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A42562 The church-history of Ethiopia wherein among other things, the two great splendid Roman missions into that empire are placed in their true light : to which are added, an epitome of the Dominican history of that church, and an account of the practices and conviction of Maria of the Annunciation, the famous nun of Lisbon / composed by Michael Geddes ... Geddes, Michael, 1650?-1713. 1696 (1696) Wing G444; ESTC R21773 296,122 524

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believe Transubstantiation They do not believe Transubstantiation as is plain from their Liturgy in which the Words of Institution are thus set down This Bread is my Body this Cup is my Blood which Propositions the Romanists themselves acknowledge cannot be understood otherwise than siguratively Ludolphus farther tells us That when he asked Gregory the Habassin Whether he did not think that the Substance of the Bread and Wine was changed and converted into the Substance of the Body and Blood of Christ That he made answer That no such sort of Transubstantiation was known or understood by his Countreymen who were not so scrupulous neither did they use to start such thorny Questions Nevertheless it seemed to him probable and likely That the Common Bread and Wine was changed into the mysterious Representation of the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ and so was altered from Prophane to Sacred to represent the true Body and Blood of Christ to the Communicants Than which Declaration nothing can be more agreeable to the Doctrine of the Church of England concerning the Eucharist Finally Paul de Roo Secretary to the Dutch East-India Company was in the Year 1691. told by the Habassin Ambassador who was sent to the Governor of Batavia That Transubstantiation and the Adoration of the Consecrated Bread in the Sacrament were what the Habassins abhorred They confess their Sins only in general They have only a general Confession saying Habassea Habassea I have sinned I have sinned without descending to particulars They deny Purgatory They deny Purgatory Confirmation and Extream Unction They condemn Graven Images They keep Saturday and Sunday Their Offices are all in the Vulgar Tongue and know nothing of Confirmation and Extream Unction they condemn Graven Images they keep both Saturday and Sunday and do never fast on either of them no not in Lent nor upon any day betwixt Easter and Whitsuntide their Church Offices are all in the Vulgar Tongue and are performed with extraordinary Devotion but especially their Litanies they go all betimes in the morning to Church to pay their Devotions which they do with great fervour and for the most part leave something of an offering behind them Whenever they come to any place that has a Church They are very devout They never go into a Church with their Shooes on nor sit in it but upon the ground let their Business be never so urgent they repair to it immediately they never go into any Church with their Shooes on nor sit down in it unless it be upon the ground on all occasions they express a deep sense of Religion but chiefly when they visit the Sick which they are very forward to do They are charitable to the Poor and to all Strangers if they are satisfied of their not being of the Roman Church for all whose Members the Cruel Persecutions which were raised and carried on for some years by the Jesuits while the Emperor was at their Devotion have created a perfect detestation in them The whole of their Divine Service consists in reading the Scriptures They seldom preach and some Homilies of the Fathers and the Administration of the Sacrament preaching being a rare Exercise among them at which when Mr. Ludolphus seemed to wonder he was asked by Gregory the Habassin Whether we of the Western Church thought our Preachers could say any thing better than what was written in the Sacred Sacred Scriptures and the Homilies of the Fathers or whether we thought their Sayings more efficacious than the Word of God and whether we did not fear lest those Preachers should utter something which might be repugnant to our Faith and Salvation and which might prove of dangerous consequence to the Peace of the Church An Account of the Discovery of Ethiopia by the Portugueses DON ENRIQUE the Fifth The Infante Don Henry the first and most zealous Promoter of the discovery of unknown Countries Son of Don Joan the first King of Portugal by his Queen the Lady Philipa the Daughter of John of Gaunt Duke of Lancaster being a Prince much addicted to the study of Mathematicks was the first that ever entertained any thought of making Discoveries on the Western Coast of Africa to which he is said to have been encouraged by some Information he receiv'd from the Moors in Barbary when he was a Soldier there under his Father he was Master of the Military Order of Christ which together with his other Ecclesiastical Pensions brought him in a great Revenue all which together with his whole time he resolved to dedicate entirely to the gratification of his Curiosity after new Discoveries And in order to the better carrying on of this his great Design he retired from Court to a place in the Algarves called at that time Terranable but since from him Villa de Infante a few Months after his retirement he fitted out two Ships which having passed the Pillars of Hercules at that time the non ultra of Navigation they sailed to the Promontory of Ganaria but were discouraged from proceeding any further partly by strong Currents and partly by that Promontory running so far into the Sea that they could not discover its Cape This first Voyage was made in the Year 1410. His ill success at first after which it was 10 years before the Infante could prevail with any body to make a second Attempt the first Adventurers having to excuse their Cowardice reported terrible things of the Dangers they had escaped Neither did the Infante during all that time Not discouraged thereby nor by Railery nor by grave Nonsense from going on with his Projects escape the discouragement that new and great Enterprizes do commonly meet withal his Designs for some years having been not only the Jest of the Lazy Buffoon but were also censured as Chimera's or Idle Projects by Men of Speculation and Gravity who said The Countreys the Infante was in quest of were neither better nor worse than the Sandy Deserts of Arabia that God having allotted those Countries to Wild Beasts for their habitation if men should offer to intrude into them they would either die or turn wild like the Natives and that the very sight of them would turn Whites Negroes that there had never wanted younger Brothers among Princes who had sought to remedy the misfortune of their Birth by new Discoveries but which had always miscarried That the Infante's Father who was a wise Prince finding Portugal wanted People had invited Strangers from all parts into it and had given them Lands to cultivate whereas if his Project should take effect it would tend to the depopulating of it with a great many other such idle Reflections But the Infante who had too great a Soul to be discouraged either by Railery or grave Nonsense having with much ado wrought some Mariners up to an Opinion of the feasibleness of the Undertaking in the Year 1420. he equipped several Vessels which after having met with violent Storms discovered
as to all matters which are not contrary to the Faith that comes too late now for how is it possible for them to return to that which they have not only forsaken but do abominate now they have had a taste of their Old Religion again For can a grown Man be born again or enter a second time into his Mother's womb Your Lordship further desires That we would assemble our Learned Men to Dispute with you before you depart about matters of Faith This ought also to have been done in the beginning besides Is that Cause like to be supported by Arguments which has been maintained hitherto only by Force and Violence By taking Estates from some The Cruelty of the Persecutions raised by the Jesuits and throwing others into Prison and Punishing others more severely and that for no other reason but because they would not embrace your Faith And as if that had not been sufficient you have dragg'd great multitudes out of the Desarts who would have been contented to have lived there upon Herbs and confined them to Prisons nay the poor People that would have been glad to have Buried themselves in Caves not having escaped your Persecution Now what a Barbarity would it be to go and tease poor People with Arguments who have suffered so much in Desarts and Banishments It would certainly be a very unjust thing both in the sight of God and Man As to your Lordship's desiring to have a Portuguese Guard to attend you that cannot be but we shall appoint a very Honest Man and who has a great train of Servants to convey your Lordship and all your Goods in safety to the place whither you are to go This Letter gives us a great deal of light into the Affairs of Ethiopia at this time For First We see plainly thereby that Popery as to its Persecuting spirit is the same in all Climates it having no sooner got the Power of the Government of Ethiopia on its side than it made the penalty of not embracing it the loss of Estate Liberty and Life and Herbs were reckoned too high a Diet and Caves and Desarts too good a Dwelling for those that left all and fled to them to preserve a good Conscience Secondly That their denying the Cup in the Sacrament to the Laity and the validity of the Alexandrian Ordinations and not their believing that there were Two Natures in Christ were among the chief causes of the Habassins having such an Aversion for Popery Lastly That Popery owed all the footing that it ever had in Ethiopia to Violence so that it no sooner lost the assistance of the Secular Arm than it came to nothing There are two passages likewise in this Letter which do seem to make it evident That the Habassins do not believe Transubstantiation the one is where they do absolutely deny our Saviour's Blood to be in the Element of Bread and the other is where they seem to intimate That our Saviour made his Disciples understand what he meant by calling the Bread and Wine in the Sacrament his Body and Blood by bidding them Celebrate it in Memory of him The Patriarch finding that there was no remedy but that he must go to Fremona and that the Emperor would neither lend him his own Arms nor appoint him a Portuguese Guard did thereupon desire him to charge some Responsible Man with the Books and every thing else that belonged to the Church declaring that if that was not done That he would not take them with him The Answer the Emperor returned to this petition was very short which was That for his part he did not know how to pack Goods and that he must therefore e'en do it himself and having done it be gone with them And the Patriarch having desired to know who it was that was to be his Convoy he had word sent him on Holy Thursday That they were two Messengers and two Nobles who would go well attended with Servants and that he must begin his Journey next Morning which being come the Patriarch made his Farewel-Sermon and after that was ended The Patriarch begins his Journey to Fremona he took off his Shoes and having shaked the Dust that was on them in the Air he put them on again and begun his Journey on the Second day whereof he dispatched the following Memorial to the Emperor Now that your Highness's Counsellors do reckon that the security of your Empire dos consist in the Extirpation of the Roman Faith His Memorial to the Emperor which is the only true Catholick and Apostolick Faith and in the Banishment of the Patriarch Bishop and Fathers I for my part notwithstanding I know your Highness is most miserably abused by those men do say with Jonas Take me and throw me into the Sea it being better that one man should die than that a whole Nation should perish However your Highness must know that the Roman Faith can never be destroyed it not being founded on the mud wherewith the Nile fills Egypt but on the firm Rock of St. Peter 's Confession to whom Christ hath promised that the gates of hell shall never prevail against it having also said to him at another time Peter I have prayed to my Father for thee that thy faith may not fail Wherefore being now banished for having preached the Gospel I can say with St. Paul I labour even unto bonds nevertheless the Word of God is not bound Wherefore as Fathers when they come to die or when they are to part with their Children for any long time do speak to them as Jacob did to his Twelve Sons or as old Tobit did to the young one and as Christ when he ascended into Heaven did to his Disciples so upon my departure I will speak to your Highness and your whole Empire all the truths which it imports you to be acquainted with In the First place I do testify to your Highness before God and Christ Jesus who is to Judge the quick and the dead That the Church of Rome is the Mother Mistress and Head of all Churches Christ having commanded her in the person of her Founder St. Peter to confirm his brethren and feed his sheep that is all the faithful of the world who are all the Sheep of Christ so that none can have God for their Father but they who have this holy Church for their Mother out of which there is no Salvation no more than there was out of the Ark in the time of the Deluge And I do farther declare That your Highness and all that are in your Empire who have violated the Oath you made in my hands To live and die in the Faith and Obedience of the Roman Church have incurred thereby the Excommunication which was pronounced by me and divers Priests in the name of God at that time and by the Authority of St. Peter and the Roman Pontiff his Successor from which you cannot be absolved before you return to the Obedience and Union