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A19272 Certaine sermons vvherin is contained the defense of the gospell nowe preached against such cauils and false accusations, as are obiected both against the doctrine it selfe, and the preachers and professors thereof, by the friendes and fauourers of the Church of Rome. Preached of late by Thomas by Gods sufferance Byshop of Lincolne. Cooper, Thomas, 1517?-1594. 1580 (1580) STC 5685; ESTC S120768 201,470 274

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it must not adde diminish alter or change or otherwise by wrested interpretatiō draw it to another meaning then the Analogie of our fayth and the conference of one place with another place of it in it self may warrant And therefore it is strangely written of Hossius that if a man haue the Interpretation of the Sea of Roome vppon anye place of the Scriptures though he knowe not nor cannot vnderstande howe it can possibly agree with the wordes of Scripture yet is it sayeth hee the moste certaine worde of GOD. Yea they say that the interpretation of the scripture Varyeth with the practise of the Church so that as that changeth the interpretation of the Scripture chaungeth also Of this Vsurpation of authoritie ouer the worde of GOD and of this discrediting of the scriptures it commeth not onelye that they make in manye places Interpretations repugnant to the Text as when they interprete Datur for Offertur and Facite for Sacrificate But also that the moste parte of their Doctrines are contrarye to the expresse wordes of GOD and the Analogie of oure fayth As by example of a fewe you shall take the measure of the residue As for interpretations when Christ sayth in the matter of the Sacrament This is my body that is say they this is Transubstantiated or hath the substance of it turned into my Body contrary to all writers and the nature of al tongues expounding est the Verbe substantiue is by Transubstantiatur Let them shew eyther any auncient Father yea or anye latine writer that euer did the like and let them take the victorie Agayne where Christ sayth This is my body that is Giuen for you that is say they that is Offered for you So that that which he mēt to be giuen to death vpon the crosse as al good christians vnderstand the place they to mayntayne their Sacrifice of the Masse drawe it to this that Christ then presently in the time of the Ministration offered his body to God the Father in waye of a Sacrifice And so for to mayntayne a deuise of their owne they doe robbe the people of God of that sweete promise and comfortable legacie wherein Christe in his last will assureth them that his body shoulde be giuen to Death for their redemtion In like manner when christ sayth Do this in remembraunce of me that is say they Sacrifice this in my remembraunce Wherein with as great absurditie as before they doe peruerte the meaning of Christ For where his purpose was to giue a warrante to all christian people to vse and celebrate this Sacrament in remembraunce of his death they bring it to bee spoken to Priestes only wringing them vtterly contrary to that exposition of Christes wordes whiche S. Paule maketh 1. Cor 11. saying So often as you eate this bread and drinke this Cuppe you shewe the Lordes death vntill he come Nowe as touching their Doctrines repugnaunte to Gods word you shall ●●te these few examples in steede of many mo The Scripture teacheth that we haue redemption and iustification by fayth in Christes blood onelye without the helpe of our owne Vertues and good workes For S. Paule saith Therefore we gather that a man is iustified by faith without the deedes of the lawe And to the Ephe. 2. Ye are iustified by grace and that not of your selues it is the gift of God not of works least any man should boast And yet if wee beleeue not that our workes doe helpe vs to our iustification and remission of sinnes the Churche of Rome will condemne vs as Heretikes The scriptures teach vs that Christ By once offering himselfe on the Crosse made perfect all them that are sanctified For so saith S. Paule to the Hebr. And yet by the Churche of Rome are they horrible heretikes that say there is not daylye sacrifice propitiatorie for our sinnes in their Masse The scriptures teach vs y t Christ is ascended into heauen and sitteth on the right hande of God the Father and from thence and no place else he shall come to iudge the quicke and the dead yet contrarie to this article of our faith and contrarie to the nature of Christes humanitie if wee beleeue not that Christ euen in his fleshe is still in earth with vs yea and that in a. 1000. places at once we must be pronoūced detestable heretikes The scripture saith in the vse of the Lordes Supper Bibite ex hoc omnes Drinke ye all of this The Churche of Rome saith it is heresie to affirme that y e lay people should drinke of the Lordes Cuppe The scriptures say Thou shalt make thee no grauen image nor thou shalte not bow downe to worship it The Church of Rome saith it is godlye to haue the churche full of Images to kneele downe before them to set vp candels to them and with incense to honour them The scripture saith In the Church it is better to speake fiue wordes vnderstanded to edifie than to speake tenne thousande in a tongue not vnderstanded yet you knowe the churche of Rome hath defined it that it is more fruitfull and godly to haue all the diuine seruice in a straunge and vnknowen tongue Wherefore howe truely they can claime to haue this first marke of Christes churche I doubte not but those consciences that haue the feare of God can easily perceiue As for the sacraments it is not onely sufficient to haue them but to haue those that Christ appoynted and to vse them accordyng to hys institution Saint Ambrose sayth verie notablye Qui aliter presumunt accipere quam Christus instituit deuotus esse non potest i. Hee that presumeth to receaue it he meaneth the sacrament of the bodye and bloud of Christ after another sorte then Christ hath ordained can not be accounted to be truely deuoute But howe they haue altered the Sacraments both in number and in the right vse of them no man almost can bee ignoraunt Where the Scriptures mention but two they haue appointed seuen I will not now stand vpon the number of sacramentes I will speake only of those which both parts agree to be sacraments Baptisme the Lordes Supper First as touching Baptisme we teache not onely as some falsely father vppon vs that it is signum Initiale a Signe wherby we be first consecrated Christians but wee adde also that we by faith and the operation of the holy Ghost doe put on Christ as a garment that is that wee haue him so fastened and appropriated to vs that he is ours and wee his and that he hydeth and couereth our nakednesse according as S. Paule saith As many as are Baptized haue put on Christ We beleeue and teache that Baptisme is to Christians the Fountaine of life whereby our sinnes are washed away So saith S. Peter Baptizet●r vnusquisque vestrum in nomine Jesu in remissionem peccatorū i. Let euerie one of you
must next consider how this blessed meat is truely rightly eaten both in the sacraments without the vse of of Sacramentes This question hath vexed all Christendom nowe for the space of certaine yeres hath exercised the pennes and tongues almost of all learned men of this age with great vehemencie on eche side But surely if they would with single mindes without heat of contention truely consider howe the fruite and benefite of this heauenly foode is receaued this controuersie might bee easily ended and many a troubled conscience quieted which now almost only are by this meanes stayed from embracing the trueth of the Gospell They doe not so greatly mislike the other parts of our doctrine but this sticketh in their consciences that wee denie the body and blood of Christ really and carnally eaten and drunken in the Sacrament Wherefore I hartely desire al such for the time to laye aside that settled perswasion wherewith their mindes hitherto hath beene so holden that they could not abide to heare any thing of the contrarie and with indifferent and charitable mindes carefully to consider that which in parte I haue and now hereafter shall speake touchyng this matter First therefore you must call to your remembraunce that Christes bodye is not carnall meate and drinke for our bodyes but spirituall meat and drinke for our soules and for that cause S. Paul in this place so calleth it saying That the olde Fathers did eate of the same spirituall meate and drinke of the same spiritual drinke And yet I must needes confesse that this spirituall meate is profitable not to the soule onely but to the body also For Christ dyed for preseruation both of soule and bodye But this benefite of nourishment is not first receaued of the bodye and throughe it passeth to the soule for that were monstrous but beeyng first receaued of the soule it profiteth the bodye For as Christ sayth That which entreth into the bodily mouth defyleth not the man but that commeth out of the mouth from the corrupte hearte and mynde So contrariwyse not that good thing that entreth by the bodye dothe profyte the soule but that which entered first by the soule and is receaued by it profyteth also the bodye For the body and bloud of Christ beeyng in deede the true foode of lyfe when it is spiritually eaten by the soule through the operation of the holye Ghost maketh vs apte to Resurrection and in due tyme transformeth our mortall bodyes to the lykenesse of his glorious bodye If the spirite of him that raised Christ from death dwell in vs he that raised Christ from the dead shall also quicken our mortall bodies because that his spirit through Christ dwelleth in vs. The better to vnderstand what it is to eate this spirituall foode and how it is truely effectually receaued to eternall lyfe I must put you in minde of the comparison that before I vsed betweene the body and the soule As the bodye is sayde to eate when it receaueth that sustenaunce wherewith the hunger thereof is stayed and satisfied and as it is sayde to drinke when it receaueth that liquour wherewith the thirst is quenched euen so our soule is sayde to eate and to drinke when it receaueth that heauenly and blessed foode of Christ Jesus crncifyed wherewith the hungry and thirstie appetite thereof that is the vehement desire of the fauour of God and saluation is fully satisfyed and appeased As there commeth no benefit to the body of meat drinke vnlesse it bee eaten and drunken so the bodye and blood of Christ crucified doth not helpe vs anye thing if it bee not worthily and truely receaued The body receaueth hys foode by the mouth of the body the soule receaueth hirs by the mouth of the soule As it is not sufficient to hunger and thirst nor to receaue sustenaunce vnlesse there be a naturall strength in our bodyes to receaue concoct and digest the same so there must be in our soules that strength that may surely receaue Christ and wrappe him or embrace him in the bowels of our heart that he may thereby as it were be turned into vs and wee into him but that strength is not in our selues but is giuen of God We must therefore haue it from him from whom all good giftes proceede that is From the father of lyghtes And this gift wherewith Christ is truely and effectually receaued is nothing but faith For by fayth we receaue Christ and assure our selues in our hartes that wee are partakers of that redemption which by his death he hath procured for vs and with that firme perswasion lay him vp in the bowels of our heartes that in all our temptations and troubles we may feede vpon him and gather strength and comfort in the assuraunee of Gods fauour purchazed by him so that so often as our heartes bee shaken with mistrust and feare this faith doth comforte and releeue vs agayne Nowe that faith is the mouth and meanes whereby onely wee receaue and eate Christ to saluation I will let you vnderstand it both by Christes owne wordes in S. Iohn and by the iudgement of diuers learned and auncient Fathers For Christ vseth these wordes indifferently and as of one force and signification To beleeue in him To eate him To drinke him To come vnto him and doth attribute to eche of these y ● same effectes To beleeue in Christ is the proper worde to eate Christ or to come vnto him are Metaphores and figuratiue speeches but all of one force I am the bread of life saith Christ he that commeth to me shall not hunger and he that beleeueth in me shall neuer thirst Marke diligently deerely beloued what Christ sayth He that commeth to me shall not hunger therfore to come vnto Christ is to eat Christ And againe he saith He that beleeueth in mee shall neuer thirst therfore to beleeue in Christ is to drinke Christ To eat and to drinke are meanes to take away hunger and thirst but to come vnto Christ to beleeue in him as Christ himselfe saith doth take away hunger and thirst therefore to come vnto him and to beleeue in him is to eate him and to drinke him An other out of the same place is this Christ attributeth the same effectes and fruits to them which beleeue in him that he doth to them that eate his bodie and drinke his blood therefore by eating and drinking he meaneth nothing but beleeuing His wordes bee these Iohn 6. verse 54. He that eateth my fleshe and drinketh my blood hath eternall life and I will raise him vp at the last daye Note the effectes that he gyueth to eatyng his fleshe and drinking his blood that is to haue euerlasting lyfe and bee raysed at the last daye In the. 40. verse of the same Chapter hee sayeth This is the wyll of my father that sent mee that euerie one that seeth the sonne and beleeueth on him should haue eternall life I
will raise him vp at the last daye Who seeth not heere that Christ attributeth the same force to beleeuing that in the other verse he did to eating and drinking and therfore vseth y ● wordes indifferently as beyng of one meaning I myght stay vpon many other places wherein the holy Ghost wytnesseth that we haue eternall life by beleeuing in Christ as in the same place He that trusteth in me hath eternal life but the matter is needelesse and the time will not suffer me Therefore by Christes owne wordes to beleeue in Christ is to eat Christ That you may not thinke this is a new deuise proceeding from my selfe or from the Preachers of thys tyme hearken you what S. Augustine sayeth This is the bread that came from heauen that if any doe eate of it he shoulde not die but that stretcheth to the Vertue of the Sacrament not to the visible Sacrament He that eateth within not he that eateth without he that eateth with the hart and not he that presseth it with his teeth Marke I pray you y ● he attributeth the true effectuall eating not to the pressing with the teeth and bodyly mouthe but to the inward eating with the hart and what is that but by faith and beleeuing spiritually to eate him and so he expoundeth himselfe in an other place This it is therefore fayeth he to eate that foode that perisheth not but remaineth to eternall lyfe What preparest thou thy tooth and thy belly beleeue and thou hast eaten And againe To beleeue in hym that is it to eate the bread of lyfe Cyprian also to the same purpose writeth These things so often as wee doe wee sharpen not our teeth to byte but with sincere fayth wee breake and diuide that holye breade Some happily thinke that this spirituall eating by faith is but a ●leight matter and of no great weyght and so the teachers of the Churche of Rome woulde perswade men but they consider not the great vertue power and strength of Faith By Fayth wee knowe Christ and the true meane of our saluation by hym By Faith wee bee graffed into Christ as braunches into the roote and stocke so that wee lyue now by him and by his spirit as the braunches doe by the Iuice that commeth from the bodye of the tree By Fayth wee bee so vnited vnto Christ that we may iustly saye whatsoeuer is hys is ours also by fayth we are made the chyldren of God and heyres of eternall lyfe By fayth wee haue peace wyth God and are assured of hys fauour in the myddest of all our troubles by fayth wee dare boldly approche to the throne of Gods mercie This might and strength of fayth they feele not that thinke it so simple a matter to eate Christ by fayth Christ witnesseth That by eating him by faith and beliefe we haue saluation and eternall lyfe and that hee will raise vs at the last daye Wherefore I woulde knowe of them what other eating there is beside thys whereby wee maye assure our selues of Saluation Truely the Scriptures mention none And that carnall eating for which the Churche of Rome striueth is suche as they themselues confesse that Iudas and all wicked persons may vse and bee damned Nowe I appeale to the consciences of them that feare GOD and will not willyngly runne into errour whether wee or they deale with the people of God more sincerely They without any euident proofe of the Scriptures contende as I haue sayde for that reall and bodily eating with which damnation maye bee ioyned wee endeuour to perswade men that manner of spirituall eatyng by faythe throughe which by the testimonie of the whole Scriptures wee shall be assured of eternall lyfe and with which damnation can not bee ioyned Some perchaunce wyll saye vnto mee or wyll thinke with themselues in their mynde If this doctrine bee true then are Sacramentes needelesse For wee may eate Christ by fayth spiritually in such sort as you haue sayd without any vse of the Lordes supper and therefore it maye seeme superfluous God forbydde that the most perfect Christians and of strongest fayth should once thinke Sacramentes to bee superfluous and needelesse They bee the blessed and holy ordinaunces of Christ by his mercy and goodnesse appoynted for our great helpe and benefite as I haue in the former Sermon declared And yet I must confesse to the great comforte of many godlye persons that the faythfull Christian maye and doth often feede vpon Christ to saluation beside the vse of the Sacrament For the spirituall grace and benefites which as I haue sayd before is the principall parte of a Sacrament is not of necessitie alwaye so tyed to the outwarde signes that without them God can not or doth not sometime bestowe the same I doubte not but the Theefe vppon the Crosse without vse of the Sacrament dyd eate the bodye and blood of Christ in such sort that he was the same day w t him in Paradise We see in the Actes of the Apostles that Cornelius and hys company was sealed with the spirite of GOD before the receauing of the outward Sacrament in such sort that if he had then immediatly departed out of this life he should haue gone to heauen which coulde not bee vnlesse he had spiritually by fayth eaten the true foode of euerlasting life that is Christ Jesus crucifyed which he fed vppon most assuredly whyle he heard Saint Peter preach Christ There were in tyme of the Primitiue Churche great numbers of godly Martyrs saued which neuer outwardly receaued the Sacrament of the Lordes supper and yet fruitfully and effectually did eat Christ by faith And so doe many at this daye which either by sicknesse or by imprisonment or by any other lyke cause of necessitie are tyed from the outwarde vse of the Sacraments Yet as I haue fayde God forbyd that we shoulde thinke the Sacrament of the Lordes supper superfluous but rather exceeding profitable In the vse of y t Sacrament there is a double eating of which one helpeth the other † As manne consisteth of two partes bodie and soule so the bodye feedeth vppon the outwarde elementes of bread and wyfe but the soule feedeth in deede and truely vpon Jesus Christ crucified The outward eating by y ● instrumēts of our body causeth al our senses our hearing our seeing our feeling our tasting to helpe our inwarde eating by faith by the same quickeneth stirreth strengtheneth increaseth our faith y t we may eate y t body and blood of Christ more effectually fruitfully For when the faithful christian heareth the wordes of Christes institution sounde in his eares This is my body that is giuen for you this is my blood that is shed for the remission of your sinnes it stirreth vppe his faith for faith is by hearing to lay strong howfast vppon this promise in his hart doth assure himselfe that Christ dyed and shed his blood not
I thinke it necessary in a worde or two to teach you how Christians should prepare themselues as worthy guestes to come to this holy Table But before I come to that I will fyrste aunswere an euell and peruerse Doctrine broughte into the Church by the Sea of Roome and the Preachers and teachers thereof directlye both agaynste Christes owne wordes and agaynst the doctrine of the auncient fathers that is that very wicked mē and horrible sinners as Iudas and other doe eate in the sacrament the very Reall and naturall body of Christe as fully as Peter or any other Saint of God or other faythfull Christian hath done or doth This Doctrine as it is reprochefull to the body and blood of Christ so it is plainly against y t which Christ himself teacheth in Iohn For there Christ sayth thus He that eateth my flesh drinketh my blood abideth in me and I in him As the liuing Father sent me and I liue by the Father so hee that eateth me shall liue by me I adde But the wicked naugty persons abide not in christ nor liue by him therfore sinfull and wicked faythlesse persons doe not eate Christ nor drinke his blod In the same place Christ sayeth further Whosoeuer eateth my fleshe and drinketh my blood hath eternall life c. I adde here likewise But the wicked haue not eternall life by christ nor shall bee raysed to life but to eternall damnation therefore it is a false and a wicked Doctrine that Iudas and such other naughtie persons doe eate the very true reall and Naturall bodye of christ for if they did they shold thē be partakers of those benefits which christ truth it self promiseth to thē y t eat him Though this their doctrine to any godly man may seeme absurde in it selfe and Christ his wordes against it be plain ynough and will not easylye admitte any glose yet if the aunciente Fathers also teache not herein as wee doe let vs be thought to deuise it of oure selues Origin sayeth this These thinges haue I spoken of the typicall and fyguratiue body Much also may be spokē of the word himselfe which became fleshe whome whosoeuer shall eate shall surely liue for euer and he addeth Whome no euill man can eate For if it could be that he which cōtinueth euill did eate the word that became flesh seing that he is the word bread of life it would neuer haue ben writtē whosoeuer eateth the bread shall liue for euer Hitherto Orig. And S. Aug. He that discordeth frō Christ eateth not his flesh nor drinketh his blood but he receaueth the Sacrament of so holy a thing to the iudgement of damnation against himselfe And y ● same father vpō S. Joh. The Apostles sayth he did eat the bred that was the Lord but Iudas did eate the breade of the Lord against the Lord. But most plainly he sayth in an other place The sacramēt of the vnity of the body blod of Christ is receiued at the Lords table of some to life of some to destruction But the thing it selfe whereof it is a sacrament is life to euery man and death to none whosoeuer shall be partaker of it And in the same place To eate that meate and to drink that drinke is to dwel in Christ to haue christ dwelling in him And by that it followeth that he which dwelleth not in Christ nor hath christ dwelling in him vndoubtedly doth not spiritually eat his flesh nor drink his blood although carnally visibly he presse with his teeth the sacrament of the body blood of Christ c. Although I might alleage a nūber of other places to y t same purpose yet because these fathers vndoubtedly did know the fayth Doctrine of the church in their time this may be sufficient to such as haue not a minde willingly to abyde in errour Seing none be partakers of that heauenly foode laid forth at that holy table but such as worthily come to receaue the same it behoueth all good Christians as before I haue sayde to learne how to prepare themselues to the worthy receiuing thereof And how that may be done S. Paule in generall words brecfely sheweth Let a man sayeth hee prooue himselfe and so let him eate of this bread and drink of this Cuppe The meanes therefore to come worthilye is to proue and trie our selues whether those thinges bee in vs which the worthy Guestes of that Table should haue First therefore we must looke vnfainedlye into our selues whether we haue an appetite or desyre to eate of y t blessed foode For a loathing stomache neuer perfectly digesteth any meat y t it receaueth but turneth it to the hurt of the body This Appetite or desire cannot be in vs vnlesse it be wrought by the sharpe sauce of seuere repentance for our sinnes which we shall the better prepare if wee examine our selues by the perfect rule of Gods iustice in his law consider how farre we are from the same and what danger hangeth ouer our heads for the wante thereof God sayth in his law Thou shalt loue the Lord thy god with al thy hart with all thy foule with all thy minde with all thy strength and thy Neighbour as thy selfe That is wee should loue we should hate we should feare we shold hope for nothing but in God and to his glory we should thinke or muse vpon nothing in our minde and vnderstanding but that may make to the honour and glory of god We should imploye all the powers of our bodye and of our worldelye giftes to the same ende wee shoulde doe nothing to anye other man which we woulde not willinglye bee contented should be tone vnto vs. If wee examine our selues by this rule we shal see we be so farre from that we should be that ●●nos● we haue not one branche thereof in vs whiche will more euidently appeare if wee will trie our selues by euery particular commaundemente rightely and truely vnderstanded Seing then we be so farre from the iustice of Gods lawe the curse thereof must needes be due vnto vs for God sayth Cursed is he whosoeuer keepeth not all thinges written in the booke of his lawe In this manner if wee examine our selues sincerely we shall throughly know what wee are in the sight of God as well by the corruption of oure nature as by the course of our euill and naughtie lyfe wee shall haue sence of our own sinne wee shall hate and detest it wee shall from the bottome of oure hartes be sory for it with trembling mindes we shal feare the heauie iudgement of God against vs and so will there be stirred vp in vs that Godly appetite and greedye desyre to eate of that spirituall meate whiche onelye can satisfye our troubled conscience and cure our repentaunt and broken hattes c. But though the appetite and desyre bee neuer so great in vayne he commeth to any table that hath no mouth to eate nor strength
teache it to be a cognizaunce or badge of our Religion whereby wee bee separated and distincte from Turkes Jewes and all other Miscreantes and by the vse thereof confesse before God and the worlde that wee are of the number of them that looke to bee saued by the death of Christ And therefore sayeth Saint Paule Yee cannot drinke of the Cuppe of the Lord and of the cuppe of deuils Thirdlye wee teach it to hee a Seale added to the laste wyll of Christ to assure vs of all those legacies that in the same hee hath bequeathed vnto vs and principally that hys bodye was gyuen to death for vs and his blood shedde for the remission of our sinnes Fourthlye wee teache that it is a linke of vnitie among our selues and a spirituall ingraffing of vs into the mysticall bodye of Christ so that as the braunches haue lyfe and mayntenaunce from theyr roote and stocke so haue wee from Christ Lastlye wee teache that it is a spirituall and heauenly Feast and banquet● wherein the sonne of God Christ Jesu offereth to the faythful hartes of Christians the heauenly foode of hys moste precious body and blood they therein receiue the same effectuallye truely indeede and not in sygne onelye for wee doe from our heartes detest that opinion that Christes body and blood is receaued in the Sacrament onely figuratiuely For S Paul sayth Panis quē frāgimus nonne comunicatio est corporis Christi poculus benedictionis cui benedicimus nonne comunicatio sanguinis eius est i. The breade whiche wee breake is it not the partakyng of the body of Christ and the cuppe of blefsing whiche wee blesse is it not the partaking of the blood of Christ Wee beleeue therfore teach that the faithfull Christians are made partakers of the bodye and blood of Christ indeede and of all the benefites procured vnto mankind by the same And yet wee meane not this carnally and grossely so that the Reall and naturall bodye of Christe vnder the shape of a rounde peece of breade or his blood vnder the forme of Wine entreth into our mouth and descendeth into the naturall partes of our bodye God forbyd As wee say with Christ He that eateth not his bodie nor drinketh hys blood hath no life in him So we say with Cyprian Non acuimus dentes ad mordendum sed panem sanctum fide syncera frangimus i. Wee sharpen not the teeth to byte but wee breake the holy bread with sincere faith And with August we say Quid paras dentcm ventrem crede manducasti i. Why preparest thou thy teeth and thy bellie Beleue thou hast eaten Faith then is y ● mouth wherby we receiue Christ so digest him into y ● stomacke of our soules That which Christ did generally vpon the crosse to y ● whole world y ● do we thinke to euery man perticularly with no lesse good effect through faith to be applyed in the Lordes Supper So farre bee wee from teaching it to bee a signe or figure onely Let vs nowe continue in the comparison consider how the church of Rome doth vse this sacrament But Lord God what a sea should I enter into if I should take vpō me fully to declare their abuse of this reuerend Mysterie I will not I cannot thys time wil not serue for it yea diuers sermons wil not serue to deliuer it Who knoweth not y ● this onely matter hath occupyed the tongnes and pennes of all the learned of Europe I will therefore rehearse vnto you onely the titles of the abuses reseruyng the full discourse to some other tymes Christ instituted a Supper or holy Feast they make it a priuate repast In a feast there is both the Feast maker and the guestes but in theyr priuate Masse one supplyeth the person both of the Feast maker and of the guest Christ Instituted a Sacramente of thankesgeuyng as hee sayeth Doe thys in remembraunce of mee They make it a Sacrifice propitiatorie for the quick and for the dead hauing not one syllable of Gods worde for it Christ gaue breade they say there is no breade Christ gaue Wine they saye the substaunce of Wine is cleane vanished awaye Christ said Drinke yee all of thys nay saye they none but Priestes maye drinke of it Christ sayde when hee gaue breade This is my bodye and when he gaue Wyne This is my blood They saye when the aue or the other is gyuen that it is both the bodye and bloud I omitte that they mixed diuers corrupte doctrines and vnfruitful and daungerous Ceremonies I omitte that they made it a common Marchandize to buy soules out of Purgatorie Finally I omitte that they haue made of this heauenly mysterie a perpetuall matter of Idolatrie by leading the people in theyr Eleuations to worshippe the creature in steede of the Creator If I shoulde enter to declare how they haue wrested and wroong the words of Christes Institution it myght seeme to all men that haue the feare of God verye marueilous but this that I haue spoken may suffice Seeyng therfore they haue not the ryghte vse of the Sacramentes accordyng to the Institution of Christ they cannot challenge vnto them the second Note or marke of the true Churche of God but that the same remayneth rather wyth vs then with them Yea wyll some say but they haue one token wherevppon the olde learned Fathers dyd seeme more to stay their consciences than al y ● residue that you haue spoken of that is Continuall succession of Bishops for y ● space of 1500. yeeres Irenaeus Tertullian Augustine c. and other when truth was in controuersie heretikes challenged the name of y ● Church did flie to this as a principall anker whereby to stay them and their doctrine I graunt deerely beloued that it is true in same respect they did so But I praye you who were they agaynst whom they so reasoned Forsooth Marcion Valentinian and other lyke Heretikes which did refuse reiect almost the whole Scriptures both of y ● olde newe Testament And such few bookes as they admitted they had corrupted by adding chaunging and by pulling out that these learned Fathers were there by forced to appeale to the Succession of the Apostolicall Churches as well for the triall of the auctenticall Scriptures alway frō the Apostles age left among them as also for the iustifying of that doctrine which they taught out of the Scriptures and had bene alway obserued in the same That it was thus Tertul. himselfe witnesseth Ista haeresis sayth he non recipit quasdam scripturas si quas recipit adiectionibus detractionibus ad dispositionem instituti sui interuertit si recipit non recipit integras c. i. This Heresie doth not admitte certain Scriptures and those that it receiueth by additions and detractions it wresteth to her purpose as it receiueth certain so it receueth them not wholly c.
S. Aug. that I haue heare layde downe and by many other like that I might alleage I truste all suche as feare God and will iudge indifferently may perceiue that this is no new doctrine which at this time I taught touching the likenesse of the Jewes religion and Sacramentes to ours now in time of the Gospell Herevnto I must add this note by the way If the Israelites vnder the old law did in their sacramēts eat y ● same spirituall meat drink y ● same spiritual drink y ● we do in ours that is Christ that effecally and to saluation before Christes natural body blood were borne and come really into the worlde it maye euydently leade vs also to vnderstande what manner of eating and drinking it is that we also should vse in our sacramēts to saluation that is a spirituall eating and drinking of Christ and not such a grosse carnall and reall eating as the Church of Rome now striueth for But of this I haue to speake in the nexte part Therefore here I will make an ende c. ¶ The seconde Sermon vpon this part of the Text. 1. Cor. 10. 3. c. All did eate of the same spirituall meate and all did drinke of the same spirituall drinke For they dranke of the spirituall Rocke and the Rocke was Christe NOt only S. Paule in this place but the spirite of God in sunderye other Places of the Scriptures teacheth vs that Christe only is the blessed and Heauenlye foode of oure soules wherewith we are fed and nourished to eternall life Of this meate and drinke Esay prophecied many yeares before Christ came in fleshe Oh sayd he come all ye that be thirstie come to the waters and yee that haue no siluer come buy and eate come I say bye wine and milke without money wherfore do you lay out siluer for that which is no fode bestow your labor for that which cannot satisfye you harken dilligently vnto me eat that which is good c. In which words he caled the hungry thirstie consciences of gods people to that heauenly foode of Christ which in his gospel is laid before the faithfull by it to be fedde to eternall life and reproueth them for seeking other foode besyde Christ because indeed there is none that can satisfie them but onelye hee This doth Christ himself seeme to expound in this maner in the gospel when he sayth If any man thirst let him come to me and drinke But most euident in John the sixte hee declareth himselfe to be the onely foode of oure soules of which we must feede vnto saluation For vppon the occasyon of the Jewes following him with a carnall affection to haue their bodyes fedde by myracle as before he had done he sharply reproueth that affection in them willeth thē to labour and trauatle not for the meat that perisheth but for the meate y t shold endure to euerlasting life which the sonne of man should giue vnto them And after Moises gaue you not bread from heauen but my father giueth you the true bread from heauen For the bread of God is he who cōmeth down from heauen to giue life vnto the world And after a few words he sayth plainely I am the bread of life he that commeth to me shal not hunger and he that beleueth in me shall neuer thirst And againe I am the bread of life your fathers did eat Manna in the wildernesse and are dead This is the bread of life which commeth downe from heauen of which he that eateth should not die I am the liuing bread that came downe from heauen if any man eate of this bread hee shall liue for euer and the bread which I wil giue is my fleshe which I will giue for the life of the worlde c. Except ye eate of the fleshe of the son of man drink his blood you haue no life in you Whosoeuer eateth my fleshe and drinketh my blood hath eternall life c I will raise him vp at the last day For my flesh is meate in deede and my blood is drinke in deede c. Seing then it is very euident that Christ is the meate and drinke of all true Christians it behoueth vs next to learne why Christ is called meate and drinke for we may not groselye vnderstand it as y ● Capernaites did that it is a Meat wherwith our bodies are to be nourished as with other natural foode God forbid For Christ himselfe a little after sayth The words that I haue spoken are spirite and life Gyuing vs thereby to vuderstande that hee is oure spiritual meate and his wordes spiritually to be vnderstanded This speech then that Christ is meate an drinke vnto Christians is not a naturall and proper kinde of speaking but metaphoricall and figuratiue transferred from the bodye to the soule from a worldlye meaning to a spirituall Seuce Which the better to perceaue you must remēber that man consisteth not of body only but of soule also And as y t body hath his life and death so the soule hath her life and death And as the body hath certayn means to keepe of death and for the time to mayntayne lyfe so hath the soule meanes to preserue the life thereof and to put awaye death The lif of the body is the ioyning of the soule and the bodye togither and the death thereof is the separation of the soule from the bodye The meanes to preserue the life of the bodye that is to continue the bodye and soule togeather is foode and sustenaunce meate and drinke for we daylye and howerly doe consume and the substance of our bodies wasteth by the pores of oure skinne so that when Nature feeleth wante of Substaunce to supplye the wasting of the body then it is sayde in proper speeche to hunger or to thirst that is to desyre and couette that thing whereby the waute of naturall Substaunce and moysture maye be supplyed least the Instrumentes of the soule shoulde bee made feeble and so the soule departe and the body dye Nowe looke what the soule is to the hedye that is GOD vnto the soule As the lyfe of the bodye is the ioyning of the soule to the bodye for wythout the Soule there is no life so the life of the Soule is the ioyning of GOD and the Soule togeather and the death of the Soule is the separation of GOD from the soule for without GOD the soule hath no lyfe And yet you maye not thinke that the Soule dyeth after that sorte that the bodye doeth by ceassyng to haue a beeing or a continuaunce but it dreth a spirituall death by separation of God from it so that the tyme that it is and hath a beeing withoute God is nothing but a moste horrible tormente and more greeuous then a thousande bodilye deathes Nowe further as the body hath a certayne meanes by foode and Sustenaunce to preserue life that is
this people euen the fruite of their owne imaginations because they haue not taken heede vnto my wordes nor vnto my law but haue cast it of And in the last Chap. of the. 7. of the Chronicles it is thus written The Lord God of their fathers hath sent vnto them by his Messengers rising vp earely and sending for he had compassion on his people and of his habitation but they mocked the Messengers of God and misused his Prophetes vntill the wrath of the Lord rose against his people and till there was no remedie for he brought vpon them the King of the Chaldees who slewe their yong men with the sworde c. God of his great goodnes hath sundry times sent into this land his Messengers and Preachers of his Gospell and principally these twentie yeeres last past in which time the sounde of Gods holy worde hath continually roong in the eares of men yet was the loue of the Gospell neuer so colde as euen at this day nor the hartes of English men so ready to reuolt from it It is lamentable to vnderstande howe in all partes of the Realme those Papistes whiche before time appeared to be somewhat afrayde and sought by all meanes to hyde themselues doe now openly shew themselues and desire to be knowne to be as they are What their hope or expectation is the Lord knoweth but surely it is full time that hir Maiestie and hir most Honourable Counsell as they feare God and loue his truth doe speedily looke vnto it otherwise vndoubtedly the inconuenience will be greater than by authoritie will be easily stayde The care hereof I leaue to them whome God hath sette in place of Gouernement only I thought it my duetye being appoynted a watchman in the Church of God to sounde the Trumpet in this place and to giue warning that the bloud of them that perish be not required at my hande and withall moste humbly and hartilye praye vnto almighty God that with the grace of his holy spirite he will so direct strengthen the minds of them whose principall charge this is that that may be done which moste tendeth to the glory of God and maintenance of his truth and to the good state and preseruation of this our naturall Countrey Amen ¶ The speciall contentes of this Booke of Sermons reduced into a necessarie Table of Common places A. Acknowledge THe way to acknowledge God in man Folio 192. Meanes to make those acknowlege a God which do altogither deny him Folio 191 Whoso can not acknowledge God in him selfe can not be sayd to be a man Folio 193 Properties which can not but be known in God if we doe acknowledge him but only in his creatures Folio 193 Afflictions ¶ That afflictions doe no whitte discredit the power of the Gospell Folio 7 Howe the godlie doe stay them selues in afflictions so that they may not fal frō Christ c. Folio 200 Afflictions are layde vpon the righteous to trie them withall Folio 174. 175. 176. B. Baptisme ¶ Fruitful doctrines of the Protestantes concerning Baptisme Folio 30. 31 Papisticall vntruthes and abuses concerning Baptisme Folio 31 Benefite ¶ How we are to apply the benefit of the comming of Christ in the flesh euery man to himselfe Folio 92. 93 The Church of Rome impugneth the doctrine of applying the benefites of Christs merits by faith c. Folio 94. 95. 96 C. Calling ¶ Ordinarie authoritie or calling is no iust proofe of true Doctrine Folio 74 The Prophetes extraordinarily set vp by God to reprooue the abuses of their ordinarie calling Folio 75 Vnder the clothing of ordinarie calling the wolfe is descried and how Folio 76 Christ. ¶ Christ only is our aduocate and mediatour Folio 231 Christ only is our redeemer Folio 231 Christ only is our priest to sacrifize for vs which he hath done once for all Folio 232 Christ is our only instructour Folio 232 Christ is the only hed of the Church Folio 233 Why Christ of necessitie was to be both God and Man c. Folio 140 Why Christ shoulde necessarily bee man 140. Folio 141 Christ hath no partakers in any of his offices Folio 233 Suche as doe but a little close with the worlde are and stande in daunger of treason to Christ. Folio 200. 201 The Papists wil haue Christ to be a demi Sauiour Folio 237. 238. 239. c. Church ¶ Christe compareth the Church to husbandrie Folio 177 Why the Spirite of God compareth the Church to husbandrie Folio 178 The name of the Church abused by the Wolues Folio 77 The inuisible Church consisting of the elect Folio 20 Of the visible Church and the descriptiō of the same Folio 20 The Church of Christ is tyed to no place Fol. Folio 21 The number of the Church may be smal Fol. Folio 21 None are openly of the Church but such as are called thereto by Gods worde Fol. Folio 21 The corrupt liues and foule vices of the fathers of the Church of Rome detected c. Folio 98 Faith doth ingraffe vs into the Church Fol. Folio 21 The Church of Rome a Monster hauing three heads at once Folio 102 The Church of Rome hath not in it the tokens of the true Church Folio 23 What Church is most likely to haue false interpretations Folio 39 The markes of the Church Folio 22 23 The increase of the Church by Martyrdome shewed in a similitude Folio 182 Of dissolutenesse of life in the Churche of Rome c. Folio 47 The Papistes obiect the visible state of their Churche to proue it the true Church Folio 42 Gods true Churche may bee and yet not appeare generally visible Folio 43 That may seeme to vs the true Churche which is not Folio 43 Examples prouing a Churche and yet not visible c. Folio 43. 44. 45 The inuisible state of the Churche since the Apostles dothe not prooue the Church to be no true Church Folio 45 Comming ¶ What it is to denie Christes Comming in the flesh and that in two sorts Folio 235 Papistes and not Protestants denye Christes Comming in the fleshe and how Folio 235 The causes of Christes Comming in the flesh Folio 230 The generall and particular causes of Christes Comming in the flesh Folio 230 The faithfull Iewes did eate and drinke spiritually the Body and Bloud of Christ before hys reall Comming in the flesh c. ●35 A place ymagined where the dead did rest before the Comming of Christ Folio 132 Common weales All Common weales are not to be tyed to one forme of gouernement Folio 218 To be disturbers of Common weales c. is no new slander nor now first obiected against gods true ministers Folio 219 Contempt Considerations concerning Christ which maketh mans carnall reason to haue him in Contempt Folio 2 The more excellent that mē are in carnall reason onely the more is theys Contempt of Christ Folio 2 Contempt of Godlynesse of life can not stande with the acknowledging of a God Folio 191 The Contempt of
is so hard a thing for him that aboundeth in Riches too bee saued Fol. Folio 202. 203 Two meanes to withstād the mischiefes of Riches and worldly wealth Folio 204 There is no assurance to bee had of worldly Riches Folio 204 The estimation that is to be had of all earthly things and consequently of Riches Folio 205 S. Sacrament ¶ What a Sacrament is Folio 118 How the body and bloud of Christ are sayde to be meate and drinke thys concerneth the Sacrament Folio 137. 138 Against the carnal eating and drinking of Christ body and bloud in the Sacrament Folio 142. 143 What to eate Christes bodie and to drinke his bloud as in the Sacrament Fol. Folio 144. 145. 146 The eating of Christ by faith is no derogation to the dignitie of the Sacrament and profit therof Folio 147 In the vse of the Sacrament is a double eating to be noted Folio 148 Our sences in the vse of the Sacrament are helpers to our better receyuing of the same Folio 148. 149. 150 The dissention of the Protestantes for the Sacrament is no such greate matter as the Papists make it Folio 56 The wickednesse of the minister doeth not derogate any thing from the effect of the Sacrament c. Folio 119 The faith of the receiuer not the life of the minister doth helpe or hinder in the effect of the Sacrament Folio 120 Fruiteful actions and doctrines concerning the Sacrament of the Lords supper Folio 33 Christ his body c. receiued in the Sacrament of the Lords supper Folio 34 The enemie of Christ in the Sacrament is not carnally to be vnderstoode Folio 35 Papisticall vntruthes and abuses concerning the Sacrament of the Lordes supper Folio 35 Blasphemous doctrine of wicked mens eating of the bodie of Christe in the Sacrament refelled Folio 152 153 How we ought to prepare our selues to the worthye receiuing of the Sacrament of Christs bodie and bloud Folio 154 How we are to make triall of our selues before we come to receiue the Sacrament of Christs bodie and bloud Folio 154. 155. 156. A briefe and pithie prayer for communicāts to say before they receiue the Sacrament of Christs bodie and bloud Fol. Folio 157. 158 The faithful togither with the outward signe receiue the inwarde thinges in the Sacrament Folio 128 Sacraments ¶ The difference betwixte the Iewes Sacrament and ours consisteth in externall signes respect of time Folio 133. 134 Sacramēts are badges by which we christians are knowne from Idolaters Folio 150 Sacraments are the seales whereby Gods promises are confirmed vnto vs. Folio 151 How Christes bodie and bloud is truely and rightly to be eaten and drunken as well in the Sacraments as without them Folio 142 What the internal part of Sacraments is Fol. Folio 122 Sacraments are seales whereby the letters patents of our saluation in Christ are confirmed vnto vs. Folio 123 Why Sacraments were ordayned Folio 125 Our infirmitie the first cause why Sacraments were ordayned Folio 125 The second cause why Sacraments were instituted is oure exercise in the remembraunce of Christs benefits Folio 126 The thirde ende wherevnto Sacramentes were appointed Folio 126 Sacraments consist of three parts Folio 120 The second part whereof Sacraments doe consist is the spiritual or inward thing Fol. Folio 122 The third part wherein Sacraments consist is the words of Christs institution and promise Folio 124 The fourth cause why Sacramentes were ordayned Folio 126 The last cause why Sacraments were appointed Folio 127 God the only author of Sacraments Folio 118 Sacraments vnite vs vnto Christ Folio 151 Sacraments are too linke vs togither in brotherly vnitie Folio 151 Papisticall Sacraments of their owne deuise Folio 32 Papistes cannot be knowne to be of the true Church by their Sacraments Folio 30 Papisticall number of sacraments Folio 30 Sacraments markes of Gods Church Folio 23 What diffeeence is to bee obserued betwixt the Sacramentes of the olde Iewes c. Folio 129 Saluation ¶ Christonly is al in al to Saluatiō Folio 85. 86 It is not sufficient to Saluation to be idle professours of God but also doers of godly deedes Folio 160. 161 Blasphemous derogation to the merits of Christs working our Saluation Folio 91 The letters patents and seales of our Saluation what they are Folio 123 The old Iewes vnder the law hadde the same hope of Saluation by Christ that we now haue Folio 129. 130. 131 Protestants doctrine of Saluation is the doctrine of the Scripture Folio 234 Scismes ¶ Christēdome torne by Popish Scismes Fol. Folio 103 Scismes in the East Church whiche were Christians Folio 58 Scismes between diuerse of the auntient fathers Folio 58. 59 The Papistes cannot without their own great shame obiect Scismes to Protestants Folio 59 Scriptures ¶ The learned aduersarie refuseth to be tryed by the Scriptures and why Folio 25 Why Papistes doe refuse tryall by the Scriptures Folio 26 Blasphemie of the Papistes againste the Scriptures Folio 26 The written Scriptures onely are and ought to bee sufficiente to trye all truth Folio 23 The Papistes refuse triall by the Scriptures Folio 24 Three poyntes shewing how the Papistes esteeme the Scriptures Folio 24. 25 How the Church may iudge or vse the Scriptures concerning their truth Folio 27 Greuous faults in the Church of Rome by taking hir authoritie ouer the Scriptures Folio 27. 28 Manifest false interpretations of Scriptures vsed by Papistes Folio 28 Doctrines of Papists againste the Scriptures in sixe perticulars Folio 28. 29 Sectes ¶ Protestantes are not to be blamed for the Sectes that happen in the time of the Gospell Folio 55 Sectes do more agree to Papistes than to Protestants Folio 55 Papisticall Schoolemen which diuided themselues into Sectes and how hurtfull that is to Christianitie Folio 6 Sinne. ¶ God is not the author of Sinne. Folio 166 The punishment of Sinne and what are the causes that moue God to plague men Folio 168 We cannot acknowledge a God but that withall he must punish sinne Folio 191 Wicked menne are plaged of God for their owne Sinnes to our example Folio 162 Soule ¶ Faith the mouth of the Soule whereby Christ is eaten Folio 144 A comparison betwixte the body and the Soule Folio 138 What the Soule is to the body that is God to the Soule Folio 138 How Christ was prepared to bee the foode of our Soules Folio 139 Christ the foode of our soules Folio 136. 137 Succession ¶ Papistes obiect Succession as a true note of their Church Folio 36 How the argumente of Succession hathe bin vsed by the fathers Folio 37 Succession is nothing without the doctrine of the Apostles Folio 38 The true Church better proued by doctrine than succession c. Folio 39 Personall Succession is no sure proofe that the Romish Churche is the true Church Folio 42 T. Transubstantiation ¶ The absurditie of Transubstantiation Fol. Folio 121 V. Vniuersities ¶ The cause of few Diuines in Vniuersities of the best sorte of wittes Folio 64 Diuersitie of opinions betwixt
in the externall signes respect of time In Ps 73. Cō Faust. lib. 19. cap 14. De doct Christ. in Jo. in psal Note August Tract in Joh. 26. The faythfull Jewes did eate and drinke spiritually the body blood of Christ before his reall comming in the flesh and soe doe we that ar borne beleeue since his incarnation the conclsion thereupon Christ the food of our soules Esay 55. 1. Joh. 7. 37. Io. 6. 26. c. Ioh. 6. 32. c. Ioh. 6. 35. Ioh. 6. 48. c. Io. 6. 53. ● Ioh. 6. 63. How the body and blood of Christ are said to hes meate and drinke Acomparison betwixte the body and the soule What the soule is to the body that is God to the soule 1. Io. 5. 12. How Christ was prepared to be the food of our soules Io. 6. 35. Why Christ of necessitie was to be both god and man firste why he shold be god 1. Jo. 5. 20. 1. Jo. 3. 5. Joh. 1. 12. Heb. 7. Ro. 8. 34. Why Christ world necessarily be man Joh. 12. 26. Heb. 4. 15. Now Christ his body and blood is truly rightlye to be eaten drunken as well in the Sacraments as without them Against the carnal eating drinking of Christs body and blood Mat. 15. 11 Rom. 8. 11. Iac. 1. 17. Fayth the mouth of the soule whereby Christe is eaten Ioh. 6. 29. 33. 35. What to eate Christ is what to drinke his blood is Ver. 4● Tract in Ioh. 26. Trast 25 De coenae Domini The force of fayth Ioh. 6. 54. The eating of Christ by fayth is no derogation to the dignity of the Sacramente and profite the● of Luc. 23. 4● Acts. 10. In the vse of the Sacrament is a double eating to be noted Our senses in the vse of the Sacrament are helpers to our better receauing of the same Hearinge Ma. 26. 26 Ro. 10. 17. Luc. 22. 19. Seeing Feeling Tasting Sacraments are badges by which we Christians are knowne from idolaters Sacraments are the seales wherby gods promises are confirmed vnto vs. Sacraments vnite vs to Christe Sacraments are to linke vs togeather in brotherly vnitie Blasphemus doctriue of wicked mens eating of the body of christ ●efelled Joh. 6. 56. Joh. 6. 54. In Mat. 15. De Trini lib. 4. Tract 59. Panē dn̄● Panē dn̄i Tract 26. How we ought to prepare our selues to the worthy receauing of the lords supper 1. Co. 11. 18. How we are to make trial of our selues before we come to the lords table Deut. 6. 5. Deu. 27. 26 1 2 3 Obiection Answeare Psal 103. 14. A breife praier for communicants Mar. 9. 24 Ma. 26. 33. Mar. 9. 33. Heb. 1● 22. Mat. 7. 21. It is not sufficient to saluation to be idle professors of god but also doers of godly deedes Iam. 1. 22. c. Luc. 11. 28. Mat. 7. 24. Ma● 11. 13. Wicked m●n are plagued of god for their owne sinnes to our ●●●ngle Nothing be●●ideth man by fortune but al thing● by gods direction Joh. 5. 17. Act. 17. 28. Psal 104. 29. Nature what it is Gen. 7. 3. Reg. 17. Retract Fortune what it is Mat. 10. 29 God the Creatour disposer and preserner of all The absurd opinion of thē confuted that imagined god to gouerne great thinges and matters only without prouiding any whitt for things of leue value God is not the author of sinne Euerie act is to be measured good or bad by the intent of the actor Jer. 7. 13. Esai 10. 5. God vseth naughtie instruments to the working of good What the causes ate that moue god to plague men The punishment of sin Leu. 26. 40 Jos 24. 20. Deutro 21. Leu. 26. 14. c. punishmenes sent from god for exam●ples sake Luc. 13. 2. Psal 543. 2. ●um 11. 4. Num. 25. ●● Num. 16. 3. Esai 36. 37. Afflictions are laid vpon the righteous to trie them withal Eccl. 27. 5. Prou. 17. 3. Judi 8. 21. Job 1. 21. Heb. 12. 6. Rom. 5. 3. 1 2 3 4 Christ compareth the church to husbandry especially in pasturing vintage and tillage Psal 23. 1● Psal 95. ● Joh. 10. 11 Joh. 15. 1. Esa 5. 1. c. Mat. 21. 33 Joh. 4. 35. Mat. 9. 37 Why the Spirit of god doth compare the church to husbandrie as beforesaide Interpretation of this parable of the seede sower Preachers are authori●ed by god in their calling 1. Cor. 4. 1. What ●●●mat●●● ought to be had of prechers 1. The. 2. 13. Gal. 4. 14. 2. The. 4. 8 Luc. 10. 16. How those are to be thought of who lightlie regard-either preachinge or preachers 1. Pet. 1. 23. That the worde of god is resembled to seede and why Esa 40. 6. The power of the words of god in it selfe and in the estimation of the worlde Rom. 1. 16. What gods worde woorketh in the hear●●s 1. Cor. 1. 23. Verse 27. How gods worde preuaileth euen against mans wisdome and cunning Example of the Apostles time Example of later and of these present times P●●● ● ● The imaginations pra●tises meanes of the wicked to withstand gods worde Psal 2. 4. The increase of the church by Mart●rdom 〈…〉 d in a similitude What increase only co●●●●eth by Mar●●●dom 2. The. 2. 8. An obiection made against the credit of the gospell and the preachers of it because it is likened to seede Esa 55. 10. Answere Some preachers had but barren successe and yet was theire doctrine ●●●●he The like to be saide of Christ and his Apostles The cause of barren successe is all one to the present preachers as was to the prophets Christ and his apostles and yet is not their successe the lesse How greeuous it is for preachers to offende Why preachers offences are not to be made more greeuous then they are The true cause why the worde preached doth not allway bringe forth fruite The godly do alway take pro 〈…〉 of the preaching of the worde The first kinde of grounde Three sorts of foules vvhich doe eate vp the seede of gods vvorde in the heigh ●vaies Of worldly securitie The inconuenience of pre achingi● generalitie Luc. 1. 74. 75. Rom. 6. 3. 1. Pet. 3. 7. Rom. 8. 17. Eph. 2. 19. Mat. 23. 37 How god calleth Engto repentance and without repentance what is like to befall it Of heathenish Gentilitie and the mischiffe by it Sap. 2. 5. c. How they are to be accounted of that deride preachers 2. Pet. 3. 1. c. Moc●es against god his iudgmentes Ier. 5. 1● How to trie crulye who do beleau● there is a god and who not Contempt of godlinesse of life can nor stand with the acknowledging of a god We cannot acknowledg a god but that with all he must punish● sinne Against those that denie god altogeather Rom. 1. 20. Meanes to make those acknowledge a god which ●● altogethe● deny him The saying of the Heathens that al things stand according to the course of Nature is to be vnderstod of god
Redemption The Doctrine of the Apostles is that Christ is our onely Priest for euer according to the Order of Melchizadech that with once offering of himselfe hath for euer made perfecte them that bee sanctified But the Church of Roome telleth vs that Christe hath a state of Priesthoode succeeding him which must dayly and continually offer the very natural body and blood of Christe to God the Father for the remission of the sins of y e quick the dead The Doctrine of the Apostles is that Christe is the only Mayster and teacher of his church in his holy word hath deliuered vnto it al truth But the Church of Roome teacheth vs that Christ hath not deliuered vnto vs all truth but that there be many thinges necessarye to be beleeued which are not contained in the Scriptures herevpon doe they ground al their vnwritten verities and vayne tradicions of men saying that they are to bee receiued with the like Reuerence that the written worde of GOD is The Doctrine of the Apostles is that Christ is the onlye Heade of his Churche and the Ruler and gouernor of the same but the Church of Rome would perswade vs that the Pope his successors are the heads of the vniuersall church of Christ The doctrine of the Apostles is that Christ is the only Foundacion ground of his Church wherevpō it resteth and is stayed for S. Paule sayth that No man can lay any other foundacion then that is layd Christe Iesus But the church of Rome teacheth vs that S. Peter and his successours be the foundation of the Church and that Hell gates shall neuer preuayle against that church that is builded vpon that foundation This may you see very euidently how well the doctrine of the Church of Roome agreeth w t the doctrine of y e Apostles And therfore though they haue personall Succession neuer so muche yet because they haue not Succession of this true doctrine that may not iustly be taken for the right Churche of Christ Now if they will continue to aske of vs where oure Succession is We aunswere that wheresoeuer since the comming of Christ there hath bene any persons vpon the the face of the earth that haue confessed this sincere truth and doctrine We say that they are our predecessors we are their Successors and with them members of the true Church Therefore our church is not so new a Church as they would make it but as auncient as the Doctrine is which is the most auncient Doctrine y t euer was vpon the face of the earth But if this their personal Successiō be the greatest proofe of their Church What will they saye of the Grecians Who haue hadde Successyon of Bishops for as long continuaunce as they haue and yet did neuer acknowledge the Supremacy of Rome nor that it was the only Catholike church but a member of it only as others were Oh will they say The Grecyans were Scismatickes yea but they haue cōtinual succession of Bishops professing Christ And by what authority proue they that forsooth because they separate themselues from the Apostolicall Sea And is that sufficient Why if the Grecians are to bee counted Scismatyckes because they forsake the sea of Roome howe muche more is Roome it selfe to be counted no true Churche whiche hath swarued from Christe himselfe as before I haue declared both in Doctrine and in the right vse of the Sacramentes Wherefore their alleadging of the name and Title ot the Church is euen a lyke shyft as the Jewes vsed against Ieremie and the other Prophets of God in old tyme saying Templum Domini Templum Domini i. The Tēple of the Lord The Tēple of the Lord. Whereas the Lord did acknowledge nothing among them to bee his So do they now crie we are the catholique church We are the catholique Church and God hath promised that he will neuer forsake it but alwaye assiste it with his holye spirite and therefore hath it prospered so many yeares Or if the Churche of Roome be not the true Church there hath bene no church at all for certayn hundred yeares For where was your churche scene within these fourty yeares before Luther began What token was there of your Doctrine had christ no church at al yes truely had he God forbid that Christ at any time should not haue his true church But good people it is not alway necessarie that the churche of GOD should be Notable or flourishe in the outwarde face of the Worlde by continuall Successyon of Byshops GOD and the worlde bee contrary and therefore often times the Churche is more notable by contempte of the world and persecution then by great Number or Power Yea sometime they whiche in the outwarde shewe of the Worlde and by certayne externall Signes mighte seeme to bee the Church and haue taken vppon them the name of the Churche and people of GOD haue bene persecutors and to theire power the Oppressors of the true Churche of God as it appeareth towarde the Prophets towarde Christe himselfe and towarde his Apostles Wherefore though the heads and gouernors of the church with the assistance of the greater number doe forsake the true worde worshipping of God doe make new lawes repugnante to gods word do bring newe Rites ceremonies into the church and vtterly corrupt and deface the righte Sacramentes and true markes of the Churche yet GOD reserueth to himselfe his true churche sending from tyme to tyme Doctours and Teachers to lead them although the same bee not allowed by them that will bee counted the Ordinary gouernoures of the churche but esteeme them as Scismatiks as Heretiques as disturbers of the people of God So were the Prophetes vsed so was Christe himselfe and his Apostles serued by the Jewes that woulde be counted the true churche of of GOD. But this I wil declare vnto you by particuler Examples Noe had preached as some write sixe score yeares but to howe small effecte it did afterwarde appeare when that in the Deluge eyghte personnes onelye of his Familye were saued Consyder then what countenaunce the Churche of GOD had in the World before the Deluge when it consisted onlye in eighte Personnes and they not the best esteemed in the time of Abraham Isaac and the Patriarches In how few and small families were they dispersed vpon the face of the Earth in whome the dignitie of the Church consisted Achas King of Iuda Vria the high Bishop and the other Priests not resisting him shut vp the Temple of GOD and tooke away the Chayre so that vndoubtedly the ordinary Sacrifice and Teaching of Gods Lawe did cease and yet was there an holy and true Church in the Kingdome of Iuda where Esay and other good men did Teach but extraordinarily Vnder Manasses the true Doctrine and celebration of the Sacramentes ceased and so this Defection continued vntill it was refourmed by the good King Iosias yet
not good trees but such as shall bee cut downe and cast into the fire That by the iust iudgement of GOD if they repent not they heape vnto themselues the iust wrath and displeasure of GOD not onely by plagues and punishmentes in thys lyfe but also eternally in hell wyth the Diuell and his Angells That by theyr wicked example they offende other and eyther lead them into lyke euyll doyng or so cause them to bee greened in conscience wyth the sight of their euyll lyfe that for the fame they mislyke the Gospell reuolte from it and therefore that God will require the bloud of suche at their handes and in the daye of iudgement wyll make it more tollerable for Sodome and Gomorrha then for them Finallye that by this meanes they open the mouthes of the enimyes to blaspheme the Gospell so that the worde of gods trueth is by them yll spoken of amonge the Gentiles As this admonition toucheth all states of men so principally and most nyghly it toucheth Noble men and Gentlemen and suche as be in high estate because their doynges are most seene and of most men followed Yea Sathan wyll bee more diligent and hath more meanes to assault them than any other because hee knoweth the fall and ouer throwe of one suche by example and imitation dothe drawe downe a great number of other For the inferiours thinke that lawfull and well done that they see practised of theyr superiours and betters The great personages therefore offende dubble first in the yll it selfe and secondlye in the yll example wherewith they corrupt other Wherefore dearely beloued let both them and vs carefully consider these things followyng that GOD hath performed the othe of our deliuerance and by the bloud of his sonne raunsomed vs from our sinnes not that wee should continue in the same but that we should serue him in holinesse righte ousnesse all the dayes of our life That in our Baptisme we bound our selues and conenaunted with God to forsake the Diuell and all his workes That wee be the worke of God framed in Christ Jesu to these good workes that he hath prepared for vs to walke in● That wee are by Christ made the children of God and therefore that we should bee perfect in al goodnesse as our father in heauen is perfect holye as he is holy that hath called vs That wee bee the children of light and therefore should detest the workes of darkenesse That we are of the houshold of God and Citizens together with his Saintes and therfore that our conuersation should be heauenly and in heauen as S. Paule saith Conuersatio nostra in caelis est i. Our conuersation is in heauen That wee be now the light of the worlde and therefore our vertues and good workes shoulde shyne before men that they seeyng the same maye glorifye GOD our Father that is in Heauen That wee are the Souldiours of Christ and therefore ought to stande valiauntlye against all the assaultes of the Diuell the worlde and the fleshe to the ende that when wee haue manfully ended our lyfe wee maye receaue that immortall crowne of glory which he hath layde vp not for vs onely but for all them that loue his comming These thinges deerely beloued should sufficiently moue vs y ● professe the Gospel to remēber our dueties toward God in honest conuersation be as sharpe spurres vnto vs to prick vs forward to repentance especially such as hither to by wanting of their dutie haue bene stumblyng blockes to other But although the blessed doctrine of the Gospell be despised of many which making shewe thereof haue brought forth either very small fruits or none at al but haue to their owne condēnatiō and heauy iudgment wared worse thē before yet y ● same heauē earth before whō we confesse acknowledge our faultes can testifie that there bee many godly hartes in whom it hath wrought very good and plentifull fruites and of drimkardes made verie sober persons of dissolute Lecherers chaste and godly spouses of couetous cormorantes liberall distributers to the poore of blasphemous swearers reuerent rememberers of the name of God of ruffinlye worldlings diligent seruauntes in the house of God Finally of such as haue bene giuen ouer to the lust of the worlde and the fleshe it hath made persons so vtterly mortified as for Christ and his Gospell they contemne friendship goods landes lyfe and all that this world giueth though it seeme to the iudgement of men neuer so precious Therefore the worde of God among vs hath not wanted his fruites although not so plentifull as good heartes hath wished and yet I doubt not but that there bee many that the worlde hath not commonly seene nor is able to iudge of For he that in the corrupt state of the Israelites was able to reserue vnto himselfe 7000. that neuer bowed their knee to the Image of Baal hath in these dayes giuen iust fruites to the preaching of the Gospell though the multitude of the wicked do ouer shadow them that in the iudgement of men they be not seene As the Raine commeth downe sayth God in Esay and the Snowe from heauen and returneth not againe but watereth the earth and maketh it to bring forth and budde that it maye giue seede to the sower and bread to him that eateth so shall my worde be that goeth out of my mouth it shall not returne vnto mee voide but shall accomplish that which is my wil and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I haue sent it Though y ● aduersaries of the truth bitterly and virulently accuse our doctrine and lyfe yet in the feare of God I speake it and to his name bee praise for it all the aduersaries that we haue beside their owne sclaunderous and infamous libels will neuer be able by any iust testimonie to proue the fourtieth part of those wicked vices to be found among the chiefe Preachers and professors of the Gospell that the whole worlde seeth and witnesseth to bee in themselues These fruites I dare iustifie hath followed the Gospell since the first preachyng thereof in these latter dayes That the Scriptures and holy word of GOD hath beene made knowne to the people in their mother tongue whereby they myght the better vnderstand theyr duetie towarde God and their neighbour whiche before wickedlye and vngodlye and to the great daunger of infinite Soules with feare and tyrannie was kepte from them That the principles of Christian fayth are farre more diligentlye taught then before tyme they were so that verie Babes haue some sence of GOD and are able tollerablye in most places to yeelde an accompt of their faythe whiche before hearde of nothing but of Guy of Warwicke Beuis of Hampton and suche other vayne fables That Schooles are better looked vnto then they haue bene and y ● thereby the knowledge of the tongues and all other good literature hath more florished than euer they dyd
these manye hundred yeeres and by that meanes it is come to passe that the Texte of the Scriptures is nowe better vnderstanded than euer it was in anye age That sundrie poyntes of doctrine bee refourmed without which men can not possiblye haue anye true sense of Christianitie as the doctrine of Originall Sinne of the Lavve and the Gospell of Repentaunce of Faythe of Hope and Charitie whiche before were maruaylouslye corrupted and wrapped in darkenesse and errour Principally the wholesome doctrine of the grace and merite of Christ of Remission of Sinnes of eternall lyfe receyued by fayth in Christ and Sealed and confirmed by his Sacramentes doth in these dayes bryng vnestimable comforte to troubled consciences as well at all other tymes as chiefely at the houre of death when Sathan most seeketh to shake mennes consciences wyth desperation The sence hereof the godlesse Epicures and secure Hypocrites haue not but suche as feare God and haue any touche of conscience conceiue exceeding comforte thereby Men in these dayes also are better instructed to praye and call vppon the name of God and indeede doe the same more sincerely because they vnderstande what they speake whereas before when they were taught to praye in a straunge tongue it coulde not possibly bee that their heartes and lyppes coulde goe together which of al other was a most myserable seducing of the people and as it were a mocking of God and his seruice and a singular instrument of the Diuell to keepe the people in errour and blindnesse Lastlye as I haue fayde reformation of manners and lyfe in verye many hath beene wrought and I doubt not but a great deale of euyll in these myserable and corrupte latter dayes restrayned by the sincere Preachyng of the Gospell and earnest callyng of men to repentance whiche otherwyse surelye according to the infection of this tyme woulde haue broken out to greates corruption of mannes lyfe These fruites and a number suche lyke althoughe the aduersary●● wyll not acknowledge I trust suche as feare GOD and wyll but indifferently iudge of thinges can not choose but perceaue and wyth comforte confesse to bee true Thus haue you hearde that externall shewe of honest lyfe ordinarie callyng and succession the Tytle and Name of the Catholike Churche the vse and workyng of Myracles bee in deede the clothing of Christes true sheepe but yet that rauening Wolues oftentymes hyde themselues vnder them to deceaue Gods people You haue hearde that the fruites whereby false Prophetes are discerned and knowen is corruption of doctrine and teaching of errours and lyes And you haue hearde it euidentlye proued as well by the testimonie of Saint Iohn as other partes of the Scripture that those fruites haue beene in the Churche of Rome and not among vs whiche submit all our doctrines to the touchstone of Gods holye worde Lastly you haue hearde by comparison that the good fruites of godly life and detesting of sinne hath more prospered among the professors of the Gospell than among the patrones of the Churche of Rome The Lorde graunt vs the grace of his holye spirite that to his glorie vice and wickednesse may dayly bee more repressed and vertue and honestie more aduaunced ⸪ Amen ¶ Certaine Sermons made vppon this Text. 1. Cor. 10. 1. c. Moreouer brethren I would not that you should be ignorant that al our fathers were vnder the cloude and all passed through the Sea and were all Baptized vnto Moses in the cloude and in the Sea and did all eate of the same spirituall meate and all drunke of the same spirituall drinke for they dranke of the spirituall Rocke that followed them and the Rocke was Christ But with manye of them God was not pleased c. SAint Paul dearely beloued from the beginnyng of this Epistle blamed the Corinthians for sundry faultes and corruptions among them As that they had factions and dissentions one parte against another that they more esteemed in their Preachers eloquence of speeche then the simplicitie of Christ crucified that they made small accompt of him in cōparison of some other corrupt teachers that they suffered incest among them vnpunished that they resorted to Idolatrous feasts with the heathen and did eate of those things that were offered to Diuels contrary to the sinceritie of true Christians Now because men are very prone to flatter their owne mindes by vaine pretences and to feede themselues in euill doing he preuenteth an obiection or excuse y ● happily they might make for themselues For they might haue said Sir we beare y ● name of Christ and bee Christians wee haue his Gospell among vs and vse hys Sacramentes whereby his merite is sealed in vs. Therefore wee are sure that wee are in the fauour of God and that his displeasure and plague shal not lyght vpon vs. c. To this S. Paule aunswereth that this trust and secure confidence in the profession of Christianitie and vse of the Sacramentes is but vayne vnlesse they approue make good their fayth and outward profession of Christ wyth the exercise of honest lyfe and Godly conuersation This he confyrmeth by comparison of the Israelites The people of Israell sayth S. Paule were the chosen people of God they had his law and Ceremonies among them yea they had promise of saluation by the same blessed sede that we haue they did vse in effect the same Sacramentes that we doe they were baptised in the Cloude and in the Sea they did eate of the same spirituall meate that we doe they did drinke of the same spirituall drinke that we drinke of for the Rock that they dranke of was Christe And yet many of them by Gods heauy hand perished in the Wildernesse And if you looke into the cause you shall fynde it to be nothing else but for y ● they were inclinable proane to the corruption of Idolatrie that they were giuen to fornication and vncleannesse that they tempted Christe and munnured against God and committed other like naughtinesse against the will of God c. Seing it is so you may be sure that God is no changeling but will deale in the same manner with you nowe as he did with his people before time Now for so much as S. Paules reason doth principallie stand vpon the vse of the Sacramentes and that the people in those dayes were more skilfull and better taughte the effecte nature and strength of a Sacrament thē in this time they be through slacknesse of teaching and way wardnesse in learning before I come to that which S. Paule principallye respecteth in this place I thinke it necessary for your better instruction fyrst to speake generally of Sacraments and to shew what a Sacrament is of what partes it standeth for what causes they are ordayned and what fruite maye be taken of them Secondly because he sayth The Rocke was Christ and that they did eate and drinke of the same Christ I will declare what manner of speethe this is and shew why Chist
teache that the substaunce of Breade and wyne is cleane vanished and consumed awaye so that there remayneth no Bread nor Wyne in the Sacrament and that is in effecte to make it no sacrament For as I haue tolde you before there canne bee no Sacramente without an externall Elemente to bee the outewarde signe thereof But what externall signe canne there bee when ●●●y withoute substaunce and accidents and qualities nourishe the substaunce of oure bodyes Or if they cannot howe maye they represente vnto vs that as they nourishe oure bodyes so Christe his blood nourisheth our soules yea rather they teach the contrary that as qualities do● not nourishe the substaunce of our● body so doth not Christs body nourish our soules Wherfore al good Christians haue to deteste that blasphemous Doctrine broughte in by the Church of Rome which as I haue sayde taketh awaye the right nature and proportion of a sacrament By this that I haue sayd already you maye perceiue that there is some further ende then the vse of the signes in the Sacramentes and that the Externall Elementes are not orday●ed for themselues but for some ●ther purpose In the olde time the sacramentes and Ceremonies were profytable for the bodilye nourishmente as the water gushing ou●e of the Rocke Manna and the Paschall Lambe but in oure sacramentes God smallye consydereth our bodies but principallye and whollye the ●eleefe ease and comforte of our soules Therefore as in the olde Testament so now much more in the sacraments is to be consydered some spirituall internall thing to the vnderstanding wherof the lykenesse of the external signes doe leade vs as in baptisme our regeneration and new byrth and the washing away of our sinnes by the death p●ssion of Christ In the Lords supper the heauenly foode of our soules with the bodye that was broken his blood that was shead vpon the Crosse Wherfore good christiās in receiuing y ● sacrament must not haue so much regard to the signe as to the spirituall thing it selfe for which y ● outward token was o●dayned So doeth the Councell of Nice exhorte vs Lette vs not bende oure cogitation ba●ely to Bread and Wine layde before vs but lifting vp our mind through faith let vs behold the Lambe of god taking away the sins of the world to be on that table c. And Chrisost hom 7. 1. ad Cor. The heathen person when he hea●eth of baptisme perswadeth himselfe that it is water only but I do not simply see that I doe see but also the cleansing of my soule by the spirite of God He thinketh my body onelye to be washed but I beleeue that my soule is cleansed and made holy And Aug. That which you see is bread and the cuppe as your eyes declare vnto you but as touching that wherwith your faith is to be instructed the bread is to you the body of Christ the wine his blood Wherfore the especiall principall part of the sacrament is the spiritual and internall thing as in baptisme as I haue sayd regeneration and sanctification and in the Lords supper y ● body and blood of Christ And here dear●lye beloued I muste put you in mind that they which teache this doe not saye that the sacramentes are bare signs and tokens as the aduersaries of the Gospell doe slaunder vs. Our doctrine of the Sacraments is farre more fruitfull and comfortable then theirs is For we teach and beleeue that these spirituall effectes are as certainely wrought by the holy ghost in the sacramentes as we see that the externall elementes haue their operation in the course of nature For the sacramentes are as the deedes and Seales of almighty god whereby he doth in deede and verily not only by signification but effectually conueighe vnto vs the possession of his spirituall blessinges and yet do● wee not maynetayne the carnall and Reall presence of Christe his body and blood within the compasse of the Sacramente so that it shoulde enter into the ●oundnesse of the mouth and descende into the naturall partes of our body That grosse opinyon I leaue to the schole of Roome 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 I f●●d it not in Christes institution nor in the s●hole of the holy Ghoste that is the Scripture of God As a prince in his letters patentes vnder his greate Seale giueth to a man happily a thousand pou●de Lande by the yeare so that the partye hauing that deede may assure himselfe that he hath full right and possessyon thereof and as surely as it were possible he haue the L●●de i● s●●f in his ●●●de yet can he not be so sencelesse and foolishe to thinke that he hath the very substaunce of the Lande in the Bo●e wherein the deede is So doeth Christe in the Sacrament louingly 〈◊〉 to the faythfull hart the possession of his body and blood with all the benefits by the same procured to mankinde that he may iu●●lye say● that the● be his and by the ●●liueth and is nourished to eternall life yet he may not be so foolish to thinke that he hath not the fruit of it vnlesse it goe reallye and Carnallye into his body For Christes body blood are meat drink for our soule not for our body to be nourished by as it is by breade and Wyne 〈…〉 The thirde part of the sacramente is that which giueth strength and effecte to the residue that is to say the word of Christes institution promise which is as it were the soule and life of the sacramente For whereto serueth a seale to a blanke wherein nothing is written by whiche wee maye clayme anye Benefyte whereto serueth an externall signe if we haue not a promise to attayne a spirituall thing And no mans hande or writing will serue to make perfecte this deede It muste bee Gods onlye For he hath only the giuing of such things wherefore it must be Gods word that must assure vs hereof Well sayd Aug. Let the word come to the element and it maketh the Sacrament And agayne How commeth it to passe that water toucheth the body clenfeth the hart 〈…〉 t by the power of the word and that not because it is spoken but because it is beleued And how can a man beleeue that which he ●ea●etl● not nor vnderstandeth ●ereby ●●● may consider ●how 〈◊〉 yo● haue bene deceaued by them which haue 〈…〉 ed the sacramentes vnto you in a straunge and vnknowne tongue that you vnderstoode not These comfortable wordes 〈…〉 Lordes cuppe This is my blood which is shead for you and for ma●y for ●●●●ssion of ●●●nes with playn● Sa●●●●ege haue they kept from you and 〈◊〉 you not only of the pro●●se contayned in the words but also of one part of the sacrament for they inims●red it vnto you of the lay●ie alway vnder one kyn●e y ● ●● as they say vnder y ● forme of bread onelye whiche greate 〈◊〉 to after both the wordes ●●● partes of the Sacramentes is 〈◊〉
by the Gospell is brought vnto you Verie fitly and ap●lye is the worde of God resembled to seede aswell of diuers other properties as principally that seede is in appearaunce a small and contemptible thing but very profitable and of great strength and vertue so as without it all kindes of thinges woulde perishe Of a little seede you see a verie faire and beautifull floure of a small kar●ell a large and a fruitful tree of a meane Acorne a huge and mayne Oke If you make a seede of most precious and riche mettall it can not haue this strength and grace with it Euen so the word of God in estimation of the world is simple base contemptible but in vertue power strength exceeding great maruailous I am not ashamed of the Gospell saith Paul for it is the mightie power of God to saluation of all them that beleeue By secret power y ● the spirit of God giueth it it altereth the mindes of men it lyghteneth their heartes it engendreth a newe wyll it bringeth forth godly holy doings as due fruites thereof it changeth not only particular men but whole Empires kingdomes countries it worketh y ● which in no wise can bee wrought by the counsailes wit wisedome cunning pollicie or strength of man This strength and power of Gods word doth S. Paul speake of We preach Christ crucified to the Iewes a stumbling stocke to the Grecians foolishnesse but to them both being called we preache Christ the power and wisedome of God c. God hath chosē those things which are foolish in the world to cōfoūd the wise God hath chosen the weake things of the world to cōfoūd the mighty The effect of this appeared immediately after the Apostles in themselues contemptible yet vnblemished who with the despised and loathed doctrine of Christ crucified preuailed prospered through out y ● world notw tstanding the wisedome y e learning y e policie the power of the world did set it selfe against it and as a little Muster seede the Churche of God by the power of the Gospell prospered and grewe to great largenesse so that the poore foules of the ayre that were chased out of the woodes by tyrannie and persecution dyd rest in it and with quietnesse of conscience though with trouble of the worlde settled themselues and builded their neastes therein The lyke hath beene euen of late yeeres wherin it hath pleased our mercifull God to renewe his Gospell and to sende it into the worlde so that the godlye with great comfort see and the whole world may perceiue y e myghtie power of God in prospering his Gospel What conspiracies what edicts what cruel Massakers and murders haue bene to suppresse the Gospel all men do knowe and those that feare God with pi●ief●●● hartes lament it Euē now are wrought those things of which Dauid prophecied many hundred yeres before Euē now the nations fret fume euen now the enimies of God haue their vain wicked and Diuilish deuises euen nowe the Princes of Antechristes band conspyre and laye their heades togeather agaynste Christe and agaynsts his worde Lette vs breake their bandes asunder say they let vs caste of their yoke let vs by all meanes we can seeke the confusyon of those Princes countreys Noble men and other which in any place mayntayne this new preached Gospell Lette it be wrought by policie by periurie by craft and dissimulation by violence by crueltie by mischeefe by murder by any meanes that may be Let vs roote from the face of the earth these Protestantes these Hugonotes these Hererikes which at this day trouble the whole world If wee cannot worke it by force lette vs by policie and vnder colour and pretence of great friendship bring them into oure snare or at the least with making fayre offers let vs dally with thē vntil we may worke that y ● we would do Sed qui habitat in Coelis deridebit eos dominus subsānabit eos i. He sitteth in Heauen that shall deride and frustrate all their counsailes with a Rodde of yron hee shall breake seatter their purposes vnto Godly Princes and Magistrates which hee hath rapsed as Nourses and Fosterers of his Gospell he shall I doubt not as often times he hath done bewray their dissimulation display their policies sparcle their conspiracies and confound their denises in such sorte as his holy word and Gospell shall remayne to the comfort of his Children Though by all crueltie to their further condemnation and to the heaping of greater wrath in the day of Gods wrath they sley kill great numbers of his people yet of the very ashes of the same and of their blood he will rayse vp other to his glory whiche maugre theire malice shall freely teache and preach his word A Tempest of 〈◊〉 maye blowe down a 〈◊〉 of 〈◊〉 but in blowing do●ne one Stalke it shall ●ast oute ●n hundered Seedes whiche after shall growe and prosper Euen so by extremitie of tempestuous persecution some Preachers and professoures may be murdered but of their blood other will spring Num Sanguis Martyrum se●●●● Euangelij i. For the Blood of Martyrs is the Seede of the Gospell Yet am I not of that minde that the Gospell in the Worlde shall ●● prosper that it shall haue a setteledde quyetnesse For vndoubtedlye Antichriste shall not bee vtterlye ouerthrowne before the laste daye but continually betweene this tyme and that shall make warre agaynst the Sayntes of God and trauayle to suppresse this happy ●eede of Christe his Gospell wherewith he his so greeuously wounded and his Kingdome shaken But he shal neuer be able vtterly in extinguish it S. Paule sayth that he shall be deadly wounded with the Spirite of Gods mouth that is his holy worde but he shall bee taken away by the brightnesse of his comming The Justice of God for the vnthankfulnesse of people may suffer his Gospell to be oppressed in some one Countrey as Englande or some other place but in other yet it shall prosper and increase norwithstanding all the indeuours of Antichrist to the contrary Nexte is that wee haue to speake of the grounde and the diuersitye thereof And here I maye not lette pass● a very profitable instruction to be taken out of this parable agaynst y e malicious interpretatiō of many in these days I doubt not but there was the like in Christs time ministred to him the occasyon to ●●ter this Parable Whē many see the Doctrine of the Gospel so much preached beaten into mens ●●res and consyder howe small frui●e commeth of it being so many that reiect and contemne it and so few that frame themselues according vnto it but y ● ●ice wickednesse rather dayly increaseth by and by with verye corrupt iudgement they eyther 〈…〉 the Doctrine it self or the perf●●s that be the Minister● teach●●s therof Oh say they if this were Gous
wee must not doe it coldly but boldly fearing no authoritie of man to Preache Jesus Christ crucified Againe in the same Prophet Crie and cease not lift vp thy voyce as a Trumpet tell my people their iniquitie and the house of Iacob their sinnes So that with like earnest boldnesse are wee in this place willed to crie out agaynst sinne and wickednesse and to tell men plainely of their iniquitie In Ezechiell we are compared vnto watchmen that should alway stand in the watch tower of the Churche of God if wee espie either corrupt doctrine or false worshipping of God or wickednesse of life by any meanes eyther openly or colourably to thrust themselues into the Church of God that wee presently ring out the alarme sound the Trumpet to giue warning to the inhabitants of the Citie of God the celestiall Hierusalem that they take heede and beware of themselues otherwise the blood of other that perish without warning will be required at our handes And that men may not thinke that this charge belongeth to the Prophetes alone S. Paule to Timothie and by hym of all other requireth the same Preache the worde But howe Bee earnest in season out of season for no time is vnconuenient to Preach true doctrine And he addeth Reproue intreate rebuke with all patience and doctrine so that if mens obstinacie bee such that they wyll not amend wee must leaue it to God and take it patiently For wee are but planters and waterers God must gyue the successe and increase Nowe if our charge bee thus earnestlye required of vs as wee are greatly to blame if we doe it not so they that be of God can not mislike with vs when wee doe it though happily their owne persons be touched therewith But we must not teach onely but we must liue also accordingly We must be Exemplaria gregis Be thou saith Paule to Timothie an example to the faithful in word in conuersation in charitie in faith And to Titus Aboue all things bee thou an example of good workes with vncorrupt doctrine with grauitie with integritie And Chrisost God sayeth he will not haue a Christian to be contented with himself but to edifie other also and that not in doctrine onely but in life also For men looke not onely what is spokē but what is done As there was neuer time more captious perilous and daūgerous then these dayes are so was circumspect walking neuer more necessarie y t our enimies take not a pretence by our blemishes to quarrell agaynst our doctrine This if we doe we shal be good Ministers of Christ we shal walke in the house of God w t good conscience we shal be able for any iust cause to stoppe y ● enimyes mouthes force them to praise God in the day of visitation we shall be able for mans iudgement to say w t Christ Quis ex vobis c. Which of you cā rebuke me of sinne But if we doe not this our conscience must needes be heauily burthened Gods iudgementes as he threatneth by his Prophetes will bee greeuous against vs he will rase vs out of the booke of Israell he will set himselfe agaynst vs he wyll feede vs with worme wood and giue vs water with gaule to drinke yea he wyl cry out Woe and curse against vs as he doth in Jeremie Ezechiel Woe saith he to these pastors that hurt and destroye my flocke And in Jeremie 25. Howle ye sheepards and crie and wallow your selues in the ashes yee principall of the flocke for your dayes of slaughter are accomplished the flyght shall fayle from the sheepardes the principall of the flocke shall not escape c. In which words althoughe the Prophet chiefely doth speake of Princes Magistrates and gouernous of the people of GOD yet hee comprehendeth also those that hee hath appoynted to direct them in doctrine and teaching What the Byshops Preachers and y ● Ecclesiasticall state of this Realme haue deserued I knowe not but what the world speaketh of them and howe men open their mouthes against them I knowe and with griefe of my harte I knowe it and heare it If wee bee such horrible offences to the Churches of God as the common voyce of men doth make vs as before I haue sayde in this place Better it were that Milstones were tyed about our neckes we cast headlong into the Sea as Christ speaketh of them that giue offence to y t meanest of his churche If wee bee so retchlesse and negligent that when wee bee made Byshops and haue gotten the Rochet on our backe wee forget howe to Preache if we be so giuen ouer to the worlde as wee haue eyther lyttle or no care at all of our duetie and calling as men saye to our faces our faulte must needes bee great neyther can any excuse bee made But if wee bee so wee lyue vnder a Prince and lawes vnder Magistrates and gouernours neyther doe wee challenge any exemption as the annoynted of Rome did but let our causes and crymes bee tryed wyth suche indifferencie as other States woulde bee contented to bee iudged by and then let euerye man carye his owne burthen according to the weight of hys desertes I desire na fauour eyther for other or for my selfe although I knowe more faultes by my selfe then I doe by other Onely this I require that gnats bee not turned into Elephantes and moulehilles be made Mountaynes that is small blemishes no faultes in other horrible and great crymes in vs onely of affection to deface our calling and to discredite the Gospell which wee Preache Sathan knoweth ryght well and I feare his cunnyng bee too well learned that there is no waye so fitte to deface any kynde of doctrine as by all meanes that maye be to bryng the Ministers and Preachers thereof in discredite hatred and contempt There is in the Ecclesiasticall historye a notable example of that noble Emperour Constantine the greate who after that he had assembled the great Councell of Nice for the suppressing of the Heresie of Arrius and there were assembled to the number of 318 Bishops whereof the greatest number were men of notable fame as well for life as learning yet by humayne frayltie forgetting themselues and the principall cause that they came for they began to offer to the Emperour Libels and Bils of complaynt one agaynst another blazing euery man the others infirmities which thing the Emperour greatly misliking and foreseing the great inconuenience that might come thereby to the Christian fayth whiche lately before hee had excepted into his Empire he would not so muche as once looke into the Bils of complayntes but wrapped them vp togeather and in theire sighte cast them into the fyre with reuerente wordes exhorting them to forget those quarrels to bende themselues wholye to that matter for whiche principallye they came So that the Godlye Emperoure did rather indeuour with Sem and Iaphet
frustrate But surelye these be those dayes that S. Paule prophecied of The time shall come fayth he whē men shall not abide sound doctrine but hauing itching eares shall frame vnto thē selues preachers according to theire owne phantasyes and shall turne their eares from the truth For if we doe as these men would haue vs to doe leaue doctrine preach of manners so that it bee done in generalitie with some shew of eloquence and enterlacing of fyne short senteuces it is tollerablye thoughte of and vsed somewhat lyke as GOD speaketh of to Ezechiell As a iest and song of a pleasaunt Musitian But so soone as the sweete tune and note of the eloquence is out of their eares the Dittie and matter is cleane forgotten and they remayne the same persons that they were before bee the thinge neuer so good that was spoken But if wee speake of anye matter particularlye and come so nigh them that they feele their consciences nipped and touched then are they greued with this disease Noli me tangere Touche mee not Then the Preacher rayleth hee wanteth wisedome hee hath neede to go to a Schoole of Discretion hee medleth with those matters that he should not In deede I woulde not wishe eyther Preachers or any other Subiectes to enter into Councell Chambers and openly to deale in the consultation of Princes or controuersyes of the State so long as they bee consultations but if any matter breake oute in facte contrarye to the Lawe of God eyther in the fyrste or seconde Table which toucheth eyther religion and the true worshipping of god or the order of iustice and charitie among Christians I see not but that euery good Preacher maye and in duetye ought to speake agaynst them and to denounce the perill thereof euen to the face of the offendoures vnlesse wee will bee contented that the blood of them that perish without warning should be required at our hands which is too heauy for any mortall creature to beare Therefore seeing the mynde of men in these dayes bee so ouerthwarte and waywarde wee whome GOD hath placed for the Ministerye of his worde haue great cause to praye vnto him that hee will assiste vs not onely with that spirite of integritie as well in office as life whereof Christ here speaketh that with confidence of conscience wee maye bee able to saye for the iudgementes of men Quis ex vobis c. Which of you can rebuke me of sinne But also that he will indue vs with that spirituall strength which in like case he promiseth to his Prophets Ieremy and Ezechiell that is that he will make vs strong cities yron pillers and brasen walles agaynst them that oppugne in vs God and his truth and if they do make stiffe their neckes and harden their faces as stones agaynst the Lord his preaching to repentaunce that he wil make vs also to haue faces of flinte or Adamante that maye not blush or be abashed to let them vnderstande it For ●urteous talking and shame fast speaking will not serue Another crime that they lay agaynst vs and that with great daunger is that wee are seditious and contentious men in common weales daungerous to States and Principalities neuer contented but still seeking alterations and studying to bring al states to y ● Swizers cōmon weale here with charge they not only vs that be Preachers but also all those y ● be true sincere professors of the Gaspell What the Swizers common weale is I partly vnderstand but I neuer yet hearde nor reade of any man that was of this opinion that all principalities ought to bee broughte either to the forme therof or any one other Or if there be anye such out of my knowledge I muste saye vnto him Anathema if hee were an Aungell in Heauen For the Doctrine of GOD teacheth no such thing but that all Christian Subiectes should content themselues with that forme of gouernemēt vnder which God hath placed them and by prayer and all other honest and Godlye meanes of obedience studie to preserue and maintain the same Therfore they that laye this to oure charge doe desyre maliciously to deface the word of God and his truth But this is the olde meanes where with the Serpent Sathan by his politique Instrumentes hath alwayes indeuoured to make odious to Princes and Magistrates the Prophets preachers and Ministers of Gods word So was it sayde of Helias and Micheas That they troubled Israell that they were enimies to the King neuer spake any thīg that was pleasaunt to him So was it sayde of Hieremias That he was a Traytor to his Countrey that he had conspired with the Babilonians and bare no good harte to the Prince So was it sayd of Amos That the earth might not abide the words that he had spoken to King Jeroboam So was it sayde of the Apostles and Fathers of the Primatiue Churche in so muche that the name of a Christyan in those dayes was in that state as nowe in some Countreyes the name of a Protestante or Gospeller is That is a sufficiente cause to drawe men in daunger of goodes Landes lyfe and al that hee hath though there bee no other matter in the worlde to charge them And these men studye to make their accusation probable by those sturres that of late yeares haue fallen out in Germany Flaunders Fraunce Scotland and as they saye here in Englande too But it is a wonderfull thing to see how affection blindeth men that either they cannot or will not see the truth Were there neuer sturres rebellions or vndutifull dealinges towarde Princes in Flaunders Fraunce and Scotlande before these late yeares of the re●●ing of the Gospell If they thinke so they knowe nothing and erre of ignoraunce and by ignoraunce seeke to misleade other but if they know it to be otherwise as needes they muste if they haue reade anye thing then erre they of malice and purposely seeke to deface God his Ministers and his truth As for the Realme of Englande all men knowe that for the spare of these fyftie yeares or more there hath scante bene two Princes so happy as to scape w t one Rebellion in theyre tyme. To lette passe other and to speake of those thinges that are in oure rememberaunce Were they Protestantes that rebelled in the tyme of king Henrie Were they all Protestantes that rebelled in the time of that blessed Babe King Edwarde the sixte Were they Protestantes that rebelled in the Queenes Maiesties time that nowe is They cannot nor I thinke they will not say it for shame The Messengers and seditious Fyrebrandes that inflamed that styrre are well knowne to be Englishe Romanistes and Louanistes as euen nowe they doe indeuour the like Is it vnknowne to any man that it is a principle of their Doctrine that if a Prince be not a friend to the Sea of Roome be his Title otherwise neuer so good yet he is
and his blood is called meate and drinke and how he is to be eaten and drunken in the sacramente truely and in deede And lastly I will let you vnderstand that the bare professyon of Christianitie the externall vse of the sacramentes and outward exercise of praying and other ●the thinges are not sufficient without the inwarde worshipping in spirite and truth and christian obedience to the will and lawe of God A sacrament is a reuerend and holy misterie ordayned of God wherin he by his holy word and promise doth both stirre vp and practise the faith of his people and by y ● operation of the holy ghost increase his grace in them besto● his benefites and blessinges vpon them wee on the other part testifye our obedience toward him vnity of faith among our selues The authour and ordainer of sacramēts is none but God himself No Patriarche nor prophet nor Apostle nor Father nor the whole church hath autho●●●● to ordayne a sacrament Who is authour of Sacraments sayth Ambrose but the Lord Iesus These Sacramēts came from Heauen c. A sacrament is a part of Gods worship but no creature can ordayne any part of Gods worship but himself according to that saying of the Prophet In vaine they worship me teaching the traditions of men In the old Testament if a man had offered any sacrifice not appointed by God it was esteemed little better then Idolatrie It is knowne what happened to the sonnes of Aaron for that they brought strange syre to the Alter of God much lesse may any appoint straunge sacramentes not ordayned by the expresse word of God in his scriptures Sacramentes be seales that confyrme Gods promises and looke what a counterfeyted seale is to a mannes writing or deede that is a sacramente in the Churche not ordayned by GOD. If this be true as in deede it is moste true what shall we saye of the Church of Roome which hath presumed not only to alter those Sacraments that Christ appoynted but also to ordayn sundry other sacramentes without any iust warrant of gods word onlye vpō forced interpretaciōs deuised of thēselues Penance Orders Matrimony corrupt Doctrine being taken frō thē be good things to be exercised in y ● church so likewise are prayer fasting and almes deedes yet I see n● cause why they shold be called sacramēts Ther is a great differēce betwene a sacramēt an other godly exercise cōmanded in y ● church as herafter you shal better vnderstād Seing therfore christ is author of sacramēts none other you may not think thē to be trifles vaine Ceremonies and mens deuises y ● you may vse or not vse at your pleasures as you list but you ought to reuere●●● thē as y ● ordinance of God to receiue thē euen as at Christs own hand For as whē gods word is taught you by the ministery of men you must not receiue it as mans word but as the word of God as it is in deede and therefore the Prophet sayd the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it euen so the Sacraments when you receiue them at the hands of a fraile and mortall yea and sometime a sinfull man you must looke to the Authour and in your faith see the hande of God offering the same vnto you The sacramentes take not their excellencye and worthinesse of him that Ministreth them though he be neuer so holy neyther be they disgraced or weakened though the Minister be wicked and euill And therfore the errour of y ● Donatistes Anabaptists and some other is sharpelye to bee reprooued that thinke the sacramentes of Christ to bee of leesse value if they be ministred by an euill or sinfull man In deede the haud of the receiuer being withoute Fayth maketh the sacramentes that of themselues bee good to bee vnto him of no Force because of his vnbeleefe But a wicked Minister cannot in anye wyse make frustrate or deceiue the Fayth of the Godlye Receauer Iudas was a wicked and false Traytoure and a Couetous naughtys person al the time that he followed Christ yet I doubte not but that the baptisme that he ministred was as auailable to the faithful receiuer as the baptisme of Peter was or of any other of the Apostles S. August vseth the same example Whereas fayth he there was great difference betweene Peter and Iudas yet was there no difference betweene the baptisme ministred by Peter that was ministred by Iudas that was all one but of the partyes one was a member of Christ another a member of the Deuill And agayne he sayth Such are the Sacramentes as they are that come vnto them Whereby one maye profitablely receiue the Sacrament of an ill minister so he himselfe be good This is a great comfort to the godly that in receiuing the Sacramēt they neede not to loke into the life of the Minister but to examine theire owne hartes Now as touching the partes of a Sacrament you shall vnderstande it consisteth of three partes The fyrste is the externall signe as the Lambe in the Passouer the cutting of the fore skinne in Circumcision water in Baptisme bread and wyne in the Lordes supper Because of these outwarde ●ignes a Sacrament is called a signe a Seale a Visible word so that it were a Monster to haue a sacrament without an externall signe or elemente to the outewarde substaunce of it Water in Baptisme signifieth that as water naturally hath a propertie to wash and clense the filth frō the body so doth the grace of God through Christ his blood wash away the gilt and filthinesse of our soules As breade and wine by naturall effect nourisheth our bodyes strengthneth and comforteth oure spirites so doeth the heauenlye foode of Christes body and blood broken and shead for vs vpon the Crosse nourish our soules and quicken our Spirites to eternall life with God As the breade is made of many graynes kneaded into one loafe and the Wine pressed out of many Grapes into one cuppe so the multitude of Christians communicating at the Lordes Table thoughe many in number are ingrafted into Christ made mēbers of his misticall body and ioyned in mutuall loue one with the other so that nowe they liue by the spirite of Christe as the members of a naturall bodye lyue and haue sence by that Spirite that commeth from the harte and from the heade This proportion and similitude betweene the signes and the spirituall effectes of the sacrament S. Cyprian acknowledgeth As this cōmon b●ead saith he being chaunged into fleshe and blood breedeth life to to our bodies so by the accustomed nature of thinges the weakenesse of our fayth being holpen is taughte in sensible argument that in visible Sacramentes are the effect of eternal life These godly instructions and ●we●e comfortes the Church of Roome weakeneth and ●aketh away by their monstrous doctrine of Transubstāciation Wherein they
onely for the redemption of the whole worlde generally but for hys also particularly and that he vndoubtedly is partaker of that blessed worke of our redemption When wee heare these woordes Doe this in remembrance of me our faith is assured y t it is Christs commaundement that wee shoulde vse this Sacrament to call to our remembraunce the benefite of our faluation by the death of Christ and in hart and minde at al times but then especially to shew our selues truely thankefull to him for the same When our sight beholdeth vpon the Table the bread and wyne by Christes ordinaunce broken and powred out for vs to vse the Fayth is moued this to thinke As surely and truely as my bodily eyes behould vpon the table of the Lord the Creatures of bread and wine as the outward parte of his sacramente and see the same broken and poured out for mee so assuredly doe I with the eye of my faith beholde the body and blood of Christ broken and shead for me vpon the Alter of the Crosse and the same my Sauiour sitting now on the right hand of god the father with the same body and blood now gloryfyed wherewith vpon the Crosse he payd the price of my redemption Whē we see the Minister offering to vs the bread and the cup and wee receaue the same in our hande and by our sence feele them inwardly in our hartes our fayth is mooned to haue this cogitacion As truely as our Sauioure Christe vpon the Crosse by his body broken and his blood sheade wrought our redemption and offered the benefite thereof to all that would beleeue generally so truelye am I assured that now in the vse of this holy Sacrament by his minister he offereth the same to me particularly to be applied to my selfe And as surely as my hande receaueth the outwarde creatures so surelye by my fayth doe I receyue Christ himselfe and in my hart feele him and with my spirituall armes imbrace him as the onely price and meanes of my saluation When we eate of the holy breade and drinke of the reuerend cuppe and by our cast haue sence of the sweetenesse of them and fele them passe downe into our stomache there to rest that they may be according to their nature meanes to nourishe and strengthen our bodie to continue it in lyfe the fayth is stirred vp by these sences thus to thinke Euen as certainly as my taste feeleth the sweetenesse of Breade and wyne and thereby perceiue in deede that their operacion is to nourish and strengthen my body and to quicken my naturall spirites which without suche nourishmente would perishe euen so the taste of my faith and sence of my hart doth feele the sweetenesse of Christe his body and blood broken and shead for mee and all mankinde vppon the Crosse and perceiue it thereby to be the onely foode of my soule without which I shoulde perishe both soule and bodye Eternallye And as certainlye as I feele with bodilye sence that the Breade and Wyne passeth into my Stomache and there according to their proportion feede strengthen and quicken my Naturall bodye and Spirites so assuredlye doe I with my inwarde and Spirituall sence perceiue the bodye and blood of Christe and the whole benefite of his death and passiō to passe into the stomache of my soule and bosome of my hart there through the strength of a true Christiā faith to be laid vp wrought and digested as that onelye nourishmente that keepeth the life of the soule and preserueth mee both soule and bodye to eternall life They that will Christianlye and charitablely and in the feare of GOD weighe and consyder these thinges I truste will not thinke eyther that wee make lighte accoumpte of the Externall Sacramente or in oure Doctrine teache a syngle and sleighte manner of eating of Christ by fayth as the fauourers of the church of Rome doe charge vs. And I appeale to the Consciences of all them that followe theire Doctrine whether euer they were taughte to take suche sweete instruction and comfort in the vse of that blessed Sacrament or no. These good Fruites of that Sacramente are muche furthered and increased by sunderye other Godlye cogitations which the Scriptures teache true Christians to vse in the administration of it The worde of GOD teacheth that the vse of the externall Sacramentes is a manner of confession whereby men acknowledge themselues before GOD and the World that they are Christians Therefore the faythfull receauer when hee commeth to the Sacrament thinketh this with himselfe I by comming to this place proteste before GOD and his Angels and before all the Creatures of Heauen and earth that in my harte I deteste the Religion of Jewes Turkes Infidels Heretiques and all other that denye saluation to come by the death of Christe and I acknowledge my selfe vnfaygnedlye to bee of the number of them that hope to haue the fauoure of GOD and to bee saued by the merite and passion of Christe onelye The worde of GOD teacheth that Sacramentes are as it were Seales to confyrme the truth of Gods promises and to strength our fayth Therefore by this seale of the Lords Supper wee assure oure selues that wee are partakers of all that Legacie which Christ our Sauyour in his last will bequeathed to vs that is that his bodye was broken vpon the Crosse for our redemption and his blood sheadde for the remission of oure Sinnes The Scriptures teache that in the vse of the sacramentes through Fayth wee bee vnited vnto Christ and ingraffed into his Mysticall body so that wee liue nowe onelye by him and whatsoeuer is his by the truth of his promise is oures also The worde of God teacheth that the Sacrament of the Lordes supper is a linke of vnitye that knitteth vs together as members of one Mysticall bodye and therefore that wee oughte to bee ioyned in mutuall loue and charitie among our selues and that it is a foule reproch both to Christe oure head and to the whole body if we hate hurte or hinder one another For by the vse therof we confesse y ● we are all members of one bodye all Seruantes of one Mayster all Children of one Father all Subiectes vnder one Lorde and King all Partakers of one redemption all Heires of one Heritage and Gifte of Eternall Lyfe And in so manye L●●●es of Vnitye to be at discorde among ourselues is in Gods iudgemente an heauy testimouie agaynst vs in the day of his wrath Finally the word of God teacheth vs that the Sacrament of the Lordes supper is our heauenlye Feaste in whiche the Lambe of God that taketh away the sinnes of the worlde is offered vnto vs spiritually to feede vppon in our fayth that by him as I haue before declared we maye be nourished strengthened and preserued to eternall life and therfore that we ought to bee verye carefull so coprepare oureselues that we may be worthy Guestes for that blessed table Wherefore