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A11474 A paraphrase upon the divine poems. By George Sandys; Paraphrase upon the Psalmes of David Sandys, George, 1578-1644.; Lawes, Henry, 1596-1662.; Sandys, George, 1578-1644. aut 1638 (1638) STC 21725; ESTC S116693 156,321 326

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wrought Then when neere to ruine brought Fervently to Him I cry'd This Goodnesse magnifi'd If I Vices should affect VVould not He my Prayers reject But the Lord my Prayers hath heard VVhich my tongue with teares preferr'd Sourse of Mercy be Thou blest That hast granted my Request PSALME LXVII As the 47. LORD showre on us thy Grace Inrich with Gifts divine Let thy illustrious Face Upon thy Servants shine That all below The arched Skie May Thee and thy Salvation know Let all thy Praise rehearse With one united Voyce Sing in melodious Verse Eternally rejoyce Thy Power obey Whose Justice shall Dispose of All All Scepters sway Let all extoll thy Worth Then shall the smiling Earth Her pleasant fruits bring forth Nor ever mourne in Dearth We who implore Thy Blessings find And all Mankind With feare adore PSALME LXVIII As the 8. LET God the God of Battaile rise And scatter his proud Enemies O let them flee before his face Like smoke which driving tempests chace As Wax dissolves with scorching Fire So perish in his burning Ire But let the Just with joy abound In joyfull Songs his Praise resound VVho riding on the rowling Spheares The Name of great Jehovah beares Before his Face your joyes expresse A Father to the fatherlesse He wipes the teares from Widowes eyes The single plants in Families Inlarging those who late were bound VVhile Rebels starve on thirsty Ground When he our numerous Army led And march't through Deserts full of dread Heaven melted and Earths Centre shooke With his majesticke Presence strooke VVhen Israels God in Clouds came downe Part. 2 High Sinai bow'd his trembling Crowne He in th'approach of meager Dearth VVith showres refresht the fainting Earth VVhere his owne Flocke in safety fed The Needy unto plenty led By Him we conquer Virgins sing Our Victories and Timbrels ring He Kings with their vast Armies foiles While women share their wealthy spoiles You who among the Pots have laine In Soot and Smoke shall shine againe Bright as the silver-feather'd Dove VVhose wings with golden Splendor move VVhen he the Kings had overthrowne Our Land like snowy Salmon shone Gods Mountaine Bashans Mount transcends Though he his many Heads extends VVhy boast you so ye meaner Hils God with his Glory Sion fils This his beloved Residence Nor ever will depart from hence Part. 3 His Chariots twenty thousand were VVhich Myriads of Angels beare He in the midst as when he crown'd High Sinai's sanctified ground Lord Thou thy Selfe hast rais'd on high Thou captivat'st Captivitie Deckt with the trophees of his Foes The gifts receiv'd on his bestowes Reducing those who did rebell That both might in his Sion dwell O praised be the God of gods VVho his with daily blessings loads The God of our Salvation On whom our hopes depend alone The Controverse of Life and Death Is arbitrated by his Breath He on their heads his Foes shall wound Their hairy scalps whose sins abound And in their trespasses proceed Thus spake Jehovah Jacobs Seed I will from Bashan bring againe And through the bottome of the Maine That Dogs may lap their enemies bloud And they wade through a crimson Floud Part. 4 We in thy Sanctuary late My God my King beheld thy State The sacred Singers marcht before VVho instruments of Musicke bore In order followed every Maid Vpon her pleasant Timbrell plaid His Praise in your Assemblies sing You who from Israels Fountaine spring Nor little Benjamin alone But Judah from his Mountaine-throne The farre removed Zebulun And Naphtali which borders on Old Jordan where his streame dilates Joyn'd all their Powers and Potentates For us his winged Souldiers fought Lord strengthen what thy hand hath wrought He that supports a Diadem To Thee divine Jerusalem Shall in Devotion treasure bring To build the Temple of his King Part. 5 Break through their Pikes the multitude Of Buls with savage strength indu'd Till they with gifts sweet Peace invite But scatter those whom Wars delight Far off from Sun-burnt Meroë From falling Nilus from the Sea VVhich beats on the Aegyptian shore Shall Princes come and here adore You Kingdomes through the VVorld renown'd Sing to the Lord his praise resound He who Heavens upper Heaven bestrides And on her aged shoulders rides VVhose voyce the Clouds asunder rends In Thunder terrible descends O praise his Strength whose Majesty In Israel shines his Power on high He from his Sanctuary throwes A trembling horror on his Foes VVhile us his Power and Strength invest O Israel praise the Ever-blest PSALME LXIX As the 22. LORD snatch me from the raging Floud Now in deepe Eddies almost drown'd That struggle in the yeelding mud There where no bottome can be found The rising waves my head surround And with their terrors chill my Bloud Tir'd with complaining hoarse and sore Sight failes my long-expecting Eyes My Haires are not in number more Then my uninjur'd Enemies The great in wrong against me rise I what I never tooke restore My God Thou know'st my Innocence Let not the faithfull blush for me Traduc'd by slanderous Impudence Nor ô let those that call on Thee Their shame in my Confusion see Since Thou art our profest Defence For Thee I suffer Calumnies To Men become a generall scorne Deserted by my neare Allies By children of my Mother borne Through zeale unto thy Honour worne While thy reproch upon me lies I fasted wept in Sack-cloth mourn'd My anguish in my lookes exprest Yet this to my derision turn'd By Drunkards sung at every Feast Even Judges at my sorrow jest My Innocence by slander spurn'd Part 2 Yet shall my Praiers and Sighes ascend Even in an acceptable houre Thy Mercie gracious Lord extend And save by thy Almightie Power Let not the swallowing mud devoure Preserve from such a shamefull end Deliver from th' insulting Foe My strugling Feet from sinking keepe Let not the Billowes overflow Nor Whirle-pits sucke into their Deepe O pitie Thou the Eies that weepe And thy Transcendent Mercie show Heare and redeeme without delay Nor in my trouble hide thy Face Lest I become a wretched prey To such as have my Soule in chase My shame indignities disgrace And all their crimes before Thee lay Reproach my bleeding heart hath pierc't VVas ever Sorrow halfe so great Compassion hath her Eyes averst My Griefe no comfort could intreat They gave me bitter Gall to eate And Vineger to quench my Thirst O be their board a snare to those Prosperitie it selfe a Bait Their Eyes in clouds of darkenesse close And let them fall by their owne weight Powre on them thy Eternall hate VVith vengeance multiply their woes Part 3 In Ruines let their Houses lie None in their silent Tents be found That would whom thou hast smit destroy And wounded Soules with slander wound Let their iniquities abound Nor ever in thy Mercie joy Their names out of thy Volume blot Nor with the Just inthrone their Dayes Though poore to misery begot Yet Thoushalt my dejection raise Then
daies befell His counsels from our reach are set Hid in his sacred Cabinet What God like ours so Good so Great VVho wonders can effect alone His Peoples great Redemption To Jacobs Seed and Josephs knowne The yielding Floods confesse thy Might The Deeps were troubled at thy Sight And Seas recoil'd in their affright The Clouds in storms of raine descend The Aire thy hideous Fragors rend Thy arrowes dreadfull flames extend Thy Thunders rorings rake the Skies Thy fatall Lightning swiftly flies Earth trembles in her agonies Thy VVayes even through the Billowes lie The Flouds then left their Chanels dry No Mortall can thy steps descry Like Flocks through Wildernesse of Sand Thou led'st us to this pleasant Land By Moses and by Aarons hand PSALME LXXVIII As the 42. MY People heare my VVords I will unfold Darke Oracles and VVonders done of old By our great Ancestors both heard and knowne Successively unto their Children showne VVhich we will to Posterity relate That People yet unknowne may celebrate Gods Power his Praise and glorious Acts since He Will 's this Tradition by divine Decree Vntill one Day shall give the World an end That all their hopes might on his Help depend Nor ever let his noble Actions sleep In darke oblivion but his Statutes keep Vnlike their rebell Sires a stubborn Race VVho fell from God nor sought his slighted Grace The Ephraimites though expert in their Bowes Though arm'd ignobly fled before their Foes Who vainly brake the Cov'nant of their God Nor in the wayes of his prescription trod Forgot his famous Acts his Wonders shown In Zoan and the Plaines by Nile o'reflown He brought them through the bowels of the Floud The parted Waves like solid Mountaines stood By day with leading Clouds affords a shade By night a flaming Pyramis displaid Hard Rocks He in the thirsty Deserts clave And drink out of their stony Entrails gave Even from their barren sides the waters gusht And down in rivers through the vallies rusht Part. 2 Yet still they sinn'd and meat to satisfie Their Lust demand provoking the most High Blaspheming thus Can God our wants redresse A Table furnish in the Wildernesse Though from the cloven Rocks fresh Currents drill Can he give bread with flesh the hungry fill Thus tempted by their hourely murmurings He to his long retarded Wrath gives wings Their infidelity inrag'd the Just That would not to his sure Protection trust Who all the Curtaines of the Skies withdrew And made the clouds resolve into a dew With Manna Food of Angels Mortals fed And fill'd with plenty of coelestiall Bread Then caus'd the early Eastern winds to rise And bade the dropping South obscure the Skies VVhence showres of Quailes descend as thick as sand On Sea-washt shores or dust on Sun-dri'd Land VVhich fell among their Tents They their delights Injoy and feast their deadly appetites For lo while they those fatall Dainties chew And their inordinate Desires pursue The Wrath of God surpriz'd them and cut down The choice of all even those of most renown Nor by their owne mis-haps admonished Would they his Works believe or Judgements dread So He their spirits quencht with daily feares In Vanity and Toile consum'd their yeares Part. 3 But when by Slaughter wasted the forlorn Return'd and sought Him in the early Morn They then confest and said Thou art our Tower Our Strength alone protectest by thy Power Yet their slie Tongues did but their Souls disguise Full of deluding flatteries and lies Their faithlesse hearts revolted from his VVill Nor ever would his just Commands fulfill How oft would He whose Mercy hath no bound Their pardon signe nor in their Sins confound How oft did He his burning wrath asswage How oft divert the furie of his Rage Consider'd them as flesh in frailtie borne A passing Winde that never can returne Yet still would they his sacred Lawes transgresse Provok'd him in th' unpeopled Wildernesse Confin'd the Holy One of Israel Against their Saviour frantickly rebell Forgetfull of his Power nor ever thought Of that Great Day when from long Bondage brought His dreadfull Miracles to Aegypt knowne And Wonders in the Field of Zoan snowne The River chang'd into a Sea of blood Men faint for thirst t' avoid th' infected Flood Huge swarmes of unknowne Flies display their wings Which wound to death with their invenom'd stings Loath'd Frogs even in their Palaces abound Part 4 And with their filthy slime pollute the ground Their early fruits the Caterpillars spoyle And Grashoppers devoure the Plow-mans toile Long Vines with stormes their dangling burdens lost The broad-leav'd Sycamores destroi'd with frost Their Flocks beat down with Hail-stones breathles lie Their Cattell by the stroke of Thunder die The Vengeance of his Wrath all formes of woes More Plagues then could be fear'd upon them throwes VVhom evill Angels to their sinnes betray He to the Torrent of his Wrath gave way Nor would with man or sinlesse beasts dispense Shot by the Arrowes of his Pestilence Slew all the flower of Youth their First-borne Sons There where old Nilus in seven Chanels runs But like a flocke of Sheepe his People led Safe and secure through Deserts full of dread Even through unfathom'd Deeps which part and close Their tumbling waves to swallow their proud Foes Then brought them to his consecrated Land Even to his Mountaine purchas'd by his Hand Cast out the Giant-like Inhabitants Aud in their roomes the Tribes of Israel plants Yet they ô most ingratefull falsifie Their vowes and still exasperate the most High Who in their faithlesse Fathers traces goe And start aside like a deceitfull Bow Their Altars on the tops of Mountaines blaze VVhile they their hands to cursed Idols raise Part 5 These objects fuell to his wrath affoord Whose Soule revolted Israel abhor'd The ancient Seat of Shiloh then forsooke Nor longer would that hated Mansion brooke His Arke even to Captivitie declin'd His Strength and Glorie to the Foe resign'd And yeelded up his People to the Rage Of barbarous swords nor would his wrath asswage Devouring flames their able Youth confound Nor are their Maids with Nuptiall Garlands crown'd Their Mitred Priests in heat of Battell fall No Widowes weeping at their Funerall Then as a Giant folded in the Charmes Of Wine and Sleepe starts up and cries To armes So rous'd his Foes behinde Jehovah wounds And with Eternall Infamie confounds Yet would in Josephs Tents no longer dwell Nor Ephraim chose who from his Cov'nant fell But Judahs Mountaine for his Seat elects And sacred Sion which he most affects There our great God his glorious Temple plac'd Firme as the Centre never to be ras'd And from the bleating Flockes his David chose When he attended on the yeaning Ewes And rais'd him to a Throne that he might feed His people Israels selected Seed Who fed them faithfully and all the Land Directed with a just and equall hand PSALME LXXIX As the 39. THe Gentiles waste thy Canaan Lord VVith Fire and Sword Thy holy
God hath on me in his fury throwne He from the breaking Clouds his flames hath cast Which in my Bones the boyling Marrow wast Hath set snares for my feet throwne to the ground Left desolate and fainting with my wound Who of my Sins hath made a yoake to check My Insolence and cast it on my Neck My Strength hath broken to my Enemies Subdu'd my Powers now ah too weake to rise He in the mid'st of me hath trodden downe My mighty Men and those of most Renowne His Troopes on my strong youth like Torrents rush't As in a wine-presse Judah's Daughter crush't For this I weepe my eye my galled Eye Dissolves in Streames for he who should apply Balme to my wounds farre ô farre of is fled My Children desolate their Foe their head Her Hands sad Sion rais'd no Comfort found Jehova charg'd her foes to guir'd her round Jerusalem O thou of late belov'd Now like a Menstruous Woman art remov'd The Lord is just t is I that have rebell'd And by my wild revolt his Grace expell'd Heare and behold my woes my Orphans torne From my forc'd Armes and into exile borne I to my boasting Lovers call'd for ayd But they their vowes infring'd my trust betray'd My Priests and Princes while they seeke for bread To feed their hungry Soules augment the Dead Lord looke on me my heart roules in my Breast My Bowels stoyle like Seas with Stormes opprest I have provok't thy Vengeance with my Sinne Without the Sword destroyes and Dearth within My sighes no pitty move my cruell Foes Enjoy thy Wrath and glory in my Woes Yet that presaged Time will come when they Shall equall Sorrowes to thy Justice pay O set their impious deeds before thine eyes And presse them with my waighty Miseries The Birth of Sinne which breake into complaint My groanes are numberlesse my Spirits faint Chap. 2 How hath Jehova's wrath ô Sion spread A vaile of Clouds about thy Daughters head From Heaven to Earth thy beauty Israel throwne Nor in his fierce displeasure spar'd his owne How hath he swallow'd Judah's Mansions ra'st His Holds and to the ground his Bulwarks cast The Land in his relentlesse rage profan'd And with the Blood of her owne Princes stain'd He in his Indignation hath the Horne Of Israel from his bleeding forehead torne Before the Foe O forc't to flye with shame His wrath to Jacob a devouring flame Foe-like hath bent his Bow his Hostile hand Advanc't and slaine the Beauty of the Land All that the eye attracted with Desire And powr'd his anger forth like floods of Fire Against thee Solyma Converts his Powers Sad Israel and his Pallaces devoures His strong built Fortresses to ruines turnes Whil'st Judah's Daughter for her Children mournes His Tabernacle He with Violence Hath now demolish't like a Garden Fence None Sions feasts and Sabbaths celebrate Both King and Priest abnoxious to his hate Detests his Sanctuary and forsakes His flamelesse Altar while the Enemy takes His Palaces and Walles fill'd with their Cryes As late by us in our Solemnities The ruine of Jerusalem designes And levels the Foundation with his Lines Nor his fierce hand withdrawes the tottering walls And stooping Turrets languish in their falls Her Gates sinke to the Earth with shiver'd bars Her King and Princes Slaves or slaine in wars All Lawes surcease Jehova to her Seers No more by Visions or by Dreames appeares Her Elders sit on earth with silent Woe And Dust upon their Silver Tresses throw In sack-cloath mourne Her Virgins hang their heads Like drooping Flowers that bow to their cold Beds My Bowels toyle mine eyes with teares are drown'd My bleeding Liver powr'd upon the Ground To see my tender Babes unpittied lye On flinty Pavements and through famine dye While others to their weeping Mothers say O give us Food our hunger to allay Then fainting by the bloodlesse wound of Death In their infolding Armes sigh out their Breath How shall my tongue expresse ô how compare Thy matchlesse Sorrowes to asswage thy Care Distressed Sions Daughter for thy breach Is like the Seas whose rage no bounds impeach Vaine tales and foolish have thy Prophets told Nor would they thy exiling Sins unfold False Burthens and false Prophecies invent The fatall Authors of thy Banishment The Passengers they wry their heads aside Hisse at thee clap their hands and thus deride Is this their only Joy which they of all The world the Beauty and Perfection call Thy Foes make mouthes scoffe grind their teeth and say Now have we swallow'd our desired prey This is that Day we did so long expect VVherein our hopes have had their wish't effect God hath accomplished his old Decree VVe thy oft-menaced Destruction see Hath ruin'd without pitie made a Scorne To thy Triumphant Foe and rais'd his Horne To him their hearts now cry O Sions Towers All Day all Night let teares descend in Showers O never give thy labouring Thoughts repose Nor let the humid Night thy eye-lids close Arise and cry cry from the Nights first houre Thy Heart before thy God like water powre O raise thy Hands to Heaven least Famines force Thy Childrens soules from their pale corps divorce Lord see thy Masacre's shall cursed wombes Become their new-borne childrens fatall Tombes Thy Priests and Prophets by the sword are slaine And with their Blood thy Sanctuary staine Lo in the Streets old Men and Infants lye My Virgins and bold Youth by slaughter dye Thou with their Blood thy Vengeance didst imbrew Thy burning Fury without pitty slew As in a solemne Day thy Terrors have Inviron'd me thy Anger cloyes the Grave Those whom I swatled in my Bosome bred The Barbarous Foe hath sent unto the Dead Chap. 3 Lo I the Man who by the wrath of God Have seene afflictions stormes and felt his Rod He hath depriv'd me of the cheerefull Light Inveloped with Shades more darke then Night Against me his revengefull Forces bent Nor sets his Anger with the Suns descent My slesh hath wasted wrinckled my smooth skin With Sorrowes age and broke my Bones within Against me digg'd atrench cast up a mound With travels bitter gall besieg'd me round Imprison'd where no beames their brightnesse shed Like that darke Region people by the Dead On every side my Flight with Barres restraines And clogs my galled Legs with massie Chaines Who stops his eares against my Cryes and Prayers With Stone immures and spreads my Path with snares He like a Beare or Lion lyes in waite Diverts in pieces teares leaves Desolate At me as at a marke his Bow he drew Whose Arrowes in my Blood their wings imbrew He lets the People circle me in Throngs Who all the Day deride with spitefull Songs With wormewood made me drunke with gall hath fed My teeth with gravell broke with Ashes spread My soule to Peace is such a Stranger growne As if I never better Dayes had knowne When I my wrongs to memory recall My Miseries my Wormewood and my Gall My Passions thus