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A06955 A new yeares gyfte more precious than golde worthy to be embrased no lesse ioyfully than tha[n]kfully of euery true christe[n] man, newly published by Theodore Basille. Becon, Thomas, 1512-1567. 1543 (1543) STC 1738; ESTC S109206 72,867 228

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be truely vnderstand For by this word synne doth S. Iohn̄ vnderstāde the whole lōpe of synne that is in the worlde whyther it be that which we committed in Adam or elles those whiche after oure baptisme thorowe the ragynge carnal affectes that are in vs we cōmyt in thoughte worde or dede All thys whole lōpe of synne that is to saye all that euer is contayned vnder thys worde synne or yet pertaynethe vnto synne doth Christ y e lābe of God at all tymes take awaye What authorite of the scripture cā be recited more open euidēt agenst thē Chri. Ye saye trueth But let vs heare mo scriptures that we maye be thorowly satisfyed in this poynt Phil. Whan Christ hangynge vpon y e crosse had payd a sufficient raūsome for oure synnes by the sheddynge of his moost precious bloud he cōmendethe hys spirite into the handes of his heauenly father and bowynge downe hys head sayd Tetelestai that is to saye euery thyng is nowe consūmate perfecte and fully fynished The sacrifyce for synne is offered a plentefull raunsome is payde so y t nowe all sacrifyces all oblacions for synne cease This one sacrifice thys one oblacion whyche I haue made vpon the altare of the crosse fynyssheth maketh perfecte all thinges so that there remayneth after thys none other sacrifice for ony kynde of synne Hereto agreeth the saynge of S. Paule Christ oure Byshop abydeth for euer hath an euerlastyng prestehode so that he is able to saue euen at the full them that come vnto God by hym euer lyuynge that he may make intercessiō for vs. Agen Christ by his owne bloud entered into the holy place once for al found euerlastyng redemcion Item with one oblacion hathe Christ made thē consūmate perfecte for euermore that are sāctifyed Thus se we that all thynges are thorowly fynyshed made consummate and perfecte by Christ so that there is no more sacrifice for synne lea●te behynde to put awaye synne but if we wyll haue remissiō of our wyckednesses we must rūne wyth the fete of our mynde to that sacrifice whiche Christ offered once for all vpō the altare of y e crosse that he myght put syn to flyght for euermore Nowe if Christ had putte awaye onely originall synne by hys death thā had he not made all thinges perfecte For he had lefte mo synnes vnforgyuen than were forgiuē by his deathe Howe great and infinite is the nomber of those synnes which we commit after baptisme in cōparison of this one originall syn This were but a slender consummacion makynge perfecte so to leaue vs in mo synnes thā we ware foūd But Christ saueth at the ful He maketh thē perfecte for euermore that are sanctifyed The vertue of Christes sacrifice is so great of so much dignite before God the father that it lastethe euer in full strengthe to put awaye synne yea and that not only before but also after baptisme Euse. Let vs here what s. Paul saith to this matter Phil. Paul as a good faythfull seruaūt doth agre wyth his master ye maye be sure Notwtstandyng I wyll gyue you a taste of his doctrine concernyng thys matter Theo. Lette it so be I praye you ▪ To the Romās he sayth on this māner God setteth forthe hys loue towarde vs in that Christ dyed for vs whan we were yet synners Muche more than shall we be sauedde from wrathe by hym seynge we are nowe made righteous thorowe his bloud For if we were reconciled vnto god by the deathe of his sonne whan we were yet enemies muche more shall we be saued by hym nowe that we are reconciled Here S. Paule proueth y t as we are reconciled to God the father by the death of his sonne Christ so are we also by hym saued from all wrath and displeasure that shoulde fall vpon vs. Are not these wordes playne ynoughe At baptisme we are purged thorowe Christes bloud from originall syn all other that we haue committed before so y t we are recōciled to God recoūted for righteous Nowe by Christ also are we preserued from the wrath of God which we deserue thorowe the wyckednes whiche we do after baptisme Hereof than maye we gather that Christ is not only a sauiour vnto vs before but also after baptisme So maye we conclude that by Christes death we are not only redemed from originall synne but also from all other by what so euer names they be called Agayne he sayth it is not with the gyfte as with the synne For if thorowe the syn of one many be dead yet much more plenteously came the grace and gyfte of God vpon many by the fauour that belonged vnto one mā Iesus christ And the gyfte is not onely ouer one synne as deathe came thorowe one synne of one that synned For the iudgement came of one synne vnto condemnacion but the gyfte to iustify frō many synnes Do not these wordes euidently shewe y t by Christ we are iustifyed made ryghteouse from many synnes If from many synnes than not from one synne alone Agen to the Corinchians fyrst of all I delyuered vnto you y t which I also receaued how that Christ dyed for oure synnes accordynge to y e scriptures Marke that S. Paule sayth for our synnes not for oure synne wherwithe we all offended in Adā To the Collossians also he wryteth on this manner By Christ we haue redēcion by his bloud remission of sines Note by Christes bloud we haue remissiō of synnes not only originall but also actuall mortall veneall c. and not by the worckes wich we do after baptisme as thogh it laye in oure power to fulfyll the lawe to satisfye the wyll of God to apease y e diuine wrath to obtayne euerlastīg lyfe For al these thynges chaunse vnto vs by Christ are obtayned for vs by Christes deathe not by ony workes or merites of mā as S. Paule sayth if righteousnes cōmeth by the lawe thā dyed Christ in vayne Igen we knowe that mā is not iustifyed by the workes of the lawe but by y e fayth of Iesus christ we beleue in Christ Iesu that we myght be iustifyed by the faythe of Christ not by the workes of y e law because that no man shall be iustified by the workes of the lawe Item ye are gone quyte frō Christ as many of you as wyl be made righteous by the lawe yea ye are fallen from grace Agayn in another place they not knowynge the righteousnes of God labouryng to establysh theyr owne righteousnes were not obedient to the righteousnes of God For Christe is the perfeccion of the lawe vnto iustificaciō for euery one that beleueth Once agayne if saluacion commeth of grace than is it not o● workes elles were grace no grace But if it come of worckes than is grace nothynge All these sentences teache vs that we are delyuered frō all our synnes by Christ
crosse the vertue strengthe wherof abydeth in so full power that i● is able to saue so many as repent b●leue labour to lead a good and innocent lyfe for euermore Neyther haue I spoken theyse thynges to discorage ony man from doyng good workes but for ●o set forth christ to be a perfecte sauyoure agaynst the wycked doctrine of the Anabaptistes which nowe begyn to crepe in amonge vs vnto the great dishonour of God y e extreme blasphemy of Christes most precious bloud noysome perturbaciō of the holy catholyke chyrche And as I maye knytte vp all thys matter in fewe wordes know good brothers that in Adam all we were damned so that thorowe his wickednes we were begotten conceaued borne in synne yea by nature the very sonnes of wrathe Nowe to be delyuered from this miserable state wherinto we were caste by Ad●̄ we of our owne wytte polecy wisdome ●olynes ryghteousnes c. could inuent no means but so styll remayned in the daunger of euerlastynge dānaciō Therfore God moued w t pitie towarde mankynde euen of hys owne free mercy goodnes wtoute ony of our desertes sent downe his only begotten sonne Iesus christ in to ●his vale of misery which for our sake toke flesh of the moost holy and pure virgin Mary thorow the operacion of the holy ghost became mā at the tyme to fore appoynted he offered voluntaryly his moost blyssed ●ody an acceptable swete smellynge Sacrifice to God the father which was is of so great vertue power that by it alone all our synnes are putte awaye not only that which we committed in Adam but those also whiche we oure selues in processe of tyme do perpetrate cōmit Now so many of vs as are baptised in the name of the father of y e sonne of the holy Ghost and haue taken vpō vs a newe lyfe forsakyng y e world y e deuil the flesh w t al theyr pōpes workes haue at that verye tyme of Baptisme all theyr synnes forgyuen them and are so clerely redemed deliuered and made fre from all vnryghteousnes be they yonge or olde as though they had neuer cōmitted ony of them at all And this is it that S. Paule sayth christ loued the congregacion gaue hymselfe for it to sanctifye it and clēsed it in y e fountayne of water thorowe the worde to make it vnto hymselfe a glorious congregacion wythoute spot or wryncle or ony suche thyng but that it shulde be holy and without blame Nowe if whan they be once baptised and growne vppe in age they thorow eyther fragilite or ignorancy do agen offende breake the lawe of God contrarye to theyr profession vow made at baptisme than haue they an holye anchore ●o flye vnto whiche is the holye sacrament of Penaunce so that if they truly repent be sory for the faultes committed bewayle theyr synful lyuynge mortifye theyr carnall affectes slay theyr worldly lustes banish theyr dyuellysh concupiscences confesse theyr wycke●nes flye vnto the mercy of god beleue to haue forgiuenes and take a newe lyfe vpon thē God the father wyll surely forgyue them theyr synnes be they neuer so great or many yea and that for the dignite of that one sacrifice whyche hys only begottē sonne offered once for all vpon the altare of the crosse So that if repentaunce amendement of lyfe come christes sacrifice serueth to put away sinnes for euer euer But as the bloud of christ is sufficient to pacify y e father althogh one man had cōmitted so many offēces as all the worlde hathe done or shall do vnto y e very ende of y e world so lykewyse is ther no saluaciō layd vp for hym in store which wyll not repent nor cease to synne although christ shuld suffer an hondred thousande tymes For christ is a sauiour to penitent synners and not to the wicked vngodly And as there is no damnacion to them that are engraffed in christ Iesu whiche walke not after y e flesh but after y e spirite so is there no helth nor saluacion to them that lyue after y e flesh though they bable neuer so muche of christ of christes passion bloud death of the remission of sinnes of the mercy of God of the gospell of y e swete promise● of God of euerlastyng lyfe God hath not called vs y t we shulde be vnclene but holy and vertuous God sayth S. Peter sent his sonne to be a beneficial sauiour vnto you that euery one of you should turne from his wyckednesse But of thys we wyl speake more hereafter Therfore brothers whan so euer ye perceaue y t ye offend God in ony thyng dispayre not flye vnto that blyssed sacrament of Penaunce b● sory for your synful lyuynge bewayle your wycked māners thyr●t after strēgth to do the wyll of God conf●sse your synnes from the very harte call for grace desyre mercy and praye vnto God y t he wyl forgyue you your faultes he wyll vndoubtedly remit forgyue you al the faultes synnes trespasses that ye euer cōmitted agaynst hym for the loue that he beareth towarde his sonne our Lord sauiour Iesus christ which as your newe yeres gyfte sayth hathe redemed vs from all vnrighteousnes y t is to say both from originall synne and all other Euse. Brother Philemō we shal neuer be able to recompense thys your kyndenes which so gentylly at our request hathe declared this matter vnto vs concernyng y e remission of synnes thorowe christ I beseche God gyue vs all grace so to institute order our lyfe that we maye be found in the nomber of thē whose synnes are put away by this moost holy sacrifice of christes blyssed bodye whose wyckednesses are washed awaye by christes moost precious bloude Chri. Amen For than shall we be sure not only to be delyuered from all our synnes but also to enioye euerlastyng lyfe which is the gyfte of GOD thorowe Iesus Christ oure Lorde Phil. We wyll go forthe wyth your newe yeares gift● and make an ende It followethe And to pourge vs a peculier people vnto hym selfe Christ gaue not hymselfe only vnto death for to redeme vs from all vnrighteousnesse but also to pourge vs a peculiare people to hymself For as he hath redemed vs by hys death so hath he pourged purified made vs cleane by his bloud as S. Iohn̄ sayth the bloude of Iesus christ makethe vs cleane from all synne For what entent hath he thus pourged and made vs clene Uerely that we should be a peculiare people vnto hī selfe Chri. What is mente by that I praye you Phil. To be the peculiare people of God is to be chosen out of the company of the vnfaythful and wycked people and to be cōsecrated dedicated wholly gyuen to serue God to seake his glory to magnify his moost blyssed name and to do al thynges accordyng to his worde as the Iewes in tymes
maner I am I am the Lorde there is no sauiour besides me Agayne in tha● same chapter I am I am he which putteth away thyne iniquities yea that for myne owne sake wyll remember thē no more Put me in remembraunce let vs be iudged togyther Tell me if thou haste anye thynge whereby thou mayeste be iustified Thy fyrst father synned and thy Prophettes haue trespassed agenst me Also in another place Am not I the Lord Is there any other God besydes me A righteous God such one as saueth there is none but I alone Tourne vnto me and ye shall be safe o all ye coastes of the earth for I am God there is none other Once agayne by y e same Prophet he saythe I alone haue troden downe the wyne presse there was none at all that dyd healpe me Are not al these scriptures playn inugh to declare that Christ is the sauiour that there is no saluacion but by easeth refreshethe conforteth the conforteles Christ the sonne of man came to seke saue that which was lost Ergo what so euer is lost saued agen is saued by Christ. Christ is that true light which lighteneth euery man that commeth into this worlde Ergo they that are not lightened by Christ remayne styl in darkenes Christ gaue to so many as receaued hym power to be made the sonnes of God because they beleued in his name Ergo they that receiue not him to be theyr sauiour and beleue that theyr synnes are only put awaye by his name are not the sonnes of God Christ is that lambe 〈◊〉 God that taketh away the fynne 〈◊〉 the world Ergo there is none othe● sacrifyce for synne but Christ alone No man goeth vp into heauen but he that came downe from heauen y e sonne of man whiche is in heauen Ergo so many as go vp into heuen go vp onely by Christ. He that beleueth in the sonne hath euerlastyng life But he that beleueth not in the sonne shall not se lyfe but y e wrathe of GOD abydeth vpon hym Ergo they alone shall be saued whiche w t a stronge faythe beleue Christ to be theyr Sauioure Euery one saythe Christ that drynketh of the water that I gyue hym shall neuermore thyrst Ergo Christ is a sufficient sauiour for so many as repent and beleue Christ is that lyuynge bread which came downe from heauen yf ony mā eateth of that bread he shal lyue for euermore Ergo he that tasteth Christ aryght nede the none other sauiour to gyue hī euerlastyng lyfe Christ is that good shepeherde whiche gyueth his lyfe for his shepe Ergo so many as are saued are saued by Christes death Christ is the resurreccion lyfe Ergo by him w● ryse out of syn obtayne lyf● eternall Christ is the waye trueth and lyfe No man commeth to the father but by him Ergo by christ alone we ascende go vp vnto the presence of the father Without christ we cā do nothing Ergo wtout him we cā not be saued Christ is the vine He y t abideth in him bryngeth forthe muche frute Ergo he y t casteth away christ seketh ony other sauyour is y e tre which brīgeth forth no frute therfore shall he be hewē downe cast in to y e fyre Christ dyed for our synnes rose agen for our iustificacion 〈◊〉 go by christes deth are we 〈◊〉 frō our sinnes by his resurre●cio● iustified made righteous We beyng iustified by fayth haue peace toward god thorowe our Lord ●●●us christ Ergo christ it is which m●keth y e attonemēt betwene god y e 〈◊〉 vs. By the synne of Adā alone came dānaciō on all mē euē so by y e righteousnes of christ alone came y e iustificaciō of lyfe vpō all mē Ergo as we were dāned by the syn of Adā alone so are we saued iustified preserued vnto euerlastyng life by y e righteousnes of christ alone Euerlasting lyfe is the gyft of god thorowe christ Iesus our Lord. Ergo so many as obtayne euerlasting lyfe cometh vnto it by y e fre gyft of god yea y t for our Lord Iesus Christes sake Christ is appoynted of god to be our wysdom righteousnes sāctificaciō redēciō Ergo by Christ are we made wyse ryghteous holy the chyldrē of redēciō We are washed we are sāctifyed yea we are made ryghteous thorow the name of y e Lord Iesus the spirite of our God Ergo by christes name and the spirite of God are we made pure holy righteous Christ whiche knowe no synne became syn for oure sake that is to saye a sacrifyce for our synnes Ergo those synnes that are putte awaye are putte awaye by y e sacrifyce of christ Christ whan he was ritche became pooore for our sake that by his pouertie he should make vs ritch Ergo so many as be made ritche are enrytched by christ If righteousnes cometh by y e lawe than dyed christ in vayne Ergo they that are made rygheteous are made righteous by the death of christ And who so euer seketh to be iustified by ony other meanes than by the deth of christ he goeth about to make christes deth of none effect and so is he a playne Antechrist By christ we haue redempcion by his bloude remission of synnes Ergo by christ is our raunsome payd and by his bloud are oure synnes forgyuen vs. Christ is our peace Ergo by him haue we tranquilite quietnes and rest in our cōsciēces By christ haue we free entraunce vnto the father Ergo so many as come vnto the father come by Christ. Christ is gone vp on high and hath led away captiuite captiue and hath giuen gyftes vnto men Ergo he it is that giueth remission of synnes Christ loued vs and gaue hymselfe for vs to God an offeryng swete smellynge sacrifyce Ergo for this swete odoriferous sacrifice of christ God the father pardoneth our sīnes Christ is the head of the body of the congregaciō Ergo he it is that saueth his members It hath plesed the father that in christ al fulnes shuld dwel that by him all thynges should be reconcyled vnto hīselfe whyther they be thynges vpon earth or in heauē y t thorowe the bloud of his crosse he myght make peace euen thorow his owne selfe Ergo all they y t are reconcyled set at one w t God the father haue obtayned thys by y e bloude of christ This is a true sayeng by al means worthy y t we should embrace it y t Christ Iesus came into y e world to saue synners Ergo Christe it is y t saueth sinners Ther is one God one attonemēt maker betwene god men euen the man Christ Iesus whyche gaue hym selfe a raunsome for all mē Ergo as
true owner to restore vs to our old liberte to set vs agayne in that fauour wherin we were with God y e father before we offended All this hathe Christ and none other done for vs by hys mooste precious bloude the sheddynge of hys bloude was the perfecte and wholly sufficient raunsome for al our synnes as S. Iohn̄ saythe The bloude of Iesus Christ maketh vs clene from all synne By hys owne bloud sayth S. Paule entred Christ once for all into the holy place and found euerlastyng redemcion Agayne we are made holy by y e oblacion of the body of Iesus christ done once for all Itē by christ haue we redēcion by his bloud remissiō forgyuenes of our synnes By the bloude of Christes crosse are all thinges pacifyed set at a staye y t ether be in earth or in heauen Chri. Hathe Christ by hys bloud redemed vs frō all vnryghteousnes Phil. Yea verely Chri. Let me aske you one question what do ye vnderstand by vnrighteousnes Phil. Unrighteusnes is here taken for synne and for all that we offende God wt. From all this hathe Christ redemed vs. Chri. I haue herd some saye that Christ only redemed vs frō originall synne that as for all other synnes we must make amēdes ●atisfy for them our selues by our owne workes and merites Phil. This is not farre frō theyr opinion which holde that there is no remission of those synnes that be committed after baptisme But as that is an heresy so is this no godly doctrine Of the remissiō of synne after baptisme we talked the last Lent abundātly in our Potaciō therfore leauyng that I wyll shewe proue nowe vnto you that Christ hath redemed vs from all vnrighteousnes as your new yeres gyfte sayth and that by his bloud we are delyuered not onely from originall synne but also actual veneall mortall call thē by what name ye wyll so that they which offende repent beleue take a newe lyfe vpō them Only y e synne agaynst the holy Ghost which hath desperaciō obstinate malyce to her cōpagnions is irremissible neuer forgyuē for asmuch as it excludeth repentance fayth amendement of lyfe as Christ witnessethe Euerye sinne blasphemy shall be forgyuen men but the blasphemy agaynst the holy Ghost shall not be forgyuen vnto men And who so euer shall speke a worde agaynst the sonne of man it shall be forgyuen hym But he y t speaketh agaynst the holy Ghoste it shal not be forgyuen hym nether in this worlde nor in y e world to come Agē Al sinnes shal be forgyuē to mēnes chyldrē and blasphemies wherwythe so euer they blaspheme But he that blasphemeth the holy Ghost shall neuer haue forgyuenes but is gyltye to euerlastynge damnacion Thys is the synne whiche S. Iohn̄ calleth the synne vnto death for the which he would that no man should praye Of these wordes it is euident that all synnes shal be forgyuen mē if they repent beleue amend besydes the synne agaynst the holy ghost But nowe let vs se by what means these synnes are forgyuē Whyther for our dedes merites or for Christes bloudes sake and so shal we easely perceaue whyther Christ by hys death hath delyuered vs onely from original synne or rather from all other vniuersally Euse. This is it that we would gladly heare Phil. By the Prophet Esaye Christ speakethe on this māner I am he I am he which put away thyne vnrighteousnesses yea and that for myne owne sake I wyl remēber thy synnes no more Marke that he sayth vnrighteousnesses and synnes in the plurall nōber because no man shoulde pycke a cauilacion and say y e Christ only putteth awaye one offence whiche is y e originall synne S. Paule in oure newe yeres gyfte sayth Christ gaue hym selfe to redeme vs from all vnrighteousnes And by the Prophet Christ sayth y t he putteth away our vnryghteousnesses and synnes Is it not all one Do they not tell both one tale So se we that it is no new doctrine to say that Christ putteth awaye all our synnes both original actuall veneall mortall c. They that affyrme the contrary derogate not a lytle the vertue glory of christes death and are very they whom S. Paule callethe the enemies of y e crosse of Christ whole ende damnacion is whose God theyr belly is c. These are those false Prophettes lyeng techers whiche as Peter prophecied shuld come priuyly bryng in dānable sectes denyeng y e Lorde which bought them Are not they very enemies of Christes crosse and do not they vtterly deny Christ which teache that Christ by hys pashyon bloud and death did only put away but one synne And that for those whiche we commyt after baptisme we oure selues must satisfy make amēdes so that for them there is no remissiō and forgyuenes to be asked of God the father for Iesus Christis sake What ony other thyng is this than to make our selues equal with Christ yea to exalt our selues aboue Christ to holde that oure good dedes merites be of greater pryce more value than the death bloude of christ For this doctrine I graūt teacheth that Christ is a sauyoure but yet that he saueth only frō originall synne whiche we receaued of our fyrst father Adā so that by him we are delyuered but from one syn It techeth agayne that we our selues are sauiours for asmuch as we saue our selues thorow our good dedes and merites from all those synnes which we cōmit after baptisme Nowe lette vs se whyther Christ be the better sauiour or we our selues whyther there is more saluaciō in the death of Christ or in oure good workes Christ by his death sauethe only from one synne which is orig●●nal We saue our selues from ma● and innumerable synnes for seuen tymes in a daye synneth the righteous whiche we commyt after baptisme Ergo we are better sauiours than Christ and there is more vertue of saluacion in our workes thā in the bloud and death of Christ So that Christ is but a quarter sauiour and we make vp the whole O pernicious and dyuellyshe doctrine Who hath euer opened his mouth to speake blasphemies agaynst the moost highest if they do it not which maintayne this wycked damnable doctrine But let vs heare mo scriptures Esay the Prophet sayth vnfaynedly he that is to saye Christ hath taken vpon hym oure syckenesses borne our sorowes Agayne he was wounded for our wyckednesses and broken for our mischeuous and vngracious actes Beholde howe vniuersally the scripture speaketh oure syckenesses sorowes wyckednesses myscheuous and vngracious actes Are all these but one synne If they be many ergo Christ delyuered vs from many If he delyuered vs frō many ergo not from original synne alone To what poyn●e are the authors of thys wycked doctrine become now wyth what eyes do these Owles and blynd Andabates
looke vpon the holye scriptures w t what spirite do they searche the misteries of God Let vs heare what y e Psalmograph sayth Prayse ye the lorde O my soule and all that is wythin me prayse his holy name Prayse y e Lorde O my soule and forget not al his benefites Whiche forgyueth all thy synnes and healeth all thyne infirmites Which saueth thy lyfe frō destruccion crowneth the in mercy and louing kyndnes Dauid here bosteth not hym selfe of his good dedes nether cleueth he vnto them as the Authors of his saluaciō but he falleth vnto the prayse of the Lorde magnifieth hym for his benefites confessyng y t what so euer he hathe beynge ether good or godly cōmeth of God and not of hym selfe therfore is he worthy all prayse honour glory He acknowlegeth that god forgyueth hym all his synnes healeth al his infirmities Where is ony excepcion here I pray you God forgyueth all what remayneth thā behynde to be forgyuen Is originall synne only nowe forgyuen thorowe Christ Moreouer he saythe y t God saueth his lyfe from destrucciō and crowneth him in mercy and louyng kindnes Are not these wordes playne ynough He graunteth y t god preserueth hī frō dāpnaciō agen y t God crowneth hī y t is to say giueth hym eternall glory euen of his owne free mercye and tender goodnes What woulde we haue more God forgyueth vs all oure synnes healeth all our infirmities saueth our lyfe frō destruccion crowneth vs in marcye and louyng kyndenes what can he do more to shew himselfe a sauiour and that there is none that sauethe from synnes be they originall actuall veniall or mortall but he alone Theo. He is twyse vnkynde to God his sonne Christ that can not broke these thynges Phil. Ye saye trueth but let vs come vnto y e newe Testament Whan Gabriel came vnto the moost blyssed virgine Mary shewed her that she should cōceaue thorowe the operacion of y e holy Ghost and bryng forth Christ y e true Messias and annoynted kynge whyche was so longe looked for amonge all other thynges he sayd to Ioseph a●●ter that Mary was perceaued to be with chyld he mynded to go from her priuely Ioseph the sonne of Da●uid feare not to take mary thy wife vnto the for that which is cōceaued in her commeth of the holy Ghoste She shall bryng forthe a sonne and thou shalte call his name IESVS For he shall saue hys people from theyr synnes Here are two notable thynges to be marked One is that christ is called IESVS whych as ye heard before is by interpretacion a sauiour Another is y t it is he y t saueth his people frō theyr synnes Hys name declareth hym manifestly to be a sauiour And because no man shoulde thyncke that Christ is called a sauiour only bycause he saueth vs from the daunger of the originall synne therfore the Aungell speakethe here in the plurell nōber and sayth that he shall saue hys people from theyr synnes and not frō theyr synne originall alone If Christ saueth vs frō synnes ergo he sauethe vs from mo synnes than one S Iohn̄ Baptiste also appoyntynge Christ wythe hys ●ynger sayd Beholde that lambe of God whych taketh away the synne of y e worlde Chri. This texte among other haue I hearde rehearsed for y e establyshmēt of this opinion y t christ redemed vs only from originall syn Phil. There is no texte that makethe more agaynst it But we wyll ponder euery worde of this sentence Fyrst s. Iohn̄ sayth Beholde wherby he declareth that he wyll shewe a newe straung wonderfull thyng Was not this a thyng both straūge and to be wōdered at to se one in so vile fashō so beggerly apparelled so of no substaunce hauynge so slender a garde to wayte vpon hym and so lytle worshyp honour and reuerēce shewed vnto hym to be the sauiour of the world very him that shulde reygne ouer all nacions and kyngedoms This was a straunge thy●g to the grosse Iewes and fy●e Pharisees which thought that he ●●●ulde come into the worlde w t great pōpe glory subduynge other naciōs to them by martiall armoures euen by strong hande and myghty power whan not withstandynge the scripture saythe Tell ye the doughter of Syō beholde thy kynge cometh vnto the meke sytting on an asse c. Therfore I thynke S. Iohn̄ might saye vnto them Beholde twyse or they woulde harken vnto hym once in suche a case or at the leest beleue hym But let vs se what S. Iohn̄ entēdeth to shew vs. Beholde sayth he that lambe of God By these wordes y e lambe of God he setteth forth very muche the dignite of Christ shewethe that there is a speciall respecte to be had vnto hym and that we ought to cast our eyes vpon him as our alone sauyour vpon none other For he is that lambe of God whiche was prefigured by the Paschal lābe w t whose bloud they y t are sprynkeled are safe wtout al ieoperdy of sleyng The other lambe was taken out of the flock but thys lambe is the lambe of God gyuen vs of god to be a sacrifyce for our synnes to be oure wisdome ryghteousnes sanctificacion redēpcion It followeth whiche taketh awaye the syn of the worlde Christ is that lambe of God whych taketh away y e synne of the worlde The bloude of Christ maketh vs clene from all synne By the offerynge vp of the bodye of Iesus Christ done once for all are we sanctifyed made holy But note y t S. Iohn̄ sayth which taketh away He vsethe here the presente tence and not the preter nor yette the future whiche he declarethe that the vertue of Christes deathe abydethe euery one and that it is of asmuche strength now as euer it was that by it our synnes are dayly forgyuē no lesse than they were at the verye hour of hys death whā our raūsome was payd For his bloud cryeth not for vēgeaūce as the bloud of Abell but for grace mercy fauoure and y e dignite of it is so great that it is neuer sayd naye but obtayneth what so euer it askethe so that as s. Iohn̄ sayth Christ that pure and immaculate lambe of God doth styll dayly continually take awaye What verely the synne of the worlde Now if Christ taketh awaye synne dayely cōtinually so foloweth it well that he taketh awaye mo synnes thā the originall synne Chri They that alleadge thys sentence for theyr purpose stycke verye muche to this y t S. Iohn̄ namethe the synne of the worlde and not synnes so that he semeth to speke of one syn only which saye they is originall syn And thus do they conclude that Christ taketh awaye only the synne originall Phil. A wyse conclusion a praty They cōclude before they haue made their argument aryghte That S. Iohn̄ saythe synne hynderethe nothynge oure purpose if it
there is but one God so is there but one attonemēt maker and this is Iesus Christ by whōe alone we are redemed We are sāctifyed by y e oblaciō of y e bodye o● Iesꝰ christ done once for al. Wyt one oblacion hath christ made ther perfecte for euermore that are sanctifyed Ergo so many as are made holye haue obtayned that holynes only by the sacrifyce of christ which he once for all offered on the A●tare of the crosse so cōsumate perfecte that ther remayneth none other sacrifyce for syn We are not redemed from our vayne cōuersacion whiche we receaued thorow the tradiciō of the fathers with corruptible syluer golde but with the precious bloud of christ as of an innocent vndefyled lābe Ergo by christes bloud are we redemed from all vayne thinges wherwith before we were entāgled The bloude of Iesus christ makethe vs clene from all syn Ergo by christes bloud are we made clene purified frō al our sinnes If ony mā sinneth we haue an aduocate w t the father Iesꝰ christe y e righteous one ●e it is that obtaineth merci for our synnes not for our synnes only but also for al y e worldes Ergo so oft as we sinne by our aduocate christ are our synnes put awaye There is saluacion in none other but in Christ. Nether is there ony other name giuen vnto men vnder heuen wherin they must be saued but only y e name of christ Iesus Ergo who so euer is saued receaueth his saluacion onely by the name of christ our Lorde As I maye tary no longer aboute this matter al y e Prophettes saith saint Peter beare wytnes of christ that thorowe his name euery one y t beleueth in hym shall receaue the remission of synnes If all the Prophetes beare wytnesse of this thynge who dare be bolde once to opē his mouth to speake agaynst it except he be at defyaunce open warre wyth God his sonne Iesus Christ our Lorde sauioure But withe suche I loue not to meddle God blysse me from them Do ye not perceaue nowe y t thys gyfte of God the father whiche he hath frely gyuē you I meane christ is thalone sauiour and that ther is no helth saluacion conforte and remission of sīnes to be looked for but onely at his hande Euse. We were to much blynd yf we dyd not perceaue it ye haue made the matter so open w t playne euident scriptures Chri. O Lord what blyndnes was ther ī the world whan some dyd put theyr hope of saluaciō in stockes stones olde rotten bones in gaddynge of pylgrymage in gyldyng of Images in sayntes reliques hallowed stickes popysh pardons in other mennes workes in fansyes inuented of men c. Yea there haue not wanted whiche sought saluacion in a Graye ●ryers cowle trustynge assuredly y t yf they were buryed in y t they could by no meās be damned Phil. Al these were greatly deceaued But that ye maye knowe that there can be no sauiour but this gyfte of God Christ alone marke a fewe wordes that I shall nowe saye vnto you Fyrst he y t shall be a sauioure saue men from theyr synnes muste be withoute all synne hym selfe Secondly he must be both God mā Thyrdly he must by his innocency delyuer vs from y e cursse of the law yea and fulfyll the lawe for vs that the aduersary may laye nothyng agaynst vs. Fourthly he must by his puyssaunce power vanquysh subdue all the power of Satan Fyftly he must slaye death y t it may haue no more power ouer y e faythfull Syxtly it must be in his power to gyue vnto hys people the holy Ghost to gouern kepe them ī a ryght trade of lyuyng To cōclud● he must be suche one that whā they that beleue in hym do offende prouoke the heauenly father vnto anger he maye at all tymes he both redy able to make an attonement betwene God and the offenders If ye can fynde ony suche as I haue here described besydes Christ wel I wil thā also graūt y t he is a sauiour Untyll that tyme wyll I say with all the Prophettes Apostles our Doctor Paule that this gyfte of God christ Iesus is thalone sauiour bryngeth helth that there is no saluacion to be gotten but only thorow hī Theo. This thyng is now more manifest then it may be doubted of or called into questiō Phil. It followeth in your new yeares gyft To all men Note that he saythe not to the wycked damned spirites which shall neuer recouer theyr health saluacion what so euer the Origenistes tryfle in thys behalfe but to al men yea and that those only which repent beleue and leade a good lyfe For to wycked mē and vngodly persons is christ no sauioure excepte they repēt beleue amend It is not to be passed ouer lyghtly y t the scriptures spekethe generally and vniuersally wtout ony excepciō To all men Christ bryngeth saluacion to all menne These wordes proue manifestly that as christ is a sauiour so are all men synners and agayne that there is no man but y e receaueth saluacion of christ if he be saued Where are they nowe y t wyll iustify them selues and sel theyr merites and good dedes to other The scriptures sayth we be all synners There is no differēce sayth s. Paule All haue synned wante the glory● of God What is this sayth S. Austen and want the glory of God but the grace of God the father by Iesus christ which is the glory of God the father And what meaneth this they wante or haue nede sayth he but that no mā of himselfe because he is borne carnally is able to recouer the lyfe lost no though he bryngeth the workes of merites excepte he be spiritually borne a new by our Lorde Iesus christ whiche came w t the vndetted mercy of the father of his owne and of the holy ghost to saue seake that whiche was loste What was lost Unreasonable beastes Hathe God also care for oxen Uerely mankynde was lost thorow synne in consideraciō wherof christ beynge wythout spotte euen of hys owne fre wyll gyuyng hym selfe to the death rysyng agayne hath redemed man from synne death euēly the largenes of fre grace These are the wordes of S. Austen which ●hewe euidently what we are of our selues and what by Christ ▪ But let vs heare mo scriptures Euery mā is a lyare God alone is true The scripture hath cōcluded all thinges vnder sin y t y e promyse by y e faithe of Iesꝰ christ shuld be gyuē to y e faythful God hath comprehended all mē vnder incredulite vnfaythfulnes that he myght haue mercy on al mē Here se we that all men were found synners vnfaythfull that they are saued only by the great mercies of God All our righteousnesses are
his ryghteousnes not by our owne workes and deseruynges Moreouer S. Paule sayth whā ye were dead thorowe synnes the vncircūcision of the flesh God quickened you with christ forgaue vs all our synnes put out the handewrytyng that was agaynst vs contayned in the lawe wrytten that hath he taken oute of the waye and fastened it to the crosse hath spoyled rule and power and hath made a shewe of them openly triumphed ouer them in hys owne person God hathe forgyuen vs all oure synnes thorow christ sayth S. Paule here Where is ony excepcion If there be mo synnes than the originall synne as there are them also hath God the father forgyuen vs thorowe Iesus Christ oure Lorde To the Hebrues agayne he wrytethe Christe in hys owne parson pourged our synnes is set on the righte hande of the maiestye on hygh Frō our synnes hath Christ made vs clene and not from one synne onely Christ was offered once for all to take away the synne of many All shal not be saued for al not beleue but many shall be saued they haue not only originall synne but also al theyr other sīnes takē away by Christ. Agē euery prest is redy dayly ministrīg oftētimes offereth onemāner of of●erīges which canne neuer take awaye sinne But this man Christ whā he had offered for ●ynnes one sacrifice which is of value for euer satte hym downe on the right hand of God from hense forth taryeth tyll hys foes be made his footstoole For with one of●ryng hath he made perfecte for euermore them that are sanctified S. Paule here cōpareth Christ the euerlasting Byshop preste wyth the prestes of the olde lawe He sheweth that they offered sacrifices dayly yet coulde they neuer put awaye synne by thē No maruayle for they were only shadowes of good thynges to come But this our hed preste Christ hath offered but one sacrifice not for the originall synne only but for synnes sayth he yet is it of so great vertu and strength that it is of value for euer the power of it neuer decayeth it abydeth in full strength● so longe as ony synne remayneth so that it nedeth not oftē tymes to be offered as the sacrifices of y e old lawe were For withe this one sacrifice whiche was the oblacion of hys body hathe he made them for euer so perfecte y e are sanctifyed that they nede none other sacrifice to make them holy acceptable in the syghte of God All that haue had theyr synnes forgyuē thē from the beginnyng of y e worlde vntyll this daye or shall haue vnto the ende of the world haue had and shall haue all theyr synnes forgyuē thē thorowe this one sacrifice of Iesus Christ. And that ye maye know thys to be true consyther thys one thyng that I shall nowe saye vnto you Who was more faythfull thā Abrahā more derely beloued w t God than Dauid more holye than Iohn̄ Baptist Yet could nether they nor none other enter into heauē vntyll Christ had suffered hys pashon and offered hys bodye a swete smellyng sacrifyce for vs vnto God the father Thus haue I opened vnto you y e mynd of S. Paule concerning this matter Euse. Hys sayēges proue manifestly y t we are redemed by Christ not only from originall synne but also from all other ▪ Philemon You say truth Wel ye shal heare now y e myndes of the other Apostles S. Peter sayth christ his owne selfe bare our synnes in his body on the tree that we beynge delyuered from synnes shuld lyue vnto righteousnes Note how Peter agreeth in euery poynt with hys fellowe Paule He styffely affyrmeth that christ his owne selfe and none other bare our synnes in his bodye not our originall synne alone By his strypes we were made so whole that there remayned not so muche as a scarre of all our sores botches woundes S. Iohn̄ also sayth the bloud of Iesus Christ maketh vs thorowly cleane yea tha● from all synne Can ony thynge be spokē more generally If the bloude of Iesus christ maketh vs clene frō al syn what remayneth ther behynde I praye you So followethe it that both the synne originall actuall mortal veneall what not is washed awaye by Christes bloude Agayne if we confesse oure synnes God is faythfull and ryghteous to forgiue vs our synnes and to make vs cleane from all wickednes This one texte alone of S. Iohn̄ is able to subuerte ouertople and throwe downe all the byldynge shores and proppes wherwithe these sleyghtye daubers vpholde theyr enterprises If we confesse our synnes sayth he If which we if we that professe the christen religiō and yet thorow our fragilite and weakenesse of nature haue offended God after oure baptisme contrary to our vow and promyse made thereat if we I saye after that we haue fallen confesse our synnes God is faythfull and ryghteoꝰ what to do to forgyue vs our synnes Note our synnes to make vs cleane from all vnrighteousnes What synne is it than I praye you from the whiche he dothe not make vs clene This sentence must nedes be vnderstonde of thē which offende after baptisme Nowe sayth s. Iohn̄ although we synne after baptisme yet lette vs not dispayre but rather repent bewayle our synfull lyuyng detest our wycked manners turne vnto God cōfesse our synnes vnto hym If we do this doubt we not but y e God which is faythfull in performyng his promyse he hathe promised them that come vnto hym w t a faythfull and repentaūt harte remissiō of theyr synnes ryghteous in forgyuyng the penitent sorowfull synner in condemnynge the wycked which continewe in his vngodlines wythout ony confession of his faulte and amendement of lyfe wyll forgyue vs oure synnes yea make vs clene from all vnrighteousnes These wordes proue manifestly that God forgyueth oure synnes after baptisme if we repent cōfesse and amende Wherof comethe this of the merites of our workes or rather of the free grace mere mercye of God purchased for vs by Iesus Christ for whose sake the wrathe of God the father is pacified and he is wel pleased fully contented w t mā Uerely for Christes sake dothe God shew to vs this excedīg great mercy in forgiuyng vs our synnes whē so euer we call vnto hym wi●h a contrite sorowfull harte as S. Iohn̄ proueth by the wordes that follow My lytle childrē I wryte these thinges vnto you y t ye should not synne And if ony man synne we haue an aduocate wythe the father Iesus Christ that ryghteous one And he is that sacrifice which apeaseth goddes wrath satisfyeth so soundethe the Greke word Hilasmos for our synnes not for our synnes only but for al y e worldes As though he shuld say My lytle chyldrē I haue declared vnto you that although we syn after baptisme contrary to our professiō yet that ther is grace fauour
mercy forgyuenes of synnes layd vp for vs in store if that we repent cōfesse our faultes entend vnfaynedly to amende our lyues I haue not done thys to engraffe in you a vayne hoope to encourage you to haue y e more plesure to remayne ī your olde wyckednes but I wryte these thynges vnto you y t ye should not synne I haue set forth the kyndnes of God towarde you y t ye shulde endeuour youre selues to lyue worthy of it But for asmuch as there lyueth no man in thys world whyche synneth not seynge we canne not walke so purely but y t at sometyme we must nedes fall therfore because ye shoulde not dispayre but be assuredly persuaded that there remayneth health for you wyth the Lorde god I certefy you that we haue one which is our aduocate wyth the father which pleateth our matter before the throne of the diuine maieste whiche is ready to healpe vs whiche ceaseth not makyng intercession for vs vntyll he be hearde and this is not such one as hath also offended but Iesꝰ christ y t righteoꝰ one which is godly innocent vndefyled pure clene fautles immaculate so wtout all spotte of vice that euen for his owne dignite worthynes innocēcy he is worthy to obtayne what so euer he asketh And I saye moreouer v●to you y t not our owne workes nor y e merites of other but that righteous one Christ is that verye sacrifice which apeseth Gods wrath whome we haue prouoked vnto anger wyth the synnes whiche we do comitte after Baptisme and satisfyeth for oure synnes Yea he makteh not only a sufficient plenteous amendes for our synnes but also for all y e whole worldes I mean so many as repent them of ther wicked liuing confesse ther fautes beleue desyre forgyuenes and laboure to leade a newe lyfe what wyll we haue more Doth not S. Iohn̄ declare here euidently y t oure synnes whā so euer they be cōmitted or done are forgyuē vs of god thorow Iesꝰ Christ which is oure aduocate and that sacrifice whyche apeaseth god the fathers wrath plenteously satisfyeth for our synnes So doth it than manifestly appeare that christ hath not only redemed vs satisfyed to God y e father for originall syn but also frō al other But let vs yet heare more what he sayth I wryte vnto you lytle chyldren that youre synnes are forgyuen for hys names sake Ergo our synnes and not one synne alone are forgyuē vs not for our owne workes merites but for Christes name that is to saye for y e dignite worthynes excellency merites and deseruynges of Christ. Agē In thys thynge appeared the loue of God towarde vs that he sent his only begotten sonne into the world that we shoulde lyue thorowe hym In thys is loue not that we loued God but that he loued vs and sent his sonne to be a sacrifice both to appease hys wrathe and to satisfye for our sīnes what do I Paper yncke penne and tyme shall fyrst want vnto me than I shall may be able to reherse all the testimonies wherwith it is euidentely proued that Christ hath not only by his moost blyssed precious bloud redemed vs frō originall syn as some wickedly dreame but also from all other by what so euer name they be called the synne of the holye Ghoste excepted that whan so euer we repent beleue and amende God the father forgyuethe vs also those synnes whiche we commit after baptisme not for our own dedes workes and merites whiche be more vnpure than they maye be able to stonde in the syghte of God which is a consumyng fyre a ielous God great in strength iudgemente and righteousnes and with whome there is none innocente but for the swete smellyng sacrifyce which Iesus Christ his welbeloued sonne offered for our synnes vpō the altare of the crosse once for all whose vertu and strength abydeth so perfecte for euermore that by it the sinnes of so many as with a truly faythfull and repentaunte harte come vnto God are forgyuen forgotten and neuermore remembred And thus se you that Christ is a perfecte Sauiour whiche as youre newe yeares gyfte sayth hath by his bloud redemed vs from all vnrighteousnes that is to saye from all synne both originall actuall mortall veneall c. yea and y t not onely before but also after baptisme So that as S. Peter sayth there is saluaciō in none other but only ī Christ Iesus Nether is ther ony other name gyuē to men vnder heauen wherin we muste be saued Chri. We haue now hearde it euidētly proued by the holye scriptures y t we thorowe Christ are delyuered frō all synne both originall actual mortall veniall c. So that all y e whole glory of our saluacion is to be giuē and ascribed vnto God alone as he sayth by the Prophet O Israel thy destrucciō commeth of thy selfe but thy health and saluacion commeth only of me This thynge maketh all sayntes and y e truly faythful to say not to vs O Lord not to vs but to thy name gyue y e glory for thy merci truthes sake Phi Wel thus haue ye hearde grossely and rudely but yet faythfully and truly vttered of me what the holye scriptures do determyne concernynge the remission of synnes by Christ and that by hym we are not only delyuered from originall syn as some wickedly dreame but also from all other by what soeuer name they be called Nowe because ye shal not thyncke y t I wreste the scriptures whome all mē ought to handle reuerently and incorruptly I wyll rehearse a sayenge or two vnto you of the Doctors Hylichius sayth Not one synne only but many are forgiuen vs thorow the sacrifice of Christ whiche is the onely begotten sonne of God If not one syn only but many are forgiuen vs thorowe the sacrifice of Christ it followeth than that by Christes deathe we are not only redemed from originall synne but also from all other Hereto agreeth the sayeng of saynt Ambrose The grace of God thorow Christ hath iustifyed men not from one synne alone but from many by gyuynge them remission of synnes Not from one synne only sayth S. Ambrose hath God of his grace thorowe Christ iustified and made vs ryghteous but from many by gyuyng vs remission of synnes Nowe gather who luste The wordes are playne ynough But I wyll reherse S. Austen one of the best amonge y e auncient Doctors and moost faythfull expositour of y e holy scriptures S. Austen wrytyng agaynst y e Pelagians Manicheys hath on this manner what is this to saye of one faulte vnto condemnaciō but y e fault wherw t Adā offēded And what is it to say from many faultes to iustificacion but that the grace of Christ hath not onlye loosoned that fault wherwith infantes be boūde which hadde theyr begynnyng of that one man but also many faultes whiche after y e men
past were chosen awaye from the Gentiles to be the people of God to serue him and to walke in hys holye ordinaunces ye are a chosen generacion saythe Peter a royall prestehode an holye nacion and a peculiare people that ye should shewe forth the vertues of hym that called you oute of darkenes ●to his maruelous lyght which in times past were not a people yet are nowe the people of God whiche were not vnder mercy but now haue obtayned merci Of these wordes may we lerne vnto what end christ hathe redemed purifyed vs by his bloud Uerely y t we shuld be a peculiare people to hym selfe Thā are we here taught that we maye nomore ●romhense forth serue the Prynce of darkenes be conuersēt in hys court were ony lenger hys cogniscauns fulfyll ony more hys pleasure and wil but wholly gyue oure selues to serue God which is y e Prīce of lyght yea the true lyght it selfe whiche lyghteneth euery man y t cometh in to this world what nacion wylyngly serueth a straunge Prince what faythful and honest seruaunte forsakethe a gentle louyng master ronneth vnto a Tyraunt How vnsemely than were it for vs whych before were in so miserable a case and delyuered from it only by the goodnes fre harte of our Lord and master Iesus Christ to forsake hī to ronne backe agen vnto the powers rulers of darknesse we are nowe lyght in the Lrde shall we become darkenes agen we are now the sonnes of God shall we become the children of wrathe agayne ▪ we are now the beautifull spouse of Iesus christ shall we be made the horlot of Satan agayne we are nowe nomore Ghestes straungers but Cytysenses of the saynctes and of the house hold of God shall we become Captines bonde seruitours to Satans courte againe we are now by christ made prestes and kynges shall we faull from thys dignite and becom vilious and abiectes agen we are now y e peculiare people of God sanctifyed vnto his vse and vnto y e workynge of those thynges y t make vnto hys glory shal we neglecte oure dignite worshyp and honoure as I maye so speake fall awaye agayne from our Master and so behaue our selues y t thys prouerbe may worthely be obiected and layde agaynst vs The dogge is returned vnto his vomitte and the sowe after she hathe washed herselfe is gone agayne vnto hyr olde wallowyng in the myer Therfore seyng that Christ by hys bloude hathe purifyed and pourged vs a peculiare people vnto hymselfe let vs manfully fyghte vnder y e stādarde of our Captayne against Satan the Prynce of darckenes let vs seake the glory of our master let vs obserue suche preceptes as he hathe commaunded let vs reuerēce feare honoure worshyp loue hym aboue all thynges lette vs not suffer hys moost precious bloude to be shed in vayne let vs so behaue our selues y t it may euidently appere y t we be no vnkynd nor vnthanckful personnes but euermore walke worthy his kīdnes and tender cōpassion This thīg shall come to passe if we be suche as the ende of your Newe yeres gyfte paynteth Euse. What is that PHIL. Euen such as be earnest folowers of good worckes If we wyll shewe oure selues to pertayne vnto Christe to be hys people to be wholy addycte vnto hym we muste be earnest folowers of good workes we may no lenger loytour nor play the idle lubbers we must worck earnestly and as the Kentysh men say a good For Christ hath redemed vs from all vnryghteousnes not that we shuld continewe styll in our olde wyckednes and vngodly conuersacion but that we shuld be hys peculiare people chosen out to serue hym and to worcke hys moste godly pleasure agayne y t we shuld be earneste followers of good workes And here is answer to be made to thē whych saye If Christ hath redemed me frō all vnrighteousnes made me clene by hys bloude from all my synnes purchased frely by hys death for me eternall lyfe and made a perpetuall agremente betwene God the father and me what nede I to worke what can my workes profitte what shall my laboures auayle me Christ hath done ynoughe for me Christ is my sufficient Sauyoure Christ hath made al thynges so perfect that nothyng cā be added thervnto Therfore let vs be mery and take no thought O fylthye swyne and careles dogges Becaus Christ hathe don that for them which they could not do for them selues behold how wyllyngly they caste them selues in to hell fyre who treadeth the bloude of Christ vnder hys foote if these bellygods do it not ▪ Who defaceth y e price of Chrystes death the glory of his resurreccion if these fylthy swyne heades do it not Who dishonoureth Gods most holy worde yf these Epicures do it not But let these swyll bellyes wel knowe that they haue no part of Christe of Christes passhon bloude death nor yet of none of all hys merites so longe as they continew in thys ther wycked to muche detestable purpose crake the neuer so muche of Christe of christes bloud of fayth of the gospell of the christen liberty c. They shall go to the Deuell hedlonge wtout ony mercy for al christ Christes bloude fayth Gospel Christen libertye and what soeuer they cā alledge more yf they haue tyme conuenient leasure to do good workes yet wyll not who was euer saued wythout good worckes hauynge oportunite to worcke Ye obiect and laye agay●st me the thefe Uery theuyshly done For what lesure had he to worke Nether do I knowe whyther the waye of healthe was euer preched vnto hym or not although he was not vtterlye voyde of good workes For he beyng at the poynte of death bewayled his wretchednes lamented hys synnefull manners confessed hys wyckednes repented hym of hys abhominable lyuynge turned to Christ knoweledged him to be the sonne of God the sauiour of the world and desyred him to remembre hym whan he came in to hys kyngdome If thys mā had had leasure vndoutedlye he wolde haue shewed forth hys repētaūce fayth by doyng externall good workes Therfore y e exāple of hī helpe the nothīg your sluggish dissolute māner of lyuīg which haue both red hard Christ many tymes preched to you yet are ye neuer y e better Only ye perswade your selfe well of christe Christes merites but al ī vaine For he is no sauiour to those sīners whiche lyue wtout al feare of god but to such as repēt beleue labour ernestly to brīgforth good workes from y e nōber of y t which ye seme to be no les far thā y e west is frō the East Christ hath redemed vs sayth y e scripture that we shuld be hys people and earnest folowers of good workes We must be his people and earneste folowers of good wockes or els haue we no redempciō by christ as S. Iohn̄
Chrysostome wytnesseth Nether Baptisme sayth he nor forgyuenes of synnes nor knowledge nor y e communion of y e Sacramentes nor the holy table nor y e fruicion of the body nor y e partakyng of y e bloud nor ony of these thīges shal may be able to profyt vs except we haue a lyfe whych is ryght very pure yea and fre from all synne What wyll these idle lubbers say to these wordes of y e goldē mouthed Doctor Where are all theyr proude crakes becomme of Christ hys bloude and merites All these profyt nothyng at al without a good lyfe Chri. It stondeth christē m●nin hād therfore to be earnest followers of good workes Phil. Ye saye trueth chefely if they entende to be saued But let vs heare the scriptures Whan God promised Abraham that he woulde blysse them that dyd blysse hym and cursse them that dydde cursse hym and that in his seed all nacions of the earthe shulde be blyssed that he would multiply hys seed as the starres of the firmament and make hym a father of many nacions that he woulde be hys defender hys sufficiente greate rewarde He made a couenaunt wythe hym because he woulde haue hym shewe gentylnes agayne and sayd I am the God omnipotēt walke before me be perfecte As though he shulde saye I am the God almyghty omnisufficient all good all holy all righteous all wyse all liberal al plēteous all mercyfull haue nede of no thynge but frely gyueth to all mē all thynges what so euer are necessary ether for the bodye or for the soule so replenyshed with al thynges that I am able and sufficient in all poyntes to satisfy the lawful desyres of all creatures yea I haue all thynges so in my power y t no thing that good is canne be gyuen to ony mā but of me alone what so euer I am or haue it is for the profyt of the of thy posterite Alonly walke before me and be perfecte take me alone for thy omnisufficiēt sauiour flye vnto no other as though there were in me a certayne insufficiency but cleaue to me alone wyth all thy harte attempte no thyng but that is pleasaunt in my syght order thy lyfe in all poyntes accordyng to my holy wyll let thy conuersacion be innocent blameles pure honest right and all good and so wyll I be thyne almighty God thy puissaunt defender thy sufficient great rewarde This couenaūt hath God made not only with Abraham but also wythe all hys posterite that is so many as are faythfull Nowe yf we be of the seed of Abraham I speake of the spituall and not of the carnall generacion than doth God require of vs also that we walke before hym and be perfecte that we stedfastelye cleaue vnto him by stronge faythe as the onelye and sole Authore of al goodnes so institute oure lyfe that we maye breath nothynge but purite innocency holynes intergrite all the tyme of our lyfe in this worlde Thus doyng God wyl be our God yea our almyghty God our strong defender and our sufficiēt great rewarde no lesse than he was Abrahās Therfore as Abraham walked before God so let vs do By this means shall God be no lesse beneficiall to vs than he was to Abraham If ye were the sonnes of Abrahā sayth Christ ye woulde do the worckes of Abraham Euse. Of all these matters and howe we ought to walke before God and be perfecte ye taughte vs full godly in the Nosegaye whyche ye gaue vs. Chri. It was our second floure called Pure innocency Phil. I remember it wel and I am glad ye haue not forgottē it I wyll therfore haste vnto the other scriptures Whan S. Iohn̄ Baptist sawe many of the Pharisees Saduces commynge vnto his Baptisme he sayd vnto them O ye generacion of vipers who hathe shewed you that ye should flye from the wrath to come Bryng forthe therfore frutes worthy of repentaunce be not of this mynde to saye within youre selues Abraham is our father For I saye vnto you that God is able to bring it to passe that of these stones there maye rise vp chyldren to Abraham The hooke is now layd at the roote of y e trees Therfore euery tree that bryngeth forth not good frute shall be hewē downe and cast into y e fyre Theo. This is a terrible sayeng for al thē that are not earnest followers of good workes Phil. Certes as it profited the Pharises Saduces with the other Iewes nothynge at all to boste them selues of Abrahā excepte they dyd the workes of Abraham so lykewyse it auaūtedgeth vs nothīg at all to crake of GOD of Christes bloude pashon merites fayth c. if we do not good workes This sētēce abydeth alwaye true Euery tree y t bringeth forth not good frute shall be hewen downe cast into the fyre If we be not lyke vnto those trees which are plāted by the riuers syde and brynge forth theyr frute in due season surely we shall be ●●wen vp cast into hel fyre For how dare we looke for ony kyndnes at y e hande of God do no thīg y t he cōmaūdeth Dauid sayth I beyng as a fruteful olyue tree ī y e house of God haue trusted ī y e mercye of God for euermore Dauid cōfesseth here y t he trusted in the mercye of GOD but he addeth y t he was ī y e house of god y t is to say y e cōgregaciō of Christ as a fruytefull Olyue tree which as Pliny writeth is neuer wtout grene leues frute Eu. You taught vs this also in y e Po●aciō for Lēt declarīg to vs what the Procession on Palme sondaye signifyeth with all the ceremonies pertaynyng thervnto Phil. So se ye than that if we wyll be holpen by the mercy of God we must be as fruytefull Olyue trees and brynge forth plenty of good workes and neuer cease from doynge them or elles our hope and trust is but vayne Christ sayth not euery one y t saythe vnto me Lorde Lorde shal enter in to the kyngedome of heauen but he y t doth the wyll of my father which is in heauen For many shall say vnto me at that daye Lorde Lorde haue not we prophecied ī thy name cast out dyuels by thy name and wroughte many miracles thorowe thy name But thā shall I saye vnto them I knowe you not ī Departe frō me ye workers of iniquite Here are we taught that to professe God by our mouth to cal vpon his name to talke of Christ of fayth of y e gospell and of all the diuine misteries yea to worcke miracles and to caste out diuels by the power of Christes name shall auayle nothynge at the daye of iudgement excepte we lede a good lyfe in thys worlde worke the good pleasure of God For the kyngdome of God is not in worde but in power saythe S. Paule 〈◊〉 that
sayth if we say that we haue fellowshyp with Christ yet walke in darknes we lye do not y e trueth But if we walke in the lyght as he is in the lyght we haue felloweshyp one wyth another and the bloud of Iesus Christ gods owne sonne maketh vs cleane from all synne This texte prouethe manifestly that we haue no feloweshyp wythe Christ so long as we walke in darkenes that is in synfull lyuynge agayne that the bloude of Christe profytethe vs nothyng at all excepte we walke in the lyght of Gods worde laboure to fulfyll hys holye preceptes For sayth S. Iohn̄ by this do we know y t we haue known hī if we kepe hys cōmaūdemētes He y t sayth I know hī kepeth not hys cōmaūdemētes is a lyare and the truethe is not in hym But he that dothe hys worde trulye in hym is the loue of God perfecte By this do we knowe that we are in hym He that sayth he abydeth in hym oughte to walke euen as he walked Of this all the other textes which I haue hitherto rehearsed we may easly learne what is our duty and howe earnestly we oughte to seake occasions for to do good Seyng we are y e peo-people of God yea hys peculiare oute chosen people we muste nedes shewe oure selues earnest followers of good workes or elles haue we no fellowshyp wyth Christ. God the father is not oure father nether are we christes brothers nor yet fellow heyres wyth hym if we seake not to lead a godly and vertuous lyfe Let vs neuer crake of the iustificaciō of fayth of y e fre mercy of God of christes pashō bloud death merites c. we lead a lyfe worthy the kyndenes of God Lette vs neuer reioyse that we are delyuered from the power of Satā synne deth hell for so long as we cōtinue in our olde synnefull lyuynge and wycked manners we pertayne not vnto Christ but are y e bonde slaues of Satan very fyre brondes of hell For as y e good preste Zachary father to S. Iohn̄ Baptist sayth God hath perfourmed the othe whiche he sware to our father Abraham for to gyue vs that we delyuered out of the hādes of our enemies myght serue hym wtout feare all the dayes of oure lyfe in holynes righteousnes Hereto agreeth the sayng of s. Paule the bloud of christ whyche thorow the euerlastyng spirite hathe offered hymselfe pure to God shall pourge youre conscience from dead workes for to serue the lyuynge God Here learne we y t christ hathe delyuered vs from the power of our enemies that we should serue him in holines and righteousnes all the dayes of oure lyfe Nowe if ony be not giuen to the seruyse of God surely he is not free but abydethe styll the miserable captiue bonde presoner of his enemies Let all mē therfore take hede prepare thē selues to lede a godly lyfe y t they maye be earnest followers of good workes or elles nether theyr baptisme nor Christ nor yet ony thyng that euer Christ dyd shall profytte them ony thynge at all Chri. O good Lorde how greatly be many deceued whiche put theyr trust in Christ crake muche of fayth yet continue styll abhominable lyuers thynkyng not with stondynge all this theyr great wyckednes to be saued Phil. To repētaunce ●aythe and amendement of lyfe mercy is neuer denyed But be not you deceaued neyghbours For not they whiche heare the lawe are righteous before god but they that expresse the law in dedes shall be cōted righteous Be ye the doers of y e worde and not the hearers only deceauyng your selfes Theo. God gyue vs grace thus to do that we maye garnysh the doctrine of God our sauioure in all thynges Euse. Amen I beseche the good Lorde Phil. Uerely there are many causes yea those vrgent and necessary why Christen men shoulde bryng forth good workes if they dyd consider theyr vocaciō callyng wel Fyrst because it is the wyll of God God hath cōmaūded so by his holy worde For what chylde accōplysheth not his fathers wyll for the loue that he beareth towarde hym What seruaunt fulfylleth not his masters cōmaundemēt if he do but onely feare hym ▪ Ho●● muche more than ought we w●●che haue so louynge a fathe● and so puyssaūt a Lorde and beneficiall a master for the loue 〈◊〉 ●ear● that we beare toward hym shewe our 〈◊〉 obedient to his holy wyll fulfyl it to y e vttermoost of our power ▪ Where ether ●ear● or loue of God is there must the ●ulfyllynge of Gods lawe nedes followe If so doth not neuer let vs confesse oure selues eyther to feare or loue god truly The sonne honoureth his father and the seruaunte his Lorde If I than be youre father where is my honoure ▪ And if I be your Lord where is my feare sayth y e Lord or Ho●stes Not euery one that sayth vnto me Lord Lorde shall enter into y e kyngdome of heauen sayth Christ but he tha● doth the wyll of my father which i● in ●eauen The holy 〈…〉 bryng forth frutes of repentaunce And christ sayth as my father gaue me commaundement so I do Agen I haue not spokē of my selfe but he that sent me that is to saye my father he gaue me commaundement what I shoulde do what I should speake A christē man therfore must do good because it is the commaundement and wyll of God Secondely we ought to do good workes that God may be glorifyed thorowe them as Christ sayth Let your light so shyne before men that they may se your good workes and glorify your father which is in heauen Also S. Peter se that ye haue as honest conuersacion amonge the Hey then that they whiche backe by t● you a● euell doers may s● your good workes and prayse God in the day of visitacion For what greater dishonour ●●ther be done to god thā to professe the name of God i●nomin●●usly to deface and obscure the glory of it thorowe our wycked and vngodly conuersacion Theyr rulars do vnrighteously sayth y e lord and by this means my name is blasphemed cōtinually euen all y e whole daye longe S Paule also sayth the name of GOD is euell reported for you among the Hethen Agen what greater honour can there be gyuē to God of vs thā to lede a godly lyfe to expresse the manners and lyuysh Image of our heuenly father in all our lyfe By the one God is dishonored by the other he is greatly honored praysed and magnified Thyrdely it is oure dutye to do good workes that we maye be certē that our fayth is right true lyuysh and workynge For as there is not a more certen argument sure tokē that a tree is good thā by bringing ●orth good ●●●te so is ther not a better probaciō that our fayth is true 〈…〉 than whan we worke the