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A18640 An harmony of the confessions of the faith of the Christian and Reformed Churches which purelie professe the holy doctrine of the Gospell in all the chiefe kingdomes, nations, and prouinces of Europe: the catologue and order whereof the pages following will declare. There are added in the ende verie shorte notes: in which both the obscure thinges are made plaine, & those thinges which maie in shew seeme to be contrarie each to other, are plainelie and verie modestlie reconciled, and if anie points doe as yet hang in doubt, they are sincerelie pointed at. All which things, in the name of the Churches of Fraunce and Belgia, are submitted to the free and discrete iudgement of all other Churches. Newlie translated out of Latine into English. Also in the end is added the confession of the Church of Scotland. Alowed by publique authoritie.; Harmonia confessionum fidei orthodoxarum & reformatarum ecclesiarum. English Salnar.; Goulart, Simon, 1543-1628. 1586 (1586) STC 5155; ESTC S107818 484,469 636

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also your eies doe witnes vnto you but that which your faith desireth to learne is this the bread is the bodie of Christ the cup is his blood Now as touching the vse of the Eucharist first although we do not not denie but that whol Christ is distributed as well in the breade as in the wine of the Eucharist yet we teach that the vse of either part ought to be common to the wholl Church For it is euident that Christ beeing nothing at all terrified by any dangers which afterward humane superstition inuented or by other deuises gaue vnto his Church both partes to be vsed Also it is euident that the auncient Church did vse both partes for many yeares And certaine writers doe clearelie witnes that they which doe receiue bread alone doe not receiue the wholl Sacrament Sacramentallie for so they speake that it is not possible to d●●ide one and the selfe same mystery without great sacriledge Wherfore we thinke that the vse of both partes is in deede Catholike Apostolike that it is not lawful for any man at his pleasure to change this institution of Christ and a ceremony of such continuance in the auncient and true Church and to take awaie from the laitie as they call them one part of the Eucharist And it is to be marueiled at that they who professe themselues to defend the ceremonies of the auncient church should so farre swarue from the auncient church in this point Moreouer seeing that the worde Sacrifice i● verie large and doth generally signifie a holie worship we doe willinglie graunt that the true and lawfull vse of the Eucharist maie in this sense be called a Sacrifice howbeit the Eucharist according to the institution of Christ is so celebrated that therein the death of Christ is shewed forth and the sacrament of the bodie and bloode of Christ is distributed to the Church and so it is truely called an appliing of the meritte of the passion of Christ to wit to them which receiue the Sacrament Neither doe we condemne godlie lessons and praiers which vse to goe before and to follow consecration as they call it and the dispensation of the Eucharist yet in the meane time it is not lawfull for vs to dissemble or to alow of those errours which haue bene added to this holie 〈◊〉 rather by the ignorance of priuate men then by ●nie lawfull consent of the true Catholike Church One 〈…〉 this that of the worship which ought to be common 〈…〉 Church there is made a priuate action of one Priest 〈…〉 doeth alone to himselfe mumble vp the wordes of 〈…〉 Supper so also he alone doeth receiue the bread 〈…〉 For Christ did institute the Eucharist not that i● 〈…〉 priuate action of one man but that it should be a 〈…〉 of the Church Therefore to the right action of the Eucharist two thinges at the lest are requisite to wit the minister of the Eucharist whoe blesseth he to whom the Sacrament of the Eucharist is dispensed For when Christ did institute this Sacrament he did not eat thereof alone but he did dispense it to his Church which then was present with him saying Take ye eate ye c. And Drinke ye all of this c. This institution of Christ the auncient and true Catholique Church did so seuerelie obserue that it excommunicated them which being present whilest this holy Sacrament was administred would not communicate with others Anacl●●us in his first Epistle saith After that consecration is finished let a●● communicate except they had rather stand● without the Church doores And he addeth For so both the Apostles appointed and the holy Church of Rome keepeth is still Also the Antiochian Councell cap. 2. saieth All those which come into the Church of God and heare the holy Scriptures but doe not communicate with the people in praier and can not abide to receiue the Sacrament of the Lord according to a certaine proper discipline these men must be cast out of the Church Dionysius in his booke De Eccles Hierarc saieth The Bishoppe when he hath praised the diuine giftes then he maketh the holie and moste excellent mysteries and those thinges which before he had praised being couered and hid vnder reuerent signes he bringeth into sight and reuerentlie sh●wing forth the diuine giftes both he himselfe doth turne to the holy participation thereof and doth exhort the others to participate them to conclude when the holie communion is receiued and deliuered to all he rendering thankes doth make an end of these mysteries Therefore we thinke it necessarie to the retayning of the institution of Christ in the celebration of the Eucharist and that we maie follow the example of the auncient and true Catholique Church that the priuate Masses of the Priestes maie be abrogated and that the publique communion of the Lords Supper maie be restored Another errour is this that the Eucharist is such a sacrifice as ought to be offered daielie in the Church for the purging of the sinnes of the quicke and the dead and for the obtaining of other benefites both corporall and spiritual This error is euidently contrary to the Gospel of Christ which witnesseth That Christ by one oblation once onelie made hath made perfect for euer those that be sanctified And because that Christ by his passion and death hath purchased remission of sinnes for vs which also is declared vnto vs by the Gospell in the new Testament therefore it is not lawfull to sacrifice anie more for sinne for the Epistle to the Hebrews saith Where there is remission of sinnes there is no further oblation for sinne For whereas Christ saieth Doe this in remembrance of me he doth not commaund to offer his bodie and and bloode in the Supper vnto God but to the Church that the Church by eating the bodie and drinking the bloode of Christ and by shewing forth the benefit of his death may be admonished of that oblation of the bodie and bloode of Christ which was made once onelie on the Crosse for the purging of our sinnes For so Paull doeth interpret this saying of Christ saying So often as ye shall eate he doth not saie offer this breade and drinke this cuppe shew ye forth the death of the Lord till he come And truelie we confesse that the auncient Ecclesiasticall writers did call the Eucharist a sacrifice an oblation but they expounde themselues that by the name of Sacrifice they meane a remembrance a shewing forth or a preaching of that Sacrifice which Christ did once offer vpon the Crosse as also they call the memoriall of the Passeouer and of Pentecost the Pa●seouer and Pentecost it selfe The third error is this that manie do thinke that the oblation as they cal it of the Eucharist is not of it selfe a propitiation for sinnes but that it doth apply the propitiation and merit of Christ to the quick and the dead But we haue alreadie shewed that the Eucharist properlie is
thou sorsaken me All which he suffered for the remission of our sinnes Wherefore we doe not without iust cause professe with Paul that we know ●●thi●g but Iesus Chris● and him crucified and that we doe a●●ount all thinges as dung in respect of the excellent knowledge of Iesus Christ our Lord finding in his woundes and stripes all manner of comfort that can be deserued VVherefore there is no neede that o● her we should wish for any other meanes or 〈◊〉 any of our owne b●aines whereby we might be reconciled vnto God besides this one oblation once offred by the which all the faithfull which are sanctified are consecrated or perfected for euer And this is the cause why he was called of the Angell Iesus that is to saie a sauiour because he should save his people from their sinnes Last of all we do beleeue out of the word of God that our Lord Iesus Christ when the time appo●●ted by God but ●nto all creatures vnknowen shall come and the number of the elect shal be accomplished shall come againe from heauen and that after a corporall and visi●●e m●nner as heretofore he hath ascended being adorned with g●●●t glorie and maiestie that he maie appeare as iudge of the quicke and the dead the olde world being kindel●d with fire and flame and puri●ied by it Then all creatures and aswell men as women and children as manie as haue bene from the beginning and shall be to the end of the world shall appeare before this high Iudge beeing s●mmoned thither by the voice of Archangeils and the trumpet of God For all that haue bene dead shall then rise out of the earth the soul and spirit of euerie one being ioyned and coupled together againe to the same bodies wherein before they liued They moreouer which shall be aliue at the last dare she ll not die the same death that other men haue done but in a moment and in the twinkling of an eie they shall be changed from corruption to an incorruptible nature Then the bookes shall be opened namelie the bookes of euerie mans conscience and the dead shal be iudged according to those things which they haue done in this world either good or euill Moreouer then shall men render an account of euerie idle worde which they haue spoken although the worlde doe now make but a spor●e and a iest at them Finall e all the hypocrisie of men and the deepest secrets of their hearts shall be made manifest vnto all so that worthelie the onelie remembrance of this iudgement shall be terrible and fearefull to the wicked and reprobate But of the godlie and elect it is greatlie to be wished for and is vnto them exceeding comfort For then shall their redemption be fullie perfited and they shall reape moste sweete fruite and commoditie of all those labours and sorrowes which they haue suffered in this world Then I saie their innocencie shall be openlie acknowledged of all and they likewise shall see that horrible punishment which the Lord will execute vpon those that haue moste tyrannic allie afflicted them in this world with diuers kindes of torments and crosses Furthermore the wicked being conuinced by the peculiar testimony of their owne conscience shal indeed be made immortal but with this condition that they shall burne for euer in that eternal fire which is prepared for the deuil On the contrarie side the elect and faithfull shal be crowned with the crowne of glorie and honour whose names the sonne of God shall confesse before his Father and the Angels and then shall all teares be wiped from their eyes Then their cause which now is condemned of heresie and impietie by the magistrates and Iudges of this worlde shall be acknowledged to be the cause of the sonne of God And the Lorde shall of his free mercie reward them with so great glorie as no mans minde is able to conceiue Therefore we doe with great longing expect that great da●e of the Lorde wherein we shall moste fullie enioy all those thinges which God hath promised vnto vs and through Iesus Christ our Lorde be put into full possession of them for euer more OVT OF THE CONFESSION OF AVSPVRGF ALso they teach that the word that is the sonne of God tooke vnto him mans nature in the wombe of the blessed Virgine Marie so that the two natures the deuine and the humane inseperablie ioyned together in the vnitie of one person are one Christ true God and true man who was borne of the Virgine Marie did truelie suffer was crucified dead and buried that he might reconcile his father vnto vs and might be a sacrifice not onely for the originall sinne but also for all actuall sinnes of men The same also descended into hell and did truelie rise againe the third daie Afterward he ascended into heauen that he might sit at the right hand of the father and raigne for euer and haue dominion ouer all the creatures sanctifie those that beleeue in him by sending the holie spirit into their heartes and giue euerlasting life to such as he had sanctified The same Christ shall openlie come againe to iudge them that are found aliue and the dead raised vp againe according to the Creed of the Apostles In the end of this Article after these words by sending his holie spirit into their heartes these wordes are found in some editions BY sending his spirit into their hearts which may reigne comfort and quicken them and defend them against the Deuill and the power of sinne The same Christ shall openlie come againe to iudge the quick and the dead c. according to the Creed of the Apostles Also they teach that in the end of the world Christ shall appeare to iudgement and shall raise vp all the dead and shal giue vnto men to weete to the godlie and elect eternal life and euerlasting ioyes but the vngodlie and the Deuills shall he condemne vnto endles torments Also we condemne the Origenistes who imagined that the deuill and the damned creatures should one daie haue an end of their paines After the first periode of this Article this is thus found else where THey condemne the Anabaptistes that are of opinion that the damned men and the deuill● shall haue an end of their torments They condemne others also which now a daies do spread abroade Iewish opinions that before the resurrection of the dead the godlie shall get the soueragintie in the world and the wicked be brought vnder in euerie place OVT OF THE CONFESSION OF SAXONIE Hitherto pertaineth a parte of the third article THe sonne of God our Lord Iesus Christ who is the Image of the eternall father is appointed our Mediator Reconciler Redeemer Iustifier and sauiour By the obedience and merit of him alone the wrath of God is pacified as it is said Rom. 3. Whome he set forth to be a reconciliation through faith in his bloode And Heb. 10. It is impossible that the bloode of Bulls should take away
substance and laying holde on thinges to be hoped for from the good will of God doth send out of it selfe charitie and then verie excellent fruites of all vertues yet doe we not attribute anie thing to these workes although they be the workes of godlie men but that saluation which we haue obteined wee doe whollie attribute to the verie grace of God And this indeed is the onelie true worship of God to wit a faith moste fruitfull of God workes and yet not putting anie confidence in workes OVT OF THE CONFESSION OF BASILL WE confesse the remission of sinnes through faith in Christ crucified and though this faith doeth without intermission exercise and shew forth it selfe in the workes of charitie and by this meanes is tried yet we doe not attribute righteousnes and satisfaction for our sinnes vnto workes which are fruites of faith but onelie to a true confidence and faith in the blood of the lambe of God shed for vs. For we doe vnfeignedlie professe that all thinges are giuen vs freelie in Christ who is our righteousnes holines redemption waie trueth wisdome and life Therefore the faithfull doe worke not to satisfie for their sinnes but onelie that they maie in some sorte shewe them selues thankefull vnto God our Lorde for great benefits bestowed vpon vs in Christ And in the margent vpon the word Thankfull Thankefullnes consisteth in requiting of benefites receiued but we can requite nothing to God because he wanteth nothing Therefore we haue an eie to those thinges which he requireth of vs and those a●e faith and the workes of charitie he requireth Faith toward him selfe Charitie toward our neighbour OVT OF THE CONFESSION OF BOHEMIA Of Christ our Lorde and of Iustification by Faith CHAP. 6. THE sixth point of Christian doctrine in our Churches is as touching sound and liuelie faith in Iesus Christ our Lorde and of true Iustification by this Faith And a little after Our men are taught to acknowledge this grace and truth and in all the sauing and wonderfull works which Christ brought to effect by faith to beholde those things which according to the meaning of the holie scripture are in a steadfast faith to be beeleeued and professed such are these The comming of Christ from heauen his conception natiuitie torments death buriall resurrection ascending into heauen his sitting at the right hand of God and his comming againe from thence to iudge the quicke and the dead In these principall effectes as in a chest wherein treasure is kept are all those sauing fruites of true iustification laide vp and from thence they are taken for the elect and faithfull that in spirit and conscience by faith they maie be made partakers thereof all which shall hereafter be perfectlie and fullie giuen vnto them in the daie of that ioyfull resurrection These thinges are also 〈◊〉 in the sixth Section so farre soorth as they describe the workes of Christ and the fruites thereof Out of this foundation of this iustifying faith and of true and perfect iustification thereby according to euident cleare testimonies in the scriptures we are further taught First that no man by his owne strength or by the power of his own wil or of flesh bloode can attaine vnto or haue this sauing or iustifying faith except God of his grace by the holy ghost by the ministerie of the gospell preached do plant it in the heart of whome he list and when he list so that that heart maie receiue all things which are offered to saluation and made knowne touching the same by the publike preaching of the worde and by the sacraments instituted of Christ Hereof holie Iohn Baptist saith Man can take nothing to himselfe except it be giuen him from aboue Also our Lord Christ himselfe saith No man commeth to me except the Father which sent me do drawe him And a litle after Except it be giuen him of my Father that is from aboue by the holie ghost And to Peter Christ said Flesh blood hath not reueiled this vnto thee Now this faith properlie is an assent of a willing heart to the wholl trueth deliuered in the Gospell whereby man is lightned in his minde and soule that he may rightly acknowledge and receiue for his onelie Sauiour his God and Lord Iesus Christ and vpon him as on a true ●ocke he maie builde his wholl saluation loue followe and enioie him repose all his hope and confidence in him and by this valiant confidence he maie lift vp him selfe and trust that for him and his onelie merite God is become to him louing gentle bountifull also that in him and for him he assuredlie hath and shall haue for euer eternall life according to his true promise which he confirmed with an othe saying Verelie I saie vnto you he that beleeueth in me hath eternall life And This is the will of him that sent me that he which seeth the sonne and beleeueth in him should haue eternal life and I wil raise him vp in the last daie Also This is life eternall that they know thee the true God and whome thou hast sent Iesus Christ And Isaiah saith By his knowledge shall my righteous seruant iustifie manie This faith alone and this inward confidence of the heart in Iesus Christ our Lord doth iustifie or make a man iust before God without any workes which he maie adde or anie merite of his of which faith Saint Paull saith But to him which worketh not at all but beleeueth in him that iustifieth the wicked man his faith is imputed for righteousnes And before he saide But now is the righteousnes of God made manifest without the lawe hauing witnes of the law and of the Prophetes to wit the righteousnes of God by the faith of Iesus Christ vnto all and vpon all that beleeue And in another place He that beleeueth in him is made righteous And this righteousnes or iustification is the remission of sinnes the taking awaie of eternall punishment which the seuere iustice of God doth require and to be clothed with Christs righteousnes or with imputation thereof also it is a reconciliation with God a receiueing into fauour whereby we are made acceptable in the beloued and fellow heires of eternall life For the confirming of which thinges and by reason of our new birth or regeneration there is an earnest added to wit the holie Ghost who is giuen and bestowed freelie out of that infinite grace for Christ his death blood shedding and his resurrection All these thinges hath Paull described verie excellentlie in his Epistle to the Romanes where he bringeth in Dauid speaking in this wise Blessed are they whose iniquitie is forgiuen whereof he speaketh in that wholl Chapter And to the Galathians he saith God sent forth his Sonne that we might receiue the adoption Now because ye are sonnes God hath sent forth the spirit of his Sonne crying in your hearts Abba Father For whomesoeuer God doth
iustifie to them he doth giue the holie Ghost and by him he doth first regenerate them as he promiseth by the Prophet saying I will giue them a new heart and I will put my spirit in the middest of them that as before sinne had reigned in them to death so also then grace might reigne by righteousnes vnto eternall life through Iesus Christ And this is the communion or participation of the grace of God the father of the merit of Iesus Christ our Lorde and of the sanctification of the holie Ghost this is the lawe of faith the lawe of the spirit and life written by the holie Ghost But the liuelie and neuer drying spring of this iustification is our Lorde Iesus Christ alone by those his sauing workes that is which giue saluation from whome all holie men from the beginning of the world as well before the law was published and vnder the lawe and the discipline thereof as also after the lawe haue and doe drawe haue and doe receiue saluation or remission of their sinnes by faith in the moste comfortable promise of the gospell and doe applie and approper it as peculiar to themselues onelie for the sole death of Christ and his bloodshedding to the full and perfect abolishing of their sinnes and the clensing from them all whereof we haue manle testimonies in the Scripture Holie Peter before the wholl councell at Hierusalem doth prooue by sound arguments that Saluation is not to be found in any other then in Christ Iesus alone that vnder this large cope of heauen there is no other name giuen vnto men whereby we maie be saued And in another place he appealeth to the consenting voyces and testimonies of all the Prophets who spake with one minde and by one spirit as it were by one mouth and thus he saide As touching this Iesus all the Prophets beare witnes that through his name all that beleeue in him shall receiue remission of sinnes And to the Hebrwes it is written He hath by himselfe purged our sinnes and againe We haue redemption through his blood euen the remission of sins And S Iohn saith we haue an aduocate with the Father Iesus Christ the righteous he is the propitiation or attonement for our sinnes and not for ours onlie but also for the sinnes of the wholl world And againe to the Hebrewes We are sanctified by the offering of the bodie of Iesus Christ once made and a litle after he addeth with one onlie offering hath he consecrated for euer them that are sanctified namely of God by the spirit of God Therfore al sinners and such as are penitent ought to flie incontinentlie thorough their wholl life to our Lord Christ alone for remission of their sinnes and euerie sauing grace according to that in the Epistle to the Hebrewes Seeing that 〈◊〉 haue a great high Priest euen Iesus the Sonne of God which is entered into heauen let vs holde fast this profession which is concerning Christ our Lord and straight way he addeth Let vs therefore goe boldlie vnto the throne of grace that we maie receiue mercie and finde grace to helpe in time of neede Also Christ him selfe crying out saith He that thirsteth let him come to me and drinke And in an other place He that commeth vnto me shal not hunger he that beleeueth in me shal neuer thirst Now they that attaine to this iustification by Christ our Lord are taught to take vnto themselues true and assured comfort out of this grace bountie of God to enioy a good quiet conscience before God to be certaine of their owne saluation and to haue it confirmed to them by this meanes that seeing they are here the sonnes of God they shall also after death in the resurrection be made heires In the meane time they ought both to desire to be brought to this that they maie receiue the fruit of perfect saluation and also cheerefullie to looke for it with that confidence according to the promise of the Lord that such shall not come into iudgement but that by making awaie they haue alreadie passed from death into life Of al other points of doctrine we account this the chiefest and weightiest as that wherein the summe of the Gospell doth consist Christianitie is founded and the pretious and most noble treasure of eternall saluation the onelie and liuelie comforte proceeding from God is comprehended Therefore herein our preachers doe labour especiallie that they maie well instruct the hartes of men in this point of doctrine so sowe it that it maie take deepe root Of good workes and a Christian life CHAP. 7. IN the seuenth place we teach that they whoe are made righteous and acceptable to God by faith alone in Christ Iesus that by the grace of God without any merits ought in the wholl course of their life that followeth both all together iointlie euerie one particularlie according as the order condition age and place of euery one doth require to performe and exercise those good works and holie actions which are commaunded of God euen as God commaundeth when he saith Teach them to obserue all thinges which I haue commaunded you Now these good workes or holie actions are not certaine affections deuised of flesh and bloode for such the Lorde forbiddeth but they are expresselie shewed and propounded vnto vs by the spirit of God to do the which God doth binde vs the rule and chiefe square whereof God himselfe is in his word for so he saith by the Prophet Walke not in the commaundements of your Fathers and keepe not their iudgements and defile not your selues with their Idoles I am Iehouah your God walke ye in my commaundementes and keepe my iudgements and doe them Likewise Christ saieth Teach them those thinges which I haue commaunded you Therefore the 10. commaundements and loue which by faith worke●h righteousnes on the right hand on the left hand as well toward God as toward our neighbour is a certaine summe a most streight square a most artificiall shaping or description of all good workes Now an example of this square is the moste holie life of Christ whereof he himselfe saith Learne of me because I am meeke and humble in heart And what other thing would he teach by vttering those eight sentences of happines then to shewe what manner of life the true children of God ought to lead and what be the works which God hath commaunded Therefore according to these thinges they reach with all care and diligence touching the difference which is to be knowen and kept betwixt those works which are deuised and taught of men and those which are commaunded of God Those workes which are commaunded of God ought not to be interrmitted for humane traditions For Christ doth grieuoslie reprehend this in them that doe otherwise in the Pharises saying Why doe you transgresse the commaundements of God for your traditions And
our obedience doth please god euen in this our so great infirmitie Now for any man to dispise or mislike this doctrine whereby both the honour of Christ is extolled and most sweete sure comfort offered vnto godlie mindes and which conteineth the true knowledge of gods mercie and bringeth forth the true worship of God and eternall life it is more then Pharisaicall blindnes Before time when as this doctrine was not set forth many fearefull consciences assaied to ease themselues by workes some fled to a monasticall life others did chuse out other workes thereby to merit remission of sinnes and iustification But there is no sure comforte without this doctrine of the gospell which willeth men to beleeue that remission of sinnes and iustification are freelie giuen vnto vs for Christs sake and this wholl doctrine is appointed for the true conflict of a terrified conscience But we will adde some testimonies Paull Rom. 3. We are iustified freelie by his grace through redemption that is in Christ Iesus whome god hath set forth to be a reconciliation thorough faith in his bloode Rom. 4. But to him that worketh not but beleeueth in him that iustifieth the vngodlie his faith is counted for righteousnes Ephes 2. By grace ye are saued through faith and not of your selues In these and such like sentences Paull doth plainlie teach that remission of sinnes and iustification are giuen vs freelie and not for the worthines of our workes And in the 4 to the Rom. he disputeth at large why this consolation is needefull for vs for if the promise did depend vpon the worthines of our works it should be vncertaine Wherefore to the end that we may haue sure and firme comforte against the feares of sinne and death and that our faith maie stand fast it is needefull that it leane onelie vpon the mercie of God and not vpon ou● worthines Therefore Paul saieth Therefore it is by faith according to grace that the promise might be sure For our works cannot be set against the iudgement of God according to that saying If thou markest our iniquities who shall indure●t And therefore Christ is giuen for a Mediatour to vs and this honour is not to be transfered vnto our workes When therefore we doe saie that we are iustified by faith we do not meane that we are iust for the worthines of that vertue but this is our meaning that we doe obteine remission of sins and imputation of righteousnes by mercie shewed vs for Christs sake But now this mercie can not be receiued but by faith And Faith doth not here signifie onelie a knowledge of the historie but it signifieth a beleefe of the promise of mercie which is graunted vs through our Mediatour Christ Iesus And seeing that faith is in this sorte vnderstoode of a confidence or trust of mercie Saint Paull and Saint Iames doe not disagree For where as Iames saith The Deuills beleeue and tremble he speaketh of an historicall faith now this faith doth not iustifie For the wicked and the deuill are conning in the historie But Paull when he saith Faith is reckoned for righteousnes he speaketh of a trust and confidence of mercie promised for Christs sake and his meaning is that men are pronounced righteouse that is reconciled through mercie promised for Christs sake whome we must receiue by faith Now this noueltie of this figuratiue speach of Saint Paull We are iustified by faith will not offend holie mindes if they vnderstand that it is spoken properlie of mercie and that herein mercie is adorned with true and due praises For what can be more acceptable to an afflicted and fearefull conscience in great greefes then to heare that this is the commaundement of God the voice of the bridgrome Christ Iesus that they should vndoubtedlie beleeue that remission of sinnes or reconciliation is giuen vnto them not for their owne worthines but freelie through mercie for Christs sake that the benefite might be certaine Now Iustification in these sayings of Saint Paull doth signifie remission of sins or reconciliation or imputation of righteousnes that is an accepting of the person And herein we doe not bring in a new found opinion into the Church of God For the scripture doth set downe at large this doctrine touching faith and Saint Paul doth especially handle this point in some of his epistles the holie fathers also doe teach the same For so saith Ambrose in his booke de ●●at Gent. If so be that iustification which is by grace were due vnto former merittes so that it should not be a gift of the giuer but a ●warde of the worker the redemption by the bloode of Christ would growe to be of small account and the prerogatiue of mans works would not yeald vnto the mercies of God And of this matter there be many disputations in Saint Augustine And these are his wordes Forsomuch as by the law God sheweth to man his infirmitie that flying vnto his mercie by faith he might be saued For it is saide that he carieth both the law and mercie in his mouth The law to ●onuict the proude and mercie to iustifie those that are humbled Therefore the righteousnes of God through saith in Christ is reuealed vpon al that beleeue And the M●leuitan Synode writeth I● not this sufficientlie declared that the Law worketh this that sinne should be knowen and so against the victorie of sinne men should flie to the mercie of god which is set forth in his promises that the promises of God that is the grace of God might be sought vnto for deliuerance and man might beginne to haue a righteousnes howbeit not hi●●●ne but Gods Of good works WHen as we do teach in our Churches the most necessary doctrine and comforte of faith we ioyne therewith the doctrine of good workes to wit that obedience vnto the law of God is requisite in them that be reconciled For the Gospell preacheth newnes of life according to that saying I will put my lawes in their heartes This new life therefore must be an obedience towardes God The Gospell also preacheth repentance and faith cannot be but onlie in them that doe repent because that faith doth comfort the heartes in contrition in the feares of sin as Paul saith Being iustified by faith we haue peace And of repentance he saith Rom. 6. Our olde man is crucified that the bodie of sinne might be abolished that we might no more serue sinne And Esaie saith Where will the Lorde dwell In a contrite and humbled spirit c. Secondly among good works the chiefest that which is the chiefest worship of God is faith which doth bring forth manie other vertues which could neuer be in men except their hearts had first receiued to beleue How shall they call 〈◊〉 him in whome they doe not beleeue So long as mens mindes are in doubt whether God heareth them or not so long as euer they thinke that God hath reiected them they doe neuer truelie call vpon God But
his time Ceremonies were appointed for this cause that they should be admonitions of the Mediatour of the Doctrine of Faith of free remission for the Mediatours sake But they feigned that sinnes were forgiuen for those rites and sacrifices and by this superstition they heaped vp sacrifices and forgot the Mediatour and were without true comfort and without true inuocation The same thing hapned also after the Apostles time the light of the gospell being lost wherein is propounded free remission for the Mediatours sake and that to be receiued by Faith They sought remission by Monasticall exercises by single life by diuers obseruations by the offering in the Masse by the intercession of dead men and manie monstrous superstitions were deuised as the histories of the wholl Church which succeeded the Apostles doe declare Against these errours the infinite mercie of God hath oftentimes restored the voice of the Gospell And as among the people of Israell he did often raise vp Prophets which should purge the doctrine diligentlie so in the Church after the Apostles time when the writings of Origen and Pelagius and the superstition of the people had corrupted the puritie of the gospell yet notwithstanding as in a mist the light of the gospell was againe kindled by Augustine and him followed Prosper Maximus and others who reprooued the false opinions touching this Article Afterward when the Monkes were sprong vp and that opinion which faigneth men to merit by their workes was a fresh spread abroad yet there were some of a better iudgement although they added stable to the foundation as Hugo Bernard Gilbert William of Paris Tauler Ambrose Wesell and others in other places And now by the voice of Luther the doctrine of the gospell is more cleered and more euidentlie restored and the Lambe shewed vnto vs as the Baptist saith Beholde the lambe of God that tak●●● awaie the sinnes of the world He that beleeueth in the Sonne hath eternall life he that beleeueth not the wrath of God abideth on him This same voice of the Gospell our Churches doe pu●l●●● and that without corruption and we doe discerne that discipline or righteousnes which a man not regenerat maie performe from the righteousnes of faith and that newnes whereof the gospell doth preach We saie that all men are to be restrained by discipline that is by that righteousnes which euen the vnregenerate ought and after a sorte maie performe which is an obedience in externall actions according to all the commaundements of God apperterning to all men Because that God left this libertie in man after his fall that the outward members might after a sorre obeie reason and the will in stirring vp or omitting outward motions as Achilles maie draw his sword or put it vp into the sheath Scipio maie restraine his members so that he meddle not with another mans wife as in their place these thinges are trulie and copiouslie declared Now it is moste certaine that this discipline is commaunded of God and that the breaking thereof is punished with present and eternall punishments euen in those which are not conuerted vnto god according to those sainges The law was made for the vniust He that taketh the sword shall perish with the sword Also Forni●atours and adulterers the Lorde will iudge Also Woe vnto thee which spoilest because thou shalt be spoiled And although all men ought to gouerne their manners by this discipline and God doth seuerelie commaund that all kingdomes should defend this discipline and he by horrible punishmentes doth declare his wrath against this outward contumacie yet this externall discipline euen where it is most honest is not a fulfilling of the law neither doth it deserue remission of sinnes neither is it that righteousnes wherby we are accepted before God nor that light shining in the nature or men as righteousnes shined in vs in our creation or as new righteousnes shall shine in vs in the life eternall But all this discipline is an externall gouernment such as it is like vnto the leafe of a figge tree wherewith our first parentes after their fall did couer their nakednes neither doth it anie more take awaie sinne and the corruption of nature and death then those figge leaues did Hence it is that Paul doth so often crie out that sinne is not taken awaie by the law Rom. 3. By the workes of the law no flesh shall be iustified in his sight And Rom. 8. When it was impossible to the law to iustifie c. And Gal. 2. If righteousnes doth come by the law then Christ died in vaine And Tit. 3. Not by the workes of righteousnes which we haue done but according to his mercie he hath saued vs. And it is a reproch vnto the Sinne of God to imagine that anie our workes are merittes or the price of remission of sinnes and that they are propitions for sinnes Therefore we do openlie condemne those Pharisaical Pelagian doting dreames which fa●gne that that discipline is a fullfill ng of the law of god also that it doth deserue remission either of congreitie or of con●●gnity or that it is a righteousnes whereby men are made acceptable to God And after a few pages in the same Article Seeing that the minde is raised vp by this faith it is certaine that remission of sinnes reconciliation and imputing of righteousnes is giuen for the ment of Christ alone and that Christ is effectuall in vs and doth by his holie spirit quicken the beleeuers and deliuer vs from eternall death and withall make vs heires of eternall life So saith Paul Rom. 3. We conclude that man is iustified by faith without the workes of the lawe Also we are iustified freelie by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Iesus whome God hath set forth to be a reconciliation through faith in his blood And Act. 10. To him giue all the Prophets wi●nes that all that beleeue in him shall receiue remission of sinnes Now the wordes are knowne and manif●st Faith doth signifie not onelie the knowledge of the historie for that is also in the Deuilles of whome it is said The deuilles do beleue and tremble but it doth signifie to embrace al the Articles of Faith and among those this article I do bele●e the remission of sinnes neither do I beleue that it is onelie giuen to others but to me also This faith is also a confidence resting in the Mediatour according to that Beeing instified by faith we haue peace So that Paull speaketh of faith which consenting to all the articles of the Creede doth beholde and imbrace the promise for it ioyneth together faith and the promise Rom. 4. Therefore it is by faith that the premise might be sure In expounding the word Iustified it is vsuallie said To is iustified doth signifie of vnrighteous to be made righteous which beeing rightlie vnderstood doth agree also to our purpose Of vnrighteous to be made righteous that is acquitted from the guilt for the sonne of
Moreouer to giue an euident token of his confession he found fault with the other which cursed Christ These thinges are done by him because this verie Messias beeing partner with him in his punishment in a wo●de doth teach his minde and by 〈◊〉 some comfort the Worde is effectual in him and through 〈◊〉 the eternall Father doth poure the holie ghost into the heart of this hearer that he may kindle in him ioye loue inuocation hope of eternall life and other vertues Of Rewardes PAull saith Rom. 6. Eternall life is the gift of God through Iesus Christ our Lorde and they that are reconciled or iustified Are heires annexed with the Sonne of God and that for his sake not for their owne merittes Faith receiuing remission of sinnes and iustification and the hope of eternall life doe relie vpon the Sonne of god the Mediatour as it is said Ioh. 6. This is the will of the Father that ●●erie one that beleeueth in him should haue eternall life And Rom. 5. Beeing iustified by faith we haue peace with God through our Lord Iesus Christ by whom we haue accesse through faith vnto this grace wherin we stand and reioyce vnder the hope of eternall life He ioyneth faith and hope together and affirmeth that either of them doth relie vpon the Mediatour And it is manifest that hope ought not to relie on our workes because it is saide Psal 142. No man liuing shall be iustified in thy sight But as they which repent are accounted iust by faith for the onelie Sonne of god his sake and for him and thorough him are quickned so for him and not for our merites is eternall life giuen vnto vs as the theefe on the crosse heareth this promise To daie thou shalt be with me in Paradise Luc. 23. Neither must we dreame that the Sonne of god did merit or giue vnto vs a preparation onelie to eternall life but let that most comfortable saying of Hosee be alwaies in our sight O death I will be thy death O hell I wil be thy destruction For the Sonne of God thorough him we are deliuered form eternal death translated into life eternall as he saith I giue vnto them eternall life And. 1. Ioh. 5. He that hath the Sonne hath life And let hope be sure firme as Peter saith 1. Pet. 1. Hope perfectlie that is looke for eternall life not with doubtfull opinion in an assured hope to wit for the Mediatours sake And Augustine saith well in his booke of meditations The certainetie of our whole confidence consisteth in the blood of Christ Let vs holde both these points assuredlie that he which repenteth doth freelie by faith receiue remission of sinnes and iustification for the Sonne of god his sake and that he is an heire of eternall life as Paull saith Rom. 8. As many as are led by the spirit of God they are the Sonnes of God And if they be children they are also the heiresof God Yet notwithstanding this also is true that they which doe shake of the holie ghost falling from faith or sinning grieuouslie against their conscience and doe not returne vnto God by repentance are not heires as it is saide Gal. 5. They which do such things shall not inherit the kingdome of God And. 1. Tim. 2. Fight a good fight hauing faith and a good conscience which some haue put awaie and as concerning faith haue made shipwracke And Math. 25. I was hungrie and ye gaue me not to eate And These shall goe into euerlasting punishment but the righteous shall goe into life eternall Now although life eternall life is giuen to the regenerate for the Sonne of god yetwithall it is also a rewarde of good workes as it is said Your reward is plentifull in heauen as a patrimonie is the reward of the laboures of a sonne although it be giuen to the sonne for an other cause Moreouer god hath added vnto good workes certaine promises of his and therefore euen for the good workes of holie men God doth giue spirituall and corporall gifts euen in this life and that diuerselie as it seemeth good to his vnspeakable wisedome 1. Tim. 4. Godlines hath the promises of the life present of that that is to come Marc. 10. They shall receiue a hundred folde in this life but with tribulation and after this life eternall life Mat. 10. Whosoeuer shall giue vnto one of these little ones to drinke a cup of colde water onelie in the name of a disciple he shall not loose his rewarde Luc. 6. Giue and it shall be giuen to you Exod. 20. Honoure thy Father and thy Mother that thou maiest liue long vpon earth Isa 33. Bread shal be giuen him and his waters shal be sure they shall see the King in his glorie that is for obedience and good workes God doth giue quiet common weales an honest meeke gouernement c. Isa 58. Breake thy breade to the hungrie and thou shalt be as a garden that is watered c. The example of the widow at Sarepta is well knowne and the Psalmist saith Substance and riches are in his house For seeing that God in this mortall and miserable life doth gather his Church and will haue it to be an honest congregation he giueth there unto many places of entertainement he giueth nestes to godlie poore families for the bringing vp of their children and for the spreading abroad of doctrine to conclude he will preserue the societie of mankinde householdes and common weales and that to this ende that a Church may be gathered Therefore he giueth sometime a gouernment not troublesome peace a fruitfull land other good thinges for the prayers of holie men for their diligence and for common necessities sake as for Ioseph Naaman Daniel those kingdomes wherein they liued ●lorished the more And Ierem. 19. The banished in Babylon are commaunded to praie for the peace and holsome gouernment of that place where they were intertayned So also often times punishments are heaped vp for the sinnes of the Chuch as is to be seene in the punishment of the tribe of Beniamin Dauid and others Now god will haue vs to vnderstand that these benefits are necessarie for the bodie and to know that they be giuen of god in asking of them he will haue our faith to be exercised as we shall declare more at large in a fit place At this time we haue therefore added these few thinges that in this confession there might be also a Testimonie in our Churches that this true and necessarie doctrine touching good workes is faithfullie laide open OVT OF THE CONFESSION OF WIRTEMBERGE Of Iustification CHAP. 5. WE beleeue and confesse that to do and practize such righteousnes as is acceptable to God these vertues be necessarie Faith hope and loue and that man can not of him-selfe conceiue these vertues but doth receiue them of the fauour and grace of God and that faith doth worke by loue But we think that their iudgement doth
come to yeares ought to do their endeuour that they may learne to acknowledge and know what holie Baptisme is and therewithall the Catholike and Christian faith without which Baptisme auaileth nothing to the end that afterward when they do desire to be partakers of the Lord his Supper they may with their owne mouthes and of their owne accorde make profession of their faith and may renew their sanctification by which they were consecrated to the Lord. And such that is which are thus instructed our ministers receiue vnto this couenant of holie Baptisme and by the laying on of hands do testify to them that grace is conteined in baptisme to strengthen them to the warfarre of faith and so after a conuenient and godlie manner and with vse of pure ceremonies and such as are profitable to edifying they bring them to the Sacrament of the Lords Supper without any reiteration of Baptisme as there are euident tokens and examples to be seene of this matter in the primitiue Church which is the true and best maistresse of the posterie and goeing before leadeth vs the waie For if so be that a man should euen after a true manner enioy the Baptisme of Christ and should by meanes hereof be buried with Christ into his death to newnes of life if afterward his life beeing prolonged he should not according to the doctrine of the holie Gospell shew forth a true and liuelie faith in Iesus Christ brotherlie loue towardes all those that are consecrated to the Lorde and so should leade a life vnworthie his place or calling and vnworthy of God and his neighbour and should not in baptisme conceiue a liuelie hope of life euerlasting such a one should assuredlie giue certaine testimonie of himselfe that he had in vaine receiued grace in holie Baptisme wherein the name of the holie Trinitie was called on ouer him the which thing God the Lord as his worde declareth suffereth by no meanes to escape vnreuenged or vnpunished OVT OF THE FRENCH CONFESSION WE acknowledge that there be two onelie Sacraments common to the wholl Church whereof the the first is Baptisme the which is giuen to vs to testifie our adoption because that therein we are ingrafted into Christs bodie that being washed in his bloode we maie also be renued to holines of life by his Spirit This also we saie Although we are baptized but once yet the fruit of Baptisme doth pertaine to the wholl course of our life that this promise to wit that Christ wil alwaies be vnto vs sanctifi ation iustification maie be sealed vp in vs with a sure and firme seale Further more although Baptisme be a sacrament of faith and repentance yet seeing that God doth together with the Parentes account their posteritie also to be of the Church we affirme that infantes being borne of holie parents are by the authoritie of Christ to be baptized We saie therefore that the element of water be it neuer so fraile doth notwithstanding truelie witnes or confirme vnto vs the inward washing of our soules in the bloode of Iesus Christ by the vertue and efficacie of the holie ghost OVT OF THE ENGLISH CONFESSION WE saie that baptisme is a sacrament of the remission of sinnes and of that washing which we haue in the blood of Christ and that no person which will professe Christes name ought to be restrained or kept backe there from no not the verie babes of Christians forsomuch as they be borne in sinne and pertaine vnto the people of God OVT OF THE CONFESSION OF BELGIA WE beleeue and confesse that Iesus Christ which is the ende of the law hath by his owne blood shedding made an ende of all other propitiatorie sacrifice for sinnes Also that Circumcision which was done by blood being abolished he hath instituted Baptisme in the place therof whereby we are receiued into the Church of god and separated from all other nations and all kinde of straunge religions being consecrated vnto him alone whose badge and cognisance we weare Finallie Baptisme is a token vnto vs that he wilb our God for euer whoe also is our gratious father Therefore the Lord hath commaunded all his to be baptized with pure water In the name of the Father the Sonne and the holie Ghost To signifie that the bloode of Christ doth internallie through the operation of the Spirit performe effect that in the soule which water doth externallie worke in the bodies For as water being poured vpon vs and appeering in the bodie of him that is baptized moistning the same doth wash awaie the filthines of the body so the blood of Christ washing the soule doth clense it from sinne and doth make vs the sonnes of God which before were the children of wrath Not that this materiall water doth these things but the sprinckling of the precious blood of the Son of God which is vnto vs as the read sea where though we must passe that we may depart from the tyranny of Pharoh that is the Deuill and enter into the spirituall lande of Canaan Therfore the ministers verilie doe deliuer vnto vs the sacramentes and the visible thing but it is the Lorde himself that giueth it vnto vs that is represented by the sacrament namelie the giftes and inuisible graces washing purifying and clensing our soules from all spottes and iniquiries renuing in like manner and filling our heartes with all comforte and to conclude giuing vnto vs a certaine persuasion of his Fatherlie goodnes clothing vs with the new man and putting of the old man with all his deeds For these causes doe we beleeue that euerie one that desireth to obtaine eternall life ought to be baptized with one baptisme and that once alone which neuer afterwardes is to be iterated seeing that we cannot be borne twise Neither doeth this baptisme profit vs onelie at that moment when the water resteth vpon vs when we are sprinckled with it but it is auaileable throughout the wholl time of our life Therefore here we doe det●st the errour of the Anabaptistes whoe are not onelie content with one only baptisme and that once receiued but doe also condemne the Baptisme of infants yea of those that be borne of faithfull Parentes but we by the same reason doe beleeue that they ought to be baptized and sealed with the signe of the couenant for the which in time past the infants amongst the Israelites were circumcised that is by reason of the same promises made vnto our infantes that were made vnto others And verilie Christ hath no lesse shed his blood to wash the infantes of the faithfull then he did for the washing of those that are of riper yeres Therefore it is meet that that they should receiue the signe or sacrament of the thing which Christ hath wrought for their sakes as in the law the Lord commaundeth that the sacrament of the death and passion of Christ should be communicated to children new borne by offering vp the lambe
was sufficientlie confirmed by such miracles as that wounderfull gift of tongues did cease so also the ceremone of laying on of handes whereby that gift was giuen did altogether as touching this thing cease Otherwise of a shadowe we must make a general Sacrament of the Church and those that are sicke must be shadowed ouer because that manie were healed by the shadowe of Peter In like sort we must make a generall Sacrament of the laying one of napkines because that manie were healed of their diseases when Paulls napkins were layde vpon then and we must ●e vpon the dead because that Paule by stret●ching himselfe vpon a young man did raise him vp from death And yet the Pastours of Churches must not haue libertie to haue no regard to instruct children and youth i● that doctrine which is in deede Godlie but they must be forced hereunto to teach the Catechisme verie diligently OVT OF THE CONFESSION OF SVEVELAND Of Baptisme CHAP. 17. AS touching Baptisme we confesse that which the Scripture doth in diuerse places teach thereof that we by it are buried into the death of Christ made one body and doe put on Christ that it is the fonte of regeneration washeth awaie sinnes and saueth vs. But all these thinges we do so vnderstand as Saint Peter hath interpreted them where he saith To the figure whereof Baptisme that now is ●●swering doth also saue vs not by putting awaie of the filthe of the flesh but the profession of a good conscience toward God For without faith it is impossible to please God And we are saued by grace and not by our workes And seeing that Baptisme is a Sacrament of that couenant which God hath made with those that be his promising that he will be their god the god of their seede and that he will be a reuenger of wronges and take them for his people to conclude seeing it is a token of the renuing of the Spirit which is wrought by Christ therfore our Preachers do teach that it is to be giuen to Infants also as well as that in times past vnder Moses they were circumcised For we are in deed the Children of Abraham and therefore that promise I will be thy God and the God of thy seed doth no lesse perteine vnto vs then it did to that auncient people THE FOVRTENTH SECTION OF THE HOLIE SVPPER OF the Lord. THE LATTER CONFESSION OF HELVETIA Of the holie Supper of the Lord. CHAP. 21. THE Supper of the Lord which is also called the Lords table and the Eucharist that is a thanksgiuing is therefore commonlie called a supper because it was instituted of Christ in that his last supper and doth as yet represent the same and in it the faithfull are spirituallie fed and nourished For the author of the supper of the Lord is not an Angell or man but the verie sonne of God our Lord Iesus Christ who did first of all consecrate it to his Church And the same blessing consecration doth stil remaine amongst all those who celebrate no other supper but onelie that which the Lord did institute at that do recite the words of the supper of the Lord and in all things looke vnto Christ onelie by a true faith at whose hands as it were they doe receiue that which they do receiue by the ministerie of the ministers of the Church The Lord by this sacred rite would haue that great benefit to be kept in fresh remembrance which he did for mankinde to weet that by giuing vp his bodie to death and shedding his blood he hath forgiuen vs all our sinnes and redemed vs from eternall death and the power of the deuill and doth now feede vs with his flesh and giueth vs his blood to drink which things being apprehended hended spirituallie by a true faith doe nourish vs vp to life euerlasting And this so great a benefit is renued so oft as the supper is celebrated For the Lord said Doe this in remembrance of me By this holy Supper also it is sealed vp vnto vs that the very body of Christ was truelie giuen vp for vs and his blood was shed for the remission of our sinnes lest that our faith might somewhat wauer And this is outwardlie represented vnto vs by the minister in the sacrament after a visible manner and as it were laid before our eies to be seene which is inwardlie in the fonte muisiblie performed by the holie Ghost Outwardlie bread is offered by the minister and the wordes of the Lord are heard Receiue eate this is my bodie take it and deuide it amongest you drink ye all of this this is my blood Therefore the faithfull do receiue that which is giuen by the minister of the Lord do eat the bread of the Lord drinke of the Lordes cuppe But yet by the working of Christ through the holy ghost they receiue also the flesh blood of the Lord and do feede on them to life euerlasting For the flesh blood of Christ is true meat drink vnto euerlasting life yea Christ himselfe in that he was deliuered for vs and is our sauiour is that special thing and substance of the supper and therefore we suffer no thing to be put in his place But that it maie the better and more plainlie be vnderstood how the flesh and blood of Christ are the meat and drink of the faithfull and are receiued by the faithfull to life euerlasting we will adde moreouer these four things Eating is of diuerse sortes for there is a corporall eating whereby meat is taken into a mans mouth chewed with the teeth and is swallowed downe into the bellie After this manner did the Capernaits in times past think that they should eat the flesh of the Lord but they are confuted by him Iohn 6. For as the flesh of Christ can not be eaten bodilie without great wickednes crueltie so is it not meat for the belly as all men do confesse We therfore disalow that Canon in the Popes decrees Ego Berengarius de consecrat Distinct. 2 For neither did godlie antiquitie beleeue neither yet doe we beleeue that the bodie of Christ can be eaten corporallie and essentiallie with a bodilie mouth There is also a spirituall eating of Christs bodie not such a one whereby it maie be thought that the verie meat is changed into the spirit but wherby the Lords body blood remaining in their own essence and propriety those things are spiritually communicated vnto vs not after a corporall butafter a spiritual manner through the holy Ghost who dothapply and bestow vpon vs those things to wit remission of sinnes deliuerance and life euerlasting which are prepared for vs by the flesh and blood of our Lord which were giuen for vs so as Christ doth now liue in vs and we liue in him and doth cause vs to apprehend him by a true faith to this end that he maie become vnto vs such a spirituall meat and drink that is
of the Church We therefore disalow them which haue taken from the faithfull one part of the sacrament to wit the Lordes cuppe For these doe verie grieuouslie offend against the institution of the Lorde who saith drinke you all of this which he did not so plainlie saie of the bread VVhat manner of Masse it was that the Fathers vsed whether it were tollerable or intollerable we doe not now dispute But this we saie freelie that the Masse which is now vsed throughout the Romish Church for manie and moste iust causes is quite abolished out of our Churches which particularlie we will not now recite for breuities sake Truelie we could not like of it because that of a moste wholsome action they haue made a vaine spectacle also because it is made a meritorious matter and is said for monie likewise because that in it the Priest is saide to make the verie bodie of the Lorde and to offer the same reallie euen for the remission of the sinnes of the quicke and the dead Adde this also that they doe it for the honor worship and reuerence of the sainctes in heauen c. OVT OF THE FORMER CONFESSION OF HELVETIA Of the Lords Supper WE saie that the supper is a mystical thing wherein the Lord doth in deede offer vnto those that are his his body blood that is himselfe to this end that he may more more liue in them and they in him not that the bodie blood of the Lord are either naturallie vnited to bread and wine or be locallie here inclosed or be placed here by anie carnall presence but that bread and wine by the institution of the Lord are signes whereby the true communication of his bodie and blood is exhibited of the Lord himselfe by the ministerie of the Church not to be meate for the bellie which doth perish but to be nourishmet vnto eternal life We doe therefore vse this holie meat oftentimes because that beeing admonished hereby we doe with the eies of faith beholde the death and bloode of Christ crucified and meditating vpon our saluation not without a taste of heauenlie life and a true sense of life eternall we are refreshed with this spirituall liuelie inward foode with an vnspeakeable sweetnes and we doe reioyce with a ioye that cannot be expressed in wordes for that life which we haue found and ●e doe whollie and with al our strength powre out thankesgiuing for so wonderfull a benefit of Christ bestowed vpon vs. Therfore we are most vnworthelie charged of some who think that we do attribute very l●●le to these holy signes For these thinges be holie and to be reuerenced as those which were instituted receiued of our high Priest Christ exhibiting vnto vs after their manner as we haue said the things signified giuing witnes of the things done representing verie difficult things vnto vs and by a certaine wonderfull Analogie of thinges signified bringing light to those moste euident mysteries Moreouer they minister aide helpe euen to faith it selfe and to conclude they doe serue in stead of an othe to binde him that is entered into the profession of Christianitie Thus holilie doe we thinke of the sacred signes But we doe alwaies attribute the force and vertue of quickning and sanctifying to him whoe is life it selfe to whome be praise for euer Amen Out of the declaration of the same confession Of the holie Supper of the Lord. THe Supper of the Lord is a Sacrament to wit the holie institution of the Lorde whereby he doth renue and witnes vnto vs his bountifullnes to wit the communion of his bodie and bloode and that by a visible signe For by bread and wine he doth declare vnto vs what he giueth namelie himselfe to be the nourishment of our life for he by his bodie and bloode doth feede vs to life eternall Therefore the verie gift of God that is the bodie and bloode of the Lord to wit the bodie of the Lord deliuered vnto death for vs and his blood shed for the remission of sinnes is the chiefest parte of this Sacrament For the bodie and bloode of Christ is thus made or prepared to be the liuelie meate of our soules The Sonne of god doth die in the flesh for vs that he might quicken vs he poureth out his bloode that he might clense vs from our sinnes To conclude he raiseth vp his bodie from the dead that our bodies maie receiue hope and strength to rise againe Thus therfore doth the Lorde offer himselfe to be eaten and possessed of vs and not a certaine false imagination of a man or an idle picture in his steade For beside him there is nothing in heauen or in earth that maie feede and satiate our soules Now we do indeed eat the bodie and we do indeed drink the blood of our Lorde but not so rawlie as the Papistes haue hitherto taught to wit the breade being chaunged into naturall flesh substantiallie that is corporallie or carnallie or the bodie being included in the bread but spirituallie that is after a spirituall manner and with a faithfull minde The Lorde is eaten indeed and with fruite by faith that now he maie liue wholie in his and his in him Moreouer these holie gifes of God which are not giuen of anie other then of the Lorde himselfe according to the institution of the Lord are represented vnto vs by visible signes to wit breade and wine and offered to our senses not that we should rest in them but that our weakenes maie be helped and we maie lift vp our heartes vnto the Lorde knowing that here we must thinke vpon greater thinges to wit not of eating bread or drinking wine but of receiuing the Lord himselfe with all his giftes by a faithfull minde Therefore when the guestes see the bread on the borde they set their 〈◊〉 vpon the bodie of Christ when they see the cuppe they set their mindes vpon the bloode of Christ when they see the breade broken and the wine poured out they consider how that the bodie of Christ was tormented and his bloode poured out for their sakes as by breade the bodies are nourished and strengthened as by wine the mindes are made merie so the godlie doe beleeue that by the bodie of the Lorde deliuered vnto death for them they are fed to euerlasting life also that by his blood poured out vpon the crosse their consciences are renewed to conclude they do feel the quickning power of Christ which doth confirme them In this sorte is the supper of the Lord accomplished spirituallie thus are the bread and wine a sacrament vnto vs and not bare and naked signes Hereupon now ariseth a verie great reioycing and thankesgiuing for so great benefits also apraising and confessing of the name of God here those workes which the Lorde once finished are renued and represented but especiallie the death of the Lorde is repeated which although it once hapned and now is past yet vnto the faithfull it is
by applying of masses it should be very vncertaine and our faith trust should be transferred from Christ vnto the work of a Priest so is it come to passe as all men see Now faith placed in the work of a man is whollie condemned These arguments with sundry other do witnes for vs that the opinion of the merit and applying of the masse for the quick and the dead was for good causes misliked and reprooued Now if we would stand to consider how farre this error is spread in the Church how the number of masses increased and how through this sacrifice forgiuenes both of the fault and of the punishment is promised to the quick and the dead it wil appeare that the Church is disfigured with shameful blots by this prophanation Ther neuer fell out a waightier cause in the Church O noble Emperour or more worthy for good and learned men to debate of it is the dutie of all the Godlie with most feruent praiers to craue at gods hand that the Church might be deliuered from these foule enormities All Kings and Bishops must with all their might endeuour that this wholl matter maie be rightlie laid forth and the Church purged Sixtlie the institution of a sacrament is contrarie to that abuse For there is not a word set downe of anie oblation for the sinnes of the quick and the dead but a commaundement to receiue the bodie and bloood of Christ and to doe it in the remembrance of the benefit of Christ This remembrance doth signifie not a bare representing of the historie as it were in a shew as they dreame that are the Patrons of merit by reason of the worke wrought but it signifieth by faith to remember the promise benefit to comfort the conscience and to render thankes for so great a blessing For the principall cause of the institution was that our faith might then be stirred vp and exercised when we doe receiue this pledge of Gods grace Besides the institution ordeineth that there should be a communication that is that the ministers of the Church should giue vntoothers the bodie and blood of the Lord. And this order was obserued in the primitiue Church Saint Paull is witnes to the Corinths when as he commaundeth That one should st●● for another that there might be a common partaking of the Sacrament Now that the abuses of the priuate Masse be discouered for as much as they all for the most part were vsed for the application for the sinnes of other men and do not agree with the institution of Christ therefore they are left of 〈◊〉 our Churches And there is one common Masse appointed according to the institution of Christ wherein the Pastors of the Churches do consecrate themselues and giue vnto others the sacrament of the bodie and blood of Christ and this kinde of masse is vsed euerie holie daie and other daies also if anie be desirous to vse the sacrament Yet none are admitted to the communion except they be first tried and examined We adioyne moreouer godlie sermons according as Christ commaunded that there should be sermons when this ceremonie is vsed And in such sermons men are both taught diligentlie in other articles and precepts of the Gospel and also put in minde for what vse the sacrament was instituted to weet not that this ceremonie could merit for them remission of sinnes by the work done but that the sacrament is a testimonie and a pledge whereby Christ witnesseth vnto vs that he performeth his promises And in our sermons as men are taught diligently concerning other articles and precepts of the gospell so are they also put in minde for what vse the sacraments were instituted to weete not that the ceremonie should merit remission of sinnes by the bare work wrought but that the sacrament should be a testimonie and a pledge wherby Christ doth testifie that he performeth his promise and that his promises pertaine vnto vs that Christ giueth vs his bodie to testifie that he is effectuall in vs as in his members and his blood for a witnes vnto vs that we are washed with his blood The sacrament therefore doth profit them that do repent and seeke comfort therein and being confirmed by that testimonie do beleue that remission of sinnes is giuen them indeede and are thankfull vnto Christ for so great a benefit And so the application of the benefit of Christ is not by an other mans work but by euery mans own faith and his owne vse of the sacrament For when we in in our owne persons vse the Sacrament Christes institution of it doth belong vnto vs. This kinde of vse of the sacrament is holie and to be taught in the Churches which doth giue light vnto the doctrine of faith and of the spirituall exercises and true worship and bringeth vnto the consciences of the godlie verie great comfort and strength of faith Before these daies the Church hath beene farre otherwise taught touching the vse of the sacrament there was no word of anie thing but that this work was to be done But no man spake anie thing of faith or the comfort of consciences And mens consciences were racked with ouer great care paines of confessing themselues This they tooke to be the puritie which the gospell requireth whereas the gospell doth require true feare true faith and trust comforteth vs by the vse of this sacrament that they which do truelie repent maie assuredlie beleeue that God is become merciful vnto them by Christ though that our nature be fraile and vncleane and though that this our imperfect obedience be farre from the perfection of the law By all this that hath bene said it is cleare that the masse that is in vse amongst vs doth a gree with the institution of Christ and the manner of the primitiue Church And besides it doth notably lay open the true vse of the sacrament Such a common work was there in the Church of old time as Chrysostome doth witnes who saith that the Priest did stand at the aultar cal some vnto the communion put back others And by the decrees of the Nicen Synode it is euident that some one did celebrate the Li●urgie as the Grecians cal it and did minister the bodie and blood of the Lord to allthe rest For these are the words of the decree Let the Deacons in their order after the Priestes receiue the holy communion of a Bishop or of a Priest Here he doth expresselie say that the Priestes did receiue the sacrament of some one that ministred it And before Gregories time there is no mention of anie priuate Masse But as oft as the olde writers speake of a Masse it is euidēt that they speak of a Masse that was common Seeing therefore that the rite and manner of the masse vsed with vs hath authority out of scripture example from the olde Church and that we haue onelie reiected certaine intollerable abuses we hope that the vse of our Churches
part agree with the writinges of the Apostles and with the custome of the auncient Church euen almoste to Gregories time which thing being so the custome of our Churches is to be approoued not to be disalowed but our Aduersaries misliking our custome doe defend manie errours some more foule and grosse others coloured with new deceites Manie heretofore haue written that in the masse there is an oblation made for the quick and the dead and that it doth deserue remission of sinnes both for him that maketh it and for others euen for the workes sake And thus were most of them persuaded and as yet are like vnto the Pharisies and the heathen For after the same manner the Pharisies and the Heathen did dreame that they for the workes sake did deserue for them selues and for others remission of sinnes peace and manie other good thinges Or although those which were not so blinde did speake more modestlie and saide that they did deserue but not without the good intention of the sacrificer yet they imagined that those sacrifices were merits a raunsome By reason of this opinion there were a multitude of sacrifices and the craftie meanes of gaine were increased Such is the marchandise of Masses and the prophanation of the Lordes Supper almost throughout the wholl world But God will haue corrupt kindes of worship to be reprooued and abolished Therefore we 〈◊〉 ●implie and in deede propound the voice of God which doth condemne those errors and with all our heart we affirme before God and the wholl Church in heauen and in earth that there was one onelie sacrifice propitiatorie or whereby the wrath of the eternall Father against mankinde is pacified to wit the wholl obedience of the Sonne of God our Lord Iesus Christ who was crucified and raised vp againe This is that onelie Lambe which taketh awaie the sinnes of the world Ioh. 1. Of th●● onelie sacrifice mention is made Heb. 10. By one onely sacrifice he made perfect for euer those that are sanctified And this sacrifice is applied to euerie one by their owne faith when they heare the Gospell and vse the sacraments as Paull saith Rom. 3. Whome God hath set forth to be are conciliation through faith in his blood And Habac. 2. The iust shall liue by his faith And 1. Pet. 1. Being sanctified in the spirit vnto obedience and sprinkling of the blood of Iesus Christ Other sacraments in the old Testament were typicall wherof we shal speake more at large in their place they did not deserue anie remission of sinnes and all the righteousnes of holie men at all times were are and shall be sacrifices of praise which do not deserue remission either for them that did offer them or for others but they are seruices which euerie one ought to performe and are acceptable to God for the Mediatours and our high priest the Sonne of God his sake as it is said Heb. 13. By him we offer the sacrifice of praise alwaies to God That this is an vnchangeable and eternal truth it is most manifest And whereas certaine fragments which they call the Canons of the masse are alledged against this so cleare light of the trueth it is also manifest that the Greeke and Latine Canons are verie vnlike the one to the other and that the Greeke Canons do disagree among themselues in a most waightie matter and it appeareth that in the Latine Canon manie iagges peeces were by litle litle patched together of ignorant authors The auncient Church doth vse the names of Sacrifice and oblation but therby it vnderstandeth the whole action prayers a taking of it a remembrance faith a confession and thanksegiuing This wholl inward and outward action in euerie one that is turned to God and in the wholl Church is indeede a sacrifice of praise or thankesgiuing and a reasonable seruice And when the Lord saith Ioh. 4. The true worshippers shall worship the lord in spirit and in trueth he affirmeth that in the new testament outward sacrifices are not commaunded which of necessitie should be made although there were no motions of the holie ghost in the heart as in the law it was necessarie that the ceremonie of the Passe ouer should be kept But touching the supper of the Lord it is said 1. Cor. 11 Let euerie man examine him-selfe c. So the supper of th● Lord doth profit him that vseth it when as he bringeth with him repentance and faith and another mans work doth nothing at all profit him Furthermore concerning the dead it is manifest that all this shew is repugnant to the wordes of the institution of the Supper wherein it is said Take ye eat ye c. Doe ye this in remembrance of me What doth this apperteine to the dead or to those that be absent and yet in a great part of Europe manie masses are said for the dead also a great number not knowing what they do do read Masses for a reward But seing that all these things are manifestlie wicked to wit to offer as they speake to the end that they maie deserue for the quick and the dead or for a man to do he knoweth not what they do horriblie sinne that retaine and defend these mischieuous deeds And seeing that this ceremony is not to be taken for a sacramēt without the vse wherunto it was ordeined what manner of Idolworship is there vsed let godlie and learned men consider Also it is a manifest prophanation to carie about parte of the Supper of the Lord and to worship it where a parte is vtterlie transferred to an vse cleane contrarie to the first Institution whereas the text saith Take eat and this shew is but a thing deuised of late To conclude what be the manners of manie Priestes and Monks in all Europe which haue no regard of this saying 1. Cor. 11 Let euerie man examine him-selfe Also Whosoeuer taketh it vnworthelie shall be guiltie of the bodie and bloode of the Lord. Euerie man of him-selfe doth know these things Now although the chiefe Bishopes and hypocrites who seeke delusions to establish these euills doe scoffe at these complaintes yet it is most certaine that God is greeuouslie offended with these wicked deeds as he was angrie with the people of Israell for their prophanations of the sacrifices And we do see euident examples of wrath to wit the ruines of so many kingdomes the spoile and waste that the Turkes doe make in the worlde the confusions of opinions and many moste lamentable dissipations of Churches But O Sonne of God Lorde Iesus Christ which wast crucified and raised vp againe for vs thou which art the high priest of the Church with true sighes we beseech the that for thine and thy eternall Fathers glorie thou wouldest take awaie Idolls errours and abominations and as thou thy selfe didst praie Sanctifie vs with thy trueth and kindle the light of thy Gospell and true inuocation in the heartes of many and bowe our heartes to true obedience that
the Ministerie of the Gospell arising not of the Gospell it selfe but of the contempt of the Gospell But this application of the similitude of the keies for the opening of all mens consciences which this Confession doth often vse seemeth to be somewhat farre from the meaning of Christ Vpon the same That the Priest in deede Touching the name of Priestes looke the 2. obseruation vpon the former Confession of Heluetia Againe it must be vnderstood that when the question is of Ecclesiasticall Censures the lawful intelligence of the S●●gniorie muste goe before the Priestes iudgeing That which is said touching power or authority must be vnderstood of ciuill power which Ecclesiastical functions haue not at all or else of the authority of making lawes to mens consciences which resteth whollie in Christ the onely lawgiuer according to whose prescript and appointment his ministers ought to iudge and determine in the Churches Vpon the same Yea and the Bishop of Rome a litle after except he go to worke By Bishop vnderstand not him that now sitting Pope at Rome is called of other and termeth himselfe vniuersall Bishop but such a Pastor as being lawfully called in the Church of Rome if there were anie true Church to be found did with his fellowe laborers discharge a Christian ministerie Vpon the Confession of Auspurge No more then doth the skill of Musick namely because it hath a diuerse scope not that there is no more affinite or agreement betweene the Ecclesiasticall ministerie and the ciuill gouernment then between a musition and a magistrate when as they do both tend directly vnto the selfe same onely though by means distinct and diuerse one from the other and also both the Ministers in matters ciuill be subiect to the Magistrate and the Magistrate in matters belonging to conscience is subiect to the Ecclesiasticall ministerie and one doth leane and stay it selfe vpon the other and one aid and succour the other Von the same The Magistrate is to defend not the minde but the bodies This also is to be vnderstood as that notwithstanding this the Magistrate is the keeper and defender of both tables of this lawe Vpon the same If so be the Bishops haue c. This do we also acknowledge to be most true but we saie that it was neither lawfull for the Princes to deriue this power vnto Bishoppes nor for the Bishops to take it when it was offered because the Lord hath so distinguished these two as he hath also seuered them the one from the other And the Apostle doth expresly forbid ministers to entangle themselues in the things of this life yea and the Apostles them selues did cast of euen the care of the almes from themselues vnto the Deacons that they might attend vpon the word and praiers Vpon the same To debarre the wicked c. To wit by the iudgement and verdict of the Presbyterie lawfullie gathered together and not by the will and determination of anie one man as was noted before in the third obseru vpon the English Confession Vpon the same The Churches must performe vnto them To wit to the Ministers of the word and to the Elders and not to such alone as now by the law of man carie the name of Bishops as proper and peculiar to themselues alone which is common to all Pastors equallie as Hierome can testifie Vpon the same If so be they haue anie other power c. they haue it by mans law It seemeth the band of marriage should be excepted the knowledge whereof by Gods law belongeth to the Pastors and namelie in this respect that it can not be iudged firme and sure or voide and frustrate but by the worde of God according to that That which God hath coupled let not man put asunder touching which point looke the 1. obseru vpon the former confession of Heluetia and the 2. vpon the Confess of Wirtemb in the 18. Section Vpon the same Christ Though Christ would also be the Minister of the circumcision yet we would not haue him raunged in the same order with others whether they be Prophets or Apostles Vpon the Confession of Wirtemberge IF we speake of the Mediatour of praying Looke the 2. obseru vpon the Confession of Saxonie in the 1. Sect. Vpon the same That except a Priest be ordained To wit when question is of such Elders or Priests as did attend vpon the preaching of the word For there was also another fort of Elders whom the Apostle calleth gouernours 1. Cor 12. IN THE 12. SECTION Vpon the latter Confession of Heluetia THe thing signified is regeneration That is the bloode of Christ by vertue whereof we are regenerated washed from our sinnes For to speake properlie the thing signified by the water is the bloode and by sprinkling the washing from sinnes and regeneration is signified Vpon the former Confession of Heluetia THe thing it selfe is regeneration Looke the Obseruation that went next before vpon the latter Confession of Heluetia But the thinge is the communication of the bodie c. that is the bodie and blood of Christ communicated to vs spirituallie by faith to the remission of sinnes and to eternal life Vpon the declaration of the said former Confession of Heluetia Visiblie shew that is shew by setting forth visible signes Vpon the same The Minister doth conuert To wit as the instrumentall outward cause which the holie spirit vseth to work those things inwardlie which are preached to vs outwardlie Vpon the confession of Basill TO testifie our faith Hereunto adde also the other endes and effectes which are more fullie set forth in other confessions Vpon the confession of Bohemia EIther entirelie Entire that is lawfull libertie such as ●oth agree with Christ his institution Vpon the same They doe alwaies exercise their vertue This must warilie be vnderstood For properlie the sacramentes doe witnes seale or confirme no other thing but grace and saluation The condemnation of such as vse them vnworthelie doth not flow from anie vertue or power of the sacraments which doth auaile onelie to saluation but onelie from the fault of the vnworthe themselues whereby it commeth to passe and that by an accident that whilest they receiue the signes alone and that vnworthely they depriue themselues of the vertue of the sacramentes and yet for all that they cease not on gods behalfe to be perfect sacraments whether they be giuen to the worthie or to the vnworthie touching which point loke after in the 14. Section the 1. and 2. obseruations vpon the confession of Auspurge IN THE 13. SECTION Vpon the lattter Confession of Heluetia THat is the most perfect forme of Baptisme c. Vnderstand by forme the externall ceremonie whether it be of dipping or of sprinkeling Vpon the same We thinke them nothing necessarie c. Yea we haue vtterlie reiected some of them as meere superstitious some as beeing manifestlie brought
they cease to be right sacraments of Christ Iesus And therefore it is that we fl●● the societie with the papisticall Church in participation of their sacraments first because their ministers are no ministers of Christ Iesus yea this is more horrible they suffer women whome the holie Ghost will not suffer to teach in the congregation ●o baptize and secondlie because they haue so adulterated both the one sacrament and the other with their owne inuentions that no parte of Christes action abideth in the originall puritie For oile salte spattle and such like in baptisme are but mens inuentions adoration veneration bearing through streetes and townes keeping of bread in boxes or boists are prophanation of Christes sacraments and no vse of the same For Christ Iesus saide Take eate c. Doe you this in rememberance of me By which words and charge he sanctitied bread and wine to be the Sacrament of his holy body and bloode to the end that the one should be eaten and that all should drinke of the other and not that they should be kept to be worshipped and honoured as God as the Papists haue done heretofore who also haue committed sacriledge stealing from the people the one part of the sacrament to wit the blessed cup. Moreouer that the sacraments be rightlie vsed it is required that the end cause for which sacraments were instituted be vnderstanded and obserued as well of the Minister as by the receiuers For if the opinion be changed in the receiuer the right vse ceaseth which is most euident by the reiection of the sacrifices as also if the teacher plainlie teach false doctrine which were odious and abhominable before God albeit they were his own ordinance because the wicked men vse them to another end then God hath ordained The same we affirme of the Sacraments in the Papistical Church in which we affirme the wholl action of the Lord Iesus to be adultered as well in the externall forme as in the end and opinion What Christ Iesus did and commaunded to be done is euident by the Euangelists and by Saint Paul what the Priest doth at his ●ul●●r we neede not to rehearse The end and cause of Christes institution and why the selfe same should be vsed is expressed in these wordes Doe ye this in rememberance 〈◊〉 me As of●e as you shall eate this breade and drinke of this ●uppe you shall shew foorth that is extoll preach magnifie and praise the Lordes death till he come But to what ende and in what opinion the Priestes saie their masse let the wordes of the same their owne Doctours and writings 〈◊〉 wit that they as mediatours betwixt Christ and his Church do offer vnto God the father a sacrifice propitiatory for the sinnes of the quick and the dead which doctrine as blasphemous to Christ Iesus and making derogation to the 〈◊〉 of his onelie sacrifice once offered for purgation of all those that shall be sanctified we vtterlie abhorre detest and renounce To whome sacraments appertaine WE confesse and acknowledge that baptisme apperteineth as wel to the infants of the faithfull as vnto them that be of age and discretion And so we damne the error of the Anabaptistes who denie baptisme to apperteine to children before they haue faith and vnderstanding But the supper of the Lord we confesse to appertein to such onelie as be of the housholde of saith and can trie examine themselues as well in their faith as in their dutie towardes their neighbours Such as eat and drink at that holie table without faith or being at dissention with their breethren do eat vnworthelie and therefore it is that in our Church our ministers take publike and particular examination of the knowledge and conuersation of such as are to be admitted to the table of the Lord Iesus Of the ciuill maigistrates WE confesse and acknowledge Empires kingdomes dominions and cities to be distincted and ordained by God the powers and authoritie in the same be ●t of Emperours in their empires of Kinges in their realmes Dukes and Princes in their dominions and of other magistrates in their cities to be Gods holy ordinance ordained for manifestation ofhis owne glorie and for the singular profitte and commoditie of mankinde so that whosoeuer goeth about to take away or to confound the whol state of ciuill pollicies now long established we affirme the same men not onelie to be enimies to mankinde but also wickedlie to fight against Gods expressed wil. We farther confesse acknowledge that such persons as are placed in authoritie are to be beloued honored feared and holden i● moste reuerent estimation because they are the lieuete●an●es of God in whose seates God himselfe doth sit and ●●●ge yea euen the iudges and Princes themselues to whome by God is giuen the sworde to the praise and defence of good men and to reuenge and punish all malefactours Moreouer to Kinges Princes Rulers and Magistrates we affi me that chiefelie and moste principallie the conseruation and purgation of the Religion appertaineth so that not onelie they are appointed for ciuill pollicie but also for manteinance of the true Religion and for suppressing of idolatrie and superstition whatsoeuer As in Dauid Iosaphat Ezcehias Iosias and others highlie commended for their zeale in that case maie be espied And therefore we confesse and auow that such as resist the supreame power doing that thing which appertaineth to his charge do resist gods ordinance and therefore cannot be guiltles And farther we affirme that whosoeuer denie vnto them their aide counsell and comforte whilest the Princes and rulers vigilantlie trauell in execution of their office that the same men denie their helpe support and counsell to God who by the presence of his lieftenant doth craue it of them The giftes freelie giuen to the Church ALbeit that the word of God truelie preached and the Sacraments rightlie ministered and discipline executed according to the word of God be the certaine and infallible signes of the true Church yet we meane not that euery particuler person ioyned with such company is an elect member of Christ Iesus For we acknowledge and confesse that darnell cockell and chaffe maie be sowen grow and in great aboundance lie in the middest of the wheat that is the reprobate maie be ioyned in the societie of the elect and maie externallie vse with them the benefites of the word and sacramentes But such being but temporall professors in mouth and not in heart doe fall backe and continue not to the end And therefore they haue no fruit of Christs death resurrection nor ascension but such as with heart vnfainedlie beleeue and with mouth boldlie confesse the Lord Iesus as before we haue said shall moste assuredlie receiue these giftes First in this life the remission of sinnes and that by onelie faith in Christes blood In so much that albeit sinne remaine and continuallie abide in these our mortall bodies yet it is not imputed vnto vs but is remitted and couered with Christes
and Sauiour namelie his conception in the wombe of the Virgine Marie and his birth of her also for he was made the seede of the woman also his afflictions his rising againe from death his sitting at the right hand of God where he hath obtained the dignitie of a Priest and King of which thing the wholl life of Dauid was a certaine type for which cause the Lorde calleth himselfe another Dauid a Shepheard And this was the Gospell of those holy men before the law was giuen and since And Chapter the 6. a litle from the beginning For this is verie certaine that after the fall of Adam no man was able to set himselfe at libertie out of the bondage of sinne death and condemnation or come to be trulie reconciled vnto God but onelie by that one Mediator betweene God and man Christ Iesus through a liuelie faith in him who alone by his death and blood shedding tooke from vs that image of sinne and death and put vpon vs by faith the image of righteousnes and life For he made vnto vs of God wisedome righteousnes sanctification and redemption But firstmen are taught that these things are to be beleeued concerning Christ namelie that he is eternal of the nature of his heauenlie father the onelie begotten sonne begotten from enerlasting and so together with the Father and the holie Ghost one true and indiuisible God the eternall not created worde the brightnes and the Image or ingrauen forme of the person of his Father by whome all thinges as well those thinges which maie be seene as those which can not be seene and those thinges which are in heauen and those which are in the earth were made and created Moreouer that he is also a true and natural man our brother in verie deed who hath a soule and a bodie that is true and perfect humane nature which by the power of the holie Ghost he tooke without all sinne of Marie a pure Virgine according as S. Iohn saith The worde was made flesh And thus of these two natures their properties not being changed nor confounded yet by a wonderfull communication thereof there is made one indiuisible person one Christ Immanuell our King and priest our redeemer our Mediatour and perfect reconciler full of grace and trueth so that of his fullnes we all doe take grace for grace For the law was giuen by Moses but grace and trueth was giuen and exhibited by Iesus Christ being God and man in one person This grace and trueth are our men taught to acknowledge and by faith to beholde in all those sauing and wonderful works or affections of Christ which according to the meaning of the holie Scripture are by a stead fast faith to be beleeued and professed such as are his comming downe from heauen his conception birth torments death buriall refurrection ascension vnto heauen sitting at the right hand of God and his comming againe from thence to iudge both the quicke the dead In these principal affections as in a chest wherin treasure is kept are al those holsome fruits of our true iustification laide vp and are taken out from thence for the elect and those which doe beleeue that in Spirit and conscience they may be partakers thereof through faith which all hereafter at the daie of our ioyfull resurrection shall be fullie and perfectlie bestowed vpon vs. And towardes the ende of that Sixth Chapter these words are added In this Chapter also particularlie and for necessarie causes to shunne and auoide many pernicious and Antichristian deceites it is taught concerning Christe his presence namelie that our Lorde Christ according to his bodely cōuersation is not amongest vs any longer in this worlde neither wil be vnto the ende of the worlde in such sort and manner as he was here conuersant amongest vs in his mortalitie and wherein he was betraied and circumcised nor yet in the forme of his glorified bodie which he got at his resurrection and in the which he appeared to his disciples the for●●eth day after his resurrection departing from them ascended manifestly into heauen For after this manner of his presence companie he is in the high place with his father in heauen where al tongues professe him to be the Lord and euerie faithful one of Christ must beleeue that he is there worship him there according to the scriptures as also that part of the Catholike Christian faith doth expresselie witnes which is this He ascended into heauen he sitteth as the right hand of God the father almightie Also that other article from thence shal he come that is from an higher place out of heauen with his Angells is iudge both the quick the dead So doth Paul also say The Lord himselfe shall descend from heauen with a shoute and with the voice of an Archangell and with the trumpet of God And S. Peter saith Whom heauen must cōtaine vntil the time that al things be restored And the Euangelist Marke But when the Lord had spoken with thē he was taken vp againe into heauen sitteth at the right hand of God And the Angels which were there present whe he was taken vp into heauen said This Iesus which is taken vp from you into heauen shal so come againe as you haue seene him go into heauē Furthermore this also doe our men teach that the selfe same Christ verie God and verie man is also with vs herein this worlde but after a diuerse manner from that kinde of presence which we named before that is after a certaine spirituall manner not obiect to our eies but such a one as is hid from vs which the flesh doth not perceiue and yet it is verie necessarie for vs to our saluation that we may be partakers of him whereby he offereth and communicateth himselfe vnto vs that he may dwell in vs and we in him and this truelie he doth by the holie Ghost whome in his owne place that is in steede of his owne presence whereby he was bodelie amongst vs he promised that he would send vnto his Church and that he would stil abide with it by the same spirit in vertue grace and his holsome trueth at al times euen vntill the ende of the worlde when he said thus It is good for you that I go hence for except I go hences the comforter will not come vnto you but if I goe away I wil send him vnto you And againe I wil praie the father and he shal giue you another comforter that is another kinde of comforter then I am that he may abide i● you for euer euen the spirit of trueth whome the worlde cannot receiue because it seeth him not neither knoweth him but ye know him for he dwellesh in you shal be in you I wil not leaue you comforth but I wil come to you namelie by the selfe same spirit of trueth Now then euen as our Lord Christ
by his latter kinde of presence being not visible but spirituall is present in the ministers of the Church in the word and in the sacraments euen so also by the selfe same ministers worde and sacraments he is present with his Church and by these meanes doe the elect receiue him through inwarde faith in their heart and doe therefore ioyne themselues together with him that he maie dwell in them and they in him after such a sorte as is not apparent but hidden from the world euen by that faith spirituallie that is to saie in their soules and hearts by the spirit of truth of whome our Lord saith He abideth with you and shall be in you And I will come againe vnto you This iudgement declaration of our saith is not new or now first deuised but verie ancient Now that this was commonhe taught and meant in the Church of olde it is plaine and euident by the writinges of the auncient Fathers of the Church and by that decree wherein it is thus written and they are the wordes of Saint Augustine Our Lorde is aboue vntill the end of the worlde but the trueth of the Lorde is here also for the bodie of the Lorde wherein he rose againe must of necessitie be in one place but his truth is dispersed euerie where OVT OF THE FRENCH CONFESSION WE beleeue that whatsoeuer is requisite to our saluation is offered and communicated vnto vs now at length in that one Iesus Christ as he who beeing giuen to saue vs is also made vnto vs wisdome righteousnes sanctification and redemption in so much as whosoeuer doth swarue from him doth renounce the mercie of the Father that is our onelie refuge We beleeue that Iesus Christ being the wisdome and eternall sonne of the father tooke vpon him our nature so that he is one person God and man Man I saie that might suffer both in soule and also in bodie and made like vnto vs in all things sinne onelie excepted for that his flesh was indeede the seede of Abraham and Dauid howbeit by the secret and incomprehensible power of the holie Ghost it was conceiued in doe time in the wombe of that blessed Virgin And therefore we detest as contrarie to that truth all those heresies wherewith the Churches were troubled in times past and namelie we detest those deuillish imaginations of Seruetus who gaue to our Lord Iesus Christ an imaginarie deity whom he said to be the Idea patterne of al thinges and the counterfeit or figuratiue sonne of God to conclude he framed him a bodie compacted of three elements vncreated and therfore he did mingle and ouerthrow both his natures We beleeue that in one and the same person which is Iesus Christ those two natures are truelie and inseperablie so conioyned that they be also vnited either of those natures neuertheles retaining it distinct proprietie so that euen as in this diuine coniunction the nature of the word reteining it proprieties remained vncreate infinite and filling all places so also the humane nature remained and shall remaine for euer finite hauing it naturall forme dimension and also proprietie as from the which the resurrection and glorification or taking vp to the right hand of the father hath not taken awaie the trueth of the humane nature Therefore we do so consider Christ in his deitie that we doe not spoile him of his humanitie We beleeue that God did declare his infinite loue and goodnes towards vs in this that he hath sent his sonne who should die and rise againe and fullfill all righteousnes that he might purchase eternall life for vs. We beleeue that by that onelie sacrifice which Iesus Christ offered on the crosse we are reconciled to God that we maie be taken for iust before him because we can not be acceptable to him nor enioy the fruite of our adoption but so farre foorth as he doth forgiue vs our sinnes Therefore we affirme that Iesus Christ is our entire and perfect washing in whose death we obteine full satisfaction whereby we are deliuered from all those sinnes whereof we are guiltie and from the which we could not be acquitted by anie other remedy OVT OF THE ENGLISH CONFESSION WE beleeue that Iesus Christ the onely sonne of the eternall Father as long before it was determined before all beginnings when the fulnes of time was come did take of that blessed and pure virgine both flesh and all the nature of man that he might declare to the worlde the secret and hid wil of his father which wil had bene laide vp from before al ages and generations and that he might finish in his humane bodie the Mysterie of our redemption and might fasten our sinnes to the crosse and also that handwriting which was made against vs. We beleeue that for our sakes he died and was buried descended into hell the third daie by the power of his godhead returned to life and rose againe and that the fourth daie after his resurrection whiles his disciples beheld and looked vpon him he ascended into heauen to fullfill all things and did place in Maiestie and glorie the selfe same bodie wherewith he was borne wherein he liued on earth wherein he was iested at wherein he had suffered most painfull torments and cruell kinde of death wherein he rose againe and wherein he ascended to the right hand of the father aboue all rule aboue all power all force all Dominion and aboue euerie name that is named not onelie in this worlde but also in the worlde to come And that there he now sitteth and shall sit till all things be fully perfited And although the Maiestie and godhead of Christ be euerie where abound antlie dispersed yet we beleeue that his body as Saint Augustine saith must needes be still in one place and that Christ hath giuen Maiestie vnto his bodie but yet hath not taken awaie from it the nature of a bodie and that we must not so affirme Christ to be God that we denie him to be man and as the Martyr Vigilius saith That Christ hath left vs touching his humane nature but hath not lefe vs touching his diuine nature and that the same Christ though he be absent from vs concerning his manhead yet is euer present with vs concerning his godhead From that place also we beleeue that Christ shall come againe to execute that generall iudgement as well of them whome he shall finde aliue in the bodie as of them that shal be alreadie dead And therfore that our onelie succour and refuge is to flie to the mercie of our father by Iesus Christ and assuredlie to perswade our mindes that he is the Obteiner of forgiuenes for ●●r sinnes And that by his bloode all our spots of sinne be washed cleane That he hath pacified and set at one all things by the bloode of his crosse That he by the same one onely sacrifice which he once offered vpon the Crosse hath brought to
effect and fulfilled al things and that for that cause he said when he gaue vp the Ghost It is finished as though he would signifie that the price and r●nsome was now fully paide for the sinne of mankinde If there be any that thinke this sacrifice not sufficient let them goe in Gods name and seeke a better We verelie because we know this to be the Onely sacrifice are well content with it alone and looke for none other and forasmuch as it was to be offered but once we commaunde it not to be renewed againe and because it was full and perfit in all points and partes we doe not ordeine in place thereof any continuall succession of offerings To conclude we beleeue that this our selfesame flesh wherein we line although it die and come to dust yet at the last shall returne againe vnto life by the meanes of Christes spirit which dwelleth in vs and that then verilie whatsoeuer we suffer here in the meane while for his sake Christ will wipe awaie all teares and heauines from our eyes and that we through him shall enioie euerlasting life and shall for euer be with him in glorie So beit OVT OF THE CONFESSION OF BELGIA WE beleeue that out moste mightie and gracious God when he saw that man had thus throwen himselfe into the damnation both of spirituall and corporal death and was made altogether miserable and accursed by his wounderfull wisdome and goodnes was induced both to seek him when through feare he had fled from his presence and also most louingly to comfort him giuing vnto him the promise of his owne sonne to be borne of a woman which should breake the head of the serpent and restore him to selicitie and happines Moreouer we confesse that God did then at the length fullfill his promise made vnto the Fathers by the mouth of his holie Prophetes when in his appointed time he sent his onelie and eternall sonne into the world who toke vpon him the forme of a seruant beeing made like vnto men and did truelie take vnto him the nature of man with all infirmities belonging thereunto sinne onelie excepted when he was conceiued in the wombe of the blessed Virgine Mary by the power of the holie ghost without anie meanes of man The which nature of man he put vpon him not onely in respect of the bodie but also in respect of the soule for he had also a true soule to the intent he might be true and perfect man For seeing that as well the soule as the bodie of man was subiect to condemnation it was necessarie that Christ should take vpon him aswell the soule as the bodie that he might saue them both together Therefore contrarie to the heresy of the Anabaptists which denie that Christ did take vpon him the flesh of man we confes that Christ was partaker of flesh blood as the rest of his bretheren were that he came from the loines of Dauid according to the flesh I saie that he was made of the seede of Dauid according to the same flesh that he is a fruit of the Virgins wombe borne of a woman the branch of Dauid a flower of the roote of lesse comming of the Tribe of Iuda of the Iewes themselues according to the flesh to conclude the true seed of Abraham Dauid the which seede of Abrahame he tooke vpon him being made in all thinges like vnto his brethren sinne onelie excepted as hath beene saide before so that he is indeede our true Emmanuell that is God with is We beleeue also that the person of the sonne was by this conception inseperablie vnited and coupled with the humane nature yet so that there be not two Sonnes of God nor two persons but two natures ioyned together in one person both which natures doe still retaine their owne proprieties So that as the diuine nature hath remained alwaies vncreated without beginning of daies and terme of life filling both heauen and earth so the humane nature hath not lost his proprieties but hath remained still a creature hauing both beginning of daies a finite nature For whatsoeuer doth agree vnto a true bodie that it still retaineth and although Christ by his resurrection hath bestowed immortalitie vpon it yet notwithstanding he hath neither taken awaie the trueth of the humane nature nor altered it For both our saluation and also our resurrection dependeth vpon the trueth of Christes bodie Yet these two natures are so vnited and coupled in one person that they could not no not in his death be seperated the one from the other Wherefore that which in his death he commended vnto his father was in deed a humane spirit departing out of his bodie but in the meane season the diuine nature did alwaies remaine ioyned to the humane euen then when he la●e in the graue so that his deitie was no les●e in him at that time then when as yet he was an infant although for a small season it did not shew forth itselfe Wherefore we confesse that he is true God and true man true god that by his power he might ouercome death ●ane true man that in the infirmitie of his flesh he might d● for vs. We beleeue that God which is both perfectlie mercifull and perfectlie iust did send his sonne to take vpon him that nature which through disobedience had offended that in the selfe same nature he might satisfie for sinne and by his bitter death and passion pare the punishment that was due vnto sinne God therefore hath declared and manifested his iustice in his own sonne being loaden with our iniquities but hath most mercifullie powred forth and declared his gracious goodnes vnto vs guilty wretches and worchie of condemnation whilest that in his incomprehensible loue towards vs he deliuered vp his sonne vnto death for our sinnes and raised him vp againe from death for our iustification that by him we might obtaine immortalitie and life euerlasting We beleeue that Iesus Christ is that high priest appo●●ed to that office eternallie by the oath of his Father according to the order of Melchisede●h which offered himselfe in our name before his Father with a ful satisfaction for the pa●ifying of his wrath laying himselfe vpon the al●ar of the crosse and hath shed his blood for the clensing of our sinnes as the Prophets had fore●olde For it is written that the chastisment of our peace was laide vpon the sonne of God and by his woundes we are healed Also that he was carried as a sheepe vnto the slaughter reputed amongst sinners and vniust and condemned of Pontius Pila●e as a male factour though before he had pronounced him guiltles Therefore he payed that which he had not taken and being iust suffred in soule and bodie for the vniust in such sorte that feeling the horror of those punishments that were due vnto our sinnes be did sweate water and blood and at length cried out My God ●y God why hast
remission of sinnes which is promised to euerie one that beleeueth euen as euerie one is baptized and doe testifie of it that it doth particularlie appertaine to all Neither doe we imagine that this absolution is made anie whit more effectual for that which is mumbled into some priests eare or vpō some mans head particularly yet we iudge that men must be taught diligentlie to seeke remission of sinnes in the bloode of Christ and that euerie one is to be put in minde that forgiuenes of sinnes doth belong vnto him But how diligent and carefull euerie penitent man ought to be in the endeuour of a new life and in sleying the olde man raising vp the new man the examples in the gospel do teach vs. For the Lord saith to him whome he had healed of the palsie Behold thou art made hole sinne no more lest a worsse thing come vnto thee Likewise to the adulteres woman which was deliuered he said goe thy waie and sinne no more By which wordes he did not meane that any man could be free from sinne whiles he liued in this flesh but he doth commend vnto vs diligence and an earnest care that we I saie should endeuour by al meanes and begge of god by praier that we might not fall againe into sinne out of which we are risen after a manner and that we maie not be ouercome of the flesh the world or the deuill Zacheus the publicane being receiued into fauour by the Lorde he cryeth out in the gospell Beholde Lorde the halfe of my goods I giue to the poore if I haue taken from anie man anie thing by forged cauillation I restore him foure folde After the same manner we preach that restitution and mercie yea and giuing of almes are necessarie for them which doe truelie repent And generallie out of the Apostles words we exhort men saying Let not sinne raigne in your mortall bodie that you should obey it through the lustes thereof Neither giue ye your members as weapons of vnrighteousnes to sinne but giue your selues vnto God as they that are aliue from the dead and giue your members as weapons of righteousnes vnto God Wherefore we condemne all the vngodlie speaches of certeine which abuse the preaching of the Gospel and saie To returne vnto God it is verie easie for Christ hath purged al our sinnes Forgiuenes of sinnes is easily obteined What therefore will it hurt to sinne And we neede not take anie great care for repentance c. Notwithstanding we alwaies teach that an enterance vnto God i● open for all sinners and that this God doth forgiue all the sinnes of the faithful onelie that one sinne excepted which is committed against the holy ghost And therefore we condemne the olde and new Nouatians and Catharines and especiallie we condemne the Popes gaineful doctrine of penance and against his Simonie and Simoniacall indulgences we vse that sentence of Simon Peter Thy 〈◊〉 periesh with thee because thou thoughest that the gift of god might be bought with mony Thou hast no parte or fellowshippe in this matter for thy heart is not vpright before God We also disalow those that think that themselues by their owne satisfactions can make recompence for their sinnes committed For we teach that Christ alone by his death passion is the satisfaction propitiation and purging of all sinnes Neuertheles we cease not to vrge as was before said the mortification of the flesh and yet we adde further that it must not be proudly thrust vppon God for a satisfaction for our sinnes but must humblie as it becommeth the sonnes of god be performed as a new obedience to shew thankfull mindes for the deliuerance and full satisfaction obteined by the death and the satisfaction of the sonne of God OVT OF THE CONFESSION OF BOHEMIA CHAP. 5. NOw that we know what sinne is in the next place we are taught concerning holie repentance which doctrine doth bring great comfort to all sinners and generallie it is verie profitable and necessarie to saluation for all men as well for Christians which beginne to learne as for those which haue profited yea euen for sinners that haue fallen yet such which by the grace of God being conuerted doe repent Of this repentance Iohn Baptist did preach and after him Christ in these words Repent for the kingdom of God is at hand Afterwarde also the Apostles preached thereof throughout the wholl world for so it is written And thus it hehooued that repentance and remission of sinnes shoulde be preached in his name among all nations Now this repentance doth whollie arise out of a true knowledge of sinne and the wrath of God And to attaine vnto this knowledge we must vse the full and entire helpe of the ministerie by peaching to laie open vnto vs both the doctrine of repentance or the law touching that righteousnes which is due vnto God and the sentence of God pronounced against sin also of faith in Christ Iesus and of that holy satisfaction which he hath made for vs by suffering moste greeuous torments This repentance and sauing conuersion doth our mercifull God by his peculiar gifte offer and bestowe and he writeth the same in the hearts of the faithfull euen as he saith I will giue you a new heart and I will put my spirit in the midst of you and I will cause you to walke in my waies Againe That you maie repent of your sinnes and of your Idolatrie And againe When I was conuerted I did repent This sauing repentance which doth differ verie much from the repentance of Esau and ludas taketh it true and right beginning from this gifte of God who bestoweth it and from the sermons of the word of God whereby sinne is reprooued and it hath this in order first that it is a feare and terrour of the secret heart before God and that by repenting and sorowing it doth tremble at this iust and seuere iudgement and reuengement whereupon ariseth a heauie trembling and vnquiet conscience a troubled minde a heart so sorrowfull carefull and bruised that a man can haue no comfort with himselfe and of himselfe but his soull is full of all griefe sadnes anguish and terrour wherby he is much troubled because of the feare of that burning wrath which he seeth in the seuere countenance of God We haue an example in Dauid when he saith There is nothing sound in my flesh because of thine anger neither is there rest in my bones because of my sinnes I am become miserable and crooked verie sore I goe mourning all the daie Such a terrour and true sense of sinne doth worke in the faithful an inward chaunge of the minde and the soule and a constant detesting of sinne and the causes and occasions thereof Hereunto it is streightwaie added by diligent teaching of the troubled terrified repentant that such men ought in a sincere affection of the heart with repentance an humble
griefes that he is assured lie receiued into fauour for Christ his sake This is the proper voice of the gospel this decree is brought by the Sonne out of the bosome of the eternall father and is sealed vp by his blood and resurrection Not to assent to this wil and decree is to contemne the Sonne of God and concerning this sinne Iohn saith cap. 3. He that beleeueth not the Some the wrath of God abideth on him But he that beleeueth that his sinnes be forgiuen for this Mediatours sake he doth now certainelie receiue remission of his sinnes for Christ his sake which is effectuall in him and quickneth and sanctifieth him by his holy Spirit and being now reconciled he is vndoubtedly accounted iust for the Mediatours sake is heir of eternal life Either to omit or to corrupt or to dislike this necessarie comfort touching conuersion is as much as manifestlie to extinguish the Gospel As touching this faith absolution ought both to admonish vs and also to confirme it as Dauid was confirmed when he heard this absolution 2. Reg. 12. The Lorde hath taken awaie thy sinne So know thou that the voice of the Gospell doth declare remission vnto thee also the which remission is namelie propounded to thee in absolution Doe not thou feigne that the Gospell doth nothing at all pertaine to thee but knowe that it was therfore published that by this meanes men imbracing the Gospell might be saued and that it is the eternall and immutable commaundement of God that thou shouldest beleeue it He that doth not by this faith imbrace the Gospell but is still doubting he doth in vaine heare the absolution Whē as by this comfort the hearts are quickned are now made the dwelling places of God Then is it necessarie that they should now begin a new obedience as is saide before But to returne to wicked deedes is * to shake of God and againe to loose that righteousnes and life as Iohn saith 1 Iohn 3. He that doth righteousnes is righteous he that committeth sinne is of the deuill But we haue before rehearsed the summe of the doctrine of new obedience Of satisfaction Arti. 17. NOw what a confusion there is in their doctrine of Satisfactions which they tearme workes not due inioyned by the Church it were long to rehearse and few before these times haue vnderstoode it but we doubt not but that this wholl part also is true lie and cleerely expounded in our Churches It was a custome among our first fathers that they which defiled themselues with murther Idolls or filthie lustes should be barred their companie and chieflie from their sacrifices This custome both the Sinagogue reteined and other nations also which were not altogether sauage in Asia and in Greece In the meane time they which were defiled wandred vp downe beeing branded with the marks of their guiltines as Orestes A drastus many others This custome in the beginning did the Church also keepe Those that were defiled it seuered from the mutuall society afterward it did not sodenlie receiue those againe that did repent that it might be knowne that they did vnfeignedlie aske pardon and for examples sake it might profite others but for certaine daies absolution was deferred that they might be seene to aske pardon publikelie So was that incestuous Corinthian debarred afterward receiued againe not without deliberation 1. Cor. 5. This wholl custome was appointed for examples sake and is politicall nothing at all pertaining to the Remission of sinnes But afterward thorough superstition it so encreased that fastes and forbearing the companie of man or wife were inioyned for manie yeares When these burthens had increased too much the Bishoppes did release them againe and this release of such rites was called Indulgence The Monkes not considering the historie of these things feigned that eternall punishment might be recompensed by the punishments of Purgatorie or other punishments of this life and they added that Satisfactions were inioyned of the Church that those punishments might be mitigated and that satisfactions shoulde be workes not due by the law of God We reiect these Monkish fables which euen they themselues doe not vnderstand and we retaine moste sure rules to wit That eternall punishments are remitted together with the fault for the Sonne his sake not for anie o●● satisfactions according to that which is written in Hosea Cap. 13. O death I will be thy death O Hell I will be thy destruction Also Rom. 5. Being iustified by faith we haue peace Secondlie we saie that these not due workes whereof these men speake are not any worship of God or satisfactions but that they doe pertaine to this saying Mat. 15. They doe in vaine worship me with the commaundements of men And certainelie the power of the keies hath no commaundement to inioyne such punishments Also we feare that this applying of indulgences by which the Pope doth applie the merites of Saintes vnto others is but counterfeit and that the indulgences in times paste were nothing else but a releasing of the Canons which did nothing appertaine to those satisfactions whereof the monkes doe speake Now it is another thing to speake of satisfaction which is due as of the restoring of theft of that which hath bin gotten by vsury of another mans wife or his good name This restitution is a worke that is due pertaining to new obedience as Paull saith Eph. 4 Let him that hath stolne steale no more He that withholdeth another mans wife hath neither contrition faith nor new obedience Neither are the commaundements of god touching due satisfaction which we saie ought to be made to be mingled with those trifling songes of popish satisfactions Also this we confesse that in this life manie horrible punishments are spread ouer the Church ouer Empires ouer families for certaine sins of manie men yea euen of the Elect as the sedition that was raised vp against Dauid did not lightlie afflict that whol ciuil regiment many holy families Therfore we distinguish betwixt eternall punishment and the punishment of this life and we saie that eternall punishment is remitted onelie for the Sonne of God his sake when we are iustified and quickned by faith And albeit that euen temporall punishments are chieflie mitigated for the Sonne of God his sake who is the hearbour for the Church because this weake nature can not susteine the greatnes of the wrath of God as Daniel praieth Chap. 9. For the Lordes sake heare thou vs and haue 〈◊〉 vnto our helpe c. Yet wee teach this also that euen for the very* conuersions sake our punishments are mitigated because that in the Saints the legall promises being added to their workes are not without their effect but haue their rewardes Such a promise is this Giue and it shall be giuen vnto you And when Paull saith 1. Cor. 11. If we would iudge our selues we should not be iudged he speaketh of wholl repentance not of those moste
farre disagree from the Apostolike and Catholike doctrine who teach that man is made acceptable to God and accounted iust before god for those vertues and that when we come to stand before god in iudgement we must trust to the merittes of these vertues For man is made acceptable to god and counted iust before him for the onelie sonne of God our Lord Iesus Christ through faith and when we appeare before the iudgement seate of God we must not trust to the merit of anie of those vertues which we haue but onelie to the merit of our Lorde Iesus Christ whose merit is ours by faith And because that before the tribunall seat of God where the question is of true and eternal righteousnes and saluation there is no place at al for the merites of men but onelie for the mercie of god and the merites of our Lord Iesus Christ alone who is receiued of vs by faith therefore we think that the auncient Fathers our Elders said truelie that we are iustified before god by faith alone Rom. 3. All haue sinned and are depriued of the glorie of God and are iustified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Iesus whome God hath set forth to be a reconciliation through faith in his bloode Galat. 3. The Scripture hath concluded al vnder sinne that the promise by the Faith of Iesus Christ should be giuen to them that beleeue And Cap. 5. We thorough the spirit waite for the hope of righteousnes through faith For in Christ Iesus neither Circumcision auaileth any thing nor vncircumcision but faith which worketh by loue Hilarie saieth It offendeth the Scribes that man should forgiue sinne for they beheld● nothing but man in Iesus Christ and that he should forgiue that which the law could not release For faith alone doth iustifie Ambrose saith They are iustified freelie because that workeing nothing nor requitting any thing by faith alone they are iustified by the gift of God And againe They are euidentlie blessed whose iniquities are forgiuen without any labour or work and whose sins are couered no helpe of repentance beeing required of them but onelie this that they beleeue Manie places might be alledged as well out of the writinges of the Prophettes and Apostles as out of the holie Fathers whereby it is prooued that not onelie in the beginning through the free mercie of god these vertues to wit Faith hope and loue are giuen vnto vs but also afterward throughout our wholl life and that in our extreame necessitie we are not able to stand before the seuere tribunal seat of god but in the confidence of the onelie free fauour of god shewed vnto vs in Christ the Sonne of god For this is that both which Paul teacheth and the Ecclesiasticall writers doe interpret That we are iustified before god by faith alone Of good workes CHAP. 7. WE saie that good workes commaunded of god are necessarilie to be done and that through the free mercie of god they do deserue certaine their own either corporal or spiritual rewardes But we must not think that in the iudgement of god where the question is concerning the purging of our sins the appeasing of the wrath of god and the merit of eternall saluation we should trust to those good works which we do For al the good works which we do are vnperfect neither cā they susteine the seuerity of the iudgement of god but al our confidence is to be placed in the onelie mercie of god for his Sonne our Lord Iesus 〈…〉 his sake Psalm 142. Enter not into iudgement with 〈…〉 no flesh liuing shall be iustified in thy sight Galat. 5. 〈…〉 lu●●eth against the Spirit and the spirit against the flesh and these are contrarie one to the other so that ye cannot doe those 〈…〉 ●e woulde Rom. 7. I know that in me that is in my flesh there dwelleth no good Don. 9. We doe not present our supplications before thee for our owne righteousnes but for thy great tender mercies Augustine saith Woe to the life of man be is neuer so ●omm●ndable if thou examine i● setting thy mercie aside And againe All my hope is in the death of my Lorde His death is my meri●te my refuge saluation life and my resurrection The mercie of the Lorde is my meri●te I am not without merit so long as the Lorde of mercies is not wanting And if the mercies of the Lorde he manie I abound in merittes Gregorie saith Therefore our righteous Aduocate shall defend vs in the daie of iudgement because we know and accuse our selues to be vniust Therefore let vs not trust to our teares nor to our actions but to the alledgeing of our Aduocate Bernard saith Our reioycing is this the testimonie of our conscience not such a testimonie as that proude Pharisie had his thought being seduced and seducing him giuing witnes of himselfe and his witnes was not true But then is the witnes true when the spirit beareth witnes with our spirit Now I beleeue that this testimonie consisteth in three thinges For first of all it is necessarie to beleeue that thou canst not haue remission of sinnes but through the fauour of God Secondlie that thou canst haue no good worke at all except the also giue it to thee Lastlie that thou canst not deserue eternall life by anie workes except that also be giuen thee freelie OVT OF THE CONFESSION OF SVEVELAND Of Iustification and of Faith CHAP. 3. OVr preachers doe somewhat differ from the late receiued opinions about those things which the people were commonly taught concerning the meane wherby wee are made partakers of the redemption wrought by Christ and touching the dueties of a christian man Those points which we haue followed we will indeauour to lay open moste plainely to your sacred Maiestie and also to declare verie faithfullie those places of Scripture by which we were forced hereunto First therefore seeing that we were taught of late yeares that workes were necessarily required to iustification our preachers haue taught that this wholl iustification is to be ascribed to the good pleasure of God and to the meritte of Christ and to be receiued by Faith alone To this they were mooued especiallie by these places of Scripture As manie as receiued him to them he gaue power to be the sonnes of God euen to them that beleeue in his name which are borne not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man but of God Ioh. 1. Verilie verilie I saie vnto you except a man be borne againe a new he cannot see the kingdome of God Ioh. 3. No man knoweth the Sonne but the Father neither knoweth anie man the Father but the Sonne and he to whome the Sonne will reueale him Mat. 11. Blessed ar● thou Simon the sonne of Ionas for flesh and blood hath not reuealed this vnto thee but my Father which is in heauen Mat. 16. No man can come to me except my Father draw
themselues from the bodie of Christ Yet notwithstanding because that in Papacie there be some small tokens of a Church and the substance especiallie of Baptisme hath remained the efficacie whereof doth not depende vpon him by whome it is ministred we confesse that they which are there baptized neede not to be baptized the second time howbeit by reason of the corruptions which are mingled therewith no man can offer infants there to be baptized but that he must defile him selfe OVT OF THE ENGLISH CONFESSION WE beleeue that there is one Church of God and that the same is not shute vp as in times past emong the Iewes into some one corner or kingdome but that it is Catholike and vniuersall and dispersed throughout the wholl world So that there is now no nation which maie truelie complaine that they be shut forth and maie not be one of the Church and people of God and that this Church is the kingdome the bodie and the spouse of Christ that Christ alone is the Prince of this kingdome that Christ alone is the head of this bodie and that Christ alone is the Bridegrome of this Spouse OVT OF THE CONFESSION OF BELGIA W● beleeue and confesse that there is one Catholike or Vniuersall Church which is the true congregation or companie of all faithfull Christians which doe looke for their whol saluation from Christ alone in as much as they be washed in his bloode and sanctified and sealed by his spirit Furthermore as this Church hath beene from the beginning of the worlde so it shall continue vnto the ende thereof The which appeareth by this that Christ is our eternall King who can neuer be without subiects This Church God doth defend against all the fury and force of the world although for a small time it may seeme to be verie little and as it were vtterlie extinguished to the sight of man euen as in the perilous time of A●hab God is saide to haue reserued to himselfe seauen thousand men which bowed not their k●●e to Baall To conclude this holie Church is not situated o● limited in any set or certaine place nor yet bound and tied to any certaine and peculiar persons but spread ouer the face of the wholl earth though in minde and will by one and the same spirit through the power of faith it be wholly ioyned and vnited together We beleeue that seeing this holie company and congregation consisteth of those that are to be saued and out of it there is no saluation therefore no man of how great dignitie and preheminence so euer ought to separate and sunder himselfe from it that beeing contented with his owne solitarie estate he should liue apart by himselfe But on the contrarie side that all and euerie one are bound to associate themselues to this companie carefullie to preserue the vnitie of the Church to submit himselfe both to the doctrine discipline of the same finallie to put his necke willinglie vnder the yoke of Christ as common members of the same bodie to seeke the edification of their brethren according to the measure of gifts which God hath bestowed vppon euery one Moreouer to the end that these things may the better be obserued it is the part and duety of euery faithful man to separat himselfe according to gods word frō all those which are without the church to couple himselfe vnto this cōpany of the faithful whersoeuer god hath placed it yea though contrarie edicts of Princes and Magistrates do forbid them vpon paine of corporall death presently to ensue vpon all those which doe the same Whosoeuer therefore doe either depart from the 〈◊〉 Church o● refuse to ioyne themselues vnto it doe openlie resist the commaundement of God We beleeue that with great diligence and wisedome it ought to be searched and examined by the worde of God what the true Church is seeing that all the Sectes that at this daie haue sprung vp in the worlde doe vsurpe and falselie pretend the name and title of the Church Yet here we doe not speak● of the companie of hypocrites which together with the good are mingled in the Church though properly they ●●e not pertaine to the Church wherin they are oneli●e present with their bodies but onely of the manner how to distinguish the bodie congregation of the true Church from all other Sects which doe falslie boast that they be the members of the Church Wherefore the true Church may be dis●erned from the false by these notes First if the pure preaching of the Gospell doe florish in it if 〈◊〉 haue 〈…〉 administration of the sacraments according t● Christ his institution if it doe vse the right Ecclesiasticall 〈◊〉 for the restraining of vice Finallie to knit vp 〈…〉 word if it do square all thinges to the rule of Gods word refusing whatsoeuer is contrarie to it acknowledgeing Christ to be the onely head of the same By these notes I saie it is certaine that the true Church maie be discerned From the which it is not lawfull for any man to be seuered Now who be the true members of this true Church it maie be gathered by these markes and tokens which be common to al Christians such is faith by the vertue whereof hauing once apprehended Christ the onelie Sauiour they doe flie sinne and follow righteousnes louing the true God and their neighbours without turning either to the right hand or to the left and doe crucifie their flesh with the effectes thereof not as if no infirmity at all remained still within them but because they doe sight al their life long against the flesh by the power of the spirit hauing of ten recourse vnto the bloode death passion obedience of our Lord Christ as vnto a most safe refuge in whome alone they are assured to finde redemption for their sins through faith in him But on the other side the false Church doth alwaies attribute more vnto her selfe to her owne decrees and traditions then to the worde of God and will not suffer her selfe to be subiect to the yoke of Christ neither doth administer the Sacraments so as Christ hath prescribed but at her owne wil and pleasure doth one while adde vnto them another while detract from them Furthermore she doth alwaies leane more to men then to Christ and whosoeuer do goe about to leade a holie life according to the prescript rule of gods word whosoeuer doth rebuke and reprooue her faults as her couetousnes and Idolatry those shee doth persecute with a deadlie hatred By these markes therefore it is easie to discerne and distinguish both these Churches the one from the other OVT OF THE CONFESSION OF AVSPVRGE ALso they teach that there is one holy Church that shal continue alwaies Now to speake properlie the Church of Christ is a congregation of the members of Christ that is of the Saintes which doe truelie beleeue and rightlie obeie Christ though in this life there be manie wicked ones and
flocke and also prouide things necessarie for it The Doctors doe instruct and teach the true faith and godlines Therefore the Church ministers that now are maie be called Bishops Elders Pastors and Doctors But in processe of times there where manie moe names of Ministers brought into the Church For some were created Patriarkes others Archbishoppes others suffragans other Metrapolitanes Archpriests Deacons Subdeacons Acol●thes Exorcists Queristers Porters I know not what a rable besides Cardinalls Prouosts and Priors Abbots greater and lesser gouerners higher and lower But touching all these we pa●●● not a rush what they haue beene in time paste or what they are now It is sufficient for vs that forasmuch as concerneth Ministers we haue the doctrine of the Apostles We therefore knowing certeinelie that Monkes and the orders or sortes of them are neither instituted of Christ no● ofhis Apostles we teach that they are so farre from being profitable that they are pernicious and hurtfull vnto the Church of God For although in former times they were somewhat tollerable when they liued solytarilie getting their liuings with their owne handes were burdensome to none but did in all places obey their Pastors euen as laie men yet what kind of men they be now al the world seeth perceiueth They pretend I know not what vowes but they lead a life altogether disagreeing from their vowes so that the verie best of them may iustlie be numbred among those of whome the Apostle speaketh We heare saie that there be some among you which walke inordinatelie and worke not at all but are busie bodies c. Therefore we haue no such in our Churches and besides we teach that they should not be suffered to rout in the Churches of Christ Furthermore no man ought to vsurpe the honour of the Ecclesiastical ministerie that is to say greedily to pluck it to him by bribes or anie euill shiftes or of his own accord But let the ministers of the Church be called and chosen by a lawfull and ecclesiasticall election and vocation that is to saie let them be chosen religiouslie of the Church or of those which are appointed thereunto by the Church and that in due order without anie tumult seditions or contention But we must haue an eie to this that not euerie one that wil be elected but such men as are fitte haue sufficient learning especiallie in the Scriptures and godlie eloquence and wise simplicitie to conclude such men as be of good reporte for a moderation and honestie of life according to that Apostlike rule which Saint Paull giueth in the 1. to Timothie 3. cap. and 1. to Titus And those which are chosen let them be ordained of the Elders with publike praier and laying on of handes We do here therfore condemne all those which runne of their owne accord beeing neither chosen sent nor ordained We do also vtterly disalow vnfit ministers such as are not furnished with giftes requisite for a Pastor In the meane time we are not ignorant that the innocent simplicitie of certaine Pastours in the primitiue Church did sometimes more profit the Church then the manifolde exquisite and nice learning of other some that were ouer loftie and high minded And for this cause we also at this daie do not reiect the honest simplicitie of certaine men which yet is not destitute of all knowledge and learning The Apostles of Christ doe terme al those which beleeue in Christ Priests but not in regarde of their ministerie but because that all the faithfull being made Kings and Priests by Christ maie offer vp spirituall sacrifices vnto God The ministerie then and priesthood are thinges farre different one from the other For priesthood as we saide euen now is common to all christians so is not the ministerie And we haue not taken awaie the ministerie from the Church because wee haue thrust the popish priesthood out of the Church of Christ For surelie in the new couenant of Christ there is no longer anie such priesthood as was in the auncient Church of the Iewes which had an externall annointing holie garments and verie manie ceremonies which were figures and tipes of Christ who by his comming fulfilled and abolished them And he him-selfe remaineth the onelie priest for euer and we doe not communicate the name of Priest to anie of the ministers lest we should detract anie thing from Christ For the Lorde himselfe hath not appointed in the Church anie Priests of the new Testament who hauing receiued authoritie from the Suffragane maie offer vp the hoste euerie daie that is the verie flesh and the verie bloode of our sauiour for the quicke and the dead but ministers which maie teach administer the sacraments Paull declaring plainelie and shortlie what wee are to thinke of the ministers of the new Testament or of the Church of Christ and what we must attribute vnto them Let a man saith he thus account of vs as of the ministers of Christ and dispensers of the mysteries of God So that the Apostle his minde is that we shoulde esteeme of ministers as of ministers Now the Apostle calleth them as it were vnderrowers which shoulde onelie haue an eie vnto their master and chiefe gouernour and be as men that liue not to themselues nor according to their owne will but vnto others to wit their Masters at whose commaundement and beck they ought to be For the minister of the Church is commaunded whollie and in all parts of his duetie not to please himselfe but to execute that onelie which he hath receiued in commaundement from his Lorde And in this same place it is expresselie declared who is our Master euen Christ to whome the ministers are in subiection in all the functions of their ministerie And to the ende that he might the more fullie declare their ministerie he addeth further that the ministers of the Church are stewards and dispensers of the mysteries of God Now the mysteries of God Paull in manie places and especiallie in the 3. to the Ephes doth call the gospell of Christ And the Sacraments of Christ are also called mysteries of the auncient writers Therefore for this purpose are the ministers called namelie to preach the gospell of Christ vnto the faithfull and to administer the Sacraments We reade also in another place in the gospell of the faithfull and wise seruant that his Lorde set him ouer his familie to giue foode vnto it in due season Againe in an other place of the gospell a man goeth into a straunge countrie and leauing his house giueth vnto his seruants authoritie therein committeth to them his substance and appointeth euerie man his worke This is now a fitte place to speake somewhat also of the power and office of the ministers of the Church And concerning their power some haue entreated and disputed ouer busilie and would bring al things euen the verie greatest vnder their iurisdiction and that against the commaundement of God who
in baptisme the outwarde signe is the element of water and that washing is visible which is done by the minister The thing signified is regeneration the clensing from sinne Likewise in the Lordes Supper the outwarde signe is breade and wine taken from things commonlie vsed for meate and drinke The thing signified is the bodie of Christ which was giuen and his bloode which was shed for vs and the communion of the bodie and bloode of the Lorde wherefore the water bread and wine considered in their owne nature and out of this holie vse institution of the Lord they are onelie that which they are called and which they were saide then to be But let the word of God be once added to them together with inuocation vpon his holie name and the renewing of their first institution and sanctification then these signes are consecrated and declared to be sanctified by Christ For Christes first institution and consecration of the sacraments standeth yet in force in the Church of God in such sort that they which celebrate the sacraments no otherwise then the Lord himselfe from the beginning hath appointed haue stil euen to this daie the vse and benefit of that first and most excellent consecration And for this cause in the administration of the sacraments the verie wordes of Christ are repeated And forasmuch as we learne out of the word of God that these signes were appointed vnto an other end and vse then commonlie they are vsed vnto therefore we teach that they now in this their holie vse doe take vpon them the names of the thinges signified and are not still called bare water bread or wine but water is called regeneration and washing of the new birth and the bread and wine the bodie and blood of the Lord or the pledges and sacraments of his bodie and blood not that the signes are turned into the things signified or cease to be that which in their owne nature they are for then they could not be sacraments which should consist onelie of the thing signified and haue no signes but therefore do the signes beare the names of the things because they be mysticall tokens of holie things and because that the signes and the things signified are sacramentallie ioyned together ioyned together I say or vnited by a mysticall signification and by the purpose and will of him who first instituted them For the water bread and wine are not common but holie signes And he that instituted water in baptisme did not institute it with that minde and purpose that the faithful should onely be dipped in the water of baptisme and he which in the supper commaunded the bread to be eaten and the wine to be drunke did not mean that the faithfull should onelie receiue bread and wine without anie further mystery as they eat bread at home in their own houses but that they should spiritually be partakers of the things signified and by faith be truelie purged from their sinne and be partakers of Christ also And therefore we cannot allowe of them which attribute the consecration of the Sacraments to I know not what syllables to the rehearsall of certaine wordes pronounced by him that is consecrated and that hath an intent of consecrating or to some other accidentall thinges which are not left vnto vs either by the word or by the example of Christ or his Apostles We doe also mislike the doctrine of those that speake no otherwise of the Sacramentes then of common signes not sanctified nor effectuall We condemne them also who because of the inuisible thinges doe despise the visible signes and thinke them superfluous because they doe alreadie enioy the thinges themselues such were the Messalians as it is recorded We doe disallow their doctrine also who teach that grace and the things signified are to be so tied and included in the signes that whosoeuer doe outwardlie receiue the signes must needes inwardly participate the grace and the thinges signified what manner of men soeuer they be Notwithstanding as we esteeme not the goodnes of the sacraments by the worthines or vnworthines of the ministers so likewise we doe not weigh them by the condition of the receiuers For we knowe that the goodnes of the Sacraments doth depend vpon the faithfulnes or trueth and the meere goodnes of God For euen as Gods worde remaineth the true worde of God wherein not onelie bare words are vttered when it is preached but therwithall the things signified by the words are offered of God although the wicked and vnbeleeuers heare and vnderstand the words yet they enioy not the thinges signified because they receiue them not by a true faith Euen so the sacraments consisting of the worde the signes and the thinges signified continue true and perfect Sacraments not onlie because they be holy things but also for that God also offereth the things signified howsoeuer the vnbeleeuers receiue not the thinges which are offered This commeth to passe not by anie fault in God the author and offerer of them but by the fault of men who doe receiue them without faith and vnlawfullie whose vnbeleefe cannot make the truth of God of no effect Now forasmuch as in the beginning where we shewed what the sacraments were we did also by the waie set downe to what ende they were ordeyned it shall not be necessarie to trouble our selues with repeating anie thing which hath beene alreadie handled Next therefore in order it remaineth to speake seuerallie of the sacraments of the new Testament OVT OF THE FORMER CONFESSION OF HELVETIA Of the force and efficacie of the Sacraments THe signes which in the Church of Christ be called Sacraments are two Baptisme and the Lordes supper These being tokens of secret thinges doe not consist of bare signes but of signes and thinges also For in Baptisme water is the signe and the thing it selfe is regeneration and to be taken by adoption to be the people of God In the Lords Supper bread and wine be the signes * but the thing is the communication of the bodie of Christ saluation purchased for vs and the remission of sinnes These thinges are receiued by faith as the signes be receiued with the corporall mouth the wholl fruit of the Sacraments is in the thing it selfe Whereupon we affirme that Sacraments are not onelie tokens of humane societie but also pledges of the grace of God by which the ministers do worke together with the Lord to that end which he doth promise offer and bring to passe yet so as we said before of the ministerie of the word that all the sauing power is to be ascribed to the Lord alone Out of the declaration of the same confession Of holie signes SAcraments are visible paterns instituted of god of the grace good will and promises of God towardes vs sure testimonies and holie remembrances the which vnder earthlie signes doe represent vnto vs and set before our eies heauenlie giftes and doe withdrawe the minde from
earthlie to heauenlie thinges moreouer they be tokens of Christian brotherhood and fellowshippe Therefore a sacrament is not onelie a signe but it is made of two thinges to wit of a visible or earthlie signe and of the thing signified which is heauenlie the which two although they make but one Sacrament yet it is one thing which is receiued with the bodie another thing which the faithfull minde being taught by the spirit of god doth receiue For the signes and the thinges signified by the signes doe cleaue together onlie by a certaine mysticall meane or as others speake by a Sacramentall vnion neither be they so made one that one in nature is made the other or that one is contained in the other For either of them the which thing also holie Gelasius did acknowledge doth keepe it owne proprietie Therefore the outward signes are not the selfe same thing substantiallie and naturallie which they doe signifie neither do they giue it of themselues and by their owne power no more then the minister doth but the Lord vseth the minister and the signes and the word to this ende that of his meere grace when and so much as pleaseth him he maie represent declare visibilie shew and set before our eies his heauenlie giftes and all this according to his promise Now as it doth derogate nothing from the ministerie of the worde when it is saide that the outwarde preaching of the worde doth profit nothing except the inwarde husband man giue the increase for Paull saith He that planteth and he that watereth is nothing but god that giueth the increase so he doth not make the Sacraments of no effect which saith that not they but God himselfe doth purge vs that is which doth attribute the force of the sacrament to the Creator For Peter saide Baptisme doth saue vs but he addeth Not whereby the filth of the flesh is washed away but in that a good conscience maketh request vnto God For as in other creatures as in the Sunne the Moone the Starres fire pretious stones hearbes and such like things which God doth vse as instrumentes towarde vs we ought not to put any confidence nor admire them as the causes of any benefit so our trust ought not to rest in outwarde signes nor the glorie of God be transferred vnto them as they be outwarde signes howbeit the Lord doth vse their helpe toward vs and they be holie ordinances but by them our trust must lift vp it selfe to him beeing both the author of the sacramentes and the Creator of all thinges And seeing that the Sacraments are the institution and worke of the Lord himselfe the faithfull doe receiue them not as certaine superfluous inuentions of men as at the hand of men but as his heauenlie giftes and that at the hand of the Lorde For as touching the word of the Gospell which he preached the Apostle writeth thus When yee receiued of vs the word whereby ye learned God yee did not receiue it as the word of men but as it was indeed as the worde of God who also worketh in you that beleeue The like reason is there of the Sacramentes Therefore as a little before we testified that we doe and alwaies did receiue these sentences and speaches of Scripture touching the Ministerie of the worde the Minister doth conuert remit sinnes open the eies and heartes of men giue faith and the spirit so being well vnderstood we doe acknowledge also these speaches touching the Sacramentes the Minister through Baptisme doth regenerate and wash awaie sinnes he doth distribute and giue the bodie and bloode of the Lord For Ananias saide to Paull Arise and be baptised wash awaie thy sinnes by calling on the name of Iesus Also Iesus tooke breade gaue it to his Disciples and said this is my bodie Also it is manifest that the auncient Fathers did vse such kinde of speaches because that by this meanes they would propound and commend more royallie the giftes of God Moreouer seeing that the institution and worke of the word and of the Sacraments proceedeth not from men but from God we do here reiect the errour of the Donatistes and of the Anabaptists who esteemed the holie giftes of god according to the worthines or vnworthines of the minister Now in that heauenlie giftes are represented vnto vs by earthlie things it commeth so to passe by a certaine singular goodnes of God who by this meane would helpe our weakenes For the weakenes of mans wit doth vnderstande all things the better if they be resembled by visible things Therefore the Lord would by Sacramentes set before the eies of mortall men his heauenlie gifts and his promises as it were a linelie picture in a certaine table that is those things which are perceiued by the minde he deliuered to vs in sensible things Whereupon we doe gather that the Sacramentes doe apperteine to them which are in the Church For prophane men do scoffe at our Sacramentes insomuch as they esteeme them according to the externall things onely But they which haue faith vnderstand the mysteries of the Sacraments and they which receiue them in a true and liuely faith receiue them with fruit if they be receiued without faith they doe hurt not that the good giftes of God doe hurte of themselues but because that they being not receiued aright doe hurte through our default Furthermore the Sacraments are badges of the people of God For by these we are gathered together into a holie companie and we professe our faith For it pleased the Lord by this meane to gather his people to himselfe and as it were to marke them with this signe whereby also he might put euerie one in minde of his duetie Now of this kinde there be two Sacramentes in the Church of Christ Baptisme which is called the font of regeneration and the supper of the Lord which is called the bodie and blood of the Lord or the communion of the bodie and blood of the Lord. And now we will speake seuerallie of them for hitherto we haue discoursed of the Sacraments in generall as before God we do beleeue and wherein we hope that Luther will not think anie thing wanting OVT OF THE CONFESSION OF BASIL THe same Sacraments are vsed in the Church to 〈◊〉 Baptisme at our entrance into the Church and the supper of the Lord in due time when we are come to typer yeares to testifie our faith and brotherlie charitie as in baptisme was promised OVT OF THE CONFESSION OF BOHEMIA Of Sacraments in genrall CHAP. II. AS touching the Sacraments we teach that they be externall earthlie as they which consist of the elements and visible signes consecrated by the word of God and by his owne mouth appointed hereunto to signifie and witnes to vs that selfe same spirituall and inuisible grace and trueth whereof they haue the name and which they are also sacramentallie These sacraments no man either did or can institute but the Lord and God
yea the wholl institution hereof appointed by Christ For which cause the Ministers of our Churches doe admitte none to this Sacrament neither giue it vnto anie but to such as are noted to come vnto it seriouslie and doe so much as in them lyeth prepare them-selues hereunto after such a manner as becommeth Christian godlines Now when the congregation doth come together to celebrate the vse of the Lordes Supper and be partakers therof then according to the example of the primitiue Church our ministers doe teach in their holie Sermons concerning Christ and concerning the grace which through him and in him is giuen to sinners and especiallie concerning his death the shedding of his blood and the redemption and saluation purchased thereby After that the wholl Church doth ioyne together in faithfull prayers vnto God to obtaine this that they may indeed vse this Sacrament worthelie Moreouer in the next place absolution from sinnes is lawfullie administred the wordes of the institution are rehearsed and the people by exhortation is stirred vp to a reuerent consideration of this mysterie and to a cheerefull and serious contemplation of the benefits of God the sacrament is reuerentlie with al godlines distributed and the people of the faithfull most commonlie falling downe on their knees doe receiue this sacrament with thanksgiuing with gladnes with singing of hymnes or holie songes and they shew forth the death of the Lord and admonish themselues of all his benefits to the confirmation of their faith in a true communion with Christ and his bodie And all this we do according to the meaning of those things which are commaunded in the holie Scripture especiallie according to the saying of Christ Do this in remembrance of me and Paul saith So often as ye shall eat of this bread and drinke of this cup ye shall shew forth the death of the Lord till he come OVT OF THE FRENCH CONFESSION WE affirme that the holie Supper of the Lorde to wit the other Sacrament is a witnes to vs of 〈◊〉 vniting with our Lorde Iesus Christ because that he is not onelie once deade and raised vp againe from the deade for vs but also he doth in deede feede vs and nourish 〈◊〉 with his flesh and bloode that we beeing made one wi●● him maie haue our life common with him For although he be now in heauen and shall remaine there till 〈◊〉 come to iudge the worlde yet we beleeue that by the secret and incomprehensible vertue of his Spirit he do●● nourish and quicken vs with the substance of his bodie and blood being apprehended by faith But we saie that this is done spirituallie not that we maie counterfeit an imagination or thought in steade of the efficacie and truth but rather because this mysterie of our vnion with Christ is so high a thing that it surmounteth all our senses yea and the wholl order of nature to conclude because that it being diuine and heauenlie cannot be perceiued nor apprehended but by faith We beleeue as was saide before that as well in the Supper as in Baptisme God doth in deed that is truelie and effectuallie giue whatsoeuer he doth there sacramentallie represent and therefore with the signes we ioyne the true profession and fruition of that thing which is there offered vnto vs Therefore we affirme that they which do bring pure faith as it were a certaine vessell vnto the holie supper of the Lord doe indeed receiue that which there the signes doe witnes namelie that the bodie and blood of Iesus Christ are no lesse the meate and drinke of the soule then bread and wine are the meate of the bodie Also out of the 38. Art a litle after the beginning And also that that bread and wine which is giuen vs in the supper is indeed made vnto vs spirituall nourishment in as much as they doe offer vnto our eies to beholde that the flesh of Christ is o●● meat and that his bloode is our drinke Therefore we reiect all those fantasticall heades which doe refuse these signes and tokens seeing that Christ our Lorde hath saide This is my bodie and This cuppe is my blood OVT OF THE ENGLISH CONFESSION WE saie that Eucharistia that is to saie the Supper of the Lord is a Sacrament that is an euident Representation of the bodie and blood of Christ wherein is set as it were before our eies the death of Christ and his Resurrection and whatsoeuer he did whilest he was in his Mortall Bodie to the ende we maie giue him thankes for his death and for our deliuerance and that by the often receiuing of this Sacrament we maie dailie renew the remembrance thereof to the intent we being fedde with the bodie and blood of Christ maie be brought into the hope of the Resurrection and of euerlasting life and maie moste assuredlie beleeue that as our bodies be fedde with bread and wine so our soules be fedde with the bodie and blood of Christ To this Banquet we thinke the people of God ought to be earnestlie bidden that they maie all communicate among themselues and openlie declare and testifie both the godlie societie which is among them and also the hope which they haue in Christ Iesu For this cause if there had beene anie which would be but a looker on and abstaine from the holie Communion him did the olde Fathers and Bishops of Rome in the primitiue Church before priuate Masse came vp excommunicate as a wicked person and as a Pagane Neither was there anie 〈◊〉 at that time which did communicate alone whiles other looked on For so did Calixtus in times past decree That after the consecration was finished all should communicate except 〈◊〉 had rather stande without the Church doores For th●● saith ●e did the Apostles appoint and the same the holie Church of Rome k●ep●●h still Moreouer when the people 〈◊〉 to ●he holie Communion the Sacrament ought to be giuen them in both kindes for so both Christ hath commaunded and the Apostles in euerie place haue ordeined and all the auncient Fathers and Catholique Byshops haue followed the same And who so doth contrarie to this he as Gelasius saith committeth Sacrilege And therefore we saie that our aduersaries at this daie who hauing violentlie thrust out and quite forbidden the holie Communion doe without the worde of God without the authoritie of anie auncient Councell without anie Catholique Father without any example of the primitiue Church yea and without reason also defend and maintaine their priuate Masses and the mangling of the Sacraments and doe this not onelie against the plaine expresse commaundement of Christ but also against all antiquitie doe wickedlie therein and are verie Churchrobbers We affirme that the bread and wine are the holie and heauenlie mysteries of the bodie and blood of Christ and that by them Christ himselfe being the true bread of eternall life is so presentlie giuen vnto vs as that by
cannot be misliked As for other indiffer●● rites and ceremonies they are for the most parte obserued according to the vusal manner But the number of Masses i● not alike Neither was it the vse in the old times in the Churches wherunto was greatest resort to haue masse euerie daie as the Tripartite historie lib. 9. cap. 38. doth witnes Againe saith he in Alexandria eueri fourth and sixth daie of the weeke the scriptures are read and the Doctours do interpret them and all other things are done also except onelie the solemne manner of oblation 〈◊〉 offering This Article we finde else where placed in the third place among those wherin the abuses that be changed are reckoned vp in this manner Of the masse Art 3. OVr Churches is wrongfullie accused to haue abolished the Masse For the Masse is retained stil among vs celebrated with great reuerence Yea almost all the ceremonies that are in vse sauing that with the songes in Latine we mingle certein Psalmes in Dutch here and there which he added for the peoples instruction For therfore we haue need of ceremonies that the may teach the vnlearned that the Preaching of Gods word maie stirre vp some vnto the true feare trust and inuocation of God This is not only commaunded by S. Paull to vse a tongue that the people vnderstand but mans law hath also appointed it We vse the people to receiue the sacrament together if so be any be sound fit thereunto And that is a thing that doth increase the reuerence and due estimation of the publike ceremonies For none are admitted except they be first prooued and tried Besides we vse to put men in minde of the worthines and vse of a sacrament how great comforte it bringeth to fearefull consciences that they may learne to beleeue God and to looke for and craue al good things at his hands This worship doth please God such an vse of the Sacrament doth nourish pietie towardes God Therfore it seemeth not that Masses be more religiouslie celebrated among our aduersaries then with vs. But it is euident that of long time this hath bin the publike most greeuous complaint of al good men that Masses are filthilie prophaned beeing vsed for gaine And it is not vnknowen how farre this abuse hath spread it selfe in all Churches of what manner of men Masses are vsed onelie for a reward or for wages and how many doe vse them against the prohibition of the Canons Aud Paull doth greeuouslie threaten those which handle the Lords Supper vnworthelie saying He that shall eate this bread or drinke the cuppe of the Lord vnworthelie shall be guiltie of the bodie and bloode of the Lord. Therfore when we admonished the Priestes of this sinne priuate Masses were laide aside among vs seeing that for the most part there were no priuate Masses but onelie for lucres sake Neither were the Bishops ignorant of these abuses who if they had amended them in time there had now beene lesse dissension Heretofore by their dissembling they suffered much corruption to creepe into the Church now they begin though it be late to complaine of the calamities of the Church seeing that this hurlie burlie was raised vp by no other meane then by those abuses which were so euident that they could no longer be tolerated There were many dissentions concerning the Masse and as touching the Sacrament And peraduenture the world is punished for so long a prophaning of Masses which they who both could and ought to haue amended it haue so many yeares tolerated in their Churches For in the ten commaundements it is written He that abuseth the name of the Lord shall not escape vnpunished And from the beginning of the worlde there neither was nor is any diuine thing which might seeme so to be imployed to gaine as is the Masse There was added an opinion which did increase priuate Masses infinitelie to wit that Christ by his passion did satisfie for Originall sinne and appointed Masse wherein an oblation should be made for dailie sinnes both mortall and veniall Hereupon a common opinion was receiued that Masse is a worke that taketh awaie the sinnes of the quicke and the dead and that for the doeing of the worke Here m●n beganne to dispute whether one Masse saide for many were of as great force as particular Masses saide for particular men This disputation hath brought forth an in finite multitude of masses Concerning these opinions our preachers haue admonished vs that they do disagree from the holie Scriptures and hurt the glorie of the passion of Christ For the passion of Christ was an oblation and satisfaction not onelie for Originall sinne but also for all other sinnes as it is written in the Epistle to the Hebrewes We are sanctified by the oblation of Iesus Christ once made Also By one oblation he hath made perfit for euer those that are sanctified Also the Scripture teacheth that we are iustified before God through faith in Christ when we beleeue that our sinnes are forgiuen for Christ his sake Now if the Masse doe take awaie the sinnes of the quicke and the deade euen for the workes sake that i● done then iustification commeth by the worke of Masses and not by faith which the Scripture can not aware withall But Christ commaundeth vs to doe it in remembrance of himselfe therefore the Masse is instituted that faith in them which vse the Sacrament may remember what benefites it receiueth by Christ and that it may raise vp and comforte a fearefull conscience For this is to remember Christ to wit to remember his benefites and to feele and perceiue that they be in deede exhibited vnto vs. Neither is it sufficient to call to minde the historie because that the Iewes also and the wicked can doe that Therefore the Masse muste be vsed to this ende that there the Sacrament may be reached vnto them that haue neede of comforte as Ambrose saith Because I doe alwaies sinne therefore I ought alwaies to receiue a medicine And seeing that the Masse is such a communion of the Sacrament we doe obserue one common Masse euery holidaie and on other daies if any wil vse the Sacrament when it is offered to them which desired it Neither is this custome newlie brought into the Church For the auncient Fathers before Gregories time make no mention of any priuat Masse of the common Masse they speake much Chrysostome saitth That the Priest did dailie stand at the aultar and call some vnto the Communion and put backe others And by the auncient Canons it is euident that some one did celebrate the Masse of whome other Priests and Deacons did receiue the bodie of the Lord. For so the words of the Nicen canon do sounde Let the deacons in their order after the Priests receiue the holy communion of a Bishop or of a priest And Paul concerning the cōmunion commaundeth that one tarie for another that so there maie be a common participation Seeing therefore that among
not an oblation but is so called because it is a remembrance of the oblation which was once made on the crosse Moreouer the application of the merit of Christ is not made by anie other outward instrument then by the preaching of the gospell of Christ and by dispensing those sacraments which Christ hath instituted for this vse the merit of Christ being offered applied is not receiued but by faith Marc. 16. Preach the Gospel to euery creature For by the ministerie of the Gospell the benefits of Christ be offered applied to creatures that is either to the Iewes or to the Gentiles And it followeth He that shall beleeue and be baptized he shall be saued because that by the receiuing of the sacraments and by faith the benefits offered and applied be receiued Rom. 1. The gospell is the power of God to saluation to euerie 〈◊〉 that beleeueth that is the ministerie of the gospell is the instrument ordeined of God whereby God is able and effectuall to saue all those which beleeue the gospell Therefore the Preaching of the gospell doth offer or if it liketh anie man so to speake doth applie saluation to all men but faith doth receiue saluation offered and applied Now in the priuate Masse bread and wine are so handled that the Priest doth neither publiquely declare the Gospel of Christ but doth softlie mumble vp to him selfe certaine words and especialie the wordes of the Supper or of consecration● neither doth he distribute bread and wine to others but he alone taketh them therefore there can be no applying 〈◊〉 the merit of Christ in the priuate Masse This did our true Catholique Elders well perceiue who as we haue declared before did so seuerelie require that they which wer● present at the Masse and did not communicate should b● excommunicated The fourth error is this which we haue already touched in that they do require that the wordes of the Supper or o● consecration maie be rehearsed softlie in the Eucharist seing that these words are a part of that gospell which according to the commaundement of Christ is to be preached to all creatures For although our ancetors did sometimes cal● the Eucharist a mysterie yet they did not so call it with thi● purpose that they would not haue the wordes of the Suppe● to be rehearsed before the Church in the Eucharist publike lie and in a tongue commonlie knowne but because th●● in the Eucharist one thing is seene and another thing vnderstood For Christ him-selfe also is called a mysterie who neuertheles is not to be hidde but to be preached to al● creatures And because that in the receiuing of the Sacrament it is necessarilie required that we should haue faith and faith commeth by hearing and hearing by the word of God it is most necessarie that in the Eucharist the word of the supper that is the word of the Sonne of God should be publiquely rehearsed for this word is the preaching of the Gospell and the shewing forth of the death of Christ Therefore that the Church maie vnderstand what is done in the Eucharist and what is offered vnto her to be receiued and that she ma●e confirme hir faith it is necessarie that in the Eucharist ●he wordes of the Lordes Supper should be rehearsed publiquelie The 〈◊〉 ●rror is this that one part of the Eucharist is vsed in 〈…〉 a singular worship of God to be caried about and to 〈…〉 vp But the holie Ghost doth forbid that anie worship of God should be appointed without the expresse commaundement of god Deut. 12. You shal not do euery one of you that which semeth good in his owne eies And again That which I commaund thee that onelie shalt thou do to the Lord see that thou adde nothing thereunto nor detract anie thing from it And Math 1● In vaine doe they worship me teaching for doctrines the preceptes of men Clemens in his second Epi●●le to Iames and in three Chapters De Consecr Dist 2. saith Certeinlie so great bu●nt offerings are offered on the altar as may be sufficient for the people if so be that any thing remaine till the next ●aie let them not be kept but with feare and trembling by the diligence of the Clearkes let them be consumed We are not ignorant how they vse to delude these wordes of Clemens by feigning a difference betwixt the worke of those that are readie to die and those that be readie to consecrate But it is euident that the bread which vseth to be caried about and to be laide vp to be adored is not reserued for those that be weake but in the ende is receiued of them that doe consecrat Cyrill or ● others thinke Origen vpon the 7. Chap. of Leuit. saith For the Lord concerning that breade which he gaue to his Disciples saide vnto them Take it and eat it c. He did not differ it neither did he commaund it to be reserued till the next daie Peraduenture there is this M●steri● also conteined therein that he doth not commaund the bread to be caried in the high waie that thou maist alwaies bring forth the fresh loaues of the worde of God which thou cariest within thee c. OVT OF THE CONFESSION OF SVEVELAND Of the Eucharist CHAP. 18. AS touching this reuerent Sacrament of the bodie bloode of Christ all those things which the Euangelists Paul and the holie Fathers haue left in writing therof our men doe sincerelie teach commend and inculcate and thence they doe with a singular indeauour alwaies publish this goodnes of Christ towardes his whereby he doth no lesse at this day then he did in that his last supper vouchsafe to giue by the Sacraments his true bodie and his true bloode to be eaten and to be drunke in deede as the meate and drinke of their soules whereby they may be nourished vnto life eternall he giueth it I saie to all those who from their heartes haue giuen their names to be reckoned among his disciples when as they doe receiue this Supper according to his institution so that now he may liue and abide in them and they in him and be raised vp by him in the last day to a new and immortall life according to those wordes of eternall trueth Take and eate This is my bodie c. Drinke ye all of this This ●uppe is my bloode c. Now our preachers doe most diligentlie withdraw the mindes of the people both from all contention and also from all superfluous and curious inquirie vnto that which onelie is profitable whereunto onely Christ our Sauiour had respect to wit that beeing fed with him we may liue in him and through him and leade such a life as is acceptable to God holie and therefore euerlasting blessed and with all that we among our selues may be one bread and one bodie which are partakers of one bread in that holie Supper Whereby it commeth to passe that we doe verie religiouslie and with a singular reuerence
ende The auncient fathers did sometimes fast whole daies together that they might giue themselues to publique praier and by this discipline might admonish their Church and especially the youth of daungers that were past or present or hanging ouer their heades and might stirre them vp to repentance wherby the wrath of God might be asswaged This is the godlie and profitable ende of these fastinges Others doe faste That by the merit of this worke they maie purge their sinnes before God or as some doe speake Applie vnto themselues the merit of Christ by their fasting But this end is vtterlie to be condemned For first the onelie death of Christ is the purging of our sinnes Secondlie fasting was not ordeined for this vse that it should be a worke whereby the merit of Christ maie be applied to vs. For fasting is either ioyned with true repentance and then the merit of Christ is applied to him that repenteth by faith which is the chiefe parte of repentance before a man doth beginne or ende his fasting or else fasting is without repentance and then it is abhominable in the sight of God so farre is it from applying the merit of Christ to him that fasteth Isa 58. Is it such a fast that I haue chosen that a man should afflict his soule for a daie and to bowe downe his head as a bulrush Augustine Epist 86. ad Casulanum saith I reuoluing that in my minde which is written in the Euangelicall and Apostolique Scriptures and in that wholl instrument which they call the new Testament doe see that fasting is commaunded But on what daies we ought not to fast and on what daies we ought to fast I doe not see it defined either by the commaundement of the Lorde or of the Apostles And by this I thinke that rather a releasing then a binding to fasting is the more fit and apt not to obtaine righteousnes wherein the beutie of the Kings daughter doth consist inwardly which is obtained by Faith but yet to signifie a perpetuall rest And Chrysostome Tom. 4. de Ieiun Quadrag Hom. 73. saieth If we come dailie hither and fast the wholl Lent and doe not chaunge our life to the better it will be an occasion of our greater condemnation By these testimonies it is euident that it is neither Apostolique nor Catholique to thinke that fasting is a worke whereby either sinnes are purged before God or the merit of Christ is applied Hitherto also pertaineth the 29. Article Of the consecrating of water salte wine and other thinges VVE confesse that the forbidding of water whereby the Leuitical vncleanes was purged was ordained of god in the old testament Also we acknowledge that miracle wherby the Prophet Elizeus did heale the barren waters of ●ericho by casting in of salte And we embrace that which Paull writing to Timothie saieth Euerie creature of God is good and nothing is to be reiected which is receiued with thankesgiuing for it is sanctified by the worde of God and by praie● But where as in the new Testament water is consecrated which they call holie water by the sprinkling whereof veniall sinnes are taken awaie and Deuills are driuen awaie and whereas salte also is consecrated to make thinges wholsome which otherwise be hurtfull it seemeth neither to be Apostolique nor Catholique For we are not commaunded by the worde of God to imitate the Leuitical sprinkling or Elizeus his miracle but it was vsed by mans arbitrement pleasure therfore it pertaineth to this saying of Christ In vaine do they worship me teaching for doctrines the preceptes of men And it is euident that the sprinkling of the bloode of Christ which is made by the worde of the Gospell by Baptisme and the Lordes Supper and receiued by faith doth purge vs from our sinnes That therefore which is proper to the blood of Christ which by the ordinance of god was shed for our sins ought not to be attributed towater consecrated by the appointment of man And as touching that Elizeus did heale the barren waters by salte there is a miracle set before our eies that thereby we may confirme that credit which we ought to giue to the preaching of the Prophet but it is not set before vs to be imitated without a special calling of God because the miracles of the Saints vse not to be generall but personall And as touching that which Paull saith that creatures are sanctified by the worde of God and by praier he meaneth not that creatures as for example salt flesh egges hearbes are to be coniured that Sathan by the vse of them may be driuen awaie but that all creatures are by the worde of God euerie one appointed to their outward vse which then serue for our good when we vse them well by faith and praying vnto God So God created salt to season meat and to preserue flesh from putrifying he created water to serue for drinke or washing or watering and not to driue away the Deuill In deede in Baptisme he ordeined water to wash awaie sinnes but this is not the generall ende why water was created but a speciall ordinance appointed by a speciall worde of God For as touching the generall creation and sanctification of God there is no worde of God that doth witnes that the creatures which we before haue rehearsed by coniurings are made profitable hereunto that they may take awaie sinnes and chase away the deuils Now that which is brought in without the worde of God to another vse then God hath ordeined it vnto it cannot be done in faith but it becommeth an abuse doth rather bring destruction then saluation Rom. 14 Whatsoeuer is not of faith is sinne And Cyprian Epist 2. Lib. 2. saith If Christ alone is to be heard we are not to consider what any other before vs hath thought good to be done but what Christ who is before all hath done for we ought not to follow the custome of men but the trueth of God c. Hitherto also perteineth Chap. 22. of the same confession Of extreame vnction WE confesse that the Apostles anointed the sicke with oile and that the sicke recouered their bodelie health Also we confesse that the Epistle which beareth the name of Iames doth commaund that the Elders of t●e Church be called vnto the sicke that they may anoint them with oile praie for them that they may obteine health But th●se things were then practized profitably when as yet the Minister of the Church were indued with the gift of healing the s●cke corporallie and wonderfully But after that this gift ceased the Gospell beeing confirmed in the Church the thing it selfe doth witnes that this ceremonie of Anointing is now idlely vnfruitfully vsed For they which now are anointed vse not by this anointing to recouer their bodelie health yea this anointing is not vsed but on them of whose bodelie health men doe despaire Neither is there any word of God which doth promise the Gospell of Christ
it was a sinne to eate swines flesh c. so in the new testament they place sinne in meates in daies in apparell and such like things and they holde opinion that the righteousnes of the new testament can not stand without these From hence are those burdens that certeine meates defile the conscience that it is a mortall sinne to omit the canonicall houres that fastinges merit remission of sinnes because they be necessary to the righteousnes of the new testament that a sinne in a case reserued can not be pardoned but by the authority of him that reserued it wheras the Canons speake onelie of reseruing of canonicall punishments and not of the reseruing of the fault Whence then haue the Bishops power and authoritie of imposing these traditions vpon the Churches for the burdening of mens consciences For there are diuers cleare testimonies which inhibit the making of such traditions either for to deserue remission of sinnes or as thinges necessarie to the righteousnes of the the new testament or to saluation Paull to the Coloss 2. Let no man iudge you in meat drinke or a peece of a holie daie in the new moone or in the Sabboth Againe If ye be dead with Christ from the rudiments of the world why as though ye liued in the world are ye burdened with traditions as Touch not tast not handle not which all do perish with the vsing and are the preceptes and doctrines of men which haue a shew of wisedome And to Titus he doth plainlie forbid traditions For he saith Not listning to Iewish fables to the precepts of men that abhorre the truth And Christ Mat 15. saith of them which vrge traditions Let them alone they be blinde leaders of the blinde he condemneth such worships Euerie plant which my heauenly father hath not planted shall be rooted vp If Bishops haue authoritie to burden the Churches with innumerable traditions and to snare mens consciences why doth the scripture so oft forbid to make to listen to traditions why doth it cal them the deuils traditions hath the holy ghost warned vs of them to no purpose It remaineth then that seeing constitutions ordeined as necessarie or with opinion of meriting remission of sinnes by them are flat repugnant to the gospell because that it is not lawfull for any Bishops to appoint or vrge anie such worship For it is verie requisite that the doctrine of Christian liberty should be manteined in the Church because that the bondage of the law is not necessarie vnto iustification as it is written to the Gal. Come not ye vnder the yoke of bondage againe It is necessarie that the chiefest point of all the gospel should be holden fast that we do freelie obteine remission of sinnes iustification by faith in Christ not by anie obseruations nor by any worship deuised by man For though they seeke to qualifie traditions yet the equitie of them can neuer be seene nor perceiued so long as the opinion of necessitie remaineth which must needes remaine wher the righteousnes of faith Christian liberty are not known The Apostles commaunded them to absteine from blood who obserueth that now a daies and yet they do not sinne that obserue it not for the Apostles them selues would not burden mens consciences with such a seruitude but they forbad it for a time for offence sake For in that decree the perpetuall intent and minde of the gospell is to be considered ●carselie anie canons are precisely kept and manie grow out of vse dailie yea euen among them that doe most busilie defend traditions Neither can there be sufficient care had of mens consciences except this equitie be kept that men should know that such rites are not to be obserued with anie opinion of necessitie and that mens consciences are not hurt though traditions grow out of vse The Bishops might easilie reteine lawfull obedience if they would not haue men to obserue such traditions as can not be kept with a good conscience But now they commaunde single life and they admitte none except they will sweare not to teach the pure doctrine of the Gospell The Churches do not desire of the Bishops that they would repaire peace and concord with the losse of their honour which yet good Pastors ought to do onelie they desire that they would remit vniust burdens which are both new and receiued contrarie to the custome of the Catholike Church It maie well be that some constitutions had some probable causes when they began which yet will not agree to latter times It is euident that some were receiued through error Wherefore it were for the chiefe Bishops gentlenes to mitigate them now for such a change would not ouerthrow the vnitie of the Church For manie humane traditions haue bene changed in time as the Canons themselues declare But if it can not be obteined that those obseruations may not be released which can not be kept without sin then must we folow the Apostles rule which willeth to obey God rather then men Peter forbiddeth Bishops to be Lords to be imperious ouer the Churches Our meaning is not to haue rule taken from the Bishops But this one thing is requested at their hands that they would suffer the gospel to be purely taught that they would release a few obseruations which can not be obserued without sinne But if they will remit none let them looke how they will giue account to God for this that by their wilfulnes they giue occasion of schisme Also in the same 7. Art touching Abuses this exposition is found thus in another edition NOw come I to the question in hand touching the laws of bishops concerning which first this most certaine rule is to be holden That it is not laufull for anie to make lawes repugnant to the commaundement of God That sentence of Saint Paull is well knowne If an Angell from heauen teach anie other Gospell let him be accursed Vpon this foundation which is sure and immooueable the rest maie easilie be reared Now there be three orders of the decrees of Bishops Some doe constreine a man to sinne as the law of single life the lawes of priuate Mas●es wherein is made an oblation and application for the quick and the dead And the opinion of transsubstantiation breedeth a wicked adoration Also the commaundement of praying to the dead It is an easy matter to giue sentence of these lawes For seeing they doe manifestlie oppugne the commaundement of God the Apostles rule is We ought rather to obeie God then men The second order is of those rites which concerne thinges in their owne nature indifferent such as are the lawes touching the difference of meates and daies and such like thinges But when false opinions are ioyned vnto these thinges they are ●o more indifferent Now our aduersaries doe some more some lesse tie vnto them absurde and false opinions for the which both those laws rites are to be cast of lest anie
sinnes But he offering a sacrifice for sinnes sitteth for euer at the right hand of God c. And although we doe not see as yet in this our infirmitie the causes of this wonderfull counsell why mankinde was to be redeemed after this sort but we shall learne them hereafter in all eternitie yet these principles are now to be learned In this sacrifice there are to be seene iustice in the wrath of God against sinne infinite mercie towards vs and loue in his Sonne towards mankinde The seueritie of his iustice was so great that there could be no reconciliation before the punishment was accomplished His mercie was so great that his Sonne was giuen for vs. There was so great loue in the Sonne towards vs that he deriued vnto himselfe this true and exceeding great anger O Sonne of God kindle in our hearts by thy holie spirit a consideration of these great and secret things that by the knowledge of this true wrath we may be sore afraide and that againe by true comforte we may be lif●ed vp that we may praise thee for euer OVT OF THE CONFESSION OF WIRTEMBERGE WE beleeue and confesse that the Sonne of God our Lord Iesus Christ be gotten of his eternal Father is true and eternal God consubstantial with his father and that in the fullnes of time he was made man to purge our sinnes and to procure the eternall saluation of mankinde that Christ Iesus being verie God and verie man is one person onelie and not two and that in this one person there be two natures not one onelie as by testimonies of the holie scripture the holie Fathers haue declared in the Councells held at Nice Ephesus and Chalcedon Therfore we detest euerie heresie which is repugnant to this doctrine of the Sonne of God OVT OF THE CONFESSION OF SVEVELAND ALSO we beleeue that our Sauiour Iesus Christ being true God was also made true man his natures not beeing confounded but so vnited in one and the same person that they shall neuer hereafter be dissolued Neither do we differ any thing in those points which the Church being taught out of the holie Gospells doth beleeue concerning our Sauiour Iesus Christ conceiued of the holie Ghost borne of the Virgine Marie and who at the length after he had discharged the office of preaching the Gospell died on the crosse and was buried and descended into hell and the third daie he was called backe from the dead vnto life eternall the which life when he had by diuers arguments prooued vnto witnesses hereunto appointed he was caried vp into heauen to the right hand of his Father from whence we looke that he should come to iudge the quick and the dead In the meane time let vs acknowledge that he is neuer thelesse present with his Church that he doth renew and sanctifie it and as his onelie beloued spouse beutifie it with all sortes of ornaments of vertues and in these things we doe nothing varie from the Fathers nor from the common consent of Christians we thinke it sufficient after this sorte to testifie our faith THE SEVENTH SECTION OF THE LAVV AND THE GOSPELL THE LATTER CONFESSION OF HELVEITA Of the lawe of God CHAP. 12. WE teach that the will of God is set downe vnto vs in the lawe of God to wit what he would haue vs to doe or not to doe what is good and iust or what is euill and vniust we therefore confes that the lawe is good and holie and that this lawe is by the finger of God either written in the heartes of men and so is called the lawe of nature or ingrauen in the two tables of stone and more largelie expounded in the bookes of Moses For plainnes sake we deuide it vnto the morall lawe which is contained in the commaundementes or the two tables expounded in the books of Moses and into the ceremoniall which doth appoint ceremonies and the worship● of God and into the iudicial law which is occupied about politicall and domesticall affaires VVe beleeue that the wholl will of God and all necessarie precepts for euerie part of this life is fullie deliuered in this lawe For otherwise the Lord would not haue forbidden That anie thing should be either added or taken away from this law Neither would he haue commaun●●d vs to goe straight forward in this and Not to decline out of the waie either to the right handor to the left We teach that this lawe was not giuen to men that we should be iustified by keeping it but that by the knowledge thereof we might rather acknowledge our infirmitie sinne and condemnation and so dispairing of our owne strength might turne vnto Christ by faith For the Apostle saith plainlie The law worketh wrath and by the law commeth knowledge of sinne And If there had bene a law giuen which could haue iustified and giuen vs life surely righteousnes should haue bene by the law But the spirit to wit of the law hath concluded all vnder sinne that the promise by the faith of Iesus Christ should be giuen to them which beleue Therfore the law was our schoolemaster to Christ that we might be iustified by faith For neither could there euer neither at this daie can anie flesh satisfie the law of God fullfill it by reason of the weaknes in our flesh which remaineth and sticketh fast in vs euen to our last breath For the Apostle saith againe That which the law could not performe in as much as it was weake through the flesh that did God performe sending his own sonne in similitude of flesh subiect to sinne Therfore Christ is the perfiter of the law and our fullfilling of it who as he tooke awaie the cursse of the law when as he was made a cursle for vs so doth he cōmunicate vnto vs by faith his full filling thereof his righteousnes obedience is imputed vnto vs. The law of God therefore is thus farre abrogated as that it doeth not henceforth condemne vs neither work wrath in vs. For we are vnder grace and not vnder the law Moreouer Christ did fulfill all the figures of the law Wherefore the shadow ceased when the bodie came so that in Christ we haue now all trueth and fullnes Yet we do not therefore disdaine or re●ect the law We remember the wordes of the Lord saying I came not to destroie the law and the Prophets but to fullfill them We knowe that in the law are described vnto vs the kindes of vertues vices We know that the scripture of the lawe if it be expounded by the Gospell is very profitable to the Church and that therefore the reading of it is not to be banished out of the Church For although the countenance of Moses was couered with a vaile yet the Apostle affirmeth that the vaile is taken awaie and abolished by Christ We condemne al thinges which the olde or new heretikes haue taught against the lawe of God