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blood_n flesh_n sacrament_n wine_n 5,507 4 7.5506 4 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A20148 No parliament powder But shot and powder for the Pope. And for all his Cardinalles, Bishops, Abbots, Fryers, Monkes; the maisters and great doctours of Sorbonne. Sent to his vn-holynesse, and them all, for a newe-yeares gift. 1609.; Sac & pieces pour le pape de Romme, ses cardinaux & evesques. English Denakol.; Philagathus, fl. 1609. 1609 (1609) STC 6582; ESTC S118652 52,903 98

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together in my Name there am I in the midst of them Matth. 18. 20. And as they did eate Iesus tooke the bread and when hee had giuen thankes hee brake it and gaue it to his Disciples and sayd Take eate this is my body Also hee tooke the Cup and when hee had giuen thanks he gaue it them saying Drinke yee all of it For this is my blood of the New Testament that is shed for many for the remission of sinnes Matth. 26. Mark 14. Luke 22. The APOSTLES of our LORD IESVS CHRIST and his CHVRCH AS our Lord IESVS hath done so will we doe without altering any thing of his holy Institution For the Disciples are not wiser then their Master Wherefore as we haue receiued the holy Supper of our Lord euen so doe we beleeue and teach and in the selfe-same manner will wee receiue and administer the same As for your Masse it is vnknowne to vs because it is your Sacrament and sacrifice and not that which was instituted by our Lord. For wee are well assured that Iesus Christ hath consecrated for euer them that are sanctified by one sole sacrifice and onely oblation of his body The Pope and his Church Ovr holy Masse is the same Sacrament which is one Sacrifice for the redemption of the liuing and the dead For of all sacrifices this is the best and most excellent wherein at the voyce of the Priest heauen openeth and thence Iesus Christ with his Angels descendeth downe who are all there assistant The Apostles and Gods Church OVr Lord Iesus hath long since admonished vs not to listen vnto such as say Behold here is Christ and there is Christ And although an Angel from heauen should proclaime your newly forged Transubstantion to vs we would hold him for accursed For by faith truely and onely do we eate the bodie of Iesus Christ and drinke his blood in spirit which quickeneth for the flesh profiteth nothing Thus do we receiue these words of our Lord which hee hath said to be spirit and life The Pope and his Church IT ought to bee beleeued vpon paine of euerlasting damnation that very suddenly the bread and wine are transubstantiated and conuerted into the true body naturall and precious blood of Iesus Christ euen as great as grosse and as large as it was in the wombe of his mother and on the Crosse The holy Doctors and Fathers of Gods Church S. Augustine Ambrose Hierome Chrysostome Epiphanius Cyprian Ireneus Origen Hillarius Athanasius Tertulian and many others The Lords Signeurs and masters of the Popes Church Gratian with his Decretals Gregorie with his Decretals the graund master of the Sentences S. Thomas of Aquine Iohn Bonaduenture Raymondus Petrus Comestor Iohannes Scotus and many others The Apostles and Gods Church AS the holy Apostles did receiue it from our Lord Iesus Christ Euen so haue they deliuered it vnto vs. Wherefore we will not demolish or cast downe their building wee are ignorant of your Transubstantiation being certaine that ignorance thereof is knowledge agreeable vnto GOD. Nor haue wee any want of testimonie concerning the Apostles doctrine which the Doctours of the Church receiued from them as is easily discerned by that which they haue written Saint Augustine an ancient and faithfull Doctour both vnderstood beleeued this holy Sacrament as you may perceiue by his owne Exposition speaking thus I can interprete that this commandement consisteth in a signe for our Lord made no difficultie in his saying This is my body when he gaue the signe of his bodie He instructeth these things to be sayd euen as he spake by figure in signe by signification For the thing which is signified of Custome is to be called by the name of the thing signified Saint Ambrose also saith Thou receiuest the Sacrament for the similitude of the flesh and of the blood of Christ But thou obtainest the grace of his true nature and by receiuing the bread in this kinde thou doest participate of his diuine substance And euen as in Baptisme thou hast receaued the similitude of death in like manner doest thou drinke in the Sacrament the similitude of the precious blood of Christ Saint Hierome saith Like as Melchisedech the soueraigne Sacrificer of God performed in the figure hereof offering the bread and wine euen so Iesus Christ representeth the veritie of his body and of his blood The Pope and his Church ANd such is the alteration that the bread is no longer bread nor is the wine any longer wine or do containe any thing of their owne nature For they are really conuerted into the substance of the natural bodie of Iesus Christ As more amply and diuinely is written in our holy Decretals and Canons and specially by the venerable Father S. Thomas of Aquine In tertia parte summae in quarto sententiarum Toto titu de Celebrat Missar extra Et de concrat Distin 2. Et in Clement de reliq venerat Sanct. And in many other places I Thomas of Aquine am constrained to speake this trueth as I haue written in my Summe pars 3. in the 46. addition Article 6. in this maner Because that the Church is founded vpon Faith and the Sacraments it appertaineth not to the masters of the Church to make any newe Articles of Faith or create any new Sacraments or remooue or take away them that are made For therein is the excellencie and power which appertaineth onely to Iesus Christ who is the foundation of the Church The Apostles and Gods Church D OVR Lord Iesus Christ did neuer teach vs any such fables but flatly hath forbidden vs to giue any credite to them And S. Augustine well instructed in Gods owne Schoole Saith Vntill such time as the world shal be finished our Lord Iesus shall continually remaine aboue but his trueth abideth heere with vs. For it behoueth that the body wherewith he is risen should be in a certaine place but his trueth is euery where spread abroad For wee must not imagine that Iesus Christ is euery where dispersed according to the forme and substance of his body And wee ought in such sort to maintaine his diuinitie that we doe not destroy his humane nature It ensueth not therefore that all that is in God is God For to take and eate his very body may seem that he commanded a thing vnlawfull or an offence It is then by a figure commanded vs how to communicate in the Passion of our Lord and louingly and profitably to preserue in our memorie that his flesh was wounded and crucified for vs And the wordes of Iesus Christ are spirit and life as if he should say vnderstand spiritually what I haue said vnto you You shall not eate this bodie which you behold nor shall you drinke the blood which shall be shed by them that must crucifie me I haue commanded you a Sacrament
spiritually vnderstood For it is the spirit that quickeneth the flesh profiteth nothing All this hath this learned Doctour written and in many other places very amply And to the end it may not appeare that this man onely was of this opinion wee are willing to alleadge the sayings of many other holy Fathers as of S. Chrisostome speaking thus Christ hath ordained the Table of his holy Supper to the ende that in this Sacrament hee might shewe vs daily bread and wine as the similitude of his body and blood for the nature of the wine remaineth euer The like saith S. Dionisius Ireneus and Origen who haue all with one consent and accord written the very same as is to bee seene in the Booke called the Ecclesiasticall Hierarchie and diuers others Moreouer wee will not conceale the Nicene Councell wherein it was decreed as followeth Wee are not bound to matters heere beneath as the bread and wine proposed on the Lords table But wee must by faith lift vp your spirits on high Considering and vnderstanding that the Lambe of God taking away the sinnes of the world is in this holy Table who is not offered in sacrifice by Priests after the maner of beasts And in taking his precious body and blood wee beleeue these are the signes of our resurrection You see heere the testimonie of many holy Fathers and Doctours of the Church who receiued this doctrine from the Apostles in this manner so truely as they are not to be gain-said The Pope and his Church THe Priest hauing an intention to consecrate saying but foure or fiue wordes leauing Enim vpon all the bread which is in the Market and vpon all the wine which is in a Sellar immediatly all the breads and and wines are conuerted and transubstantiated into the naturall body and blood of Christ So saith our learned Master Ioannes Scotus in quarto sententiarum I Gelasius Pope of Rome haue no way approoued your Transubstantiation For I will neuer vnsay that which I haue written against Eutichus and Nestorius Heretiques to wit The Sacraments of the body and blood of Iesus Christ which wee receiue are diuine things Therefore we are made partakers by them of the diuine nature and yet notwithstanding the substance of bread and wine doe not cease to be there still And surely the Image and similitude of Christs body and blood are celebrated in the action of the misteries It is then euidently shewen vnto vs what we ought to vnderstand in Iesus Christ our Lord. I Venerable Bede will neuer receiue your Transubstantiation for I will neuer reuoke that which I haue written vpon the 22. Chapter of Saint Luke namely Iesus Christ hath left the Sacraments of his flesh and blood vnder the figures of bread and wine in stead of the flesh and blood of the Lambe To the end that hee might shew himselfe to bee hee to whom our Lord had sworne and neuer would repent him Thou art the euerlasting Sacrificer I Drhumatus Monke of the holy Order of S. Benedict can no way approoue your Transubstantiation For I will neuer deny what I haue commented vpon S. Matth. to wit The wine doth cherish augment our blood for this cause is not the blood of Christ improperly figured thereby Because whatsoeuer commeth of him to vs doth cherish vs with a true and perfect ioy and increaseth all our happinesse Our Lord gaue to his Disciples the Sacrament of his body in remission of their sinnes and to preserue charitie among them To the end that keeping this act of his in their remembrance they might affixe in figure what he had done for them and neuer cast this charitie into obliuion This is my body that is to say in a Sacrament I Adrain Pope of Rome notwithstanding the ordinances of my Predecessors yet as I haue written in my fourth booke I confesse that the Church ought to know that she is not Mistresse but Minister of the Sacraments And that shee cannot institute any forme of Sacraments no more then shee can abolish any diuine Law The Apostles and Gods Church THe Disciple cannot be more perfect or wiser then his Master it is sufficient for him that he is as he is In regard wherof we will neither diminish nor ad any thing to the institution of our Lord and Master Iesus Christ whom we will onely heare and following his example as hee hath commanded vs wee will receiue and administer the holy Sacrament of his Supper vnder the two kinds of bread and wine nor dare wee doe otherwise without offering sacriledge The Councell of Basill vnderstood our Lordes will well enough when they ordained that Laye people should communicate in both kindes And S. Cyprian directly opposeth himselfe to any such contradiction of Iesus Christ affirming it to be full of sacriledge in his sermon to repentant sinners and these are his words How shall we exhort the people to spend their blood for the confession of Christ if we doe denie them his blood for whom they are to combate Or how shall we make them able to drinke of the cup of Martyrdome except wee first admit them to drinke of our Lords Cuppe Moreouer our Lord Iesus Christ and his Apostles did neuer teach or command vs to hide or keepe close the bread of the holy Supper or to cary it about hither and thither For the Church hauing beene alwayes obedient to his doctrine will neuer doe so And that full well vnderstood S. Clemens speaking thus As many Hostes as will suffise the people are to bee offered at the Altar If there shall any remaine or be left they are not to be kept vntill the morrow but by diligence of the Clerks with feare and trembling they are to bee receiued and eaten And Origen also opposeth himselfe against this superstitious vice which would haue intruded it selfe into the Church in his time hee saith Our Lord hath not ordained or appointed that the bread should bee kept vntill the morrow which hee purposed to giue to his Disciples but he sayd vnto them Take and eate Behold then how we will follow and imitate the Church of God without declining to the right hand or to the left The Pope and his Church THe Sacrament of the Altar ought to bee taken in bread and wine of the Priests onely But to Lay people it is to bee giuen vnder the kinde of bread onely Tit. de consecrat Distinct 2. Concerning them that be sicke the body of Iesus Christ ought to be caryed to them with great deuotion solemnitie and reuerence For this is the commandement of God and of his Church I Gelasius Pope of Rome doe oppose my selfe against your ordinance and will by no meanes approue it For I will neuer contradict that which I haue written in the Canon Comperimus de consecrat Distinct 2. speaking thus Wee haue vnderstood