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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A69066 A summe of Christian doctrine: composed in Latin, by the R. Father P. Canisius, of the Society of Iesus. With an appendix of the fall of man & iustification, according to the doctrine of the Councel of Trent. Newly translated into Englishe. To which is adioined the explication of certaine questions not handled at large in the booke as shall appeare in the table; Summa doctrinae Christianae. English Canisius, Petrus, Saint, 1521-1597.; Garnet, Henry, 1555-1606. 1592 (1592) STC 4571.5; ESTC S107545 301,676 715

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Vnlesse you (c) Io. 6 53. Ibid. vers 51 Conc. Trid. sess 21 c. 1. eate the fleshe of the Sonne of man drinke his bloode you shall not haue life in you We reade also If any man eate of this breade he shall liue foreuer And he which said * Ibi. ver 54. He that eateth my fleshe and drinketh my bloode hath life euerlasting hath also said The (d) Ibid. 51. bread which I will giue is my flesh for the life of the world And againe the same that affirmed He * Ibi. ver 56. that eateth my fleshe drinketh my bloode abideth in me and I in him affirmed this also He (e) Ibid. ver 58. that eateth this bread shall liue foreuer To omit what S. LVKE (f) Luc. 24 30.35 Act. 2 42. 20 7. 27 35. Aug. ep 86. ad Casul Chry. ho. 17 operis imperf Isich in Leuit. cap. 9. alleadgeth touching the breaking of breade only Neither doe we want the example of Christ himselfe who first at the last supper ordained this Sacrament vnder (g) Mat. 26 26. Mar. 14 22. Luc. 22 19. 1. Cor. 11 24. both kinds deliuered it vnto his Apostles But afterward being at Emaus with his two disciples he gaue (h) Luc. 24 30. ibid. Theoph. Beda Chry. ho. 17. oper imperf Aug. li. 3. de cons Euang cap. 25. thē the Eucharist vnder one kinde only immediatly after withdrew himselfe as the fathers do interpret this place of the Gospel we must not therfore condemn either those who contenting them selues with one kinde only doe abstaine from the vse of the cuppe are read to haue (i) Euseb l. 6. hist cap. 36. Aug. ho. 26. ex 50. ser 252. de tēp Amb. in Satyr Pauli in vita S. Amb. Amphil. in vita Basil Beda lib. 4. hist c. 14. 24. Theod. in Philoth. in vita 26. quae est Simeonis Euagr l. 4. c. 3 Greg. Turo li. 1. de glor Martyr c. 86 Gulielmus Abb. in vita S. Bernard lib. 1. ca. 11. abstained many ages sithence or those that of olde when so the Church did allow had in publike vse both kindes But vse and experience the maister of matters hath taught by litle litle that for the more profite of the people and lesse danger for many respects it is very coueniently donne that the Chalice being lefte the cōmunion vnder one kind onlye be retained And thus hath the Church long since decreed to be done not swaruing at all herein from the ordinance and commandement of her spouse for she is the Piller (k) 1. Tim. 3 15. groūd of truth a faithfull dispensour (l) 1. Cor. 4 1 of the mysteries of God but employing that power which shee hath receiued of her spouse in dispensing the mysteries to (m) 2. Cor. 10 8. 13 10. Conc. Trid. ses 21. cap. 2. edification and the commō profite of the faithfull as the state and condition of times and men which enforceth alteration euen in sacred things doth seme to require For the very wordes of the Gospel doe (n) Mat. 26 20. Mar. 14 17. Luc. 22 14. Iust in Apol. 2. ad Ant. giue vs to vnderstand that Christ at his last supper dealt with those vnto whom he gaue cōmission not only to receiue but also to consecrate and offer the Eucharist yea and to direct (o) Act. 20 28. 1. Pet. 5 2. Luc. 10 16. Ephes 4 11.14 gouerne the whole Church To the iudgement wisedome autority of those he left to appoint lawes vnto posteritie and according to the diuersitie of times orderlie to dispose aswell in moste other things appertaining vnto Chrstian weale as in the maner and order of communicating the Euchariste vnto the faithfull This same (p) 1. Cor. 11 34. euen out of Saint PAVL dothe S. AVGVSTINE (q) Ad Ianua ep 118. cap. 6. proue and it may easely be conuinced by many decrees of the Apostles Neither haue we reason to thinke that the laitye haue any wrong if in this as also in moste (r) Mat. 18 18. Io. 20 23. 1. Tim. 3 2.8.13 4 14. Tit. 1 5. other thinges they be not made equall vnto Priests For it is most certaine that Christ is not diuided into two partes according vnto the two distinct signes of this Sacrament but that aswell vnder one as vnder both kindes yea vnder a litle (s) Basil ad Caesar Cyr. ad Calos in Io. lib. 4. c. 14. Conc. Flor. Emis hom 3. de Pasc Trid. ses 13 c. 3. de cons dist 2. c. qui mā ducat ca. singuli particle of a consecrated hoste Christe is wholly giuen and wholly receiued in fleshe in soule in bloode and in Godhead And where Christ is receiued whole and perfite there can not be wanting the full fruite and effectuall grace of so greate a Sacrament And therefore the laitie are here defrauded of no commoditie at all whether thou regardest the thing it selfe contained in the Sacrament to wit Christ God and man or doest require the (t) Io. 6 41.51 1. Cor. 10 16. fruite and grace which is giuen vnto those that receiue the Blessed Sacrament for the health of theire soules but they receiue as much vnder one kind as they should vnder both if it were alowable Of which matter certes there is no more any place lefte either to (v) Aug. ep 118. cap. 5. doubt or to dispute sithence that the holy Ghost who accordinge to the promise of (x) Luc. 22 31. Io. 14 16. 16 12. Esa 59 21. Christ doth teach gouerne the Church hath sette downe vnto vs a most certaine and plaine sentence againe and againe confirmed the same with the inuiolable authoritie of a most holy (y) Synod Const sess 13. Bas sess 30. Trid. sess 21. Synode Wherupon it may euidently be concluded that this custome of reciuing vnder one kind is not contrary vnto the commandement of God is ratified by the lawfull authoritie of the Church is approued by long continuance of time and generall consent of the faithfull is commended with most sure reason and profite and finally is to be assuredly accounted for a lawe which by none but by the Church her selfe may be changed And yet neither the aduersaries themselues though here they barke and keepe a stirre are able to shewe when such custome of communicating began So that it is a wonder to see some yet for all this who being caried away with a shew of priuate deuotion doe otherwise perswade themselues doe conspire (z) 1. Tim. 3 15. Mat. 18 17. herein with the new rebels and contemnors of the Church against the reuerend (a) Aug. lib. 1. con Cresc cap. 33. authoritie of the whole Church These men truely oughte to feare leaste whilest they stand so much vpon the outwarde signes of the Sacrament and giue themselues wholly to contentiousnesse they lose the
we learn that it is no superstition reuerently to esteeme of the very 4. Reg. 5 17. Lande which God honored with his promises wonders or to touch with deuotion Christes Mat. 9 20. garment or to impute any vertue to Act. 5 15. Peters shadowes or to Act. 19 12. S. Paules Napkins or Handkerchifes Al which nowe a daies woulde bee counted Idolatry the more is the pitty if vpon like opportunity offered the like deuotion should be vsed either to Christ or to his holy Saints For whatsoeuer is doone by their Relickes is doone by the Saints themselues Of which wee haue an euident testimony in the Actes of the Apostles where that is said to haue beene doone by the hande of Paul which it pleased God to shewe by the thinges brought from his body Nowe of the testimony of Fathers approuing and defending the honor of holy Relickes al books are so full that it were an infinite labor to Copy out their places We will bee content with a fewe of those which the Catholicke Doctors vse to alleadge Lib. 7. c. 15. Eusebius reporteth that the wodden Chaire of S. Iames was had in great veneration Euen as nowe Saint Peters Chaire at Rome S. Athanasius In vita Antonij as he saith himselfe hauing receiued Saint Anthonies threed-bare Cloake which the holy man dying bequeathed vnto him Did imbrace Anthony in Anthonies giftes and enriched as it were with a great inheritance ioyfully by the Vestiment remembereth the Image of his holinesse In Psal 115. in illud Pretiosa in conspectu Domini mors Sanctorum eius Vide orat in 40. Mart. Saint Basil When among the Iewes any did die their Corses were abhorred but when one dieth for Christ preciouse are the Relickes of his Saints Before it was saide to the Priestes persons dedicated vnto God He shall not be defiled with touching any deade body but nowe who toucheth the bones of a Martyr receiueth a certaine participation of holinesse from the grace remaining in the body Orat. in Theod. Gregory Nyssene after that he hath described the deuoute entrance vsed to be made by Christians into Martyrs Churches and the earnest beholding of the Buildings and Images saith thus When hee hath with these thinges delighted his eies he desireth to approche to the shrine it selfe esteeming the very touching thereof to be his Sanctification and benediction But if any man permitte him to carry away the dust which doth compasse about the shrine the dust is taken for a rewarde and as a thing of greate price is gathered vp As for touching the relickes themselues if at any time so good a chaunce doe happen that he may doe it how much that is to be desired and wished and with how manye intreaties it is graunted those which haue proued and enioyed theire desire doe know S. Gregory Nazianzen reprehending Iulian the Apostata Orat. 1. in Iulia. for his sacrilegious behauiour towardes the relicks of Gods holy Saintes Didst thou not reuerence those holy hostes slaine for Christ whose very bodies alone are able to worke the same which their holy soules whether they be touched with handes or honoured yea whose very droppes of blood and small signes of their passions are able to doe the same which their bodies Catech. 18. S. Cyrill Bishoppe of Hierusalem That not the soules onely of Saintes may be honoured and that we may beleeue that in their bodies also being dead there is vertue power a dead man lying in Heliseus his Sepulcher and touching the dead body of the Prophet was restored to life Ser. de SS Iuuent Maxim S. Chrysostome Wherefore lette vs often visitte them lette vs honor theire Tombes and with greate faith touch their relicks that thence we may receiue some benediction Lib. 8. ad Graecos Theodoretus shewing the generall custome of honouring relickes and the greate fruite receiued thereby hath this saying The soules of the triumphant Martyrs do now liue in their heauenly Countrey ioined with the quiers of Angells But their bodies are not euery one buried in seuerall graues but wholle citties townes countreys haue deuided them amongst them and ceasse not to acknowledge them very holsome to diseased mindes to sicke bodies For theire bodies being deuided their force and grace remaineth wholle But S. Ambrose most plainlye and effectually sheweth the honour due vnto relickes in these wordes Ser. 93. de SS Nazar Cels But if thou aske mee what doest thou honour in the fleshe now resolued consumed I honour in the flesh of the Martyr the scarres receiued for CHRIST his name I honour the memorie of one that liueth by the perpetuitie of his vertue I honour the ashes consecrated by the confession of our Lord I honour in the ashes the seedes of eternitie I honour the bodie which shewed me how to loue our Lorde which for our Lordes sake taught me not to feare death And why should not the faithfull honour that body which the Deuills doe feare which they afflicted in the torment and glorifie in the Sepulcher I honour therefore the body which honoured CHRIST in the sworde which with CHRIST shall raigne in heauen What S. Hierome thinketh of this pointe many of his workes doth testifie espeacially that which of this matter he wrotte against Vigilantius wherein against Vigilantius Eunomius Porphyrius he most earnestly disputeth of this matter Lib. 22. ciu cap. 8. But Saint Augustine reporteth so many miracles to haue bene wrought by Saint Steuens relickes that wholle bookes cannot conteine them Wherefore writing vnto Quintianus Epist 103. hee saith of those which caried his letters They bring the relickes of the most blessed glorious Martyr Steuen which your holinesse is not ignorant how conueniently yee ought to honour euen as we also haue done Vide Concil Nicen. 2. act 3. 7. Gang. can vlt. Carth. 5. cap. 14. Brac. 3. cap. 5. Epaun. c. 25. Mogūt tempore Caroli M. cap. 51. Later sub Innoc. 3. cap. 62. Emiss ho. d● S. Bland Chrys ho. vlt. in ep ad Rom. hom 61. ad pop Damasc lib. 4. cap. 16. Maxim in serm de SS Octau Aduent Solut. Gaud. tract de dedic Eccles Paulin. Nat. 3. Prud in Hymno de S. Laur. Hier. in epist ad Marcellam Ruffin lib. 11. hist cap 28. de Eccles Dogmat. cap. 73. Leo in serm de S. Laur. Greg. lib. 5. ep 50. lib. 3. ep 30. Greg. Turon lib. de glor Martyr We haue bene longer in alleadging of Fathers than we purposed yet not without expectatiō of great fruite both because of the diuerse calumniations of this matter of relickes in these our daies also that the reader may hereafter rightly esteeme of our fidelitie whan for breuity sake being contented with marginall quotations wee shall not rehearse the Fathers places at large And thus much of the second title of PILGRIMAGE which is religiously to visitte the relickes of Saintes III Miracles at Relicks and Images Let vs now proceed to the third whiche is the singuler woonders