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A88110 Officium eucharisticum A preparatory service, to a devout and worthy reception of the Lords supper. Designed for a person of quality; and now made publick for common use. Lake, Edward, 1641-1704. 1673 (1673) Wing L188A; ESTC R227279 38,025 95

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Officium Eucharisticum A PREPARATORY SERVICE To a DEVOUT and WORTHY RECEPTION OF THE LORDS SUPPER Designed for a person of Quality and now made Publick for Common Use St. Luke xxiv 36. He was known to them in Breaking of Bread London Printed by T. Milbou●… 〈◊〉 Christopher Wilkinson at the B●… 〈◊〉 over against St. Dunstans ' Chur●… 〈◊〉 street 1673. Good Reader THis little Manual of Directions and Prayers for the Holy Communion First designed for a Private use now shews it self in Publique on presumption it may help thee in thy Closet-retirements towards a Pious preparation thereto and a worthy Reception thereof I omit to Preface it because I cannot call it Mine 'T is a Collection and recommends it self unto thee cloathed in the Language not of any Private Conception of such the world is already full But of Primitive Liturgies of that of our Holy Church and some of the most Devout Fathers of it Bishop Andr●… Bishop Cosins and that Great and 〈◊〉 Man Arch-Bishop LAUD who 〈◊〉 a Patron and dyed a Martyr of 〈◊〉 The Authour who e're he 〈◊〉 curious or Sollicitous to think How it may go down with a sort of People whose unweildy zeal hath transported them under a pretence of Spuing out Popery to disrellish and traduce any thing that is Primitive But the Sober and Devout Christian who lives in the Communion of This Church He is secure of And that it may further thee in the Attainment of our Common Salvation is his sincere and hearty desire in return to which he beggs thee nothing but to Recommend him now and then in these thy Private Addresses to the Throne of Grace A Preparatory Office For the H. COMMUNION THe nearest and most solemn Intimacy and Communion we have with God in this World is exhibited to us in the Blessed Eucharist that is to say the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper wherein according to our Church-Catechism the Body and Bloud of Christ are verily and indeed taken and received by the Faithful and hence it is called by St. Paul 1 Cor. 10.16 The Communion of his Body and the Com●…nion of his Bloud so that by a du●… 〈◊〉 worthy Participation hereof we are re●… 〈◊〉 ●…corporated into Christ we dwell in Ch●… 〈◊〉 Christ in us we are made One wi●… 〈◊〉 and Christ with us In regard of 〈◊〉 liable Priviledge as well as the great danger which attends the contrary now especially we are to heed our selves in our Addresses to it being careful to perform all Devotional Acts of Worship and Piety which may conduce to a good acceptable Celebration of so Divine a Mystery St. Paul hath comprehended them all under this One Word and Duty of Examination 1 Cor. 11.28 which includes more than we can readily conceive I shall not inlarge upon those Graces of Faith Repentance and Charity about which it should be chiefly conversant but do immediately proceed to those Preparatory Acts of Devotion which should be exercised in order to a due Reception of this Blessed Sacrament I begin then as you should in this and all other Duties of Religion In the Name of God and Exhort that having received Notice from God's Priest of a Communion to be Celebrated the next Sunday you forthwith set your self to ●…is great Work of fitting your self for a right ●…cipation thereof Whatever you do let 〈◊〉 ●…er and anon be uppermost in your 〈◊〉 ●…ts that whole Week reflecting on your 〈◊〉 Estate and specially on that Time 〈◊〉 hath lent you from your last Re●… 〈◊〉 ●hat Graces you have Improved 〈◊〉 omitted What Sins committed And out of a hearty Resentment of them breath forth these or the like pious Ejaculations I have sinned What shall I do unto Thee O Thou Preserver of Man Lord I am not worthy to come under thy Roof But speak the Word onely and thy Servant shall be Healed Adding these two Collects to your Private Devotions both at Morning and Evening that whole Week ALmighty God who of thy tender Mercy didst give thine only Son Jesus Christ to suffer Death upon the Cross for our Redemption and didst institute and in thy Holy Gospel command us to continue a perpetual Memory of that his precious Death until his Coming again Hear me most merciful Saviour I most humbly beseech Thee and make my Groanings my Desires after this Holy Sacrament answerable to my needs of it But oh Lord How shall such a Wretch as I da●… to approach thy Holy Table I am a 〈◊〉 How shall I presume to take the C●… 〈◊〉 Bread I have often trampled those 〈◊〉 things under foot either carelesly ne●… or unworthily receiving those H●…●…ries O Lord my horrible Guil●… 〈◊〉 me tremble to come and yet makes me not dare to stay away for Where shall this polluted Soul be washed but in this Fountain opened for sin and for uncleanness Hither then I come and Thou hast promised that him that cometh to Thee Thou wilt in no wise cast out Grant me therefore Gracious Lord so to eat the Flesh of thy Dear Son Jesus Christ and to drink his Bloud that my sinful Body may be made clean by his Body and my Soul washed through his most Precious Bloud Amen I Will not presume to come to thy Table O Merciful Lord trusting in my own Righteousness but in thy manifold and great Mercies declared unto Mankind in our Lord Jesus Christ for whose sake give me I pray Thee such a Preparation of Soul as may qualifie me for a worthy Approach thereunto To this end make me heartily sensible of my Sins and Unworthiness raise up my dull and earthy Mind from groveling here below and inspire 〈◊〉 with a Holy Zeal to seek those things that 〈◊〉 ●bove Let that infinite Love of Christ in 〈◊〉 for so wretched a Sinner inflame my 〈◊〉 ●nd kindle in me that Sacred fire of Love 〈◊〉 ●…ain and to all those whom He hath 〈◊〉 Command and Example to Love 〈◊〉 well as Friends and that for his sake Cloath me O Lord in the Wedding Garment and make me though of my self a most unworthy yet by thy Mercy an acceptable Guest at Thy Table that I may not eat or drink my own Damnation but Salvation through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen Having thus recommended your self unto God in your private Retirements I do earnestly exhort you to frequent the publique Prayers of the Church nothing but a charitable or some very urgent occasion can now or indeed should at any time excuse you and to attend them with all possible Devotion Heed your self this Week especially your Thoughts Words and Actions that they be not wicked nor vain or if at any time they should that you forthwith recall and check your self thus Lord have Mercy upon me Christ have Mercy upon me Lord have Mercy upon me I Said I will take heed to my ways that I offend not in my Tongue O God who knowest us to be set in the midst of so ma●… and great Dangers that by reason
takest away the sins of the World Have mercy upon me Grant me Gracious Lord so to eat the Flesh of thy Son and to drink his Blood that my sinful Body may be made clean by his Body and my Soul washed through his most precious Blood Amen O Lord I am not worthy not fit that thou should'st come under the filthy Roofe of the house of my Soul because it is wholly desolate and ruinous neither hast thou with me a fit place where to lay thy head But as thou did'st vouchsafe to be laid in a Stable and Manger of unreasonable Beasts as thou did'st not disdain to be entertain'd even in the house of SIMON the Leper As thou did'st not reject the Harlot a sinner like unto me coming unto thee and touching thee As thou did'st not abhor her foul and prophane mouth Nor yet the Thief on the Cross confessing thee Even so vouchsafe to admit me also an overwor'n miserable and out of measure sinful Creature to the Receiving and Communicating of the most pure quick'ning and saving mysteries of thy most holy Body and precious Blood Amen O Lord God how I received the Body and Blood of my most blessed Saviour Jesus Christ the price of my Redemption is the very wonder of my Soul yet my most firm and constant belief upon the words of my Saviour At this time they are graciously rend'red to me and my Faith Lord make me a worthy Receiver and a Partaker of all the benefits of this B. Sacrament Amen Thou hast said that he that eateth thy Flesh and drinketh thy Blood hath Eternal Life Behold the Servant of the Lord be it unto me according to thy Word Whilst you eat it say By thy Crucified Body deliver me from this Body of Death After Receiving By thine Agony and Bloody sweat by thy Cross and Passion Good Lord deliver me I have sworn and am stedfastly purposed to keep thy Righteous Judgments O hold thou up my goings in thy Paths that my footsteps slip not At the Receiving of the Cup say What reward shall I give unto the Lord for all the benefits that he hath done unto me I will take the Cup of Salvation and call upon the name of the Lord. After you have Received it say O my God thou art true and holy O my Soul thou art blessed and happy Oh the depth of the Wisdom and Knowledg of God! how incomprehensible are his judgments and his ways past finding out Praise the Lord O my Soul and all that is within me praise his Holy Name who saveth thy Life from Destruction and feedeth thee with the Bread of Heaven Glory be to God on high and on Earth Peace good Will towards Men. I worshi● thee O Lord and I magnifie thy Name 〈◊〉 ever who hast vouchsafed to fill my Soul wi●… gladness and to seed me with the Heavenly Mysteries of Christ's sacred Body and Bloud humbly beseeching thee that from henceforth I may walk in good Works and serve thee in Holiness and Pureness of Living to the Honour of thy Name Amen MOst Blessed Redeemer I do truly believe that thy Body was crucified and thy Bloud was shed out of thy Body as verily as I have received this Bread and this Wine set apart from the Bread and that for the Remission of my sins as well as any others And I do also believe that with this Bread and Wine I have really and spiritually received thy precious Body and Bloud whereby my sins are fully washed away and my Soul purified and refresh'd This O Lord I believe help thou my Vnbelief Amen Whilst others are Communicating Meditate and Say HAppy are those Servants whom when their Lord cometh he shall find thus doing Know yee not that ye are the Temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you If any one defile the Temple of God him will God destroy Behold thou art made whole sin no more lest a worse thing happen unto thee The hour cometh and now it is that the true Worshippers shall worship the Father in Spirit and in Truth Be we followers of God as dear Children and walk in love as Christ loved us and gave himself an Offering and a Sacrifice of a sweet savour unto God for us At the end of the Communion say To the King Eternal the Immortal Invisible and only Wife God the ever blessed Trinity be all honour and glory now and for evermore Amen Arising and making your Reverence towards the Altar you depart with a glad heart and a cheerful countenance preserve good thoughts in your mind yet be not sullen or morose but salute any of your Christian Brethren you meet with As soon as you come home retire into your Closet and bless God with these Collects of Thanksgiving ALmighty God the Fountain of all goodness from whom every good and perfect gift proceedeth and to whom all glory and honour should be returned I do desire most heartily to thank thee for that thou hast vouchsafed to feed me who have received these holy mysteries with the spiritual food of the most precious Body and Blood of thy Son our Saviour Jesus Christ and do'st assure me thereby of thy favour and goodness towards me and that I am a very member incorporate in the mystical Body of thy Son which is the blessed Company of all Faithful people and am also an Heir through hope of thine everlasting Kingdom by the merits of the most precious Death and Passion of thy dear Son Oh the height and depth of that unspeakable mercy of thine who art pleased to admit me a sinful wretch to have any part in those inestimable benefits which I have so often despis'd and trampled under foot I am not worthy O Lord of that daily Bread whi●h sustains the body but thou hast made me partaket of that living Bread which came down from Heaven which nourisheth the Soul and of which whosoever eateth shall live for ever O grant that my Soul may rellish this divine food with spiritual ravishments and love great as the flame of Cherubims and grant that what thou hast given me for the Remission of my sins may not by any fault become the increase of them that this holy Communion prove not unto me unto Judgment and Condemnation but may support and preserve me in every temptation rejoyce and quiet me in every trouble in lighten and strengthen me in every good word and work comfort and defend me in the hour of my death against all oppositions of the Spirits of darkness and further me in the attainment of everlasting Salvation through Jesus Christ Amen MOst holy God who art of purer eyes then to behold iniquity grant I pray thee that no unclean thing may be in me who have now Received Thee into my heart and soul but let this Blood of Christ who through the Eternal Spirit offered himself without spot to thee purge my Conscience from dead works to serve thee the living God give me grace that from
I know and those sins which I know not the sins which I have laboured 〈◊〉 long to hide from others that now I have 〈◊〉 hid them from my own memory Forgive 〈◊〉 them O Lord Forgive them all of th●… 〈◊〉 mercy let me be Absolved from all my 〈◊〉 and of thy bountiful goodness let 〈◊〉 ●…vered from the bands of those sins which by my frailty I have committed Grant this O Heavenly Father for Jesus Christ his sake our Blessed Lord and Saviour Amen Adding this short Litany and the following Prayers O God the Father of Heaven have mercy upon me a most miserable sinner O God the Son Redeemer of the World have mercy upon me a most miserable sinner O God the Holy Ghost proceeding from the Father and the Son have mercy upon me a most miserable sinner O Holy Blessed and Glorious Trinity Three Persons and one God Have mercy upon me a most miserable sinner Remember not Lord mine offences nor the offences of my fore-Fathers neither take thou Vengeance of my sins Spare me good Lord ●…re thy Servant whom Thou hast Redeemed 〈◊〉 thy most precious Blood and be not an●… with me for ever Spare me Good Lord. 〈◊〉 all evil and mischief from sin from the 〈◊〉 assaults of the Devil from thy wrath 〈◊〉 ●verlasting Damnation Good Lord Deliver me From all blindness of Heart from Pride Vain-Glory and Hypocrisie from Envy Hatred and Malice and from all Uncharitableness Good Lord Deliver me From Fornication and all other deadly sin and from all the deceits of the World the Flesh and the Devil Good Lord Deliver me From c. Here insert those sins of which you have found your self guilty and wrote in the paper Good Lord Deliver me From hardness of Heart from Contempt of thy Word and Commandment from any evil thought which may assault and hurt my Soul Good Lord Deliver me From all Adversities which may happen to the Body from noysome and infectious Diseases and from sudden death Good Lord Deliver me By thine Agony and Bloody Sweat by thy Cross and Passion by thy precious Death a●… Burial and by thy Victorious Descention in●… Hell Good Lord deliver me By thy Glorious Resurrection and 〈◊〉 on and by the wonderful coming of 〈◊〉 Ghost Good Lord Deliver 〈◊〉 In all time of my Tribulation in all time of my Wealth in the hour of Death and in the ●ay of Judgment Good Lord Deliver me I who am a most miserable sinner do beseech thee t● hear me O Lord God to keep and strengthen me in the true worshiping of Thee and to give me Grace to serve thee in Righteousness and Holiness all the days of my Life I beseech Thee to hear me Good Lord. That it may please Thee to be my Defender and Keeper giving me the Victory over the World the Flesh and the Devil I beseech thee to hear me Good Lord. That it may please Thee to endue me with true knowledg of thy Word with Grace Wisdom and Understanding I beseech Thee to hear me Good Lord. That it may please Thee to give me increase of Grace to hear meekly thy Word and to bring forth the fruits of the Spirit I beseech thee to hear me Good Lord. That it may please Thee to give me an heart ●…ve and Dread Thee and diligently to live 〈◊〉 Commandments I beseech thee to hear me Good Lord. 〈◊〉 may please Thee to strengthen me ●…nd to comfort and help me when I am weak-hearted to raise me up when I fall and finally to beat down Satan under my feet I beseech Thee to hear me Good Lord. That it may please Thee to succour help and comfort me when I am in danger necessity and Tribulation I beseech thee to hear me Good Lord. That it may please Thee to give me as at all times so now especially due preparation of mind that I may worthily participate this holy Sacrament I beseech Thee to hear me Good Lord. To this end may it please Thee to forgive mine Enemies Persecutors and Slanderers and to turn their hearts I beseech Thee to hear me Good Lord. That it may please Thee to give me true Repentance to forgive me all my sins negligences and ignorances to endue me with a lively and a stedfast Faith and a sincere Resolution to amend my Life according to thy holy Word I beseech Thee to hear me Good Lord. Son of God I beseech Thee to hear me O Lamb of God that takest away the sins of 〈◊〉 World Grant me thy Peace O Lamb of God that takest away the 〈◊〉 the World Have mercy upon me O Christ Hear me Lord have mercy upon me Christ have mercy upon me Lord have mercy upon me Our Father c. Deliver us from Evil Amen O Lord deal not with me according my to sins Neither reward me after my Iniquities Have mercy upon me O Lord after thy great Goodness according to the multitude of thy mercys do away my offences c. Psal lj Repeat the whole Psalm kneeling ending with Glory be to c. O Lord I beseech Thee mercifully to hear me and spare me and all those who do confess their sins unto Thee that they whose Consciences by sin are accused by thy merciful Pardon may be Absolved through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen O most mighty God and merciful Father who hast compassion upon all men and hatest nothing that thou hast made who wouldest not 〈◊〉 Death of a sinner but rather that he should 〈◊〉 from his sin and be saved Mercifully 〈◊〉 me my Trespasses receive and comfort 〈◊〉 am grieved and wearied with the bur●…●…y sins Thy property is always to have 〈◊〉 Thee only it appertaineth to forgive sins Spare me therefore Good Lord spare me spare thy Servant whom thou hast Redeemed enter not into Judgment with thy Servant who am vile earth and a miserable sinner But so turn thine anger from me who meekly acknowledg my vileness and truly repent me of my faults and so make hast to help me in this world that I may live with Thee in the world to come through Jesus Christ our Lord Amen TUrn thou me O good Lord and so shall I be turned be favourable O Lord be favourable to thy Servant who turns to Thee in Weeping Fasting and Praying For thouart a merciful God full of Compassion long-suffering and of great pitty Thou sparest when we deserve punishment and in thy Wrath thinkest upon mercy Spare thy Servant good Lord spare me and let me not be brought to Confusion Hear me O Lord for thy mercy is great and after the multitude of thy mercies look upon me through the Merits and Mediation of thy blessed Son Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen THe Lord bless me and keep me th● 〈◊〉 lift up the light of his Countenan●… 〈◊〉 me and give me peace now and for ev●… 〈◊〉 Amen The time following to Eleaven of the Clock you may bestow in dressing and fitting your self for the publick Prayers of the Church which then
a mind ready to dye for him when he shall call for me and then O Lord Assist me Amen O Lord Jesu I Give thee my Body my Soul my substance my Fame my Friends my Liberty and my Life Dispose of me and of all that is mine as it seemeth best to thee and to the Glory of thy Holy Name Amen I Am not now Mine But Thine therefore Claim me as thy right Keep me as thy charge and love me as thy child Fight for me when I am assaulted heal me when I am wounded and Revive me when I am destroyed Amen O God from whom all Good things do come Grant to me thy humble servant 〈◊〉 thy holy Inspiration I may think those 〈◊〉 that are Good and by thy mercifull 〈◊〉 may perform the same through Jesus 〈◊〉 Lord Amen GIve me modesty in my Countenance Gravity in my behaviour Deliberateness in my Speech and righteousness in all my Actions Let thy mercy cleanse me from my Sins and let thy Grace bring forth in me the fruits of everlasting life Amen O God who knowest us to be set in the midst of so many and Great Dangers that by reason of the weakness of our nature we cannot always stand upright Look I beseech thee on my frailties and Infirmitys and Grant me such Health of Body that both in my Soul and Body I may evermore serve thee with all my strength and might through Jesus Christ our Lord Amen GRant O Lord that I may live in thy Fear Dye in thy favour rest in thy peace rise in thy power reign in thy Glory for thy only Beloved Son's sake Jesus Christ our Lord Amen ASsist me mercifully O Lord in these and all my Supplications and Prayers and Dispose the way of thy servant toward the attainment of everlasting salvation 〈◊〉 ●mong all the changes and chances of 〈◊〉 ●…tal life I may ever be Defended by th● 〈◊〉 Gracious and ready help through Jesus Christ our Lord Amen GOd the Father bless me God the Son Defend me God the Holy Ghost preserve me God the Holy Trinity be with me now and for ever more Amen After this apply your self to read some Choice portion of Scripture particularly the History of our Saviours passions as in the Gospels for the Holy week Read with as much affection and heartiness as is possible all along reflecting on his Innocency and your self as being one of those Guilty Wretches for whom he Suffered all this And think thus with Your self I Have occasioned more torment to Him then his very Crucifiers they crucified him Once but I have as much as in me lay cruci●…ed him Dayly they crucified him because ●…y knew him not but I have known him and ●et have still continued thus to crucifie him afre●… 〈◊〉 Meditations as they should work in 〈◊〉 Sorrow for our sins past and a great 〈◊〉 and a firm resolution against them for the time to come so likewise should they quicken and stir up our Faith in our Love of and our Thankfulness unto Christ for his so Great Mercy in Redceming us by so dear a Price Nor must your Prayers end here they are not Compleat without Intercessions nor acceptable without Charity which is a main requisite to a Worthy Communicant At six of Clock therefore betake your self again to Prayer for All Men for Christ's Holy Catholick Church and for all who either by Relation Acquaintance or more particular Desire may claim a share in your Prayers Our Father c. Deliver us from Evil Amen ALmighty God who of thy tender love towards Mankind hast sent thy Son our Saviour Jesus Christ to take upon him our flesh and to suffer Death upon the Cross that all Mankind should follow the examp●… of his Great Humility Mercifully Gra●… that I may both follow the example of 〈◊〉 Patience and also be made partaker of 〈◊〉 Resurrection through the same Jesus Chr●… our Lord Amen ALmighty God I beseech Thee 〈◊〉 to Behold thy Family for which ou● 〈◊〉 Jesus Christ was contented to be Betrayed and given up into the hands of wicked men and to suffer Death upon the Cross who now Liveth and Reigneth with Thee and the Holy Ghost ever One God world without end Amen ALmighty and everlasting God by whose Spirit the whole Body of the Church is governed and Sanctified Receive my Supplications and Prayers which I offer before Thee for all Estates of men in thy Holy Church that every member of the same in his Vocation and Ministry may truly and Godly serve Thee through our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ Amen O Merciful God who hast made all men and hatest nothing that thou hast made nor wouldest the Death of a sinner but rather that he should be Converted and live Have mercy upon all Jews Turks Infidells and take from them all Ignorance hardness of ●eart and contempt of thy Word and so ●…ch them home Blessed Lord that they ●ay be saved among the Remnant of the ●rue Israelites and be made One Flock under 〈◊〉 ●…aperd Jesus Christ our Lord who liv●… 〈◊〉 ●eigneth with Thee and the Holy 〈◊〉 God world without end Amen ALmighty God who hast purchased to thy self an Vniversal Church by the precious Bloud of thy Dear Son mercifully look on that part of it in these Kingdoms so miserably shattered and distressed I confess O Lord our sins have justly deserved that thou shouldst remove thy Candlestick from us and by some extraordinary judgment make us a scorn and a By-word to the World But I beseech Thee Reverse those Plagues which we have deserved and continue those mercys which we have hitherto injoyed especially the comfort of thy Gospel and liberty of thy Truth Oh! Let not our Adversarys neither Papists nor Schismaticks ever roar in the midst of our Congregations and set up their Banners as signs of Victory and Conquest over us But sheild and Protect us with thy mercy that in thy Holy Church we may still Glorify thy Name through Christ our Lord Amen O God the unspeakable Authour of the World Creator of Men Governour o● Empires and Establisher of all Kingdom● who out of the loyns of our Father ABR●HAM didst chuse a King that became the Saviour of all Kings and Nations of the Ear● 〈◊〉 Bless I beseech Thee thy Servant ●nd 〈◊〉 Dread Sovereign Lord King CHAR●…S with the richest blessings of thy Grace and Establish him in the Throne of his Kingdome by thy mighty Aid and Protection visit him as thou didst visit Moses in the Bush Ioshua in the Battel Gideon in the Feild Samuel in the Temple Let the dew of thy abundant mercies fall upon his Head and give unto him the Blessing of David and Solomon Be unto him an Helmet of Salvation against the face of his Enemies and a strong tower of Defence in the time of Adversity let his Reign be prosperous and his Days many let Peace and Love and Holiness let justice and Truth and all Christian Vertues flourish in his time
presence much less to eat the Flesh of the Sacrificed Lamb For my sins O Blessed Jesu went along in Confederation with the High Priests in Treachery with Judas in Injustice with Pilate in Malice and Cruelty with the People Oh! what punishment then shall I be thought worthy of who have thus trampled under foot the Son of God and counted the Bloud of the Covenant an Unholy Thing Where shall I vile Wretch appear who have put my LORD to Death Who have crucified to my self the SON of GOD afresh and put thee to an open shame Where should I appear but before my Saviour who hath loved and dyed for me though I have hated and Murthered him Thy Bloud O Jesu is my only Refuge Oh! Let the Cry of it speak on my Behalf and may it speak better things than the Bloud of Abel Be merciful unto me O God be merciful unto me for my Soul trusteth in Thee and in the clefts of thy Wounds shall be my Refuge until thy Father's Indignation be overpast Oh Blessed Advocate and Mediatour Intercede for me with thy Father and ours thy God and ours and grant that by the Grace which thou hast found by the prerogative which thou hast deserved by the mercy which thou hast purchased for me as thou hast been partaker of my sufferings and Infirmities so I by thy Death and Resurrection and by thy infinite gracious Intercession may be made partaker of thy Holyness and thy glory even for thy own Merits sake Amen 3. O Lord who hast promised that if I open my mouth wide Thou wilt fill it I pray thee to open it and not my mouth only but my heart also Oh! Create in thy servant a great hunger and thirst after the things of thy Kingdom and the righteousness of it after all thy holy graces and all the holy ministerys of Grace that I may long for the Bread of Heaven thirst after the fountain of Salvation and as the Hart panteth after the water-Brooks so my soul may desire Thee O Lord Oh! Kindle such an holy flame in my Soul that it may consume all my sins and cursed affections that I may never again desile the place which thou hast chosen for thy Temple Thou diedst O Dear Jesu to redeem me from all iniquity Oh! let me not again sell my self to work wickedness I am a sinner a Greivous one not worthy to look up to heaven But be thou pleased to look down into the Dust and lift up a Sinner from the Dunghil Let me not perish in my folly or be consumed in thy heavy displeasure Give me time and Space to repent and give me powers of Grace that as by thy Holy Inspiration I doe Sincerely fixedly resolve on an intire Reformation So by thy mercifull Guidance I may faithfully perform the same Amen 4. O Thou Great Physitian of Souls Heal me of those many and foul Diseases which my Soul groans under Grant that I may now so Touch thee that every one of those loath-some issues may immediately stanch that these sicknesses may not be unto Death but to the Glory of thy mercy in pardoning to the glory of thy Grace in purifying so polluted a wretch Oh Christ hear me Inspire me with an holy Zeal to mortifie my sins support me with an Holy Hope confirm me with an excellent and unreproveable ●aith and inkindle in me a never failing ●…arity Let me judg my self that I be not judged by thee condemn my self that I be not condemned with the world But Receiving this Holy Sacrament with a penitent heart and a lively Faith I may partake the great benefits of it I may dwell in Christ and Christ in me I may be one with Christ and Christ with me The Lord be mercifull unto me and grant this for his own Bowells and Compassions sake Amen Then these Collects of Intercession MErcifull God who hast made all men and wouldst not the Death of a sinner but rather that he should Turn from his wickedness and live to which purpose Thou hast sent thy Son out of thy Bosome to suffer death upon the Cross for our Redemption look down in mercy and pity upon Poor Mankind whose portion is folly and misery shame and Death Bring all sinners to Repentance enlighten all that sit in darkness all Jewes Turks Infidels Hereticks and Schismaticks Take from them all blindness hardness of heart and contempt of thy word and Commandment so fetch them home blessed Lord unto thy fold that they may be saved among the remnant of the true Israelites and be made One Fold under one Shepherd Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen GRracious Lord I doe more especially humbly present to thy divine Majesty this Glorious sacrifice which thy blessed Son made upon the Cross in the behalf of all Christans throughout the World give unto them all O God a portion of all the good Prayers which are made in heaven and earth the Intercession of our Lord and the supplications of all thy servants Oh! Let us walk worthy of that Holy vocation wherewith we are called let us who name the name of Christ depart from iniquity and Unite us in the bonds of the Common Faith and an holy Charity that no interests or partialitys no sects or opinions may keep us any longer in darkness and division But that we may with one mind and one mouth Glorify thee the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ Amen O Father of Mercys Be mercifull to this Miserably Divided Church in which we live according to all thy righteousness let thine anger be turned away from us let Religion and virtue season all sorts of men therein Forgive us all our sins Turn thee unto us and bless us that the world may say Blessed is this people whose God is the Lord Jehovah and Blessed are the solk whom he hath chosen to him to be his Inheritance Oh! Lord Hear and cause thy Face to shine upon this thy Sanctuary which is thus Sadly desolate for the Lords sake Amen O King of Kings and Lord of Lords give I Pray thee the Spirit of Government and Holiness to all Christian Kings Princes and Governors especially to thy Servant CHARLES our King Grant that his people may obey him and he may obey thee and live in honesty and peace justice and holy Religion being a Nursing Father to the Church an Advocate for the oppressed a Patron for the Widdows and a Sanctuary for the miserable and Fatherless that he may Raign with thee forever in the Kingdom of the Lord Jesus Christ Amen O Thou Fountain of all Goo●ness be pleased to bless and protect our Gracious Queen CATHERINE JAMES Duke of York and all the Royal Family endue them with all Heavenly Graces answerable to their Births make them Instruments of thy Glory here and partakers of thy Glory hereafter Amen O God who alone doest great wonders Be Gracious unto all those who wait at thine Altar the Bishops and all the Clergy Open thou their Lips that their