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A04901 A confutation of monstrous and horrible heresies, taught by H.N. and embraced of a number, who call themselues the Familie of Loue by I. Knewstub. Seene and allowed, according to the Queenes Maiesties iniunctions. Knewstubs, John, 1544-1624. 1579 (1579) STC 15040; ESTC S108097 192,800 286

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them notwithstanding matter of necessitie to be purged that so they may bring foorth more fruite Euery braunch that beareth fruite he purgeth it that it may bring foorth more fruite and therfore doe we say in the next Article that we doe beleeue the forgiuenesse of sinnes but the sanctification and holynesse of H.N. his Church and Familie as they say is perfect euen in this life The members of the true Church bee braunches of that true Vine Christ and haue from thence their sappe strength to beare but the fellowes of this Familie haue all their sappe in them selues for they doe not acknowledge originall sinne nor yet the doctrin of our free election in Christ and therefore must of necessitie with Pelagius plant grace generally in our nature and so consequently confesse that we haue our sap in our selues H.N. The tenth Article Wee beleeue the forgiuenesse of sinnes namely in the same communialty of holy ones which standeth grounded in thssame vpright and godly beliefe of Iesu Christ and becommeth baptized in that same holie beeing of GOD aboue rehearsed and where the loue hath obtained the victory Wee confesse also that no man shall obtaine grace or forgiuenesse of sinnes at Gods hand without thissame holie communialtie of Christ For thissame is the holy Christianitie the familie of Loue wherein GOD himselfe dwelleth liueth and walketh and the true communialtie of Israell which reigneth with God and Christ ouer all her enemyes Answeare Hee that calleth to minde that doctrine which H.N. which hath set foorth before in his exposition vpon the 4. Article shall plainely perceiue that remission and forgiuenesse of sinnes is nothing else but to bee set free from sinning any more against God and that not to be attained vnto any otherwise then by following his Christ in the death of the crosse vnder the obedience of the loue Which opinion is confirmed in his Euangelie Chapter 30. Section 6. The clensing which is called Purgatory signifieth vnto vs the making pure of the beleeuers of Christ which they in distresse affliction sorrowe and anguish for the sinnes cause doe passe thorowe wherein they as in a fire of humiliation are purged or iustified from all their sinnes through the beliefe for to enter euen so with pure heartes into the kingdome of the GOD of heauēs In which fire of clensing or Purgatory the vpright beleeuers of Christ shew foorth patience in prayer vnto God and euen so in the beliefe and in manner of suffering they followe after Christ in his death of the crosse to the purging of their sinnes And the 28 Chapter of that same booke and first Section this his opinion is likewise established These be his woordes Whilst nowe the children of men cleaued vnto the vpright faith of Abraham which was of one beeing with the true light of life or grounded themselues therein and euen so obediently suspected the seruice of the beliefe administred out of the true light which is Christ himselfe in his requiring exercised them therein and onely gaue eare and had regarde vnto the ministers of the holie word which had kept the Passeouer with Christ out of the flesh into the spirit out of death into life were euen so implanted into Christ coedified with God and also beeing obedient vnto the worde in his requiring bide stedfast therein vntill that they had also kept the passouer with Christ and obtayned the renewing of their spirit and mind in Iesu Christ the which is the vpright supper or Pascha wherein men rightly eate the body of Christ drinke his bloode are partakers of his suffering and baptized in his death vnto his burying and euen so remember the suffering of Christ and witnesse or publish his death till vnto his comming that is vntill the true light arise in the heart so were they made safe iustified from their sinnes renewed in the spirit of their minde and sanctified in Christ to fellow members of his body to coheires in the riches of God his father in the euerlasting life This doctrine which maketh man his owne Sauiour and redeemer is plentifully confuted in the fourth Article wherevnto I refer the reader A man would not imagine that they could attempt so much mischieuous matter against vs and our saluation euen then when they giue vs no worse woordes then the holie Ghost doth vse For heere are heard no other wordes then wordes of pardon and forgiuenesse and yet there is no other matter in hand thē matter of purchasing and paying for our saluation But no marueile if H.N. who before was sufficiently prooued to bee Iudas doe nowe kisse when he meaneth to kill and in woords putteth vs in hope of a pardon when in deede is drift is to haue vs pay the vtmost farthing In the tenth Chapter to the Hebrues it is plainely prooued that euen those his deare and best beloued Children in whose heartes and mindes himselfe hath written his owne lawes haue in them notwithstanding matter to be pardoned and forgiuen After those dayes saieth the Lorde I will put my lawes in their heart and in their mynde I will write them and their sinnes and iniquities I will remember no more The place is alleadged out of the Prophete Ieremye I wil make an euerlasting couenant with them that I will neuer turne away from them to doe them good but I will put my feare in their hearts that they shall not departe from me These people to whome the Lorde hath made this large and liberall promise that they shall enioy such a portion of his feare as shal be able to kepe thē from departing from him these I say that haue and enioy such a measure of mercy from the Lorde haue all this notwithstanding in that their estate sinnes to be pardoned and that with one offering for all neuer after to be renued With one offering hath he cōsecrated for euer saith the holie Ghost them that be sanctified And againe Where remission of these things is there is nowe no more offering for sinne If one offering consecrate for euer them that be sanctified then are there not so many offeringes to consecrate withall as there be persons sanctified which is the doctrine of H.N. If one offering consecrate for euer them that be sanctified then H. N. and his Familie are not sanctified because they refuse that one offering which the Lord hath appointed thereby to consecrate for euer them that are sanctified and haue erected in steade therof a continuall offering and oblation for sinne wherin euery man must play the Prieste for himselfe And therefore albeit he affirme words that there is remission and forgiuenesse of sinne in his Familie yet in trueth it is otherwise for where there is remission of sinne there is no more offering for sinne Nowe in H. N. his Familie there is more offering for sinne and therfore there is among them no remission of sinne The Prophete Dauid affirmeth that because the
which H. N. claimeth vnto himselfe in the first Chapter of his booke intituled Euangelium Regni The Gospel and ioyfull message of the kingdome H. N. Through the grace and mercie of God and through the holy spirite of the loue of Iesu Christe raised vp by the highest GOD from the death according to the prouidence of God and his promises annoynted with the holie Ghoste in the olde age of the holy vnderstanding of Iesu Christe Godded with God in the spirite of his loue made heyre with Christe in the heauenlye goodes of the riches of God illuminated in the spirite with the heauenly trueth the true light of the perfect Beyng elected to a Minister of the gracious woorde which is nowe in the laste time raysed vp by God according to his promises in the moste holy seruice of God vnder the obedience of his loue Answere THE first thing that H. N. would perswade vs is that God hath raised him from the dead or to vse his owne wordes that he is raised vp by the most highest God from the death For confirmation hereof hee alleageth the sixt of Iohn the 17. of the Actes and the seconde to the Ephesians For he wil not seeme to say that thing which two or three shall not be redy to witnesse with hym VVe are therefore to heare what these can say to that point In the sixt of Iohn he directeth vs by this letter f vnto this Scripture conteyned in the 54. verse Whosoeuer eateth my flesh drinketh my blood hath eternal life and I will raise him vp at the last day Heere is a promise made vnto all true christians for they onely haue their hartes prepared by faith to digest the flesh and blood of Christe that the Lorde will raise them vppe at the laste day which wee call the day of iudgement and the seconde comming of Christe The promise I graunt is past but the day taken to performe the couenant is yet to come For by the promise it is playne that wee may not looke to haue the matter perfourmed before the laste day which is the seconde comming of Christe I wil not here call it into question whether H. N. be one of them who eate his fleshe and drinke his blood that shall go as graunted at this time onely this I will saye that hee is to begge shamefully who with no other helpe then that hee hath from hence shall obteine so muche as a place among the common sorte of Christians but hee that will vppon this warrant deale as a Prophete and Teacher in the Churche It cannot be excused but that he doeth felloniously enter breake in and steale For there is no colour of anie good title to bee shewed for the same Now I pray you consider of his argument which is this The Lorde will raise vppe all his faithfull at the last day and therefore H. N. is already risen from the dead The matter is established as doone but the grounde is no other then a graunt and promise made in expresse woordes for the time yet to come For our Sauiour Christe sayth playnely that hee will raise them vp at the laste day Where there is not only noted a time to come but of that time also the laste and furthest day is taken and yet yee see that H. N. will haue the matter to be alreadie accomplished in him selfe and that not otherwise then by vertue of this promise Let that bee graunted which H. N hath begged and let his felonious acte for once bee pardoned yet hath hee proceeded no farther in proofe then that hee ought to be taken as a Prophet risen from the dead with condition to wit if that the day of iuddgemēt alredy be past The Lord open the eies of his familie leaste as hee is no Prophet vnlesse that bee paste which is yet to come so they in like maner become no true Christians before that which is for euer past heereafter shall come If the cause of suche confusion bee demaunded this it is He expoundeth the doctrine of our resurrection Allegorically and taketh it to be nothing els but to ryse in our iudgemente and affection from the likyng of all other too the embracing of his doctrine and religion And therefore the day of iudgement which wee looke for is in his opinion already come because the troumpe of his doctrine now soundeth which woorketh this his spiritual resurrection The confutation whereof you shall God willing haue more at large heereafter and yet there is sufficient euen in this place aleadged by him to ouerthrowe it For speaking of the children of GOD who are true Christians possessed by fayth of eternall life and therefore already rysen from the dead because to rise from errour to the imbrasing of the trueth which hee taketh his owne doctrine too bee is with him the rising from the dead euen of those hee sayth I will rayse them vp in the last day appoynting an other resurrection yet to come for those who by a true faith haue alredy taken holde of that spiritual rising from darknesse to light from sinne and iniquitie to righteousnesse and true christianitie If his best bulwarke appointed to beare of the first and greatest assault that shal be made against him bee thus weake there is good hope it wil be no great woorke too winne the hold it selfe His seconde confirmation is taken out of the Acts 17. verse 31. The woordes be these God wil iudge the worlde in righteousnesse by that man whom he hath appointed whereof he hath geuen assurance vnto al in that he hath raised him from the dead A place proper and peculiar vnto Christe alone whom God the father hath raised from corporall death to be an assuraunce vnto vs that hee is the man appointed who shal iudge the world in righteousnesse at the latter day There can be no other place more peculiar and proper vnto Christe then is this whereunto for all that H. N. wil be entituled Notwithstanding yf the woorde of GOD haue geuen it vnto him good reason hee shoulde enioy it Let it therfore bee considered what he hath saide for it This is his reason GOD hath geuen vs assuraunce that hee will iudge the world in righteousnesse by the man Christ in that hee hath raysed hym from the dead therefore H. N. is alreadie risen from the dead If H. N. bee Christ it foloweth necessarily though not by force of this argument yet by sufficient strength from the trueth of the matter it selfe that he shoulde be rysen from the dead because hee is the same person of whom it is sayde that he is already risen from the dead to assure vs of the last iudgement that it shal be holden by him selfe But if H.N. bee anie thing beside Christe there is no maner of helpe to bee had from this place For hee speaketh playnely heere of the bodyly death of Christe him selfe As for the affinitie betweene H. N. and Christe howe
and minde with the vpright righteousnesse and holinesse For this is the right procreation to the renewing of the spirit and minde of the beleeuers and is also the true newe Testament which God hath promised to errect with his people which new Testament is the very true that God himself witnesseth in his people which are obedient vnto him out of faith in the seruice of his worde and bringeth euen so vnto them in the spirite of their minde the true God seruice of the spirituall and heauenly goodes and writeth according to his godly and heauenly trueth his lawe institutions and rites in the beeing of their inwarde minde In such sorte worketh the Lorde the holie one in Israel and bringeth forth euen so his children sonnes daughters seruants and handmaidens vpon which he in these last dayes poureth forth his spirit and remembreth no more their sinnes for they are a reconciled people vnto him which doe in all his wil. Beholde and consider such is the newe testament with his children for that same newe Testament is in his children the heauen the seate of the most hyest also spirit and life for that cause it is with his children heauenly spirituall and liuingly minded which children of the new testament loue not the worlde nor that which is in the worlde in asmuch as that the newe testament is wholy and altogether of God also the loue the life and the vpright beeing of the holie Ghost it selfe The state of his young scholers which he calleth the beliefe inasmuch as they hope for the perfection becommeth as hee saith with childe through the holy Ghoste and bringeth foorth a new creature according to the very like beeing of the heauenly Godhead and illuminateth the beleuers in their spirit and minde with the vpright righteousnesse and holinesse He calleth his doctrine likewise The true new testament all those vpon whom the spirit is powred forth in this sorte now in these last dayes he affirmeth of them that the Lord remembreth their sinnes no more rendring this reason because they are a reconciled people vnto him which doin all his wil. He affirmeth heere in like maner that these his children of the new testament loue not the worlde nor the things in the world and will haue this to be the cause and occasion thereof for that the new testament is wholy and altogither of God the loue the life the vpright being of the holie Ghost it selfe of such vertue operation that so sone as a man hath had a few receites therof all his worldly humours are forthwith voided thereby and he as cleare purged of them as if hee neuer had beene infected with them and which is yet more he sayth that this new testament is in his children the heauen the seate of the most highest also spirit and life for they be his owne words euen in this place You see then according to the doctrine of H.N. that our obedience whervnto we be brought by it beareth our sinnes in vs because when in all things wee doe his will wee stande as a people fully reconciled vnto our God and therefore wholy and altogether discharged of all daunger for our former sinnes For according to this doctrine when once we haue ceased to sinne sinne likewise ceaseth to lay anie thing to our charge and thus this obedience beareth our sinnes in vs This doctrine is confirmed by the Prophet Esay in his 53. Chapter if we will beleeue H.N. for that place is alledged by him for it Wherin he plainly bewrayeth vnto al the worlde that the spirite of darkenesse euen palpable blindnesse doth possesse him For if a man should come prepared to speake agaynst that poynt of hauing our sinnes answered and borne in our selues it were not possible to speake more plainly and more effectually against it then doeth the Prophet in that place For is it possible to adde anie thing plainer then this speach We like sheepe haue gone astray we haue turned euery one to his owne way and the Lord hath layd vpon him the iniquitie of vs all he was wounded for our transgressions he was broken for our iniquitie the chastisement of our peace was vpon him and with his stripes wee are healed Such grosse blindnesse is a iust punishment from God vpon thē which are offended and stumble at the cleare light that nowe shineth in the Gospel and so blinde guides are meete Scholemaisters for so manie as loue darkenesse more then light Could H.N. the seede of Satan iustifie our sinnes to be borne in our selues as from the Prophet euen in that place where he in plaine wordes sayeth that the iniquitie of vs all are laide vppon another if the Prince of darkenesse had not bereft him of al iudgement and pulled cleane out of his heade the eyes of vnderstanding We did iudge him to haue beene plagued of God saith the Prophet but it is cleare and out of all doubt he hath borne our infirmities and caried our sorrowes Neither is the Prophet more plaine in this case then is the Apostle Paule in the Epistle to the Romaines where he setteth the righteosnesse of one man for the making of many righteous against the disobedience of one vnto the making of manie sinners Can the righteousnesse of one man make manie righteous if this doctrine of H.N. be true that our sinnes are borne in our selues and our righteousnesse not layde vp in another for vs but resteth in our owne breastes within vs In the second Epistle to the Corinthes the Apostle doeth yet more plainly declare himselfe to haue a contrarie spirite to H.N. in that hee is flatte contrarie in speach For he affirmeth Christ to be a sinner in vs and vs to be righteous in him our sinnes to be imputed vnto him and his righteousnesse to be reckoned ours our sinnes to be borne in him and so he to be made sinne for vs and we righteousnesse in him For he made him to bee sinne for vs sayth the Apostle which knewe no sinne that we should be made the righteousnesse of God in him If he be made sinne for vs then are not our sinnes borne in vs if we be righteous before God or the righteousnes of God in him then not in vs but in him are our transgressions both borne and buried and our righteousnesse wholie and altogither purchased If the Sacrifices for sinne appointed to make reconciliation had beene eaten as were other then H N. and other heretikes shoulde haue had some colour to bleare the eyes of their Disciples withall touching this doctrine to haue their sinnes borne in them and their righteousnesse wrought by themselues but the sacrifices for sinne whose blood was brought into the tabernacle of the Congregation to make reconciliation in the holie place beeing figures of that alone Sacrifice by Christe by expresse woordes were forbidden to bee eaten and receyued into men Wherein the holie Ghost no doubt made a special Prouiso against this daungerous doctrine
great it is that shall GOD willing hereafter appeare What shal we be able to hold free from his assaults when he shameth not to geue the attempt for breaking of so strong barres as these bee and that to gette the possession from Christ himselfe Cicero doth geue it foorth of Caesar that there was almost no man to bee founde who had not rather yeelde to his request how vnreasonable soeuer then once to enter into the fielde with him for to fight Nec adhuc ferè inueni qui non concedendum putaret Caesari quod postularet potiùs quam pugnandum But we are to reioyse in it it fareth farre otherwise with the captayne of this bande for he is so shamelesse in demaundes and so foolish in his fight that he would tempte the mildest man that is to take his owne weapon from him and to beate him with it vnto blood before once hee begonne to reason the matter for his request The last aucthoritie alleadged for proofe that H.N. is raised from the dead is taken out of the second Chapter of the Epistle vnto the Ephesians and sixth verse these bee the wordes God which is rich in mercie euen when we were dead by sinnes hath quickened vs together in Christ and hath raysed vs vppe together A benefite flowing from Almightie God vnto euerie member of his to be quickened and raysed vp in Christe and by his grace from the death of sinne If it shall fall out by plaine proofe whē we come to speake of Christ that H.N. denieth both his person his office then hath he no maner of colour or shewe of reason at all out of this place For the resurrection which the Apostle speaketh of here is saide to be in and by Christ But bee it that his iudgement touching Christ were sound the contrarie whereof God willing shall hereafter playnely appeare yet this spoken of men approued both in doctrine and in life and that by the testimonie of the Apostle himselfe is no proofe to induce those to thinke that H.N. is risen from the deade by whom his life as well as doctrine shall at any tyme as now it is be called into question I hope H.N. wil neuer goe aboute to haue goodes that be priuate made common in his familie seeing that himself turneth things common vnto his owne priuate vse For this place is common vnto ali true Christians wherein notwithstanding H N. clameth propertie For otherwise what reason is it that euery one who is risen frōvnder the dominiō of sin should therfore haue the place authoritie of a Prophet in the Churche It remayneth nowe to consider with what iudgement or conscience H N. hath ioyned together these testimonies for the proofe of one matter So shall we come to some sight of his dangerous doctrine The first testimonie as you see plainely speaketh of the resurrectiō in the last day The second of Christ his rising from death corporally The third of rising from sinne iniquitie These how diuerse soeuer one from an other are notwithstanding by H. N. yoked together for strengthening of one and the same matter And the reason thereof is because hee taketh the doctrine touching the resurrection vnto life at the seconde comming of Christ And the doctrine also of Christ his bodily rising agayne from death to be vnderstoode onely of rising from sinne to leaue no other doctrine beside that vnto vs You perceiue then by this doctrine wee are depriued both of the comfort comming vnto vs by Christ his dying in the flesh and also of the hope that we shal rise vp at the last day both in bodie soule to inherit euerlasting life For both of these are sunke vp by his doctrine into one onely spirituall rising from sinne and that not otherwise then by imbracing his religion and doctrine for the gouernment of our liues This is the stuffe that hee hath bounde together for drawing of himselfe out from among the dead But if the lines of his life had bene no more able to haue holden him among the liuing then these cordes are to pull him out from among the dead then I am well assured Sathan shoulde long before this time haue lost one principall factor for him here vpon earth When this Author addeth more that this his rising from death is according to the prouidence of God and his promises he sendeth vs for proofe hereof vnto the eight chapter of the Romanes and by these letters C. and D. vnto the thirtienth and twentie three verses thereof In the thirtienth verse it is thus written If ye liue after the fleshe ye shall die but if ye mortifie the deedes of the bodie by the spirite yee shall liue His reason is this The children of GOD who by his spirite mortifie the deedes of the fleshe in this life shall in the worlde to come liue for euer therefore by vertue of this promise H. N. is alreadie risen from the dead Hee claimeth still his olde priuiledge that it may be lawfull for him by speciall dispensation to make that which is yet to come to be alreadie done euerlasting life to bee in this life and the resurrection in the last day to be no other thing then the rising from sinne If this absurde kinde of reasoning had ben his gheast but for one night the matter might happily haue had some colour frō a cūning excuse but beyng a seruant of his downe lying and vprising with him euery day there is no place left for any defence to cleare him of the shame and infamie thereof Meruayle no more therefore why H. N. shoulde in all his writinges so sore inueigh against the Scripture Learned as he calleth thē it was no smal poynt of wisedome to complayne first For he was well assured it coulde neuer bee that learning shoulde attayne anie such portion of pacience as were able to beare the weight of halfe that wrong which hee had in purpose to lay vpon it In the 23. verse it is thus written We also which haue receiued the first fruites of his spirite euen we do sigh in ourselues wayting for the adoption euen the redemption of our body This is then his reason the faithfull doe waite for the adoption resurrection therefore it must be by promise that H. N. is alredy risē frō the dead Howe repugnant vnto all shew of reason and truth is this that H. N. shoulde therfore be risen from the dead because the children of God doe yet waite for the resurrection In effect he saith thus much There is a thing which shortly is like to be lost and therefore H. N. hath alreadie founde it Who can yeeld to such absurde conclusions vnlesse it be proued vnto him before that H N. hath a speciall commission to finde thinges before they be lost and to take them vp when as yet they are not fallen Howe heauie is the hande of God vppon heresie and idolatrie and howe great is the blindnesse that they be in and yet
and baptism he shall become saued but who so beleeueth not hee shall according to the worde of Iesu Christ become cōdemned 35. For that cause let no mā boast him to be a christiā that hath not in the vpright faith receiued the true tokens of the Christianitie that is that beareth or carieth not the name of the Father and of the Sonne and of the holie Ghost essentially and liuingly in him otherwise he shall assuredly in this same day of the loue of the righteous iudgement before al the holie ones of God which are comprehēded in the communialtie of the loue bee founde false and lying For the woorde that the Lorde Iesus Christ hath spoken shal iudge him in this same newest day Answeare H.N. proceedeth nowe to the sentence of euerlasting condemnation which hee thundreth out agaynst all howe many soeuer who shall not nowe in this present day of the loue beleeue this doctrine which he hath here published and professed What sentence hee himselfe lieth vnder I leaue it vnto the Lorde but if there be any place left vnto prayer for him I pray God hee may be so truely touched with repentaunce as that curse may be turned from him which wayteth for so many as by damnable doctrine shall leade blinde and simple soules out of the way In the meane time we stande assured from the mouth of the lorde that the curse which is causelesse shall not come The true Churche of Christ acknowledgeth the holy Ghost to be God equall with the Father and the Sonne because the Scripture geueth libertie and freedome vnto him in distributing of graces and giftes vnto the children of god According as we reade in the former Epistle to the Corinthes Al these thinges worketh one and the self same spirite distributing to euerie man seuerallie as he will because in like maner it ioyneth him with the father and the sonne makinge but one God of those three persons as it is written in the first Epistle of Saint Iohn There are three which beare recorde in heauen the Father the worde and the holy Ghost and these three are one Wee doe assuredly beleeue that the holie Ghost will bee our comforter vnto the ende as well in woorking the woorkes of sanctification in vs as in making strong and sealing vp vnto our spirite the assurance of saluation and euerlasting life bringing all that to passe in our weakenesse which the Lorde hath promised in his woorde For the which ende he is sent from the Father and the Sonne into the world Which effectes are many in number and merueilous for the great workemanshippe thereof in such frailtie as wee are forced to feele and confesse to be within our selues For what a wonderful worke is this in flesh and bloud to haue a wise and vnderstanding heart in the will and word of his God The Apostle setteth this sight of God his goodnesse towardes vs which is offered in the Gospel farre aboue the reach eyther of sense or reason attributing it onely to the holy Ghost The things which eye hath not seen neither eare heard neither came into mans heart hath God prepared for them that loue him but God hath reuealed them vnto vs by his spirit for what mā knoweth the thinges of a man saue the spirit of a mā euen so the things of God knoweth no mā but the spirit of god What a rare work is this in like manner to geue vnto men who are priuie to themselues of manifolde offences and great wretchednes the confidence and boldenesse to call God Father making a full reckoning of his fauour and good wil towards them which thing is notwithstanding wrought in the seruants of God by the spirit of God as the Apostle witnesseth because ye are sonnes God hath sent forth the spirite of his sonne into your hartes which crieth Abba Father Of what difficultie likewise is that woorke to quicken this not dull but dead disposition within vs in the wayes of the Lorde his lawes and in the woorkes of his commaundementes yet doeth the spirite of God performe it in vs as wee reade in the Epistle to the Romanes If the spirite of him that raised vppe Iesus from the dead dwell in you he that raysed vp Christe from the dead shall also quicken your mortall bodies by his spirite that dwelleth in you Moreouer that passeth the power of man in our afflictions to be guided vnto God and to haue beside the matter the acceptable maner also of mourning and groning ministred vnto vs which proceedeth from the spirite of God as it is written to the Romanes Likewise the spirite also helpeth our infirmities for we know not what to pray as we ought but the spirite it selfe maketh request for vs with sighes which cannot be expressed but he that searcheth the heartes knoweth what is the meaning of the spirite for he maketh request for the faultes according to the will of God. And howe woonderfull is the Lorde by this woorke of his spirite in vs who are yet kept from our Countrey kingdome and oftentimes so euill intreated and so litle regarded that not onelie men but the Lorde himselfe seemeth to reckon of vs as vnwoorthie of any welfare here vppon earth to haue notwithstanding within vs a good earnest of our inheritance in heauē euē the spirit of God who hath also to name Comforter for these and like effectes of consolatiō after that ye beleued ye were sealed with the holy spirite of promise which is the earnest of our inheritaunce for the redēption of that libertie purchased to the praise of his glory As for H.N. his holie Ghost there are no suche thinges to bee had from him for concerning the earnest and assurance to be made for our inheritaunce what vse can there be thereof when once wee are entred vpon the same nowe by H.N. his doctrine euerlasting life is in this life and in this estate of perfection which he professeth therfore when possession is taken there is no longer place for anie pledge or earnest of assurance and therefore H.N. his holie Ghost cannot bee he which the Scripture setteth foorth and maketh knowen by the propertie of a pleadge or earnest Beside this when H.N. his holie Ghost is once come they are past praier for sinne they haue not to pray against it beyng no sinners and goodnesse they want not beyng perfect and therefore he is not that holie Ghost which the Scripture speaketh off that helpeth their infirmities who know not what to pray as they ought making request with sighes and grones that cannot be expressed H.N. The nienth Article Wee beleeue one holy Churche a communialtie of holie ones which is the conioyned bodie of Christ or incorporated through the loue to Christ and that the shedding forth of the holy Ghost commeth to passe vnder the obedience of the loue vppon the same For through the holie Ghost wherewith shee is in