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A69147 A postill or collection of moste godly doctrine vpon every gospell through the yeare aswell for holye dayes as Sondayes, dygested in suche order, as they bee appoynted and set forthe in the booke of Common Prayer. Uery profitable for all curates, parentes, maysters of housholdes, and other gouerners of youth.; Postilla Anthonii Corvini Corvinus, Antonius, 1501-1553. 1550 (1550) STC 5806; ESTC S109261 359,302 596

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worde of God And therefore the grace of God cannot be in them To conclude As Christ is very God so by this gospel it appeareth he was very man and sent from his father into this world that we by him might enioye euerlasting life The Gospell on Newe yeares day Luc. 2. AND when the eihht day was come that the childe shulde be circumcised his name was called Iesus Gen 17 Mat. 1. Luc. 1. whiche was named of the Aungell before he was conceaued in the wombe THE EXPOSITION FYrste bycause saint Luke the Euangelyste hath so dilligently sette forthe the natiuitie of Christe Nowe he goeth about to declare what profite and commoditie it hathe brought vnto vs. That is to say that through Christ the burden and yoke of the lawe is taken away and a free harte and willing spirite is geuen vnto vs Gal. 4. Esa 44 which not constrained with the feare of paine shuld kepe the commaundementes af God and do that is iust For it is very euident and can by no meanes be denyed that seyng the law is spirituall it doth not only require outwarde workes but muche soner the inward affections of the hart No man by his own power can fulfil the lawe as S. Peter witnesseth in the Actes cap. 15. saying Whye tempte ye God laying the yoke vpon the disciples neckes which our forefathers Gala. 3. nor we were able to beare Now therefore it is necessarye other the lawe to be fulfilled or else vs to be damned as scripture saith Cursed bee euery man that abideth not in all thinges written in the booke of lawe Go to then here of this place I perceyue that the law requireth a perfectiō And again In my selfe I fele nothing whereby I may fulfil it Rom. 10 what shal I now here do Thou must by faith obteine Christe which hath for the satisfied the lawe and deliuered the from the curse thereof He is the ende of the lawe Gala. 4 as S. Paule saith In whome euery man that beleueth shal be saued And in an other place When the time was fully come God sent doune his sonne borne of a woman subdued to the lawe Abrogacion of the lawe that he shulde redeme suche as wer in daunger of the law and so we shuld be made the children of God And hereto it pertaineth that Christ suffered himselfe to be circūcised This thīg betokeneth that Christe came to fulfil the lawe for vs and to make vs free from the curse of the law that by the doctryne of the gospell he might communicate vnto vs the holy ghost that we so by him renewed myght hereafter not constrayned but frely and louingely do those thinges that God requireth of vs. And secondarely it is to be vnderstand and knowen that circumcision was a token and signe of the promise that God made vnto Abraham Signes cofirme faith yea and to his seede also as apeareth in the 17. chap. of Genesis Nother was this signe geuen that men thereby myght bee iustified but that they which shulde heare of the promise of God shulde be confirmed in faith and that the Iewes might be knowen frō thother Heythen and infideles For trewly euerye signe hath his promise whereunto it is meete that all men sticke and beleue As in the 6. chap. of Gen. it is promised to Noe that he shall not perishe by the floude And in token of that promise he had a ship which he was commaunded of God to builde And in the 9. chap. of the same also it is promised that the worlde after that shulde neuer be drowned or destroyed by floude And in token thereof God gaue vnto hym the rayn bow And in lyke case it is here God promised himselfe to be the God of Abraham and of his sede And therefore gaue vnto hym the token of circumcision wherewith he dothe confirme and certefie his faith that he shuld in no wise doubt but suerely beleue that God wolde kepe his promise But thou must so vnderstand these things that we shal receiue these promises The worde not through the outwarde signe but by the worde in the which the signe is conteined Faithe and oure faithe hath gotten it Alwaies the spiritual thing must be ioyned to the corporal internal thīgs must be added to the exteriors The outward circumcision Circumcision is nothing without the circumcision of the hart which is made by the spirite is signified by the outward circūcision And Deut. in the 10. chap. it is saide Circumcide the foreskin of your hartꝭ Yf then the exterior circūcision did profyt the Iews it must nedꝭ be that they thē shuld holy stick and abide in faith the cōmaundemēts promises of God seing that the same exterior sign doth but confyrme strength them as thou maist see in Gedeon in the 6. chap. Iud. And in lyke manner we say of the signes of the new testament as yf when I am baptised I haue no respecte but to the water That outward dippīg in water profiteth nothīg at al The sacrament of the newe testamēt Baptime But if I regard haue respect to the cōmaundemēts promises of god wyth the which this water is sanctified and beleue the same so by this means am baptised wtin through the holy ghost thē trewly this baptism is very profitable vnto me Yt hath the word promise of God and is not wtout a cause called of S. Paule the fountayn of the new byrth Lykewyse when in the supper of our Lord I regard not the commaundement and promise of Christ nor come by faith to receaue yt The supper of the Lorde then the eating drinking of the sacramēt of the body blood of Christ not only profiteth me not but rather maketh to my damnaciō as S Paul speketh of such as vnworthely receiue the same And whē I behold the cōmaundement word and promise of God 1 Cor 11 then doth the eatinge drinking of the sacramēt of the body blood of Christ profit me much bycause in the word I fīd remissiō of sīnes in the sacrament or outward signe I find the confirmaciō of my faith And it is to be noted that christian mē in the steed of circumcision haue baptisme begonne of S. Iohn confirmed by Christ as yt apeareth in the last chap. of Mark. The baptisme of children And like as circumcision was communycate to the children so must baptism be conferred to our childrē although the phantasticall anabaptistes teach otherwise Thirdly we learn by the name that was geuen vnto Christ shewed before of the angel that in matters of faith and in such as cōcern our iustyficatiō our workes merytes be of no strength before God but alonly grace mercy which God in Christ hath shewed to all the world For the name of Iesus yf thou wylt interpret yt signyfyeth a sauyoure Iesus ōly iustifieth Nor thynke thowe yt to bee a poore and
the Angel added And his kyngdome shall haue none ende Suche a kyngdome of Christ is also excellently described by the Prophete Esaie in the ix chapiter where among other thynges he sayth thus Esai 9. His imperie shal be dilated or multiplied and peace shal be without end vpō the throne of Dauid vpon his kyngdome that he may confirme strengthen it in iustice and iudgement frō thencefurth and for euermore Marke that suche a peace shal be in the kyngdome of Christe whiche shal not endure for a tyme but for euermore And how could this peace be referred vnto Dauid whiche neither had this peace nor yet could geue it vnto other Furthermore in this kyngdome iustice shal be made strong in iudgement Iudgemente Nowe howe shall this be Where as is no knowlege of synnes there can not folowe the iustice of fayth Therfore that I may come vnto the knowlege of synne and after that by fayth attayn vnto the righteousnes of fayth Christ fyrst causeth me so to be throwē doune at the preachyng of repentaunce that I shall feale my selfe worthy for my synnes to haue hell and eternal dampnacion But then through the preachyng of free remission of synnes for Christes sake I shal be againe comforted and raysed vp so that in tyme commyng I shall feare nothyng for my synnes but I shal stand stedfast in fayth and wayte for eternal health After this maner is iustice stablished by iudgement in the kyngdome of Christ Vpon this againe it foloweth that this seate of Dauid which here is promised vnto Christ is nothyng els but a spiritual kyngdome of Christ whiche is gouerned and ruled by the scripture of the Euāgely or gospell Neither can it stād in any maner other thyng then in spirite and trueth For it can not bee a corporall kyngdome For why these thynges that wee haue nowe spoken of and the corporal kyngdome that Dauid sometyme gouerned differre as farre as heauen and yerth And to speake briefly Christ him selfe in the gospel of Luke concludeth this saiyng The kyngdome of God is within you Luc. 17 Thyrdly wee haue here a noble ensample of true fayth in Mary For although at the fyrst she was abashed at the Angels worde and afterwarde also wondered right sore Exāples of fayth in Mari howe she should be the mother of the Lord seyng that she knewe no man Yet now when she heareth that the holy ghost should worke all this in her she gladly committeth her selfe vnto the wylle of God with great mekenes lowlynes and beleueth the Angel whiche God had sent vnto her Wherfore also Elizabeth highly praised this fayth Luc. 1. saiyng Blessed art thou which hast beleued for those thynges shal be accōplished in thee which were tolde thee from the Lord. Nature of fayth For this is the true nature of fayth which appeareth here in Mary to beleueue the worde to leane vnto the worde and to cleaue vnto the worde yea though that thyng whiche the worde speaketh of can in no wise be comprehēded by mans reason For why shuld it bee called fayth but that it beleueth thynges inuisible not apparāt yea incōprehēsible to mā Thus did Abrahā whē cōtrary vnto hope he beleued īto hope For as S. Paul saith He was not weake in faith neither cōsidered his own body dead in māner for he was now almost an hundreth yeare old nor the baraine wombe of Sarah He staggered not thorow vnbeliefe at the promise of god but he was stronge in faith and gaue to god the honoure ful certefyed that whatsoeuer god promised he was able to performe it Inlike manner must we do Whensoeuer god speaketh any thing whiche I can not obtaine nor perceiue by my reason or wisedome it becometh me not to dispute by what meanes it maye come to passe but thus muste I saye Behold I am ready the lordes bonde seruaunt and gladly do I meekely submitte my selfe captiue vnto thy woorde althouge I perceiue it not nor can not comprehende it Thus did Mary when the aungell had saide The holy ghost shall come ouer the and the power of the moste highest shall ouershadowe the. c. Marye sayd Beholde the Lordes hande mayden be it done to me accordynge to thy woorde Nowe if yee will doo vnto Marye suche seruice as shall please her beeleue the promise of god as shee beleued it Feare god as Mary feared god liue as shee liued and thou shalt possesse eternall lyfe as Marye doth As Christe promised Who so euer doth the wil of my father that is in heauen he is my brother sister and mother God graunte vs all that wee maye doo well Amen THE PASSION OF OVR Lorde Iesu Christ parted into syxe Sermons The fyrste sermon Mat. 26. Mar. 14 Luce. 22 WHen the euē was come he sate doune with the twelue And as they did eate he sayd Verely I saye vnto you that Ioh. 13. one of you shall betraye me And they were exceedinge sorowfull and began euery one of them to saye vnto him Lorde is it I Hee answered and sayde He that dippeth hys hand with me in the dishe the same shall betray me Psal 61 The sonne of man truly goeth as it is written of hym but wo vnto that man by whom the son of man shal be betrayed It had been good for that man yf hee hadde not beene borne Then Iudas which betrayed hym aunswered and sayde Maister is it I He saide vnto hym Thou haste saide Whan they were caryng Iesus tooke breake and whan he had geuen thankes he brake it and gaue it to his disciples and sayde 1 Cor. 9. Luce. 22 Mar 18. Take eate this is my body And he tooke the cuppe and thanked and gaue it them saying Drynke ye all of thys for this is my bloude which is of the new testament that is shedde for many for the remission of sinnes But I say vnto you I wyll not drynke hensforth of thys frute of the vinetree vntyll that daye when I shall drynke it newe with you in my fathers kyngedome Mat. 14 And when they hadde sayde grace they wente oute vnto mount Oliuer THE EXPOSITION WE haue dee●ly beloued not with out cause recited vnto you oute of the gospel of Math. the text of the Lords supper that we purpose at this tyme to treat vpon vnto your louing charity For so it see we think it profitable to councel and helpe the weak which about this time ar wont for the more part of a custome to come vnto the cōmunion of the lordes supper participat of it and therefore they shall loue and more gladlye desire some briefe instruction in this matter The beginninge of this gospell declareth with how greate humanitie and gentlenes Christ prouoked Iudas vnto repentaunce adding also vnto yt Christs pacience calleeth Iudas to repentaunce that except he did repent that dānacion in soul and bodye was prophecied to chaunce vnto hym But who tolde
Christ that Iudas shuld betray him and deliuer him into the handes of the Iewes Surely no man But he beinge very god that searcheth the hertes raines of al men knew it neither nedeth he any man to shewe him suche things Now that hys clemency goodnes long suffering in all thinges might appeare therfore he handleth him that shuld betray him with such mercy friendly or familiare dealing calleth him vnto penance after that fashion that he vtereth him not by name but onlye with his worde toucheth his conscience Called not hee him sufficiently vnto repentaunce when hee sayde vnto him Woo to that manne by whome the sonne of man is betrayed It had been better for that man that he had neuer been borne Doubtles whom so great mercy of Christ as in this place is shewed vnto the traytour also offered vnto him prouoketh not vnto repentance fayth surely I say that man must nedes haue an indurate blinded hert as had Iudas For Christ could hādle him no better nor with more mercyful kyndnes Rom. 2. This great paciēce of god and Christ cōsidered S. Paule saiyng Dyspisest thou the ryches of his goodnes paciēce lōg sufferyng Knowest thou not that the louyng kyndnes of God leadeth the to repentance Of this now it foloweth that not Christ but we our selues are the cause of our own destruction Osee 13 as the prophet Oseas wytnesseth saiyng O Israel thy distruccion cōmeth of thy self But Christ offereth vnto vs grace and his spirite yea that very liberally in many places of the gospel Therfore whosoeuer now wyl not do penance that mā must nedes fal into like daunger with the Iewes which would not knowe the tyme of theyr visitacion Iudas heard what he ought to haue done what doubtles should folow vpō that his betraiyng and what rewarde he might surely trust vnto except he forsoke that euil mischeuous enterpryse that he had taken in hand But dyd he repent or dyd this any thyng moue him Naye forsoth But as the serpent stoppeth his eares that he heare not the voyce of the enchanter Iudas an ensāple to the impenitent euen so Iudas stoppeth his eares shut out al the admonicions of Christ Wherfore it came to passe that by his own sinne he is dāpned perpetually And also he is set furth as a synguler ensāple to all that are impenitēt But the God of mercy and father of our Lorde Iesus Christ vouchesafe of his great and tender mercyful goodnes to kepe and preserue vs al from suche impenitent heartes and desperate myndes Secondarily after that Christ with suche frendly wordes although in vaine had called Iudas to repentance and with his welbeloued Apostles had eaten that Easter lambe he ordained and instituted the remembraunce and commemoracion of our redempcion whiche here in this place of the newe testamēt is aswel expressed and declared by figures figuratiue speaches as it was in the olde testamēt For as the pure Paschal lambe without spotte The paschal lābe signified Christ The effusion of the lambes bloud signified the effusion of Christes bloud And the saluacion of the children of Israel frō temporal death by the Lambes bloud signifyed oure saluacion from eternal death by Christes bloud And as almightie God passyng through Egypt kylled all the Egiptians heyres in euery house and left not one aliue neuerthelesse he passed by the children of Israels houses where he sawe the Lambes bloud vpon the doores and hurted none of them but saued them al by the meanes of the Lambes bloud so likewyse at the last iudgement of the whole worlde none shall be passed ouer and saued but that shall be founde marked with the bloud of that moste pure and immaculate lambe Iesus Christ And for asmuch as the sheddyng of that lambes bloud was a token and figure of the sheddyng of Christes bloud then to come The lordes supper and forasmuche also as all the sacramentes and figures of the olde testament ceassed and had an ende in Christe lest by our great vnkyndnes we shuld peraduēture be forgetfull of the great benefite of Christ therfore at his last supper when he toke his leaue of his Apostles to depart out of the world he did make a newe wylle testament wherin he bequeathed vnto vs cleane remission of all our synnes and the euerlastyng inheritaunce of heauen And the same he confirmed the next day with his owne bloud and death And lest we should forget the same he ordayned not a yerely memorye as the Paschal Lambe was eatē but ones euery yere out a dayly remembrance he ordained therof in bread wyne sanctified dedicated to that purpose Mat. 26 saiyng This is my body This cuppe is my bloud whiche is shed for the remission of synnes Do this in the remembraunce of me Admonishyng vs by these woordes spoken at the makyng of his last wyll and testament at his departyng out of the worlde because thei should be the better remembred that whensoeuer wee do eate the bread in his holy supper drinke of that cuppe wee should remembre how muche Christ hath done for vs and howe he dyed for oure sakes Therfore sayth sainct Paule 1 Cor. 11 As oftē as you shal eate of this bread and drynke the cuppe you shall shewe furth the Lordes death vntyll he come And forasmuche as this holy bread broken and the wyne deuided do represent vnto vs the death of Christe nowe passed as the killyng of the Paschal Lambe did represent the same yet to come therfore our sauiour Christ vsed thesame maner of speche of the bread wyne as God before vsed of the Paschal lambe For as in the olde testament God sayd Exo. 12. This is the Lordes Passeby or Passeouer euen so sayth Christ in the newe testament This is my body Ma. 26 This is my bloud But in the old mistery and sacrament the Lambe was not the Lordes very Passeouer or passyng by but it was a figure whiche represented his passyng by So likewise in the newe testament the bread and wyne bee not Christes very body and bloud but they be figures whiche by Christes institucion bee vnto the godly receiuers therof sacramentes tokens significacions and represētacions of his very fleshe bloud instructyng their fayth that as the bread and wyne feede theim corporally and continue this temporal life so the very fleshe bloud of Christ feedeth theim spiritually geueth them euerlastyng life For vnto the faythful Christ is at his owne holy table present with his mightie spirite and grace and is of them more fruitfully receyued than if corporally they should receiue him bodily presēt And therfore they that shal worthely come to this Goddes borde muste after due trial of themselues consider fyrst who ordained this table also what meate and drynke they shall haue that come thereto and howe they ought to behaue them selues thereat He that prepared the table is Christ himselfe The
could auoyde this sentence The wrath of god hath fallen vppon vs all And nowe cometh Christ and wil teache vs how we shal be delyuered from the same sentence that is by his word In the whiche is shewed vnto vs his passion and death considering this alwayes that we trewlye vnderstande and kepe this worde There is greate power and strength in this word Mine for by that he excludeth the lawe of al mē and of Moyses also and geueth iustification only to this gospell And yf we wolde well looke vppon the matter The difference betwene the doctrine of Moyses Christ we shall perceiue greate difference betwene the doctrine of Moyses and Christ Moyses doth only shew sinne in that that he commaūdeth and forbiddeth those thinges whiche of myne owne power and strengthe I can nother doo nor leaue vndonne And yet dothe he gyue the holy ghost wherwith I myght doo that he wolde to be doone But Christe in his worde dothe graunte the holye ghoste that I maye freelye and willynglye do those thinges that bee both good and righteous yea and by the gospell hee gyuethe me remission of synne ryghteousnes inheritaunce the kyngedome of heauen and euerlastinge lyfe that without any my merites or desertes of his onlye grace and mercye And this can no man nor Moyses ●y their lawes do Neither doth Christ aske any thinge of vs again but that we kepe his his his worde I saye And how shuld it be kepte We must in our hartes heare it What it is to kepe the worde of God Mat. 10 receyue it and kepe it The world goeth about to take it from the whē she bringeth the to the trust in thine owne workes But thou must be strōg bold and hardy and suffre not Christ and his word to be taken from the but receyue it into thy hart kepe it which if thou do thou shalt liue for euer althoughe thou caste of this corruptible bodye Mat. 22 Abraham with all the Prophetes bee deade but yet they lyue with god bycause they beleued in Christe which was before Abraham and dyd ascribe their righteousnes to hym And yf thou do not receaue his word thou shalte dye for euer But paraduenture thou wylt say againe Yt were good for a man to heare and beleue this word sauing that so many wise and holy menne haue resisted it But what is that to the Doest thou not know that Christ is set as a token that shal be of many spoken against Thou arte not better then he If the Iewes wolde haue stoned him to death for his doctrine and holsome sermons as this gospell sheweth vs then must not thou looke to bee safe and sure frome aduarsities but muste suffre as he dyd seynge the seruaunte is not aboue or more thē hys maister And to make an end In the only worde of Christ is gyuen vnto vs remission of sinnes righteousnes euerlasting lyfe yf we beleue therein and will in no wyse be pulled from it which I pray almighty god through Iesu Christ to graunte to vs foreuer Amen The gospell on Palme sondaye is the same whiche is before on the fyrst sonday of Aduent The gospell on Easter day Math. 28. And beholde there was a great earthquake For the aungell of the Lorde descended from heauen and came and rowled backe the stone from the dore and satte vppon it His countenance was lyke lyghtenyng and hys tayment white as snow And for feare of him the keepers were astonyed and became as dead men Mar. 16 Luc. 24 The angell answered said vnto the wemen Feare yt not for I know that ye seeke Iesus whych was crucified he is not here he is risen as he sayd Come se the place wher that the lord was laid go quickely and tel his disciples that he is risen agayne from the dead And behold he goeth before you into Galilee there ye shal se him Lo I haue tolde you THE EXPOSITION THe Euāgelistes haue with great diligence written of the resurrection of Christe The resurrectiō an article of fayth and not without great and euident causes For it is an article of great grauitie in the knowledging of our faith one of the chieffest 1 Cor. 15 to beleeue that Christ rose from death and is become the first frutes of theim that sleepe And that it is an article of great weight and not easy to be vnderstand in especiall of a fleshly man so many actes and ensamples in this history declareth it that further proofe or more euident declaracion doth not neede Ys it not written in the Gospell of S. Luke Luc. 24 of the women that when they had declared to the Apostels that which they had seene their wordes were counted as wordes of no reputation or treuth Dyd not Christ himselfe shew them before Luc. 18. that all that was written by the prophetes of the sonne of man shuld be fulfilled and that he shulde bee delyuered vnto that heithen and shuld be mocked and when they had scourged him that they shulde put hym to death that vppon the thyrd day he shuld rise againe Yet this notwithstondinge they didde not beleue but through seinge touching handelynge and finally through many wordes and greate miracles at the lane were brought vnto the fayth Yea the angell here was not beleued vntyll suche tyme that Christ himselfe came and confirmed the Apostels in the faithe Therfore this article of the resurrection is not so hard to be taken and vnderstanded but it is as needefull and necessery to oure iustification and saluacion For without we do comprehend and beleue this article we shall neuer be holly iust or blessed Rom. 4 And this proueth S. Paule to the Romaynes brilfely but with wordes of greate efficacy and power saying Christ was gyuen for our synnes and raised vp for our righteousnes Thorow the resurrection of Chryste we haue obteined the iustification of God Esai 53 Wherin he sheweth two thyngs Fyrst he ascribeth to the passiō death and blode of Christ remission of sinnes which vndoubtedly by none other worke or deseruing maye be taken awaye as Esai witnesseth He is wounded for our offences and smitten for our wickednes Secondarylye he assigneth vnto the resurrection of Christ our iustificacion Wherout it doth folowe ●hat the death of Christ how profitable so euer it be profiteth me nothing except that the same sauiour ●nd my Lorde Iesu Christe had risen from deathe Therefore yf I desire to bee discharged and loused ●rome those synnes that do stirre and pricke me Howe a man shal be deliuer●d from synne so ●s it requisite and needefull that I beleue that to be doone allonly throughe the passion and death of our Lord Iesu Christ without any worke or deseruyng of man And furthermore If I be made righteous the same righteousnes is obtained through the resurrection of Christe Now seing that our saluacion commeth and is brought to passe throughe the death and resurrection of
of the fyrste and of the other whiche was crucyfyed with hym But when they came to Iesus and sawe that he was deade already they brake not his legges but one of the sowldiers wyth a speare thruste hym into the syde forth with came therout bloude and water And he that sawe it bare record and his record is true And he knoweth that he sayth true that ye myght beleue also For these thynges were done that the scripture myghte be fulfilled Exod. 12 Ye shall not break one bone of hym And agayn another scripture sayeth ♣ Zac. 12 They shall looke on hym whome they pearsed Mat. 26 Mar. 15 Luce. 23 After this Ioseph of Aramathia whych was a disciple of Iesus but secretly for fear of the Iewes besought Pylat that he myght take doune the body of Iesus And Pylate gaue him licence He came therfore and toke the body of Iesus and ther came also Nicodemus whiche at the beginninge came to Iesus by nyght and brought of Myrre and Aloes myngeled togither about an hundreth pound wayght Then toke they the body of Iesus and wounde it with linnen clothes with the odoures as the maner of the Iewes is to bury And in the place where he was crucified there was a garden and in the garden a newe sepulchre wherein was neuer manne layde There layde they Iesus therfore because of the preparyng of the Sabboth of the Iewes for the sepulchre was nye at hand THE EXPOSITION WE haue treated dearely beloued in these former sermons very plainly vpon the prisonment or bindyg scourgyng spittyng vpon derision or scornyng lastly the very death of oure Lord Iesus Christ and accordyng to these articles we haue diligently put in your memory that the very chiefe and principal cause why Christ should suffre this was our synnes Furthermore we haue declared vnto you what vtilitee and profite commeth by this passion vnto those that by fayth apprehend it acknowledgyng theyr sinnes and beyng for the same confounded for feare in their consciences that is to say they obtayne forgeuens of synnes accordyng as blessed S. Peter testifyeth saiyng 1. Pet. 3 Christ ones suffered for oure synnes the righteous for the vnrighteous and to bryng vs to God he was mortified in the fleshe but quickened in the spitite And nowe foloweth what was done after his death before he was buryed The Euangelist writeth thus Then the Iewes because it was the preparyng day besought Pylate that the legges of those that wer crucifyed might be broken and that they might be taken doune and Pylate agreed to their peticion and permitted it But was it so done in dede They broke the theues legged but not Christes And this was done that the scripture shuld be fulfylled as the Euangelist allegeth whiche sayeth You shall not breake a bone of him And again an other scripture said Zac. 12 The aduersaris cā do no more then is permitted thē Psa 21. They shall see him whom they haue pearsed But what lessons haue we in this History First we must here marke and learn that the aduersaries of Christ could procede no further in their malice and furor against him thē was permited them of God And although Christ before was come into that angwyshe and necessitye that he cryed My god My god wherfore hast thou forsaken me yet euen then the heauēly father toke the care and custodi of him so that nothīg might chaūce vnto him but that which before was cōprehended in the scriptures testified of him And as in this place he tooke the care for his son and so defēded him that his bones wer not broken euen so wil he mercifully conserue and keep al that beleue that receiue the word of his son Iesu Christ and continue in it vnto the ende so that nothynge may be able to chaunce vnto them but only that which is the good wil of god as we haue an example in Dauid Dauid whome god suffered for a time to be persecuted yea and banished of Saul yet at the laste he made hym king and brought him to honor Also take insample of Iob Iob. in whome god apointed Sathan bothe the tyme and measure how farre he shuld tempt goddes seruant Truth it is the world may take away our liues if god wil so permit them but the eternall lyfe whiche onlye is obtayned by Christ that can no man take from vs. We also learn in this place of this history that seyng the wordes spoken of the paschall lambe in the seconde booke of Moyses ar here by the euangelist applied and referred vnto Christ In this I saye we learne Christe is the true paschall lambe that Christe is therfore the true paschal lambe signified by that lambe in the old testament and now offered vppon the crosse for our sinnes by cause all that beleue in him shall not perishe nor be ashamed but shal haue lyfe euerlasting Doubtles this knewe S. Iohn when he saide Ioh. 1. Beholde the lambe of god which taketh away the sinnes of the worlde And Paule also called Christe the paschall lambe sayinge after this manner 1 Cor. 5. Our Paschall Christe is offered vp for vs. Therfore let vs kepe our feaste not in olde leuen nor in leuen of malice wickednes but in vnleuened bread that is purenes and truthe True holynes of the heart Now to cleaue to this true paschal lamb whose bones according to the scripture wer not broken and by fayth to be planted in him bringeth a farre other holynes then any the Iews had which sought it in extreme outwarde thinges that is it bringeth holynes of the hearte whiche consysteth in spirite faith and truth Secondarily the Euangelist saithe that one of the souldiers opened with a spere Christes syde by and by ther ran forth bloud and water And furthermore though he saith he himself saw it yet bringeth he againe the scripture that ther might bee a more sure testimony out of the prophete Zacharye Zach. 12 Apoc. 1. whiche saith They shall see into whom they thrust their spear Now is this a sure testimony ful of cōfort especially vnto vs taketh away al doubtes from our hartes as if infidelity shuld think Christ is not our redemer hee is not verye god c. These blasphemers I saye are put away for why we see that all thinge that is doone here in the passion of Christ is consonant agreable with the scripture And what signifieth it the there stremeth out bloud water The bloud of Christe signifieth the remissiō of sins frō the side of Christ By the blud Christ wold shew vnto vs that remission and forgiuenes of sinnes shuld euermore continue in his Church as wtout doubt it was obtained thorow the same his most precious blud But for whō was it obtained Suerly for those that come to it bi knowledgīg of their sins and by faith But to the vnbeleuer this most precious treasure may not be propounded
nor the thinge that is holy Mat. 7 may not be cast before him but only must it be communicate to those that despair of their owne workes and strengthes that knowledg that they need the help and comfort of Christ We beleue rem ssion of sins Therfore also we confesse in our Crede that ther is forgiuenes of sins which we must needs beleue Now if we obtain remission of sinnes by the sheding of the blud of Christ as the blud flowing from hys syde testifyeth where is then the bragging of our workes wher ar our merites They are shut out excluded by the deathe passion of Christ Note how workes are cōcluded not that good works ought not to be doone but that they may not be ioyned with iustification which onli cometh by faith We muste in this behalfe giue Christe his own honor wholy perfectly apprehend his merite by faith so shall it come to passe that neyther synne nor death nor dyuel nor hel shal hurte the. And those good workes the fayth doth as in deed it ought to do good woorkes take them as frutes of fayth wherby the faith and sure trust of our hearts toward god is declared In like maner the water The water that flowed frō Christs syde declareth that Christe after his resurreccion would send his holy spirit that water of life wher with it is nedeful that the heartes of all the elect be purifyed And of this water dyd all the Prophetes prophecye especially Esaias when he sayd Esa 44 I wyll power water vpō the thyrsty streames vpō the dry ground I will power my spirit vpō thy seede my blessyng vpon thy braunche and they shall spryng burgenyng among the herbes as the salowes that grewe by the syde of the ryuer Accordyng to this Christ also crieth in the gospel of S. Ihon Who so thursteth let him come to me drynke Ioh. 7. He that beleueth on me as the scripture sayth stremes of water of life shall flowe out frō his belly And the Euāgelist himself expoūdeth this shewyng that it is ment of the holy gost for he sayth This spake Iesus of the spirit which those that beleue in him should receiue Christ loueth vs. He then that hath by theffusion of his most precious bloud obtayned for vs remission of all our synnes deliuered vs frō eternal death reconciled vs into the fauor of god his father that wtout any of our merites or deseruinges also hath promised to sēd his holy ghost whiche maye leede our heartes into the knowledge fayth of God thynke you he dothe not very heartely loue vs would our welfare Nowe seyng that he thus heartely wylleth oure welfare why should we not beleue in him why should we not acknowledge this so great loue Yet are there mē foūd the more pitie it is that ascribe more to their own merites then to Christ and therfore they cannot be thākeful whō doubtles at that day Christ shal therfore punishe according to their owne deseruynges Thirdly we haue here described who they were that buried Christ with what reuerence his dead body was brought vnto the earth Some man perchance would meruaile that Ioseph Nicodemus nowe dare aske of Pylate the deade bodye of Iesu whiche yet when Iesus lyued they durst not come at him The death of Christe begynning to conquer scant by night But nowe the frutes and vtility of Christes passion somwhat openeth it self she winge what shulde ensue the passion and deathe of Christ when a litle and a litle it comech to mennes knowledg both what manner a man Christ is and also how innocently and vndeseruedly he was persecuted by the Iewes condemned vnto the crosse And these two doubtles came after the true knowledge of god and his sonne Iesu Christ which now so manifestly do this humanitie vnto Christ contemned and crucified hauinge no respect that hee was so hated of the Iewes For that they here do it cometh of an imperfecte faith for they were yet far from the perfection that Paul speaketh of Rom. 1 saying I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ for it is the power of god vnto saluacion to euery man that beleueth But that they exhibited to Christ such reuerence honor that thei take him doune from the crosse and enbalmed hym with Myrre and Aloe with such spice they winde vp his body laye it gloriously in the sepulture it is an humane and gentle affection done according to the custome of the Iewes The estimation of the worlde of Christes deth sepulchre Deu. 21 And here note howe the deathe and sepulture of Christe is esteemed afore the worlde bothe his death and buriall are ignominious and shamefull For it is written in the lawe He is accursed that hāgeth vpon a tree Besydes this the blynde Iewes had none other opinion of Christ neither by his life nor in his death as it is euident vnto this day But before God this death buryall is honest and precious as also it is estemed amōg al that beleue whiche know assuredly that by that dispised death the beleuers are delyuered from synne death deuil and hel Doth not S. Paule say often tyme 1. Cor. 2 I haue knowen no man but Christ and euen the same that was crucifyed And this is an vndoubted trueth Note this earnestly gentle reader take awaye this contemptible death and buryal of Christ and you shal perceyue that all men must be compelled to dispayre and to fall into the daunger of the deuil On the other part set before your eyes the passion death and buryal of Christ apprehendyng them by true fayth as most precious iewels deuine treasures done for thee and thou shalt fynd thy cōscience able to resyst against all the assaultes of Sathan and also of synne And as Ioseph and Nycodemus by fayth shewed this humanitee vnto Christ so endeuor thy selfe by fayth that vnto sinne thou may bee dead buryed with Christ Rom. 6. and after agayne ryse through fayth with him For surely this pleaseth Christ and is necessary and very profytable vnto thy saluacion Fourthly we see howe contemtuously Pylate delyuereth Christ to be buryed forsyng not for him nothyng regardyng that he should ryse agayne the thyrd day The sentence of Infidels In this mynde are al the enemyes of the gospel and truth of God When they haue slayne the ministers of the worde then they thynke all thyng very well safe and all whyst as they would haue it Exo. 1.2.3 Euen so did Pharao with intollerable burthens oppresse the chyldren of Israel thynkyng by that meanes to stoppe the ordynaunce of God that the Israelites should not so much growe and increase but the more they were oppressed so muche more they grewe and multiplyed and at the laste by his owne crueltee he was his owne destruccion Euen so chaunsed it to Pylate and
beholde there came a certaine ruler worshipped him saiyng My doughter is euen nowe disceased but come and lay thy hand vpō her and she shall liue And Iesus arose folowed him and so did his disciples Mar 5. Luc. 8. Leu● 15 and behold a womā which was diseased with an issue of bloud xii yeres came behynd him and touched the hemme of his vesture For she sayd within her selfe If I may touche but euen his vesture only I shal be safe But Iesus turned him about when he sawe her he sayd Daughter be of good comforte thy fayth hath made the safe and the woman was made whole euen that same tyme. THE EXPOSITION WE haue two examples of fayth in this Gospel One in the Ruler that came to Christ to get helpe for his doughter whiche Ruler sainct Marke calleth Iayrus And another in the woman that was diseased with a bluddy fluxe and healed by Christe In this woman was a perfecte sayth but the rulers fayth as yet was not perfect but weake Fyrst it was a point of fayth in this ruler because he beleued that Christ could rayse his daughter to life though she were dead wherewith he confesseth Christ to be God and a Lorde ouer life and death Then if Christe bee a Lorde ouer death he must nedes bee a Lorde ouer synne forasmuche as Adam through his synne brought death into the worlde and suche a Lorde dothe of death and of synne is he that both death and synne by his death he hath ouercome abrogated and taken away But howe and to what purpose That they should haue no power to cōdempne vs that beleue in Christ For vndoubtedly we can not liue without synne whyle wee bee in this mortal life as it is written Pro. 24 A iust man falleth vii tymes in a day ryseth vp againe But the synne so that we beleue shal haue no power ouer vs nor condempne vs. Lykewise Rom. 6. although this naturall death is not cleane taken awaye yet is it so ouerthrowne that it is no more dampnable vnto vs but is the beginnyng of the true principal life Iho. 11 as Christ saith He that beleueth in me shal not dye euerlastyngly This must wee surely holde fast if we will be christian menne That is we must beleue that by the death and bloud of Christ wee are deliuered from synne death deuil and hell so that we perseuer in a true fayth we shall haue euerlastyng life through Christ And this beleueth Iayrus partly But in asmuche that he beleueth not that Christe by the might power of his worde could make whole his doughter except he had been personally present we must nedes confesse that his fayth was imperfect But what shall we say of the fayth of this woman She surely had so great confidence in Christ that she cōcluded by her selfe that she should bee whole if she might touche only the hemme of his vesture Not that the vesture dyd make her whole for as S. Marke sayth he felte great vertue go from him and speaketh nothyng of the vesture but only the great fayth that she had in Christ Wherfore Christ highly prayseth and cōmendeth the fayth of this woman saiyng Doughter be of good comforte thy fayth hath made the safe Lo there thou hast an example both of perfect and vnperfect fayth Secondarily we see in this gospel howe frendly and familiarly Christe suffered the weakenes and imbecilitie of this Ruler and with the miracle done vnto the woman augmentyng and bryngyng him to more parfect fayth For he sheweth himselfe willyng at the desire of Iayrus foloweth him straight wayes home declaryng with his dede that whiche he had taught before saiyng Mat. 11 Come to me al ye that labour and are laden I wyll ease you But what happened in the way Beholde a woman that had been diseased xii yere with an issue of bloudde holdyng her peace by fayth gat and obtayned health She had determined also by her selfe that in holdyng her peace and in silence would haue gone home againe Mat. 5. But as a citie buylded vpon an high hyll can not be hyd so likewyse it was neither mete nor yet conuenient that suche great high and excellent fayth should be hyd And dothe not Christe say in the Gospell Mat. 10 There is nothyng hyd that shal not bee openly shewed and nothyng secrete that shall not be knowen So likewyse he wyl that the fayth of this woman should be manyfest brought to light And enquireth and sayth Who hath touched me The Apostles ignoraunt of this miracle answered him and sayd The people thruste thee But the woman feared and trembled for she knewe what was done in her came and fell doune before him and tolde him the whole truth Wherin Christ commendeth her fayth before al the people not only that this should bee an example for the people to folowe but also to strength Iayrus fayth that he should not doubte but that suche benignitee and mercy as was shewed vnto this womā should likewyse bee shewed vnto his daughter Could Christe behaue him selfe more gentely or bee indued with greatter loue mekenes pitie and mercy He declareth with the very deede that he can helpe and succour vs in all trouble necessitee yea in the point of death and is ready and willyng therto But we of our nature are so indurate deaffe and blind that we wil neither with holsome doctrin and teachyng nor yet with miracle be moued vnto fayth Truely it is to be feared lest we take and receiue like ende with the styffe necked and blynde Iewes For wee can not excuse oure selues but the same that was spoken vnto the Iewes might likewyse be spoken vnto vs Ioh. 15. where Christe sayd If I my selfe had not come and spoken vnto theim then should they haue had no sinne Is not Christ come through his gospel and hath shewed the same Do we not heare his worde dayly but when do we heare the same for any amēdement of our life I pray the take it once to heart and remembre the goodnes frendlynes myldenes of Christe howe louyngly through his worde and miracles he intyseth allureth vs vnto fayth Howe familiarly he taketh and suffereth our imbecilitee and weakenes and howe feruently he desireth vs to be iust and blessed Let these thynges so moue vs that by the meditacion hereof we may not only encrease in fayth but perseuer in the same and therby get euerlastyng saluacion Thyrdly wee see in this miracle howe the woorkes of Christe are counted and adiudged in the world for foolishenes yea and are skorned and dispised For Christ saiyng The mayd is not dead but sleapeth what did they but laught him to skorne Doest thou not thinke it a miserable thynge that the creature shuld scorne his maker creatour of all thinges That vngracious and blynde fleshe stondeth well in his owne conceite and thinkinge him selfe to haue done a highe feate when it
the beginnyng of the worlde vnto this day defende maintayne iustice of workes contrary against the iustice of fayth And of such at this tyme in so opē light of the Gospel ther are innumerable On the other parte that is to say among theim that bee litle children Childrē are to bee nombred the Apostles and all that beleue whiche esteme the Euangelye as a most precious and holy relique and in nothyng are against it but with all gentilnes and lowly mynde do receyue it Therfore if thou wylt come with these children vnto the knowlege of the gospell and eternal felicitee well be not wise and prudent in thine owne conceite but meake thy selfe in thyne heart for the worde continueth hyd vnto carnall wysedome Wherfore also sainct Paule calleth it a misterye or a preuie secrete that all menne vnderstande not nor perceiue Wee speake sayth he the wisedome of God in a mistery Secondarily Christ is very God when Christe as very manne had ascribed the reuelacion of his Euangelie or gospel vnto his father he would nowe also shewe himselfe to be very God equal with the father and he sayth All thynges are geuen vnto me of my father And No man knoweth the sonne but the father neither knoweth any man the father but the sonne and he to whom the sonne will open him Of these wordes it is euident that Christ is not only very man but also very God For seyng that in this place he sheweth that the knowlege of his heauenly father is in his power to geue it vnto whom he wyll whiche thyng in another place he ascribeth vnto his father onely needes must it folowe Christ is equal with the father that as concernyng the deuine nature he is equal with his father And if he bee equal with his father it foloweth of necessitee that he is very God Nowe if he be very God why should I not beleue in him why shuld I refuse to put in him all my whole hope trust and cōsolacion especially seyng that he is so minded toward me and all men that beleue in him that both he will and also is hable to helpe vs. And that he wyl gladly succour vs it appeareth in this that for our sakes he geueth thankes vnto his heauenly father as one that hath great pleasure in our saluacion and health Besides that he is able to helpe vs for all thinges are geuē vnto him of his father And to this partaineth it Ioh. 14 that he sayd vnto Philip. Haue I been so long tyme with you and thou hast not knowen me Philip he that seeth me seeth also my father Againe Beleue me that I am in the father the father is in me Heare you not in this sentēce that Christ is equal with the father therfore nedes must he be God It wyll bee very profitable to collect and gather suche sentences together and to haue theim in oure myndes For howe hardes thyng is it to the fleshe to beleue that a mā so dispised and crucify●● should be the sonne of God yea God himselfe And that he hath by the effusion of his precious bloud washed awaye the synnes of all men obtained for them eternal life So strongly and with suche force is sathan wont to fight against this article For he knoweth certainly that if he may wynne vs frō this Christ it is impossible but he shal take vs for his praye For thynke you that it was for nought the Christ sayd Mat. 9. He is blessed that shall not be offended against me Surely he sawe before that his poore and cōtemptible person should make many afrayd to come to his doctrine Therfore he willeth that we loke vnto his worde considre it prudētly and not only say Iesus sonne of Dauid haue mercy vpon vs. But also say with Thomas Mar. 10 Ioh. 20. My Lorde and my God Thyrdly Christ allureth and calleth vs vnto him selfe with a verye swete and fatherly promise and sayth Come vnto me all you that labour and are laden and I wyll refreshe comfort and ease you Christ allureth vs vnto himselfe with a merciful promise I pray you who now wil bee slowe not rather with all that he can make hast vnto so gentle a sauiour Christ And diligently note who thei be that Christ calleth here vnto himselfe They are suche as labour and are laden in their conscience And who be those Those doubtles that feele their synnes and knowlege theim and for theim bee fearefull and tremblyng without comfort of a contrite heart For to suche consciences there is no worke no holy deede no wysedome that canne succour theim but Christ onely by his death and passion and by that precious effusion of his bloud Many one there are that in suche trouble of conscience and in the great conflictes and anguishe of the same seke remedyes by certaine prescribed holynes and woorkes But these profyte no more then did that woman whiche was sicke of the issue of bloud xii yere which had suffered many thynges of many Physicions spent al her goodes was neuer the better Mar. 5. neither had any succour For the more they study with their workes those I say whiche are done without true fayth to pacifye the conscience the more they do hurt it Wherfore thus must wee seke for remedye When by the preaching of Moyses we be brought into the knowlege of oure synne Rom. 3. and wee feele our selues right soore oppressed with the burthen of synne then let vs seke for him which by his death and passion hath obtayned for vs remission of all our synnes But if Sathan wyll here drawe the backe and as he is ful of malice and craft so put it into thy mynde that thou shalt thynke Christ suche a one The cōfort of cōsciēce must be sought at Christ as can in no wise abide sinners then knowe thou that thou loke vnto this promise that Christ hath made to thee in this Gospell when he sayth Come vnto me al ye that labour and are laden and I euen I shal refreshe you Whiche els no worke nor sainct can do Why I beseche you bee you afrayde when I am gentle and lowely in heart and suche a one as it should be full sore against my will that any synner should depart fro me without comforte Beholde thus Christ allureth and calleth vs vnto himself and setteth furth to vs a promise that he will refreshe and comfort suche as are laden and oppressed with synne Yea further when wee bee comforted he will lay a yoke vpon vs but no suche as they felt before But Christes yoke is easye and his burthen light The doctrine of Christ because of the crosse whiche it euer bryngeth with it is a great yoke and heauye burthen to the fleshe But when the spirite commeth it is made easye and light were it afore neuere so heauy as sainct Ihon sayth His preceptes are not heauye 2. Ioh.
meate and drynke wherewith he feedeth theim that come thereto as they ought do is his owne very fleshe and bloud They that come thereto muste occupye their myndes in consideryng howe his bodye was broken for them and his bloud shed for their redempcion and so ought they to approche to this heauenly table with all humblenes of heart and godlynes of mynde as to the table wherein Christ himselfe is geuen And they that come otherwyse to this holy table they come vnworthely and do not eat drynke Christes fleshe and bloud but eate drynke their owne damnacion because they do not duely consider Christes very fleshe bloud whiche be offered there spiritually to bee eaten dronken but dispisyng Christes most holy supper do come therto as it were to other meates drynkes without regarde of the Lordes body whiche is the spiritual meate of that table Therfore let a mā as sainct Paule sayth examine himselfe and so eate of the bread and drynke of the cuppe for he that eateth and drynketh vnworthely eateth and drinketh his owne damnacion not desernyng the Lordes body Euil persons do not ea●e the body of Christ Thyrdly we can not deny but that both the good and bad do eate and drynke the sacramental bread and wine but besides the sacramentes the good eateth euerlastyng life the euil and wicked membres of the deuil euerlastyng death For they do not eate and drynke the body blud of Christ but as sainct Paule sayth they are gyltie of the body bloud of the Lord and eate drynke their owne damnacion Fourthly it is necessary that we knowe wherevnto this sacrament profiteth and what vtilitee cōmeth to vs by it and what is the power of it And this can no mā learne better any where then of the very wordes wherewith this sacrament was instituted whiche say This is my body geuen for you vnto the remission of synnes Christe ordayned this sacrament of his body and bloud in bread and wine to preache vnto vs that as our bodies be fed norished and preserued with meate drynke so are our hungry soules fed norished and preserued by the body bloud of Christ This same spiritual eatyng and drinkyng of the sayd body and bloud of Christ is not receiued in the mouthe digested in the stomacke but it is receyued with a pure heart a syncere fayth beleuyng that Christe gaue his body to death shed his bloud vpon the crosse for vs that he doth so ioyne and incorporate himself to vs that he is our heade and we his membres hauyng him dwellyng in vs wee in him What thyng can bee more comfortable to vs than to eat this meate and drynke this drynke For he sayth himselfe Iohn 6 He that eateth me shal liue by me Wherfore in this sacramēt receiued with a true fayth we are assured that our synnes be forgeuen whiche thing when we fele in our heates at the receiuyng of the Lordes supper what thyng can be more ioyfull more pleasaunt or more comfortable vnto vs Remission of sinnes is the highest treasure that can be in the worlde Who is it that would not apply his whole study cast in his mynde day night yea go though it were neuer so long a iourney so that he might attaine this treasure Suppose you there bee any ryches in this worlde lyke vnto this Naye verely Why so For the goodes of this worlde be they neuer so excellent neuer so precious great in value neuer so pleasant beautifull yet they ebbe flowe they fall as leaues and thei passe away although in this life onely they comfort man much yea and rather vexe trouble him But this treasure of forgeuenes of synnes when by fayth it is obtained found and set hande vpon it bringeth with it no incertaine deceiuable nor transitory life but a continuall euerlasting and perpetual lyfe also it causeth peace ioye in the holy ghost which shall last for euer Wherefore yt is very necessarye that we with al diligence and studiouse mind serch for this treasure There ar some that are so minded that they thinke that when they haue the worde it is not verye necessary nor maketh no great matter whether they come vnto the sacrament or no and that it is in their liberty whether they wyll take part of the lords table or no. All men ar boūd to receiue the Sacrament But I deny that liberty lai that al mē are so sore bound to remembre this benefite receiued of God through Christ as the apostels wer and often to reuolue it in heart and to giue thanks for it For though I neither can nor will bynd mē vnto a certaine prescript or peculier time to receiue this sacrament yet it is necessarye that wee consider the commaundement of Christe and that oftentymes we accomplishe and in deede fulfyll it Furthermore it is a trewth and can not bee denied but that by the woorde there is offered vnto vs the remission of sinnes And in the same worde is this sacrament commaunded and comprehended so that the one can not bee in onye wise deuided frome the other Fiftely considre nowe who these be that vse this sacrament accordyngly The vse of the lordes supper Douteles that are such as beleue Ther is a promise in the lordes supper that Christ wold giue his owne body vnto death for vs that he wold shed his blud to wash away our sinnes And in this promise there is no douting But what profiteth this promise vnto me excepte I receiue take hold vpon it by faith But yet if I wil be partaker of these thinges it is necessary that I come in faith For euery promise of God is receiued by faith So likewise teacheth the sentēces in the gospell of Iohn Ioh. 6. He that eateth this bread shal liue eternally Item The breade which I wil giue it ys my flesh for the lyfe of the world Item He that eateth my flesh and drinketh my bloud continueth in me and I in him c. Al these sentences ar spoken of faith Now who so cometh vnto the communion of the lordes supper not hauing this faithe then not only hee eateth it not vnto his health and eternall life but muche rather he taketh part of this sacramēt vnto eternal cōdemnaciō as S. Paul in the epistle to the Cor. sufficiently sheweth and teacheth 1 Co. 11. Therfore if thou feele thy sinnes knowest them woldest right gladly be delyuered from them desirest to growe increase and waxe strong in faith well make hast come to this supꝑ For in it thou shalt find not only forgiuenes of sinnes that bi the word but also thou shalt feed thy soul with the body blud of Iesu Christ a great cōforting to thi faith Furthermore this sacrament shuld moue stir vs to friendship to liue quietly in peace vnitie concord to put away all hatred variance
discord to testifie a brotherly vnfained loue betwene vs. For whē we be made al partakers of this one table what ought we to thinke but that we be al mēbres of one spiritual body that we be ioyned togither in one Christe as a greate numbre of graines of corne bee ioyned togither in one lofe Wherefore they that can not bee persuaded to bee good to their christian brethren for whome Christ suffered death when in this sacrament they be put in remembraunce that the sonne of god bestowed his lyfe for his enemyes We see dayly that eating and drinking togither maketh friendes and continueth friendship Muche more then oughte the table of Christ to moue vs so to do whereby we confesse vs to be all membres of one body and acknowledge Christ to be giuen vs of God his father To whome with the sonne and holye ghoste be all honoure and glorye for euer and euer Amen The gospell on the second sermon vppon the passion of our lorde Iohn 18. WHen Iesus had spoken these woordes Mat. 19 Mar 14 Luce. 22 he went forth with his disciples ouer the brooke Cedron wher was a garden into whyche he entred and hys disciples Iudas also whiche betrayed him knew the place for Iesus ofte tymes resorted thyther with his disciples Iudas then after he had receiued a bonde of men ministers of the highe priestes and pharisees came thither with lanternes and fier brandes and weapons And Iesus knowyng all things that shulde come on him went forth and sayde vnto them Whom seeke ye They answered him Iesus of Nazareth Iesus sayth vnto them I am he Iudas also which betrayed hym stode with them As sone then as he had sayde vnto them I am he they went backeward and fell to the grounde Then asked he them againe Whom seek ye They sayde Iesus of Nazareth Iesus answered I haue tolde you that I am he If ye seeke me therfore let these go theyr way that the sayinges might be fulfilled whiche he spake Ioh. 17 Of them which thou gauest me haue I not loste one Then Simon Peter hauynge a sworde drewe it and smote the high priestes seruaunt and cutte of his right eare The seruantes name was Maichus Therfore sayth Iesus vnto Peter Mat. 2● Gene. 9 putte vp thy sworde into the sheath Shall I not drynke of the cuppe whiche my father hath geuen me THE EXPOSITION FOrasmuche dearely beloued as wee haue vndertake to declare vnto you and to set out the deare death and most bytter passion of our Lorde Iesus Christ I haue thought it conuenient and nede also requireth the same that wee should first shew briefly what is the vse of the same passion and what vtilitee and fruit may come by it vnto vs. For there is no greatter folye nor more worthye laughter than to make only suche preachynges as should moue mennes myndes to fret at the Iewes because they dyd suche an horrible cryme against Christ by such wordes take an occasion to curse rebuke the traitour Iudas and to condempne him For surely here are to bee considered thynges farre greatter and higher then those And what thynges are they that we ought here to consider Fyrst wee ought to ponder what were the principal causes of that so great passion whiche the most innocent lābe of God suffered For if this be depely wayed and cōsidered in the heart it shall worke as muche in oure heartes as dothe the preachyng of the lawe whose office is commonly to set before oure eyes the huge greatnes of our synnes to feare vs and to driue vs vnto dispayre But nowe who were they that were the cause of that so paynful death and passion vnto Christ The cause of the doth of Christ Esai 53 that cōmytted that horrible cryme to sley the sōne of God No mā can shewe this more truely nor better then the prophet whiche sayth Because of the transgression of my people I haue slayn him Kepe this sentence diligently in thy mynde And if thou wylt so doo thou shalt haue as great cause to fret at thy selfe as euer thou couldest fynde to bee displeased with the Iewes and that wretched poore felowe Iudas And if that the Lord our God gaue his dearely beloued sōne vnto this passion for the trāsgression and synnes of his people surely we also do put to our workyng helpyng hādes vnto this passion ar also aswel as other authors of his death Haue not we synned also with other Or are we except out of this sentēce Al men haue synned are destitute of the glory of God Rom. 3 Doubtles no mā can here excuse himselfe neither is any mā free frō sinne so that he may lay al the blame vpō the Iewes for Christes death 1 Iho. 2 For as S. Ihō sayth He is the propiciacion obtayner of grace for our synnes not for our synnes onely but also for the synnes of all the worlde Therfore when thou hearest that this innocent Christ was bound scourged spyt vpō and skorned and besydes that beaten vpō the face crouned with thorne crucifyed thou shuldest then call to mynd and remembre Our sinnes crucifyed Christ that thou thy selfe hast done this that thy synnes were the moost iust cause and very occasion of all these thynges Neither must thou remembre thynges lightly but so meditate them in thy mynde that thou mayst knowe thy selfe a most greuous synner and confesse thy selfe suche a one as by thy synnes prouoked so great wrathe and indignacion of God Nor thynke not that thy synnes were light for the whiche it was necessary that the sonne of God shuld come doune frō heauen and suffre the most vyllayn death of the crosse Cōsider also in thy mynd that this passion What profite we haue by the death passion of Christ shedyng of that precious blud was done for thy welth profite that thy synnes and all thy trāsgressions should by effusion of this blud be washed away so thou deliuered frō al thy synnes mightest be made the sonne heyre of God Nowe if thou by fayth takest hold vpō this with all the whole fayth of thy heart trustest wholly vpō it it shal make the fre frō al sinnes recōcile the vnto the heauenly father and bryng perpetual ioy eternal felicitie vnto the. Euen as S. Paule sayth Christ Rom 5. when we were yet weake accordyng vnto the tyme died for the vngodly And scarce wyl any mā dye for the righteous Yet peraduenture some mā dare dye for a good man But in this hath God set out his loue towarde vs that when we were yet synners Christ dyed for vs. Muche more now that we be iustifyed in his bloud we shal be saued frō the wrath by him c. After this maner the woundes of Christ may be vnto the a preachyng of the lawe when thou callest to mynde that he suffered them for thy synnes And agayne when thou remēbrest
glorious name Secōdarily note that the Iewes wyll haue Cesar for their Lord An horrible thyng to refuse Christ but they wyl not acknowlege Christ to be their kyng For thei cry away with him away with him Nowe is not this most ingratitude afore God that when he hath sent to them his only begottē sonne a sauior whō they so many yeres had loked trusted for nowe with suche crueltie to cast him frō them Thei might doubtles haue receiued Christ been deliuered frō sinne death deuil hell but thei will rather refuse Christ serue a forein lorde perishe bothe body soule And for this purpose they more wyllīgly desired to let go a notable murtherer Barrabā to pardon him because of their feastful daies custome then Christ To this ꝑtaineth also that thei sayd to Pylate Wryte not kyng of the Iewes but that he sayd I am king of the Iewes What is this but to refuse Christ to cast him from theim But what is wont to folowe suche cōtempt Truly this Note what foloweth cōtempt of the word of God Mat. 8. Rom. 11 That the childrē of the kyngdome be throwen out and the poore Gentyles bee receyued into their place as S. Paule also sayth By their fal health chaunsed vnto the Gētyles that he might prouoke them to be zelous after them For if the fall of them be the riches of the worlde the minishyng of them the riches of the heathen howe muche more should it bee so if they all beleued yet it is done for theim that shall be receyued that theyr nombre may bee fulfylled For in the Actes of the Apostles sainct Paule sayeth that the Gospell and woorde of God must fyrst bee preached vnto the Iewes Act. 13 but because they thurst it from theim and iudged them selues vnworthy eternal life wee must turne vnto the heathen And this punishment is a plage of the soule And this blyndnes haue the Iewes dearely bought because they persecuted with suche hatred suche stubburnes their Messias kyng promised vnto them so mocked skorned him and nayled him vnto a crosse Besides this thei escaped not also corporall punishement Corporal punishement For they lost their bodyes honours all their goodes wife children and were banished from their owne countrey insomuch that vnto this daye there lyueth no people vnder the Sunne more wretched forsaken and dispised and that for this cause as I haue sayd that they would not receiue this Christ for their king What thinke you shal chaunse vnto vs if we nowe in oure tyme hauyng the worde of God so rychely among vs we reade and heare it dayly yet so yrke and be werye of it that neither would wee heare it or reade it Surely we be like the Gergesines For as they desired Christ to depart vnto some other countrey out of their coastes so we had muche rather that Christ should departe into some other straunge countrey then we wold for his woordes sake lose any of oure gaynes honor or riches Surely God will punishe suche vnthankefulnes in vs except we be turned do penance other wise dispose our selues towarde the woorde of God For euen so sayth sainct Paule to the Romaynes If God spared not the natural braunches take heede leste it come to passe that he spare not thee Thyrdly considre here reuolue in mynde with what wrath wodnes and furour the Iewes drewe Christ out of the citie hanged him vpon the crosse that not at aduenture but of set purpose betwene two theues and murtherers as the worste and one that had most greuously offēded in like cryme with them When thou cōsiderest thy selfe and reuoluest this in thy mynde knowe thou that thou must not so muche consider the malice of the Iewes as thine owne most greuous synnes God is extreme enemy to synne And this lesson must thou learne in this most dispised and villaynous death that God is an extreme enemye vnto synne For is he not moste highly displeased with it is an vtter enemye vnto it when he would receiue none other satisfaction for it but the death of his only begottē sonne Thoughe nothyng els were yet verely this should ouerthrowe our consciences that we might learne to knowe our sinnes and viciate nature and to seke with heartie intercessiō yea with teares the clemency and mercy of Christ Our sinnes crucified Christ For certainely those do farre sorer torment Christ that wil be called christians yet consider not why Christe would dye for theyr synnes then did the blynde Iewes that crucifyed him For if the Iewes had knowen him sayth S. Paule they would in no wise haue crucified the Lord of glorye 1. Cor. 2 But when do wee acknowlege oure synnes When do we apprehend the meryte of Christ by fayth Where is oure thankefulnes for those so many and so great vnspeakeable benefytes Yea wee dare plucke this Christes glory frōm him whiche he hath so dearely bought that it can not be expressed and we seke newe waies whiche we also prescribe vnto righteousnes eternal helth Iusticiaries as al iusticiariers do whiche are persuaded in cōscience that they may by their owne righteousnes and vertues worthily deserue no lesse then heauē it self eternal saluacion But certifie if we by our owne workes and our owne powers might obtayn helth and eternal life then it must nedes folowe that Christ suffered suche vexacion greuous paynes yea offered himselfe vnto so horrible a death passion but vainly for his pleasure and phantasy euen as S. Paule saith If rightwisenes came by the law Gala. 2. then is Christ dead in vain Wherfore if thou wylt bee thankeful vnto Christ for his passion death consider it well and knowlege that thy synnes haue geuen hym those woundes in his body and that for them he suffered that most painful passiō Then pray vnto him that it will please him to geue thee the merite of his passiō vnto thy profite For if thou do this with true fayth then wyll he forgeue the thy synnes washe away all thyne iniquities in his owne bloud Of this there is no doubt for he him selfe sayth in the gospel of sainct Ihon Ihon. 3 As Moses exalted the serpent in wildernes so must the sonne of man be exalted that euery mā that beleueth in him shal not perishe but shal haue life eternal And this is confirmed by all places throughout all the scripture that spake of the passion of Christ as is this sentēce of S. Paule to the Rommaynes Rom. 4 Christe dyed for our synnes hath risen again for our iustificacion And without doubt Note wel this sentēce whosoeuer suffereth this article of the death and passion of Christ of his blessed bloud sheding to be taken from him needes must that man at the houre of death when his conscience shall haue that great conflict with synne dispayre yea thoughe he had
our workes he will make vs righteous godly and blessed so that we beyng delyuered from the handes of our enemies may serue him all the dayes of oure lyfe not in outwarde ceremonyes and seruices as in tymes past but in holynes and righteousnes that is accepted before him He requyreth the heart he asketh faith he wil be worshipped in spirite and truth and will not be fylled with outwarde woorkes that lacke faith as men haue done in times past Thus you see that Zacharias by the holy ghost acknowledgeth the grace of the gospell that shoulde come therfore he praiseth and glorifieth god as one ascertayned that by this grace we al shal be saued The lorde our god gyue vs grace bothe that wee maye know it and also that for it we may giue thanks to god our father and glorifie him for euer Amen The gospell on sainct Peter and Paules daye Math. 16. WHē Iesus came into the coasts of the cytye whych is called Cesarea Philippi he asked hys disciples saying Mar. 8. Luc. 9. Who do men say that I the sonne of man am They say Some saye thou art Iohn Baptist some Helias some Hieremias or one of the numbre of the prophetes He sayeth vnto theym But whom saye yee that I am Simon Peter answered and sayde Luce. 9. Iohn 6 Thou arte Christe the sonne of the lyuyng god And Iesus answered sayde vnto him Happy art thou Simon the sonne of Ionas for flesh and bloud hath not opened that vnto the Iohn 6 but my father which is in heauen And I saye also vnto the that thou art Peter and vpon thys rocke 1 Co. 10. Esa 28. I wyll buyld my congregacion And the gates of hell shall not preuayle agaynst it And wyll giue vnto the the keyes of the kyngedome of heauen and * mat 18 what so euer thou byndest in earthe shall bee bounde in heauen and what so euer thou losest in earth shall be loed in heauen THE EXPOSITION The cōfession of the Apostles WE haue fyrst set forth in this gospel that excellent confession of S. Peter and the other Apostels wherein they confesse that hee is Christe the sonne of the lyuynge god This confession is so excellente and noble yea and so christian that wee dare boldlye saye that where this confession is not doubteles there is no saluacion at all as the Apostell Saynte Paule witnesseth Rom. saying The hearte beleueth vnto righteousnes and the mouthe confesseth vnto saluacion Fyrste CHRIST asketh what opinyon the people had of hym and whome they sayde he was The Apostels aunswered him Some saye thou arte Iohn the Baptist some saye Helias some Hieremias or one of the prophetes Christe was not ignoraunte what was spoken of him and also he knewe it better then the apostels could tell him that where the gospell is preached there muste nedes arise manye lyes whiche are imagined not only against the truth but also against them the preach the truthe whereout it chaunceth often times that the worlde rageth and waxeth woode with them Therfore nedes must it be that Christ aposing his disciples sought some other thinge at his apostels that is to sai their cōfession of faith as ye shal hear For thus he saith But whome say you that I am Thē answered Petre in the name of them al The fayth of the Apostels Thou art the same Christ the son of the liuyng god Considre inwardly this confession thou shalt see that the faith of al the Apostels was a true and a righte faith excepte that as yet it was not confirmed with the crosse and that yet the holy ghost was not come vpon them Fyrst of all they confesse that he is the same Christ that is to saye the same anointed and capitaine whom god had longe before promised Esai 55 to theyr fathers and whome they hadde so long time looked for that doubtles he shuld come and fulfyll all suche thinges as the holy scriptures hadde prophecied of Furthermore also they confesse that he is Christe sonne of the lyuing god sente into this worlde that by hys meryte passion and deathe all menne myghte bee made good righteous and blessed And thus as it is in dead conueniente to do they confesse the same one Christ to be both god and man For as concernyng his humane nature hee is the sonne of Dauyd annoynted of the father kinge and Prieste and that after the order of Melchisedech and God hathe gyuen vnto him the seate of Dauid that is the spirituall kyngedome whyche is admynistred by the spyryte that hee maye sytte vppon it eternallye But as concernynge his godheade he is the sonne of the liuing god one in substance essence or being and maiestye with the father so that neither mai the father bee separate from the son nor the sonne from the father as sainct Paule sayth Collo 2 In Christ dwelleth all fulnesse of the godhead corporally Nowe whosoeuer with suche fayth after this maner as the Apostles here dyd confesseth Christe without doubt he shall also with the Apostles be made partaker of eternal saluacion as Christ here sayth vnto Peter like as to al his disciples Blessed art thou Symon the sonne of Iona c. Secondarily we see in this gospel that this confession commeth not of oure strengthes but by the reuelacion of God For assone as Peter had in the name of them all declared what opinion thei had of him Fleshe bloud in scripture by and by Christe sayd Fleshe and bloud hath not opened it to thee but my father which is heauē Shal then our fleshe that is reason wyt prudence freewyll and the strengthes of man bee of no value in matter of our iustificacion confessyng of God Surely nothing For without doubt here nothyng is of value but mere grace and mercy Nowe if it be grace than I beleue that I may do good woorkes that I can confesse Christ as the Apostles do in this place nedes must I let flesh contynue as fleshe and bloud as bloud so the inasmuche as partayneth vnto our saluacion the flesh not only can do nothing but also it can do nothyng but synne as S. Ihon the Euangelist sayth Ihon. 1 As many as receiue him he gaue them power to be made the sōnes of God to those that beleue in his name which are not borne of bloudes nor of the will of the fleshe nor of the will of mā but they are borne of God Doth not the Euāgelist here cleane refuse reiect in matter of iustificaciō al together that is borne of bloudes or of the wyl of fleshe or of the wylle of man Euen so it is necessary that we consider here in this place the cōfession of Peter and the other Apostles that it came not of their reason wysedome or frewyll For surely Christ would in this worde dryue backe make blunt ouerthrow our presumpcion and meke that pride that is borne in vs that we shuld
suche angre as hathe adioyned enuy with it But I praye you where are thei that so can moderate themselues Ephe 4 Therefore S. Paule saith Let not the sonne go down vpon your wrath A father is angry with his sonne but yet commonly the fatherly loue continueth in his harte A master is angrye with his seruaunte and scholer but it commeth of a good affection Euen so maye one christian man be angry wyth an other and rebuke correct and shewe him his faulte but with this angre muste charity be admyxed Bryefely CHRIST requyreth this meekenes of his disciples sayinge Learne of me for I am meeke and lowely in heart Mat. 11 And here he promyseth to the meeke saluacion and possession of the lande Who wyll not nowe with all dilygence laboure for faythe whereoute springeth this vertue The possession of the land what it is Manye interprete spirituallye the possession of the lande as when the Prophete Dauyd saythe I beeleue to see the Lorde in the lande of the lyuynge Other vnderstande it corporallye sygnyfiynge that the gentle and meeke menne keepeth better his goodes and possessiones then hee that wyll lawe for euerye trifle and wyll not loose so muche as the parynge of hys nayle Truthe it is that Moyses beynge a moste lowelye and gentle person Nu. 22. accomplished excellent affaires yea thoughe hee were the meekest man that dwelleth vpon earth And also either of these vnderstandinges is good and profitable Spiritual hūger thirst Fourthly Christ pronounceth them blessed that hungre and thirste for righteousnes addyng thys promise That they shall be satisfied Nowe standeth thys hungre and thyrst in thys pointe that I dyspayre of my selfe and all my strengthes shall knoweledge my corrupte nature myne inabilitee syckenes synne and infirmitie and allonly desyre that righteousnes that is of valewe before god Surely this acknowledgyng of our selues dothe highly please god yea for to bringe vs vnto this knowledg hath he giuen the lawe and willeth that the preaching of penance shuld procede go before the preaching of forgiuenes of sinnes as it is plain in the gospel of S. Luc. that we might so much the soner attaine vnto this hunger thirste of righteousnes Luc. 24 And doubtles needes must we be thus hungry and thyrsty for righteousnes or els we shall euer want it that is we shall neuer be made righteousnes But to be briefe When thorow preachinge of penaunce we are vtterly ouerthrowen so that al togither wee dyspayre of oure selues and begynne to seeke our righteousnes in CHRIST thys promise standeth stedfast that wee shall bee satysfyed Contraryly yf we haue not thys hungre thyrst knowlege desire behold the vyrgin Mary saith thus He hath sent away the ryche emptye To be merciful Fiftely Christe also in the gospell pronounceth that the mercifull men are blessed To bee merciful is asmuch as to be ready to forgiue remit as often as our neighbour doth vs iniurye or angreth vs or prouoketh vs vnto displeasure And thys mercifulnes is so necessary for a christen man that he cā not obtain forgiuenes of his sins except he also first forgiue his neighbour such trespasses as he hath cōmitted against him yet not by this mercy merite of the same do we obtaine get or deserue forgiuenes of of our sins for that haue we by only fayth but God wolde that I shulde by this forgiuenes testify my faith Now whē I declare my faith by so forgiuīg my neighbour what wil Christ do toward me I shall also haue mercy as Christ saith in this gospel And as he saith in another place Luc. 5. Forgiue it shal be forgiuen you But now whē I wil not for giue no more shal I obtain mercy therfore vtterly fall out of all the fauour of god the father Sixtly the clean pure in heart are blessed Cleannes and pure of hearte Psal 13 Mar. 10 But who is cleane in hert seyng that the scripture saith There is none that doth good no there is none at al Also none is good that is clean but alone god Doutles it is truth that by nature we are sinners neither can we do any thyng that is good ye and also after that we haue receaued the holy ghost yet remained in vs concupiscens or vnlawful lust Rom. 7 with whō wee muste euer wrestle and fighte against it Yet thys comforte haue we when wee ones come to the knowledge of Christe and haue by faith set hande vppon hys promyse by partakinge with hym wee be very christians and also pure in hearte Actu 15 For as Sainct Peter saithe By faith are purified our hearts Furthermore although the hart by faith be purified yet there remaineth in vs the remnant of synne and concupiscens which daylye sore trouble vs but for faith they are not imputed vnto vs. As S. Paule testifieth Rom. 8. saying Then now there is no condemnacion to suche as are in Christ Iesu Therfore we are fully assured if we haue faith that wee shall se god in this worlde by faith in his word and in the world to come face vnto face Seuenthly Christe calleth those blessed that ar the makers of peace Rom. 5. Those are makers of peace that euer counsayl peace that reconcyle men that be fallen out and set them againe at one and studiouslye take heede to kepe and conserue peace Suche are called peacemakers And suche men do especially please god chiefly bycause this vertu cometh of faithe and hathe his roote and springinge out of faith and therfore bycause that in this thing they folowe the example of his beloued sonne oure lorde Iesu Christe What did he When wee were yet enemyes saith S. Paul he reconcyled vs vnto his father opened to vs the heauens and by the effusion of his bloude of mere and free grace hee washed away all our sinnes that we apprehending this by faithe myght obtaine righteousnes and so euer more folowe the same example in our deedes Nowe when do we this When with al harty study we endeuour our selues to conserue peace and that amonge all men brotherly loue may be continued But what shall be the rewarde of this vertu what gyfte shall bee gyuen for it Wee shall be called the sonnes of god and wee shall possesse eternall lyfe Eightly Christ also calleth those blessed that suffre persecution and are despised for his sake which in deede oughte to giue greate comfort to christian men putte vnder the crosse and tribulation Thorow muche trouble we entre into the kīgdom of God Whye are we so vexed and full of sorowe in temporall afflyctions seynge that Christe wyll by theim bring vs into heauen where wee shal perpetually raigne with hym Trulye this temporall crosse canne in no meanes bee compared vnto the euerlastinge ioye Marke wel that he saith For my names sake Also When men speake all euell against you belyinge you For he that is an euell dooer
horriblenes of hell that I might deliuer you from hell yea and I haue purchased for you of God my father that he shall take you for his children sōnes and heyres of the heauenly kyngdome And this is the worde by the whiche man is verely purifyed made cleane if it be receyued by fayth Fyrst who soeuer doth receiue this woorde of the Gospell by fayth he is accōpted before God for very iust pure and holy and that not for the workes of righteousnes whiche wee doo but onely for Iesus Christ the sonne of God receyued by fayth S. Paule sayth they be made righteous frely by his grace by the redempcion whiche is in Christ Iesu whiche God hath put as attonement maker by f●yth his bloud beyng a meane Therfore whosoeuer doth beleue the worde of the gospel of Christ although that synne doth styll remayne in his fleshe yet sinne is not imputed vnto him so that he nowe may be iust before God not with his owne righteousnes but with an others righteousnes that is the righteousnes of Iesu Christe whiche is geuen vnto him by fayth For blessed is that man to whom God doth not impute synne Furthermore whosoeuer receiueth the woorde of the Gospell by faythe whiche is geuen by the holy ghost whiche shal mortifie the remnātes of the fleshe The houke is the holy ghost shal so rule synne that it shal not reigne in our mortal bodyes Therfore the holy ghost is the very true houke with the whiche the braunches be purged and that by the woordes of the Gospell Fyrst that by fayth wee may bee accompted before God iust for Christes sake Secondly that the deedes of the fleshe may be mortified the lustes of synne be quenched And although it can not be done in this life that synne wholly might be pulled vp out of the fleshe yet it may bee done through the holy ghost that synne shal be paired away and the fruit of it destroyed so that we shall not walke after the fleshe but after the spirite In conclusion whosoeuer doth receiue the worde of the gospel by fayth he shal be troubled with many afflictions and persecusions in this worlde Christ sayth If they haue persecuted me they shall persecute you And in an other place We must by many tribulacions sayth he entre into the kyngdome of God Tribulaciō and trouble is the houke also Wherfore afflictions are to be accōpted among those houkes with the whiche the heauenlye father dothe purge his braunches The keper of the vyneyard cutteth away the braunches with an houke not for to hurte theim and so to perishe but that they might bryng plenteously furth fruite Tribulacion is sent and wherfore So God the father sendeth to the godly the crosse and afflictions not that they should perish but that they should be preseuerued To this man is sent a crosse that he should bee admonished of the synne yet remainyng in his fleshe to that man because he should walke in his vocacion least synne should reigne in his fleshe to another that he should be an example for the amendement of other men and so to other for other causes not for this cause that they should vtterly perishe but that they should bee deliuered from perishyng and to attayne eternall health When we bee punished with the crosse and misery wee must go to the vyneyarde wee must call to remembraunce the cuttyng knyfe or houke of the keper of the vineyarde and wee must knowe to what ende they cutte in the vyneyarde and that ende is th ende of affliction which is accustomed to chance to the godly that is to say that they should not bee cast into the fyer and so to peryshe in the flame but that they should bee purged and that as well they might bryng furthe more plentyfully fruite as to bryng furth and increase And that it is euen so that they whiche remayne in the true vynetree whiche is Christe might bee purged or made cleane and bryng furth muche fruite Christe addeth vnto it and sayth Tarrye in me and I in you As the braunche can not beare fruite of him selfe except he tarry in the vynetree c. This is as it were an handsonme conclusion of the fyrst exhortacion I haue sayd that I am the verye true vyne tree I haue sayd that the braunche that taryeth in me shall bryng furth fruite plentifully Therfore I besech you that you would tary in me forasmuche as I do tarye in you and ye shal bryng furth muche fruite But tell me howe shall wee tarye in Christe Do wee tary in him when wee do tary in tradicions and commaundementes of men No truly Christ sayth They worship me in vayne with the commaundementes of men But we tarye in Christ when we tarry in the woorde of Christ by fayth Whosoeuer beleueth in me sayth he kepeth my worde and my father shall loue him we shall come vnto him and make our dwellyng place with him What benefite dothe chaunce to him that taryeth in Christ Fyrst Christ taryeth in him for he sayth Tarye in me I in you What thyng better or more greatter doest thou seke Whosoeuer hath Christ hath all the treasure of heauenly goodnesse Sainct Paule sayth Iesus Christe is made vnto vs from God wisedome righteousnes holynes redemption Therfore whosoeuer hath Christ is made before God iust holy and righteous and is deliuered from all trouble Thyrdly let vs cōsider what fruite the Apostles brought whiche taryed in Christ Although the Apostles a lytle whyle after did forsake Christ by fliyng away from him and deniyng of him yet for all that by and by they dyd repent and they were so ioyneth in couple with Christ that they did alway continue in him Wherfore they brought furth at the fyrst beginnyng muche fruite by preachyng of the gospell of Christ After that they had receyued the gyftes of the holy ghost on Whytsonday they did sprede abrode the Gospell throughout all the worlde gathered together the churche of Christ not onely of the Iewes but also of the Gentiles Sainct Paule sayth that the gospel was preached among all creatures which were vnder heauē And againe The gospel hath increased euen through the whole worlde Furthermore besydes many other godlines and good workes they brough furth plentyful fruite in doyng of great miracles which they did in the name of Christ whereby Christ did florishe and the authoritee truth of Gods worde was highly commended They shewed themselues towardes the Magistrates as they ought to doo They loued their neighbours accordyng to the order of charitee Thei gaue not them selues to gluttony and riotous bankettynges or to vncleanes wantonnes Fynally they did aswell priuately as openly leade a godly life and suffereth very muche trouble persecucion for the woorde of God They were tryed by many mockes and stripes They wer cast into prisons and chaynes They suffered much hunger penury at the last they suffered all kynd of persecution