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A11408 Part of Du Bartas English and French, and in his owne kinde of verse, so neare the French Englished, as may teach an English-man French, or a French-man English. With the commentary of S.G. S. By William L'Isle of Wilburgham, Esquier for the Kings body.; Seconde sepmaine. Day 2. English Du Bartas, Guillaume de Salluste, seigneur, 1544-1590.; Lisle, William, 1579?-1637.; Goulart, Simon, 1543-1628. 1625 (1625) STC 21663; ESTC S116493 251,817 446

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riuage Les tableaux eschapez d'vn si piteux naufrage Et ranger pour iamais les enragez efforts De l'orgeuse mer dans ses antiques bords L'immortel les oyant n'eut pas sonné si tost La retraite des caux 2. Iour de la 1. Sepmaine que soudain flot sur flot Elles gaignent au pie tous les sleuues s'abaissent Lamer rentre en prison les montagnes renaissent Les bois monstrent desia leurs limoneux rameaux Ia la campagne croist par le discroit des caux Et bref la seule main du Dieu dar-detonnerre Monstre la terre au ciel le ciel á la terre 16 Noes prayer to God O Father King of winds world-shaking taming-seas O God with gratious eye behold vs and appease The billowes of thy wroth these planchers hardly sau'n Of such a piteous wracke O bring at length to hau'n And once for eu'r againe pen-vp i'th'ancient bounds The breezy Seas mad sway that yet the land surrounds These verses are taken out of the second day of his first weeke Th' Eternall heard their voice and bid his Triton sound Retreate vnto the flood then waue by waue to bound The waters hast away all nuers know their bankes And Seas their wonted shore hils grow with swelling flanks Vpon the tufted woods appeare the slimie webbes And earth it seemes to flow as fast as water ebbes So did the Lord againe with mercy-might-full hand Shew vnto Land the Heau'n and vnto Heau'n the Land 16. O father o king of winds Moses saith Gen. 8.15 that God spake vnto Noe after that he had beene shut vp in the A●ke a yeere and some daies and bade him come forth with his familie and the beasts and gaue them all a blessing which continues vnto this day The Patriarke obeying the commandement built an Altar vnto the Lord and tooke of all the cleane foure-footed and of all the cleane birds hauing learned this difference in the holy schoole of his forefathers who were taught it from God and offred thereon whole burnt Sacrifices in repentance and faith apprehending the Messias and Redeemer to come For Sacrifices were vnto the faithfull as visible witnesses of their miserable estate in Adam and Grace offred them in their Sauiour applied with the eyes and hands of a liuely faith Out of doubt these holy ceremonies were accompanied with most carnest prayers also because true faith in a heart enflamed with the loue of God could not be idle He beleeued and beleeuing spake as did the Psalmist Psal 116. This prayer of Noe supposed by the Poet is fitted vnto the consideration of time past and to come and founded vpon the text of Moses Puis croissez vous dit-il faites par tout le monde Commandemens promesses de Dieu à Noé à sa prosperité selon que Moyse le declare au 9. chap. de Genese Defense de manger le sang des bestes Le meurtre desendu Formiller dans peu d'ans vostre engeance feconde Reprenez vostresceptre imposez nouueau frein Aux animaux qui siers se sont de vostre main Iadiscomme sauuez r'entrez en l'exercice De vostre estat premier Chers enfant vostre office Est de leur commander Vsez doncques de tous Prenez tuez mangez Mais las abstenez vous De leur rougeastre esprit laissez race diuine Laviande estouffee aux oiseaux de rapine Ie hay l'homme de sang Ie suis sainct soyez saincts Done ne vous souillez point aux sang de vos germains Fuyez lacruauté detestez le carnage Et ne romp z brutaux en l'homme mon image L'homme cruel mourra d'vne cruelle mort Le meurtrier sentira quoy qu'●l tarde l'effort D'vn paricide bras tousiours mest empestes Grondant poursuiueront les homicides testes Au reste Promesse qu'il n'y aura plus de deluge vniuersel ne craignez qu'vn Deluge second Couure de toutes pars de la terre le front Non ie le vous promets Non non ticle vous iure Et qui me vit iamais containcu de pariure Ie le reiure encor par mon Nom trois-fois-sainct Et pour seau de ma soy L'are au Ciel donné pour gage de ceste promesse dans les nues s'ay peint Ce bel Arc piolé Quand done vnlong orage Menacera ce Tout d'vn ondoyant rauage Que le ciel chargé d'caux à vos monts touchera Que lair en plain midi la terre anuitera Haussez deuers cest Arc vostre alaigre visage Car bien qu'il soit empreint dans vn moite nuage Qu'il soit tout bordé d'eaux qu'il semble humer Pour noyer l'Vniuers tous les flots de la mer Il fera qu'au plus fort de vos viues destresses Vous penser●z en moy moy en mes promesses Noé regard en haut Description de l'arc au ciel void esmerucillé Vn demi-cercle en l'air de cent teints esmaillé Et qui clair se poussant vers la voute atheree A pour son diametrevne ligne tiree Entre deux Orizon vn arc de toutes parts Egalement plié vn arc fait de trois ares Dont l'vn est tout au long peint de couleur dorée De verte le second le tiers d'azuree Mais de telle façon qu'en cest or vert bleu Ony voit le plus pur riolé quelque peu Arc qui lunt en la main de l'Archer du tonnerre Dont la corde subtil est comme à steur de terre Et qui mi-part le ciel se courbant sur nous Mouille dedans deux mers de ses cornes les bouts Temporel ornement des flambantes voutures Où Nature à broyé ses plus viues teintures Que si tu ne comprens que le rouge Quelles choses sont representees par cest arc le bleu● Pren les pour sacrement de la mer du feu Du rauage ondoyant rauage contraire Du iugement ia fait iugement à faire 17 Then blest he man and all and said againe Gods commands and promises to Noe his posteritie Gen. 6. Go breede And ouerswarme the world with fast-encreasing seede R'enhand your Princely Mace rule and hold hard againe The wildest of the beasts that erst had got the raine Commaund all as before take vse and kill for food But this Blood-eating forbidden beware my sonnes you eat no flesh in blood The life thereof beware vnto the rau'ning foule The strangled carcasse leaue you of so heau'nly soule I hate the man of blood be holy as am I. Shun all blood thirstinesse Murder forbidden but more especially Regard a brothers life and do not rase in man The likenesse of your God my soule doth curse and ban And euer shall pursue with stormie ghust of hate And strike with murdering
hand the murdrer soone or late Moreouer God promiseth there shall bee n● more generall stoods of a flood stand you no more in feare The world shall ne'r againe be ouerflow'n I sweare I sweare eu'n by my selfe and when broake I myne oath Yet for a seale and more assurance of the troath Behold I set my bow vpon the cloud of raine That The Rainbow a signe thereof when long season wet the world shall threat'n againe When th' aire all cloudie-thick at noone shal bring you night And heau'n orelaid with raine shall on your hills alight Ye may reioice to see my seale so eue'nly bow'd For though 't imprinted be vpon a misly clowd Though albeset with raine and though it seeme to call The waues of all the sea to drowne the world withall Yet at the sight thereof in all your sore distresse Ye shall remember me and I my promises Then Noe cast-vp eye A description of the Rainebow and wondred to behold A demy-circl ' i th' aire of colours manifold That brightly shining-out and heauing-vp to heau'n Hath for Dyameter a line estrained eau'n Betwixt both Horizons a goodly bow to see And comming all alike nay one bow made of three A yellow a greene a blew and yet blew yellow greene But dapled each with oth'r in neith'r is to be seene A bow that shines aloft in Thunder-shooters hand That halfe-diuides the heau'n and laies on face of land As t were her fine spunne string and bending ore the rocks Against a misly Sun i'th'Ocean dips her nockes The short enduring grace of Heau'ns enflamed blewes Whereon dame Nature layes her most-quicke-lustred hewes What things are signified by this Bow But if thou doe perceiue no more then blew and red Take them for Sacraments as if they figured The Water and the Fire whereof th' one hath of yore And th' other at latter day shall all the world deuore 17. Goe breed The rest of this booke containes a short exposition of the chiefe points handled in the ninth chap. of Gen. Whereof the first shewes the blessing of God that would haue Noe and his children with the rest increase and multiply and replenish the earth For the world now as it were created anew had need be sanctified and quickned from God with a new blessing The second point is that all creatures should be subiect vnto man which we finde true at this day as well by the inuentions we haue to master them all and skill to draw food seruice profit and pleasure many wayes from them as also by this that the fiercest of them doe vs but seldome hurt though easily they might destroy vs if that word of God The feare of you be vpon all the beasts of the earth were not verified and cast as it were a bridle into the iawes and shackle to the pawes of enemies armed with so much aduantage against our kinde The third that Noe and his haue leaue giuen them as freely to make vse of the beasts as of any fruit growing vpon the Earth so that they eat not the flesh with the blood for God would by this restraint shew how abominable murder is in his sight whereof as the fourth point there is mention made expresly in the text And lastly to comfort Noe and his the Lord tells them and sweares thereto that the world should neuer more be destroyed by a generall Flood and further to assure them hereof saith This is the token of the couenant which I make betweene me and you and betweene euery liuing thing that is with you for euer I will set my Bow in the cloud c. Gen 9.12 c. 18. Then Noe cast-vp eye To this elegant description of the Rainebow nothing can be added It appeared certainly before the Flood but then was it not a token of Gods couenant with mankind as now it began to be that the world should be no more destroyed by waters That our Poet so playes the Philosopher vpon the colours of blew and red hee takes it of some ancient Fathers of the Church and it is no wayes impertinent or absurd But the Reader is at liberty to settle his iudgument on that hee shall thinke more conuenient Such Allegories and Poeticall licence haue their grace and good vse when a man propounds them with modestie as doth our Poet not importuning any to receiue them but leauing all men their iudgement free Ayant inuoqué Dieu Noé cultiue la terre comme il faisoit auant le deluge Les enfans de Cain s'estomt adonnez aux arts hauts estats tandis que ceux de Seth s'occupēt à l'agriculture nostre Ayeul ne veut pas Qu'vn paresseux repos engourdisse ses bras Ilse met en besongae sage recommence Exercer le mestier appris dés son enfance Car les fils du Tyran qui dans le sang germain Premiere of a tremper sa detestable main Ayant comme en horreur l'innocent Labourage Et preferant mignards le delicat ombrage Les oisiues citez aux champs rocher bois Embrasserent les arts les sceptres les loix Mais les enfans de Seth scachant que la Nature Se contente de peu prindrent l'Agriculture Pour leur sainct exercice où guiderent soigneux Et les velus troupeaux les troupeaux laineux Comme vsure louable prosit sans enuie Art nourrice des arts vie de la vie Noé est labouteur plante la vigne Aussi le cher honneur des celestes flambeaux N●a si tost ventousé la terre si gros d'eaux Que celuy qui sauua dans vne Nef le Monde Suant raye le dos de sa mere feconde Et quelque temps apres plante soigneusement Du sep porte-Nectar le fragile sarment Lieu commode pour la vigne les façons d'icelle Car parmi les caillous d'vne coline aisée Aux yeux du clair Soleil tiedement exposée La crossette il ●●●●erre ou le tendrescion Maintenant en godean tantost en rayon Houë la vigne en Mars la bisne tierce émonde Taille amende eschalasse la rende si feconde Que dans le tiers Septembre il treuue en cent façons Son riche espoir vaicu de vineuses moissons Noé est surprins de vin Or Noé desireux de tromper la tristesse Qui cruelle assligeoit sa tremblante vieillesse Pour voir tant de Palais de mol limon couuerts Et rester presque seul bourgeois de l'Vniuers Vniour relache vn peu de sa façon de viure La seuere roideur s'esgaye boit s'enyure Et forcené pensant dans si douce poison Noyer son vifennuy il noye sa raison Ia la teste luy pese Description de l'homme yure le pied luy chancelle Vne forte vapeur luy blesse la ceruelle Ses propos hors propos de sa bouche eschapez Sont consus sont mal-sains