world in the middest of his enemies hee must have enemies therefore to rule in the middest of he must bee opposed and where there is opposition betweene us and the good things that wee must of necessity have wee must breake thorough the opposition which cannot bee done without violence Now the meanes and graces of salvation they are opposed every way within us and without us 1. They are opposed from within us and that is the worst opposition for Satan hath a partie within us that holds correspondencie with him our owne traiterous flesh in all the degrees of salvation there is violence hence in effectuall calling when we are called out of the kingdome of Satan he is not willing to let us goe hee would keepe us there still and when we come to have our sinnes forgiven in justification there is opposition proud flesh and bloud will not yeeld to the righteousnesse of the Gospell it will not rest in Christ it will seeke somewhat in it selfe In Sanctification there is opposition betweene the flesh and the Spirit every good worke wee doe it is gotten out of the fire as it were it is gotten by violence in every good action whether it be to get grace or to give thanks to God how many carnall reasonings are there If a man be to give to others the flesh suggests I may want my selfe If he be to reforme abuses in others he is ready to thinke others will have somewhat to say to me and I shall be offencive to such and such men And then the affection to earthly things chaines us to the things below and selfe-love prompts a man to sleepe in a whole skinne we love our wealth and peace and favour with men so that a man cannot come to the state of grace without breaking through these and hereupon comes the necessity of violence from the opposition from within us wee must offer violence to our selves to our owne reason to our owne wills and affections You have not yet resisted unto blood saith the Apostle wee doe not resist by killing others but we ourselves resist to death when rather then we will misse of Heaven and happinesse and rather then we will not stand for the truth we will suffer death 2. Againe there is opposition from the world on the right hand by the snares and delights of the world to quench the delight in the good things of the Spirit and on the left hand by feares and terrors and scandalls to scare us from doing what we ought to doe 3. And then there is opposition from Satan in every good action he besets us in prayer with distracted thoughts and in every duty for hee knowes they tend to the ruine of him and of his Kingdome There is no good action but it is opposed from within us and without us the meanes of salvation and the attending on them they are not without slander and disgrace in the world God will have this violence therefore because there is opposition to the meanes to the attendance on them to grace to every good action to every thing that is spiritually good Nay sometimes God himselfe becomes a personated enemie in spirituall desertions he seemes to forsake and leave us and not onely to forsake us but to be an enemy to write bitter things against us and that is a heavie temptation Againe God will have this violence and striving as a character of difference to shew who are bastard professors and who are not who will goe to the price
that it may be bone of his bone and flesh of his flesh For before wee come to heaven Christ must not onely be bone of our bone c. that is in his Incarnation but wee must be bone of his bone c. that is wee must have natures like Christ not onely flesh and blood for so a reprobate hath flesh and blood as Christ hath but wee must have his Spirit altering and changing our nature that instead of a proud disobedient rebellious nature now it must be a holy and humble and meeke nature together with humane frailty for that we carry about with us then the Spirit of life derived from Christ makes us bone of his bone For indeed in his humane nature being bone of our bone and flesh of our flesh hee made us bone of his bone and flesh of his flesh he became man that we might partake of the divine nature being partakers of the divine Spirit So that now the Spirit of life in Christ when we are knit to him is a Spirit of sanctification altering our natures and working in our hearts a disposition like Christs that wee judge as Christ judgeth and chuse as Christ chuseth and ayme at Gods glory as Christ did For there is the same mind in us that was in Christ Philip. 2. In our proportion growing still more and more to conformity with Christ till we be in heaven till Christ be all in all 1 Cor. 15. When he will change our nature to be holy as his owne Besides this liberty from sinne and death in this life there is a glorious liberty and freedome tha● we have by the Spirit of Christ when we are dead for then the Spirit of life that raised Christs dead body will raise our bodies and that Spirit of Christ that raiseth his body and raiseth our soules in this world from sinne to beleeve in him will raise our dead bodies The same vertue and power that workes in Christ workes in his members this is called The glorious libertie of the Sonnes of God Then wee shall be freed indeed not onely from the law of sinne but from sinne it selfe and not onely from the law of death but death it selfe and wee shall live forever with the Lord. Christ then shall be all in all by his Spirit Christ will never leave us till hee have brought us to that glorious freedome wee are freed already from sinne and death he hath set us in heavenly places together with himselfe now In faith we are there already but then wee shall be indeed Thus you see how we come to have the law of the Spirit of life in Christ to free us from the law of sinne and death and all the passages of it You see here that there is law against law The Law of the Spirit of life in Christ against the law of sinne and death I beseech you consider that God hath appointed law to countermand law the Spirit of Christ to overcome sinne in us not onely in justification but in sanctification oh let us therefore comfortably thinke there is a Law above this Law I have now cold dead base affections but if I have the Spirit of Christ he can quicken and enliven me hee will not onely pardon my sinne but by the Law of his Spirit direct guid and command me a contrary way to my lusts And this is an Art of spirituall prudence in heavenly things whensoever wee are beset with dangers to set ●reater then that against it The Devill is an Angell but we have a guard of Angels about us The Devill is a Serpent but we have a bra●en Serpent that cures all the stings of that Serpent We have Principalities and Powers against but we have greater Principalities and Po●ers for us The Law of life against the law of sinne and death We have a law of our lusts tyrannizing over us and enthralling us it is true but then there is a Law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus to overcome and subdue that law of our lusts if so be that wee use the prerogatives wee have if we use faith and goe to God and Christ in whom are all the treasures of grace Hee is the treasury of the Church of his fulnesse we receive grace for grace Are we troubled with any corruptions goe to the Spirit of liberty in Christ and desire him to set us at liberty from the bondage and thraldome of our corruptions And remember what Christ hath done for us and where hee is now in heaven let us rai●e our thoughts that wee may see our selves in heaven already that wee may be ashamed to defile our bodies and soules with the base drudgery of sinne and Satan that are sanctified in part in this world and shall be glorified in heaven Certainely faith would raise our soules so we betray our selves when being once in the state of grace we are in●hralled basely to any sinne For sinne shall not have dominion over you because you are under grace saith the Apostle Being under grace if wee doe 〈◊〉 use our reasoning and use faith and exercise the grace we have given us wee cannot be in thrall to corruptions Wee shall have remainders to trouble us put not to 〈◊〉 and reigne and domineere For sinne 〈◊〉 beares ●way but when wee betray our selves and either beleeve not what Christ hath done for us or else exercise not our faith A Christian is never overtaken basely but when hee neglects his priviledges and prerogatives and doth not stirre up the grace of God in him Learne this then when we are troubled with any thing set Law against Law set the Law of the Spirit of life in Christ against all oppositions whatsoever and let the temptation ●●e where it will let it lie in justificati●● as when wee are tempted by Satan to despaire for sinnes for great sinnes oh but then consider the Law of the Spirit of life in Christ hath freed me from the law of sinne and of death Christ was made sinne to free me ●rom sinne Consider that Christ was God-man hee satisfied divine Justice the blood of Christ cleanseth us from all sinne though they be as red as crimson Thus set Christ against our sinnes in justification when the guilt of them ●●oubles our soules And so likewise when wee are set on by base lusts set against them the power of Christ in sanctification What 〈◊〉 I now a member of Christ one that professeth my selfe to be an heire of heaven there is a Spirit of life in Christ my head there is a Law of the Spirit of life in Christ that is there is a commanding power in his Spirit and that Spirit of his is not onely in the head but in the members If I goe to him for grace I may have grace answerable to the grace that is in him grace that will strengthen me with his power be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might Ephes. 6.
and in Christ I can doe all things by his Spirit though in my selfe I can doe nothing And so in deadnesse and desolation of Spirit when the soule is cast downe with discomfort let us thinke with our selves the Spirit of life in Christ is a quickening Spirit if I can beleeve in Christ he hath freed me from the guilt of sinne and hee hath by his Spirit given me some little inlargement from the dominion of my corruptions why should I be cast downe I am an heire of heaven ere long Satan shall be trodden under my feet ere long I shall be free from the spirituall combate and conflict with sinne that I am now encountred with therefore I will comfort my selfe I will not be cast downe overmuch In the houre of death let us make use of this freedome of the Spirit of life in Christ Iesus from the law of sinne and death When the time comes that there must be a separation of soule and body oh let us thinke with our selves Now I must dye yet Christ hath dyed and I must dye in conformity to my head and here is my comfort the Law of the Spirit of life hath freed me from the law of death it hath freed me from spirituall and eternall death So that now through Christ death is become friendly to me death now is not the death of me but death will be the death of my misery the death of my sinnes it will be the death of my corruptions death now will be the death of all that before troubled me but death will be my birth day in regard of happinesse Better is the day of death then the day of birth When a man comes into this life he comes into misery but when he dies hee goes out of misery and comes to happinesse so that indeed wee never live till we dye wee never live eternally and happily till then for then wee are freed from all misery and sinne Blessed are they that dye in the Lord they rest from their labours they rest from the labours of toyle and misery they rest from the labours of sinne from all labours whatsoever Blessed are they that dye in the Lord and of all times then blessed more blessed then before they rest from their labours and then begins their happinesse that shall never end So you see what comfort a Christians soule sprinkled with the blood of Christ may have if it goe to God in Christ and begge of Christ to be set at liberty from all enemies to serve God in holines and righteousnesse I speake too meanely when I say the Law of the Spirit of life hath f●●ed us from 〈◊〉 and death this is not all the Spirit of life not onely frees us from ill but advanceth us to the contrary good in every thing wherein this freedome is For we are not onely called out of misery but to a Kingdome wee are not onely freed from sinne but intitled to heaven in justification and in sanctification we are not onely freed from corruption but inabled by the holy Spirit of liberty to run the wayes of Gods Commandements and make them voluntary to serve God chearefully zealous of good workes wee are not onely freed from the command and condemnation of sinne and ●he rigour of the Law but we have contrary dispositions ready and willing and voluntary dispositions wrought by the Spirit of Christ to every thing th●●●s good And so wee are not onely free from death and misery for so things without life are they suffer no misery but wee are partakers of everlasting life and glory the liberty of glory Gods benefits are compleat that is not onely priuative freeing us from ill but positive implying all good because God will shew himselfe a God he will doe good things as a God fully For the Law of the Spirit of life not onely frees us from the law of sinne and of death but writes the Law of God in our hearts he not onely frees us from the law of death but advance us to everlasting life to the glorious life we have in heaven to live for ever with the Lord o● happy condition of a Christian if wee could know our happinesse Let us often meditate deepely of Christ and of our selves in him let us see all our ill in him and all our good in him see death overcome and sinne overcome by his death hee being made a curse for us see the Law overcome hee being made under the Law for us when the wrath of God vexeth and terrifieth us see it upon him Hee sweat water and blood in the Garden It made him crie out My God my God why ●ast thou forsaken me See all that may trouble us in him as our Surety And all the good wee hope for see it in Christ first whatsoever he hath in his naturall body it is for his mysticall body for hee gave his naturall body for his mysticall God in the world to humble us exerciseth us with troubles and calami●ies as he did Christ wee must be conformable to our he●d but consider the poyson and sting of all ills wee need to fea●e is swallowed up and taken away by Christ. And as I said let us see all our good in him wee are sonnes in him raysed 〈◊〉 him blessed in him set in heavenly places with him and shall be follow-heires and Kings with him for wee are his members his Spouse the wife shall enjoy the same condition as the husband whatsoever hee hath she shall have What a comfortable estate is this I we can feare no ill nor want no good whatsoever hee hath it is for us hee was borne for us hee dyed for us hee is gone to heaven for us for us and our good hee did and suffered all these things We cannot exercise our thoughts too much in these meditations The Lords Supper is a Sacrament of union and communion hence it hath its name and by receiving the Sacrament our Communion and union with Christ is strengthned What a comfort then is it to thinke if I have fellowship with Christ it is sealed by the Sacrament when I take the Bread and Wine at the same time I have communion with the Body and Blood of Christ shed for my sinnes and as Christ himselfe was freed from my sinnes imputed to him and by his Resurrection declared that hee was freed so surely shall I be freed from my sinnes So that this Communion taking the Bread and Wine it seales to us our Communion and fellowship with Christ and thereupon our freedome from sinne and from the Law and sets us in a blessed and happy estate Wee should labour therefore by all meanes to strengthen our union and Communion with Christ and amongst the rest reverently and carefully attend upon this blessed Ordinance of God for the body of Christ broken doth quicken us because it is the body of the Sonne of God My flesh is meate indeed and my blood is drinke indeed and hee
calls his body broken the bread of life Why because it was the body of the Sonne of God who is life Iob 6. All life comes from God Now Christ taking our nature upon him his death is a quickning death and by reason of the union with the divine nature now it is the body of God broken and the blood of God shed for us there is our comfort and hee was declared to be so by his Resurrection that declared that he was God and that hee was freed from our sinnes Powerfull must that Saviour needs be that was so strong in his very death when his very body was broken and his blood let out then hee did worke the foundation of all comfort for then hee satisfied the wrath of God Christ was strongest when hee was weakest The Resurrection was but a declaration of the worth of that hee had done Now in the Sacrament wee have Communion with Christ dying especially as his body is broken and his blood shed for that is the foundation of all comfort by his Resurrection And because the Spirit of life was in Christ and did quicken his body while hee was alive and was a Spirit of life even when hee dyed and gave worth and excellency to his death therefore when wee take the Communion wee ought not to meditate meerely of the death of Christ as his blood was shed and his body broken but of the death of such a person as had the Spirit of life in him as was God and man and so set the excellency of his person against all temptations whatsoever Set the excellency of Christ so abased his body broken and his blood shed against all temptations if it be the greatest the wrath of God upon the conscience yet when conscience thinkes this God the party offended gave his owne Sonne to be Incarnate and the Spirit of life in him did quicken mans nature and in that nature did die for satisfaction now God will be satisfied by the death of such a Surety as his owne Sonne so that the excellency of the Person having the Seale of God upon him For him hath God the Father sealed doth wondrously satisfie conscience in all temptations whatsoever What need a man feare death and damnation and the miseries of this life and Satan what are all if God be appeased and reconciled in Christ then a man hath comfort and may thinke of all other enemies as conquered enemies Now we cannot thinke of the death of Christ who was a quickening Spirit but wee must thinke of the death of an excellent person that gave worth to his death to be a satisfactory death for us Therefore let us receive the Communion with comfort that as verily as Christ is mine so his quickening Spirit is communicated to me and whatsoever he hath is mine If I have the field I have the Pearle in it his obedience his victory over death his Sonship is mine his sitting in heaven is for me he sits there to rule me while I am on earth and to take me up to himselfe when I am dead all is for me when wee have Communion with Christ wee have communion with all Therefore the Spirit of life in Christ Iesus when I am one with him it quickens m● and frees me from the law of sinne and death FINIS SAINT PAULS CHALLENGE In one Sermon By The late learned and reverend Divine RICH. SIBBS Doctor in Divinitie Mr of Katherine Hall in Cambridge and sometimes Preacher at GRAYES-INNE PSAL. 27.3 Though an Host should encampe against me my heart shall not feare though warre should rise against me In this will I be confident LONDON Printed by E. P. for Nicholas Bourne and Rapha Harford 1638. SAINT PAVLS CHALLENGE ROM 8.30 What shall wee then say to these things If God be for us who can be against us THE words are a glorious conclusion and triumph of faith the conclusion upon all the former particulars in the Chapter and the foundation of all the comforts that follow after to the end of the Chapter They are as the center of the Chapter all the beames of heavenly comfort in this divine Chapter they meete as it were in one in this short clause What shall we say then to these things c. In the words briefly there is first a question What shall we say to these things And then a triumph If God be with us who can be against us It is a question answered with another question What shall wee say to these things He answers it with another question If God be with us who can be against us What shall we say to these things To these things before mentioned If w●e be in Christ there is no condemnation to us if wee be led by the Spirit if we be heires of heaven and fellow heires with Christ if we suffer with him if we have the spirit of prayer to helpe our infirmities in the worst conditions if all creatures groane with us and if all worke for our good if God from all eternity hath written our names in heaven by election and separated us from the rest of the world in vocation and hath sanctified and justified us and will after glorifie us what shall wee say to these things The heart of man is full of doubtings and misgiving full of thoughts According to the multitude of my thoughts thy comforts refreshed my soule a multitude of thoughts and a multitude of comforts there is comfort after comfort because there are thoughts after thoughts and surmises after surmises There is no wast comfort set down in this Chapter and when he hath set down all he comes and concludes in a triumphant manner What shall wee say to these things He propounds the quaere to himselfe he catechiseth his own heart and others if these things be so what can be sayd against them Surely the unbeleeving doubting darke rebellious heart of man hath many things to say against divine truths for though divine truths be lighter then the Sunne and there is no greater evidence of any thing in the world yet they find no place in the unbeleeving heart Let God say what he will the doubting heart is ready to gain-say it but these truths are so pregnant and cleare that it is a wonder that any thing should be said against them What shall we say to th●se things Againe he meanes what comfort can you have more what can you desire more what can be said more what use will you make of all that hath beene said what will you sucke out of it If all this be true that hath beene spoken before that a Christian is so elevated above the common condition if God love him from everlasting in election and to everlasting in glorification if in the middle time all shall worke for the best what comfort can the heart of man desire more and what use can you make of this for courage and for comfort for the time to come these things are implyed in this
obedience to the Law 2 To the Gospell 3 Call to mind our especiall sins 4 The uncertainty of life 5 To bee humbled in all the powers of the soule Verball humiliation Necessity of cōfession of sins Confession of sin gives glory to God Holy men in their confessions rank themselve with others The best men guilty of the sins of the times 1 In not sorrowing for them 1 Cor. 5. 2 By Simpathie Vse To labour every one to bee humbled We are all tainted by nature Sin a leprosie Washings in the Law what they signified Sin like a leprosie defiles all Vse To labour to be cleansed by the blood of Christ. Heb. 9 14. By the Spirit of Christ. Vse 2. Take heed of society with sinners Sin worse then the plague In actuall sins to haue recourse to the corruption of nature All the best actions of the best men defiled Object Answ. Though our best actions be defiled yet there is some good in them A double principle in a Christiā Cōtraries agree in a Christian In what case to 〈◊〉 and upon our innocen●y Prayer put for the whole worship of God Danger of neglecting prayer Prayer layes hold on God Quest. Answ. We must stir up our selves to lay hold of God 1 By considering our danger 2 Meditation of the exce●e●y ●ece●sity of that we beg 3 Importunity with God Outward service alone not accepted 4 To looke for an answer of our prayers The complaint applied to the present times Extraordinarie humiliation required sometimes Men fading as leaves 1 For performances 2 Mortality Men out of Christ blowne away as with a winde A child of God lookes to his sins in all judgements Vse To lay the blame upon our sins Ground of humiliation for sin Nations and kingdomes melt before sin Gods face what The conflict of faith when God hides his face We must seeke Gods face 1 By prayer 2 In his ordināces The consideration that God is our Father should stirre us up to seek to ●i● Resignation of our selves in prayer requisite To abase our selves in prayer Foure things that trouble a Christians peace Dependance of the words● Law what Parts of the Text. Observ. Naturally we are under the Law of sinne Sinne three-●old 1 Adams sinne 2 Originall sinne 3 Actuall sinnes Prov. 5. Sinnes as chaines Iustice in God to give up men to their sinnes Rom. 1. 2 Thess. The miserie of being under sinne 1 We are under Satan Luke 1. Wicked men acted by the Devill Ephes. 2. 2 Tim. 2. Carnall men better then the Devill would have them 2 To worse thing then our selves 3 So excellent a thing as the soule Simile 4 The fruit of it 1 Vncertaine pleasure 5 Men are insensible of their bondage Freedome in sin is a bondage The false judgement of the world who are happy 6 The tyrannie of sinne Covetousnesse Carnall pleasure Ambition Sin takes away the sight of it selfe Wisedome in man corrupted Men not given up to all sinnes alike Object Answer We are under the law of death 1 Naturall 2 Spirituall 1 In this world 2 At the houre of death 3 At the day of Indgment A man under sin is under death Rom. 5. Sinne and death goe together Vse To see death in sinne Eternitie of misery should deterre from sinne Freedome acceptable We are freed from all ill by Christ. 1 By satisfaction 2 By taking our nature Life in Christ. 1 As God 2 As Mediator All in Christ first The Spirit in Christ. 1 Sanctified his humane nature 2 Ennobled it 3 Enriched it 4 Fitted him for his Sacrifice Iohn 17. 5 Supported him in death 6 In raising him Rom. 1.4 Rom. 4. 1 Pet. 3. What Christ did was for us To see our ill in Christ. To see Christs good for us 1 Pet. 1. The Spirit works application Faith the grace of application How faith is said to doe that that Christ doth Freedome double 1 In this life 2 In effectuall calling 2 In justification 3 In sanctification To be free from the law of sinne and death what Philip. 2. 1 Cor. 15. 2 In the life to come Vse Comfort against rebellion of lusts How to use our prerogatives Comfort in temptations 1 To despaire 2 Temptation by lusts Ephes. 6. 3 Deadnesse of Spirit 4 In the houre of death We are not onely freed from ill but advanced to good Application to the Sacrament Iohn 6. 2 To shew the greatnesse of our priviledges Vse It is good to propound quaere's to our selves God is with his children How God is with them Act. 16. Act. 10 38. Ground of it From Gods free love The comfort on the former ground How farre the enemies of Gods children are against them Why God suffers them to prevaile No man can be against Gods children 1 In respect of Christ● cause 2 The courage of his children Psal. 129. Vse The state of a Christian impregnable A Christian never alone A Christian though weake in himselfe strong in God Christianity grounded strongly Psal. 118. To lay up principles Ground of Christian courage Cyprian In opposition In our callings Ground of contentment Not to be discouraged for our infirmities Object Answer God sometimes hides himselfe Isay 49. Question Answer Wee may know that God is with us 1 When wee are with him 2 De●ight in Gods presence 3 Taking Gods side 2 Chron. 15. 4 By testimony of conscience Quest. Answer How to have God with us 1 By renewing our Covenants 2 Looke to our cause Psal. 91. Novemb. 5. Psal. 1●9 Simile Rom. 8.26 The Church ● Bride Can. 5. Vse 1. Comfort by our marriage to Christ. Hosea 2. Vse 2. The Church why called a Bride The de●ire of Christs comming There must be a second comming of Christ. Psal. 45. The Church desires the comming of Christ in regard 1 Of scandals 2 Persecutions 3 Oppositions in the Church 4 Weaknesse of Christians 5 Corruption by Satan 5 Christians conflict 6 The necessities of this life 7 The relation betweene Christ and the Church 8 From the nature of love Question Answer The Church in heaven desires Christs comming Vse 1. Tryall of our estate 1 By desiring Christ to come into our hearts now 2 They promote his comming 3 Fitting for it Answer Christians not alway fitted alike for Christs comming Vse Direction to come to desire Christs comming 1 To purge our selves 2 Vnloose our hearts from the world 3 Meditate of our happy condition 4 Labour for the Spirit Meanes to get the Spirit Luke 11. The contents of t●e Psalme 1 A co●flict 2 A discovery Verse 13. 3 The recovery Verse 17. 4 The Victory Verse 23. The scope of the words Gods children exercised with conflicts Gods children recover 〈◊〉 of conflict Reas. Gods children go not far from him Verse 27. Vse To discerne our estate The way to recover out of conflict to enter into Gods Sanctuary Benefit of entring the Sanctuary Different conclusions