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A69499 Devotions in the ancient way of offices with psalms, hymns, and prayers for every day in the week and every holiday in the year. Birchley, William, 1613-1669. 1668 (1668) Wing A4248A; ESTC R8861 220,254 576

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and Doctors for the consummation of the Saints for the work of the ministry for the edifying the body of Christ til we all meet into the unity and knowledge of the Son of God into a perfect man into the measure of the age of the fulnes of Christ That henceforth we be not children wavering and carry'd about with every wind of doctrine by the wickednes of men and their craftines to circumvent into error but following the truth in charity let us in all things grow in him who is our head Christ And I beseech you Brethren by the name of our Lord JESUS Christ that you all say one thing and that there be no schisms among you but that you be perfect in one sense and in one knowledge Mark them that make dissentions and scandals contrary to the Doctrin which you have learn't and avoyd them for such serve not Christ our Lord but their own belly and by sweet speeches and benedictions seduce the harts of the simple Beleeve not every spirit but prove the spirits whether they be of God for many false Prophets are gone out into the world Therefore Brethren stand fast hold the traditions which you have learn'd whether by word of mouth or our Epistle Obey your Prelats and be subject to them for they watch as being to render account for your souls R. My God if ravenous Wolvs seek by force to devour me and with threats and penalty's fright me from thy Faith this shal be my shield against all their fiery darts * I beleeve my Creed and in it One holy Catholick and Apostolick Church If subtle foxes seek by fraud to deceive me and with wit and fallacy's seduce me from thy truth this shal be my answer to all their Objections * I beleeve Second Lesson ANd JESUS coming near spake to his Disciples saying All power is given me in heav'n and in earth Go therfore and teach all Nations baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy Ghost teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you and behold I am with you always to the end of the World The Apostles hearing that Samaria had receiv'd the word of God sent to them Peter and John who when they were come pray'd for them that they might receive the holy Ghost for he was not yet come upon any of them but they were only baptiz'd in the name of our Lord JESUS then they impos'd their hands on them and they receiv'd the holy Ghost And JESUS said to his Disciples As my Father sent me I also send you And He breath'd on Them and said Receive you the holy Ghost whose sins you shal forgive they are forgiven and whose you shal retain they are retain'd The Chalice of benediction which we bless is it not the Communication of the Blood of Christ and the Bread which we break is it not the participation of the Body of our Lord When they had ordain'd to them Priests in every Church and had pray'd with fastings they commended them to our Lord in whom they beleev'd For this cause shal a man leave his Father and Mother and cleave to his Wife and they shal be two in one flesh this is a great Sacrament but I speak in Christ and in the Church Is any one sick among you let him bring in the Priests of the Church and let them pray over him anoynting him with Oyl in the name of our Lord and the prayer of faith shal save the sick and our Lord shal raise him up and if he be in sins they shal be remitted him Now to him that is able to do all things more abundantly then we desire or understand according to the power that works in us to Him be glory in the Church and in Christ JESUS to all generations world without end Amen R. Blessed O Lord be thy holy Name who hast provided the Scriptures for comfort of the Faithful and blessed be thy gracious Wisdom who hast left in thy Church a Rule to interpret Them Lest the unlearned and instable should pervert them to their own destruction Renew O merciful Lord a right spirit in the world a spirit of humility and obedience that in reading those sacred Books none may prefer their private fancys before the testimony of the Church but readily submit to Them whom he that hears hears Thee and he that despises despises Thee * Lest Third Lesson 1 Cor. 11. FOr I received of our Lord that which also I have deliver'd to you that our Lord Jesus in the night wherein he was betray'd took bread and giving thanks brake and said Take and eat This is my Body which shal be deliver'd for you this do in Commemoration of me In like manner also the Chalice after he had supt saying This Chalice is the new Testament in my Blood this do as often as you shal drink it in Commemoration of me For as often as you eat this Bread and drink the Chalice you shall shew our Lords death till he come Therefore who ever shall eat this Bread or drink the Chalice of our Lord unworthily shall be guilty of the Body and Blood of our Lord but let a man prove himself and so let him eat of that Bread and drink of the Chalice for he that eats and drinks unworthily eats and drinks damnation to himself not discerning our Lords Body R. I am the Bread that came down from heav'n not as your fathers ate Manna and dyed he that eats of this Bread shall live for ever and the Bread which I give is my Flesh for the life of the world * These O my dearest Saviour are thy very words O give us always of this Bread As the living Father sent me and I live by the Father so he that eats me shall live by me and I will raise him up at the last day for my Flesh is meat indeed and my Blood is drink indeed * These Glory be c. * These Pause c. as page 17. Thursday Lauds O God incline c. as page 18. Antiph How great is the multitude of thy sweetnes O Lord which thou hast hidden for those that love Thee Psal LVII WHere O thou boundless Ocean of Charity where will thy overflowing streams stay their course We and our ingratitude strive to oppose thee but nothing can resist thy almighty Goodnes When the impiety of man was at the hight and their treacherous heads ploting to betray thee Then did thy wisdom mercifully consult * to overcome our malice with thy bounty Immediately thou contriv'dst an admirable way * to invite all the world to a feast of miracles A feast where thy sacred Body should be our food * and thy precious Blood our drink A feast where thy whole all-glorious Self * is freely given to the meanest guest A feast of peace and love and incomparable sweetnes to which thine own blest mouth thus kindly cals us Come to me you that labour for holines
world without end Amen SS Philip and Jacob. All as in the Office of Saints except 1. Antiph Now it suffices thee Philip our Lord has shewn thee the Father and henceforth for ever thou shalt see Him face to face Alleluja 2. Antiph And thou holy Jacob the Brother of our Lord art gloriously happy injoying for ever the same blysful Vision Alleluja 3. Antiph These are Two of those precious stones that found and adorn the walls of the heav'nly Jerusalem Alleluja Prayer O God by whose grace the B. Apostles S. Philip and S. Jacob water'd as this day with their blood the heavenly seed which they had long swet in sowing o're the world Redouble we beseech Thee the devotions of thy servants by celebrating together their happy Memorys and grant that our Faith sopreciously confirm'd may fructify into holy lives deaths worthy such glorious Masters through our Lord JESUS Christ thy Son who Invention of the H. Cross All as in the Office of our Saviour except 1. Antiph Glorious art thou O B. Empress Helen whose devotion so miraculously restor'd to the world the standard of Salvation Alleluja 2. Antiph This holy Sign shal be in the heav'ns Alleluja when our Lord shal come to Judgment Alleluja 3. Antiph Far be it from us to glory in any thing but the Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ in whom the world is crucify'd to us and we to the world Alleluja Prayer O God who as this day vouehsafedst to raise again even the Cross of our Saviour from its ignominious grave to become a close and striking memorial of his Passion Grant we beseech Thee that our devout celebrating this thy special providence may still more deeply imprint in our harts its gracious design of making us often reflect on the great benefit of our redemption and the infinite love and mercy of our Redeemer through the same our Lord Jesus Christ thy Son who c. Rogation VVeek Monday Tuesday and Wednesday All as in the Weekly Office except 1. Antiph Ask and you shal receive seek and you shal find knock and it shal be open'd to you says our Lord whose word cannot fail Alleluja 2. Antiph Thou know'st we need all these things but more but more by these our needs to be drawn to look up to Thee Alleluja 3. Antiph Seek first the kingdom of heav'n and all things else shal be added to you Alleluja Prayer O God by whose H. Spirit thy Church ordains this a solemn time of supplication for all our necessitys Open we humbly beseech Thee thy gracious ears to the pray'rs thou inspir'st and draw'st from our harts and by granting us those Goods which thy Children with humility and resignation ask of Thee their heav'nly Father so encourage our devotion and obedience and so increase our hope and love that transcending all Particulars as safely to be trusted in the hand of thy Providence our whole souls may thirst after Thee thy self alone who art our All in All for ever through our Lord Ascension and during the Octave All as in the Office of our Saviour except 1. Antiph I have finisht the work which my Father commanded me and now 't is time I return to him that sent me let not your harts be troubled I go to my Father and your Father to my God and your God Alleluja 2. Antiph Let not your harts be troubled I go to prepare a place for you and I wil come again and receive you to my self that where I am there may my servants be Alleluja 3. Antiph Meanwhile I wil not leave you desolate but wil pray to my Father and he shal give you another Comforter the Spirit of truth to dwel with you for ever Alleluja Antiph for Benedictus and Magnificat Why stand we looking downwards on the things of this world behold our Lord is ascended into heav'n and sits in glory at the right hand of his Father Alleluja Why stand we idle with our accounts unprepar'd behold the same JESUS shal come again to judg the living and the dead and give to every one according to his works Alleluja Alleluja Prayer O God who hast inspir'd thy Church to celebrate this day the memory of our Saviours Ascension when having finisht on earth the great work of our Redemption He carryed up his glorify'd Humanity above the clouds to its eternal Rest Grant we humbly beseech Thee that taking off our eys from these vanitys here below we may stand continually looking after Him into heav'n and hartily expecting his appearance thence again at the last great day be always ready to obey his call and meet him in the clouds and follow him into those blysful Mansions which he went to prepare for us at thy right hand for ever through the same our Lord c. VVhitsunday and during the Octave All as in the Office of the H. Ghost Trinity-Sunday All as in Sunday Office except 1. Antiph There are Three that bear witnes in heav'n the Father the Word and the H. Ghost and these Three are One Alleluja 2. Antiph The Father is God and the Son is God and the H. Ghost is God yet are they not three Gods but One God Alleluja 3. Antiph In this adorable Trinity none is before or after none greater or less then Another but all the Three Persons are coequal among themselvs and coeternal Alleluja Antiph for Benedictus and Magnificat To thee the eternal Father made by none to thee the increated Son begotten by the Father alone to thee the B. Spirit proceeding from the Father and the Son One holy consubstantial and undivided Trinity be ascrib'd all power and wisdom and goodnes now and for ever Alleluja Prayer O Eternal Father who by the visible dedescent of thy Son to redeem the world and of thy H. Spirit to sanctify the Elect has wonderfully made thy Churches own experience facilitate our faith of the incomprehensible Trinity Grant us we beseech Thee in hart and voice to profes this most high and supernatural truth and rejecting all the fallacious suggestions of short reason humbly adore Thee Three every-way-coequal Persons in the same indivisible Deity til we come herafter to thy blysful presence and see the Mystery reveal'd in thine own glorious face through our Lord c. Corpus Christi and during the Octave All as in Thursday Office except 1. Antiph I am the living bread that came down from heav'n if any one eat of this bread he shal live for ever and the bread which I wil give is my flesh for the life of the world Alleluja 2. Antiph Except you eat the flesh of the Son of man and drink his blood you shal not have life in you Alleluja 3. Antiph He that eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life and I wil raise him up at the last day Alleluja Antiph for Benedictus and Magnificat O sweet and sacred Feast wherein Christ himself is receiv'd and the memory of his Passion renew'd our minds are fill'd
Disciples and wip't them with the towel which having done he took his garments and sate down again and said to them do you know what I have done to you you call me Master and Lord and you say well for so I am if therefore I who am your Lord and Master have wash't your feet you ought also to wash one anothers for I have given you an Example that as I have done to you you also do Say the Canticle Benedictus then repeat the Antiphon then kneel and say Christ was made for us obedient to death Our Father all silently then in a low grave tone say V. Have mercy on me O God according to thy great mercy R. And according to the multitude of thy compassions wipe away my offences V. Wash me yet more from my iniquity and cleanse me from my sins For I know my iniquity and my sin is always before me Against Thee only have I sin'd and done evil in thy sight that thou mayst be justified in thy words and mayst overcome when thou art judg'd For behold I was conceiv'd in iniquity and in sins my Mother brought me forth Behold Thou hast loved truth the incertain and hidden things of thy wisdom thou hast manifested to me Thou shalt sprinkle me with Hysop and I shal be cleansed thou shalt wash me and I shal be made whiter then snow Thou shalt give to my hearing joy and gladnes and the bones thou hast humbled shal rejoyce Turn away thy face from my sins and blot-out all my iniquitys Create a clean hart in me O God! and renew a right spirit in my bowels Cast me not away from thy face and take not thy holy spirit from me Restore to me the joy of thy salvation and confirm me with an heroick spirit O Lord open thou my lips and my mouth shal declare thy praise For wouldst thou have had sacrifice I verily had given it with burnt-offerings thou art not delighted A Sacrifice to God is an afflicted spirit a contrite and an humbled hart O God thou wilt not despise Deal favourably O Lord in thy good will with Sion that the walls of Jerusalem may be built up Then shalt thou accept sacrifice of justice oblations of holocausts then shal they lay calves upon thine Altar Look down O Lord we beseech Thee on this thy family for which our Lord JESVS Christ vouchsaf't to be betray'd into the hands of the wicked and undergo the torments of the Cross who with Thee and the holy Ghost lives and reigns one God world without end Amen So end the Lauds and Vespers for these three days Antiph for Magnificat Our Lord Jesus the night wherein he was betray'd took bread and giving thanks brake it and said Take and eat This is my Body which shal be given for you do this in commemoration of me Likewise the Cup also after He had sup't saying This Cup is the new Testament in my Blood this do as often as you drink it in commemoration of me for as often as you eat this Bread and drink this Cup you declare our Lords death till he come Christ was made for us obedient to death Our Father c. Have Mercy on me O God Page 523 Look down as Page 525 At Complin begin with the first Psalm without Antiph and instead of Glory be c. say Christ was made c. Our Father Have mercy Look down as Pag. 525 and so for the two following days Good Friday All as in the ordinary Office of Friday omitting all Antiphons and Hymns and Glory be c. instead whereof at the end of every Psalm say Kneeling Christ was made for us obedient to death even the death of the Cross Instead of Lessons read the Passion according to S. Luke which begins Luke 22. 1●● and ends Luke 23. 53. When you have done the third Psalm at Lauds and Vespers say this following Antiphon Antiph for Benedictus and Magnificat Look up my soul on thy crucify'd Lord look up and see the utmost extremity of divine love already he had carry'd on to a fair degree the work of our Redemption in fasting and praying in travailing and preaching in doing Miracles and bearing injurys but now to finish all with one incomparable charity behold He suffers even death it self and death upon the Cross Recite the Canticle Repeat the Antiphon then Kneel and say Christ was made for us obedient to death even the death of the Cross Our Father Have mercy Look down and so end as on Ma●●ndy-Thursday Holy Saturday All as in the ordinary Office of Saturday omiting all Antiphons Hymns and Glory be c. Instead whereof at the end of every Psalm say Kneeling Christ was made for us obedient to death even the death of the Cross wherefore also God has exalted Him and given Him a Name above every Name Instead of Lessons read the Passion according to S. John in the 18. and 19 Chapters When you have ended the third Psalm at Lauds and Vespers say this following Antiphon Antiphon for Benedictus and Magnificat Death is swallow'd up in Victory Death where is thy victory Death where is thy sting the sting of death is sin and the power of sin is the Law but thanks be to God who has given us victory by our Lord Jesus Christ Let us therefore be stable and immovable abounding always in the work of our Lord knowing our labour is not in vain in our Lord. Recite the Canticle Repeat the Antiphon then Kneel and say Christ was made for us obedient to death even the death of the Cross wherefore also God has exalted Him and given him a Name above every Name Our Father Have mercy Look down and so end as on Maundy Thursday Easter day and during the Octave All as in the Office for Sunday except 1. Antiph Christ is risen from the dead alleluja and become the first fruits of them that slept alleluja 2. Antiph Fear not I know whom you seek He is risen he is not here alleluja Come see the place where our Lord was laid alleluja 3. Antiph He that rais'd up JESUS will also raise up us alleluja and refine our vile flesh into the likeness of his glorious body alleluja Antiph for Benedictus and Magnificat Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power and divinity and wisdom and strength and honour and glory and blessing for ever and ever alleluja alleluja alleluja Prayer O God whose gracious Providence restores to thy Church the face and voice of holy exultation by the triumphant Festival of our Saviours resurrection Grant we humbly beseech Thee that the joy which shines in our looks may flame in our harts and purify them worthy those high and glorious hopes so firmly seal'd to us by this days experience of Rising again at last from our graves and rejoycing thenceforth for ever in state of blysful immortality through our Lord JESUS Christ thy Son who with Thee and the H. Ghost lives and reigns One God
wicked to torment Are these eternal too And never to have end Shal never those delights decay Those sorrows never mend Good God is all this true And sure most true it is And yet we live as if there were Nothing so false as this O quicken Lord our faith Of these great joys and fears And make the last days trumpet be Stil ringing in our ears Stil may this glorious hope Shine bright before our eys We shal at last go up to meet Our JESUS in the skys Come JESU Come and take Our banisht souls to Thee Come quickly Lord * that in thy light Our Eys thy light may see Glory to Thee great God One Coeternal Three As at the first begining was May now and ever be Capit. Philip. 4. FOr the rest Brethren whatever things are true whatever honest whatever just whatever amiable whatever of good fame if there be any vertue if any praise of discipline think upon these things which you have both learnt and receiv'd and heard and seen in me These things do and the God of Peace shal be with you Antiph Every night approaches us nearer our last which reservs for us eternal wages justly yet with a vast and generous bounty proportion'd to the works of our days V. The Wise will always keep their lamps ready trim'd R. That the Bridegrooms call may never surprize them O Lord hear our pray'rs And let our supplications come to thee Let us Pray O God whose merciful providence breaks and eases the laborious course of our Pilgrimage through this world with constant conveniencys and seasons of repose Vouchsafe us we humbly beseech Thee to make our due advantage of this thy mercy Composing our souls more satisfyedly to rest by a faithful recollection every Evening how we have kept our way and whether we are advanc't and grant that reflecting with harty contrition on every step we have made a wry and with thankful acknowledgements on those thou hast led aright we may henceforth be rendred more wary of our deviating inclinations and more attentively obsequious to the steddy guidance of thy grace through our Lord. Vouchsafe as pag. 54. Thursday MATINS Introduction as page 1. Invitatory Come let 's adore our God that feeds us Come le' ts adore our God that feeds us Psal LIII HE freely opens his bounteous hand and fills with his blessing every living creature he gives even Kings their dayly bread and all the world 's maintain'd by his Provision Come let 's adore our God that feeds us He feeds our understanding with the knowledg of truth and strengthens our wills with his holy grace he refreshes our memorys with a thousand benefits and feasts our whole souls with everlasting hopes Come le ts adore our God that feeds us With Himself and with his sacred Flesh he feeds us and nourishes up to immortal life begining even here that blessed union which shall fully be perfected in his own Kingdom Come let 's adore our God that feeds us Come all we servants of so gracious a Lord whom he daily entertains with innumerable mercys come all you children of so loving a Father for whom he has provided an eternal feast Come let 's adore our God that feeds us Glory be c. As it was c. Come let 's adore our God that feeds us Come let 's adore our God that feeds us Hymn XVII RIse royal Sion rise and sing Thy souls kind Shepherd thy harts King Stretch all thy pow'rs call if you can Harps of heaven to hands of man This soveraign subject sits above The best ambition of thy love Lo here the bread of life this day 's Triumphant Text provokes thy praise The living and life-giving Bread To the great Twelve distributed When Life Himself at point to dy Of love was his own Legacy But lest That dy too We are bid Ever to do what He once did And by a mindful mystick breath That we may live revive his death With a miraculous Bread and Wine Transum'd and taught to turn divine The heav'n-instructed House of Faith Here a mysterious Dictate hath That they but lend their form and face Themselvs with reverence leave their place Nature and Name to be made good By a nobler Bread more needful Blood Where nature's law no leave will give Bold Faith takes hart and dares believe In different species Names not Things Himself to me my Saviour brings As meat in That as drink in this But still in Both one Christ he is Yet the receiving mouth here makes Nor wound nor breach in what he takes Let one alone or thousands be Here the Dividers single he Bears home no less All they no more Nor leave they Both less then before Lo the life-food of Angels then Bow'd to the lowly mouths of men Lo the full final Sacrifice On which all Figures fixt their eys The ransom'd Isaac and his Ram The Manna and the Paschal Lamb. Jesu to Thee we sinners sue O Thou our Food and Shepherd too Still by Thy self vouchsafe to keep As with thy self thou feed'st thy Sheep Blest be that Love which thus makes Thee Mix with our low mortality O may It raise and set us up Convicters of thine own full Cup Coheirs of Saints that so all may Drink the same wine and the same way Nor change the pasture but the place To feed on Thee in thine own Face Amen Antiph Upon this rock will I build my Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it Psal LIV. HE who made the Sun to enlighten our steps * in the pilgrimage of this short life Has he ordain'd no guide to conduct our souls * in the difficult way to their eternal home He who feeds the ravens that call upon him has he not provided bread for his children He has and still his mercy furnishes means * to perform whatever his justice commands Long since he espouds'd to himself an unspotted Church and promis'd It his presence to the end of the world Establishing his truth on a firm pillar a solid foundation to sustain our faith That we waver no longer as litle children nor be carried about with every wind of doctrine Nor consume all our days in studying to believe without ever proceeding to life and action This Spouse O Thou glorious King of heaven * and admirable Lover of poor ruin'd man This humble Spouse Thou cam'st down to woo * and dearly purchase with thine own blood Thou hast indow'd her with eminent prerogatives * above the rest of the daughters of the earth Preserving her in the midst of Jews and Pagans and the subtler Enemys Politicians and Hereticks Preserving her bright and conspicuous as the Sun that every open ey may see her light Preserving her still in perfect unity while all that divide from her are divided among themselves Thou hast adorn'd her with the beauty of order and the precious jewels of heroick vertues Thou hast strengthen'd her hands with the power of miracles and crown'd
he shines out clear to the Blessed alone and the beams of his glory strike bright upon their faces Yet have his mercys to us far more of miracle far more of care and tender Providence VVhile he not only is pleas'd to be among us but condescends to become even one with us VVhile he not only is our God to go before us but our very food to enter into us O souls redeem'd by the Blood of JESUS and nourisht with the flesh of his sacred Body Why melt you not away into tears of joy for being so regarded by the King of heav'n Why not at least dissolve into tears of sorrow for so litle regarding him Who will not tremble with an amorous reverence * that stands in the sight of so great a Majesty Who can forbear to be transported with joy that thinks I 'm going to receive my God! Who can contain the overflowings of his hart while his brest can say here I have my God! My great and glorious God who meerly out of love * thus gives me Himself in pledg of my salvation O infinite sweetnes how good is it for us to be here and behold our Lord transfigur'd before us Here let us make a thousand Tabernacles one O my JESU for Thee and one for each of us That in our litle tents we may dwel about thee and sing and bow and rejoyce before thee What should the captive wish but liberty and the weary Pilgrim but to be at rest What should the sick desire but helth and what can I but to be with my God But stay am I drest like a friend of the Bridegroom * that I safely may come to this Marriage Supper Have I consider'd how chast those eys should be * which go to behold the God of purity Have I consider'd how clean that mouth should be * which presumes to eat the Bread of heav'n But most how all-celestial that soul should be * which aspires to an union with the Body of our Lord Look look my hart look well into thy self and strictly search every Corner of thy brest Alas how poor and dull and empty are we how infinitely unworthy so divine a Sacrament Yet are we cal'd by Him that can command by Him that sees and pitys our misery He bids us come he surely will receive us and with his bounteous fulnes supply our defects Go then my soul go to that sacred Table and take thy part of that delicious Banquet Go all inflam'd with love and joy and hope and quench thy holy thirst at that Spring of Blyss When thou hast tasted the sweetnes of thy God and feel'st his heav'nly streams flow gently on thee Open thy happy brest and suck those waters in and let them freely run over all thy powers Let them soak deep to the root of thy hart and turn thy barren heath into a fruitful land Fruitful in holy thoughts and pious words fruitful in good and just and charitable deeds Fruitful to thy self in thine own improvement fruitful to others in thy good example No more ingratitude to so gracious a God no more neglect of so glorious a Majesty Away false pleasures sin and vanity for the God of holines hath touch't my hart He has himself gone in and taken full possession and seal'd it up for his own service Glory be c. Antiph This is the greatest charity that God himself can bestow since God can bestow nothing greater then himself Capit. 1 Cor. 13. IF I speak with the tongues of men and Angels and have not charity I am become as sounding brass or a tinckling Cymbal and if I should have Prophecy and understand all mysteryes and all knowledg and if I should have all fayth so that I should remove mountains and have not charity I am nothing Charity is patient is benigne Charity envyes not deals not perversly is not puft up is not ambitious seeks not her own is not provok't to anger thinks not evil rejoyces not upon iniquity but rejoyces with the truth suffers all things beleevs all things hopes all things bears all things Charity never fayls but whether Prophesyes they shal be made void or tongues they shall cease or knowledg it shal be destroy'd for we know in part and Prophecy in part but when that which is perfect shal come that which is in part shal be made void When I was a child I spake as a child I understood as a child I thought as a child but when I became a man I put away childish things Now we see darkly through a glass but then face to face now I know in part but then I shal know even as I am known and now there remain faith hope charity these three but the greatest of these is Charity Hymn XIX DO I resolve an easy life Stor'd with plenty free from strife When dear Lord thy days and nights Pass'd in poverty and fights Do I design a gentle death Singing out my aged breath When my Saviour tortures tore Thy dear soul out drown'd in gore O dread dayly Sacrifice Acting in a sweet disguise JESUS Passions o're again Such undue conceits restrain Keep stil lively in my mind How I ought to be resign'd How this Pattern ought destroy All my sensual greif or joy Are suffrings Ills no goodness chose His and our way to blyss through those Are pleasures Goods no wisdom scorn'd Their daliance and us forewarn'd This this make my Ditty be At least whenever Thee I see Thee it's ground so oft repeating To prevent my souls forgetting JESU thus arm'd no terrors shall Make my vertuous courage fall No flatterys here my blest hope drown Since thy Cross led to thy Crown Live for ever glorious Lord Live by heav'n and earth ador'd May both their praises give They who see we who beleeve Amen Antiph Thou art ascended our glorious Redeemer to prepare a place for us yet continuest stil here our gracious Emmanuel to prepare us for it V. 'T is thy delight O Lord to be with the children of men R. O make it ours to be with the God of heav'n O Lord hear our prayers And let our supplications come to Thee Let us Pray O God who seeing the dulnes of our spirits need so often fresh impulses of sense hast wonderfully contriv'd our alone saving Object thy sacrific'd Son continually to solicite our harts by his own dear Presence stil really among us Reclaim we humbly beseech Thee all our wandring affections with this miracle of goodnes and compose them into such a diligent and devout attendance on our graciously veild JESUS that we may dayly feed our adoration and love of Him and dayly grow in our desires of seeing eternally his glorious Face who with Thee and the holy Ghost lives and reigns One God world without end Amen O Lord hear as Pag. 45. Thursday Complin OUr help c. as Pag. 46. Antiph What could'st thou say dear Lord more sweet then this Thy delight is to be with the Children of
has chosen you for his inheritance Alleluja Antiph Perpetual light shall shine on thy Saints O Lord Alleluja and joy and glory for ever Alleluja Psal CXXI BUt who are we born here below in the dust and still kept down with the thoughts of this world Lord who are we that our polluted hands * dare offer to Thee the incense of praise We who so often disobey thy commands and so seldom weep for our many follys Forgive great God our boldnes who thus rashly presume forgive our frailtys who thus weakly perform Plead our excuse O you glorified Spiritis and with your flaming charity warm our coldnes O praise our Lord you pure unblemisht Angels * who never displeas'd him with the least offence Praise him O you freely pardon'd Saints who perfectly repented every litle trespass Praise him with the highest Office of all your Feasts praise him with the loudest musick of all your Quires And so they do look up my soul and see * the innumerable multitude of triumphing Spirits See how they stand all cloth'd in white robes with palms in their hands and golden crowns on their heads Behold the glorious Angels fall down before the Throne and prostrate adore Him that lives for ever Behold the blessed Saints lay their Crowns at his feet and on their faces adore Him that lives for ever Hark how they fill that spacious Temple with their Hymns * while night and day they continually sing Holy Holy Holy Lord God Almighty who was and is and is to come Alleluja Holy Holy Holy Lord God of Hosts heav'n and earth are full of thy glory Alleluja Glorious art Thou in creating all things glorious in preserving them every moment of their being Glorious in governing them their several ways glorious in appointing them their proper ends Glorious in rewarding thy servants above their hopes glorious in punishing sinners below their demerits Glorious art Thou O Lord in all thy works but infinitely more in thine own self-blessed Essence Thus they rejoyce above thus they triumph and may their joy and triumph last for ever But O were we not made as wel as they ** to serve and glorify our great Creator We ow him all we have and they can ow no more they can but do their best and we should do no less Your pardon blessed spirits if we worms aspire to sing the same bright name which you adore We are ingag'd as deep as You but cannot pay without your charity O in your golden Censers put our prayers and offer them perfum'd with the odours of yours Though we are now alas in this land of banishment and indispos'd for those Songs of Sion Yet 't is our hope one day to dwel above and hear your holy harps and learn to sing of You We hope to walk with you those ways of light and follow the Lamb with you where're He goes Mean while we every day will joyn our Vow●● to Yours and say a glad Amen to all You sing We as Your faithful Ecchoes will every day repeat * these few short Ends of Your Seraphik Hymns Salvation to our God who sits on the Throne and to the Lamb that redeem'd us with his blood Alleluja Blessing and Wisdom and Power be to Him that sits on the Throne and to the Lamb for all eternity Alleluja Glory be c. Antiph Perpetual light 〈◊〉 shine on thy Saints O Lord Alleluja and joy and glory for ever Alleluja Capit. Apoc. 7. AFter these things I saw a great multitude which no man could number of all nations and tribes and peoples and tongues standing before the Throne and in the sight of the Lamb cloth'd in white robes and palmes in their hands And they cry'd with a loud voice saying Salvation to our God who sits on the Throne and to the Lamb. And all the Angels stood in the Circuit of the Throne and of the Seniors and of the four Beasts and they fell in the sight of the Throne upon their faces and ador'd God saying Amen Benediction and glory and wisdom and thanksgiving honour and power and strength be to our God for ever and ever Amen Hymn XXXVII WAke all my hopes lift up your eys And crown your heads with mirth See how they shine beyond the skys Who once dwelt on our earth Peace busy thoughts away vain cares That clog us here below Let us go up above the Sphears And to each order bow Hail glorious Angels Heirs of light The high-born Sons of fire Whose heats burn chast whose flames shine bright All joy yet all desire Hail holy Saints who long in hope Long in the shadow sate Til our victorious Lord set ope Heav'ns everlasting gate Hail great Apostles of the Lamb Who brought that early Ray Which from our Sun reflected came And made our first fair day Hail generous Martyrs whose strong harts Bravely rejoyc't to prove How weak pale death are all thy darts Compar'd to those of love Hail Blessed Confessors who dy'd A death too love did give While your own flesh You crucify'd To make your spirit live Hail beauteous Virgins whose chast vows Renounc't all fond desires Who wisely chose your Lord for Spouse And burnt with his pure fires Hail all you happy Spirits above Who make that glorious ring About the sparkling Throne of love And there for ever sing Hail and among your Crowns of praise Present this litle wreath Which while your lofty Notes you raise We humbly sing beneath All glory to the sacred Three One ever-living Lord As at the first stil may he be Belov'd obey'd ador'd Antiph The number of Them was thousands of thousands saying with a loud voice Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power and divinity and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and benediction Alleluja Alleluja Alleluja O Lord hear our Prayers And let our Supplications come to Thee Let us pray MOst gracious God the author of all sanctity and Lover of unity whose wisdom has establisht an admirable communion between thy Church Triumphant in heav'n and Militant on earth as members of the same mystical Body wherof thy Son Christ Jesus is the head mercifully grant that as thy Blessed without ceasing pray to Thee for us we may continually praise Thee for them and in correspondence to their perfect charity with pious observance celebrate their Memory till-we all meet before thy glorious throne and with one hart adore the Saviour of us all who with Thee and the holy Ghost lives and reigns one God world without end Amen Commemorations c. as page 29. Vespers for Saints IN the Name c. as page 33. Antiph Pity O Lord the infirmitys of thy servants and quicken our slownes by the example of thy Saints Psal CXXII LOrd what a lukewarm life is this of ours compar'd to the zeal and fervor of thy Saints Often and long they fasted to chastize their bodys and bring them under the command of reason On all their senses they set a constant
for our example commandedst thy beloved Son to submit his pure and innocent flesh to the rigour of the Law and for encouragement of our hope madest choice of that sweet and amiable Name JESUS Teach us we beseech Thee with readines and humility to obey thy sacred Laws how cross soever to our unmortify'd passions and in all our necessitys with joy and confidence call on that holy Name in which whate're we ask we are promis'd shal be granted through the same our Lord Jesus Christ c. Twelfth-day and during the Octave 1. Antiph Alleluja Alleluja Alleluja This is the priviledg'd Festival that comes forth adorn'd with the glory of three miracles To day the Wise-men were led by a Star to the cradle of our Lord and falling down ador'd Him and offer'd Him their royal Presents of Gold Frankincense and Myr●● Alleluja 2. Antiph To day our gracious Redeemer vouchsaft his presence at a Marriage-feast and there first publisht to the world his divine power turning water into wine Alleluja 3. Antiph To day our B. Saviour was baptiz'd by S. John and the H. Ghost descended visibly upon Him and a voice was heard from heav'n This is my beloved Son in whom I am w●●l ple●●'d Alleluja Alleluja Antiph for Ben●●dictus and Magnificat To day the first fruits of the Gentils were consecrated to our Lord and that sacred Prophesy happily fulfil'd In his light shal the Gentils walk and Kings in the brightnes of his rising Alleluja Alleluja Alleluja Prayer O God who by the guidance of a miraculous Star in the heav'n led'st the Gentils to the sight of the more miraculous Son of righteousnes newly risen to the world in a Stable Grant we humbly beseech Thee that inlighten'd and inflam'd by the memory of this wonderful providence our eys and harts may be more lively fixt on thy goodnes stil as graciously working towards the accomplishment of thy promises to call at length the Jews and all the earth to the saving knowledg and love of thy Son our Lord Jesus Christ who with Thee c. Candlemas All as in the Office of our Saviour except 1. Antiph To day the immaculate Mother humbled her self to the common rites of Purification and presented her first-born JESUS in the temple and for the litle price of a pair of Doves redeem'd the world's inestmable Redeemer Alleluja 2. Antiph To day the devout Simeon took our Lord in his arms and knowing nothing now could make him happier but the joys of heav'n sung aloud this glad farewel to all the world Now let thy servant O Lord depart in peace according to thy word for mine eys have seen thy salvation Alleluja 3. Antiph To day the holy Widow and Prophetes Anna who had spent her life in fasting and prayer and in the service of the Temple came happily in and saw our Lord and spake gloriously of Him to all that expected the redemption of Israel Alleluja Prayer O God who vouchsafest us this day to commemorate the B. Virgin 's presenting in the Temple her self to be purify'd and her Son to be redeem'd according to the Law Give us grace we beseech Thee to adore and praise the condescendence of thy providence that by such great Examples teaches us our evident duty of submitting to thy Discipline though seeming perhaps unnecessary for our selvs and grant that as we bear in our hands these hallowed candles we may confes in our lives our Lord Jesus Christ thy Son to be the light of the Gentils and the Glory of thy people Israel who with Thee and the H. Ghost c. Ash-Wednesday All as in the Office of Wenesday except Invitatory Come let us fast and mourn and pray for our Lord is merciful and just Antiph 1 2 3 Remember O man that dust thou art and into dust thou shalt return Say this one Antiphon before and after every Psalm at Matins Lauds Vespers and Complin Prayer O God whose providence introduces thy Church to the grave discipline of Lent by the mortifying Memento of the vile and frail matter we are made of Grant we humbly beseech thee that the Cross of our Redeemer form'd to day in ashes on our foreheads may lay all our proud conceits in the dust and make flesh and blood feel it self highly honour'd if by whatever crosses or mortifications it may be temper'd and rais'd to become a fit instrument for rip'ning souls in they love the immediate disp●●sition to eternal felicity through our Lord Jesus Christ thy Son who c. Sundays in Lent All as in the Office of our Saviour except Invitatory Come let us fast and mourn and pray for our Lord is merciful and just 1. Antiph Now is the time of acceptance now are the days of salvation let us not re-receive the grace of God in vain but in all things approve our selvs his servants in labours and watchings and fastings 2. Antiph Now let us take a just and holy revenge on our sins past and strive for the future to bring forth fruits agreeable to our penance in purity meeknes and temperance in charity patience and obedience 3. Antiph Let us follow as we may our divine Master in his forty days retirement and fasting who needed not as we the arts of religion but all he did was for our example that we might learn to fly from the danger of occasions and take away the fewel from our passions and by using to contradict the appetites of sense inure our selvs to obey the commands of reason Antiph for Benedictus and Magnificat Convert us O God of our salvation and turn away thy anger from us hear us in thy mercy and speedily forgive us lest prevented with death we find no time to repent and without repentance eternally perish Prayer O God whose gracious Providence has ordain'd us to lighten the oppressive weight of our corrupt bodys on our souls by the long and solemn Abstinence of Lent Grant us we beseech Thee conscienciously to observe the wholsom discipline now prescrib'd us and with the due mortification of our flesh so tojoyn the quickening of our spirit by frequent devotions that all our carnal appetities may be fitted for burial in our Saviour's grave and all our affections ready to rise with Him to immortality at those sacred Feasts for which this season is to prepare us through our Lord Jesus Christ thy Son who c. S. Mathias All as in the Office of Saints except 1. Antiph Let them that stand take heed lest they fall Judas was an Apostle yet betray'd his Master and dy'd in despair and another took his Bishoprick 2. Antiph The lot fel on Mathias a continual Follower of JESUS from the baptism of John till the day of His ascension and he was numbred with the eleven Apostles 3. Antiph He liv'd their life and dy'd their death and sits with them in glory to judge the twelve tribes of Israel Prayer O God by whose special grace the B. Mathias was chosen to supply