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A03356 The pathvvay to prayer and pietie Containing, 1 An exposition of the Lords Prayer, with an apologie for publicke, and priuate set prayer. 2 A preparation to the Lords Supper, with Ma. Zanchius confession, confirming that sacrament. 3 A direction to a Christian life, both in our generall and particular callings. 4 An instruction to die well, and a consolation against all crosses. With diuers prayers, and thanksgiuings fit for this treatise. By Robert Hill, Doctor in Diuinitie.; Christs prayer expounded, a Christian directed, and a communicant prepared Hill, Robert, d. 1623.; Zanchi, Girolamo, 1516-1590. 1613 (1613) STC 13474; ESTC S117083 223,397 566

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saith it is a Synecdoche so that both part agrée in this that it is the true and naturall bodie of Christ as the Euangelists and the Apostle doe plainly teach that it is spoken of the true bread and so that the Articles of faith bee kept on both sides in their plaine meaning pure and vncorrupt As that the naturall bodie of Christ is one is finite is humane is in Heauen doth no more die is not consumed not broken And yet indéed as the Scriptures teach is offered vnto all is communicated to all the faithfull but in a mysterie and after a Spirituall manner Euen as the faithfull themselues doe grow vp into one bodie and are incorporated with their head Christ and with the whole Catholike Church not after a Carnall but after a Spirituall manner And therefore as in the Sprituall and Mysticall fellowship with Christ and the Church wicked Hypocrites haue no part séeing they want faith but are only in the outward and Visible societie so I beléeue that those Hypocrites are Partakers not of the true and naturall and truly Heauenly flesh and bloud of Christ but only of the externall and outward signes the which also are termed by the name of the flesh and bloud of Christ euen by Christ-himselfe Wherefore wheras the Apostle saith They who eate vnworthily are guiltie of the bodie of the Lord if it bee vnderstood of the wicked which certainly and not without a cause Bucer denieth I interpret that in this sense wherein the same Apostle saith vnto the Hebrewes that some doe tread vnder foot the Son of God and account the bloud of the Testament a prophane thing to wit not because they doe truely eate the flesh of Christ and drinke the bloud but because they doe it vnworthily but rather because reiecting by their vngodlinesse the bodie and bloud the Bread and Wine being offered they drinke and eate the Bread and Wine vnworthily This thing good Christian assure thy selfe of that I am not so wicked as to doubt of the truth of Christs wordes in the Supper as some too impudently doe accuse me of neither that I dispute of the simple vnderstanding of euery word in this proposition This is my bodie For by this Article This that the Bread is declared besides that the text doth teach Paul also doth so interprete it 1. Cor. 10. 11. Neither this word is doth signifie any other thing as I thinke then to bee and I take this word bodie for the true bodie of Christ as Christ himselfe doth interpret who addeth which is giuen for you And therefore there is no controuersie among vs whether in the lawfull vse of the Supper the Bread bee truly the bodie of Christ but wee dispute only of the manner by which the Bread is the bodie of Christ And moreouer neither part call into question that the bread is after that manner the body of Christ after which Christ would then haue it will now haue it to be for it must be according to his will And whereas in the words of the Supper the wil of Christ is not expressed cōcerning the maner I think it is to be gathered out of the like places to wit Sacramentall kinde of spéeches Moreouer this foundation being laid that Christ then would not and now will not that the bread should bee his body after any of the manners of those men who take away the truth of his true humane body or else doe disagree from the analogy of faith and ouerturne some article of the faith from his simple meaning So the manner of Christs being in the Sacrament by Transubstantiation is excluded both because neither in the Sacrament of Baptisme the substance of the water is changed as also because straight way many bodies héere vpon earth should bee faigned vpon Christ besides that body which he hath in heauen and lastly because the substance of bread neither before neither after the conuersion was deliuered to death for vs I adde moreouer that according to Saint Marke the substance of wine was in the belly of the Apostles when he said This is the bloud The manner also of Consubstantiation is excluded both because neither in the water of Baptisme the bloud of Christ is locally included whereby we are washed from our sinnes as also because this maner doth take away the nature of the true humane body and doth Diametrically repugne with the article of the ascention into heauen and of the sitting at the right hand For the same causes that manner also is to be taken away which is not much vnlike vnto this which is imagined by a real and local adherency or coniunction not to speake that not one word can be read for the proofe of this that after some of these thrée manners Christ would haue the bread to be his body After what manner then is it probable that Christ would haue the bread to bee his body Verily after this manner as all other Sacraments are said to be that thing whereof they are Sacraments to wit by a Sacramental and so a Mystical vnion For that which we call a Sacrament the Grecians cal a Mystery Wherefore this spéech is vsuall with the Fathers that the bread is the body of Christ euen the present body and that it is eaten in a mystery Now a mystery is said to be when visible things doe lead vs to the true vnderstanding and receiuing of inuisible things and earthly things of heauenly things corporall things of spirituall things In which sense the Apostle to the Ephesians calleth the carnall marriage of Adam and Eue a great mystery because of the spiritual marriage which is contracted betweene Christ and his Church and to which that other marriage doth leade vs. But carnall men destitute of the spirit of God and of faith cannot be brought by earthly things vnto heauenly things or by the participation of those earthly vnto the communion of these heauenly seeing they cannot so much as vnderstand them as the Apostle saith Which is the cause why I iudge and beleeue that the flesh and bloud of Christ being heauenly and spirituall things cannot in deede and truth be receiued of wicked men no not by the mouth of their body which also was Bucers opinion Therefore hee said that the body of Christ was both present and eaten of vs in the Supper not after any worldly manner but onely after a spirituall and heauenly manner The which what is it else then to say that it is eaten of vs by the spirit of Christ For by Christ heauenly things are ioined vnto earthly things and by him they are receiued of them And this is my beleefe and iudgement for the meaning of the words of the Supper which I will constantly hold till that a better a truer and more agreeable to the Scriptures shall by other men bee offered and plainely prooued unto me Ille non edit corpus Christi qui non est de corpore Christi August He cannot eat the
the fierie darts of Sathan can neuer enter You haue the sword of the Spirit it is sharper then the sword of Goliah you haue the sling of Dauid it is more forcible then the speare of Goliah you may walke vpon this Lion and Aspe this young deuouring Lion and Dragon you may treade vnder your féete Psal 91.13 What if he bee wise yet God is wiser What if he be strong yet Christ is stronger What if skilfull yet the Lord is more skilfull What if he be vigilant yet the Al-séeing is more watchfull If you can call to God for aide against him as Iehoshaphat did against the Aramite and say O my God there is no strength in mee to stand before this great multitude that commeth against me neither doe I know what to doe but mine eyes are towards thee 2. Chron. 20.12 feare not neither bee afraid goe out against them the Lord will be with thee and thou shalt ouercome Say that hee ouercame Adam by ambition Saul by hypocrisie and Iudas by auarice yet by the grace of Christ hee shall not ouercome thee Thou dwellest in the secret of the most High and shalt abide in the shadow of the Almightie Hee will deliuer thée from the snare of the Hunter and from the noysome Pestilence hee will couer thée vnder his wings and thou shalt bee sure vnder his feathers his truth shall bee thy shield and buckler hee will giue his Angels charge ouer thée to kéepe thée in all thy wayes they shal beare thée vp in their hands so that thou hurt not thy foot against a stone Quest I confesse that God is able to deliuer me from Sathan but O my sinnes my sins mee thinkes giue mee ouer to Sathan helpe mee with comfort against this temptation I haue sinned and may now die in my sinnes Ans O consider with me what the word doth say Where sinne abounded grace hath superabounded Romans 5. The bloud of Iesus Christ hath purged vs from all sinne 1. Iohn 1.7 If any man sinne wee haue an Aduocate with the Father Iesus Christ the righteous and hee is the propitiation for our sinnes 1. Iohn 2.1.2 This is a true saying and worthie by all meanes to be receiued that Iesus Christ came into the World to saue sinners of whom I am chiefe 1. Tim. 1. Behold the Lambe of God that taketh away the sinnes of the World Iohn 1. I came not to call the righteous but sinners to repentance 1. Matth. 11. The Sonne of man came to séeke and saue that which was lost Matth. 9. Come vnto mee all yee that are wearie and heauie laden and I will refresh you Matth. 11. Hee died for our sinnes and rose againe for our iustification Rom. 4. Hee hath loued vs and washed vs from our sinnes in his bloud Reuel 1.6 Thou shalt call his name Iesus for hee shall saue his people from their sinnes Matth. 1. Hee gaue himselfe for vs that hee might redéeme vs from all iniquitie and purge vs to bee a peculiar people vnto himselfe Titus 1.2 I will bée mercifull to their vnrighteousnesse and will remember their sinnes and their iniquities no more Hebr. 8.12 Doe you now beléeue these sayings are you perswaded that you haue faith in Christ If you haue faith you haue iustification if you haue iustification you haue no sinne I meane no such sinne as shall be able to condemne you in the day of iudgement for it is God that iustifieth who shall condemne Besides you are a member of Christs Church and this Church is without spot and wrinkle which it could not bee if you were yet in your sinnes Againe if your iniquities were not forgiuen in Christ to what end thinke you did he come into the World Furthermore consider what your Baptisme doth signifie that as pollution from your bodie is washed by water so sinne from your soule is washed by Christ Haue you forgotten that the Sacrament of the Lords Supper sealeth vnto you the forgiuenesse of sinnes by Christs death Is the Earth full of the mercies of the Lord and shal not this mercie be greater to you then all your miseries Doe you acknowledge and confesse your sinnes and will not he be faithfull and iust to forgiue you your sinnes Doe you aske and shall you not haue doe you séeke and shall you not find doe you knocke and shal not the dore of mercie be opened vnto you I thinke you know that Christs is a Physitian and to what end but to cure the diseased and what disease more dangerous then sinne I hope you know the Gospell of Christ is called the word of reconciliation of grace saluation and of life and that only because it offers all these to sinners And tell mee you that doubt of the forgiuenesse of sinnes what difference is there betwixt the sonnes of God and the sonnes of the Deuill but that they haue their sinnes forgiuen these not To conclude looke vpon the calling of the Preachers of the Gospell if they haue power to pronounce the pardon of sinnes to penitent sinners Christ hath power to giue pardon to the same sinners Therefore bee of good comfort your sinnes are forgiuen you Matth. 9.2 Quest What euen my great and grieuous sinnes mine infidelitie in mistrusting impatience in murmuring blasphemie in profaning the name of God Is the couetousnesse of monie the desire of reuenge the loue of pleasure more then the loue of God forgiuen mee Ans If you beléeue in Christ all things are possible to him that beléeueth your sinnes past shall neuer hurt you if sinne present doe not please you Though your sinnes were as redde as Scarlet God can make them as white as Snow There is no cloud so thicke but this Sun will dispell it no staine so foule but this Fullers sope will wash it out no treason so horrible but this King may pardon it and no sinne so great but God for Christs sake will forgiue it The infidelitie of Adam the Idolatrie of Abraham the incest of Lot the adulterie of Dauid the Apostasie of Peter the persecutions of Paul were grieuous sinnes but God in Christ did remit them all And whatsoeuer was written before time is written for your learning that you through patience and consolation of the Scriptures might haue hope Applie them therefore to your selfe If you owe to this creditor tenne thousand talents if you can sue to him for mercie hee will forgiue them all his Iustice can punish any sinne and his mercie can pardon any sinne When he liued vpon Earth he cured all sicknesses now hee is in Heauen hee can purge all sinnes He hath promised as a Porter to beare our iniquities is there any iniquitie too heauie for him Neuer say then despairing of Gods mercie my sinnes haue taken such hold vpon mee that I am not able to looke vp as an heauie burden they lie vpon mee I am not able to beare them Quest I hope that I shall lay these comforts to mine heart that the greatnesse
and that he said of himselfe he was Christ the King This he suffered that so he might deriue and take to himselfe that rebellion against Gods Maiestie whereof we all were guilty in Adam and by this humiliation make satisfaction to God for vs. If he had defended himselfe we had beene accused or acquitted himselfe we had perished but as a Lambe before the shearer he opened not his mouth that wee might haue liberty to call vpon God 2 He is ballanced with Barabbas and thought lighter then a murderer hee is condemned by a Iudge in the name of the whole Empire and being thus condemned though pronounced innocent hee is scorned by Souldiers attired like a foole beaten with rods spit vpon with reproch and only because he bare the iniquities of vs all Isai 53. 3 He is cast out of the City to giue vs a City hee carried his Crosse to carry our sinnes he is brought to Golgatha to suffer our reproach he is crucified on the Crosse to giue vs a crowne euen a crowne of glory reserued in heauen for vs. 1. Pet. 1. 4 He was crucified with theeues that he might glorifie vs with Angels with his hands spread abroad that he might call all vnto him with his naked body that wee might not be ashamed of our nakednesse in heauen with a feeling of thirst that hee might shew his desire of our saluation w●th drinking of gall that hee might satisfie for t●at deadly iuice which Adam sucked out of the forbidden fruit with his side pierced thorow that the Church might bee washed with the blood and water that came out with crying in feare that wee might cry in faith and with the losse of his life that he might saue ours Quest O cursed Caiphas who thus arraigned him O cursed Pilate who thus condemned O thrice cursed both Iewes and Romans who thus did execute the Sonne of God Answ Nay rather cursed bee our sins for which he was arraigned condemned and executed Hee that knew no sinne was made sinne for vs that we might be made the righteousnesse of God in him 2. Cor. 5. He was wounded for our transgressions he was broken for our iniquities the chastisement of our peace was vpon him and with his stripes wee are healed All wee like sheepe haue gone astray wee haue turned euery one to his owne way and the Lord hath laide vpon him the iniquities of vs all Isai 53.5.6 Hee hath redeemed vs from the curse of the Law being made a curse for vs that wee might bee made the righteousnesse of God in him Gal. 3.14 And wee were not redeemed with corruptible things as siluer and gold from our vaine conuersation receiued by the traditions of the Fathers but with the precious bloud of Christ as of a Lambe vndefiled and without spot Quest And at what time of the yeere did he suffer all this An. At Easter at the feast of the Passouer when the Iewes were commanded to kill a lambe in remembrance of their deliuerance out of Egypt to shew that he was that lambe of God that taketh away the sinnes of the world yea and that Lambe which in Gods counsell and its owne efficacie was slaine from the beginning of the world Quest You said before that our Sauiour was crucified to what end did hee vndergoe this punishment Ans 1 That he might deriue the curse of the Law from vs vnto himselfe Gal. 3.14 2 That the corruption of our nature being crucified with him our inherent vitiositie might be abolished that henceforth wee should not serue sinne Rom. 6.6 3 That hauing paied our debt he might bring in and cancell that hand-writing wherewith wee were bounden that so the memory of our sinnes being blotted out they might not appeare before God against vs. 5 That his bloud might bee a lauer to purge our soules from all their spots of sinne 6 That we might so haue iust cause euer to acknowledge and magnifie the loue of Christ towards vs. Ephes 5.1 Quest I see by this why Christ was crucified but why did he die vpon the Crosse Answ 1 That hee might ratifie the eternall couenant and testament of grace Heb. 9.15 2 That he might abolish sin Rom. 6.10 3 That he might take away the stipend of sinne which is death Rom. 6.20 2. Tim. 1.10 4 That by death hee might ouercome him who had the power of death that is the diuell Heb. 2.14 5 That he might take from vs the feare of death Heb. 2.15 6 That we by it should die so vnto sin Rom. 6.11 that it should no more reigne in our mortall bodies Rom. 6.13 7 That wee might belong properly to Christ Rom. 7.4 8 That they which liue should no more liue vnto themselues but vnto Christ who died and rose againe for vs. 2. Cor. 5.15 9 That wee might know and acknowledge the great loue of Christ towards vs. 1. Ioh. 3.16 10 That wee might liue with Christ 1. Thess 5.10 11 That we might learne to die couragiously for his and our brethrens cause 1. Ioh. 3.16 12 That by this meanes Gods mercy and iustice might both be glorifyed in this redemption and saluation of mankinde Iohn 3.14 Quest Is this death of Christ profitable to euery singular man in the world Ans It was effectually profitable onely to the elect for 1 He gaue his life for his sheepe Iohn 10.15 2 Hee deliuered his people from their sinnes Matth. 21. 3 For them he sanctified himselfe Ioh. 17. He praied onely for them Ioh. 17. If he had died intentionally for all and all had not beene saued hee should haue missed of his purpose 4 Els the sinne of man were of ability to disanull the intent of Christ Quest How is Christs death thus meritorious Answ 1 In that hée was both God and man Acts 20. 2 In that it was a voluntary death Philip. 2.7 Quest Tell mee now what benefit comes vnto me by this death of Christ Answ Great euery way for by it 1 There is such a satisfaction made fully for your sinnes that they shall neuer rise vp in iudgement against you 1. Ioh. 1.7 2 God is pacified and reconciled to man Rom. 3.24 3 Satan is ouercome Gen. 3.15 4 Death is swallowed vp in victory and the feare thereof is so taken away that to the faithfull it is now nothing but a passage to eternall life Hos 13.14 5 You are acquitted and iustified from your sinnes Rom. 4.25 5.19 6 The Partition-wall betwixt Iewes and Gentiles is broken downe Eph. 2.14 7 All the faithfull vnder both the Old and New Testament are become subiect vnto one Head from which they were fallen and are gathered into one body Eph. 1.10 Coloss 1.21 8 The prophecies are accomplished the Truth is become agreeable to the figure of Sampson killing more at his death then in his life the brasen Serpent which cured such as looked vp vnto it and the sacrifices which were offered before for sinnes 9 By the death of Christ you euer die to
and smell to euery flower in this poesie is the fairest flower in your owne Garden You haue I confesse great honour vpon earth being descended of a Royall familie Allied to the greatest Peeres of the Land Espoused to an honourable Knight blessed with hopefull children and graced as I heare with rare gifts of nature but that Christs Religion is so precious vnto you your greatest honour is reserued in Heauen If it please you to entertaine this poore present which before now I was afraide to offer to any I doubt not but as you shall receiue comfort by it so it shall receiue such fauour by you that this spirituall nose-gay comming from you into the hands of others will not bee vsed as other flowers are this morning in the bosome the next to the beesome But it will bee often in the hand frequent in the sight and comfortable to the sent of each sauourie soule The God of heauen who hath planted you as one of his fairest flowers in his Garden the Church Militant so water you with the dew of Heauen and heauenly Graces that after you haue long flourished here you hereafter may with your Honourable two Sisters Elizabeth the vertuous Countesse of Huntingdon and Anne that worthie Ladie Chandoyes bee transplanted into that Garden of Eden the Church Triumphant and for euer flourish in the Courts of your God London St. Martins in the fields Iune the 16. Anno 1613. At the seruice of your Honor. ROBERT HILL A PITHIE DISCOVRSE OF OVR COMMVNION WITH CHRIST THough the word of life in it self causeth peace yet by the malice of Satan it occasioneth warre and though the Sacrament of life shew our commumunion with Christ yet by the corruption of man it is made an instrument of combustion The Vbiquiterian Lutheran is zealous on the one side for his consubstantiation and with the bread and wine he will chap vp his sauiour The Artolatrian Romanist is as zealous on the other for his transubstantiation and after the repetition of fiue Latine words will deuoure his creator And if varieties of opinion concerning the Lords Supper should but heere be repeated as a great ship would not hold the the Reliquian pieces which the Papists haue of Christs crosse so a large volume would but hold the opinions which are about Christs Sacrament Is it the falt of this blessed banquet that so many are distracted about feeding vpon it no it is not It is reported that one in a lightsome house being stricken blinde complained exceedingly of the darknesse of the chamber where as the salt was in the want of his sight When the eye is diuine it must not complaine of the sunne if it see not when stomake is corrupt it must not complaine of the meate if it digest not and when the fantasticall wit of man is wedded to reason no meruaile if it perceiue not the things of God The preaching of Christs crosse was a scandale to the Iewes their owne corrupt heart caused it to bee offensiue The administoation of Christs Sacrament is a stumbling block to the curious their owne carnall conceit makes them to fall If wee could in our iudgements subscribe vnto the written word of God and of spirituall things conceit after a spirituall manner our Capernaiticall aduersaries would not looke heere for a breaden God and our carnal gospellers would look for more heere than common bread It is euen to the wicked the bread of the Lord and to the godly that bread which is the Lord. By comming to the Lordes table if wee come as wee should wee reape much good for heere we may behold the loue of Christ to vs who as a louing friend by this remembrancer desires euer to liue in our mindes and memories and the prouidence of Christ for his beloued friends that his benefits bestowed might truly profit being kept in memorie might enioy their end euer to shew forth his death till he come Yea by thus comming we testifie our spirituall nourishment by his body and blood we seale to our selues the pardon of our sinnes Christ couenants with vs to receiue vs gratiously we condition with him to obey him principally and if we desire either to testifie our desire of the first resurrection out of the graue of sinne or our hope of the second out of the graue of death wee shall do both these so often as we come to the holy communion In a word it is a testimonie of our profession and consent to Gods Religion a token of our separation from all the tents of Satan an obligation of our constancie in the profession of the Gospel a sinew and conseruation of publique meetings a caueat to take heede of relapse into sinne a comforter in the middest of any Temptation and a seale of that communion which is betwixt Christ and Christians The cup of blessing which wee blesse is it not the Communion of the bloud of Christ and the bread which we breake i. Cor. 10.6 is it not the Communion of the body of Christ as the preaching of the Gospell is Gods powerfull instrument to signe our saluation so the sacrament of the Lords Supper is an effectuall instrument to seale this coniunction Now that wee may more frequently communicate with Christians I am bolde to entreate of our communion with Christ In the first Adams innocencie there was an act of assotiation betwixt God and man but with condition of mans loyaltie to God The condition is broken man is exiled from Gods presence and becomes an enemie both to God and man Gods iustice can not admit sinfull man into fauor mans infidelitie hinders him from suing to God for fauor Christ our Sauiour the * 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 diuine Sonne of God and humane Son of man satisfieth Gods Iustice acquaints man with Gods mercie and in the fulnesse of time this seede of the woman breakes the Serpents head But vnlesse man haue communion with Christ his al sufficient satisfaction will do him no good What then may this communion be it is a spirituall societie of mutuall loue betwixt Christ and his Church A societie like vnto that of Adam and Heuah when they twaine became one flesh spirituall like vnto that of the soule and the bodie where they by the spirites become one man of mutuall loue like a paire of Turtle Doues who neuer know any other but one mate of Christ and his Church like that of the head and the members when they by certaine iunctures become one body Christ communicated with our nature in his incarnation when hee tooke vnto him the seede of Abraham hence comes that vnion which we call Hypostaticall and he is become Flesh of our Flesh We communicate with the person of Christ when we are incorporated into him Hence comes that vnion which wee call mysticall wee now become Flesh of his Flesh If we consider the things vnited together this vnion is substantiall and essentiall if the bond by which they are vnited it
of our soule and seekes entrance by euery sense Are they both conioyned our vnion becomes more effectuall vnto vs. By the word without the sacraments Christ may come vnto vs by the sacraments without the word he will not come vnto vs. Adde the word vnto the element and it becomes a sacrament This I write against such as thinke that Christ doth after a farre better sort communicate himselfe to vs in the sacraments than hee doth in the word whereas the sacraments hath all their efficacie from the word euen the word of institution deliuered by Christ vnderstood of Christians Yet note that in the sacraments Christ communicates himselfe more particularly to vs then in the word The end of both is to ioyne vs to him himself to vs that we being thus one with him might grow vp together with him till that he at the last become all in all of vs hee by this matrimoniall coniunction to loue vs as his spouse we to reuerence him as our husband and both he and we together to bee honored of God the Father in the resurrection of the iust with complete glory Consider what I say and the Lord giue thee vnderstanding in all things Iune 16. 1613. Thine in the Lord. ROBERT HILL A COMMVnicant prepared to the Lords Table Question MY good Auditor after all these instructions concerning prayer are you not desirous to receiue the Lords Supper Answere Yea sir I am desirous with all mine heart if you shall thinke mee fit for so holy a Banquet Quest But since you call it a Banquet tell me how many sorts of Banquets are mentioned in Gods word Answ Six 1 The Kingdome of heauen Mat. 22.3 2 A Banquet for the fowles of the ayre Zep. 1.8 3 A Banquet of feasting Genes 21.8 43.34 1 Sam. 25.36 Hester 1.3 Iohn 2.9 Luk. 15.23 4 A Banquet of the Word Prou. 9.1 5 The Banquet of a good conscience Prou. 15.15 6 The Banquet of his Supper and to this I am bound to come as a guest Quest Is it then a matter of necessity to come to the Lords Table Answ Yea surely it is most necessary whether I regard the commandement of God the necessity of eating the Paschall Lambe the custome of ancient Christians the communion of the Saints or the further confirmation of my faith in Christ Quest How many properties are there belonging to a fit guest Answ Two one inward another outward Quest Which are the inward properties Answ 1 He must be bidden Luk. 14.8 2 He must be humble Luk. 14.9 3 He must haue knowledge of the person to whose table he comes Prou. 23.1 4 He must bring an appetite to eat Pr. 9.4 5 He must put on Christ his wedding garment Rom. 13.14 6 He must vse banquetlike talke within himselfe concerning the vse of these mysteries 7 He must be sober in vsing them 8 Chéerefull in receiuing them 9 Louing to his fellow guests 10 Thankfull to the Master of the feast Quest What is the outward propertie Answ A reuerent hearing of the Word and the like receiuing of the Sacrament at that time Quest What must you doe to bee a fit guest Ans Samuel bids me to sanctifie my selfe Dauid bids mee to wash mine hands in innocencie and Paul bids me to examine my selfe and so to eat of that bread and after to drinke of that cup. Quest By what rules must you make this triall Answ 1 By the Spirit whether I haue it or not 1. Ioh. 3.24 2 By the word whether or no I haue obeyed it Psal 119.59 Quest How doe you proue this examination to be needfull Ans 1 If the Iewes durst not eat the Paschall Lambe without it I must not eat of the Lambes Supper without it 2. Chron. 35.6 2 I must neither pray nor heare Gods Word before I sée in what estate I am Eccles 4.17 Luke 8.18 and if I want this I may as well be Iudas as Iohn at the Lords Passeouer 3 I come in the best sort I can to the feast or presence of any great man in this World Prou. 23.1 Gen. 41.14 4 Hee that came without his wedding garment was examined how hee came thither Matth. 22.12 If I eate and drinke vnworthily I eate and drinke mine owne damnation 1. Cor. 11.29 6 Dauid must not eate the Shew bread 1. Sam. 21.4 nor the Leuites beare the Arke Exod. 29. nor Moses stand before God Exod. 3.4 nor so much as a Snuffer bee in Gods house without sanctification Exod. 25.38 7 If Christs dead bodie must bee wrapped in a cleane linen cloth Ioh. 19.40 and laid in a new Sepulchre vers 41. how must wee bee prepared to receiue the same bodie crucified and bloud powred out for vs And if they hasted so to the Poole of Bethesdah Ioh. 5.2 or the waters of Siloam Ioh. 9.7 or Samaria Ioh. 4.13 why should not we doe the like to this bread liquor of life 8 Will wee not put our common meat and drink into vnclean vessels and dare we put Christs meat and drinke into vnsanctified soules 9 Else wee pollute the verie bodie and bloud of Christ Hag. 2.13.14 10 By this holy Preparation I shall reape great profit Christs bodie shall bee meat vnto me and his blood drink vnto me for if the touching of Christs garment profited one woman Matth. 9.21 the féeding on his bodie must more profit vs. Quest What comfort shall you reape by this carefull examination Answ Much euery way for by it I am 1 Assured of my communion with Christ 2 That I desire this pledge of that communion 3 That I reuerence his holy Institution 4 That I am no swine to whom these pearles should be denied 5 That I am a true member of Christs Church 6 That I néede not feare to go out with Christ to mount Caluerie because I haue prepared my selfe to feast with him in his Parlor at Ierusalem 7 Then Christ will say vnto mée as hée did to his Spouse in the booke of the Canticles Eat O my friend and make thee merry my beloued Cant. 5.1 8 As I addresse my self to feast with him so will Christ come and sup with me Reu. 3.20 and as the Iewels giuen by Abrahams seruant to Rebeccah were receiued as comfortable pledges of Isaaks loue to her so these Iewels offered me by Gods seruant are as pledges of Christs loue to bee receiued chéerefully by me yea and when I find my selfe worst in mine owne eyes then as you taught mee I am best in the eyes of God Quest What thinges are required of him that will come a fit guest to the Lords Table Answ Thrée thinges The first what I must do before I come 2 What I must doe when I am come 3 What I must doe after I haue béene partaker of that holy Supper Quest What thinges are required of you before you come Ans Two thinges First I am bound to examine my selfe 1. Cor. 11.28 2 I am bound to pray and meditate of diuers things
you bound to come fasting to this Sacrament Answ It is not absolutely necessary 1 Because the Paschal Lambe was not so eaten 2 Because Christ did it after supper 3 Because in the Primitiue Church many places obserued Christs time to communicate at the euening especially at Easter and Whitsontide as Cassander prooueth 4 Because some are so weake that they cannot stay so long fasting 5 Because many abstained in superstition as thinking that they eate the very body and drinke the very bloud of Christ 6 Because our preparation standeth rather in the purifying of the heart then purging of the stomacke Quest What thinke you of the conuenience of it Answ I thinke it fit to come rather fasting then feasting to this banquet and if we cannot fast so long to vse as little refreshing as may be and that for these reasons 1 Because we must doe it for the better hearing of the Word 2 That wee may better meditate of Christ and his benefits 3 That we féeling some hunger for want of foode may better be put in minde to hunger after Christ 4 That feeling comfort by Bread and Wine wee may the more bethinke our selues of our comfort in Christ 5 Because abstinence and taming of the body maketh vs more fit for all spirituall exercises belonging to Communicants 9 Because euen Paul condemneth the Corinthians for abusing themselues at their loue-feasts with this Sacrament 7 We must euer be sober in diet and why not then at this time 8 This was one ende why it hath been for many yeeres taken in the morning as Drachmarius testifieth who liued in the yeere 800. But in this abstinence as we may doe it for our better preparation so must wee auoid the opinion of necessity as though it were sinne to eate or drinke and merit as if thereby wee should deserue at Gods hands For the Councell of Constance admitteth some refreshing in case of necessity to women with childe aged and sicke persons and such as dwelt farre from their Parish Churches Quest Is there nothing to doe for you after you haue receiued this holy Sacrament Answ Yes I must obserue these thrée things 1 I must giue God thankes for so great a benefit 1. Cor. 11.26 2 I must looke to receiue by it increase of faith and repentance to rise from sinne and to receiue power against the Diuell 3 If I feele this present comfort to bée thankefull for it if not I must know that it is because I haue not prepared my selfe or because my faith is weake or because I liue in some secret sinne wherefore I must goe to God acknowledge my fault and desire pardon and comfort for the same Now the Lord grant me this grace so to be partaker of his Sacramentall Table that I may be partaker of his heauenly Table through Iesus Christ my Lord and alone blessed Sauiour Amen THE CONFESSION of Master Zanchius in his Miscellenea touching the Supper of the LORD CHAP. I. Of those things which are giuen vnto vs in the Supper 1 I Beléeue these three things to be offered vnto all men in the Supper and to be receiued of the faithfull The signes the bread and the wine being ioyned with the words of Christ For the word is not to be separated from the signes nor the signes from the word or else the Sacraments were no Sacraments For the word is added to the element and so the Sacrament is made 2 The bodie and bloud of the Lord that is the Lord Iesus Christ himselfe For as in very truth the Diuinitie is not separated from the humanitie neither the humanitie from the Diuinitie euen so vnto vs the one is not offered without the other Wherefore neither are they to bee separated of vs euen in thought but as whole Christ is offered so whole Christ is also to be receiued 3 The New Couenant or Testament I meane that which is renued and confirmed in Christ For this is that thing forwhose cause chiefely the Supper is instituted and administred to wit that we being incorporated more and more into the person of Christ might haue the couenant more and more confirmed vnto vs. Now the bodie and bloud of Christ and the new Testament made in Christ are that Spirituall but the Elements of Bread and Wine are those Earthly thinges whereof Irenaeus speaketh CHAP. II. Of the vse of these three things and first of the vse of the Word of the Bread and of the Wine I Beleeue these thrée thinges to be offered and giuen for those certaine and proper vses whereunto among themselues they were ordained The first Position And first I beléeue the Elements of Bread and Wine together with the Word to bee offered and giuen that by this Word and those Elements as it were instruments of Gods Spirit working in the heartes of the Elect their faith might bee more and more stirred vp and confirmed by which faith wee beléeue that the matter is so indéede as the Word of Christ doth sound in our eares and doth represent the Elements to our eyes and other senses to wit that the Heauenly Bread which is the Bodie of Christ hath béene broken that is killed and died for vs. And the Heauenly Wine that is the bloud of Christ to haue béene shed for vs and for many more euen all the Elect for the remission of their sins and so the New Testament to haue beene confirmed in the bodie of Christ and sealed in his bloud and that this Heauenly Bread Christ with the New Testament and the Heauenly Wine with the remission of sins to be offered vnto vs by the Earthly bread and by the Earthly Wine yea further that we are commanded to receiue them in these wordes Take eate I beléeue the Bread and the Wine to bee giuen vnto vs for this end For this is the proper and immediate vse of all spéech and of all signes especially of those signes which are vsed for confirmation of our spéech not only simply to signifie this or that but also that by signifying they may make beléefe that is may stirre vp faith in the hearers and séers whereby they are perswaded that the thing it selfe is euen so as the words of the speaker doe signifie vnto the cares and as the signes doe represent vnto the eyes Paul also in the tenth Chapter to the Romans speaking of the Word of God and of the preaching of the Gospell saith that faith commeth by hearing and hearing by the Word of God Therefore the proper and immediate vse of the Word is to beget faith in the hearer Signes also and Sacraments are visible wordes I conclude then that Bread and Wine together with the Word are giuen for this vse and immediate end that faith may bee more and more increased in vs whereby we beléeue that the thing is so as the Word signifies and as the Elements doe represent and in this manner signifying doe offer and represent vnto vs. OF the vse of Faith being wrought in
vs by the Word and Sacraments The secōd Position I beléeue this faith to bee wrought in vs of the holy Ghost by the Word and Sacraments that by this faith wee might immediatly receiue and eate the bodie of Christ which was deliuered vp for vs and receiue and drinke the bloud of Christ which was shed for vs for remission of sinnes And so we might more and more bee engraffed and immediatly vnited vnto the bodie of Christ as our Mediatour who died for vs. For euen as the Bread and Wine being Earthly and Materiall Bodies cannot bee incorporated into our Earthly bodies vnlesse wee receiue them in at our mouth and eate them and drinke them So wee cannot bée vnited and incorporated into the bodie and bloud of Christ which Irenaeus calleth an Heauenly thing vnlesse by faith we take hold on Christ eate him and drinke him that is applie him vnto vs. The third Position OF the vse for which we eate the body of Christ and drinke his bloud I beléeue that the bodie of Christ in the Supper is offered and exhibited vnto vs to be eaten and his bloud to bee drunke and that faith by the Word and Sacraments by the helpe of the Holy Ghost being wrought in our hearts it is eaten of vs indéed to the end that we being more neerely and effectually incorporated into Christ we may also bee more throughly confirmed in the New Couenant which in Christ is communicated vnto vs. For as Christ did therefore deliuer his bodie vnto death and shed his bloud that by his death and bloud our sinnes being purged hee might confirme and for euer establish the couenant being renued betwéene God the Father and vs euen as the words of the Supper concerning the bloud doe teach vs and other bookes of the Scripture especially the Epistle to the Hebrewes doe confirme euen so for this end also the body and bloud of Christ is communicated vnto vs that by the participation of them we in like manner being more and more incorporated into Christ might be more and more confirmed in the New Testament Therefore when Christ gaue forth the cuppe in plaine wordes hee named the New Testament that the Apostles might vnderstand to what end the bloud of the sonne of God was not only shed and powred out but also was exhibited to be drunken of them Verily to this end that as by the shedding of his bloud their sinnes and the sinnes of all Gods Elect were purged and being purged the couenant betweene them and God was for all eternitie confirmed So also by drinking of the same both they and all the Elect being more and more incorporated may know themselues to be confirmed and established in the euerlasting Couenant But yet because the Couenant and the flesh and bloud of Christ are diuers obiects and the one is ordinated vnto the other therefore for doctrine sake I distinguish the one from the other and shew what is the proper vse of either of them The fourth Position OF the benefit or vse of the Couenant communicated vnto vs. Lastly I beléeue the couenant it selfe being ratified and confirmed in the bodie of Christ and by the bloud of Christ to bee more and more communicated vnto vs in the same bodie and bloud of Christ that by the bond thereof wee may wholy whatsoeuer we are bee vnited more and more vnto God the Father the Fountaine as of the whole Diuinitie so of all goodnesse and blessednesse by Christ the Mediatour the Spirit working and dwelling in vs and that we may be so vnited that in mind wee may daily more clearely acknowledge him by the Holy Ghost to be our true and our best Father in Christ and in our heart loue him more feruently in Iesus Christ through the Holy Ghost yea with all the powers of soule and bodie wee may daily more sincerely honour him and may bee made like vnto him in Holinesse and Iustice vntill at length sinne being vtterly destroyed and death abolished and the perfect Image of God recouered wee may so perfectly through Christ in the Spirit of God bee vnited and coupled after this life vnto God the Father that he may be all in all Amen For this is the last end vnto which not only the Supper of the Lord but also Baptisme yea the whole Word of God all his benefits all his corrections lastly all the words and works of God doe lead vs vnto CHAP. III. Of the dutie of a Christian man in the Supper of the Lord. WHerefore I thinke and beléeue that these are the duties of a Christian man in the Lords Supper First that he set before his eyes the perfect Communion with God which is none at al without Christ and is to be found only in him and that he direct all things vnto it as vnto the last end Secondly that hee may come vnto this end hee must make his beginning from the meanes which doe incurre into our senses as those things which are first perceiued by our vnderstanding and are better knowne by nature as also hee must heare the word attentiuely and come vnto the Sacraments reuerently and diligently consider as well what the word signifieth as what the Sacraments doe represent and what is offered vnto vs by the Ministerie of them both which is this that Christ hath offered vp his bodie vnto death for vs and shedde his bloud for remission of sinnes and therefore hee hath by his bloud sealed and confirmed in himselfe being Mediatour the New Testament of our euerlasting reconciliation and peace with God And these things are so signified by the Sacraments that they are also offered and giuen vnto vs to be receiued Whereby it comes to passe that they are truly called Signes not only signifying but also exhibiting and giuing the things which they signifie Thirdly I beleeue because the thinges signified and offered by the Signes are to be receiued by faith and faith is the gift of God therefore God is to be praied vnto as hee who offereth the things by the Signes and who commands vs to receiue them by faith He also can giue and increase faith whereby we are able to receiue them Fourthly I beléeue that faith being begotten in vs by hearing of the Word and increased by the diligent consideration of the Sacraments through the Holy Ghost it is the dutie of a Christian man while he receiueth the Externall and Visible Signes with his hand being also Externall and Visible and eateth them with the mouth of his body and drinketh them heare vpon Earth together also to receiue with the hand and mouth of faith and to eate and drinke the Heauenly and Inuisible thinges namely the flesh and bloud of Christ with a faithful heart lifted vp vnto the Heauenly Table that hee being more and more coupled vnto Christ and made flesh of his flesh and bone of his bones may liue in Christ and Christ in him For I beleeue the faithfull in the Supper truly to
receiue and eate but by the Spirit and by faith the very true bodie of Christ the which was crucified for vs and so farre forth as it was deliuered vp for vs and that they drinke his bloud which was shed for vs for the remission of sinnes according as the wordes of Christ doe manifestly testifie And that indéed the bodie is present and the bloud is present but vnto the Spirit and vnto the inward man For vnto the Spirit all thinges which hee receiueth by faith are in truth present according to that that Christ dwelleth in our hearts by faith And no distance of place can effect that the thinges wee receiue by faith should bée absent from vs euen as the Sunne cannot be said to be absent from the eyes of which it is perceiued Fiftly I beléeue because the new couenant in Christ is established by his bloud and the Testament is confirmed by the death of the Testator and because by the bloud of the eternall couenant wee are for euer ioyned vnto God therefore a Christian man who now by faith féeleth himselfe to be incorporated into Iesus Christ ought also to beléeue that hee is confirmed in the couenant with God the Father by a bond that cannot bee broken and therefore that all his sinnes are forgiuen him of God and that hee is destinated and assured to bée the Sonne of God and Heire of eternall life without all feare to be disherited For these thinges which we on our part according to the condition of the couenant owe vnto God namely Faith Loue Obedience wee may firmely beléeue that all those things are fully by Christ the first begotten effected for vs and imputed vnto vs. Further wee ought to bee certainly perswaded that by the assistance of Christ wee shall neuer be forsaken but that we may in some part performe the same And that because Christ himselfe hath both performed those things for vs and hath promised vs this assistance that the New Testament should remaine sure and perpetual as on Gods part so also on our part vntil at length we being receiued into the full possession of the Heauenly Inheritance doe liue in perfect happinesse with the Father Sonne and Holy Ghost our God For there are thrée principall heads of the couenant on Gods part The forgiuenesse of sinnes Adoption which is ioyned with a promise of Gods perpetual good wil grace protection and at last the full possession of Heauenly Inheritance There are also thrée thinges which on our part God doth require by couenant faith in God charitie towards our Neighbour and holinesse of life or perfect obedience Christ by his perfect obedience euen vnto death and by his owne bloud and death hath obtained for vs both those thinges which God hath promised as also hath performed those things which God by couenant required at our hand In testimonie whereof he giueth vs faith whereby wee beléeue in God and charitie whereby wee loue our Neighbour and the Spirit of regeneration whereby we endeuour vnto holinesse of life and true obedience is begun in vs. So Christ bringeth to passe that not only the couenant on Gods part but also on our part remaineth sure and perpetuall It is therefore our dutie that first by faith giuen vnto vs by Christ as wee doe eate his flesh and drinke his bloud so also wee beléeue our selues to be confirmed in the couenant with God and therefore both our sinnes to bee remitted and God to be our Father and that he will perpetually loue and protect vs and lastly that we shall bee heires of eternall life and shall arise to glorie and life euerlasting and that through Christ with whose flesh we are fed in the Supper and we ought to be perswaded that we our selues also are nourished to the end we may bee partakers of a blessed resurrection And therefore wee ought to giue due thankes for so many and so great benefits we ought also to embrace in loue our Neighbour and especially our faithfull brethren That as wee are all one with Christ so wee may also grow vp together in one bodie more and more with the Church Euen as the Apostle Paul exhorteth vs by this argument that wee are all one Bodie and one Bread because we are all partakers of the same Bread With the endeuour of an holy life and and true obedience which is also the gift of Christ wee ought alwayes to glorifie God and declare indéed that wee are true and liuely members of Christ and therefore haue intrest to that true felicitie which cōsisteth in that most perfect vniō with God wherein hee shall bee all in all Thus I beléeue concerning the dutie of a Christian man in the Supper wherein hee may worthily and for his Saluation eate the Bread of the Lord and drinke of his cup. CHAP. IIII. Of the words of the Supper SEeing all things are so as I haue before shewed my opinion is that the wordes of the Lods Supper cannot bee well vnderstood and declared without some trope First for the cup it is manifest as well by the Euangelists as by the Apostle Paul Then for the Bread it is also manifest because where as Christ saith This that is the bread which I haue broken is my bodie the Apostle expounding it saith The Bread which we breake is the Communion of the bodie of the Lord. Thirdly according to the rule of Saint Austen in his third Booke of the institution of a Christian man Cap. 16. Because when wee are commanded to eate the flesh of Christ it yée take the word of eating properly it séemes wee are commanded to doe an heinous déede therefore the spéech of Christ concerning the eating of his flesh is to be vnderstood figuratiuely Moreouer because if you shall vnderstand the wordes without a trope tt will follow that the Bread of Christ was indéed deliuered vp for vs and the bloud shed for the remission of our sinnes Lastly because Luther himselfe vpon the sixth Chapter of Esay saith that in the words of the Supper there is a Synecdoche with whom in this point Bucer doth alwayes agrée Therefore albeit each word in that spéech This is my bodie bee taken in his proper signification so that the true and essential bodie of Christ is attributed to the Bread as indéede it is attributed yet in the whole spéech there must néeds be some trope Séeing that the bread which is giuen for vs and was not crucified cannot properly be said to bee the bodie of Christ which was deliuered vp for vs. So then the controuersie is only concerning the kinde of trope by which the Bread is called the bodie of Christ I say that true bodie which was truly deliuered vp for vs. And I thinke this controuersie not so great worth that for it the peace of the Church bée troubled that he that saith it is a Synecdoche doth condemne him that saith it is a Metonymie And contrariwise he that saith it is a Metonymie condemneth him which
of my sinnes shall not cause mee to despaire yet when I looke vpon the multitude of those sinnes which I haue committed against God I feele my selfe in a wofull estate comfort me I pray you in this temptation Answ Doe the number of your sinnes now disquiet you yet comfort your soule with these meditations There is no man liuing which sinneth not The iust man falleth seuen times a day Who can tell how oft hee offendeth Psal 19. The Apostle and excellent man cried out I am Carnall and sold vnder sinne Rom. 7. The good that I would doe I doe not and the euill which I would not that doe I. The flesh lusteth against the Spirit and the Spirit lusteth against the flesh Galathians 5.17 Yet for all this hee trusted in the mercies of God as others did being perswaded that his imperfections were not imputed to him but couered with the righteousnesse of Christ And this the same Paul testifieth in that he saith Now there is no condemnation to them that are in Christ Iesus Rom. 8.1 And what is the reason that wee daily pray Forgiue vs our debts but that wee sinne daily Yea though the bloud of Christ were but once shed yet by it is he an eternall Mediatour satisfying the iustice of God for sinnes past present and to come He is not like vnto many in this World who hauing once remitted some trespasse wil remit no more or paied a debt wil pay no more but as Esaus father had many blessings so God our father hath many mercies If wee fall a thousand times he will at our repentance recouer vs a thousand times He doth not forgiue vs till seuen times but till seuentie times seuen times Larga Dei bonitas totum non dimidiabit Aut nihil aut totum te lachrymante dabit The bountie large of God will not diuide the whole He either al or nothing giues vnto the weeping soule Quest Truth it is as you say that God will forgiue my manifold sinnes but mine heart tels me that Gods law requires perfect obedience and this alas I cannot performe what comfort can you giue me now that mine obedience is imperfect Answ Why the obedience of the best is both perfect imperfect perfect in Christ imperfect in vs imperfect in this life perfect in the life to come perfect by imputation imperfect by sanctification perfect in parts imperfect in degrée that is the whole bodie and soule of a Christian are in euery part sanctified but yet both of them in all their parts and faculties grow vp to a greater measure of sanctification A child so soon as it is borne is a perfect man because it hath al the parts of a man and this is a perfection of parts it is not perfect in regard of that growth it may haue in strength and vnderstanding and that is the perfection of degrées We are babes in Christ and so perfect Christians at the beginning of sanctification we must grow vp to be tall men that we may be perfectly perfect in our glorification It is Gods mercie towards vs that wee cannot come to perfection in this life the dregs of corruption will neuer whilest wee liue be drawne out the tares of vngodlines will neuer quite be pulled vp the chaffe of iniquitie wil neuer be cleane remoued from the wheate and the rags of the old Adam will neuer cleane be put off and that as I take it for these reasons 1 That we might giue al glorie to God 2 That wee might euer depend vpon God 3 That knowing our owne weaknesse we should not presume too much on our own strength 4 That by recouering our selues aft●● falling wee might haue experience and patience in Gods fauour 5 That wee might worke out our saluation with feare and trembling 6 That with Paul we might learne that the grace of God is sufficient for vs. 7 That wee might be the more whetted on to an increase of faith and confidence in Christ 8 That we might with greater earnestnesse call vpon God in all our feares 9 That with more contention we should run the race set before vs. 10 That wee should know that it is grace not nature by which we stand 11 That receiuing many foyles our selues we might better comfort and pitie others that fall 12 That wee might the rather with the Apostle desire to be dissolued and to be with Christ Know therefore that it is good for you that you are not perfect you would bee proud of it if you were the holiest men could neuer attaine it the most holy God doth not require it If you haue truth in the inward parts and desire to please God without hypocrisie labour to grow in the graces of Gods spirit God your father will make more of you by reason of your imperfections as a good mother doth of that childe that is diseased or lamed It is pride that makes men dreame of perfection in this life and they that thinke to goe to heauen this way must goe alone for none can follow them Let vs not glorie of our perfection but let vs glorie in our Redemption The Church is a companie of sinners saued by Christ of sicke persons cured by Christ of Israelites dwelling among the Cananites of malefactors crying with that holy théefe Lord remember mee when thou commest into thy kingdome and of Publicans casting themselues down and saying Lord be mercifull vnto me a sinner The Church is but the Moone and some times so eclipsed that she is but a litle lightened by the Sunne God indeede as a good Physitian prescribes vnto vs a perfect diet but wee like vnto disordered Patients tast of that which causeth a relapse and then we must come to the Physitian againe and like a skilfull Physitian God out of our falls doth make a preseruatiue to kéepe vs from falling Quest By this that you haue said I shall as I hope receiue much comfort if God cast mee vpon my sick bed yet because after death cōmeth iudgement how shall I bee able to perswade my selfe in death that I may with ioy looke vpon my Iudge Answ Consider that you are in Christ and there is no condemnation to them that are in him it is God that hath iustified you who shall condemne you it is your Father that shall iudge you why do you feare him be then of good comfort he wil say vnto you Come thou blessed of my father inherit the kingdome prepared for thée before the foundations of the world were laid Quest If I lay all these comforts to mine heart in health what benefit shall come to me at my death Answ You shall shew your selfe an excellent scholler in the schoole of wisedome and that you haue not spent your time ill who haue thus learned to die well For hée hath last his whole time who knowes not how to end it Hee liueth ill saith Seneca who knoweth not to die well neither is he borne in vaine who deceaseth in peace We must
friend should haue of another in heauen within thrée houres after slept peaceably in the Lord. Luther sitting at supper and discoursing of the same argument about midnight after departed this life One Master Reade an Alderman of Norwich hauing read in the morning the chapter of Henockes taking vp in the Counsell chamber died suddenly at the table amongst his brethren And that wise Counseller the Lord of Buckhurst Earle of Dorset died suddenly at the Counsell Table in white Hall Mr. Flint a Preacher in London a man of great learning godly life and good report hauing procured the new building of his Church at which hee much reioiced fell downe from a scaffold on the top of that Church and so died In the commentaries of Iohn Holcot vpon the book of wisdom it is recorded of one who reading the fourth Chapter of the book of Wisdome was found dead in his studie with his finger pointing to the seuenth verse of that chapter Though the righteous be preuented by death yet shall he be at rest First where you shall reade these two verses Mors non est subita cui praecessit bona vita Nec minuit merita si moriatur ita If godly life do go before Through suddaine death our ioy is more 3 Know that if you liue wickedly sudden death is a fearefull iudgment for who then can bee perswaded of Gods fauour towards you and this makes the wicked of all kinds of death to pray to be deliuered from sudden death they would liue like Nabal but die like Dauid liue like the rich glutton and die like Lazarus they would die the death of the righteous but they would not liue the life of the righteous And therefore their Prayer is the prayer of Balaam Lord let mee die the death of the righteous and that my last end may bee like vnto his Numb 23. But if you liue euer in the feare of God it may bee an argument of Gods mercie to take you away vpon a short warning For so 1 You die without any great paine 2 You goe to God without any great trouble 3 You are not in danger of blaspheming God at your death 4 You will cause others to thinke well of your death because you liued a godly life 5 Many by your example will labour to prepare against such a kind of death 6 Your translation is like that of Henoch and Elias and of them that shall be aliue at the day of iudgment 1. Thess 4.17 Quest Is it lawfull to pray against a sudden death Answ The godly may and the wicked must pray against it The godly may 1 That as they haue honored God with their lips in their life so if it bee his good will they may doe it at their death 2 That because vpon the sudden few men haue their worldly estate fully setled they may haue time to order it 3 That they may not be a griefe to their friends that they are so soone taken from them 4 That they may escape the censure of the world which for the most part iudgeth hardly of this kind of death 5 That they may not die in such sort as diuers wicked men in the Scriptures haue died 6 Lest being ouertaken in some strange place they may so want the honour of Christian buriall and their friends not know what is become of them 2 The wicked must pray against it left so dying without repentance here there be no place left for them heereafter to repent in But I doubt whether God will heare their prayers For are not they worthy to want time of humiliation at their death who neglected saluation in their life The admonition of the wise man Eccl. 18.18 is very good Get thee righteousnesse before thou come to iudgement and vse Physicke before thou bee sicke Examine thy selfe before thou bee iudged and in the day of destruction thou shalt finde mercie Humble thy selfe before thou be sicke and whilest thou maiest yet sinne shew thy conuersion Quest Now since my soule must depart from my bodie ought I to take any great thought for my buriall Ans As the graue at your death is readie for you Iob. 17.1 so you also must haue care of it and your suruiuing friends must haue such respect to your dead body that it may be interred in a religious sort for 1 You are no Scythian that your dead bodie should be eaten at some feast nor Sabean that it should be cast on a dunghill nor Hyrcanian that it should bee deuoured by dogs nor Lothophagian that it should be cast into the sea nor Indian that it should be burned with fire but a Christian that it may be buried in the earth 2 Your dead body is a member of Christ 3 It was as well as the soule the temple of the holy Ghost 4 It was the ordinance of God that earth should return to his earth as the soule doth to him that gaue it Gen. 3. Eccles 7. 5 That Christ who redéemed your soule hath also paied a ransome for your bodie 6 It hath beene an instrument vsed by God to performe many seruices vnto him 7 It must rise againe out of the graue and in the day of iudgement bee made like vnto the glorious bodie of Christ Phil. 5.21 8 Religious and godly friends haue had this care to burie their dead so Abraham had to burie Sarah Ioseph to burie Iaakob Israel to burie Samuel Nichodemus to burie Christ and the Disciples to burie Iohn the Baptist and Steuen the first Martyr that suffered after Christ 9 It is one of Gods iudgements to want buriall Iere. 22.19 10 The Saints complaine for the want of it saying Psal 79.3 The dead bodies of thy seruants haue they giuen to bee meate vnto the fowles of heauen and the flesh of thy Saints vnto the beasts of the earth Their blood haue they shed like water round about Ierusalem and there was none to burie them 11 Ioseph gaue commandement concerning his bones Gen. 50. and Tobiah of his bodie Tob 14. 12 Many heathen people haue been very carefull of this dutie The Egyptians embalmed and so buried their dead and the Hebrewes made a law that no enemy should lie vnburied Quest What thinke you of the place of buriall Answ Abraham bought a field for the buriall of his dead Gen. 24. Christ was buried in a garden according to the custome of the Iewes Ioh. 20. The Turkes at this day burie none in their Cities and it was one of the lawes of the 12. Tables amongst the Romanes that none should be buried within thē walles Amongst Christians Churches and Church yards are appointed for the dead and to the end that the dead might not annoy the liuing it were well if Gouernours would be carefull to prouide larger places of buriall for this would be a meanes 1 To kéepe the City from contagion 2 That our dead bodies should not bee raked vp againe 3 To shew our care for the Saints departed 4 To take away the
content our selues with a profession of piety and labour not for the power of godlinesse And as for our liues they abound with actuall transgression against euery one of thy ten Commandements hauing broken the same ten thousand tims We Lord haue liued in contempt of thy prouidence committing idolatry with thy creatures taking thy glorious name in vaine and profaning of thy most holy Sabbaths We euen we who should haue been vpright haue not regarded our betters but enuied our brethrē defiled our soules with vnchaste desires laboured to be rich by vnlawfull meanes disgraced our neighbours and longed after that which was none of ours Wee haue heard thy word O Lord but we haue not beleeued it we haue known the word but haue not practised it Wee haue come to thine house without reuerence approched to thy Table without repentance and practised many sins without remorse Doe we any good wee please our selues too much Doe we any euil we feare thée too little we are wearie of praying when we talke with thée we are carelesse in hearing when thou speakest to vs. If we reade thy Sacred and Holy Word it is not swéete vnto vs as the hony combe but wee delight more euen in vngodly bookes Yea O Lord the pampering of our bellies the pride of our apparel the negligence in our calling the mispending of our time our vaine conference at table our wandring eyes our wanton lusts our ambitious minds our couetous desires our vngodly spéeches our lasciuious eares our censuring of our brethren our sinne in recreations our vnwillingnesse to labour our vnfaithfulnesse in life our forgetfulnesse of death and our abuse of thy mercies especially in Christ doe testifie against vs that wée haue sinned against Heauen and against thee and are no more worthie to be called thy children Are wee ashamed at this and reclaimed from it no Lord wee are not ashamed but howsoeuer it hath pleased thee to vse many meanes as partly by thy Word and partly by thy Spirit and partly by thy mercies partly by thy iudgments to the end we might bee reclaimed from our crooked wayes yet we haue contemned thy Word the Ministerie of saluation greiued thy spirit the earnest of our inheritance abused thy mercies the pledges of thy loue and forgotten thy iudgments the messengers of thy wrath Enter not into iudgement with vs thy seruants O Lord for then shall no flesh liuing bee iustified in thy sight Be mercifull vnto vs in forgiuing sinnes past and be gracious vnto vs in preuenting sinnes to come Correct vs O Lord but with mercie not in thy iudgement for then shall we be consumed and brought to nought Open our blind eyes that we may come to a particular knowledge of our particular sinnes especially such as wee are most giuen vnto Soften our hard and stonie hearts that wee may sigh and grone vnder the burden of them make vs good God displeased with our selues because by sinne wee haue dishonoured thy Maiestie Stirre vp our dead and dul hearts that we may hunger after Christ and his righteousnesse and after euery drop of his precious bloud In that Sonne of thine looke on vs thy seruants and for his merits and righteousnesse vouchsafe good God mercifully and fréely to do away al our offences Wash them away in his blood and by the purity of his spirit clense our hearts from the pollution and impurity of them all say vnto our soules thou art our saluation let thy spirit in our hearts crie Abba Father Teach vs. O Lord thy way we shal walk in thy truth O knit our hearts vnto thée that we may feare thy Name And because through corruption in our hearts and sinne in our liues our faith is féeble and our confidence small wée doe humbly beséech thée to strengthen our faith by the daily meditation and particular application of thy mercifull promises made vnto vs in thy Sonne Christ that neither in the dangers of this world nor in the troubles of conscience nor in the houre of death we may fall from thée Gracious Father expell out of our hearts al carnal confidence the vnderminer of our faith teach vs in the spirit of true humilitie to denie our selues and to relie only vpon thée and the merit of Christ in the matter of our saluation And because it is not enough to come vnto thée by prayer and to sue vnto thée for pardon but all that are in Christ must be new creatures therefore we call vpon thée for the spirit of regeneration mortifie therby the corruptions of our flesh quicken vs thereby in the inner man By the power of Christs death let vs die vnto sinne and by the power of his resurrection let vs rise to righteousnesse and newnes of life let the one as a corrasiue eate vp the dead flesh of vngodlinesse and the other as a spur stir vs vp to holinesse Illuminate our mindes that wee may know thy will giue vs spirituall vnderstanding to discerne good and euill Sanctifie our memories to treasure vp good things purifie our consciences to haue peace in thée reforme our willes to doe thy will and let all our affections be ordered aright Teach vs to feare thée continually wheresoeuer wee are to neglect all things in regard of Christ to loue thée and our brethren for thy sake to be zealous of thy glorie to bée grieued at our owne and others sinnes and ioyfull when we can please thée Let our bodies the instruments of sinne be euer hereafter clensed by thy spirit that they may bee temples for that spirit to dwell in keepe our eyes from beholding vanitie our eares from hearkening to variety our mouthes from speaking blasphemie our hands from committing of iniquitie and our bodies from the action of adulterie Let our light so shine before men that they séeing our good workes may glorifie thee our heauenly Father Make vs to remember that as we are sonnes we must depend vpon thée as wee are seruants we must obey thée and as wee are Christians we ought to walke worthy of our vocation calling And because we haue all some particular calling either of rule or seruice or trust or fauour make vs from the highest to the lowest faithfull in our callings and to remember that a day will come in which wee must giue an account vnto thée of all our actions done in this flesh whether they bée good or euill Take away from vs all opportunitie of sinning and make vs euer thankfull that wee liue so as wée want allurements to many sinnes Cause vs to sée how deformed sinne is in it selfe and to what confusion it is like to bring vs Lord make vs to flie the very occasions of sinne and to resist the beginnings of all temptatition let not a night passe ouer our heads in which wee examine not how wée haue spent the day neuer let vs come into any companie wherein wee may not doe or receiue some good Keepe vs that wee fashion not
a true and liuely faith to apprehend and applie all the promises of saluation to my sinfull soule and to this purpose illuminate mine vnderstanding confirme my memorie purifie my conscience inlarge mine heart rectifie my will order al the members of my body and so sanctifie me throughout that my whole bodie soule and spirit may be kept blamelesse till the glorious appearance of my Sauiour Christ Grant me I beséech thée knowledge of thy truth faith in thy promises feare of thy Maiestie zeale of thy glorie obedience to thy statutes faithfulnesse in my calling patience in troubles hungring after righteousnesse and a tender affection towards all my brethren Grant me I beséech thée the gift of Regeneration to become thy childe of faith to beléeue thy promises of obedience to doe thy will of prayer to séeke thy presence of comfort to endure thy trials and of strength to continue thy seruant to my liues end Grant me again and grant it I intreate thée the sauing knowledge of thy word let it bee in my minde by vnderstanding memorie by remembring thought by meditating heart by affecting tongue by speaking and mine actions by performing it to my dying day Mine heart O Lord is deceitfull let mée watch ouer it my will is vnwilling to all goodnesse let it run the way to thy commandements Many behold my life conuersation let it I beséech thée be ordered aright To this end teach mee to sanctifie thy name aduance thy kingdome doe thy will Thou hast placed me in a calling make me painfull in it that thereby from thée I may haue my daily bread If I haue it kéepe me from pride if not kéepe me from despaire And forgiue mee the abuse of all thy good blessings And howsoeuer I must néeds liue in this world yet let me vse it as though I vsed it not let my conuersation be in heauen mine eyes on thy presence my trust in thy prouidence my delight in thy word and the communion of Saints Make me thinke often of heauen that I may loue it of hel that I may feare it of death that I may exspect it of iudgement that I may escape it and of the vanitie of this present world that thereby I may learne to contemne it I liue by thy prouidence a life of nature I desire by thy spirit to liue the life of grace put on this desire O my God by thy spirit and draw me from good desires to delights from delights to actions from actions to continuance in dooing that which is good And because Satan the aduersarie of thine elect goeth about as a roring lion séeking whom he may deuoure let mee not be ignorant of all his enterprises Make mee wise to foresée his stratagems vigilant to beware his pitfals circumspect to preuent his practises couragious to resist his temptations and constant to ouercome his suggestions He is strong be thou stronger in me he is wise be thou wiser for me hee is watchfull be thou more watchfull about mee hee is malitious bee thou mercifull vnto me Let him neuer finde me idle for then he will allure nor carelesse for then he will surprise nor sinning for then hee will subdue O Iesu be thou Iesus vnto me saue me O Lord from this enemie of mine that this Dragon neuer infect mee with his poyson this Serpent neuer kill mee with his sting this Lion neuer teare mee with his teeth and this aduersarie neuer haue power to ouerthrow me O Christ bee thou Christ vnto mee and anoint mee so with the oile of thy Spirit that of thy fulnesse I may bee filled with grace euen that grace which may further my saluation By it I acknowledge my misery by it let mee féele thy mercie giue mee by it a broken heart a contrite spirit a sorrowfull soule an humble minde a liuely faith that by humbling my selfe I may bee lifted vp by thée and by beléeuing thy promises I may come vnto thée and that as by the one I may mourne for my sinnes so by the other I may beléeue they are pardoned I durst not bee so bold as craue this thy fauour but that I am incouraged by confidence of thy mercie Doe the simple beg wisdome thou giuest it doe the afflicted beg deliuerance thou grantest it doth he that is troubled with his sinnes come vnto thée thou séest him a farre off thou embracest him in thine armes receiuest him into thy grace againe Thou commandest why should I not obey thou promisest why should I not beléeue thou hearest why should I not speake I speake vnto thée in the language of Canaan kéepe not silence at these my prayers Thou O my Sauiour hast died for my sinnes let the power of thy death make me die vnto sin especially to my beloued sins and such as I can hardly get the mastery of Thou O Lord Christ art risen from the dead let the power of thy resurrection make mee to rise vnto newnesse of life And that which is impossible to flesh and blood make it possible by the vertue of thy blood Thou hast redéemed me suffer me not to be in sinnes captiuitie thou hast triumphed ouer Satan for me suffer mee not to be vnder his tyrannie Thou hast couered mee with the robes of righteousnesse teach mee to cast off the rags of iniquitie Thou hast washed me and I am cleane kéepe me that I return not with the swine to my wallow Thou hast begun thy good work in me performe the worke that thou hast begun and strengthen mee in the workes which I doe haue or shall take in hand Kéepe mée good Lord in my old age forsake mee not when I am gray-headed And when it shall please thée to cast me vpon my sicke bed as what man liueth who shall not sée death grant that I may take my sicknesse patiently and at the last gaspe let not either sinne or Satan take such hold vpon me that I depart this life with crying and scrichings and words of despaire but that beleeuing thy word and yéelding to thine ordinance my last houre may bee my best houre and I may say with the Psalmist Lord into thine hands I commend my spirit for thou hast redeemed me O Lord God of truth Thus I still crie vnto thée for mercie because my sins crie against mee for iustice Preserue me O Lord for I trust in thée and let me in all things see that I am preserued by thee let me see it in the health of my body the peace of my conscience the gifts of my minde the credit of my name the works of my calling and vpon all such as are neere and deare vnto me Thou hast beene good vnto me in times past O that I could depend vpon thee for the time to come Thou hast by thy mercie kept mee from grosse sinnes cleanse mee I pray thée from my secret sinnes especially such as put forth their heads when I am but a little moued Am I prouoked stay mine anger is my enemy
before I shooke it off but it will come againe make me in prosperitie to thinke on aduersitie in health to thinke on sicknesse in sicknesse to thinke on death and at all times to thinke so on iudgement that whether I wake or sleep eate or drinke or whatsoeuer I do els I may euer haue this voice sounding in mine eares Arise yee dead and come vnto iudgement I will sing vnto the Lord all my life as long as I haue any being I will sing praises vnto my God O my soule praise thou the Lord. Praise yee the Lord. Praised bee the Lord God of Israel from this time forth and for euermore and let all people say Amen Are there not ten clensed where are the nine there is none returned to giue thanks but this one and he is a Samaritan Luk. 17.17.18 Behold thou art now whole sin no more lest a worse thing happen vnto thée A PRAYER FOR A SICK person man or woman changing the sexe O Almightie euer-liuing and euer-louing God and in Christ Iesus our most gracious and mercifull father thou hast taught vs out of thine holy word that Man which is borne of a woman hath but a short time to liue and is full of miserie his life is a shadow his daies are vanitie his yeeres are nothing in comparison of thée and in the end hee fadeth as a flower of the field and neuer continueth in one stay Experience we haue of the frailtie of our life in beholding this diseased and distressed feruant of thine whom thou hast cast downe vpon the bed of sicknesse He was as we thought of late in good health and now we sée him at the point of death In him let vs behold our fraile estate and truly to consider that all flesh is grasse And because we are now in this house of mourning let vs be admonished of our later end and behold what afterward shall become of vs. Make vs truly to mourne with them that mourne and to weepe with them that weepe And grant vnto vs all the forgiuenesse of our sinnes ●he assistance of thy Spirit assurance to be heard and a fellow feeling of our brothers miseries that we may the better call vpon thy name and pray to thée for him who standeth in néede to be prayed for Thou art O Lord the conduit of comfort bee a God of comfort and consolation vnto him thou art the forgiuer of all our sinnes blot all his sinnes out of thy remembrance thou art the Physitian to cure all sores looke fauourably vpon him in this sicknesse of his And as thou art the God of patience mitigate his paines of hope assure his heart of mercie confirme his faith of iustice looke vpon thy Sonne and as thou art the resurrection and the life be vnto him both life and resurrection It is true O Lord that he hath deserued a farre greater punishment and that thou shouldest scourge him with all thy rods hee feeleth his sinne he feareth thy iustice he is affrighted at death hee trembleth at thy iudgements and vnlesse thy law were his delight he should haue perished in this his trouble He appealeth from thy iustice vnto thy mercie and in consideration of thine abundant goodnesse doth say vnto thee in the bitternesse of his soule Lord bee mercifull vnto me a sinner Haue mercie vpon him O Lord haue mercie vpon him and according to the multitude of thy mercies doe away all his offences Grant him thy grace to beare willingly this crosse the crosse of sicknesse to drinke heartily of this cup the cup of affliction to endure patiently this yoke the yoke of tribulation and to suffer meekely this rod the rod of correction Naked hee came out of his mothers womb and naked shall he returne againe O Let him now say with thy seruant Iob The Lord hath giuen and the Lord hath taken away blessed bee the name of the Lord. He hath receiued good things of thée make him to receiue euill also and as heretofore he reioyced in his health so teach him now to reioyce in sicknesse and as hee was not ashamed to liue so let him not bee afraid to die because his life is hid with Christ in heauen Teach him O Lord by thy holy Spirit that hee cannot suffer more for thee than Christ his Sauiour suffered for him and though thou hast now powred into the wounds of his corruption the sharpe wine of grieuous tribulation yet after the example of the good Samaritan instill also the suppling oyle of comfort whereby hee may bee able to endure these troubles which otherwise would bee intollerable vnto him As his paine encreaseth so increase his patience and as it decreaseth so increase his thankfulnesse Turne this visitation to the good of his soule lay no more vpon him than hee is able to beare and as hee feeleth thy iustice in suffering for his sinnes so let him feele thy mercie in correcting him for them and as thou now triest whe her he will loue thée or no so make him now most to loue thee when thou correctest him as thy sonne Let his heart be glad his tongue reioyce and his flesh also rest in hope because thou wilt not suffer his soule in the graue nor his flesh through thine Holy one to sée corruption Remember not Lord his or our iniquities spare him good Lord spare thy seruant whom Christ hath redeemed with his most pretious blood and bee not angrie with vs for euer Lord saue thy seruant which putteth his trust in thée send him helpe from thy holy place and euermore mightily defend him let the enemie haue none aduantage against him nor the wicked approch neere vnto him be vnto him a strong tower against the face of his enemie O Lord heare our prayers and let our crie come vnto thée Wée crie and call vnto thee alone for him visite him as thou diddest visite Peters wiues mother comfort him as thou diddest comfort the sick of the palsie chéere him as thou diddest cheere that godly man Simeon that hée now seeing his Sauiour in heauen may ioyfully say Lord now lettest thou thy seruant depart in peace for mine eyes haue seene thy saluation In the meane time strengthen him against all temptations defend him against all assaults relieue him in all his weakenesse and deliuer him from all his feares O Lord Iesu Christ who for his and our sakes camest into the World obeyedst the law sufferedst reproch baredst our sinnes and gauest ouer for vs thy pretious life to death looke thou vpon this thy patient let thy blood wash away the spots of his sinnes let thy righteousnesse couer his vnrighteousnesse and let thy satisfaction bee his merit O holie Ghost the comforter of all that want comfort send downe thy grace into the heart of thy seruant call to his minde whatsoeuer consolation he hath before learned cut of thy word especially that by Christ he shall inherit heauen giue him now such a portion of thy grace that he neither
banket Giue mee grace to put on my wedding garment that the Bridegrome of this feast neuer say vnto me Frind how camest thou hither not hauing on thy wedding garment Hast thou now commanded me to examin my selfe let me now trie and examine mine heart and looke how I stand in thy sight The Iewes would not eate with vnwashen hands dare I eat with an vnwashen heart they would not drink but their vessels must be purified and dare I now drinke and my soule not purified Before the passeouer they sanctified themselues and before this sacrament shall not I now sanctifie my self I desire to doe it Lord helpe my desire lest eating and drinking vnworthily I eate and drinke mine owne damnation I therefore being now readie to come to thy Table doe acknowledge and confesse mine owne vnworthinesse I haue sinned against thée many waies and that since I last receiued this Sacrament I haue not knowne thée in thy word beheld thée in thy workes apprehended thée in thy Sonne serued thée in the spirit applied thee by faith feared thée for thy iustice nor admired thée as I ought for thy great mercies I haue not frequented thine house heard thy word laid it vp in mine heart nor practised it in my life as I should I euen I by the lusts of mine eyes the lusts of my flesh and the pride of life haue dishonoured thy great and glorious name And when thou hast forgiuen me ten thousand talents I would not forgiue my brother and hundred pence What shall I say vnto my selfe I haue sinned I will doe so no more I haue sinned Lord forgiue me all my sins and grant that in the whole course of my life hereafter I may liue to the honour of thy great name Giue vnto me now a broken heart a contrite spirit a sorrowfull soule and a minde hungring and thirsting after Christ and his righteousnes Giue me now grace to know thée the only true God the Creator and preseruer of mankinde Giue me grace now to féele the burden of my sinnes and that I am eased of them by the blood of Christ Iesus I doe beléeue in him helpe my vnbeléefe I am sorrie for my sins make me to be heartily and vnfainedly sorrowfull I promise now to liue neerer to thée then euer I haue done giue mee power to performe my promise I forgiue all that haue wronged me euen as thou for Christs sake hast forgiuen me Let this forgiuenesse of mine be without dissimulation And because I am now to taste of bread and wine make mee to consider the vse of them I know O Lord that this sacramentall bread is not the body of thy Son this sacramentall wine is not the blood of thy Sonne but this I know out of thy holy word that they are seales of his bodie and blood Teach me therefore now most gracious God that I seeing bread and wine on the table may behold Christ vpon the crosse and obseruing the bread broken to me may consider of Christs body crucified for mee looking vpon the wine powred out of the vessell may thinke how Christs blood was powred out for my sinnes And as I receiue this bread wine into my stomack for bodily sustenance so cause me to féede on the body and blood of our Sauiour Christ that it may be nourishment for my soule Grant O Lord that I may so now come to thy holy table that hereafter I may bee partaker of thy heauenly Table through Christ my Lord and only Sauiour Amen Our Father which art c. A THANKESGIVING after the Communion ALL glorie honour and praise be giuen to thée most glorious God for all thy mercies bestowed vpon mee for mine election in thy loue my redemption by thy Sonne my sanctification by thy spirit in this life and hope of glorification in the life to come I thank thée for thy word in which I beare of thy goodnesse and I thanke thee for this Sacrament in which I behold thy fauour I haue now béene partaker of bread and wine Lord make mee partaker of Christs bodie and blood Those they will turne to the nourishment of my body let these turne to the nourishment of my soule By those I féele some refreshing for a while by these let mee feele refreshing for euer O let not Christs blood be shed in vaine for me but by it cleanse me from all my sinnes I haue now cast vp all the poyson of impietie suffer me not hereafter to licke it vp againe I haue now disgorged my selfe of reuenge let me neuer returne to my vomit againe I am now washed from all my pollution make me to remember that it is the part of a swine to wallow againe in mud or mire I haue promised now to liue better than before make the latter part of my life better than the former I am a liuing stone in thy building knit me fast to the corner stone I am a branch of the vine set mee fast in that roote I am a member of Christs body kéepe mee that I neuer bee cut off I haue renued this day my couenant with thée grant that I may kéep it to my liues end I haue this day béen put in mind of the benefit by Christs death let me euery day thinke often of his death that therby I may learn to die vnto sin And grant that euer hereafter I may so walk before thee that all such as know that I haue béen at thy table may see that I am become a new creature As for the rest of this day in which thou hast thus shewed thy selfe vnto mee grant that I may spend the same not in surfetting and drunkennesse not in chambring and wantonnesse not in sporting and idlenesse but in hearing of thy word calling on thy name meditation of thy mercies and in holy conference about heauenly things Vnto thee O Father my Creator and preseruer vnto thee O Christ my Redéemer and Iustifier vnto thee O Holy Ghost my Sanctifier and Instructor bee ascribed of mee and thy whole Church all praise and power might and Maiestie glorie and dominion both now whilest we doe liue and for euer whilest we shal liue Amen Our Father which art c. NOw the very God of peace sanctifie me throughout and I pray God that my whole spirit and soule and body may be kept blamelesse vnto the comming of our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ Amen Amen A THANKESGIVING FOR our late Deliuerance from that vnnaturall conspiracie against our King and State ALmightie Lord God Father of our Lord Iesus Christ and in him our most gracious and mercifull Father many are thy mercies towards vs and that our soules know right well And as we cannot be ignorant of them vnlesse wee bee senselesse so we may not be forgetfull vnlesse we be thanklesse By thée our lot is fallen into a good soile and by thée wée haue a goodly inheritance by thée are our bodies deliuered from sicknesse and by thée are our soules