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B00290 The booke of common prayer, and adminystracion of the sacramentes, and other rites and ceremonies in the Churche of Englande.; Book of common prayer Church of England. 1553 (1553) STC 16288A; ESTC S123394 285,183 443

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Communion eyther by one of them or els by one of the Minissters or by the Prieste hym selfe all kneling humbly vpon their knees ALmightie god father of our lord Iesus Christ maker of al thinges iudge of al men we knowledge bewayle our manifold sinnes and wickednesse whiche we from tyme to tyme moste greuously haue committed by thought worde and dede agaynste thy deuyne Maiestie prouokyng moste iustly thy wrath and indignacion agaynst vs we doe earnestly repent be heartelry sory for these our misdoynges the remembraunce of them is grieuous vnto vs the burthe of them is intollerable haue mercye vpon vs haue mercye vpon vs moste mercifull father for thy sonne oure Lorde Iesus Chriestes sake forgeue vs all that is past graunt that we may euer hereafter serue and please thee in newnesse of lyfe to the honor and glorye of thy name Through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen ¶ Then shal the Priest or the Bishop being present stand vp and turning himselfe to the people says thus ALmightie God our heauenly father who of hys great mercy hath promised forgeuenes of sinnes to al them whiche with hartie repentaunce and true fayth turne vnto him haue mercye vpon you pardon deliuer you frō all your sinnnes confirme and strength you in all goodnes and bryng you to euerlastyng lyfe through Iesus Christe our Lorde Amen ¶ Then shall the priest also saye Heare what comfortable wordes our sauiour Christ saith to all that truely turne to hym Come vnto me all that trauayle and be heauy laden and I shal refreshe you So God loued the world that he gaue his onely begotten sonne to th end that al that beleue in him should not peryshe but haue lyfe euerlastyng ¶ Heare also what Sainct Paul sayeth This is a true saying a worthy of al men to be receyued that Iesus Christ came into the world to saue synners ¶ Heare also what Sainct Iohn sayeth Yf anye man synne we haue an aduocate with the father Iesus Christ righteous and he the propiciacyon for our synnes After the which the priest shall procede saying Lyft vp your heartes Aunswere We lyfte them vp vnto the Lorde Prieste Let vs geue thankes vnto our Lorde God Aunswere It is mete and right so to doe Prieste It is very mete righte and oure bounden duetie that we should at al times and in al places geue thankes vnto thee O Lorde holy father almightie euerlasting god ¶ Here shall folowe the proper Preface accordyng to the tyme if there be any specially appointed or els immediatly shall folowe Therefore with Aungels c. ¶ Propre Prefaces Vpon Christmas daye and seuen dayes after BEcause thou diddest geue Iesus Christe thine onely sonne to bee borne as thys daye for vs who by the operacion of the holy ghoste was made very man of the substaunce of the Vyrgyn Marye his mother and that without spot of sinne to make vs cleane from all sinne Therfore c. ¶ Vpon Easter day and seuen dayes after BVt chieflye are we bounde to prayse thee for the glorious resurreccion of thy sonne Iesus Christe our Lord for he is the very Paschal lābe which was offered for vs hath taken awaye the sinne of the worlde who by hys death hath destroyed death and by hys risyng to lyfe agayne hathe restored to vs euerlastyng lyfe Therfore c. ¶ Vpon the Ascencion daye and seuen dayes after THroughe thy moste deare beloued sonne Iesus Christ our Lord who after his most glorious resurrecciō manifestly appeared to al his apostles and in their sight ascended vp into heauen to prepare a place for vs that where he is thether might we also ascend and reigne with him in glory Therfore with c. ¶ Vpon whitsonday and sixe dayes after THrough Iesus Christe our Lorde accordyng to whose most true promise the holye ghoste came downe this daye frō heauen with a sodain great sound as it had been a mightie wind in the likenes of fiery tonges lightyng vpon the Apostles to teache them and to leade them to all trueth geuyng them bothe the gyft of diuerse languages and also boldenes with feruent zeale constantly to preache the Gospell vnto all nacions whereby we are brought out of darkenes and errour into the cleare light and true knowledge of thee and of thy sonne Iesus Christ Therfore with c. ¶ Vpon the feast of Trinitie onely IT is verye mete righte and our bounden duetie that me should at all tunes and in all places geue thankes to thee O Lorde almightie and euerlasting God which art one God one lord not one onely person but three persones in one substaunce for that which we beleue of the glory of the father the same we beleue of the sonne and of the holy ghost without anye difference or inequalitie Therfore with c. ¶ After which Preface shall folowe immediately ¶ Therfore with Angelles and Archangelles and with all the company of heauen we laude and magnifie thy glorious name euermore praysing thee and saying Holy holy holy Lorde God of hostes heauen and earth are full of thy glory glory be to thee O Lord most high Then shall the Priest kneeling downe at Gods borde saye in the name of all them that shall receiue the Communion thys prayer folowing WE doe not presume to come to this thy Table O mercifull Lord trusting in our owne righteousnes but in thy manifolde great mercies we be not worthy so much as to gather vp the crūmes vnder thy table but thou arte the same Lorde whose propertie is alwayes to haue mercy graunt vs therfore gracious Lorde so to eate the fleshe of thy dere sonne Iesus Christ and to drinke his bloud that our sinfull bodies may be made cleane by his body our soules wasshed through his most precious bloud and that we may euermore dwel in him and he in vs. Amen ¶ Then the Priest standing vp shal say as foloweth ALmightie God our heauenly father which of thy tender mercy diddest geue thyne onely sonne Iesus Christ to suffre death vpon the crosse for our redempcion who made there by his one oblacion of himselfe once offered a full perfecte and sufficient sacrifice oblacion and satisfaccyon for the synnes of the whole world and did institute and in his holy Gospel commaund vs to continue a perpetuall memorye of that hys precious death vntyll hys comyng agayne Heare vs O mercifull father we beseche thee graunte that we receiuing these thy creatures of bread wine according to thy sonne our Sauiour Iesu Christes holy institucion in remembraūce of his death and passion may be partakers of his most blessed body and bloud who in the same nyght that he was betrayed tooke bread and when he hadde geuen thankes he brake it and gaue it to hys Disciples saying Take eate this is my body which is geuen for you Doe this in remēbraunce of me Lykewyse after supper he tooke the cup and when he had geuen thankes he gaue it to thē saying
bee called but the faulte is muche greater when menne stande by and yet wyll neyther eate nor drynke thys holye Communyon with other I praye you what can thys bee elles but euen to haue the misteryes of Chryste in derysyon It is sayde vnto all Take ye and eate Take and drinke ye all of this do this in remembraunce of me With what face then or with what countenaunce shall ye heare thes e woordes What wyll thys bee elles but a neglecting a des pys ing and mockyng of the Tes tament of Chris te Wherfore rather then you should s o doe departe you hence and geue place to them that bee Godlye dys pos ed. But when you departe I bees eche you pondre with youre selues from whom you departe ye departe from the Lordes table ye departe from youre brethren and from the banquete of most heauenlye foode These thynges yf ye earnestlye considre ye shall by Gods grace returne a better mind for the obteining wherof we shall make our humble peticions whyle me shall receyue the holy communion ¶ And some tyme shal be sayd thys also at the discrecyon of the Curate DEarely beloued forasmuche as our duetie is to render to almyghtye God oure heauenlye father moste hearty thankes for that he hath geuen hys sonne our sauiour Iesus Christe not onelye to dye for vs but also to bee oure spirituall foode and sustenaunce as it is declared vnto vs aswell by Gods woorde as by the holy sacramentes of his blessed body and bloud the whyche beyng so coumfortable a thyng to them whiche receue it worthelye and so daungerous to them that wyll presume to receyue it vnwoorthelye My duetye is to exhort you to consydre the bignitie of the holye misterye and the greate peryll of the vnmorthye receiuyng therof and so to searche and examyne youre owne consciences as you should come holy and cleane to a moste godly and heauenlye feaste so that in no wyse you come but in the maryage garmente required of God in holy scripture and so come and bee receiued as woorthye partakers of suche a heauenly table The way and meanes therto is Fyrste to examine your lyues and conuersacion by the rule of Goddes commaundementes and wherin soeuer ye shall perceyue youre selues to haue offended eyther by wyll woorde or dede there bewayle your owne sinfullines confesse your selues to almightie god with ful purpose of amendement of lyfe And if ye shall perceiue youre offences to be such as be not onely againste God but also agaynste youre neighbours then ye shall reconcile your selues vnto them ready to make restitucion and satisfaccion according to the vttermost of your powers for al iniuries wronges done by you to any other and like wise being ready to forgeue other that haue offended you as you would haue forgeuenes of your offences at gods hande for otherwyse the receiuing of the holy Cōmunion doeth noting els but encrease your damnacion And because it is requisite that no man should come to the holy Communion but with a full trust in Gods mercy with a quiet conscience therefore yf there be any of you whiche by the meanes aforesaid cannot quiet his own conscyence but requireth further comfort or counsel then let him come to me or some other discrete and learned minister of gods word and open his griefe that he maye receiue suche gostly counsayl aduise and comfort as his conscience may be relieued and that by the ministery of Gods word he may receiue comfort and the benefite of absolucion to the quieting of his conscience and auoiding of al Scruple and doubtfulnes Then shal the priest say thys exhortacion DErely beloued in the Lorde ye that minde to come to the holy Communiō of the body and bloud of our sauiour Christe must consyder what S. Paul wryteth to the Corinthians how he exhorteth al persons diligently to try and examyne thēselues before they presume to eate of that bread and drynke of that cuppe for as the benefite is great if with a truly penitente hearte and lyuely fayth we receiue that holy Sacramente for then we spirituallye eate the fleshe of Chryste and drynke hys bloude then we dwell in Chryste and Chryste in vs ●…e bee one with Chryste and Chryste wyth vs so is the daunger greate if we receyue the same vnworthely For then we be giltie of the bodye and bloud of Christ our Sauiour We eate and drynke our own damnacion not considering the lordes body We kyndle Gods wrath agaynst vs we prouoke hym to plage vs with diuerse diseases and sondrye kindes of death Therefore if anye of you be a blasphemer of God an hinderer or slaunderer of his to word an adulterer or be in malice or enuie or in any other grieuous cryme bewayle your sinnes and come not to this holye Table lest after the takyng of that holy Sacrament the Deuill entre into you as he entred into Iudas and fill you ful of al iniquities and bring you to destruccion both of body and soule Iudge therefore your selues brethren that ye bee not iudged of the Lorde Repent you truely for your sinnes past haue a liuelye and stedfast fayth in Christ our Sauiour Amende your lyues and be in perfect charitie with all men so shall ye bee mete partakers of those holy misteries And aboue all thinges ye must geue most humble and heartie thankes to God the father the sonne and the holy ghost for the redempcion of the world by the death and passion of our Sauiour Christ bothe God and man who did humble himselfe euen to the death vpon the Crosse for vs miserable sinners which lay in darkenes and shadowe of death that he myght make vs the children of God and exalte vs to euerlastyng lyfe And to th ende that we shoulde alwaye remembre the exceding great loue of our Master and onely Sauiour Iesu Christ thus dying for vs and the innumerable benefites whiche by his precious bloudshedding he hath obtayned to vs he hath instituted and ordeyned holy misteries as pledges of his loue and continual remembraunce of his death so our great and endlesse comfort To hym therefore with the father and the holy ghost let vs geue as we are most bounden continuall thankes submittyng our slues wholye to his holye will and pleasure and studying to setue hym in true holinesse and ryghteousnes all the dayes of our lyfe Amen ¶ Then shall the priest saye to them that come to receiue the holy Communion YOu that doe truely earnestly repente you of your sinnes be in loue charitie with your neighbours entend to leade a newe lyfe folowyng the commaundementes of God and walking from hencefurh in hys holy mayes Draw nere take this holy Sacramente to your comfort make your hūble coufession to almighty God beefore thys congregacion here gathered together in hys holy name mekely kneling vpon your knees Then shall this generall confession be made in the name of all those that are minded to receiue the holye
Drink ye all of thys for this is my bloud of the newe Testamente which is shed for you and for many for remissyon of sinnes doe thys as oft as ye shall drinke it in remembraunce of me Then shall the Minister first receyue the Communion in bothe kyndes himselfe and nexte delyuer it to other Ministers yf anye be there presēt that they may helpe the chiefe Minister and after to the people in theyr handes kneelyng And when he delyuereth the bread he shall saye Take and eate thys in remembraunce that Christe dyed for thee and fede on him in thy heart by fayth with thankes geuyng And the minister that deliuereth the cup shall saye Drinke this in remembraunce that Christes bloud was shed for thee and be thankefull Then shal the Priest saye the Lordes prayer the people repeating after hym euery peticyon After shal be sayde as foloweth O Lorde and heauenlye father we thy humble seruauntes entierly desyre thy fatherly goodnesse mercyfullye to accepte thys oure Sacrifyce of prayse and thankes geuyng moste besechyng thee to graunte that by the merites and death of thy sonne Iesus Christe and throughe faith in hys bloud we and all thy whole churche may obtayne remissiō of our sinnes and al other benefites of his Passiō And here we offer and prsēt vnto thee O lord our selues our soules and bodies to bee a reasonable holye and lyuely Sacrifice vnto thee humblye besechyng thee that all we whyche bee partakers of thys holye Communion maye bee fulfylled with thy grace and heauenlye benediccion And althoughe we bee vnworthy throughe oure manyfolde synnes to offre vnto thee any sacrifyce yet we beseche thee to accepte thys our bounden duetie and seruice not weyghing our merites but pardonyng oure offences throughe Iesus Christe oure Lord by whom and with whom in the vnitie of the holye ghost all honour and glory bee vnto thee O father almyghtie worlde without ende Amen Or this ALmightie and euerliuing god we most hartely thanke thee for that thou doest vouchesafe to fede vs whyche haue duely receyued these holy misteries with the spirituall foode of the moste precyous body and bloud of thy sonne our Sauyour Iesus Christe and doest assure vs thereby of thy fauoure and goodnesse towarde vs and that we bee verye membres incorporate in thy mistycall bodye whyche is the blessed companye of all faythfull people and bee also heyres through hope of thy euerlastyng kyngdome by the merites of the most precyous deathe and Passyon of thy deare sonne we nowe moste humblye beseche thee heauenlye father so to assiste vs with thy grace that we may continue in that holy felowship and doe all suche good workes as thou hast prepared for vs to walke in throughe Iesus Christe oure Lorde to whom with thee and the holy ghost be all honour and glory worlde without ende Amen Then shal be sayd or song GLorye bee to GOD on hyghe And in earthe peace good wyll towardes menne We prayse thee we blesse thee we woorshyp thee we gloryfy thee we geue thankes to thee for thy great glorye O Lorde GOD heauenly kyng God the father almyghtye O Lorde the only begotten sonne Iusu Chrysse O Lorde God Lame of God sonne of the father that takeste awaye the synnes of the worlde haue mercye vpon vs Thou that takest awaye the synnes of the worlde haue mercye vpon vs. Thou that takeste awaye the sinnes of the worlde receyue our prayer Thou that fittest at the righte hand of God the father haue mercye vpon vs For thou onely arte holy Thou onely are the Lorde Thou onely O Christe with the holy ghost art most highe in the glory of God the father Amen Then the Priest or the Bishop yf he be present shal let them departe with this blessing THe peace of God whiche passeth all vnderstānding kepe your heartes and myndes in the knowledge and loue of God and of his sonne Iesu Christ our Lorde and the blessing of God almightie the father the sonne and the holy ghost bee amongest you and remayne with you alwayes Amen Collectes to be sayd after the Offertorie when there is no Cōmunion euery such daye one And the same maye be sayde also as often as occasion shall serue after the Collectes eyther of Morning and Euening prayer Communion or Letany by the discrecion of the Minister ASsist vs mercifully O Lorde in these our supplicacions and prayers and dispose the waye of thy seruauntes towarde the attaynemente of euerlastyng saluacyon that among all the chaunges and chaunces of this mortall lyfe they maye euer be defended by thy moste gracyous and ready helpe throughe Christe oure Lorde Amen O Almightie Lorde and euerliuyng God vouchsafe we beeseche thee to directe sanctifye and gouerne bothe oure heartes and bodies in the wayes of thy lawes and in the workes of thy commaundemētes that through thy most mightie proteccyon both here and euer we maye be preserued in body and soule through our Lorde and Sauiour Iesus Christe Amen GRaunt we beseche thee almightie god that the wordes whiche we haue hearde this daye with oure outwarde eares may throughe thy grace bee so grafted inwardlye in oure heartes that they may bryng for the in vs the fruite of good lyuing to the honour and prayse of thy name throughe Iesus Christe oure Lorde Amen PReuent vs O Lorde in all our doinges with thy moste gracyous fauoure and further vs with thy contynuall helpe that in all oure workes begon continued and ended in thee we maye glorifye thy holy name and fynally by thy mercye obtayne euerlastyng lyfe throughe Iesus Chryste oure Lorde Amen ALmightye God the fountayne of all wysdome whyche knowest our necessities before we aske and oure ignoraunce in asking we beseche thee to haue compassyon vpon our infirmities and those thinges whiche for our vnworthinesse we dare not and for oure blindnes we cannot aske vouchesafe to geue vs for the worthynesse of thy sonne Iesus Christe oure Lourde Amen ALmightie God whiche haste promised to heare the peticyons of them that aske in thy sonnes name we beeseche thee mercifully to enclyne thyne eares to vs that haue made nowe oure prayers and supplycacyons vnto thee and graunte that those thynges whiche we faithfully asked accordyng to the wyll may effectually bee obteyned to the reliefe of oure necessitie and to the settyng foorth of thy glorye through Iesus Christe our Lorde Amen Vpon the holy dayes yf there be no Communion shal be sayde al that is appoynted at the Communiō vntill the ende of the Homelye concludyng with the generall prayer for the whole state of Christes church militant here in earth one or moe of these Collectes beefore rehearsed as occasion shall serue And there shal be no celebracion of the Lordes supper except there bee a good noumbre to commnunicate with the priest according to his discrecyon And yf there bee not aboue twentye persons in the Parishe of discrecion to receiue Communion yet there shal be no Communiō except foure or three at the
depe of the earth agayne Thou haste broughte me to great honoure and comforted me on euery syed Therefore wyll I prayse thee and thy faythfulnesse O God playing vpon an instrument of musike vnto thee wyll I syng vpon the harpe O thou holy one of Israel My lippes will bee fayne when I sing vnto thee and so wyll my soule whom thou hast delyuered My tong also shall talke of thy righteousnes all the daye longe for they are confounded and broughte vnto shame that seke to doe me euyll Glory be to the father and to the sonne and to the. c. As it was in the beginning is nowe and euer shall bee world without ende Amen ¶ Adding this O Sauiour of the world saue vs which by thy crosse and precyous bloud hast redemed vs helpe vs we beseche thee O God Then shall the Minister saye THe almightie Lord which is a most strong tower to all them that put theyr truste in hym to whom all thynges in heauen in earth and vnder earthe doe bowe and obeye be now and euermore thy defence and make thee know and fele that there is no other name vnder heauen geuen to man in whom and throughe whom thou mayst receyue health and saluacyon but onely the name of our Lorde Iesus Christe Amen ¶ The Communion of the Sicke FOrasmuche as all mortall men be subiect to many sodayne perilles diseases and sickenesses euer vncertayne what time they shall depart out of this lyfe Therfore to thintent they may bee alwayes in a redinesse to dye whēsoeuer it shal please almightye God to call them the Curates shall diligenly from time to time but specially in the plague time exhorte their parishioners to the ofte receyuyng in the Church of the holy Cōmunion of the body and bloud of our sauioure Christ Whiche yf they doe they shall haue no cause in theyr sodayne visitaciō to be vnquieted for lacke of thesame but yf the sicke person bee not hable to come to the Church and yet is desirous to receiue the Communion in his house then he muste geue knowlegde ouernight or els early in the mornyng to the Curate signifying also how many be appoynted to Communicate with him And hauing a conuenient place in the sicke mans house where the Curate maye reuerently minister a good numbre to receyue the Communion with the sicke person with all thynges necessary for the same he shal there minister the holy Cōmuniō The Collect. ALmightie euerliuing God maker of mankynde which doest correct those whom thou doest loue and chastisest euery one whom thou doest rcceyue we beseche to haue mercy vpon thys thy seruaunt visited with thy hand and to graunt that he may take his sickenes paciently and recouer his bodely health yf it be thy gracious wil and whensoeuer his soule shall departe from the bodye it maye bee withoute spot presēted vnto thee through Iesus Christ our lord Amē The Epistle Hebr. xii MI sonne despise not the correccion of the Lord neither faint whē thou art rebuked of him For whō the Lord loueth hym he correcteth yea he scourgeth euery sonne whom be receyueth The Gospell Iohn v. VErely verely I saie vnto you he that heareth my worde and beleueth on hym that sent me hath euerlastyng life and shal not come vnto damnacion but he passeth from death vnto lyfe At the tyme of the distribucion of the holy Sacramente the Priest shall first receyue the Communion hymselfe and after minister vnto them that be appoynted to Communicate with the sicke But yf any man ether by reason of extremitie of syckenes or for lacke of warnyng in due tyme to the Curate or for lacke of companye to receyue with hym or by any other iuste impedimente doe not receyue the Sacramente of Christes body and bloud then the Curate shall instructe him that yf he doe truly repente hym of hys synnes and stedfastlye beeleue that Iesus Christ hath suffered death vpon the crosse for him and shed his bloud for hys redempcion earnestlye remembryng the benefytes he hath therby and geuyng hym harty thankes therfore he doth eate and drynke the bodye and bloud of oure Sauioure Christe profitablye to hys soules health although he doe not receyue the Sacramente with his mouth When the sicke person is visited and receyueth the holye Communion all at one tyme then the Priest for more expedycion shall cut of the fourme of the visitacion at the Psalme In thee O Lorde haue I put my truste and goe streyghte to the Communion In the tyme of plague Swette or such other lyke contagyous tymes of sickenesses or diseases when none of the paryshe or neyghbours can be gotten to Communnicate with the sycke in theyr houses for feare of the infeccion vpon specyall request of the diseased the minister may alonly Communicate with him ¶ The order for the Buriall of the dead The Priest metyng the corps at the Churche stile shall saye Or els the Priestes and clerkes shall syng and so go eyther vnto the Churche or towardes the graue Iohn xi I Am the resurreccyon and the life sayth the Lord he the beleueth in me yea though he were dead yet shall lyue And whosoeuer lyueth and beleueth in me shall not dye for euer Iob. xix I Knowe that my redemer lyueth and that I shall rise oute of the earth in the last daie and shal be couered agayne with my skinne and shall see god in my flesh yea and I my selfe shall beholde him not with other but with the same eyes i. Tim. vi WE brought nothing into this worlde neither maye we cary any thyng out of thys world The Lorde geueth and the lord taketh away Iob. i. Euen as it hath pleased the lord so commeth thinges to passe blessed be the name of the Lorde When they come at the graue whiles the corps is made ready to be laid into the earth the Priest shal say or the Priest and clerkes shall syng Iob. ix MAn that is borne of a woman hathe but a shorte time to liue and is ful of misery he cometh vp and is cutte downe lyke a floure he flieth as it were a shadow and neuer continueth in one staye In the middes of lyfe we be in death of whom may we seke for succour but of thee O Lorde which for our synnes iustly arte displeased yet O lord god moste holy O lord most mightye O holy and most mercyfull sauiour delyuer vs not into the bytter paynes of eternall death Thou knowest Lord the secretes of our heartes shutte not vp thy mercifull eyes to our prayers But spare vs lorde most holy O god most mightie O holy and mercifull sauiour thou most worthy iudge eternall suffre vs not at our laste houre for any paines of death to fall from thee Then while the earth shal be cast vpon the body by some standing by the Priest shall saye FOrasmuch as it hath pleased almighty god of his great mercy to take vnto himselfe the
the earth that he may iudge hys people Gather my sainctes together vnto me those that haue made a couenaunt with me with sacrifice And the heauens shall declare his righteousnes for God is iudge hymselfe Heare O my people and I wil speake I my selfe wyl testifie against thee O Israel for I am God euen thy God I wil not reproue thee because of thy sacrifices or for thy burnt offeringes because they were not alwaye before me I wil take no bullocke out of thy house nor he goates out of thy foldes For all the beastes of the forest are myne and so are the rattelles vpon a thousande hylles I knowe all the foules vpon the mountaynes and the wylde beastes of the fielde are in my syght If I be hungry I will not tell thee for the whole worlde is myne and all that therein is Thinkest thou that I will eate bulles fleshe and drinke the bloud of goates Offre vnto god thankes geuing and pay thy vowes vnto the most hiest And call vpon me in the tyme of trouble so wil I heare thee and thou shalt prayse me But vnto the vngodly fayd God why doest thou preache my lawes and takest my couenaunt in thy mouth Whereas thou hatest to bee refourmed and hast caste my wordes behynde thee When thou sawest a thefe thou consentedst vnto him and hast been partaker with the aduouterers Thou hast let thy mouth speake wickednes and with thy tongue thou hast set furth disceite Thou sattest and spakest against thy brother yea and hast slaundered thyne owne mothers sonne These thinges haste thou done and I helde my tongue and thou thoughtest wickedly that I am euen suche a one as thy selfe but I wyll reproue thee and sette beefore thee the thynges that thou hast done O considre this ye that forgeat god lest I plucke you awaye and there be none to deliuer you Whoso offereth me thankes praise he honoreth me and to hym that ordereth his conuersacion righte will I shewe the saluacion of God Miserere mei deus psal li. HAue mercy vpon me O god after thy great goodnes accordyng vnto the multitude of thy mercyes doe away myne offences Washe me througlye fro my wyckednesse and clense me from my synne For I knowledge my faultes my sine is euer before me Against thee onely haue I synned done this euil in thy sight that thou mightest be iustified in thy saying and cleare when thou art iudged Beholde I was shapen in wickednes and in synne hath my mother conceyued me But loe thou requirest trueth in the inward partes and shalt make me to vnderstande wysedome secretly Thou shalt pourge me with I sope and I shal be cleane thou shalt washe me and I shal be whiter then snowe Thou shalte make me heare ioye and gladnesse that the bones which thou hast broken maye reioyce Turne thy face frō my synnes put out all my misdedes Make me a cleane heart O God and renewe a ryghte spirite within me Cast me not awaye from thy presence and take not thy holy spirite from me O geue me the comfort of thy helpe agayne and stablyshe me with thy free spirite Then shall I teache thy wayes vnto the wicked sinners shal be conuerted vnto thee Delyuer me from bloud giltines O god thou that art the god of my health my tong shal syng of thy ryghteousnes Thou shalt open my lyppes O lord my mouth shall shewe thy prayse For thou desirest no sacrifice els would I geue it thee but thou delightest not in burnte offerynges The sacrfice of God is a troubled spirite a broken and a contrite heart O God shalt thou not despise O be fauourable and gracious vnto Sion builde thou the walles of Ierusalem Then shalt thou be pleased with the sacrifice of rightousnes with the burnte offerynges and oblacyons then shal they offer yong bullockes vpon thyne alter Quid gloriaris in malicia Psalm lii WHy boastest thou thy selfe thou tyrante that thou canste doe mischiefe Whereas the goodnes of god endureth yet daily Thy tongue ymagineth wickednesse and with lyes thou cuttest lyke a shar pe rasor Thou hast loued vngraciousnes more then goodnes and to talke of lyes more then righteousnes Thou hast loued to speake all wordes that may doe hurt O thou false tongue Therefore shall God destroye thee for euer he shall take thee and plucke thee oute of thy dwelling and roote thee out of the land of the lyuing The righteous also shall see this and feare and shall laugh hym to scorne Loe thys is the man that toke not God for his strengthe but trusted vnto the multitude of his riches and strengthed himselfe in hys wickednes As for me I am lyke a grene Olyue tree in the house of god my trust is in the tender mercy of god for euer and euer I will alwaye geue thankes vnto thee for that thou hast done and I wyll hope in thy name for thy saynctes lyke it well Dixit insipiens Psalm liii Euening prayer The foolyshe body hath sayd in hys hearte there is no God Corrupt are they and become abhominable in their wickednes there is none that doth good God loked downe from heauen vpon the children of men to see if there were any that would vnderstand seke after God But they are all gone oute of the way they are altogether become abhominable there is also none that doeth good no not one Are not they without vnderstandyng that worke wickednes eatyng vp my people as if they would eate bread they haue not called vpon god They were afrayde where no feare was for God hathe broken the bones of him that besieged thee thou hast put thē to confusion because God hath despysed them Oh that the saluacion wer geuen vnto Israel out of Sion Oh that the Lorde would delyuer hys people out of captiuitie Thē should Iacob reioyce Israel should be right glad Deus in nomine tuo Psalm liiii SAue me O god for thy names sake and auēge me in thy strength Heare my prayer O God and herken vnto the wordes of my mouth For straungers are riesen vp agaynste me and tyrauntes whiche haue not god before theyr eyes seke after my soule Beholde God is my helper the Lorde is with them that vpholde my soule He shall rewarde euill vnto myne enemies destroye thou them in thy trueth An offeryng of a free hearte will I geue thee and prayse thy name O Lorde because it is so comfortable For he hathe delyuered me out of al my trouble and mine eie hath seen hys desire vpon mine enemies Exaudi deus Psalm lv HEare my prayer O God and hyde not thy selfe frōmy peticion Take hede vnto me and heare me how I mourne in my prayer and am vexed The enemy crieth so and the vngodly cometh on so faste for they are minded to doe me some mischief so maliciouslye are they set agaynst me My hearte is disquieted within me and the feare of death is fallen vpon me Fearefulnes
geue me and I wyll delyuer hym vnto you And they appointed vnto him .xxx. pieces of syluer And from that tyme forth he soughte oportunitye to betraye hym The firste daye of swete bread the disciples came to Iesus saying to hym where wylte thou that we prepare for thee to eate the Passeouer And he sayde Goe into the citie to suche a man and saye vnto him the Master sayeth my tyme is at hand I wyll kepe my Easter by thee with my disciples And the disciples did as Iesus had appoynted them and they made readye the Passeouer When the euen was come he satte downe with the .xii. And as they dyd eate he sayde Verely I say vnto you that one of you shall betraye me And they were excedyng sorowful and began euery one of them to saye vnto hym Lorde is it I He aunswered and sayde he that dippeth hys hand with me in the disshe thesame shall betraye me The sonne of manne truly goeth as it is wrytten of hym but woe vnto that man by whom the sonne of man is betrayed It had been good for that man yf he had not been borne Then Iudas which betrayed him aunswered and sayd Maister is it I He sayd vnto him thou hast said And when they were eatyng Iesus toke bread and when he had geuen thankes he brake it and gaue it to the disciples and sayd Take eate this is my body And he toke the cup and thanked and gaue it them saying Drynke ye all of this For this is my bloud whiche is of the newe Testameant that is shed for many for the remissiō of sinnes But I say vnto you I wil not drinke hencefurth of this fruite of the vine tree vntil the day when I shal drinke it new with you in my fathers kingdom And when they had sayd grace they went out vnto mount Oliuete Then sayd Iesus vnto them all ye shal be offended because of me thys nighte For it is wrytten I wyll smyte the shepehearde and the shepe of the flocke shal be scatterd abroade but after I am riesen agayn I wyll goe before you into Galile Peter aunswered and sayd vnto him thoughe al men be offended because of thee yet will I not be offēded Iesus sayd vnto him verely I saye vnto thee that in thys same nyghte before the Cocke krowe thou shalte denye me thryse Peter sayd vnto him yea though I should dye with thee yet will I not denye thee likewyse also sayd all the disciples Then came Iesus with them vnto a farme place which is called Gethsemane and sayd vnto the disciples Sytte ye here while I goe and praye yonder And he tooke with him Peter and the two sonnes of zebede and began to waxe sorowful and heauy Then sayde Iesus vnto them My soule is heauy euen vnto the death Tarye ye here and watche with me And he wente a litle farther and fell flat on his face and prayed saying O my father if it bee possyble let this cup passe from me neuerthlesse not as I wyll but as thou wilt And he came vnto the disciples and founde them aslepe and sayd vnto Peter what could ye not watch with me one houre watche and praye that ye enter not into temptacyon the spirite is wyllyng but the fleshe is weake He wente awaye once agayne and prayed saying O my father yf this cuppe may not passe awaye from me except I drinke of it thy wyll be fulfilled and he came founde them aslepe agayne for theyr eyes were heauy And he left them and went agayne and praied the third time saying thesame woordes Then cometh he to his disciples and sayde vnto them slepe on now and take your rest Beholde the houre is at hand and the sonne of man is betrayed into the handes of synners Ryse let vs bee goyng beholde he is at hand that dooeth betraye me Whyle he yet spake loe Iudas one of the noumbre of the .xii. came and with hym a greate multitude with sweordes and staues sente from the chyefe Priestes and Elders of the people But he that beetrayed hym gaue them a token saying whomesocuer I kysse the same is he holde hym faste And forthwith he came to Iesus and sayd Hayle Master and kyssed hym And Iesus sayde vnto hym frende wherfore art thou come Then came they and layde handes on Iesus and toke hym And beholde one of them that were with Iesus stretched out his hand and drewe his sweorde and stroke a seruaunt of the hye Priestes and smote of his eare Then said Iesus vnto him put vp thy sweord into the sheath for all they that take the sweord shall perish with the sweord Thinkest thou that I cannot now praye to my father and he shall geue me euen nowe more then .xii. legions of Aungels But howe then shall the scriptures bee fulfilled For thus must it bee In thatsame houre sayde Iesus to the multitude ye bee come out as it were to a thefe with sweordes and staues for to take me I sate daylye with you teaching in the temple and ye toke me not But all thys is done that the scriptures of the Prophetes myghte bee fulfylled Then all the disciples forsoke hym and fled And they tooke Iesus and led hym to Cayphas the hye Prieste where the Scribes and the Elders were assembled But Peter folowed hym afarre of vnto the hye Priestes palace and wente in and satte with the seruauntes to see the ende The chiefe Priestes and Elders and all the counsell sought false witnes agaynst Iesus for to put hym to death but founde none yea when many false witnesses came yet founde they none At the laste came .ii. false wytnesses and said This felow sayed I am hable to destroye the temple of God and to builde it agayne in three dayes And the chiefe Priest arose and sayd vnto hym aunswerest thou nothing Why doe these beare wytnes agaynst thee but Iesus helde his peace And the chief Priest aunswered and sayd vnto him I charge thee by the liuing God that thou tell vs whether thou be Chryste the sonne of God Iesus sayd vnto hym thou hast said Neuertheles I saye vnto you hereafter shall ye see the sonne of man sytting on the ryghte hande of power and commyng in the cloudes of the skye Then the hie Prieste rente hys clothes saying he hath spoken blasphemye what nede we of any more witnesses Beholde nowe ye haue hearde hys blasphemy what thynke ye They aunswered and sayd he is worthy to dye Then did they spit in his face and buffeted him with fistes And other smote hym on the face with the palme of theyr handes saying tell vs thou Christ who is he that smote thee Peter sate without in the courte and a damosell came to hym saying thou also waste with Iesus of Galile but he denied before them all saying I wote not what thou saist When he was gone out into the porche another wenche sawe hym and sayed vnto them that were there This felow was also with Iesus
ryghteousenesse and am of power to helpe Wherfore then is thy clothyng redde and thy rayment like his that treadeth in the wyne presse I haue troden the presse my selfe alone and of all people there is not one with me Thus will I treade down myne enemies in my wrath and set my feete vpon them in myne indignacion And theyr bloud shall bespryng my clothes and so will I stayne all my rayment For the day of vengeaunce is assigned in my heart and the yeare whē my people shal be delyuered is come I loked aboute me and there was no man to shewe me any helpe I merueiled that no man helde me vp Then I helde me by myne owne arme and my feruentnes sustayned me And thus will I treade downe the people in my wrathe and bathe them in my displeasure and vpon the earth will I lay theyr strength I will declare the goodnes of the Lord yea and the prayse of the Lorde for all that he hath geuen vs for the greate good that he hath done for Israel whyche he hathe geuen them of hys owne fauor and accordyng to the multitude of hys louing kindnes For he sayd these no doubt are my people and no shrinking children and so he was theyr sauiour In their troubles he was also troubled with them the Aungel that went furth from his presence deliuered them Of very loue and kindnes that he had vnto them he redemed them He hath borne them and caryed them vp euer sence the worlde began But after they prouoked him to wrath and vexed hys holy mynde he was theyr enemy and fought agaynst them himselfe Yet rememberd Israel the olde time of Moyses and his people saying where is he that broughte them from the water of the sea with them that fede hys shepe where is he that hath geuen hys holye spiryte among them he ledde them by the ryghte hād of Moses with his glorious arme deuiding the water before them wherby he gat himselfe an euerlastyng name he led them in the depe as an horse is led in the playne that they should not stumble as a tame beaste goeth in the fielde the breath geuen of God geueth hym reste Thus O god haste thou led thy people to make thy selfe a glorious name withall Loke downe then from heauen behold the dwellyng place of thy sāctuary and thy glory How is it that thy gelousy thy strength the multitude of thy mercyes and thy louyng kindnes will not be entreated of vs yet art thou our father For Abrahā knoweth vs not neither is Israel acquaynted with vs. But thou lord art our father redemer and thy name is euerlastyng O lord wherfore hast thou led vs out of thy way wherfore hast thou hardned our heartes that we feare thee not Be at one with vs agayne for thy seruauntes sake and for the generacion of thyne heritage Thy people haue had but a lytle of thy Sanctuary in possessiō for our enemies haue trodē downe the holy place And we were thyne from the beginning when thou wast not theyr Lorde for they haue not called vpon thy name ¶ The Gospell mar xiiii AFter two dayes was Easter and the dayes of swete bread And the hie priestes the Scribes sought how they might take hym by craft and put hym to death But they said not in the feast day lest any busines aryse among the people And when he was in Bethany in the house of Simon the leper euen as he sat at meate there came a woman hauing an Albaster boxe of oyntment called Narde that was pure and costly she brake the boxe and powred it vpon his head And ther were some that were not contente within themselues and said what neded this waste of oyntmente for it might haue been solde for more then three hundreth pence and haue been geuen vnto the poore And they grudged agaynst her And Iesus sayde lette her alone why trouble ye her She hath done a good woorke on me for ye haue poore with you alwayes and whensoeuer ye wyll ye may doe them good but me haue ye not alwayes She hath done that she coulde she came aforehande to annoynte my body to the burying Verely I saye vnto you wheresoeuer thys Gospell shal be preached throughout the whole world this also that she hath done shal be rehearsed in remēbraūce of her And Iudas Iscarioth one of the twelue went a way vnto the hie Priestes to betraye hym vnto them When they hearde that they were glad and promised that they woulde geue hym money And he sought how he might conueniently betray hym And the fyrst day of swete bread when they offered the Passeouer his disciples said vnto hym where with thou that we goe and prepare that thou mayst eate the Passeouer And he sente furth two of his disciples and sayde vnto them goe ye vnto the citie and there shall mete you a manne bearyng a pitcher of water folow hym And whithersoeuer he goeth in say ye vnto the good mā of the house the master saith where is the geast chaūber where I shall eate the Passeouer with my disciples And he will shewe you a great parlor paued and prepared there make ready for vs. And hys disciples went furth and came into the citie and found as he had sayd vnto thē and they made ready the Passeouer And when it was now euentide he came with the twelue And as they sate at borde and did eate Iesus sayd vereley I saye vnto you one of you that eateth with me shall betraye me And they beganne to be sory and to saye to hym one by one is it I and an other sayd is it I he aunswered and sayd vnto them it is one of the .xii. euen he that dippeth with me in the platter The sonne of man truly goeth as it is writtē of him but woe to that man by whom the sonne of man is betrayed good were it for that manne yf he had neuer been borne And as they did eate Iesus tooke bread and when he had geuē thankes he brake it and gaue to them and said Take eate this is my body And he toke the cup and when he had geuen thankes he toke it to them they al dranke of it And he sayd vnto them This is my bloud of the new testament which is shed for many Verely I say vnto you I wil drink no more of the fruite of the vine vntil that day that I drinke it newe in the kyngdome of God And when they had sayde grace they went out to the mount Oliuete And Iesus saith vnto them all ye shal be offended becausse of me this nyghte For it is wrytten I wyll smyte the shepeheard the shepe shal be scattered but after that I am rysen agayne I wyll goe into Galile before you Peter said vnto hym and though all men bee offended yet wyll not I. And Iesus sayeth vnto hym verely I say vnto thee that this day euē in this night before the
that I am And they sayd what nede we of any further witnesse For we oure selues haue heard of his own mouth ¶ Thursday before Easter ¶ The Epistle i. Cor. xl THis I warne you of commend not the ye come not together after a better maner but after a worse For first of all when ye come together in the congregacion I heare that there is discencyon among you and I partlye beeleue it For there muste bee sectes among you that thei which are perfecte among you may be knowen When ye come together therefore into one place the Lordes supper cannot bee eaten for euerye manne beginneth afore to eate his owne supper And one is hungrye and another is dronken Haue ye not houses to eate and drinke in despise ye the congregacyon of God and shame them that haue not what shall I say vnto you shall I prayse you In thys I prayse you not That whyche I deliuered vnto you I receiued of the lord For the lord Iesus thesame night in which he was betrayed tooke bread and when he had geuen thankes he brake it and said Take ye and eate this is my body which is broken for you This doe ye in the remembraunce of me After thesame maner also he tooke the cuppe when supper was done saying this cuppe is the new Testament in my bloud This doe as oft as ye drinke it in remembraunce of me For as often as ye shall eate this bread drinke of this cup ye shal shewe the Lordes death til he come Wherefore whosoeuer shal eate of this bread and drinke of this cup of the lorde vnworthely shal be giltie of the body and bloud of the lord But let a man examine himselfe so let hym eate of the bread and drinke of the cuppe For he that eateth and drinketh vnworthely eateth and drinketh his own damnacion because he maketh no difference of the Lordes bodye For this cause many are weake and sicke among you and many slepe For if we had iudged our selues we shoulde not haue been iudged But when we are iudged of the Lorde we are chastened that we should not bee damned with the worlde Wherefore my brethren when ye come together to eate tary one for another If any man hungre let him eate at home that ye come not together vnto condemnacyon Other thynges wyl I set ordre when I come ¶ The Gospell Luk. xxiii THe whole multitude of them arose and lead hym vnto Pilate And they began to accuse hym saying we founde this felowe peruerting the people and forbidding to pay tribute to Cesar saying that he is Christ a kyng And Pylate apposed hym saying arte thou the king of the Iewes he aunswered hym and sayed thou sayest it Then said Pilate to the hie priestes to the people I find no fault in thys man And they were the more fierce saying he moueth the people teaching throughoute al Iury began at Galile euen to this place Whē Pilate heard mencion of Galile he asked whether the man were of Galile And assone as he knewe that he belonged vnto Herodes iurisdiccion he sent him to Herode whiche was also at Ierusalem at that tyme. And when Herode saw Iesus he was excedyng glad for he was desyrous to see hym of a long season because he had heard many thinges of him and he trusted to haue seen some miracles done by him Then he questioned with hym many woordes But he aunswered hym nothyng The hie Priestes and Scribes stoode furth and accused him strayghtly And Herode with the men of warre despised hym And when he had mocked hym he arayed him in white clothing and sent him again to Pilate And thesame daye Pilate and Herode were made frendes together For before they were at variaunce And Pilate called together the hie priestes the rulers the people and said vnto thē ye haue brought this mā vnto me as one that peruerteth the people and behold I examine him before you and find no fault in this man of those thynges whereof ye accuse him no nor yet Herode For I sent you vnto him and loe nothyng worthy of death is doone vnto him I wyl therfore chasten him let him loce For of necessitie he must haue let one loce to them at the feaste And al the people cryed at once saying away with him deliuer vs Barrabas whiche for a certaine insurrecion made in the citie and for a murther was cast into prieson Pilate spake agayne vnto them willing to lette Iesus looce But they cryed saying Crucifie hym Crucifie hym He sayed vnto them the third tyme what euill hath he done I fynde no cause of death in hym I wyll therefore chasten hym and lette hym goe And they cryed with loude voyces requiring that he myghte be Crucified And the voyces of them and of the hye pryestes preuayled And Pilate gaue sentence that it shoulde be as they required he let looce vnto them him that for insurreccion and murther was cast into prieson whom they had desired he deliuered to them Iesus to doe with him what they would And as they led hym awaye they caught one Simon of Cyrene coming out of the field and on hym layed they the crosse that he mighte beare it after Iesus And there folowed him a great company of people of women whiche bewayled and lamented hym But Iesus turned backe vnto thē and said ye daughters of Ierusalem wepe not for me but wepe for your selues and for youre children For behold the daies wil come in the whiche they shal say Happy are the baren and the wombes that neuer bare and the pappes which neuer gaue sucke Then shall they begyn to say to the mountaines fal on vs to the hilles couer vs. For if they doe this in a greene tree what shall be doone in the drye And there were two euil doers led with him to be slayn And after that they were come to the place which is called Caluarie there they crucified him the euil dooers one on the ryght hand and the other on the left Then sayd Iesus father forgeue thē for they wote not what they doe And they parted hys rayment and cast lottes And the people stode and beheld And the rulers mocked hym with thē saying he saued other men let him saue hymselfe if he bee very Chryst the chosen of God The souldiers also mocked hym and came and offred him vineger and said if thou be the king of Iewes saue thy selfe And a superscripcion was written ouer him with letters of Greke and Latin Hebrue This is the king of the Iewes And one of the euill doers which were hanged rayled on him saying If thou be Christ saue thy selfe vs. But the other aunswered and rebuked hym saying fearest thou not god seing thou art in thesame damnacyon we are righteously punyshed for we receue according to our dedes but this man hath done nothing amisse And he said vnto Iesus Lord remembre me