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A07477 Spirituall food, and physick vis. Milke for the younger. Meat for the stronger. The substance of diuinitie. A pill to purge out poperie.; Pill to purge out poperie Mico, John.; Mico, John. A pill to purge out poperie. 1623 (1623) STC 17861; ESTC S102271 67,531 192

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Church the Moone The Pope is the Bridegroom the Church the Bride The Pope is the head the Church the body And what is this but to place the Pope in the roome of Iesus Christ and euen to say that the Pope is Christ Confor F. 2. li. 2. fol. 10. That they do thus place S. Francis the Virgin Mary and the Pope in Christs roome and so make them Sauiours is more at large and sufficiently prooued out of their owne Writers in a little Treatise set forth by M. Thomas Rogers in the yéere 1589 intituled An historicall Dialogue of Antichrist and Poperie DIALOGVE 3. Ch. Hitherto you haue shewed how the Sonne of God is called IESVS because he is a Sauiour and how the Papists do place others in his roome Now shew me also why hee is called CHRIST and what that title signifieth M. Christ signifieth Anointed which title setteth forth his Office namely that he is our only true Prophet Priest and King C. Do they teach any thing contrary hereunto M. They doe euen denie this Office of his and so consequently deny the fruites of his comming in the flesh 1. Ioh. 4.3 C. Shew me wherein they deny his Office M. Christ is a Prophet to teach his Church and to reueale the will of God vnto vs to whom all are to hearken Mat 17.5 Ioh. 10.27 Act. 3.22 23. And this he hath perfectly done in the Scriptures They preferre their owne blinde traditions before the Scriptures they lay aside the Scriptures accounting and calling them Dumb Iudges A Nose of waxe The black Gospell Inken diuinity c. Piggius Contr. 3. de Eccl. Hierarch lib. 3. cap. 3. A certaine popish Doctor reasoning with M. Tindal was not ashamed to say that wee were better to be without Gods Law then the Popes They likewise set vp Images to be Lay-mens books and so in all this they deny by consequence his Prophetical office Christ is also a Priest and that for euer after the order of Melchisedech Heb. 7.24 And in this his office he hath none to succéede him They acknowledge not this but maintain still an outward and corporall Priest-hood to offer vp an outward sacrifice euen Christ himselfe Rhem on Heb. chap. 7.7 Sect. 7.8 C. If this were true why then the Priest were become a Mediatour betweene God and Christ the which is most absurd to think that any creature should be such a one M. It is indéede most absurd and yet in the very Canon of the Masse they intimate thus much when they request God to accept their gifts and offerings namely Christ himselfe offered as he did the sacrifices of Abel Noah And which is more absurd than this yea blasphemy for any to affirme they by their former doctrine do make the Priest to be more worthy in some respect then Christ for the person that doth offer a sacrifice is of more worth and honour then the thing which he offereth but the Priest as they say offereth vs Christ to God his Father therefore the Priest that offereth him is of more worth and honor then Christ whom he offereth As Christ is a Priest so he alone and that but once for all effred himselfe and by his one offering once offered hath made a full and perfect satisfaction for all our sins so that now there remaineth no more offering for sinnes Heb. 9.12 14 26 10 14 18. They teach that in the Masse there is dayly a sacrifice offered for the sinnes both of the quick and the dead and so they make Christs sacrifice not to bee the perfect and onely sacrifice of the new Testament but set vp another instead thereof C. They say that their sacrifice is not a new sacrifice or another from Christs but that it is the same M. The Author to the Hebrewes teacheth that Christs sacrifice neither may nor ought to be reiterated and repeated for as it is but one so it was but once offered And this word Once he vseth fiue seuerall times Heb. 28.10 C. They say that Christ indeed was offered but once after a bloudy manner but he is often offered after an vnbloudy manner M. This distinction of theirs hath no warrant out of Gods Word nay rather it is directly against the Word for Heb. 9.22 it is said Almost all things are by the law purged with bloud and without shedding of bloud is no remission From whence we may thus reason Without shedding of bloud is no remission but in the Masse is no shedding of bloud therefore no remission And therefore it is no sacrifice for sinne C. Though this their distinction bee not to be found in the Scriptures yet it is in the writings of the Fathers M. The Fathers indéede make mention of vnbloody Sacrifices but they hereby vnderstand not outward and bodily Sacrifices for sinne but the Spirituall Sacrifices of Christians and they so call them in comparing them with the bloudy sacrifices of the Law and with Christs bloudy Sacrifice C. The Papists doe not say that the sacrifice of the Masse is an expiatorie but an applicatory sacrifice that is it serues not properly to make any satisfaction to God but rather to apply vnto vs the satisfaction of Christ alreadie made M. Their doctrine is that it is a sacrifice propitiatory that is auaileable to obtaine ex opere operato by the very worke wrought remission and pardon of all their sinnes yea that it is auaileable to obtain all other benefits as peace health and such like Concil Trid. Sess 22. Can. 3. Bellarm. lib. 1. de Miss cap. 25. lib. 2. cap. 9. But let it be as you say that they account it but an applicatory sacrifice yet this maketh nothing for them The Sacrifices of the Law did serue to apply the vertue of Christs Crosse and yet the Apostle excludeth them by this reason that where there is remission of sins there is no more Sacrifice Heb. 10.18 Wherfore if the Apostles reason be good it concludeth also against their Sacrifice applicatory Again the Apostle teacheth that therefore the Sacrifices of the Lawe are abolished by the death of Christ because they were but shadowes of good things to come and could not make the offerers perfect c. Heb. 10.1 2 3. And therefore this kind of applying Sacrifice which they faine themselues hath ceased Wée néede not now a Sacrifice for the application of Christs death for Christ to that end hath appointed the preaching of the Word and hath instituted Sacraments whereby his death with all the benefits thereof are most fruitfully applied vnto vs Gal. 3.1 1. Cor. 11.26 Againe this their applying sacrifice is against the nature of a Sacrament in which God giues Christ vnto vs wheras in a Sacrifice God receiues from man and man giues something to God C. The ancient Fathers vsed to call the Supper of the Lord a Sacrifice it should seem therefore that there is some Sacrifice offered therein to God M. It is true that they called it so not that
continue dead in the graue A. No hée rose againe from the dead Q. Wherefore did Christ die A. For my sinnes Q. Wherefore did he rise againe A. To make me righteous Q. What else doe you beleeue A. That whatsoeuer Christ hath done for mans saluation he hath done it also for me Q. Shall all be saued by Christ A. No but onely such as haue a true faith in Christ Q. What is faith A. A true perswasion of the heart Q. Vpon what is faith grounded A. Vpon the free promises of God in Iesus Christ Q. Who doth work this faith in vs A. The holy Ghost Q. Whereby doth he work it A. By the hearing of his Word Q. What is the summe of your faith A. The Apostles Creed Q. Rehearse the Articles of the Creed A. I beléeue in God the Father almighty maker of heauen and earth c. Q. Do you thinke to be saued by this your faith A. Yes onely by faith Q. Wherefore then doe the Sacraments serue A. To strengthen my faith Q. How many Sacraments bee there A. Two Baptisme and the Supper of the Lord. Q. What is a Sacrament A. An outward signe and seale of an inward grace Q. What is signified by Baptisme A. That we are washed from all our sinnes by the bloud of Christ Q. What else A. Our new birth by the holy Ghost Q. What is signified by the Supper of the Lord A. Our spirituall nourishment to eternall life by the body and bloud of Christ Q. What is required to the worthie receiuing of the Sacrament A. Faith and repentance Q. What is repentance A. A turning from sinne to God Q. What doth repentance bring forth A. Good workes Q. What are these good works A. Such as God hath commanded Q. How many Commandements be there A. Ten. Q. Which be they A. God spake these words and said I am the Lord thy God c. Q. Into how many Tables are they diuided A. Into two Q. How many bee there of the first Table A. Foure Q. What doe they teach vs A. Our dutie towards God Q. How many bee there of the second Table A. Sir Q. What doe they teach vs A. Our duty towards our neighbour Q. Can we of our selues do good workes A. No but only by Gods grace Q. How shall wee obtaine the grace of God hereunto A. By harty prayer Q. How must we pray A. As Christ hath taught vs. Q. How many parts bee there of the Lords prayer A. Thrée A preface si● petitions and the conclusion Q. Which is the preface A. Our Father which art in heauen Q. What doth it teach vs A. To pray to God onely in the name of Iesus Christ Q. What doe wee ask of God in the three first petitions A. Such things as concerne Gods glory Q. What doe we ask in the three last petitions A. Such things as are necessarie for the body and soule Q. What is the conclusion A. A reason why we doe ask these things of God Q. What signifieth the word Amen A. So be it FINIS MILKE FOR the Younger OR A Catechisme for the younger sort Q. WHerin consisteth our true wisedome and happinesse A. In the true knowledge of God and of our selues Q. What is God A. God is a a Iohn 4.24 Spirit hee is b Gen. 17.1 Almighty the c Acts 17.24 Maker and d Iohn 5.17 Gouernor of all things Q. What else are wee to know concerning God A. That there is but a Esa 45.21 one God onely Q. What more A. That there are thrée persons and these thrée are but one God Q. Which be these three persons A. The Father Mat. 28.19 the Sonne and the holy Ghost Q. What are we to know concerning our selues A. How wée were created and what we are now by nature Q. What else A. How wée are redéemed and what thankes we owe to God for it Q. Who made man and woman A. God Q. Whereof did God make man A. Of the dust of the ground Gen 12.7 Q. Whereunto did God make man like A. To his owne image and likenesse Gen. 1.26.27 Q. Wherein standeth this image of God A. In righteousnes and true holines principally Eph. 4.24 Q. Wherfore did God thus make man A. To worship and serue him Esa 43.7 Q. How will God be serued A. As he himselfe hath commanded in his Word Deut. 4.32 Q. What was man then by creation A. Perfectly holy and perfectly happy Q. What are we now by nature A. The children of wrath Ephes 2.3 subiect to the wrath of God Q. What is the cause that we are so A. Sinne. Rom. 3.23 Q. What is sinne A. The transgression of the Law of God 1 Iohn 3.4 Q. By whom came sinne into the world A. By man euen Adam Rom. 5.12 Q. What is the reward of sinne A. Death and eternall damnation Rom. 6.23 Q. By whom are wee deliuered from death and damnation A. Onely by Iesus Christ Acts 4.12 Q. What is Iesus Christ Rom. 7.24 25 A. The onely begotten Sonne of God Ioh. 3.16 Q. Is he God or man A. He is both a 1 Iohn 1.14 God and b 1 Iohn 5.20 Ioh. 19.30 34. man Q. What did hee to redeeme vs A. He suffered died and shed his bloud for vs. Q. Did Christ suffer in his Godhead A. No but in his Man-hood and that both in c Mat 27.3 35. body and d Lu. 22.44 soule Q. Were not Christs sufferings the sufferings of the person God and man A. e Act 20 28 1. Cor. 2.8 Yes but the nature wherein he suffered was not the diuine but the humane nature Q. Did Christ continue dead in the graue A. No 1. Cor. 15.4 hée rose againe the third day from the dead Q. Wherefore did Christ die A. For our sinnes 1. Cor. 15.3 Q. Wherefore did he rise againe A. For our iustification Rom. 4.25 Q. Whither went Christ after his resurrection A. He ascended into heauen Acts 1.9 Q. Wherefore did he ascend into heauen A. To prepare a place for vs. Ioh. Q. What doth Christ now in heauen A. He sitteth at the right hand of God Mar. 16.19 the Father almightie Q. Hath God a right hand indeede A. God is a Spirit Luk. 24.39 and therefore hath neither right hand nor left Q. What is meant then by Christs sitting at the right hand of God A. That Christ hath all power giuen vnto him in heauen and in earth Mat. 28.18 Q. When shall Christ come againe A. In the end of the world Acts 1.11 Q. What shall he then doe A. He shall iudge both the quick and the dead Iude 15 Q. How doth that which Christ hath done profit vs A. By the inward and secret working of the holy Ghost 1. Cor. 12.13 Q. Who is the holy Ghost A. The third person in Trinity Q. Why is he called holy
A. Because he doth sanctifie and make vs holy 1. Cor. 6.11 Q. Who are they which are sanctified by the holy Ghost A. The holy Catholike Church Ephe. 5.26 27 Q. What is the Catholik Church A. The company of Gods elect and chosen 1. Pet. 2.9 Q. What are the benefits bestowed on the Church A. The Communion of Saints The forgiuenes of sinnes The resurrection of the body and the life euerlasting Q. What is meant by the communion of Saints A. The fellowship which we haue with Christ by faith 1. Ioh. 1.3 6 7 and amongst our selues by loue Q. What is meant by the forgiuenes of sinnes A. That god for Christs sake doth freely forgiue vs all our sinnes Rom. 3.24 Ephes 1.7 Q. What is meant by the resurrection of the body A. That the bodies of the faithfull shall bée raised vp from the dead 1. Thes 4.16 Phil. 3.21 Iohn 6.39 40 by Christ their Sauiour and ioyned to their soules Q. What is meant by the life euerlasting A. That the faithfull both in body and soule shall liue for euer with Christ in heauen Mat. 25.46 Ioh. 17.24 Q. What is required of vs that we may be partakers of Christ his benefits A. A true and liuely faith in Christ Ioh. Acts 16.31 Q. What is this faith A. A true perswasion of the heart grounded vpon the frée promises of God Rom. 10.10 Rom. 4.3 21 Q. In whom are the promises made to vs A. In a 2. Cor. 1.20 Christ Iesus as our b Heb. 7.7 22 surety Q. Who doth worke this faith in vs A. The holy Ghost 1. Cor. 12.3 Q. By what meanes doth hee work it in vs A. By the hearing of the Word of God Rom. 10.17 Q. Are we then saued by this our faith A. Yes by faith onely Rom. ● 28 Ephes 2.8 Q. Wherefore then do the Sacraments serue A. For the strengthening of our faith Rom 4.11 Q. How many Sacraments bee there A. Two Baptisme and the Lords Supper Q. What is a Sacrament A. An outward signe and seale of an inward grace Gen. 17.11 Q. What is the outward signe in Baptisme A. Water Mat. 3.11 Q. What is the inward grace A. The bloud and Spirit of Christ Mat. 3.11 Q. What is signnified by the washing with water A. The washing away of our sins by the bloud of Christ Acts. 22 16 1 Iohn 1.7 Q. What else A. Our new birth by the holy Ghost Titus 3.5 Q. What are the outward signes in the Lords Supper A. Bread and Wine Mat. 26.26 27. Q. What are the inward graces A. The body and bloud of Christ 1 Cor. 10.16 11 24 2● Q. What is signified by the giuing and receiuing of Bread Wine A. The giuing and receiuing of the body and bloud of Christ Q. How doe wee receiue the body and bloud of Christ A. By a true and liuely faith Iohn 6.35 63. Q. If it be done by faith wherfore doe we receiue the Sacrament A. For a remembrance of Christs death and for the strengthening of our faith 1 Cor. 12.24 25 26 Q. What things are required to the worthie receiuing of the Sacrament A. A true faith in Christ repentance and loue Q. What are we to doe in the receiuing thereof A. Wee are then to meditate on the death of Christ Q. What are we to doe after our receiuing of it A. We are then to giue thankes to God for our redemption by the death of Christ Q. Is it enough in words to bee thankfull onely at that time A. No we must also shew our thankfulnes to God Luk. 1.74 75. by good workes all the dayes of our life Q. What are the good workes which we must doe A. Such as God hath commanded Leuit. 18 5. Q. How many Commandements be there A. Ten. Deut. 10.4 Q. Into how many Table are they diuided A. Into two Deut. 9.10 Q. What doth the first Table concerne A. Our duty towards God Q. What doth the second Table concerne A. Our duty towards our neighbour Q. Which is the first commandement A. Thou shalt haue none other Gods before me Q. What is the meaning of it A. That God onely is to be worshipped with the inward and spirituall worship of the heart Mat. 4.10 Ioh. 4.24 Q. What is the second Commandement A. Then shalt not make to thy selfe any grauen image c. Q. What is the meaning heereof A. That God is not to be worshipped after any other manner Mat. 15.9 then as he himselfe hath commanded Q. Which is the third Commandement A Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vaine c. Q. What is forbidden heerein A. That we doe not any way dishonour the name of God Q. What is commanded heerein A. That we in all things giue God his due glory 1 Cor. 10 31. Q. Which is the fourth Commandement A. Remember that thou kéepe holy the Sabbath day c. Q. What is required of vs heerein A. That euery one be carefull to spend the Lords day aright Q. Wherein is that day to bee spent A. In the exercises of religion and in doing the workes of mercy Q. Which is the sift Commandement A. ●●nour thy Father Mother c. Q. What is the meaning of it A. That children and other inferiours must loue feare and obey their parents and superiours Q. What else is required of them A. That they doe also relieue and maintaine them if need require Q. What is the sixt Commandement A. Thou shalt not kill Q. What is forbidden heerein A. That we doe not hurt either our owne life or the life of our neighbour Q. What is commanded heerein A. That we be carefull to preserue both our owne life and the life of our neighbour Q. Which is the seuenth Commandement A. Thou shalt not commit adultery Q. What is required heerein A. That fornication and all other vncleannes is to be auoided Q. What else A. That we be carefull to preserue chastity both in our selues and others Q. Which is the eightth Commandement A. Thou shalt not steale Q. What is forbidden heerein A. That we doe not riotously waste our owne goods nor get goods vniustly from others Q. What is commanded heerein A. That we get goods by iust and lawfull meanes and that wée doe good therewith to others Q. Which is the ninth Commandement A. Thou shalt not beare false witnes against thy neighbour Q. What is forbidden heerein A. That we doe not any way hurt eyther our owne or the good name of our neighbour Q. What is commanded heerein A. To bée carefull to preserue the good name of our selues and others Q. Which is the tenth Commandement A. Thou shalt not couet thy neighbours house c. Q. What is forbidden heerein A. That we doe not so much as desire that which is anothers Q. What is commanded
a Col. 3.10 knowledge in b Ephes ● 24 righteousnes and true holines Q. Did God onely make man and all other creatures A. No hée doth also by his prouidence rule gouerne man and all other things Pro. 16.33 Mat. 10.29 30. Q. What was mans estate by creation A. A most happy estate frée from all misery 30. Q. VVhat is our estate now by nature A. A most miserable estate Eph. 2.3 for we are all by nature the children of wrath Q. How came this to passe A. By the fall of Adam and Eue. Q. How did they fall A. By the a Gen. 3.1.2 inticement of the diuell and their owne willing b Gen. 2.17 3.6 disobedience in transgressing Gods Commandement Q. What if they thus offended what is that to vs A. Yes very much for wée all did fall in Adam Rom 5.12 Heb. 7.9.10 and are partakers of his fault Q. VVhat else hath followed hereof A. We also by imputation are become guilty before God Rom. 5.18 Q. Is this all A. No the corruption of nature is also by generation Gen 5.3 from Adam conueied to vs. Q. VVhat is meant by the corruption of natue A. Originall sinne Q. VVhat is originiall sinne A. A want of originall righteousnes Q. VVhat else A. It is corruption ingendred in our first conception Psal 51.5 Rom. 7.23 whereby euery faculty and power of soule body is prone and disposed to euill Q. VVhy is it called originall A. Because it was from the beginning assoone as Adam fell Gen. 3.7.10 Q. VVherefore else A. Because it is the beginning of all actuall sinne Mat. 15.19 Q. VVhat is actuall sinne A. Euery inward and outward action contrary to the Law of God yea the leauing vndone of such good things as the Law requireth Q. VVhat is the reward punishment of sinne A. All kind of a Gen. 3.16 17. miseries and b Rom. 6.23 death in this world and c Reuel 21.8 eternall condemnation in the world to come Q. Are all without exception subiect heereunto A. Yes generally all Rom. 44. Q. Can we of our selues escape this death and condemnation A a Psal 4● 7 8. No but onely by b Acts. 4.12 Iesus Christ Q. What is Iesus Christ A. The second Person in the Trinity the onely Sonne of God Q. Where is this contained A. In the second Article And in Iesus Christ his onely Sonne our Lord. Q. Why is he called Iesus A. Because he is A Sauiour Mat. 1.21 which doth saue vs from all our sinnes Q. VVhat signifieth Christ A. Anointed Q. VVhy is he so called A. Because God anointed him with the holy Ghost Acts. 10.38 and with power Q. Whereunto was hee thus anointed A. To bée a a Acts. 3.22 Prophet b Heb. 5.5 6. Priest and c Luk. 1.33 Heb. 1.8 9. King for vs. Q. VVhy is hee called the onely Sonne of God A. Because hée alone by nature is the Sonne of God and very true God Q. Why must our Sauiour be God A. Because none other was able to abide and ouercome the wrath of God and the punishment due vnto sinne Deut. 4.24 Q. VVhy is he called our Lord Acts 20.28 A. Because hée hath redeemed vs with his bloud 1. Pet. 1.18 19 and purchased vs to bée a peculiar people to himselfe Titus 2.14 Q. VVas not Christ very true man also A. Yes a Ioh. 1.14 but yet without all b Heb. 4.15 spot of sinne Q. In what Article is this contained A. In the hird Article Which was conceiued by the holy Ghost borne of the Virgin Mary Q. VVhat is the meaning heereof A. That the Sonne of God by the working of the a Luk. 1 3● holy Ghost took the very nature of man of the flesh bloud of the b Gal 4.4 Virgin Mary and was in all c Heb. 2.17 things like vnto man d Heb. 4.15 excepting sin 57. Q. VVhy must Christ bee very true man A. That he might die and satisfie the iustice of God for our sinnes Heb. 2.17 Q. VVhat kinde of death did hee die A. An accursed kinde of death Deu. 21. ●● euen the death of the Crosse Q. VVherefore died he this kinde of death A. Toredéeme vs from the curse of the Law Galat 3.13 Q. In what Article is this expressed A. In the fourth Article Suffered vnder Pontius Pilate was crucified dead and buried he descended into Hel. Q. VVhat was Pontius Pilate A. A Iudge and the gouernour of Iudea Luke 3.1 Q. VVhy was Christ arraigned before a Iudge and condemned by him A. That we might not be arraigned and condemned in the day of iudgement Esay 53.8 9 10 11 12 but might receiue the sentence of absolution and be saued Q. VVhat is then the summe of the fourth Article A. That Christ in his humane nature did suffer for vs Esay 53.4 5 6 most grieuous torments both of body and soule Luke 22.44 Mat. 27.46 Q. Did Christ onely suffer and die for vs A. No hée rose againe likewise from the dead Rom. 14.9 Q. In what Article is this contained A. In the fift Article The third day he rose againe from the dead Q. VVhat is the meaning of it A. That Christ by his diuine power rose againe in the very same body wherein he died Iohn 2.19.10 18 Q. VVherefore did Christ rise againe A. That he might ouercome death and make vs partakers of that righteousnes Rom. 4.25 which by his death he had purchased for vs. Q. How long did Christ continue on earth after his resurrection A. The space of fortie daies Acts. 1.3 Q. VVhat did he then afterwards A. He ascended into heauen Acts 1.9 Q. In what Article is this contained A. In the sixt Article He ascended into heauen and sitteth at the right hand of God the Father Almightie Q. What is meant by his ascending into heauen A. That Christ in his humane nature by the power of his God-head went vp into heauen Q. VVherefore did he ascend into heauen A. To a Ioh. 14.2 prepare a place for vs b Heb. 9.24 to appeare before God and to make c Rom. 8.34 intercession for vs. Q. What is meant by Christs sitting at the right hand of God A. That Christ hath a Mat. 28.18 all power and authority giuen vnto him and that hée doth b Eph. 1.20.21 22 Phi. 2.9 10 11 rule gouerne all things in heauen and earth 74 Q. VVhen shall Christ come againe from heauen A. In the end of the world Acts 1.11 Q. What shall he then doe A. Hée shall iudge both the quick and the dead 2. Tim. 4.1 Q. Shal all generally come to iudgement A. Yes the faithful shal come into the a Mat. 25.34 Ioh. 5.24 iudgement of absolution and the wicked into the iudgement of b
Mat. 25.41 condemnation 77. Q. How is all that which Christ hath done made profitable to vs Iohn 5.29 A. By the inward and secret working of the holy Ghost 1 Cor. 12.13 Q. In what Article is this expressed A. In the eightth Article I beléeue in the holy Ghost Q. VVhat is the holy Ghost A. The third person in the Trinity very a Acts 5 4● 3 4 true God equall with the Father and the Sonne and b Ioh. 14 26 15.26 procéeding from them both Q. What is the office of the holy Ghost A. To a Iohn teach b Ioh. 3.5 1. Cor. 6.11 regenerate and sanctifie vs and to c 1 Ioh. 4.13 vnite vs with Christ 88. Q. Who are they which by the holy Ghost are sanctified gathered vnto Christ and made one with him A. The holy Catholike Church Q. What is the Catholike Church A. A a 1 Pet. 2.9 peculiar company of people b 1 The. 5.8 chosen of God to life euerlasting and c Eph. 5.30 Colos 1 made one with Christ Q. Why is the Church called holy A. Because by Christ it is made holy Ephes 5.26 27 Q. What signifieth Catholike A. Vniuersall Q. Why is it so called A. Because at all times in all places and of all sorts of people God hath some that are his Q. What are the speciall workes of the Church A. A sincere profession of the true a Acts 2.42 doctrine of the Word of God obedience to the doctrine and the right vse of the b Mat. 28.19 20 Sacraments Q. What do you then meane when you say The Catholike Church A. I beléeue there is a Catholike Church that is there are some that are chosen of God to life euerlasting and made one with Christ and that I am one of the number of them Q. What are the benefits belonging to the Church A. Foure especially Q. What is the first A. The Communion of Saints 1 Ioh. 1.3 ● Q. Who are those Saints A. All the faithfull as well in earth as in heauen Psal 16.3 Rom. 1.7 Q. What is meant by Communion A. A knitting together in one a societie and fellowship that one hath with another 1. Ioh. 1.7 Q. What is meant then by the Communion of Saints A. The spirituall fellowship which the faithfull haue with Christ 1. Ioh. 1.3 and all his benefits by faith Q. What else A. The society which the faithfull haue among themselues by loue which makes all their gifts touching the vse common to euery one Acts 4.32 Q. What is the second benefit A. The forgiuenes of sinnes Q. What do you meane when you say these words A. I beléeue that a Heb 8.12 God for b Ephes 1.7 Christs sake doth fréely forgiue the sinnes of the faithfull yea and my sinnes also Q. VVhat is the third and fourth benefit A. The resurrection of the body and the life euerlasting Q. What doe you professe to beleeue heerein A. That the bodies of the faithfull shal be raised vp by Christ in the last day and ioyned to their soules 1. Thess 4.14 16 17 Phil. 3.21 Mat. 25.46 and that both in body and soule they shall liue for euer with Christ in heauen 98. Q. What is required of vs that we may indeede be partakers of Christ and his benefits A. A true and liuely faith in Christ Ioh. 3.36 Acts 16.31 Q. What is this faith A. A speciall a Phil. 1.29 gift of God whereby we doe b Gal. 3.14 apprehend and apply Christ with all his benefits to our c Ioh. 20.28 Gal. 2.20 selues particularly Q. Who doth work this faith in vs A. The holy Ghost 1 Cor. 12 3.9 Q. By what means workes he it A. By the hearing of the Word of God preached Rom. 10.17 Q. Are we then saued by this our faith A. Yes by faith onely Rom. 3.28 Q. Why are we said to be saued by faith onely A. Because by faith onely we lay hold on Christ and apply Christ withall his merits to our selues and because nothing in vs can doe this but onely our faith The second part of the Catechisme Quest. 104. IF we be saued by faith onely then wherefore do the Sacraments serue A. They were ordained by Christ for the strengthening of our faith Q. What is a Sacrament A. An outward and visible signe and seale of an inward and spirituall grace Gen. 17.11 Rom. 4.11 Q. How many Sacraments bee there A. Two 1. Cor. 10.1 2 3 Baptisme and the Lords Supper Q. What is Baptisme A. A signe and seale of our receiuing into the Church and grafting into the body of Christ Gal. 3.27 Q. What is the outward signe in Baptisme A. Water Ioh. 1.38 Q. What is the inward grace A. The bloud and Spirit of Christ Marke 1.8 Q. What is signified by the sprinkling or washing with Water A. The a Reuel 1.5 washing away of our sins by the bloud of Christ and our newe b Titus 3.5 birth by the holy Ghost Q. Are Infants to be baptized A. Yes because the conenant and promise of God Gen. 17.7 Acts. 2.39 is made to the faithfull and to their séed also Q. Are such Infants as die without Baptisme damned A. God forbid It is not the want but the contempt of the Sacrament that bringeth death Q. VVhat is required of vs after Baptisme A. Truly to a Mark 16.16 beléeue in Christ to b Rom 6.4 by to sin and to rise vp to newnes of life Q. VVhat is the Lords Supper A. It is a signe and seale of the spirituall nourishing of our soules to eternall life 1 Cor. 10.16 Ioh. 6.54 by the body and bloud of Christ Q. What are the outward signes A. Bread and Wine 1. Cor. 11.23 Q. What are the things signified thereby A. The body and bloud of Christ 1 Cor. 11.24 25 Q. Are the Bread and Wine turned into the body and bloud of Christ A. No they remaine still Bread and Wine 1. Cor. 11.26 27 28 for take away the outward signe and then it is no Sacrament Q. Why so A. Because in euery Sacrament there must bée both an outward signe and an inward grace Q. Doth the Bread and Wine then in the Sacrament differ nothing from common Bread and Wine A. Yes not in nature and substance 1 Sam. 21.4 1 Cor. 10.16 but in the end and vse thereof Q. How is the Bread and Wine receiued A. After an outward and bodilie manner by the hand and mouth Q. How is the bodie and bloud of Christ re●eiued A. After an inward and spirituall manner by a true and liuely faith Joh. 6.35 ●● Q. If it bee done by faith then wherefore doe wee receiue the Sacrament A. For a continuall thankfull remembrance of Christs death 1. Cor. 11.24 25 26 and the benefits me receiue thereby and for the
forgiuenes of our sinnes and eternall saluation The Papists say It is presumption to be assured of saluation and will haue men to doubt thereof the which is contrary to the nature of true faith They call the certaintie of remission of sinnes a faithles perswasion and the faith of diuels not of Apostles Concil Trid. Sess 6 cap. 9.12 13. Rhemists Annot. 1. Cor. 9. Sect. 9. DIALOGVE 2. C. Shew me I pray you what things in particular they teach contrary to any Article of the Creed M. I could shew you many but I feare that then I should be tedious to you I will therefore set downe onely the chiefest In the second and third Article is described and set foorth vnto vs both the person office of our Mediator namely that he is both God and man a Prophet Priest and King Concerning his person although in words they confesse him to be God and man yet indéed they deny it for they ascribe to him a body inuisible and infinite they teach that hee is corporally present in infinite places at once which is proper onely to God and contrary to the nature of a true body And so in effect they do euen deny his Man-hood The Sonne of God is called Iesus because he is a Sauiour yea the onely and perfect Sauiour which saueth vs from our sinnes that is hath deliuered vs not onely from the blame or guiltines but fully also from the punishment due to our sinnes Mat. 1.21 Acts 4.12 Heb. 7.25 The Papists teach that there must also some satisfaction of our owne come to make vp our perfect Redemption Concil Trid. Sess 14.6.8 Can. 11.15 They will not be saued only by IESVS CHRIST but by the merits also of Saints their owne merits Popes pardons c. yea they ascribe that to others which is proper to Christ alone and so consequently make them their Sauiours As for example They ascribe to S. Francis the same titles properties power and the very same office due to Iesus Christ in all respects they make him like to Christ whatsoeuer Christ did that as they say did S. Francis And what is this in effect but to make him their Sauiour That they do ascribe the former things to S. Francis is to be séene in a booke written on purpose to shew the conformity betwéen him and Christ called The Conformity of Francis the which hath bin confirmed by the authority of the Church of Rome Pope Gregory the Ninth inioyned the faithfull to hold and firmely to beléeue the things taught in the said booke concerning S. Francis and that he should be punished as an Heretike that would thinke the contrary Confor F. 2. lib. 1 Fol. 3. C. To whom else doe they ascribe that which is proper to Iesus Christ M. To the Virgin Mary They describe her nature by her name Maria consisting of fiue letters and these as they say doe import the fiue offices to be exercised by her toward vs. The first is Maternitatis of Mother-hood signified by the letter M for shée as they say is the mother of mercy through whom wée obtaine mercy Her second office is Conseruationis of conseruing the treasure of God signified by the letter A which representeth Arcam thesauri the chest of treasure for in her as they say we shall finde an infinite treasure of the wisdome and grace of God Her third office is Directionis et gubernationis of direction and gouerning by example of her life This is imported by the letter R. and therefore shée is named Regina the Quéene Her fourth office is Iaculationis et repulsionis inimicorum of flinging and repelling back of enemies signified by the letter I and therefore they pray thus to her Tu nos ab hoste protege et hora mortis suscipe Protect thou vs from the enemie and receiue vs at the houre of death Her last Office is Aduocati●nis of Aduocation imported by the letter A. from whence they pray thus O our aduocate turne thy mercifull eyes vnto vs. And what doe they héerein but euen place her in the roome of Iesus and make her their Sauiour These are the very words of Fryer Iohn Viguerius a Doctour yea and a publike professour of diuinity among them in his Institutions to his Catholike Theologie Cap. 20. Sect. 9. Fol. 214. And heerein he is like to such as can make Bells to sound euen what pleaseth their phantasticall braine and as best may féed their superstitions humours Further they say that shée is the originall or our saluation the recouerer of grace and forgiuenes our hope our saluation resurrection c. yea that to her it is giuen to bruise the Serpents head that shée hath done it and procured that peace betwéene God and man which no man could procure Viguerius Ibid. 214.215 Confor Fran. in conclus lib. 1. Is not this to make her a Sauiour C. Surely yes and I thinke it most horrible blasphemie M. Account you this blasphemy what say you then to that which Carolus Scribanius a Iesuit hath written of her As namely First that the milke of Mary may come into comparison with the bloud of Christ Secondly that the Christian mans faith may lawfully take hold of both as well as one Thirdly that the best compound for a sick soule is to mix together her milk and Christs bloud Fourthly that the sinnes and spirituall diseases of the soule are cured aswel by her milk as by his bloud Fiftly that her milk and the merit and vertue of it is more precious and excellent then Christs bloud These most horrible blasphemies with many such like are to be found in the aforesaid Iesuits book which M. C. hath put into English and sufficiently answered calling it The Iesuits Gospell Besides all these things in a book called The Ladies Psalter they haue put out the word Lord and put in the word Lady As for example Psalm 110.1 The Lord said vnto our Lady Sit thou mother at my right hand c. The like they doe in the rest of the Psalmes And is not this good stuffe thinke you C. These books were written long agone and it may be that they are now reiected by the Papists M. The latter of them was indéede written long agone but is not reiected but stands vncontrouled or rather defended by the Iesuits and those of the principall The former was written but lately And whereas both the Author and his book as M. C. saith deserued the fire and halter it was so farre from béeing misliked in the Romish Synagogue or any way censured that the booke hath béene reprinted and the Authour and his book stand enrolled approoued and commended in their great volumes set out for that purpose for good and Catholike As they place S. Francis and the Virgin Mary in Christs roome so doe they the Pope also ascribing that to him which is proper vnto Iesus Christ and may not without blasphemie be ascribed to any creature They say that the Pope is the Sunne the
doth who many times hath in his net a true and liuing Larke indéede but it is onely to deceiue the Larkes and the more easily to catch them in his net So they professe Christ haue his Word and Sacraments among them but it is onely to deceiue simple people and to make a prey of them DIALOGVE 4. C. Doe they teach any other thing con●arie to any other Article of the Creed M. Yes diuers things In the Article we professe to beléeue that Christ was conceiued by the holy Ghost and so he and he onely was conceiued without originall sinne They teach that the Virgin Mary was also conceiued without originall sinne and that by this meanes it came to passe that Christ was frée from all spot Concil Trid. Sess 5. cap. 1. de peccato originali And so héerein they doe altogether ouerthrowe this Article of Christs conception by the holy Ghost to whose onely power the Scripture doth impute Christs holines not to the Virgin Mary which was no lesse then all others conceiued and borne in sinne and did néede Christ to be her Mediatour aswell as the rest of mankinde There was a long time a foule stirre in the Church of Rome betwéene the Dominicans and the Franciscans about this point Acts and Monuments page 732. It was the common opinion of Fathers and Writers vntill Lumbards time which was about the yéere 1150 that shée was conceiued in Originall sinne Perkins 2. Vol. 596. In the 4. Article we professe that Christ suffered c. by which he hath made a full and perfect satisfaction for the sinnes of his elect and for the whole punishment thereof both eternall and temporall The Popists teach that Christ hath satisfied for sinnes going before Baptisme but concerning sinnes following Baptisme the fault is remitted by the passion of Christ and the punishment which of infinite is made finite is to bee satisfied for by men themselues eyther heere or in Purgatorie that is men themselues must satisfie the iustice of God for the temporall punishment of their offences eyther on earth or in Purgatorie There is say they a certaine infernall place in the earth called Purgatorie in the which as in a prison-house the soules which were not fully purged in this life are there clensed and purged by fire before they can be receiued into heauen Bellar. de Purgat lib. 1. cap. 1. and cap. 3. lib. 2. cap. 6. Rhem. on 1 Cor 3. Sect. 4. They say also that it is an Article of faith to beléeue that there is a Purgatorie and that he which beliues it not is sure to go to Hell Bellarm. ibid. lib. 1. cap. 15. But this is so farre from béeing an Article of faith as that it is a méere fable and contrary to an Article of faith The bloud of Christ is the Purgatorie of our sinnes 1. Iohn 1.7 Afflictions are called the fiery triall 1 Pet. 1.7 4.12 whereby we are clensed from our corruption as gold is from the drosse by fire No other Purgatorie is to bee found in the Scriptures The Scriptures mention but two sorts of men beléeuers and vnbeléeuers and but two places after this for them heauen for the one and hell for the other Luke 16.25 26. Iohn 3.36 Reuel 20.14 15.21.7 8. They that die in the Lord rest from their labours which cannot bee true if any of them goe to Purgatorie Their workes follow them that is the reward of their workes Reuel 14.13 If any man should haue gone to Purgatorie then the thiefe vpon the Crosse had gone thither who repenting at his end wanted time to make satisfaction for the temporall punishment of his sinnes but Christ said to him To day shalt thou be with mée in Paradise The doctrine of Purgatorie came into the Church out of the heathen writers for the Philosophers and Poets were the first that euer wrote of it Popish Purgatorie was vnknowne to the Fathers many hundred yéeres after Christ Perkins 2. Vol. 568.569 C. If Purgatorie be but a fable contrary to an Article of faith then what is the cause that the Church of Rome so stifly maintaines it M. There is great cause why they should so do for it kéepes in the fire in the Popes Kitchin for if the fire of Purgatorie were not great the fire in the Popes Kitchin would bee but small for by this meanes they haue store of money for Pardons Masses Diriges and other such like trumperies DIALOGVE 5. C. Doe they teach any thing else contrary to the Creed M. Yes The sirth Article saith that Christ ascended into heauen c. and the Scriptures say that the heauens must containe him c. Acts. They teach contrary héereunto namely that Christ is corporally present in the Sacrament and that in many places at once The which is contrary to the nature of a true body and contrary to the nature of the Sacrament which is a remembrance of Christ Vigilius against Eutyches lib. 4. saith thus When it that is the flesh of Christ was on earth it was not in heauen and because it is now in heauen it is not on earth This is the Catholike faith and confession It is an Article of faith to beléeue the Catholike Church and faith is the euidence of things not séene Heb. 11 1. Therfore the Catholike Church is alwaies vnto the world inuisible and not to be espied but by the eyes of faith because things seene are not beléeued The Papists teach that the Catholike Church is and hath but alwaies visible Rhem. on Mat. 5. Sect. 3. The Church is said to be Catholike that is vniuersall because it is not tyed to any one speciall place but is spred abroad ouer the face of the earth They tie it to Rome alone which can be but a particular Church and not vniuersall In the Church there is a Communion of Saints and these are they that are sanctified by the blond and Spirit of Christ hauing the perfect holines of Christ put vpon them by imputation of faith and the quality of imperfect holines powred into their heart by the Spirit of sanctification And such are the faithfull heere on earth 1. Cor. 1.2 Psal 16.2 The Papists acknowledge none to be Saints but such as are in heauen They teach that the Pope can canonize Saints whereas to make one a Saint is onely the work of God 1. Cor. 11. The Pope hath canonized many that indéede were neuer true Saints of God but wicked men and rank Traitors to their Princes as Becket with many others This canonizing of Saints was neuer heard of with the Fathers vntill the yéere 880. and then Adrian took vp this authority And Alexâder the Third after him confirmed it in his decrées In the Créed we professe to beléeue the forgiuenes of sinnes that is I beléeue that God for Christs sake doth fréely forgiue the sinnes of his elect and my sinnes also And héerein consisteth our iustification namely in the frée forgiuenes of our sinnes and the