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A09277 VindiciƦ gratiƦ. = A plea for grace More especially the grace of faith. Or, certain lectures as touching the nature and properties of grace and faith: wherein, amongst other matters of great use, the maine sinews of Arminius doctrine are cut asunder. Delivered by that late learned and godly man William Pemble, in Magdalen Hall in Oxford. Pemble, William, 1592?-1623.; Capel, Richard, 1586-1656. 1627 (1627) STC 19591; ESTC S114374 222,244 312

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that prayer To give a reason of this different working why grace is bestowed on some presently at baptisme in others t is deferred till a long time after is to unlocke the treasurie of Gods secret counsells onely this wee may say that God will shew that no age is uncapable of grace and that he will bee glorified aswell in sauing some from falling into the fire as by pulling others out of it by the gentle and easie deliverance of one and by the more violent torments and panges of the New-birth in another that both wayes he may have the Thankes and wee the Benefit of this his grace and power 3. A Defence of the salvation of Infants dying before Baptisme against the Popish assertion to the contrary For this ground being certaine No uncleane thing shall enter in the kingdome of Heaven it followes by the law of contraries that whatsoeuer is cleane may enter thereinto But Infants such as are elect may be cleane and holy before their Baptisme as is manifest whether we respect the guilt of Sin or the corruption of it They are cleane from the guilt of originall sinne by the death of Christ which God hath accepted to their perfect justification long before they were borne They are likewise made cleane in part from the Corruption of originall sinne by the infusion of Habituall sanctity into their soules For being justified by Christ from the guilt and punishment of sinne what should hinder why they may not be sanctified by the Holy Ghost in part whilst they live and perfectly upon the severing of the Soule and Body when originall corruption is in a moment done away and the soule invested in the robes of righteousnesse fit for its entrance into happinesse Cannot this worke of Sanctification be wrought in them before Baptisme it may as well as after seeing it is not baptisme but the Spirit is the cause thereof whose worke is free and not so to be tyed unto that ordinance as they of the Romish Synagogue would make us beleeve but that hee may sanctifie the Elect sometime before sometime after and not alwaies at the present celebration of it Now if Infants thus justified and sanctified depart this life what should stoppe their passage to heaven It will bee vaine to object that they have not actuall Faith and therefore must be excluded Wee may aswell say they want repentance and therefore cannot be saved seeing the Scriptures make alike necessitie of both graces to our salvation And the objection holds aswell after Baptisme as before when yet all grant the salvation of Infants For t is a thing inconceivable and inexplicable how Infants should have Actuall Faith whilst they are not yet able to exercise any one faculty of their reasonable soule The truth is that the Habits of Faith and Repentance they have as of all other Spirituall graces infused into them which if they lived would also appeare by their actuall opperations but for that time they have not the Acts of those graces nor are they capable of them nor is it simply needfull they should have them The case is extraordinary and God as before they were hath pardoned them of their originall righteousnesse by the bloud of Christ so can hee aswell bestowe Holinesse and Happinesse on them without any actuall faith of theirs comming betweene as an instrument to receive both If this may not bee said touching such elect Infants I must confesse that unto me the knowledge of the salvation of their soules is as inscrutable as the fashioning of their tender bodies in their mothers wombe And this which hath beene said of Infants may be also applied to such as are Deafe or ●ooles having such naturall defects as make them uncapable of Discipline 4. A just apologie for the lawfulnesse of Childrens Baptisme against Hereticall impugners of the same For how can the Signe be denied unto them which have and enjoy the thing signified That which is signified in Baptisme is our Iustification by the blood of Christ our Sanctification by the Spirit of Christ. Baptisme is the Scale of both unto us and Infants may be partakers of both being washed from the guilt of sinne by the blood of Christ in whom they are reconciled to God and actually justified before him and also purified in partfrom the uncleannesse of sinne by the infusion of Grace from the Holy Ghost What then should hinder why these Infants should not also be washed with the water of the Sacrament thereof If it be demanded how wee can presume that Christian Infants have a part in the graces of Iustification and Sanctification I answer we have good warrant so to thinke from the Covenant and Promise of God that hee will be the God of the faithfull and of their seed But for Heathens and Infidells wee haue no such promise whereon to ground our judgement of Charity and therefore albeit some of them who are out of the Church may bee within the compasse of God selection yet seeing God hath excluded them by an apparant barre wee may not venture to give them the Sacrament of Baptisme till such time as they shall make profession of their faith and that by their appearing conversion wee may charitably judge they belong to the Covenant of Grace Now although of such as live within the Church we know for a certainty in the generall that many both of Christian parents are not faithfull and of Christian children that they have no part in Christ yet we may not exclude them from Baptisme because no man dares be so hardy as to passe his peremptory censure of this or that persons rejection in particular This is one thing if wee did know infallibly now that any one were certainely excluded out of Gods election and should never have benefit by Christs death such a one be hee Infidell or borne of the most Christian parents in the world wee ought by no meanes to baptize no more than wee may admit of that person to come to the Lords Supper that hath apparantly sinned against the Holy Ghost or as the Church doth with such as are justly Excommunicated who for the time of their open inpenitencie declare themselves publikely to have no Faith nor part in Christ. For it were a manifest mockery and abuse of this sacred institution to apply this Seale to a Blanke and to dip them in the water of Baptisme whom wee know shall never be washed with the Holy Ghost Further it helpes not the Ca●abaptists a jot that when Christian Infants come to age and ability to make profession then wee may discerne and judge of their estate For that 's impossible no man can infallibly perceive by any words or actions what the Heart is whether there be in it true faith or not And so in this case if Baptisme should never bee administred till other men may judge of their Faith it shall bee afforded to none at all or if it be given to every one that professeth and saith hee
the temper and disposition of this mans soule bring but the word of God unto it and you shall see it presently Lay upon these sinnes the censure of the Word in a faire ingenuous and direct reproofe without scossing and bitter gybing presse it upon the conscience once and againe lovingly and sharpely and see now what strange entertainment Gods word shall finde at such a mans hands The blood begins to be warm'd with wrath and choler the stomacke riseth and the gall of unchristian malice overslowes the conscience and powers of the soule are of purpose turmoyld that the water being troubled their owne image may not appeare in it the head is presently imployed in all cunning tricks and distinctions to avoide the stroke of the Word the tongue is ready with an apologie to defend it and if the hand hold from violence t is well Now whence is all this frowardnesse Hence because the heart is resolved let God say what hee will yet in this point not to beleeve that it is better to follow his counsell than our owne desire In which case t is strange to see with what rage and unmercifull fury the Prophets of old Christ and his Apostles in their times were persecuted by those to whom they preached in all meekenesse and demonstration of good will towards their soules The like fiery opposition have the Ministers of the Gospell and faithfull Preachers of Christ crucisied found ever since at the hands of their people when once they have beene touched where they would not bee medled withall Straightway a whole Parish will be in an uproare durt and scorne is hurld in the face of the Minister and his doctrine all froward courses taken to worke him woe and shame and all this done by those that wil yet be counted obedient and beleeving Christians But are they so indeed they doe not deserve so much as the name A Faith indeed they have but not that which is true and rightly planted For know this that True Faith and a constant wilfull refusall to be guided by God in any one particular whether the doing of a duety or leaving of a sinne are as incompetible as Christ and B●●●al For aske a man that is thus partiall in his courses You say you firmly beleeve the promises of the life to come that God will pardon your sinnes and save your soule why do you not as firmly beleeve the promises of this life but are altogether caring and distrustfull in your affaires You beleeve verily that God is offended with murder adultery c. and therefore you leave them why doe you not beleeve also that hee is as much angry at swearing lying drinking and such like disorders You beleeve God hath forbidden stealing and you are perswaded t is nought why doe you not beleeve that usury bribery or idlenesse in a mans calling are as bad being as much forbidden You beleeve that t is a good thing to seeke unto God in time of adversity and when a man 's old sick and now neer unto death then to pray fast do all good works and live religiously is excellent why doe you not beleeve that the same courses of Piety and Holinesse are as acceptable to God as much required of us in time of health youth and prosperity s●●ing God hath equally commanded them at all ti●… Aske a thousand such questions he connot answer you to on● For is it from a through consideration of Gods t●uth wis●●ome power revealed in the Word that he is moved to beleeve such and such things If that were the cause why doth hee not equally beleeve all when Gods authority is the same in all Is it from true love to God and Goodnesse that he is content to be ruled in such things If that were the cause t is certaine he that loves goodnesse for its owne sake would love all things that are good and love alwayes in a good matter as the Apostle speakes What is it then I le answer for him t is that which the Apostle speakes of Heb. 3. 12. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 an evill heart full of unbeleefe that having embraced certaine truths not prejudiciall to it selfe upon vaine and worldly considerations in others slips the collar and departs away from the living God refusing to accept of his counsell The truth of this is most certaine from that excellent rule of S. Iames Chap. 2. 10. 11. Whosoever shall keepe the whole Law and yet faileth in one point he is guilty of all For he that said Thou shalt not commit adultery said also thou shalt not kill Now though thou doest none adultery yet if thou killest thou art a transgressor of the Law What is it equall that he who transgresseth the Law in one point should be held guilty of the breach of all the Commandements Yea it is most equall and just for Gods Soveraigne Commandement is the same in all Hee therefore that for conscience sake obeyes in one will obey in all Hee that breaks one wilfully and customarily keepes none at all for conscience sake and if all things hit aright he will be as ready to transgresse in the rest as in that one Wherefore God judgeth him according to the disposition of his heart that he is a transgressour of the whole Law So in our obedience of ●aith Gods truth is the same in every part of his Word he that hath spoken this he hath spoken that also he therefore that upon right grounds beleeves in one point will for the same beleeve in another if Gods authority cannot prevaile with him in one that is not the motive which makes him assent to others and therefore if occasion serve such a one will dissent alike from all according to which Habituall disposition of the soule he is rightly to be judged an Vnbeleever He that rejects Gods command in one thing doth not much regard it in any thing hee that willingly slights Gods authority and truth in this point makes as little account of it in another You have now here my brethren opened unto you that Master-veine wherein runnes all that corrupt bloud of Hypocrisie and secret Infidelity wherewith the greatest part of men professing Christianity are infected This is that bitter roote of mens Apostasie and back-sliding from Piety to profannes or from a true Religion to a false Even this partiall and ill directed Faith is that which one justly calls the greatest part of the Divells Iudiciall Astrology whereby he prognosticateth the downfall of many who yet seem Saints in the Church zealous professors of Religion Oh when he sees a man take a dispensation without asking God leave craving pardon with a God be mercifull unto me in this and so standing out in this or that knowne evill practice he now knowes what to judge of such a man he sees a prey within the reach of his snares which thereupon he sets so artificially fitting his temptations to his humors till in the end he catch his heele in the grin