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A16347 Incipit Speculum vite Cristi; Meditationes vitae Christi. English. Love, Nicholas, fl. 1410.; Bonaventure, Saint, Cardinal, ca. 1217-1274, attributed name. 1494 (1494) STC 3261; ESTC S111579 210,740 291

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was the brede of lyfe that came fro heue● it behoueth to ete his fless● drynke his blood who so sholde be saaf haue euerlastyng l●fe they vnderstondynge his wodes flesshly not ghostly grutcheden agaynst hym and token occasion of grete sclaūder and many of his discyples thrugh that mys vnderstondynge flesshly forsoken hym But Peter in the name of twelue appostles answerde that they w●lde not leue him For he had the wordes of euerlastyng lyfe And soo that was sclaūder to the badde was vertue to the good ▪ ●n the forsayd wordes dedes of our lorde ●hesu we haue ensample that we sholde not lete to doo good werkes for occasion 〈…〉 of sclaūder vnskylfully taken of other or for en●re and euyll wyll of hem and specyally of that dede that is necessa●● to soules hele we sholde not cease for ony sclaūder wherfore 〈◊〉 saynt Gregory sayth that a man shall rather suffre sclaūder for to ryse than he shall leue the trouthe ●hat is to sa●e in thre maners after the comyn sentence of doctours ▪ Fyrste of y● p̄●●●̄●e ●●as ●●te good lyfe a man shall not ceace for sclaūder that is to say ●e shall not doo dedely syn̄e for puttynge awaye of ony sclaūder Also a doctour or a precher shal not teche or preche fals for ony sclaūder but in caas he maye holde his pees of a certayne 〈◊〉 ●e ●●as 〈◊〉 ●●●●e trouth As what tyme that he knoweth that the herers bē obstynat in errour and shold be the wors yf that trouth were sayd ●he thyrde is trouth of rightwysnes that shall not be let for sclaūder ●hat is to saye a do●esman shall not yeue fals ●er●●●●e 〈◊〉 ▪ dome nor a wytnes bere fals recorde for ony sclaūder ▪ But of other certayne dedes that maye be lefte wythout peryll of soule a man shal other while seace though they ben gode in hemself for to put awaye occasion of sclaūder as thapostle poul sayth That wolde rather neuer ete flessh than he wolde there thorugh yeue occasyon of sclaunder to his brother Also in the forsayd processe of our lord Jhesu we ben taughte for to charge more the clennesse of soule And that disposeth N cōtraplures specialit religios to vertues thanne bodily clennesse and honeste wythoute forthe that is noo vertue in Neuerthelesse honeste and bodily clennesse is good soo that it dyspose not to vayne glory or curyosyte or lechery or other synnes And soo ben good customes that ben grounded vpon reason for to be kepte But the biddynges of god and the good ordenaunce of souereyns in ▪ holy chirche ben moche more for to charge Wherfore in this poynt erren many crysten men and specyally religious that chargen more bodily obseruaunce and customes though they dispose to noo vertue And ofte ben agaynste reason than they done the byddynge of god and good doctryne of holy faders towchynge charyte mekenesse pacyence Deuocyon in prayer dyscrete abstynence and other vertues wherfore they maye drede the repreyf of our lorde Jhesu pry uely that he reproued the pharysees openly As it is sayde be fore ¶ Of the specyall rewarde of our lorde Jhesu behoten to all thoos that forsaken the worlde for his loue Caplm xxix WHat tyme our lorde Jhūs by occasyon of the ryche man that wolde not leue his temporell goodes for perfeccōn sayd that it was harde to a ryche man entree the kyngdom of heuen The appostle peter in the name of all his felowes the twelue appostles asked of hym what rewarde they sholde haue that had forsake and lefte al worldly thynges for his sake And thenne our lorde ansuerde not oonly behetynge to hem a De cētuplo promisso souereyne mede in the blysse of heuen but also to all other that forsaken fader moder and other kyn̄e and temporell goodes for his sake the hondred folde in this worlde and after lyfe euerlastynge in a nother worlde to come wherfore all tho that haue taken hem to ghostly lyuynge fully forsaken the worlde Notabil haue matere of grete ghostly Joye and specyall comforte in this byheste of Jhū not on̄ly for the euerlastynge lyfe in heuen that they trustly hopen to haue by his gracōus byhest but also for that hūdred folde rewarde that they shall fele in thys bodily lyfe yf they truly louen Jhū and fully forsaken y● worlde that is neyther golde ne syluer nor deynteous metes or precyous clothes but ghostly ryches of vertues comforte of the holy ghost the whiche alonly he knowyth that by experyence felyth it in hymself And that is amonge other clen̄esse of cōscyence reste in soule loue of pouerte chastyte pacyence and other vertues And what tyme that our ghostly spouse Jhesu is knowen of ghostly folke before said but it is hyd to flesshly N sp●ale donūgrē Quāmagna multitudo dulce dis tue dn̄e folke that haue set their herte her comforte in this worlde as the prophete dauyd felynge this yefte spekyth to our lorde god in this manere Lorde how grete is the multytude of thy swetnesse that thou haste hydde to hem thad dreden the Of this mater saynt bernarde makyth a dououte processe in a tretyse of hym that is called De colloquio simonis Jhū spekynge more plenarly of this ghostly mede of the whiche Jhesus graunte vs parte AMEN ¶ Of the Transfyguracyon of our lorde Jhesu in the hylle Eaplm xxx OVr lord Jhūs willynge to conferme strēg the his dyscyples in y● true byleue that he was bothe god mā He shewed hem that he was very man by that he suffred after the kynde the comyn Infyrmyte of man And also that he was god by the myracles that he wroughte aboue the comyn kynde and myghte of man And therwyth all so he enformed hem told hē before that he shold suffre paynfully the hard deth as man after aryse vp gloryously to lyf as god and to this ende what tyme as the gospel of mathewe marke luke tellen math vii marc 13. Luc. i● that he had tolde his discyples that he sholde suffre many reproues dispytes in Jhrlm and att the laste be slayne dede And after that he sholde ryse fro dethe to lyfe the thyrde daye Then̄e ferdermore he cōcluded sayd that there were some of hem that there stoden at that tyme. the whiche shold not taste bodily dethe tyll they seen man̄es sone ▪ that was hymselfe comynge in his kyngdom that is to saye aperynge in a wonder full Joyeful clernesse of his māhede as longyng to his kyngdome And that for to fulfyll this byhest aboute the viii daye after he toke wyth hym peter James John vp in to an hye hylle that was as clerkes sayen called Thabor And there he was transfygured in her syghte that is to saye torned out of the lowe lyknes of seruaūt in to the hyghe gloryous lyknes of his kyngdom For his face shone as
testamēt makyng hymself our sacrefyce he toke brede in his holy hondes lyft vp his eyen to his fader almyghty god blessed the brede and sayd the wordes of the consecracōn therouer ▪ By vertue of the whiche wordes brede was torned in to his body thenne he yaaf it to his discyples and sayd Taketh eteth for sothly this is my body that shall be take yeue for you And after in the same manere takynge the chalyce wyth wyne sayd takith and drynkith alle herof ▪ For this is my blode that shall be out shedde for you many other in redempcyon of syn̄es after he yaaf hē power of the consecracōn and to all prestes in hem and sayd thus dooth ye as oft as ye take it in cōmemoracōn and mynde of me Take now gode here thou crysten man ▪ but specyally thou preste how deuoutly how dy ligently truely thy lorde Jhūs cryste made fyrste this precyoꝰ sacrament And after wyth his blessed hondes minystred it commyned that blessed his byloued meyne And on that other syde take hede wyth what deuoute wonder fyrste they sawe hym make that wonderfull and excellent sacrament And after with what drede reuerēce the y toke it ▪ and receyued it of hym Sothly at this tyme they lefte all her kyndly reason of man and on̄ly rested in true byleue to all that he sayd and dyde byleue wythoute ony doubte ▪ that he was god and myghte not erre And soo must thou doo that wolte fele and haue the vertu the ghostly swetnesse of this blissed sacrament This B is that swete precyous memoryale that soueraynly makith mans soule worthy and plesynge to god as ofte as it is duely receyued eyther by true deuoute meditacōn of his passion or elles and that more specyally in sacramentale etynge therof wherfore by reson this excellent yeft of loue shold kyndle man̄es soule and enflam̄e it all holy in to the yeuer therof oure lorde Jhūs cryste For there is noo thynge that he myght yeue and leue to vs more derworth more swete or more profy table than hymself For without ony doubte he that we receiuen in the sacrament of the aulter is he that self goddis sone Jhesus that toke flesshe and blode and was borne of the vyrgyn mary and that suffred deth on the crosse for vs. and rose the thirde daye fro dethe to lyfe and after styed vp in to heuen and sittyth on the faders ryght side and that shall come at the daye of dome and deme all mākynde In whoo 's power is bo the lyfe and dethe that made bothe heuen helle and that on̄li maye saue vs or dāpne vs euer wythout ende And soo he y● self god man is conteyned in that lityll oost that thou seest in forme of brede And eueri daye is offred vp to the fader of N heuē for our ghostly hele euerlastyng sauacōn This is the true bileue that holy chirche hath tauȝte vs of this blessid sacrament But yet more ouer lete vs sitte a lityll lōger at this worthy lordes boorde Jhūs and take we hede Inwardly of oure ghostly foode comforte more specyally of that precyous moost de●●teous mete that is there sette before vs. that is the blessed body of our lorde Jhūs in this holy sacramēt beforsayd And so by inwarde cōsideracōn taaste we the swetnesse of this heuenly fode hauynge fyrst in mynde the gracious resonable makyng ordenaūce of y● blessed sacramēt and after the grete worthines merueylous werkyng therof in chosen soules to cōforte strengthyng of our fayth And as anenst the firste poynt we shall vnderstonde that almyghty goddis sone the seconde persone in trinyte willynge of his souerayne charyte endles goodnes to make vs partyners of his godhede he toke our kynde and became man to make men as goddes ferdermore that he toke of our kynde that was flesshe blode a●●e he yaaf to vs for our hele our sauacōn For he offred to his fader of heuen vpon the aulter of the crosse his blessyd body for our reconcilynge and he shedde his precyous blood in to pryce for to bye vs out of our wretchid thraldom to was●● vs make vs clene of all synne And for asmoche as he wolde that the mynde of that hye grete benefyce sholde dwelle in vs euerlastyngly he yaaf to al cristen people his body in to mete and his blode in to drynke vnder the lyknesse of brede wyne in manere as it is sayd before in the fyrst makyng of this blessed sacrament But now here beholde we Inwardly take we hede what wondrynge it was to the appostles thenne to see oure lorde Jhūs very man as they were syttynge wyth hem bodily and therwith holdyng in his hondes that self body in that y● semyd to her bodi●y syghte noughte elles but brede affermynge thus sothly This is my body that shall be yeuen for you And also of that that in the chalyce semed oonly very wyne This is my bloode that shall be shedde for remyssion of your synnes And soo that self bodi that they sene wyth her bodily eyen before hem was sothly vnder the forme of brede And that self blode that was all hole in his bodi was there in the chalice in forme of wyne But thenne was not that brede as it semid as it was before the wordes of cōsecracōn nor wyne as it semid in self maner but on̄ly the liknes or the fourme of brede wyne conteynynge very crystes flesshe and blode as it is sayd But what man̄es wytte or reason myghte comprehende att this tyme Sothly none And therfore the true apostles at that tyme leften all her bodily reason wytte and rested on̄ly in true byleue to her lordes wor des as it is sayd befor̄ sauf Judas that was reproued for his falshede mysbyleue and therfore he receyued that blessed sa cōtra lol lardos crament to his dampnacōn And so done all tho that bē now of his parte the whiche falsly bileuen and sayen that the holi sacramente of the aulter is in his kynde brede or wyne as it was before the consecracōn by cause that it semyth soo to all her bodily felynge as in syght taast touchyng the whiche bē more reprouable as in that parte than Judas For they sene not Jhūs bodily beside that sacrament as he dyde and therfor̄ it is lyghter to hem for to byleue and more to her dampnacion yf they byleue not as god himself holy chirche hath taughte namly sythen that true techinge of this blessed sacramente hath be holden stedfastly soo many hūdred yeres and of so Fides sacramēti many holy men marters confessours other true cristen men the whiche in to her laste dayes stoden without doubte in this faythe and deyden therin The whiche is this in fewe wordes that the sacrament of the aulter duely made by vertue of crystes wordes is very
mynde of his passyon and passyng loue to vs sholde be euermore this hyghe worshipfull sacrament this is that precyous ghostly mete specyall mynde of our lord Jhū in the whiche is had al ghostly likynge the sauour taast of all swetnesse And also this is that swete memoryale where thrugh we ben wythdrawe kept fro wyckednesse and comforted strengthed in goodnes and protyten euery day in encreace of vertues of grace in sothfastnesse This is that hic yefte moost noble memoryale that oweth worthily to be prynted euer in our mynde and to be bestly kept in the inward affeccōn of the hert in contynuel mynde of hym that yeuith vs this swete memoryale precyous yeft For whos yett is ofttyme seen hins mynde is likyngly prynted in the hert Thus our lord Jhūs of his grete mercy hath made a likynge mynde of his merueyles yeuyng this mete specyally to he that dredē hym And here we shal vnderstonde that in ii maners men dreden god and therafter he yeuith this mete diuersly to hem For some dreden god as seruaūtes dreden her lorde leuyng eschewynge to syn̄e on̄ly for drede of payn and to thise maner of men yf they ben out of dedely syn̄e in grace our lorde yeuith this forsayd mete as to her ghostly sustenaūce soo that bi the vertue therof they ben susteyned in lyf of soule and kept fro euerlastyng dethe But other ben that dreden god as true chyldern dreden to offende their fader for the loue of him And to thise maner of men our lord god yeuith his precyous mete not on̄ly to her ghostly sustenaūce but also to her souerayn likynge wōderful comfort in soule And of this maner of dreding folke spekith of the same prophete dauid in thise wordes O lorde god how moche is the manyfolde plentee of thy swetnesse the whiche thou hast hidde to hem that dreden the But they that dreden not god haue neyther ghostly sustenaūce nor heelful likynge of this precyous noble mete but thrugh her owne wyckednesse vndisposyng in soule taken it and eten it to her ghostly dethe euerlastynge dampnacōn And that bē two maner of peple One is of hem that dreden not to receyue this holiest sacrament in dedely syn̄e or elles by defaulte of drede contynuen in her synne For as the wyse man sayth The drede of god casteth out syn̄e and therfore who soo contynueth in dedely syn̄e it is an open preyf that he dredeth not god And then̄e he is vnable to receyue and heelfully ete thys worthy sacrament Another maner of peple that lacken the drede of god ben heretikes the whiche in defawte of buxome drede to god holy chirche presūptuously leuynge vpon her bodily wyttes kyndly reison Leue not that holy doctours haue tauȝt holy chirche determyned ▪ of this blessed sacrament but falsly trowen obstynatly sayē that it is brede in his kynde as it was before the consecracōn So that the substance of brede is not torned in to y● substance of goddis body but abydeth styll brede as it was before by cause that it semyth so to all her bodily wyttes The whiche errour heresie al other of this holyest sacrament wythout doubt spryngē of ghostly pryde presūpcyon of kyndly wytt in defawte lacke of lowly drede For eyther suche men leuen that god may worche al those merueyles aboue the comin cours of kinde as holy chirche techyth in this holy sacrament or noughte And yf they leue not that he maye then̄e dreden they hym nought as god almyghty and so ben they wors men than iewes or sarrasynes For bothe byleue that god is almyghty And on that other side yf they sayen leuen that god for he is almyghty may werke those merueyles but they leue not that he dooth soo for as moche as her kynde by reason tellyth hem the contrary then̄e dreden they not for to ayensay the souerayne goodnes l●ne of god to mākinde as in y● party that holy chirche techith by leuyth of this holy sacrament and in that they preuen hēself grete foles For though it were so y● it were in doubt whether the techyng byleue y● holy chirche hath of this holy sacramēt were sooth or nought Or elles also sett caas that it were so the yet the syker pa●te were to byleue as holy chirche techyth with a buxome drede For in that we leuen our kindly reson ben obeysaūt to god holy chirche as hymself byddeth vs ▪ And also we wythdrawe not in our byleue of the myght of god nor of his loue souerayn goodnes to vs but rather maken it more yf it so were y● it were not soth as we byleuen that were lytyll peryl or rather none but mede in vs in al partes for our good wyll to god holy chirche And also in that byleue there is noo peryl of ydolatrye as the fals heretykes sayen that we honouren maken brede our god For we sayen bileuē that in that holy sacrament brede is torned in to goddis body by vertue of crystis wordes And soo we all honouren not brede but god and his blessed body in forme of brede That is to say in that lykenesse of brede that we seen by true byleue in soule wyth our ghostly eyen Thus we hauyng loue drede of god and stondynge stedfastly in the byleue y● holy chirche hath taughte vs specially of this holyest sacrament we shall consyder Inwardly beholde the kyndlynge nourisshyng of our loue to our lorde Jhū that yeuyth vs of his hye grace this precyous mete of his blessed body The merueyles that he makyth and worchyth therin specyally in two maneres That is to saye in one manere euery daye pryuely wher of we haue knowynge oonly by byleue wythin forth and also in a nother maner somtyme openly wherof we haue knowynge by true tellynge of myracles shewed wythout forth ▪ Towchyng the fyrste manere of merueyles it is a full grete merueyle that by vertue of crystis wordes brede is torned into goddis body and wyne in to his blode And to strength vs in bileue of this merueyle whe shal haue in mynde that he with the self myghte of his worde made all the worlde of nought and of the rybbe of adam made eue in flesshe blode and torned the wyfe of loth in to an ymage of salte and moyses yerde in to a serpent And welles waters of egypte torned in to blode wherfore sythen god almyghty wrought all thyse merueyles and many moo aboue the reason of man and the comyn cours of kynde why maye he not also by the self myght torne brede in to his body There is noo reason to preue the contrary But yf we wolde saye that god were not almyghty ▪ That god forbede ¶ Also it is a grete merueyle that the self body of our lorde Jhesu that sittyth in heuen vpon the faders
ryght half is verily and hooly in all the places of the worlde where this sacramente is treated soothly conteyned in that sacrament in the selfe flesshe blode that was conceiued of the holi ghost and borne of the blessed virgyn mary and henge vpon the crosse for our sauacyon This maye not be comprehended fully by man̄es reason but on̄ly stondeth in byleue Neuertheles there is a maner lyke merueyle in kynde that a worde spoken of one man to moche peple is holy in him that spekith it and also in all those that here it ben they neuer so many ¶ It is also a grete merueylle that soo grete a body of our lorde Jhū is fully holy cōprehended in soo lityl a quantyte of thoost and therwith also yf that oost be departed in to many smale peces it is as fully in euery parte as it was in all the hole ¶ Herto also is a maner of lykenesse that we seen in kynde how thymage of a man̄es grete face of a grete body is seen in a litil myrrour And yf it be broken departed yet in euery parte it semyth al the hole ymage not in party after the partes of y● glasse so broken Many other wonderfull merueyles our lorde god almighty werchith in this precious sacrament of his endles mercy to our ghostly comfort hele of soule the whyche we maye not cōprehende by kyndly reason our bodily wy●t but on̄ly by true bileue fayth And therfore it is grete foly ghostly peryll to seche curyously in ymagynacōn of reason y● merueyles of this worthy sacrament But it is most siker to a symple soule namly and suffyseth to sauacōn Touthyng the forsayd merueyles and all other of this blessed sacramente to thinke fele in this matere Thus haue holi doctours taughte and holy chirche determyned And therfor̄ I trowe and fully bileue that it is in sothnesse though my kyndely reason againsay it For as saynt gregory sayth That fayth hath no 〈…〉 ▪ meryte to the whiche man̄es reason yeuith experyence Touchynge the seconde manere of merueylles myracles shewed wythout forth by vertue of this holy sacramente and in this holy sacrament as we fynde wryten ▪ For thre skylles ou●●o●de 〈…〉 shewyth in dyuerse maners those merueylles myracles in this precyous sacrament that is to saye Somtyme to cōforte hem that ben in true byleue of this blessed sacrament and to kyndle her loue therby the more feruently to god to worshippyng of that sacrament Also somtyme by specyall grace for to cōuerte ●orne to true byleue hem that ben oute ther of And also somtyme to open preif of the ▪ grete vertues ther of in delyueraūce of paynes and sauyng fro bodily myscheyf ghostly And eche of thyse thre I shall tell shortly some merueyles myracles that I fynde wryten the whyche ben of soo grete auctoryte as to my felynge that there maye noo man agaynsaye hem but he be wors than a Jewe or a paynym ▪ Towchynge the fyrst that is to say how our lorde somtyme ● ▪ causa shewyth openly merueyles myracles of this blessed sacrament to comfort hem that ben in true bileue and to kyndle her hertes in to the more feruent loue of god We fynden wrytē N 〈…〉 in the lyft of the holy Confessour saynt Edwarde the kyng whos body lyeth in shryne at westmynstre the whiche lyf as for the more auctoryte in sothnesse wrote the worthy clerke holy abbot of Ryuaus Alred thus sayenge touchynge this matere ¶ In that worthy monestery of saynt Peter called westmestre and at the aulter dedifyed there in the worship of the holy trinyte as the forsayd holy kynge edwarde herde masse on a daye wyth the worthy erle called Leueryche the whyche wyth his noble wyfe Godȝyue the coūtesse was founder of many worthy houses of religion what tyme it came to y● cōsecracōn and goddis body in forme of brede was holde vp to the peples syght bytwyx the prestes hondes after the vse of holy chyrche He that is fayrest in shape befor̄ al men̄es sones our lorde Jhūs cryst apered bodily in that oost to bothe her sy●ghtes liftynge vp his right honde makynge a crosse toward the kynge blessynge And then̄e the kynge wyth lowtyng of his hede honouryng the presence of goddis magestec mekely wyth all the body dyde reuerence to soo worthy a blessinge But the erle that sawe the selfe syghte not knowynge what was in y● kynges hert And after desiryng that the kinge mighte be partyner of soo grete worthy a syghte began to goo towarde the kynge fro his place that was perauenture on syde byneth as longed to his astate But the kynge vnderstondin ge what was the●es entent said to him in this maner Stande Leueryche stande For that thou seest I see also After this they bothe of so Joyefull a sighte ghostly comforted torned all in deuoute prayers and swete wepynge teeres weren made ghostly dronken of the plēte of goddis hous and fed wyth the ryuer of his souerayne Joye and ghostly lykynge And after the ende of the masse they that were soo blisfully refeted wyth ghostly mete comyned togider of the forsayd heuenly siyght with swete teres inwarde sighynges ▪ oft tymes brekinge her speches And then̄e sayd saynt edwarde My dere Leueryche I praye the charge the by that hyghe magestee that we haue soo gracyonsly seen that neuer whyle we lyue this thynge be brought fourth in to the comyn knowyng leest we therby falle in to vaynglory pryde thrugh thoppinyon of the comyn peple to our ghostly dethe Or leest the enuye of mysbyleuynge men lette and destroye true byleue to the wordes ther of wherfore after the forsayd erle was goon fro the kynges courte by the Juspyracōn of the holy ghost as it is to byleue He was taughte soo that he kepte the byddynge the heste of his lorde And yet therwyth that highe vertuous myracle sholde not be fully vnknowen to them that were after to come For after he came to the monastery of wircestre and there in confession to a Religyous man he tolde the forsayd myracle chargyng hym in manere as the kynge had charged him and prayed hym that he wolde wryte the preuytee of soo worthy a visyon and put in suche a place that it mighte be vnknowen to hem that then̄e were liuynge and that it myght be knowen to hem that were to comyng And so dyde that holy mā after the erles prayer He wrote all thorder maner of the forsayd visyon in a bylle and layd it amonge relyques closed in a cofre the whiche cofre longe tyme after the kinges deth with out man̄es honde thrugh the myghte of god as it is to bileue was founde open And thenne the bretherne of that place besily serchynge the reliques foūden the forsayd bylle and radde it And after for asmoche as they wolde not that soo grete a tresour and worthy myracle sholde