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A06436 Of prayer, and meditation Wherein are conteined fovvertien deuoute meditations for the seuen daies of the weeke, bothe for the morninges, and eueninges. And in them is treyted of the consideration of the principall holie mysteries of our faithe. Written firste in the Spanishe tongue by the famous religious father. F. Lewis de Granada, prouinciall of the holie order of preachers in the prouince of Portugall.; Libro de la oraciĆ³n y meditaciĆ³n. English Luis, de Granada, 1504-1588.; Hopkins, Richard, d. 1594? 1582 (1582) STC 16907; ESTC S100761 342,485 696

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they crucified him and with him two theues one at the right hande and the other at the lefte And so was the scripture fulfilled that saieth And he was reckoned emōge the wicked And Pilate wrote also a title and put it vpon the Crosse And it was written Iesus of Nazareth kinge of the Iewes This title manie of the Iewes did reade For the place where Iesus was crucified was neare to the citie and it was written in Hebrewe Greeke and Lattin Then said the highe preistes of the Iewes to Pilate write not the kinge of the Iewes but that he saied I am kinge of the Iewes Pilate answered what I haue written I haue written Then the souldiars when they had crucified Iesus tooke his garmentes and made fowre partes to euerie souldiar a parte And they tooke his coate also which was without anie seame wouen frō the toppe throwghout Therefore they saied one to an other Let vs not deuide it but cast lottes for it whose it shal be This was done that the scripture might be fulfilled Psalm 21. that saieth They parted my garmentes emonge them and vpon my coate they cast lottes So the souldiars did these thinges indeede And they that passed by Math. 27. reuyled him wagginge theire heades and sayeinge Fye on thee thou that destroiest the tēple and buildest it in three daies saue thy selfe If thou be the sonne of God come downe from the crosse Likewise also the highe preistes mockinge him with the Scribes and elders and Pharisies saied He saued others but he cannot saue him selfe If he be the kinge of Israell let him now come downe from the Crosse and we will beleue him He trusteth in God Let him deliuer him now if he will haue him For he saied I am the sonne of God The verie same wordes also did the theeues who were crucified with him cast in his teethe But Iesus saide Father pardon them for they knowe not what they doe And one of the malefactors Luc. 23. that was crucified with him blasphemed sayeinge If thou be Christe saue thy selfe and vs. But the other answered and rebuked him sayenge Neither doest thou feare God beinge in the selfe same cōdemnation We are iustlye punnished for we receaue accordinge to our doinges But this man hath done nothinge amisse And he saied vnto Iesus Lord remember me when thou commest into thy kingdome Then Iesus saied vnto him Verelie I saie vnto thee This daie shalt thou be with me in paradise There stoode by the Crosse of Iesus Ioan. 19. his mother and his mothers sister Marie the wife of Cleophas and Marie Magdalene And when Iesus sawe his mother and the disciple whom he loued standinge by he saied vnto his mother Woman beholde thy sonne Then he saied to the disciple beholde thy mother And from that howre the disciple tooke her for his mother Math. 27. Abowte the ninthe howre Iesus cried with a lowde voice sayenge Eli Eli Lamasabacthani that is My God my God why hast thou forsaken me And some of them that stoode there when they harde it saied This man called Elias Some other saied let vs see if Elias will come and saue him Afterwardes Iesus knowinge that all thinges were fulfilled Ioan. 19. that the scripture might be accomplished saied I am a thirst And there was set a vessell full of vinegar and they filled a sponge with vinegar and put it abowt an hisope stalke and put it to his mouthe Now when Iesus had receaued of the vinegar he saied It is finished And he cried againe with a lowde voice Luc. 23. Matth. 27. and saied Father into thine handes I commende my spirite And from the sixte hower there was darkenes ouer all the earthe vntill the ninthe hower And the veile of the temple was rent in two partes from the toppe to the bothom And the earthe quaked and the stones were clouen And the graues opened them selues and manie bodies of the Sainctes which slepte arose And there were manie of his fryendes and acquaintance and women beholdinge him a farre of Emonge whom was Marie Magdalene and Marie the mother of Iames the yonger and of Iosephe and Salome who had folowed him out of Galilee ministringe vnto him with manie other women that came in his companie to Ierusalem MEDITATIONS VPON THESE POYNTES OF THE TEXT VE are now come o my soule to the holie mounte Caluarie and we be nowe arriued at the toppe of the misterie of our redemption O how wonderfull is this place Verelie this is the howse of God the gate of heauen the lande of promise and the place of saluation Here is planted the tree of life Here is placed that misticall ladder that Iacob sawe Genes 28. which ioyneth heauen with the earthe whereby the angells doe descende vnto men and men doe ascende vnto almightie God This is o my soule the place of praier Here oughtest thou to adore and blesse our Lorde and geue him most humble and hartie thanckes for this his most highe and excellent benefit sayenge thus vnto him We worshippe and adore thee ô Lord Iesus Christ and we blesse thy holie name forsomuch as thou hast by meanes of this holie Crosse redeemed the worlde Thankes be geuen vnto thee O most mercifull Sauiour for that thou hast thus loued vs and wass hed awaie our sinnes with thy most pretious bloude and hast offered thy selfe for vs vpon the same Crosse to the ende that with the most sweete sauour of this noble sacrifice enkendeled with the fier of thy most feruent loue thou mightest satisfie and appease the wrathe of almightie God Blessed be thou therefore for euermore which art the Sauiour of the worlde the reconciler of mankinde the reparer of Angelles the restorer of the heauens the triumphant conqueror of hell the vanquisher of the diuell the awthor of life the destroier of deathe and the redeemer of them Luc. 1. that were in darckenes and in the shadowe of deathe All yee therefore that be a thirst Esay 55. come vnto the waters and yee that haue neither golde nor siluer come and receaue all these pretious treasures freely without payinge anie thinge Yee that desier the water of life this is that misticall rocke that Moyses strooke with his rodde in the wildernes Exod. 17. out of which there sprange water in great abondance to satisfie the thirst of his afflicted people Yee that desiere peace and amitie with alinightie God knowe yee that this is also that rocke Genes 35. that the patriarke Iacob annointed with oyle and erected vp for a title of peace and amitie betwene almightie God and men Yee that are desirous of wyne to cure your woundes Num. 13. this is that cluster of grapes that was browght out of the lande of promise into this vale of teares which is now crusshed and pressed vpon the presse of the Crosse for the remedie and redresse of our offences Yee that desire the oyle of the grace
respecte of the workes of iustice that we haue done but accordinge to his great mercie he hath saued vs. O how wonderfull desirous was our most gracious Lorde that we shoulde vnderstande his mercie when by the Prophet Esaie he spake those so notable wordes Esa 43.22 Thou hast not called vpō me ô Iacob ād thou ô Israel hast not trauayled in my seruice Thou hast not offered vnto me thy rāmes in a whole burnte sacrifice neither hast thou glorified me with thy sacrifices c. And yet for all this thou hast made me to serue in thy synnes and hast put me to paines with thyne iniquitie It is I It is I that doe pardon thy synnes for mine owne sake and that will neuer be mindefull of them Put me in minde and let vs enter into iudgemente and shewe if thou haue any thinge where with to iustifie thy selfe Wherefore ô most mercifull and sweite Lorde what thinge is there in me wherewith I maie recompence thee for this so great a benefite If I shoulde liue all the liues of the children of Adam and all the daies and yeares of the worlde If I were able to sustein all the trauels and paines of all the men that either be hath bene or shall be all this were as nothinge to recompence the verie least of the greifes and paines that thou hast suffered for me Consideringe therefore that I can by no meanes possible discharge this inestimable great dett let me paie thee ô my almightie God if it be thy blessed will with the continuall remembrance of the same I beseech thee ô Lorde euen by the bowels of thy infinite charitie that thou wilt wounde my harte with thy woūdes and make my sowle droncke with thy most pretious bloud in such sorte that whither so euer I shall turne my selfe I maie alwaies see thee crucified and wheresoeuer I shall cast mine eies all thinges maie seeme vnto me to shyne with thy pretious bloude Let this be all my consolation to be alwaies crucified with thee and let this be all my affliction to thinke vpon anie other thinge besides thee Consider ô my almightie God the great price wherewith thou hast bowghte me and suffer not so pretious a treasure to be shed in vaine for me And graunte me ô most mercifull Lorde that I be not as a childe that is borne before his time whom his mother bringeth forthe with exceidinge great trauell and paine and yet he enioyeth not the commoditie and fruit of lyfe Of the fourthe benefite to witt of Vocation § IIII. AFTER this thinke vpon the benefite of Vocation or callinge of almightie God without which all the other benefites tende to the greater damnation of a man Two callinges of God one vnto faithe and an other vnto grace But here it is to be noted that there be two kindes of callinges of almightie God one vnto faith by meanes of the Sacrament of Baptisme and an other vnto grace after that a man hath lost the first innocencie which he had by baptisme Consider now what a great benefite the first callinge of thee was by meanes of the Sacrament of holie Baptisme The first callinge is by Baptisme whereby thou wast clensed from originall sinne deliuered from the power of the deuill made the sonne of almightie God and an inheritour of his kingedome There he toke thy sowle to be is spowse and adorned it with such ornamentes as were conuenient for such a state to witt with the grace vertues and giftes of the holie Ghost and with other iewells and giftes that are farre more pretious than those that were geuen to Rebecca Gen. 24. whē she was takē to be the spowse of Isaac Now what hast thou done whereby to deserue so great a benefite as this is How many thowsandes not onely of men but also of nations and whole countreys are there that by the iust iudgemente of almightie God doe not obteine this inestimable great benefite What had become of thee if thou haddest bene borne emonge those infidels and wanted this knowledge of the true liuinge God and worshipped stockes and stones for God as the infidels doe How much art thou bounde to almightie God that emonge such an infinite nomber of lost and damned sowles it pleased him that thou shouldest be one of the nomber of them that shoulde be saued yea and be borne in the lappe of the Catholike Churche and be nourished there with the milke of the Apostles and with the pretious bloude of our sweete Sauiour Iesus Christe The seconde callinge Now if after the grace of this firste callinge thou hast throughe thyne owne default and synfull lyfe lost the innocencie which thou receiuedst in the Sacramente of Baptisme in case it hath pleased our Lorde all that notwithstandinge to call thee the seconde time yea and verie manie and oftē times how much art thou then bounde vnto him for this so passinge great benefite How manie benefites are conteyned in this benefite One benefite it was to expecte and tarrie for thy conuersion so longe time to geue thee space to doe penance and to suffer thee so longe to contynewe in that state of synne and wickednes and not to cutte downe the vnfruitfull and vnprofitable tree that occupied such a rowme in the earthe and receiued the influencies of heauen altogether in vaine An other benefite it was to suffer thee to committe so many and so heynous enormous synnes and not to cast thee downe therefore into the most horrible bothomles pitt of hell fier where perhappes manie others are now there tormented euen for lesse offences than thyne An other benefite it was to fende thee so many good inspirations and holie purposes euen in the middest of thy verie synnes and wicked life and to persiste in callinge thee so longe a time whereas thou in the meane season diddest nothinge els but offende him verie greiuouslie that called thee An other benefite it was also to bringe thy greate stubbornes and longe obstinate resistance at the lengthe to an ende and to calle thee with such a mightie and lowde voice that thereby thou mightest rise from death to lyfe and come forthe as it were an other Lazarus Ioan. 2. out of the darcke and obscure graue of thy wicked and synnefull lyfe and not with thy handes and feete bownde but losed and sett at free libertie out of the stinckinge prison and thraldome of the enemie of mankinde But aboue all this what a benefite was it to graunt thee then not onelie pardon for thy sinnes past but also grace from that time forwardes not to retourne vnto them againe geuinge thee moreouer all such other ornamentes Luc. 15. as were geuen to the penitente prodigall sonne when he was receiued into grace and fauour againe by meanes of which ornamentes and graces thow mightest liue as the childe of God and contemne and laughe at the malice of the deuill and triumphe ouer the worlde and take a sweete tast of the thinges
hath with a rare wisedome in such wise tempered the doctrine and accommodated him selfe vnto all states and conditions of persons that neither the verie highe and learned haue anie cause to leaue it as ouer base for them nor the verie lowe and vnlearned to refuse it as ouer highe for their capacities For here is made a conuenient prouision of competent meates both for the one sort and for the other And because the Awthor vnderstode right well howe farre the mouthes of men now adayes are owt of tast and how much they are more affectionate vnto the sleshe pottes of Egypt than to the breade of Angels I meane hereby rather to the readinge of prophane bookes by reason of the pleasant stile wherewith they thinke they are written than to the bookes of spirituall doctrine which are commonly written with more simplicitie he hath therefore dressed this meate in suche wise and hath written this doctrine in such a sweete and pleasant stile that it maie prouoke an appetite vnto this boke euen in such persons as doe otherwise lothe good and holesome foode besides that the verie matters them selues are exceedingly well chosen and of great profite And because it were the parte of rude and rusticall persons to geue thankes to the bees that make the honie combes and not vnto almightie God who created the flowers from whence the bees gather the honie which they worke in their hiues I exhort all persons to geue thankes to the deuoute and Learned Author of these workes for these so sweete and sauorie honie combes which he hath here geuen vs in such sorte that they omit not to procede further and to geue thankes to almightie God also who hath sent the flowers wherewith this honie is made And withall I make humble request vnto all men that I may be partaker of the prayets they shall make by meanes of the good disposition which I truste with the grace of God the readinge of theise holie and excellent deuoute workes shall cause in all godly and deuoute Christian Readers ✚ Bernard de Fresneda Bishoppe of Cuenca TO THE VERIE REVEREND FATHERS AND right honorable personnages DON ANTONIO DE CORDOVA and Father LORENÇO DE FIGVEROA The Epistle of the Awthor Note reader that theese to whome the awthor directeth this booke are two noble personages of the most noble and auncient howses of Spayne whiche haue forsakē all their wordlie possessiōs and entred into religion I Cannot find anie other place whither I maie better direct this my smale present then to your Reuerende handes For settinge a part diuers and sundrie reasons of great importance that bynde me so to do certeinlie the wonderfull change of liffe which your Reuerences haue made and the holie example which you haue geuen to the world in this our corrupte age are sufficient cawses to moue all such as doe anie thing desire the glorie of Christ to serue you in this your spirituall iourney that haue in such wise amplefied his glorie I might well speake of this matter more largelie in this place and surelie without lyinge or flatterie and to speake herein were not to emploie the time in the praises of men but in the praise of almightie god Forsomuch as it is manifest that this your wonderfull change of life hath not proceded of flesh and bloode but of the right hand of the highest But because it behoueth all men of our cote and profession to be free not onelie from all flatterie but also euen from all suspition of the same I will therefore content my selfe at this present onelie with geuing thāckes to our lord for this notable vertuous act of yours and I will confesse that we haue seene that wonder in our daies which the holie auncient father S. Ierome declareth to haue chaunced in his tyme. He writeth it in a certein Epistle to Ruffinus in theise wordes Bonosus thy frynd and myne is now gone vp by that misticall ladder S. Ierom. ad Ruffinum which the Patriarck Iacob sawe and according to the misterie of Moses he hath now sacrificed the brasen serpent in the desert where at this present he soweth with teares that hereafter he maic Reape with ioye Lett the truthe of this worthie act putt to sylence all the lyenge wonders which the Greikes and Lattins haue written in their histories Behold here a yong man brought vp in our companie and instructed in all good artes and learning who had no want neither of landes nor riches nor honor nor dignitie emonge his equales who forsakinge his mother and his sisters and aboue all his most deerlie beloued brother went to liue in an Iland which is verie solitarie and fearfull and enuironed with diuers seas there to dwell like a new inhabitor of paradice and being alone in this place howheit not alone forsomuch as he is in the companie of Christ he seeth now the glorie of almightie God which the Apostles them selues neuer saw but when they were alone in the mownt Thus farre be S. Ieromes wordes This holie example of Bonosus is treulie a thinge wherein almightie God is to be praised as in a singuler worke of his grace And suerlie no lesse is he to be praised in your Reuerend and most honorable personages who hauinge much more to forsake in the world than Bonosus had and being now in the verie flowers of your youth haue forsaken the world and all the vayne pōpe and pryde thereof and with all your great landes and possessions the dignitie of your highe noble estates and the hope of so great honorable promotions that were due vnto your nobilitie and vertue and to the renowmed desertes of your verie auncient and most noble families And all this yow haue dōne to embrace euen the pouertie nakednes and obedience of Christ you haue not done like that yong man in the gospell Math. 19. who remembring how great possessions he had refused to followe the waie of perferction which our sauiour Christ tawght him But ye haue done like that wise and prudent merchant who after he had found the pretiouse pearle Math. 13. sould all he had in the world to bye the same And if vnto this wonderfull change of yours we ioyne also the notable vertuous change of liffe which the most noble and renowmed Duke of Gandia hath made in our daies This Duke of Gandia forsooke his greate Dukedome in Spayne and became a religious mā of the holie societie of Iesus commōlie called Iesuittes Cantic 8. and the merueylous changes of sundrie other right honorable personages which might here be reheresed it will verie euidentlie appeare that there is more sweetenes in the waie of Christ then the world thinketh there is sithence euen those that haue had so long and so greate experience both of the one kinde of life and of the other do verie hartelie and willinglie renownce all that euer the world geueth and promeseth vnto them for the least crumme that falleth from Christes table sayinge
that thou dost O sweete Iesus what meaneth this so great abasinge of thy diuine maiestie O my sowle what wouldest thou haue thowght if thou haddest bene there presente and haddest seene euen almightie God himselfe kneelinge before the feete of men yea before the feete of Iudas O Cruell Iudas why doth not this so great humilitie mollifye thy stonie hart how is it that it causeth not euen thy verie bowells to burst and ryue in sunder considering this so great and wonderfull meekenes Is it possible thou traytor that thou hast conspired to betraye this most meeke and gentle lābe Is it possible that thou shouldest not feele some remorse of conscience in beholdinge this example O ye whyte and bewtifull handes how cowld ye vouchsaffe to towch such lothsome and abhominable feete O most pure and cleane handes why disdayned ye not to washe those verie feete that were all to be durted in fowle waies whiles they trauayled to shee l your bloude Beholde here o ye blessed spirites what your creator doth Come ye and beholde euen from the heauens and ye shall see euen the almightie him selfe kneelinge before the feete of men and tell me if euer he vsed the like kynde of courtesie with you O Lord I haue harde thy wordes and I was afraide I haue considered thy workes and was wholie amased O ye blessed Apostles why quake and tremble ye not at the wonderfull sight of this so great humilitie Peter what dost thou what Wilt thou condescende that this Lorde of maiestie shall washe thy feete Seint Peter when he behelde our sauiour kneeling before him woundered exceadingly yea he was altogether astonied thereat and begāne to saie in this wise What meaneth this o Lord. what wilt thou washe my feete art not thou the sonne of the liuinge God art not thou the creator of the worlde the bewtie of the heauens the paradice of the angells the redeemer of men the brightnes of the glorie of the father the fountaine of the wisedome of God which dwellest in the highest And wilt thou all this notwithstanding washe my feete what wilt thou being a Lord of so greate maiestie and glorie take such a vile and base office vpon thee wilt thou I saie thus abase thy selfe that hast laid the foundation of the earthe and bewtefied the same with so manie wonders that hast enclosed the wyde worlde within thy hand that mouest the heauens rulest the earthe diuidest the waters ordeinest the tymes disposest the causes bewtifiest the angells directest men and gouernest all thinges with thy wisedome Is it seemelie that thou shoudest washe my feete myne I saie who am but a mortall man a litle clode of earth and asshes a vessell of corruption a creature full freight with vanitie and ignorance full of infinite miseries and which exceedeth all miserie full of sinnes and yet all this notwithstandinge wilt thou o Lorde washe my feete what wilt thou beinge the Lord of all thinges abase thy selfe vnder me that am inferiour to them all verelie the highnes of thy maiestie and the profunditie of my miseries do as it were enforce me that I cannot consent to such a deede Leaue therefore o my Lord leaue I praie thee this base office for thy seruantes laie downe the towell and put on thy apparell againe and sit in thy seate and washe not my feete Beware that the heauens be not ashamed of it when they shall see how by this ceremonie thou dost set them benethe the earthe For by doing this seruyle office those verie handes into whose power the father hath committed the heauens and all other thinges should be abased vnder the feete of men Take heede that all naturall creatures be not verie much agrieued or rather in great disdaine to see them selues thus subiected vnder anie other feete then thyne Take hede also least the dawghter of kinge Sawle despise thee not 2. Reg. 6. when she shall see thee girded abowt with this towell after the maner of a seruant and saie that she will not take him for her spowse and much lesse for her God whom she seeth to attende vpon so base and vile an office Such wordes or the like spake Saint Peter as a man that had not as yet anie tast or feelinge of thinges apperteininge vnto almightie God and as one that vnderstode not what great glorie laie hidde in this worke which showed to the eie so base and vyle But our sauiour who knewe it right well and was with all desirous to leaue vnto vs for a memorie at that tyme such a wounderfull example of humilitie satisfied the simplicitie of his disciple and went forwarde afterwardes in the good worcke he had begonne The greate carefulnes of our Sauiour to make vs humble Here we haue to note with all diligence what a great and earnest care our sauiour had to make vs humble in that beinge now at the gate and entrie into his most greuons and bitter passion wherein he knewe he should geue vs such greate and wonderfull examples of humilitie as might suffice to astonishe both heauen and earth he thowght all that not enowgh but would furthermore adde this notable example also besides all the rest whereby this vertue of humilitie might the better be commended vnto vs. A commendation of the vertue of humilie O wonderfull vertue how great must thy riches be seinge thou art thus commended to vs how can thy treasures be but notoriouslie knowen seinge thou art by so manie waies set out vnto vs O humilitie that arte preached and tawght in all the whole life of our Sauiour Christ songe Luc. 1. and praised by the mouth of his owne most blessed mother O most bewtifull flower emonge vertues O diuine adamant that drawest vnto the euen the creator of all thinges Whosoeuer he be that bannisheth the awaie shal be bannished awaye from almightie God yea thowgh he be in the highest place of heauen And whosoeuer he be that embraseth thee shal be embrased of almightie God yea althowgh he be euen the greatest sinner in the world Great are thy graces and merueilous are thy effectes Thou pleasest men thou contentest the angelles thou confoundest the diuelles and byndest the handes of the creator thou art the foundation of vertues the deathe of vices the glasse of virgins and the habitation of the most blessed trinitie Who so gathereth without thee disparseth who so buildeth and not vpon thee pulleth downe And who so heapeth vertues together without thee the dust carieth them quite awaie before the face of the wynde Without thee Math. 25. the virgin is shut out of the gates of heauen Luc. 7. and with thee euen the publike sinner is receaued at the feete of Christ Embrace this vertue of humilitie O ye virgins that hereby your virginitie maie be availeable vnto you Ye that be religious persons see that you seeke earnestlie also for this vertu for without it your religion is but vaine and to no purpose And ye
of the laietie seeke no lesse for this vertue then the religious doe that by the same ye maie be deliuered from the snares of this sinfull world Of the wipinge of the Apostles feete with the towell This beinge done consider also how after our sauiour had wasshed there feete he wyped them cleane with that sacred towell wherewith he was girded And lyft vp the eies of thy soule somewhat higher and there shalt thou see represented the misterie of our redemption The misterie of our redemptiō is represented in the washinge and wypinge of the Apostles feete Consider how that faier towell receaued into it all the fylthe and vncleannes of those feete which were altogether verie foule and filthie And as the feete were made cleane and faire so the towell contrariewise after he had wyped their feete with it was whollie bespotted and defyled Now what is more filthie then a man conceaued in synne and what is more cleane and bewtifull than our Sauiour Christ conceued of the holie Ghoste My welbe loued is whyte Cantic 5. and well coulored saieth the spowse and chosen out emonge thowsandes This most sweete and louinge Lord then that was so faier and so cleane was content to receaue into him selfe all the spottes and filthynes of our soules to witt the paines which our synnes deserued and that he might leaue our soules cleane and free from them he himselfe remained as yee see him vpon the crosse all bespotted and defyled with the same In so much that the verie angells were as it were astonied and suerlie not without good cause to see their Lord and creator so beraied with this so strange fowlenes And therefore they demaunded by the prophet Esaie sainge wherefore dost thou ô Lord weare garmentes dyed with the colour of bloud Esa 63. all bespotted and beraied like vnto them that stampe grappes in the winepresse Now if this bloude and these fowle spottes be of others to witt of our sinnes tell me o kinge of glorie were it not more meete that men themselues should suffer according to there owne desertes then that thou O most innocente Lorde shouldest be thus defyled and tormented for there sakes had it not bene more decent that this filthines should haue remained vpon his owne donghill and not vpon thee the mirrour of all bewtie What a wōderfull pietie and cōpassion was it that moued thee to haue such a feruent desyre of the cleannes of my soule that thou wouldest with so great charge and losse of thine owne bewtie bestowe it vpon me what man aliue would take a fyne to well wrought with golde and wype therewith a fowle sluttishe dishe espetiallie such a dishe as were greatdlie broken and rente in manie places Blessed art thou o my most mercifull and louinge Lord. All the angells praise thee o God for euermore For that it hath pleased thee to become as it were an outcast of the worlde takinge vpon thee all oure filthines and miseries which are the paines dew vnto vs for our sinnes to deliuer vs quite and make vs free from them After this consider those wordes wherewith our sauiour made an ende of this historie sainge I haue geueu you an example that ye shoulde doe euen as I haue done to you which wordes are to be referred not onelie to this matter and example of humilitie but euen also to all the other workes and life of our sauiour Christ For so much as his whole life is a most perfet pattern of all vertues espetiallie of that vertu which in this place is represented vnto vs The life of Christe is a most perfet patterne of all vertues and especiallie of humilitie to witt humilitie as the blessed martir Sainct Ciprian declareth more at large in these wordes It was cheiflie saith he a worke of great patience and humilitie that so high and excellent a maiestie woulde vouchsafe to come downe from heauen vnto the earth and clothe himselfe with our claie S. Cyprian and that he woulde dissemble the glorie of his immortalitie and become mortall to the end that being him selfe innocent and faulltes he might be punnished for such as were giltie The Lord would be baptised of his seruante he that came to pardon sinnes would be wasshed with the water of sinners he that feedeth all creatures fasted fourtie daies in the wildernes and in the end suffered honger which he did to this end that all such as had a hongrie appetite after godes worde and longed after his grace might be satisfied and furnished with the same he fowght with the diuell that tempted him and contentinge him selfe with the victorie offered his ennemie no further harme but by worde onelie His disciples he neuer despised as a Lord doth his seruantes but enterteined them with great charitie and beneuolence yea he vsed them louingly as brethern Neither is it to be merueyled at that he thus behaued him selfe towardes his disciples being as they were obedient seinge he could suffer that arrant traitor Iudas so patienlie and beare with him euen till the end and suffer him being his ennemie to eate together with him at his owne table and knowinge full well whereabowte he went woulde neuer discouer him but was content to receaue a kisse of him euen of him I saie that had soulde him with such a traiterous peace Moreouer with what great patience did he beare with Iewes vntill that present howre how painfully did he labour to moue those vnbeleuinge hartes with his preachinge to embrace the faith what great trauaille tooke he to allure those vngratefull men vnto him with good workes how meekly answered he to such as contraried him in his speach with what clemencie bare he with the prowde with what a wounderfull humilitie yelded he to the furious rage of his ennemies and persecutors How traueiled he euen vntill the verie howre of his most bitter passion to recouer them that had bene the murderers of the Prophetes and heynous rebelles against almightie God In like maner at the verie howre of his passion before they came to the sheadinge of his most cruell death how great were the opprobrious iniuries they offered vnto him How patientlie gaue he them the hearinge thereof How great were the mockes and tauntes he sufred How patientlie did he beare the vile spittinge of those infernall mouthes that had him selfe not longe before with the spittell of his owne mowthe restored a blynd man to his perfet sight How suffered he their whippinges whose seruantes are wont in his name with mightie power to whippe the verie diuelles how was he crowned with thornes that crowneth his martirs with euerlastinge garlandes How was he smitten on the face with the palmes of mens handes that geueth the palme of victorie vnto such as be conquerors How was he spoyled of his earthlie garmētes that apparaileth the sainctes with the garmentes of immortalitie How was he profered most bitter gaull that geueth vs the bread of heauen How was he offered vyneger
corporal foode to maintein her in the spirituall life then the bodie hath of his propre foode for mayntenance of the corporall life If thou thinke otherwise tell me I praie thee why hath the bodie neede of his ordinarie meat euerie daie vndowtedlie the cause is for that the naturall heat continuallie wasteth and consumeth the substance of our bodies and therefore it is nedefull that that be restored againe with daielie sustenance which is consumed with dailie heat For otherwise the naturall strēgth of man woulde verie soone be at an ende and his powers woulde quicklie decaie O that it pleased almightie God that men might by this vnderstand the great necessitie they haue of this diuine sacrament O that they coulde by this conceaue the greate wisedome and mercie of him that hath instituted and ordeined the same for our behoufe Is it not a thing well knowen that we haue within these bowelles of oures a certein pestilent hear that came vnto vs by the occasion of sinne with consumeth all the goodnes that is in man This is that which inclineth vs to the loue of the world of our fleshe of all vices of all sensuall pleasures and delites and so by these meanes seperateth vs from almightie God maketh vs to relente and waxe colde in the loue of him and causeth vs to become verie dull slouthfull and heauie to all good workes and verie quicke and liuelie to worke all wickednes If than we haue this continuall waster and consumer so rooted within vs were it not good reason trow ye that there should be some restoratiue prouided to restore that alwaies againe which is alwaies wasting and consuming If we haue a continuall consumer The cause of the greate feruēcie and zeale of Christians in the primetiue Church ād of the littel or no zeale of Christians in our corrupt age and haue not withall a continuall repayrer what maie be loked for of vs but a continuall decaienge and with in sort time after a most certeine and vndowted ruine For proofe hereof it shall suffice to consider the course of the Christian people by comparinge the great feruencie and zeale in religion of the Christians in the primetiue Churche with the littell or rather no zeale of the Christians in our corrupt age For in the primitiue Churche when the Christians did eate contiuuallie of this diuine meate they liued therewith a verie spirituall life and had thereby force and strength not onely to obserue Gods lawes and commaundementes but also euen to die and suffer martirdome for Gods sake But now alas in this our corrupt age the Christians for the most parte are founde to be verie weake and feable in their faythe and verie dissolute and licentious in their liues because they eate not of this diuine foode and therefore in the end they perish and die for honger Esa 5. As the prophet signified when he said Therefore was my people caried awaie into captiuetie because they had no knowledge of God and there nobles perished for honger and the multitude of them died for thirst For this cause therefore hath that wise phisition our Sauiour Christ who had also felt the pulses of our weakenes ordeined this most holie and diuine sacrament and for this purpose hath he instituted the same in forme of meate that the verie forme wherein he instituted it might declare vnto vs the effect it worketh and withall the great necessitie our soules haue of the same Consider then now if there maie be found in the whole world anie greater showe of loue then that almightie God himselfe should leaue vnto vs his owne verie fleshe and bloude for our susteynance and releefe We maie reade in manie histories Iosephus that some mothers beinge constrained with intollerable honger haue embrewed their handes in the fleshe and bloude of there owne littell children to susteine them selues with feedinge vpon them and that for the great desire they had to liue they haue bereued their owne verie naturall children of there lifes thereby to preserue their owne life This haue we red ofentimes But who hath euerred that anie mother hath fed her childe that was readie to perish and die for honger with her owne verie fleshe or that she cut of one of her owne armes to geue her childe to eate and that she would be cruell vpon her selfe to shewe her selfe pittiefull towardes her childe Certeinlie there was neuer mother liuinge yet in the earthe that euer hath done such a dede But our most louinge and sweete sauiour Christ farre passing anie mother in loue perceauinge thee to be readie to perish and die for honger and seinge withall that there was none other better meane to maintein by life then to geue thee his owne verie sleshe to eate commeth downe from heauen and yeldeth himselfe here to the cruell bouchers and tormētours to be put to deathe that thow mightest preserue and susteine thy life with this diuine meate And this he doth not at one time onelie but his blessed will is that it shal be done continuallie and therefore he ordeineth this most blessed sacrament that thou mightest hereby vnderstand an other degree of greater loue which is that as he geueth thee alwaies the same meate to witt his owne verie bodie in this most blessed Sacrament so is he readie alwaies to paie the same price and redemption if it were necessarie for thee Besides all this thou must consider Note that our sauiour hath restored man vnto his aunciēt dignitie so muche by grace as he had fallen by sinne that so by grace he maye be able to liue a holie and spirituall life that this most holie reformer of the worlde intēded to restore man vnto his auncient dignitie and to raise him vp againe so much by grace as he had fallē by sinne And therefore as his falle was frō a life that he had of God which life our first father Adam before his falle had enioyed to the life of beastes wherein after his falle he remayned euen so contrariewise his will was that he should be raised vp againe from the life of beastes in which he remayed to the life of God which throwgh sinne he had lost and so for this ende hath our sauiour Christ ordeyned the communion of this most holie and diuine sacrament by meanes whereof man atteyneth to be partaker of God and to liue the life of God as our sauiour himselfe signifieth in those most high wordes which he said He that eateth my fleshe Ioan. 6. and drinketh my bloude dwelleth in me and I in him And like as by the dwellinge of my father in me the life that I liue is altogether conformable to the life of my father which is the life of God euen so he in whom I shall dwell by meanes of this diuine sacrament shall liue as I do liue and so shall he not now liue the life of a man but euen the life of god For this is that most highe diuine sacrament wherein God
awake them out of theire heauie and drowsie sleepe Note also of what importance the saluation of mankinde is sith it is able to make him to sweate droppes of bloude by whose power the heauens are susteined And consider on the other side how little accompt men them selues make of theire owne saluation sith at such time as almightie God him selfe is so carefull and watchfull for them they are in a deepe heauie sleepe and vtterlie careles thereof Assuredlie nothinge could more liuely expresse both the one and the other than the consideration of these two pointes being so strange as they are For if almightie of others howe happeneth it that the verie persons them selues to whom euen the charge and traueille of the affaires apperteineth together with the profit commoditie losse and damage of the same do liue with such carelesnes and negligence therin By this same care of our Sauiour and carelesnes of his disciples thou maist vnderstand how trewlie this Lorde is our father and how he hath indeede towardes vs the verie bowelles and hart of a true and louinge father How often times chaunceth it trowe ye that the daughter sleepeth verie sowndlie and quietlie when her father watcheth all the night carckinge and carynge for her releefe and prouision And euen so doth this our most louinge and mercifull father for vs whiles we be soheauie a sleepe and are vtterlie careles of our owne saluation as by this example is liuelie set out before our eies in that he continueth all the night watchinge and sweatinge and in great agonie to take order for the redēption he intended to bestowe vpon vs. HOW OVR SAVIOVR WAS APPREHENDED Non est seruus maior domino suo si me persecuti to sunt et vos persequentur Johan 15.20 § II. Of Iudas pressinge before all the rest to apprehende our Sauiour CONSIDER moreouer how when our sauiour had finished his praier Iudas that counterfait and false friende of his came thither with that hellishe cōpanie where renouncinge the office of an Apostle he became now the verie principall ringeleader and Captayne of Sathans armie Consider howe without all shame he pressed and set himselfe euen the verie formost before all the rest of his malicious rowte and comminge to his good maister solde him with a kisse of most treyterous and deceitfull fryndeshippe It is certaynelie a great miserie that a man should be solde for money but yet it is much more miserable if he be solde of his friendes and of such as to whom he hathe bene greatelie beneficiall before Now our sweete Sauiour Christ is solde of him whom he had made not onelie his disciple but also his Apostle yea he is solde of him by deceite ád plaine treason he is solde of him to most cruel merchantes that couete you may be sure nothing els of him but onelie his bloud and life to satisfie theire greadie honger But for what price trow ye is he sold the basenes and smalnes of the pryce increaseth the greatnes and malice of the iniurie Tell me O Iudas thou nowghtie traitor at what price doest thou set the Lord of all creatures At thirtie pence O what a vile and slender pryce is this for a Lorde of such maiestie Certeinlie a verie beast in the shambles is commonlie solde for more And doest thou o traitor sell for so smalle a pryce almightie God him selfe He settethe not thee at so smalle a pryce forsomuch as he byeth thee with his owne most pretious bloude O what a great price and estimation was that of man and how base an estimation and pryce was this of God God is solde for thirtie pence and man is bought euen with the verie pretiouse bloud of almightie God him selfe At the same tyme our sauiour said vnto them that came to laie handes vpon him Luc. 22. Math. 26. Ye become out as it were ageinst a theife with swordes and speeres and I satte daylie emonge you teachinge in the temple and ye neuer laid handes vpon me but this is your howre and the power of darkenes This is suerlie a misterie of great admiration For what thinge is more to be wondered at then to see the verie sonne of almightie God to take vpon him the Image and shape not onelie of a sinner but euen also of a condemned person Our sauiour was giuen vp to the power of the diuelles from the tyme of his apprehension vntill his deathe vpon the crosse Iob 2. This sayethe he is yowr howre and the power of darkenes The which wordes geue vs to vnderstande that from that time that most innocent lambe was geuen vp into the power of the princes of darckenes which are the diuells to the intent that by meanes of theire members and cruell ministers they might execute vpon him all the furious tormentes and cruelties they could deuise And like as holie Iob was by the permission of almightie God geuen vp into the power of Sathan that he might vse vpon him all the crueltie he woulde this onelie excepted that he should not bereiue him of his life euen so was there power geuen to the princes of darknes without anie exception either of life or death that they might fullie extende vpon that sacred humanitie all theire surie and rage to the vttermost they cowld Hereof rose those despightfull tauntes those slaunderous and reprochfull wordes such as the like were neuer harde before that tyme wherewith the diuell pretended to satisfie his vnsatiable rancre and malice to reuenge his iniuries and to cast that blested soule downe into some kinde of impatiencie if it had bene possible Almightie God saith the Prophet Zacharie shewed Iesus the highe preist vnto me Zach. 3. apparelled with a spotted garmente and Sathan stoode at his right hande readie prepared to speake against him But our Sauiour answered for his parte sayinge I did alwaies set God before myne eies Psalm 15. who standeth at my right hande that I be not remoued Consider then now o my soule how much that highe and diuine maiestie abased himselfe for thy sake sithence he vowchesaffed to come to the last extremitie of all miseries which is to be geuen vp to the power of deuilles And because this was the paine that was due to thy synnes it pleased him to put euen himself to this paine that thou mightest remaine quite and free from the same Psalm 8. O holie Prophet why doest thou wonder to see almightie God become inferior to his angells thou hast now farre greater cause to wonder to see him geuen vp into the power of deuilles Vndowtedlie both the heauens and the earthe trembled and quaked at this so passinge great humilitie and charitie of our Sauiour So soone as these wordes were spoken foorthwith all that hellishe rowte and malitiouse rable of raueninge wolues assaulted this most meeke and innocent lambe and some verie furiouslye haled him this waie and some that waie eache one to the vttermost of his power O how
vngentlie did they handle him How vncourteouslie spake they vnto him How manie blowes and buffettes gaue they him What a vile clamorous cryinge and showtinge made they ouer him euen as conquerors vse to doe when they haue obteined there praie They laye holde vpon those holie handes which not longe before had wrought so manie wonderfull myracles and doe bynde them verie harde and fast with certaine roughe and knottie cordes and that in such sorte that they gawle the skinne of his armes and make the verie bloude to springe out Our sauiour beinge thus bounde they leade him openlie throwgh the highe common streates with great despite and ignominie O what a strange and wonderfull sight is this Consider now with thy selfe what thou wouldest thinke if thou knewest some man of great awthoritie and worthines and shouldest see him led opēlie by the officers throwghe the commō streetes with an haulter tyed about his necke his handes manicled and fast bounde in a great hurlye burlye and concourse of people with great classhinge and noise of men of armes and souldiars gardinge him Imagine I saie with thy selfe what thou wouldest thinke in this case and then lift vp thine eies and beholde this Lorde worthie of so greate reuerence and honor that had wrought such wonders in that lande that had preached such diuine sermons emonge them whom all the sicke and impotent persons did honor and reuerence and besought to haue remedie for all there diseases and greiffes Consider now how they leade him as one depryued of all awthoritie and put to open shame partlie goinge and partlie haled forwardes and enforced to hasten his pase not in such wise as became a man of his grauitie and personage but as it liked the outragious furie of his vnmercifull ennemies and the desire they had to pleasure the Pharasies who had so great a lōginge to haue that praie within there grypes Consider our sauiour well how he goeth in this dolefull waie abandoned of his owne disciples accompanied with his ennemies his pase hastened and disordered his breathe in a maner gone his colour changed his face chafed and inflamed by reason of his so quicke and hastie passage And yet in all this euill entreatinge of his person beholde the modest behahauiour of his countenāce the comelye grauitie of his eies and that diuine resemblance which in the middest of all the discourtesies in the worlde coulde neuer be obscured Ascende also yet a little higher and consider diligentlie what he is whom thou seest thus led and caried awaye with such great contumelie and dishonor This is he that is the worde of the father the euerlastinge wisedome the infinite vertu the cheefe goodnes the perfet felicitie the true glorie and the cleare fountaine of all beawtie Consider then how for thy saluation and redemption vertu is here tyed with bandes innocēcie apprehēded wisdome flowted and lawghed to scorne honor contemned glorie tormented and the cleare welspringe of all bewtie trowbled with weepinge and sorrowe If Helie the preist felt such an inward greiffe 1. Reg. 4. when the Arcke of the testament was taken that beinge astonished therewith he fell from the seate wherevpon he sat and brake his necke and forthwith gaue vp the Ghost How owght a Christian soule to be greiued when he seeth the arcke of all the treasures of the wisedome of almightie God led and taken in the possession of such vnmercifull and cruell ennemies Psalm 68. The heauens and earthe praise him therefore and all that is in them for he hath harde the cries of the poore and hath not despised the sorowfull bewailinges of his afflicted that were in captiuitie but was content to be taken captiue him selfe to deliuer them out of theire thraldome and to set them at libertie OF THOSE THAT DOE SPIRITVALLIE BYNDE THE HANdes of our Sauiour Christ § III. VHEREFORE o most gentle and sweet sauiour sithence it was thy blessed will and pleasure to be bownde to the intent thou mightest by thy bandes loose vs and deliuer vs from our captiuetie I most hūblie beseach thee euē by the bowells of thy tēder mercie that caused thee to abase thy selfe after this sort that thou wilt not suffer me to cōmit anie such great wickednes as to bynde thy hādes as the Iewes did For it is not the Iewes onely that doe binde thy handes but whosoeuer maketh resistance against thy holie inspirations and will not goe whither thou wilt gwyde and conduct him but refuseth to accept that grace which thou doest most mercifully offer vnto him who so giueth anie scādale to his neighbour bindethe Chrides handes That man likewise bindeth thy handes that geueth anie scandalous offence vnto his neighbour and by his euill exāple and nowghtie cownsell withdraweth him from his godlie purposes and so hindereth the good worke that thou diddest beginne to worke in him The mistrustfull and incredulous persons also doe binde O Lorde the handes of thy liberalitie and clemencie For like as confidence openeth the handes of thy grace euenso doth incredulitie and mistrustfulnes close thē vp and binde thē accordinge to the sayinge of the Euangelist Math. 13. that thou couldest not doe manie vertues and miracles in thy countrie by reason of the incredulitie of the inhabitantes therein Moreouer the vngratefull and negligent persons do binde thy handes o Lorde and doe put an impediment to let the workinge of thy grace the one because they render not thankes vnto thee for the grace The vngratefull and negligente persones doe bynde Christes handes they haue receaued and the other because they will not vse the grace that is geuen vnto them but doe kepe it idell and vnoccupied without takinge anie benefite or commoditie of the same Last of all those that become vainglorious and prowde by reason of the graces thou hast geuen them doe also most strongelie binde thy handes For by this offence they make themselues altogether vnworthie of thy grace wherefore it is not reason that thou shouldest continewe to be beneficiall vnto such persons as take occasion thereof to become more vaine neither is it semelie that thou shouldest bestowe the treasures of thy grace vpon such a one as yeeldeth not to thee againe the tribute of glorie but doth rather like a traitor and robber waxe insolent and vauntinge with the same and vsurpeth to himselfe the right and prerogatiue of glorie that apperteineth vnto thee alone I might saie also O Lord that those talkers and pratlers that kepe not secret such consolations and spiritual fealinges as thou geuest them doe likwise binde thy handes for like as wise and discrete men will not communicate theire secretes anie more vnto them whom they haue fownde vnfaithfull in publishinge them abroade euen so doest thou also manie times leaue to make those persons partakers of thy secretes who without anie cause doe publishe and reueale thē to others and take occasion thereby to make them selues more vaine I H S WENSDAIE IN THE
tounge how is it that thou arte become domme What harte is not broken What hardnes is not mollified What eies can absteine from teares and lamentation beholdinge such a pittiefull and dolefull sight as this is O my most sweere sauiour and redeemer when I open myne eies and doe beholde this dolorous Image which is here set before me how is it that my harte doth not euen cleaue and rente in sunder for verie anguishe and griefe I see the most tender head of my Lorde and sauiour pearced with crewell thornes at whose presence the powers of heauen do tremble and quake I see his diuine face spitted vpon and buffeted I see the lighte of his goodlie brighte forehead obscured I see his cleare eies dimmed or rather blinded with showers of bloude I see the streames of bloude tricklinge downe from his head which faulle ouer ouer his eies and stayne the bewtie of his diuine face How happeneth it o Lord that the cruell whippinges thou diddest suffer before and the death that ensueth and the great quantitie of bloude that was so cruellie shed did not suffice but that the sharpe thornes also shoulde now perforce let out the bloude of thy head which the whippes and scourges before had pardoned If thou diddest receaue those reproches and buffettes to make satisfaction by them for such blowes and buffettes as I through my sinnes haue laid vpō thee haddest thou not receaued enowghe of them all the nighte before If thy death alone was sufficiente to redeeme vs what neded so manie kindes of most shamefull villanies and reproches To what ende were all these newe inuentions and strange deuises of contemptes and mockeries Who hath euer harde or red of such a kinde of crowne or of such maner of tormentes Out of what harte came this newe inuention into the worlde that one punnishement shoulde serue in such wise as both to tormente a man and withall to dishonor him Were not those cruell tormentes sufficiente that had bene vsed in all former ages but that they must also inuent these newe and strange punnishementes at the time of thy most bitter passion I see well ô Lorde that these so manifolde iniuries were not necessarie for my redemption for euen one onelye droppe of thy most pretious bloude was sufficient for the same The causes why out sauiour woulde suffer so manyfolde paynes and iniuries for our redemption howbeit it was verie conueniente that they shoulde be so manie and so greate that thou mightest thereby declare vnto me the greatnes of thy loue and by meanes of them lincke me vnto thee with chaynes and fetters of perpetuall bonde and dewtie and confounde the gaye braueries and fonde showes of my pride and vanities and teache me thereby to despise the pompe and glorie of the worlde Wherefore ô my soule that thou maist conceaue and haue somme feelinge of this so dolefull passage set first before thyne eies the former shape of this Lorde and withall the excellencie of his vertues and then incontinentlie tourne thy selfe and beholde him in such pitiefull forte as he is here represented vnto vs. Consider therefore the greatnes of his former beawtie the modestie of his eies the sweetenes of his wordes his awthoritie his meeknes his mylde behauiour and that goodlie countenance of his so full of grauitie and reuerence Beholde how humble he was towardes his disciples how faire spoken towardes his ennemies How stowte towardes the prowde How sweete towardes the meike and how mercifull towardes all sortes of persons Consider how mylde he hath alwaies bene in sufferinge how wise in answeringe how pittiefull in his iudgemētes how mercifull in receauinge sinners and how free and bountiefull in perdoninge theire offences When thou hast thus beholden our Sauiour and delighted thy selfe with beholdinge such a perfect forme tourne thyne eies and beholde him in this pitiefull plighte wherein he is here set out to the worlde clad in most scornefull wise with an olde purple garmente holdinge a reede in his hande in steede of a royall scepter Beholde that horrible and paynefull diademe of thorne on his head those hollowe and wanne eies and that dead countenance Beholde that strange forme of his wholie disfigured and begored with bloude and defyled with the spittle which they had besmered all ouer his face Beholde him in all partes both inwardelie and outwardelie his harte pearced with sorrowes his bodie full of woundes forsaken of his owne disciples persecuted of the Iewes scorned of the souldiers contemned of the Busshoppes baselie reiected of the wicked kinge accused vniustely and vtterlie destitute of the fauour of all men And thinke vpon this not as a thinge past but as a thinge presente not as thowghe it were an other mans payne but as thowghe it were thyne owne Imagine thy selfe to be in the place of him that suffereth and thinke with thy selfe what a terrible paine it woulde be vnto thee if in so sensible and tender a parte as the head is they shoulde fasten a nōber of thornes yea and those verie sharpe which shoulde pearce euen to the sculle But what speake I of thornes If it were but one onelie pricke of a pynne thou couldest hardlie abyde the paine of it And therefore thou maist well thinke what a sore greuous paine that most tender and delicate head of our sauiour felte at that time with this strange kinde of tormente Wherefore o brightnes of the glorie of the father who hath thus cruelly delte with thee O vnspotted glasse of the maiestie of almightie God who hath thus wholie bespotted thee O Riuer that flowest out of the paradice of delightes and with thy streames reioycest the Citie of God who hath troubled these so cleare and sweete waters It is my sinnes o Lorde that haue so troubled them Our synnes were the onelie cause of all our sauiours paynes and my iniquities haue made them so muddie Alas poore wretche and miserable caityffe that I am Woo is me how haue my sinnes bespotted myne owne soule seinge the sinnes of others haue here so fowlye bespotted and troubled the verie cleare fountaine of all bewtie My sinnes ô Lorde are the thornes that pricke thee my folies are the purple that scorne thee my hipochresie ād fayned holines are the ceremonies wherewith they despise thee my gaie garmentes and vanities are the crowne wherewith they crowne thee So that I ô Lorde am thy tormentor and I am the verie cause of thy paines and greiffes 2. Pa●●l 29. The kinge Ezechias purified the temple that had bene prophaned by wicked persons and commaunded that all the filthe that was therein shoulde be cast into the riuer of Cedron I O Lorde am this liuely temple that is prophaned by the diuells and defyled with infinite sinnes and thou art the cleare riuer of Cedron that doest with thy ronninge streames susteine all the bewtie of heauen In this riuer o Lorde are all my sinnes drowned In this riuer are my iniquities washed awaie in somuch
of God knowe yee likewise 4. Reg 4. that this is that pretious vessell of the widowe of Elizeus full of oyle wherewith we must all paie our dettes And albeit the vessell seeme verie little to serue so manie yet looke not to the quantitie but to the vertue thereof which is certeinlie so great that so longe as there be vessels to fille so longe will the vayne of this sacred licour alwaies ronne and neuer ceasse A CONTEMPLATION VPON the misterie of the Crosse § I. AWAKE I praie thee now o my soule and beginne to contemplate vpon the misterie of this holie Crosse by the fruite whereof the hurte of that poisoned fruite is repared which the forbidden tree caused vnto vs throwgh the offence of the first man Adam As the bridegrome hath signified to his spouse in the canticles When he saied cantic 8. I haue raised thee vp my spouse from vnder the tree because vnder an other tree thy mother was corrupted when she was deceaued by the auncient serpente Consider then how when our Sauiour came to this place his cruell ennemies to make his deathe the more reprochefull stripped him of all his apparell euen to his innermost garment which was wholie wouen throwghout without anie seame Beholde now here with what meekenes this most innocent lambe suffereth himselfe to be thus stripped of all his garmentes without openinge his mowthe or speakinge so much as one worde against them that handeled him with such villanie But shewed himselfe rather verie willinge and readie to be spoiled of his garmentes and to remaine naked to the shame of the worlde to the intent that the nakednes of such as had throwgh sinne lost the garmente of innocencie and grace receaued might be be couered after a better sorte Genes 3. than with the leaues of the figtree Some holie fathers reporte that the tormentors in pluckinge of our Sauiours garmentes toke of his crowne of thorne which then stucke fast on his head and that afterwardes when they had stripped him starcke naked they set it on agayne and fastened the sharpe thornes to the brayne panne afreshe and so made newe holes and woūdes therein which was an exciedinge great griefe and payne vnto him And vndowtedlie it is to be thought that they woulde vse this kinde of crueltie against him forsomuch as we are well assured that they vsed manie others and those verie strange in all the proces of his passion especially consideringe that the holie Euangelist sayeth Lucae 23. that they did vnto him whatsoeuer they woulde Agayne by reason of his garment that stucke fast to the woundes of his scourginges and bloude which was now congealed vnto the same at what tyme they pluckt it of from his bodie as those caitiffes were farre from all pietie and mercie they haled it of with such furious haste and force that they loosed and renewed all the soores of his whippinges in such ruefull wise that his blessed bodie was in all partes open and as it were flaine and became all one greate wounde out of which distilled bloude on all partes Consider now here o my soule The nakednes of our Sauiour vpon the crosse the excellencie of the goodnes and mercie of almightie God which sheweth it selfe so euidentlye in this misterie Consider how he that clotheth the heauens with cloudes and adorneth the feildes with flowers and bewtie is here spoiled of all his garmentes Consider how the bewtie of the Angells is here defiled how the height of the heauēs is here browght lowe how the maiestie and omnipotencie of almightie God is here abased and put euen to open shame and reproche Beholde how that roiall bloude distillinge out from his brayne trickeleth downe all alonge by the heare of his head and by his sacred bearde insomoche as it watereth and dyeth the verie grownde vnder him Consider what extreme colde that holie tender bodie of his suffered standinge as he stode all rente and spoyled not onelie of his garmentes but also euen of his verie skynne hauinge withall so manie gappes and wyde holes of open soores and deepe woundes throughout all his blessed bodie For if S. Peter Ioan. 18. notwithstandinge he was both clothed and shodde felt colde the night before how farre greater smarte and colde did that most tender bodie of our sauiour abyde beinge so naked and full of soore bruses and woundes as it was Whereby it appeareth that albeit our Sauiour in all the whole cowerce of his life gaue vnto vs so wounderfull examples of nakednes Our Sauiour Christ was a most perfit patterne of pouertie vnto vs vpon the crosse and pouertie yet at his deathe he gaue himselfe vnto vs as a most perfit patterne and spectacle of this vertue Forsomuch as at that tyme he was in such a poore case that he had no place wherevpon to rest his head And to geue vs to vnderstand that he had taken nothinge of the worlde he died naked vpon the crosse and had nothinge of the worlde to cleaue vnto him Accordinge to this example S. Francis was a perfit folower of the pouertie of our Sauiour Christ we reade of the blessed holie father S. Francis who was such a perfit and trewe folower of this pouertie of our Sauiour Christe that at what time he shoulde geue vp the ghost he stripped him selfe starcke naked of all he had vpō him and threwe himselfe from his bed vpon the bare grounde and beinge thus naked he embraced the earthe to imitate herein as a faithfull seruante the nakednes and pouertie of his Lorde and Sauiour Awake therefore o my soule awake now I praye thee and learne thou also hereby to imitate our Sauiour Christ poore and naked Learne to despise all such thinges as this transitorie worlde maye geue vnto thee that thou maist be worthie to embrace our Lorde naked with naked armes and be vnited vnto him by loue which ought also to be naked without mixture of anie other strange loue HOW OVR SAVIOVR WAS NAILED VPON THE CROSSE § II. CONSIDER after this how our Sauiour was nailed vpō the Crosse and how passinge great griefe and tormente he suffered at that time when those great and square nailes were driuen in and pearced through the most sensible and tender partes of his most blessed bodie which was of all bodies most tēder and delicate And consider also what an extreme grieffe it was to the blessed virgin when she sawe with her eies and hearde with her eares the mightie and cruell harde strokes which were so often and so thicke laied on and iterated one after an other vpon his diuine members For certainlie those hammers and nailes as they passed throwghe the handes of the sonne so did they also pearce the verie harte of his most tender and louinge mother Consider moreouer how they lifted vp the Crosse on highe and how when they went about to ramme it in the hole which they had made for that purpose such was the crueltie
defence of a iust and godlie cause and not for herese or other vniust causes Eccles 27. Tribulation as S. Paule saith is the occasion and matter of patience And patience is the proufe and triall of true vertue And this proufe geueth vs a hope of glorie For this cause therefore a man ought alwayes to suspecte all vertue and holines which he perceaueth in him selfe vntill it be tryed and prooued with the testimonie of tribulation For as the Wise man saith The vessels of claye are tried in the furnace but the hartes of the iust in the furnace of tribulation Almightie God in all the workes of nature hath not made anie one thinge that shoulde be idle or in vaine muche lesse woulde he that in the workes of grace his giftes shoulde be idle and in vaine And therefore he deuideth to euerie one of his electe the burthen and charge which he must beare accordinge to the forces and talente of the grace he hath receaued So that here in this short transitorie life it is not to be esteemed for the greater loue and frendship if almightie God doe geue vs greater pleasure and ease but rather if he geue vs greater tribulation and aduersitie Thow shalt geue vs ô Lorde Psalm 79. He that is greatest and most singular in the loue and fauour of God is comonlie most afflicted with tribulatiōs in this life Exod. 24. saieth the Prophet to drinke teares by measure And the measure is this that he that is most ād greatest in thy grace and fauour is commōly most afflicted and troubled in this transitorie life When Moyses made that peace and accorde betwene almightie God and his people the holie scripture sayth that he sprinckeled all the people with an Isope dipped in bloude and this beinge done the rest of the bloude that remained he sprinckeled vpon the aulter Wherefore let all those that determine to be the friendes of almightie God vnderstande hereby that theire loue Note how our loue and frendeship with almightie God must be celebrated and dedicated with bloude and friendship with him must be celebrated and dedicated with bloude and not onelie with the bloude of Christ but euen also with the proper bloude of euerie one to wit with patience and sufferinge of troubles and aduersities Our Sauiour Christ at that last supper which he made with his disciples dranke first him selfe of the Cuppe but after he had drōcke him selfe thereof he gaue the remnant vnto his ghestes which he had inuited and cōmaunded them to deuide the same emonge them and that euerie one of them shoulde also drinke his drawght of that cuppe So that it apperteineth to all persons to haue theire parte of this cuppe All Christians must drinke theire parte of Christes cuppe and as mēbers of Christ conforme thē selues with Christ theire head in sufferinge and it is also requisite that they all as members of Christ doe conforme them selues with our sauiour Christ in sufferinge Howbeit herein standeth the difference that as concerninge the common sorte of people and those that are Imperfecte it is sufficient if they be sprinckled with bloude but those deuout godlie persons that are more nearly approched and ioyned vnto almightie God and be such as are worthie to be called his aulters these must not onelie be sprinckeled with bloude but they must also be dyed A notable comfort for all Catholickes that be persecuted by heretickes There were neuer anie persons more tossed with aduersities and tribulatiōs in this worlde thā our sauiour Christ and his blessed mother and bathed in bloude forsomuche as to the stronge are reserued the strongest battells and so consequentlie a greater rewarde and a greater crowne in the kingdome of heauen Our sauiour Christ and his blessed mother were the two persons that of all others in this worlde were most entierly beloued of almightie God Now these two as they farre passed and excelled all creatures in vertue so did they likewise in sufferinge And vndowtedlie there were neuer in the worlde two better persons nor more tossed and turmoyled with aduersities afflictions and tribulations than these two were Be of good comfort therefore all ye Catholickes that are in tribulation assuringe your selues that the more troubles afflictions emprisonmentes and crosses you susteine the more like you are vnto our Sauiour Christ and his holie mother Be of good cōfort all ye Catholikes that are troubled For you are not therefore the more forsaken of almightie God but rather if you haue patience in your troubles you are certainlie the more in his grace and fauour and more singulerlie and dearlie beloued of him Be of good comfort againe and againe I saie Psalm 50. There is no signe more certayne of the loue and fauor of God than to haue patience in tribulatiō all ye Catholickes that are afflicted and troubled For there is no sacrifice more acceptable vnto almightie God than a troubled and afflicted harte neither is there anie signe more certaine of his loue and friendshippe then patience in tribulation Let no man therefore sclaunder tribulation for that were to sclaunder our sauiour Christe and his blessed mother yea it were to bringe a sclaunder vpon almightie God him selfe who alwaies sendeth tribulations and afflictions to his friendes What thinge is tribulation but onely a crosse And therefore what other thinge is it to defame tribulation To flie frō tribulatiō is to flie from the crosse but to defame the crosse Againe what is it els to flie from tribulation but to flie from the crosse Now if we worshippe the dead Crosse which is the figure of the Crosse why flie we than from the liuelie crosse which is to suffer by the crosse of tribulation This is to Imitate and followe the Iewes of whom our sauiour sayth Luc. 11. that when they had persecuted the Prophettes they made for them afterwardes verie great and sumptuouse sepulchers honoringe them after they were dead and persecutinge them whilest they were aliue And euen so it siemeth that those wicked Christians doe likewise in a sorte imitate them which on the one side doe worshippe the dead Crosse and on the other side doe denye and spit at the liuelie Crosse Which is the sufferinge by the crosse of tribulation And let no man be discomforted and saie that he suffereth for his synnes or without synne for howsoeuer thou suffer all is finallye in effect to suffer vpon the crosse For if thou suffer for thy synnes and doe hartelie repent them thou sufferest vpon the crosse of the good theiffe But if thou suffer without sinne and without deserte thou oughtest to take the more comfort thereof because this is to suffer euen vpon our Sauiours owne Crosse SONDAIE MORNINGE THIS daie after thou hast made the signe of the Crosse and prepared thy selfe hereunto thou hast to meditate vpon the misterie of the holie Resurrection in which thou maist consider these fower principall pointes to witt of the descendinge of our
she that was more afflicted in this worlde thā anie other mere creature is now seene there exalted aboue al creatures enioyinge for euer that cheifeste goodnes and sayeinge Cant. 3.4 I haue founde him whom my sowle loueth I will holde him and will not let him goe And if this be so great a ioye The sacred humanitie of Christe what a ioye shall that be to beholde the most sacred humanitie of our sauiour Christ and the glorie and bewtie of that bodie which was so fowlie disfigured for our sakes vpon the crosse S. Bernarde It shal be vndowtedlie as S. Bernarde saithe a thinge full of all sweitnes and delighte when men shall there see and beholde a man the creator of men and Lorde of all thinges created We are wonte to esteime it for a singular honour to our whole familie to see some one of our kinred to be made a Cardinall or a Pope Now how farre greater honour shall this be vnto vs to see that Lorde who is of our fleashe and bloude sittinge at the righte hande of the father and made kinge both of heauen and earthe With what a passinge great ioye shall men stande emonge the Angels It shal be a greate ioye to men in heauen to see the Lorde and creator of all thinges to be not an Angell but a man when they shall see that the Lorde of the whole howse and the vniuersall creator of all thinges is not an Angell but a man For if the members doe accompte that to be an honour vnto them that is done to their head by reason of the great vnion that is betwene them and it what shall it be there where there is suche a strayte vnion betwene the mēbers and the head What shall it be els but that euerie one of the sainctes shall accompte the glorie of their Lorde as their owne peculiar glorie This ioye shal be so passinge great that no wordes are able to expresse it accordinge to the worthines thereof Now who shal be so happie as to be thowghte worthie to enioye so great a blysse and felicitie Cant. 8. O that thou were as my brother suckinge the brestes of my mother that I mighte finde thee without and kisse thee with the lippes of deuotion and embrace thee with the armes of loue O most sweete louinge Lorde When shall this ioyefull daie come When shall I appeare before thy face When shall I be filled with thy excellente bewtie When shall I see that countenance of thyne wherevpon the Angels are desirous to beholde Of the thirde ioye that the sowle shall haue in the kingdome of heauen which is the enioyinge of the cleare vision of almightie God § III. In the cleare vision of almightie God consistethe the essentiall glorie of the Sianctes NOW what a ioye shall it be aboue all this to haue a cleare sighte of that diuine face in the sighte of whō consisteth the essentiall glorie of the Sainctes All the thinges we haue hitherto spoken of are certainly great motiues towardes the accomplishemente of glorie but they all are litle in comparison of the cleare vision of almightie God Of Issachar it is written That he sawe that rest was good Gen. 49.15 and that the lande was best and therefore he put his shoulders to labour and made him selfe subiecte to tribute The rest and glorie of the Sainctes is good but the lande that bringeth forthe this rest is best in the superlatiue degrie For this lande is the face and bewtie of almightie God of the vision and beholdinge of whom proceedeth the rest and glorie of the Sainctes This cleare vision of almightie God is the thinge that of it selfe alone is able to geue perfecte rest vnto our sowles The harte of man can neuer be fullie satisfied and filled but onelie with the vision of almightie God For all the sweetnes and pleasantnes of creatures well maie it geue delighte to the harte of man but it can neuer wholye satisfie and fill it Now if all these good thinges before reheresed shall so much delighte vs how much then shall that good thinge delighte vs that conteineth in it selfe the perfection and somme of all good thinges And if the onely sighte and beholdinge of creatures be so glorious what a glorie shall it be to beholde that diuine face that most brighte lighte and that most excellente bewtie of almightie God in whom all bewties doe shyne What a glorious sighte shall it be to beholde that essence so wonderfull so simple and so communicable and with one sighte to beholde in the same the misterie of the most blessed Trinitie The glorie of the father the wisedome of the sonne and the goodnes and loue of the holie Ghost There shall we see God and in God bothe our selues S. Fulgentius and all thinges S. Fulgentius saithe that like as he that hath a glasse before him seeth the glasse and him selfe in the glasse and all other thinges that are before the glasse euen so when we shall haue that vnspotted glasse of the maiestie of almightie God present before vs we shall see him and our selues in him and withal whatsoeuer is without him accordinge to the knowledge greater or lesse that we shall haue of him The vnderstandinge There shall the appetite of our vnderstandinge rest and shall not desire to knowe anie thinge els because it shall haue before it all that can be knowen There shall the appetite of our will rest in louinge that vniuersall good thinge in whom are all good thinges The will and out of whom there be no more good thinges to be enioyed There shall our desire rest The desire and be fullie satisfied with the morsel of that supreme ioye which shal in such wise fill the mouthe of our harte that there shal be nothinge els for it to desire There shall those three Theologicall vertues How faithe hope and charitie shal be rewarded in heauen to witt Faithe Hope and Charitie wherewith almightie God is here honored be perfectly rewarded when vnto faithe shal be there geuen for a rewarde the cleare vision of almightie God vnto hope the possession of him and vnto charitie imperfect charitie in all her perfection There shall the electe see loue enioye and prayse almightie God There shall they be filled without gluttinge and be hōgrie without necessitie There is the place where that songe is alwayes songe that S. Iohn hearde in his reuelations which songe he tearmeth Apoc. 14.3 Quasi canticum nouum As it were a newe songe For that althowghe the songe be alwayes after one maner forsomuche as it is one cōmon prayse answerable to one common glorie which all that blessed companie enioyeth yet is it alwaies newe as concerninge the taste and delighte it hath For loke what taste it had at the beginninge the same verie tast also shall it haue for euer and euer without ende The ioye of the Sainctes in heauen shall neuer diminishe
did to cause thee to be the more in loue with him by reason of this benefite and to make thee the more beholdinge vnto him by this example ād to make thy redemption the more aboūdant by reason of the great treasure that he bestowed vpon it and to geue thee more clearlie to vnderstande how much good will he beareth vnto thee that thou shouldest beare towardes him the like agayne and to shewe playnlie vnto thee how much interest thou hast in him that thou shouldest repose thy whole trust and affyance in him This is that benefite which the Prophet Esaie extolleth and that for great good cause in these wordes which after the translation of the septuagintes sownde thus In all the tribulations of men he neuer fainted Esa 43. neither was he euer wearie in sufferinge for them Neither woulde he sende anie Embassadour or Angell to redeeme them but vouchsaffed of his great mercie to come him selfe in person to redeeme them and to carie them vpon his shoulders all the daies of this worlde notwithstandinge that they did euill acknowledge this benefite Ephes 4.30 but did greiue and prouoke the holie Ghost to anger How greatlie we are bounde to our Lorde for the maner of our redemption And if thou be so much bounde to our Lorde for that he vouchsaffed to come him selfe in person to redeeme thee how much more art thou bounde vnto him for the maner of thy redemption which was by sufferinge so great paines and tormentes It were certainly a great benefite if a kinge woulde pardon a theife that had deserued to be whipped But if the kinge woulde vouchsafe him selfe to receaue the lasshes vpon his owne shoulders for him this were without comparison a farre greater benefite Consider therefore how manie benefites are comprehended in this benefite of thy redemption Lift vp thyne eies vnto that holie roode and consider all the woundes and paines that the Lorde of maiestie suffereth there for thy sake For euerie one of them is a benefite of it selfe yea and a singuler great benefite Our sauiours bodie Beholde that most innocent bodie of thy sweite sauiour and redeemer all of a gore bloude with so many woundes and bruses on all partes of him and the bloude gusshinge out on euerie side His head Beholde that most sacred head fallinge downe for verie faintnes and hanginge vpon his shoulders His face 1. Pet. 1.12 Beholde that diuine face which the Angels are desirous to beholde how disfigured it is and ouerflowed with streames of bloude in some partes freshe and redde coloured in other partes very fowle and blacke His visage Beholde that most bewtifull visage of all creatures and that coūtenance that delighted the eies of all such as behelde it how it hath now lost all the flower of his former bewtie Ieremie Thren 3. Beholde that holie Nazareth more pure than snowe more white than milke better coloured than olde Iuerie how he is now become blacker than cooles and so much disfigured and beraied that scarcelie his owne fryendes are able to knowe him Beholde that holie mouthe His mouthe His lippes how wanne and deadly it looketh Beholde his lippes how blacke and blewe they seeme Beholde how they moue desiringe pardon and mercie euen for those that are his verie tormentours Finally wheresoeuer thou beholdest him thou shalt finde that there is no one parte of him free from paine and greife but that he is couered all ouer with lashes and woundes euē from the toppe of his head to the soles of his feete His forehead His eies That goodly cleare forhead and those eies more bewtifull than the Sonne are now dimmed and darkened with the bloude and presence of deathe His eares Those eares that are wonte to heare the songes of heauen doe now heare the horrible blasphemies of synners His armes Those armes so well fashioned and so large that they embrace all the power of the worlde are now disioynted and stretched out vpon the crosse Those handes that created the heauens His hādes and were neuer iniurious to anie man are now nayled and clenched fast with harde and sharpe nayles His feete Those blessed feete that neuer walked in the waies of sinners are now deadly woūded and pearced throughe Our sauiours narrowe and harde bedde vpon the crosse without anie pillowe or other thinge wherevpō to reste his head 〈◊〉 His syde But aboue all this beholde the bedde where he lyeth and whereupon that heauenly bridegrome sleapeth at none daie how narrowe and hard it is and how he hath nothinge whereupon to rest his head O pretious head of my sweete sauiour what meaneth this that I see thee thus afflicted and tormented for my sake O blessed bodie conceaued by the holie Ghost how is it that I see thee thus wounded and euill entreated for my sake O sweete and louinge syde what meaneth this great wounde and open cleft in thee What meaneth this so great abūdance of bloude Alas wretche that I am what a pittiefull sighte is this to see thee thus furiouslie pearced with a speare for my sake O rigorous crosse be not now I beseeche thee so stiffe but mollifie a litle thy hardnes bowe downe vnto me these highe braūches let downe to me this most pretious fruite that I maie tast thereof O cruell nayles leaue I praie you those innocēt handes and feete of my innocēte Sauiour and come ād enter into my harte and pearce it throughe for it is I that haue sinned and not he O good Iesus what hast thou to doe with so manie cruel tormentes What hast thou to doe with death With sharpe nailes ād with the crosse Vndowbtedlie the Prophet had good reason to saie Esa 28.21 That his workes shal be verie straunge and farre vnlike him selfe What is more straunge and more contrarie to lyfe than deathe What is more disagreable to glorie than paine What is further of from the nature of most perfect holines and innocencie than the image and shape of a synner This title and shape ô Lorde is certaynlie very straunge for thee O true Iacob Gen. 26. that with wearinge the garmentes of others and with disguisinge thy selfe in a straunge habite hast purchased for vs the blessinge of our heauenlie father For by takinge vpon thee the image of a sinner thou hast purchased for vs victorie against synne O goodnes inspekeable O mercie vndeserued O loue exceidinge all vnderstandinge O charitie incomprehensible Tell me ô most mercifull Lorde what sawest thou in vs What seruice haue we done vnto thee With what workes haue we bounde thee to suffer such greiuous and cruell tormentes for our sakes O wonderfull bountiefulnes that without anie merite of our parte and without anie necessitie of thyne owne parte wouldest vouchesafe onely of thy mere grace ād mercie to purchace our redēption after this sorte Tit. 3.4 The benignitie and clemencie of our sauiour saieth the Apostle hath appeared not in
with inwarde quietnes and simplicite and desire him of his grace that he maie be able to proceid in his prayer and meditation without such great trouble and daunger vnto him And in case it shall please our Lorde to graunte him this quietnes of mynde he shall feele a more inwarde hartie deuotion thereby than he was wont to feele with the disquietnes of his minde and it shall endure much longer After this sorte maie a man continewe in prayer and meditation a longe time together without feelinge anie heauines or greife but that man can not so doe that shall meditate after the other enforced maner before specified And for this cause we must take diligent heede that if at anie time there doe arise in the sowle verie feruent motions of sensible deuotion or excessiue sobbinges and sighinges we suffer not our selues to be caried awaie with thē but we must temper them with great moderation and dissemble them as much as we can and withall endeuour to kepe and continewe that consideration and thoughte within vs which caused those feruent motions I meane hereby that we must remoue awaie from vs those stormes and alterations of the fleashe to wit these vehemēt sobbinges and sighinges and enioye in our sowle with quietnes the light and deuotion which almightie God hath then sent vnto vs. And after this sorte we shall continewe in our exercise a longer time and our consolation shall take deeper roote inwardly in our sowles and shall not geue any outwarde shewe thereof with weepinge sobbinge and other externall signes which can hardlie be auoyded without great paine in case a man doe once accustome him selfe verie much vnto such sensible motiōs and feruours which the stronger and mightier they shewe outwardly the more doe they quenche the light inwardly and be an impedimente vnto vs that we can not proceede forwarde in our prayer ād meditation True it is that at the first beginninge of nouices in spirituall exercises such feruours can verie hardlie be eschewed For then the great wonder that a man hath of the newnes and profoundnes of diuine thinges maketh him to enter into so great an admiration and astonishmente that he can not refraine him selfe from this feruencie But after that with the vse of dailie meditation of diuine thinges the newnes of them ceaseth then is his harte quieted and although he loue almightie God with greater vehemencie yet hath he not such sensible feruour and disquietnes in his loue And so we see that the newe wyne and the potte of water when it beginneth first to trye the vnwonted heat of the fier it boyleth so forceablie that it bubbleth vp and runneth ouer the brimme but after that it hath boyled a certaine space it seetheth then much better and is much hoatter and yet with lesse noyce and vehemencie That man which was lame from his mothers wombe whom S. Peter healed as it is declared in the actes of the Apostles so soone as he perceyued him selfe to be whole and perfetlie cured of his former lamenes Act. 3.8 the holie Scripture saiethe that he walked and leaped and praised almightie God This man was not contented onely to goe but as one that had bene so longe time as it were bounde hande and feite and findinge by experience his newe libertie he then stretched forthe his limmes to the vttermost he coulde and leaped and skipped with great ioye and admiration Howbeit it is to be thought that afterwardes he woulde walke more quietly and not leape and skippe all his life time but as then the great ioye he had of his newe and vnaccustomed health woulde not suffer him to be in quiet The fourthe aduise which followeth of the foresaide aduises And here it is declared what maner of attention we ought to haue in our exercise of prayer and meditation § IIII. OF all these aduises aforesaiede we maie gather what maner of attention we ought to haue in praier For in this exercise it is cheiflie expediente for vs to haue our harte not heauie nor dulle but liuely attente and lifted vp on highe In figure whereof we reade that the Angell saiede to the Prophet Ezechiel Ezech. 2.1 that he shoulde arise and stande vpon his feite when the Angell woulde talke with him and declare vnto him the diuine misteries In like maner we reade that those two Cherubins which Salomon placed at the two sides of the Arke of the testament stode with their winges lifted vp on highe 3. Reg. 6. and stretched abroade as if they woulde flye to signifie what a great attention and liftinge vp of the spirite a man ought to haue at such tyme as he presenteth himselfe before almightie God to speake and stande before him But as it is necessarie on the one side to be in prayer with such an attention and close recollection of the mynde euen so on th' other side it behoueth that this attention be qualified with temperance and moderation that it be neither preiudiciall to our healthe nor anie impediment to deuotion For some there be that doe wearie their heads with ouermuch violence whiles they labour to be attente vnto those thinges that they meditate vpon And others againe there be that to avoide this inconuenience are in their meditation verie slacke and negligente and verie easie to be caried awaie with euerie winde Now to eschewe these two extremities it is expediente that we vse such a meane that we doe neither with ouer much attention wearie our head nor with carelesnes or negligēce suffer our thoughtes to goe wāderinge whither so euer they wil. So that like as we vse commonlie to saie vnto him that rydeth vpon a kickinge flinginge horse that he must take good heede how he holdeth the reines of his bridle and kepe a meane therein that is he must holde them neither to harde nor to slacke that the horse neither turne backewarde nor runne to headlonge forwarde Out attention must proceed with moderation and not with violence Prou. 30.33 euen so must we endeuour that our attention maye proceede in our prayers with moderation and not with violence and with a temperate carefulnes and diligence and not with excessiue labour and traueill Of both these poyntes we be aduertised in the holie Scripture For of the one Salomon saiethe Who so squiseth ouermuch the pappes to get out milke shall wringe out bloude And of the other poynte the Prophete Esaie saieth Esa 66.10.11 Reioyce with her all ye that mourne for her that ye maie sucke and be satisfied with the breastes of her consolation Howbeit in case we feyle of the meane and doe leane vnto anie of these two extremeties Of the two extremeties it is lesse hurt to haue ouermuch attention in our prayers than no care or regarde of our attention therein it is lesse hurte to leane vnto ouermuch attention than vnto carelesnes and neglectinge of our attention For a man is prouoked to carelesnes and negligence by his
of his manifolde busines and affaires haue but litle time to bestowe in praier and meditation Luc. 21. yet let him not omitte to offer vp his myte with the poore widowe in the temple For if he faile not of his dewtie herein through his owne negligence almightie God who prouideth for all creatures accordinge to their nature and necessitie will prouide for him also accordinge vnto his necessitie The seuenthe aduise that we must not receyue the visitations of our Lorde in vaine § VII AGREABLE vnto this foresayde aduise we will geue an other very like vnto it which is that when our sowle is visited either in praier or out of praier we must not suffer anie of our Lordes speciall visitations to passe in vayne with anie spetiall visitation of our Lorde we suffer it not to passe awaie in vaine but take the commoditie and benefite of that occasion that is offered vnto vs. For certaine it is that with this winde a man shall saile more in one howre than without it in manie daies For as S. Peeter tooke more abundance of fishe at that one draughte when our Sauiour commaunded him to cast in his nette Ioan. 21.6 than he had done in all the whole night before euen so doth it happen vnto vs oftentimes in this heauenly fisshinge in case we knowe how to helpe our selues by takinge benefite of the oportunities and occasions that be offered vnto vs therein And therefore for good cause are we aduised by Ecclesiasticus sayeinge Eccles 14.14 Omitte not to enioye the good daie that God sendeth thee and suffer not the least parte of his good gifte to passe awaie without takinge benefite thereof Opportunitie is of great force and helpeth much in all thinges and more in this exercise of prayer than in any other For herein it seemeth as it were Ioan. 5. that the Angell descendeth to moue the water of the fisheponde and to geue it vertue to heale Or els to speake more plainlie to this purpose it is as it were the descendinge of almightie God to drawe at the plowghe with a man and to helpe him in his labour whose helpe is more profitable and auailable than all the industrie and diligence in the worlde The mariner when he seeth that the time serueth him well to get out of the hauen forthwith he draweth vp his ankers and hoyseth vp his saile and staieth not anie longer for feare of losinge that good opportunetie which the time offereth vnto him The like ought all spirituall persones to doe when they receyue anie visitations from our Lorde in their praier and meditation and their diligence shoulde be so much the greater by how much this exercise of meditation is greater and this diuine blast more necessarie for praier than that for nauigation And so we reade that the blessed holie religious father S. Francis did S. Francis of whom S. Bonauenture writeth that he had such a spetiall care of this poynt that in case our Lorde did visite him with anie spetiall visitation while he was traueylinge by the waye he caused his companions to goe before and he staied alone behinde vntill he had made an ende of chewinge and digestinge that sweit morsell that was there sente vnto him from heauen Whosoeuer they be that doe not well obserue this poynte How such be punished as make no accompte of our Lordes speciall visitations in prayer are wont commonly to be chasticed with this punishement that they finde not almighie God when they seike him because he founde not them when he sought for them These be the principall aduises that are to be obserued in the exercise of meditation and in euerie of the other partes that doe accompanie the same in case we minde fullie to accomplishe this busines and not to leaue it in the midde waie Now it shall doe well that we make hast to proceede forwardes to treat of the rest and so to bringe this first parte to an ende which perhappes hath bene longer than is requisite OF SIXE POYNTES THAT ARE TO BE MEDITATED VPON in the holie Passion of our Sauiour Iesus Christ THE LAST CHAPITER FORSOMVCH as the most holie Passion of our Sauiour Iesus Christe is the principall matter of meditation it is meete that sithence we haue hitherto treated of meditation in generall we doe now treat particulerly how we ought to meditate vpon the holie passion of our Sauiour Christ to the intent that we maie knowe how to behaue our selues in this matter But here we must first presuppose that emonge all the deuotions in the worlde there is none more secure none more profitable or more vniuersall for all kinde of persons than the remembrance of the holie passion of our Sauiour Christe Albertus Magnus saiethe Note what great proffit enseweth by meditation vpon the holie Passion That it is more profitable for a man to meditate euerie daie a litle vpon the holie passion of our Sauiour Christe than to fast with bread and water all the Fridaies in the yeare and to discipline and scourge him selfe vntill he shead bloude and to saie all the whole Psalter from one ende thereof to an other At the least wise this is verie certaine that this holie exercise is a passinge great helpe to directe the sowle in all vertue and goodnes For consideringe that our Sauiour Christe is as he him selfe saieth Ioan. 14.6 The waie the trueth and the lyfe there is none other exercise more fitte and cōueniente to directe vs to goe vnto God to knowe God and to enioye God than to fixe alwaies our eies vpon our Sauiour Christe For though Christe be vnto vs the waie the treuth ād the lyfe in all thinges wheresoeuer we cōsider him yet is he most espetially so vnto vs whē we beholde him vpon the Crosse And therefore S. Bernarde saide verie diuoutly S. Bernarde well maie I ô Lorde compasse about heauen and earthe yet shall I not finde the but vpon thee crosse There thou liest there thou sleipest at noone daie But leauinge now this matter for an other place I will onely treat at this presente after what sorte we ought to behaue our selues whē we meditate vpon the holie passion of our Sauiour Christe For there be some simple persons that seeke nothinge els in this holie exercise but onely to shee l a fewe teares in takinge compassion vpon the bitter paines and sorowes of our Sauiour and so doe staie them selues in this pointe alone without passinge anie further And albeit this takinge compassion of our Sauiours paines be verie good and necessarie forsomuch as it is the foundation of all the rest as hereafter shal be declared yet this is not the onely fruite that maie be gathered of this holie tree but there be others farre greater than this forsomuch as out of the meditatiō of the holie passion doth all the profite of the spirituall lyfe proceede Sixe thinges to be considered in the passion of our Sauiour
it was wholly most pure virgins fleshe taken of the most pure and virginall bowels of our blessed Lady S. Bonauenture without anie other kinde of mixture And for this cause as S. Bonauenture saiethe his bodie was the more tender and of a more perfecte sense in feelinge The fourthe cause of his so greiuouse paynes was the very kinde of death which he suffered with all the circumstances that happened in all the continuance of his passion forsomuch as each one of them if they be well considered was a kinde of martirdome by it selfe And that thou mayst more clearly perceiue the same Twelue most greiuous paynes which our Sauiour suffered in his passion beginne euen from the first entrie of his passion vntill the ende of it and thou shalt finde emonge others twelue most greyuous paynes which our Sauiour there suffered the which I wil rehearce here very breiflie notwithstandinge that in euerie one of them there is verie much to be said and considered The first was the agonie in the garden and that wonderfull bloudie sweate which trickled drowne througheout all the partes of his bodie vnto the earthe which was the most newe and most straungest thinge of all that euer hath happened in the worlde The seconde was to be solde for so base a price of his owne Apostle and disciple vnto so cruell enemies The therde was to be so often times caried throughe the common streetes bounde and manicled as if he had bene a verie theyfe The fourthe was the punishement with whippinge and scourginge which besides that the lashes were verie crewellie laid on him and verie manie in nomber it is not a punishement for a man of any credite or honestie but for bondeslaues vagabondes and men of most vyle and base condition The fifte was that most cruell inuention of the crowne of thornes wherein were ioyned together both most greiuous shame and dishonour and withall most greiuous paine and tormente The sixte was those so manifolde blasphemies and sundrie kindes of most villeynous mockeries iniuries and reproches which were ioyned with the tormentes as to spette so often times in his face as though he had bene a blasphemer to geue him buffettes and blowes as if he had bene a vagabonde to apparell him some times in white garmentes and some times in redde as if he had bene a foole to hoodwinke his eies and to ieste at him sayeinge Areede who hath smitten thee Leuit. 22.46 as if he had bene a verie dissarde to clothe him with a purple garment to set a reide in his hande to kneele on one knee before him to smyte him on the head with a reid as if he had bene a counterfait kinge and besides all this to proclaime him throughe the common streetes as a malefactour Who euer sawe so many kindes of reprochefull iniuries heaped together vpon one man The seuenthe was that wonderfull contēpte and despite which was done vnto him beinge the sonne of almightie God when they compared him with Barrabas and made lesse accompte of him than of Barrabas Insomuch as that Lorde by whom all thinges were created and in whom all thinges doe liue and are preserued was accompted more vnprofitable and more vnwourthy to lyue than Barrabas an infamous malefactour The eight was in that they enforced him to carie vpon his shoulders which were all to rēte and breused the verie same instrument of the crosse whereupon he shoulde suffer deathe The tormentors them selues which are commonlie the ministers of crueltie doe vse to hyde the eies of them that are to be beheadded that they maie not see the instrument that shall bereue them of their lyfe but here they doe not onely not vse this kinde of humanitic towardes our Sauiour but they laie the same instrument of his deathe euen vpon his owne shoulders to the intente that his harte might first suffer the tormente of the crosse inwardlie before that his bodie shoulde proue it outwardlie The ninthe was the very martirdome of the crosse which is a most cruell kinde of torment for it is not a speydie kinde of deathe as to be hanged or beheadded but very longe and lingeringe and the woundes be in the most sensible partes of the bodie to witt in the feete and handes which are most full of vaines and sinowes which be the iustrumentes of feelinge Moreouer his paines were increased with the poyze and weight of his owne bodie which alwaies tended and swayed dounwarde and so it euer rented and enlarged his woundes and augmented the greife of his tormentes continually and this caused his martirdome to become so extremely greiuous that althoughe he had no deadlie wounde yet by reason of the passinge greatnes of his paines his most holie sowle departed out of his most precious bodie The tenthe was that whereas our Sauiour was thus tormented vpon the crosse and there became a verie Sea of paines and tormentes yea whereas he was in such a dolefull case that if we shoulde see a verie dogge in the streete so pittiefullie tormented it were able to breake our hartes yet all this notwithstandinge his cruell enemies were so farre of from takinge anie pittie or compassion vpon him that euen at that verie time they mocked and scoffed at him and wagged their heades sayeinge Fye on thee that destroiest the temple of God Math. 27. and within three daies buildest it againe The eleuenthe was to haue his most innocent mother present before his eies at all these martirdomes knowinge so well as he did what a passinge great greife it was vnto her most innocent harte The twelfthe was such a crueltie as the like was neuer seene to witt that whereas his most holie bodie was all voide of bloude and all the fountains of his veines emptied and his bowels dried vp by reason of the great abundance of bloude which he had shead when he requested a litle water they did not onely not graunt it vnto him but in steede thereof they gaue him to drincke Easell and Galle Now what thinge coulde be more cruellie done than this True it is that that riche couetous man Luc. 16. which was tormented in hell had a droppe of water denied him when he required it but yet he had no galle geuen vnto him But here they doe not onelie denie the sonne of almightie God the thinge that he desired but besides that they increase his most greiuouse paines with an other newe kinde of tormente Euerie one of these pointes beinge considered seuerally by it selfe will minister sufficient matter of verie great greife and sorowe to anie good Christian harte And therefore whosoeuer is desirous to haue an earnest and inwarde compassion of the paines of our Sauiour let him goe throughe euerie one of them and make a station at eche of them and be he neuer so harde harted it is not almost possible but that in some one or other of them he shall sinde verie vehement motions to prouoke him vnto greife and