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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A23217 The myrrour of the chyrche herefoloweth a deuout treatyse co[n]teyny[n]ge many goostly medytacyons & instruccions to all maner of people, necessary & confortable to the edyfycacion of the soule & body to the loue & grace of god.; Speculum Ecclesiae. English Edmund, of Abingdon, Saint, Archbishop of Canterbury, ca. 1170-1240.; Copland, Robert, fl. 1508-1547.; Austin, of Abingdon, Saint, attributed name. aut 1521 (1521) STC 965; ESTC S109275 32,324 57

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And of his ascensyon at Noone Ca. xxv A Fore noone ye shall thynke on y e passyon on the ascensyon ¶ On the passyon ye shall thȳ ke y t at suche an houre deyed y t auctour of lyfe for our loue Also ye shall here thynke on ye. vii wordes y t he spake on y e crosse on ye. iiii tokēs y t befel at his dethe ¶ The fyrst worde y t he spake was Pat ignosce illis or nesciūt ●…d faciūt y t is to say Fader forgyue thē theyrsyn̄e for they wote not what they doo ¶ The ii worde was A men dico tibi or hodie mecū eris in paradiso These wordes he spake to y e thefe penytent sory for his synnes y t is to saye Certaynly I say to the y t this day shalt y e be w t me in paradise ¶ The .iii worde was whā he spake to his moder of saint ioh●… in this wyse Multer ecce filiꝰ tuꝰ Lo woman behol de take here thy sone And than sayd to his disciple ●…cce mt̄ tua y t is to say Behold take her there for thy moder ¶ The .iiii. word was ●…ly h●…ly lama zabathani y t is to saye O my god my god wherfore hast y e for saken me ¶ The .v. worde was ●…itio y e is to say I am a thyrst ¶ The .vi. was ●…ōsūmatū est y t is to say Now are y e ꝓphecies fulfylled ¶ The vii was ●…t̄ in manꝰ tuas cōmendo spin̄ meu y t is to say Fader in to thy handes I cōmende my spyrite so bowynge doune his he●…d his spyryte departed ¶ The .iiii. sygnes or tokens were these All y e erthe began to tremble of all the vnyuersal worlde there was an erthquake The veyle or couerynge of y e tem ple was deuided aso●…der fell doune The stones dy de breke cleue in pyeces the deed bodyes arose out of theyr graues The sonne wexed darke ●…drewe his lyght fro mydday tyll y e houre of noone wherof saynt Denys Arryopage beynge in y e partyes f●…rre fro Jerusalem sayd A ut deꝰ nature pa●… aut machina mūdt dissoluiē y t is Or y e god of nature suffreth passyon or y e hole mach y●…emēt of y e worlde is dyssolued losed in sonder ¶ 〈◊〉 astensyon shall 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 y t suche an houre our lorde went in to ye●…oūt of Oly●…ete-seyng his dysciples his moost swete moder fro them he ascēded to heuen sytteth on y t ryght ha de of his fader And than his disciples retorned to Je rusalem there they were in fastiges prayers tyll y e comynge of y e holy goost And there were of thē cōgregate togyder in one hous about the nombre of vi score men abydynge the blyssed comynge of the holy goost as our lorde had commaunded them ¶ Of the souper of our lorde And of his takynge doune fro y e crosse at Euensonge Ca. xxvi Afore euensonge tyme ye shall thȳke on y e maū dy or souper of our lorde of his takȳge doune fro y e crosse ¶ Of his takinge doune shall ye thī●… how Joseph of Aromathia had ipetred goten y e bo dy of Jesu of Pylate how y e iewes came to y e crosse of Jesu brake y e theues legges how a knyght toke a spere perced the blyssed syd●… of our lorde y t in continent blode water ran̄e out of it haboūdaūtly Blode in token of our redēpcion water in token of remyssyon of our synnes Joseph than toke hym d●…une of y e crosse bycause y t no body or corps sholde byde vnburied in so grete hye a feest as was y e next day folo winge whiche was theyr sabot day ¶ Of y ● maun dy or souper shall ye thike y t at suche an houre out lor de gaue his body flesshe blode to his dysciples in 〈◊〉 lykenesse of breed wyne ¶ Her●… shall ye vnderstan de y t in y e blyssed sacramēt of y e auter there ben iii. thȳ ges The fyrst is y e lykenesse of breed wy●…e y t whiche we se bodyly The .ii. is y e very true body blode of our lorde Iesu cryst which we may not se w t our bo dyly eyen The .iii. is spyrytuall grace whiche were ceyue whan we take worthyly y e holy body that moost blyssed blode We se y e substaunce lykenesse of breed wyne and yet y e substaunce of breed wyne dooth not remayne there after the consecracion And we beleue surely stedfastly that y ● symilytudeo ly kenesse dooth conteyne in it veryly the body blo●…de of our lorde Iesu cryst notwithstandynge y e symy●…y tude or lykenesse of y ● body blode may we 〈◊〉 se. ●…or we sholde abhorre feere as touchynge our body to ete the rawe flesshe dry●…ke y ● blode of a man Therfore hath our lorde gyuen to vs his body and his blo de vnder the lykenesse of breed and wyne to co●…forte our bodyly vnderstandynge and wytte by suche mete as we be wont to se and dare ●…te and to ●…difye and make stronge our faythe by that that ●…e doo se one thynge and beleue another And therfore whan ye approche to the auter for to be cōmyned or houseled so take receyue there y e blyssed sacramēt as though ye receyued vysybly his blyssed and moost holy blode flowynge out of his syde ¶ Of the blody sweetinge of our lorde and of his buryenge at at Complyn Ca. xxvii BEfore cōplyn sholde ye thynke Fyrst how Jo seph Nychodeme wrapped closed the body of our lorde Jesu cryst in fayre shetes a clene shrow de anoynted it wpretyous oyntemētes dide put him in a sepulcre also they put a stone at y e dore of y e monument the people put to theyr seales ordeyned knyghtes to kepe y e sepulcre ¶ Secōdly ye shall thike how our lorde Jesu y e day of his maundy after y t he had souped went w t his dysciples in to a gardyn where he prayed to his fader in suche wyse y t for soro we of dethe he swette so y t the droppes of blode dyst●… led fro his blyssed face and fell to the ●…the ¶ Of the contemplacion of god as touch●…ge his godheed Ca. xxviii NOw haue ye y e mater way to thinke in god to knowe hym as touchynge in his man he de ¶ Now after shall ye knowe how to thynke vp●… hym to knowe him in his moon hygh godherd As to 〈◊〉 shal 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 y ● god so ordred y ● 〈◊〉 of him selfe in 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to mank ynde y t he w●…lde not of all be shewed nor of all be ●…ept 〈◊〉 to hym For yf he had fully holly shewed himselfe than had fayth be no thige worthe 〈◊〉 had ben 〈◊〉 For
holynesse For as saynt Poule the apostle sayth 〈◊〉 est volun tas dei ●…ctificatio vestra It is y e wyll of god that ye be holy and sayntes ¶ what th●…ges maketh man a saynt how a man shall lyue to the knowlege of hymselfe in body and soule Ca. iii. ●…wo thȳges wtout ony mo maketh mā a saynt That is to wyte knowlege of trouthe and y e loue of goodnesse But to y e knowlege of god whiche is very trouthe may you not come but yf fyrst you knowe your selfe Nor to the loue of god whiche is al goodnes boūte can you not come wtout ye loue your neyghbour Than to the knowlege of your self may ye come by oft swete medytaciō to the knowlege of god by pure contēplacyon Now to the knowlege of your selfe may ye come in this maner Thinke dylygētly inwardly often what ye be what ye haue ben what ye shall be fyrst touch ynge your body after as to your soule As touchinge your body thynke y t ye are fouler thā ony donge or slyme ye were en gendred in so grete fylthe y t it is shame to tell it abhomynable to thynke it For ye were borne in grete fylthe ye haue led your lyfe in grete wretchednesse mysery And after your dethe ye shall be delyuerd to todes wormes to other foule beestes whiche shal deuoure ete you what ye haue ben what ye now are ye sholde thȳke as touchige your soule for what ye shall be ye may not knowe Therfore call to your rem●…braunce thinke often how ye haue done grete euylles many how ye haue loste grete goodes many Thinke also how longe ye haue lyued what ye haue receyued how ye spent your tyme for eue ry houre in whiche ye thought not on god ye haue lo ste. For ye shal gyue a rekenyge of euery ydle worde of all ydle vayne thoughtes of euery ydle dede worke And lykewise as ye haue not one onely heere in your heed but it shal be gloryfyed whan ye shal be saued so shall there scape no houre of your tyme but it shall be rekened to you in the mercy of god O good lorde yf all y e worlde were full of small 〈◊〉 or 〈◊〉 who might be so wyse to iuge euery sperke by it selfe and tò deuyde euery one from other But y e soule is a thousāde tymes greter than y e worlde yf the worlde were a thousande tymes gretter than it is 〈◊〉 then yf y e soule be full of diuers thoughtes 〈◊〉 desyres who may serche or inquyre of his herte to knowe all y t is in it or thinke it ¶ Now beholde t●… ke hede my dere syster how ye haue grete nede to cōsyder to knowe your self Thā after take good 〈◊〉 what ye be now as touchig yoursoule how ye haue lytell goodnesse in you lytell vnderstādynge or wyt lytell power and pyte for ye alway desyre that whi che is not good for you nor profytable And alway ye do for sake and leue y t whiche myght doo you moche good And oftentymes ye be deceyued now by ouer gretesoro we now by 〈◊〉 loue now by indy serecyon intemperaūce now by vaynglory now malycyous seke now helthy and mery now are ye vered with aduersyte now lyft vp with fals hope On the other syde yeare so mutable wauer ynge y ● loke what thynge ye wyll this day to moro we ye wyll none of it And oftentymes ye languysshe are angry and sore tormented for many thinges that ye coueyte and desyre than after ye haue them at your wyll than are ye incontyuent or by by of the wery anoyed greued Thynke also on y e other par te how ye are lyght to be tempted frayle and feble to resyst redy to consent and agre Of all these ifyrmytees and wretchednes hath delyuered you your spouse your god Thū cryst dooth dayly delyuer more and more For whan ye were not than he made you in soule to his owne propre symylytude lykenesse And of y t moost foule fylthy thynge of whiche it is abhomynable to thinke he made your body and fourmed your wyttes your membres so noble and so fayre that no man can it better deuyse nor none suche dyspose prouyde Thynke also now dylygently with good affeccion you whiche loue your carnall flesshely frendes kynne so tenderly wher fore loue ye them so 〈◊〉 and so feruently yf ye say that ye loue your 〈◊〉 and your moder bycause ye be 〈◊〉 of theyr flesshe and theyr blode So are the wormes that bredeth in theym and cometh from theym dayly and hourely And on the other syde ye haue of them neyther soule nor body but ye haue them of god by the. For your fader and moder hath brought you forthe to syn̄e what sholde ye haue ben yf ye had abyden styll that whiche ye had of your fader and moder whan ye were engendred in fylthe and synne of them On the other syde yf ye lo ue your brod or your sister or ●…ny other of your kyn̄e bycause they be of the same flesshe blode y t ye be of So sholde ye in lykewyse loue 〈◊〉 of y t flesshe of your fader or of your moder yf it were cut out of y e bo dy of one of them that sholde be grete 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 shame out of measure And yf ye say y t ye loue them bycause theyr flesshe ymage is fygured to the lyke nesse of a man bycause they haue a soule as ye haue thā are your flesshely broder syster no 〈◊〉 to you than ony other but onely bycause y t you they haue one flesshely fader the rote and begynnynge of your flesshe the whiche is a fylthy thinge foule and stynkynge Therfore loue hym specyally of whome all your beaute cometh and loue euery man spyritu ally goostly And leue of fro hensforth to loue carnally and flesshely for certaynly so sholde ye do ¶ Of the grete benefytes and gyftes of our lorde god Ca. iiii MOre ouer yf ye thynke wysely on the grete goodnesse y t our lorde god hath done to you ●… dayly dooth wyl alway more and more yf ye loue hym intyerly or inwardly For as I tolde you in y ● begynnynge whā ye were not he made you of nought And whan ye were lost than he founde you And whan ye were in deedly synne solde than he bought you and redemed you And whan ye were dampned than he saved you And whā ye were borne in synne he baptysed you And afterwarde whan ye syn̄ed so foule so often than he suffred you gentyll and pacyently taryed for you so lōge Than after receyued you so swetely hath put you set in his moost swete couent And euery day that ye do ony yll he rebuketh you And whā
good leue the lesse good do y e greter and y t is the 〈◊〉 called iustyce And bycau se there be ii thynges y t letteth a man to do good to leue the yll y t is to wyte y e ꝓsperite of this worlde y t deceueth 〈◊〉 by flatery pleasures fals swetenesse the aduersyte of y e same y t may oppresse by y e sorowfull sore sharpnesse paynes Therfore ayenst ꝓspe 〈◊〉 ye must haue measure dyserecyō y t ye be not to moche elate proude of it this vertue is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 peraunce And agaynst aduersyte ye must 〈◊〉 dacyte or boldenesse y t ye be not 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 And this vertue is called Strength ¶ Of the .xii. artycles of the faythe Ca. xv HEre shall ye knowe whiche ben the .xii. artycles of the faythe ¶ The fyrst is y t y t fader the sone the holy goost is one god iii. persones And y t selfe same god whiche is one in substaūce iii. in persones is with out begynnynge shall be wtout ende the whiche W t his worde made heuen erthe the see all that is in them of nothynge ¶ The seconde artycle is that y e sone of god was ●…as toke flesshe blode of the 〈◊〉 Mary of the same vyrgyn was borne very god very man The .iii. artycle is y t the same Iesus the 〈◊〉 of god of the blyssed vyrgyn Mary suffre●… passyon was deed honestly buryed This passion he suffred kyndly mekely of his owne good wyll that he might redeme vs out of the infernall bondes 〈◊〉 captyuyte His soule dese ended in to hell w t his god ●…d his body lyenge in the sepulere drewe out wt●…m the soules y t in this worlde had done his wyll ¶ The .iiii. article is y t the selfe Iesus cryst very god very man arose y e thyrde day fro dethe to lyfe in his 〈◊〉 glorifyed and appered many tymes to Mary inawdeleyne his dysciples appostles dydespe 〈◊〉 ete with them And by his resurreccyon with y t same body whiche we haue here in this worlde we shall ar yse fro dethe to lyfe ¶ The .v. artycle is y t the same Iesu cryst very god very man ascended to heuen by hym to heuen we shall ascende yf we be taken out of this worlde wtout deedly syn̄e And fro heuen he dide sende to his apostles y t holy goost And in y t day of ●…ugement he shal come fro thens in his man heed to iuge the lyuinge deed and euery 〈◊〉 a●…er his dedes to receyue rewarde ¶ Of the .vii. sacramentes of holy chyrche Ca. xvi THe fyrst sacrament of holy chyrche is baptun For our lorde god made himselfe to be bapty sed in the floode or ryuer of ●…ordane to halowe sanctyfy the sacrament of baptym by y e vertue of wordes And by y e sacramet of baptim y t deuylis put out chaced fro y t chylde his orygynall synne is taken fro hym whiche he toke of his tader moder is infūded in y t chylde the grace of baptym And yf y t chyl de borne were or happed to be in peryl of dethe and y t there be no plēte of prestes as no preste to gete than shall a lay man or womā say to hȳ N. so named I ba ptyse the. In nole p●…s 〈◊〉 spūss●…ti A●…nē And thē put water vpon hȳ that suffyseth to y e chyldes sou le Yfa chylde be founde vnknowen yf it be baptysed or not than shall y t chapellayne or preste say to y e chyl de Si ●…ō es baptizatꝰ ego baptizo te in 〈◊〉 pris ft lij spūss●…ti a●…nē They y t holde the chylde at y t fonte stone ought sholde teche him his beleue y t is to say the Qat noster y e Aue maria the Credo For man can not be saued but by baptym and faythe And lete the preste be well ware y t he put not the chyide agay ne in the water yf he were baptised before of ony lay man or woman leste y t he be made irreguler and the chylde also after y t decree ¶ The seconde sa●… 〈◊〉 is cōfyrmacyon the whiche confyrmeth y e holy goost in y e persone baptysed cōserueth hym within v. yeres at the leest after y e chylde is borne he sholde be cōfyrmed of the bysshoppes handes yf he passe y t tyme by necligence he falleth in deedly syn̄e sholde be cōfessed before he were cōfyrmed The fader moder shall also beware and kepe thē well y t they holde not theyr owne chylde before y e bysshop at confyrmynge ¶ The thyrde sacramēt is penaūce the whiche wassheth taketh euer away bothe y e actuall syn̄e y e venyall synne the deedly syn̄e This sacramēt ordeyned y e sone of god whiche comynge fro heuen dyde here meke penaūce not for hȳselfe but for y e saluacyō of his people And saynt Iohn̄ baptyst preched penaūce in remyssyon forgyuenesse of synnes For penaūce w t contricyon of the herte cōfessyon of y e mouthe with satisfaction of y e dede with mekenesse putteth out banissheth the enmye fro y t herte of the penytēt dystroyeth deedly syn̄e draweth y e man agayne to his maker ledeth y e mynde or wyll to grete ioye clerenesse ¶ The .iiii. is y e sacrament of the auter y t confyrmeth y e penytent conforteth lest he agayne slyde fall in to deedly syn̄e also reconsyleth hym susteyneth For whan our lorde Iesu cryst souped w t his dysciples he dyde ordeyne this sacrament in y e cōmemoracyon memory of his passyon And therfore euery crystē man sholde at the leest be houseled ones in the yere as in y e eester day with grete deuocyon ¶ The .v. sacrament is holy ordres y t bryngeth gyueth power to suche as be ordred ordeyned for to do theyr offyce for to celebrate and halowe the sacramentes For our lorde Iesu god almyghty hath gyuen power to preestes and prelates of the chyrche y t they sholde helpe other informe theym in y e faythe that they shal bynde loose y t is to say fro synne and that they sholde mynystre to them the sacramētes of holy chyrche namely the sacrament of y e auter the whiche is made by the vertue of wordes of the true preste of prelates For in thre thynges there be vertues y t is to wyte in stones in wordes and in herbes ¶ The .vi. sacrament is matrymony or wedlocke y e whiche excludeth putteth away deedly syn̄e in the worke of generacyon betwene man woman God y t is souerayne hye good also hye wysdome dyde ordeyne in erthly paradyse this sacrament in Adam Eue whiche is a coniunccion knyttynge so stronge that it