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A07146 The reliques of Rome contayning all such matters of religion, as haue in times past bene brought into the Church by the Pope and his adherentes: faithfully gathered out of the moste faithful writers of chronicles and histories, and nowe newly both diligently corrected & greatly augmented, to the singuler profit of the readers, by Thomas Becon. 1563. Becon, Thomas, 1512-1567. 1563 (1563) STC 1755; ESTC S101368 243,805 590

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in a manner by the reason of that vse coulde it by heart and song it in stretes and hie wayes so that it came to passe that whē certain shepheardes did synge it in the fielde and layed breade vpon a stone at the pronouncing of those wordes of consecration the bread was turned into fleshe But the shepheardes by Gods iudgement were striken vnto death for their presumption thorowe fyre that came downe from heauen Therfore the holy fathers haue decreed y t those words should be spoken in silence forbiddyng all men vnder payne of excommunication that no man presume to speake those wordes but priestes onely when they are at the altar yea and that at Masse agayn when they haue on their Massing garmentes Thys tale telleth Guil. Durandus in his booke called Rationale diuinorum officiorum also Ioannes Billet in his boke de diuinis officiis Honorius in his treatise de gēma animae wherof thou mayest learne two thinges Firste that in the primatiue churche and ●ong after whē Christen religion was moste pure the wordes of the Lordes Supper or as the papistes terme them of consecration were not spoken in hocker mocker as they be now but playnely openlye and distinctly that al myght heare thē vnderstand them and learne them vnto their great comforte ▪ and edifying Secondly y t the words of consecration were at that time of so great vertue y t whosoeuer pronounced them ouer the bread were he Lay or Spiritual priest or Ploweman Byshop or Butcher the breade was strayghtwayes tourned into the naturall bodye of Christ as we may see here by y e shepeheardes whiche were laye men and not holye annoynted whiche were in the fielde and not in the Church whiche had on their shepeheardes clokes and not halowed vestments whiche had but a cōmon stone to laye their breade on and no halowed altare And here mayest thou see y t any laye man if he can pronounce the words of consecration hauing bread layed on a stone may make Christes body as wel as y e priest For if y e lay men by y e vertue of y e words could make Christes bodye at that tyme be thou certayne and well assured y t they bee able to doe the same euen nowe also notwythstandyng the holye fathers decrees to the contrarye For the vertue of Goddes worde abydeth alwayes one If the Massemonger therfore can make hym y t made them as theyr doctryne declareth then can the Laye man lykewyse make theyr maker and so maye the Laitie stryue with the spiritualtye to the vttermost in God makyng Nowe that the popyshe priestes can make God whiche made them although I coulde bryng forth and alledge manye authorities euen oute of theyr owne bookes yet will I at thys presente contente my selfe with one or two sentences which are written in a boke called Stella Clericorum The authors wordes ar these I ste qui creauit me dedit mihi creare se qui creauit me sine me creatur mediante me That is to say in Englyshe He that made me gaue me power to make hym and he that made me withoute me is made by the meanes of me Agayne he sayth Cum ergo tantae dignitatis sit sacerdos quod creator sit sui creatoris totius creaturae ipsum perdere vel damnare inconueniens est Which is thus Englished Seyng then that a priest is of so great dignitie that he is the maker of hys maker and of euery creature to destroye or to condemne hym it is not conuenient Pope Alexander the fyrste ordayned that the bread whiche the prieste hath at hys Masse shoulde bee but of a small quantitye saying Thys oblation the lesser it bee the better it is Guilielmus Durandus Pope Alexander also commaunded that the breade shoulde be vnleuened bread whiche the prieste vseth at hys Masse Platina Sabelli Lib. Concil Poly. Christ. Massaeus Whye theyr singing cake is rather rounde than otherwyse Antoninus maketh thys reason The hoste sayeth he is made round after the manner of a penye bicause Iudas solde Christ for thirtye pens Guilielmus Durandus writeth thus The hoste is formed rounde bycause the earth is the Lordes and al y t is therin y e round world all y t dwel in it y t the outward fashion therof may signifie him that wanteth both beginning and ending Pope Alexander likewyse appoynted y t the wine in y e chalice shuld be myngled with water to signifye the vnion vnseparable felowship of Christ hys church Ioan. Laziard ● Ioan. Stella Libro Concil Grat. Sabel Pope Honorius the third commaunded y t the Missall bread shoulde be heaued and lifted vp aboue the Priestes heade at the sacryng tyme as they call it and y t all the people should fal down and worship it In the yeare of oure Lord. 1214. Extra de celeb Miss Can. San● cum olim Gabriel Biel super Canone Missae Lect. 14. et Lect. 50 Dec. 3. Tit. 1. Cap 10. Pantaleon Here may al men see how auncient a thing thys Pope holy sakeryng is which notwithstanding the blynd and sely shepyshe symple soules thynke to be y e beste part of the Masse Uerely it is a little more than three hundred and fortie yeres olde A deuilishe an Idolatrous inuentiō is it not altogether vnlyke to the setting vp of the golden calfe in the wildernesse Pope Gregorye the ninth ordayned y t the sacryng bel shoulde be rong whē the priest lifteth vp the Missall bread Chalice aboue hys head to moue the people to beholde that new found God whiche is not as the true God ought to be worshipped in spirite and truth but in knockyng knelyng and liftyng vp of handes In the yeare c. 1225. Anselmus Ryd Pope Leo Pope Victor Pope Nicolas Pope Innocent Pope Honorius pope Vrban ▪ Monke Lanckfrancke Monk Gratian Fryer Thomas Fryer Bonauenture and such lyke monstures belly Gods inuented fyrst of all the God of the altare and made of the Sacramente or holy sygne of Christes body and bloud the true naturall real corporal carnal substantiall c body of Christ GOD and man fleshe bloude and bone synowes guttes and loynes euen as he was borne of Marye the Uirgine and hanged on the Crosse no breade nor wyne remayning but the substance of breade tourned into the substaunce of Christes naturall bodye and the substance of wyne chaunged into the substance of Christes naturall bloude So that we handle hym with oure handes put hym in our mouthe teare hym with oure teeth eate hym digest hym c and partely with theyr Sophistrye they persuaded and partely with theyr tyrannye they compelled the people so to beleue as the cruell and bloudye papistes lyke wyse doe in thys our age where the deuill and the Pope reygne whiche dayes was not knowen nor heard of in y e Church of Christe so newe is the doctryne of transubstantiation and of theyr missal
auncient writers the Sacrament of baptisme was not commōly ministred but at two tymes in the yeare that is to say at Easter and Witsontyde at whiche tymes it was solemnely and with greate reuerence ministred in the presence of all the congregation In the yeare of oure Lorde 676. Lib. Concil Volat. Pol. Ch●on Pope Gregorye the firste made a decree that Monkes shoulde not baptise nor be Godfathers to children at their baptisme In the yere of our Lord ▪ 590 Sabell Pantal. D. Barns This decree did Pope Eugenius the thyrd renue In the yeare of our Lord. 1147. Lib. Concil Chron. The aforesayd Gregorye also ordained that Nūnes by no meanes should be Godmothers to chyldren eyther at Baptisme or at Confirmation Chron. Ioan. Stella Pope Calixte the seconde pronounced all suche excommunicated as toke money eyther for baptisyng or for burying In the yeare of our Lorde 1120. Ioan. Tilio Volat. Pantal. Pope Nicolas the first ordained that the sacrament of baptisme should stād in effecte althoughe it were ministred of a Pagane and Infidel In the yeare of oure Lorde 871. Achilles Dist. 4. De consecratione The same Pope made a decree that baptisme shoulde not be twyce ministred to one person Ioan. Philip. Bergom Pope Iginius decreed that children whiche were to be Christened ▪ shoulde haue a Godfather and Godmother for to be witnesses that they were baptised In the yeare c. 143. Lib. Concil ▪ Sabell Polidor D. Barns Pope Leo the third appoynted that when the childe is eyther christened or bishoped he should haue but one Godfather be it a man childe or a woman childe In the yeare of our Lord. 817. De consec Dist. 4. Capi. Non plures Guil. Durand Ioan. Stella ▪ Phil ▪ Bergom Pope Theodore the fyrste made a decree that no father should be Godfather to hys owne sonne or doughter nor no mother Godmother to her own sonne or doughter In the yeare of our Lord. 936. Ioannes Laziardus Item he ordayned that if any man were Godfather to another mannes doughter hys sonne myght not afterward take her to wife 30. Quest. 1. Cap. Non Oportet Pope Vrban the seconde made a decree that a man and his wife may not be Godfather and Godmother to one childe at Baptisme 186.30 Quest. 4. Cap. Quod autem Pope Alexander the thyrd ordayned that when it is doubtefull whether the childe be baptised or not he shoulde be baptised on this maner If thou be baptised I baptise thee not agayne but if thou be not baptised I baptise thee in the name of the Father and of the Sonne and of the holy Ghost Amen In the yere of our Lord 1161. Guilihelmus Durandus Pope Leo Pope Damasus and Saint Ambrose brought in the exorcismes coniurations the benedictions blessings with the other solemne ceremonyes Guil. Durand Pope Celestine made a decree that neither young children nor any other of what age soeuer they bee shall bee christened before y e priests thorow their coniurations breathings spittyngs saltings do driue the deuill out of thē In the yeare c. 428. Chron. Germ. Dist. 4. de Cons. Pope Clement the fyrst put oyle and creame to the baptisme and cōmaunded that all y t shall be baptysed should be annoynted therewith crossed in y e forehead In the yere c. 92. Chron. Lib. Concil Ioannes Laziardus Pope Siluester the fyrst also ordayned that al y t were baptised should be annoynted with oyle creame In the yeare c. 315. Plat. Volat. Sabell In the Councell Braccarense it was ordayned that there should be no money payde for oyle and creame ▪ wherwith y e infantes be annoynted in their baptisme Lib. Concil In the Councell holden at Chartage it was decreed y t a woman althoughe neuer so well learned maye not presume to baptise except necessitye compelleth Concil Durand In the councell Ilerdense it was ordayned that euery prieste that can not haue a fonte of stone maye haue any other conuenient vessell meete for that purpose Prouided alwaye that it be neuer after caryed out of the church Guili Durandus Of the Lordes Supper commonly called of the papistes The sacrament of the altare POpe Alexander the fyrste commaunded that only vnleuended bread shuld be vsed at the Lords supper In the yeare c. 119. Lib Concil Grat. Plat. Sabell Before that time the bread appoynted for the Lords Supper was indifferent whether it wer leuended or vnleuended Notwithstanding the Grekes from the Apostles tyme vnto this daye haue euer vsed leuended bread in the ministration of the Lordes Supper as they vse also wine only in their cuppe where as suche as be vnder the Pope customably mingle water w t the wine according to Pope Alexanders decree Pope Nicolas the seconde decreed y t the bread and the wine whiche are set vpon the altare are not only after the conseeration the sacramentes of y e bodye and bloud of Christ but they ar also the very self same body and bloud of our Lord sauiour Iesu Christ y t was borne of Mary the Uirgine so that the very bodye of Christ is there truly and vnfaynedly handled of the priests handes broken and torne on peces with y e teeth of y e faithfull In the yere c. 1961. De consecrat Dist. 2. Ego Berengarius Pope Innocent the third assembled at Rome in the councell Laterane a wonderfull swarme of spirituall smeared shorelinges to the number of .xii. hundred and odde wherof .viii. hundred at the least wer monkes fryers chanons and such other monkyshe monstures which with one consent for y e maintenaunce of theyr beastly idlenesse idle beastlinesse deuised confyrmed y e doctrine of transubstātiatiō making it an article of our faith to beleue in payn of damnation that after the prieste hath whispered ouer y e bread wine a fewe latine words as Hoc est enim corpus meum Hic est enim sanguis meus c the bread is turned into the natural bodye of Christ fleshe bloud bone sinowes guttes loynes euen as he was borne of Mary the Uirgine and hanged on y e crosse Agayne the wine is turned into y e very naturall bloud of Christ which he receaued of Mary the Uirgine as it was shedde for our redemption on the crosse no substance of bread and wine remayning but the very substance of bread wine turned vnto the naturall substance of the body bloud of Christ onely y e accidentss of bread wine remaining this monsture of transubstātiation was hatched and brought forth by Antichrist and his chaplaynes In the yeare c. 1215. Decret de summa trinitate Cap. Firmiter But as this doctrine of transubstantiation was vnknowen to the Church of Christ before y e wicked and vnlawfull assemblye of y e venimous dragon pope Innocent hys pestilent papistes euen so lykewyse
institution and that if any would not so receaue it the same should abstayne from the whole In the yeare of our Lord .494 dist 2. de consecrat cap. Comperimus Pope Iulius the first also commaunded that the people should receaue the mysteries of Christes body and bloude accordyng to Christs institution both the breade and the cup one seuerall from the other as the Apostle sayth let a man examine himselfe and so eate of that breade and drinke of that cup. In the yeare of our Lord .338 de consecrat dist 2. cap. Cum omne In a certain councell holden at Basile it was concluded that according to christes institution the lay people also should receaue the Sacrament in both kindes And this decree was not onely established by the authoritie of the emperour Sigismund and the cōsent of the other noble and learned men whiche were there present but it was also confirmed approued and allowed by Pope Eugenius the fourth In the yeare c 1430. Lib. Concil Chron. Not only in the primatiue churche but also in the time of S. Cipriane s. Hierome S. Ambrose S. Austen S Iohn Chrisost c. and many hundred yeares after the lay people receaued the Sacramēt of Christes body and bloud vnder both kindes as they lykewise had the Sacramētal bread geuen thē in theyre hādes and not put in theyre mouthes as the Papistes vse in these our dayes Are not these the wordes of saint Ambrose vnto the Emperoure Theodosius when he would haue receaued the Sacrament comming blustring and blowyng from sheding innocent bloud O Emperour saith he howe shalt thou with such handes take the holy body of the Lord With what folishe hardinesse shalt thou receaue in thy mouth the cup of the precious bloud seing that thorow the madnesse of thy wordes so muche bloude is wrongfully shed Seuen thousand men sayth the historye were slaine at the commaundement of the Emperour Tripar hist. Lib. 9. cap. 30 That this Emperour Theodosius was a lay man the Papistes themselues will confesse I doubt not Here then learne we two notable thinges one is that in the tyme off Ambrose the lay people accordyng to Christes institution receaued y t Sacrament vnder both kinds The second is that the lay people also had the Sacramentall bread geuen thē into theyr hande of the ministers and not thrust into theyre mouthes as the massyng Papistes vse at this daye but this godlye plant of Christe hath that wild bore of Rome with his Antichristiane and filthy pigges ●oted vp subuerted and destroyed Take eate sayth Christe Drinke ye all of this sayth he Matth. 26. Marke 14. Luke 22. 1. Cor. 11. All saith he and not priestes only The cup of the mysterie of Christes bloud was so frelye suffred before the tiranny of the Romish bishop preuayled that not onely it was ministred to auncient people but also to yong children as the monumentes of the olde writers do manifestly declare Cipr. in serm de lapsis The Grekes the Ethiopes and the Bohems with diuers other nations as histories make mention haue vnto this daye alwayes obserued and kepte the auncient and Apostolique maner of receuing the Sacramēt vnder both kinds according to the institution and ordinaūce of y e Lorde Christ by no meanes obeying the wicked decree of y e bishop of Rome vnto the contrary Of receiuing the Sacrament vnder one kinde after the popes inuention POpe Innocent the thyrd as some write did firste of all forbid in the councell Laterane that the lay people should receiue the holy communiō of the body and bloud of Christ vnder both kindes about the yeare c 1215. Other affirme whiche I iudge to be more true that that wicked decree of taking awaye the cup of the mystery of Christes bloud from the laye people contrary to christes institution and commaundement was first of al graūted confirmed and established in a coūcel holden at Constance the xiii session where y e most famous clerk Iohn Wicklief our countrey man was condemned for an heretike the two learned men Iohn Hus Hieronymus de Praga were most cruelly and most vniustly murthered and brent also for heretikes of the bloudy Papists notwithstandyng the Emperours safeconduct for deniyng the Popish article of Transubstantiation and maynteyning the receyuing of the Sacrament vnder both kindes In the yeare c. 1415. This is worthie to be noted that the Papistes them selues in that theyr deuilish decree confesse and graunte that Christes institution is that the lay people shoulde receaue the Sacrament vnder both kinds and that in the primatiue Churche all the communicātes did not only receiue the mystery of christs body but also y e mystery of Christs bloud one seuerall from the other according to y e instituciō of christ And notwithstandyng the premisses they straightly charge and commaūde that from that time forwarde none of the Laytye shal receaue the Sacramēt but onely vnder the kind of bread and that they must beleue certeinly and by no meanes doubt that the whole body and bloude of Christ is truely contayned as well vnder the kinde of breade alone as vnder the kinde of wine also that therfore it is sufficient for the laytye to receaue the Sacrament vnder one kynd and that whosoeuer frō that tyme fourth shall presume to receaue the Sacrament vnder both kindes except he be an holy annoynted or think of this decree otherwise than well he shall be taken iudged condemned and punished like an heretike accordyng to the appointment of the ecclesiasticall lawes that is to say brent to ashes as the good mōke of Eye in Suffolk was in the dayes of kynge Henry the eight O woluish and bloudy Antichristes A Christen man to be murthered for obeiyng the commaundemēt of Christ yea and that of them whiche will be taken for the heades of Christs church whiche also ought rather to shed theyr owne bloude than y t any iot or title of Gods worde should be left vndone O tirannye incomparable It is not lawfull eyther to put to or take ought frō y e testament of a mortall man if it bee once allowed and shal y e vile donghills of the earth presume to alter chaūge the blessed and euerlasting Testament of y e only begotten sonne of god which he sealed with his most precious bloud deliuered to his church to be inuiolably kept vntil his returne Drinke ye all of thys sayth Christ and not ye smeared shorelyngs only In a councell holden at Basile it was decreed y t not only the lay people but the priests also when they themselues make not Goddes body shuld communicate onely vnder one kynde In the yeare c. 1437. Of confyrmation or bishoppyng of Children POpe Clement the fyrst as the papistes fayne fyrste of all ordayned the confyrmation or byshopping of children and commaunded y t the childe being once baptised shuld as sone as is possible be bishopped For sayth he
ceremonies must alone be coūted worthy to beare office in the Church to be reputed and taken for the only pyllars of our mother holy Churche to be had in estimation aboue all men and to be reuerenced as Gods of all men and so many as be of contrarye opinion teaching that our whole saluation commeth only from God thorowe fayth in the bloude of Christ must be adiudged seditious persons sowers of discorde authors of new learning teachers of straūge doctrine and heretikes But as I may by coniecture speake my minde cōcerning this ceremonie I thinke verelye that as the ceremony of dealing holy bread on the Sondayes wherof we shal hereafter speake was ordained of y e fathers of Christs Church at that time to put the people in remembraunce of Christes body breakyng so lykewise at the same time was this ceremony of water sprinckling brought into the Churche to put the people in remembraunce of Christes bloud sheadyng on the altare of the Crosse for their sinnes But as the papistes in processe of time lost the signification of holy bread of al other ceremonies therfore ioyned vnto the certain doctrines of error false faith so likewise haue thei done in y e ceremonie of holy water They not knowing the cause of the first instititution haue fayned the holy water as they cal it to be of such and so greate vertue might and power that it is able to put away sinne to geue health both of minde body to make so many holy and pure as be sprinckled with it to geue abundaunce of thynges to dryue awaye deuils to chase awaye all the power of our ghostly enemye yea and to plucke him vp by the rootes and vtterly to destroy him with all his Apostatike aungels to put backe diseases to expell all corrupte and pestilente ayres to dispatche all y e guyles subtilties sleyghtes and disceates of the lurkyng enemye ●o banyshe al thynges that be contratye to the healthe prosperitye and quietnesse of all such as dwel in y e houses where it is sprinckled to geue securitie of hope corroboratiō strengthning of faith to bring the holy ghost at the laste what not Are not all these things read in their exorcismes coniuratiōs of their bewitched salted water as we haue tofore hearde and in other Popishe treatyses Reade we not these wordes in their Popish primare which we are taught commaūded to say whē we sprinckle our selues with y e water in the Church porche before we enter into y e Church Aqua benedicta sit mihi salus ● vita Praesta mihi domine per hanc creaturam aspertionis aquae sanitatem mentis integritatem corporis tutelam salutis securitatem spei corroborationem fidei nūc in futuro Whiche is thus Englished The blessed water mought be vnto me health and life Graunt me O Lord by thys creature of the sprincklyng of water health of mynde wholenesse of body defence of health safegarde of hope strengthnynge of faith now and in tyme to come And bicause this their dreame should be of the more credit they haue fathered those their lyes as they do many other of an auncient Byshop of Rome called Alexander the first whiche liued In y e yere c. 119. And here mayest thou see what a lying generatiō the Papists are as I maye speake nothyng of their pestilent and abhominable doctrine Of Holy Bread THe vse among the Christians was firste of all y t so many as came together into the church dayly for to pray and to heare the worde of God the same should also dayly receaue together the holye communion of the body bloud of Christ. But when the multitude that professed Christ began to encrease and waxed very great so that that order could not conueniently be obserued kepte the auncient fathers of Christes church made a decree y e all y e Christians shuld communicate on the Sondayes together and be no more bounde vnto the dayly communiō as they to fore were And here of commeth thys sentence of S. Austen Dayly to cōmunicate I neyther cōmende nor discommend but on the Sōdaies to receaue y e communion I would coūcell all men Whē this receauyng of the communiō euery Sonday was not done with such deuotion sobernesse and grauitie as it ought to haue bene but thorowe that often cōming vnto it much dissolution lightnesse was shewed of diuerse people the Elders of Christes Church thought it mete for y t present tyme to take awaye the custome of receauing the communion euery Sonday to appoint that the Christians should receaue the communion together thrice in the yeare y t is to say at Easter at Witsontyde and at the feaste of Christes natiuitie But when this order also was not duly and reuerently obserued it was iudged and thought mete that the people shoulde commonly receaue the Lordes Supper but once in the yeare that is to say at Easter and that in the stead therof bicause the remembraūce of Christs passion and death should not be forgotten nor his blessed body breaking and precious bloud sheadyng fall from the remembraunce of the people whiche is preached declared and set forth to the faythful at the Lordes supper by breaking and eating the bread and by pouring out by drinkyng the wine The Fathers of Christes Church instituted the ceremonies of holy bread and holy water to put the people in remēbraūce of Christes body breakyng and bloude sheding y ● as they see the bread whiche is distributed euery Sonday of the minister broken on many peces so they should set before the eyes of their mind the breaking of Christs body on the altare of the Crosse for the remission of their sinnes again that as they see the water sprinckled abrode so they should remēber that Christes bloud was shed for them on the Crosse by the effusion and sheading wherof they be purged clensed and purified from al filthinesse of sinne iniquitie by thys meanes addresse themselues to be thankefull to God the Father for so inestimable and excedyng greate benefites giuen vnto them in the death of his Sonne And these ceremonies of holy bread and holy water at that tyme were not onely ministred to y e people of the Godly Pastors but it was also euerye Sondaye preached and declared vnto thē what the ceremonies signified and wherefore they were instituted of the rulers of Christes church euē to put thē in remēbraunce of Christes body breakyng and bloud sheadyng on y e altare of the Crosse for the remission forgiuenesse of their sinnes And it is not to be doubted but the Godly Ministers in those dayes did with sorowfull hearts minister those ceremonies to the people seyng that they for their vnthankefulnesse dissolution of lyfe were depriued of the holy communion of Christs body and bloud and fedde with ceremonies of mans inuention and dyd lykewise diligently exhort the people so to frame
any other thing Also al thoe that letters purchasē in any lords courte that no processe of right may be determined ne iudged in holy churche courte Also al thoe y e bloud drawen of any man or woman in violence or in any other vilonye in churche or in the churchyarde where thorowe y e churche or churchyarde is interdited polluted or suspended And all robbers rouers by day or by night that any mās good stelen for the whiche goodes a mā or woman were worthye to heare iudgement And al those that out of houses of holy church graunges personages or vicaries or any maneries of mens of holy church agaynst her will or her kepers wil any māner of goodes with violence beren out of holy place church or abbey or any house of religiō which weren lefte there for sikernesse or succour for to kepe all that therto assenten Also al thoe that withholdē a wydow her right or her dowry after her husbandes death or taken her good wrongfully All that procuren or geuē leue or commaundement any other to flea or to maime or to beate or by any other waye a greue any Ordinarye or iudge of y e lawe in body or in goods Al these aforesayd bene accursed with the greater curse Et cetera Many other pointes also longen vnto this greate sentence but I trowe to God it be no neede to rehearse here no mo Et sic finitur BUt thorowe authoritie of oure Lord God almightye our Lady S. Marye and all Saintes of heauen of all Aungells or Archeaungells Patriarches and Prophetes Euangelists Apostles Martyrs Confessours and Virgines also by y e power of all holy church y t oure Lord Iesu Christ gaue to S. Peter We denounce all thoe accursed y t we haue thus reckned to you And all thoe y e mayntayne hem in her sinnes or geuen hem thereto eyther helpe or councell so that thei bee departed from God and all holye churche and that they haue no parte of the passion of our Lord Iesu Christ ne of no Sacramentes that beene in holye Church ne no parte of the prayers among Christen folke but y e they bee accursed of God and of holy church fro the sole of theyr foote vnto the crowne of her heade sleapyng and wakyng sitting and standing and in all her wordes and in all her workes and but if they haue grace of GOD for to amende hem here in this life for to dwel in the payne of hel for euer withouten ende Fiat Fiat Do to the boke Quenche the candle Ring the bell AMEN AMEN Here folowe certayne Fragmentes of papistrye WE haue tofore heard where we entreated of the Lordes supper howe y e Pope Innocent the thyrde ordayned that the mysterye of Christes bodye otherwise called the sacramental bread should be kepte in churches continuallye vnder locke and keye to the entent to bee in a redinesse at all tymes leaste sayeth he they that are sicke shoulde wante y e spirituall comforte in the troublesome tyme of death Some curious fellowe peraduenture will here demaund why the sacramental wine is not also reserued and hanged vp as well as y ● bread seing Christ gaue thys generall commaundemente and sayde Drinke ye all of thys To thys question aunswereth Guilielmus Durandus saying The bloud of Christ is not reserued and kept for diuerse causes The fyrst is bycause wine which is liquide may easely thorowe negligence be spilt The seconde is bycause y t by the chalice whiche is on Maundye thursdaye receaued the ende of the olde lawe is vnderstanded The third is bicause y e body y t is reserued is not without bloude The fourth is that in y e the bloud is not reserued it is declared y e the olde sacrifice ought to cease For the bread signifyeth the newe testament but the wine signifyeth y e old testament To make euident pr●se of this matter the Lord when he ha● dronke sayde Consumatum est It is finished Therfore the chalice is receaued and the bread is reserued bycause the lawe hath now his ende the Gospel hath his beginning The fift cause is bycause Christ at the Lordes supper sayd Uerely I say vnto you I wil not from henceforth drinke any more of this frute of the Uine til I drinke that newe in the kingdome of my father He spake not of the body or of eatyng Yea we fynde that afterwarde he dyd eate part of the broyled fyshe and also of the hony combe but we do not finde that he euer dronke after Durandus in Rat. di off Lib. 6. Cap. 79. No bodye or Corps ought to be buried in the Churche or nigh vnto the place where the body and bloud of the Lorde is made but the bodyes of holye fathers whiche are called Patroni that is to saye defenders whiche thorowe theyr worthye and noble actes defende all the countreye Agayne Byshops and Abbottes and worthye Priestes and laye men whiche be of most highe holynesse As for all other they oughte to be buryed aboute the churche as in the yarde or in the porch or in y e voltes and suche lyke places as are nigh vnto the Churche Durandus in Ratio di off Lib. 1. When any Churche is to be halowed thys order muste be obserued Fyrst all the people muste departe out of the Church and the Deacon must remaine there onely hauyng all the doores shut faste vnto hym The Byshop with the Clergye shall stande withoute before the Churche doore and make holy water mingled with salt In the meane season within the churche there muste be set vp .xii. candles brennyng before xii crosses that are appoynted vppon the churche walles Afterwarde the bishop accompanied with the Clergye people shall goe thrice aboute the church without and the bishop hauing in hys hande a staffe with a bunche of Ysope on the ende shall with the same cast holy water vpon y e church walles and at euery time the bishop shal come vnto y e church dore strike y e threshold therof with his Crossierstaffe and say Tollite portas Principes vestras et eleuami●i portae aeternales et introibit Rex gloriae That is Lifte vp your gates O ye Princes and be ye lyfte vp O ye euerlasting gates the King of glorye shal enter in Then shal the Deacon or minister that is within saye Quis est iste Rex gloriae That is Who is thys king of glorye To whom the Byshop shall aunswere and saye Dominus fortis et potens Dominus potens in praelio That is It is the Lord strong and mightie euē y e Lord mightye in battayle At y e third time the Deacon shall open the church doore and the Byshop shall enter into the churche accompanied with a fewe ministers the clergye and the people abiding still without Entring into the church the Byshop shall saye Pax hui● domui That is Peace be vnto thys house And afterward the Bishop with
them y t are in the church shall saye the Letanye These thynges done there must be made in the pauemente of the church a crosse of ashes and sand wherin y e whole Alphabete or Christs crosse shall be written in Greeke and Latin letters After these things the Bishop must halow an other water with salt and ashes and wine and consecrate y e altare Afterwarde the twelue crosses y t are paynted vpon the church walles the Byshop must annoynt them with chrisme cōmōly called Creame These thinges once done the clergye and the people may frely come into the church ring the bells for ioye c. Ibidem Holy water proprely euen of her own vertue hath power and strength to expell and put out deuills And therefore it is sayde in the coniuration thereof That it maye be made a coniured and be witched water to chase awaye all the power of thee nemye yea to plucke vp that same enemye euen by the verye rootes c. Ibidem The manner and order of consecrating or halowing altars is this First the byshop muste beginne Deus in adiutorium meum intende Secondly he shall make holy water Thyrdly at y e foure corners of y e altare he shal make foure crosses with holy water Fourthly the Byshop shall goe seuen tymes aboute the altare and seuen tymes he shall washe the table of the altare or altare stone with holy water hauyng y e holy water sprinckle made of Ysope The churche also shall be sprinckled agayne with holy water and whatsoeuer holy water doth afterwarde remaine shall bee poured out beneath at the altare Fiftlye in the foure corners of the Sepulchre wherein y e Reliques are laide the Byshop shall make foure crosses with y e creame and y e Reliques shall be layde vp in a bagge with three graines of Franckencense and put agayne in the Sepulchre Then shall there be made in the middes of the Sepulchre a table with the signe of the crosse Sixtly the stone which is called the table shall be made mete and laide vppon the altare and being so made mete the Byshop shal annoynt it with oyle in fiue places and lykewise shall he afterward doe w t the Creame as it is sayd of y e oyle The Byshop also shal confyrme the altare in the forehead or forefronte with a crosse of creame and shal burne franckensence vpon the altare in fiue places Afteral these things be done y e altare shal be couered with fayre clothes And the priest may now lawfully sing masse vpon it when he will Ibidem The Apostolike See as Anacletus the Pope sayeth is the heade and the hanggell Cardo of all other Sees For as the doore is gouerned by the hanggell so are all churches gouerned and ruled by the authoritye of that See And therfore thei are called Cardinalls bycause y t by thē the whole churche is gouerned sicut ostium per cardinem as y e doore by the hanggel The prelate of y e see is called Papa y t is father of fathers namely the vniuersall bishop for he is the prince lorde and ruler of the whole church vniuersal And he is called Apostolicus bicause he occupieth y e roume of the prince of y e Apostle Peter He is also called Summus Pontifex y e highest bishop bicause he is y e head of al bishops frō whō thei as membres frō the head descend and al receaue of his fulnesse euen so many as he calleth in partem solicitudinis non in plenitudinem potestatis into part of the carefull trauayle but not into the fulnesse of power He is y e Melchizedech whose priesthoode farre excelleth al other Guili Durand In R at di off Lib. 2. In the administration of the Sacramentes some spiritual sanctification is geuen thorow the blessing or cōsecration of the garmentes of the water and such like Ibidem Priestes when they are ordered take of y e byshops hand a chalice with wine in it a paften with the hoste or singing cake y t by these instrumentes they may know y t thei haue receaued power to offer vp vnto God propiciatorye sacrifices euen the bodye and bloude of Christ. In consideration wherof when the byshop geueth these thinges vnto them he saith Take power to offer sacrifice vnto God and to singmasse both for the quicke and the dead in the name of our Lorde There is great difference betwene byshops and priestes For albeit there are six things which cōmonly pertaine vnto all priests y t is to say to catechise or teach or baptise to preache to make gods bodye to losen and to bynde yet belong there specially vnto the bishop nine things y t is to say to order clerks to blesse virgins to consecrate bishops to laye on handes to halowe churches to put down them y t ar to be degraded to celebrate sinodes to make crisme to halowe vestmentes or vessels There are other things also which appertain vnto y e office of a bishop as to cōfyrme children to geue the solemne blessing before the Paxe suche lyke Ibidem When the priest pronounceth these wordes of Christ Hoc est corpus meum Hic est sanguis meus This is my body This is bloude the bread and wine are conuerted and tourned into fleshe bloud with y e power of the word wherwith y e word was made flesh dwelled amōg vs wherwith he spake it was done he cōmaunded they wer made wherwith he chaunged a woman into a pillar of salt turned a rod into a serpent wherwith he chaunged the fountaines into bloud turned y e water into wine For if the word of Helias could bring downe fyre from heauen shall not the word of Christ thē be able to chaunge bread into flesh Uerely it is a greater thing of nothing to make y t is not thā to chaunge y t which already is into an other thing Yea it is a greater thing without al comparison y t God is made man and yet continueth still God thā the bread is so made fleshe y t it ceaseth to be bread That was once done by incarnation but this is continually done by consecratiō At y e pronoūcing therefore of the wordes of y e bread is by the mighty power of god transsubstantiated chaūged into y e substance of flesh The deuine materiall substance of this sacrifice is y e word whiche ioyned vnto y e element maketh a sacramente as y e word vnited to flesh maketh christ mā For it is to be noted y t in the body of christ he speaketh of the sacrament xi miracles are considered of y e whiche no euidente reason can be rendred and shewed although reasons made by similitudes may serue for this purpose The fyrst is y e bread wine are turned into the substance into y e body bloud of Christ wherof we alredy shewed certayn reasons An other reason also serueth for this purpose For both corporall meate
drinke is made fleshe and bloud by the meanes of nature It followeth therfore much more stronglye y t the self nature y t is to saye God is able immediatly to make y e bread should be tourned into hys bodye and y e wine into hys bloud The second miracle is y t the bread is daily transsubstantiated into the bodye of God yet there is no augmentation or increasing in God Reason proueth this thing to be true For al though I know any secret matter which I publish to many although al they thorowe my declaration know it yet in me alone or in my mynd there is neuer the more augmentation for al this The thyrde miracle is y t the body of God is dayly receaued and eaten yet is there made no dimunicion or lesing therof The reason If a thousand candles be lighted at my candle yet is there neuer the lesse light in my candle The widowe of Sarepta also did eate yet was there neuer the lesse meale in her pot nor oyle in her pytcher The fourth miracle is y t the thyng which is indiuisible and can not bee deuided is notwithstanding deuided remayneth whole perfect in euery part of y e sacrament This is proued by reasō In a glasse wherin any thing is represented shewed although it be deuided by parts yet in euery one of thē is y e same thing represented The fift miracle is y t the body of God taken receaued of the wicked is not defiled The reasō is this For neither is the sunne shining vpō fylthy places defiled or made anye thing y t worse The sixt miracle is y t the body of Christ which is the meate of life bringeth death to sinners Reasō proueth this to be true For those meats which ar good wholesome as capons good wine are hurtfull to thē y t are sicke feble in body The seuenth miracle is y t the bodye of Christ being receaued of the priest or of any other y ● mouth of the receauer being shut is taken vp into heauē Reasō proueth this For Christ came out of the body of the virgine vncorrupt He rose also out of the graue being shut Agayn he came into the house where y e Disciples wer gathered the doores being shut The eyght miracle is y t although the body of Christ bee in comprehensible cannot be measured yet it is contayned in so little an hoste This maye be proued by this reasō Theapple of y e eye which is very little comprehendeth a great thing The ninthe miracle is y t one the self same whole bodye is in diuerse places and is receaued of diuerse at one time The reason For the word of mā also once vttered spokē according to the nature of the voyce is al whole together in y e eares of diuerse Moreouer he y t made the body the place maketh both to be in the one as he willeth Agayne the Moone the Sunne the light are in diuerse places are seene of diuerse The tenth miracle is y t the bread being transubstātiated turned into the substance of y e body of Christ y e accidentes of the bread do remayne y t is to say the weight y e coloure the sauor To shewe a reason in this behalfe by any similitude we can not The leuenth miracle is y t vnder the kinde of bread both is is receaued the body bloud of Christ yea whole Christ. Likewise vnder the kinde of wine is receaued both the body and bloud of Christ. The reason is thys Although at one dinner I eate both before I drinke after yet am I not coūted to dine twice Durand in Rat. If it be demaunded what it is y t the mouse eateth when shee knaweth and byteth the sacrament or what is consumed to ashes when the sacrament is burnt Pope Innocent the thyrd answereth and saith euen as the substance of bread is miraculously turned conuerted into the body of our Lord when it beginneth to be vnder y e sacrament so likewise after a certayn manner miraculously it retourneth and commeth agayne when the same body ceaseth to be there not y t that substance of breade cōmeth agayne which was turned into the fleshe of Christ but in the stead thereof an other thyng miraculouslye is made although suche accidentes might be without a subiecte and so eaten Guilielmus Durandus In. Rat. di offi Libro 4. Both the good and the euil eate the bodye of Christ but the good vnto saluation the euell vnto condemnation For excepte the euill also dyd eate the body of Christ the Apostle woulde not haue sayd He y t eateth vnworthely eateth hys owne damnation bicause he maketh no difference of the Lordes bodye Ibidem But what becommeth of the bodye of Christ when it is receaued and eaten It may be aunswered That if the corporall presence bee sought it muste bee sought in heauen where Christ is sitting on the ryght hand of God Notwithstanding for a tyme he dyd exhibite hys corporal presence y t he myght prouoke allure the Communicantes vnto the spirituall presence Therfore when y e sacrament is holdē tasted and eaten Christ is corporally present in sight in touching in sauour And so long as y e corporal sense is affected the corporal presence is not taken away But after y ● the corporall sense in receauing fayleth the corporall presence is no more to be soughte but y e spirituall presence is to be retayned For whē y e dispensation is ended Christ goeth frō y e mouth to the heart For it is better that he goeth forth vnto the minde than that he shoulde goe downe vnto the bellye For he is not the meate of the fleshe but of the soule He cōmeth to be eaten not to be cōsumed to be tasted not to be incorporated He is eaten w t the mouth but he is not digested in the stomacke he refresheth the minde but he goeth not oute into the draught Ibidem The host is lifted vp of the priest at masse that the people not comming before the consecratiō but by this knowing that it is done may fal prostrate vpon the groūd worship Christ which is come doun vpō the altare according to this saying of y e Apostle In y e name of Iesus let euery knee bow c. Again that they should honour him with hart mouth as the apostle saith with the hart it is beleued vnto righteousnesse but with the mouth confessiō is made vnto saluation Ibidem Although vnder the kinde of bread y e bloude is receaued w t the body vnder the kinde of wine the body is taken w t the bloud yet after y e minde of pope Innocent the thirde neither the bloud vnder the kinde of bread nor the body vnder the kinde of wine is dronken or eaten For as neither the bloud is eaten nor the body dronken so is
neither of thē vnder the kinde of bread dronkē or vnder y e kinde of wine eaten although it may seme a matter to be graunted y t the body in drinking and the bloude in eating is receaued Ibidem One the same both thē now both here there is sacrificed of all He is whole in heauen he is whole on y e altare also He both sitteth on the ryghts hand of the father remaineth vnder the kinde of the sacrament Ibidem These consecrations are made with the signe of the crosse For thorow the vertue of the crosse of the wordes transsubstantiation of the natures of bread and wine is made As water can not be consecrated without wine so likewise cā not wine with out water be transsubstantiated turned into y e substance of Christes bloud For oute of Christes side flowed both bloud and water Ibidem This is to be noted y e if the wine be frosen in the chalice the priest must so long breath vpon it til it be molten the Vse disolued If it can not be done so let him put fyre vnto it He y t hath communicated if he may conueniently and without hurting of nature he ought to abstayne frō spitting Notwithstanding after a cōuenient time he may spit so y t he spit there where y e spittle may not be trodē vpon For a spirituall mā iudgeth al things he is iudged of no mā And al things are cleane to them y t are cleane This is the difference betwene y e sacramentes of the law of the Gospell y t the sacraments of the lawe signified only but the sacraments of the Gospel do both signifye and iustifye Ibidem The sacrament may not be chawed as other meate is but it must be torne with the former teeth and made softe with y e tongue discretly moderatly and softlye y t no percell thereof cleane to y e teeth which paraduenture afterwarde it might chaunce to be cast out by spitting or hemmyng Ibidem It is to be noted y t whosoeuer will receaue the body of Christ he must bee ●asting from al corporall meates For seing y t the soules ar spirituall and immortall they ought fyrste of all to receaue the nourishments of euerlasting life Ibidem The oblations of the Masse bycause of y e excellency of so great a sacrament whiche is made in it is aboue all other prayses and it is a prayse by it self neither is it comprehended vnder the nūber of other prayers Durand In. Rat. di off Lib. 5. That blessed Uirgine is the verye Lodestarre For if we which ar in this world wil prayse her worthely she wil lede vs vnto the heauen of saluation The blessed Uirgin also is to be praysed and prayed y t shee will make vs that are colde warme in charitie thorowe the Sonne Christ whome shee brought forth In the church nothyng is to be song or red but y t is canonised autorized approued and expressely set forth or at y e leaste suffered of the holye Churche of Rome So long as we lyue in thys worlde we are set in a slipperye place and are impugned of deuills Therefore haue we alwayes neede of the Suffrages helpes intercessions and meditations of Saintes To eate before the houre of eating before masse bee ended and done in appoynted and necessary fastes the holy Canons doe affyrme y t it is deadly sinne Rat. di off Lib. 6. The crosse whiche is made on oure forehead is our banner wherwith we ouercome the deuill For there is none other signe made but the crosse that in this signe alone y e deuil knowing y t he is ouercome may shake for feare flee Although a simple priest may minister vnctions or annoylinges yet thys annoynting of the children in the forehead whē thei be bishopped none may geue but the hie priest y t is to saye the Byshop ▪ For it is redde of the Apostles alone whose vicares the byshops are y t they by the imposition of hands gaue the holy ghost In the confyrmation or bishopping of children the fulnesse of the mysterye of the whole Christen religion is made perfect In baptisme remissiō of sinnes is geuen by the holy ghost But here y e holy ghost is called vpon to come y t he may vouchesafe to come downe and inhabite y e house which he hath sanctified And the holy ghost is poured vpon y e childe at y e inuocation of y e bishop Therefore sayth Pope Vrban By the imposition or laying on of the byshops hande the holy ghost is geuē whereby a faythful heart is made wide opē to receaue wisedome constancye y t a mā may be a full and a perfect Christian. The byshop in bishopping children doth two things Fyrst he annoynteth the yong childe in y e forehead Secondly he striketh him on the face The annoynting signifyeth the encrease of grace y t he shuld be bolde to take those things in hand whiche pertayne vnto the fayth He striketh him on the face to put him in remēbraunce y ● he should not from henceforth bee ashamed or afrayde to confesse the name of Christ. As though the Byshop should say to y e person confyrmed Bee so strong valiaunt couragious stoute in the fayth of Christ in the confession of y e same y t whosoeuer shal thus strike thee or any otherwise seke to displease or hurte thee bicause thou confessest the faith of Christ thou notwithstanding be not abashed at all these thinges For they y ● are striken are wonte to be abashed Rat. di off Lib. 6. Among all the saintes the glorious Mother of God Mary y e perpetual Uirgin is the chiefe principal We ought at al times to haue her in remēbraūce which without ceasing maketh intercession for vs sinners vnto her Sonne Durand in Rat. di off Lib. 7. There be .iii. degrees of the soules departed some are Valde bonae maruelously good Some ar Valde malae maruelously euill Some are Mediocriter bonae meanely good Now note y t the suffrages which are made in the churches for the dead y t are maruelously good ar thankes geuings For those ●oules y t are perfectlye good when they departe frō their bodies flye streyghtwaies vnto heauen neither haue they any neede of our helpe For the soules y t are maruelouslye euill there are also done certayn consolations after a sort For our helpes do not profit them bicause their soules go streyghtwayes downe vnto hel For the soules y t ar meanely good which are in purgatory there are expiatorye sacrifices wherwith they maye be releued and holpen For the soules y t are meanely euil whiche are in hell there are also propitiations or mitigations of their paines For after the minde of Austen whom our prayers good dedes profyt either they profytte them y t they may haue full remissiō of their
agreed y t if any noble mā do spoyle a priest or any poore man or religious person and y e Byshop shall commaund hym to come vnto hym y t the cause maye bee heard he refuse to come letters shall be sēt thorow out al bishops one to another which shall declare to al y e countreyes round about y t that man is excommunicated and is so to bee reputed taken til he hath shewed hys obedience to the ordinary and made restitution Caus. 24 ▪ Quaest. 3. Capit. Si quis de polentibus In a councell holden at Paris it was ordayned y t no priest should excommunicate any man before y e cause be euidently proued and openly knowen Ibidem Cap. de illicita In the councell Rothomagense it was decreed y t all manner of tythes should bee payde to the Priestes both corne Haye Fruite Oxen Shepe Goates c. For all tythes are sanctifyed to the Lorde And forasmuche as many are stubborne and disobedient and wil not truely and faythfully pay their tithes as they ought to doe it was ordayned in that Councell that all suche as will not pay them shoulde be admonished once twice or thrice according to the cōmaundement of the Lord. If they will not then amende that they shall then be excommunicate and accursed till they haue made due satisfaction and sufficient recompence Caus. 16. q. 7. cap. Omnes decimae The manner and fourme of Excommunication TWelue Priestes must stand about the Byshop and holde burnyng candles in their handes whiche candles at the latter ende of the curse or excommunication they must throw downe vpon the grounde and treade them vnder their feete Afterward letters must be sent roūd about vnto Parishes contayning the names of them that are excommunicate and also the cause of their excommunication Caus. 11 ▪ quaest 3. cap. Debent In concilio Arausicano we reade these wordes we folowing the canonical ordinaunces and examples of the holy fathers do vtterly sequester and banish by the authority of God and the iudgement of the holy Ghost al violatours disturbers hinderers and destroyers of Gods churches frō the lap of holy mother Churche from the company and felowship of al christianitie vntil they repent amend and satisfie the Church of God Ibidem cap. Canonica The manner of reconciliation of them that were excommunicate WHen any man y t is accursed or excōmunicate is penitēt sory for his sinne desireth forgeuenesse promiseth to amende the Bishop y t did excōmunicate him shall come before the church dore and xii priestes with him shall stande round about him on euery side And if the person y t is excommunicate fal flat downe on the grounde and asketh forgeuenesse promising amendement thē shall the Byshoppe take hym by the ryght hande and leade hym into the Church and restore him to the christen congregation Afterward they shal sing the seuen penitentiall Psalmes with these prayers Kirie eleyson and Pater noster Saluum fa● seruum c. With this collecte Praesta quesumus domine huic famulo tuo dignum paenitentiae fructum vt ecclesiae tuae sanctae a cuius integritate deni●●erat peccando admissorum veniam consequendo reddatur innoxius Per Christum dominum nostrum Amen Whiche is thus Englished ▪ Graunt we beseche thee O Lord to this thy seruaunt the worthy frute of repentaūce that be obtaynyng forgeuenesse of his sinnes may be restored pure and faultlesse to thy holy Churche from the integritye and purenesse wherof thorow sinne ▪ he had wandred and gone astray By Christ our Lord. So be it Causa 11. Quest. 3. cap. Cum aliquis Of penaunce POpe Nicolas the firste appoynted that this shoulde be the penaunce of hym y t hath slayne his mother First by y e space of an whole yere he shall not be suffered to come into the Churche but he shal stād before the church dore praying beseching god cōtinually to forgeue hym so haynous horrible a sinne Secondlye when the one yeare is ended he shal haue licence to come into the Churche and to stand among y e hearers but he by no meanes shalbe suffred to come vnto the communion or Sacrament of the bodye and bloud of Christ. Thirdly whē the third yeare is once past he shall be admitted vnto the holy communion c. All this time he may eate no fleshe nor presume to drincke wine excepte it be on solēne feastes and sondayes and from Easter vnto Whitsontyde And whensoeuer he will take any iourney he maye not ryde but go on foote He maye not go vnto the warres except it be to fyght agaynst the paganes He must also euerye weeke faste three dayes eate no meate till it be night c. In the yeare c. 8711. Caus. 33. tract de paenitentia cap. Latorem praesentium Pope Siricius made a decree that those which are penitents may not in the tyme of their penaunce mary nor excercise y e worke of mariage lest they shoulde be counted as dogs returnyng vnto their vomit or as sowes whiche beyng cleane washed walowe tomble them selues again in the miry puddels In the yeare of our Lorde 389. Caus. 23. quaest 2. Cap. De his vero Pope Leo the first notwithstandyng of his great fauour and singular goodnes graunteth to al such as are already maried that they euen in the time of their penance may lawfully enioy the libertie of matrimony lest peraduenture while they abstaine from y t which is lawfull they shal fall into the daunger of that which is vnlawfull In the yeare c. 444. Ibidem G. Audiuimus The same decree also Pope Leo the thirde made declaryng that it is more tollerable and may better be suffered that a yonge man euen in the time of his penance to auoyd the daūger of incontinency do ioyne vnto him a wyfe than he should incurre and fal into the sinne of fornicatiō In doing this saith he it semeth that the matter whiche he hath done is venial and pardonable so that he knowe none other besides hys owne wife Notwithstanding saith he in speakyng thus we make no law but we shewe what is more tollerable In y e yere c. 817. Ibidem cap. In adolescentia Pope Gregorye the fyrste ordayned this to be the penaunce of the maryed man that he shall not enter into the Churche before he hath purified and washed himselfe with water if he haue had the knowledge of his wiues body and geuen her as the Apostle saith the due beneuolence In the yeare of oure Lord. 590. Caus. 33. Quaest. 4. cap. Vir cum propria vxore Pope Pius the fyrste made a decree that if thorowe the negligence of the priest any of the bloud he meaneth the Sacrament of Christes bloude as the expositour doth declare in the same place do droppe down vpon the groūd the Prieste shall lycke it vp wyth hys tounge c. and he shall do penaunce for