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A18772 A postil or orderly disposing of certeine epistles vsually red in the Church of God, vppon the Sundayes and holydayes throughout the whole yeere. Written in Latin by Dauid Chytræus, and translated intoo English by Arthur Golding. Seen and allowed according too the order appoynted Chytraeus, David, 1531-1600.; Golding, Arthur, 1536-1606. aut 1570 (1570) STC 5263; ESTC S107883 320,443 478

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art my sonne this day haue I begotten thée And in the Gospell he putteth a difference betwene this only begotten sonne the Saints which are his sonnes by adoption and are beloued of the eternall father and taken in place of Gods sonnes and heires of the lyfe and blissednesse that is with God for the intercession of this only begotten sonne Chryst or the anoynted signifieth the hygh Préest or teacher of the Gospell the Spokesman and Redéemer of the Church the King and conquerour of sin death the Diuell and the restorer of rightuousnesse and lyfe euerlasting This Chryst came by water and blud not in water onely but in water and blud for he bringeth the doctrine of the gospell out of the bosom of the eternall Father concerning the forgiuenesse of sinnes rightuousnesse cōfort the holy Ghost and euerlasting saluation too bée bestowed vppon all that are throughly put in feare which wrestle with the terrours with Gods wrath with sinne and with death and thirst or with earnest desire long after comfort and lyfe and are washed with the water of Baptim in token of remissiō of their sinnes as is sayd in Esai lv All yée that thirst come too the waters and Iohn iiij and .vij. If any man drink of the water that I shall giue him it shall become a fountaine of water flowing vntoo euerlasting lyfe Neyther is he come in water only that is too say he is not only a teacher of the gospel wherwith the thirstie harts of the godly are refreshed but also he is a Redéemer which hath with his blud pacified the wrath of the eternal father ageinst our sins redéemed the whole church from sin death euerlasting damnation And this holy blud of his doth he distribute too vs in his holy supper Ebr. ix By his own blud hath he entered intoo the holy place once for all and hath found eternall redemption Rom. iij. Wée are iustified fréely by the grace of God through the redemption made in Iesu Chryste whom GOD hath set foorth a mercy seate by fayth in his bloud Math. xxvj This is my blud of the new Testament whiche is shed for many in remission of their sinnes And it is the spirit that beareth witnesse that is too say the holy ghost beareth witnesse of the persone office of Chryst namely y this Iesus is Chryst the sonne of god the redéemer that was promised too the church as is sayd Iohn j. Vppon whom thou séest the spirit descending abyding vppon him the same is he that baptizeth with the holy ghost and I sawe bare witnesse that this is the sonne of god Rom. j. Who was certeinly shewed too bée the sonne of God by the spirit of sanctification in that he is risen from death Ageine in the publick ministerie the holy ghost preserueth spreadeth abrode and by testimonies of miracles confirmeth the doctrine concerning the persone and benefits of Chryst Ioh. xv When the comforter shal bée come euen the spirit of truthe whom I will send you from my Father he shall beare witnesse of mée and you also shall beare witnesse bycause you haue bin with mée from the beginning Bycause the spirit is truthe or the witnesse of the holy ghost is true like as in Iohn xv and .xvj. he is called the spirit of truthe bycause he is soothfast and maketh folks soothfast kindleth true knowledge of God true rightuousnesse true lyfe in the beléeuers Of the third place THere bee three that beare witnesse in heauen the Father the VVoord and the holy Ghost and these three are one Let this euident witnesse of the one substāce or only one selfsame being godhead power maiestie glorie of the thrée persones of the godhead bée considered in this place and also let the descriptions differēces of the thrée persones namely of the father of the sonne who in this place and in Ioh. j. Apoc. xix is named the woord of the holy ghost bee repeated out of the place concerning God the cheef poyntes whereof I will anon after expound vppon Trinitie Sunday The fourth place THere are three that beare witnesse in earth the spirit and water and blud and these three are one God hath ordeyned the publike preaching of his Gospell too the intent the true doctrine concerning the sonne of God our lord Iesus Christ who suffered death rose agein for vs myght bée knowen and many men bée conuerted too God by the voyce of his Gospell and so becōme heires of ryghtuousnesse and lyfe euerlasting For God gathereth too himself an euerlasting Church by the sound of his woorde wherby he both rebuketh mennes sinnes and allureth them too repentance and also giueth remission of sinnes and euerlasting saluation too such as repent and beléeue the woord And alwayes too the woord God hath annexed outward signes which lyght intoo the eyes as pictures of his promises which signes haue all one méening all one strength all one vse and all one effect or working with the woord For by these twoo meanes namely the woord and the outward signes or Sacraments dooth God beare witnesse of his sonne and offereth too vs forgiuenesse of sinnes and euerlasting saluation for his sonnes sake and also kindleth encreaseth and strenghtheneth fayth in our myndes And therfore Austin termeth a Sacrament a visible woord And like as Chryst sayeth that the holy Ghost reproueth the world of sinne and beareth witnesse of him and like as it is sayd in Genesis My spirit shall not iudge in man bycause he is fleshe that is too say I will take away the ministerie or vse of the holy Ghoste from men So in this place the woord Spirit must most simply bée vnderstood of the holy Ghost reprouing the world of sinne by the ministerie of the Gospell and bearing witnesse of Chrystes persone and benefites and of the eternall lyfe VVater and blud signifie the Sacramentes of Baptim which is the Lauer of water clēzing vs cleane by the woord from all iniquitie and of the Lords Supper in whiche the bodye and blud of Chryst that was shed for vs is distributed in assurance of remission of sinnes And these three are one that is too say they are directed all too one end and haue all one selfsame force vse and effect For the meanes by which God witnesseth of his sonnes benefites and by which he imparteth remission of sinnes and euerlasting lyfe too vs and wherby he rayseth vp encreaseth and confirmeth our fayth are alwayes toogither Vppon the Sunday called Misericordia or the second Sunday after Easter The Introit THe earth is full of the Lords mercy Prayse yee the Lord. The heauens are stablished by the woord of god Prayse yee the Lord. Reioyce yée rightuous in the Lord praising becommeth the ryghtuous c. Psalm xxxij ¶ The Epistle j. Peter ij CHryst also suffred for vs leauing vs an ensample that yee should folowe his steps which did no sinne
our enemies the Diuell sinne and the accusatiō of the Lawe or the handwryting of our conscience and of the subduing of these dooth he make his shewe Of this most high benefite of Chrystes resurrection speaketh Paule the greatnesse whereof no tung of man is able too vtter All goods all Lordshippes all kingdomes are nothing in comparison of this benefite For whereas all men must néedes dye yet shall those that flée vntoo Christs death and Resurrection with fayth bée deliuered from death and shall bée crowned with ryghtuousnesse lyfe and glorie euerlasting The second benefite is true comfort and ioy of hart in all miseries too those that vphold themselues with assured hope of the resurrection and the euerlasting lyfe with Chryst Art thou poore despysed sick bannished c Chryste who is rysen from death will defend thée comfort thée gouerne thée and at length render thée eternall lyfe All men saeke and wonderously couet gladnesse and ioy in this lyfe and comfort in aduersitie The couetous pesone delyghteth more in his monye than in god The Marchantman ioyeth in his gayne Kings and Princes make warres too enlarge their Dominions that they may afterward take their pleasure with ease But there is but only one ioy and comfort that is stedye namely Chryst rysing from death and raysing vs vp toogither with himself and quickening vs. The third benefite is Resurrection of our bodyes wherof wée will by Gods helpe entreate too morowe Of the third place THe true kéeping of the Easter feast is all the whole time of our lyfe too acknowledge Chryst our passeouer offered for vs taking vppon him the sinnes of the world and earnestly too repent vs of our sinnes which are put ouer too this Lamb and in our anguishes whiche ryse by the féeling of Gods wrath or by beholding our own sinnes death or other calamities stedely too beléeue that Chryst our passeouer is offered vp for vs and that our sinnes are taken away by this Lamb of God And that euen after wée bée dead wée shall doutlesse bée restored too lyfe and ioy euerlasting with Chryst And too the intent wée may bée thankfull too Chryste for these his so excéeding great benefites wée must ageine on the other syde with reuerent mynd and voyce set them foorth and so frame and gouerne our whole lyfe all our intentes endeuers and dooings that they may please Christ and agrée with his will and woord In this méening Paule sayeth that too kéepe the passeouer is all one as too purge the old leuen that is too say sinne or the old man or forworne false opinions concerning God lustes vicious inclinations affections and out ward actions fyghting ageinst the Lawe of God. He boroweth his maner of spéeche of the Iewish Passenuer in which they were compelled for seuen dayes toogither too eate vnleuened or swéete bread wherevppon it was also called the feast of swéete bread And thereuppon commeth the custome the is vsed at this day too distribute vnleuened bread in the Lordes Supper Also oftentymes elsewhere in the scripture Leuen betokeneth false doctrine or faultie behauiour and sinnes which make other folks the woorse marre or make sower all the meale or lump of dowe Paule therefore willeth the old leuen too bée purged away that is too wit that false doctrine and other sinnes shuld bée cast out and taken away by repentance That yee may ▪ bee new dowe that is too say a newe lump or new men sprinkled and clenzed with the precious blud of the Lamb Chryst and hauing new lyght new ryghtuousnesse and new obedience acceptable too God. As yee are sweet bread that is too say vnleuened or without the leuen of sinne or rightuouse and holy namely by imputation of Chrystes ryghtuousnesse holynesse and by beginning new obedience but not as yet by accomplishing it And therefore there is as yet néede of continuall purging the remnaunts of sinne There remayne in al the Sainctes in this lyfe great weakenesse and much filthynesse of sinne The mynde is still steyned with the dregges of the leuen of many doutings and false imaginations concerning God ageinst whiche those that bée borne ageine by the holy Ghoste doo kéepe continuall warre by helpe of the holy Ghoste Fayth feare loue of GOD and the reste of vertues are verye faint and féeble in the will. And on the contrarie part there bée many sinfull inclinations and vehement enforcementes too carelessenesse distrust and pride many burning flames and heates of leawde lustes and many furious fyers of affections in the hart ageinst which they stryue that are regenerated by the holy Ghost These dregges and filthynesse of the old leuen dooth sainct Paule will vs too clenze out continually during our whole lyfe and in the meane whyle too assure our selues by fayth that though wée bée bothe vnworthy and vncleane yet for the sonne of GOD our Passeouer offered vp for vs who is the roof that couereth our filthynesse wée are thorough excéeding great mercye receyued and by imputation of his clennesse and holynesse vntoo vs are accepted for pure swéet bread that is too say for ryghtuouse and holy as fully as if there remayned no dregges at all of the old Leuen in vs But wée haue spoken of this principall méening of this Epistle a little before Nowe let vs go thorough with the Exhortation too the true kéeping of this Feaste of Passeouer Therfore let vs make good cheere In the Gréeke it is Heortazomen which is as much too say as let vs kéepe holy-day eyther of the woord Rhezo too doo holy things or of the woord Agora which is a congregation or assembly or else of the woord Ageiro which signifyeth too come toogither or too assemble Heortazein therefore signifyeth not too eate or too drinke and too spend the tyme in fond and slouthful ydlenesse but too celebrate a feastfull day or too allowe a Saboth or too assemble too the ministration of the Gospell too héere the doctrine concerning the persone and benefites of the Lamb Iesus Chryste who suffered for vs and is rysen ageyne too haue a féeling of Repentance too beléeue that wée are accepted of GOD for this onely Lambes sake And vppon trust of this Lamb too demaund and looke for all good things at gods hand too acknowledge him too giue him thanks too mortifie the remnantes of the leuen or of sinne sticking still in vs and with new lyght righteousnesse and obedience too glorifye God both all the tyme of this lyfe and euermore Not with old leuē that is too say not with folowing sinne ageinst conscience Nor in the leuen of maliciousnesse wickednesse that Gréek woord Kakia is a general name of al vyce signifyeth the sins of ouersyght or doone willingly which are cōmitted by negligence lyghtnesse or wantonnesse As Honorius offendeth through negligence or slouthfulnesse Yea and sometyme euen a good man may doo amisse and yet bée a good man still But the woord Poneria is
Gods sonne Gods mercie tempered with iustyce The fall of Adam The feendes the Iewes The matter of Chrystes Passion The forme or maner The endes too which Chryst ▪ suffered Redemption Remission of sinnes Reconciliatiō Iustification The holy Ghost The destruction of the Deuils kingdom Abolishment of sinne and death Euerlasting lyfe and saluacion How Chrystes benefites may bee applyed too vs. Our hauen and comfort ▪ Pascha or Passeouer The true passeouer * March● The tyme. Chrysts person Chrysts sacrifyse The benefites of Chrystes sacrifyse The applyment New obediēce The benefites of Chrystes resurrection A descriptiō of a Triumph The Triumph of Chryst The true ioy and comfort The true keeping of Easter Leuen New dowe Sweete bred What it is too keepe holyday Old leuen The efficient cause of our resurrection which argument holdeth of consequence That Chryst is risen By testymonies of the prophets By record of such as sawe him Of the authoritie of the Apostles An argument by impossibilitie An argument of ryght and reason A repetition confirmation of the first argumēt which holdeth of cōsequence or of necessitie An Argument taken of our profession and order in baptim A repetition of the fourth argument which holdeth of ryght reasō An Argument taken of the like thing Tokens of the resurrection impressed in nature The Moone The Starres The seasons of the yeere Svvalovves Flyes The Phenix This is the surest ground Argumēt for a Christian Sufficiēt vvarrant for a true Christian Philosophie knovveth nothing of the resurrection Antiquitie Consent of all Nations The best natures Selfmouing Simplenesse vncōpounded Ryght and reason Gods almyghtynesse Diuersities of glorie in the resurrection Liuing soule The state of our bodyes in the resurrectiō Liuing soule The first man. The second man. Flesh blud The efficient cause of our resurrection Death and sin Gods lawe The cheef finewes of the Diuels kingdome Our victorie in Chryst Esays prophesie of the taking away of death by Christ Esays prophesie expounded by Paule Osees prophesie expounded Interpretation of the grammaticall sense of the vvordes The proper meening of Osce An exhortation to stedfastnesse The custome of baptizing in old tyme. The cōmendation of fayth A description of fayth Mannes lyfe a vvarfare Who are borne of God. Hovv folke are borne a nevve The cheef obiect or thing vvhereon fayth resteth The name of Sonne The name Chryst Water blud To come in vvater The spirit is a vvitnesse of Chryst and his doctrine The three persones of the Godhead The end vvhy the ministerie vvas ordeined What the vvoord spirit signifyeth in the foresayd text What vvater and blud signifye Mākind vvyth out Chryst Errour touching Gods beeing Touching Gods vvill Errours of the papistes in seruing God. Chryst is the only vvay too ▪ God and godlynesse Chryst is lyfe Repentance Pointes of a good shepherd Good Princes be shepherds Bishops and ministers are shepherds Hovv Chryst is a shepherd Fleshly lustes what they be Magistrates ordeyned by God. The definition of a Magistrate Magistrates must be obeyed as God. An excellent saying Obedience too Princes Lords and Maisters for conscience sake Christen libē●tie Not God but wee our selues are cause of euil too our selues Good things are all of God and none euill commeth of him Regeneration or newbirth A similitude Against rash speaking and hasty iudgement Against a●ge● and trea●nesle Rogation weeke Of Inuocatio● and prayer The partes of true prayer What diuinitie is Gods worde a looking glasse True blissednesse The Anker●old of christian welfare Chrystes conuersation with his disciples after his resurrection Chrystes tryumphant As●●nsion Deliuerance from sin death the Diuell Mediatorship Giuing of gifts vnto men Opening our way intoo heauen Putting away of worldlinesse ▪ Too rayse our myndes tovvards heauen The kingdom of God or of Chryst The right hād of God. Too sitte A commendation of prayer Ageinst d●on●●●●esse Sobrietie which is a spice of stay ▪ ednesse Watchfulnesse Of Lou● Hospitalitie * Pleasantnesse * Gladsomues * Merinesse Doing of good ●urnes Pentecost Why Easter Whitsontyde other feastes were ordeined of God. Why Whitson tide was ordeyned too be continually kept The holy Ghost Two sortes of giuing the holy Ghost A descriptiō of the holy ghost Proofes of the godhead of the holy Ghost Basill Eusebius Palestinus Proofes that the holy Ghost is a distinct persone from the father and the sonne The office and benefits of the holy Ghost The spirit of Truthe Paracletus The seuen gift● of the holy ●host The gift of ●isdome The spirit of Counsell The spirite of Strength or Manlynesse The spirit of Kno●ledge The spirit of Godlynesse The spirit of the Feare of God. Beneuolēce ▪ Proofes of Christes Godhead Proofes of the Godhead of the holy ghost Fleshe No accepting of persones vvith Chryst Prophesying in the old Testament Diuersities of appeerings Dreames Prophesying in the nevv testament The onely vvay too saluacion The cause of our eternall saluation Iustification Diuersitie of opinions concerning Iustification Ryghtuousnesse what it is The efficiēt forcing cause of iustificacation The meane or Instrument of our saluation what it is to beleeue What ought too bee the cheefe care of men How God wil haue his being knowne What God is The Gods of the Heathen The vnitie and trinitie of the Godhead The first person The second person The third person The marke of the Father The marke of the Sonne The marke of the holy ghost ▪ The offyce of the father The offyce of the sonne The offyce of the holy ghost God is loue Our only hauē and fortresse The phisike of our soules Examples who loueth God. Sparkes of knowledge in nature why they were giuē ▪ Loue towardes God. Causes of louing God and ▪ our neighbour ▪ Gods loue towardes vs. Commaundement Woorthinesse and profit What is comprehended in the loue of our neighbour The hatred of the world ageinst the godly This folowing is worth the beating away Necessitie Example of loue Hypocrysie to be eschued Sel●e loue and selfvveening Vyces accompaning pryde Carelesse Stately Lovvlynesse Vertues conteined in lovvlynesse Causes that should mo●e to Lowlynesse The profit of Lowlynesse God resisteth the proude The Diuell Sna●es wherwith the dyuel intangleth folkes Fortification ageynst the Diuelles traynes Watchfulnesse Remedyageynst the enterance of despayre Sobrietie and stayedensle Fayth Example Gods grace Gods order to be followed This argument holdeth of right and equitie A cōparison of vnequalitie Common harmes ought too greeue the lesse Example of the Apostles The maner of saluation How we be saued by hope Argument of possibilitie One myndednesse Like affectionednesse Brotherly loue Mercifulnesse Gentlenesse Meeknesse Gelons answer too a rayler Patience Faint hartednesse Wilfulnesse or stifnesse of opinion Stedfast profession of the true doctrine The finall cause of iustification The efficient cause of iustification A similitude of baptim Of Chrystes death and resurrection Of Chrystes buryall Ageinst Libertines carnall Gospellers Necessitie of weldooing Christen libertie Eternal lyfe
shalt thou chaunge them and they shal be chaunged But thou art euen the same and thy yeeres shall not faile Vnto which of the angels said he at any time Sit on my right hand till I make thyne enemies thy footstoole Are they not all ministring spirits sent too minister for their sakes which shall bee heires of saluation The disposement The Epistle pertaineth too the kind of cases that teache The partes or chéefe places are twoo 1 A description of the persone of the sonne of GOD our Lord Iesu Chryst 2 A gathering togither of the witnesses which confirme that Christ is more excellent than the Angels shewe the difference betwéene Christ and the Angels The first place IT is a great and wōderfull benefite of the sonne of God woorthy too bée set out cōtinually with thankfull mynd and voyce that of his excéeding goodnesse cōming foorth from hys secret dwelling place he discouered himselfe to mankynd by assured open testimonies Yea euē he himself clothing him with a visible shape or forme of the manhod that was too bée taken vppon him afterward talked with the first men and the rest of the Fathers face and with his own mouth reueled the promis of grace whereby the first parents were receiued oftentimes renewing the same in his communications had with Abrahā Jsaac Iacob Moyses Dauid Esay Ieremie Daniel c and at the length in the yéere of the world 3962 was borne man of the virgin Marie many yéeres togither sowed the doctrin of his gospel among men confirmed it with miracles Of this excéeding great benefit this epistle maketh mention at the beginning afterward ioyneth ther vnto a description of the sonne of God our lord Iesu Christ The sonne of God is the second persone of the Godhead begotten of the euerlasting father and is the substantiall full image brightnesse of the eternal father more excellent than al the Angels by whom al other things in heauen and earth are created preserued The which sonne tooke mans nature of the virgin Marie so as God and man are one persone Iesus Chryst who by himself through his passion and death hath clenzed our sinnes being raysed ageyne sitteth at the right hand of the father giueth remission of sinnes rightuousnesse eternal life to all that flée to him by fayth This ordinarie descriptiō of the person of gods sonne may by good lerning bée builded out of the testimonies of this first Chapter too the Hebrewes For that the sonne of God is a person of the Godhead distinct frō the father it is manifestly confirmed by the .xliiij. Psal The Lord euen thy Lord hath anoynted thée with the oyle of gladnesse Also this day haue I begotten thée Therefore is he God and a persone distinct from the father that begetteth him That he is begotten of the father the very name of Sonne declareth and so dooth the saying of the second Psalme this day haue I begotten thée That he is the substanciall and full image of the father it is manifest in that he is termed the expresse image of the fathers substance The Gréeke woord Apaugasma signifieth the brightnesse that isseweth from another light Therfore like as light and the brightnesse that isseweth from the light are alwayes togither so the father and the sonne are coeternall That he hath created all things susteyneth al things it is manifest by this saying whō he hath made heire that is to say Lord of al things by whom also he made the worlds that is to say al things in the world By him were al things made My father worketh euē vnto this hour I also work Bearing that is to say carying vpholding and maynteyning all things by the woord of his power that is to say by his almightie woord That he tooke vppon him mannes nature he will shewe more at large in the second chapter Héere he setteth foorth but the chéef office and benefite of Chryste for which he became man when he sayeth By himself purged he our sins This short saying conteyneth a summe of the whole doctrine of the Gospell concerning Chrystes benefites concerning the difference betwéene the Law and the Gospell and concerning forgiuenesse of sinnes or iustification The Lawe purgeth not ne taketh away sinnes but encreaseth sinne and maketh it out of measure sinful Rom. 7. The sacrifises of the Leuites purged not sinne but were figures of Christes sacrifice Our owne woorkes and munkish ceremonies purge not sinnes Only Christ by himselfe that is too say by the sacrifise of his body offered vpon the altar of the crosse hath purged vs and hath for euermore made perfect those that are too be sāctified as is said afterward in the 7. 9. 10. chapters And 1. Iohn 1. The blud of Christ the sonne of God clenseth vs from all sinne and iustifieth vs maketh vs heires of euerlasting saluation and glorie For wee shall bée glorified with Christ who sitteth at the right hand of the Maiestie that is too say reigneth in equal power and maiestie with the eternall father The .ij. Of the difference betweene Christ and the angels TOo the intent this thing may bée the more euident first let the definitions of them bée vnderstood Angels are spiritual substances created by God after his own image and ordeined too sing glory too God on high and too bée ministers vppon earth of the churche or of the heires of euerlasting saluation The description of the sonne of God is recited a litle afore By these descriptiōs and the testimonies cited in the text of the Epistle seuen differences may bee gathered 1 Christ is verely and by nature the sonne of God begotten of the substance of the eternall father Psal 2. This day haue I begotten thée 2. Reg. 7. I wil bée a father too him and he shall bée a sonne too mée The Angels are not verely and by nature the sonnes of God but only by adoption or grace Ergo Christ farre excelleth all the Angels 2 Inuocation is an honor too bée attributed only too God the searcher of hartes according too this saying Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God and in general whosoeuer is worshipped is better than he y worshippeth But God cōmaundeth that Christ shalbée called vpon yea euen of the Angels Ps. 96. Worship yée him all yée Angels of God ▪ Ergo Christ is both God and also farre more excellent than all the Angels 3 Christ is the maker of heauen and earth Psa 101. Thou O Lord hast founded the earth from the beginning Angels are substances created as Psal 103. is sayd which makest thine Angels spirites and thy ministers a flame of fire that is too say cléere substances which in shéerenesse force nimblenesse and swiftnesse are like too fire 4 Christ is an euerlasting king bearing a rightful scepter and iustifying all that flée vntoo him Psa 45. Thy throne O God endureth for euer and euer the scepter of rightuousnesse
Gospell This is the wil of God that euery one which beléeueth in the sonne of GOD should haue euerlasting life and that he which beléeueth not in the sonne shold bée damned This rule dooth God obserue without chaunge in men that are to bée receyued to eternal saluation or too bée cast away neyther respecteth he any persone that is to say he considereth not other byfals in men perteyning nothing to this Rule as riches pouertie lerning ignorance power circumcision vncircumcision and such lyke Secondly the calling of the Gentyles putteth vs in mynd that forgiuenesse of sinnes and eternall lyfe are bestowed vppon the beléeuers of frée gifte and not for the woorthynesse of their owne vertues or woorkes For sith the Gentyles which were defyled with Idolgaddings lustes and other sinnes for saking their purpose of sinning and fléeing vntoo Chryst the sonne of God are receyued as well as the Iewes who had alwayes framed their conuersation honestly according to the rule of Gods lawe it is an euident proofe that the Gentyles who are signifyed vnder the shew of the vncleane beasts in the vision of Peter are clensed from their sinnes not by their owne power or woorkes which are wicked and damnable but by fayth through the frée mercie of God for Chrystes sake only as is sayd Actes .x. That which God hath clensed call not thou common or vncleane But God hath clensed our harts with the blud of his sonne through fayth as is sayd clēzing their hartes by fayth And. ● Iohn .j. The blud of the sonne of god clenzeth vs from all sinne Thirdly it giueth vs too vnderstand that circumcision and the other ceremonies of Moyses Lawe are not necessarie to saluation The third place They shall all come from Saba bringing gold and frankincense and singing prayse vnto the Lord. THe true and chéef seruice of God are not the ceremonies of Moyses or the offerings sacrifices of beasts but the spiritual hosts or sacrifices of prayse that is to say too preach the true doctrine concerning God too call vppon god aright too giue him thanks too acknowledge him to disproue false opinions to imploy a mannes goods about the maintenance of the ministerie and of the studies of learning and to direct all the purposes practyses déeds of our lyfe to the prayse of god as it is cō●aunded Doo ye al things to the glorie of god These chéef and hyghest seruices of God are shadowed in the very presents of the Arabians For golde is a representation of true doctrine and pure fayth as it is sayd in the Psalme The commaundements of the Lord are more to be desyred than Gold and much precious stone Frankincense is an ymage of true prayer and thanksgiuing whiche mount vp too heauen and refresh God with a most swéete and acceptable sent as is sayd in Apocalip v. They had vyols full of odours which are the prayers of the Saincts The Altar of attonement is Chryste our Mediator by whom only GOD is pacified and acceptable sacrifyces are offered too god For there is no Altar accepted of God but only his sonne Christ Vppon this Altar let the Gentyles offer not rammes or other dead beastes but spirituall sacrifices quicke holy and acceptable to God whiche is their reasonable seruice Rom. xij and let them glorifye prayse God for his mercy performed vntoo them Vppon the first Sunday after Epiphanie ¶ The Epistle Rom. xij IBeseche you therefore brethren by the mercyfulnesse of God that yee make your bodyes a quicke sacrifice holy and acceptable vnto god which is your reasonable seruing of God and fashion not your selues lyke vnto this world but be ye chaūged in your shape by the renuing of your mynd that ye may proue what thing that good acceptable and perfect will of God is For I say through the grace that vnto me geuen is to euery mā among you that no man stande hyghe in his own conceyte more than it becommeth him too esteeme of himselfe but so iudge of himself that he bee gentle and sobre according as God hath dealt too euery man the measure of fayth for as wee haue many members in one bodye and all members haue not one office so wee being many are one bodye in Chryste and euery man among our selues one anothers members The disposement THe more part of the Epistles whose disposemeutes wée haue set out hithertoo haue setfoorth the peculiar doctrine of the Gospell concerning the persone and benefites of Chryst and concerning Iustification Now those that followe perteyne more too the doctrine of the Lawe and comprehend preceptes of good maners which must ensue the benefites of Chryst receyued by fayth And these thrée Sundayes folowing thè whole twelfth Chapter of the Epistle too the Romanes is woont too bée expounded orderly in the churche All the whiche is an exhortation conteyning precepts of all good morall woorkes or of all vertues whiche God exacteth in his Lawe But forasmuch as the orderly expositions of the vertues distributed intoo the preceptes of the tenne commaundements are ioyntly recited in a peculiar booke of Rules of lyfe I will make no declaration at all of the vertues in this place but only expound the woords and the phrases The first part of the Chapter which they reade on this day in the church conteyneth chéefly twoo places 1 A generall exhortation too new obedience or too a lyfe conformable too the will and woord of God. 2 Of méeldnesse and lowlynesse and of the shunning of curiositie and statelynesse Of the first I Beseeche you brethren that you make your bodyes c It is a generall precept of new obedience conteyning the whole tenne commaundementes taken of an Antithesis of the Leuiticall seruices or sacrifices Make your bodyes that is too say dedicate yée too God not the bodyes of beastes as the Leuiticall Priestes did but your owne selues Offer yée too GOD your myndes your wils your deuyses your studyes your affections and your dooings all your lyfe long and so rule them that they may please God. A sacrifice that is too wit set a part too holy vses appoynted too the honour of God as if he should say the Leuiticall Priestes offered beastes vntoo God but offer you too God your own mynds thoughts studyes al your doings doo all things too his glorie kill yée the remnants of ūnne lewd inclinations and the affections yet sticking in you bée yée patient in tribulation and tormentes as Paule Laurence and Attalus were who gaue their bodyes too bée offerings or sacrifices Quicke not deade beasts but all your whole lyfe and your selues who shall liue for euermore Holy Halowed by the holy Ghost pure and cleane that is too wit by imputation of Chrystes holynesse and by beginning too bée holy Your reasonable seruice Let not your seruice be brutish or vnreasonable such as is the seruice of the Heathen that know not God or of the superstitions or of the
woorks or merits of his owne nor too any prerogatiue of the flesh But resteth by fayth vppon the only and frée mercy of God promised for Chrystes sake accounting his owne ryghtuousnesse which is of the lawe too bée but dung so he may win Chryst and obteyne Gods ryghtuousnesse by Fayth This Church embracing the frée promis of the Gospel by Faith is that heauenly or spirituall Hierusalem dispersed through the whole world and the moother of vs all bearing new children and new heirs too God from tyme too tyme by the ministerie of the gospell without the law without woorks Now albeit y this true church which without the law without woorks is madè heire of ryghtuousnesse and euerlasting lyfe bée despysed before the world and oppressed with persecutiō and hath not the lawe too hir husband and therefore séemeth vtterly barrein and hath not so many disciples nor so many sonnes as Agar hath or as the law hath that was made vpon mount Sinai yet is shée before God most glorious and most fruteful and dayly not by hir husband the law but by the gospel and spirit of Chryst conceueth beareth and bringeth vp children without number exempted from the bondage of sin and death and set frée from the tyranny of the law and made heires of all Gods benefites Of this frée woman Sara and this heauenly Hierusalem wée know our selues too bée Citizens and the heirs of God when wée embrace the promis of the Gospell by true and effectuall faith By this applying of the figures too the difference of the old Testament and the new and of the people of grace or of the true Church and the counterfet Church it is no hard matter too espye after what fort eche member in the text agréeth too this Doctrine and how the phrases are too bee vnderstoode Vppon the Sunday called Iudica or the fifth Sunday in Lent. ¶ The Epistle Heb. ix CHrist beeing an hye preest of good things too come came by a greater and a more perfect tabernacle not made with handes that is too say not of this building neyther by the bloud of Goates and Calues but by his owne bloud he entred once intoo the holy place and found eternal redempcion For if the bloud of Oxen and of Goates and the ashes of a yong Cowe when it was sprinkled purified the vncleane as touchyng the purifying of the flesh how much more shall the bloud of Chryst which through the eternal spirit offered him selfe without spot too God purge your conscience from dead woorkes too serue the lyuing God And for this cause he is the mediator of the new Testamēt that through death which chaunced for the redemption of those transgressions that were vnder the first Testament they which are called myght receyue the promis of eternall inheritance The disposement THis Epistle is of that kind that instructeth And the state of it or the matter wherof it entreateth is a doctrine concerning the préesthod and sacrifise of Chryst The cheefe places are three 1 Of Chrystes préesthood and of the benefites of his préesthode 2 The foure differences betwéene Chrystes sacrifice and the sacrifyse of the Leuites 3 Of the difference betwéene the old Testament and the new The first place concerning Chrystes preesthod FIrst and formest let vs consider the definition A préest in generall is a person ordeyned of God too teache the gospel and too offer Sacrifyses too pray too God both for himselfe for others hauing Gods promis wherby he may warrant himself that he is herd By this description there appéere too bée thrée chéefe dueties of a préest First too teach not only the lawe but also the Gospel concerning Chryst Secondly too offer Sacrifyses commaunded by god For a Sacrifyse is a ceremonie or woorke commaunded of God which wée yéelde vntoo God too honor him withall that is too say too witnesse that he is the true God whom wée woorship after that sort That preest dooth offer God a sacrifyse That shewes the Gospell foorth in ryghtfull wyse These offices are cōmon too all préestes But in this Epistle is entreated of the hyghest préest of whom let this definition be fastned in mind The high préest Christ is a person immediatly ordeined by the eternal father anoynted with the fulnesse of the holy Ghost too the entent he should bring foorth the Gospel out of the secret bosom of the euerlasting father and make intercession for the whole Churche hauing promise that he shall assuredly bée herd and too offer sacrifice that is too wit himselfe once for all By which sacrifice he deserueth remission of sinnes rightuousnesse and euerlasting saluation too the whole Churche This whole definition may bée builded and warranted out of the textes of the Epistle to the Hebrewes But this dayes lesson of the ninth chapter entreateth chéefly of the third part of Christs préesthod that is too wit of his Sacrifice And too the intent this doctrine concerning the sacrifyce of our hygh préest Chryst may bée drayned from the verye springs first let vs consider that God is verely and vnchaūgeably iust and that it is an euerlasting and vnchaungeable rule of Gods iustice that the reasonable creatures should eyther perfectly and throughly agrée with Gods wisdome rightuousnesse or if they agréed not that they should suffer punishment accordingly and bée horribly destroyed Therefore in as much as the first man and woman had offended forgone the ryghtuousnesse and soundnesse that was giuen them in their creatiō they were too bée cast away intoo eternall damnation But of his vnmeasurable mercie the sonne of GOD made intreatance for mankynd and too the intent Gods Iustice might bée satisfyed he offered himselfe too punishement and too make amendes too Gods most rightfull wrath And so vppon the wonderfull tempering of Gods Iustice and his mercie toogither there was a decrée enacted of receyuing men intoo fauour for the sacrifyce of the sonne of God whereby Gods wrath was too bée pacifyed and rightuousnesse and euerlasting saluation too bée recouered too mankynd For this sacrifyce of the sonne of God all the elect haue at all tymes obteyned remission of sinnes and inheritaunce of eternall lyfe as is sayd Actes iiij There is none other name vnder heauen in whiche wée must bée saued than the name of Iesus Chryst And too the intent men should bée put in remembrance taught of this sacrifyce of Chrystes God ordeyned the sacrifysing of beasts euen frō the beginning of the world whiche in no wyse purchased remission of sinnes as is sayd in this Epistle It is impossible for sinnes too bée taken away by the blud of Buls and Gotes But were figures or images of Chrystes true sacrifice by which is obteyned continual and euerlasting redemption from sinne and the heritage of eternall lyfe This doctrine concerning Chrysts sacrifyce which is the foundation of rightuousnesse saluation fayth and christen Inuocation let vs myndfully think vppon not only these fewe
dayes but in all our whole lyfe and in our dayly prayers Yea and at all tymes there hath bin sacrifysing in the world euen among the Heathen not only of beasts but also of men as Calchas Alexander lulian the Frenchemen at their passing ouer Po and others slew men and offered them in sacrifise These customes were borowed out of the church of the Fathers which had spred abrode the doctrine concerning the sacrifysing of the man Chryst that was too come and of euill zeale in coūterfetting the example of Abraham And here vntoo were added superstitious opinions that God was pacifyed and made at tone with vs for the preciousnesse and woorthynesse of the sacrifyses But in deed there is but one only sacrifyse of Chryste that reconcyleth too God the merit and recompence whereof pacifyeth Gods displeasure of whiche the other sacrifyses of the Fathers and of the Leuits were but shadowes The second place PAule therfore in this Epistle compareth the figuratiue préesthod of the Leuits with the préesthod of Chryste And before in the vij chapter he rehersed eyght differences which I haue expounded in another place In this dayes lesson are reckened vp foure differēces betwéene the sacrifyse of Christ and the Leuiticall sacrifyses of which the chéefest is First Chryst being a hygh préest of good things too come or of eternall good things that is too wit of blissing and deliuerance from sinne which the Fathers by their sacrifyses witnessed themselues too looke for found euerlasting redemption that is too say deliuerance from sinne frō gods wrath and from euerlasting death and attonement with God and clenzing of the conscience from dead woorkes that is to say from sinnes for which wée are subiect too death and also the frée giuing of the heritage that was promised But the Leuiticall préests by their sacrifysing of Cattel of Calues and of Gotes deserue not eternal redēption but only are figures of the true préest Chryst and make men holy only concerning the outward clennesse of the flesh Secondly Chryst offered but once only and but one sacrifyse by which he purged all sinnes of the whole world But the Leuiticall préests offer sacrifyses dayly and enter intoo the holy of holyes euery yéere and can not deliuer those from sinne for whom they offer as is sayd more at large in the beginning of the .x. chapter Thirdly Chryste is entered in by his owne bludshed or hath purged the sinnes of all men by his owne bludshed as is sayd .j. Iohn .j. The blud of Chryste clenzeth vs quite from all sinfulnesse But the Leuitical préestes sprinkle the altar with the bloud of Calues and Gotes whiche purgeth not sinnes but all the bludsheds of beasts in the Leuiticall sacrifises were only figures of Christs bludshed by which only the church is redéemed as in Act. xx Ephe. j. Col. j. j. Iohn j. Rom. v. and elswhere is written Fourthly the Leuiticall préests when they should make sacrifise entered yéerly intoo the holy place or temple made with mannes hand But Chryste is entered euen intoo heauen that is too say intoo the syght of GOD and is priuie too Gods secret purpose concerning mannes redemption Vppon Palmes Sunday ¶ The Epistle Philip. ij LET the same mynd bee in you that was also in Chryste Iesu whiche when he was in the shape of God thought it no robbery too bee equall with God neuerthelesse he made him self of no reputation taking on him the shape of a seruaunt and became lyke vntoo man and was found in his apparell as a man He humbled himself and became obedient too the death euen the death of the crosse Wherefore God hath also exalted him on hygh and gyuen him a name whiche is aboue all names that in the name of IESVS euery knee should bowe both of things in heauen and things in earth and things vnder the earthe and that all tongues should confesse that Iesus Chryste is the Lorde vntoo the prayse of God the Father The disposement THis Epistle is of that kynd that is persuasiue For it is an Exhortation too lowlynesse or humilitie taken of the examples and rewardes of Chrystes humilitie The places of doctrine are these 1 A notable witnesse of the twoo natures in Chryst very God and very man to bée ioyned too the rest which are gathered toogither in the place concerning the sonne of God. 2 Of Chrysts passion and death 3 Of the aduauncement or glorie of Christ reigning 4 Of humilitie or lowlynesse The text of the Epistle THe ground of the exhortation whiche Paule purposeth is set downe next before the woordes of this dayes Epistle Let euery one of you through lowlynesse think another man better than himself Bée lowly Too this proposition he addeth a reason grounded vppon the example of Chryst Let the same mynde bée in you that was in Iesu Chryst that is too say Let there bée true lowlynesse of mynd in you as was in Chryste who being in the shape of God that is too say being God in verye déed and by nature did notwithstanding abace himselfe before the eternall Father beneath all Angels and men Who being in the shape of God that is too say in the nature and substance of god For the Gréeke woord Morphe signifieth a substātiall shape or expresse and personal image and not a proportion figure or counterfet wauing before ones eyes This therfore is the méening Chryste when as he was in the shape of God that is when as he was in déed and by nature God or whereas he was the shape and lyuely ymage of God the father begotten of the substance of the father and equall too God the father in power maiestie and glorie Thought it no robberie too bee equall with God. The Gréeke phrase is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which is too cōmit robberie Like as 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 too make a passage or too passe So like wise 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 too count it robberie that is too say too robbe So is there a very like phrase Heb. x. Treading the sonne of God vnder foote and accounting the blud of his Testament vnholy that is too say dishonouring it The méening therfore is He thought it no robberie too bée equall with God that is too say He vsurped not equalitie with god In this his calling when it was decréed that the sonne should béecōme a sacrifyse and obey God in suffering death he vsed not his power ageinst his calling nor was proud or haultye for this his equalitie of the Godhead whiche he vsurped not ne possessed too the wrong and dishonour of the other but obteyned it by birth as a good thing of nature But humbled him self that is too say he exercysed not his godly power but humbled and abased himself in such wyse as he tooke vppon him ▪ the shape of a seruaunt that is too say the substantiall shape of man or the verye nature of man bodye and soule He is termed a seruaunt
second benefit is remission of sinnes Ephes 1. and Col. 1. In whome wée haue redemption remissiō of sinnes by his blud The third is reconciliation or attonement with god Rom. viij When as wée were enemies too God wée were reconcyled too him by the death of his sōne Eph. v. Making peace that he myght reconcyle the Iewes and Gentyles in one body vntoo God ▪ by his crosse The fourth is Iustification Rom. iij. Wée are iustifyed fréely by his grace through the redemption made by Iesus Chryst whom GOD hath appoynted a seat of mercy through fayth in his blud too declare his ryghtuousnesse in y he forgiueth y sinnes which are past The fifth is the giuing of the holy ghost of holynesse Gal. iij. Chryst hath redéemed vs and is become accursed for vs that wée might receiue his spirit by fayth Iohn vj. If I go not away the comforter shall not come too you The sixth is the destruction of the Diuels kingdome Hebr. ij By death he hath abolished him that had the power of death that is too wit the Diuel and reconciled those that for feare of deathe were in bondage all their lyfe long The seuenth is the abolishing of sin death j. Cor. xv Death is swalowed vp intoo victorie O death where is thy sting O Hell where is thy victorie For the sting of death is sinne and the power of sinne is the lawe But thankes bée vntoo God who hathe giuen vs victorie by our Lord Iesus Chryste The eyght is euerlasting lyfe and saluation Iohn iij. The sonne of man must bée lifted vpon the Crosse too the entent that euery one which beléeueth in him should not perish but haue lyfe euerlasting The application of these benefits is made by true repentance and faith That is too wit when acknowledging gods wrath and the horiblenesse of our sinnes wée are earnestly afraide and hartely sory that wée haue offended God and by faith acknowledge that Chryst the sonne of God suffred and was crucifyed made a sacrifise for vs persuade our selues assuredly that for this sacrifyse of Chrystes our sinnes are forgiuen vs ryghtuousnesse and euerlasting lyfe giuen vs. Of this Application there are testimonies too bée séen euery where And notable is this saying of Chryst Iohn xvij I sacrifyse my selfe for them that is too say I offer my selfe for them that they also may bée holy in déede And I pray not for them only but for all that shall beléeue in mée through their prayer In this prayer Chryst our byshop or préest executeth the chéefest duetie or office of a high préest and applyeth his sacrifyse too the whole Churche Therefore in this place the whole Doctrine concerning the préesthoode and sacrifyse of Chryst is too bée thought vppon and repeated Vppon Easter day ¶ The Epistle j. Cor. xv PVrge therefore the olde leuen that yee may bee new dowe as yee are sweete bread For Chryste our Easter Lambe is offered vp for vs Therefore let vs keepe holyday not with olde leuen neyther with the leuen of maliciousnesse and wickednesse but with the sweete bread of purenesse and truthe The disposement THe foūdacion of our fayth and saluacion and the end and marke of the whole storie of the gospel the chéefe hauen of comfort in which only our hartes may rest in all troubles in death is the most ioyful resurrection of the sonne of God our Lord Iesus Chryst where through he being conqueror of sin death hel and the féends hy him vanquished leadeth a glorious triumphe and imparteth vntoo vs that flée vntoo him ryghtuousnesse eternall saluation calling agein euen our bodyes from death vntoo lyfe This excéeding great and wonderful woork of God and benefite towards vs worthy too bée had alwayes in memorie let vs embrace and set out cōtinually with thankfull hart and voyce This Epistle is of that kynd that is perswasiue For it is an exhortacion too the true celebration of the feast of Easter that is too say too the true acknowledgement of the persone and benefites of the sacrifyse or Lamb Chtyst slaine and offered vp for vs vppon the Altar of the Crosse and too true repentance or acknowledgement of our owne sinne of Gods wrath conueyed intoo this Lamb too true faith in the gréefes which rise vppon the féeling of Gods wrath and the beholding of our own sinne death and other calamities assuredly beléeuing that our passeouer is slaine and offered vp already for vs that our sinnes are taken quite away by this Lamb of God and that euen when wée bée dead lyfe and ioy euerlasting shall doutlesse bée restored too vs with Christ who is risen agein Uppon which Faith there must ensew new obedience or clensing from the sinne that yet remayneth in our nature and a beginning of new lyght ryghtuousnesse and conuersation wholly agréeing with the will and woorde of God and continewally setting foorth these incomparable benefites of Chryst with godly minde and voice This is the true Celebration of the Passeouer in this lyfe yea and for euermore Untoo which Paule exhorteth vs by a representacion of leuened bread taken of the custome of the Iewish Passeouer Now too the entent the summe of the most large Doctrine set foorth in this Epistle may the easlyer bée comprehended in mynd Let vs distribute it intoo thrée places 1 Of the woord Pascha or Passeouer 2 A conferring of our Passeouer with the Passeouer of the old Testament which caryeth with it the doctrine of the benefites of Chryste the Lamb that suffered for vs and rose agein for vs. 3 How wée may celebrate this feast of Passeouer aryght in this lyfe The first place THe woord Pascha which is an Hebrew woord deriued of the verbe Pasah signifyeth in Englishe a Passingby or a Passingouer namely in that the Lord passing through Egipt slew the firstborne of the Egiptians and spared the Israelites whose doore poostes were sprinkled with the blud of a Lamb. Exod. xij Secondly it signifyeth the holyday wherin the rememberance of that Passeouer is continued by killing of a Lamb. Luke xxij The feast of swéete bread drew nye which is called Easter Thirdly in this Epistle it signifyeth the Paschall Lamb which was a signe or rememberance of the Lordes passing through Egipt and of the passing of the Israelites through the red Sea And it was a figure of Chryst the true Lambe that was offered vp for vs and passed by death too the eternall Father that by his passage he myght obteine vs deliuerance out of the bondage of Egipt that is too say of the Diuell sinne and death and restore vs ryghtuousnesse and euerlasting lyfe Now assoone as Chryste the true Passeouer was once offered the figuring passeouer ceased and there was instituted a new Passeouer the name where of dooth properly agrée too that day in which the sonne of God our Lord Iesus was offered vp for our sinnes vppon
the Altar of the crosse But the Christians to the intent they would dissent from the Iewes who kept their Passeouer the .xiiij. daye of the moone of the first mooneth did after the tyme of the Apostles remoue the feast of Easter vntoo the Sunday that folowed next after the sayd foortéenth day of the moone or the full moone of the first mooneth vppon which day Chryst rose agein frō death Therfore in this saying Our Pesseouer for vs the woord Passeouer is in the Predicament of Relation the foundation whereof the persone of Chryste and the bound is that Chryst is appoynted too bée slayne too pacifye Gods wrath ageinst our sinnes which are conueyed intoo this Lambe or layd vppon this Lamb too beare Let the yoonger sort at the beginning consider this signification of the woord Passeouer and therewith all let them also marke the tymes The first passeouer was instituted at the passing of the Israelites out of Egipt the yéere of the world 2453. From the first passeouer or frō the departure of Israell out of Egipt vntoo this Easter of the yéere after Chrysts birth 1570. are passed 3079. yéeres From the first passeouer vntoo the passion of Chryst the Pascall Lamb that was offered for vs are 1542. yéeres From the last Iewish passeouer which Chryst hild with his Disciples before his passion are passed 1537. yéeres And frō the beginning of the world vntoo this present yéere 1570. are accounted 5532. yéeres The second place A comparing of the Iewish Passeouer with passeouer of the Christians THe Storie of the institution of the Iewish passeouer and the ceremonies ▪ of the same are described in Exod. xij which in very goodly portrayture peynteth out the doctrine concerning the persone and benefits of Chryst concerning the new obedience that is too bée yelded too god All the sayd comparison may for instructions sake bée diuided intoo six Articles The marking out of the tyme. For as in the first mooneth the beginning wherof was always the coniunction or méeting of the Sun and the Moone next too the equinoctial of the spring tyme the tenth day of the mooneth the pascall Lamb was too bée chosen out of the whole flocke and too bée kept til the .xiiij. day or full moone So Chryste the tenth day of the first mooneth that is too wit vpō Palmesunday entered into the citie of Hierusalem and the .xiiij. daye was taken in the Gardein and sacrifysed for the saluation of mankynd 2 Of the persone of Chryst As the Lamb was too bée chosen without spot a Male and a yéerling So is Chryst a Lamb without spot without guyle vndefyled and cléerly without all sinne and blemish j Pet. j. Hebr. vij 3 Of the sacrifise of Chryst Like as it behoued the Lamb too bée slayne and offered by the whole multitude So was Chryst our Passeouer offered for vs Hither may all the doctrine concerning the passion and sacrifyse of Chryst offered vppon the Alter of the crosse bée referred 4 Of the benefits of Chrysts sacrifyce Like as God spared the Israelites whose posts were sprinkled with the blud of the Lamb euen so all they that are sprinkled with the blud of Iesus Chryst obteyne forgiuenesse of sinnes and euerlasting lyfe according too this saying Behold the Lamb of God which taketh away the sinnes of the world j. Pet. j. Yée are redéemed with the precious blud of the immaculate Lamb Chryst 5 Of the applyment of Chrystes benefites Like as the posts of the Israelites were sprinkled with a bundle of Isop dipped in the blud of the Lamb So is the vertue and woorking of Chrystes blud or sacrifise offered and applyed too vs by his woord by the sacraments of Baptim and the Lords Supper Psalm lj Thou shalt sprinkle mée with Hisop O Lord and I shall bée made cleane 6 Of conuersion or new obedience Like as it behoued the dowe too bée taken out of the houses of the Israelites and that they should eate vnleauened bread So Paule willeth vs too put away the old Leuen that is too say sinne false opinions and leawde lustes and earnestly too practise sincere fayth prayer and al vertues that please God and so to kéepe a continuall feast of Passeouer in vnleauened bread of vncorruptnesse and truthe The benefites of Chrysts resurrection are cheefly three FIrst glorious deliuerance from the tyrannye of the Deuill sinne and death and restorement of rightuousnesse and euerlasting lyfe whiche Paule setteth foorth with excellent lyghtsomnesse of woords and figures Col. ij Yée are rysen agein in Chryst through faith in Gods power who hath raysed him from death and with him also quickened vs who were dead in our sinnes forgiuing vs all our trespasses and putting out the hādwriting that was ageinst vs in the lawe written which he hath taken away fastened too his crosse and hath spoyled rule and power and made a shewe of them openly and hath triumphed ouer them in his own persone Let vs alwayes haue before our eyes this most beautiful description of the victorie and triumphe of Chryst rysing frō death And bycause he termeth it a Triumphe let vs consider the comparison Whē the Romane Captaynes made warre with puissant Kings and ouercame them in battaill they were woont too bée caryed intoo the citie of Rome sitting in a charyot of gold and a chayre of Iuorye which was drawen by foure whyte horses Before the Charyot were led and set out too the showe the vāquished enemies Kings that were prisoners And alost before the charyot were caried tables in whiche were paynted the battels the winnings of Cities and the other things doone by the conquerour After the charyot folowed the souldiours by whom the conquest was made Vntoo them were rewards giuen The Graundcaptein that was the Conquerour being crowned with bayleaues or fig leaues was led intoo the Capitoll where knéeling downe before the Altar of the most mightie and most mercifull Iupiter he gaue him thankes for bestowing that victorie vpon the Romanes and when he had made his sacrifise departed too the court So when Paulus Aemylius had vanquished Persey King of Macedonie he led him prisoner in Tryumph his sonne also who afterward became a Clerk in Rome Of this maner of the Romane triumph dooth Paule take patterne in this place Chryst our king hath hild continual and sore warre with the whole kingdome of Sathan whiche is diuided intoo certein principalities Potestates and degrées At length by his owne death he hath ouercome death by his passion he hathe taken away sinne by becōming accursed he hath set vs frée from the curse of the Lawe These thrée enimies sin death and the curse of the lawe or the handwryting of our owne cōscience are the chéefest sinewes of the Diuels power These hath Chryst vanquished and taken away not with gunnes swoordes and speares but with his owne crosse This caryeth he in Triumph and vppon it fasteneth he
Also there bee heauenly bodyes and there bee earthly bodyes that is too say there shall bée a difference betwéene the bodyes of the godly and the bodyes of the vngodly There is one glorie of the Sunne and another glorie of the Moone and another glorie of the starres y is to say euē amōg the godly and the Saincts in heauen there shall bée a differente of glorie For like as one Starre excelleth another in bryghtnesse so shall Chryst the Prophetes Apostles and other constant Martyrs and acknowledgers of the sonne of God shyne bryghter than the other common sort of the godly as is sayd Dan. xij Then shall the lerned shyne like the bryghtnesse of heauen and those that haue instructed many in ryghtuousnesse shall shyne like the Starres for euer and euer Then declareth he by foure Iscolies set one ageinst another what maner of bodyes the bodyes of them that ryse agein shalbée verely euen the selfsame that they bée at their buriall as touching their substāce but immortal made bright and glorified Wherein the phrase of Paules wryting is too bée considered how the nowne adiectiue in forme of a substantiue is ioyned too the subiect by the preposition In. It is sowen in corruption that is too say it is buried in the ground a mortall or corruptible bodye ▪ It ryseth in incorruption that is too say it ryseth an incorruptible or immortall bodye It is sowen in dishonour that is too say a foule or ylfauoured bodye stinking and crawling full of wormes It ryseth in glorie that is too say glorious shyning cléered and pure from all blemish It is sowen in weaknesse that is too say weake frayle transitorie of a dayes continaunce a shadowe a froth a Ghoste a steme a blast a fether a breth a puffe a dreame a bubble a flud a temple a strydey a wynd a dust It ryseth in power that is too say myghtie strong florisshing and frée from all infirmitie It is sowen a natural body that is too say liuing the naturall lyfe by reason sense and nourishing power which is susteyned with meat and drink and is encreased and begetteth and may dye It ryseth a spirituall body that is too say liuing the spirituall lyfe kindled by the holy Ghoste which is not maynteyned with meate drink ne begetteth ne dyeth but is like the lyfe of the Angels Math. xxij and like the lyfe of God. The first man was made a liuing soule Gen. ij That is too wit not simply as the beastes liue but such a one as Chryst should also with his spirit quicken without meat and drink too the spirituall and euerlasting lyfe The first man is of the earth earthly Hée alludeth too the originall of the woord Adam which signifyeth earth or clay whereof he was made like as also among the Latines man is called Homo of Humus which signifyeth the earth as if he had sayd made of the earth clay and earthly The second man is the Lord from heauen Chryste being risen from Death hath now a heauenly immortall and glorious body too which our bodies shall in all respectes bée like and conformable when they are raised ageine from Death Phil. ij Like as before Death they were altoogither like Adams body which was subiect too Death and other miseries Flesh and blud cannot inherite the kingdom of God that is too say this corruptible body defiled with sinfull inclinations and fleshly affections and subiect too death cannot possesse the kingdome of God vnlesse it bée altered of a body mortall defyled and stained with sinne bée made a body pure and cleane and fined from all filthinesse immortal The same flesh that is buryed shal rise agein and the same substance of flesh and blud shall remaine still as Iob sayth I shal sée God in my self whom I my self shall sée and none other for mée For as Tertullian reasoneth plainly in his bóoke concerning the resurrection of the flesh God forbid that God should for euermore abandon too destruction mannes flesh which is the woorke of his handes the care of hart the case of his breth the Quéene of his woorkes the heire of his liberalitie the préest of his religion the souldyer of his warfare and the sister of his Chryst ▪ c. Behold I shew you a mysterie that is too say I will more plainly expoūd and declare that which I told you more darkly in my former woords when I sayd that flesh bloud shuld not possesse the kingdome of god For that saying is too hée vnderstood not of the substance of fleshe and bloud but of the exchaunge of their properties For it behoueth this corruptible body which wée now beare about vs too put on incorruption and this selfsame mortal body too put on immortalitie before it can obtein possession of Gods kingdom Some also shall not die at all whom the sonne of God shal find aliue at his comming too iudgement but they shalbée sodeinly changed endued with new lyght glory power immortalitie The third part of the Chapter THen shal the saying be fulfilled which is written Esay xxv Osee xiij Death is swallowed vp intoo victorie O Death where is thy sting O Hell where is thy victorie The sting of Death is sin and the strength of sin is the law But thanks bee to God who hath giuen vs victorie by our Lord Iesus Chryst The efficient cause of the raysing of our bodyes and of restoremēt of ryghtuousnesse and euerlasting lyfe is the sonne of God our Lord Iesus Chryst who in his Death hath swalowed vp our Death and by his ryghtuousnesse obedience hath purged our sinnes and pacifying Gods wrath taking away the curse of the law hath gottē vs victorie ageinst sin death and the curse of Gods law For these thrée are the cruellest enemies of mankynd and the chéef mischeues plages which moost cruelly and féersly make hauock of all mankind without difference killing them and deuouring them euerychone Therfore Paul in this place by feining a person peinteth out death like a most mischeuous outlaw or cruell souldier armed with a pike or a darte that is too wit with sinne wherwith he assaileth all mankind without gainsaying and pusheth all men through and killeth them For by reason of sin all men are subiect too death and are slaine by death as is sayd Rom. v. By one man sinne entered intoo the world and by sinne death And so death ran ouer al men bicause al men haue sinne Also sinne reigned by death slaying all men The very same is the méening of the woords in this text the sting of Death is sinne that is too say all men are slaine by Death bycause of sinne Now when this sting or speare of Death wexeth dul and blunt so as sin cannot execute his ful force vppon vs and bée felt Gods law like a whetstone sharpneth sin and both sheweth the greatnesse and horriblenesse of sin and also maketh it more
you VVee knowe that wee are translated from death vntoo lyfe bycause wee loue the brethren He that loueth not his brother abideth in death Whosoeuer hateth his brother is a manslear And yee knowe that no manslear hath eternall lyfe abyding in him Hereby perceyue wee loue bycause he gaue his lyfe for vs and wee ought too giue our liues for the brethren But who so hath this worldes good and seeth his brother haue neede and shutteth vp his compassion from him how dwelleth the loue of God in him ▪ My babes let vs not loue in woorde neyther in tong but in deede and in veritie The disposement THis Epistle is of those sort that persuade For first there is a comfort too bée set ageinst the hatreds of the world Secondly there is an Exhortation too louingnesse and liberalitie towardes a mannes neyghbour The first place MAruell not my brethren though the world hate you Mannes reason iudgeth of the tooyles and troubles of the godly and specially of the contentions among the teachers euen for all the world after the same manner as Salust sayeth in his preface too the warres of Iugurth Too labour in vayne and too preache nothing else by ouertooyling a mānes selfe but hatred and slaunder is a poynt of vtter madnesse For all the godly and specially the Ministers of the Gospel who performe the déedes of most singular louingnesse and most earnestly séeke the euerlasting welfare of their héerers and execute their dutie most faithfully doo reape in manner none other reward than most bitter hatred and vtter vnthankfulnesse at the hands of those vppon whom they haue bestowed greatest benefites Ageinst this temptation and the bitter fordoomes spyghts and hatreds of the wysemē of the world whereby many are woont too bée withdrawen from the ministerie Iohn comforteth vs in these woordes Maruell not my brethren though the world hate you as if he had sayd the iudgement of God and of the godly is farre of another sort than is the iudgement of the wicked worlde The greater that any man is before God the more contemned and abiect is he before the world And seing that at many mennes hands there is no token of a thankfull mynd rendred too God for his excéeding great benefites which he poureth out by heapes vppon all men but all kynd of spyght Let not vs wonder if the world hate vs also For the Diuell enuying vs this so greate felicitie that wée are conueyed from death too euerlasting lyfe stirreth vp his instrumentes and inflameth mennes hatreds ageinst vs Therefore ageinst the most bitter hatred of the world and of the vngodly let vs set Gods good will and fatherly loue towardes vs which the sonne of God hath shewed by this notable token that he hath spent his lyfe for vs and deliuering vs from death by the death of him selfe hath restored vs to the possession of eternall life Wherefore let eche of vs bee so disposed in mynd that they may with a true harte say thus It is sufficient for mée hauyng my full delyght in Chryst too doo those things which are godly and to speake such as are godly The second place AN exhortation too louingnesse and liberalitie towards a mannes neybour and the argumentes of this exhortation are three Of the honestnesse of it Of the profitablenesse of it And of the example of Chryst FIrst of the honestnesse or the necessary couplyng of the cause and the effects I knowe that we are translated from death too lyfe bycause wee loue the brethren or bycause our fayth is effectuall by loue For too this end are wee washed from our sinnes by the bloud of Chryste and translated from death intoo lyfe that wee shoulde hereafter eschue sinne and earnestly execute loue towardes God and our neybour which is the fountayn of all vertues Now like as mouing in a mannes bodie is an vndouted token effect of lyfe yet left in the body euen so louingnesse is the next effect and an vnfallible signe of fayth shyning in the hart wherby wée are translated from deathe vntoo lyfe And like as in this Euthymeme I knowe there is lyfe still in him bycause there is stirring yet left in his bodye it foloweth not that stirring is the efficient cause of life but by the effect I gather according too reson that the cause is present so in this place of Iohns wee know wee are translated from death to life bycause wee loue the brethren this part of spéeche bycause betokeneth not the efficient cause of whiche is spoken in the fifth of Iohns Gospell in this wyse He that beleeueth in the sonne is passed from deathe vnto lyfe but it betokeneth the effect whervpon the argument is gathered that we are verely translated from deathe vntoo lyfe like as Luke in his vij Chapter reasoneth vppon the effect that many sinnes are forgiuen too the sinfull woman bycause she loued muche Likewise as if I should say I knowe for a certeintie that the Sunne is vp bycause I sée the sunne beames glaring in my chamber And in this selfesame Epistle is sayde In this haue wee knowne his loue bicause he hath spent his life for vs. The second argument of the profitablenesse or of the necessitie of holding faste Fayth lyfe and euerlasting saluation For he that loueth not hath not lyfe euerlasting abyding in him but he continueth in deathe according also as Paule sayth j. Cor. vj. No whoremongers Idolaters abusers of themselues with the mankynde pillers c. shall inherite the kingdome of god Therefore too the intent wee lose not the remission of sinnes receiued the deliueraunce from Deathe the grace of GOD and the euerlasting lyfe wée must of necessitie fall to louingnesse and new obedience agréeable with Gods will. And yet it foloweth not therevppon that oure louingnesse or newe obedience deserueth forgiuenesse of sinnes and eternall lyfe For this louingnesse cannot so muche as bée begon neyther pleaseth it God except remission of sinnes be first freely giuen for Chrystes sake and that faith shyne in the hart Bréefly euen altoogyther after the manner of Logicke hath Iohn included this argument in the forme of reasonyng agréeing to the moode Celarent But in the first place he hath put the conclusion in the second the minor and in the last the maior Ce Euery murderer hath not lyfe euerlasting abyding in him or abydeth in death la Euery one that hateth or loueth not his brother is a murtherer before god Math. v. rent Ergo he that loueth not his brother abydeth in Death or hath not eternall lyfe abyding in him The third Argument OF the example of Chryste who spent his soule or his lyfe for vs as he sayth in Iohn xv Greater loue than this can no man haue than that a man shoulde giue hys lyfe for his freends Paule Rom. v. GOD commendeth his owne loue towardes vs in that when wée were his enemies Chryst dyed for vs. Vntoo these three arguments Iohn addeth a warnyng
of their hartes they thinke so as did that Cyclops in Euripides who sayeth that he acknowledgeth no other God nor offereth sacrifises too any other than too him selfe and too his belly whiche is the greatest of all Gods. And their glorie is in their shame Although false teachers bée a whyle in glorie and estimation among Noble men and with the common sorte yet dooth this reputation turne too their owne shame VVhiche are worldly mynded that is too say haue an eye onely too ease promotion and riches and too the intent they may liue at ease and not bée persecuted by the Iewes they vrge earthly things or worldly pelf vppon men as ceremonies differences of meates and such like Iewish obseruations Our conuersation is in heauen or is heauenly First he sheweth the difference betwene the ministration of the gospell and the Lawe and the ciuill gouernement The ministration of Moyses Lawe was partly heauenly or spiritual and partly earthly or ceremoniall whiche being bound too a certein policie consisted for the most part in ceremonies sacrifises circumcision differences of dayes and meates ▪ c. But the ministration of the Gospell is altogither heauenly or spirituall neyther dooth it appoynt any certeine state of gouernement or kingdome in this mortall lyfe according too this saying Iohn xix My kingdome is not of this world ▪ ij Cor. iij. The Gospell is the ministration of the Spirite whereby the true knowledge of God faith rightuousnesse and eternall lyfe is begonne in the godly who after this life shall liue in heauen as it were in one Citie with God and enioy his wisdome and goodnesse This heauenly conuersation dooth Paule will vs too séeke after and too looke for and not too dreame of any worldly kingdome such as the Iewes looke for and such as the Anabaptists in West phalye and the seditious Bouers would haue had Secondly the lyfe or conuersation of a Christian is heauenly that is too say it is not employed about earthly things too the atteynement of authoritie riches and pleasures but too the compassing of heauenly benefites as remission of sinnes rightuousnesse and euerlasting welfare The third place COncerning the resurrection and glorification of our bodyes let the whole doctrine bée taken out of j. Corin. xv ● thess. iiij Mat. xxij Daniel ▪ xij The fourth place COncerning the desire of concord let the declaration therof bée taken out of the Exposition of the fifth commaundement Vppon the .xxiiij. Sunday after Trinitie ¶ The Epistle Colos j. FOr this cause wee also since the day wee herd of it haue not ceased praying for you and desiring that ye might bee fulfilled with the knowledge of his will in all wisdome and spirituall vnderstanding that yee might walke woorthy of the Lord in all things that please being frutefull in all good woorkes and encreasing in the knowledge of GOD strengthed with all might through his glorious power vntoo all patience and long suffering with ioyfulnesse gyuing thankes vntoo the Father which hath made vs meete too bee partakers of the inheritance of sainctes in lyght Which hath deliuered vs from the power of darknesse and hath translated vs intoo the kingdome of his deare sonne in whom wee haue redemption thorowe his bloud that is too say the forgiuenesse of sinnes THe proposition of this Epistle is this I beséeche the sōne of GOD too encrease in you faith and all other vertues kindled by his Gospell The cheef places of doctrine are three 1 Of the true knowledge of God and of faith 2 Of good woorks or the frutes of faith 3 Of the benefites of the soune of God or of forgiuenesse of sinnes and iustification Paule speaketh of fayth when he sayeth VVee pray vntoo God that ye may be filled with the knowledge of his will in all wisdome and spirituall vnderstanding Now let vs alwayes haue in sight the lerned definition of faith builded vppon the woords of this Epistle Faith is a knowledge of Gods being and will reueled in the Lawe and the Gospell kindied by the holy Ghoste who boweth the hartes of the godly too assure them selues that it is the vnmouable wil of the euerlasting Father that all which beléeue in the sonne should not perishe but haue forgiuenesse of sinnes and eternall lyfe by the bludshed of the sonne of God. The partes of Faith are twoo Knowledge or perseuerance and confidence certeynly assuring a man that his sinnes are forgiuen him and he deliuered out of the power of darknesse by the blud of Gods sonne And the knowledge is eyther of the being of the eternall GOD which is soothfast iust mercifull and chaste in which there bée thrée seuerall persones the Father the Sonne and the holy Ghoste or else it is of Gods will vttered both in his Lawe whiche sayeth thus Cursed is euery one that continueth not in all the things that are written in the booke of the Lawe and also in the Gospell concerning Chryst who sayeth him selfe Iohn vj. This is the will of the eternall Father ▪ that euery one which séeth the sonne and beléeueth in him should not perish but haue lyfe euerlasting This will of GOD reueled in his Gospell is it with knowledge wherof Paule in this place wisheth vs too bée fulfilled that is too wit that wée might fully knowe the fatherly good will and excéeding great mercie of God promised in his sonne This knowledge of GOD is the true wisdome and vnderstanding that discerneth true or false opinions or doctrines concerning GOD asunder and it springeth not eyther of mennes imaginations or of Philosophicall or Pharisaicall wisdome which vnderstandeth the Lawe of outward Discipline and the promise made vntoo Abraham too bée ment of a ciuill gouernement and worldly kingdome But it is a spiritual wisdome kindled and strengthened by the holy Ghost which vnderstandeth that the Lawe is the spirituall iudgement of GOD ageinst sinne and the Gospell behyghteth not a worldly kingdome but spirituall and euerlasting good things true and effectuall comfort ryghtuousnesse lyfe and ioy In this place may bée recited the whole doctrine concerning the knowledge of God and concerning faith whiche is an assurance of Gods mercie or of forgiuenesse of sinnes promised for Chrystes sake The second place COncerning the frutes of fayth or good woorkes Paule sayeth That yee may walke woorthye of the Lord so as yee may please him being frutefull in all good woorkes and encreasing in the knowledge of GOD strengthened with all myght through his glorious power vntoo all patience and long suffering with ioyfulnesse giuing thankes too God the Father By the way let the phrase bée considered That yee may walke that is too say that yée may liue or that yée may gouerne your intentes deuises and dooings as is woorthye the Lord or as agréeth with the will and woord of the lord For woorthynesse in this place signifieth not a deseruing or recompensing or a perfect fulfilling of the Law but according as he sayeth in
another place bring foorth frutes woorthy repentance that is too say agréeing too repentance that you may please him in all things or that you may please him thorowly Heere is too bée told howe good woorkes please god Which thing is declared in these foure Articles First the persone that bringeth foorth the frutes of good woorkes must bée Gods fauoure for Chryste the Mediatours sake by fayth For without Fayth it is impossible too please god Ebr. xj And all that is not of fayth is sinne Rom. xiiij 2 Wée must acknowledge that many inward sinnes sticke still in vs whiche are a let that our good woorkes are not perfect ne please God of their owne woorthynesse For there is no rightuouse man vppon the earth that dooth good and sinneth not 3 Yet notwithstāding wée must bée fully persuaded that it is Gods will that wée should walke agréeably too his wil and yéeld frute in all kynds of goods woorks 4 These good woorkes or new begoonne obediēce please God not of their owne woorthynesse but for Chryst the Mediatours sake through faith out of which as out of the trée of all good woorkes spring all good frutes This then is the true woorthinesse of good woorks that they bée Gods seruices and sacrifises acceptable too God through Chryst j. Pet. y. Offer yée spirituall sacrifises acceptable too GOD through Iesus Chryst Paule in this place reckeneth vp six good woorks of which may bée spoken in order The first is the true acknowledging of GOD or faith which is the piller and foundation of all the reste of the vertues The second is Manlynesse or Constancie and Perseuerance whiche continueth in the true knowledge of God and in faith vntoo the houre of death and by the almightie power of God valiantly ouercommeth the Diuels craftes the assaultes of corrupted nature and the outrages of Tyrants The third and fourth are Patience and Longsufferance which calmly outweareth the miseries that accompanie the profession of the Gospell and is not discouraged with continuance of long delay so as it should fret and repyne at God or séeke for other vnlawfull helpes Concerning these vertues is spokē alredy in the first and fifth commaundement The fifth is Ioyfulnesse of conscience settling and delighting in God which perteyneth to the first cōmandment The sixth is thanksgiuing wherof I haue spoken in the second commaundement The third place Of Christs benefits or of remission of sinnes and Iustification PAule sayeth VVhich hath made vs mete to be partakers of the lot of saincts in light that is too say who of his owne frée goodnesse and mercy and not thorough our power or for our deseruings hath made vs méete to becom partakers of the lyght or true knowledge of his Gospell and of the lot of the saintes or of the inheritance of lyfe and glorie euerlasting ▪ such shal be bestowed vpon al saintes who hath deliuered vs out of the power of darknesse that is to say of sinne and death wherthrough the diuel kepte all mankynd oppressed in most miserable thraldome and translated vs into the kingdom of his dere son that is to say hath adopted vs to bée the sonnes of God for his déere beloued sonnes sake by whome we haue redemption through his bloud that is to wit forgiuenesse of sinnes This sentence comprehendeth in singular lyghtsomnesse of woorkes a summe of the doctrine of the Iustification of a christen man and in especially these twoo places First what it is ▪ Iustification is a riddance of a man out of the power of darknesse sin death or it is the forgiuenesse of sins the adopting vs to bée the sons of God and a partnershyp with the saincts in lyght that is to say the inheriting of eternall lyfe lyght ryghtuousnesse and all good things whiche are giuen too the Sainctes for the price which our Lorde Iesus Chryst the son of God hath payed for vs by sheading his owne bloud Secondly what is the enforcing cause or the desert for which we are deliuered redeemed made partakers of this light lot of the godly y is to wit the only blud or passion death of our Lord Iesus Christ the sonne of god It was not the bloud of Abell it was not the bloude of the lamb and of all the sacrifises it was not the bloud of all the martirs and much lesse is it the ceremonies and rites of Moyses or of the munks or of the masse or oure owne vertues and good deedes that do it as is sayd more at large Rom. iij. we are iustified fréely by the grace of god through the redemption made by Iesus Chryst whome God hath set foorth a mercy feate through faith in his bloud Vppon the .xxv. Sunday after Trinitie ¶ The Epistle ij Pet. j. NOt with standing I thinke it mete as long as I am in this tabernacle to stirre you vp by putting you in remembrance forasmuch as I am sure how that the tyme is at hand that I must put of my tabernacle euen as our Lorde Iesus Christ hath shewed me I wilenforce therfore that on euery side ye might haue wherwith to stirre vp the remembrance of these things after my departing For we folowed not deceiuable fables when we opened vnto you the power and coming of our Lorde Iesus Chryst but with our eyes we saw his maiestie euen then verily when he receiued of god the father honor and glory and when ther came such a voyce to him from the excellēt glory This is my dere beloued son in whom I haue delite This voyce wee harde when it came from heauen being wyth him in the holy mount Wee haue also a ryght sure woorde of prophesy wherevnto if yee take heede as vnto● a lyght that shyneth in a darke place yee doo well vntill the day dawne and the day starte aryse in youre hartes See that yee fyrste knowe thys that no prophecie in the Scripture hath any priuate interpretation For the Scripture came neuet by the will of man● but holy men of God spake as they were moued by the holy ghost The disposement THis epistle is partly persuasiue and partly in structiue The proposition and summe of it is this I counsel you to reteyne stedfastly the true doctrine concerning Chryst deliuered by the Prophets and Apostles which is the only fountayn and rule of the true religion and of oure euerlasting saluation The cheef places of doctrine are these FIrst it belongeth to the duetie of a faithfull Bishop too repete oft and to beate into the heads of his héerers the sum of the true doctrin and to admonish and exhort them continually that they kéep it pure and vn corrupt vnto the last gaspe of theirly ●● and that they eschue false teachers The second and principal is that there is but one true religion and doctrine concerning GOD which is vttered in the writings of the prophets and Apostles whiche all the Godly are bound diligently to
Gods iustice The duetie of a redeemer hygh preest Sinne damnation Mannes saluation The benefites of Chrystes birth How Christes benefites are applied too vs. How and why glory is giuen too God. Peace Gladnesse Chrysts apperings too the Fathers in old tyme. A description of the second persone in the Trinitie Proues of Christs Godhead Iohn 1. Iohn 5. Chryst onely purgeth sinne What Angels bee The definition of saluation rightuousnesse and life are the sum of Christs benefites The efficient cause of saluation Goodnesse Louing kyndnesse Mercifulnesse Grace Our mediator or spokesman Who they bee that dishonor Christ Our owne rightuousnesse is of no desert The gospell and baptim are instrumēts of saluation Faith the instrumēt vvhervvith vvee take holde of saluation Renevvment of nature The effects of iustification Good vvorkes must folovv iustification Good workes or new obedience Vngodlynesse Concupiscence or lustfulnesse Stayednesse Rightuousnes Godlynesse The causes that moue too good workes Gods commaundement Hope of glory Abolishment of sinne Thankfulnesse How woorks become good Chrystes working in vs by his spirir By his woord By mannes willingnes The points vvherof Steuē is accused Atteynment of gods promises Worshipping of God. The institutiō of a new law What martyrdoome is The parts of martyrdoome Confessors Martyrs The holy Ghost Gods woord Mannes mynd Chryst is alwayes with his Churche The matter that maketh a Martyr Gods glorie Maintenāce of true religion Strengthening of the weake Certeintie of doctrine Witnessing of the immortalitie Reteynement of saluation vertues that go with martyrdoome Vices that fight ageynst martyrdome Chryst is very God. Chryst is very man. Redemption Adoption The gift of the holy ghost Inheritance of endlesse lyfe A warning for Pauls mening The workyng of the lavve The dueties of the lawe too teach vs too knowe God and our selues To frame our maners aright Too correct offenders The law dryueth vs too Chryst In whom Chryst is effectuall The law a shadow of things doo come Things to bee noted concerning the Epiphanie or twelfth day Of the wyse men that came vntoo Chryst The tyme of their cōming The names of the wise men Earnestnesse in receyuing and keeping the truthe The sondry names and glory of Chryst Iehouah or Lord. The glory of the Lord. What it is too giue glory to God. Why Chryst is called our light Who are the true Churche Why God dyd put a difference betweene the lewes and the Gentils The prerogatiues of the lewes The wretched state of the Heathen Gods vnchaūgeable rule in calling men to saluation Saluation is of free gift and not of desert The true seruice or woorshipping of God. What is represented by gold What is represented by Frākincense The Altar of attonement is Chryst Sacrifyce Quicke or liuing Holy. Reasonable seruice Worldlynesse Renevvment of mynd Myldnesse Ouervveening misvveening forvveening Christen wisdome Worldly wisdome Mannes boūds The right vse of gods giftes Prophesie Heretical prophesying Papistical prophesying Ministers Teachers Exhortation How to giue How too rule God graunt there bee none such in England How to shew mercie Loue towards ones neibor or true frendship Brotherly loue ▪ Reuerence Diligence Zele Taking of time Hope Patience Prayer Liberalitie Hospitalitie or house keping Meeknesse Frindlinesse or gladsomnesse ▪ Pitie Concorde Lowlinesse mildnesse Mildenesse Meekenesse Shunning of stumbling blockes Reuengment Rightuousnes comprehendeth all vertues The lawe of God and of nature What it is too loue our neybor The seuerall sorts or degrees of loue towardes ones neybor Gods commaundement is the rule of vertues Antimonians The loue of God. Wee can do no vvoorks to iustify our selues Hovv loue engendreth in vs What is to bee done in all intents drifts and purposes of this lyfe The common ende and drift of al a mannes dooings The endes of authoritie or ciuil gouernement The ends of the ministerie The endes of learning Settlednesse The descriptiō of a good and skilfull minister Vnnecessary dealings The fiue naked Games or exercyses of Actiuitie Running Buffeting Leaping Coyting it vvas like our throvving of the hammer Wrestling The dyet demean or of those that contended in the sayd Games their revvards An excellent similitude A furlong The revvarde of victorie Interpretation of the Greeke vvoords Of the behoue fulnesse of doing vvell Of the discom moditie of doing yll Examples One church of God in al ages gathered by one meane fed vvith one foode Figures of Baptim Figure of the Lords supper The causes of the Lentō fast True glorie or boasting False Apostles Reprofe of vaynglorie Example of christen bosting Who are the children of Abraham Labours Strypes Death Strypes Whippings Stoning Shipwrecke Trauell Ieoperdy Loke for these names in the table in th end of this booke Austin Aretas How manye sortes of visions of reuelations there be Visions of three sortes Difference of heauens Heauen or Paradyse Languages Prophesying and fayth Mark wel this discourse and beare it away True faith and true loue are vnseparable Patience Gentlenesse Freendlynesse Modestie or myldnesse Good meening Lowlynesse Grauitie Iustdealing Equitie Meeknesse Freendlynesse Ryghtfulnesse and mercy Rightuousnesse truthe Patience Freendlynesse Hope Patience Prophesy Tungs Knowledge Differences of knowing God Duties or poynts of a true preacher Vertues that ought too bee in ministers Patience Painfulnesse The touchstone of Religion What patiēce is Look for these in the table at the end of this Booke Why lent was ordeined The first author of the Lenton fast Diuersitie in keeping the Lent. Austin a mainteyner of the Lenton fast Saturdays and Emberdayes Diuersitie of allegoricall fastes Papisticall fast reproued The iudgemēt of gods woord concerning fast How too obserue the outward fast aryght Scripture the rule of christianitie Christians must proceede continually not stay Chastitie a mark of Gods church Tertullians saying Buying and selling Honest Profitable Good counsell Bargaining merchandyse appoynted by God for singular good purposes Confutation of Meritmōgers Necessitie of cōmaundemēt Necessitie of eschewing paynes Necessitie of Gods graces and gifts Rewardes Chastitie Couetousnesse Followers of God. Too walke Sacrifyse Sweete smell Sainctes Whoo is an Idolater Darknesse A Testament or last will. A definition of the new Testament A definition of the old Testament The difference betweene the old ▪ Testamēt and the new Agar Sara Ismael and Isaa● A very good argument The heauenly Ierusalem What preesthod is in general A definition of the hyghest preest or of Chryst Gods iustice medled with mercy was the cause of christs sacrifyce Why the sacrifysing of beasts was ordeyned The sacrifises of the Hēathē Differences of Chrystes sacrifise and the Leuiticall sacrifises Eternall saluation Leuitical sacrifises are figures Chrystes sacrifice once for al Christ purgeth by his own blud Chryst is entered into heauē Marcion the Manichees Chrystes humilitie IESV Why Chryst was made a sacrifyce The first part of Chrystes Passion Testimonies of gods wrath ageinst sinne The seconde part of Chrystes passion The third part of his passion The loue of