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A10958 The faith, doctrine, and religion, professed, & protected in the realme of England, and dominions of the same expressed in 39 articles, concordablie agreed vpon by the reuerend bishops, and clergie of this kingdome, at two seuerall meetings, or conuocations of theirs, in the yeares of our Lord, 1562, and 1604: the said articles analised into propositions, and the propositions prooued to be agreeable both to the written word of God, and to the extant confessions of all the neighbour churches, Christianlie reformed: the aduersaries also of note, and name, which from the apostles daies, and primitiue Church hetherto, haue crossed, or contradicted the said articles in generall, or any particle, or proposition arising from anie of them in particular, heereby are discouered, laid open, and so confuted. Perused, and by the lawfull authoritie of the Church of England, allowed to be publique. Rogers, Thomas, d. 1616.; Rogers, Thomas, d. 1616. English creede. 1607 (1607) STC 21228; ESTC S116041 208,079 284

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world The spirituall was giuen vnto them afterward in their second birth through the word The life carnall and corporall is common to all men good and badde and is maintained and preserued by earthly and corruptible Bread common also to all and euery man The life spirituall is peculiar onely to Gods elect and is cherished by the bread of life which came downe from heauen which is Iesus Christ who norisheth and susteineth the spirituall life of Christians being receiued of them by Faith Which spirituall Bread that he might the better represent hee hath instituted earthly and visible Bread and wine for a Sacrament of his Body and Blood Whereby he doth testifie that as verily as wee receiue the Bread with the hands and chewe the same with the teeth and tongue to the nourishing of this life temporall euen so by faith which is in place of hands and mouth to the soule wee verily receiue the true Body and the true blood of Christ our onely Sauiour to the cherishing of the spirituall life in our soules And heerein there is a goodly consent with the most of the reformed Churches and vs The aduersaries vnto this truth Ioyntly we withstand the aduersaries thereof whosoeuer as The Capernaites which thought the flesh of our Lord might be eaten with corporall mouthes The Synusiastes or Vbiquitaries which thinke the Body of Christ so is present in the supper as his said Body with bread and Wine by one and the same mouth at one and the same time of all and euery communicant is eaten corporally and receaued into the Belly The Metusiastes and Papistes which beleeue the substance of bread and Wine is so changed into the substance of Christ his body as nothing remaineth but the reall Body of Christ besides the accidents of Bread and wine The Symbolists Figurists and Significatists who are of opinion that the faithfull at the Lords supper doe receiue nothing but naked and bare signes 5. Proposition To reserue carrie about lift vp or worship the Sacrament of the Lords Supper is contrarie to the ordinance of Christ. The proofe from Gods word The true and lawfull vse of this Sacrament hath bin afore set downe And there it may suffice vs to be remembred how the Lords Supper was ordained that the bread should not only be broken and eaten the cuppe should onely be giuen drunken and all this done in remembrance of Christ And so also testifie the Churches reformed Adversaries vnto this truth But contrarie to the institution of Christ the Papistes abuse this holy Sacrament For They reserue the same and not only so but take it to be a Catholike a pious and a necessarie custome so to reserue it and besides they thinke euery peece and particle of the Sacrament so reserued is the very Body of Christ They carrie it about both vnto sicke folkes Hence saith the Festiuall As often as any man seeth that Body at Masse or some other good praier in worship of his soueraigne Lord. And also thorough cities and townes For whensoeuer the Pope goeth any iourney the Sacramentall bread is carried before him on an ambling Iennet as the Persian kings haue before them carried their Orsmada or holy fire In Spaine euen at this day in the time of the peace between the two mightie Kings of great Brittaine and Spaine those English men as meeting the Sacrament in the streetes will neither doe reuerence therunto nor goe aside nor turne into some house doe fall into the danger of the not holy but bloody Inquisition They worship it and for the same haue ordained a certaine set and solemne Feast called corpus-christi-Corpus-Christi-day on which the Sacrament is borne about lifted vp and most idolatrously adored 29. Article Of the wicked which doe not eate the Body and blood of Christ in the vse of the Lords Supper The wicked and such as be voide of a liuely faith although they doe carnally and visibly presse with their teeth as S. Augustine saith the Sacrament of the body blood of Christ yet in no wise are they partakers of Christ but rather to their condemnation doe eate and drinke the siigne or Sacrament of so great a thing The proposition The wicked and such as be void of a liuely faith doe not eate the Body nor drinke the Blod of Iesus Christ in the vse of the Lords Supper The proofe from Gods word S. Paul doth shewe how the Supper of the Lord is receiued of some worthily which do examine and iudge themselues and discerne the Lords Body as also doe abstaine from the table of deuills How these doe participate of the Body and blood of Christ it hath alreadie bin shewen in the last mentioned article prop. 4. Againe of others the same is vnworthily receiued that is to say which themselues doe not examine nor iudge neither discerne the Lords body and doe communicate at the Table of the Lord and at the Table of deuils These may receiue the Sacrament but not the true Body of Christ. The reasons be for that They lacke the wedding garment which is Faith and the righteousnesse of Christ. They are no members of the true Church the Head whereof is Iesus Christ They haue no promise of heauenly refreshing because they are without a liuely faith Therefore they procure vnto themselues most heauie punishements as diseases death guiltines of the Body and Blood of Christ and therewith damnation Of this iudgement be other Churches Christian and reformed besides Errors adversaries vnto this truth The adversaries of this dorine are The Vbiquitaries both Lutheran and Popish they saing the very Body of Christ at the Lords Supper is eaten aswell of the wicked as of the godly these affirming that al Communicants badde and good doe eate the very and naturall Body of Christ Iesus they saying that the true and reall Body of Christ In With Vnder the bread and wine may be eaten chewed and digested euen of Turkes which neuer were of the Church these maintaining that vnder the forme of Bread the same true and reall body of Christ may be deuoured of Dogs Hogs Cats and Rats 30. Article Of both kinds The cuppe of the Lord is not to be denied to the lay people For both the parts of the Lords Sacrament by Christs ordinance and commandement ought to be ministred to al Christian men The Proposition The people must be partakers not only of the Bread but also of the Wine when they approach vnto the Lords Table The proofe from Gods word OVr Lord and Sauiour Christ hath instituted his Supper as he will haue not only the Bread but also the Cup to be deliuered vnto all Communicants So find wee in the word of God namely That the Bread must be giuen to All and eaten of All The Cup is to be giuen to All and to be
is giuen taken and eaten in the Supper onely after an heauenly and spirituall manner and the meane wherby the Body of Christ is receiued and eaten in the Supper is Faith 5 The Sacrament of the Lords Supper was not by Christs ordinance reserued carried about lifted vp or worshipped The Propositions 1. The supper of the Lord is a signe of the loue that Christians ought to haue among themselues 2. The Lords Supper is a Sacrament of our redemption by Christs death and to them which receiue the same worthily by Faith a partaking of the Body and Blood of Christ. 3. The Bread and Wine in the Lords Supper be not changed into another substance 4. The Body of Christ is giuen taken and eaten after an heauenly and spirituall not after a carnall sort 5. To reserue carrie about lift vp or worship the Sacrament of the Lords Supper is contrary to the ordinance of Christ. The Propositions 1. Proposition The Supper of the Lord is a signe of the loue that Christians ought to haue among themselues The proofe from Gods word THe Supper of the Lord is a token of the loue that Christians ought to haue among themselues For which cause it is called the Lords table the Lords Supper a communion of the body of Christ and they that partake thereof though they be manie yet are but one bread and one body This is the doctrine of all Christian Churches The errors adversaries vnto this truth So thinke not those men who either with heretike Hamant denie the vse of the Lords Supper to be necessarie or with the Rhemists raile on it and the Protestants that vse the same calling it a prophane and detestable Table the Cuppe of deuills 2. Proposition The Sacrament of the Lords Supper is Sacrament of our redemption by Christs death and to them which receiue the same worthily by Faith a partaking of the Body and blood of Christ. The proofe from Gods word The Sacrament of the Lords Supper is to all Christians a Sacrament of our redemption by Iesus Christ. For. This is my blood of the newe Testament which is shedde for many for the remission of sinnes this is my body which is giuen for you c. This cuppe is the newe Testament in my blood which is shedde for you saith our Sauiour And to such as receiue the same worthily and by Faith it is the partaking of the Body and Blood of Christ This is a truth openly both maintained testified by the neighbour Churches Errors Adversaries to this truth Diuersly hath this proposition bin oppugned For Some either denying or not acknowledging the benefite of so heauenly a Sacrament doe say how It is to be receiued onely for obedience sake to the princes commandement but is of none effect to the perfect ones An opinion of the Families It doth neither good nor hurt to the receiuers The Messalians error It doth much hurt and no good to participate the Lords Supper among Protestants say the Papists It is no signe assuring vs that all our sinnes through Christ are pardoned For onlie veniall and mortall sinnes are thereby remitted and we must alwaies doubt of the forgiuenesse of our sinnes say the same Papistes Others doe teach that It can profit such as haue no faith as Babes and Infants in which error be the Russians yea the dead bodies of men It can benefit such as receiue it not at all if on there behalfe it be administred as persons absent vpon the Seas in the warres yea and dead and present too when yet they participate not but the Priest for them These errors the Papistes defend 3. Proposition The bread and VVine in the Lords Supper be not changed into another substance The proofe of Gods word Transsubstantiation or the change of the substance of Bread and Wine in the Supper of the Lord we do vtterly deny and the reasons moouing vs thereunto are for that it is repugnant to the plaine words of the Scripture For I will not drinke hencefoorth of this fruite of the Vine saith our Sauiour Christ Which fruite had it really bin either the Blood or by way of concomitance the very Body and blood of Iesus Christ then our Lord had eaten himselfe which is not only blasphemous to be spoken but also impossible to be done and directly against the word of God where commandement is often giuen that the blood with flesh not of Beast much lesse of man must not be eaten The heauen must containe Iesus Christ vntill the time that all things be restored saith S. Peter If Christ therefore corporally according to his humanitie be in heauen then is he not in the Sacrament As often as ye shall eate this Bread not Christ his reall Body and drinke this Cuppe not the reall Blood of Christ you shewe the Lords death till he come saith S. Paul Therfore hee is not come which hee must be being vnder the formes of Bread and Wine Transubstātiatiō besides ouerthroweth the nature of the Sacrament For where there is no Element there can be no Sacrament Because Gods word comming vnto the element maketh a Sacrament Finally it hath bin the occasion of much superstition and Idolatrie For from hence proceeded the Reseruation of the Transubstantiated bread for sundrie superstitious purposes hence the adoration of the Bread euen as God himselfe and that both of Priest and people hence the carrying about in pompous procession of the wafer-God and hence the Popish feast called Corpus Christi-day The right consideration hereof hath mooued all the Churches reformed to shewe their detestation hereof both by their Sermons and wrightings The adversaries vnto this truth Abhominable therefore be the Popish errors viz. that In the Eucharist there is n●t the substance of Bread and wine but onely the meere accidents and qualities Substantially and really the Body and Blood together with the soule and diuinitie of our Lord Iesus Christ and therefore Christ is contained in the Sacrament Eucharisticall Vnder each kind and vnder euery part of each kinde seuerally whole Christ is comprised After the consecration in the wonderfull Sacrament of the Eucharist the Body and blood of our Lord Iesus Christ is and that not onely in the vse while it is taken but afore also and after in the Hosts or consecrated peices reserued or remaining after the Communion In the holy Sacrament Christ the onely begotten Sonne of God is to be adored with the very worship of Latria Marcus also that detestable heretike held that the wine of the Lords Supper was conuerted into blood 4. Proposition The Body of Christ is giuen taken and eaten after an heauenly and spirituall not after a carnall sort The proofe from Gods word The regenerate haue in them a double life one carnall the other spirituall The life carnall and temporarie they brought with them into this
THE FAITH DOCTRINE and religion professed protected in the Realme of England and dominions of the same Expressed in 39 Articles concordablie agreed vpon by the reuerend Bishops and Clergie of this Kingdome at two seuerall meetings or Conuocations of theirs in the yeares of our Lord 1562 and 1604 THE SAID ARTICLES ANALISED INTO Propositions and the Propositions prooued to be agreeable both to the written word of God and to the extant Confessions of all the neighbour Churches Christianlie reformed THE ADVERSARIES ALSO OF NOTE AND name which from the Apostles daies and primitiue Church hetherto haue crossed or contradicted the said Articles in generall or any particle or proposition arising from anie of them in particular heereby are discouered laid open and so confuted Perused and by the lawfull authoritie of the Church of England allowed to be publique Rom. 16.17 I beseech you bretheren Marke them diligently which cause diuisions and offences contrarie to the doctrine which yee haue receaued and auoide them PRINTED BY IOHN LEGATT PRINTER to the Vniuersitie of Cambridge 1607. TO THE MOST REVErend Father in God his right honorable good Lord Richard by the diuine prouidence Archb. of Canterburie and Primate of England and Counselar to the most high mighty Prince Iames King of great Brittaine France Ireland MOst reuerend Father in God there is no one thing in this world that of men truly zealous Christian in these latter daies of the world with greater earnestnes hath bin desired then that by a ioynt common consent of all the Churches rightly according to the canons of the sacred Scriptures reformed there might be a draught made and diuulged containing and expressing the summe substance of that Religion which they doe all both concordablie teach vniformely maintaine That holy man of happie remembrance D. Cranmer who sometime enioyed that roome in our Church which your Grace nowe worthily possesseth in the daies of that most godly young Prince King Edward the sixt employed a great part of his time and studie for the effecting of that worke and imparted his thoughts with the most principall persons and of rarest note in those daies for their wisdome pietie and credit among the people of God throughout Christendome M. Caluin vnderstanding of his intent addressed his letters vnto the sayd Archbishop and offered his seruice saying that might his labours stand the Church in steede ne decem quidem maria it would not grieue him to saile ouer ten Seas to such a purpose 2. But this proouing a worke of much difficultie if not altogether vnpossible in mans eies especially in those daies to be brought about the next course and resolution was that euerie Kingdome and free state or principalitie which had abandoned the superstitious and Antichristian religion of the Church of Rome and embraced the Gospell of Christ should diuulge a Briefe of that religion which among themselues was taught and beleeued and whereby through the mercie of God in Christ they did hope to be saued Which to God his great glorie the singular benefit comfort of all Churches both present and to come as the extant Harmonie of all their confessions doth most sweetely record with no great labor was notablie performed This worke of theirs tolde the Churches in those daies and doth vs and will enforme our posteritie that not only in euery particular State Kingdome but also throughout Christendome where the Gospell was entertained the primitiue and Apostolicall daies of the Church were againe restored For the multitudes of them that did beleeue I speake both ioyntly of all and seuerally of each reformed people not of euery particular person fantastique False-apostles and peruerse teachers or professors in any Church who were not wanting euen in the Apostles daies touching the maine and fundamentall points of true religion were then of one hart and of one soule and did thinke and speake one thing and liue in peace 3. The said Archbishop for vnto whom better after God and the King can we ascribe the glorie of this worthy act hee wrought this Vnitie and Vniformitie of doctrine in this kingdome in the Halcyon daies of our English Iosias K. Edward the sixt of that name and the same doctrine so by his meanes established in the time of peace a notable worke of peace like a manly haeroicall and heauenly Capitane vnder our Generall Iesus Christ he resolutely euen with his heart blood in the fierie torments afterwards confirmed in the daies of persecution A certaine learned man speaking of the Religion heere then professed and wrighting vnto the Lords of our late Queenes Counsell doth say he meaning the Papist his aduersarie who charged our Church with discord and disagreements about matters of religion He ought saith he if hee had bin able to haue brought out the publike Confession and Articles of faith agreed in K. Edwards time and haue shewed any in England that professing the Gospell dissenteth from the same So esteemed hee and with him many thousands of learned and iudicous men of the doctrine then ratified by authoritie and professed in this kingdome But those daies of our Churches peace continued not long through our vnthankefulnesse and sinnes neither on the other side was our persecution permanent through the goodnes of god though for the time exceeding vehemt violent For nubecula fuit cito transiit it vanished away quickely as do many raging stormes euen vpon the suddaine yet not through the power of Gunpowder and treasons but through the force of ardent praiers vnto the Almightie For arma ecclesiae preces 4. Wee finde that M. Latimer that sacred and reuerend Father addicted himselfe very seriously in those daies vnto the exercise of prayer and his principall and most vsuall praiers were first for himselfe next for the afflicted church of England and lastly for Lady Elizabeth the deceassed K. Edwards and Q. Maries sister For himselfe hee praied that as God had made him a minister and Preacher of his truth so hee might constantly beare witnesse vnto the same haue the grace and power to maintain it in the face of the world euen till the hower of his death For the church of Enlād hee praied that God would be pleased once againe to restore the free Preaching of the Gospell to this realme and this withall possible feruencie of Spirit hee craued at the hands of God And for Lady Elizabeth that hee would preserue and make her a comfort to his then comfortlesse people in England And the almightie and our heauenly Father both heard and granted all and euery of his petitions M. Gualter that learned painfull excellent diuine at Tigure dedicating his holy and Christian comments vpon the lesser Prophets vnto D. Parkhurst Bishop of Norwich who in the daies of the forementioned Q. Mary voluntarily had exiled himselfe so farre as Switzerland for his preseruation if it might be vnto better times
see at all or Ouersee and what likewise the points of doctrine newly now reuealed their aeternum Euangelium which without great danger may not be preached in England no more then the doctrine and Articles of the Church of England may bee preached at Rome and for defence wherof they ought to afford euen their very liues weare they so many as the haires of euery of their heads is and bee they demonstrate themselues to be most childishly vaine and idle in their imaginations which they take yet to be illuminations of the spirit 13. For all their doings and discourses to say the best of them are but to erect a newe which they tearme a true ministerie and their Discipline among vs. Themselues doe say The controuersie betwixt them and vs is not as the Bishopes and their welwillers they would beare the world in hand for a Cap a Tippet or a Surplesse but for greater matters concerning a true ministerie and regiment of the Church according to the word the one whereof that is a true ministery they shall neuer haue till Archbishops and Bishops be put downe and all Ministers made equall the other also will neuer be brought to passe till Kings Queenes doe subiect themselues vnto the Church and submit their scepters and throwe downe their Crowes before the Church and lick vp the dust of the feete of the Church and willingly abide the censures of the Church that is of the Presbyterie For as the Church is subiect vnto the ciuill magistrate in respect of his ciuill authoritie so must the magistrate the King and Queene subiect themselues and bee obedient to the iust and lawfull authoritie of the Church The ciuill magistrate is none officer at all of the Church For Church officers bee non Magnates aut Tetrarchae not gracious or honorable Lords but Ministers of the Church The Presbyterie is the Church and euerie Congregation or Church should and must in it haue a Presbyterie This is the Light which indeede the Martyrs neuer sawe the Religion which our Brethren striue for the Truth which they may not preach not Childish doctrine like the Bishops Articles but the wise Gospell the maine and materiall points of religion nowe in these last daies last of all yea after the eight Thorowe breaking of H. N. his Euangelium regni reuealed and for furtherance whereof they are to lend and spend euen all their liues if occasion be ministred 14. Strange and strong delusions First to take these and other such assertions for Truths and heauenly mysteries which are but the fancies of troubled braines not grounded nor truly gathered from Gods word Next to teach one another and al their fauorers howe they should be as readie and prepared euen for these matters to giue ouer their liuings and to giue their liues were they as many as the haires of all their heades as Cranmer Ridley Latimer did and Parker Grindall and all other Preachess would and euery Christian man and woman should if they bee called thereunto for the Apostolicall and Catholique doctrine of our Church which all Gods people doe knowe and the Brethren themselues as afore hath bin noted doe confesse is originally from God and his written word These and many moe too many heere to be recapitulate such phantasies of theirs or phrenesies rather this first subscription brought first to light and yet happie had it bin for Gods Church and people they had neuer bin broached 15. Semblablie the next Subscription called for by the last Archb. your L. predecessor an 84. discouered euen the verie thoughts and desires of those Brethren before but nowe stiled faithfull Brethren which haue and doe seeke for the Discipline and reformation of the Church Many Treatises afore but nowe and diuers yeares ensuing they flewe about and abroad like Atomies and by them the same things which afore but in a differing sort and in other words they publish For touching Church officers they name who and howe many sorts they be of them viz. Doctors Pastors Gouernors Deacons and Widdowes no moe no fewer They say Euerie Church must be furnished with a Teacher and a Pastor as with two Eies with Elders as with Feete with Deacons as with Hands Euerie Congregation must haue Eies Hands and Feete and yet neither all nor at all any Congregation is to haue an Head answerable to those Feete Hands and Eies The doctor by their doctrine must be a distinct minister from the pastor and onely teach true doctrine and neither exhort nor apply his doctrine according to the times and his auditorie nor minister the Sacraments For these things the pastor is to performe Which pastor also whensoeuer he administreth the Sacraments must necessarily make a Sermon or els he cōmitteth Sacriledge And concerning discipline by their doctrine euery Congregation must haue absolute authoritie to admonish to censure to excommunicate and to anathematize all offending persons yea euen Kings and Princes if they be of the Congregation And no Prince but must be of some parish and vnder one Presbytery or other alwaies Where this power is not in their iudgements one of the tokens of a true Church is wanting For this Discipline with them is a Marke of the Church and numbred among the Articles of their Faith 16. This say they is the great cause the holy cause which they will neuer leaue suing for though they should be a thousand Parliaments in their daies vntill either ther obtaine it or bring the Lord in vengeance and blood against the Stare and the whole land for repelling the same The Discipline is Gods holy yoke Gods sceptre the kingdome and throne of Christ. Our controuersie say they is whether Iesus Christ shall be King or no. Againe the end of all our trauaile is to build vp the walles of Ierusalem in to set vp the Throne of Iesus Christ our heauenly King the middes thereof the aduauncing whereof is a testimonie vnto vs that wee shall haue part in that glorie which shall be reuealed heereafter So learne we nowe from their said bookes learned and demonstratiue discourses which the Fathers and our fore fathers neuer sawe nor had learned both that their Discipline established and exercised is a visible marke of a true Church and to desire the aduauncement of the same an inuisible token of an elect childe of God so as neither is that a Church at least no true Church where their Discipline is not neither they but titular christians no true christians indeede which either sigh or seeke not to haue it established and Presbyteries in euerie parish to be aduaunced 17. The Articles of our religion concluded vpon by the reuerend Clergie of our Church with these learned and all seeing Brethren are but the Bishops decrees the Articles of the Conuocation house and reueale some little truth but these wise Brethren so faithfull haue they bin betweene God and his Church they haue not failed to shewe vs the whole counsaile of God And