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A04902 Lectures of John Knewstub, vpon the twentith chapter of Exodus, and certeine other places of Scripture Seene and allowed according to the Queenes maiesties iniunctions. Knewstubs, John, 1544-1624. 1577 (1577) STC 15042; ESTC S106684 202,339 374

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the signification of a Verbe Transitiue and therefore thus it may very well be translated That they meaning thy Parents may prolong thy dayes making the continuaunce of our life as it were the gifte of Parentes approuing the honour that their Children giue vnto them and so it is here attributed vnto Ionadab as his blessing and benefite that he shall not want a man to stand before GOD for euer notwithstanding the obedience were in his Children Whereby wee are taught so to walke duetifully and thankfully towardes our superiours as they may be compelled to approue it and so to blesse it with many good dayes For the Lorde to get this honoure of inferiours to their superiours hath as it were put this benefite of longe dayes into their handes and maketh it to followe their approuing of that thankfulnesse whiche they receiue from their inferiours This threatening of the Lord may not onely bring a terrour vnto rebellious subiectes and disobedient children whiche liue in the displeasure of their superiours iustly conceiued against them but also vnto those who notwithstanding they haue committed nothing that iustly may displease them yet haue not done any thing that may iustly chalenge approbation and lyking from them This curse of cutting off the length of their liues either in their owne person or in their posteritie moste iustly falleth vpon such as greatly regarde not the consent of their parentes in that weightie matter of marriage Parentes haue heere to learne the bringing vp of their children in all obedience and reuerence towards them selues lest by their too much lenitie they bring such an infection into their children as will not departe from them before it hath broughte them all vnto the graue that there bee not one man of their seede lefte to continue their name This blessing of many good dayes promised to obedient inferiours is so farr foorth perfourmed as it may be a blessing vnto them For sometime God in mercie taketh away obedient children in their young yeeres that they should not taste of the afflictions that he meaneth to bring vpon the land or lest the iniquities of those dayes should peruert them In Deuteronomie vnto the promise of long life are added these wordes That it may be well with thee promising them benefite of longe life no longer then it shall be for their weale to inioy it So likewise it may come to passe that a disobedient childe may liue long to taste of the griefe of disobedience in his owne Children to suffer exile and banishment or some one greate punishment or other or else that his wickednesse may growe yet riper to reuengement so that it be no longer a blessing to inioy such dayes Wee must remember that all this which hath beene spoken of obedience and the blessing thereof must be limitted so as in obeying them we do not disobey God and go contrarie vnto his word This commaundemente also bindeth superiours vnto their inferiours For those gifes of God that come with speciall direction to be employed vnto certein persons as do the gifts of inferiours cannot in equitie but haue some speciall consideration from them againe vppon whome they are thus especially employed Heerevpon aryseth the particular callings that bee when by reason of particular benefites and blessinges whiche wee receiue of particular persons wee become indebted vnto them againe for seuerall dueties more and aboue those generall dueties which we owe vnto all men This commaundement comprehendeth all particular callings of what cōdition soeuer they shal be For the lawe beeing a perfecte rule of righteousnesse cannot content it selfe with generall duties alone When this duetie from superiours is not giuen to them that be vnder them it commeth often to passe by the iust iudgement of God and yet with the inferiours their great sinne heynous offence that they become vnthankeful vndutiful rebellious againste those that be set ouer them armed by the iust iudgement of God to denie duetie vnto them from whom they haue receiued none Maisters complaine of the vnfaithfulnesse of seruants and yet was there neuer any time when seruaunts had iuster cause to complaine of vndutifull maisters For where are those masters to be found that haue any iust regard of the swette of their seruants which is their bloud bestowed in their seruice How slenderly are they recompenced when they haue spent their young yeares the flower of their life vpon them yet euen reason would that seeing the Lorde hathe laide the maintenance of their life vpon their labour and trauell which their maisters haue eaten vp they should not be so cruelly vnkinde as after their long seruice to sende them away with an emptie hand I omit to speake how litle the care is of bringing them vp in the feare of god The number of those parentes which carefully perfourme this dutie towards their children to make them learned in the lawe of their God is as small And where shall we finde any number of suche Magistrates as employ them selues to terrifie wickednesse and wicked men and to incourage the good in their goodnesse These thinges are as wel due from them as the other duties before recited belong vnto them There is also generally required of all superiors that louing dealing and behauiour towardes their inferiours which may witnes that they are not vnthankfull for those special benefits which they do receiue from them For if loue whiche hathe in it speciall good will and liking be commanded towardes all men in generall there must of necessitie be a greater measure of it betwene those that are more particularly employed the one vpon the other This louing regard of them outwardly declared in deed and behauiour must come in as a supplie to helpe to beare and susteine the weight of labour subiection whiche the nature of man otherwise can hardly digest as in a mans bodie more labour or cost is bestowed about those parts that haue the lest beautie and forme in themselues in so muche that those parts which as they are of themselues dare least abide the eye are set forth with more beautie to the eye thereby after a manner hauing recompence of their want in the bodie so in the bodie of the common wealth and in the societie of man tender regarde of superiours and amiable affection towards those that be vnder them should beare vp a part of that heauie burthen of subiection and seruice The gyftes and graces of God in others craue also honour from vs For being fellowe-members of one bodie we haue our benefite and fare the better for the seuerall gyftes of others For the Lorde hathe made suche a diuision of his gyftes as that he hath laide a necessarie part of the welfare of euerie man out of himselfe in some other the lack wherof maketh him maymed in him selfe therfore forceth him to seeke vnto others for his perfecte forme iust proportion These gyfts of God wee are not only bound to see and behold but also to
to the defence of that holde whiche being taken by the enimies he is assured to receiue continuall shame and dishonour The Lord will be honored by hauing his word obeyed if we doe not conspire to mainteine his honour that way we are guiltie of treason against his glorie when we suffer sathan to batter downe obedience in vs to God and man we are as well accessarie to the betraying of his glorie as those souldiers that are quiet within the castle while their enimies sacke the same without Let vs therfore goe carefully aboute these matters of his honour let our care and sounde dealing be a recorde vnto our hartes that we are not conspired with his enimies There can be no better argument that men do willingly consent with sathan then to see them carelesse of his assaultes then neuer to see them stande vpon their watche especially dealing with the enimie who hath professed that hee will neuer be at truce with them And because the Lord giueth so glorious a title to christianitie as to call it his glorie making so neere a bonde betweene our saluation his honour let vs not sleepe in so earnest matters neither bring a slender and bare affection where there is the assured hope of a double commoditie Nowe let vs pray vnto our heauenly Father that we may more be humbled that wee haue so long liued to so litle honour of his name not only that we may thereby truly acknowledge the mercy of Iesus Christe that hathe put vppe so great dishonour at our handes washing it away no otherwise than with his bloud but also that in the remembraunce of so long time wherein we haue dishonoured him we may bee whetted to bestirre vs this time that we haue to liue bothe to pull downe our affections that would dishonour him in the plaine contempte or carelesse regard of obedience also to bring forth that fruite of newe life that may open the mouthes of many to speake of his praise for it whose workmanship it is The fourth Lecture vpon the eighth verse 8 Remember the Sabbaoth day to keepe it holie 9 Sixe dayes shalt thou labour and doe all thy worke 10 But the seuenth day is the Sabbaoth of the Lord thy God in it thou shalt not doe any worke thou nor thy sonne nor thy daughter thy man seruaunt nor thy maide nor thy beast nor thy straunger that is within thy gates 11 For in sixe dayes the Lord made the heauen and the earthe the sea and al that in them is and rested the seuenth day therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbaoth day and halowed it THe rest from bodily laboures that was commaunded vpon the Sabbaoth day had in it this signification that Christianitie did consist in ceassing from sinne So doe the Prophets who are the true expositors of the law interpret it For thus we do read in the Prophet Esay Blessed is the man that doeth this and the Sonne of man that taketh holde on it he that keepeth the Sabbaoth and polluteth it not and keepeth his hand from dooeing any euill The Prophete doeth declare what it is to keepe the Sabbaoth by these wordes following And keepeth his hand from doeing any euil The euill that by this sabbaoth we are commaunded to rest and ceasse from is not a matter straunge and disagreeing from our disposition but rooted in our nature as nowe we haue it from Adam And therefore the same Prophet that here affirmeth the keeping of the Sabbaoth to consist in ceassing and resting from euill in an other place affirmeth it to be the ceassing from our owne wayes and workes declaring thereby this euill and iniquitie that we are commaunded to ceasse from to be no forrener or straunger but to keepe his house and home in our owne nature In that the Scripture termeth euil to be our own wayes and works according as it is written by the Prophete Isaie If thou consecrate the Sabbaoth as glorious vnto the Lorde and shalt honour him not doing thine owne wayes nor seeking thine owne will c. expounding the Not doing our owne ways nor seeking our owne will to be the consecrating of a glorious Sabbaoth vnto the lord The Sabbaoth then consisteth in keeping vs from doing euil so that necessarily we must conclude this euil to be in our owne wills and wayes This inwarde corruption wherewith bothe our wit and wil is poysoned was very fitly resembled in the outward obseruing of the Sabbaoth For vppon the Sabbaoth day the people were called from all their accustomed workes that they had beene occupied in the sixe dayes before So that a man comparing their doinges that day with those they were exercised in the other sixe dayes must of necessitie say they were cleane altered and chaunged in their doinges from that that vsually before they had beene and so diuerse as if they had not beene the same but other men A resemblance verie fitte and sitting to our spirituall Sabbaoth whiche consisteth in becomming newe men concerning our dooinges from that wee haue beene before wee knewe the Gospell The outward rest from bodily laboures whiche did shadowe out our true rest from sinne whiche is our accustomed way and worke was so strictely obserued among the Iewes that the neglect thereof in the least thinges as gathering sticks vpon the Sabbaoth day was punished with death as we do reade in the 15. of Numbers to declare some signification of greater thinges in it according as the Prophetes haue interpreted it The Sabbaoth then doth verie well point out the corruption that we haue receiued of Adam which ruleth and reigneth in the ways and wils of al them that are not borne againe and chaunged bothe in will and deede by the power of that his grace which only he bestoweth vppon his elect For thus it is written to the Ephesians Among whome speaking of the children of disobedience We also had our conuersation in time past in the lustes of our flesh in fulfilling the will of the fleshe and of the minde and were by nature the children of wrath as wel as others We haue to marke here that speaking of his sinne he describeth it to haue beene done by following the wil of the minde whiche is the reasonable part as well as in following the will of the flesh which is the affection vnreasonable part And lest we shuld ascribe this only to his custome in sinne as if hee had not beene borne with this disease nor by nature inclined therevnto he putteth himselfe and others vnder the wrathe of God by nature saying We are by nature the children of wrath as well as others making it the common case of all men as naturally to be inclined to euill as they are to eate and drinke in their hunger or thirst It is worth the noting that he putteth himselfe in the number for he saith of him selfe to the Philippians that his life was not outwardly to be reproued no not before his calling
kinde of sinne shall haue a godly wife whome the Lord shall preserue from this euill to yeeld vnto the wickednesse of others yet is his faulte neuer a deale the lesse heerein then if he should haue fallen into that extremitie of sinne because his deseruing hath called for that punishment from the Lorde which the Lorde in mercie towardes her hath withholden And in asmuch as the adulterer depriueth a man of the true comforte of his true and naturall seede and posteritie can we imagine otherwise of the Lorde but that hee will drawe one swoorde or other vppon some of his children that shall neuer ceasse to pursue them before it hath driuen them in at the dores of death Iob speaking of this sinne of adulterie sayeth that it is a fire that deuoureth all to destruction So that by this testimonie the house of the whooremonger must be consumed and there is a secret fier flaming there that threateneth to deuoure before it hath done and made a finall end which men might easily se by sundrie experiences in the world if there were no word of God to leade vs therevnto The hope to hide this sinne which bewitcheth the vngodly leadeth them into this fire of God his wrath must of necessitie be vaine because the Lorde him selfe hath taken vpon him to be reuenged of those that shall dare to breake that bond of wedlock which he hath made In the olde testamēt the Lord did by a special law made for the purpose take vpon him not only the knowledge reuealing and punishing of this sinne euen when it should be most secretly done without witnes of any other man yea or certeine knowledge frō the husbād him self but also the defence and clearing of the guiltlesse woman oppressed vexed with the vniust ielousie of her husbād who might presēt his wife whether she were guiltie in deed or onely in his ielous minde was thought to be so before the priest vnto that tryall which God had appointed established for the end After which matter solemnized with all the circumstances therof as it was appointed in the boke of Num. if the woman were defiled in deed then should her belly swel and her thighe rot if she were not defiled then should she not only be free from this punishmēt but also be blessed with fruitfulnesse as appeareth in the same place We see how greatly the lord doth abhorre adulterie taking vpon him to bewray the closest dealing in the wickednesse that can be and also what a care he hath of the vniting of their mindes who are become one by mariage in ordeyning a law to cure ielousie and so taking vppon him also the defence of the innocent partie That law is now ceased but that same God doth yet remaine bearing the same hatred to that sinne that he did before hath the like loue to innocencie that before he hath had So that there is small hope to be had when God is become the searcher him selfe when he who knoweth it is an vtter enimie vnto it and hath professed the reuealing of it yea and that more is the iust and deserued punishing thereof It would greatly feare the theefe if it were noysed that that man would searche him whome he doeth wel remember to haue passed by and behelde him while he was hiding of that whiche before hee had stolne Wee doe not reade through the whole testament the like solemnitie in the searching out of any sinne neither yet that in any other sinne the partie suspected was compelled to subscribe vnto certeine words of execration and calling for euil against himselfe if he had offended saue onely in this tryall of adulterie whiche may both teach vs in what place of sin to set this crime of adulterie and what measure of punishment to looke for after trespasse and transgression made in this parte The punishment whiche in the olde Testament was appointed to be executed againste it by the ciuil Magistrate was death according as it is written in Leuiticus The man that committeth adulterie with another mans wife because hoe hath committed adulterie with his neighbours wife the adulterer and adulteresse shall dye the death In this commaundement is not onely adultery forbidden which is when one of the offenders is ioyned or betrouthed to another in marriage but also fornication when bothe the offenders are single persons We haue learned before that it is vsuall in the commaundements vnder one kinde of euill to forbid all that bee of affinitie with it and like in wickednesse vnto the same Fornication is forbidden in expresse wordes in Deutero There shall be no whoore of the daughters of Israel neither shall there be any whoorekeeper of the sonnes of Israel The punishment of this sinne of fornication whiche was so fearefull among the people of Israel is brought in of the Apostle Paule to bring all men to suche feare of God as may restraine them from it Neither let vs commit fornication sayeth the Apostle as some of them cōmitted fornication and sell in one day twentie three thousand The life of man beeing so precious vnto our mercifull father as it is it can be no small sinne that prouoketh the Lord to procede in iudgemēt euen to the death of twentie three thousand And therefore is this notable punishment notwithout great reason ioyned to fornication which was the cause thereof For commonly this sinne is made as nothing hauing naturall infirmitie set beside it in the vsuall speech of men to hide it withall But the holy Ghoste doeth not so matche it in his speeche he doeth not set it before our eyes in a cloake of natural infirmitie whereby we should the lesse feare it but putteth vppon it the garment that in deede belongeth vnto it euen a cloake bathed with the bloud of xxiii thousand men There is great diuersitie betweene these two cloakes the one is farre vnlike the other in the eyes of the holy Ghoste this sinne is fearefully stayned with much bloud in the sight of fornicatours there is nothing in it whiche is not naturall and kindely so diuerse are their iudgements and so great is their disagreement of their opinions The Apostle Paule reasoneth against fornicatours by the worthines of our bodies whiche are the members of Christ howe great is that abasing and howe miserable to be diuorced from Christ and coupled to an harlot d ee ye not knowe sayeth the Apostle that hee whiche coupleth himselfe with an harlot is one bodie for two saith he shal be one fleshe Moste certeine it is that the bodie of an harlot can be no member of Iesus Christe And the fornicatour by the testimonie of the apostle is become one bodie with her hauing the same coniunction with her in wickednes that the husbande hathe with his lawful wife in holinesse and by the appointment of the Lorde There is great cause therefore why the holy Ghost shoulde so earnestly persuade vs to flie fornication making
of some trifleing worke that he doeth persuade him selfe that hee is so farre from chargeing his father that hee is become very helpfull vnto him bringing in a greate portion of that whereby the whole familie is mainteined wherevppon the father setteth him to some worke promising to giue him wages for it as he doeth vnto day-labouring-men that the ouerplus of his charges maye redounde to his owne profite alone When the foolishe impotent childe seeth by good experience that hee is not able to doe any thing to the maintenaunce of his liueing then hee is forced to acknowledge his fathers liberalitie and to confesse his vndeserued goodnesse towards him whiche before hee made no reckoning of pleasing him selfe in the foolishe persuasion of his owne earning vntill by good tryall it hath beene proued vnto him to bee nothing In like manner the Lorde our GOD willing that wee should take our selues as wee are in deede beholden to his mercie and onely cleaue to that is constrayned to bring vs from this folishe persuasion of our deseruings and earninges by our owne workes the persuasion whereof keepeth vs from magnifying of his mercies as wee are bounde and to set vs to worke for wages appoynting vs hyre for laboure and wages for a certeine number of workes wherein when wee shall haue taken tryall of our owne insufficiencie to mainteine our selues we shall be forced to lay holde of his alone mercies and in true humilitie acknowledge the benefite thereof whiche was a principall end that the LORD did looke at in loading vs with that so greate laboure of the lawe and exactinge a continuaunce in euery woorke thereof so streightly at our handes For the promise to bee receiued to mercie in the merites of Christe alone was made foure hundreth yeeres and more before the lawe whiche came in to driue vs by due experience of our selues to sticke wholy vnto the bountie of that his mercie whiche thing to be so he Apostle proueth by the nature of the lawe that was giuen For suche a lawe was giuen as by meanes of our weakenesse coulde not giue life And therefore sure it is that the LORD ment not that wee should looke for happinesse from the lawe and the obedience thereof but wholy from the mercies of God in Christe If there had beene a lawe giuen sayeth the Apostle whiche coulde haue giuen life surely righteousnesse should haue beene by the lawe But the Scripture hath concluded all vnder sinne that the promise by the faith of IESVS CHRISTE should be giuen to them that beleeue Wherefore the lawe was our Schoole-maister to bring vs to CHRISTE that we might bee made righteous by faith The Apostle sayeth that if there had beene giuen suche a lawe as coulde haue giuen life righteousnesse should haue come by the lawe Sure it is that the want which was in the lawe to giue life was not in it selfe for it did promise life vnto them that kepte it whiche promise made by the LORD to the keepers of the Lawe it were blasphemie once to imagine that hee woulde not or coulde not perfourme Therfore the want that was in the law to giue life commeth wholy of our infirmitie by reason of the weakenesse that is in fleashe and bloud as it is written to the Romanes That that which was impossible to the lawe in as muche as it was weake because of the fleash GOD sending his owne sonne in the similitude of sinfull fleash and for sinne condemned sinne in the fleash Greate is the opinion that fleashe and bloud hath of it selfe when the Lorde is constrained to bring a looking-glasse of his lawe for vs before we can bee brought to iudge rightly of our selues Great is the credit of our owne deseruing and earning by our well doeing when the Lorde to pull vs from it is forced to putt vs to the tryall of an impossible work Hardly are we brought from the opinion of our owne wealthie estate when the Lorde cannot be beleeued of vs telling vs the contrarie before hee hath layde before vs in his accounting booke our seuerall parcels of debte A Christian therefore is taughte by the ende that GOD had in giuing of this lawe to learne how harde a thinge it is to lay downe all lyking of him selfe and opinion of wel deseruing for his deedes in as much as the Lord is driuen to reckon with vs particularly proue vnto vs by plaine euidence that we are worse then nothing before wee can be made to let go the opinion that we haue once cōceiued of our owne good estate Therfore whosoeuer meaneth to depend truely vpon God must by the often sight of him selfe in the lawe be weyned from the opinion of his owne doeings while that in seeing his deformities so muche in euery parte by meanes of the sundrie and seuerall dueties that are commaunded hee be compelled by good tryall to acknowledge the benefite of his bloud whereby they are wyped away For it is the true tryall of our selues that maketh Christe to be of any reckoning with vs It is the true misliking of our selues that causeth vs to like of him How necessarie then is it for vs not onely to acknowledge a kinde of debte but to see the seuerall parcels thereof in euery commaundement growing to such a greate summe as should offer iuste occasion to thinke highely of him who hath brought vs a free discharge for these so many and sundrie billes of debte Let vs learne then often to go vnto the counting booke of our God to see in euerie commaundement the great debt that we are drawen into that wee may haue occasion knowen to our selues to be very greate why we should wholy beetake vs to the mercyes of our god It falleth out oftentimes that a manne who is deepely in debte for want of earnest consideration had of the seuerall sūmes parcels of the same may take it to be no greate benefite to be discharged thereof but when the particulars be summoned and brought in and in the whole thereof appeareth to be a great matter to discharge hee beginneth to chaunge his minde and to take him for a speciall friend that would offer to aunswere it euen so it commeth to passe with vs while in generall words of course we confesse our selues to bee sinners and therefore indebted vnto GOD but yet neuer truely consider by true tryall of our selues in euery commaundement what the particulars are whereof the generall ariseth so great Wee make no greate account of the mercies brought by Christe for the discharge thereof because the greatenesse of the debt and daunger for wante of summing the particulars is not truely knowen nor rightly considered of which is the thing that maketh a right reckoning bothe of our owne wante and also of his worthinesse in releasing vs from so greate daunger and debte By this we may clearely perceiue that so many as shall not often looke to their liues by the lawe doe neither knowe what wretchednesse is in them selues