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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A19216 The humble and vnfained confessio[n] of the belefe of certain poore banished men grounded vpon the holy scriptures of God, and vpo[n] the articles of that vndefiled and onlye vndoubted true Christian faith, which the holy Catholicke (that is to say vniuersal) Churche of Christ professeth. Specially concerning, not only the worde of God, and the ministerye of the same: but also the church and sacramentes therof. Which we send moost humbly vnto the Lordes of Engla[n]d, and al the commons of the same. ... Lorde increase our faith.; Humble and unfained confession of the belefe of certain poore banished men. Ponet, John, 1516?-1556, attributed name. 1554 (1554) STC 5630; ESTC S111154 26,257 72

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prescribed order rule And so that thys holy sacrament be accordynge to the practise of his blessed institution both ministred and receiued to gether The election and appoyntmēt of the time thereof is referred and left to y e godly discression of Christes Church For y e Apostle saith Quotiescumque c. As oft as ye eate this breade and drynke of this cu●pe ye shal shew the Lordes death vntil he come Neuerthelesse omitted it may not be nor left vndone but vsed in due time accordingly and in suche sorte as is appointed by the word of God who saith ☞ Take ye eate ye drincke ye al of it Do this in the remembraunce of me And by his Apostle he hath geuen this ordre that we whiche mynde to be partakers of this holy Communion shall haue no contencion nor strife amōg our selues but refourme our abuses commynge here vnto not onely together but also after a better sort rather then after such euil wyse as we happlye heretofore haue done One to tarye for another without disdayne and afore we eate of this bread and drinke of thys cuppe to proue try and examine our selues our myndes and consciences our wordes and dedes callynge oure whole lyfe and conuersation earnestly to remembraunce lamentyng and confessyng our sinnes vnto God callyng vpon him for mercy conuerting vs whollye vnto him knittynge our selues together in the vnitie of fayth and godly loue and so to come to the holy Sacrament Where first the minister takyng the bread geuyng thankes breaking it ought by the Lords ensample to deliuer it vnto other willynge theim also to take and eate it in remembraunce of the Lorde whose wordes also he ought to repete accordingly And likewise takyng the cup to geue thanckes and to deliuer it to the communicantes willyng them al to drinke therof in remembraunce of the Lorde This is nowe the ordre appointed to be obserued at the ministration of this holy sacrament which the scripture calleth ☞ the Supper of the ●ord the Communion or felowship of the body and bloud of Christ. Cōcerning the which if the Lorde had authoritie to make a lawe or to set an ordre for the due ministration and vse thereof Then we also that be his subiectes ar boūd to obserue the same and nether to ad ought therto cōtrary vnto it nether to minish or take away frō it ani thinge that he hath wylled vs to vse Or els we playnly disapoynt our selues of the ryghte title and possession of such comfortable commodities as we by vertue of this heauenlye couenaunt and bargayne shoulde elece be sure of For as this is a special gift appointed by the last wyl and testamēt of our Sauior Christ who in the true ministration of this his holye sacrament by the operacion of this blessed spirite hath promised to make iust deliueraunce of the thing promysed So is it by him condicioned afore hand that we shal duly receiue and vse the same and not to eate of the breade or drincke of the cup of the Lord vnworthely to our owne damnation In Ciuile causes the like order taketh place Where a leace is made it must not only be signed sealed deliuered but also receiued and the partie put in possession Not deliuered I say by euery man but only by hym or his deputie that hath authority to make or geue the leace neither maye euery man receiue and ēnioye it saue only he to whom it is made or geuē or that hath ryght thereto Agayne a leace cōmonly is not made wythout condicions whych if they be broken doth not y e farmer thē forfeit his leace And what meane we els by thys but euen to shew that it is an horrible thing farre out of order that whyle the Lord in this hys holy Sacramēt offreth vs so large a couenaūt of mercy we shal thincke scorne to kepe the condicions therof and the rules that he hath prescribed vnto vs No man doubtles no not in Ciuile matters would be so serued wher like as it is no bargaine til both parties be agreed so cōmeth it to no perfect effecte neither can it stand vnlesse the duties cōdicions promises be kept Neuertheles this thing shal appeare muche more euident if we compare the practise of these present miserable dayes ▪ to the order of the ●ord and his Apostles in the primitiue church lay the one agaynst the other As for the perfourmaūce of the condicions on hys party ther is no doubt For wher as he couenanteth with vs in thys holy Sacrament so to feede nourish cōfort our consciences that he wyl euen seale vs vnto him selfe set hys marke vpō vs and take vs for hys own He certif●eth vs assuredly that vpon such condicions as we also vpon our allegiaunce are boūd to kepe whych we must either do or els become vnworthy Receauers to our damnatiō we haue felowship with him and are partakers of the same eternall lyfe that he hym selfe hath purchased for vs in hys body and bloud But how now How kepe we our touche with him By his order there should be no ●cisme nor discencion among vs about this matter And yet Lord what a busines is ther about the defence of a new found transubstancia●ion to proue y t bread is not bread and that after the recityng of a fewe wordes of the Lord ther remayneth the substaunce neither of breade nor wyne And what a doo is ther about the maner of Christes presence in the Sacrament Lord what tossing turnyng what detorting and wrestinge of the Scriptures is there to proue the carnal natural presence of Christes flesh and bloude yea that in the fourme of bread ther is contained the only natural substāce of Christ God and man flesh bloud bone to the vtter confounding of the two natures in Christ though both the circūstāce of Christes action the propertyes of hys humaniti the nature of a Sacramēt the Articles of y e Christian faith the euident testimonies aswell of the scripture as of those that are estemed the best and moost worthye auncient wryters declare the contrary Men should refourme al abuses about thys mater and come to it in a better sorte then they haue done And do they not wilfully kepe maintai● theyr abuses styl Yea are they not eueri dai in their doings wors wors ▪ Men shoulde come to the Sacrament together and the wole godly assemble to cōmunicate as brothers sisters in y e Lord. But Alas thei make a massing matter of it where on man alone taketh vpon hym to receyue y e thinge that the whole congregacion ought to be partakers of where one shoulde rather tarye for another then that any disorder shuld be committed about so worthy a Sacrament Men ought fyrst to proue and eramen wel theyr consciences to cal thēselues theyr thoughtes woordes and deede● iustly to accompt earnestly to repent them of theyr sinnes to lamēt
vnto Christes wordes do also practise the same in their life and cōuersaciō plaiing the partes of wisemen whiche against stormes for to come build their house vpon the rocke and sure foundation Of this blessed felowship are thei that endurynge stedfast vnto the ende and fearyng God more thē mē take vp theyr crosse and follow Christ beyng wel content to ieopard all that thei haue their life also for his sake These in al their aduersitie resorte vnto the Lorde takyng his yoke vppon them and lernyng of him to be meke and lowly in heart fynd ease and rest vnto their soules Of thys holy congregation and Churche are thei vnto whom it is geuen to knowe the misteries of the kyngdom of heauē whose eyes are blessed for they se and lykewyse their cares for thei beynge children of Gods kyngdome the good seede sowne in the fortunate grounde do not onely heare the word of God but also vnderstand it and bring furth plentiful fruit some more some lesse accordyng to the measure of such giftes as he hath geuen them These are the Lordes owne shepe whych knowing Hom their shepherd his voice folowe not a straunger but flye from him for thei knowe not the voice of strangers It is the Lordes only voice that thei herken vnto and hym they followe who knoweth them and geueth them eternal life so tha they shal neuer perish neither shal any manne plucke them out of his hand The father of heauen who hath geuen this holye flocke and Congregation vnto Christ his sone is greater then al and no man is able to plucke them out of his heauenly fathers hande Nowe is God the father and Christ his sonne all one to the endles comforte of this his vniuersal Church This flocke of Christ this holy congregation is that blessed Church whose vnrightousnes is forgeuen and whose sinnes are couered and not imputed Yea in this Church hath the Lord himself ordayned appointed the heauēly ministracion of continuall remission and forgeuenes of sinnes to al such as vnfainedly repente of their former wicked lyfe and truelye conuerte vnto hym ▪ For vnto this Church hath he geuen the keyes of heauen that whatsoeuer thei bynde vpon earth shalbe bounde in heauen and whatsoeuer they lose in earth shalbe losed in heauen Vnto this Church hath he geuen his holye gost ▪ so that whose synnes soeuer they forgeue the same are forgeuen And whose sinnes so euer thei retayne the same are retained In this church is the pure word of God and al the worthye exercises of his true Religion the holy Sacramētes praiers thankesgeuynge ecclesiasticall discipline c. duelye and faythfully ministred And thoughe the particuler members of this church maye erre as many both perticuler persons also perticuler churches haue erred and som do at this day while thei are compaced with fleshe and bloud Yet shall not one shepe perishe that is of this holy vniuersall flocke neither the fayth or foundation of this Catholike Churche fayle This holy vniuersall church as the sōne in brightnes hath beames of light whereof it commeth to passe that there be also particuler Churches or congregations Where thoughe there be but two or thre gathered together in y e name of Christe He is in the myddes amonge theim For thoughe we confesse and knowledge that the holy Catholike or vniuersal churche of Christ is inuisible suche as our Crede teacheth vs to beleue y t such a church there is Though no mortal man can se the regeneratiō of the spirit and the fayth of Christ in it selfe Yet a good tre mai be knowne by his fruts Like as the beames then that procede of the Sūne are testimonies and partakers of the lyght therof Euen so what church or congregation soeuer professeth the name Religiō of Christ hauyng and exercising the pure and sincere doctrine of hys Gospel of his Sacraments and of al his dissipline accordyng to his holye institutiō y e same do we take vndoutedly for Christs church For bi mās wordes and dedes we mai discerne to alowe or disalowe theim True Prophetes also from false may we know by their fruites The heart God only seeth and iudgeth Notwithstandyng to build vpon we are throwli perswaded that as the sayd blessed vniuersal Church and cōgregation of Christ is the pillor and ground of the truth for greate is the misterye of godlines that it teacheth Euen so in such wonderful deuersitie of doctrines sectes and sondry religions of the worlde we should neither haue com to the true knowledge and beliefe of the Gospel neither shoulde we be satisfied in our selues or surelye fixed to continewe and abyde still in in y e sayth therof as we be God haue the praise against al herisies and false opinions If the authoritie of the said holy vniuersal and catholike churche of Christ had not wholly fully moued stirred prouoked admonished and taught vs so to do But whan we considered with S. Augustine the estimation and dignitie the worthines and authoritie of the sayde vnyuersal church and howe vniformally the mēbers of that mistical body accordeth and consenteth together in the vnitie of the holy gost and in the ministracion of heauenly thinges our conscience with al thanful obedience with obedient thākfulnes doth most cherfully and gladli agree aswel to learne what the said church teacheth vs and to beleue gods word that it preacheth vnto vs. As to be warned by the coūsailes that it geueth vs and to folowe the instructions lessons and ensāples that it sheweth vs. For sure we be as we haue cōfessed alredy that the foūdation of this Church is fyrme fast Herein hath the Lord set vp his owne lyght that hath no darknes in it Here is the truth that desceiueth no man the lyfe that kylleth no man and the kynges hye way that bringeth euery man righte to his iourneies ende As for a perticuler mā a perticuler church or Congregation as we sayd before they maye erre thei may be disceiued in one thyng or other at one tyme or other The consideration wherof as it appeareth did moue S. Augustine to haue most prīcipal regard to y e church vnyuersall although the particuler churches of Aphrica in his time were not defiled and poysoned as they be nowe O that mē were so circumspect this day as to builde vppon so sure a ground For though we maye safely geue credence to ani perticuler church whan it followeth the wholesome doctrine wherin the holy gost by his Apostle did stablish the Churche of the Ephesians of the Philippians of the Colossians of the Tessalonians c. Yet if any such Church do shute at another marke we shall but loose oure game in doyng therafter As for ensample what sound doctrine what wholsome religion what good and vpright discipline is there at this present day in any of the said particular Churches
faithfully called to remembraunce For man in hys firste creacion was made to the similitude and likenes of almighty God endued with perfectnes wisdome rightuousnes and lyfe euerlastynge Of the which incomparable kindnes mercye to the intēt he might styl be mindful and keepe the same euer in thankful remembraūce God prescribed vnto him a rule law or cōmaundemēt whych to obey was euen to continu in the felowshyp of the same immortal lyfe that was geuen hym But to disobey it in followyng his own wil contrary to the cōmaundement was to be in seruice to euerlasting death and to lose hys porciō in euerlastyng life So when man was fallen from the obedience of the commaūdemēt hys owne nakednes appeared vnto him selfe so horrible by reason it was not couered wyth the image of lyfe that he began to dispayre and durste not shew himselfe in the sight of god How beit in this terrible distres and most woful stare of man Almightye God who euer was and is merciful dyd promis him againe euerlastynge lyfe which was laied vp in his owne sonne ▪ but so that accordyng as he euen God hymselfe by an euerlasting decree had appointed he wold be sati●●yed recompenced and pacified againe in the obedience of al his commaundementes by the same nature of man whych because of the corruption of synne that had entred in to it by disobedience could not fully satisfye the law and therefore God made an euerlasting couenaunt of mercye with mankinde promysed the blessed seede namely that hys owne son should put vpon him our nature and therwith in innocency satisfi the law and bryng vs agayne into the felowshyp of that euerlasting lyfe whyche was lost thorow Adams disobediēce God now to kepe his people in remembraunce of thys his great merci requyred continual sacrifices to prouoke them vnto thankfulnes and to geue them occasion frō tyme to time ▪ to setle and reast theyr cōsciences stil 〈◊〉 hope vpon the sayde promes And for thys cause he reneued the said couenaunt of mercy so oft and sondrye ●imes by outward Sacramentes and ceremonies in the which the death of Christ was so present to the faith of y e fathers that thei beleuing the promis made in the blessed seede apprehēded the sayd life that was lost in Adam In Circumcision whiche was not only an outward visible signe but also a very seale of the rightuousnes of fayth a testimony of his grace fauour ●ewardes them thorow Christ the holy Ghost certified theyr consciences of theyr porcion in the sayde euerlastynge lyfe In the Sacramēt of the Passeouer whē the bloud of the Lambe was striked vpon the postes of theyr doores and the fleshe therof eaten rosted and with such other ceremonies as therto wer appointed They geuing faith credite to the said promis made in the blessed seede saw the worthynes and merites of Christes bloud by the cōfortable swetenes wherof in the operacion of the holy Gost they wer assured of the sayd lyfe euerlastyng In the wildernes Manna was geuen them from heauē to declare that the very true nourishment and foode to life euerlasting must come frō heauen which mākind by stedfast beliefe thorow the merites of Christ should taste and be partaker of and in al the sacrifices slayne offeringes of y e law was the same misteri represented and set forth to the eyes of faith amonge the people of God Thus the benefite of Gods mercy hath bene alway frō time to time most louingli opened in hys Sacramentes and holy ordinaūces certifying vs by faith thorow the death of Christ that we haue our porcion againe in euerlasting lyfe which was lost thorow Adams disobediēce Now to come somewhat nerer vnto the sacramēts of y e new law we do hartely agree and cōsent to the iudgement of S. Augustine not only when he affirmeth y t our Lord Iesus Christ hath knyt together the felowshyp of his new people by Sacramēts which are very few in nomber very easy to be obserued and very e●cellent in signification as is baptime thesupper of the Lord but also when he saieth y t a Sacramēt is the signe token or representacion of an holy thing the visible fourme of an inuisible grace and a visible word of God Moreouer the Sacramentes that are of the Lordes holy institucion we do reuerently esteme to be no vain or bare signes neither only euidences of the profession of Christen mē but also certaine assured and effectuous testimonies or rather seales of the rightuosnes grace and good will of God towardes vs wherby he working in vs supernaturally after an inuisible maner doth not only styrre vp our faith towards him but also establisheth and con●yrmeth it the more in the assuraunce of euerlastīg life Wherfore like as stedfast faith in the operacion of the holy Gost doth certify vs euen so the Sacramētes by propre similitudes being vsed according to the Lordes institucion testyfye the same For the holye Gost who glorifyeth his owne ordinaunces with his blessed presēce and also the word it selfe assureth vs that nothing though it be outward external appointed and appertainīg to the right whole and perfect vse of Gods holy sacramentes is in vaine or but a bare signe for asmuch as when the minister doth execute the Lordes wil according to his holy ordinaunce in the ministration of the visible Sacramēt by an outward action The holy gost not only certifieth the faithful ●eaceiuers y t they are partakers of the thing promised that is to sai euerlasting life which life euerlasting is euen God y e sonne whose diuine nature is ioyned with the humanitie nowe syttyng in glory not only we say certifieth but also inuisibly worketh in them those vertues wherby thei be vndoubtedly ioyned vnto Christ and one towards another hys mistical membres partakers of eternall lyfe So that to be partaker of that euerlasting lyfe is to be as verely ioyned vnto him to be a member of his glorious bo●y of his flesh of his bones as his own diuine nature is ioyned vnto his humanitie O worlde howe mad o man howe blinde art thou that seest not this precious treasure and taistest not the incomparable swetenes and moste heauenly comfort of this greate mistery betwene Christ and his cōgregation ▪ Thou gnawest vpon the harde shelle but vpon the swete kernel wherein is spirit and life thou fedest not Wolde God his truth coulde perswade vs y t to be worthy pertakers hereof is thorowe fayth by the operatiō of the holy gost to be assured and fully certified that followyng also the Lords will in the outward actions of his holy ordinaunces and framynge our lyues accordyng to his wholsome doctrine taught vs therein we haue vndoubttedly the thinge that ther is promised which is euerlasting lyfe in his bodye and bloude For first as concernyng fleshe and bloude we were in felowshippe with Christ in