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A20740 A treatise concerning Antichrist divided into two bookes, the former, proving that the Pope is Antichrist, the latter, maintaining the same assertion, against all the obiections of Robert Bellarmine, Iesuit and cardinall of the church of Rome / by George Douuname ... Downame, George, d. 1634. 1603 (1603) STC 7120; ESTC S779 287,192 358

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was burnt in the market place at Chester by the appointment of my father then Bishoppe there which was made with such a deuise that if one standing behind did pull a certaine string which was in the back part thereof it would moue the hand as if it blessed the people But that it may appeare that in the Church of Rome were lying miracles and that the Popish people were giuen ouer to beleeue lyes I will for a taste recite a fewe examples out of their owne records Their Golden Legend so called because as gold excelleth all other mettals so that Booke * Viz. in lying excelleth all other bookes in the inuentiō of the body of S. Fremin the martyr reporteth that after the Sunne had miraculously sent his beames through a stone wall vpon the graue and thereupon they had digged there to find the body there issued thence such a sweet smel as they weened they had beene in Paradise Which odour spread it selfe not onely through the citie of Amiens where the body lay but also vnto diuerse other cities The sweetnesse whereof as it moued the people of diuerse cities to bring their oblations to this glorious Saint so it cured some a farre off as the Lord of Baugency from their diseases But when this body was taken vp and caried in the citie of Amiens straunge wonders were wrought For then that I may vse the wordes of the English Legend the elemēts them moued by the miracle of this Saint The snow that was that time great on the earth was turned into powder and dust by the heat that was then and the yse that hung on the trees became flowers and leaues and the medowes about Amiens flowred became greene And the Sunne which by his nature should goe lowe that day ascended as high as shee is on S. Iohns day at noone in the s●…mmer And as men bare the body of this Saint the trees enclined and worshipped the body all maner sicke men of what malady they had they receiued health in the inuention of the blessed body of S. Fremin c. In the Legend of S. Patricke the Irish Saint by whose praier forsooth all venemous beastes were banished out of Ireland for you may not thinke it was so before wee read and reading smile that on a time a sheepe being stollen hee admonished all the people that whosoeuer had stollen it should within seuen daies restore it to the owner The 7. daies being expired the sheepe was not restored Then saith the Legend S. Patricke commaunded by the vertue of God that the sheepe should bleate and crie in the belly of him that had eaten it And so it happened that in the presence of all the people the sheepe cried and bleated in the belly of him that had stollen it 7. In the Legend of the Annunciation of our Lady wee are told of a noble Knight who betooke himselfe vnto an Abbey and because hee was vnlearned there was a Master assigned vnto him But either hee was so dull or the inuenter of the tale so doltish that in a long time hee could learne no more but these two words Aue Maria. Which words as he alwaies had in his mouth whiles he was aliue so they grew out of his mouth when hee was dead For these wordes saith the Legend he had so sore imprinted in his heart that alwaies hee had them in his mouth wheresoeuer hee was At the laste hee died and was buried in the Church-yarde of the brethren It happened after that vpon his graue their grew a right faire Flowre de lyce and in euery flower was written in letters of gold Aue Maria. Of which miracle all the brethren were marueyled and they did open the sepulchre and found that the roote of this Flowredelyce came out of the mouth of the said Knight and anou they vnderstood that our Lord would haue him honoured for the great deuotion he had to say these wordes Aue Maria. Likewise in the booke of the conformities of S. Francis which Booke I could wishe were more common that Popery might appeare vnto all in her colours there is a miracle recorded for the proofe of transubstantiation that on a time frier Frauncis saying Masse did finde a spider in the Chalice which hee would not cast out but drunke it vp with the blood Afterward rubbing his thigh scratching where it itched the spider came whole out of his thigh without any harme to either But if the bread and wine after consecration bee turned into the very body and bloud of Christ then more maruellous and I am sure more true is the story of victor the Pope and * An. 1154. William Archbishop of Yorke and Henry of Lucemburgh the Emperour all which were poisoned the two first with that which was in the Chalice and the Emperour with the hoste which a Monke had poisoned And to these many more worthy miracles of the Church of Rome may be added But you-will say that howsoeuer their are many miracles wherein the Church of Rome glorieth yet notwithstanding those speciall miracles which are assigned to Antichrist in the Scriptures haue not beene wrought by the Pope or any of his followers 8. This is indeed the third thing which Bellarmine obserueth that whereas there are three examples of Antichrist his miracles specified in the Scriptures yet none of them haue bene wrought either by the Pope or any other in the church of Rome But I answere that of these three miracles one agreeth not to Antichrist as shal be shewed hereafter and the Lib. 2. cap. 15. other two agree to the Pope For howsoeuer Bellarmine and other Papists from these groundes doe argue that the Pope The authour of the Wardword is not Antichrist yet from thence may the contrary be gathered The former of these miracles is that Antichrist or at least his ministers shall make fire come downe from heauen The second that hee shall cause the image of the beast to Apoc. 13. 13. speake These two miracles Bellarmine vnderstandeth literally and from thence argueth thus Antichrist or his ministers shall make fire come downe from heauen and shall cause the image of the beast to speake But neither the Pope of Rome at any time nor any of his followers haue caused fire to come downe from heauen nor yet made the image of the beast to speake therefore the Pope is not Antichrist The argument is grounded on Apoc. 13. 13. literally vnderstood For such is the absurde peruersenesse of the Papistes that in other partes of Scripture which are simple and playne they doe hunt after mysticall and allegoricall sences but in this Booke of the Reuelation which is moste mysticall and allegoricall without all reason they insiste in the literall sence As for example in that thirtenth chapter where the holy Ghost speaketh of the marke of the beast which the followers of Antichrist should receiue on their foreheads on their right hāds they grossely vnderstande
45. 46. Bellarm. de concil l. 2. c. 17. de pot Rom. lib. 2. c. 31. Ioan. de turrecre sum de eccl lib. 2. c. 27. cap. 80. R. Cupers pag. 34. num 1. Bonifac. 8. c. quoniā de immunit in 6. Panormit For it is not sit that the Pope should resēble Christ who now is glorified in heauen as he was contēned but as the Pastor of the whole world supernal heauēly as he shall come to be our iudge to whom it is certain that all men of necessity must obey For it is euident that the worke of redēption being accōplished the power of Christ was extended as well in heauen as in earth Mat. 28. All power is giuē vnto me in heauē in earth Which power is translated vnto his Vicar c. In respect of his office therfore he is the foundation the head the husband the Lord of the vniuersal church in vnction Christ is therfore to be called a R. Cupers de eccl Christus Domini the Lords Christ. Now if it be obiected that Christ alone is the head b Eph. t. 21. 22. 4. 15. 5. 23. Col. 1. 28. of the Catholike Church and so of the c Eph. 5. 24. Ioan. 3. 29. 2. Cor. 11. 2. 1. Cor. 3. 11. 12. rest answere is made that d R. Cupers de eccl pag. 128. num 36. Christ and the Pope in the Church are vnū idem caput one and the same head and doe make one and the same consistorie e Idem pag. 30. num 8. for it were a monstrous thing that the Church should haue two heads And to the same purpose saith a f 1. de turrecre●…at summ de eccle lib. 2. c. 26. Cardinall of Rome The iudgement of the Pope is reputed the iudgement of God and his sentence and his consistory the consistory of God and therefore Christ and the Pope are not properly two heads but one as Boniface the eight declareth In extrav c. vnam sanctam But to speake more particularly of his offices For prophecie hee is the vniuersall or oecumenicall Bishop and Pastor of Pastors Orat. Cornelij episcop●… 〈◊〉 in concil ●…rident sub Pau. lo 3. the Ordinary or Bishop of the whole world Who is oom a light into the world but men haue loued darkenesse more then light who hath the supreme authority of interpreting the scriptures who is the supreame iudge in controuersies of religion hauing De translat epise c. quanto in gloss an heauenly arbitrement and as it were a diuine and infallible iudgement who is aboue 1 Decret Greg. l. 1. de elect 〈◊〉 o●… c. significa●… Concil Florent T●…dent generall councels for 2 R. Cupers de ●…ccl pag. 31. num 23. Pig●… lib. 6. c. 13. although in a generall councell the vniuersall Church is represented in Cupers pag. 125 n●… 9. so much that nothing is greater then the Councell Tamen Papa eidem omnimoda supereminet authoritate Notwithstanding Cap●… sol 23. C. de sum●… trinit l. 1. in f. the Pope surpasseth the same in all maner authority whose iudgement is to bee preferred before the iudgement of the whole worlde insomuch that if the whole worlde should determine against the Pope wee must stande to his sentence for so they say 4 R. Cupers pag. 11 〈◊〉 18. Papae sententia totius orbis pl●…to prefertu●… And againe 5 1. de turrecrem lib. 3. c. 64. Si totus mundus sentiret or as the 6 In c. nemo 9. q 3. glosse readeth senten●…iaret contra Papam videtur quòd senten●…ae Papae standum esset vt 24. q. 1. haec est fides haec gloss 7 Baldus who is of greater authority then all the Saints and in respect thereof is of 8 1. de turrecrem summ lib. 2 cap. 26. great perfection then the whole body of the Church besides But it is not sufficient for this Antichrist to preferre himselfe aboue the whole Church which is the body of Christ vnlesse also hee sought in respect of the propheticall office to match himselfe with Christ the head of the church yea and in some respects to ouermatch him 9. He seeketh to match himselfe with Christ 1. in taking vpon him to make newe articles of Eaith and to propound doctrines not contayned in the Scriptures as necessarie vnto saluation 2. In making fiue Sacraments more then Christ appointed some whereof hee preferreth aboue baptisme and those two which Christ hath ordained he hath so altered and chaunged as that the one is scarcely the other not at all the same And whereas Christ ordained the Sacrament of his body and blood in two kindes they not withstanding his institution will haue it administred to the people but in one kind For so it is professed in the Councell of Constance that although Christ administred this venerable sacrament ●…ss 13. vnto his Disciples vnder both kinds of bread and wine and although in the primitiue church this sacrament was receiued of the faithfull in both kinds notwithstanding this custome of receiuing the bread only was vpō good reason brought in for the auoiding of some dangers and scandales 3. In making their owne deuises decretals traditiōs of equal authority with the word of God Innocentius 3. comanded that the words of the canon Ioan. Bal in eius vita of the Masse should be held equal to the words of the gospell Agatho the Pope decreed that all the constitutions of the See apostolick are to be receiued as authorized by the diuine voice D stinct 19. c. sic omnes Ioan. de turrecrem lib. 2. c. 108. of Peter himselfe And in the same distinction this is the title or argument of one chapter Inter canonic as Scripturas decretales epistolae connumerantur that is Among the Canonicall scriptures the decretall epistles are numbred Which in D●…st 19. c. in canonic●… the chapter it selfe is absurdly proued out of Augustine misalledged And as touching traditions whereby are meant De doctr Christi l. 2. c. 8. all points of popery which as themselues confesse are not contained in the written worde the holy Councell of Trent hath ordained that they are to bee receiued and honoured Pari pi●…tatis affectu ac reuerentia With as great affection of Sess. 4. pietie and reuerence as the written worde of God Which decree when as a certaine Bishop misliked Ceruinus the Popes Iacobus Nachiantes Clodiae follae episcopus Bal. in vita Marcell●… secundi legate who afterwardes was Pope called Marcellus 2. caused him to bee expelled out of the Councell And lastly least he should seeme in any thing to be inferiour to Christ our Prophet hee confirmeth his doctrines by miracles as they call them 10. And thus the Pope matcheth himselfe with Christ our Prophet let vs now consider how he aduaunceth himselfe aboue him Which he manifestly doth in preferring his owne and the churches authority aboue