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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A17967 The thre bokes of cronicles, whyche Iohn Carion (a man syngularly well sene in the mathematycall sciences) gathered wyth great diligence of the beste authours that haue written in Hebrue, Greke or Latine Whervnto is added an appendix, conteynyng all such notable thynges as be mentyoned in cronicles to haue chaunced in sundry partes of the worlde from the yeare of Christ. 1532. to thys present yeare of. 1550. Gathered by Iohn Funcke of Nurenborough. Whyche was neuer afore prynted in Englysh. Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum.; Cronica. English Carion, Johannes, 1499-1537 or 8.; Funck, Johann, 1518-1566.; Lynne, Walter. 1550 (1550) STC 4626; ESTC S107499 318,133 586

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byshoprycke to one that was the thirde called Gregorius the .vi. And so did Benedictus geue place to hym but Syluester woulde contrarywyse defende hys ryght against Gregorius This controuersye dyd compell the Emperoure Henry the black to come to Rome who dyd worthely depose those thre monsters from the byshoprycke and ordeined in steade of them one Syndeger byshop of Bamberg who was called Clemens the .ii. the .clii byshop of whom Henry the blacke was crowned About this time began the name of Cardinals to be vsed whereby it may be supposed that this same dignitie in the church was not elder But for somuche as oftymes happened moste heuy contencions and stryfes of the diuersitie of wylles in makynge of the byshop of Rome Henry the Blacke made an ordinaunce that thenceforth no byshop of Rome should be chosen without the consent of the Emperour also his confirmacion This ordinaunce was afterwarde sore foughten against of the byshops of Rome insomuche also that most haynous warres are rysen thereof in the tymes of Hēry the fourth and fyfth Emperours Henry the thyrd surnamed the Black the .xv. Germane Emperoure THe yeare of Christe M.xl. beganne to raygne Henry the third called the Black and raygned seuentene yeres Fyrst inuaded he the Bohemes with warr but they beyng ayded of the Hungarians ouercame hym The yere after were the Bohemes so weried with warres of Henry that their prince constrayned by necessitie came to Regenspurg and made hymselfe tributary frely to the Emperour After that going into Hungaty warred thre yeares and takynge in certayne cities he compelled the Hungarians to demaunde peace He subdued also the duke of Lorain that he obeied the empire At Rome put he down thre byshops at once striuing for the see and made a Germane byshop to be byshop there whō they called Clement the .ii. Thēceforth ouercame he the Saracēs by Capua Afterward came he again into Germany kept a cōgregatiō at Mentz wherein was Leo the bysh of Ro. Cuno duke of Bayer whiche was after S. Hēry trustyng to the ayde and conspiracion of the Hūgarians set hym agaist the Emperoure for by that meanes entended he to drawe the possession of the kyngdome to hym But the Hungarians were ouercome the duke Cuno was driuen out and liued all his lyfe a bannyshed man in Hungary The land of Bayer was in the meane tyme wythout a duke and gouernoure Before Henry the Black dyed he caused hys sonne Henry fyue yeare of age to be chosen Emperour and was crowned at Aken to the intēt there shoulde be a certayne heade of the empyre nether should any rumour be for the election Wherefore the sonne raygned a certayn space vnder the mothers protection The mother of Honry the .iiij. was called Agnes borne in the county of Pisto in Fraunce After Clemens was Damasus the .ij. made the cliij byshop of Rome whiche optayned the byshopricke by force Leo the .ix. succeded Damasus The same was in the counsaill kept at Mentz and was conuersaunt wyth Henry the black a whyle afterwarde In his tyme Berengarius a deacon of Angewe in Fraunce taught that the true body and bloud of Christ were not in the breade and wyne according to Christes institucion Leo the byshop of Rome condempned this in the counsaill of Vercelli but the sedes of this doctrine that were left hath caused great persecucion to them that came after Victor the .ij. the .clv. byshop of Rome succeded Leo. The same was before byshop of Eichstet Stephanus the .ix. succeded Victor Benedictus the .ix. the .clvij. byshop of Rome succeded Stephanus Nicolaus the .ij. folowed after Benedictus The same deposed Benedictus and is sayde to haue ordeined fyrst that Cardinals shall haue aucthoritie to chose the byshop of Rome Berengarius was also condempned againe by hym and was compelled to reuoke that he had taught of the sacrament Alexander the .ij. the .clix. byshop of Rome succeded Nicolaus then also was greate strife for the delection Gregorius the .vij. before called Hiltebrande was the .clx. byshop of Rome after Alexander The same dyd excommunicate and persued Henry the iiij raisyng also fearce warres that he myght get obteyne that a byshop of Rome myght be chosen and confirmed wythout the Emperoures consent and confirmacion lest the Emperours shoulde clame any aucthoritie vpon the byshops of Rome to rule them whereof we shall speake more in Henry the fourth Henry the .iiij. the .xvi. Germane Emperour THe yeare of Christ M. lvij began Henry the .iiij. to reigne after that his father was deade beynge yet a chylde and raygned fyfty yeares In this man dyd not onely the vertue of suche kynde of Emperours fayle but the empyre of whole Germany began so to decaye that afterwarde it neuer coulde nether be brought to his olde state nor recouer his former strength Hiltebrand byshop of Rome was causer of this lamentable game who turned neare hād al Germany vp down with warres among the princes therof In Henry the Emperours chyldhode dyd Agnes his mother gouerne the empyre not without prayse she set Germany and Italy at peace and trāquilitie But the byshop of Colen dyd priuely leade away the chylde beyng now twelue yeares of age and ready to be gyn to beare rule and in the meane season he hymselfe ruled afterwarde the empyre It is saide also that he caused the Imperiall childe to be brought vp vnsemely It were longe to reherse here all the causes and circumstaunces I wyll onely reherse here brefely the most worthy of remēbraunce Henry the Black father to this Henry had made a constitucion of making a byshop of Rome by a most wyse aduise that y ● same should not be done without the knowledge and consent of the Emperoure But now that Hiltebrand was come into the see he made a decre cōtrary wyse that the confirmacion of a byshop shoulde not be demaunded of the Emperoure But the Emperoure woulde that this his fathers constitucion should beare effect Besydes that also had the Emperoure aucthoritie to geue the byshoprycks of the empyre but Hiltebrand would not suffre that also For it happened oft that when one byshop was dead another was made in his stead of the Emperoure and agayne another of the byshop of Rome whiche dyd then excommunicate the other Finally came the game to this ende that the Emperoure was not onely excommunicated but it was also cōmaunded that other greate Lordes of Germany should make another Emperoure And the maister of this game was the byshop of Halberstat in Saxony to do the byshop of Rome a pleasure Wherfore fell from the Emperoure Henry the fourth Otho duke of Saxony Rudolfus duke of Schwaben to whom was maried the Emperoures syster germane and certayne byshops specially Saxons On the Emperours syde were the Bohemies and the lordes Catuly whom the Emperoure gaue Baierlande driuyng out Otho the duke of Saxony and some byshops also whiche disalowed the byshop of Romes tyranny
y ● yere MDxvii wrote Martin Luther fyrst against the Romysh byshops pardons from thence rose many disputaciōs after ward whiche thynge caused no small alteracionin the churche by the Germanes Charles the .v. the .xxxix. Germane Emperoure ●He yeare MD. xix was Charles the .v. chosen Emperoure the nepheu to Maximilians kynge of Spayne prince of Eastenryche and Burgundy The Electors sent into Spayne to shewe Charles of this election Friderick count Palatine Wherfore the next yeare after he came into Germany and was crowned Emperoure at Aken The yeare MDxxv was Frances the Frenche kyng taken by Pauy in Lombardy by the Emperoures souldiours in a felde and afterwarde brought into Spayne Charles vsed a very incredible gentlenesse moderacion of mynde in so great prosperitie of victory For he dyd not onely let fre the Frenche kyng restoryng hym to his kyngdom but also bounde hym with affinitie to hym geuing hym his syster Leonora to wyfe The capitaines of the battail whereof we saied euen now were Nicolas coūt of Salma George of Frūsberg knight Mark Sittich duke Burbon the marques Piskerame The same yeare were raysed in Germany horrible and neuer afore herde comotions by vplandishe men in Elsace Schwaben Frankenlād Thuringē and in those contreis that lye by the Rhene This commotion was alayed by the great force armes of the princes so that within the space of thre monethes nere hande were slame in battaill aboue hundreth thousand vplādysh men none other wyse thē as beastes Moreouer one called Schapler wrote xii artickes of the Christē libertie among the whiche this was euen the chefest Tribute ought not to be geuen to the magistrate or superioritie By thys doctrine vpon hope to get libertie the gretest part of the rustikes beyng enflamed it is saide to haue taken weapons agaynst their lawfull magistrate In the towne of Thuringen called Mulhausen was a preacher called Thomas Mynter The same preached openly that he shoulde restore the decayed state of the churche and dyd boiste that reuelacions were priuely shewed him and that Gedeons sword was geuen hym to roote out the tyranny of the vngodly He led forth by heapes the vplandish men and commaunded the houses of gentlemen to bee spoyled and the goodes of monasteries to be polled and waisted But when the rustical armies spoiled euery where without order the prince of Saxony and Landgraue of Hesse destroied them Thomas Mynter and some of his felowes were takē and beheaded and were punyshed for their enterpryse This Mynter was the first begynner of the madde erroure of the Anabaptistes which yet causeth muche ado in Germany The yere MDxxv dyd Iohn Oecolampadius at Basel and Huldrich zwinglius in zwizerlande fyrst of all with there writing renewed the doctrine of Berengarius that in the bread and wyne was not really present the body and bloude of Christe though the yeare before the learned man Andrew Carolostadius had proposed the same argument The yeare MDxxvi was Lewis kyng of Hūgary 〈…〉 ayne by Solyman the Turkysh Emperour The yere MDxxvij dyd duke Burbon brynge the Emperoures hoost to Rome the citie was besieged and taken and also spoyled The byshop of Ro. constrayned by necessitie into the Castell angel yelded hymselfe to the Emperoures men but the Emperoure of his gentlenesse let hym fre agayne and restored hym to hys former dignitie that the common peace of Christendome were nothyndered The yere MDxxix went Charles into Italy was receaued of all princes and cities with moste hygh honoures The same yeare in the moneth of October the Turkysh Emperoure Solyman brought about a hundreth and fourty thousand men into Germany whiche nomber they shoulde afterward haue boasted themselues in the citie Cracowe in Polen and besieged the citie Vienne certayn wekes and assaulted it greueously But Friderick count Palatine apointed by the empire captaine of the souldiours gatheryng an army with all spede sent it to Viēne thre dayes before the Turke besieged it Philippe counte Palatine was with them in the citie Viēne Wherfore by the gracious fauoure of God was the citie Vienne so strongly defended that the Turkish tyraūt was fayne to turne backe agayn with great shame and losse of hys host The messaunger of the Poles is reported to haue sayde that in the assault of Vienne were slayne about foure score Turkes and partely to haue dyed by the waye for lacke of ●itayls and fearcenesse of the colde The yeare MDxxx. the .xxij. daye of February was Charles crowned Emperoure at Bonony by Clemens the byshop of Rome with a great solemnitie and coste After that went he agayne into Germany and came on Corpus Chist euen at Ausborow wherthe parliament was adiourned The chefe princes of Germany came thether of whom Charles the Emperoure was receaued with high honour Though the Emperour assaied many waies to appeace y ● debates in the religion to restore them into a quietnesse yet could no certayne thynge be brought to passe or ordeined in so great diuersitie of myndes At the last commaunded he by an open commaundement to retaine and kepe the accostumed maners of ceremonies and the doctrine afore vsed The same yeare the eight daye of October was an ouerflowynge at Rome so greate as no man coulde remembre to haue bene sene and the same lasted about foure and twenty houres and when thys ouerflowynge stode styll in the place called Campo Flore the hyght of a longe moryshpycke many buildynges walles houses and goodes were destroyed When Leo was deade Adrianus alowe Germane borne at Vtrecht was made byshop of Rome After Adrianus was Clemens the .vij. chosen by of Ro. The same was taken by the Emperours hoost at Rome for makyng a confederacy with the Frenche kynge whome also he sent ayde agaynste the Emperor But the same iniury dyd y ● very good Emperoure dissemble with hygh softnesse and lest any occasion myght ryse of a greueous debate in Christendom he set the byshop of Rome Clemēs the .vij. at libertie of whome he was afterwarde crowned at Bonony Ferdinande the .xl. Germane Emperoure THe yeare MDxxx. was Ferdināde king of Hungary and Bohemy Archeduke of Eastenriche c. brother to Charles the Emperoure made kyng of the Romanes and that after the example of the aūcient Emperours which were wont to take to them other that the empyre myght haue a successor and that when the other were deade no debate or occasion of warre myght ryse amonge the princes of the empyre This election was at Colen the yeare MDxxx. The yeare MDxxxi was Ferdinande after the election crowned at Aken in Ianuary The same yeare was a Comete sene in Germany Italy Fraunce and Englande about the syxte daye of Auguste and fyrst appeared it certayne dayes in the morning before Sunne rising after that folowed it the Sunne and was sene the space of iij wekes about the euenyng after Sunne sett vntyll the thyrd daye of September Hys