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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A57307 A Scripture-catechism for children collected out of the whole body of the Scriptures for the instructing of youth ... presented to fathers of families and masters of schools to train up their children and schollers in the knowledg of God and the Scriptures / by Ambros Rigge. Rigge, Ambrose, 1635?-1705. 1672 (1672) Wing R1489; ESTC R26219 33,567 113

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the Pharisees Condemn the disciples of Jesus for Eating with Unwashed Hands M. Because they preferred the Traditions of the Elders before the Commandments of God Mark 7. 8. S. What did Christ say did Defile the Man M. Not to eat with Unwashed Hands nor that which entereth in at the Mouth but that which came out of the Mouth from the heart as vain Thoughts Murders c. Mark 7. 18 20. 21 22. S. Where was Christ Transfigured before his Disciples M. In an High Mountain apart Mark 9. 2. S. What did Christ demonstrate to his Disciples by the Vineyard M. The Justice of God against the Jews who had beaten his Servants and slain his Son Mark 12. 2 3 4. S. What was the Portion of these Husband men M. To be destroyed and the Vineyard to be taken from them and given to others Mark 12. 9. S. Who wrote the Third Book of the New Testament in the Bible M. Luke the Evangelist S. What was the Substance of that Book M. A Rechearsal of what Matthew and Mark before had written of the Birth Death Sufferings Temptations and Works of Christ S. Who wrote the Fourth Book of the New Testament M. John the Evangelist S. What was his first Testimony of Christ M. Of his Divinity for his name was called the Word of God by which all things were made which Word became Flesh Joh. 1 1 14. S. What was his further Testimony of him M. That he was the true Light who lighted every man that came into the World vers 9. S. What was John Baptist's Office and Commission M. To Baptize with water John 1. 31. S. What was Christ's Office or Work M. To Baptize with the holy Ghost and with fire vers 33. S. What was the first Miracle that Jesus did in Cana of Galilee after his Resurrection M. The Turning of Water into Wine at the Marriage John 2. 8. S. What was the New Birth which Christ Spoke of to Nicodemus M. The Birth of the Spirit which he could not understand John 3. 8. S. What did John say was the Condemnation of the World M. That Light was come into the World and men loved Darkness rather then Light because their Deeds were Evil John 3. 19. S. Where did the woman of Samaria meet with Christ M. At Jacob's Well at Sychar a City of Samaria John 4. 5. S. What did He testifie to the Woman of Samaria M. That the True Worshippers should worship the Father in Spirit and Truth Joh. 4. 23 24. S. Wherefore did the Jews seek Occasion to slay Christ M. Because He healed a Man that was Sick eight and thirty years on the Sabbath-Day John 5. 16. S. What did Christ call himself M. The Bread of Life John 6. 35. S. Whom did Christ say came unto him M. Those who had Heard and Learned of the Father and whom the Father drew John 6. 44 45. S. Whom did Christ say could Eat his Flesh and Drink his Blood M. Those who dwelt in him and They in whom He dwelt vers 5 6. S. What was the Living Bread of which Christ spoke M. His Flesh which He would give for the Life of the World vers 5. S. Could his Disciples receive these Words M. No for they judged it a Hard Saying vers 60. S. What did Jesus again testifie of Himself M. That He was the Light of the World and He who followed Him should not abide in Darkness but should have the Light of Life John 8. vers 12. S. What did Christ say of the Scribes and Pharisees M. That they were of their Father the Devil and the Lust of their Father they would do Joh. 8. 44. S. What was Christ's further Testimony of Himself M. That He was the Good Shepherd John 10. 11. S. What was his Testimony of a Hireling M. That the Hireling whose the Sheep is not seeth the Wolf coming fleeth and leaves the Sheep vers 12 13. S. What doth the Good Shepherd for his Sheep M. He knoweth his Sheep and is known of them and layeth down his Life for his Sheep vers 14 15. S. How is the Sheep of Christ known M. They hear his Voyce and follow him and He giveth unto them Eternal Life Joh. 10. 27 28. S. What other Miracle did Christ in the Sight of the Jews M. He raised Lazarus from the Dead who had been dead four dayes Joh. 11. 39 43 44. S. Who first conspired the Death of Christ M. Caiphas the High-Priest he with the Pharisees saying If we let him alone all People will believe on him and the Romans would come and take their City and Nation John 11. 48. S. What was signified by the Parable of the Wheat-Corn M. That those who would live with Christ and bring forth Fruit should dye with Him John 12. 24 25. S. Unto what did Christ exhort his Disciples and Followers M. To walk in the Light while they had the Light least Darkness came upon them vers 35 36. S. For what End came Christ into the World M. That whosoever believed in him should not abide in Darkness vers 46. S. Who were they whom Christ said Loved Him M. They who had his Commandments and kept them John 13. 21. S. Why did Christ go away in the Flesh out of the World M. That He might come again in the Spirit Joh. 14. 28. S. What was the Comforter which Christ promised to send his Disciples after his Departure which should teach them all things M. The Spirit of Truth which the World could not receive John 14. 17. 16. 7. S. Whom did Christ call his Friends M. Those who did his Commandments John 15. 14. S. What was the Office of the Comforter whom Christ would send M. To reprove the World of Sin of Righteousness and Judgment S. Why of Sin M. Because they believe not on him vers 9. S. Why of Righteousness M. Because He went to the Father and they saw Him no more vers 10. S. Why of Judgment M. Because the Prince of this World was judged vers 11. S. Why was the Disciples of Christ hated of the World M. Because they were not of the World even as He was not of the World John 17. 14. S. Who writ the Acts of the Apostles M. Luke the Evangelist Act. 1. S. What is the Substance of that Book M. The Wonderfull Work of the Lord in pouring out of his Spirit upon his Sons and Daughters according to his Promise by Joel 2. 28. Act. 1. 2 Chap. S. How did the Holy Ghost manifest itself to the Apostles as they waited at Jerusalem M. As the Rushing of a mighty Wind from Heaven and it filled the House where they sate Act. 2. 2. S. What Miracles did the Apostles after they had received the Holy Ghost M. First Three Thousand was added to the Church by Peter's Sermon Acts 2. 41. 2. The Raising of the Criple who sat at the Gate of the Temple Acts 3. 6 7. S. Wherefore was Ananias and Saphira destroyed M.
That in the same place where Dogs licked up the blood of Naboth should Dogs lick up even his Blood also 1 Kings 21. 19 20. S. What became of lezabel his wife M. The Lord sp●ke saying The Dogs shall eat Jezabel by the Wall of Jezreel verse 23. S. How did Ahab behave himself when the Word of the Lord came against him by the Prophet Elijah M. He rent his Clothes and put Sackcloth upon him and Fasted and lay in Sackcloth and went softly and therefore the Lord said Because Ahab humbled himself that he would not bring that evil upon his House in his dayes but in his Sons days would he bring evil upon his House 1 Kin. 21. 27 28 29. S. Of whom did Ahab ask counsel whether he should go to Battel against Rampth Gilead or not M. Of four hundred false Prophets who said Go up and the Lord shall deliver it into thy hand 1 Kings 22. 6. S. What said the Lord unto him by the mouth of Micaiah M. That God had appointed Evil against Ahab and that he should not return from the Battel in Peace 1 Kings 22. 23 24. S. What became of Micaiah for this Saying M. Ahab commanded to put him in the Prison House till he returned and feed him with Bread Water of Affliction vers 27. S. Did Ahab return in Peace M. No he was slain in the Battle at Raemoth-Gilead and the Doggs licked his Blood according to the Word of the Lord 1 Kings 21. 19. and 22. 25. S. Who raigned after him M. Jehoshaphat the Son of Asa vers 41. S. Who raigned after him M. Ahaziah the Son of Ahab vers 51. S. How did Ahaziah walk with God M. He did Evil in his sight and walked in the way of his Father and in the way of Jeroboam the Son or Nebat in worship●ng of Baal 1 Kings 22. 52 53. S. Of whom did Ahaziah in his Sickness ask whether he should live or dye M. Of Baalzebub the Godd of Ekron Kings 1. 2. S. Who reproved him for it M. God by Elijah the Prophet ver 3 4. S. Of whom ought he to have enquired M. Of the God of Israel vers 16. S. Did the King of Samaria dye at that time M. Yea 2 Kings 1. 17. S. What became of Elijah the Prophet M. He was taken up into Heaven with a Whilewind 2 Kings 2. 11. S. By whom did God speak to Israel after Elijah M. By Elisha vers 15. S. How did God manifest his Power with Elisha M. In dividing the Waters of Jordan and healing them 2 Kings 2. 14 21 22. 2dly In increasing the Oyl in the Widdow's Pitcher 2 Kings 4. 5 6. 3dly In raising the Shunamite's Son to Life vers 35. S. Who anointed Jehu King over Israel M. One of the Children of the Prophets at the Command of Elisha S. What did God require of him M. To slay the whole House of Ahab according to the Word of the Lord 1 King 21. 15. S. Did he fulfil the Word of the Lord here in M. Yea he smote Jehoram through hi● Heart and utterly destroyed Jezabel an● the seventy Sons of Ahab 2 Kings 9. 2● 33 34 35. and chap. 10. 6 7. and a● that remained of the House of Ahab i● Samaria according to the Word of the Lord vers 17. S. Did Jehu walk before God with a perfect Heart M. No for he departed not from the sins of Jeroboam vers 31. S. Did God's Love continue still to Israel M. Yea till they fell into Idolatry and then he loathed them and sent Lyons amongst them which devour'd them 2 King 17. 22 23 24 25. S. What was Israel 's Idolatry M. Their Idols and Images which every Nation served and made and put them in their High Places 2 Kings 17. 29 32 41. S. Who broke down Israel 's Images and Groves M. Hezekiah King of Judah 2 Kings ●8 4. S. How did he walk before God M. In Truth with a perfect Heart 2 King 20. 3. S. To whom did Hezekiah call for help when ●e was sick M. Unto the Lord with Tears 2 Kings ●0 3. S. How did the Lord answer him M. In adding to his dayes fifteen years vers 6. S. What was the Sign God gave him that he would heal him M. In bringing the Shaddow Ten Degrees backward upon the Dial of Ahaz 2 Kings 20. 11. S. Who was King of India M. A●ashuerus Esther 1. 1. S. Who contrived the Destruction of Israel in his day M. Hamon Esth 3. 8 9. S. Why did Hamon seek to Destroy the Jews M. Because Mordecai whose People they were would not rise up before him no● bow to him Est 3. 3 4 5 6. S. How was Mordecai and the Jews Delivered M. At the Request of Queen Esther Esth 7. 3 4. S. What became of Hamon who contrived the Destruction of Mordecai and th● Jews M. He was Hanged by the Kings Commandment on the Gallows he had prepare● for Mordecai vers 10. S. What became of the Jews Enemies ● ●ll the Provinces of A●ashuerus M. They were all destroyed at the Kings Commandment with Hamon's Ten Sons Esth 9. 25. S. In what Land did Job dwell M. In the Land of Vz Job 1. ● S. How did he walk before God M. With a Perfect and Upright Heart ●earing God and eschewing Evil vers 2. S. How did God try his Heart M. With the Loss of all his Sons and Daughters and outward Substance which was great vers 15 16 17 18. S. Did Job murmur against God when he suffered him to be stript of all M. No he did not sin nor charge God foolishly but said The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away blessed be the Name of the Lord vers 22. S. How did God further try Job 's Integrity M. in suffering Satan to smite his Body from the Crown of his Head to the Sole of his Foot Job 2. S. Did not Job continue his Integrity to the Lord M. Yes neither hitherto did he sin with his Lips vers 3 10. S. How far did the Lord suffer Satan to try Job M. In all that he had except his Life Job 2. 6. S. Could all his Friends and Acquaintanc● move him from his Integrity M. No though his Wife and Acquaintance tempted him on every side Job 2. 3 9 10 11 12. S. Did God ever restore Job unto his former Substance again M. Yea in greater abundance then when he first smote him Job 42. 12 13. S. How long did Job live after God restored him to Prosperity in his Substance M. Till he saw his Sons and Sons Sons even four Generations vers 16. S. Who wrote the Book of the Psalms M. Chiefly David Psal 1 2 3 4. S. What is the Sabstance of that whol● Book M. A Testimony of the Prayers Tears Sufferings and Joys of David S. Who writ the Book of the Proverbs M. Solomon S. What is the substance of that Book M. Expressions of Wisdom set forth by Solomon in many true Proverbs and wi●● Sayings S.
Accusations Acts 24. 1 9 13 S. Of what did Paul reason befor● Felix M. Of Righteousness Temperanc● and Judgment to come which cause● Falix to Tremble Acts 24. 26. S. For what end was Paul sent to th● Gentiles M. To open the eyes of the Blin● and to turn them from darkness t● Light and from the Power of Sata● unto God c. Acts 26. 1. S. Who first writ to the Romans M. Paul Rom. 1. Chap. S. What was the Gospel he Preached t● them M. The Power of God to Salvatio● to every one that believed Rom. 1. 16. M. Why was the wrath of God reveale● from Heaven against all ungodliness an● unrighteousness of men M. Because that which might be known of God was manifested in them c. Rom. 1. 18 19. S. Why was the Gentiles justified rather then the Jews M. Because the Jews believed not but were only Hearers of the Law outwardly but the Gentles believing did the things Contained in the Law having it written in their hearts Rom. 2. 13 14 15. Chap. 9. 30 31. S. Was any man justified by the works of the Law M. No Rom. 3. 20. S. How is man justified before God M. Freely by the grace of God through the Redemption that is in Christ Jesus Rom. 3. 24. S. How Long did sin and death raign over all mankind M. From Adam till Moses even over them that had not sinned after the similitude of Adams transgression Rom. 4. 14. S. How came sin and death to be destroyed M. By the Reigning of Grace through righteousnes to Eternal Life Rom. 5. 21. S. What is the Wages of sin M. Death but the gift of God is Eternal Life through Jesus Christ our Lord Rom 6. 23. S. Who are Sons and Heirs of God M. Those who are Led by the Spirit of God Rom 8. 14. S. In what doth the Election of God stand M. In the promised Seed which is Christ Rom. 9. 8. Gal. 3. 16. Ephes 1. 4. S. In what was Jsraels Blindness and Ignorance M. In that they had a Zeal for God but not according to knowledge being Ignorant of Gods righteousness and going about to Establish their own Rom. 10. 2 3. S. In what did the Righteousness of Faith consist M. In Hearing Believing and Obeying the Word of Faith which was nigh in the Heart and in the Mouth Rom. 10. 6 7 8. S. By what did the Gentiles stand upon the Root when the Jews were broken off M. By Faith Rom. 11. 20. S. What did Paul exhort the Romans unto in the Twelfth Chapter M. Not to Fashion themselves according to the Course of this World c. Rom. 12. 1 2. S. What did He further excite them unto in the Thirteenth Chapter M. To be Subject to the Higher Powers which were a Terror to Evil-doers and a Praise to them who did Well Rom. 13. 3 4. S. What did He further enjoyn them unto M. That they might not Judge one another in Meats or Drinks or in respect of an Holy Day Rom 14. 13. S. How were they to Eat and keep a Day to the Lord M. They were to Eat in Faith for he that Doubted was Condemned if he Eat and whatsoever was not of Faith was Sin Rom. 14. 23. S. What was the Conclusion of Paul 's Epistle to the Romans M. To exhort them to Love one another by the Example of Christ and to beware of False Brethren who through good Words and Fair Speeches deceive the Hearts of the Simple Rom. 16. 17 18. Who writ the first Epistle to the Corinthians M. Paul who exhorted them to be of one Mind and to speak one thing and to avoid Contentions 1 Cor. 1. 10 11 12. S. For what End was the Preaching of Paul amongst the Corinthians M. That their Faith might not stand in the Wisdom of Words but in the Power of God 1 Cor. 2. 5. S. Was any able to know the things of God without the Spirit of God M. No for as no man knew the things of a man save the Spirit of man that was in him so the things of God knew no man but by the Spirit of God 1 Cor 2. 11 12. S. In what did the Kingdom of God stand M. Not in Words but in Power 1 Cor. 4. 2● S. What did Paul Exhort Husbands and Wives unto M. To dwell with each other according to knowledge and not to depart one from another 1 Cor. 7. Chap. S. What did he say of Circumcision M. He said that neither Circumcision nor Uncircumcision availed any thing but the keeping of the Commandments of God 1 Cor. 7. 19. S. What did he say to Believers Concerning Meats M. That whatsoever was sold on the shambles they might Eat asking no question for Conscience sake 1 Cor. 10. 25. S. What was the Cup of Blessing which the Apostles Blessed M. The Communion of the Blood of Christ 1 Cor. 10. 16. S. What was the Bread which they Brake M. The Communion of the Body of Christ vers 16. S. What did Paul say Concerning the Resurrection of the Body M. That God giveth a Body as it pleaseth him and to every Seed his own Body 1 Cor. 15. 37 38. S. Where was the Light which gave the Apostles the Knowledge of the Glory of God M. In their Hearts which Treasure they had in Earthen Vessels 2 Cor. 4. 6 7. S. In what was the Death and Life of Christ manifested amongst the Apostles M. In their Mortal Flesh 2 Cor. 4. vers 11. S. Who wrote the Epistle to the Galatians M. Paul who reproved them for turning to another Gospel Gal. 1. 6. S. What did He testifie among them M. The End of the Law and where fore it was added and the Obedience of Faith through which they were Sons and Heirs of God Gal. 3 4. Chap. 2ly The Bondage of the Law and the Freedom in Christ Gal. 5. 1 2 3. 3ly The Fruits of the Flesh and the Fruits of the Spirit Gal. 5. 19. 4ly That those that were Christ's had crucified the Flesh with the Affections and Lusts Gal. 5. 24. S. Who writ the Epistle to the Ephesians M. Paul Ephes 1. 1. S. What is the Substance of that Epistle M. To set forth unto them being Gentiles the Glory of Christ and the Unity of the Spirit of Grace through which they were Sanctified and to exhort them unto Love and Meekness Chap. 1 2. S. What did He Testifie of the Light M. That all things that are reproved are made manifest by the Light and that which maketh all things manifest is Light Ephes 5. 13. S. What did Paul Exhort Children unto M. To Obey their Parents and to Honour their Father Mother which is the first Commandment with Promise Ephes 6. 1 2 3. S. What did he exhort Parents unto M. Not to provoke their Children to Wrath but to bring them up in the Admonition of the Lord Eph. 6. 4 S. Who writ the Fpistle to the Philippians M. Paul Phil. 1. 1. S. What did