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A69147 A postill or collection of moste godly doctrine vpon every gospell through the yeare aswell for holye dayes as Sondayes, dygested in suche order, as they bee appoynted and set forthe in the booke of Common Prayer. Uery profitable for all curates, parentes, maysters of housholdes, and other gouerners of youth.; Postilla Anthonii Corvini Corvinus, Antonius, 1501-1553. 1550 (1550) STC 5806; ESTC S109261 359,302 596

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in one heape gathered together the merites of all sainctes that euer were since the beginnyng of the worlde For in this matter that pertayneth to remission of synne iustificacion and eternal health it is not required to worke The Euagelist allege the scripture but to beleue Obserue also and note diligently that the Euangelistes describyng the passion of Christ howe the Iewes entreated him thei many tymes haue respect vnto the scripture which shewed before the selfe same thinges the which scripture thei also alege as in this place where thei shewe howe he was crucified betwene ii theues Also howee the souldiers cast lotte for his garmentes c. Neither do they this for any other purpose but to admonishe vs to direct our eyes vnto the scriptures and euer more in matter appertainyng vnto saluacion to waygh them direct oure iudgement accordyng to the same Fourthly Christ hangyng vpon the crosse doth excedyngly set furth that his moste heartie loue toward vs in this Christ is careful for his elect that he cōmendeth his most derely beloued mother to the Apostle Ihon againe Ihō vnto his mother that he might be to her as a defender and comfortable patrone in that her extreme necessite and trouble For as he nowe is careful for his mother prouideth for her euen so is he careful and prouideth for al that loue his name receiue his gospel and through faith repose it in their heartes and so furthermore shewe it furth of theyr heartes doyng the workes of it through loue And that we might ascertainly chalenge to our selues suche clemency and goodnes in Christ therefore he sayth in another place Who is my mother Luc. 8. or who are my brethren Truely whosoeuer dothe the wylle of my father that is in heauē he is my brother and syster and mother Christes mother By these woordes thou mayest well perceyue that Christ wyll take thee for his brother syster yea and for his mother also wyl euen so acknowlege thee if thou beleue in him and not onely will he defende and surely kepe thee in this life but also he wyll conserue the into eternal life Only let this be thy heartie study to do the will of his father that is in heauen But what calleth he the wyll of his father This is the will of him that hath sēt me Ihon. 6 euen the fathers that euery man that seeth the sōne and beleueth in him should haue life eternal and I wyl againe rayse him in the last day In this place he playnly euidently sayth We must be armed with the scripture against temptacion that he that beleueth in him doth the wyll of his father And truely it is very necessary for vs earnestly to considre those examples that sheweth what mynde Christe beareth vnto vs. For the tyme wyll come yea it is all ready at hand that these places of scripture shall do vs excedyng muche good and singularly comforte vs in all oure necessitee and troubles But if persecucion fynde me here vnarmed sure it is that I shal not cōtinue constant but sodenly forgette God and seeke helpe and cōforte at creatures And what shal then chaunce to me Truly this that for mine vnthākefulnes God wyll forsake me and because I am not armed with his worde therfore wyll he withdrawe his hand from me and forsake me so that I shal fal into destruction and for euer perishe bothe in body and soule Fyftly we see that Christe when he nowe knewe that al thynges were finished and he had tasted the vyneger and had sayd It is ended He bowed his head gaue vp the spirit That he cryed I thrust and by and by vyneger is geuen him to drynke Psa 69 it was done for this cause that we should beleue seyng that all thynges done in this passion agree so wel with the scriture that this mā without doubt is the same Christe whom the holy fathers haue so long tyme before wayted for And that before he dyed he cryed It is ended This is so excellent a worde and so precious All our saluaciō in Christ onely that not onely it is be grauē in oure heartes by fayth but also bee in all places written euen with letters of golde before our eyes Wyll you knowe why Herken We were by nature the children of wrath condempnacion so burthened in synne vnfaythfulnes that wee should perpetually haue perished if wee had not been succoured and helped Therfore onely this Iesus Christe our Lorde assisted vs with his helpe and comforte And bicause afore the heauēly father we could find no fauour or grace without oblation and sacrifice therfore Christ offered him selfe vpon the crosse for vs reconciled his father with his owne blud and obtained of him for vs fauour forgiuenes righteousnes and eternall life Heb. 11. as the epistle to the Hebrues saith With one offering hath he made perfect for euer those that are sanctified I besech you what could we more desier or what greater benefites may be done vnto vs Sin is conquered death is conquered the diuel hel are conquered so that we may now freely sai 1 Co. 15. Death is swalowed into victory Death wher is thy sting Hel wher is thy victory But thankes to god that hath gyuen vs the victory by our lord Iesus Christ Christs glorye must be giuen hym ōly This now is our dueti that we remembre to giue to Christ only this his glory honor to knowledg him for our high Byshop which offered him self for vs and so by his passion and death finished and brought to perfecte ende all our saluacion For if we nowe giue to hym this his honor as our duty is and stedfastly beleue that al this that was done was done altogither for vs and for our saluacion douteles we shall so haue it that this his merite shall not be taken as vaine or frustrate but of most greatest strength efficacy for vs. On the other party if we wyl not giue vnto him this his glorye but rather wyll ascribe to our owne deseruinge merites and workes that thing which cost him that so great and inestimable price that is the effusion and sheding of his moste precious and holy bloud then truly we make our selues vnworthy to haue this passiō and inerite of Christ gyuen vnto vs neither are we lyke except we repent to haue ony other fauoure at Christes iudgement then the Iewes that crucified him The whiche thing the almighty god kepe farre from vs for his greate mercy and goodnes thorow the merites of Iesus Christe our Lorde Amen The syxte sermon on the Passion Ioh. xix THe Iewes therefore bycause it was the preparyng day of the Sabboth that the bodyes shoulde not remaine on the crosse on the Sabboth daye for the Sabboth day was an hyghe day besought Pylate that their legges might ve broken that they myght be taken doune Then came the souldiers and brake the legges
Christ that Iudas shuld betray him and deliuer him into the handes of the Iewes Surely no man But he beinge very god that searcheth the hertes raines of al men knew it neither nedeth he any man to shewe him suche things Now that hys clemency goodnes long suffering in all thinges might appeare therfore he handleth him that shuld betray him with such mercy friendly or familiare dealing calleth him vnto penance after that fashion that he vtereth him not by name but onlye with his worde toucheth his conscience Called not hee him sufficiently vnto repentaunce when hee sayde vnto him Woo to that manne by whome the sonne of man is betrayed It had been better for that man that he had neuer been borne Doubtles whom so great mercy of Christ as in this place is shewed vnto the traytour also offered vnto him prouoketh not vnto repentance fayth surely I say that man must nedes haue an indurate blinded hert as had Iudas For Christ could hādle him no better nor with more mercyful kyndnes Rom. 2. This great paciēce of god and Christ cōsidered S. Paule saiyng Dyspisest thou the ryches of his goodnes paciēce lōg sufferyng Knowest thou not that the louyng kyndnes of God leadeth the to repentance Of this now it foloweth that not Christ but we our selues are the cause of our own destruction Osee 13 as the prophet Oseas wytnesseth saiyng O Israel thy distruccion cōmeth of thy self But Christ offereth vnto vs grace and his spirite yea that very liberally in many places of the gospel Therfore whosoeuer now wyl not do penance that mā must nedes fal into like daunger with the Iewes which would not knowe the tyme of theyr visitacion Iudas heard what he ought to haue done what doubtles should folow vpō that his betraiyng and what rewarde he might surely trust vnto except he forsoke that euil mischeuous enterpryse that he had taken in hand But dyd he repent or dyd this any thyng moue him Naye forsoth But as the serpent stoppeth his eares that he heare not the voyce of the enchanter Iudas an ensāple to the impenitent euen so Iudas stoppeth his eares shut out al the admonicions of Christ Wherfore it came to passe that by his own sinne he is dāpned perpetually And also he is set furth as a synguler ensāple to all that are impenitēt But the God of mercy and father of our Lorde Iesus Christ vouchesafe of his great and tender mercyful goodnes to kepe and preserue vs al from suche impenitent heartes and desperate myndes Secondarily after that Christ with suche frendly wordes although in vaine had called Iudas to repentance and with his welbeloued Apostles had eaten that Easter lambe he ordained and instituted the remembraunce and commemoracion of our redempcion whiche here in this place of the newe testamēt is aswel expressed and declared by figures figuratiue speaches as it was in the olde testamēt For as the pure Paschal lambe without spotte The paschal lābe signified Christ The effusion of the lambes bloud signified the effusion of Christes bloud And the saluacion of the children of Israel frō temporal death by the Lambes bloud signifyed oure saluacion from eternal death by Christes bloud And as almightie God passyng through Egypt kylled all the Egiptians heyres in euery house and left not one aliue neuerthelesse he passed by the children of Israels houses where he sawe the Lambes bloud vpon the doores and hurted none of them but saued them al by the meanes of the Lambes bloud so likewyse at the last iudgement of the whole worlde none shall be passed ouer and saued but that shall be founde marked with the bloud of that moste pure and immaculate lambe Iesus Christ And for asmuch as the sheddyng of that lambes bloud was a token and figure of the sheddyng of Christes bloud then to come The lordes supper and forasmuche also as all the sacramentes and figures of the olde testament ceassed and had an ende in Christe lest by our great vnkyndnes we shuld peraduēture be forgetfull of the great benefite of Christ therfore at his last supper when he toke his leaue of his Apostles to depart out of the world he did make a newe wylle testament wherin he bequeathed vnto vs cleane remission of all our synnes and the euerlastyng inheritaunce of heauen And the same he confirmed the next day with his owne bloud and death And lest we should forget the same he ordayned not a yerely memorye as the Paschal Lambe was eatē but ones euery yere out a dayly remembrance he ordained therof in bread wyne sanctified dedicated to that purpose Mat. 26 saiyng This is my body This cuppe is my bloud whiche is shed for the remission of synnes Do this in the remembraunce of me Admonishyng vs by these woordes spoken at the makyng of his last wyll and testament at his departyng out of the worlde because thei should be the better remembred that whensoeuer wee do eate the bread in his holy supper drinke of that cuppe wee should remembre how muche Christ hath done for vs and howe he dyed for oure sakes Therfore sayth sainct Paule 1 Cor. 11 As oftē as you shal eate of this bread and drynke the cuppe you shall shewe furth the Lordes death vntyll he come And forasmuche as this holy bread broken and the wyne deuided do represent vnto vs the death of Christe nowe passed as the killyng of the Paschal Lambe did represent the same yet to come therfore our sauiour Christ vsed thesame maner of speche of the bread wyne as God before vsed of the Paschal lambe For as in the olde testament God sayd Exo. 12. This is the Lordes Passeby or Passeouer euen so sayth Christ in the newe testament This is my body Ma. 26 This is my bloud But in the old mistery and sacrament the Lambe was not the Lordes very Passeouer or passyng by but it was a figure whiche represented his passyng by So likewise in the newe testament the bread and wyne bee not Christes very body and bloud but they be figures whiche by Christes institucion bee vnto the godly receiuers therof sacramentes tokens significacions and represētacions of his very fleshe bloud instructyng their fayth that as the bread and wyne feede theim corporally and continue this temporal life so the very fleshe bloud of Christ feedeth theim spiritually geueth them euerlastyng life For vnto the faythful Christ is at his owne holy table present with his mightie spirite and grace and is of them more fruitfully receyued than if corporally they should receiue him bodily presēt And therfore they that shal worthely come to this Goddes borde muste after due trial of themselues consider fyrst who ordained this table also what meate and drynke they shall haue that come thereto and howe they ought to behaue them selues thereat He that prepared the table is Christ himselfe The
meate and drynke wherewith he feedeth theim that come thereto as they ought do is his owne very fleshe and bloud They that come thereto muste occupye their myndes in consideryng howe his bodye was broken for them and his bloud shed for their redempcion and so ought they to approche to this heauenly table with all humblenes of heart and godlynes of mynde as to the table wherein Christ himselfe is geuen And they that come otherwyse to this holy table they come vnworthely and do not eat drynke Christes fleshe and bloud but eate drynke their owne damnacion because they do not duely consider Christes very fleshe bloud whiche be offered there spiritually to bee eaten dronken but dispisyng Christes most holy supper do come therto as it were to other meates drynkes without regarde of the Lordes body whiche is the spiritual meate of that table Therfore let a mā as sainct Paule sayth examine himselfe and so eate of the bread and drynke of the cuppe for he that eateth and drynketh vnworthely eateth and drinketh his owne damnacion not desernyng the Lordes body Euil persons do not ea●e the body of Christ Thyrdly we can not deny but that both the good and bad do eate and drynke the sacramental bread and wine but besides the sacramentes the good eateth euerlastyng life the euil and wicked membres of the deuil euerlastyng death For they do not eate and drynke the body blud of Christ but as sainct Paule sayth they are gyltie of the body bloud of the Lord and eate drynke their owne damnacion Fourthly it is necessary that we knowe wherevnto this sacrament profiteth and what vtilitee cōmeth to vs by it and what is the power of it And this can no mā learne better any where then of the very wordes wherewith this sacrament was instituted whiche say This is my body geuen for you vnto the remission of synnes Christe ordayned this sacrament of his body and bloud in bread and wine to preache vnto vs that as our bodies be fed norished and preserued with meate drynke so are our hungry soules fed norished and preserued by the body bloud of Christ This same spiritual eatyng and drinkyng of the sayd body and bloud of Christ is not receiued in the mouthe digested in the stomacke but it is receyued with a pure heart a syncere fayth beleuyng that Christe gaue his body to death shed his bloud vpon the crosse for vs that he doth so ioyne and incorporate himself to vs that he is our heade and we his membres hauyng him dwellyng in vs wee in him What thyng can bee more comfortable to vs than to eat this meate and drynke this drynke For he sayth himselfe Iohn 6 He that eateth me shal liue by me Wherfore in this sacramēt receiued with a true fayth we are assured that our synnes be forgeuen whiche thing when we fele in our heates at the receiuyng of the Lordes supper what thyng can be more ioyfull more pleasaunt or more comfortable vnto vs Remission of sinnes is the highest treasure that can be in the worlde Who is it that would not apply his whole study cast in his mynde day night yea go though it were neuer so long a iourney so that he might attaine this treasure Suppose you there bee any ryches in this worlde lyke vnto this Naye verely Why so For the goodes of this worlde be they neuer so excellent neuer so precious great in value neuer so pleasant beautifull yet they ebbe flowe they fall as leaues and thei passe away although in this life onely they comfort man much yea and rather vexe trouble him But this treasure of forgeuenes of synnes when by fayth it is obtained found and set hande vpon it bringeth with it no incertaine deceiuable nor transitory life but a continuall euerlasting and perpetual lyfe also it causeth peace ioye in the holy ghost which shall last for euer Wherefore yt is very necessarye that we with al diligence and studiouse mind serch for this treasure There ar some that are so minded that they thinke that when they haue the worde it is not verye necessary nor maketh no great matter whether they come vnto the sacrament or no and that it is in their liberty whether they wyll take part of the lords table or no. All men ar boūd to receiue the Sacrament But I deny that liberty lai that al mē are so sore bound to remembre this benefite receiued of God through Christ as the apostels wer and often to reuolue it in heart and to giue thanks for it For though I neither can nor will bynd mē vnto a certaine prescript or peculier time to receiue this sacrament yet it is necessarye that wee consider the commaundement of Christe and that oftentymes we accomplishe and in deede fulfyll it Furthermore it is a trewth and can not bee denied but that by the woorde there is offered vnto vs the remission of sinnes And in the same worde is this sacrament commaunded and comprehended so that the one can not bee in onye wise deuided frome the other Fiftely considre nowe who these be that vse this sacrament accordyngly The vse of the lordes supper Douteles that are such as beleue Ther is a promise in the lordes supper that Christ wold giue his owne body vnto death for vs that he wold shed his blud to wash away our sinnes And in this promise there is no douting But what profiteth this promise vnto me excepte I receiue take hold vpon it by faith But yet if I wil be partaker of these thinges it is necessary that I come in faith For euery promise of God is receiued by faith So likewise teacheth the sentēces in the gospell of Iohn Ioh. 6. He that eateth this bread shal liue eternally Item The breade which I wil giue it ys my flesh for the lyfe of the world Item He that eateth my flesh and drinketh my bloud continueth in me and I in him c. Al these sentences ar spoken of faith Now who so cometh vnto the communion of the lordes supper not hauing this faithe then not only hee eateth it not vnto his health and eternall life but muche rather he taketh part of this sacramēt vnto eternal cōdemnaciō as S. Paul in the epistle to the Cor. sufficiently sheweth and teacheth 1 Co. 11. Therfore if thou feele thy sinnes knowest them woldest right gladly be delyuered from them desirest to growe increase and waxe strong in faith well make hast come to this supꝑ For in it thou shalt find not only forgiuenes of sinnes that bi the word but also thou shalt feed thy soul with the body blud of Iesu Christ a great cōforting to thi faith Furthermore this sacrament shuld moue stir vs to friendship to liue quietly in peace vnitie concord to put away all hatred variance
nor the thinge that is holy Mat. 7 may not be cast before him but only must it be communicate to those that despair of their owne workes and strengthes that knowledg that they need the help and comfort of Christ We beleue rem ssion of sins Therfore also we confesse in our Crede that ther is forgiuenes of sins which we must needs beleue Now if we obtain remission of sinnes by the sheding of the blud of Christ as the blud flowing from hys syde testifyeth where is then the bragging of our workes wher ar our merites They are shut out excluded by the deathe passion of Christ Note how workes are cōcluded not that good works ought not to be doone but that they may not be ioyned with iustification which onli cometh by faith We muste in this behalfe giue Christe his own honor wholy perfectly apprehend his merite by faith so shall it come to passe that neyther synne nor death nor dyuel nor hel shal hurte the. And those good workes the fayth doth as in deed it ought to do good woorkes take them as frutes of fayth wherby the faith and sure trust of our hearts toward god is declared In like maner the water The water that flowed frō Christs syde declareth that Christe after his resurreccion would send his holy spirit that water of life wher with it is nedeful that the heartes of all the elect be purifyed And of this water dyd all the Prophetes prophecye especially Esaias when he sayd Esa 44 I wyll power water vpō the thyrsty streames vpō the dry ground I will power my spirit vpō thy seede my blessyng vpon thy braunche and they shall spryng burgenyng among the herbes as the salowes that grewe by the syde of the ryuer Accordyng to this Christ also crieth in the gospel of S. Ihon Who so thursteth let him come to me drynke Ioh. 7. He that beleueth on me as the scripture sayth stremes of water of life shall flowe out frō his belly And the Euāgelist himself expoūdeth this shewyng that it is ment of the holy gost for he sayth This spake Iesus of the spirit which those that beleue in him should receiue Christ loueth vs. He then that hath by theffusion of his most precious bloud obtayned for vs remission of all our synnes deliuered vs frō eternal death reconciled vs into the fauor of god his father that wtout any of our merites or deseruinges also hath promised to sēd his holy ghost whiche maye leede our heartes into the knowledge fayth of God thynke you he dothe not very heartely loue vs would our welfare Nowe seyng that he thus heartely wylleth oure welfare why should we not beleue in him why should we not acknowledge this so great loue Yet are there mē foūd the more pitie it is that ascribe more to their own merites then to Christ and therfore they cannot be thākeful whō doubtles at that day Christ shal therfore punishe according to their owne deseruynges Thirdly we haue here described who they were that buried Christ with what reuerence his dead body was brought vnto the earth Some man perchance would meruaile that Ioseph Nicodemus nowe dare aske of Pylate the deade bodye of Iesu whiche yet when Iesus lyued they durst not come at him The death of Christe begynning to conquer scant by night But nowe the frutes and vtility of Christes passion somwhat openeth it self she winge what shulde ensue the passion and deathe of Christ when a litle and a litle it comech to mennes knowledg both what manner a man Christ is and also how innocently and vndeseruedly he was persecuted by the Iewes condemned vnto the crosse And these two doubtles came after the true knowledge of god and his sonne Iesu Christ which now so manifestly do this humanitie vnto Christ contemned and crucified hauinge no respect that hee was so hated of the Iewes For that they here do it cometh of an imperfecte faith for they were yet far from the perfection that Paul speaketh of Rom. 1 saying I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ for it is the power of god vnto saluacion to euery man that beleueth But that they exhibited to Christ such reuerence honor that thei take him doune from the crosse and enbalmed hym with Myrre and Aloe with such spice they winde vp his body laye it gloriously in the sepulture it is an humane and gentle affection done according to the custome of the Iewes The estimation of the worlde of Christes deth sepulchre Deu. 21 And here note howe the deathe and sepulture of Christe is esteemed afore the worlde bothe his death and buriall are ignominious and shamefull For it is written in the lawe He is accursed that hāgeth vpon a tree Besydes this the blynde Iewes had none other opinion of Christ neither by his life nor in his death as it is euident vnto this day But before God this death buryall is honest and precious as also it is estemed amōg al that beleue whiche know assuredly that by that dispised death the beleuers are delyuered from synne death deuil and hel Doth not S. Paule say often tyme 1. Cor. 2 I haue knowen no man but Christ and euen the same that was crucifyed And this is an vndoubted trueth Note this earnestly gentle reader take awaye this contemptible death and buryal of Christ and you shal perceyue that all men must be compelled to dispayre and to fall into the daunger of the deuil On the other part set before your eyes the passion death and buryal of Christ apprehendyng them by true fayth as most precious iewels deuine treasures done for thee and thou shalt fynd thy cōscience able to resyst against all the assaultes of Sathan and also of synne And as Ioseph and Nycodemus by fayth shewed this humanitee vnto Christ so endeuor thy selfe by fayth that vnto sinne thou may bee dead buryed with Christ Rom. 6. and after agayne ryse through fayth with him For surely this pleaseth Christ and is necessary and very profytable vnto thy saluacion Fourthly we see howe contemtuously Pylate delyuereth Christ to be buryed forsyng not for him nothyng regardyng that he should ryse agayne the thyrd day The sentence of Infidels In this mynde are al the enemyes of the gospel and truth of God When they haue slayne the ministers of the worde then they thynke all thyng very well safe and all whyst as they would haue it Exo. 1.2.3 Euen so did Pharao with intollerable burthens oppresse the chyldren of Israel thynkyng by that meanes to stoppe the ordynaunce of God that the Israelites should not so much growe and increase but the more they were oppressed so muche more they grewe and multiplyed and at the laste by his owne crueltee he was his owne destruccion Euen so chaunsed it to Pylate and
The hired seruaunt flieth bicause he is an hyred seruaunt and careth not for the sheepe I am the good sheeph●rd and knowe my sheepe and am knowen of myne As my father knoweth me euen so knowe I also my father And 2 Tim. 2 Mat. 11 Mar. 10 Luc. 10. I geue my lyfe for the sheep And other sheepe I haue whych are not of this folde them also muste I bringe and they shall heare my voice and there shal be one folde and one shepeharde THE EXPOSITION The good shephard The hierynge IN this similitude firste of all a good shepeherd and a hyred seruaunte be compared and the nature and propertie of both be described But this is to be noted that this present gospel is part of the similitude which Christe in the 10. chapt of Iohn put forth to the Phariseis of the dore the sheepefolde the shepharde and the porter For the Phariseis herde and taught the lawe but they vnderstod not Moyses which did not all only require of them the outeward workes but rather the affection of the harte Wherof it came that they coulde not teache the rightousnes of faith that was accepted before god nor yet could print it rightly in peoples hartes Then for as muche as in the steede of this righteousnes they taughte the righteousnes of workes and soughte saluacion by an other meane then by the seede of Abraham promised vnto theim willing other also to seke the same Therfore Christ sayd not withoute a cause in the beginning of this similitude that they entred not in at the dore but that they were theues murtherers For there cannot be begonne or raysed vppe in the church greater mischiefe or murther then to teache to trust in workes Phil. 3. Dogges Of the which doctoures Paule speketh when he saith Beware of dogges beware of euel workers He calleth the false prophetes dogges that for theyr owne lucre and aduauntage wil not teache the people the righteousnes of faithe but the righteousnes of workes against the wholsome doctrine of Christe And Christe called theim hyred seruauntes Wherefore Forbycause they care not for the sheepe bycause they regarde not the helth and saluacion of the sheepe neyther wyll daunger them selues therfore And so it is written in the prophete Soph. 3 Her prophetes are lyghte persones c. For the hyred seruaunt tarieth while he findeth aduauntage but when he perceyueth none aduaūtage he flyeth awaye ye thoughe the wolfe shuld eate vp all his sheepe But Christ doth not so for he saith I am a good shepehard c. Surely all only Christ is the good shepeharde for he hath got and obteyned for his sheepe through his death the pasture and feeding of euerlastinge lyfe Out of this office of Christ we may knowe what mynde Christ beareth toward vs. For he beareth vs such affection that he will saue vs and not destroye vs. Howe doth he confirme that vnto vs In feedinge dyinge Feedyng is in the scripture a common terme Feding and is as much to saye as to teache goddes word rightly without mingling therwith false doctrine as thou seeste in the laste chapiter of Iohn where Christe saithe Peter feede my sheepe And in the actes of the apostels Act. 1● The holye ghoste hath sette you to be bysshoppes to feede the congregation of god With this feedinge with this doctrine hathe god fyrste serued his sheepe and afterwarde with his death and shedinge of his precious blode that they being saued for euer shulde not be a praye to the wolues Who to dye wolde not beleue suche a shepharde Who wolde desire other feeding Now compare Christ and the hiered seruaunte togyther Christe seeketh the commoditie and profyte of the sheepe The hierelynge seeketh his owne wealthe and commoditye The one hath the worde of lyfe the other of condemnacion The one quickeneth the other slayeth The one refresheth and comforteth the other chargeth and troubleth mennes consciences The one abideth with the shepe in al need and necessitye and the other flyeth away Briefely Christ is allonly the good shepeharde which thorough his doctrine and death hath made vs iuste righteous and hollye Secondarily wee haue here in this gospell a meruailous cōfortable saying in that that Christe repeteth that he is the good shepeharde c. In the which wordes he declareth what thought and care he taketh for his sheepe that they be well kept and haue good feeding And that wee shulde vndoubtedly bee suer that he careth for his sheepe he ioyneth and addeth that he knoweth vs none otherwise then the father acknowledgeth him and hee the father For Christe and the father be one substance vndeuided so that Christ can not be seperated from the father nor the father from Christ For if Christe coulde be seperated from the father then coulde there not be one god And that meaneth the father Mat 17 when he sayeth Here is my welbeloued son in whome I delite heare him Whiche is euen as much to say as to heare obey Christ my son is to heare and obey me Lykewise here the son meaneth the same thinge when he sayethe Ioh. 1● I and the father are one Also to Phylippe he saith Ioh. 14 Phylyppe he that seeth me seeth the father Hereoute thowe mayest lyghtelye gather howe that Christe acknowledgeth the father and lykewyse howe the father acknowledgeth Christe Nowe If Christ knoweth vs as he knoweth the father the father knoweth Christe so muste wee needes be one body and one substaunce with hym Yea euen his brethren Then when I am one body and one substaunce with Christe my lorde when I am Christes brother will not he defend me wil he forsake and leaue me withoute comforte No suerly but will knowe me and stand by me vntil the consumacion and ende of this worlde So that and if I as a shepe were in the middest of the wolues ther were no ieoperdy only yf this Christ wold acknowledge vs. But howe can I bring that to passe that I may be the brother of Christe and grafte in him and that I maye knowe hym as he knowethe me Or howe doth he acknowledge me Before the foundacion of the worlde was layde he dyd electe me and predestinate me to saluacion 1 Tim. 2 of his greate mercye withoute any deseruing of workes And after that he became manne he called me throughe his worde to the same saluacion so that yf I nowe beleue in him he and I bee one This to beleue frome the botome of oure hartes What is to knowe Christe is to knowe Christe in the whiche knowledge consisteth oure ryghteousnes and saluacion as yt is wrytten in the gospell of Iohn Ioh 17 Thys is the euerlastynge lyfe that they knowe the that thow only arte the trewe god and whom thou hast sente Iesu Christ The calling of the Heithen Thyrdly wee haue here the callynge of the Gentyles how that they shall come to the knowledg of theyr sinnes and to
the grace and mercy of the gospell that the church gathered of the gentyles and of the Iewes shal be made one flocke and haue one shepeharde But here marke and take hede in what manner this callyng shal be Christe alone must bringe it to passe and performe yt as he saithe I haue yet other shepe that be not of this folde and those same must I bring also c. Christe muste bringe the gentils whereout it foloweth necessarily that the gentiles of them selues without they be brought by Christe can not come And yf they can not come of them selues it is manifest and playne that we throughe grace and mercye be iustified and saued as saith S. Paule By grace are you saued throughe faythe Ephe. 2. and that not of your selues for it is the gifte of god not of workes least any man shulde boaste him selfe Now yf we are called to righteousnes and euerlasting lyfe by grace why do we then boast vs of oure workes Whervnto is now free wil become why do not you leaue Christe his honoure Wylte thou become a thefe and priuily steale awaye christes honour Is it not sufficient that the pharisies those glorifiers in workes are called theues If ye are wyse take counsayle with the scripture and beleue the same if ye will be saued which saith No man knoweth the father Ioh. 14 but the sonne and to whome the sonne wil reuele it .. Marke diligently that he saith To whō the sonne wyl reuele it And in this gospell he saith also I I I my selfe muste bringe them When Christe doth bringe vs through his word and spirite then do we heare his voyce then do we willingly obey him and mortefie the old Adame in vs. To make shorte we lyue according to goddes will and pleasure Some there be that suppose that by this sentence Ther shalhe one flocke and one shepard is promised through out all the worlde Vnity concord in the doctrine of Christs faythe is not to be loked for vnitie and concorde in the doctrine and faithe of Christe but they be deceyued For this saiyng is fulfilled when both the Iews and gentyles are called by the word of god into the communion of one churche And in th ende of the worlde finally it shal be fulfilled when the faithfull as well of the Iewes as of the gentiles shal be disseuered diuided from the kiddes that is frome the vnfaithfull and taken into the kingdome of Christe Whiche God the father graunt vs through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen The thirde sonday after Easter Ioh. 16 AFter a whyle ye shal not se me Ioh. 7. agayne after a whyle ye shal se me for I go to the father Thē sayde some of hys dysciples betwene them selues What is this that he sayeth vnto vs after a whyle ye shall not se me and agayne after a while ye shal se me and that I go to the father● They sayde therfore what is this that he saith after a whyle we can not tell what he saith Iesus peceaued that they wolde aske hym and sayde vnto them Ye enquyre of this betwene your selues bicause I sayde After a whyle ye shal not se me and agayne After a whyle ye shall se me Verely verely I say vnto you ye shall weepe and lament but contrary wyse the worlde shall reioyce Ye shall sorowe but Ioh. 2● your sorowe shal be turned to ioye A woman when she trauayleth hath sorowe bycause he thow● is come but as sone as she is delyuered of the chyld she remembreth no more the anguyshe for ioye that a man is borne into the world And ye now therefore haue sorowe but I wyll se you agayne and your hartes shall reioyse and your ioye shall no man take frome you THE EXPOSITION Chryste sheweth his passion resurrectiō to his disciples IN this gospell diligently we shall note foure thinges First how Christ shewed before vnto his disciples his passion and resurrection Furthermore in what wise through his resurrection he shuld raign in his kingdome and go to the father This sermon and teaching muste needes be verye necessary whē Christ so oftentimes and with so many wordes repeteth it and sheweth yt his disciples Yea truly it is very needful considering the infirmitie of our flesh and the hard vnderstandynge of these articles Wherefore Christe after the manner of a faithfull maister and instructours ceasseth not contynuallye to inculcate and driue into the apostles hartes suche artycles that in all poyntes he mighte trulye and iustelye execute hys office And this is the exposition and meanynge thereof After a little while I shal be delyuered vnto the Iewes and they shal condemne me scourg me and at the last crucify me And lykewise as Ionas was three dayes and three nyghtes in the belly of the whale Mat. 21 so shall I be three dayes and so manny nyghtes also in the hart of the earth And that is the same that I say vnto you After a little while yee shall not see me and yet after a litle that is the thirde daye whan I am risen frome deathe yee shall see me But that shal be no great whyle for I muste go to the father and receaue my kingdome whiche is spirituall With the whiche hee instructethe and teacheth his dysciples what maner of kyngedome hee shall haue and in what wyse he shall entre into it The kīgdom of Christ Eph. 14 The kyngedome of Chryste lyeth herein That Christe hath ouercomme sinne deathe hell and the dyuell and hathe all the auctorytye and power of the father in heauen and in earthe that hereafter he beinge ordeined the moste mighty kinge vppon the hollye hyll of Sion Psal 2. shuld strength and rule his faithfull and electe through the holy ghoste And into this kīgdom he hath entred through his passion death and sheding of his blode as the prophete Dauyd sheweth before Psa 109 He shall drynke of the brooke in the waye therefore shall he lyfte vp his heade The Apostles knewe yet but little of the spirituall kingedome and thought it shulde haue been temporall vntill suche time that they receiued the holy ghost which opened their eyes and instructed them what manner of kingedome it shulde be how we shulde come vnto it and abide in it And if we desyre to enter into this kingedome and wyl ouercome synne death the diuell and hell it is moste conuenient necessarye that we know Christe oure Lorde and sauioure oure kinge and bysshoppe and that by his bloode wee are reconcyled to the euerlastinge father And we must do also as Paule monissheth vs in the epistle to Timothe sayinge 2 Tim. 2 If wee be dead with him we shall lyue with him also If we be patient we shall also raigne with him If we deny him he shall denye vs. Secondarily here is layde before vs in the apostles an exaumple of our ignoraunce An exaūple of our ignoraunce For as the
the beginnyng of the worlde vnto this day defende maintayne iustice of workes contrary against the iustice of fayth And of such at this tyme in so opē light of the Gospel ther are innumerable On the other parte that is to say among theim that bee litle children Childrē are to bee nombred the Apostles and all that beleue whiche esteme the Euangelye as a most precious and holy relique and in nothyng are against it but with all gentilnes and lowly mynde do receyue it Therfore if thou wylt come with these children vnto the knowlege of the gospell and eternal felicitee well be not wise and prudent in thine owne conceite but meake thy selfe in thyne heart for the worde continueth hyd vnto carnall wysedome Wherfore also sainct Paule calleth it a misterye or a preuie secrete that all menne vnderstande not nor perceiue Wee speake sayth he the wisedome of God in a mistery Secondarily Christ is very God when Christe as very manne had ascribed the reuelacion of his Euangelie or gospel vnto his father he would nowe also shewe himselfe to be very God equal with the father and he sayth All thynges are geuen vnto me of my father And No man knoweth the sonne but the father neither knoweth any man the father but the sonne and he to whom the sonne will open him Of these wordes it is euident that Christ is not only very man but also very God For seyng that in this place he sheweth that the knowlege of his heauenly father is in his power to geue it vnto whom he wyll whiche thyng in another place he ascribeth vnto his father onely needes must it folowe Christ is equal with the father that as concernyng the deuine nature he is equal with his father And if he bee equal with his father it foloweth of necessitee that he is very God Nowe if he be very God why should I not beleue in him why shuld I refuse to put in him all my whole hope trust and cōsolacion especially seyng that he is so minded toward me and all men that beleue in him that both he will and also is hable to helpe vs. And that he wyl gladly succour vs it appeareth in this that for our sakes he geueth thankes vnto his heauenly father as one that hath great pleasure in our saluacion and health Besides that he is able to helpe vs for all thinges are geuē vnto him of his father And to this partaineth it Ioh. 14 that he sayd vnto Philip. Haue I been so long tyme with you and thou hast not knowen me Philip he that seeth me seeth also my father Againe Beleue me that I am in the father the father is in me Heare you not in this sentēce that Christ is equal with the father therfore nedes must he be God It wyll bee very profitable to collect and gather suche sentences together and to haue theim in oure myndes For howe hardes thyng is it to the fleshe to beleue that a mā so dispised and crucify●● should be the sonne of God yea God himselfe And that he hath by the effusion of his precious bloud washed awaye the synnes of all men obtained for them eternal life So strongly and with suche force is sathan wont to fight against this article For he knoweth certainly that if he may wynne vs frō this Christ it is impossible but he shal take vs for his praye For thynke you that it was for nought the Christ sayd Mat. 9. He is blessed that shall not be offended against me Surely he sawe before that his poore and cōtemptible person should make many afrayd to come to his doctrine Therfore he willeth that we loke vnto his worde considre it prudētly and not only say Iesus sonne of Dauid haue mercy vpon vs. But also say with Thomas Mar. 10 Ioh. 20. My Lorde and my God Thyrdly Christ allureth and calleth vs vnto him selfe with a verye swete and fatherly promise and sayth Come vnto me all you that labour and are laden and I wyll refreshe comfort and ease you Christ allureth vs vnto himselfe with a merciful promise I pray you who now wil bee slowe not rather with all that he can make hast vnto so gentle a sauiour Christ And diligently note who thei be that Christ calleth here vnto himselfe They are suche as labour and are laden in their conscience And who be those Those doubtles that feele their synnes and knowlege theim and for theim bee fearefull and tremblyng without comfort of a contrite heart For to suche consciences there is no worke no holy deede no wysedome that canne succour theim but Christ onely by his death and passion and by that precious effusion of his bloud Many one there are that in suche trouble of conscience and in the great conflictes and anguishe of the same seke remedyes by certaine prescribed holynes and woorkes But these profyte no more then did that woman whiche was sicke of the issue of bloud xii yere which had suffered many thynges of many Physicions spent al her goodes was neuer the better Mar. 5. neither had any succour For the more they study with their workes those I say whiche are done without true fayth to pacifye the conscience the more they do hurt it Wherfore thus must wee seke for remedye When by the preaching of Moyses we be brought into the knowlege of oure synne Rom. 3. and wee feele our selues right soore oppressed with the burthen of synne then let vs seke for him which by his death and passion hath obtayned for vs remission of all our synnes But if Sathan wyll here drawe the backe and as he is ful of malice and craft so put it into thy mynde that thou shalt thynke Christ suche a one The cōfort of cōsciēce must be sought at Christ as can in no wise abide sinners then knowe thou that thou loke vnto this promise that Christ hath made to thee in this Gospell when he sayth Come vnto me al ye that labour and are laden and I euen I shal refreshe you Whiche els no worke nor sainct can do Why I beseche you bee you afrayde when I am gentle and lowely in heart and suche a one as it should be full sore against my will that any synner should depart fro me without comforte Beholde thus Christ allureth and calleth vs vnto himself and setteth furth to vs a promise that he will refreshe and comfort suche as are laden and oppressed with synne Yea further when wee bee comforted he will lay a yoke vpon vs but no suche as they felt before But Christes yoke is easye and his burthen light The doctrine of Christ because of the crosse whiche it euer bryngeth with it is a great yoke and heauye burthen to the fleshe But when the spirite commeth it is made easye and light were it afore neuere so heauy as sainct Ihon sayth His preceptes are not heauye 2. Ioh.
5 That almightie lord geue vs grace that we neuer suffre our selues to be withdrawen frō that yoke Amen The gospell on the annunciation of the blessed Vyrgyne Mary Luc. 1. When she sawe him she was abashed at hys saying and cast in her mynd what manner of salutacion that shold bee And the aungell sayde vnto hyr Feare not Marye for thou haste founde grace wyth God Beholde Esai 6. thou shalte conceaue in thy womb and beare a sonne and ♣ Mat. 2 Luc. 2. shalte call his name Iesus He shal be greate and shall be called the sonne of the hyghest And the lord God shall gyue vnto hym the seat of his father Dauyd and he * Esa 9 shall raign ouer the house of Iacob for euer and ♣ Dan 7 Mich. 4 of hys kingedome there shall be none ende Then sayde Mary vnto the angell How shall this be seyng I know not a man And the angel answered and sayd vnto her The holy ghost shal come vpon the and the power of the highest shall ouershadowe the. Therefore also that holy thing whych shal be borne shal be called the sonne of god And beholde thy cosyn Elyza beth she hathe also conceaued a sonne in her age and this is her syxt moneth whych was called barren for Zach 8. Mat. 19 Mar. 10 Luc. 18. with god shall nothing be vnpossible And Mary sayde Behold the hand mayde of the Lorde be it vnto me accordyng to thy worde THE EXPOSITION HEere in the Gospell of this daye is described the Annūciatiō of the natyuyty of our lord Iesus Christ which was before promised vnto the holy fathers that ther so longe so desirously wayted for And the euangelyst Luke with very great diligēce meruailous plainly describeth that glad tidinges For he right diligently discusseth al the circumstances of it and in as goodly ordre as maye bee recyted them Fyrst he sheweth the tyme The tyme. that is the syxte moneth after that Elizabeth wyfe to Zachary the priest had conceiued Iohn the baptist And then furthermore Gabiel hee nameth also the aungell by that name that was knowen and excellente in the scriptures as in Daniell the 8. and 9. chapiter And this aungell also was before sent vnto Zachary Thirdely he sheweth who sent that angell Who sent him that is god which longe before had ordained Marye vnto this glory that she shuld be the mother vnto his son Fourthelye also you se whether and to whome the Aungell was sente that is into a toune of Galile named Nazareth The city The husbande The virgyne vnto a virgine despoused vnto a manne called Ioseph of the house of Dauid And the virgines name was Mary Now if a man will declare these circumstances and accordinge to their dignitie discusse them it can not be opened what dignity and ornament these shal adde vnto the annuncion And nowe considre after what manner this annunciation came to passe and how we shuld vnderstand it The aungell cometh vnto Mary and very gentely saluteth her as a virgine replenished with grace with whome the Lorde is and whiche shuld in tyme comming be blessed aboue al women bicause of those excellent giftes which god woulde giue vnto her And in as much as she was abashed or troubled bycause of his woordes therefore the Angel continueth his wordes and sayth Mary be not afrayde doubtlesse thou hast found grace with God Behold thou shalt cōceiue in thy wombe and beare a sonne and shalt call his name Iesus Here it is necessary that wee consider well two thynges Fyrst that Mary founde so great grace with God Two thynges noted For that which is founde surely it is founde without any merites of any woorkes that went before and so it commeth vnloked for To confirme grace is not to merite or deserue Then if Mary found suche grace afore God I beseche you where are they that say she deserued it And therevpon doo make an Idoll of her settyng it aboue God I can well beare and truely so is it worthy that Mary be praised and exalted as a goodly virgyn and full of grace afore God yea and also to be set furth vnto all christians as a liuely ensample of fayth yet that notwithstādyng suffre her to continue a creature that attayned vnto that dignitee by grace without merites and that neuer desired to be extolled aboue her sonne as ye may wel perceiue by her owne woordes where she sayth in the gospell Whatsoeuer my sonne shall say vnto you that do Iohn 2 Doth not this mooste blessed virgyn Mary in this place sende men from her selfe vnto Christ and vnto his woorde Surely wee confesse that Mary obtayned of God greatter fauour or grace then all other women in that she was full of the holy ghost and the Lorde was with her But nowe it foloweth not of this that I shuld make an Idol of her that we shuld esteme her to be our life swetenes al our hope as doth that cāticle Salue regina but rather it were more right to speake these thinges of Christ whiche sayth I I I am the way the truth life The other thyng that we here thynke worthy to be noted is this We must diligētly way what the Angel sayd vnto Mari. Behold sayd he thou shalt conceiue in thy wombe and beare a sōne For these woordes pertayne vnto the humanitee of Christ whiche in oure tyme is impugned without shame The anabaptists errour of the Anabaptistes For they confesse that he receiued of Mary in her wombe figure forme nutrimentes But this they beleue not that he toke any thyng of fleshe and bloud of Mary But this text teacheth plainly that doubtles Christ fyrst was cōceiued of the holy ghost then by the operacion of the same holy ghost he receiued as euery other childe doth forme figure nourishementes fleshe and bloud of his mother the virgyn Mary and so was borne of her as the article of oure fayth declareth And we by the assistance of Goddes grace shal euer continue in this fayth and confesse it neuer depart frō it though the Anabaptistes waxe neuer so wodde and bable neuer so muche vayne wordes in waste Secondarily in this Gospel is excellētly described the kyngdome of Christe The kingedome of Christe For the Angel sayth And the Lord God shall geue vnto him the seate of Dauid his father and he shall reigne ouer the house of Iacob eternally and there shal be no ende of his kyngdome In these woordes Christ is called the sonne of Dauid I thynke because he was so long before promised to Dauid and that he toke fleshe bloud of Mary Dauids seate whiche was of the seade of Dauid And this seate or maiestie of Dauid whiche should be geuen vnto him is no corporal seate but a spiritual seate For if it were a corporal seat it could not endure for euer but it must needes haue an ende And therfore