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A17014 The second part of the Protestants plea, and petition for preists and papists Being an historie of the holy preisthood, and sacrifice of the true Church of Christ. Inuincibly prouing them to be, the present sacrificing preisthood: prouing also the sacrifice of the Masse, vsed in the Catholike Roman church: and that these were promised, and foretold by the Prophets, instituted by Christ, and exercised by all his Apostles. Morouer that they haue euer from the first plantinge of Christianitie in this our Britanye, in the dayes of the Apostles, in euery age, and hundred of yeares, beene continued and preferued here. All for the most part, warranted by the writinges and testimonies of the best learned Protestant doctors, and antiquaries of England, and others. Broughton, Richard. 1625 (1625) STC 3895.7; ESTC S118746 270,592 733

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4. pag. 118. de Sacrosancta Eucharistia Ipsius necessitatem toties inculcauit nisi manducaueritis carnem filij hominis biberetis eius sanguinem non habebitis vitam in vobis ●…anis quem ego dabo caro mea est pro mundi vita Ioh. 6. Luc. 22. postea in vltima caena accepto pane gratias egit fregit dedit eis dicens hoc est corpus meum quod pro vobis datur hoc facite in meam commemorationem Panis consecrationem in corpus Christi vini in sanguinem ipse coram Apostolis fecit eandem ipsi quoque vt facerent frangerent darent expressè mandauit Concerninge the holy Eucharist Christ did very often inculcate the necessitie of it except you shall eate the flesh of the sonne of man and drinke his blood you shall not haue life in you The food which I will giue is my flesh for the life of the world After in his laste supper when he had taken bread he gaue thankes brake and gaue to them saying this is my body which is giuen for you doe this in my commemoration Hee made the consecration of breade into the body of Christ of wine into his blood before the Apostles and expressely commaunded that they also should do the same consecration of bread wine into Christs body and blood 10. And in an other place he teacheth with S. Chrisostome whom he followeth therein and other holy auncient Fathers Marc. Anto. l. 1. cap. 1. pag. 9. Chrisostom hom 17. in epist ad Hebr. That the sacrifice which the Apostles were here commaunded to offer by Christs wordes doe this and which by that power they did offer and which all truely consecrated preists did after offer was the same body blood of Christ which hee himselfe offered the same and no other sacrifice Hoc facite in meam commemorationem Quid ergo nos ait Chrisostomus nonne per singulos dies offerrimus offerrimus quidem Et vna est hostia non multae Quomodo vna est non multae quia semel oblata est in Sancto Sanctorum hoc autem sacrificium exemplar est illius idipsum semper offerrimus Pontifex noster ille qui hostiam mundantem nos obtulit ipsam offerrimus nunc quae tunc oblata quidem consumi non potest And much more to as great effect or greater and yet at his pleasure hee doth maine and make lame the sentences of that holy Author And to auoide the friuolous cauill of some about the wordes in my remembrance or commemoration of mee whereby they would haue it gathered that this is onely a commemoratiue sacrifice or commemoration of that sacrifice this man with all other Protestants Marc. Ant. l. 1. cap. 12. pag· 146 147. Mumer 26.27 and the expresse scriptures are witnes that the preists and sacrifice of the lawe of nature and Moises of Adam Seth Enoch Noe Sem Abraham Isaac Iacob and his twelue sonnes Iob Melchisedech Aaron and all in the lawe were true preists and sacrificers yet they were in all Christian learninge but figures of the truth in the time of the Messias 11. Therefore if this were onely a commemoration it should at leaste by as great reason and authoritie bee also a sacrifice and the parson that celebrateth it a sacrificinge preist both beeing farr more excellent then those preists and sacrifices And the words in remembrance or commemoration are so far from hindering the truth of these preists and sacrifice that they rather giue a second power vertue vnto them euen by these protestants themselues for they haue told vs before that by these wordes doe this Christ gaue power to consecrate the bread and wine into his body and blood and doe what hee did in that sacrifice then addinge after the wordes in remembrance or commemoration he gaue them a second power and commaundement different from the other yet both of them preistly and sacrificall otherwise Christ himselfe should bee said which cannot be that hee did consecrate and offer this remembrance of himselfe and his owne action Therefore the words must needs conteine a double virtuall power and commaund to the Apostles the one part and principall beeing to doe that Christ did expressed plainely in the powerfull wordes doe this the other in remembrance or commemoration conteyned in the same terms Which was by a then publick protestant preachinge minister both preached publickly and with publicke allowance after printed in this maner Edw. Maie serm of the communion of Saints printed by Iohn Dauson an 1621. pag. 6. 12. God hath giuen to preists a power ouer his owne naturall bodie which is himselfe for to them onely was it said doe this in remembrance of mee by which words they haue commission to dispose of that very body which was giuen for the life of the world and of that inualuable blood which was shed to redeeme sinfull soules for which cause the Bishops and presbyters haue as antiquitie can tell beene honored with an honor which no Kinge no Angel had euer giuen him They are the makers of Christs body they doe a worke which none but the holy Ghost besides them euer did And in the margine hee thus citeth Isodor Pelusota l. 2. epist 5. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 such a power the Kings of the earth haue not An other speakinge of the consecratory preistly power by those words of Christ spoken in his parson This is my body This is my blood concludeth Couel def of Hooker pag. 116.117.276 The omnipotency of God maketh it his body And of preists To these parsons God imparteth power ouer that naturall body which is himselfe a worke which antiquitie calleth the making of Christs body And of preistly power By blessing visible elements it maketh them inuisible grace it hath to dispose of that flesh which was giuen for the life of the world and that blood which was powred out to redeeme soules Others say The sacrifice of the altare and vnbloody sacrifice were vsed in the primatiue church The primatiue church did offer sacrifice at the altare for the deade sacrifice for the deade was a tradition of the Apostles and auncient Fathers Aerius was iustly condemned of heresie by the primatiue church for denying sacrifice for the dead Middlet Papistom pag. F●…ild l. 3. cap. 29. pag. 138. 13. And to put vs out of doubt that this is or should bee the common doctrine and Religion of all English Protestants their chosen champion with greatest allowance amonge them as hee affirmeth writeth plainely Haec est fides Regis haec est fides Ecclesiae Anglicanae this is the faith of the Kinge this is the faith of the church of England Io. Casaub resp ad Card. Peron pag. 51.52 And their publicke statute of al the Protestant Princes of England saith so and so decreeth to be obserued of all authentically prouinge in protestants Religion that this most holy sacrifice of the altar was instituted by Christ that it is
lex aliud Sacerdotium ergo alia hostia aliud Templum The Prophet doth here clearely signifie as S. Cyrill hath noted that there should bee a translation or chaunge of the lawe and preisthood for pastors preists were not to be any more of the tribe of Leui But if there should bee an other lawe and preisthood therefore also an other sacrifice and Temple must needes bee So other holy and learned Fathers all of them vnitinge to euery true lawe Religion a sacrificinge preisthood and sacrifice amonge whome Theodoret vpon those words of S. Paul by protestants translation saith For the preisthood being changed there is made of necessitie a change also of the lawe lex coniuncta est Sacerdotio necesse est enim vt cessante Sacerdotio idipsum legi quoque accidat The lawe is ioyned to preisthood for of necessitie it is that the preisthood ceasing the same must also chaunce to the law Hebr. cap. 7. v. 12. Theodor in hunc locum This our protestants haue yeelded vnto before Therfore if now contrary to themselues so great reason and authoritie they would take a sacrificinge preisthood and sacrifice from the lawe of Christ they must also take away the lawe of Christ and Christ himselfe except they will leaue him without a lawe 3. Againe in his 66. and laste chapter the same Prophet speakinge of the gentiles to bee conuerted to Christ and his church of them as our protestants expound him by publicke warrant Protest title of the 66. chapter of Isay speaketh thus in the parson of God I will also take of them the gentiles for preists and for Leuites saith the Lord. The learned tongues Hebrue Greeke and Latine reade Lachonim eis Iiereis in Sacerdotes for preists sacrificing preists as they name the preistes of the lawe of Moyses Therefore except wee should deny which wee may not doe there was no sacrificing preisthood or sacrifice in that lawe wee must allow the like though in a more excellent maner to the lawe of Christ This may suffice for this holy Prophet 4. S. Augustine proueth the sacrificinge preisthood of Christians and theire most holy sacrifice out of the books of the Kings of reiecting the sonnes of Hely and the old preisthood and to institute the new Augustin l. 17. ciuitat cap. 5.1 Reg. 2. Quod addit manducare panem that which hee addeth to eate breade doth elegantly expresse that kinde of sacrifice of which our preist himselfe Christ saith Ioh. 6. the bread which I shal giue is my flesh for the life of the world that is the sacrifice not after the order of Aaron but after the order of Melchisedech Anastasius proueth the like out of Aggeus the Prophet of the externall glory of the churches of sacrificinge Christians there foretold Others proue the same from other places of the lawe and Prophets Anastas l. cont Iud. Agg. 2. S. Augustine expounding the 33. psalme and there speakinge much of the holy sacrifice which Christ instituted of his blessed body and blood vnder the formes of bread wine and Gods reiecting the sacrifices of the law of Moses writeth how this was figured by Kinge Dauid dissemblinge and concealing himselfe before Kinge Achis in the first booke of the Kinges cap. 21. a figure how Christ did shadow his diuinitie therby the better to alter and change the lawe preisthood and sacrifices of Moises and institute the new 5. This was there forewarned saith this holy Father especially by two thinges in that history First that the scripture saith of Kinge Dauid hee chaunged his countenance before them immutauit os suum coram eis S. Augustine readeth vultum suum The second is as S. Augustine readeth ferebatur manibus suis Hee was borne in his owne hands And so the Greek in al copies plainlie is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 v. 10. as in the former 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 v. 9. Hee chaunged his face or parson Vppon the first hee saith Mutauit vultum suum quia erat ibi sacrificium secundum ordinem Aaron et postea ipse de corpore sanguine suo instituit sacrificium secundum ordinem Melchisedech Mutauit ergo vultum suum in Sacerdotio dimisit gentem Iudaeorum venit ad gentes Hee chaunged his countenance because there was sacrifice accordinge to the order of Aaron And after hee instituted a sacrifice of his body and blood after the order of Melchisedech Therfore he chaunged his countenance in the preisthood forsooke the people of the Iewes and came to the gentiles 6. And againe speakinge how the deniers of this holy sacrifice and Christs reall presēce there as he promised in the 6 chapter of S. Iohn were like to King Achis condemning this for folly in Christ as Achis censured Kinge Dauid for his gestures in concealinge himselfe He addeth conc 1. Erat in illis regnum ignorantiae quasi Rex Achis Id est regnum erroris eis dominabatur Ille autem dicebat nisi quis manducauerit carnem meam biberit sanguinem meum quia mutauerat vultum suum quasi furor iste insania videbatur dare carnem suam manducandam hominibus bibendum sanguinem Ideo quasi insanus putatus est Dauid quando dixit ipse Achis arreptitium hunc mihi adduxistis Nonne videtur insania manducate carnem meam bibite sanguinem meum quicunque non manducauerit carnem meam biberit sanguinem meum non habebit in se vitam quasi insanire videbatur sed Regi Achis insanire videbatur id est stultis ignorantibus There was in them the kingdom of ignorance as Kinge Achis that is the kingdome of error ruled in them For hee said except a man eate my flesh and drinke my blood because he had chaunged his countenance as fury and madnes it was thought to giue his flesh to bee eaten and his blood to bee drunken of men Therefore Dauid was reputed as a madd man when Achis himselfe did say you haue brought this madd man vnto me is it not thought madnes to say eate my flesh and drinke my blood and whosoeuer doth not eate my flesh and drinke my blood shall not haue life in him hee did seeme to bee as madd but hee did seeme to be madd to Kinge Achis that is to say vnto fooles and ignorant men 7. The second which this holy learned Father expoundeth to bee propheticall of this mistery in that place is that which I noted hee was borne in his owne handes of this saith S. Augustine ferebatur in manibus suis Hoc vero fratres quomodo posset fieri in homine quis intelligat Quis enim portatur in manibus suis in manibus aliorum potest portari quis manibus suis nemo portatur Quomodo intelligatur in Dauid secundum litteram non inuenimus in Christo autem inuenimus Ferebatur enim Christus in manibus suis quando commendans ipsum corpus suum ait Hoc est corpus meum
Euangelist S. Iohn bringeth Christ speakinge in these wordes as our protestants translate them Ioh. cap. 6 v. 51. I am the liuinge breade which came downe from heauen If any man eate of this breade hee shall liue for euer and the breade that I will giue is my flesh vvhich I vvill giue for the life of the vvorlde The Ievves therefore stroue amonge themselues saying hovv can this man giue vs his flesh to eate Then Iesus said vnto them verelye I say vnto you except yee eate the flesh of the sonne of man and drinke his blood yee haue no life in you Who so eateth my flesh and drinketh my blood hath eternall life and I vvill raise him vp at the last day For my flesh is meate in deede and my blood is drinke in deede Hee that eateth my flesh and drinketh my blood dvvelleth in mee and I in him As the liuinge Father hath sent mee and I liue by the Father so hee that eateth me euen hee shall liue by mee This is the bread vvhich came dovvne from heauen not as your Fathers did eate Manna and are deade hee that eateth of this breade shall liue for euer 25. These words bee so euident for the reall presence of Christ in the sacrifice of Masse by all testimonies of antiquitie that as I haue shewed before none but incredulous people and like Kinge Achis will denie it And for Britanie the lately cited antiquitie that was publickly reade in our churches here so longe before S. Augustines cominge hither doth with the whole cōsent of our church in or before the yeare of Christ 366. so approue it citing all these words of S. Iohn which I haue related to that purpose the old Britt serm supr apud Foxe pag· 1142. alios and no man can better expound S. Iohn then S. Iohn himselfe who as wee are assured both by Catholicke and Protestant antiquaries and authorities did both say Masse and consecrated sacrificinge and massinge preists to doe the same So wee are taught by Eusebius Emissenus or Faustus Reginensis S. Bede Haymo the author of the scholasticall history Smaragdus Durantes Honorius Vincentius Nicolaus Methonensis and others Euseb Emis seu Faust Regin hom in fest S. Ioan. Bed homil in id dixit Iesus Petro sequere me Haymo Homil. 2. in festo S. Ioan Homil 1. histor scholastic cap. 106. Smarag Abb. in collect in Euangel in fest S. Ioan. Duran l. 7. c. 42. de diu offic Honor. serm in fest S. Ioan. Vincent l. 11. c. 44. Nichol. Methon l. de corp Christi And we haue both Catholick Protestant testimony for this of our own nation a preist of Eaton in his holy trauailes aboue 200. yeares since and a protestant minister thus approuinge and relatinge from them Ad occidentalem partem Ecclesiae quae est in monte Sion est lapis rubens prae altari qui quidem lapis portatus erat de monte Sinay per manus Angelorum ad preces S. Thomae reuertentis ab India super quem celebrabat sanctus Ioannes Euangelista coram beatissima virgine Maria Missam per multos annos post Ascensionem Domini At the West ende of the church which is in mount Sion there is a redd stone standing in steade of an altare the which stone was transported thither from the mount Sinay by the hands of Angels at the prayers of S. Thomas when he returned from India vpon this stone S. Iohn the Euangelist did celebrate and say Masse before the blessed virgin Mary many yeares after the Ascension of our Lord. Gulielm Way Etonensis presbyter l. Itinerar· cap. loca sancta montis Sinay an D. 1420. Hackluyts booke of trauailes in Gul. Way cap. mount Sinay And he was so daily deuoted to this holy sacrifice that as the auncient Anonymus writer of his and the other Apostles liues doth witnes hee celebrated it the very day he died and was buried by the altare Anonimus antiq in vit miracula pass Apostolorum in Ioanne cap. 10. 26. S. Paule the laste of our holy writers of these mysteries saith plainely by our protestants translation 1. Corinth cap. I haue receaued of the Lord that which also I deliuered vnto you that the Lord Iesus the same night in which he was betraied tooke bread and when hee had giuen thankes hee brake it and said Take eate this is my body which is broken for you This doe in remembrance of mee and after the same maner also hee take the cup when he had supped sayinge This cup is the new testament in my blood this doe yee as often as yee drinke it in remembrance of mee Where wee see a double power commaundement also of Christ vnto his Apostles both to consecrate and cōmunicate both his body and blood And yet there is no commaundement in any Religion Catholick or Protestant for any but preists to doe all these thinges and to them onely when they offer the holy sacrifice of Christs body and blood in Masse for if at any other time in sicknes or otherwise they communicate they doe it only as other Catholick lay parsons doe And many cases there bee in the Religion of Protestants in which communicants are not bounde to receaue in both kinds and it is approued and enacted by the publicke statute of all our Protestant Princes that euer were in England Kinge Edward the sixt Queene Elisabeth and our present soueraigne King Iames that euen in the first primatiue and vnspotted times of Christianitie the Christians did very often communicate in one onely kinde Statut. parlament 1. an 1. Eduard 6.1 Elisabeth an 1. Iacob· which could not bee tolerable if the commaundement of Christ had beene generall vnto all to communicate in both as it was to his Apostles and all massinge or sacrificinge preists in them 27. And to make it most euident in all proceedings that the powers commaundements were communicated and giuen to preists onely no parsons whatsoeuer Kinge or Caesar but preists onely and with protestants their ministers which in their Religion cypher the places of preists doe or may intermeddle with any of those powers or commaunds of Christ doe this either in respect of his blessed body or blood or howsoeuer wee will terme those mysteries and yet to them to whome they were committed they are plaine commaundements imparatiue in all lāguages Greeke Latine English 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 facite doe this in the imparatiue and commaundinge moode and maner of speach and so all men of whatsoeuer Religion doe vnderstand them and cannot possibly truely vse them in any other meaninge And after prouinge how the misteries there deliuered are the very body and blood of Christ 1. Corinth cap. 11. ver although he had said before that hee had deliuered vnto them that which hee receaued of Christ and entreateth of the same diuers verses before and in 11. or 12. after euen to the end of that chapter yet not hauinge therein set downe the forme
the Eucharist then vpon the Crosse the reasons ar many and manifest His oblation vpon the Crosse did not fall vppon the fourteenth day neither at eueninge as the commaundement of this was Exod. 12. Num. 9. but vpon the fifteenth day at none time and not the eueninge Neither was Christ crucified in memory of any passouer or deliuery neither crucified so to bee eaten neither did or might any eate or drinke his body or blood so sacrificed Neither was hee so sacrificed in any house as the commaundement was or in Hierusalem but without the towne in the open feild And not onely the baptized and cleane but all others ought to eate and receaue by faith Christ sacrificed vppon the Crosse which was forbidden in the Paschall Lambe and that which was figured in it as an euerlasting memoriall Exod. 12. v. 14. Leuit. 23. Num. 28. Exod. c. 12. v. Num. c. 9.22 7. And this sacrifice of the Lambe was instituted before Aarons preisthood as that of Melchisedech was and so as Philo writeth l. 1. de vita Moisis The old custome therein continued that the cheife of families should exercise the preistly function and so that sacrifice of the Lambe as wel as that of Melchisedech figures of our most holy sacrifice and Sacrament were eaten and receaued by all whereas the sacrifices of Moises Law offered by the preistes of Aarons order were onely receaued by the preists those of the tribe of Leui. 1. Corinth 9.13 Deuter. 18.1 Num. 10.9 18.20 And of all men our protestantes that would haue the Eucharist celebrated only with a communion for others besides the preist to receaue and communicate should bee of this opinion if they would speake consequently as learned and truely religious men must doe and except they can proue a bit of Bakers breade to bee a more excellent and honorable signe and more perfectly to figure and represent the oblation and death of Christ then an Innocent Lambe so ceremoniously and religiously sacrificed and receiued as that was and say with the blasphemous Iewes that the lawe of Christ is not more perfect then the lawe of Moises and still offer vp a Paschall Lambe they must needes acknowledge that wee Christians haue a farre more excellent sacrifice figured by that Lambe then Caluins communion is And this is plainely proued by our blessed Sauiour himselfe who so soone as hee had celebrated the sacrifice of the Paschall Lambe and imposed an end vnto those sacrifices of the law there presently at the same time and in the same sacrificing wordes wherewith bee ended that which was to cease hee founded and instituted the most holy sacrifice of the law of the ghospell to continue for euer and neuer to bee altered or taken away Matth. c. 26. v. 18. Luc. c. 22. v. 19. And the Hebrue worde Gasha in which language Christ spake at that time is an vsuall sacrificinge word in holy scriptures and must needes bee the same wherwith hee spake in S. Luke and S. Paul thus repeateth Doe this in my commemoration 1. Corinth cap. 11. v. 25. For although wee haue not any Hebrue text of those places yet that sacrificinge Hebrue word beeing the Hebrue to that Greeke and Latine which wee haue seing Christ spake in Hebrue wee must needes affirme they were both alike and is a sacrificinge word so vsed seuen or eight times in one the 29. chapter of Exodus and so many other scriptures as I haue here quoted as likewise the greeke which wee haue and protestants should as they protest to doe follow in the new testament Leuit. c. 16. v. 9. Exod. c. 10. v. 25. Numer c. 6. v. 10.11 Leuit. c. 9. v. 7. c. 16.22 Leuit. 14. v. cap. 15. v. c. 16. v. 9.24 c. 17.9 c. 22. v. 23.24 c. 23. v. Numer c. 6. v. c. 8. v. 12. cap. 9. v. cap. 15. v. cap. 15. v. 29.30 Fr. Mas l. 5. cap. 6. pag. 235.243 9. And our protestants of England freelie acknowledge that both the primatiue Fathers and councels doe so testifie The present protestant Archbishop of Canterbury director to Master Mason together with his directed scribe confesse This is the iudgement of the Fathers Irenaeus saith that Christ did then teach the oblation of the new testament which the church throughout all the world doth vse Chrisostom saith the wordes of the Lord giue strength to the sacrifice vntill the end of the world So they and others write of S. Cyprian S. Ambrose S. Augustine S. Cyrill S. Leo Fulgentius and others Park problom pag. 153.154 Morton appeall 2. cap. 6. Mason l. 5. pag. 243. And for councels say The Nicen first councell in that Canon which Caluine and all others receaue saith plainely that the Lambe of God offered vnbloodely is laide vppon the holy table And for their owne opinion are forced to confesse that Christ did in that place offer his body and blood in sacrifice for beeinge vrged with this Argument Christ said This is my body which is giuē for you or as it is in S. Paul which is broken for you and againe This is my blood of the new testament which is shedd for you is shedd is broken is giuen not to you but to God for you doe not these wordes argue a reall actuall and proper sacrifice They aunswere and graunt in these words They argue a sacrifice to God Prot. Archb. Abb. and Franc. Mason supr l. 5. pag. 233. Therefore of necessitie must also graunt that it is the most holy sacrifice of Christs body and blood figured in that Paschall Lambe as so many authorities haue told vs and except the sacrifice of Christs body and blood be not a propitiatory sacrifice for sinnes which they may not say they must needes confesse that in holy Masse preists doe offer not onely a commemoratiue but a propitiatorie sacrifice The same proued with allowance and consent of Protestants out of the booke of Leuiticus THE III. CHAPTER THe Protestant correctors of Petrus Gallatinus doe assure vs. Franciscus Stancar in l. 10. c. 7. Petr. Gallatin de Arcan Leuit. cap. 21. v. 8. That where our English Protestants trāslate in the 21 chapter of Leuiticus Thou shalt sanctify him therfore for he offereth the breade of thy God They should reade sanctificabis cum quia carnem Dei tui ipse est vel erit sacrificans Thou shalt sanctifie him the preist because hee is or shall bee sacrificinge the flesh of thy God There teaching that the preists of the new law are vnderstood as also their holy sacrifice of Masse wherein they offer the blessed body and blood of Christ our God and therefore great sanctification and sanctitie is required to their callinge And they proue by the Iewes themselues Leuit. c 21. v. That the worde Lehem which our English Protestantes translate bread doth in that place signifie flesh and not bread as it often doth and except those protestants
deceaue vs it so signifieth foure times in that chapter Accordinge to that saying of Christ by English Protestants My flesh is meate in deed and my blood is drinke in deede Ioh. cap. 6. v. 55. And their frēd Frosterus with other Hebritians acknowledgeth that it is taken for flesh euen in sacrifices and citeth Gen. 3. Exod. 18.1 Samuel 14.2 Samuel 9. psal 136. Prouerb 30. and concludeth with Malachias c. 1. v. 6. In which places the word is Lehem the same which in this place of Leuiticus And the cited protestants correctors of Gallatinus bringe Rabbi Dauid Kimhi in Serassim apud protest sup alleaging for this reading of Lehem not onlie this place of Leuiticus but cap. 8. Deuter Numer 28. Ioh. cap. 6. Where they proue this to bee sense of that place and of the Hebrue word signifying there the most holie sacrifice of Catholick Christians 2. They further proue it by the auncient Rabbins R. Simeon others Francisc Stanc sup l. 10. c. 7. in Gallatin That when this sacrifice should bee offered all others were to cease and this to be celebrated in bread and wine and by the great power of words from the mouth of the preist this sacrifice on euery altare shall bee chaunged into the body of the Messias Virtute ingenti verborum Sanctorum quae ab ore Sacerdotum manabit illud omne sacrificium quoad in vnaquaque ara celebrabitur in corpus Messiae conuertetur And this is no more then our English Protestants doe by publicke allowance publish and print both of the doctrine of the primatiue church of Christ and themselues also in this some of them assure vs the holy Fathers taught that breade is made the body of Christ. It is chaunged not in shape but nature Christes body is made of breade and his blood of wine The preist by secret power doth chaunge the visible creatures into the substance of Christs body and blood The bread doth passe into the nature of our Lords body The primatiue church thought the sanctified and consecrated elements to bee the body of Christ. Mason pag. 243. Parkins pag. 153.154 Morton appeale l. 2. c. 6. Sutcliff Subuers pag. 32. Feild pag. 150. 3. And to shew that diuers of the best learned of them for themselues are wholly of this opinion besides diuers cited in other places one of their most iudicious writers writeth with publick priuilege Couel def of Hooker pag. 116.117.276 The omnipotency of God maketh it his bodie And againe To these persons preists God imparteth power ouer his mistical bodie which is the societie of soules and ouer that naturall which is himselfe a worke which antiquitie calleth the making of Christs bodie And confesseth it for a reasonable satisfaction to say it is done by transubstantiation And in an other worke speakinge of this preistlye power hee addeth Couel examin pag. 105 By blessing visible elements it maketh them inuisible grace it hath to dispose of that flesh which was giuen for the life of the world and that blood which was powred out to redeeme soules And yet if wee neither had the auncient Rabbins nor Fathers thus allowed vnto vs by protestants neither the consent of forreine and domesticall protestants in this matter but stand onely vpon the text of holy scripture it selfe in that one chapter of Leuiticus and let it bee graunted that the word Lehem may signifie in that place Breade as probably as flesh or more probably if any man would so desire yet seing wee finde it so often as foure times in one chapter Leuit. cap. 21. per totum The bread of God with an excellency aboue other bread and offered in sacrifice to God by preists that are appointed and commaunded to bee so extraordinarily holy by annointing with oile blessings and sanctifications and to bee so chaste continent and holy as is there commanded knowing it was there but a figuratiue sacrifice a figure of a more excellent to come and preisthood also when we see no such thing either for preistly dignitie or holy sacrifice in the Sacramentary Religion but all reallie and truely verified in the Catholicke Romane Church wee must needes interpret it of the holy preisthood and sacrifice thereof 4. Wee reade in the same booke of Leuiticus often mention of the sacrifice Thodah in one the seuenth chapter v. Leuitic cap. 22. v. 28. there is diuers times sett downe this Sebac Thodah sacrifice Thodah And it is described to bee Caloth Matzoth Our protestants translate it Sacrifice of thāks giuing vnleuened cakes and Caloth Beluloth vnleuened wafers by our protestants translation Who there can it also v. 13.15 Sacrifice of thanksgiuing of peace offerings And againe Sacrifice of peace offerings for thanksgiuing Such was the dignitie of this sacrifice at least in that which it prefigured for of it self but meane as we see that as many learned protestants Theodor Bibliāder Franciscus Stancarus the English Protestant Bishop D. Morton and others assure vs erat apud veteres Hebraeos dogma receptissimum It was a moste commonly receaued opinion amonge the olde Hebrues that at the cominge of the blessed Messias all other legall sacrifices should cease and onely the sacrifice Thodah of thanksgiuing praise confession should bee celebrated and that to bee celebrated with bread wine Theod. Bibliād 2. de Trinit pag. 89. Francis Stancar in emēd lib. Petr. Gallatin l. 10. Morton appeale Hieronym à Sancta fide l. 1. contr Iud. cap. 9. Talmuld apud eund 16. Froster Lexic v. Thoda 5. And to make all sure from exception the Prophet Dauid testifieth as much psal 50. v. For making relatiō in the 49. by the Hebrues 50. psalme how God would reiect the sacrifice of the Iewes and haue a new more pleasinge sacrifice offered vnto him when hee had reiected the former hee addeth for the new that was to continue Sebac Leholim Thodah Sacrifice to God Thodah Where both by the sacrificing Verb Sebac and Thodah to bee offered in sacrifice vnto him he addeth of them that shall offer it and thou shalt glorifie mee as our protestants translate it And wheras in Leuiticus is onely mention made of cakes or wafers in this sacrifice the same Prophet Dauid in the 116. psalme as the Rabbines before maketh also mention of the cup or challice in this sacrifice For saying there psal 116. v. 17. I will sacrifice the sacrifice Thodah Sebac Thodah hee saith also as our Protestants translate v. 12.13 What shall I render vnto the Lord for all his benefites towardes mee I will take the cup of saluation and call vppon the name of the Lord. Where the Hebrue readeth I will lift vp or offer Ese the cup of saluation for that which in the Greeke Latine and Protestant English is I will take the cup or chalice calicem salutaris accipiam of saluation So that if wee will iustifie both readings it is euident that an holy chalice was both to bee offered and receiued in
both by Catholicke and Protestant authoritie that both Christ our Sauiour instituted this holy sacrifice and sacrificinge preisthood and his Apostles receauinge them from him did all in generall both exercise and deliuer the same vnto the churches there can bee no Christian desirous to retaine that name that may oppose against the same yet for a further manifestation of these truthes vnto all that will not desperatly dwell in error I will now proue in particular how euery one of the Apostles and Euangelists both beleeued practised and taught these misteries And first to begin with the foure Euangelists and S. Paule who haue committed these Christian holy secrets to holie writinge I will shew how both in these their sacred scriptures they teach and allowe the sacrifice of Masse and a sacrificinge or massinge preisthood by order and sacred office to offer that sacrifice And to put vs out of all doubt or question that this is and was theire meaninge in those holy scriptures I will proue that euery one of them was a true massinge preist and actually did offer and celebrate the most honorable sacrifice of Masse in essential thinges as the holy Catholicke massing preists of the church of Rome now doe and haue euer most religiously done in all ages The same I will likewise proue of all the other Apostles in their order onely I will craue leaue of S. Peter the first and cheifest to remember him laste in this matter for as I haue proued at large in other places as amonge the Apostles hee was the first and allmoste onely Apostle which planted the faith of Christ in these parts of the world So wee in Britanie did first receaue from him our holy massinge and sacrificinge preists and preisthood neuer hitherto altogether discontinued or interrupted but by him and his successors in the Apostolicke sea of Rome first founded and euer after successiuely in all ages preserued in this kingdome as will appeare hereafter 2. Therefore to begin with the Euangelists and S. Paule which speake of these misteries in scripture S. Mathew the Apostle and first in order amonge the Euangelists writeth of Christs deliuery of this sacrifice in these wordes as our English Protestants by his maiesties priuiledge translate them Matth. cap. 26. v. 26.27.28 Iesus tooke breade and blessed it and brake it and gaue it to his disciples and said take eate this is my body And hee tooke the cup and gaue thankes and gaue it to them savinge drinke ye al of it for this is my blood of the new testament which is shed for many for the remission of sinnes The Greeke text which these men say must bee here preferred is word by word as they translate speakinge of Christs body that it was at that present giuen there and his blood in the present tence shed for remission of sinnes 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Therefore if Christs oblation and giuing his body and blood vppon the Crosse was a sacrifice as all agree seeing it was so in respect it was there giuen and offered for remission of sinnes here beeing the very same body and blood and giuen for remission of sinnes it must needes bee also a sacrifice and not onely eucharisticall or of thanks giuing but satisfactory for whatsoeuer tal●…eth away sinnes by its owne vertue as the Euangelist here speaketh of this must needes be such and Christs body and blood beeing of infinite value in themselues and of their own nature can not but be satisfactorie for sinnes whensoeuer howsoeuer by whomsoeuer they are offered or giuen for remission of sinnes though the limited power of preists may bringe some limitation to their satisfaction the ordinance and institution of Christ so disposing in this sacrifice as it is now daily offered by consecrated preists as the common opinion is otherwise a thing of illimited worth should bee of like deseruinge and satisfaction 3. And this is so euident that not onely all learned Fathers and antiquitie do from hence teach that Christ in this place instituted the sacrifice of the new testament as I haue cited diuers before but our greatest enemies and persecutors as namly the present Protestant Archbishop of Canterbury the director of Master Mason and hee also with others Mason praefat lib. 5. cap. 6. pag. 235. Abb. ibidem Magdeburgent in S. Iren. acknowledge particularly naminge S. Irenaeus S. Chrisostome and S. Gregorie from them concluding in these words That Christ did then teach the oblation of the new testament which the church throughout all the world doth when shee saith this is my body And they plainly say Mason and D. Georg. Abbots supr pag. 233. that these wordes of Christ recited before by S. Matthew this is my body which is giuen for you and this is my blood of the new testament which is shed for you doe argue a sacrifice to God And if this was not a sacrifice then by protestant Religion admittinge nothing but scriptures in matters of faith Christ Iesus was not the preist after the order of Melchisedech which was promised for exceptinge this the whole new testament is silent of any preistly act of that order which hee performed in all his life and so that being a distinctiue signe of the true Messias they would depriue all mankinde of Redemption and our moste blessed Sauiour of the title and honour of redeeminge vs. Therfore thus they graunt Abbots and Mason supr pag. 243. Christ hauing offered himself for a soueraigne sacrifice vnto his Father ordeyned that wee should offer a remembraunce thereof vnto God in steade of a sacrifice Which they must needes vnderstand of Christs oblation in this place before his passion for they make this before his commaundement and power giuen to his Apostles of celebrating this mistery by these words as these men translate Luc. cap. 22. ver 19. doe this in remembrance of mee So that Christ ordeyninge that we should do what hee did as the words bee manifest and Christ as they confesse there offered himselfe for a soueraigne sacrifice vnto his Father we must offer Christ in the same maner for a soueraigne sacrifice vnto God 4. And for a cleare demonstration that together with the cōmaundement a preistlie sacrificinge power was giuen by those wordes to his holy Apostles and they by them made massing and sacrificing preists to sacrifice as Christ by these protestants and the scripture before did at that time his blessed body and body it is not lawfull or validate in either Religion of Catholicks or Protestants for any Christian man or woman to intermeddle to offer or minister in these things whatsoeuer we shall name them or iudge them to bee but a Catholickly consecrated preist by the one or protestant minister by the other therfore those sacred words do this Matth. cap. 26. v. 20. Marc. cap. 14. v. 17. Luc. c. 22. v. 14. gaue preistly and sacrificing power to his Apostles only present by the Euangelists for if they had beene generally spoken vnto all Christians
his body and blood broken and shed for remission of sinnes by the omnipotent words of Christ This is my body this is my blood being of eternall infallible and vndoubted truth so consecrated by truely and duely ordeyned preists vnto the end of the worlde Therefore most euident it is by all kinde of Arguments and testimonies that the holy Apostle and Euangelist S. Matthew as the rest also did and of dutie was bound to offer the most holy sacrifice of Masse And that hee thus did as the rest of the Apostles also did it is manifest by diuers antiquities which wee haue of this holy Apostle 14. First it is commonly agreed vppon both by Catholicke and Protestant writers that hee preached and suffered Martyrdome in Ethiopia hauing first conuerted the Kinge and many others and that of all nations the Christians of Ethiopia were euer most deuout to the holy sacrifice of Masse the protestants themselues ar witnesses and as they haue had that holy sacrifice from their first receauinge the faith of Christ which in all things as transsubstantiation of bread and wine into the bodie and bloody of Christ according to the doctrine of S Matthew before and offeringe of the said blessed body and blood with inuocation of Saints and prayer for the deade so their tradition ascribeth it to S. Matthew the Apostle as ordinarily it is referred vnto him And not onely S. Abdias which liued in that time by his workes vsually receaued Iulius Africanus and others be witnesses that he said Masse and was martyred at the holy altare by Kinge Hirtacus but that vndoubted historie of his life and death which the vniuersall church of Christ followeth approueth and proposeth vnto vs so testifieth Origen in Genes Euseb histor lib. 3. cap. 1. Socrat. lib. 1. c. 15. Doroth. in Synops Magdeburg cent 1. l. 2. col 777.776 Edw. Grimston in Presbyter Iohn Pag. 1088.1089 Missa Aethiopum siue S. Matthaei Apostoli Biblioth SS Patr. Tom. 6. Iudoc Cocc Tom. 2. Sebastian Munster Cosmograph l. 6. cap 57. Abdias Iul Afr. c. l. de vita Apost in S. Math. Metaphrast in S. Matth. Anton. part 1. Petr. anot l. 8. cap. 100. 15. Rege mortuo Hirtacus eius successor Ephigeniam Regiam filiam vellet sibi dari in matrimonium Matthaeum cuius opera illa virginitatem Deo vouerat in Sancto proposito perseuerabat ad altare mysterium celebrantem iussit occidi vndecimo calendas Octobris Vita S. Matth. Apostoli in Breuiario die 21. Septembr Kinge Aeglippus whome S. Matthew had conuerted to the faith being deade Hirtacus his successor desiringe to Mary his daughter Ephigenia she●… by the helpe of S. Matthew hauinge vowed virginitie to God and perseueringe in her holie purpose hee commaunded S. Matthew to bee killed as hee was celebrating Masse at the altare on the eleuenth of the calends of October Which history and relation must needs bee approued by the Protestant church of England keeping his festiuitie with the former histories the church of Rome the auncient Martyrolodges of Rome S. Bede Vsuardus and others vpon the same day Engl. Protest Comm Booke in fest S. Matth. Apostol calend 21. Septembr 11. cal Octobr. Martyr Rom. Bed Vsuard eod die Ado Treuer 16. To which the auncient Manuscript of an author Anonimus published in print all most an hundred yeares since by Fredericus Nausea Bishop of Vienna writtin as hee saith characteribus plusquam vetustis in exceedinge old characters in a most auncient library giueth this ample testimony hauinge before related the history of S. Matthewes preachinge there Cumque omnes respondissent Amen mysteria Domini celebrata fuissent Missam suscepisset omnis Ecclesia retinuit se Sanctus Matthaeus iuxta altare vbi corpus ab eo fuerat Christi confectum vt illic Martyrium expectauit nam expansis manibus orantem spiculator missus ab Hyrtaco à tergo puncti ictu feriens Apostolum Dei Christi Martyrem fecit And when all had answered Amen and the mysteries of our Lord were celebrated and all the Christian assembly had heard Masse S. Matthew kept himselfe still by the altare where the body of Christ was consecrated by him and expected Martyrdome For as hee was praying with his hands stretched forth the executioner beeing sent from Kinge Hyrtacus cominge behinde him thrust the Apostle of God throughe and made him a Martyr of Christ Anonymm antiq l. in vitas miracula passionis Apostolorum in pas S. Matth. Apost cap. 6. 16. And this may fully satisfie for S. Matthew the Apostle that he was a sacrificinge and massinge preist and did both say Masse and ordeyne other holy massing and sacrificinge preists and deliuered a forme of that holy sacrifice to the Christians of Ethiopia I haue bene more large in him because hee was the first amonge the Apostles which in his ghospell wrote of these sacred mysteries and beeinge an Apostle and confirmed in grace neither did nor could in this or any article of Christian Religion beleeue or practise otherwise then Christ commaunded and instituted and the rest of the Apostles and Euangelists did also beleeue teache and exercise as I haue taught in generall of them all Now in particular of euery of them with so much breuitie as I may the difficultie beeinge already cleared vntill I come to S. Peter in whom beeinge besides his primacy amonge the Apostles and in the whole church of Christ our protoparent Pastor and Father in Christ I must spend some longer time in that respect to deduce our holy sacrificinge and massing preisthood from him 17. The next of the Euangelistes and scripture writers which entreateth of this blessed mistery is S. Marke whose words in his ghospell as our protestants translate them concerninge Christs institution of this sacrifice are these Iesus tooke breade and blessed and brake it and gaue to them and said take eate This is my body and hee tooke the cup and when he had giuen thanks hee gaue it to them and they all dranke of it and hee said vnto them this is my blood of the new testament which is shed for many Marc. cap. 14 ver 22.23 Where wee see as in S. Matthew before so heare S. Marke doth assure vs that the misteries there celebrated were Christs body and blood shedd for many and so accordinge to that which is already proued in this matter must needes bee an holy sacrifice in the iudgement of this Euangelist and that by his owne continual vse and practise of saying Masse and deliueringe a perfect forme and order thereof vnto the churches where hee preached and liued we haue many testimonies 18. First the very Masse it selfe which hee deliuered to the church of Alexandria and others which hee founded is yet vsed in those parts and knowne to all antiquaries Missa S. Marci seu Ecclesiae Alexandrinae in Biblioth patrum and it doth agree in all matters of substance with the Masse of the Latine church And he himselfe had
so reuerent opinion of this most holy sacrifice that hee thought himselfe vnworthie to offer it and therfore as S. Hierome writeth cut off his Thombe but it was miraculously restored and hee vsually offered that holy sacrifice as wee haue testimonies euen of this our owne nation farr beyond exception to omit others S. Bede S. Marianus and Florentius Wigorniensis al which affirme in these same words Marcus discipulus interpres Apostoli Petri mittente Petro porrexit in Aegiptum primus Alexandriae Christum annuntians constituit Ecclesiam postquam constitutis confirmatis Ecclesijs per Lybiam Marmoricam Ammonicam Pentapolim Alexandriam atque Aegiptum vniuersam ad vltimum tentus est à Paganis qui remanserant Alexandriae qui videntes eum die sancto Paschae Missas facientem miserunt funem in collo eius Marke the disciple and Interpreter of Peter beeing sent by Peter went into Egipt and was the first that preached Christ at Alexandria and founded that church and after founding and confirming the churches through Lybia Marmorica Ammonica Pentapolis Alexandria and all Egipt at the last was apprehended by the Pagans which remayned at Alexandria who seeinge him saying Masse on the holy feast of Easter cast a rope about his necke and so put him to death Beda in Martyrolog 7. cal Maij. Marian. Scot. l. 2. aetat 6. pag. 233. in Nerone Florent Wigorn. 19. Thus these three auncient learned English writers with others And this forme of Masse which he vsed deliuered to these churches seemeth by Antonius Sabellicus to haue beene written by him at Aquileia in Italy whether he was first sent by S. Peter before hee went to Alexandria for hee tellinge with the common opinion how hee wrote his ghospell at Rome by the warrant and approbation of S. Peter and his coming to Aquileia saith he wrote there also somethinges hic quoque aliqua scripsisse creditur and most likely his Masse because wee finde no mention of any other his works but his ghospel writtē at Rome and that 20. And to make all sure by our English Protestant antiquaries and other writers who ascribe the greatest credit in these matters to the brittish Authors their Religion and practise before the vniting themselues with the successors of S. Augustine and the Romane church there is yet extant a very old manuscript written by a Brittish Christian before that vnion allmost a thousand yeares since which our protestants intitle prima institutio ecclesiastici seruitij the first institution of the ecclesiasticall seruice M. S. Britan. antiq pr. Stores in exordio prima institutio ecclesiastici seruitij in which manifestly mētion is made that S. Marke the Euangelist did write a forme therof and that very forme of Masse vsed and penned by S. Marke was practised here in Britanie when it was first conuerted in or nere the Apostles time of this I shall speake more at large when I come to S. Peter And this will suffice for S. Marke 21. S. Luke the next of this holy company is moste plaine of them all for holye sacrifice for first hee doth plainelie distinguish the consecrated cup from the other which he calleth by protestants translation the fruite of the vine Luc. cap. 22. ver 18. an exception with vnlearned protestants And then by their owne translation he thus writeth of Christs action herin ver 19. And hee tooke breade and gaue thankes and brake it and gaue vnto them saying this is my body which is giuen for you doe this in remembrance of mee ver 20. likevvise also the cup after supper saying this is the nevv testament in my blood vvhich is shed for you Where as I haue proued before both by protestants and all witnesses our holy sacrifice of Masse is plainely instituted which our protestants proue by one of the most auncient antiquities of our Christian Britans a sermon as Master Foxe saith Act. and monum pag. 1142. sermon translat by Aelfricus so auncient and of so great authoritie in this kingdome that it was vsually reade in the church here in the yeare of Christ 366. aboue two hundred yeares before S. Augustines cominge hither and translated into the Saxon language out of Latine by Kinge Aelfricus in the yeare 996. Which speaketh of Christ in these words Hee blessed breade before his suffering and diuided it to his disciples thus saying eate of this it is my body and doe this in my remembrance Also hee blessed wine in one cup and said drinke yee all of this this is my blood that is shed for manie in forgiuenes of sinnes The Apostles did as Christ commaunded that is they they blessed bread and wine to howsell againe afterward in his remembrance euen so also their successors and all preistes by Christs commaundement doe blesse bread and wine to howsell in his name with the Apostolicke blessinge 22. And againe In the old lawe faithfull men offered to God diuers sacrifices that had foresignification of Christs body which for our sinnes he himselfe to his heauenly Father hath since offered to sacrifice certainly this howsell which wee doe now hallow at Gods altar is a remembrance of Christs body which hee offered for vs and of his blood which hee shed for vs So hee himselfe commaunded doe this in my remembraunce And shewinge how Christ is wholly and truely present in euerie parcell of this blessed sacrifice of Masse it addeth That innocent Lambe which the old Israelites did then kill had signification after ghostlye vnderstandinge of Christs sufferinge who vnguiltie shed his holy blood for our redemption Herof singe Gods seruants at euery Masse Agnus Dei qui tollis peccata mundi miserere nobis That is in our speach Thou Lambe of God that takest away the sinnes of the world haue mercy vpon vs. 25. Where is plainely proued by these protestants antiquitie that Christ did in those wordes of S. Luke both institute the moste holy sacrifice of Masse for that Euangelist and all preists to offer and that the Lambe of God that taketh away the sinnes of the world onely Christ Iesus is present there and was publickly prayed vnto as present in our first Britane primatiue church in this kingdome Therefore no Christiā of Britanie can make it a question but S. Luke an holy Euangelist did in this holy mistery as Christ had instituted by his owne ghospell and the other Euangelists and Apostles did preach and practise Which is farther confirmed out of the history of his life wherin we finde that hee erected altars and consecrated sacrificing and massing preists no others known to Christians in that time This will more appeare when I come to S. Paul whos 's both companion and scribe and secretary in some sort hee was and so could not bee of an other opinion or practise in this point then that great Apostle Metaphrast in vit S. Luc. Gul. Eisengren cent 1. part 5. dist 7. Hieron l. de vir illustris in S. Luca. 24. The holy Apostle and
satisfactory for sinnes as S. Alexander by these protestants teacheth they haue often told vs before that it was soe esteemed from the first institution thereof by Christ That which hee saith how it ought to bee solemnized with vnleuened breade was also as the protestants besides the generall practise of the Latine church assure vs the ordinance of Christ himselfe and the lawe it selfe as a Protestant Archbishop with others thus expoūdeth this confirmatory decree of this holy Pope Ioh. Whitguife answ to the admonit sect 1.2 pag. 98. and def of the answ pag 594. Alexander was a good and godly Bishop it is reported in some writers that hee appointed vnleuened breade to bee vsed in the Eucharist because that Christ himselfe vsed the same accordinge to the lawe written Exod. 12. Deuteron 16. The wordes pridie quàm pateretur the day before Christ suffered vnto the words hoc est corpus meum this is my body were not newly added by Pope Alexander but declared by him to bee the institution of Christ himselfe and so of necessitie to bee vsed For these hee testifieth thereof Alexand. 1. epist. 1. ad omnes Orthodox Tom. 2. concil de conse dist 2. nihil in Sac. Ipsa veritas nos instruxit c. Christ Iesus truth it selfe hath instructed vs to offer the chalice and breade in the Sacrament when hee saith Iesus tooke breade and blessed it and gaue to his disciples sayinge Take and eate for this is my body which shall bee giuen for you likewise after hee had supped hee tooke the chalice and gaue to his disciples sayinge Take and drinke you all of it for this is the chalice of my blood which shall bee shed for you for remission of sinnes For offences and sinnes are blotted out with these sacrifices offered vnto our Lord. And therfore his passion is to bee remembred in these by the which wee are redeemed and often to bee recited and these to bee offered vnto our Lord. With such sacrifices our Lord will bee delighted and pacified and forgiue great sinnes For in sacrifices nothinge can bee greater then the body and blood of Christ. Nor any oblation better then this but this excelleth all Which is to be offered to our Lord with a pure conscience and to bee receaued with a pure minde and to bee reuerenced of all men And as it is better then all others so it ought more to bee worshipped and reuerenced Quae pura conscientia Domino offerenda est Pura mente sumenda atque ab omnibus veneranda Et sicut potior est cateris ita potius excoli venerari debet 8. This was the opinion of this holy Pope and all good Christians vnder his charge in that prime age of Christianitie and hereby wee perfectly knowe that S. Alexander did not add any new thinge to the holy sacrifice of Masse but only proposed the ordinance and institution of Christ himselfe to bee followed and obserued as is euident in that I haue cited from him wherby it appeareth that what he wrote in that matter ipsa veritas nos instruxit that Christ the infallible truth did teache and so instruct and institute as euidently is proued by comparinge those wordes which these protestants say S. Alexander added in the Masse to the institution of Christ as it is deliuered in holy scriptures by the Euangelists and S. Paule The words supposed to bee added bee these Qui pridie quàm pateretur who Christ the day before his passion tooke breade into his holy and venerable hands and lifting vp his eyes towards heauen to thee God his Father omnipotent giuinge thanks vnto thee blessed it brake and gaue to his disciples saying take and eate you all of this For this is my body All vnto the last wordes for this is my body They say were S. Alexanders addition But S. Paul as hee is translated by our protestants hath the same from Christs institution in this maner 1. Corinth cap. 11. vers I haue receaued of the Lord that which also I deliuered vnto you that the Lord Iesus the same night in which he was betraied tooke bread and when hee had giuen thankes hee brake it and saide take eate this is my body which is broken for you doe this in remembrance of mee After the same maner also hee tooke the cup when hee had supped sayinge this cup is the new testament in my blood this doe yee as oft as yee drinke it in remembrance of mee For as often as yee eate this bread and drinke this cup yee doe shew the Lords death till hee come Wherfore vvhosoeuer shall eate this bread and drinke this cup of the Lord vnvvorthily shall be guilty of the bodie and blood of the Lord. The like haue the Euangelists S. Matthew Marke and Luke from the wordes and institution of Christ himselfe Matth. cap. 26. Marc. cap. 14. Luc. cap. 22. 9. And it plainely appeareth by that is said that without these wordes or their equiualent it is vnpossible to obserue the institution and commaundement of Christ in this behalfe And therfore our most learned holy and auncient contriman S. Albinus or Alcuinus Remigius Antisiodorensis and others after them confidently and truely say Albin Flac. Alcuin l. de diuin officijs cap. de celebratione Missa Remigius Antissiodor in exposit Missae Hoc quod sequitur qui pridie quam pateretur vsque in memoriam facietis Apostoli c. This which followeth who the day before hee suffered vnto those wordes you shall doe it in my commemoration the Apostles had in vse after the ascension of our Lord. Therefore that the church might celebrate a continuall memory of her redeemer our Lord deliuered it to his Apostles and the Apostles generally to the whole church in these words without which no tonge no Region no citie that is no part of the church can consecrate this Sacrament Which the Apostle doth make manifest sayinge for I haue receaued of our Lord which I haue also deliuered vnto you that our Lord Iesus the night when he was betrayed tooke breade and the rest Therfore by the power and wordes of Christ this breade and this chalice was consecrated from the beginninge is euer consecrated and shall be consecrated For he speakinge his words by his preists doth by his heauenly blessing make his holy body and blood 10. S. Ambrose relateth this in the same maner in these wordes Ambros l. 4. de Sacramentis cap. 5. vis scire quia verbis caelestibus consecratur c. Wilt thou knowe that consecration is done by heauenly wordes receaue what the wordes bee The preist doth say make vnto vs saith he this oblation ratified reasonable acceptable which is the figure of the body and blood of our Lord Iesus Christ Who the day before hee suffered did take breade in his holy hands and looked to heauen to thee ô holy Father omnipotent euerlastinge God giuing thanks blessed it brake it and beeinge broken gaue to his disciples sayinge take and