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A85807 A brief discovery of that which is called the popish religion with a word to the Inquisition discovering their seat of injustice and cruelty, and also a word to them who are in bondage under this deceit that upholdeth the Beasts worship. And a word to the Pope who calls himself a bishop and is not, his throne of deceit is discovered, by the Spirit of the eternall God. / Given forth by me who am called of the world. A. Gargill. Gargill, Anne. 1656 (1656) Wing G258; Thomason E887_2; ESTC R202273 29,419 34

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of the life of Jesus your life is death and death is your end and that end leadeth to self to be selfly minded it is death for self is carnall and devillish did ever you read in the Scriptures your practise which you have amongst you did ever Apostles and Prophets do the same which you do did they ever seek themselves or self advantage for the glory of the world which lyes in death let the righteous in you judge your conscience I mean where Christ hath placed his witness Christ Jesus hath a witness in you all and that shall be your Judge at the latter day where God is known to be that is perfect and that delayeth not time he calleth for repentance by it which discovers sin and lets you know when you have done amiss it is Gods witness in every one which shews them their evill deeds and when they commit sin this judges now turn to this that it may lead you to life and peace but no peace to the wicked they shal dye without mercy now consider whether your deeds are done in the Spirit or in the flesh If by the Spirit of God you are guided then would you not appear in these practises you sit like Kings and Princes Lording over the just by your own invention and not by Gods direction or by any example of those that fear the Lord those that fear the Lord are innocent and harmless like God there are but two Spirits of God and of the devill now mind by which you are guided and by which Spirit you receive this authoritie which you practice doth the Spirit of God lead to murder let the light judge or did ever Christ Jesus shevv any such example or did he give you any authoritie to murther men that be not of your minds the Inquisition you call your selves enquiring of that vvhich you need not busying your selves and Lording it over other mens consciences your own practice you never consider from whence it came nor whether it shall go for to the pit must all that is exalted be turned your Idols cannot save you the day of your visitation is come turn unto the Lord all you exalted bubbles and let the light judge your wayes vvhether they be vvrought in God yea or nay did ever Christ Jesus the son of the living God command these things vvhich you do did ever the Lord of life shevv an example to murder his Spirit leads to suffering through him that maketh vvilling and not to persecution that is your seat to destroy the innocent the Lord is prest under your abhominations you trample up on the just one that discovers sin sin is the enemie of your souls and the Lord is a friend to all that fear and keep his commandements this commandement do I leave among you saith Christ Jesus that ye love one another and love is the fulfilling of the Law of God but where is your love to kill your Brother Cains nature dvvells in you and you are by that Spirit guided vvhich slaies the Just you offer up sacrifice to the Devill your sacrifice and you are one and he is one with you that leads you to it vvhat think you that a dead bable can save your souls it you call your Saviour that you make vvith your hands you make you a God and vvhen you have made it you eat it this corrupts with you corruptible things are not known to those that live in the Spirit but in the place vvhere they are to be used and vvhen and how by the wisdome of God as food for the body as God in his wisdome hath ordered them to be used as wine and strong drink as Paul writ to Timothie as usefull for the body and not for the soul The Spirit feedeth on things not seen with a Carnal eye by the Spirit were they guided to use every thing in its place by this Spirit is Nations redeemed and Kingdomes brought to nought Hell is their Portion that knows not that which redeemeth God redeemeth from sin but you dwell in sin and are dead And yet you say you eat God He that feedeth on me saith Christ Jesus shall live for ever My flesh is meat indeed and my Blood is drink indeed but not Carnal as you ●ay for God is a Spirit and no flesh enters that Kingdome neither can Man by his Spirit know what it is Man by his wisdome knows not God neither can they comprehend his being for his being is not Carnal but you are Carnal Sensuail and Devillish and the Diveil hath beguiled you for the destruction of your souls to enlarge his Kingdome his Kingdome is enlarged by the children of disobedience disobedience entred by Adams fall when he eat the forbidden fruit contrary to the mind of God God is righteous and he leads to righteousness peace and pure holyness and holyness becomes his House for ever Now where is this House can ye tell when you make your Idoll Temples a shelter for murderers and thieves Thieves you are to deceive the people and lead the blind to their destruction Destitute you are of God when you say you will sacrifice for sin and your hands are full of blood it is not your washing with water can save you from sin it is the blood of Jesus that cleanseth this blood is not Wine to drink in Bouls as do the Drunkards so do you You cannot worship him whom you know not in all your outward imitation And all your Ceremonies your Copes and Surpl●sses and Miters and Crowns and Crosses that are made of wood and your painted flaggs deceiving the people and making them follow you up and down Towns and Cities and call this a procession it is a procession indeed for the Devill hath possessed you to make Images like unto himself Images and Likenesses is your Religion as you call it but he that seems to be Religious let him bridle his tongue but your tongues are at liberty to sing and pray and imitate how can he pray or preach that is not sent he that is sent is born of God can this birth you witness Christ came into the World by the will of his Father and whatsoever he see the Father do that did he also When did you see God to receive this authority your authority is from your Father the Devill and his Servants ye are whom ye do obey Obey the Lord turn to the Light of Jesus that leads to a holy Life and an innocent habitation out of all subtlety You do feed your Colledges with Philosophy which is not the Doctrine of Christ but the Doctrine of Devills Paul speaks Teach not vain Philosophy no Traditions of man for man in his wisdome knows not God neither is he known of God for God is a Judge of deceit and his judgements true and just And the just God will be avenged of his enemies yea the eternal God will call you to accompt for your Stewardship He hath given to every man a Talent to
design but to exalt your selves and to be exalted and live like Kings it is but usurpt authoritie by the Devill are you led a deceiver from the beginning was he a subtill Serpent and his seed are you who seek the fleece and starve the flock and call your serves sheapheards Christ Jesu● is the true Shepheard he giveth his life for his sheep he is a redeemer and saveth his people from their sin How do you think to be saved By a carnall bit of Bread that you call the Bodie of Christ Impudent blasphemers who make an Idoll to your selves and eat it and say that it is Christs flesh and the wine that you drink in Bowls is his Bloud he that eateth my flesh saith Christ shall live for ever and you dye and your God with you and this is an end of your dumb Idoll vvhich cannot save you God is a Saviour of his people from sin they that feed on that Spirit which leadeth out of carnall things to be carnall minded is death to be spirituall minded is life and peace no peace to the wicked they shall dye vvithout mercy and judgement shall fall upon them that forget God God is judge of all he is judged of none nor none can know his judgements but by that Spirit which is pure you make your selves Judges and Rulers by an usurpt authoritie you have received from the Devill the Father of lyes and by a lye are you upheld in your inchantments and Conjuration airy minded men by that Climate are you guided airy substance Clouds without water broken Cisterns that cannot hold water exalted Jezabel painting your faces with colours Dives like you be sitting at your table feeding on dainty dishes fitting your selves to the slaughter through your abhomination which is exalted above all that is called God God is pressed under your abhomination the righteous groaneth for redemption but you hear not the Cry of the poor the poor in Spirit shall see God and live for ever and the rich shall be sent emptie away avvay with all your vain bables your im●ges and likenesses of wood and stone and crosses Learn to knovv the Cross of Christ it will teach you to know God desire to know Christ crucified in the flesh your sins subdued by him that suffereth in you The Lamb of life leads to Innocency out of all inventions of man out of all carnall things it will you lead if it you mind which discovers sin it will dissolve your enemies by the brightness of his coming if you desire to know God mind his witness it will lead you out of visible things and your carnall desires shall be dissolved If you mind this witness which leads to truth the lyars mouth shall be stopt the issue of iniquity shall be dryed up by the brightness o● the Sun shall the fountains of the earth be dryed up and the Spring shall be stopped wherein iniquity doth ab●und Abundance of iniquities hath the world gathered into her self yea the men of the world calleth her mother through the abundance of her delicates she hath deceived the Nations and Kingdoms throughout the Earth the mysterie of iniquitie hath been exalted exalted bubbles have borne the sway upon the earth and the innocent hath been forgotten God hath not been known to them they have forgot his ways followed the fruits of darkness and darkness hath possest the heart of man man hath been led from the light of Jesus by the grand enemy of his soul the Devil who from the beginning hath misled man through lust and desire of the flesh which cannot ever be satisfied from one invention to another an invention of the Devill is this which you call your Religion a humane invention mixed with lust filth and deceit is not this deceit to weary the people with your bables and your inventions of Beads Crucifixes and other inchantments which your airy minds have gathered in even plain Sodomites do you shew your selves studying iniquity against the Lord and his anointed the holy one of Israel is he called a name that is unknown by you he is a good Israelite indeed in him there is no guile and they that are guided by that Spirit are like unto him kept in innocency and in that house there is no guile where innocency dwels righteousness doth flourish and plenteous redemption to those that fear the Lord redeemed are they from the earth that mind the light of Jesus by it to be guided it leadeth from all manner of evill to serve the living God of life light and power powerfull is he that redeemeth from death to life This redemption is not of corruptible things that corrupt and die of themselves he cleanseth the body and washeth from dead works to everlasting life world without end An end shall be put to all your bables and inventions made by the works of your hands your Crucifixes say you puts you in mind of Christs death remember he is slain in you in spirituall Sodom and Egypt are the two witnesses flain their Blood shall be required of the children of disobedience disobedient are you that forget God as a blossom shall you wither and all your glory which you have received from the Author the Devill The ground of iniquity is highly exalted among you who know not God neither regard ye his wayes nor bring your deeds to the light your acting is in the dark where light is not seen the fruits of darkness doth appear in all your practises is not the living God known to be your guide he leadeth out of all unrighteousness up to know God in that Heavenly City where God dwels there is no unrighteousness nor no unclean thing can there enter as clear as the Sun at Noon Day is the Lord in his glory his glory exceedeth all flesh it shall wither before the Lord and be cut down even as grass like stubble shall the fire of the Lord consume his enemies and all that is exalted above the innocent own the Lamb of life the life of the righteous is death to the man of sin therefore turn to the Lord that your wickedness may be forgiven and fear him that cleanseth the heart and maketh glad the mind and reneweth the life and turneth from darkness to light to serve the living God the living praise the Lord yea the living praise his name for ever never can you praise God in that nature you stand in Turn to the light of Christ it will lead you to another Kingdom which you know not to know God is life eternall and this life is the light of the world Every man hath a talent given him it is the light of Jesus that discovers good from evill it shews you when you do amiss it is the check of your conscience that tells you you should not lye nor swear nor deal fa●sly bring all your deeds to this it doth not flatter it is your friend it leads to eternall happiness and that is durable riches which the world
Jacobin or Augustin are they not these inventions of names and tytles which you have gathered out of the pit as for your Seminaries and Monks beastly names they are and Fryers of severall orders as you call them which I have not here mentiond shamefull orders not ordered by the Lord but by the Devill which is your Author he is the Author and finisher of this practice A Company of Drones who live in Monasteries and Cloysters like drones among Bees eating up the fruits of others labours feeding themselves with the fat and cloathing themselves with the Wool and calling themselves holy men is this the fruit of holiness yea or no the holy men of old they did not so they did not lye still in a House they went up and down and had no certain abiding they laboured with their hands untill the Lord called them by his eternall Spirit from one Country to another as the Lord did order them in his wisdom they followed not the tradition of man as you do you say them which you call your antient Fathers devised your orders of Priests Monks and Fryars the light of Christ Jesus discovereth all your folly and all your abhomination which you have received by tradition your Purgatory and all your stuffe which you talk of did you ever read in the Scriptures of a Purgatory to purge sin yea or nay is not Christ a redeemer and a cleanser of them that believe in him yea verily he is a redeemer to all that do believe in him for salvation by no other thing can man be cleansed but by the blood of Jesus Christ Jesus is a redeemer of all that fear and keep his Commandements all your staffe which you call your Mass and Sacrifice it is abhomination to the Lord it is a Sacrifice to the Devill and not to God you Sacrifice the works of your hands you are hirelings and greedy dumb Dogs such as the Prophet Jeremiah cryed against if they would not put into their mouths they prepard war against them you say your Mass is a Sacrifice and an atonement for the sins of the people and you call it the flesh of Christ and makes an offering of it Christ Jesus offered up himself once for all he is a free will offering to his Father but you sell yours for money that which you call your Sacrifice your price of it 8 d. Is not this a shame be ashamed of all your ungodly deeds and come down to the light of Jesus to the witness for God placed in your Consciences that your evill deeds may be discovered I am the light of the world saith Christ Jesus and in me there is no darkness at all this light discovereth sin and all manner of abhomination by his stripes we are healed he is afflicted when we transgress the innocent Lamb beareth the iniquity of his people be is afflicted that never sinned the iniquities of sinfull men burdneth the Lord. A rebellious generation hath turnd their backs of the living God minde that which groweth for redemption his true witness placed in your Consciences minde the Cry of the poor and the Fatherless that the Pi●grim and the stranger may have an habitation in thy house thou that is exalt●d shall be innocent and doth not witness Christs reign he that is exalted shall be abased he that is slain in thee is the Lord thou persecutest afresh the Lord of life in all thy actings and thy abhominable practice subtlety have been the Author of it the Lambs innocencie thou never knew Philosophy and Logick these are set up and exalted in the stead of innocencie this can never enter Gods kingdom it can never enter the eternall God as bid from all your subtlety and deceit you are strangers to his ways yea you are strangers that nature wherein you stand is shut out of his heavenly kingdom yea it is shut out for ever and ever never will God own you if there you stand you shall never see his face in that nature his face is even as clear as Christall and his glory excelleth the Sun at noon day Early in the morning will God arise and blast the blossoms which in the night have sprang The secrets of darkness shall be dissolved and their glory brought to shame the root of iniquity shall be removed and the righteous plants shall live for ever The fruits of ungodliness shall be blasted even as Grass withereth so shall all your glory be burned up with the brightness of the Sun The Son of righteousness will arise and consume the works of your hands and burn up your Schools of learning and and your Libraries of Books and all your compleated subtlety against the living God of life have you acted confusion and builded Babylon This is the whore that sitteth upon many waters the floods of iniquity you have suckt in swiftly to the destruction of your souls Innocencie shall guide innocencie shall be exalted above all son ever and ever never will God suffer the unrighteous to reign for the destruction of his people any longer The innocent shall judge and that judgement is true his righteous kingdom shall now be advanced and the iniquity of man shall be abased This was I eternally moved by the Spirit of the eternall God to rip open your deceit to all those whose minds are honest that they may see the abomination of your practice for ever will God be known in the hearts of them who fear his name and keep his Commandements Amen so be it VVritten per me from the Spirit of truth who is called of the world A. GARGIL FINIS