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A02872 The image of both Churches after the most wonderfull and heauenly Reuelation of sainct Iohn the Euangelist, contayning a very fruitfull exposition or paraphrase vpon the same. Wherin it is conferred vvith the other scriptures, and most auctorised histories. Compyled by Iohn Bale an exyle also in thys lyfe, for the faithfull testimony of Iesu. Bale, John, 1495-1563. 1570 (1570) STC 1301; ESTC S100582 327,616 903

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that we nowe haue of the sea shall cease in that day of the Lorde whan we shall beholde hym face to face No longer shall it be subdued vnto vanitie no more than the other creatures but clerely depured from fylthy corruption No more shall it be the same to sée to being frō thens forth so claer● as cristall though it styll be the same in substaunce 6 Heauen earth the sea wyth all other creatures in mistery thus renewed I Iohan the sonne of Zebede the same dysciple whom Christ loued being here in exyle for hys worde testimony perceyued in the saue mystery by the singular gyfte of the spirite the the selfe holy cytie or congregation of the Lorde whych is worthely called the new Hierusalem of peace descended downe out of heauen from hir omnipotēt creator God eternall 7 Holy is this cyty For both is she here the vndefiled spouse of the lambe and shal be hereafter more perfectly in the regeneracion Here admytteth she nothing in faithe that is prohpane and carnal but cleaneth to his only worde There shal she folowe his steppes in a much more pure estate clearly delyuered from all that is ill 8 Here is she newe in that she hath here by his godly spririte done of the olde man wyth hys fylthy workes And ther shal she also be new through hys gifte by throwinge awaye the bodye of sinne wyth death and corrupcion 9 Hierusalem is she called both here and there or peceable city of the Lord in that all hir cytizens are here of one faith and ther shal be of one glorious vnity and concorde Here are hir dwellers citizens with the saintes the househould seruants of god Ther shall they be both hys chyldren and heires togyther wyth Christ. 10 From God came she downe and out of heauen fyrste of all Neyther out of flesh nor bloud hath spronge hir Christen beléeue but frō the gracyous openinge of the father which is in heauē That Hierusalem saith Paul which is frée our mother is from aboue She is that Cytie whose builder and maker is God With none other lawes is she gouerned but with hys eternall testament and Gospell of peace With the constitutions of men hath she nothing to doe be they neuer so holy and precious For alone she dependeth on God and hys spirite 11 Of hym is she prepared through the gyft of fayth She is clensed with the fountayne of water in the worde of lyfe to séeme a glorious congregation without blemysh or wrincle From hir sinnes is she purely washed in his bloud 12 And so garnyshed as a beutifull bryde to hir husbande with loue ioye peace paciēce méekenesse long suffering other glorious fruites of the spirit Upon thy right hand Lorde sayth Dauid standeth a quene in a garmēt of most fyne golde compassed with diuersitie But euery man shall not se this hir apparell for it wil be rather a rayment of the harte than of the outwarde body Figured was this decking of hir at large in the wonderfull adourning of the temple and tabernacle of God in the dayes of Moyses and Salomon whose mysticall meting also he describeth in his cantycles How maruelous this newe Hierusalē wyll be in the regeneration whan shée meteth hir spouse in the ayre and how glorious hir countinaunce wyth him it lyeth not in vs to declare in all poyntes considering that neyther eye hath séene nor eare harde neyther can the hearte coniecture what God hath there prepared for them that loue hym but of this are we sure that wyth the glorye of him she shal be replenished Here is hir estate vnperfect and there perfect here mortall there immortal here sower ther sweet here harde there pleasaunt here paynfull there dilectable here Godly there inestimable glorious 13 And as Iohn had séene these wonderfull thinges and mused much vpō them a great voyce came vnto hym from the seate of God declaring the mistery thereof I hard sayth he in the middest of this last reuelation as I was in doubt what it ment a mightie voyce from the throne of my euerlasting Lorde saying thus vnto mée 14 Beholde Ihon beholde marke it both for thyne owne erudicion and also for the instruction of others The holy tabernacle or restyng place of the euerlastinge God of heauen is wyth men in the worlde beneth Not onely in that the eternall sonne of the Lorde toke vpon him the shape of a man callyng it the temple of hys body but also in that the soule of euery faythfull man is become the habitacle of the holy ghost He that loueth me sayth Christ obserueth my word In hym will both I and my father prouide vs a resting place He that is in loue abideth in god and God dwelleth in hym 15 This voice might Iohn well heare from the mouth of God in Esechiell I will make sayth he ther a perpetuall couenaunt wyth man to dwell with hym euermore My tabernacle shal be amonge them So that I wyll be their God and they shal be my people 16 For why it foloweth here in this voyce that he hath determined of fauourable loue mercy to dwell with them assisting them here in thys lyfe by hys spirite and in the lyfe to come shall he satysfye them by his eternall presence For here doe we sée hym in a similytude farre of there shall wee beholde hym lyke as he is in dede and shall eternally reioyce therein 17 Here are they his people through fayth for Israell is his heritage There shall they be his familiar housholde through loue and he their Lord for euer Here shall they be his chyldren and he theyr eternall father Ther shall they be his heyers Christ being the right heyer for them all 18 Thus God his owne selfe of hys inestimable goodnesse being presētly with them shall here by his grace and therby inestymable benefites shewe him selfe in all poyntes to be theyr moste mercyfull and louing God Here doth he strongly assist thē agaynst all temptations of enimyes There shall be endue them wyth full perfection and clerenesse 19 So shall he be theyr god that neither here nor yet ther shal they knowledge any other but hym alone Hée shall so comfort them here by his spirite and ther by his glorious presēce that neyther shall they here forsake hym nor there be deuyded from hym 20 And thys euerlasting god shall so wype away all teares from their eyes here that no vexacion shall make thē sorowfull nor yet aduersitie pensyue But all maner of slaunders and persecutions shall they take for most suffren consolations for his names sake For if he be wyth them who can preuaile against them 21 And after that day can no wepings be whereas shal be full ioye with immortalitie both of soule and body Beholde sayth the Lorde in Esayes prophecye I shall make a ioyfull Hierusalem yea and my selfe will reioyce there with them From thence forth shall neyther waylyng nor weping be harde in hir
readeth they that hear the vvords of the prophecie keepe those things vvhich are vvritten therein 7. for the tyme is at hande The Paraphrase OF Iesus Christ the sonne of the liuing God this is the wonderfull reuelation concerning the diuers and doubtfull estate of the Christian church from the Apostles tyme to the latter ende of the world 2 Which reuelation with all iudgement and power God the euerlasting father hath wholly giuen vnto hym now takē vp from the earth glorified and set aboue all the workes of hys handes 3 Euidently to declare yea to make manifest and knowne vnto hys true faythfull seruauntes beleuing in hys words and walking in his wayes the tokens signes marueils which must by hys vnchaungeable ordinaunce shortly in this latter tyme folow in effect without premonishment or warning taken of the wicked sort 4 And the sayd Iesus Christ sittyng on the right hande of the maiestie of God and being muche more excellent then the angels hath according to his former promise sent forth his spirit of truth most specially vnto his déerely beloued Apostle and peculyar dyscyple sainct Iohn the Euangelist not only to deduce him into all knowledge and veritie but also to manifest vnto him the secrete misteries of thinges to come 5 Which Iohn hath already as an earnest doer in his masters cause most constantly wytnessed his eternall godhead in the euerlasting worde against the Hebionites which denied him to com in the fleshe and hath faithfully affirmed his naturall manhode in all that he sawe being conuersaunt with him agaynste Carpocras and Cerinthus which blasphemed the same in the vtter confusion of all such Antichristes 6 Blessed is he saith Saint Ihon which after méeke prayer and godly meditacyon hauinge the gyfte of vnderstanding and grace of interpreting the scripturs doth sincerly faithfully without crafte or coloure publyshe declare the mistycall wordes of thys heauenly prophecye Blessed are they also which in a feruent faith hongerīg thristinge for the rightuousnes and with Simeon and Anna desirous of the glorye of God doth louingly heare and earnestly marke the wholsome words of the same sayd godly prophecye and that will deligently applye thē selues to obserue the rules and take the premonishementes of Godly doctrine ther in written 7 For the perelous dayes are come that the disceytfull swarme of Antichrist peruertinge the trueth shal bring the world into pernicious and dampnable errours And the Ieopardous time is at hande that the wrath of god shal be declared from Heauen vpon all vngodlynesse of these seducers that with hold his trueth in vnrightuousensse set hi● cōmaundementes at nought for their owne vile traditions The texte 1 Ihon vnto the seuen congregacions which are in Asia 2. Grace be vvith you 3. And peace from him wich is and which vvas and which is to come 4. from the seuen spirites which are present before his throne 5. and from Iesus Christe vvhich is a faythfull vvytnesse 6. and fyrst begotten of the dead 7. and prince ouer the kinges of the earthe 8. Vnto him that loued vs and vvashed vs from our sinnes in his ovvne bloud 9. and made vs kinges and Priestes vnto God his father 10. euen vnto him be glorye and dominion for euermore Amen The Paraphrase 1 Iohn the electe Apostle of Iesus Christ sendeth these greatinges to the vii churches or christian congregations which are in the land of Asia the lesse 2 Grace which is the mercy fauour and acceptacion of God be with you 3 And also peace which is the trauquilitie of conscience in them that beleue in Christ dwel euer among you from god the father euerlasting which is essencially in and of himselfe and which was before the constitucion of the world and which shall be after the worlde be finished for euer and euer without ende 4 The same grace and peace agayne be vnto you from God the holy Ghost here mencioned vnder the tytle of .vij. spirites for that he is manifolde and plentuous in gyftes 5 The thyrd tyme also the same said grace and peace be vnto you from the Lorde Iesus Christ the onely sonne of God which being the eternall veritie it selfe was in preaching his Gospell a wytnesse therof both faythful true and perfect and in no wyse could lye that ye should the rather beleue him 6 He was the fyrst of all men that euer were in this mortall nature or body of death recouering againe the fauour of God lost in Adam and that with victory ouer sinne hell deathe and the diuell ascended into Heauen and became in that fleshe glorifyed the sonne of God that ye should bée the bolder of him and the rather take him for your onely aduocate 7 He is also a m●ste mighty Lorde ouer the kinges rulers and magistrates of this worlde hauing now all power geuen him in heauen in earth with a wryting vpon his vesture that he is Kinge of Kinges and Lorde of Lords and that of his kingdome ther shall be no ende that the wicked tyrauntes should the rather feare least they féele him a terryble iudge at the latter day 8 For so much as he hath so intyrely loued vs as to be smytten and woūded for our offencest and as to geue his lyfe for our wycked wretchednes yea for so much as he of most natural kyndenesse would be cruelly slayne to washe vs purifie vs and clense vs in his owne most innocent bloud from the moste cankred vylenesse of our sinnes to prouoke vs to loue him agayne 9 For so much also as he hath made vs a liuing kingedome to god through fayth in him and consecrate vs priestes to offer vp our bodies by a newe Christian life as a sacrifyce holy and acceptable vnto God his euerlastinge father 10 Unto him wyth the said father with the holy ghost be perpetual praise glorye power and dominyon for euermore Amen The text 1 Beholde he commeth with cloudes 2. and all eyes shall see him 3. and they also which pearsed him 4. And all kynredes of the earth shall vvayle 5. Euen so Amen 6. I am Alpha and Omega the beginninge and the ending sayth the Lorde almightie 7. vvhich is vvhich vvas and vvhich is to come The Paraphrase 1 Take hede for moste certayne it is though Christe in his fyrste comminge as a merciful sauiour apered here vpon earth poore simple ignominious yet shal he in his latter comminge appere in the cloudes of heauen with maiestie power and glorye accōpanyed with the infinite hoste of angels as a rigorous iudge 2 And vpon him shall all eyes looke both man and angell shal behold him and stande before hys terrible iudgemente seate no creature good nor bad exempt 3 Yea th●se cruell tyrauntes also shal at that houre appeare befere him which did not only flée his moste innocente body but also
great tribulacion 7. and made theyr garments large 8. and made them whyte in the bloud of the Lambe 9. Therfore are they in the presence of the seate of God 10. and serue him day and night in his Temple 11. And he that sitteth in the seate will dvvell among them 12. They shall hūger no more neyther thurst 13. Neyther shall the sunne light on them 14. neither any heate 15. For the Lambe vvhich is in the mids of the seate shall feede them 16. and shall lead them vnto fountaynes of liuing water 17. And God shall vvype avvay all teares from their eyes The Paraphrase 1 And one of the auncyent elders sayth sainct Iohan made aunswere vnto that whiche I was inwardlye most desirous to knowe concernyng this innumerable multytude saying vnto me by maner of question 2 What are these comely persons which are thus beutifully apparelled in long whyte garmentes large and fayre And from whence came they as thou supposest 3 And I as one ignoraunt of the misteries of God of myne owne nature without the speciall gifte of hym answeared after this sorte 4 Syr thou wottest what they are and from whence they come by such knowledge as the Lorde hath giuen thée 5 And hée sayde agayne vnto mée thus 6 These are they which come vnto Christ by fayth out of the great trybulacion of worldly wickednes fleshly cares and disquieted consciences 7 Abhorring the doctrine of mens inuencions they set sure holde vpō the liuing word of the Lord. There fette they out forgiuenesse of their sinnes and made their garmentes large to couer theyr olde deformities 8 They washed their lyues in the sorowes of repentaunce and fashyoned theyr déedes to his swéete lawes and commaundementes They made their garments white in the precious bloud of the Lambe beléeuing to bée purified by the meryte of his death 9 And therfore are they at this time in the presence of his maiestie accepted takē and alowed for the citizens of heauen 10 They serue him day nyght in the Temple of their soules and they prayse his glorious name in spirite for euer more 11 The Lord that sitteth on the throne will alwayes dwell among them as their most mightie defendor theyr solace and their comforte 12 The spirit shall so refresh them they shall no more hunger nor thirst Though concupiscence dwel in them they shall desire none euill 13 Neither shall the sunne so lyght on them which is this worldes prosperitie that they shall forget theyr Lord God at any season 14 No heat shall hurt them nor aduersitie of this worlde ouercome thē but in that they suffer or doe all thyngs shall worke to the best 15 For the innocent Lambe Christ which is in the middest of the seat or the cōgregacion of God by his word shall norish féede releue thē with hys promise shal preserue comfort lead them by his spirit Yea he shall so order them they shall haue néede of nothyng And if he bée their light health and strength of whom should they be afrayed 16 He shall bring them vnto the foūtaynes of the lyuing waters make them such well springs as shall flow vp into the lyfe euerlasting His doctrine must doe it and none other for none commeth to the father but by him 17 And God shall wype away all teares frō their eyes Aduersitie shall be vnto them a very consolacion No sorows shal they care for no tormēts shall they regard no troubles nor yet death shall they feare but thinke in their hartes alwayes that the suffrings of this lyfe are nothing to the glorie to come The aforesayde elder myght séeme to be Iacob whose prophecie might tell Iohn that Christ should washe his garment in wine and hys mantel in the blud of grapes So might it be Dauid or Esay which also confirmeth the same In this as in a glasse may be séene what they are afore god that at this present age or vnder this sixe seale opening vnfaynedly cleueth to his word foloweth it in effect and liueth accordyng vnto it Fyrst they are cléere afore God and no sinne shall be imputed vnto them for their faithes sake Consequently they are deliuered of a troublous cōscience The Lambe hath restored them to innocency God accepteth them for his children These séeke no doctryne but the scrypture They serue God in spirite and in no deade thinges They hunger not for mens tradycions they thirst not for hipocrites good works they are well and fully contented with the Lambe They séeke no prosperitie neyther care they for aduersitie The word of God is their gyde and therein they minde to depart None other but such are sealed vnto god nor none els walk before him in whyte garmentes The viij Chapter THE TEXT 1 And when he had opened the seuenth seale 2. there was silence in heauen about the space of halfe an houre 3 And I savv seuen Angels 4. standing before God 5. And to them vvere giuen seuen Trompettes 6. And an other Angell came 7. and stood before the aulter 8. hauing a golden censer 9. And much of odours vvas giuen vnto hym 10. that he should offer of the prayers of all saynctes vpon the golden aulter 11. vvhich vvas before the seate 12. And the smoke of the odours vvhich came of the prayers of the Sainctes ascended vp before God out of the Angelles hande 13. And the Aungell tooke the censer and filled it vvith fyre of the aulter 14. and cast it into the earthe 15. And voices were made and thunderings lightnings 16. and great earthquake 17 And the seuen Angels vvhich had the seuē trumpets 18 prepared them selues to blovv The Paraphrase 1 2 This silence shall endure but half an houre space whiche may bée the thousande yeares that are spoken of héere afore consideryng that all the age after Christ is but the last houre and a thousand yeares before God is but as the day that is paste In the time of this swéete silence shall Israell be reuyued the Iewes shall bée conuerted the Heathen shall come in agayne Christ will séeke vp his lost shéepe and bryng hym agayne to hys folde that they maye appeare one flock lyke as they haue one shepeherde 3 And I sawe sayeth sainct Iohn seuen Angels standing before the maiestie of God which signifieth the preachers of his worde for the seuen seuerall times of the vij seales opening to euerie seale corresponding an Angell For all that the preachers hath done from the beginning of the Gospell to the tyme of this last seale opening shall then appeare at once In that day sayeth Esay the Trumpet shall be blowen they that were lost shall come from the Ascirians the scattered flocke shall come from Egypt worship the Lord in Ierusalem 4 These Angels stoode before the presence of God as mynisters of acceptacion readie to execute his heauenly will and commaundement 5 And to them was giuen
Bloxam Anglus lib. i. De apparicione septem sigillorum Ioannes Elyne Anglus li i. Secundum Isidorum ethimolo Ioannes Tilneye Anglus li. i. Septem ecclesijs in Asya Henricus Winchingham Anglus li. i. Apertum est templum Dei Ioannes Thorpe Anglus lib. i. Ioannes Egidius Gallus lib. i. Apocalip c. Ioanni Euangeliste Ioannes Haynton Anglus lib. i. Beatus qui legit verba Ex Augustinianis Augustinus de Auchona Italus lib. i. Iordanes Saxo Germanus lib primo Bertrandus parayte Tholosanus lib i. Augustinus de Roma Italus li primo Philippus de Mantua Italus li. primo Ioannes Capgraue Anglus li. primo Syluester Meoccius Venet. lib. i Promaiori intelligentia Ex dominycanis Iordanes Botergius Germenus li. i. Hugo Bar chinonensis Gaillus lib. i. Asser pinguis panis eius c. Albertus Magnus Germanus lib. i. Confiteor tibi pater Stephanus Bisuntinus Gallus lib. i. Nicolaus Gorham Gallus li. i. Bernardus de Trilia Narbonensis li. i. Paganus Bergomensis lumbardus li. i. Aluarus de Caturco Tholosanus lib. i. Fredericus de Venecijs Italus lib pri Ioannes Annius Viterbiensis li prim Hieronymus Sauanarola Italus lib. i Ex Franciscanis Alexander de Hales Anglus lib. primo Helias de Hanibalis Italus lib primo Petrus Ioannis Cathalanus li. primo Ioannes Walleys Anglus lib. primo Petrus Aureolus Tholosanus libro 1. Nicolaus Lyranus Germanus libro ij Oportet te iterum prophetare Astesanus Astensis Lumbardus li. i. Bernardinus Senensis Italus li. i. Beatus qui legit et audit Theodoricus Andree Tholosanus lib. i. Ioannes de Rupe scissa lib. i. Franciscus Titelmannus Germanus li. ii Superioribus diebus eruditis Ex neotericis Martinus Lutherus Germanus lib. i. Varias prophecias inuenimus in Sebastianus Meyer Bernensis li. i. De lib. Apocalipseos cum Georgius Aemilius Germanus lib. i. Mira quedam inest auiditas Franciscus Lambertus Gallus li. vii Israeliti● a Mose Dei lege Huldricus Zwinglius Heluecius lib. i. Ioannis Brencius Sueuus lib. i. Ioannes Caluinus Gallus li. i. Melchior Hofman Germanus lib. i. And many other more Of these Commentaries haue I taken both example to doe this thing and also coūsell to vnderstande the text to none of them wholly addict but as I perceiued them alwayes agreinge to the Scriptures What chronographers historianes I haue herein folowed for the tymes and ages of the christian church besides the Scriptures it will euidently apeare to the reader in the margēt of this volume I know there will be great thonderings lyghtninges and earthquakes at the comminge foorth thereof for so is it here oft promised of the holy ghost The boystuous tyrauntes of Sodoma with theyr great Nemroth Wynchester and the execrable citizens of Gomorra with theyr shorne sinered captaines wyll sturre aboute them Much payne haue they of long tyme taken and many haue they cruelly burned as was seene of late yeares in Couentrie London in other places more to obscure the knowledge thereof Who can suppose thē that they wyll now sit styll theyr mischeues made so manifest Our worldly wyse brethren also which are neither hote nor colde wyll starcle a course at the matter I know somewhat is to be suffred at theyr handes also For they alwayes tarry theyr tymes wyll not wake the shrewed curre for hurting themselues Graciously hath the Lorde called them specially now of late but his voyce is nothing regarded His seruauntes haue they imprisoned tormented and slayne hauinge his veritie in muche more contempt then afore We loked for peace sayth Hieremye the Prophet and we fare not the better at all We wayted for a tyme of health and we fynde here nothing els but trouble And no marucile consideringe the beastes head that was wounded is now healed vp againe so workemanly as the .xiii. chapter here mēcioneth The abhominable hipocrisie Idolatry pryde fylthinesse of those terrible termagaūts of antichrists holy household those two horned whoremoūgers those cōiurers of Egipt and lecherous locustes leapynge out of the smoke of the pitte bottomlesse which dayly deceyueth the ignoraunt multytude wyth theyr sorceryes and charmes must be shewed to the worlde to theyr vtter shame and confusion They knowe as dyd Balaam the sorcerer that ouer a gorgious glittering whore euery fleshely man is inordynatly wanton ferce greedy Folowinge hys wayes therefore they haue alwayes for lucres sake gloriously garnished theyr holy mother the madame of myschife and proude sinagoge of Sathan wyth golde siluer pearle precious stone veluets silkes miters copes crosses cruetes ceremonies sensinges blessinges bablinges brawlynges processions popetts and such other madde mastryes whereof the church that Christ left here behinde him knewe not one iote to prouoke the carnal idyotes to hir whoredome in the spyryte The Lorde hath longe suffered them of mercy and wythhoulden from thē his rightfull hande of theyr deserued vengeaunce yet wyll they not fall to repentaunce nor amende theyr dayly mischifes To tell them freely of theyr wycked workes by the scriptures I haue exyled my selfe for euer from myne owne natiue countrie kyndred fryndes acquaintaunce which are the great delyghtes of this lyfe am well contented for Iesus Chrystes sake and for the comforte of my brethren there to suffer pouertie penury abiection reprofe and all that shall come besides A commaundement the Lorde hath giuen in this booke vnto them whome hee hath called of mercye from their wretched beggeries to spare no rebukes but to powre out double vpon that bloudy ●awde malicious mother of theirs Neuer was this commaundement more effectually to be folowed then now hys holye worde of saluation so presently set at nought despised and persecuted of hir madde moodie mynisters Unto heauen are hir sinnes gone vp in these latter dayes as S. Iohn heere witnesseth requiring vengeaunce for the innocents bloud that shee hath so cruelly shed And the Lord hath remembred hir wickednesse accordyng to his promyse as partlye hath bene seene in this realme and in diuers other more I doubt not but within short space she shal be wholly turned ouer into the bottomlesse pit again with all hir heathenish ceremonies superstitions and sorceries and neuer return hetherwarde no more then the great mightie mylstone that is throwne into the seas bottom Christ so restored vnto his right spouse Wōders wil appeare cōcerning this such other matters to him that shall diligently examine the scriptures historyes alleged in the margent For only minister I an occasion heere vnto them of a farther serch Nothing wil be hidden from him that asketh with meekenesse seeketh in fayth and in prayer desyreth the glory of the Lorde Euident will those secrete mysteries be vnto him whiche are priuely hidde vnto other vnder dark ambages and parables Though this heauenly treasure of health be vnder locke and keye of vnknowne similitudes and so bee shutte vp
our offences tooke away the sinnes of the world He was that méek Lambe prefigured in the law whom the faithfull fathers so earnestly desired He was that gentle Lamb that was caried away to be slayne and that opened not his mouth before the shearer This Lambe standeth vp euermore for vs before God as our onely medyator aduocate peace maker Sauiour helper counsellour defender and teacher 13 This Lambe had seuen hornes which betokeneth his stronge and infinit power vertue victory kingdom glory bounteousnesse and maiestie with such lyke and in the whole his vniuersall reigne 14 He had also seauen eyes whiche are all the powers graces fruites of the holy ghost called héere the seuē spirits of God For so much as they are the singuler gifts of him whiche is his essenciall spirit And them he hath sent by his apostles other godly preachers into the seuen climates of the erth or vniuersal world the people with them to be replenished These are wisdome vnderstandinge counsell strength knowledge pittie the fear of god These are also loue ioy peace pacience gentlenesse goodnes fayth méekenesse long suffering cleannes and temperance with diuersitie of tongues interpretacion prophecie cures healings miracles and iudgement of spirits 15 And the sayd Lambe came foorth as one through méekenesse hauyng victorie ouer sinne death hell hée reuerently tooke the sayd booke from the right hand of him that sate vpon the throne Which made me anon to consider that the heauenly father had giuen vp vnto him the whole admynistration of his spirituall kingdom with all aucthoritie power in heauen and earth to open or to speare to choose or to reiect to take or to refuse to saue or to loose to rewarde or to dampne For he it was that first opened the vnderstanding of men that they might perceyue the scriptures He it was that sent the holy spirite of God to deduce them into all veritie and gaue them grace to instructe all people He it is also that shall thorowe them into euerlasting fire with the diuil his Angels that resist the same THE TEXT 1 And when he had taken the booke the liij beastes and the .xxiiij. elders 2. fel dovvn before the Lambe hauing harpes 3. golden vialles full of odours vvhich are the prayers of the Saincts 4. they sung a nevv song saying 5 Thou arte vvorthie to take the booke 6. and to open the seales therof 7. For thou wert killed 8. and hast redemed vs by thy bloud out of all kinreds tongs and people and nacions 9. and hast made vs vnto our God Kings and priestes 10. and vve shall reigne on the earth The Paraphrase 1 And when he had receyued the sayd booke of the hande of God with full authoritie and power the iiij beasts or the present protestours of the veritie here liuing in the world and the xxiiij Elders or auncient witnesses of the same departed cleane from thys worlde as were the olde fathers the Patryarkes Prophetes and Apostles méekly submitted them selues before the Lamb much reioysinge in his triumphant victorye for them 2 They fell downe before him they praysed hym they worshipped hym they gaue thanks and recognised him for their mercifull Lorde and Sauiour hauing in their handes harmonious harpes which there represented the melody of their faithfull soules or the inward reioyce that they had in faith of the eternal verytie of god For that is the agréeable concord and swéet harmony that he most delighteth in And as well had they harpes that were long afore Christe as had they that folowed hym the effecte of hys death being equall to them both So wel reioysed Abraham which saw him a farre of as did Iohn Baptist which shewed him persent 3 Each one of them had also in hys hand a golden viall full of swéete odours whiche is a faithfull harte to God full of swéete desires and wholsome praiers whiles they liued here And these vessels of prayer or harts of the faithfull beléeuers couetinge mercy to themselues and all other were very precious pleasaunt and beautifull in the sighte of the Lorde which onely desireth the harte 4 They sang also with their instruments a new songe of reioyce recording the great benefit of God They vttered the glad tidinges of peace They published the Gospel of Christ. They told of his comming They declared him present past This songe was euer new vnto flesh bloud It séemed very strange yea and folish to the children of this worlde yet is it the power of God vnto saluation for euery one that beléeueth Now it is also for so much as it nothing alloweth in our aged man of sinne but alwayes calleth vpon renouation in the spirite 5 This was the conclusion of that song Thou alone swéete Lord sayde they art founde worthye to take the Booke to receiue power and administration of the kingdome of God 6 Thou only art able to opē the seale● thereof to take from vs all impediments of darknesse hypocrisie lyes ignoraunce wilfulnesse blindnesse and sinne and to deduce vs into all godly knowledge 7 For thou wert not only despised and wounded but most cruelly slaine for our offences whereby thou hast obtained our perpetuall peace and attonement with god 8 Thou hast clerely redéemed vs out all spirituall bondage by the price of thy bloude and by the vertue of thy passion and death thou hast gathered vs together into one kingdom of God from all the nacions of the world and hast chosen vs out of all kinreds languages peoples of the vniuersall earth Thou hast made vs also pertakers with thée in thy peculyer vnction that we are now called Christians 9 Thou hast annoynted vs Kinges by the gift of true faith to haue victory ouer sinne death the deuil and cōsecrate vs priests by the grace of thy holy spirite to offer vp our selues and vndefiled sacrifice vnto our euerlasting God So that we are now the chosen kinred the kingely pristhoode the holy generation the peculyer peple that should manifest the workes of thée which hast called vs out of darknesse into the merueilous light 10 And by the benifit of thy onely grace and goodnesse we shall raigne prosperously on the earth not héere wher as is sorow care penury scarsnesse and death but our porcion shal be in the pleasant land of the lyuing where as is the peace ioy tranquilitie comfort and life euerlasting THE TEXT 1 And I behelde 2. And herde the voyce of many angelles about the throne and about the beastes and the elders 3. And I harde thousand thousandes saying with a loude voyce 4. Worthye is the Lambe that was killed to receaue power and riches and wisdome and strength and honoure and glorye and blessinge 5. And all creatures vvhiche are in Heauen 6. And on the earth 7 And vnder the earth 8 And in the sea and all that are in
shall vtterly distroye them So that nothing shall be séene of that they were afore Neyther cut shooe nor corde coule nor gray cote boote nor blacke hood rochet nor scapler myter nor crosier sandale nor frocke shauen crown nor anointing For all these are their enimies 3 Consumed are they to their saluation that with Mathewe become of Publicans true Apostles and with Paule of fierce persecutors charitable teachers Contrariwise are they consumed to their dampnatiō which being ouercome by the manifest veritie wilfully persist in their diuilish errours with Antiochus Pharao with the Scribes and Pharisies 4 For it foloweth And if any man will hurte them this wyse must hée be killed Eyther must he be mortifyed from the olde Adam and changed into a new man in Christ or els by the sayd worde must he both be iudged and condempned for the vtter aduersarie of God with Sathan hys auncient captayn So must he be killed And no death will be founde lyke vnto that death come they once to the féeling of it though they accompt it now verie light 5 For these witnesses haue power as had Helias to shut vp heauen that it rayne not in the dayes of their prophecying but yet none other wyse then by the aforesayd word For the word of God is the verie key of Dauid which openeth the kingdome of god to them that faithfully beléeueth and that speareth it vp also from thē which dwellith in vnfaithfulnes For it is said in the dayes of their prophecying This power therefore is of the word and not of the men The word speareth and openeth losoneth bindeth saueth and dampneth He that beléeueth sayth Christ shal be saued he that beleueth not is iudged alreadie No moysture of grace nor godly wisedō can light where sturdie frowardnesse is rooted The dayes of their prophesying in figure is non other thē the aforesaid tyme times and halfe tyme or the thrée yéeres and vj. monethes of Helias 6 In those dayes shall it not rayne vpon the wicked they shall haue no grace to receyue the veritie In parables and figures shal that be hidden from them that shall bée euydent inough vnto the faithful With eares shall they heare and not vnderstand with eyes shall they sée and not deserne So blynde will their harts be For such speake the Prophets in fygures Christ in parables and the Apostles in mysteries The open truth of this reuelation shall not the wicked perceyue till they tast the plages thereof Such is the nature of Gods wisedom that though it be not in glorious wordes fyne paynted termes nor in perswasible reasons of mans witte but in playne simple speaking yet can it not be knowē of the worldly wise The swéete dewe therof wil not be receiued of them in the aforesayde dayes of prophecie but hée that is blynde shall be blynde still 7 These witnesses haue also power ouer waters to turne thē into bloud When they interprete and sincerely declare the pure verities of God which are those holesome waters that restraineth the dampnable drynesse of the soule that refresheth the conscyence and clenseth the harte of the sinner they can not choose but earnestly condempne the peruerse iudgemēts the couetous lawes and hipocrityshe workes of the vngodly And then is all vncleane vnto them then is all bloudie The Gospell which was a stumbling stone to the Iewes made foolishnesse vnto the Gentiles is also now vnto them naughtie newe learning seditious doctrine and abhomynable heresie Yea they iudge them worthie to be burned that doth teach it Thus is it abhorred of them that shall perishe neuerthelesse to them that beléeue it is the power of God vnto saluation 8 Fynallie they haue power to smite the earthe with all maner of plagues as ofte as they will Uery earth are they that regard not Gods trueth as the Lord saide vnto Adam after his offence Earth thou art and vnto earth shalte thou returne Nothing they estéeme but that which is earthly Nothing they desire but that is carnal The froward creature will in no case knowe that is of the spirit The light is hatefull vnto sore eyes Uery painfull is bread to the mouth that is not whole A great mote was Christ to the Iewes as his true preachers are vnto the blynd world yet to this day For they smite the earth 9 They touch their liuing they rebuke their falshoode they condempne their wickednesse They reprooue thē of sinne of rightuousnesse of iudgement They force not to tell to him of theyr vnfaithfulnesse fraud and hipocrisiie of their Philosophers prelats religious No greater plague is it vnto the vngodly thē to hear of their euill dooings No greater paine nor yet greater punishment then to haue theyr faultes opened and theyr clonyng colours condempned That fretteth them at the verie heart Death must be sought out for such preachers No wōder is it though this be here written for this age of the churche For neuer were more earnest witnesses then are now more are lyke héereafter to follow till the man of sinne be fully knowne and his kingdome clearely ouerthrowen THE TEXT 1 And whan they haue fynished theyr testimonie 2. the beast that came out of the bottomlesse pitte 3. shal make war against them 4. and shall ouer come them 5. And theyr bodyes shall lye in the streetes of the great citie 6. which spiritually is called Sodome and Egypte 7. where our Lorde is crucified The Paraphrase 1 And when they haue once finished their testimonie sayeth the Lord the beast that came out of the bottomlesse pit shall make warre against them No sooner shall the witnesses of gods veritie in all ages be taken from the worlde then he hath prefixed After none other sorte shall they bée sent hence then he hath appoynted by hys eternall decrée Iohn Baptist was not imprisoned nor beheaded tyll hée had done his office Christ was not taken condempned and crucified tyll his houre was come Paule was not put vnto death til he had fulfilled his course 2 The beast of the bottomlesse pitte is the cruel craftie and curssed generation of Antichriste the Pope wyth his Bishoppes prelates priestes and religious in Europa Mahomite with his dotyng doucipers in Affrica and so foorth in Asia Iudia all beastly carnall and wicked in their dooings 3 These maketh war against Gods witnesses when they hate them cursse them blaspheme them persecute them When they withstande them with theyr craftes impugne them with their lyes and vexe them with their diuilishnesse as necessary it is they should doe For if they haue troubled the head they must vexe also the members If the housholder be called Belzebub the hosholde muste suffer the same No better is the seruaunt then his Lord nor the messenger then he that sent him 4 They shall also ouercome them not with the scriptures but with their beggerly customs cōstitutiōs lawes decrées and traditions They shall shall scourge them or disgarde them in their
faithful beléeuers knowne The vnfaithful reprobats beholdeth the smoke but neither perceiue thei in it the glory of god nor the maiestie of his presēce They neither con●eiue his wonderfull workes nor yet his Godly iudgements Their folish harts are so darkned that though they know God yet glorifye they him not They sée the smoke perceyue the world troubled as it is alwaies when the verity appeareth but neuer the more faith nor godly knowlege haue they But the whiche is vnto the faithfull a rayse is vnto thē a ruine That is vnto the other the power of God vnto health is vnto them slander and folishnesse And that is vnto the other a sauoure of life vnto life is vnto them a sauour of death vnto death They remember not that the Lord came down in fyre vnto Moises vpon Mount Synay when it smoked altogyther like a burnyng furnace therfore beare they away no glorified faces or conciences depured by a true perfecte fayth 14 And no man was able saith the text to enter into the temple til the vii deadly plages of the .vii. Angels were wholy fulfilled For though the true beléeuers perceiue in the misteries of the scriptures the present maiestie mightie power of GOD yet enter they not into full knowledge of him being as yet subiect vnto vanitie For héere is there knowledge vnperfect and their prophecying also And therfore acknowledging their imbesilitie and also wayting for the reuelation of the children of God they say with Saincte Paule O the wonderfull déepenesse of the wisdome and knowledge of God How incomprehēsible are his iudgements and how vnsearcheable his wayes 15 And at this point shal they stil be tyl the last iudgement day finish all For the ful entring into the temple is none other then a whole perfect or consummate knowledge of God and hys mysteries Which can not fully be had till that which is vnperfect be done away the creature deliuered from bondage of corruption And til death be swalowed vp the vessell of corruption becommyng incorruptible the mortall body becōming spiritual The rightuous shal thā shine as doeth the sunne in the kingdom of their father glister as doth the bright stars world without end What the vij plagues are what is their fulfilling wil in this Chapter folowing appeare The xvj Chapter THE TEXT 1 And I harde a great voice out of the temple 2. saying to the seauen Angels 3. Go your wayes 4. povvre out your vials of vvrath vpon the earth 5. And the first vvent and povvred out his viall vpon the earth 6. and there fell a noysome and a sore botch vpō the mē vvhich had the marke of the beast 7. and vpon them that vvorshipped his Image The Paraphrase AN other great voyce hard Iohn out of the temple A perfect strōg and earnest assurance had hée of the Lord by a spirituall premonishment that the vnuariable decrees of his set iudgements should be fulfilled at their tymes of him appoynted Yea ascertained he was infallibly that they should in their due seasons come to passe For vnto his friendes openeth he his secret counsailes alwayes as he did in olde tyme vnto his well beloued Israell vnto Moyses Zachary Ezechiell and Daniel with such other 2 And the voice was vnto the seauen Angels vnder the vij seals opening and the vij trumpettes blowyng after this sorte Goe your wayes foorth fulfilling the purpose ye be ordeyned vnto Powre out your vyalles of wrath vpon the earth 3 Declare them first of all to the world to be the reprobate vesselles of dishonour which of wilfulnesse cōtemneth my eternal veritie Consequently send them into most déepe errour that they may waxe worse and worse and not onely to erre in them selues but also to bring other into errour that they may receyue the double reward therof abyding my most fearfull iudgemēt 4 And in such tyme as the Lord appointed the first Angel went foorth vnder the first seale opening and poured out his viall vpon the earth For in the first age of the church to trye hyr as golde in the furnace permitted the Lord by his eternall decrée the malicious Sinagoge of the Iewes to rage and to doe their vngodly feats In the which their furious madnesse not onely dyd they persecute the Apostles and fyrst preachers of Christ from cittie to citie but also peruerted the earthly mynded multitude by many and diuers vngodly kindes of false doctrine in hipocrisie Of this sorte was Himineus Philetus becommyng of Saduces false Christians and denying the latter resurrection whom Paul did excommunicate So were also Phigellus Hermogenes bringing in agayne circumcision with certaine ceremoniall obseruacions to bleamishe the Gospell of Christ. These with suche lyke subuerted whole houses sayeth Paule teaching things that they ought not to haue taught for filthie lukers sake 6 And whan they were thus by the dec●●ed purpose of God shead vpon the earth or ●e●te vnto their owne earthly ●●astlin●sse all destitute of hys grace for cōtempning his word so graciously 〈◊〉 there lighted a noysome and 〈◊〉 botch vpon those men whych 〈◊〉 marke of the beast or an 〈…〉 through their perswasiōs 7 〈◊〉 vpon them also that worshipped his Image or accepted them for godly that made lawes repugnaunt to his lawes For the great headed Rabines of the Iewes did not onely spot the consciēces of the Israelites their own natiue cōtrie men but also of the Grekes and Latines the Asians Romaines compelling them for their own tradytions to make Gods commaundemēts of none effect These hauing a pretence of godly liuing denied the power therof Of this sort were they which entered into houses brought into bōdage supersticious women loaden with sin For a more déepe vnderstāding hereof cōfer this with the first seale opening and the first trumpet blowing and lykewise the other vj. folowing THE TEXT 1 And the second Angell shead out his vyall 2. vpon the sea 3. and it turned as it vvere into the bloud 4. of a dead man 5. And euery liuing thing dyed in the sea The Pharaphrase 1 After this went foorth the seconde Angel of the second seale opening effunding hys vyall vpon the sea According to the decrée of God almightie for the second age of the Christian church reigned among the Christians deceytfull brethren peruerse teachers betraying the tru ministers deliuerīg thē vnto deth for Iesus Christs sake that his life might be sene in their mortal flesh For in this life he proueth his electes with Abraham and Iob to saue them to make thē iust folowers of Christ whom it behoo●ed to suffer ere he entred into h●s glory 2 Upon the sea or wauering multitude was this ●●al●shed Only are the false Prophets receiued taken of the folishe fantastic●ll ●●ipper witted sort as a réed shakē of euery wind Non regardeth them which hath set sure footing vpon the harde rocke Christ. Such a vial or vessel of Gods Ire was Mair the Idon●●t which
made the Talmud of the Iwes a booke more thā .x. Bibles after Nauelerus other Historians ful of blasphemies lyes condemning the doctrine of Christ. So was Rabby Moyses the Egiptian Rabina Rabasses with such other cōfirming the same 3 All bloudy was this sea the viall once shed therevpon Al fleshely were the people in their iudgmentes theyr harts fulfilled with cruelty murther against christs true witnesses through their peruerse prechings Yea in the furious rage they thought they did God great good seruice when they put his seruantes vnto deth 4 This blood was also in a maner as the bloud of a dead mā For dead was the doctrine that they taughte euen the sleaing letter it selfe Dead were also their ceremonies their rites and their idle obseruations So that euery liuing thing died in that bloudy sea All they which séemed thorough glittering hipocrisie to liue wāted the very lyfe which is hid in Christ and that ryseth of fayth in hys lyuing word So did they also which depended all vpon the vayne pleasures of thys lyfe exercising héere tyrannie both in wordes doings Neyther were they out of the same daunger that fel from the veritie once knowne nor yet they which durst not receyue it for feare of persecution but both perished in this sea THE TEXT 1 And the third Angell shead out his vial 2 vpon the ryuers and fountaynes of vvaters 3. and they turned to bloud 4. And I heard an Angell say 5. Lorde which arte and vvaste 6. thou arte rightuous and holy 7. bicause thou hast geuen such iudgements 8. For they shed the bloud of saintes and prophets 9. therfore hast thou geuen them blud to drink for they are vvorthy 10. and I hard an other Angel out of the aulter 11. say 12. Euen so Lord God almighty 13. true rightuous are thy iudgements The Paraphrase 1 Next in his course went out the third Angel vnder the third seale opening he powred out his vyal vpon the watery floudes fountaines al they became very blud By his set decrée for the third age of the church suffered the Lord false heretyques to rage in al kyndes of errour strongly to delude the vnbeleuers 2 These lighted vpon the swéet waters by whom ar ment the sacred scriptures refreshing the drie soules Who soeuer drinketh saith Christ of the waters that I geue he shal neuer be more a thirst 3 Of these waters haue they defiled both the riuers and welspringes with bloud Both the law and gospel the figure verity the commaūdement promise the doctrine of prophets and Apostles haue they corrupted with their false interpretacions gloses with frowarde driftes and opinions with vaine tradicions and worshippings with carnal wisdom and murtherings Of this sort wer Eutices Arrius with such other like as in the .vii. chapter afore 4 And I hard saith saint Iohn an Angel betokning those sincere witnesses to whom God had opened for that age his secret iudgementes And this Angel sayd 5 Omnipotent creator Lord which art not only of thy selfe at this present instāt but wart also essencially in thy selfe without beginning 6 Thou heauenly Lord arte faithfull in thy wordes holy in thy workes 7 For as it appereth before our eyes the decrées foreiudgemēts that thou madest afore are now fulfilled in effect 8 For the religious murtherers that of cruelnesse caused the bloud of thy holy saintes Prophets Apostles preachers to be shed haue now by thy iust appointment very bloude to drinke as they are most worthy 9 For sleying of them whose message they contempned they had theyr iust plague Not only became they vain in their thoughts their folish hartes darkened not vnlike to thē that hath eares heare not eyes sée not but also there remained vnto them after this life a perpetual vengeaunce without mercy for their cruel oppressiōs as a due rewarde of their errour 10 Yet an other angel hard I saith S. Ihō euē out of the alter which is christ This angel signifieth those witnesses that sometime confessed the trueth here and now resteth frō their labours in the Lord. These though they be departed affirm that the other hath sayd afore in token that now beyng departed they forget not that truth which they afore cōfessed liuyng stil yet in the same he that holdeth my worde saith Christ shall neuer tast of death 11 And this is their saying in mistery or wordes comprehēding their secret confession 12 Euen so Lord God almighty As the liuing beleuers saith of thée by mouth so say we now in the spirit 13 That thy decréed iudgemēts are euer more true thy merueilous workings rightuous The first is called in some translatiōs the Angell of waters the other here reported to come from the aulter to signify both sortes THE TEXT 1 And the fourth Angell poured out hys vyall 2. on the sunne 3. And povver vvas giuē vnto him to vexe men vvith heate of fyre 4. And the men raged in great heate and spake euil of the name of God 5. vvhich had povver ouer those plagues 6. and they repented not to giue him glory The Paraphrase 1 Consequently by the appointment of God the fourth Angel in the fourth seale opening powred out his vyall of Gods wrath on the sunne As the Lord had eternally prefixed in the fourth age of the Christian church For the whole worldes punishment was Christ sore bleamished which is the cleare sonne of rightuousnesse Sore did the dissembling Antichrists in those dayes darkē the true glory of God with their manifold sects of hypocrisie The Pope had for hys part an innumerable swarm of shorne smered Sodomites and Mahomete a foule flock of frantike fabillers which with their newlye painted religions and prodigious obseruations made first all the world to wonder thā to worship Belial for Christ taking darkenesse for light sin for rightuousnesse 2 These being very aduersaryes vnto Christ tooke vpō them his authority and seat the one boasting him self for his general vicar in earth the other for the great prophet of the Lord so were receiued of the execrate world Néedes would they seme to be the sunne being the very shadowes of death 3 Permitted was this hearsackye sunne to vex mē with heat of fyre Sitting in the temple of God which is with in man with such wicked lawes as they made vnder the name of God of Christ they tirribly vexed tormented and cruciated the weake consciences of men leauing them commonly in most painful desperation 4 So that the men raged in great heat speaking euil of the name of God which had power ouer those plages At their abhominable perswasiōs was Christe of thē not taken for a merciful sauiour and gentil redemer but for a froward chourle vntractable tyraunt vnlesse he were molified by the merites and callings vpon of other and that could not be had without money 5 Power hath the Lord ouer plages to hold
there were of both sortes So well was he accepted that mortyfied the desires of the fleshe and offered himselfe a lyuinge sacryfyce vnto God as hée that gaue his life for the veritie 14 But the residue sayth saint Iohn or the other sort called the deade men for that they were not numbred with the ryghtuous neyther among them that sate vpon the seates nor yet amonge them that were slayne for the witnesse of Iesu lyued not agayne after they were once dead tyll the thousand yeres of their death was throughly fulfilled The time was whan they which wer dead through sin did heare the voyce of the sonne of God They fatihfuly beleued the word therof so it reuiued in him vnto the lyfe euerlasting which was both the life light of men Wher as the froward con●ēners of the lyuing word hauing their cōsciēces sealed with the beasts marke remained stil in their infidelitie which is the very death of the soule so were by the right iudgemēt of God lost for euer For the sin against the holy ghost which is a resistāce against the manifest truth shal neither be forgeuen in this worlde nor yet in the world to come 15 A time without end doth this word till cause this thousand here to be after the commō vsage of the scripture Noe sent forth a Rauen out of the arke whiche returned not agayne tyl the waters were dryed vp that is to say he neuer returned again Ioseph knew not Mary til she had brought forth hir first borne sonne That is to say he neuer bodely knew hir Thou shalte not out of prison till thou hast payde the vttermost mite .i. thou shalte neuer out With an hundreth of suche places in the Bible THE TEXT 1. This is that first resurrection 2. Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection 3. For on suche shall the seconde death haue no povver 4. But they shall be the prists of God and of Christ. 5. And shal raign vvith him a thousand yeares The commentary 1 This is the first resurrection vnto lyfe to ryse from sin to repentaunce from ignoraunce to godly knowledge and from darknesse to faith Through the offence of one man entred sin into the world and through sin death Necessary it is therefore to dye vnto sin and to liue vnto rightuousnesse And so to rise togither with Christ séekyng the things which are aboue not vpō earth For neuer shal they come to the seconde resurrection which is vnto the lyfe euerlasting that will not ryse by repentaunce vnto a new lyfe in hym which is both resurrection and lyfe 2 Blessed is that man of the Lord yea holy iust and perfect may he be reported also of all men which hath porcion conuenient in the first resurrection with Dauid Magdalene Zacheus and Peter Happy are they which hearing the word of God retayneth it in theyr lyuing For they being renued with the glad tydinges of lyfe are depured by the spirite of Christ sanctified and so made the habitacles of the holy Ghost 3 Upon such Godly dysposed persons hath the seconde death of the soule which is eternal dampnatiō no maner of power nor effectual iurisdiction For no damnation can be vnto them which are in Christ Iesu not walking after the fleshe Though they haue bene great sinners yet shall not theyr sinnes be to them imputed but in the resurrectiō of the wrightuous shall they ryse to immortalyte and be as the very Angels in heauen He that hath taken frō thē the poore of death shall make thē sure of eternal inheretaūce with god 4 They shall surely bée the chosen priestes of God the euerlasting father and of his eternall sonne Iesus Christ whiche are of the firste resurrection Though they be here in the flesh yet fight they not after the flesh but they shall folow the gouernaunce of the spirit geue ouer their bodis for a liuing sacryfice holy and acceptable vnto God 5 And thus shall they reigne with christ their merciful sauiour redemer for the space of the thousād yeres afore named None other toke they all that longe seasō for theyr spiritual Messyas their eternall King their hygh Bishop for all their mayster their Lorde their gyde their lyght and the shepeherde of theyr soules None other wold they acknowledge but him for their mediatoure attonement maker neyther Moyses nor Samuell Noe Daniell nor Iob Iohan Baptist Mary nor Peter Hée onely was vnto them all wysedome ryghtuousnesse holynesse and redēption In none other name coulde they fynde health and saluation but alone in hys Nothing pertayneth this vnto the Popes masse sayers for they call vpon many names wyth Ora pro nobis and are of a far other priesthode as we haue declared afore In christes kyngdō is none outwarde Priesthode nor sacryfice to be made for sin For he hath with one oblaciō for all fully satysfied for the sins of his electe number for euer The office of a Christē man now is onely to offer vp himselfe by the deniall of himselfe and by the mortificatiō of his fleshe In the holy supper of the Lorde which is a mutuall participaciō of his bodi bloud is no new sacrifice to be made but onely a faithfull remembraūce to be taught of that full and perfect sacrifice that he made once for all vnlesse we will betray him and crucifie him againe The dutie of a minister in Christes cōgregation is with all study and diligence to labour in the holy worde of God be he bishop priest Chaplayne Pastour or preacher Hys ministration is great labour no dygnitie payne and not pryde or arrogancie And hauing his foode and rayment he ought to require no more THE TEXT 1 And vvhan the thousande yeares are expyred 2. Sathan shall be loosed out of prison 3. and shall go out 4. to diseeiue the people 5. vvhich ar in the foure quarters of the earth 6. Gog Magog 7. to gather them togither to battle 8 vvhose number is as the sande of the sea 9. And they vvent vpon the plaine of the earth 10. and compassed the tentes of the sayntes about 11. and the beloued Citie 12. And fyre came dovvne from God out of heauen 13. and deuoured them 14. And the Diuell that deceyued them 15. vvas cast into a lake of fyre and brymstone 26. vvhere the beast and the false Prophet vvere 17. and shall be tormented daye and nighte for euermore The Commentary 1 After the plentnous description of the true church of Christe which is vnknowen to the worlde for the glorious doughter of the eternall Kinge is from within sayth Dauid now foloweth in course the pernicious kingdome of Antechrist whan it was in the hyghest pryde so soone as the afore rehersed thousande yeares sayth saynt Iohn are fully accōplished or brought to an ende 2 Sathan the common aduersarie of man shal be loosed out of his darke pryson and so shal be set at large by the sufferance
sturdye and dysobedyent nacion The vncircumcised giauntes sayth Ezechiell wyth theyr weapons are gone downe to hell whose swerdes are layed vnder theyr heades theyr wyckednesse vpon theyr bones Of the wycked onely is all thys spoken héere if ye marke well the text and in no wyse of the Godly what though many of them hath bene drowned in the sea burned béeheadded and hanged vpon the lande and buryed quicke in the earth 17 For it foloweth also that they were iudged of the iudge and receiued euery one accordynge to theyr deseruinges Accordynge to the fleshely fruites of theyr owne inuentions shall they bée rewarded theyr vnfaythfulnesse iustly measured vnto them Theyr bodyes shall than take parte wyth theyr wretched soules in the euerlastynge cursse of dampdamnacion the elect numbre rewarded wyth perpetuall felicytye 18 And as concerninge death it self which is the vniuersall enimye of man it shal be destroyed for euer 19 Hell also whych is here taken for sinne shall neuer more be séene amonge the creatures of God 20 For both shal be throwne into the great lake of boylinge fyre and brymstone The victorie of death shal be swallowed vp and hys stinge done cleane away which is sinne That is nowe corruptyble shall put on vncorruptiō that is nowe mortall immortalitie Thus that the Lord at the houre make of all hys enimies hys fotestole according to his promyse by Oseas the Prophet O death I wil be thy death O hell I will bée thy destruction 21 This tirrible appoyntmēt of the iudge sayth saynt Iohn is the second death or perpetuall depriuation of the sight of God yea the vtter fall from his fauour grace and mercy This death is the whole vengeaunce of all innocent bloud which hath bene shed vpon earth from iuste Abell to the last faythfull witnesse Yea thys sentence is the stone that shall grinde the enimies to pouder the very eternall dampnation both of body and soule 22 Now for a conclusion of the whole matter whatsoeuer he be king or Emperour Priest or prelate laye or religious that shall not be founde writtē in the booke of lyfe which is the eternall predestination of god for that he hath worshipped the beast and his Image he shal be cast by the irreuocable sentence of the iudge into the stynking lake of fyre perpetully there to burne with the Diuell and hys Angels So that he which hath had no parte in the fyrst resurrection shal be sure to taste of this seconde death which is dampnation 23 He that beléeueth not the gospell whan it is faythfully taught hym repenting hys former lyfe but refuseth the grace thereof fréely offered shall for euer be damned Neuer shall his sin be remitted neither in this worlde nor in the worlde to come that reststeth the holy ghost withstanding the open verytie Onely remaineth a fearfull expectatiō of iudgement vnto thē that here treadeth Christ vnder fote not regarding his bloud shedding but doeing iniury to the spirite of grace for their owne inuention The .xxj. Chapter In thys laste vision of Iohan is both discribed the prosperous estate of the true church or kingdōe of Christ here and also the perpetuall Sabboth of the chyldren of God All the other visions were mixte with labours afflictions and paynes This is full of peace tranquilitie and ioye incorruption glorie and felycitie THE TEXT 1 And I savve a nevve heauen 2. a nevve earth 3. for the first heauen 4. and the firste earth vvere vanished avvaye 5. and there vvas no more sea 6. And I Iohan savve that 7. holy Cytie 8. nevve 9. Hierusalem 10. come downe from God out of heauen 11. prepared as a bryde 12. garnished for hir husdande 13. And I hearde a great voyce from the seate saying 14 Beholde the tabernacle of God 15. is wyth men 16. and he vvyll dvvell vvith them 17. And they shall be hys people 18. and God hym selfe shall be vvith them 19. and shall be theyr God 20 And God shall vvype avvaye 21. all teares from theyr eyes 22. And there shal be no more death 23. neither sorovve 24. neyther shall there be any more payne 25. for the olde thinges are gone The Commentary 1 Besides the afore rehersed reuelations I behelde now last of all saith saynt Iohan that heauen was cleane altered from that it was afore and became all newe and so was the earth also and became the same Not onely become they nowe spirituall by a true beléeue in the Gospell that afore were carnall but also in the ende of the world shall the whole bodyes of heauen and of earthe as golde in the fornace be purged from fylthynesse by fyre goyng before the yudge which both are nowe defiled wyth the wickednesse of the creatures 2 After both sortes shall they be delyuered from the corruption here of sinne and thereof death and dampnatyon and so be restored vnto the glorious lybertie of Gods children 3 The first heauen defiled through y● pryde of Angell and the first earth also corrupted by the sinnefull vsage of manne shall vanyshe cleane away and no more be séene Not that the substaunce of them shall vtterly perysh but that theyr nature shape and figure shal chaunge into a much more pure and perfect similytude A custome it was amonge the prophetes whan thy aduertysed the afflycted Israelytes of prosperite peace or renouation of the glory of God cōming towards thē to promis al things new 4 Beholde sayth the Lorde in Esay I make you new heauens and a new earth and as for the olde shall neuer more be though vpon Newe is the true church of Christ so are the people pertayning to the same In no poynt are they lyke to the Popes holy orders nor yet vnto Mahometes religion Clere are their hartes which haue rereceiued the verytie from all supersticions and theyr outwarde lyues from idell obseruations perfect are theyr consciences and theyr conuersacions godly And thys in the regeneration shal be fully accomplished Not onely shall that which is now mortall becō immortal the is now corruptible than incorrupted as the very Angels of the Lorde but also the vniuersall heauen shal be than renewed so shall the whole face of the earth and appere more beutyfull than now 5 And from that tyme fourth shall there be no more sea whych signifieth people vnstedfast vaine and fickle Whereas the peace of Christ is surely grounded no more is there anye troubled conscience No more is there any diffydence wan hope or dispayre Al bitternesse sorow anguish is turned into swéetnes ioy in the holy ghost We knowe sayth saynt Paule the all thinges are taken to the best in them that loue God Frō the Apostles whō Christ fyrst also called from the Sea vanished this waueringe Sea away whan they went from the mallicious counsell of the Bishoppes reioysinge that they were founde worthy to suffer rebuke for hys names sake In lyke case all impediments and néedes all daungers and doubtes all fearefull mouings and outragings
any more 22 In hir moreouer shall be no more death for it shall be destroyed for euer No more shal mennes consciences dispayre here But haue ioye in the holy ghost No more shal they die through sinne but lyue vnto God by fayth And there shall no more the rose coloured whore be dronken in the bloud of martyrs Hir tyrauntes shal be closed vp in the stinking lake of fyre from the slaughter of them they than becomming immortall and impossible Moreouer thā this he that beléeueth in christ shal neuer die nor yet come into iudgement but passe cleane frō death vnto lyfe 23 Neyther shall there be any sorow nor crying any more For all maner of displeasure of the bodye as pouertye sicknesse losses emnytie vexacions and yll reportes are here paciently borne of the faythfull And ther shal be founde nothynge to minister any suche occasions Here is neyther age doubted nor yet persecution feared in them that reckeneth death aduantage hauinge in desire wyth Paule to be hence and wyth Christ. Nor yet shal be there where all is in ioye and peace durable for euer 24 Neyther shall there be felt any more payne Such hath bene the constauncye of the martirs here that litle haue the tormentes greued them Eleazarus paciently suffered all punyshmente Steuen reyosed to sée heauen open Andrewe woulde in no case be delyuered from deathe Laurentius offred his brent fleshe to be eaten The burnynge coles were so sweete vnto Tiburcius as the fragraunt roses So desyrous were the terryble tormēts vnto Uincent as a moste pleasaunt banket Angelus desired the people in Sicilia to esteme the tyraunt hys frynde What the exceding constauncy was of Iohn Husse and Hieronime of Prage dyuers Chronycles mencyoneth And in our tyme George Baynham in the fyre dyd neuer complayne Ihon Frith neuer shewed him self once greued in countenaunce Barnes neuer moued as hys enymyes doth report Peter Franke in Colchester sang ioyfully to the Lorde The thrée young men of Southfolk reioysed at the death with such other many And how farre they shal be from paines after this the great daye of the Lorde shall declare 25 For the olde thynges are paste sayth the text All that afore was tedious heauy and fearefull to the flesh is nowe become easie light and pleasaunt through that they haue learned of Christ. His word refresheth them in spirit and is a swéet rest vnto their soules And in the regeneration shall hunger thirst werinesse labour heat colde rayne winde thunder earthquakes with all other discommodities be taken cleane from them Neyther shal they haue ther néede of meat nor drinke foode nor rayment beddes nor buildings féeldes nor medowes welspringes nor riuers gardens nor vineyardes The Text. 1 And he that sate vppon the seate sayde 2. Behold I make all thinges nevve 3. And he sayde vnto me 4 Wryte 5. for these vvordes are faythfull and true 6. And he sayde vnto me 7. it is done 8. I am Alpha and Omega 9. the beginning and the ende 10. I will giue to him that is a thirst 11. of the vvel of the vvater of lyfe free 12. He that ouercōmeth shall inherite all thynges 13. I vvill be his God and he shall be my sonne 14 but the fearefull 15. vnbeleuing 16. the abhominable 17. murtherers 18. and vvhoremongers 19. and sorcerets 20. and Idolatrs 21. all lyars 22. shall haue their part in the lake 23. that burneth With fire and brimston 24. vvhich ys the seconde beath The commentary 1 And the omnypotent Lorde whych sate vpon the eternall throne concluded thus with me Hys holy spirite of promise assertayned my spyryte by hys heauenly word that all these thynges should be true 2 Behoulde sayth he I wyll make all thynges freshe and newe Heauen earthe the Sea and the vnyuersall Cytye of peace I wyll delyuer from all corrupcyon I make all pure cleane holy immortall vncorrupt impassible clere heauenly spirituall and glorious Neuer more shall they bee as they were afore whan they were yet olde Neuer shall be more eating nor drinking wyuing nor ●anketing traueling nor sléeping ●or other such doeinges pertayninge to the corruptible lyfe The rightuous shall than shyne as the red fyre sparkes So bright as the sunne shall they be in the kingdome of theyr father 3 Thus hath the Lorde here midsts meruielously described vnto Iohn and by hym vnto vs the misticall Sabboth of his people here the eternal Saboth after this lyfe ōmāding him to 〈◊〉 it as foloweth Much to fro hath bene amōg the 〈◊〉 doctours is 〈◊〉 to th●● day whether the saued multi●●●● shall reygne here vpon earth 〈◊〉 Christ or aboue in heauen afte● the iudgement day● Which is easy to be percei●ed if the scriptures hée tru●● conferred Therefore ser●h d●lygently the scriptures for they hear● witnesse of all truth Christ hath in Math. the they shal be thā as the Angels are now● in heauen whose office is hath to be h●re ● there And so muche 〈…〉 the they shal be as thā all one 〈◊〉 w●ll shall the earth be new as the heauens And nedes it must be to some purpose Neuer woulde Esay Pete● haue said the rightuous●sse should dwelt in thē if they shuld not occupy thē both It is said here also the the new Hierusalem shall come downe frō heauē But not so that it shall not vp againe For Christes electes shal be whereas he is Whan they shal be vpō the earth no let nor impedimēt shal they haue to be also in heauē both they being one 〈…〉 agyltie perfectiō shall be thā in their bodies as is now in the glorified body of Christ or in the spirituall nature of the angels Which are nowhere now the● And whether they be here or ther alwaies they sée God ● are 〈…〉 absent from him Manye scriptures myght be brought in to declare th●● mat●er more at large but it wold 〈◊〉 much tyme. What mutuall feloship heauenly amyte glorious pastyme will be betwixt them the angels at that day it fare passeth al capacities to diffine I coūsail 〈◊〉 to be curious in the serch of high misteris ●s this here is one without the feare of God least he ouercōmē of their exceding 〈◊〉 whoredom with many kinges by many false worshippinges This for hir méekenesse is commended of God the other proudely boasteth hir 〈◊〉 through holy tradicions merites and deseruinges to b●● a riche qu●ene With many such other 4 And the Lorde sayth saint Iohn which worketh all thinges by his onely word and commaundement 〈◊〉 thus vnto me Emprente first in thy hart that I haue here shewe● the● than leaue it in writing to the 〈◊〉 of those that than folow the● 5 And if thou wyll k●owe a reason why thou shalt thus doe take this 〈◊〉 sentence with thee I assure the so 〈◊〉 as I am God y● the wordes which I haue shewed in this present Reuelatiō are effectually most faithfull and ruste In no manner of