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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A36102 A discourse of the Holy Spirit his workings and impressions on the souls of men : with large additionals. Sherlock, R. (Richard), 1612-1689. 1656 (1656) Wing D1605; ESTC R203556 193,794 256

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Spirit is clear from the prayer of our Lord Joh. 17.17 Joh. 17.17 Sanctifie them with thy truth thy Word is truth The Word of God is the Word of truth for our illumination and the Word of grace for our sanctification and this prayer of our Lord was granted saith Lyra in behalf of his Apostles when the holy Spirit descended on them at the feast of Pentecost Regeneration which is the same with sanctification and to be born of God and to be born of the Spirit is ascribed to the Word of God as the conveyance of the Spirit in this respect or as the means of our new birth Jam. 1.18 Of his own will begat he us Jam. 1.18 Joh. 1.17 by the Word of truth And Joh. 1.17 The Law was given by Moses but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ Now what else are the gifts of the Spirit or at least whereunto do they tend but to the clear understanding of the truth of God revealed by Jesus Christ which revelations are the sum of his Gospel and what else are the graces of Gods Spirit but accumulative an obedience to this truth even an obedience to the Gospel of Christ 1 Cor ●●4 Hence it is termed the power of God and the wisdome of God And his Gospel the law of the Spirit of life Rom. 8.2 2 Cor. 3.6 Rom. 8.2 2 Cor. 3.6 So that the preaching reading hearing or in a word the clearing of this Gospel unto the mindes of men is the conveyance of the Spirit thereinto An example whereof see Act 18.44 Whilest Peter yet spake these words Act. 10.14 the words of the Gospel the holy Ghost fell on them all that heard the Word 3. The Holy Sacraments both Baptism and the Supper of the Lord are effectual means also for the conveyance of the holy Spirit 'T is promised upon our Baptism with repentance Act. 2.38 Act. 2.38 Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins and ye shall receive the gift of the holy Ghost And this is also verified from the example of Christ our head upon whose Baptism in Jordan the heavens were opened and the holy Ghost descended in shape of a dove and lighted on him Mat. 3.16 denoting unto us Mat. 3.16 Remig. that by the virtue and power of Baptism not only the heavens are opened but also the gift of the holy Ghost is received therefore are we said to be born again of water and of the holy Ghost and without that the heavens are shut against us There is no admission into the celestial Kingdome Joh. 3 5. Joh. 3.5 Except a man be born of water and the holy Ghost he cannot enter into the Kingdome of heaven The Apostle St. Paul couples both Sacraments together as the conveyances of the Spirit 1 Cor. 12.13 1 Cor. 12.13 By one Spirit we are all baptized into one body and are all made to drink of one Spirit where we have the Spirit joyned with Baptism and with the Lords Supper also for what else can be meant by drinking of one Spirit but an allusion to the eating and drinking of the holy body and bloud of our Lord whereof himself testifies Joh. 6.55 56. My flesh is meat indeed and my bloud is drink indeed Joh. 6.55 He that eateth my flesh and drinketh my bloud dwelleth in me and I in him that is is make partaker of my Spirit or of my gifts and graces For in such a spiritual sense we must needs understand the words except we admit them in the grosse carnal and corporal sense of the Romanists Hence Christ is termed by the Apostle a spiritual meat and a spiritual drink 1 Cor. 10.3.4 1 Cor. 10. ● And they did all eat the same spiritual meat and did all drink the same spiritual drink for they drank of the same spiritual rock that followed them and that rock was Christ A spiritual meat and and spiritual drink Christ was to the Israelites of old in those Sacramental Symbols of his presence with them the Rock and the Manna and the like but in a more full measure and clear manner he is to us in those consecrated elements of his holy Supper which being rightly administred and rightly received are spiritual food indeed for we eat and drink the very Spirit of Christ therewithal that is are made partakers of his gifts and graces But how comes it to passe then that these blessed means of grace these conveyances of the Spirit are so often ineffectual Many men do daily pray often hear and read the Word of God have been engraffed into the body of Christ by Baptism and many times receive the blessed Eucharist and yet little or no newes do they hear of the Spirit very little stirrings of the heart few good motions do they feel within they are never the better nor a whit the more enricht either with spiritual gifts or graces for the use of these means The cause whereof is the hardnesse of mans heart which receives not the impressions of the Spirit the corruption of mans nature which quenches the sacred fires of Piety and Charity before they be well inkindled in the soul the exorbitant and unruly lusts of the flesh and of the world which resist the good motions lustings and strivings of the Spirit of God Intus existens prohibet alienum when the fruits of the flesh have overgrown the soul there 's no room for the fruits of the Spirit to take rooting there These two kindes of fruits cannot grow both in one heart but the one will choak overgrow and destroy the other To this outward means of grace then and of the Spirit the inward qualifications the infitting of the soul to receive the impressions of the Spirit must be added Actus aclivorum in patiente disposito as the patient is disposed and fitted to be wrought upon accordingly so is the power and efficacy of the Agent so that according as the hearts of men are more or lesse perspirable and plyable to the impressions of the Spirit accordingly so are his workings and inspirations upon the heart The holy Spirit is compared in Scripture to water Joh. 7.38 39. and as the water is of a diffusive nature and knows no bounds but as 't is limited by the channel or vessel that holds it so the Spirit is in himself of a spreading quality and is only straitned by the narrownesse of the hearts whereinto he flowes 2 Cor. 6.12 as 2 Cor. 6.12 Ye are not straitned in us that is in our Ministry we preach abundance of grace unto you but you are straitned in your own bowels through the hardnesse of your hearts being not capable of the graces of the Spirit And the heart is made soft and pliable for the impressions of the Spirit by repentance and mortification the good seed of Gods Spirit will not take root amongst the thornes of impiety Jer. 4.4 therefore
saith the Lord Jer. 4.4 Break up the fallow ground of your hearts and sow not amongst thornes be circumcised to the Lord and take away the foreskin of your hearts that is hardnesse of your hearts Deut. 10.16 cald also the circumcision of the Spirit Deut. 10.16 Col. 2.11 Act. 2.29 because it makes way for the Spirit and Col. 2.11 A circumcision made without hands even the putting off the sinful body of the flesh meaning the sinful crop of fleshly lusts which infest and infect the soul of these the soul must be disarayed and devested by repentance and mortification Rom. 8.13 14. Rom. 8.13 14. If ye live after the flesh c. The coherence of which verses imply before we can be led by the Spirit of God we must mortifie the deeds of the flesh the sordid rags of the old man must be put off before the soul can be clothed with the splendid garments of the Spirit of grace In vain is it to pray unto God for any spiritual grace or mercy while we continue in our sins for God heareth not sinners Joh. 9.31 In vain to hear or read the Gospel of grace Eph. 6.15 except our feet be shod with the preparation of repentance whereby we forsake our sins Therefore before the Gospel it self was published this was first proclaimed both by Christ and his forerunner Repent Mat. 3.2 4.17 1 Cor. 11.28 for the kingdome of God is at hand In vain to participate of those mysteries of our salvation the body and bloud of our Lord till first by self-examination we have cast out the venome of our sinful doings by repentance and stedfast purposes of amendment In a word Deus gratiam pollicius qui in extremita●jbus temporum per spiritum suum universo orbi illuminaturus esset prae●re intinctionem poenitentiae jussl● ut quos per gratiam vocaret ad promissionem per poenitentiae subsignationem ante compoueret Tert. de poen c. 2. it is our sins unrepented that make void and ineffectual all the blessed means of Grace and of the Spirit by those it is we quench the Spirit we grieve the Spirit 1 Thess 5.19 Ephes 4.30 we resist the Spirit we provoke the Spirit and poyson the blessed waters of life so that all the conveyances of the Spirit are barren and unfruitful whilest they reflect upon hardened and impenitent hearts See therefore repentance enjoyned as to the receiving of the holy Ghost Act. 2.38 8.19 And I would to God that all who pretend to the holy Spirit of God or to any the fruits and graces of the Spirit would first learn before they make their boast of the Spirit truly to repent them of their sins and to root out of the ground of their hearts all the fruits of the flesh which are adultery fornication uncleannesse lasciviousnesse Gal. 5.19 20 21. idolatry witchcraft hatred variance emulation wrath strife seditions heresies envyings murthers drunkennesse revellings c. When these all of these sinful fruits are extirpated out of the ground of the heart there may be then some hopes that our prayers and other divine acts and offices performed in the sincerity of our souls may prevail with God for the direction and comfort of his Spirit of grace and truth God which hast taught the hearts of thy faithfull people by the sending to them the light of thy holy Spirit grant us by the same Spirit to have a right judgement in all things and evermore to rejoyce in his holy comfort through the merits of Jesus Christ our Saviour who liveth and reigneth with thee in the unity of the same Spirit one God world without end Amen The Introduction and general Heads GOD as he is in himself only knowes himself and consequently those waies of his worship Coeli mystarium me doceat Deus qui condidit non homo quis●ipsum ignoravit Amb. which are holy and acceptable to himself Man who knowes not himself aright cannot of himself know God nor those divine and celestial mysteries which are the waies of Gods service and mans salvation For what man is he that can know the counsel of God Or who can think what the will of the Lord is Wisd 9.13 Veritas Lactant. lib. 1. c. 1. i. e. arcanum summi Dei qui fecit omnia ingenio ac propriis sensibus non potest comprehendi Alioqui c. Truth which is the secret of the most high God who hath formed all things cannot by our own wit and proper senses be comprehended for otherwise there would be little distance betwixt God and man if mans cogitations could dive into the counsels and dispositions of Gods e●ernal Majesty Canst thou by searching finde out God canst thou finde out the Almighty unto perfection it is as high as heaven what canst thou do deeper then hell what canst thou know the measure thereof is longer then the earth and broader then the sea Job 11.7 c. 2. This therefore must be granted as the ground of all divine truth that nothing either of God or of his sacred service is to be believed and received by us but what from God is revealed or by revelation from heaven derived to us Secret things belong to the Lord our God but those things which are revealed belong unto us and to our children for ever that we may do all the words of this Law Hilar. de Trin. lib. 5. Deut. 29.29 Non potest Deus nisi per Deum intelligi sicut nec honorem à nobis Deus nisi per Deum accipit A Deo discendum est quid de Deo intelligendum sit quia non nisi se authore cognoscitur Id. namque honorandus c. God cannot be known but by himself neither doth he receive honour from us but by himself For that he is to be honour'd we understand not but that himself hath taught and commanded himself to be honoured The honour of God we are taught by God nor may we entertain any such thoughts of God as our own frail humane judgements suggest unto us our nature is not so sublime and piercing as by its own innate force and vertue to be raised up and enrapt with celestial knowledge Wisd 9 15. For the corruptible body presseth down the soul and the earthly tabernacle weigheth down the minde that museth upon many things and hardly do we ghesse aright at things that are upon earth and with labour do we finde the things that are before us but the things that are in heaven who hath searched out and thy counsel who hath known except thou give wisdome and send thy holy Spirit from above For so the waies of them that lived upon earth were reformed and men were taught the things that are pleasing unto thee and were saved through wisdome 3. The first and fundamental act of faith then which is to believe this or that Article of holy Religion to be a divine truth and the subject matter of