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blood_n flesh_n sacrament_n wine_n 5,507 4 7.5506 4 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A10387 The practise of the diuell The auncient poisoned practises of the diuell, in his papistes, against the true professors of Gods holy worde, in these our latter daye. Newlie set forth by L. Ramsey. Ramsay, Laurence. 1577 (1577) STC 20665; ESTC S119771 10,560 20

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To the Reader minated and him selfe decyphered by the infallyble woorde of God he nowe I saye doubles tryples his inuentions as by the sequell shall appeare twentie tymes tenne folde to subuert and ouerthrowe the true professours of the same VVherefore as in a myrrour I delyuer this vnto thee gentle and loouing Reader manifesting by this my emulation most of his leger demaynes against God and our lawfull Kings and Gouernors Farewell L. Ramsey ❧ The Practise of the Diuell I Sathan most cursed and childe of perdition Enuy hate and malice the tyme that is present Spytefully complayning in euery condition Against all the world and all States resident For putting downe the Pope my Vicar superintendent Oh England England thou bringest me in a rage By Preaching true Doctrine in this thy latter age ¶ But séeing that from Heauen for pride I was cast Downe into the Helles in paines perpetuall Assure then your selues as long as tyme shall last Like a roring Lyon aun Tiger tyrannycall I wyll poyson your hearts with sectes diabolicall With Atheists with Papists with Epicures and Scribes As Caine and Beniamyne were horror to the Tribes ¶ I will rayse vp Sedicion Lust and selfe Loue Wylfulnesse and Ignoraunce and carnall affection That God and all Veritie I will séeke to reproue Reuerting their mindes to diuelish subiection By slaundering and lying to bréede such infection That all honest meaning both of young and olde Shall cleane be peruerted and voide of all holde ¶ Anabaptists and Arrians shall euery where associate Pelagians and Libertines in lyke shall beare a sway Vsurers and dissemblers by clusters shall accumulate That none shall trust other afore the latter day Treason theft and murder shall one an other slay By Magick and Witchery I mynde you so to trouble That one sinne afore shall nowe be ten double Parasites and Flatterers I wyll make so to abound That Trueth shal be defaced and stand aloofe behinde Auarice and Couetousnesse shall compasse euerie ground That fewe shall haue credite freendship to finde Wauerers and Neuters shall houer in the winde That Sycophants and brablers preheminence shall haue To predicate and iudicate before the wyse and graue ¶ Hypocrisie I knowe my Childe to be assured To lyue in all Ages he hath Wil sufficient In all kindes of Religion he is well inured A Doctor in all Artes to propone an argument Square Cappe and Typpet the fellowe shal be decent To créepe in among them hee practises to endeuer That I the Diuell his father may extoll him for euer ¶ Blasphemy and Periurie shal be mates for the rout Flatterie and lying shal be counted great curtesie With Whordome I wyll infect the world throughout And that shal be Loue cloked with great honestie Dronkennesse Gluttony shal be counted great temperancy Couetousnesse Wisdome Wantonnesse but Youth These are my practises to blot or dym the Trueth Infamie and slaunder shall runne from place to place Against Gods Preachers or professors of the same Terming them Puritans if ought they haue of Grace Exclayming of theyr lyberties to hinder theyr good name All that euer is right I wyll bring out of frame For the malice I beare to England at this season I wyll styrre vp vnspeakable diuers kindes of Treason ¶ By Magicke and Sorcerie such practise I wyll worke Respecting no degrée if of God he doo smell More cruell then the Tiger more diuellishe then the Turke More madder then Saule more vyle then Iezabell More stubborne then Pharao more false then Achytophell More traytor then Iudas more vnnaturall then Caine More villaine then Absalon which by Ioab was slaine ¶ More Tyraunt then Antyochus or any of his kinde As Herodeor Nero that tyraunt most odious With Phalaris and Domitian with thousands I could finde That to God in this world haue bene most opprobrious But yet in respect of my minde malicious They are all but counterfeyts to that which I intende For the spyte that I beare to the world in th' ende ¶ Lyke a roring Lyon I rampe stampe and stare Watching iust howre my praye to obtayne Aryse Infidelytie voyde of all care Aryse Hypocrisie thy Father to maintayne Aryse Suspicion and all Ceremonies vayne Aryse vp ranke heresies against God and his Christ Aryse my Papistes and defend the Pope your Preest Aryse vp Dunce and Dorbell and stande to your Sacrament And spare for no Logicke theyr natures to alienate Of Breade into Flesh I thinke it conuenient And Wine into Blood quicke for to translate I might be more siner with transubstanciate But ye knowe my meaning my owne sweete Boyes I speake to you Papistes to reuiue my ioyes ¶ Peter Lombardus and Thomas of Aquyne Eckius and Anselm Prelates of some trust Aryse I say quickly with your doctrine Serpentine And fyll me the worlde with your ranke Rebell rust Your Bookes dooth remaine though your bodyes be dust Whereby that some séede in this time may growe To the prayse of your father which full well ye doo knowe ¶ Aryse vp Hyldebrand for nowe it is hye tyme To poyson the world by one meane or other Thrust in all helpes slaunder lye and cryme Playe as Alphoncius played vy his owne Brother Stryke out theyr braines be it Father or Mother As Cayne dyd Abell and I wyll you reward With wylde fire and Brimstone or else it shall goe hard ¶ Aryse vp Becker Traytor to thy King Sweate sweare and swell against all those procéedinges That fayth lyght or rise by any meanes bring Resist it betymes and I will furder your spéedinges And what I can doo to hinder theyr féedinges Assure your selues as Sathan is my name An aduersary I am and will perfourme the same ¶ Aryse vp Dun̄s●●… Wolston and Gooderick Aryse vp all ye Scorpious of Rome Aryse vp Benedick Frauncis and Domynick Aryse vp all the Papisticall some Out with your Portises and defend my kingdome Your Grayelles and A●●yueners Legendare and all Crosse Cope and Candlesstick is else lyke to fall ¶ Beswinge them with holy Water ring out your Bels Blinde them with Pardons disple downe theyr sinnes Bleare them with Idols and many thinges els As Dirge Mattens and Masse for scabbes and sore shinnes Some of Requiem some of Scala cali not worth two pinnes Yet out with them though I am driuen to that néede That all will be to lytle nowe to doo the déede ¶ Stand to it Stapleton Dorman and Harding ▪ And Rastall that rakehell to mainteyne my order Bonner and Gardener are worth the regarding For kéeping my Articles so long in this border Do Story Story thou art worthy of Recorder Thou stoodst to it stoutly against God and King. And at Tiborne desperatly gaue me an offering ¶ Frier Forrest and all his mery mates Dyd yéeld me the like with heart and good will They puld of their Cowles and hangd all saue the pates In the honour of me and thought it not yll And Sir Thomas More likewise at Tower hyll Lost