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A08055 Mans actiue obedience, or The power of godlines especially in the commandement of the gospell, which requireth faith in euerie Christian: or A treatise of faith, worthily called precious faith, as being in it selfe a most rare iewell of ioy, and peerelesse pearle, that excelleth in worth the highest price. Wherein is plainly declared what faith in Christ is what properly is the obiect of it, what is the speciall operation of faith, by which it may bee discerned; and the worke about which it is principally imployed, the subiect wherein it is placed; what things are needfull to the making it up, what to the being, and what to the wel-being of it; with the differences that are betweene true beleeuers and fained in all of them, and the vses thereof. By Master William Negus, lately minister of Gods word at Lee in Essex.; Mans active obedience. Negus, William, 1559?-1616.; Negus, Jonathan, d. 1633. 1619 (1619) STC 18420; ESTC S113618 278,658 364

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with their bullockes goates and offerings so seeking his acquaintance Hos 5. 6. and to get a countenance at his hands the Lord so iustly requiting them that as they like hypocrites draw neare to them with their lippes onely their hearts in the meane time being remoued farre from him Isa 29. 13. so he will be seene to take no pleasure in them not to be found of them when they doe seeke him or to shew at all any countenance vnto them according to that If any man withdraw himselfe my soule shall haue no pleasure in Heb. 10. 38. him Indeed I cannot denie they haue receiued the Lords holy Sacraments of God his owne institution and that they are not a little proud on they thinke they are well enough for that day and it may be for that yeere till that day twelue-moneth come againe they thinke hauing admittance from the Minister and gotten the Sacrament once into their hands they haue wealth enough and are rich enough to defray all charges and to pay all debts that either God their Creditor or the diuell their accuser can burthen them withall for Christ they make reckoning shall now answere for all they make no doubt they haue receiued him when they receiued the Sacrament and so hauing had him they still hold him fast Indeed if this were so that opening their hands of faith they might see him there held fast and opening the doore of their hearts they could find him truly present and there dwelling in their hearts by that faith then were they rich indeed both to pay all that were owing and to liue of that which remained beside But in stead of this Angell of gold that which they haue proueth to be no better then a very slip or counter which they tooke in stead of good gold or siluer which will goe for no payment that will buy them no bread nor pay any pennie debt they may starue for hunger for any thing that with that they can buy at Gods hands they may be cast into prison and there lie till they rot for any shortening of their debt they owe vnto God with making such paiment for these to pleade before God the receiuing of his Sacraments will be so farre from cleering of the debt-booke as it will runne them further into arerages with him and bring them deeper into his danger nothing is for them to bee hoped for that this way can bee gotten But now on the other side a true Christian that is sound in the faith doth by his faith so truly apprehend Christ that hee hath reall and true vnion and communion 1. Cor. 6. 17. with him to become one with him and is so neerely and inseparably ioyned vnto him so ingrafted by faith and thereby so incorporated into him as he is in Christ and Ioh. 14. 20. Rom. 8. 1. 10. Christ in him The meate that ●● feed vpon is not more truly made one with our substance after once we haue eaten Iohn 6. 56. it and God hath blessed it for our nourishing The plant that is well grafted and set into a stocke becommeth Iohn 15. 5. not more one with the stock after once it hath flourished and growne vp with the tree The husband and the wife Ephes 5. 30. 31. of two are not more truly become one flesh after mariage be consummate The body and the head are not more Ephes 1. 22. 23. neerely vnited and conioyned together in a man that is liuing then is Christ with a true Christian after that by faith hee hath once laid hold on him Yea so is a true Christian really and vndoubtedly possessed of Christ by his stedfast beleeuing as that he hath him dwelling in his Ephes 3. 17. heart by faith and that in so liuely a sort and after so effectuall a manner of working in him as that thencefoorth not so much the Christian doth liue as Christ himselfe Gal. 2 20. doth liue in him and the life which a true beleeuer doth afterward liue in the flesh he doth liue by the faith of the Sonne of God from whom as from his head he draweth and deriueth by his faith such influence of grace as doth strengthen and sustaine him in his spirituall life Their conceits of apprehending Christ and of eating his flesh and his bloud in the Sacrament to bee nourished thereby to life eternall is but as when a hungrie man dreameth and behold he eateth but when hee awaketh his Isai 29 8. soule is still emptie or as when a thirstie man dreameth and behold he drink●th but when he awaketh behold he is faint and his soule hath still appetite and hee is yet a thirst So these men they are but in a dreame when they haue such contentment and seeme to haue such satisfying in their manner of hauing Christ which is but in phantasie and conceit alone for when they shall awake out of their dreame in the morning of the resurrection they shall not finde according to that Dauid reckoned Psal 17. 5. vpon that when he should awake vp he should be satisfied with Gods image and finde fulnesse of ioy in Gods presence Psal 16. 11. and pleasures at his right hand for euermore But rather as vagrant and needie rogues that haue nothing and can get no entertainment and as hungrie dogs runne about Psal 59. 14. 15. the streetes snarling and grinning and grudging because they are not satisfied and as it is said in Isaiah They shall then be hungrie and thirstie ashamed and confounded crying Isai 65. 13. 14. 8. 21. 22. out for sorrow of heart and howling for vexation of spirit leauing their name for a curse to Gods chosen in the day that the Lord shall slay them Contrarily sound-hearted Christians and true beleeuers indeed whose soules with Dauid doe thirst for God euen for the liuing God who hunger and thirst after righteousnesse Psal 42. 1. 2. Matth. 5. 6. and the saluation that is to bee had in Christ Iesus wheresoeuer that dead carkase may be light vpon of Christ crucified of his flesh and bloud broken and powred out and prepared for their spirituall nourishment whether in the word preached or Sacraments administred thither as the Eagles of heauen doe they swiftly flie Matth. 24. 28. and resort that prey doe they light vpon there doe they seaze and lay hold vpon Christ euen vpon him crucified seeking their repast in him there doe they feede vpon him with fresh appetite and take their fill of such dainties as in him they finde to be prepared for them Neither doe they this in a phantasie alone and meere imagination as doe those that dreame but with as ioyfull a feeling and as great a reioycing as those that are made most merrie at a banquet of wine for there finde they a most sumptuous banquet and princely feast prepared for them vpon the Lords mountaine euen a feast of fat things and of wines on the
you said there must be a laying hold of Christ with a perswasion that God will be fauourable to vs in and through him A. Indeed that laying hold of Christ is most necessary To lay held on Christ to be ioyned with our knowledge and in no case may be wanting for therein is the maine difference found to be consisting betweene true iustifying and sauing faith 2. Pet. 1. 1. Tit. 1. 1. which is called precious faith or the faith of Gods elect from such a faith as men may haue and yet perish with it which is very vnsound and but temporary when it is at the best either false or faigned or but the faith of the history to beleeue that which the Gospell setteth downe touching Christ Iesus the Sauiour of mankind which is the common faith and as I may say euery bodies faith yea no better then the diuels faith for they beleeue all this and yet shall neuer bee saued they get no comfort Iam. 2. 19. by it but are made to tremble and to be more tormented for it This laying hold of Christ that we may rest vpon him to make him our owne and to get our part of saluation out of him is the chiefest worke about which true iustifying and sauing faith is to be occupied and most busily to be employed which is no other then a placing of our affiance and reposing our whole trust and confidence in Christ for saluation We first knowing and apprehending him to be giuen vs of God to the end that we Ioh. 3. 16. so beleeuing in him should neuer perish but be saued by him These two we must haue to be ioyned together for the making vp of that faith that must saue vs to know Christ and to beleeue that is to lay hold of and apply to our comfort that which we know of Christ as relying and resting vpon the same Wee beleeue and know saith Ioh. 6. 69. Peter to our Sauiour that thou art Christ the Sonne of the liuing God we are with the Spouse in the Canticles first to seeke the knowledge of Christ to seeke his acquaintance Cant. 1. 27. and more familiarly to know him daily and therefore to entreate him as doth shee that hee will shew himselfe vnto vs According as elsewhere hee doth promise himselfe that he will so doe to all that doe loue Ioh. 14. 21. him And when wee haue once found him wee are with her to lay sure hold of him and not to let him goe till wee Canti● 3. 1. 4. haue brought him to the best roomes and chambers of our hearts there to haue him resident and euermore dwelling in our hearts by faith Christ by his death and Ephes 3. 17. suffering hath prepared medecine to cure our deadly disease he hath giuen his flesh to be broken and his blood to be shead to make a plaister and a bath to heale and to supple the stiffe and starke wounds of our soules which haue been made by our sinnes Medicines will doe no good if they bee not applied plaisters will heale no wounds if they be not taken hold on by the hand and laid vpon the sores So is it with all that Christ hath done for vs if it be not laid hold vpon and applied by vs for our owne benefit There is indeed a different laying hold of Christ according to the differing degrees of faith that are found to be among them that doe beleeue according to the free dispensation of this grace giuen out vnto euery one by him that is the authour and finisher of the faith of all the Heb. 12. 1. elect of God who best knoweth what is the meetest and fittest portion for euery one to receiue To some is giuen a greater to some a lesser measure of it some there bee that are strong others that are but weake in faith as some 1. Cor. 3. 1. are but babes in Christ when others are come nearer to the measure of the fulnesse of Christ and yet all true beleeuers Ephes 4. 13. Faith though it be not perfect so it be true though it bee feeble like a young borne babe and that sore diseased too is sufficient for saluation Faith doth not saue because it is a perfect vertue but because it apprehends a perfect obiect hauing faith in the truth of it alike though not in the measure and degree of the strength of it alike and therefore all shall vndoubtedly and most assuredly in the end be saued alike for the least measure of sauing faith doth giue title to men to all the mercifull promises of God the weakest shall as certainly and as soone bee saued as the strongest because it is not by the measure but by the manner and kind of faith it being precious faith and faith not fained whereby men are saued Yea more because men are not saued by faith at all otherwise then after a figuratiue manner of speaking but by the obiect of faith and that which faith layeth hold vpon which is Christ Iesus alone in whom our life and saluation 1. Ioh. 5. 11. Colos 3. 4. is wholly abiding Now Christ who is our life may be laid hold vpō according to the differing strength that is in the hands of them that doe apprehend him Those that are younglings and babes in Christ cannot lay so strong hold of Christ as those that are ancient and men growne in Christ but though they hold him not so strongly yet may they hold him as truly as doe the other A child that eateth the meate which is put into the hand that holdeth that meate holdeth it as truly and is nourished by it as soundly and as certainly as a strong man or a Gyant that doth the like though there is great difference for the strong manner of holding of that which both doe eate and are in like manner nourished by Q. But what is to be done of them who as touching their owne feeling seeme to haue no manner of strength to lay any hold of Christ yet indeed doe onely they know that hee is the alone Sauiour of mankind and doe desire that they with others might haue part in that saluation which he hath purchased A. If they cannot with Simeon take Christ in their armes and as Mary did in her wombe yet they conceiue How feeling of faith may be attained him in their hearts vntill Christ be formed in them as the Apostle speaketh there to hold him as dwelling in their Luk. 2. 28. Luk. 1. 31. Galath 4. 19. Ephes 3. 17. Mat. 11. 12. hearts by faith Secondly if they cannot as violent persons presse strongly vpon him and as those that will haue no nay but be saued in spight of the diuels teeth offer violence vnto Christ by plucking him vnto them and pulling life and saluation with a strong hand out of him If they cannot as strong men set fast hand vpon him and take a full gripe of him as did Paul by
of the deepest sorrowes the highest springs of the liueliest and most lasting comforts doe oftentimes fall out to bee found and fetched forth These springs are not opened till there be Sorrow brings ioy digging so deepe into the hollow ground of the heart which aboue all things is most deceitfull as there may be comming at the length to the rockie hardnesse that is there to be met with and that rocke it selfe bee so farre digged thorough till there may be felt such a tendernesse and softnesse of the heart and such a brokennesse of spirit as the heart at length may become wholly contrite Psal 22. 14. and so molten in the bowels with godly sorrowing that it be as water powred out and being thus broken contrite and sorrowfull it so be made fit to be presented as a most acceptable and well pleasing sacrifice vnto God Now when the heart of a poore penitent is thus deepely pierced wounded and beaten downe euen to the very bottome and lowest depth of a thorough-sorrowing and holy desparing that he lie complaining and crying out of the bottome of those deepes for helpe vnto God setting out his throat and crying with Dauid Out of the deepe haue I Psal 130. 1. 2. called vnto thee O Lord Lord heare my voice And with Ionah being in the Whales bellie cry out from thence as out of the bellie of hell then will not the Lord despise nor Psal 22. 24. abhorre the low estate of such as are so deceiued he will not hide his face from them but when they crie he will surely heare them for though hee inhabite eternitie and dwelleth on high yet will he listen and looke to him that is Isa 57. 15. of a contrite spirit to receiue the spirit of the humble and to giue life and chearing to them that are contrite in heart Prayers sighes and teares going vp from such a distresse mercies and compassions from God must needs come downe to helpe all againe and the succours of the Lord are vsually in such cases so ready to be found as hee letteth those poore perplexed seruants of his to see them before their eyes and to touch and feele them as with their hands and that in such a manner as they are not alone comforted for the present but confirmed for euermore afterward to trust assuredly in him fall out whatsoeuer at any time may happen such sighing and weeping such calling and crying out vnto God for helpe in time of great need cannot but euer at the length obtaine a prosperous issue as may be seene in Dauid who by his long crying was at the length drawne out of that horrible pit Psal 40. 2. out of the myre and clay wherein before he did sticke so fast and as he else where saith had his heauinesse turned into Psal 30. 11. 12. ioy his mourning into dancing his sackcloth put off and hee himselfe girded with gladnesse for which cause his tongue gaue praise vnto God without ceasing and he vowed to giue thankes vnto him for euermore And by how much the more they haue hungred and thirsted for the consolations of God by so much the more doth the Lord fil them Psal 90. 14. 15. and satisfie them with his mercies and that right soone so as they are made to reioyce the more and to be glad all the daies of their life yea it is the Lords manner to comfort his according to the dayes that he hath afflicted them and according to the yeeres that they haue seene euill then is their mouth filled with laughter and their tongue with ioy as in Psal 126. 1. the turning againe of the captiuitie of Sion So that the ioyfullest body that euer was or is is a true penitent sinner who hauing first felt the load and burthen of his sinnes and been wounded in conscience for committing of them comming at the last to haue those stiffe and starke wounds of his suppled by the powring in of that oyle of gladnesse into his heart whereby hee is cheered and comforted againe in Christ Iesus assurance being giuen vnto him to haue full redemption in his blood euen the forgiuenesse of all his sinnes Oh then there is ioy vnspeakable and glorious in that heart which so sweetly refresh the soule of that mourning sinner as he is in a manner wholly swallowed vp therewith blessing now the time that euer he so mourned for his sinne before whose so mourning before hath brought him this great measure of comfort now and hath put such gladnesse into his heart as causeth him for very ioy both to laugh and sing Isa 65. 14. These are the sweetest ioyes that are thus fetched out of the most bitter sorrowes and these are the surest ioyes that will last longest whose ground hath been laid so deepe as to be raised thus out of the lowest bottomes of a most afflicted estate in a mind that hath been sore wounded and much pierced thorough with painfull sorrowes and most wofull griefes And thus at the length commeth that promise to be fulfilled which the Lord so long ago made to his people that had endured great affliction that Isa 61. 7. for all the sorrow and shame they had endured they should haue double comforts and for their confusion he would make them reioyce in their portion Yea so are Gods seruants comforted in their troubles as euer after they are made better able to comfort others which are in trouble by the 2. Cor. 1. 4. comfort wherewith they themselues are comforted of God CHAP. XXI The difference of their ioy in the third dimension or breadth of it and how it is straitened or extended in them THe third dimension wherein the ioy of these two sorts of beleeuers may bee perceiued much to differ is in respect of the large spread that the one hath reaching it selfe out euery way farre and wide and extending it selfe to such a latitude and breadth as no man can say Thus farre goe the bounds of it and no further and on the other side the narrow breadth stra●t lysts and short precincts within the compasse whereof the other is shut in hardly pent vp and so narrowly confined as beyond the same it can neuer be found to extend it selfe or reach out any further Hypocrites and mis-beleeuers who are no better then Hypocrites ioy is small or none meere reprobates and plaine wicked persons haue the lists of their ioy and bounds of their reioycing made so narrow and so neerely set together as if one should demand what allowance of bredth is there made vnto such to spread out their ioy vpon and to let their reioycing lawfully be extended by it may bee answered if there be respect had to the lawfulnesse of their ioy they haue not so much as the breadth of a foote of one inch or of one naile to plant and settle true ioy vpon If one would aske in what things may such men lawfully haue ioy and true reioycing