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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A18573 The rooting out of the Romishe supremacie Wherein is declared, that the authoritie which the Pope of Rome doth challenge to him selfe ouer all Christian bishops and churches, is vnlawfully vsurped: contrarie to the expresse word and institution of our sauiour Iesu Christ: who did giue equall power and authoritie to all the apostles, bishops, and ministers of his Church, whereof he is the true corner stone, and only heade. Set foorth by William Chauncie Esq. Chauncie, William. 1580 (1580) STC 5103; ESTC S107788 51,564 146

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Masse and the Popish transubstantiation BVT whether that saint Peter were at Rome or no it makes no gret matter It is sufficient that it can not be proued by the scriptures But if it were graunted vnto the papistes it maketh nothing for the Popes supremacie For saint Paul saith 1. Cor. 3. Fundamentum aliud nemo potest ponere praeter id quod positū est quod est Christus Iesus No man can lay any other foundation then that which is laide which is Christ Iesus And saint Peter himselfe saith in the seconde Chapter of his firste epistle Deponentes igitur omnem malitiam omnem dolum simulationes 1. Pet. 2. inuidias omnes detractiones sicut modò geniti infantes lac sermonis sine dolo concupiscite vt in eo crescatis in salutem si tamen gustastis quoniam dulcis est dominus Ad quem accedentes lapidē viuum ab hominibus quidē reprobatum a deo autem electum ac honorificatū ipsi tanquā lapides viui superaedificamini domus spiritualis sacerdotiū sanctū offerre hostias spirituales acceptabiles deo per Iesum Christum Laying away therefore all malice al guile dissemblings enuies and all bacbitinges as newe borne babes desire the sincere milke of Gods worde that thereby you may growe vnto saluation if so be that you haue tasted that the Lorde is swete Vnto whome comming as to a liuing stone disallowed of men but chosen of God and pretious vppon him be ye builded as liuing stones a spirituall house a holy Priesthoode to offer vp spirituall sacrifices acceptable vnto God through Iesus Christ Out of the which wordes of S. Paul and saint Peter we haue to learne two notable thinges one that Christe our sauiour is the foundation and the liuing stone which the builders refused but God accepted it honoured it the other that the faithfull must be laide on this foundation as liuing stones be builded vppon that head and principall corner stone euen Iesus Christ which the more effectually to declare vnto vs saint Peter telleth all the faithfull that they who are so builded are made a spirituall house and a holy priesthoode to offer spirituall sacrifices acceptable to God through Iesus Christe spirituall sacrifices and not carnall or transubstantiated sacrifices as the Bishoppe of Rome and his prelates doe falsely faine themselues to doe For to goe a little from my chiefe purpose to sift this horrible heresie of popery I coulde neuer finde in all the holy sciptures or any hystorie of the primitiue Church the euer this kind of transubstantiated sacrifice was ment or spoken of by Christ but that his Church did alwayes receaue and allow the sacrament of Christes body and bloode in such spirituall manner as Saint Paul declareth in the first Epistle to the Corinthians 1. Cor. 11 the eleuenth Chapter No in all the heresies that trobled the primitiue Church which were ouerthrown by the fower first general coūcels there is not one word or question moued of it but it was continually vsed as the mysterie and sacrament of Christes body and bloode In which sort it continued in the best parts of Christendome in the best times still vntill at the length the Bishop of Rome called a councell at Laterane within his owne prouince of Italie in the which this decree was made Con. Later anno domini 1215. Christi corpus sanguis in sacramento altaris sub speciebus panis viniveraciter continentur transubstantiatis pane in Corpus vino in sanguinem potestate diuina These are the wordes of the firste Canon of the councel holden at Rome in Laterane vnder Pope Innocent the third and called the great Lateran councell kept the yeare of our Lord .1215 Of the which Canon the wordes doe sounde in English That the bodie and bloud of Christe are verily contained in the Sacrament of the altar vnder the formes of bread and wine the bread beeing transubstantiated that is to say the substance of it turned into his bodie and the wine into his bloud by the power of God This notable deuise of transubstantiation coulde not be found out for the space of twelue hundred and fourtéene yeres after Christ his Apostles Euangelistes Disciples Doctours generall councels knew it not They thought the wordes of the sacrament to be spiritually meant and to be spoken by way of a figure as S. Augustine to cite one for many doth say expressely that in these wordes Nisi manducaueritis carnem filij hominis Augusti de doctrina Christiana lib. 3. cap. 16. sanguinem eius biberitis non habebitis vitam in vobis Figura est praecipiens passioni Domini esse communicandum suauiter atque vtiliter recondendum in memoria quòd pro nobis caro eius crucifixa vulnerata sit Whereas Christ doth say Vnlesse you eate the flesh of the sonne of man and drinke his bloud you shall haue no life in you this is a figure saith S. Augustine or a manner of speech commanding vs to be partakers of the passion of Christ comfortably to lay vp in our mindes that his flesh was crucified and wounded for our sakes Moreouer speaking farther vpon the same wordes on the sixth Chapter of Saint Iohns Gospell he sheweth what it is to eate Christes flesh and drinke his bloud Hoc est ergo manducare illam escam August in Iohan. tract 26. illum bibere potum in Christo manere illum manentem in se habere This is therefore to eate that meate and drinke that drinke to dwell in Christe and to haue Christ dwelling in him Ac per hoc qui non manet in Christo in quo non manet Christus procul dubio nec manducat spiritualiter carnem eius nec bibit eius sanguinem licèt carnaliter visibiliter premat dentibus sacramentum corporis sanguinis Christi sed magis tantae rei sacramentum ad iudicium sibi manducat bibit quia immundus praesumpsit accedere ad Christi sacramenta quae aliquis non dignè sumpsit nisi qui mundus est And therfore saith Augustine he that doeth not dwel in Christ in whom Christ doeth not dwell doubtles he neither eateth spiritually the flesh of Christ nor drinketh his bloud although he do carnally and visibly presse with his teeth the sacrament of Christes bodie and bloud but rather he doth eate and drinke the sacrament of so worthy a thing to his iudgement and condemnation because he doth presume being vncleane to come to Christes sacramentes which no man can worthely receiue but he only that is pure and cleane By Christes words therefore béeing wel weighed as it may appeare by S. Augustines words vpon them it may well be gathered that Christ did not meane any transubstantiation or changing the substance of the sacramentall bread into his natural bodie of the sacramentall wine into his naturall bloud but a mystical
spiritual food to the soule wher of the wicked are not partakers who are yet partakers of the sacramental bread wine which do signifie the body bloud of Christ for our sauiour doth say Iohn 6. that Whosoeuer doth eate his flesh drink his bloud hath euerlasting life Wherfore it cannot be that the sacramental bread wine should be the verie natural bodie bloud of Christ for as much as the wicked who shal not liue for euer are partakers of them I mean of the bread wine in the sacrament as wel as the godly For as Paul doeth write to the Corinthians 1. Cor. 10. Brethren I wold not haue you ignorant how al our forefathers were vnder the cloud al passed through the sea were baptised vnto Moses in the cloud and in the sea Et omnes eandem escam spiritualē manducarunt omnes eundē potū spiritualem biberunt bibebant autem de spirituali consequente eos Petrâ Petra autem erat Christus And they did al eat the same spirituall meate and they did all drinke the same spirituall drinke For they did drink of the spirituall rocke that followed them and that rocke was Christ Wherein we sée first that the wicked among the Iewes with whome God was not pleased did enioye the same sacramentes of Christe the cloude the sea the meate the drinke which the godly did yet did they not enioy the same life by Christ which the godly did for it followeth in Saint Paul that God was not pleased with many of them Which wordes are meant of the wicked Secondly we sée that the godly amongest the Iewes did eate the same meate and drinke the same drinke that the godly amongest the Corinthians did to whome S. Paul doeth write yea that Paul him selfe the Apostles did Now the Iewes did it In spefuturi Christi In the hope of Christ to come for their redemption deliuerance from their sinnes and from death whereof it ensueth that our eating drinking in certa fiducia praeteriti Christi in true beliefe that Christ is come and hath redéemed vs and shed his blood for vs must bée the partaking of a meate spirituall and a spirituall drinke no lesse then that which Paul saith that their fathers did eate and drinke For he saith plainely They did eate the same meat and drunke the same drink that flowed out of the rocke and the rocke is Christ For as the Iewes did it in a figure of Christe by faith in whom to come they were saued as Christ doth say of Abraham Abraham desired to see my day Iohn 8. he saw it and reioiced so are we taught to doe it in remembrance of Christ by faith in whom being come we are saued wherevpon our sauiour said to his disciples Luke 22. Doe this in remēbrance of me Which Paul declareth farther in the first to the Corinthians 1. Cor. 11 the eleuenth chapter where after that he had declared the maner of the Lords supper he addeth to both the parts of it Hoc facite ad mei re cordationem Quotie scunque enim manducabitis panem hunc calicem bibetis mortē domini annuntiabitis donec veniat Do this in remembrance of me saith Christe For as often saith Paul expounding the wordes of Christ as ye shall eat this bread and drinke of this cup ye shall shewe the death of the Lord vntil he come So then if these thinges be well considered which I haue briefly touched out of the wordes of Christ declared by his holy euangelists and Apostles the godly I trust shal easily perceiue that Pope Innocent the thirde could by no autority of scriptures proue any transubstantiation in the sacramēt although it were confirmed by neuer so greate a councel of men assembled at Rome hauing in it as they say Archbyshops 70. Byshops 400. Abbats 12. Priors conuentual 800. besides the Orators and Ambassadours of Gréece of the Romaine Empire of the kinges of Ierusalem France Spaine England Cyprus and other kingdomes Many but all to little to take vppon them to alter and change the ordinance and institution which our Sauiour Christ had with his owne wordes established and set in his church for the space of aboue twelue hundred yeares together before the contrary was decréed though some did dreame of it But Pope Innocent was sure to enact there what he wold for that he had aboue the number of twelue hundred shauen crounes in his councel with him so that neither Princes nor Orators of Princes might hinder his pretēses The lesse it is to be meruelled at that the byshop of Rome would take vppon him so proudly to be aboue al other byshops yea the Emperours themselues and kings of this world séeing that he tooke vpon him to do more then euer Christ did that is to make Christ our creator and redéemer of a péece of bread whensoeuer he list and to make that euery one of his priests and chaplens might do the same also as them selues haue a saying Sacerdos est creator creatoris sui The priest doth make his maker And all by the authority of this Lateran Councel not by Christs scriptures And all for the aduancing of his worldly glory extolling of his clergie throughout all Christian kingdomes which after came to passe to the taking away of the goods and liues of a great number of good true Christians who would not beleeue such a new deuised faith of the sacrament of Christ set forth so lately so fondly so vngodly neuer before allowed as any point of our christiā faith for the space of so many hundred yeres after Christ as I haue shewed For in the former ages the godly had bene taughte that Christe according to the presence of his naturall bodye was ascended into heauen but by the benefites of his spirite and by the fruite of his passion he is alwayes present with thē who doe beléeue in him Wherof he gaue them a most liuely moniment and pledge in the blessed sacrament of his body and bloud a moniment for vs to remember his death a pledge to vs of euerlasting life with out transubstantion of the breade and wine or any alteration thereof at all otherwise then of common bread and wine to make it by the words of Christ the sacramental bread wine the signes of Christes body and bloud he being by those creatures of bread wine represented to vs that we may therby with the mouth of our faith that I may so speak receiue spiritually the very selfe same Christ god and man that was borne of the virgin Mary suffered death for our sinnes ascended into heauen and sitteth on the right hand of God the father almighty thence shall he come at the last day to iudge the quick the dead And this most heauenly maner of the spiritual receiuing of Christe is more agréeable to our christian religion then is the Romish dream of transubstantiation which doth as much abhorre from
Gregor epistolarum Lib. 4. Epist 32. 38. For he would not suffer this decrée to be receiued within his prouince of Italy but vtterly reiected it and wrote not only to the emperour how greatly he did offend almighty God in admitting this new prophane blasphemous name and authoritie into the Church of Christ empairing the authority which he hath giuen to the rest of his byshops and ministers but also to Iohn the patriarke that he by taking and vsurping that authority did shewe him self in pride and presūption to be the very forerunner of Antichrist Wherby it came to passe that Mauricius the Emperour was so greatly offended with this good Gregory Platina de vitis pontificum Romanorū in Gregorio primo Volaterranus Centuria 6. fol. 872. that as Platina doth report he exhorted the Lūbardes to set vppon the city of Rome which Agilulfus the king of Lumbardy did beséeging it a whole yeare Howbeit in the end he was faine to go away without any hurt done to the city that was saued by the mighty prouidence of God Chap. 3. That Christ in the promise of his second commission saying vnto Peter To thee will I giue the keyes of heauen doth giue him no supremacie Neither by these wordes I haue prayed for thee Peter that thy faith faile not NOwe to returne to the commissions of Christe because that betwixt the first whiche was giuen before his passion to his Apostles as I haue declared and the second which he gaue them after his death and resurrection Christ did open to them in the meane time his purpose and intent both for giuing them further authoritie then before he gaue them and for instructing of them what they should doe with it he therefore demaunded of his disciples what men did talke of him and whom they saide him to be To whome when they aunswered some that Thou art Iohn Baptist and some Elias others Ieremias or one of the prophets Matt. 16. then Iesus said vnto them Vos autem quem me esse dicitis Respondens Simon Petrus dixit tu es Christus filius Dei viui Respondens autem Christus dixit ei beatus es Simon Bar-iona quia caro sanguis non reuelauit tibi hoc sed pater meus qui est in coelis Et ego dico tibi tu es Petrus super hanc Petram aedificabo Ecclesiam meam portae inferni non praeualebunt aduersus eam Et tibi dabo claues regni coelorum quidcunque ligaueris super terram erit ligatum in coelis quidcunque solueris super terram erit solutum in coelis But whom saith Christ do you say that I am He said not Peter who dost thou say that I am but in the plurall nomber to all his Apostles who doe you say that I am Then Peter as the mouth and speaker of them al said Thou art Christ the sonne of the liuing God To whom our sauiour Christ aunswered and saide blessed art thou Simon the sonne of Ionas for flesh and bloud hath not reuealed it to thee but my father which is in heauen And I say to thee Tu es Petrus alluding to the name of Peter for his perfect faith on the head corner stone the is to say on Christ wherevpon Peter him selfe was builded and not Christ vpon Peter therefore Christ said Vpon this rocke or stone of thy confession of me to be the sonne of the liuing God will I builde my Church and the gates of hell shall not preuaile against it Christ did not say against thée Peter but against it that is his true Church builded vpon that faith that Peter then confessed and not vpon Peters person I doe beléeue there is no man so ignoraunt or voide of knowledge that will iudge our Sauiour Christ would build his Church vpon so weake and fraile a foundation as Peter was if we regard not his profession but his person who shewed himselfe more wauering and vnstable then any other of the twelue Apostles as one that vtterly denied his Maister Christe thrée times in one day Matt. 26. and also before that did speake such carnall and worldly wordes vnto him that Christe was faine to answere him Thou art an offence vnto me and added moreouer Matt. 16. Get thee be hinde me Sathan Wherefore I do leaue it to the iudgement of euerie good Christian man whether it be more agréeable to our faith and safe for the Church of God to be founded vpon Christ or vpon Peter vppon the sonne of the liuing God whō Peter confessed or vpon a man who vttterly denied the sonne of the liuing God saying Non noui hominē istum and that cum iuramento Matt. 26. I do not knowe this man and bound it with an othe as the Gospel doth testifie It is certaine that Christ builded his Church vpon that rocke or stone Iuellus in replicatione ad responsum Hardingi fol. 221. 222. 246. 262. which was sure stedfast euen vpon the faith confessed by Peter and not vpon Peter And that by the iudgement of the olde fathers as Hillarie affirmeth in his second booke De Trinitate Haec est vna foelix fidei Petra quam Petrus ore suo est confessus This is the onely blessed rocke of faith whiche Peter confessed by mouth And Chrysost in Matth. Hom. 51. Super hanc petram in hac fide confessione aedificabo Ecclesiam Vpon this rocke vpon this faith and confession will I builde my Church And Saint Augustine in his 13. sermon vpon Matthew saith Non me aedificabo super te sed aedificabo te super me I wil not builde my selfe of thee but I will build thee vpon me And this was the meaning of Christ For after Peter had saide Tu es Christus filius dei viui Christ said not Super te Petrum vpon thee Peter but super hanc petram vpon this rocke or stable stone euen thy confession of me to be the sonne of the liuing God I will build my Church and the gates of hell shal not preuaile against it He saide not against Peter but against his Church which he builded vpon that rocke of faith that Peter helde For Christes words are Matt. 16. Portae inferni non praeualebunt aduersus eam in the feminine gender against it which must needes haue relation to Ecclesiam His Church not to Peter for then he would haue said Non preualebit aduersus eum Likewise he saide immediately Tibi dabo claues regni coelorum To thee will I giue the keyes of the kingdome of heauen Now it is plain that he gaue those keies vnto his Church and not to Peters onely person though he saide to him but as to his Apostle the charge pertayning to al his Apostles and all the ministers of his Churche by like right Quodcunque ligaueris super terram erit ligatum in coelis quodcunque solueris super terram erit solutum in coelis Whatsoeuer thou shalt